1 00:00:01,710 --> 00:00:05,003 We don't know what protocols governments might have 2 00:00:05,004 --> 00:00:09,925 for how we interact with our extraterrestrial visitors. 3 00:00:09,926 --> 00:00:12,553 Two, one, let it go! 4 00:00:12,554 --> 00:00:16,640 We've never found an official sanctioned document 5 00:00:16,641 --> 00:00:20,561 that says, if we're invaded by aliens, this is what we do. 6 00:00:20,562 --> 00:00:22,396 Doesn't mean that there isn't one. 7 00:00:22,397 --> 00:00:23,897 In we go, huh? 8 00:00:23,898 --> 00:00:25,774 I believe that these protocols 9 00:00:25,775 --> 00:00:28,110 are already established, and, in fact, 10 00:00:28,111 --> 00:00:31,488 we are already in contact with extraterrestrials. 11 00:00:31,489 --> 00:00:33,949 What we actually could be looking at here 12 00:00:33,950 --> 00:00:36,952 is a genuine alien life-form. 13 00:00:36,953 --> 00:00:40,038 The question I have is, what are we gonna do? 14 00:01:08,985 --> 00:01:13,071 October 19, 2017. 15 00:01:13,072 --> 00:01:15,741 The Hawaiian island of Maui. 16 00:01:15,742 --> 00:01:20,579 Here, perched atop a 10,000-foot summit, 17 00:01:20,580 --> 00:01:23,665 stands the Haleakala Observatory. 18 00:01:23,666 --> 00:01:27,294 Astronomers using The Panoramic Survey Telescope 19 00:01:27,295 --> 00:01:29,713 and Rapid Response System, or Pan-STARRS, 20 00:01:29,714 --> 00:01:32,966 detect a mysterious object 21 00:01:32,967 --> 00:01:35,720 traveling at high speed through our solar system. 22 00:01:39,516 --> 00:01:42,726 The trajectory of this object is unlike any 23 00:01:42,727 --> 00:01:45,271 that has ever been seen before. 24 00:01:47,023 --> 00:01:50,275 I was in charge of coordinating the observing 25 00:01:50,276 --> 00:01:52,319 to characterize the object. 26 00:01:52,320 --> 00:01:54,530 The object was discovered. 27 00:01:54,531 --> 00:01:56,824 And, at that point, there were images taken 28 00:01:56,825 --> 00:01:59,409 that showed an object moving rapidly 29 00:01:59,410 --> 00:02:02,371 with respect to the stars. 30 00:02:02,372 --> 00:02:05,040 The stars are individual dots of light, 31 00:02:05,041 --> 00:02:06,834 and this object was a streak, 32 00:02:06,835 --> 00:02:08,752 so they knew it was moving fast. 33 00:02:08,753 --> 00:02:11,797 At that point, they started to compute 34 00:02:11,798 --> 00:02:15,843 an orbit to try and understand what this object was. 35 00:02:15,844 --> 00:02:18,345 This was a really dramatic difference 36 00:02:18,346 --> 00:02:20,348 from what had been seen previously. 37 00:02:23,268 --> 00:02:25,185 The object was found 38 00:02:25,186 --> 00:02:28,021 to have a highly unusual hyperbolic orbit, 39 00:02:28,022 --> 00:02:29,898 suggesting that it was traveling 40 00:02:29,899 --> 00:02:31,859 at such a high rate of speed 41 00:02:31,860 --> 00:02:34,778 that it was not being pulled into a more circular orbit 42 00:02:34,779 --> 00:02:36,865 by the force of gravity. 43 00:02:38,241 --> 00:02:40,409 Everything in the solar system 44 00:02:40,410 --> 00:02:42,953 is either on a circular or an elliptical orbit. 45 00:02:42,954 --> 00:02:46,957 This was a particularly exciting observation, 46 00:02:46,958 --> 00:02:48,750 because we had never seen anything like this 47 00:02:48,751 --> 00:02:50,377 come through the solar system. 48 00:02:50,378 --> 00:02:53,338 The object, which was classified 49 00:02:53,339 --> 00:02:56,300 as an asteroid and named 'Oumuamua, 50 00:02:56,301 --> 00:02:59,469 a Hawaiian word meaning "scout" or "messenger," 51 00:02:59,470 --> 00:03:01,555 is the first object of its kind 52 00:03:01,556 --> 00:03:05,934 to be officially recognized as interstellar. 53 00:03:05,935 --> 00:03:09,897 An asteroid was discovered coming into our solar system. 54 00:03:09,898 --> 00:03:11,773 Let that sink in. 55 00:03:11,774 --> 00:03:14,902 An asteroid was discovered coming into our solar system. 56 00:03:14,903 --> 00:03:16,403 From where we don't know. 57 00:03:16,404 --> 00:03:18,572 It just came from outside our solar system, 58 00:03:18,573 --> 00:03:22,910 meaning it's from a different star system, somewhere else. 59 00:03:22,911 --> 00:03:25,913 That's historic, that we've actually seen it. 60 00:03:25,914 --> 00:03:30,876 We now know objects can travel from one star system to another. 61 00:03:30,877 --> 00:03:33,921 Researchers engaged in the Search 62 00:03:33,922 --> 00:03:36,840 for Extraterrestrial Intelligence, or SETI, 63 00:03:36,841 --> 00:03:39,468 were intrigued not only by 'Oumuamua's origins, 64 00:03:39,469 --> 00:03:42,721 but also by its unusual shape. 65 00:03:42,722 --> 00:03:44,097 It had a very funny shape. 66 00:03:44,098 --> 00:03:46,016 It's shaped like a cigar. 67 00:03:46,017 --> 00:03:49,353 You know, it's maybe five or ten times as long as it is across. 68 00:03:49,354 --> 00:03:53,106 No asteroid that we know of looks like a cigar. 69 00:03:53,107 --> 00:03:54,650 Inevitably, there were people saying, 70 00:03:54,651 --> 00:03:56,234 "Well, are you sure it's a rock? 71 00:03:56,235 --> 00:03:57,694 "Maybe there's somebody inside this thing. 72 00:03:57,695 --> 00:03:59,112 Maybe they've come to visit." 73 00:03:59,113 --> 00:04:01,782 Now, if I were gonna build 74 00:04:01,783 --> 00:04:04,326 a spaceship that was gonna take hundreds of years, 75 00:04:04,327 --> 00:04:06,536 or maybe thousands or millions of years to go 76 00:04:06,537 --> 00:04:09,039 from one star to another, I would start by finding 77 00:04:09,040 --> 00:04:12,125 a big asteroid that I like, that had all the minerals on it. 78 00:04:12,126 --> 00:04:15,671 And I would use that and just turn it into the ship I wanted. 79 00:04:15,672 --> 00:04:19,841 Mainstream astronomers such as Avi Loeb, the chair 80 00:04:19,842 --> 00:04:22,970 of Harvard University's astronomy department, 81 00:04:22,971 --> 00:04:25,973 noted that the cigar shape of 'Oumuamua 82 00:04:25,974 --> 00:04:30,519 is the optimal design for a vessel to travel through space. 83 00:04:30,520 --> 00:04:32,688 This has led ancient astronaut theorists 84 00:04:32,689 --> 00:04:35,649 and even some astronomers to question 85 00:04:35,650 --> 00:04:38,443 if the so-called asteroid is actually 86 00:04:38,444 --> 00:04:41,822 an extraterrestrial vessel. 87 00:04:41,823 --> 00:04:46,994 What I think is interesting is that 'Oumuamua is cigar-shaped. 88 00:04:46,995 --> 00:04:49,997 Because there are stories 89 00:04:49,998 --> 00:04:54,209 and eyewitness reports of cigar-shaped UFOs. 90 00:04:54,210 --> 00:04:57,587 So is it possible that there is some type of a connection? 91 00:04:57,588 --> 00:05:01,216 Reports of strange, cigar-shaped UFOs 92 00:05:01,217 --> 00:05:03,677 date back hundreds of years. 93 00:05:03,678 --> 00:05:08,015 This famous woodcut from 1561, for example, 94 00:05:08,016 --> 00:05:11,143 is based on a firsthand account by someone 95 00:05:11,144 --> 00:05:14,354 who claimed that a number of round and tubular objects 96 00:05:14,355 --> 00:05:16,732 could be seen battling in the sky 97 00:05:16,733 --> 00:05:19,193 over the town of Nuremberg, Germany. 98 00:05:21,195 --> 00:05:24,781 This first documented UFO photograph captured 99 00:05:24,782 --> 00:05:27,325 what looks like a long, cylindrical craft 100 00:05:27,326 --> 00:05:32,039 hovering over Mount Washington, New Hampshire in 1870. 101 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:36,543 And in modern times, sightings of cigar-shaped UFOs 102 00:05:36,544 --> 00:05:39,921 are commonly reported, as are those which are described 103 00:05:39,922 --> 00:05:43,675 as so-called "flying saucers." 104 00:05:43,676 --> 00:05:47,596 It is possible that an asteroid 105 00:05:47,597 --> 00:05:51,058 has been taken, hollowed out, 106 00:05:51,059 --> 00:05:53,602 made into a spaceship, 107 00:05:53,603 --> 00:05:57,397 and then put into a special orbit or trajectory. 108 00:05:57,398 --> 00:06:02,778 And what might be inside of 'Oumuamua is anyone's guess. 109 00:06:02,779 --> 00:06:06,073 Discoveries like 'Oumuamua 110 00:06:06,074 --> 00:06:09,034 certainly have swayed the scientific community 111 00:06:09,035 --> 00:06:11,161 towards our ideas, 112 00:06:11,162 --> 00:06:14,372 because for the first time in my life 113 00:06:14,373 --> 00:06:17,834 have I heard an astronomer say that this object 114 00:06:17,835 --> 00:06:20,587 that is floating through our solar system right now, 115 00:06:20,588 --> 00:06:23,423 may be an extraterrestrial craft. 116 00:06:23,424 --> 00:06:26,927 That doesn't come from me; it comes from an astronomer. 117 00:06:26,928 --> 00:06:29,304 Maybe 'Oumuamua was a false alarm, 118 00:06:29,305 --> 00:06:31,348 but maybe it was the real thing. 119 00:06:31,349 --> 00:06:34,184 However, it does inform us that we need a protocol. 120 00:06:34,185 --> 00:06:36,812 We need steps in place that will help us 121 00:06:36,813 --> 00:06:39,314 to determine what we are actually seeing 122 00:06:39,315 --> 00:06:41,108 and what the response should be. 123 00:06:41,109 --> 00:06:43,902 This was a tremendous wake-up call, because it started 124 00:06:43,903 --> 00:06:46,613 to give us a sense of how would we respond 125 00:06:46,614 --> 00:06:49,324 if there were such an intrusion, if you will. 126 00:06:49,325 --> 00:06:53,411 Does humanity have a plan for what to do in the event 127 00:06:53,412 --> 00:06:56,540 that a spacecraft carrying extraterrestrial beings 128 00:06:56,541 --> 00:06:58,792 comes to our planet? 129 00:06:58,793 --> 00:07:02,629 And, if so, what are the protocols? 130 00:07:02,630 --> 00:07:06,675 And who is responsible for implementing them? 131 00:07:06,676 --> 00:07:10,137 The International Academy of Astronautics 132 00:07:10,138 --> 00:07:13,473 set up something called the Post Detection Task Group, 133 00:07:13,474 --> 00:07:16,852 and I chaired that for some years. 134 00:07:16,853 --> 00:07:20,021 And it was just an informal, uh, collection of people 135 00:07:20,022 --> 00:07:23,316 who, uh, whose job was to simply deliberate on 136 00:07:23,317 --> 00:07:26,153 if there should be some sort of putative signal, 137 00:07:26,154 --> 00:07:28,989 or detection of alien technology, what next? 138 00:07:28,990 --> 00:07:30,157 What do we do? Who do we tell? 139 00:07:30,158 --> 00:07:31,658 How do we respond? 140 00:07:31,659 --> 00:07:34,202 What would the impact be on society? 141 00:07:34,203 --> 00:07:36,872 In 1989, 142 00:07:36,873 --> 00:07:40,667 the International Academy of Astronautics, working with SETI, 143 00:07:40,668 --> 00:07:44,087 published the "Declaration of Principles Concerning Activities" 144 00:07:44,088 --> 00:07:49,092 Following the Detection of Extraterrestrial Intelligence." 145 00:07:49,093 --> 00:07:53,263 It stated that if proof of an alien presence is confirmed, 146 00:07:53,264 --> 00:07:57,225 the next consideration should be to decide which government 147 00:07:57,226 --> 00:08:00,228 or scientific entity should begin communication, 148 00:08:00,229 --> 00:08:03,064 so that the situation does not quickly turn 149 00:08:03,065 --> 00:08:06,193 into an international free-for-all. 150 00:08:06,194 --> 00:08:08,904 The SETI protocols, however, 151 00:08:08,905 --> 00:08:13,158 are only binding on the astronomical community. 152 00:08:13,159 --> 00:08:15,452 There are many more players in the equation. 153 00:08:15,453 --> 00:08:17,787 The SETI protocols may cover astronomers, 154 00:08:17,788 --> 00:08:20,040 but they don't cover governments 155 00:08:20,041 --> 00:08:22,042 and they're not even legally binding. 156 00:08:22,043 --> 00:08:26,588 Nobody can tell a radio astronomer, or anybody else, 157 00:08:26,589 --> 00:08:28,590 that they're not allowed to transmit. 158 00:08:28,591 --> 00:08:31,051 And even if the United States 159 00:08:31,052 --> 00:08:32,802 and other major nations decided 160 00:08:32,803 --> 00:08:34,804 that there should be some sort 161 00:08:34,805 --> 00:08:37,974 of moratorium on using radio telescopes for that purpose, 162 00:08:37,975 --> 00:08:39,893 there's nothing to prevent North Korea, 163 00:08:39,894 --> 00:08:41,436 for example, from doing it. 164 00:08:41,437 --> 00:08:44,731 I think it's totally "unpoliceable," 165 00:08:44,732 --> 00:08:47,651 which is why we have to think through rather carefully 166 00:08:47,652 --> 00:08:49,819 what the consequences would be, 167 00:08:49,820 --> 00:08:53,199 in the event that there was this exciting discovery. 168 00:08:55,326 --> 00:08:57,577 Considering the enormous global impact 169 00:08:57,578 --> 00:09:01,289 of any first communication or contact between someone 170 00:09:01,290 --> 00:09:05,252 from Earth and an intelligent being from another planet, 171 00:09:05,253 --> 00:09:08,421 wouldn't world governments already have their own protocols 172 00:09:08,422 --> 00:09:11,258 in place to handle such a situation? 173 00:09:11,259 --> 00:09:15,178 Protocols that would govern... Not just individual countries... 174 00:09:15,179 --> 00:09:18,765 But everyone in the world? 175 00:09:18,766 --> 00:09:22,102 I spent the better part of about four years researching, 176 00:09:22,103 --> 00:09:24,646 uh, a book that myself and, uh, and some colleagues 177 00:09:24,647 --> 00:09:28,650 were working on to create a protocol: 178 00:09:28,651 --> 00:09:31,820 if we were invaded by aliens, what would we do? 179 00:09:31,821 --> 00:09:34,781 And we searched everywhere we could, 180 00:09:34,782 --> 00:09:37,659 and we had several databases available to us, 181 00:09:37,660 --> 00:09:39,452 and we've never found 182 00:09:39,453 --> 00:09:41,955 an official sanctioned government document 183 00:09:41,956 --> 00:09:46,126 that says if we're invaded by aliens, this is what we do. 184 00:09:46,127 --> 00:09:48,503 Doesn't mean that there isn't one. 185 00:09:48,504 --> 00:09:52,966 With my experience of the British Ministry of Defence, 186 00:09:52,967 --> 00:09:56,303 I'd be surprised if there wasn't a protocol for this. 187 00:09:56,304 --> 00:10:00,515 So I suspect that somewhere, deep in the bowels 188 00:10:00,516 --> 00:10:03,393 of the Ministry of Defence and the Department of Defense, 189 00:10:03,394 --> 00:10:05,353 there is a plan. 190 00:10:05,354 --> 00:10:08,983 But I also suspect that it's highly classified. 191 00:10:11,485 --> 00:10:14,904 But while many of the world's top governments continue 192 00:10:14,905 --> 00:10:18,366 to deny the existence of any plans or protocols 193 00:10:18,367 --> 00:10:20,160 that would be used in the event 194 00:10:20,161 --> 00:10:22,370 of an extraterrestrial encounter, 195 00:10:22,371 --> 00:10:25,081 many ancient astronaut theorists believe 196 00:10:25,082 --> 00:10:27,876 that not only do such plans exist, 197 00:10:27,877 --> 00:10:29,836 but that they have been in place for decades. 198 00:10:29,837 --> 00:10:34,215 And that contact between Earth governments 199 00:10:34,216 --> 00:10:36,760 and extraterrestrial visitors has been happening... 200 00:10:36,761 --> 00:10:39,472 In secret... For thousands of years. 201 00:10:46,520 --> 00:10:48,980 December 2017. 202 00:10:48,981 --> 00:10:52,984 The New York Times publishes a bombshell story. 203 00:10:52,985 --> 00:10:55,070 It reveals the existence 204 00:10:55,071 --> 00:10:57,947 of a $22 million black budget program 205 00:10:57,948 --> 00:10:59,824 within the Pentagon 206 00:10:59,825 --> 00:11:04,079 created to investigate whether unidentified flying objects 207 00:11:04,080 --> 00:11:07,248 pose a threat to national security. 208 00:11:07,249 --> 00:11:10,668 From 2007 until 2012, 209 00:11:10,669 --> 00:11:14,047 the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program 210 00:11:14,048 --> 00:11:16,966 collected a compilation of videos 211 00:11:16,967 --> 00:11:19,260 that show inexplicable aerial phenomena, 212 00:11:19,261 --> 00:11:22,639 some of which have been released to the public. 213 00:11:22,640 --> 00:11:25,100 One of these videos, at least, 214 00:11:25,101 --> 00:11:29,020 comes from the gun camera of an F-18. 215 00:11:29,021 --> 00:11:31,106 And you don't just jump out in your plane 216 00:11:31,107 --> 00:11:33,525 and fly out and chase something because you saw it go by. 217 00:11:33,526 --> 00:11:35,235 You were told to do so, 218 00:11:35,236 --> 00:11:38,780 and it took a lot of people to know this was going on. 219 00:11:38,781 --> 00:11:42,867 Although the complete findings of the program 220 00:11:42,868 --> 00:11:45,537 otherwise known as AATIP are still considered 221 00:11:45,538 --> 00:11:48,248 highly classified and may never be released, 222 00:11:48,249 --> 00:11:51,501 its very existence provides proof 223 00:11:51,502 --> 00:11:54,879 that the United States military had protocols in place 224 00:11:54,880 --> 00:11:58,216 for how to investigate unidentified flying objects. 225 00:11:58,217 --> 00:12:01,219 But do the videos imply something else? 226 00:12:01,220 --> 00:12:05,056 Something of even greater significance? 227 00:12:05,057 --> 00:12:08,268 Could they be evidence not only that UFOs exist, 228 00:12:08,269 --> 00:12:11,896 but that the government has been studying them 229 00:12:11,897 --> 00:12:14,900 and not shooting them down for a reason? 230 00:12:16,944 --> 00:12:20,321 We simulate all sorts of scenarios 231 00:12:20,322 --> 00:12:22,699 in war gaming simulations. 232 00:12:22,700 --> 00:12:24,075 I've seen these simulations 233 00:12:24,076 --> 00:12:26,828 where they can teleport their soldiers 234 00:12:26,829 --> 00:12:29,164 from one place to another instantaneously. 235 00:12:29,165 --> 00:12:30,790 Or they have shields 236 00:12:30,791 --> 00:12:34,711 that keep anything below extremely high-caliber weapons 237 00:12:34,712 --> 00:12:36,337 from penetrating their armor. 238 00:12:36,338 --> 00:12:39,424 A lot of times this is called an engagement for 2075. 239 00:12:39,425 --> 00:12:41,384 Now, think about that. 240 00:12:41,385 --> 00:12:43,344 We can prepare and plan 241 00:12:43,345 --> 00:12:46,931 for engagements against forces in the future. 242 00:12:46,932 --> 00:12:49,517 That's almost like preparing for a force 243 00:12:49,518 --> 00:12:51,978 that's just that much more advanced than us. 244 00:12:51,979 --> 00:12:54,439 Is it possible 245 00:12:54,440 --> 00:12:56,483 that by gathering and then studying evidence 246 00:12:56,484 --> 00:12:58,735 of UFO activity, 247 00:12:58,736 --> 00:13:01,196 the U.S. military is developing protocols 248 00:13:01,197 --> 00:13:03,531 which will prepare future soldiers 249 00:13:03,532 --> 00:13:07,827 to face what could be extraterrestrial forces? 250 00:13:07,828 --> 00:13:11,039 And if not here on Earth, on other planets? 251 00:13:11,040 --> 00:13:13,541 We've got to have space capabilities. 252 00:13:13,542 --> 00:13:16,377 We've got to be able to run out into our vehicle, 253 00:13:16,378 --> 00:13:18,171 turn it on, and fly up into space. 254 00:13:18,172 --> 00:13:22,550 Right now it takes months to prepare to go into space. 255 00:13:22,551 --> 00:13:24,260 We need to have bases on the Moon 256 00:13:24,261 --> 00:13:25,970 and on Mars and Europa, 257 00:13:25,971 --> 00:13:28,348 various other places in the solar system 258 00:13:28,349 --> 00:13:32,769 so that we don't have to play on one staging ground: Earth. 259 00:13:32,770 --> 00:13:35,939 We can't fight wearing a space suit. 260 00:13:35,940 --> 00:13:38,525 We're gonna have to have some other type 261 00:13:38,526 --> 00:13:41,486 of environment capability, like powered armor suits, 262 00:13:41,487 --> 00:13:44,572 like in Iron Man, that improves your abilities 263 00:13:44,573 --> 00:13:45,990 instead of hinders them. 264 00:13:45,991 --> 00:13:48,368 So we need some other technology for that. 265 00:13:48,369 --> 00:13:51,871 But if the United States military 266 00:13:51,872 --> 00:13:54,541 has secret protocols for how to identify 267 00:13:54,542 --> 00:13:57,710 and combat extraterrestrial threats, 268 00:13:57,711 --> 00:14:02,215 could they also have protocols for more peaceful encounters? 269 00:14:02,216 --> 00:14:05,385 And if so, could these protocols also be part 270 00:14:05,386 --> 00:14:08,805 of a global strategy, one secretly shared 271 00:14:08,806 --> 00:14:12,685 with other nations around the world? 272 00:14:15,896 --> 00:14:20,316 Vatican City, May 2014. 273 00:14:20,317 --> 00:14:24,612 In a sermon dedicated to concepts of inclusion, 274 00:14:24,613 --> 00:14:27,657 Pope Francis shocks his congregation when he declares 275 00:14:27,658 --> 00:14:31,452 that if alien life-forms ever arrive on Earth, 276 00:14:31,453 --> 00:14:35,331 he would welcome them into the Catholic Church. 277 00:14:35,332 --> 00:14:39,460 The pontiff's remarks stun the world, 278 00:14:39,461 --> 00:14:42,422 as it is the first time that a sitting pope acknowledges 279 00:14:42,423 --> 00:14:45,633 not only that extraterrestrial life exists, 280 00:14:45,634 --> 00:14:47,635 but that it could be intelligent 281 00:14:47,636 --> 00:14:51,097 and capable of interplanetary travel. 282 00:14:51,098 --> 00:14:52,807 The Pope's action 283 00:14:52,808 --> 00:14:57,854 is one little example of the broad shift in attitudes 284 00:14:57,855 --> 00:15:00,565 toward the possibility of visitation. 285 00:15:00,566 --> 00:15:02,900 Religious authorities 286 00:15:02,901 --> 00:15:06,112 around the world, leaders of the world religions 287 00:15:06,113 --> 00:15:09,407 are having to deal with the possibility, 288 00:15:09,408 --> 00:15:12,076 if not the already known reality, 289 00:15:12,077 --> 00:15:14,746 of the existence of extraterrestrial beings. 290 00:15:14,747 --> 00:15:17,749 Whether a secretly held belief 291 00:15:17,750 --> 00:15:20,585 or a recently evolved position, 292 00:15:20,586 --> 00:15:23,838 faith-based organizations around the globe 293 00:15:23,839 --> 00:15:25,298 have recently embraced a more open 294 00:15:25,299 --> 00:15:27,967 and transparent view that intelligent life 295 00:15:27,968 --> 00:15:30,887 beyond Earth is possible. 296 00:15:30,888 --> 00:15:32,513 The Catholic Church's statements 297 00:15:32,514 --> 00:15:35,850 are allied with the statements of the Dalai Lama, 298 00:15:35,851 --> 00:15:39,103 who has recently been talking about openness and oneness 299 00:15:39,104 --> 00:15:41,731 and the sameness of all the creatures in creation, 300 00:15:41,732 --> 00:15:43,066 that we shouldn't treat 301 00:15:43,067 --> 00:15:45,735 extraterrestrial beings as strangers, 302 00:15:45,736 --> 00:15:47,945 but rather as similar to us. 303 00:15:47,946 --> 00:15:51,783 When they will encounter us 304 00:15:51,784 --> 00:15:54,452 or we will encounter them, 305 00:15:54,453 --> 00:15:57,246 it does not have to be conflict 306 00:15:57,247 --> 00:16:00,501 if we do not allow it to be so. 307 00:16:02,544 --> 00:16:05,380 As far as ancient astronaut theorists 308 00:16:05,381 --> 00:16:07,924 are concerned, the willingness of world religions 309 00:16:07,925 --> 00:16:09,926 to embrace the notion of visitations 310 00:16:09,927 --> 00:16:12,762 by extraterrestrial beings is not new 311 00:16:12,763 --> 00:16:16,891 but dates back hundreds, if not thousands, of years. 312 00:16:16,892 --> 00:16:19,560 They argue that most religions, 313 00:16:19,561 --> 00:16:22,605 if not all, are based on the idea 314 00:16:22,606 --> 00:16:26,859 that not only do otherworldly beings exist, 315 00:16:26,860 --> 00:16:29,153 but that their purpose in coming to Earth 316 00:16:29,154 --> 00:16:32,490 has been to provide everything from spiritual enlightenment 317 00:16:32,491 --> 00:16:34,493 to scientific knowledge. 318 00:16:36,328 --> 00:16:39,789 In 1999, NASA published a study 319 00:16:39,790 --> 00:16:44,001 called "The Societal Implications of Astrobiology." 320 00:16:44,002 --> 00:16:46,963 What this study was designed to do at its core 321 00:16:46,964 --> 00:16:51,300 was evaluate the impact of disclosure on religion. 322 00:16:51,301 --> 00:16:54,637 NASA views religion as an adaptive tool 323 00:16:54,638 --> 00:16:57,390 that can help people to answer questions 324 00:16:57,391 --> 00:16:59,600 that science can't answer 325 00:16:59,601 --> 00:17:01,644 because, in their view, religion has been dealing 326 00:17:01,645 --> 00:17:03,688 with extraterrestrials for a long time. 327 00:17:03,689 --> 00:17:07,859 People have been told to have faith in otherworldly beings. 328 00:17:07,860 --> 00:17:09,444 All of the major religions 329 00:17:09,445 --> 00:17:12,739 have prophecies of the return of a Christ, 330 00:17:12,740 --> 00:17:15,324 a messiah, a savior figure. 331 00:17:15,325 --> 00:17:18,036 And very often these returns involve 332 00:17:18,037 --> 00:17:19,829 what appear to be, in the description, 333 00:17:19,830 --> 00:17:23,708 some method of cosmic transportation. 334 00:17:23,709 --> 00:17:27,086 The Messiah comes with an army of angels. 335 00:17:27,087 --> 00:17:29,756 And the angels we know from biblical definition 336 00:17:29,757 --> 00:17:32,884 are certainly not human by any standards. 337 00:17:32,885 --> 00:17:36,637 They are by every standard of definition extraterrestrial. 338 00:17:36,638 --> 00:17:41,601 The shock of extraterrestrials being here 339 00:17:41,602 --> 00:17:43,352 and having been here for thousands of years 340 00:17:43,353 --> 00:17:45,980 will really change society. 341 00:17:45,981 --> 00:17:49,400 Eventually, everyone on planet Earth will realize 342 00:17:49,401 --> 00:17:52,069 that we are not alone. 343 00:17:52,070 --> 00:17:54,155 Is it possible 344 00:17:54,156 --> 00:17:56,449 that the religious concept of a messiah 345 00:17:56,450 --> 00:17:59,660 who returns to Earth for the betterment of mankind 346 00:17:59,661 --> 00:18:02,955 was based on a message given to our ancestors 347 00:18:02,956 --> 00:18:05,875 by otherworldly beings? 348 00:18:05,876 --> 00:18:09,420 Ancient astronaut theorists believe 349 00:18:09,421 --> 00:18:12,590 that the answer is a resounding yes 350 00:18:12,591 --> 00:18:15,635 and that not only was such a visitation promised, 351 00:18:15,636 --> 00:18:17,805 but that it is already occurring. 352 00:18:25,729 --> 00:18:28,898 March 2018. 353 00:18:28,899 --> 00:18:31,776 Author and researcher Andrew Collins 354 00:18:31,777 --> 00:18:33,778 travels to Sheffield, England, 355 00:18:33,779 --> 00:18:36,697 to witness a remarkable demonstration. 356 00:18:36,698 --> 00:18:38,491 - Hi, guys. - Hello. 357 00:18:38,492 --> 00:18:39,659 - Andrew, how are you? - Ah, Chris. 358 00:18:39,660 --> 00:18:40,701 - Pleasure. - I'm Milton. 359 00:18:40,702 --> 00:18:42,078 He is meeting 360 00:18:42,079 --> 00:18:45,206 with microbiologist Milton Wainwright 361 00:18:45,207 --> 00:18:46,749 and engineer Chris Rose, 362 00:18:46,750 --> 00:18:50,086 two members of the research team who are convinced 363 00:18:50,087 --> 00:18:53,089 that life on Earth may have originated in space 364 00:18:53,090 --> 00:18:56,092 through a process known as panspermia, 365 00:18:56,093 --> 00:19:00,805 a theory that dates as far back as the fifth century BC. 366 00:19:00,806 --> 00:19:03,724 According to the theory, microbial life 367 00:19:03,725 --> 00:19:06,936 is capable of traveling through the universe 368 00:19:06,937 --> 00:19:11,649 and may on occasion survive entry into Earth's atmosphere. 369 00:19:11,650 --> 00:19:13,276 I understand you've made 370 00:19:13,277 --> 00:19:14,527 some incredible discoveries. 371 00:19:14,528 --> 00:19:15,695 Please tell me all about it. 372 00:19:15,696 --> 00:19:17,947 In the early 2000s, my colleague 373 00:19:17,948 --> 00:19:19,407 Chandra Wickramasinghe, 374 00:19:19,408 --> 00:19:22,159 um, we were launching balloons from India. 375 00:19:22,160 --> 00:19:25,746 And these were sampling the air at 41 kilometers. 376 00:19:25,747 --> 00:19:28,165 And they showed that organisms 377 00:19:28,166 --> 00:19:30,293 are continually arriving all the time. 378 00:19:30,294 --> 00:19:33,004 Panspermia is extremely simple idea. 379 00:19:33,005 --> 00:19:35,840 Basically, it's the idea that life came from space. 380 00:19:35,841 --> 00:19:39,176 Instead of being formed on this planet, it came from space. 381 00:19:39,177 --> 00:19:42,013 My findings relate to panspermia simply, 382 00:19:42,014 --> 00:19:44,307 and they show that organisms are coming in 383 00:19:44,308 --> 00:19:46,142 at this very moment from space. 384 00:19:46,143 --> 00:19:49,645 Tell me how you actually collect these samples. 385 00:19:49,646 --> 00:19:51,063 This is our, our balloon 386 00:19:51,064 --> 00:19:53,191 that's gonna give us the buoyancy from the... 387 00:19:53,192 --> 00:19:55,067 the hydrogen gas here. 388 00:19:55,068 --> 00:19:56,611 Now, our capture mechanism is right here. 389 00:19:56,612 --> 00:19:57,653 Let me show you this. 390 00:19:57,654 --> 00:20:01,616 This exposes little metal stubs to the environment. 391 00:20:01,617 --> 00:20:04,952 And you're looking to see if you can get microbes 392 00:20:04,953 --> 00:20:07,288 coming from the upper atmosphere 393 00:20:07,289 --> 00:20:09,165 - and not from the Earth itself? - That's right. 394 00:20:09,166 --> 00:20:10,791 All the critics say they're coming from Earth 395 00:20:10,792 --> 00:20:12,376 because we're surrounded by life. 396 00:20:12,377 --> 00:20:14,503 But we have lots of evidence that this material 397 00:20:14,504 --> 00:20:15,922 is not coming from Earth. 398 00:20:15,923 --> 00:20:17,840 It's incoming from space. 399 00:20:17,841 --> 00:20:19,258 I mean, it sounds incredible. 400 00:20:19,259 --> 00:20:20,927 I mean, have you ever lost any of these? 401 00:20:20,928 --> 00:20:22,678 No, and we're not about to start today. 402 00:20:22,679 --> 00:20:24,805 - So fingers crossed, guys. - Brilliant. 403 00:20:24,806 --> 00:20:26,349 The team moves the balloon 404 00:20:26,350 --> 00:20:28,726 into launch position, from which it will ascend 405 00:20:28,727 --> 00:20:33,272 more than 37 kilometers, or 23 miles, into the air. 406 00:20:33,273 --> 00:20:35,149 Okay, guys. Ready? 407 00:20:35,150 --> 00:20:37,193 Andrew, on you. Countdown, please. Okay. 408 00:20:37,194 --> 00:20:41,489 Five, four, three, two, one. 409 00:20:41,490 --> 00:20:43,575 Let it go! Oh, there it goes. 410 00:20:45,452 --> 00:20:48,704 Once the balloon reaches its target altitude 411 00:20:48,705 --> 00:20:50,790 within the Earth's stratosphere, 412 00:20:50,791 --> 00:20:54,126 the capture mechanism will hopefully collect samples 413 00:20:54,127 --> 00:20:57,672 of non-Earth-based microbial life. 414 00:20:57,673 --> 00:21:02,343 After the sampling is complete, the balloon bursts, 415 00:21:02,344 --> 00:21:04,929 and the capture mechanism descends back to Earth 416 00:21:04,930 --> 00:21:08,140 under the safety of a parachute. 417 00:21:08,141 --> 00:21:11,519 The team uses GPS tracking to locate 418 00:21:11,520 --> 00:21:13,229 where the mechanism lands. 419 00:21:13,230 --> 00:21:16,190 Once retrieved, the sample is quickly secured 420 00:21:16,191 --> 00:21:17,817 in a sealed container 421 00:21:17,818 --> 00:21:20,152 so that it does not become contaminated 422 00:21:20,153 --> 00:21:22,364 with microbes from Earth. 423 00:21:26,326 --> 00:21:28,536 Moments later, 424 00:21:28,537 --> 00:21:31,122 Andrew joins Milton and Chris at a nearby laboratory. 425 00:21:31,123 --> 00:21:32,832 Here they will extract 426 00:21:32,833 --> 00:21:35,376 the microbes inside a sterilized clean room 427 00:21:35,377 --> 00:21:36,711 and then analyze them 428 00:21:36,712 --> 00:21:38,254 to make sure no Earth microbes 429 00:21:38,255 --> 00:21:41,465 have contaminated the sample. 430 00:21:41,466 --> 00:21:43,092 A clean room. 431 00:21:43,093 --> 00:21:46,262 - Mm-hmm. - How can you ensure the sterilization? 432 00:21:46,263 --> 00:21:47,680 What are the protocols 433 00:21:47,681 --> 00:21:49,849 - behind this process? - Right. 434 00:21:49,850 --> 00:21:52,268 It's really all about sterilizing the air inside, 435 00:21:52,269 --> 00:21:55,396 to make sure the air inside contains no microorganisms. 436 00:21:55,397 --> 00:21:58,524 So all the air is filtered. 437 00:22:13,498 --> 00:22:16,667 Milton and Chris remove the carbon tabs 438 00:22:16,668 --> 00:22:18,044 from the capture mechanism 439 00:22:18,045 --> 00:22:21,589 and place them into vacuum-sealed containers. 440 00:22:21,590 --> 00:22:24,675 This will further prevent contamination while they view 441 00:22:24,676 --> 00:22:27,763 the samples with a scanning electron microscope. 442 00:22:31,600 --> 00:22:33,893 Wow. What on earth is that? 443 00:22:33,894 --> 00:22:36,353 I can tell that this is biological. 444 00:22:36,354 --> 00:22:38,856 If you analyze this, I'm pretty certain 445 00:22:38,857 --> 00:22:41,108 this will show as carbon, oxygen, 446 00:22:41,109 --> 00:22:43,027 and a little bit of nitrogen. 447 00:22:43,028 --> 00:22:45,613 Now, that's the signature for life. 448 00:22:45,614 --> 00:22:47,948 We're saying that this piece 449 00:22:47,949 --> 00:22:49,909 of biological life could 450 00:22:49,910 --> 00:22:52,912 - potentially be extraterrestrial in origin? - Right. 451 00:22:52,913 --> 00:22:55,915 There's nothing from Earth around it. It's pristine. 452 00:22:55,916 --> 00:22:57,833 So it's incoming. 453 00:22:57,834 --> 00:23:00,461 Now, if we do a bit of, um, modeling studies, 454 00:23:00,462 --> 00:23:02,880 we come to the conclusion that nothing bigger 455 00:23:02,881 --> 00:23:05,925 than six microns can go out. 456 00:23:05,926 --> 00:23:07,468 And this is 200. 457 00:23:07,469 --> 00:23:12,348 So it's a very large particle, and it's coming in. 458 00:23:12,349 --> 00:23:14,350 What we actually could be looking at here 459 00:23:14,351 --> 00:23:17,603 is a genuine alien life-form? 460 00:23:17,604 --> 00:23:19,522 What you're looking at there 461 00:23:19,523 --> 00:23:21,649 is an organism or a clump of organisms 462 00:23:21,650 --> 00:23:24,945 that is incoming from space to Earth. 463 00:23:26,905 --> 00:23:28,656 Nothing bigger than six microns 464 00:23:28,657 --> 00:23:31,659 can go from the surface of the Earth 465 00:23:31,660 --> 00:23:33,869 to these altitudes that we sample at. 466 00:23:33,870 --> 00:23:36,580 And yet we are finding particles 467 00:23:36,581 --> 00:23:39,166 all the way up to 200. 468 00:23:39,167 --> 00:23:41,252 They can't be coming up from Earth. 469 00:23:41,253 --> 00:23:42,628 Absolutely amazing. 470 00:23:42,629 --> 00:23:43,921 It's blown my head off. 471 00:23:43,922 --> 00:23:46,757 Biological organisms 472 00:23:46,758 --> 00:23:50,511 not from Earth but from somewhere in space? 473 00:23:50,512 --> 00:23:52,930 Could we be looking at actual evidence 474 00:23:52,931 --> 00:23:56,559 of a living organism from a world other than our own? 475 00:23:56,560 --> 00:24:00,312 We've actually found evidence of what could be 476 00:24:00,313 --> 00:24:04,608 extraterrestrial biological entities. 477 00:24:04,609 --> 00:24:08,404 To see those images was extraordinary, 478 00:24:08,405 --> 00:24:11,782 and it's convinced me that the Earth 479 00:24:11,783 --> 00:24:15,786 is surrounded by life that almost certainly came 480 00:24:15,787 --> 00:24:18,080 from outer space. 481 00:24:18,081 --> 00:24:20,167 This is one we took earlier, as they say. 482 00:24:22,210 --> 00:24:25,838 This is the most amazing image I've ever seen in my life. 483 00:24:25,839 --> 00:24:28,090 It's got biological material here. 484 00:24:28,091 --> 00:24:30,426 And this material we know contains 485 00:24:30,427 --> 00:24:32,386 carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. 486 00:24:32,387 --> 00:24:34,722 So this is biological. 487 00:24:34,723 --> 00:24:37,641 When we analyzed the ball, we found it contained titanium 488 00:24:37,642 --> 00:24:39,226 and a small amount of vanadium. 489 00:24:39,227 --> 00:24:41,437 So this is a titanium sphere 490 00:24:41,438 --> 00:24:43,647 with life inside and life on the outside. 491 00:24:43,648 --> 00:24:45,191 Now, what on earth is it? 492 00:24:45,192 --> 00:24:50,029 One possibility is that this is directed panspermia. 493 00:24:50,030 --> 00:24:54,575 Some civilization has put biological material 494 00:24:54,576 --> 00:24:56,911 inside and just on the outside of this thing 495 00:24:56,912 --> 00:24:58,829 and they've spewed it out. 496 00:24:58,830 --> 00:25:01,081 And this suggests that some alien 497 00:25:01,082 --> 00:25:03,542 civilization is seeding planets. 498 00:25:03,543 --> 00:25:07,963 This smoking gun of, uh, panspermia 499 00:25:07,964 --> 00:25:10,090 or even directed panspermia 500 00:25:10,091 --> 00:25:13,052 could give us the best evidence yet 501 00:25:13,053 --> 00:25:16,680 that aliens, in some form, 502 00:25:16,681 --> 00:25:19,433 seeded life on this Earth, 503 00:25:19,434 --> 00:25:21,895 which is an incredible thought. 504 00:25:24,064 --> 00:25:25,606 NASA have, uh, 505 00:25:25,607 --> 00:25:29,485 a department known as the Office of Planetary Protection 506 00:25:29,486 --> 00:25:32,279 - to safeguard, uh, the Earth - Right. 507 00:25:32,280 --> 00:25:34,865 From extraterrestrial biological entities... 508 00:25:34,866 --> 00:25:37,076 - whatever you want to call them... - Yeah. 509 00:25:37,077 --> 00:25:41,039 From actually penetrating into the Earth's atmosphere. 510 00:25:43,375 --> 00:25:48,128 There are extremely detailed plans and protocols 511 00:25:48,129 --> 00:25:50,881 for bringing back any probe 512 00:25:50,882 --> 00:25:54,385 that we send to another planet or moon 513 00:25:54,386 --> 00:25:55,886 or asteroid. 514 00:25:55,887 --> 00:25:58,055 The protocols that are in place 515 00:25:58,056 --> 00:26:03,102 shut out the possibility of us studying 516 00:26:03,103 --> 00:26:06,689 actual biological entities that may exist 517 00:26:06,690 --> 00:26:10,025 on the edge of our own stratosphere 518 00:26:10,026 --> 00:26:13,070 that have arrived here from deep space themself. 519 00:26:13,071 --> 00:26:16,532 Uh, and I find that very sad, very tragic. 520 00:26:16,533 --> 00:26:18,492 If extraterrestrial microbes 521 00:26:18,493 --> 00:26:20,369 are landing on our planet, 522 00:26:20,370 --> 00:26:23,831 can NASA's strict protocols really protect us 523 00:26:23,832 --> 00:26:26,542 from biological contamination? 524 00:26:26,543 --> 00:26:29,253 Or could it be that the contamination 525 00:26:29,254 --> 00:26:33,173 is not only unstoppable but it is the very method 526 00:26:33,174 --> 00:26:35,843 by which life on Earth began to evolve 527 00:26:35,844 --> 00:26:38,805 millions of years ago? 528 00:26:42,976 --> 00:26:46,645 October 4, 1957. 529 00:26:46,646 --> 00:26:49,815 The Soviet Union launches Sputnik 1, 530 00:26:49,816 --> 00:26:53,068 the first satellite to orbit the Earth. 531 00:26:53,069 --> 00:26:55,988 Its success stunned the world 532 00:26:55,989 --> 00:26:59,116 and shocked the United States into action. 533 00:26:59,117 --> 00:27:02,119 The space race was on. 534 00:27:02,120 --> 00:27:05,414 And with it came the creation of NASA, 535 00:27:05,415 --> 00:27:08,584 the government's first fully funded agency charged 536 00:27:08,585 --> 00:27:11,211 with not only putting humans into space 537 00:27:11,212 --> 00:27:15,716 but to have a man land on the Moon by 1969. 538 00:27:15,717 --> 00:27:19,219 In fact, so thorough was NASA's focus 539 00:27:19,220 --> 00:27:22,306 on all aspects of space exploration 540 00:27:22,307 --> 00:27:25,100 that it commissioned a study on "the implications" 541 00:27:25,101 --> 00:27:28,270 of a discovery of extraterrestrial life," 542 00:27:28,271 --> 00:27:32,524 otherwise known as the Brookings Report. 543 00:27:32,525 --> 00:27:36,111 The Brookings Institute report didn't just ask, 544 00:27:36,112 --> 00:27:37,780 are there aliens out there? 545 00:27:37,781 --> 00:27:39,907 It took it to the next level and said, 546 00:27:39,908 --> 00:27:41,867 what happens when we find them? 547 00:27:41,868 --> 00:27:44,536 The implications 548 00:27:44,537 --> 00:27:48,791 of discovering extraterrestrial life are profound, 549 00:27:48,792 --> 00:27:53,337 and they're implications that go across all levels of society. 550 00:27:53,338 --> 00:27:58,717 Politics, economics, religion, technology, science. 551 00:27:58,718 --> 00:28:01,470 Everything will be affected. 552 00:28:01,471 --> 00:28:03,806 The Brookings Report specifically says 553 00:28:03,807 --> 00:28:05,432 you should release information, 554 00:28:05,433 --> 00:28:07,768 little by little, bit by bit, 555 00:28:07,769 --> 00:28:09,978 so that people get culturally acclimated 556 00:28:09,979 --> 00:28:12,606 to the idea of aliens and extraterrestrials. 557 00:28:12,607 --> 00:28:14,441 We've always speculated, 558 00:28:14,442 --> 00:28:16,485 those of us in broadcasting, 559 00:28:16,486 --> 00:28:18,237 why isn't government coming forward, 560 00:28:18,238 --> 00:28:20,906 telling us what's going on, telling us the truth? 561 00:28:20,907 --> 00:28:23,659 And a lot of people cite the old Brookings Report 562 00:28:23,660 --> 00:28:26,870 that basically said we can't handle the truth. 563 00:28:26,871 --> 00:28:28,580 There'd be mass chaos. 564 00:28:28,581 --> 00:28:30,582 Religions would collapse. 565 00:28:30,583 --> 00:28:32,209 Governments would collapse. 566 00:28:32,210 --> 00:28:34,586 So the government has decided, 567 00:28:34,587 --> 00:28:36,713 we're not saying anything. 568 00:28:36,714 --> 00:28:39,675 Does the existence of the Brookings Report 569 00:28:39,676 --> 00:28:42,428 provide evidence that not only 570 00:28:42,429 --> 00:28:45,097 does the United States have protocols and procedures 571 00:28:45,098 --> 00:28:49,101 in place in the event of extraterrestrial contact 572 00:28:49,102 --> 00:28:52,396 but that such protocols have deliberately been kept a secret 573 00:28:52,397 --> 00:28:55,899 from the American public for nearly 60 years? 574 00:28:55,900 --> 00:28:58,444 But if so, why? 575 00:28:58,445 --> 00:29:02,781 I do not believe that government, essentially, 576 00:29:02,782 --> 00:29:06,326 is negative, evil and harmful, deceptive or lying. 577 00:29:06,327 --> 00:29:09,204 We should look back to 1938, 578 00:29:09,205 --> 00:29:13,459 when Orson Welles did his famous radio program on Halloween night 579 00:29:13,460 --> 00:29:15,210 called War of the Worlds, 580 00:29:15,211 --> 00:29:17,671 wherein which, through an enactment, 581 00:29:17,672 --> 00:29:20,090 New York was to be invaded. 582 00:29:20,091 --> 00:29:24,136 People around the country listening to this radio program 583 00:29:24,137 --> 00:29:25,888 were terrified. 584 00:29:25,889 --> 00:29:27,514 The machines are close together now, 585 00:29:27,515 --> 00:29:28,891 and we're ready to attack. 586 00:29:28,892 --> 00:29:31,143 Planes circling, ready to strike. 587 00:29:31,144 --> 00:29:34,563 Our government's learned from this. 588 00:29:34,564 --> 00:29:37,691 People will panic. 589 00:29:37,692 --> 00:29:40,360 Some people have thought that 590 00:29:40,361 --> 00:29:42,821 it's important to-to prepare the public. 591 00:29:42,822 --> 00:29:44,448 You know, I've always said I think 592 00:29:44,449 --> 00:29:46,366 the American public can handle the truth. 593 00:29:46,367 --> 00:29:49,620 The government would do well to be more open 594 00:29:49,621 --> 00:29:51,705 about what it's done in the past, 595 00:29:51,706 --> 00:29:53,582 what it learned in the past, 596 00:29:53,583 --> 00:29:56,793 what it's doing today, uh, and what it'll do in the future. 597 00:29:56,794 --> 00:30:00,047 But while the U.S. government does not acknowledge 598 00:30:00,048 --> 00:30:02,966 having any official protocols for first contact, 599 00:30:02,967 --> 00:30:05,886 it makes no secret of its ongoing efforts 600 00:30:05,887 --> 00:30:10,808 to explore the possibilities of extraterrestrial communication. 601 00:30:12,644 --> 00:30:15,187 Cape Canaveral, Florida. 602 00:30:15,188 --> 00:30:19,733 September 5, 1977. 603 00:30:19,734 --> 00:30:23,278 NASA launches the Voyager 1 probe. 604 00:30:23,279 --> 00:30:26,615 Its mission is to journey to Jupiter, Saturn, 605 00:30:26,616 --> 00:30:31,328 Uranus, and Neptune and send back important information. 606 00:30:31,329 --> 00:30:34,206 But perhaps more interesting than the information 607 00:30:34,207 --> 00:30:36,833 Voyager 1 was programmed to collect 608 00:30:36,834 --> 00:30:40,170 was the information it was carrying with it. 609 00:30:40,171 --> 00:30:43,382 The two Voyager spacecraft were each launched 610 00:30:43,383 --> 00:30:46,552 in 1977 on a mission of exploration 611 00:30:46,553 --> 00:30:48,637 of the outer solar system. 612 00:30:48,638 --> 00:30:50,639 And both of them kept on going, 613 00:30:50,640 --> 00:30:53,308 to leave the solar system, uh, forever. 614 00:30:53,309 --> 00:30:55,143 They weren't coming back. 615 00:30:55,144 --> 00:30:57,980 And as a result of this, NASA invited Carl 616 00:30:57,981 --> 00:31:01,608 to put a message on both of the Voyager spacecraft. 617 00:31:01,609 --> 00:31:04,486 As conceived by a team of experts 618 00:31:04,487 --> 00:31:06,947 led by famed astronomer Carl Sagan, 619 00:31:06,948 --> 00:31:09,575 Voyager's so-called Golden Record 620 00:31:09,576 --> 00:31:13,161 was designed to send greetings from the people of planet Earth 621 00:31:13,162 --> 00:31:16,290 to whatever form of alien life it might encounter 622 00:31:16,291 --> 00:31:19,751 that had intelligence enough to decode it. 623 00:31:19,752 --> 00:31:22,796 I'd been collaborating with Carl for about five years. 624 00:31:22,797 --> 00:31:26,216 We shared a passion for this topic... 625 00:31:26,217 --> 00:31:29,469 Extraterrestrial intelligence and how to communicate with it... 626 00:31:29,470 --> 00:31:32,806 And I happened to be at the right place at the right time 627 00:31:32,807 --> 00:31:34,975 when he was trying to form a small team 628 00:31:34,976 --> 00:31:36,268 to actually make the message. 629 00:31:36,269 --> 00:31:39,313 I was a design director on the project, 630 00:31:39,314 --> 00:31:41,898 and my main role was designing, 631 00:31:41,899 --> 00:31:45,485 with Frank Drake, the series of photographs 632 00:31:45,486 --> 00:31:49,364 and diagrams that show what the Earth and human beings are like. 633 00:31:49,365 --> 00:31:51,325 The Golden Record kick-started 634 00:31:51,326 --> 00:31:54,536 this thought process, this approach to philosophy of, 635 00:31:54,537 --> 00:31:56,371 how do we define who we are 636 00:31:56,372 --> 00:31:59,249 if we came across an intelligent civilization? 637 00:31:59,250 --> 00:32:01,627 How would we represent ourselves? 638 00:32:01,628 --> 00:32:04,630 The Golden Record shows Earth on a good day. 639 00:32:04,631 --> 00:32:06,715 Some of our best music, 640 00:32:06,716 --> 00:32:09,843 a lot of pleasant-looking people saying hello. 641 00:32:09,844 --> 00:32:13,305 No war, no poverty, no injustice. 642 00:32:13,306 --> 00:32:15,641 And this was by design. 643 00:32:15,642 --> 00:32:19,478 First of all, it's not obvious how you would show these things 644 00:32:19,479 --> 00:32:21,480 to an extraterrestrial. 645 00:32:21,481 --> 00:32:26,276 I mean, a starving baby evokes a huge emotional reaction from us. 646 00:32:26,277 --> 00:32:29,613 Maybe a baby is supposed to look that way. They wouldn't know. 647 00:32:29,614 --> 00:32:31,865 It seemed important to me, 648 00:32:31,866 --> 00:32:34,493 in being asked to design this thing, 649 00:32:34,494 --> 00:32:36,828 that it should tell a story. 650 00:32:36,829 --> 00:32:39,331 And the story is, of course, our story. 651 00:32:39,332 --> 00:32:44,211 It's a story of our planet, it's a story of life, 652 00:32:44,212 --> 00:32:49,132 it's a story of humans, and it's a story of our future. 653 00:32:49,133 --> 00:32:51,009 In terms of the protocols 654 00:32:51,010 --> 00:32:53,387 that we would use in actually replying back 655 00:32:53,388 --> 00:32:56,390 to a message that we got from an intelligent civilization, 656 00:32:56,391 --> 00:32:58,600 different experts have different opinions. 657 00:32:58,601 --> 00:33:00,394 Some people believe that we should try 658 00:33:00,395 --> 00:33:02,562 and represent the best version of ourselves. 659 00:33:02,563 --> 00:33:04,314 On the other end of the spectrum, 660 00:33:04,315 --> 00:33:07,025 you could potentially upload the entire Internet, 661 00:33:07,026 --> 00:33:08,652 along with all of our dark sides, 662 00:33:08,653 --> 00:33:11,071 so that you could have a full and complete picture 663 00:33:11,072 --> 00:33:13,032 of who we are as a species. 664 00:33:14,951 --> 00:33:18,161 Does NASA's involvement in the design 665 00:33:18,162 --> 00:33:21,456 and implementation of Carl Sagan's Golden Record 666 00:33:21,457 --> 00:33:24,251 provide evidence of the government's belief 667 00:33:24,252 --> 00:33:27,879 that intelligent life exists in the universe? 668 00:33:27,880 --> 00:33:31,007 If so, is that belief the product 669 00:33:31,008 --> 00:33:34,594 of mere scientific speculation, or a conviction 670 00:33:34,595 --> 00:33:38,974 based on previous extraterrestrial encounters? 671 00:33:38,975 --> 00:33:42,936 For the answer, ancient astronaut theorists point 672 00:33:42,937 --> 00:33:45,355 to the government's long history 673 00:33:45,356 --> 00:33:49,485 of trying to establish secret alien communications. 674 00:33:56,075 --> 00:33:58,076 Washington, D.C. 675 00:33:58,077 --> 00:34:01,413 March 24, 1961. 676 00:34:01,414 --> 00:34:05,292 The Brookings Report, the first official government document 677 00:34:05,293 --> 00:34:07,836 to suggest protocols for what to do 678 00:34:07,837 --> 00:34:11,465 in the event of alien contact, is submitted 679 00:34:11,466 --> 00:34:14,009 to the House Committee on Science and Astronautics 680 00:34:14,010 --> 00:34:17,763 and entered into the Congressional Record. 681 00:34:17,764 --> 00:34:20,015 But ancient astronaut theorists suggest 682 00:34:20,016 --> 00:34:24,436 that those protocols weren't new, 683 00:34:24,437 --> 00:34:26,938 but, in fact, had been in place 684 00:34:26,939 --> 00:34:30,650 ever since President Harry Truman ordered an investigation 685 00:34:30,651 --> 00:34:34,405 into the famed Roswell incident in 1947. 686 00:34:36,157 --> 00:34:39,409 Truman, inside of his administration, 687 00:34:39,410 --> 00:34:41,703 reached out to scientists, 688 00:34:41,704 --> 00:34:45,081 reached out to military people, reached out to businessmen, 689 00:34:45,082 --> 00:34:48,960 formed this group called Majestic 12... MJ-12... 690 00:34:48,961 --> 00:34:52,214 To do research and report to him. 691 00:34:52,215 --> 00:34:55,258 And no one outside is to know anything 692 00:34:55,259 --> 00:34:59,429 about UFOs, E.T.s, crash retrievals, 693 00:34:59,430 --> 00:35:02,265 bodies, any of it. 694 00:35:02,266 --> 00:35:05,310 There is actually a document called 695 00:35:05,311 --> 00:35:08,146 The Majestic 12 Special Operations Manual, 696 00:35:08,147 --> 00:35:11,191 which actually describes 697 00:35:11,192 --> 00:35:15,320 what a military officer or enlisted man should do 698 00:35:15,321 --> 00:35:19,825 should he encounter a crashed UFO, 699 00:35:19,826 --> 00:35:22,160 should he encounter an extraterrestrial being, 700 00:35:22,161 --> 00:35:25,080 alive or dead, and how the body should be disposed of. 701 00:35:25,081 --> 00:35:29,376 And it's a very, very detailed set of protocols, 702 00:35:29,377 --> 00:35:32,671 basically for how to handle it if you run into E.T. 703 00:35:32,672 --> 00:35:36,925 Aerospace engineer Dr. Robert Wood 704 00:35:36,926 --> 00:35:40,428 was one of the first people to examine the MJ-12 documents. 705 00:35:40,429 --> 00:35:42,806 It is his opinion, based in part 706 00:35:42,807 --> 00:35:45,809 on the descriptions of spacecraft in the documents, 707 00:35:45,810 --> 00:35:51,022 that the Special Operations Manual is genuine. 708 00:35:51,023 --> 00:35:55,026 The Special Operations Manual is remarkable in several ways. 709 00:35:55,027 --> 00:35:59,281 It gives detailed descriptions of four shapes of UFOs. 710 00:35:59,282 --> 00:36:01,491 Another thing is that it talks 711 00:36:01,492 --> 00:36:04,202 about extraterrestrial biological entities. 712 00:36:04,203 --> 00:36:07,455 The Majestic 12 talks very frankly 713 00:36:07,456 --> 00:36:10,792 about extraterrestrial biological entities, 714 00:36:10,793 --> 00:36:13,003 and their protocols. 715 00:36:13,004 --> 00:36:16,382 There is under Chapter Five, "Encounters..." 716 00:36:27,059 --> 00:36:30,604 And that is tied 717 00:36:30,605 --> 00:36:34,024 to what happened to Lonnie Zamora down in Socorro. 718 00:36:34,025 --> 00:36:40,071 On April 24, 1964, there was a New Mexico police officer 719 00:36:40,072 --> 00:36:43,575 in Socorro, New Mexico named Lonnie Zamora who noticed 720 00:36:43,576 --> 00:36:46,161 what appeared to him to be some sort of wrecked vehicle 721 00:36:46,162 --> 00:36:47,579 off the side of the road. 722 00:36:47,580 --> 00:36:49,748 So he pulled his police car over 723 00:36:49,749 --> 00:36:51,708 and he started to walk towards it. 724 00:36:51,709 --> 00:36:53,919 When he got closer to the vehicle, 725 00:36:53,920 --> 00:36:56,588 he realized that it was some sort of egg-shaped craft 726 00:36:56,589 --> 00:36:59,758 with these four landing legs 727 00:36:59,759 --> 00:37:02,052 that were stuck into the ground, and he saw two beings 728 00:37:02,053 --> 00:37:05,472 who were in silver suits. 729 00:37:05,473 --> 00:37:07,515 And the two beings went back inside the craft, 730 00:37:07,516 --> 00:37:09,768 and the object took off and sped away. 731 00:37:09,769 --> 00:37:14,105 And when another officer came back out to the site, 732 00:37:14,106 --> 00:37:18,026 they went to where the craft had landed, and they discovered 733 00:37:18,027 --> 00:37:19,986 four holes in the ground 734 00:37:19,987 --> 00:37:23,156 where the landing legs had stuck into the dirt. 735 00:37:23,157 --> 00:37:30,205 Lonnie Zamora's encounter made headlines in 1964. 736 00:37:30,206 --> 00:37:32,540 Since then, further information 737 00:37:32,541 --> 00:37:35,168 about the incident has become available online 738 00:37:35,169 --> 00:37:37,170 from leaked government files. 739 00:37:37,171 --> 00:37:40,799 Files, which, if genuine, corroborate the protocols 740 00:37:40,800 --> 00:37:43,970 that are described in the MJ-12 documents. 741 00:37:47,348 --> 00:37:49,140 In the Serpo documents, they talk 742 00:37:49,141 --> 00:37:51,977 about the Ebens, as they were named, and arrangements 743 00:37:51,978 --> 00:37:55,981 for them to actually land and have a diplomatic exchange 744 00:37:55,982 --> 00:37:57,732 with U.S. government officials 745 00:37:57,733 --> 00:38:00,235 at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. 746 00:38:00,236 --> 00:38:02,153 What's explained in the documents 747 00:38:02,154 --> 00:38:05,323 is that the Zamora sighting is actually 748 00:38:05,324 --> 00:38:09,035 the two emissaries who had got the coordinates wrong 749 00:38:09,036 --> 00:38:11,287 and had actually landed in the wrong place. 750 00:38:11,288 --> 00:38:13,164 Is it possible 751 00:38:13,165 --> 00:38:16,167 that the United States government is not only aware of, 752 00:38:16,168 --> 00:38:20,756 but possibly in contact with, extraterrestrial beings? 753 00:38:22,341 --> 00:38:26,261 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes and suggest 754 00:38:26,262 --> 00:38:28,722 that the United Nations may even have an ambassador 755 00:38:28,723 --> 00:38:31,308 to extraterrestrials. 756 00:38:37,356 --> 00:38:39,983 September 2010. 757 00:38:39,984 --> 00:38:44,154 News organizations across the globe report 758 00:38:44,155 --> 00:38:48,325 that the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs intends 759 00:38:48,326 --> 00:38:52,078 to draft a series of protocols on what to do when first contact 760 00:38:52,079 --> 00:38:57,292 with an extraterrestrial civilization is officially made. 761 00:38:57,293 --> 00:38:59,919 The story causes a sensation, 762 00:38:59,920 --> 00:39:02,630 but then, after a few days, 763 00:39:02,631 --> 00:39:06,051 the story mysteriously disappears. 764 00:39:06,052 --> 00:39:09,262 When pressed for further information, 765 00:39:09,263 --> 00:39:14,642 officials at the United Nations have refused to comment. 766 00:39:14,643 --> 00:39:17,270 The United Nations announced 767 00:39:17,271 --> 00:39:19,481 that it would create some protocols 768 00:39:19,482 --> 00:39:21,900 for extraterrestrial contact, 769 00:39:21,901 --> 00:39:24,819 but so far they have not given those to us. 770 00:39:24,820 --> 00:39:28,156 Just because protocols have not been announced 771 00:39:28,157 --> 00:39:30,408 doesn't mean that they don't exist. 772 00:39:30,409 --> 00:39:33,578 I believe that these protocols are already established, 773 00:39:33,579 --> 00:39:38,041 and, in fact, we are already in contact with extraterrestrials. 774 00:39:38,042 --> 00:39:40,752 The United Nations have said, 775 00:39:40,753 --> 00:39:44,297 "Do not come to us with questions like this 776 00:39:44,298 --> 00:39:47,425 until there's an international consensus." 777 00:39:47,426 --> 00:39:50,720 Well, there is no international consensus on this. 778 00:39:50,721 --> 00:39:53,306 Imagine if aliens showed up here tomorrow 779 00:39:53,307 --> 00:39:55,350 and said, "Take me to your leader," 780 00:39:55,351 --> 00:39:57,477 like you always see in the movies or hear in the stories. 781 00:39:57,478 --> 00:40:00,188 Well, who would that be? A lot of people think, 782 00:40:00,189 --> 00:40:02,190 "Oh, it's the Secretary General of the U.N." 783 00:40:02,191 --> 00:40:05,443 Uh, well, maybe, maybe not. 784 00:40:05,444 --> 00:40:07,278 What they would look at is 785 00:40:07,279 --> 00:40:10,698 who has the largest industrial machine on the planet. 786 00:40:10,699 --> 00:40:13,493 And I would say it would have to be 787 00:40:13,494 --> 00:40:16,037 the president of the United States, 788 00:40:16,038 --> 00:40:17,997 the president of Russia and of China. 789 00:40:17,998 --> 00:40:19,624 They'd have to be there together. 790 00:40:19,625 --> 00:40:22,961 But if intelligent beings 791 00:40:22,962 --> 00:40:25,797 are technologically advanced enough to travel to Earth, 792 00:40:25,798 --> 00:40:31,427 whose protocols will matter more... ours or theirs? 793 00:40:31,428 --> 00:40:34,848 As we prepare for this worldwide reality 794 00:40:34,849 --> 00:40:39,060 of extraterrestrial life being known here on planet Earth, 795 00:40:39,061 --> 00:40:41,396 we have to see that the extraterrestrials 796 00:40:41,397 --> 00:40:44,566 are gonna have different protocols than we would have 797 00:40:44,567 --> 00:40:46,526 that will be far more sophisticated 798 00:40:46,527 --> 00:40:49,195 than anything we can conceive. 799 00:40:49,196 --> 00:40:52,198 And we will have to really follow their lead 800 00:40:52,199 --> 00:40:57,412 in how we interact with them and other extraterrestrials 801 00:40:57,413 --> 00:41:00,039 as we go into space ourselves. 802 00:41:00,040 --> 00:41:03,251 Are these two worlds that are about to meet... 803 00:41:03,252 --> 00:41:05,086 Are they compatible? 804 00:41:05,087 --> 00:41:09,883 And I say yes because we come from out there. 805 00:41:09,884 --> 00:41:14,012 Because in Native American culture, there are legends 806 00:41:14,013 --> 00:41:18,558 of 13 inhabited worlds, planets out there, 807 00:41:18,559 --> 00:41:20,602 and we are the youngest. 808 00:41:20,603 --> 00:41:23,938 This world is called "the planet of the children." 809 00:41:23,939 --> 00:41:26,441 And what does a child do? 810 00:41:26,442 --> 00:41:29,694 I think children... they listen, they soak up the knowledge. 811 00:41:29,695 --> 00:41:33,865 So I think it's time for us to look more at our ancient past, 812 00:41:33,866 --> 00:41:35,575 look at the traditions, 813 00:41:35,576 --> 00:41:39,662 and see and learn that we've never been alone. 814 00:41:39,663 --> 00:41:42,916 As NASA eagerly prepares 815 00:41:42,917 --> 00:41:44,918 to send astronauts to Mars, 816 00:41:44,919 --> 00:41:48,296 it must face the fact that it will be humans 817 00:41:48,297 --> 00:41:52,133 that will become the alien visitors to another planet. 818 00:41:52,134 --> 00:41:57,764 And what will we do if we come face-to-face with living proof 819 00:41:57,765 --> 00:42:00,600 that we are not alone? 820 00:42:00,601 --> 00:42:06,314 Will we welcome them, or will they welcome us? 821 00:42:06,315 --> 00:42:08,359 CAPTIONING PROVIDED BY A+E NETWORKS