1 00:00:09,272 --> 00:00:10,855 Is the U.S. government 2 00:00:10,856 --> 00:00:13,609 covering up the truth about alien contact? 3 00:00:15,111 --> 00:00:17,279 And if so, why? 4 00:00:17,280 --> 00:00:19,698 The government seems to be completely unaccountable 5 00:00:19,699 --> 00:00:20,991 to the American public. 6 00:00:20,992 --> 00:00:23,076 They rarely release anything 7 00:00:23,077 --> 00:00:25,121 that they know or their findings. 8 00:00:28,332 --> 00:00:30,500 The fact that the U.S. government has 9 00:00:30,501 --> 00:00:33,795 investigated thousands and thousands of reports 10 00:00:33,796 --> 00:00:37,090 leads me to think they know much more 11 00:00:37,091 --> 00:00:39,467 than they let us believe. 12 00:00:39,468 --> 00:00:42,512 Could the government have a secret agenda, 13 00:00:42,513 --> 00:00:45,432 one known to only a select few, 14 00:00:45,433 --> 00:00:48,643 and perhaps dating back hundreds of years? 15 00:00:48,644 --> 00:00:51,062 The government's program continues 16 00:00:51,063 --> 00:00:54,107 to be deny, deny, deny. 17 00:00:54,108 --> 00:00:56,693 Sometimes, government finds it helpful 18 00:00:56,694 --> 00:00:59,738 to sow seeds of disinformation and misinformation 19 00:00:59,739 --> 00:01:03,241 to hide the facts about these sorts of programs. 20 00:01:03,242 --> 00:01:05,535 Hillary Clinton was basically saying, 21 00:01:05,536 --> 00:01:07,329 "You are going to give me the information I need" 22 00:01:07,330 --> 00:01:09,122 to disclose the extraterrestrial presence, 23 00:01:09,123 --> 00:01:11,041 "or I'm gonna fire every single one of you." 24 00:01:11,042 --> 00:01:13,251 People want to know what the government knows, 25 00:01:13,252 --> 00:01:16,172 and they ought to know what the government knows. 26 00:01:46,202 --> 00:01:51,331 On December 16th, 2017, 27 00:01:51,332 --> 00:01:54,292 The New York Times ran an explosive story 28 00:01:54,293 --> 00:01:58,088 entitled "Glowing Auras and 'Black Money':" 29 00:01:58,089 --> 00:02:01,341 The Pentagon's Mysterious UFO Program." 30 00:02:01,342 --> 00:02:04,969 It was the first time the American public learned 31 00:02:04,970 --> 00:02:07,889 of a top secret U.S. government project, 32 00:02:07,890 --> 00:02:11,559 the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, 33 00:02:11,560 --> 00:02:14,562 otherwise known as AATIP. 34 00:02:14,563 --> 00:02:16,981 The revelations concerning the existence 35 00:02:16,982 --> 00:02:20,985 of the Pentagon's AATIP program are extraordinary. 36 00:02:20,986 --> 00:02:25,240 It is the single biggest ever news 37 00:02:25,241 --> 00:02:28,159 in the whole history of the UFO phenomenon. 38 00:02:28,160 --> 00:02:32,914 It's not quite a spaceship in a hangar smoking gun, 39 00:02:32,915 --> 00:02:35,542 but it's the closest we've ever been. 40 00:02:35,543 --> 00:02:39,963 I assure you that nothing like this has ever happened 41 00:02:39,964 --> 00:02:41,714 in the history of this issue. 42 00:02:41,715 --> 00:02:43,926 This is a milestone. This is a watershed. 43 00:02:46,053 --> 00:02:48,805 The article reported that the program had been run 44 00:02:48,806 --> 00:02:52,934 by a former Pentagon official named Luis Elizondo, 45 00:02:52,935 --> 00:02:55,603 a senior career intelligence officer 46 00:02:55,604 --> 00:03:00,275 with top security clearance and with experience in everything 47 00:03:00,276 --> 00:03:03,361 from microbiology and parasitology 48 00:03:03,362 --> 00:03:05,947 to the study of global terrorism. 49 00:03:05,948 --> 00:03:08,950 It was Elizondo's job to investigate reports 50 00:03:08,951 --> 00:03:11,536 of unidentified flying objects, 51 00:03:11,537 --> 00:03:15,874 and to measure what threat they could pose to national security. 52 00:03:15,875 --> 00:03:20,253 AATIP received these cases from various different channels. 53 00:03:20,254 --> 00:03:22,547 In some cases, reporting would come up through Navy channels. 54 00:03:22,548 --> 00:03:24,466 In other cases, it would come up through Air Force channels. 55 00:03:24,467 --> 00:03:26,009 In other cases, it would come through 56 00:03:26,010 --> 00:03:29,679 the intelligence community, and all roads led to our office, 57 00:03:29,680 --> 00:03:31,473 regarding the phenomena. 58 00:03:31,474 --> 00:03:35,143 Elizondo played a key role 59 00:03:35,144 --> 00:03:37,812 in the government's top secret AATIP program 60 00:03:37,813 --> 00:03:42,066 prior to his leaving the government in 2017. 61 00:03:42,067 --> 00:03:46,488 Among the reasons given for his departure was the bitterness 62 00:03:46,489 --> 00:03:49,115 he felt that the research he was conducting, 63 00:03:49,116 --> 00:03:52,702 and the conclusions that he and his colleagues were reaching, 64 00:03:52,703 --> 00:03:54,746 were not being taken seriously 65 00:03:54,747 --> 00:03:58,041 by other agencies within the government. 66 00:03:58,042 --> 00:04:02,003 Even Congress, to which AATIP owed its funding, 67 00:04:02,004 --> 00:04:05,673 was hard-pressed to give Elizondo so much as a hearing 68 00:04:05,674 --> 00:04:09,427 so that his findings could be made part of the public record. 69 00:04:09,428 --> 00:04:11,930 Interestingly, just two months 70 00:04:11,931 --> 00:04:15,016 after Elizondo's exit from the government, 71 00:04:15,017 --> 00:04:17,894 The New York Times broke the major story, 72 00:04:17,895 --> 00:04:21,314 exposing the AATIP program and many of the facts 73 00:04:21,315 --> 00:04:23,316 surrounding the government's secret research 74 00:04:23,317 --> 00:04:25,777 into UFO activity. 75 00:04:25,778 --> 00:04:29,364 When I read in The New York Times this front page story 76 00:04:29,365 --> 00:04:33,034 that the government was running this semi-secret program 77 00:04:33,035 --> 00:04:35,745 to investigate, well, aerial phenomena, 78 00:04:35,746 --> 00:04:38,790 which is kind of a code word for UFOs, 79 00:04:38,791 --> 00:04:42,126 yeah, you know, I thought, "My God, all these years, 80 00:04:42,127 --> 00:04:44,295 "you know, people who think that we're being visited 81 00:04:44,296 --> 00:04:47,549 "were claiming that the government was, in fact, 82 00:04:47,550 --> 00:04:50,635 "possessing some secret knowledge about this. 83 00:04:50,636 --> 00:04:53,471 And, sure enough, they did have this secret investigation." 84 00:04:53,472 --> 00:04:57,183 For Luis Elizondo, The New York Times article 85 00:04:57,184 --> 00:04:59,143 served as a vindication 86 00:04:59,144 --> 00:05:02,188 for the years that his research went unrecognized 87 00:05:02,189 --> 00:05:04,566 and his warnings unheeded. 88 00:05:04,567 --> 00:05:08,152 For if the UFO activity being recorded was real, 89 00:05:08,153 --> 00:05:11,739 so, too, was the possibility that it was being caused 90 00:05:11,740 --> 00:05:14,659 by technologies that were not only unknown, 91 00:05:14,660 --> 00:05:17,412 but of extraterrestrial origin. 92 00:05:17,413 --> 00:05:21,124 Elizondo, he resigned because he felt 93 00:05:21,125 --> 00:05:23,918 the government considered this a joke. 94 00:05:23,919 --> 00:05:26,421 I think that the fact that these folks are out there 95 00:05:26,422 --> 00:05:28,923 trying to get the answers that we're all seeking, 96 00:05:28,924 --> 00:05:31,175 absolutely fantastic. 97 00:05:31,176 --> 00:05:33,595 And they're getting to top government officials. 98 00:05:33,596 --> 00:05:37,223 And someday, we're gonna get the answers 99 00:05:37,224 --> 00:05:38,975 from people like that... 100 00:05:38,976 --> 00:05:42,103 Not from government, but from people like that. 101 00:05:42,104 --> 00:05:45,607 Luckily for Luis Elizondo, 102 00:05:45,608 --> 00:05:48,651 one of the people who took him and his research seriously 103 00:05:48,652 --> 00:05:52,780 was musician and UFO researcher Tom DeLonge. 104 00:05:52,781 --> 00:05:55,867 Tom DeLonge, who is most famous 105 00:05:55,868 --> 00:06:00,622 for his being the lead in Blink-182. 106 00:06:00,623 --> 00:06:04,626 I've known Tom for a while, and he spearheaded an initiative 107 00:06:04,627 --> 00:06:08,421 that's brought together a number of scientists and others 108 00:06:08,422 --> 00:06:12,467 to both continue to study the phenomena on the outside, 109 00:06:12,468 --> 00:06:15,595 in the private sector, and to raise funds to do that. 110 00:06:15,596 --> 00:06:19,599 His enthusiasm, his passion 111 00:06:19,600 --> 00:06:21,517 has driven things forward. 112 00:06:21,518 --> 00:06:23,269 A lot of people were saying, 113 00:06:23,270 --> 00:06:25,480 "What does a rock star know about all this?" 114 00:06:25,481 --> 00:06:28,733 Let's not forget that sometimes even people in government 115 00:06:28,734 --> 00:06:30,485 and military and the intelligence community 116 00:06:30,486 --> 00:06:35,907 get a little more starstruck than they should by celebrities. 117 00:06:35,908 --> 00:06:41,621 Tom DeLonge was able to use this to leverage, I guess, access 118 00:06:41,622 --> 00:06:43,957 where others had tried and failed. 119 00:06:45,918 --> 00:06:48,336 In October 2017, 120 00:06:48,337 --> 00:06:50,254 Tom DeLonge announced the creation 121 00:06:50,255 --> 00:06:53,549 of his To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science, 122 00:06:53,550 --> 00:06:57,679 an organization devoted to the study of UFOs 123 00:06:57,680 --> 00:07:00,932 and the possible existence of extraterrestrial activity 124 00:07:00,933 --> 00:07:03,393 here on Earth. 125 00:07:03,394 --> 00:07:07,563 When Elizondo left the Pentagon, he was determined 126 00:07:07,564 --> 00:07:11,192 to bring AATIP's years of investigation out of the shadows 127 00:07:11,193 --> 00:07:15,029 by releasing several of the videos he had collected. 128 00:07:15,030 --> 00:07:18,199 One of them featured this incredible encounter, 129 00:07:18,200 --> 00:07:22,370 taken by a fighter jet in Florida in 2015, 130 00:07:22,371 --> 00:07:25,332 now known as the Gimbal video. 131 00:07:37,428 --> 00:07:40,847 On December 18, 2017, 132 00:07:40,848 --> 00:07:44,642 DeLonge and Elizondo revealed a second shocking video 133 00:07:44,643 --> 00:07:47,770 which was released through The Washington Post. 134 00:07:47,771 --> 00:07:51,983 This UFO had been tracked by the USS Princeton 135 00:07:51,984 --> 00:07:54,569 for several days over the Pacific Ocean, 136 00:07:54,570 --> 00:07:59,949 approximately 100 miles southwest of San Diego. 137 00:07:59,950 --> 00:08:03,494 On the screen, it also says the speed of the F-18 138 00:08:03,495 --> 00:08:08,416 is 250 knots, roughly about 280 miles per hour. 139 00:08:08,417 --> 00:08:10,668 This F-18 can't seem to get any closer 140 00:08:10,669 --> 00:08:12,545 to this vehicle, whatever it is. 141 00:08:12,546 --> 00:08:15,506 Now, the F-18's one of the highest technology 142 00:08:15,507 --> 00:08:17,633 fighter crafts on the planet. 143 00:08:17,634 --> 00:08:20,511 And it can't catch this thing? 144 00:08:20,512 --> 00:08:23,765 When it darts offscreen to the left, 145 00:08:23,766 --> 00:08:26,100 it would be going extremely fast. 146 00:08:26,101 --> 00:08:28,978 The g-forces would turn a person inside it 147 00:08:28,979 --> 00:08:30,980 into, like, tapioca pudding. 148 00:08:30,981 --> 00:08:32,941 I mean, it would kill them. 149 00:08:35,027 --> 00:08:37,695 In March 2018, 150 00:08:37,696 --> 00:08:41,240 a third Pentagon video entitled "Go Fast" was released, 151 00:08:41,241 --> 00:08:45,621 and featured yet another unexplained aerial encounter. 152 00:08:53,212 --> 00:08:56,464 But perhaps the most shocking information 153 00:08:56,465 --> 00:09:01,135 to come from Tom DeLonge and his To The Stars Academy was 154 00:09:01,136 --> 00:09:05,681 Luis Elizondo's claim that Bigelow Aerospace had modified 155 00:09:05,682 --> 00:09:09,018 its buildings for the storage of strange metal alloys 156 00:09:09,019 --> 00:09:13,689 of unknown origin, also known as metamaterials. 157 00:09:13,690 --> 00:09:16,651 Now, hold, stop the presses right there. 158 00:09:16,652 --> 00:09:18,986 What are these metal alloys? 159 00:09:18,987 --> 00:09:22,073 Luis Elizondo has referred 160 00:09:22,074 --> 00:09:25,493 to these as "meta materials." 161 00:09:25,494 --> 00:09:29,664 The implication is that they're not special magical elements, 162 00:09:29,665 --> 00:09:31,916 or anything, but they do seem to be 163 00:09:31,917 --> 00:09:34,669 materials that have been studied. 164 00:09:34,670 --> 00:09:38,089 According to Elizondo, tests have been run. 165 00:09:38,090 --> 00:09:39,966 The answer has come back: 166 00:09:39,967 --> 00:09:43,344 whatever these things were, they came from space. 167 00:09:43,345 --> 00:09:45,388 There was also indications 168 00:09:45,389 --> 00:09:46,806 that there were certain polymers 169 00:09:46,807 --> 00:09:49,892 that were discovered at crash sites 170 00:09:49,893 --> 00:09:53,855 that were unexplained and were reviewed. 171 00:09:53,856 --> 00:09:55,982 You know, for years and years, 172 00:09:55,983 --> 00:10:00,027 UFO researchers had talked about crash retrievals of UFOs, 173 00:10:00,028 --> 00:10:01,654 or that elements of these objects 174 00:10:01,655 --> 00:10:03,614 had been recovered and were being studied. 175 00:10:03,615 --> 00:10:06,576 And skeptics would laugh at these claims. 176 00:10:06,577 --> 00:10:08,619 You know, how ridiculous 177 00:10:08,620 --> 00:10:12,206 such conspiracy paranoid fantasies were. 178 00:10:12,207 --> 00:10:13,958 Well, guess what. 179 00:10:13,959 --> 00:10:16,544 Now we have it confirmed. 180 00:10:16,545 --> 00:10:19,171 What are these materials? 181 00:10:19,172 --> 00:10:20,756 Are they of this Earth? 182 00:10:20,757 --> 00:10:23,759 Are they from an advanced alien intelligence? 183 00:10:23,760 --> 00:10:28,264 Were these metals actually taken from crashed UFOs? 184 00:10:28,265 --> 00:10:32,059 What are the sources for these kinds of metals? 185 00:10:32,060 --> 00:10:34,770 These are the kind of questions that we need to learn 186 00:10:34,771 --> 00:10:36,898 the answers to if we're gonna get to the bottom 187 00:10:36,899 --> 00:10:40,902 of understanding what the government knows about UFOs. 188 00:10:40,903 --> 00:10:44,864 Is it possible that the U.S. military has recovered 189 00:10:44,865 --> 00:10:47,825 crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft, 190 00:10:47,826 --> 00:10:50,453 and that wreckage from these aircraft 191 00:10:50,454 --> 00:10:53,164 is currently being stored and studied 192 00:10:53,165 --> 00:10:57,376 by a top-secret team at Bigelow Aerospace? 193 00:10:57,377 --> 00:11:00,129 One of the really interesting things about AATIP 194 00:11:00,130 --> 00:11:02,840 is how much information hasn't been released. 195 00:11:02,841 --> 00:11:04,800 We hear things that are coming. 196 00:11:04,801 --> 00:11:06,677 There's this report that was written 197 00:11:06,678 --> 00:11:08,596 that we're supposed to get to see at some point. 198 00:11:08,597 --> 00:11:09,805 Haven't seen it yet. 199 00:11:09,806 --> 00:11:11,849 And then, are there more videos? 200 00:11:11,850 --> 00:11:13,684 We've seen, I think, three videos come out 201 00:11:13,685 --> 00:11:15,269 that they've released. 202 00:11:15,270 --> 00:11:16,771 There has to be more. 203 00:11:16,772 --> 00:11:18,314 They were doing this for, like, five years, 204 00:11:18,315 --> 00:11:20,816 or maybe even a lot longer than that. 205 00:11:20,817 --> 00:11:23,444 I bet you there's a lot more. 206 00:11:23,445 --> 00:11:26,072 Other secret military programs 207 00:11:26,073 --> 00:11:28,658 have been going on for many, many decades. 208 00:11:28,659 --> 00:11:30,826 And it's really just the tip of the iceberg. 209 00:11:30,827 --> 00:11:34,872 Was the U.S. government's AATIP program 210 00:11:34,873 --> 00:11:38,834 the only one to be investigating extraterrestrial activity? 211 00:11:38,835 --> 00:11:42,588 And, if so, how was it started, and why? 212 00:11:42,589 --> 00:11:46,133 And was the government seriously concerned 213 00:11:46,134 --> 00:11:48,135 that such activity was happening? 214 00:11:48,136 --> 00:11:51,222 Or was the bigger concern that the public 215 00:11:51,223 --> 00:11:53,809 would find out about it? 216 00:11:58,807 --> 00:12:03,436 Washington, D.C., 2007. 217 00:12:03,437 --> 00:12:06,314 Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada 218 00:12:06,315 --> 00:12:09,775 summons Senator Daniel Inouye from Hawaii 219 00:12:09,776 --> 00:12:13,237 and Alaska Senator Ted Stevens to a secure room 220 00:12:13,238 --> 00:12:16,407 in the Capitol Building for a secret meeting. 221 00:12:16,408 --> 00:12:19,160 He convinces them to lend their support 222 00:12:19,161 --> 00:12:22,371 to fund a project researching UFO reports 223 00:12:22,372 --> 00:12:24,665 in the interest of national security... 224 00:12:24,666 --> 00:12:28,628 The Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, 225 00:12:28,629 --> 00:12:30,254 or AATIP. 226 00:12:30,255 --> 00:12:33,132 Senator Reid was successful in getting money 227 00:12:33,133 --> 00:12:36,302 into the Defense Department budget 228 00:12:36,303 --> 00:12:40,723 to create a small office to look at 229 00:12:40,724 --> 00:12:42,600 what the government knew, 230 00:12:42,601 --> 00:12:46,854 and to study some more recent incidents that had occurred, 231 00:12:46,855 --> 00:12:48,522 and to delve into the background, 232 00:12:48,523 --> 00:12:51,859 and to try to explain what pilots who had encountered 233 00:12:51,860 --> 00:12:54,653 strange aerial phenomena couldn't explain. 234 00:12:54,654 --> 00:12:57,531 Without any public debate, 235 00:12:57,532 --> 00:13:01,160 $22 million is allocated for AATIP 236 00:13:01,161 --> 00:13:04,372 from a black money budget that few people know about 237 00:13:04,373 --> 00:13:05,873 or can monitor. 238 00:13:05,874 --> 00:13:07,416 Much of it, I think, was classified. 239 00:13:07,417 --> 00:13:09,293 Much of it was unclassified, 240 00:13:09,294 --> 00:13:12,213 but I think people didn't know about the program. 241 00:13:12,214 --> 00:13:16,258 I'm very glad that my friend Harry Reid decided 242 00:13:16,259 --> 00:13:20,012 that he would pursue this and sought money for it. 243 00:13:20,013 --> 00:13:23,057 Senator Stevens was genuinely interested in the topic. 244 00:13:23,058 --> 00:13:25,101 But none of them went out and discussed it. 245 00:13:25,102 --> 00:13:29,271 When later asked about his support for the program, 246 00:13:29,272 --> 00:13:32,775 Senator Reid said that he was inspired by his friend, 247 00:13:32,776 --> 00:13:36,904 retired former senator and astronaut John Glenn. 248 00:13:36,905 --> 00:13:40,741 Glenn, the first American astronaut to orbit the Earth, 249 00:13:40,742 --> 00:13:43,786 told Reid that he thought that the federal government 250 00:13:43,787 --> 00:13:46,831 should be looking seriously into UFOs. 251 00:13:46,832 --> 00:13:50,126 But there are some who believe that Reid's support 252 00:13:50,127 --> 00:13:53,254 owes less to John Glenn than to his friendship 253 00:13:53,255 --> 00:13:56,841 with one of the senator's largest campaign contributors: 254 00:13:56,842 --> 00:14:02,638 Robert Bigelow, the founder of Bigelow Aerospace. 255 00:14:02,639 --> 00:14:06,517 Robert Bigelow owned a series of hotels, 256 00:14:06,518 --> 00:14:09,103 and he sold it and made a lot of money. 257 00:14:09,104 --> 00:14:13,774 He decided then he wanted to get into space exploration. 258 00:14:13,775 --> 00:14:17,945 He's fascinated by extraterrestrials and UFOs. 259 00:14:17,946 --> 00:14:21,949 NASA was providing insight, as opposed to oversight... 260 00:14:21,950 --> 00:14:25,035 Which is an important distinction there... 261 00:14:25,036 --> 00:14:27,997 And his dear friend, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, 262 00:14:27,998 --> 00:14:31,375 was convinced by Robert Bigelow 263 00:14:31,376 --> 00:14:33,961 to get the government to spend $22 million 264 00:14:33,962 --> 00:14:36,672 into this program to investigate UFOs. 265 00:14:36,673 --> 00:14:38,716 It's not a coincidence, to my mind, 266 00:14:38,717 --> 00:14:40,301 that he was involved in 267 00:14:40,302 --> 00:14:43,888 the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. 268 00:14:43,889 --> 00:14:46,265 He builds rockets and planes and who knows what else, 269 00:14:46,266 --> 00:14:48,350 and he seems like a perfectly logical person 270 00:14:48,351 --> 00:14:51,979 to have been the point man in the private sector 271 00:14:51,980 --> 00:14:55,524 for using the information that was gleaned from that project, 272 00:14:55,525 --> 00:14:58,194 whatever it was, and we don't know what a lot of it was 273 00:14:58,195 --> 00:14:59,487 because it's classified. 274 00:14:59,488 --> 00:15:01,572 At the time, 275 00:15:01,573 --> 00:15:04,158 the fact that much of AATIP's research was 276 00:15:04,159 --> 00:15:07,328 outsourced to Bigelow Aerospace made perfect sense. 277 00:15:07,329 --> 00:15:11,165 First of all, the company already had a staff 278 00:15:11,166 --> 00:15:14,502 of highly qualified aerospace engineers. 279 00:15:14,503 --> 00:15:18,339 And, secondly, an outside company could operate 280 00:15:18,340 --> 00:15:20,382 without the kind of public scrutiny 281 00:15:20,383 --> 00:15:23,260 imposed on a government-based agency. 282 00:15:23,261 --> 00:15:27,097 Bigelow could operate in total secrecy. 283 00:15:27,098 --> 00:15:30,684 Private companies aren't held to the Freedom of Information Act. 284 00:15:30,685 --> 00:15:32,895 Private companies can do whatever they want to 285 00:15:32,896 --> 00:15:36,148 with their funding, and you can't go then and fill out 286 00:15:36,149 --> 00:15:38,234 a Freedom of Information Act request. 287 00:15:38,235 --> 00:15:41,570 That's a way to keep things more secretive. 288 00:15:41,571 --> 00:15:45,115 But was the AATIP program's need for secrecy 289 00:15:45,116 --> 00:15:48,202 merely designed to keep its UFO findings 290 00:15:48,203 --> 00:15:51,038 independent of public scrutiny? 291 00:15:51,039 --> 00:15:54,083 Or was there a greater interest in hiding 292 00:15:54,084 --> 00:15:56,293 not only what AATIP was finding, 293 00:15:56,294 --> 00:16:01,049 but also what those in charge of the program were looking for? 294 00:16:03,301 --> 00:16:06,011 In May 2017, 295 00:16:06,012 --> 00:16:08,389 Robert Bigelow was the subject of a profile 296 00:16:08,390 --> 00:16:11,058 on CBS's 60 Minutes. 297 00:16:11,059 --> 00:16:13,978 The piece was meant to focus 298 00:16:13,979 --> 00:16:16,063 on Bigelow's relationship to NASA 299 00:16:16,064 --> 00:16:19,733 and his activities in creating life-support habitats 300 00:16:19,734 --> 00:16:21,443 for future astronauts. 301 00:16:21,444 --> 00:16:25,906 During his interview, Bigelow revealed to 60 Minutes 302 00:16:25,907 --> 00:16:29,243 that he was not only an aerospace enthusiast, 303 00:16:29,244 --> 00:16:33,248 but a full-fledged believer in extraterrestrials. 304 00:16:35,083 --> 00:16:36,959 Do you believe in aliens? 305 00:16:36,960 --> 00:16:39,795 I'm absolutely convinced. That's all there is to it. 306 00:16:39,796 --> 00:16:43,090 Do you also believe that UFOs have come to Earth? 307 00:16:43,091 --> 00:16:45,259 There has been and is an existing presence... 308 00:16:45,260 --> 00:16:46,677 An E.T. presence. 309 00:16:46,678 --> 00:16:47,928 And I've spent millions and millions. 310 00:16:47,929 --> 00:16:49,680 I've probably spent more as an individual 311 00:16:49,681 --> 00:16:51,348 than anybody else in the United States 312 00:16:51,349 --> 00:16:53,559 has ever spent on this subject. 313 00:16:53,560 --> 00:16:55,603 Is it risky for you to say, 314 00:16:55,604 --> 00:16:57,104 you know, in public that you believe 315 00:16:57,105 --> 00:16:59,023 - in UFOs and aliens? - I don't give a damn. 316 00:16:59,024 --> 00:17:00,816 - I don't care. - You don't worry 317 00:17:00,817 --> 00:17:02,776 that some people will say, "Did you hear that guy? 318 00:17:02,777 --> 00:17:03,944 He sounds like he's crazy." 319 00:17:03,945 --> 00:17:05,904 - I don't care. - Why not? 320 00:17:05,905 --> 00:17:07,281 It's not gonna make a difference. 321 00:17:07,282 --> 00:17:10,576 It's not gonna change reality of what I know. 322 00:17:10,577 --> 00:17:12,536 Bob Bigelow said, 323 00:17:12,537 --> 00:17:14,830 "E.T.s are here. They're right under your nose." 324 00:17:14,831 --> 00:17:17,833 And he uses the word "E.T." He doesn't beat around the bush. 325 00:17:17,834 --> 00:17:21,712 Robert Bigelow became my hero. 326 00:17:21,713 --> 00:17:25,799 That "I don't give a damn" really was for a lot of people. 327 00:17:25,800 --> 00:17:29,553 It was for every billionaire space jockey out there, 328 00:17:29,554 --> 00:17:34,600 whether it's Elon Musk or Branson or Bezos. 329 00:17:34,601 --> 00:17:36,226 But guess what. 330 00:17:36,227 --> 00:17:40,689 None of those people have ever said to a reporter, 331 00:17:40,690 --> 00:17:43,734 "You know, I'm pretty sure there's extraterrestrials here." 332 00:17:43,735 --> 00:17:46,278 Bigelow did. 333 00:17:46,279 --> 00:17:49,573 We must now go and ask the head 334 00:17:49,574 --> 00:17:52,826 of Bigelow Aerospace what does he mean 335 00:17:52,827 --> 00:17:56,288 that aliens are under everyone's noses. 336 00:17:56,289 --> 00:17:59,833 This story really is begging 337 00:17:59,834 --> 00:18:03,337 for somebody to go to Robert Bigelow 338 00:18:03,338 --> 00:18:06,675 and say, "Can we now go and see your warehouse?" 339 00:18:09,010 --> 00:18:13,430 What a fantastic next step it would be for the world. 340 00:18:13,431 --> 00:18:17,518 Although funding for the AATIP program 341 00:18:17,519 --> 00:18:20,771 was quietly ended in 2012, 342 00:18:20,772 --> 00:18:24,441 there are those who believe that its focus on the study 343 00:18:24,442 --> 00:18:25,859 of recent UFO activity 344 00:18:25,860 --> 00:18:28,362 and on the study of extraterrestrial life 345 00:18:28,363 --> 00:18:31,073 are still alive and well, 346 00:18:31,074 --> 00:18:35,577 although now further hidden under a different agency name. 347 00:18:35,578 --> 00:18:38,747 When the Pentagon grudgingly admitted 348 00:18:38,748 --> 00:18:41,125 the existence of the AATIP program, 349 00:18:41,126 --> 00:18:42,751 they did a clever thing, 350 00:18:42,752 --> 00:18:47,131 and they said that the funding had run out in 2012. 351 00:18:47,132 --> 00:18:50,759 The implication was that the program was no more, 352 00:18:50,760 --> 00:18:52,469 but with my knowledge of the way 353 00:18:52,470 --> 00:18:55,639 in which these classified sensitive programs are run, 354 00:18:55,640 --> 00:18:57,266 pulling the funding part 355 00:18:57,267 --> 00:19:00,686 is not the same as terminating the project. 356 00:19:00,687 --> 00:19:04,314 But while some version of the government's 357 00:19:04,315 --> 00:19:08,026 AATIP program may still be operating in secret, 358 00:19:08,027 --> 00:19:09,778 the same cannot be said 359 00:19:09,779 --> 00:19:12,781 for some of the agency's former employees. 360 00:19:12,782 --> 00:19:15,409 And there is one in particular 361 00:19:15,410 --> 00:19:19,413 who is not only open to the idea that aliens do exist, 362 00:19:19,414 --> 00:19:21,373 he has made it his mission 363 00:19:21,374 --> 00:19:25,253 to communicate his findings throughout the world. 364 00:19:27,033 --> 00:19:29,660 When The New York Times story broke, 365 00:19:29,661 --> 00:19:32,371 revealing the existence of the U.S. government's 366 00:19:32,372 --> 00:19:35,040 ultra top secret AATIP program, 367 00:19:35,041 --> 00:19:38,127 UFO experts and ancient astronaut theorists 368 00:19:38,128 --> 00:19:40,504 had validation for what they knew 369 00:19:40,505 --> 00:19:43,465 had been happening for decades: 370 00:19:43,466 --> 00:19:47,595 that the government has proof of extraterrestrial visitation 371 00:19:47,596 --> 00:19:50,890 and that they have been hiding it from the public. 372 00:19:50,891 --> 00:19:53,392 The investigations were denied 373 00:19:53,393 --> 00:19:55,895 during the time of their happening. 374 00:19:55,896 --> 00:19:58,898 And it's really curious that we're always told, 375 00:19:58,899 --> 00:20:01,400 "No, these programs are not happening." 376 00:20:01,401 --> 00:20:04,904 And then, 20 years later, these documents are being released 377 00:20:04,905 --> 00:20:09,074 to reveal the fact that these investigations did happen. 378 00:20:09,075 --> 00:20:12,244 My initial reaction to the information 379 00:20:12,245 --> 00:20:15,247 that was released in December of 2017 380 00:20:15,248 --> 00:20:20,085 was that this has really been going on for over 70 years. 381 00:20:20,086 --> 00:20:23,756 Although the government's AATIP program 382 00:20:23,757 --> 00:20:26,258 was established in 2007, 383 00:20:26,259 --> 00:20:28,928 it was by no means the first top secret program 384 00:20:28,929 --> 00:20:31,263 designed to investigate UFO activity 385 00:20:31,264 --> 00:20:33,098 in the United States. 386 00:20:33,099 --> 00:20:36,810 The first was known simply as Project Sign, 387 00:20:36,811 --> 00:20:39,939 and it was set up within the U.S. Air Force 388 00:20:39,940 --> 00:20:43,275 to investigate unexplained aerial phenomena, 389 00:20:43,276 --> 00:20:48,280 such as the event now known as the Battle of Los Angeles. 390 00:20:48,281 --> 00:20:49,949 What's called the Battle of I.A. 391 00:20:49,950 --> 00:20:53,744 is actually one of the earliest unexplained UFO mysteries 392 00:20:53,745 --> 00:20:55,788 in modern... our modern era. 393 00:20:55,789 --> 00:20:58,123 Three months after Pearl Harbor, 394 00:20:58,124 --> 00:21:02,379 it took place on the early morning of February 25, 1942. 395 00:21:04,047 --> 00:21:07,549 An unknown object appeared over Los Angeles 396 00:21:07,550 --> 00:21:10,512 and anti-aircraft guns opened fire on it. 397 00:21:12,472 --> 00:21:14,640 The anti-aircraft guns 398 00:21:14,641 --> 00:21:16,976 began barking during a blackout 399 00:21:16,977 --> 00:21:20,854 ordered by the IV Interceptor Command at 2:25 a.m. 400 00:21:20,855 --> 00:21:24,108 1,430 artillery shells were fired 401 00:21:24,109 --> 00:21:28,988 at several unknown objects. 402 00:21:28,989 --> 00:21:33,158 Many eyewitnesses on the ground saw this. 403 00:21:33,159 --> 00:21:37,663 There was concern that the Japanese were somehow involved, 404 00:21:37,664 --> 00:21:40,541 but there was no Japanese aircraft carrier, 405 00:21:40,542 --> 00:21:42,835 no chance that Japanese airplanes 406 00:21:42,836 --> 00:21:44,670 could have been responsible for this. 407 00:21:44,671 --> 00:21:47,673 The Secretary of the Navy said to the public, 408 00:21:47,674 --> 00:21:49,216 "It was just war nerves. 409 00:21:49,217 --> 00:21:51,176 There was nothing out there, whatsoever." 410 00:21:51,177 --> 00:21:54,179 Although the U.S. Army Air Force 411 00:21:54,180 --> 00:21:56,849 officially dismissed the objects seen in the sky 412 00:21:56,850 --> 00:21:58,517 as weather balloons, 413 00:21:58,518 --> 00:22:01,311 they failed to explain why so many weather balloons 414 00:22:01,312 --> 00:22:04,690 would have been floating over Los Angeles in the first place. 415 00:22:04,691 --> 00:22:08,235 In the years following the Battle of Los Angeles, 416 00:22:08,236 --> 00:22:11,655 numerous other UFO sightings were reported, 417 00:22:11,656 --> 00:22:13,824 including the one widely referred to as 418 00:22:13,825 --> 00:22:18,120 "the Roswell incident," in which an unidentified object, 419 00:22:18,121 --> 00:22:21,206 referred to in the press as a flying saucer, 420 00:22:21,207 --> 00:22:23,876 reportedly crashed on a ranch 421 00:22:23,877 --> 00:22:26,545 just outside the town of Roswell, New Mexico, 422 00:22:26,546 --> 00:22:30,299 on July 4, 1947. 423 00:22:30,300 --> 00:22:33,844 Within 24 hours, the story changed. 424 00:22:33,845 --> 00:22:36,388 And they said, "We made a mistake. 425 00:22:36,389 --> 00:22:38,348 "It's not a flying disc. 426 00:22:38,349 --> 00:22:41,727 It's just debris from a weather balloon." 427 00:22:41,728 --> 00:22:44,188 The Roswell incident was 428 00:22:44,189 --> 00:22:47,733 probably a major contributor to the establishment 429 00:22:47,734 --> 00:22:49,401 of what became known as Project Sign 430 00:22:49,402 --> 00:22:51,404 just a couple of months later. 431 00:22:52,739 --> 00:22:57,242 By the time Project Sign was established in 1948, 432 00:22:57,243 --> 00:23:00,079 UFO sightings had become so frequent, 433 00:23:00,080 --> 00:23:03,999 they could no longer be ignored or dismissed. 434 00:23:04,000 --> 00:23:07,419 Given the fact that there was a Cold War escalating 435 00:23:07,420 --> 00:23:10,297 between the United States and the Soviet Union, 436 00:23:10,298 --> 00:23:13,759 concerns that UFOs might be spy satellites 437 00:23:13,760 --> 00:23:15,969 or foreign-made weapons gave some justification 438 00:23:15,970 --> 00:23:19,056 to the increasing paranoia. 439 00:23:19,057 --> 00:23:21,266 Answers needed to be found. 440 00:23:21,267 --> 00:23:23,227 But just as the government's 441 00:23:23,228 --> 00:23:26,396 first official UFO program was getting started, 442 00:23:26,397 --> 00:23:31,401 it was suddenly and mysteriously shut down. 443 00:23:31,402 --> 00:23:34,488 There was a very big incident during the summer of 1948, 444 00:23:34,489 --> 00:23:37,407 when a report went to the Air Force Chief of Staff, 445 00:23:37,408 --> 00:23:38,992 General Hoyt Vandenberg, 446 00:23:38,993 --> 00:23:43,497 and it stated, "This is real. They're here." 447 00:23:43,498 --> 00:23:47,459 And Vandenberg closed down Project Sign. 448 00:23:47,460 --> 00:23:50,212 But why would the Air Force Chief of Staff 449 00:23:50,213 --> 00:23:54,216 shut down a program designed to study UFOs 450 00:23:54,217 --> 00:23:55,884 just after being informed 451 00:23:55,885 --> 00:24:00,639 that UFOs were not only real but of genuine concern? 452 00:24:00,640 --> 00:24:03,100 There seems to be a pattern of suppression 453 00:24:03,101 --> 00:24:05,936 over the last 70 years when it comes to the UFO subject. 454 00:24:05,937 --> 00:24:08,981 And all of these government investigations into UFOs, 455 00:24:08,982 --> 00:24:11,942 where they look into it, 456 00:24:11,943 --> 00:24:13,777 then they say there's nothing to it. 457 00:24:13,778 --> 00:24:15,487 Then they look into it again, 458 00:24:15,488 --> 00:24:17,489 then they're finding that there is something to it. 459 00:24:17,490 --> 00:24:19,409 But they don't want to say what it is. 460 00:24:23,997 --> 00:24:25,831 For the next four years, 461 00:24:25,832 --> 00:24:28,208 UFO sightings continued to be reported, 462 00:24:28,209 --> 00:24:30,002 so many, in fact, 463 00:24:30,003 --> 00:24:33,297 that the government could no longer dismiss them as hoaxes, 464 00:24:33,298 --> 00:24:34,840 weather anomalies, 465 00:24:34,841 --> 00:24:38,343 or simply the product of mass hysteria. 466 00:24:38,344 --> 00:24:41,096 By March 1952, 467 00:24:41,097 --> 00:24:43,432 a number of high-ranking Air Force generals 468 00:24:43,433 --> 00:24:45,767 became so frustrated with the military's 469 00:24:45,768 --> 00:24:48,270 previous attempts to properly investigate 470 00:24:48,271 --> 00:24:52,232 so-called flying saucers that they launched a program 471 00:24:52,233 --> 00:24:55,736 that would be the most serious and best-funded to date: 472 00:24:55,737 --> 00:24:58,322 Project Blue Book. 473 00:24:58,323 --> 00:25:01,658 Under the command of Air Force Captain Edward Ruppelt, 474 00:25:01,659 --> 00:25:05,370 this new top secret agency would take UFOs 475 00:25:05,371 --> 00:25:08,332 and their potential threat to national security 476 00:25:08,333 --> 00:25:10,000 very seriously. 477 00:25:10,001 --> 00:25:14,504 Project Blue Book produced a standard form 478 00:25:14,505 --> 00:25:17,257 for people who wanted to report a UFO. 479 00:25:17,258 --> 00:25:20,219 What did it look like? Was there a sound? 480 00:25:20,220 --> 00:25:24,306 They even had a chart for people to calculate 481 00:25:24,307 --> 00:25:27,559 the angle of elevation. 482 00:25:27,560 --> 00:25:30,437 If UFOs are nothing to worry about, 483 00:25:30,438 --> 00:25:34,858 why is the Air Force requesting so much information 484 00:25:34,859 --> 00:25:37,653 about the true nature of what the witnesses saw? 485 00:25:37,654 --> 00:25:41,615 In January 1953, 486 00:25:41,616 --> 00:25:44,576 after gathering hundreds of reported sightings, 487 00:25:44,577 --> 00:25:46,912 photographs and interviews, 488 00:25:46,913 --> 00:25:50,707 Captain Ruppelt and astronomer Dr. J. Allen Hynek 489 00:25:50,708 --> 00:25:53,752 prepared and presented their best 23 cases 490 00:25:53,753 --> 00:25:57,047 to a CIA-formed panel of scientists 491 00:25:57,048 --> 00:26:00,717 led by Dr. H.P. Robertson. 492 00:26:00,718 --> 00:26:02,761 The Robertson Panel concluded 493 00:26:02,762 --> 00:26:05,264 that the evidence could all be dismissed 494 00:26:05,265 --> 00:26:07,099 as natural occurrences 495 00:26:07,100 --> 00:26:10,644 and was not worth the effort of the government. 496 00:26:10,645 --> 00:26:13,438 And it was the Robertson Panel which was the origin 497 00:26:13,439 --> 00:26:16,108 for a lot of the propaganda that was put out in the media 498 00:26:16,109 --> 00:26:19,278 when it came to UFOs. 499 00:26:19,279 --> 00:26:21,196 They wanted to publicly ridicule the subject, 500 00:26:21,197 --> 00:26:24,116 so that people wouldn't want to be associated with it, 501 00:26:24,117 --> 00:26:26,410 basically killing all the public interest 502 00:26:26,411 --> 00:26:29,037 in this field so they could continue to research 503 00:26:29,038 --> 00:26:31,040 these exotic technologies behind the scenes. 504 00:26:34,669 --> 00:26:40,632 In 1969, Project Blue Book was finally shut down 505 00:26:40,633 --> 00:26:42,634 on the grounds that there was no proof 506 00:26:42,635 --> 00:26:46,346 the unidentified objects posed a national security threat 507 00:26:46,347 --> 00:26:49,641 or were of extraterrestrial origin. 508 00:26:49,642 --> 00:26:52,644 But was that really the end of the story 509 00:26:52,645 --> 00:26:55,398 or only the beginning? 510 00:26:57,057 --> 00:26:58,808 In February 2018, 511 00:26:58,809 --> 00:27:02,896 Nick Pope, the former Director of Defence Security 512 00:27:02,897 --> 00:27:05,064 at the British Ministry of Defence, 513 00:27:05,065 --> 00:27:09,485 traveled to Washington, D.C., to meet with Chase Kloetzke, 514 00:27:09,486 --> 00:27:12,405 a registered lobbyist for UFO disclosure 515 00:27:12,406 --> 00:27:13,740 and a former program developer 516 00:27:13,741 --> 00:27:17,243 for the U.S. Department of Defense. 517 00:27:17,244 --> 00:27:19,704 Chase Kloetzke has investigated 518 00:27:19,705 --> 00:27:23,124 numerous U.S. government secret studies into UFOs 519 00:27:23,125 --> 00:27:26,544 and has examined many of the once-classified files 520 00:27:26,545 --> 00:27:28,922 pertaining to Project Blue Book. 521 00:27:28,923 --> 00:27:33,468 I've got this Project Blue Book file from the FBI archives. 522 00:27:33,469 --> 00:27:37,055 And the first page I want to really go over with you 523 00:27:37,056 --> 00:27:41,851 is this one that indeed reads "UFO fact sheet." 524 00:27:41,852 --> 00:27:45,229 Okay, so this is basically a summary of the position 525 00:27:45,230 --> 00:27:46,773 with regard to Project Blue Book. 526 00:27:46,774 --> 00:27:49,400 - Right, the official statement. - Okay. 527 00:27:49,401 --> 00:27:51,069 And so, this says, 528 00:27:51,070 --> 00:27:53,780 "Since the termination of Project Blue Book, 529 00:27:53,781 --> 00:27:56,449 "no evidence has been presented to indicate 530 00:27:56,450 --> 00:27:58,743 "that further investigation of UFOs 531 00:27:58,744 --> 00:28:00,328 by the Air Force is warranted." 532 00:28:00,329 --> 00:28:02,205 "Terminated." 533 00:28:02,206 --> 00:28:06,459 Well, was the program really terminated? That's my question. 534 00:28:06,460 --> 00:28:09,921 Absolutely. And if it was, what took its place? 535 00:28:09,922 --> 00:28:11,297 Well, yes, the Air Force 536 00:28:11,298 --> 00:28:13,967 isn't suddenly going to stop being interested 537 00:28:13,968 --> 00:28:17,178 in uncorrelated targets in its airspace. 538 00:28:17,179 --> 00:28:19,180 Right, absolutely. And the second document, 539 00:28:19,181 --> 00:28:21,140 I really want you to weigh in on. 540 00:28:21,141 --> 00:28:22,433 It doesn't make sense. 541 00:28:22,434 --> 00:28:25,728 Wow. 12,618 sightings. 542 00:28:25,729 --> 00:28:27,146 That's a lot. 543 00:28:27,147 --> 00:28:31,985 And 701 of them remained completely unidentified. 544 00:28:31,986 --> 00:28:33,319 That's a staggering amount. 545 00:28:33,320 --> 00:28:37,240 These are the cases that were properly investigated, 546 00:28:37,241 --> 00:28:41,661 interviewed witnesses, radar tapes were looked at, 547 00:28:41,662 --> 00:28:44,163 and still no answers found. 548 00:28:44,164 --> 00:28:47,667 Wait a minute. Here, look. Here it is. 549 00:28:47,668 --> 00:28:51,170 At the end of the program, the unknowns drop. 550 00:28:51,171 --> 00:28:56,509 They go from 32 to 19 to three and one. 551 00:28:56,510 --> 00:28:59,804 I smell a rat. They've cooked the books. 552 00:28:59,805 --> 00:29:02,974 - They can't pull the plug on the program... - Right. 553 00:29:02,975 --> 00:29:05,143 ...if you've still got a high number of unknowns. 554 00:29:05,144 --> 00:29:07,854 So they clearly pushed those cases 555 00:29:07,855 --> 00:29:10,314 out of the unidentified column 556 00:29:10,315 --> 00:29:13,818 and into the cases that are explained, at least publicly. 557 00:29:13,819 --> 00:29:15,904 This is their way out. 558 00:29:18,699 --> 00:29:21,701 Was Project Blue Book officially shut down 559 00:29:21,702 --> 00:29:24,328 because it had simply found no convincing evidence 560 00:29:24,329 --> 00:29:26,372 that UFOs were real? 561 00:29:26,373 --> 00:29:28,833 Or was it because the government 562 00:29:28,834 --> 00:29:31,044 had come to the opposite conclusion, 563 00:29:31,045 --> 00:29:36,507 that not only were they real but of extraterrestrial origin, 564 00:29:36,508 --> 00:29:40,553 a truth that could be so potentially disturbing, 565 00:29:40,554 --> 00:29:44,516 it needed to be covered up even deeper than before? 566 00:29:48,477 --> 00:29:50,561 As far as UFO researchers 567 00:29:50,562 --> 00:29:53,272 and ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 568 00:29:53,273 --> 00:29:56,567 proof that the U.S. government has not only known 569 00:29:56,568 --> 00:29:59,403 about extraterrestrial activity on our planet, 570 00:29:59,404 --> 00:30:02,573 but has been systematically covering it up for decades, 571 00:30:02,574 --> 00:30:04,408 first came in the form 572 00:30:04,409 --> 00:30:07,620 of a single roll of 35-millimeter film, 573 00:30:07,621 --> 00:30:10,456 anonymously sent to a documentary filmmaker 574 00:30:10,457 --> 00:30:15,128 by the name of Jaime Shandera in 1984. 575 00:30:16,338 --> 00:30:18,297 The film, when developed, 576 00:30:18,298 --> 00:30:20,633 showed images of an eight-page memo 577 00:30:20,634 --> 00:30:23,344 allegedly written in 1952 578 00:30:23,345 --> 00:30:27,598 by the first director of the CIA, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, 579 00:30:27,599 --> 00:30:30,810 to President-elect Dwight Eisenhower. 580 00:30:30,811 --> 00:30:34,563 In it, Hillenkoetter informs Eisenhower 581 00:30:34,564 --> 00:30:37,942 of the existence of a top secret government think tank 582 00:30:37,943 --> 00:30:39,777 that was originally set up 583 00:30:39,778 --> 00:30:43,364 by President Harry S. Truman in 1947. 584 00:30:43,365 --> 00:30:47,618 It was referred to in the memo as MJ-12, 585 00:30:47,619 --> 00:30:51,664 initials which stood for a far more mysterious group of men 586 00:30:51,665 --> 00:30:54,458 known as the Majestic 12. 587 00:30:54,459 --> 00:30:57,253 The authorization to establish MJ-12 588 00:30:57,254 --> 00:30:59,797 allegedly came from President Harry Truman 589 00:30:59,798 --> 00:31:02,508 on September 24, 1947. 590 00:31:02,509 --> 00:31:07,638 This was actually one day after the famous memo 591 00:31:07,639 --> 00:31:09,974 in which General Nathan Twining wrote 592 00:31:09,975 --> 00:31:11,809 a three-page letter about these flying saucers 593 00:31:11,810 --> 00:31:13,436 to another general, 594 00:31:13,437 --> 00:31:16,480 talking quite explicitly about their characteristics, 595 00:31:16,481 --> 00:31:19,650 the fact that this was real, not visionary or fictitious. 596 00:31:19,651 --> 00:31:23,988 No one anywhere, outside of this group, 597 00:31:23,989 --> 00:31:27,366 is to know anything about UFOs, 598 00:31:27,367 --> 00:31:32,247 E.T.s, crash retrievals, bodies, any of it. 599 00:31:34,833 --> 00:31:37,001 That document identified the 12 people 600 00:31:37,002 --> 00:31:39,503 who were MJ-1 through MJ-12. 601 00:31:39,504 --> 00:31:41,505 The first one, MJ-1, 602 00:31:41,506 --> 00:31:44,342 was Admiral Hillenkoetter of the Navy. 603 00:31:44,343 --> 00:31:46,594 There were four military people, 604 00:31:46,595 --> 00:31:48,429 there were four technical people, 605 00:31:48,430 --> 00:31:51,974 and then there were just general government people. 606 00:31:51,975 --> 00:31:53,851 They were the kind of people you'd expect 607 00:31:53,852 --> 00:31:56,896 to have been involved in an important top secret program. 608 00:31:56,897 --> 00:31:59,357 While the authenticity 609 00:31:59,358 --> 00:32:02,568 of the MJ-12 documents is still being debated, 610 00:32:02,569 --> 00:32:04,528 what is known is that, 611 00:32:04,529 --> 00:32:09,033 in 1954, Eisenhower thought enough of the UFO phenomenon 612 00:32:09,034 --> 00:32:13,704 to order that a new secret military base be set up. 613 00:32:13,705 --> 00:32:18,709 Located 83 miles northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada, 614 00:32:18,710 --> 00:32:21,379 Area 51 would later become infamous 615 00:32:21,380 --> 00:32:25,633 as the most top secret military base in the world. 616 00:32:25,634 --> 00:32:30,554 Area 51 is the secret base of all secret bases. 617 00:32:30,555 --> 00:32:33,224 For a long time, it was the place 618 00:32:33,225 --> 00:32:37,561 that we went to to study foreign technology. 619 00:32:37,562 --> 00:32:40,439 During the 1970s and '80s, 620 00:32:40,440 --> 00:32:43,234 T.D. Barnes worked at the secret base, 621 00:32:43,235 --> 00:32:46,237 reverse-engineering captured enemy aircraft, 622 00:32:46,238 --> 00:32:48,572 like Russian MiG jets. 623 00:32:48,573 --> 00:32:51,075 What we considered reverse-engineering was... 624 00:32:51,076 --> 00:32:54,328 was taking a plane or a radar, 625 00:32:54,329 --> 00:32:56,330 taking it apart, looking at the electronics, 626 00:32:56,331 --> 00:32:57,915 how they built it. 627 00:32:57,916 --> 00:33:00,251 We were all bound by security oaths. 628 00:33:00,252 --> 00:33:01,669 We could not talk. 629 00:33:01,670 --> 00:33:03,671 But is it possible that, 630 00:33:03,672 --> 00:33:05,464 in addition to reverse-engineering 631 00:33:05,465 --> 00:33:07,258 foreign fighter jets, 632 00:33:07,259 --> 00:33:10,636 Area 51 employees were also working on other, 633 00:33:10,637 --> 00:33:13,764 out-of-this-world technologies? 634 00:33:13,765 --> 00:33:16,851 To my mind, it's also clear that the U.S. government 635 00:33:16,852 --> 00:33:20,604 has had crashed extraterrestrial technology, 636 00:33:20,605 --> 00:33:23,607 and Area 51 would have been the perfect place 637 00:33:23,608 --> 00:33:27,445 to reverse-engineer and test that particular information. 638 00:33:27,446 --> 00:33:29,822 In order to insure that the activities 639 00:33:29,823 --> 00:33:33,742 at Area 51 and elsewhere were kept hidden from the public, 640 00:33:33,743 --> 00:33:36,162 members of the military, and even officers, 641 00:33:36,163 --> 00:33:38,664 were sworn to secrecy. 642 00:33:38,665 --> 00:33:42,501 But luckily for UFO researchers and ancient astronaut theorists, 643 00:33:42,502 --> 00:33:46,297 not everyone involved was willing to keep quiet. 644 00:33:46,298 --> 00:33:48,632 Some became whistleblowers, 645 00:33:48,633 --> 00:33:51,677 who risked everything from public scorn to imprisonment, 646 00:33:51,678 --> 00:33:55,474 in order to let the public learn the truth. 647 00:33:57,726 --> 00:33:59,727 Washington state. 648 00:33:59,728 --> 00:34:02,522 June 24, 1947. 649 00:34:03,815 --> 00:34:06,525 Aviator and businessman Kenneth Arnold 650 00:34:06,526 --> 00:34:08,986 witnesses nine fast-moving objects 651 00:34:08,987 --> 00:34:12,031 flying in tandem near Mount Rainier. 652 00:34:12,032 --> 00:34:15,826 He times them as they fly between two mountain peaks, 653 00:34:15,827 --> 00:34:17,328 and calculates their speed 654 00:34:17,329 --> 00:34:21,707 to be between 1,200 and 1,700 miles per hour, 655 00:34:21,708 --> 00:34:24,710 at least 600 miles per hour faster 656 00:34:24,711 --> 00:34:28,839 than the fastest aircraft in existence at the time. 657 00:34:28,840 --> 00:34:31,884 Kenneth Arnold is the guy who actually is credited 658 00:34:31,885 --> 00:34:34,136 with coining the term "flying saucer," 659 00:34:34,137 --> 00:34:37,306 because what he saw were objects that were flying 660 00:34:37,307 --> 00:34:39,517 at some distance from his airplane 661 00:34:39,518 --> 00:34:42,603 that were sort of skipping and jumping and wobbling 662 00:34:42,604 --> 00:34:45,189 and doing very, very unusual high-speed maneuvers. 663 00:34:45,190 --> 00:34:47,900 So that's where the term "flying saucer" came from. 664 00:34:47,901 --> 00:34:51,195 Although the U.S. Air Force formally categorized 665 00:34:51,196 --> 00:34:54,240 Kenneth Arnold's experience as a mirage, 666 00:34:54,241 --> 00:34:58,369 other reported sightings were not so easily dismissed. 667 00:34:58,370 --> 00:35:01,914 The public was starting to demand answers. 668 00:35:01,915 --> 00:35:04,208 Once the initial sighting happened by Kenneth Arnold, 669 00:35:04,209 --> 00:35:07,378 and the Roswell incident took place, 670 00:35:07,379 --> 00:35:11,090 there were sightings everywhere around the United States. 671 00:35:11,091 --> 00:35:13,635 They were happening all over the world. 672 00:35:15,887 --> 00:35:20,766 In 1949, retired Marine Corps pilot-turned-writer 673 00:35:20,767 --> 00:35:24,728 Major Donald Keyhoe was asked by True magazine 674 00:35:24,729 --> 00:35:28,232 to write an article on these numerous sightings. 675 00:35:28,233 --> 00:35:30,734 Although Keyhoe was a skeptic, 676 00:35:30,735 --> 00:35:33,571 he spent the next eight months conducting his own research 677 00:35:33,572 --> 00:35:35,990 by tapping into his contacts in the Pentagon 678 00:35:35,991 --> 00:35:38,242 and the military. 679 00:35:38,243 --> 00:35:40,744 Eventually, he came to a conclusion 680 00:35:40,745 --> 00:35:43,414 he would have considered unthinkable: 681 00:35:43,415 --> 00:35:46,584 flying saucers were not only real, 682 00:35:46,585 --> 00:35:50,796 they were of extraterrestrial origin. 683 00:35:50,797 --> 00:35:52,756 Major Keyhoe 684 00:35:52,757 --> 00:35:56,427 was one of the last real military voices, 685 00:35:56,428 --> 00:35:58,929 from the time of the Truman administration 686 00:35:58,930 --> 00:36:01,140 going into the Eisenhower administration, 687 00:36:01,141 --> 00:36:06,562 who was honestly trying to tell the truth. 688 00:36:06,563 --> 00:36:10,441 Keyhoe's article in True magazine shook the nation. 689 00:36:10,442 --> 00:36:13,277 It was not only a solid piece of journalism 690 00:36:13,278 --> 00:36:16,447 on the topic of UFOs, 691 00:36:16,448 --> 00:36:18,365 but served as a stinging indictment 692 00:36:18,366 --> 00:36:21,285 of the U.S. military and the government's determination 693 00:36:21,286 --> 00:36:24,246 to keep the public in the dark. 694 00:36:24,247 --> 00:36:28,292 That True magazine, it was historic because 695 00:36:28,293 --> 00:36:30,669 it went to a heck of a lot of people. 696 00:36:30,670 --> 00:36:33,130 Then, in 1958, Keyhoe went on a program 697 00:36:33,131 --> 00:36:34,965 called the Armstrong Circle Theatre, 698 00:36:34,966 --> 00:36:36,634 which was a live television program. 699 00:36:36,635 --> 00:36:39,970 "The Enigma of the Skies" 700 00:36:39,971 --> 00:36:43,307 on the Armstrong Circle Theatre. 701 00:36:43,308 --> 00:36:46,810 Major, you've seen our report on the Air Force conclusions 702 00:36:46,811 --> 00:36:49,105 dealing with the current UFO sightings. 703 00:36:50,649 --> 00:36:52,399 Well, I was excited to hear that 704 00:36:52,400 --> 00:36:55,152 Keyhoe was going to debate the Air Force. 705 00:36:55,153 --> 00:36:58,280 And now, Mr. Edwards, I would like to make a disclosure, 706 00:36:58,281 --> 00:37:01,075 something which has never been revealed to the public. 707 00:37:01,076 --> 00:37:04,328 Toward the end of the program, he broke in and said, 708 00:37:04,329 --> 00:37:07,331 to the effect, "I'm going to say something 709 00:37:07,332 --> 00:37:09,333 that the public has never heard before." 710 00:37:09,334 --> 00:37:11,710 If the hearings are held, open hearings, 711 00:37:11,711 --> 00:37:14,798 I feel it will prove beyond doubt that flying saucers... 712 00:37:17,384 --> 00:37:21,011 At that point, his sound was lost. 713 00:37:21,012 --> 00:37:26,184 What was Major Keyhoe saying, and who cut him off? 714 00:37:28,228 --> 00:37:29,269 Thank you, Major Keyhoe. 715 00:37:29,270 --> 00:37:31,772 It was later discovered 716 00:37:31,773 --> 00:37:33,899 that Air Force officials had been stationed 717 00:37:33,900 --> 00:37:36,568 in the control booth during the broadcast. 718 00:37:36,569 --> 00:37:39,196 And there are many who still believe that Keyhoe's audio 719 00:37:39,197 --> 00:37:42,991 was deliberately cut in order to keep him from revealing 720 00:37:42,992 --> 00:37:46,704 top secret information concerning the government's 721 00:37:46,705 --> 00:37:48,206 ongoing UFO investigations. 722 00:37:49,791 --> 00:37:51,918 The Air Force was lying. 723 00:37:53,837 --> 00:37:57,005 But why was the Air Force so concerned about 724 00:37:57,006 --> 00:38:00,050 the American public hearing Major Keyhoe's statement? 725 00:38:00,051 --> 00:38:03,762 What did they have to lose if they were forced to admit 726 00:38:03,763 --> 00:38:07,641 their ongoing investigations into UFOs? 727 00:38:07,642 --> 00:38:09,560 I wrote this down because I think 728 00:38:09,561 --> 00:38:12,604 it's one of the most important historic sentences, 729 00:38:12,605 --> 00:38:15,149 and it comes from Major Keyhoe. 730 00:38:15,150 --> 00:38:19,778 "For the past 175 years..." 731 00:38:19,779 --> 00:38:22,489 That would be 1772. 732 00:38:22,490 --> 00:38:26,076 That would be before the founding of the United States. 733 00:38:26,077 --> 00:38:30,748 "...the planet Earth has been under systematic, 734 00:38:30,749 --> 00:38:34,585 "close-range examination by 735 00:38:34,586 --> 00:38:39,507 living observers from another planet." 736 00:38:40,800 --> 00:38:43,427 This is nothing new. 737 00:38:43,428 --> 00:38:44,970 These cover-ups have happened 738 00:38:44,971 --> 00:38:47,264 for thousands and thousands of years. 739 00:38:47,265 --> 00:38:50,476 Throughout ancient texts, there are references 740 00:38:50,477 --> 00:38:54,104 to what I call "misunderstood technology." 741 00:38:54,105 --> 00:38:56,607 In modern times, 742 00:38:56,608 --> 00:38:59,777 you'll hear stories of UFOs and spacecraft, 743 00:38:59,778 --> 00:39:02,446 because now we have the language to talk about technology. 744 00:39:02,447 --> 00:39:05,365 Whereas in ancient times, they didn't have any reference 745 00:39:05,366 --> 00:39:07,576 to that kind of technology. 746 00:39:07,577 --> 00:39:09,495 So they would have thought this is something 747 00:39:09,496 --> 00:39:12,832 that's angelic or from another dimension or god-like. 748 00:39:14,584 --> 00:39:18,295 The fact that the U.S. government has investigated 749 00:39:18,296 --> 00:39:21,131 thousands and thousands of reports 750 00:39:21,132 --> 00:39:24,051 leads me to think that 751 00:39:24,052 --> 00:39:29,099 they may know much more than what they let us believe. 752 00:39:36,397 --> 00:39:39,066 Proof of the U.S. government's complicity 753 00:39:39,067 --> 00:39:41,652 in covering up extraterrestrial activity 754 00:39:41,653 --> 00:39:44,696 does not only come in the form of leaked documents 755 00:39:44,697 --> 00:39:47,491 and the contents of secret files. 756 00:39:47,492 --> 00:39:50,702 Sometimes the evidence comes 757 00:39:50,703 --> 00:39:53,622 from credible firsthand accounts, 758 00:39:53,623 --> 00:39:58,877 not from whistleblowers, but from American astronauts. 759 00:39:58,878 --> 00:40:02,381 Everything that NASA does is supposedly aboveboard. 760 00:40:02,382 --> 00:40:05,676 Everything they do, they should tell us about. 761 00:40:05,677 --> 00:40:08,011 We should know about all of their launches 762 00:40:08,012 --> 00:40:11,598 and missions and who all the astronauts are. 763 00:40:11,599 --> 00:40:14,935 They themselves are not sharing all of the information. 764 00:40:14,936 --> 00:40:17,647 Most of it is being kept secret. 765 00:40:24,270 --> 00:40:27,147 The Baikonur Cosmodrome. 766 00:40:27,148 --> 00:40:30,900 April 12, 1961. 767 00:40:30,901 --> 00:40:34,988 The Vostok-1 rocket achieves liftoff, 768 00:40:34,989 --> 00:40:38,158 and Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin 769 00:40:38,159 --> 00:40:40,953 is heralded as the first human in space. 770 00:40:42,246 --> 00:40:44,247 The event serves as a wake-up call 771 00:40:44,248 --> 00:40:46,833 to the United States and NASA, 772 00:40:46,834 --> 00:40:51,004 whose Project Mercury program would, over the next two years, 773 00:40:51,005 --> 00:40:54,007 launch six of its own astronauts into space. 774 00:40:54,008 --> 00:40:56,009 The Space Race... 775 00:40:56,010 --> 00:40:58,887 To land a human being on the Moon... was on, 776 00:40:58,888 --> 00:41:02,724 and mankind was now a space-faring species. 777 00:41:02,725 --> 00:41:05,644 The achievement of putting a man in space 778 00:41:05,645 --> 00:41:07,520 was almost a miracle. 779 00:41:07,521 --> 00:41:11,858 Nobody knows what they might see or encounter out there, 780 00:41:11,859 --> 00:41:15,362 extraterrestrial spacecraft or even E.T.s themselves. 781 00:41:15,363 --> 00:41:16,571 Liftoff. 782 00:41:16,572 --> 00:41:17,989 Although the first five 783 00:41:17,990 --> 00:41:19,574 Mercury missions go off without incident... 784 00:41:19,575 --> 00:41:22,118 Liftoff 30 minutes after the hour. 785 00:41:22,119 --> 00:41:24,579 ...during the sixth and final mission, 786 00:41:24,580 --> 00:41:28,750 astronaut Gordon Cooper reports an unusual encounter. 787 00:41:28,751 --> 00:41:32,379 While aboard his spacecraft, he reports 788 00:41:32,380 --> 00:41:36,049 a green glowing object quickly approaching his capsule. 789 00:41:36,050 --> 00:41:39,761 The UFO is also picked up by NASA's tracking station. 790 00:41:39,762 --> 00:41:43,390 But by the time Cooper splashes down 791 00:41:43,391 --> 00:41:47,185 in the Pacific Ocean, reporters are told 792 00:41:47,186 --> 00:41:51,064 that any questions about the incident are strictly forbidden. 793 00:41:51,065 --> 00:41:55,402 There's no question that NASA actually has protocols in place 794 00:41:55,403 --> 00:41:58,571 for how astronauts should deal with 795 00:41:58,572 --> 00:42:01,491 and report or not report anomalies. 796 00:42:01,492 --> 00:42:04,577 Now, over the years, there have been astronauts 797 00:42:04,578 --> 00:42:06,454 that have kind of broken those protocols. 798 00:42:06,455 --> 00:42:09,833 Gordon Cooper is one who talked a lot about a UFO sighting 799 00:42:09,834 --> 00:42:12,252 he had on a Mercury spacecraft. 800 00:42:12,253 --> 00:42:15,131 And that upset quite a few people at NASA. 801 00:42:16,590 --> 00:42:19,759 In June 1965, 802 00:42:19,760 --> 00:42:22,595 two years after Gordon Cooper's flight, 803 00:42:22,596 --> 00:42:26,307 Gemini 4 astronaut James McDivitt 804 00:42:26,308 --> 00:42:28,685 reports seeing a metallic object 805 00:42:28,686 --> 00:42:32,147 flying in orbit alongside his spacecraft. 806 00:42:32,148 --> 00:42:36,901 And, once again, the event is quickly covered up. 807 00:42:36,902 --> 00:42:39,112 There have been many stories over the years 808 00:42:39,113 --> 00:42:41,072 coming from astronauts of various missions, 809 00:42:41,073 --> 00:42:43,158 from Mercury missions, from the Apollo missions, 810 00:42:43,159 --> 00:42:46,161 and even from the Soviet missions to space, 811 00:42:46,162 --> 00:42:47,787 where astronauts have come out and said 812 00:42:47,788 --> 00:42:49,873 that they have seen these UFOs flying around, 813 00:42:49,874 --> 00:42:51,458 that they've been followed, 814 00:42:51,459 --> 00:42:53,126 that they've seen unconventional aircraft 815 00:42:53,127 --> 00:42:54,711 on some of their missions. 816 00:42:54,712 --> 00:42:57,338 There's a story that Buzz Aldrin tells 817 00:42:57,339 --> 00:43:00,049 about Apollo 11, where the Apollo 11 spacecraft 818 00:43:00,050 --> 00:43:03,386 was followed for many, many hours by an object 819 00:43:03,387 --> 00:43:05,722 that was so strange that they actually reported on it 820 00:43:05,723 --> 00:43:07,474 through their private channels. 821 00:43:07,475 --> 00:43:10,852 I'm looking out the window, and I see... 822 00:43:10,853 --> 00:43:12,937 What's that? 823 00:43:12,938 --> 00:43:17,317 There's an object that's moving with respect to everything else. 824 00:43:17,318 --> 00:43:19,652 Geez. It's not supposed to be doing that. 825 00:43:19,653 --> 00:43:21,322 Wonder how far away it is. 826 00:43:23,282 --> 00:43:26,743 If it's a long ways away, it's going mighty fast. 827 00:43:26,744 --> 00:43:31,206 If it's not too far away, it, uh, maybe isn't going very fast. 828 00:43:31,207 --> 00:43:34,125 Wonder what it is. 829 00:43:34,126 --> 00:43:36,085 "Hey, Neil. Look at this." 830 00:43:36,086 --> 00:43:37,378 We look at it. 831 00:43:37,379 --> 00:43:39,422 God, what is that? 832 00:43:39,423 --> 00:43:43,968 Probably the, uh, upper stage rocket. 833 00:43:43,969 --> 00:43:47,472 Yeah, but didn't we just watch that thing carefully 834 00:43:47,473 --> 00:43:50,308 out in front of us, out the window, 835 00:43:50,309 --> 00:43:53,811 light its engine and go... 836 00:43:53,812 --> 00:43:56,981 Well, I guess that's not what we're looking at, 837 00:43:56,982 --> 00:43:58,650 'cause that's a long ways away. 838 00:43:58,651 --> 00:44:02,820 What's the odds that it's some alien 839 00:44:02,821 --> 00:44:05,073 or Russian or something else? 840 00:44:05,074 --> 00:44:09,327 But we were not about to cancel the Moon mission 841 00:44:09,328 --> 00:44:12,456 and putt-putt over there to find out which one it was. 842 00:44:13,958 --> 00:44:15,875 There's been many astronauts 843 00:44:15,876 --> 00:44:18,545 that have come forward that have talked about this, 844 00:44:18,546 --> 00:44:21,589 so it seems like some of them want to talk about it, 845 00:44:21,590 --> 00:44:24,425 and others are either afraid to talk about it, 846 00:44:24,426 --> 00:44:26,594 or they've been silenced for some reason. 847 00:44:26,595 --> 00:44:31,140 One person involved with the early space program 848 00:44:31,141 --> 00:44:34,811 who did not remain silent was JoAnn Donaldson, 849 00:44:34,812 --> 00:44:37,730 a young biomedical engineer at NASA. 850 00:44:37,731 --> 00:44:43,653 In 1972, during the Apollo 17 Moon mission, 851 00:44:43,654 --> 00:44:47,323 Donaldson's job was to monitor the astronauts' vital signs 852 00:44:47,324 --> 00:44:51,369 and to observe their pre-flight and post-flight recovery. 853 00:44:51,370 --> 00:44:54,789 Ron Evans was in charge of the command module 854 00:44:54,790 --> 00:44:56,958 while Gene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt 855 00:44:56,959 --> 00:44:58,960 were on the surface of the Moon. 856 00:44:58,961 --> 00:45:02,171 When the command module would orbit the Moon, 857 00:45:02,172 --> 00:45:05,091 part of the orbit would take it behind the Moon, 858 00:45:05,092 --> 00:45:09,137 what we call "loss of signal" to Mission Control. 859 00:45:09,138 --> 00:45:13,182 Day two, Ron came out from behind the Moon, 860 00:45:13,183 --> 00:45:16,269 reported in to Mission Control. 861 00:45:16,270 --> 00:45:18,896 And Gene comes up on the comm link and says, 862 00:45:18,897 --> 00:45:22,609 "Hey, Ron, you're not lonely up there without us are you?" 863 00:45:22,610 --> 00:45:26,571 And Ron reported back, says, "Nope, I got company." 864 00:45:26,572 --> 00:45:29,073 Everybody was just kind of taken aback. 865 00:45:29,074 --> 00:45:32,118 It was like, you know, "company"? 866 00:45:32,119 --> 00:45:35,538 That itself implies that there was something else 867 00:45:35,539 --> 00:45:37,540 up there with him. 868 00:45:37,541 --> 00:45:40,918 Well, Mission Control's first reaction was, 869 00:45:40,919 --> 00:45:42,545 "Guys, are you joking?" 870 00:45:42,546 --> 00:45:45,423 And Ron says, "No, this is not a joke. 871 00:45:45,424 --> 00:45:50,011 "There is an object flying in formation with me, 872 00:45:50,012 --> 00:45:52,180 up here, circling the Moon." 873 00:45:52,181 --> 00:45:56,643 When Ron reported that the object was leaving his orbit, 874 00:45:56,644 --> 00:45:59,729 he calculated that they had been in formation with him 875 00:45:59,730 --> 00:46:01,606 for approximately five 876 00:46:01,607 --> 00:46:04,525 to five-and-a-half orbits of the Moon. 877 00:46:04,526 --> 00:46:07,612 As far as the public was concerned, 878 00:46:07,613 --> 00:46:10,448 nothing out of the ordinary happened. 879 00:46:10,449 --> 00:46:13,451 At the exact moment that astronaut Ron Evans 880 00:46:13,452 --> 00:46:15,662 reported he was not alone, 881 00:46:15,663 --> 00:46:20,501 NASA officials disconnected the public feed for media outlets. 882 00:46:22,628 --> 00:46:24,671 The following day, NASA ordered 883 00:46:24,672 --> 00:46:28,299 a conference call for everyone involved in the incident. 884 00:46:28,300 --> 00:46:31,010 We were all told we're gonna continue on 885 00:46:31,011 --> 00:46:34,806 with the mission as if nothing has happened, 886 00:46:34,807 --> 00:46:37,684 and do not discuss this anomaly 887 00:46:37,685 --> 00:46:42,313 with anyone outside of your command. 888 00:46:42,314 --> 00:46:46,734 After the Apollo 17 crew splashed down 889 00:46:46,735 --> 00:46:51,072 in the Pacific Ocean, JoAnn Donaldson examined Evans 890 00:46:51,073 --> 00:46:53,866 as part of the post-mission recovery procedure. 891 00:46:53,867 --> 00:46:57,870 Ron was sitting up on the side of his bunk. 892 00:46:57,871 --> 00:47:01,457 And he goes, "Well, I'm reliving" 893 00:47:01,458 --> 00:47:04,335 "what I saw while I was in orbit around the Moon. 894 00:47:04,336 --> 00:47:06,462 "I don't think the Russians had launched 895 00:47:06,463 --> 00:47:08,715 "something this big in orbit. 896 00:47:08,716 --> 00:47:11,509 "I estimate this thing was 40, 45 feet long. 897 00:47:11,510 --> 00:47:13,386 It was cigar shaped." 898 00:47:13,387 --> 00:47:15,722 Now, any cylindrical object like that 899 00:47:15,723 --> 00:47:18,641 is not gonna be something that we made. So what was it? 900 00:47:18,642 --> 00:47:21,769 Clearly it was not one of ours. 901 00:47:21,770 --> 00:47:23,438 We trust these astronauts 902 00:47:23,439 --> 00:47:25,606 to report back on what they see. 903 00:47:25,607 --> 00:47:26,858 They're essentially scientists 904 00:47:26,859 --> 00:47:28,276 that are exploring space on our behalf. 905 00:47:28,277 --> 00:47:30,862 But a lot of people are unaware of the fact 906 00:47:30,863 --> 00:47:33,573 that many of our astronauts have spoken openly about UFOs. 907 00:47:33,574 --> 00:47:37,744 Many of them were fighter pilots before they became astronauts, 908 00:47:37,745 --> 00:47:41,247 and they have seen craft flying as pilots. 909 00:47:41,248 --> 00:47:43,541 Could it be that they've been pulled aside and told, 910 00:47:43,542 --> 00:47:46,461 "This is all you're allowed to say and no more," 911 00:47:46,462 --> 00:47:48,546 because NASA is trying to silence 912 00:47:48,547 --> 00:47:50,424 these astronauts from telling the truth? 913 00:47:53,927 --> 00:47:55,720 Another Apollo astronaut 914 00:47:55,721 --> 00:47:59,015 who openly admitted his belief in extraterrestrial contact 915 00:47:59,016 --> 00:48:01,058 was Edgar Mitchell, 916 00:48:01,059 --> 00:48:03,811 the lunar module pilot for Apollo 14. 917 00:48:03,812 --> 00:48:07,440 In his later years, he claimed many of his colleagues 918 00:48:07,441 --> 00:48:10,067 had strange paranormal experiences 919 00:48:10,068 --> 00:48:13,404 during their missions, and frequently declared 920 00:48:13,405 --> 00:48:16,574 that most UFO phenomena are directly connected 921 00:48:16,575 --> 00:48:19,535 to extraterrestrial activity. 922 00:48:19,536 --> 00:48:23,748 I have had no firsthand personal experience, 923 00:48:23,749 --> 00:48:27,001 but all the evidence from the research people that I know 924 00:48:27,002 --> 00:48:29,587 from both Europe and the United States 925 00:48:29,588 --> 00:48:32,381 have investigated all the sightings 926 00:48:32,382 --> 00:48:35,343 from dozens of years. 927 00:48:35,344 --> 00:48:37,804 And it's pretty sure it's all true. 928 00:48:37,805 --> 00:48:43,726 I believe that the alien craft, presuming they're reality... 929 00:48:43,727 --> 00:48:45,728 I think they are, others think they are... 930 00:48:45,729 --> 00:48:47,897 Have been coming for a long, long time. 931 00:48:47,898 --> 00:48:51,901 As the sixth person to walk on the Moon, 932 00:48:51,902 --> 00:48:55,029 Mitchell's opinions concerning UFOs and their connection 933 00:48:55,030 --> 00:48:59,534 to extraterrestrial encounters have been difficult to dismiss. 934 00:48:59,535 --> 00:49:01,619 But if otherworldly entities 935 00:49:01,620 --> 00:49:03,663 have been making contact with us... 936 00:49:03,664 --> 00:49:07,917 Not only for decades but for centuries... 937 00:49:07,918 --> 00:49:10,546 What is their goal? 938 00:49:13,455 --> 00:49:17,084 July 20, 1969. 939 00:49:21,589 --> 00:49:23,756 Millions of people around the world 940 00:49:23,757 --> 00:49:25,925 are glued to their televisions 941 00:49:25,926 --> 00:49:29,762 to watch one of the greatest achievements in human history. 942 00:49:29,763 --> 00:49:32,265 Astronaut Neil Armstrong 943 00:49:32,266 --> 00:49:36,603 is about to become the first Earth-born extraterrestrial 944 00:49:36,604 --> 00:49:39,940 by stepping foot on the surface of the Moon. 945 00:49:46,530 --> 00:49:49,073 Although Richard Nixon 946 00:49:49,074 --> 00:49:51,159 is the current president of the United States, 947 00:49:51,160 --> 00:49:53,411 most give credit to the man 948 00:49:53,412 --> 00:49:55,788 who held the office six years earlier, 949 00:49:55,789 --> 00:49:58,791 John Fitzgerald Kennedy. 950 00:49:58,792 --> 00:50:03,588 Many years ago, the great British explorer George Mallory, 951 00:50:03,589 --> 00:50:07,300 who was to die on Mount Everest, 952 00:50:07,301 --> 00:50:09,469 was asked why did he want to climb it. 953 00:50:09,470 --> 00:50:11,804 He said, "Because it is there." 954 00:50:11,805 --> 00:50:14,974 Well, space is there, and we're going to climb it. 955 00:50:14,975 --> 00:50:18,269 But even as Neil Armstrong 956 00:50:18,270 --> 00:50:20,480 and fellow astronaut Buzz Aldrin 957 00:50:20,481 --> 00:50:22,940 were still engaged on their historic mission, 958 00:50:22,941 --> 00:50:26,277 Nixon and the team at NASA now faced 959 00:50:26,278 --> 00:50:30,448 an even more daunting challenge: What to do next? 960 00:50:30,449 --> 00:50:32,617 The Moon mission had gripped 961 00:50:32,618 --> 00:50:35,620 the American consciousness as nothing before, 962 00:50:35,621 --> 00:50:38,206 and even though a number of return missions 963 00:50:38,207 --> 00:50:40,667 had been planned, there was nothing on the launch pad 964 00:50:40,668 --> 00:50:43,211 that could top landing a man on the Moon 965 00:50:43,212 --> 00:50:45,380 as either a national goal 966 00:50:45,381 --> 00:50:48,174 or effective political propaganda. 967 00:50:48,175 --> 00:50:52,178 To this end, in 1972, 968 00:50:52,179 --> 00:50:55,181 as Nixon began planning his reelection campaign, 969 00:50:55,182 --> 00:50:58,559 the space shuttle program was announced. 970 00:50:58,560 --> 00:51:01,020 It was also during this same time 971 00:51:01,021 --> 00:51:04,148 that the president's chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman, 972 00:51:04,149 --> 00:51:07,026 proposed the creation of a documentary film 973 00:51:07,027 --> 00:51:09,862 that would depict Nixon as being fully committed 974 00:51:09,863 --> 00:51:11,531 to the development of a number 975 00:51:11,532 --> 00:51:14,200 of ambitious science-based programs. 976 00:51:14,201 --> 00:51:17,203 To produce it, Haldeman turned 977 00:51:17,204 --> 00:51:20,415 to successful advertising executive-turned-filmmaker 978 00:51:20,416 --> 00:51:23,167 Robert Emenegger. 979 00:51:23,168 --> 00:51:25,545 They knew that Bob had made promotional films 980 00:51:25,546 --> 00:51:27,714 for the Department of Defense. 981 00:51:27,715 --> 00:51:30,425 So he was contacted and asked 982 00:51:30,426 --> 00:51:32,760 if he would come to a meeting in Los Angeles 983 00:51:32,761 --> 00:51:34,762 with the Committee to Re-Elect the President. 984 00:51:34,763 --> 00:51:38,516 And they said, "We need a media consultant. 985 00:51:38,517 --> 00:51:40,560 "We'd like somebody to come on board 986 00:51:40,561 --> 00:51:43,896 "and make a documentary that would support Nixon, 987 00:51:43,897 --> 00:51:48,067 "a documentary about some perhaps secret project 988 00:51:48,068 --> 00:51:50,903 "that the government's been working on 989 00:51:50,904 --> 00:51:53,573 that can be released or declassified." 990 00:51:53,574 --> 00:51:56,075 Well, they run around the country 991 00:51:56,076 --> 00:51:58,661 being shown all sorts of secret projects. 992 00:51:58,662 --> 00:52:01,539 They went to Wright-Patterson, and they were shown 993 00:52:01,540 --> 00:52:03,875 very classified laser experiments. 994 00:52:03,876 --> 00:52:08,796 They were shown dolphins being trained for demolition work. 995 00:52:08,797 --> 00:52:12,884 They were shown dogs being trained for various tasks. 996 00:52:12,885 --> 00:52:16,554 Then they were taken to Norton Air Force Base, 997 00:52:16,555 --> 00:52:20,266 which at that time housed the Air Force film depository. 998 00:52:20,267 --> 00:52:23,603 Paul Shartle was the director of the depository. 999 00:52:23,604 --> 00:52:27,857 They were taken into a building where these films were kept. 1000 00:52:27,858 --> 00:52:31,068 They were taken into what was known as a clean room, 1001 00:52:31,069 --> 00:52:34,030 meaning it was free of any bugs, microphones, 1002 00:52:34,031 --> 00:52:36,574 video equipment, anything. 1003 00:52:36,575 --> 00:52:40,703 It was during his meeting at Norton Air Force Base 1004 00:52:40,704 --> 00:52:44,290 that Robert Emenegger learned that Paul Shartle had 1005 00:52:44,291 --> 00:52:47,502 a different agenda from that of the president, 1006 00:52:47,503 --> 00:52:49,754 and a different film in mind than the one 1007 00:52:49,755 --> 00:52:53,299 that had been initially proposed. 1008 00:52:53,300 --> 00:52:56,636 Shartle said, "I'd like to ask you this: 1009 00:52:56,637 --> 00:53:01,432 How would you like to make a documentary on UFOs?" 1010 00:53:01,433 --> 00:53:03,184 And Bob Emenegger was stunned. 1011 00:53:03,185 --> 00:53:05,436 He told me at his home, 1012 00:53:05,437 --> 00:53:07,647 he said, "I didn't know anything about UFOs." 1013 00:53:07,648 --> 00:53:09,065 "I was shocked. 1014 00:53:09,066 --> 00:53:12,401 "They said if we would make the documentary, 1015 00:53:12,402 --> 00:53:17,281 "we would be given 600 feet of 16-millimeter film 1016 00:53:17,282 --> 00:53:21,869 shot at Holloman Air Force Base of a UFO landing there." 1017 00:53:21,870 --> 00:53:24,288 For Robert Emenegger, 1018 00:53:24,289 --> 00:53:27,124 it was an offer too good to refuse. 1019 00:53:27,125 --> 00:53:28,835 Believing he had the full support 1020 00:53:28,836 --> 00:53:31,212 of both the president and the military, 1021 00:53:31,213 --> 00:53:33,172 he set about to make the U.S. government's 1022 00:53:33,173 --> 00:53:36,843 first official film on the subject of UFOs. 1023 00:53:36,844 --> 00:53:39,720 He quickly recruited Rod Serling, 1024 00:53:39,721 --> 00:53:43,641 Burgess Meredith and José Ferrer to narrate the film, 1025 00:53:43,642 --> 00:53:47,687 and the final explosive scene was to show actual footage 1026 00:53:47,688 --> 00:53:50,690 of an alien encounter. 1027 00:53:50,691 --> 00:53:52,650 But when it came time to receive 1028 00:53:52,651 --> 00:53:54,819 the incredible footage he'd been promised, 1029 00:53:54,820 --> 00:53:58,364 Emenegger had the government's once-open door 1030 00:53:58,365 --> 00:54:01,325 slammed in his face. 1031 00:54:01,326 --> 00:54:05,955 They had been promised really dramatic footage, 1032 00:54:05,956 --> 00:54:09,750 said to be completely legit, of a UFO landing 1033 00:54:09,751 --> 00:54:13,337 at Holloman Air Force Base, in 1964, 1034 00:54:13,338 --> 00:54:15,089 which had alien beings come out, 1035 00:54:15,090 --> 00:54:17,550 like The Day the Earth Stood Still, essentially. 1036 00:54:17,551 --> 00:54:21,304 Out came some kind of a ramp. 1037 00:54:21,305 --> 00:54:24,557 Our contingent of humans walked up, 1038 00:54:24,558 --> 00:54:26,350 met these two EBENs, 1039 00:54:26,351 --> 00:54:29,061 "Extraterrestrial Biological Entities." 1040 00:54:29,062 --> 00:54:34,734 And then in this doorway was a being unlike the EBENs, 1041 00:54:34,735 --> 00:54:37,695 and that it was holding a rod that had a spiral 1042 00:54:37,696 --> 00:54:41,073 that went around the rod, and that this was used 1043 00:54:41,074 --> 00:54:43,951 to communicate with our team. 1044 00:54:43,952 --> 00:54:46,412 This was a film 1045 00:54:46,413 --> 00:54:48,748 that had four different vantage points. 1046 00:54:48,749 --> 00:54:51,250 They were shooting one from the air, three on the ground. 1047 00:54:51,251 --> 00:54:53,419 And the craft landed, 1048 00:54:53,420 --> 00:54:56,547 the aliens came out, and they stored the craft. 1049 00:54:56,548 --> 00:54:58,299 All this was on film. 1050 00:54:58,300 --> 00:55:02,386 But on the day Emenegger was to be given a copy 1051 00:55:02,387 --> 00:55:05,097 of the 16-millimeter footage from the Air Force, 1052 00:55:05,098 --> 00:55:08,185 the filmmaker received an unexpected phone call. 1053 00:55:10,187 --> 00:55:13,105 It is one of those like out of a Hollywood feature. 1054 00:55:13,106 --> 00:55:17,276 It's supposed to be coming. A courier is on the way. 1055 00:55:17,277 --> 00:55:19,987 They cannot believe it. It's really gonna happen. 1056 00:55:19,988 --> 00:55:22,448 They're gonna see all of this film. 1057 00:55:22,449 --> 00:55:24,784 And then another phone call: 1058 00:55:24,785 --> 00:55:27,912 "We're sorry, the approval has been rescinded. 1059 00:55:27,913 --> 00:55:29,789 No film." 1060 00:55:29,790 --> 00:55:33,125 Colonel Coleman from the Pentagon said, 1061 00:55:33,126 --> 00:55:34,752 "The timing isn't right. 1062 00:55:34,753 --> 00:55:37,630 We can't allow you to use the film." 1063 00:55:37,631 --> 00:55:39,632 Bob Emenegger was crushed. 1064 00:55:39,633 --> 00:55:41,258 He said, "Why?" 1065 00:55:41,259 --> 00:55:44,470 And he found out that, "Making a documentary 1066 00:55:44,471 --> 00:55:48,015 "exposing UFOs as being extraterrestrial 1067 00:55:48,016 --> 00:55:52,311 would not help the president, but conceivably could harm him." 1068 00:55:52,312 --> 00:55:55,147 Ultimately, Robert Emenegger 1069 00:55:55,148 --> 00:55:58,150 was forced to complete his documentary 1070 00:55:58,151 --> 00:56:01,612 without the sensational footage he had been promised. 1071 00:56:01,613 --> 00:56:02,989 It was a documentary called 1072 00:56:02,990 --> 00:56:04,991 Past, Present, and Future. 1073 00:56:04,992 --> 00:56:07,159 And they also had a book by the same name. 1074 00:56:07,160 --> 00:56:10,079 As written by Robert Emenegger, 1075 00:56:10,080 --> 00:56:13,124 and directed by Ray Rivas, the documentary 1076 00:56:13,125 --> 00:56:16,335 proved to be both popular and influential. 1077 00:56:16,336 --> 00:56:20,172 Even without the smoking gun footage, it caused a sensation, 1078 00:56:20,173 --> 00:56:24,343 and was later credited as one of the inspirations 1079 00:56:24,344 --> 00:56:27,847 behind Steven Spielberg's 1977 blockbuster 1080 00:56:27,848 --> 00:56:32,018 Close Encounters of the Third Kind. 1081 00:56:32,019 --> 00:56:34,061 The Robert Emenegger disclosure effort 1082 00:56:34,062 --> 00:56:35,896 is what I call it. 1083 00:56:35,897 --> 00:56:38,649 I said, "You know, that film, Bob, that's very strange." 1084 00:56:38,650 --> 00:56:40,860 "You know, if it weren't for the location, 1085 00:56:40,861 --> 00:56:42,528 that's Close Encounters of the Third Kind." 1086 00:56:42,529 --> 00:56:45,156 And he said, "What, I didn't tell you?" 1087 00:56:45,157 --> 00:56:47,408 And I said, "You didn't tell me what?" 1088 00:56:47,409 --> 00:56:49,702 "I didn't tell you I gave a copy to Steven Spielberg?" 1089 00:56:49,703 --> 00:56:51,996 And I said, "No, you didn't tell me that." 1090 00:56:51,997 --> 00:56:55,166 So the documentary was done in 1975. 1091 00:56:55,167 --> 00:56:57,209 Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind 1092 00:56:57,210 --> 00:57:00,046 came out in 1977. 1093 00:57:00,047 --> 00:57:02,548 And so, when you see Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 1094 00:57:02,549 --> 00:57:04,508 it's the Holloman Air Force Base story, 1095 00:57:04,509 --> 00:57:06,218 just changed the location. 1096 00:57:06,219 --> 00:57:08,679 It's exactly what the story was. 1097 00:57:08,680 --> 00:57:12,058 While the alleged alien UFO footage 1098 00:57:12,059 --> 00:57:15,019 from Holloman Air Force Base has never surfaced, 1099 00:57:15,020 --> 00:57:18,731 many ancient astronaut theorists believe it still exists, 1100 00:57:18,732 --> 00:57:21,233 under lock and key. 1101 00:57:21,234 --> 00:57:27,073 What I am really truly expecting is that somewhere, 1102 00:57:27,074 --> 00:57:30,701 from 2018, going forward in the next decade, 1103 00:57:30,702 --> 00:57:37,416 that finally all of that film is going to be released, 1104 00:57:37,417 --> 00:57:41,921 and that we will finally enter the true history. 1105 00:57:41,922 --> 00:57:45,591 Did the U.S. Air Force really have footage 1106 00:57:45,592 --> 00:57:48,052 of secret meetings between government officials 1107 00:57:48,053 --> 00:57:50,638 and extraterrestrials? 1108 00:57:50,639 --> 00:57:55,018 And if so, where is it now? 1109 00:57:59,629 --> 00:58:01,568 Coming up... For decades, American presidents 1110 00:58:01,739 --> 00:58:05,158 have officially denied that they have received any information 1111 00:58:05,159 --> 00:58:08,161 that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth. 1112 00:58:08,162 --> 00:58:11,748 But considering that the U.S. government has conducted 1113 00:58:11,749 --> 00:58:15,418 at least four major investigations into UFO activity 1114 00:58:15,419 --> 00:58:17,420 since the 1940s, 1115 00:58:17,421 --> 00:58:21,591 why has there been so much time and taxpayer money devoted 1116 00:58:21,592 --> 00:58:23,176 to studying something 1117 00:58:23,177 --> 00:58:26,471 that the government claims isn't happening? 1118 00:58:26,472 --> 00:58:29,474 We don't know for an absolute fact 1119 00:58:29,475 --> 00:58:32,351 what kind of briefings presidents actually receive, 1120 00:58:32,352 --> 00:58:35,772 when they come into office, about extraterrestrials. 1121 00:58:35,773 --> 00:58:37,482 But we do have some indications 1122 00:58:37,483 --> 00:58:39,776 from some documents that do exist, 1123 00:58:39,777 --> 00:58:43,446 one of them being the original MJ-12 presidential briefing 1124 00:58:43,447 --> 00:58:45,156 for President Eisenhower, 1125 00:58:45,157 --> 00:58:47,784 telling him all about the crash at Roswell. 1126 00:58:48,660 --> 00:58:52,204 On November 2, 2005, 1127 00:58:52,205 --> 00:58:55,374 a document surfaced that was allegedly a transcript 1128 00:58:55,375 --> 00:58:58,293 made from a recorded presidential briefing 1129 00:58:58,294 --> 00:59:03,131 held at Camp David in March of 1981. 1130 00:59:03,132 --> 00:59:07,219 Present were President Ronald Reagan, 1131 00:59:07,220 --> 00:59:09,638 CIA director William Casey, 1132 00:59:09,639 --> 00:59:12,140 Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, 1133 00:59:12,141 --> 00:59:16,853 and a mysterious person known only as "The Caretaker." 1134 00:59:16,854 --> 00:59:20,107 According to the document, during the meeting, 1135 00:59:20,108 --> 00:59:22,734 The Caretaker shared evidence that aliens 1136 00:59:22,735 --> 00:59:26,530 have been visiting the Earth for thousands of years, 1137 00:59:26,531 --> 00:59:29,866 and that modern American records of such encounters 1138 00:59:29,867 --> 00:59:35,580 officially began in 1947, following the Roswell incident. 1139 00:59:35,581 --> 00:59:37,708 Certainly, if you look at Ronald Reagan, 1140 00:59:37,709 --> 00:59:40,502 he's somebody who brought up aliens all the time. 1141 00:59:40,503 --> 00:59:43,380 To my mind, what Reagan is communicating is, 1142 00:59:43,381 --> 00:59:46,550 "Yes, Roswell happened. Yes, it is significant. 1143 00:59:46,551 --> 00:59:48,385 "Yes, there are aliens. 1144 00:59:48,386 --> 00:59:51,388 "And we'd better get used to this idea 1145 00:59:51,389 --> 00:59:53,724 or figure out how to deal with them." 1146 00:59:53,725 --> 00:59:57,060 I, William Jefferson Clinton... 1147 00:59:57,061 --> 00:59:58,895 But it was with the inauguration 1148 00:59:58,896 --> 01:00:02,899 of President Bill Clinton in January 1993 1149 01:00:02,900 --> 01:00:05,235 that many UFO researchers believed 1150 01:00:05,236 --> 01:00:09,531 they finally had an ally in the White House. 1151 01:00:09,532 --> 01:00:13,910 If the United States Air Force did recover alien bodies, 1152 01:00:13,911 --> 01:00:16,079 they didn't tell me about it, either, 1153 01:00:16,080 --> 01:00:18,415 and I want to know. 1154 01:00:18,416 --> 01:00:22,085 So, when Bill Clinton gets into office, he called in 1155 01:00:22,086 --> 01:00:23,962 his presidential aide Webb Hubbell, 1156 01:00:23,963 --> 01:00:27,299 and the first two things that he asked for after he was president 1157 01:00:27,300 --> 01:00:31,344 was who killed JFK and are there aliens. 1158 01:00:31,345 --> 01:00:35,348 Clinton knew that there was something up about aliens 1159 01:00:35,349 --> 01:00:39,060 and UFOs that people were not being told. 1160 01:00:39,061 --> 01:00:40,937 In his quest to shed light 1161 01:00:40,938 --> 01:00:43,607 on the government's secret UFO investigations, 1162 01:00:43,608 --> 01:00:46,985 President Clinton found an unlikely ally 1163 01:00:46,986 --> 01:00:50,614 in billionaire philanthropist Laurance S. Rockefeller, 1164 01:00:50,615 --> 01:00:53,325 who used his influence to push full disclosure 1165 01:00:53,326 --> 01:00:57,914 about possible extraterrestrial activities on Earth. 1166 01:00:59,749 --> 01:01:01,958 The way it started was Laurance Rockefeller, 1167 01:01:01,959 --> 01:01:04,753 who was one of the famous Rockefeller brothers, 1168 01:01:04,754 --> 01:01:09,257 had been shown a documentary on Roswell 1169 01:01:09,258 --> 01:01:11,009 and was very interested. 1170 01:01:11,010 --> 01:01:12,677 So, the election was going on at the time, 1171 01:01:12,678 --> 01:01:15,806 and he said, "Whether Ross Perot wins or George Bush wins" 1172 01:01:15,807 --> 01:01:18,266 "or Bill Clinton wins, I'm going to the White House 1173 01:01:18,267 --> 01:01:22,771 and I'm going to get them to disclose the UFO story." 1174 01:01:22,772 --> 01:01:27,692 In 1993, Laurance Rockefeller began inviting 1175 01:01:27,693 --> 01:01:29,986 a select group of UFO researchers 1176 01:01:29,987 --> 01:01:32,113 and ancient astronaut theorists 1177 01:01:32,114 --> 01:01:34,491 to join him for an important first meeting 1178 01:01:34,492 --> 01:01:39,496 of what would become known as the Rockefeller Initiative. 1179 01:01:39,497 --> 01:01:43,333 In 1993, I got a phone call saying, 1180 01:01:43,334 --> 01:01:46,294 "Linda, we'd like you to join 1181 01:01:46,295 --> 01:01:48,296 "a group of your peers 1182 01:01:48,297 --> 01:01:52,467 at Laurance Rockefeller's ranch at Jackson Hole." 1183 01:01:52,468 --> 01:01:55,345 So, we met. 1184 01:01:55,346 --> 01:01:57,973 There were people like Robert Bigelow, 1185 01:01:57,974 --> 01:02:00,642 now the head of Bigelow Aerospace. 1186 01:02:00,643 --> 01:02:05,856 And there were others that were authors and scientists. 1187 01:02:05,857 --> 01:02:08,275 One of the people who helped edit the letter 1188 01:02:08,276 --> 01:02:10,861 on UFO disclosure to the president of the United States 1189 01:02:10,862 --> 01:02:11,987 was Hillary Clinton. 1190 01:02:11,988 --> 01:02:15,657 She was the first lady at the time. 1191 01:02:15,658 --> 01:02:18,326 Another person close to Bill Clinton 1192 01:02:18,327 --> 01:02:22,080 who was an advocate for government investigation of UFOs 1193 01:02:22,081 --> 01:02:23,874 was John Podesta, 1194 01:02:23,875 --> 01:02:27,752 who served as the president's assistant in 1993 1195 01:02:27,753 --> 01:02:33,425 and became his deputy chief of staff in 1997. 1196 01:02:33,426 --> 01:02:37,387 I've had a long career, trying to fight 1197 01:02:37,388 --> 01:02:40,557 against government secrecy and create more openness. 1198 01:02:40,558 --> 01:02:42,893 Right after I left law school, I started working on that 1199 01:02:42,894 --> 01:02:44,352 at the Department of Justice, 1200 01:02:44,353 --> 01:02:46,062 then at the Senate Judiciary Committee. 1201 01:02:46,063 --> 01:02:47,856 And then when I worked for President Clinton 1202 01:02:47,857 --> 01:02:50,025 in the White House, I was one of the people 1203 01:02:50,026 --> 01:02:51,860 spearheading an initiative, 1204 01:02:51,861 --> 01:02:54,738 to declassify what turned out to be 1205 01:02:54,739 --> 01:02:56,823 over a billion pages of documents 1206 01:02:56,824 --> 01:02:59,784 that were resident at the National Archives. 1207 01:02:59,785 --> 01:03:01,411 In President Clinton's case, 1208 01:03:01,412 --> 01:03:03,580 I think he was interested in the phenomena. 1209 01:03:03,581 --> 01:03:06,583 He had worked with his then science advisor Jack Gibbons 1210 01:03:06,584 --> 01:03:09,377 to understand what was going on. 1211 01:03:09,378 --> 01:03:12,297 This correspondence starts going back and forth 1212 01:03:12,298 --> 01:03:13,590 for three years. 1213 01:03:13,591 --> 01:03:15,759 Rockefeller is putting immense pressure 1214 01:03:15,760 --> 01:03:17,886 on the White House to disclose. 1215 01:03:17,887 --> 01:03:20,430 Laurance Rockefeller requested 1216 01:03:20,431 --> 01:03:23,934 that the 1947 Roswell incident be a starting point 1217 01:03:23,935 --> 01:03:26,061 in the government's disclosure. 1218 01:03:26,062 --> 01:03:28,480 They went out and they reinvestigated Roswell. 1219 01:03:28,481 --> 01:03:30,106 It came back, 1220 01:03:30,107 --> 01:03:33,151 and Bill Clinton saw the final report in 1995. 1221 01:03:33,152 --> 01:03:36,446 President Clinton's one of 1222 01:03:36,447 --> 01:03:38,782 the most curious people I've ever met. 1223 01:03:38,783 --> 01:03:41,326 I think he wanted to know what the Air Force knew, 1224 01:03:41,327 --> 01:03:43,620 and got a report back that, in my view, 1225 01:03:43,621 --> 01:03:46,456 was a little bit unsatisfying. 1226 01:03:46,457 --> 01:03:48,500 He was furious, from what I was told. 1227 01:03:48,501 --> 01:03:50,919 The Rockefeller Initiative 1228 01:03:50,920 --> 01:03:52,921 was hoping for a revelation, 1229 01:03:52,922 --> 01:03:55,799 but the U.S. Air Force stuck to its position 1230 01:03:55,800 --> 01:04:00,971 that a crashed weather balloon caused the Roswell incident. 1231 01:04:00,972 --> 01:04:03,765 Clinton goes to Belfast, Northern Ireland, 1232 01:04:03,766 --> 01:04:05,850 in November of 1995. 1233 01:04:05,851 --> 01:04:07,519 He's lighting the Christmas tree, 1234 01:04:07,520 --> 01:04:09,813 and that's when he gives the famous speech. 1235 01:04:09,814 --> 01:04:12,524 He said he gets a letter from Ryan, 1236 01:04:12,525 --> 01:04:14,985 which I tried to recover in an FOIA. 1237 01:04:14,986 --> 01:04:18,405 There is no letter to Ryan. I think they just made it up. 1238 01:04:18,406 --> 01:04:21,282 He said, "Ryan, if you're out there in the audience tonight", 1239 01:04:21,283 --> 01:04:23,243 here's the answer to your question." 1240 01:04:23,244 --> 01:04:24,661 No. 1241 01:04:24,662 --> 01:04:27,831 As far as I know, an alien spacecraft 1242 01:04:27,832 --> 01:04:31,334 did not crash in Roswell, New Mexico. 1243 01:04:31,335 --> 01:04:35,171 And, Ryan, if the United States Air Force 1244 01:04:35,172 --> 01:04:37,799 did recover alien bodies, 1245 01:04:37,800 --> 01:04:42,303 they didn't tell me about it, either, and I want to know. 1246 01:04:42,304 --> 01:04:46,599 That's why in 1997 the U.S. Air Force goes out 1247 01:04:46,600 --> 01:04:49,227 and does a second Roswell report, 1248 01:04:49,228 --> 01:04:50,687 spends $20 million on it, 1249 01:04:50,688 --> 01:04:52,522 because the president was furious. 1250 01:04:52,523 --> 01:04:55,233 According to the revised report, 1251 01:04:55,234 --> 01:04:58,820 the so-called alien bodies that eyewitnesses claimed 1252 01:04:58,821 --> 01:05:00,947 they saw being pulled from the wreckage 1253 01:05:00,948 --> 01:05:05,201 were dismissed as being nothing more than crash test dummies 1254 01:05:05,202 --> 01:05:07,537 which had been tethered to parachutes being used 1255 01:05:07,538 --> 01:05:10,373 in an otherwise conventional test. 1256 01:05:10,374 --> 01:05:13,877 Dr. Gibbons pressed first the Secretary of Defense 1257 01:05:13,878 --> 01:05:16,171 Les Aspen, and then the Secretary of the Air Force, 1258 01:05:16,172 --> 01:05:19,382 to take this matter seriously, to do a review. 1259 01:05:19,383 --> 01:05:21,384 The boxes were missing. The documents were gone. 1260 01:05:21,385 --> 01:05:23,553 Nobody knew anything. 1261 01:05:23,554 --> 01:05:27,933 And, you know, the... the trail kind of went cold. 1262 01:05:29,351 --> 01:05:31,561 In 1996, 1263 01:05:31,562 --> 01:05:35,231 the Rockefeller Initiative was quietly closed, 1264 01:05:35,232 --> 01:05:36,858 and its participants... 1265 01:05:36,859 --> 01:05:38,693 Frustrated that forces within the government 1266 01:05:38,694 --> 01:05:41,404 still refused to reveal the truth... 1267 01:05:41,405 --> 01:05:45,617 Went away without the answers they'd hoped for. 1268 01:05:45,618 --> 01:05:48,536 The Rockefeller Initiative is considered by some researchers 1269 01:05:48,537 --> 01:05:51,998 to be the biggest government UFO disclosure story 1270 01:05:51,999 --> 01:05:53,583 of all times. 1271 01:05:53,584 --> 01:05:55,752 The fact that it even existed, 1272 01:05:55,753 --> 01:05:58,463 that it was sanctioned in any way by the government, 1273 01:05:58,464 --> 01:06:00,590 that the report was accepted 1274 01:06:00,591 --> 01:06:02,592 by the White House and people in the government, 1275 01:06:02,593 --> 01:06:04,928 I think is very, very highly significant. 1276 01:06:04,929 --> 01:06:07,597 So it's kind of a very small incremental step forward 1277 01:06:07,598 --> 01:06:09,974 in the process of disclosure 1278 01:06:09,975 --> 01:06:13,394 and moving us towards the ultimate answers 1279 01:06:13,395 --> 01:06:15,815 to the questions that we're all asking. 1280 01:06:17,709 --> 01:06:21,378 Washington, D.C. 1281 01:06:21,379 --> 01:06:24,715 July 1996. 1282 01:06:24,716 --> 01:06:27,218 Political activist Stephen Bassett 1283 01:06:27,219 --> 01:06:29,261 becomes the first registered 1284 01:06:29,262 --> 01:06:31,764 extraterrestrial life and disclosure lobbyist 1285 01:06:31,765 --> 01:06:34,433 in the United States. 1286 01:06:34,434 --> 01:06:37,603 For years, he had been trying to organize 1287 01:06:37,604 --> 01:06:39,939 a hearing with members of Congress 1288 01:06:39,940 --> 01:06:42,775 to present evidence that the government was hiding 1289 01:06:42,776 --> 01:06:46,153 important information from its people. 1290 01:06:46,154 --> 01:06:50,658 The extraterrestrial presence, if formally acknowledged, 1291 01:06:50,659 --> 01:06:53,619 could bring in an age of reform, where the human race 1292 01:06:53,620 --> 01:06:55,246 could get its act together, 1293 01:06:55,247 --> 01:06:57,123 because we're running out of time. 1294 01:06:57,124 --> 01:07:00,459 As I got into the issue, 1295 01:07:00,460 --> 01:07:03,838 what I learned is just how dysfunctional 1296 01:07:03,839 --> 01:07:07,007 the United States government had become. 1297 01:07:07,008 --> 01:07:09,593 It is the vast expanse of secrecy 1298 01:07:09,594 --> 01:07:12,179 and abuse of secrecy in power that is lying 1299 01:07:12,180 --> 01:07:15,474 at the base of a great deal of our problems. 1300 01:07:15,475 --> 01:07:20,229 And so I had one simple fundamental task: 1301 01:07:20,230 --> 01:07:22,481 formal acknowledgment of the extraterrestrial presence, 1302 01:07:22,482 --> 01:07:24,817 simple, clean and easy. 1303 01:07:24,818 --> 01:07:27,653 Gentlemen, if you could stand and repeat after me? 1304 01:07:27,654 --> 01:07:32,867 On April 29, 2013, Bassett organized 1305 01:07:32,868 --> 01:07:36,495 the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in Washington, D.C. 1306 01:07:36,496 --> 01:07:39,165 The objective was to bring together 1307 01:07:39,166 --> 01:07:43,544 the most compelling evidence of extraterrestrial visits to Earth 1308 01:07:43,545 --> 01:07:46,005 and convince former members of Congress 1309 01:07:46,006 --> 01:07:47,715 to take immediate action. 1310 01:07:47,716 --> 01:07:50,843 I had wanted to do it since 2001... 1311 01:07:50,844 --> 01:07:54,221 Bring in 42 witnesses, from ten countries, 1312 01:07:54,222 --> 01:07:58,309 to testify in the main ballroom of the National Press Club, 1313 01:07:58,310 --> 01:08:01,395 before six former members of the Congress, 1314 01:08:01,396 --> 01:08:04,690 five congresspersons, one senator. 1315 01:08:04,691 --> 01:08:09,028 And they testified for 30 hours over five days. 1316 01:08:09,029 --> 01:08:11,197 It was an amazing event, 1317 01:08:11,198 --> 01:08:15,534 mostly because of the caliber of witnesses that were brought in, 1318 01:08:15,535 --> 01:08:17,870 the investigators, researchers. 1319 01:08:17,871 --> 01:08:19,872 They don't want you to know that. 1320 01:08:19,873 --> 01:08:22,166 Witnesses included John Callahan, 1321 01:08:22,167 --> 01:08:23,667 former division chief 1322 01:08:23,668 --> 01:08:26,045 of the Accidents and Investigations Branch 1323 01:08:26,046 --> 01:08:28,297 of the FAA, 1324 01:08:28,298 --> 01:08:31,717 the former Canadian Minister of Defence, Paul Hellyer, 1325 01:08:31,718 --> 01:08:35,221 retired Air Force captain Robert Salas, 1326 01:08:35,222 --> 01:08:38,557 and many others who had conducted extensive research 1327 01:08:38,558 --> 01:08:40,392 into the UFO phenomenon. 1328 01:08:40,393 --> 01:08:43,395 We live in a cosmos teeming with life. 1329 01:08:43,396 --> 01:08:45,689 The fact that some other civilizations 1330 01:08:45,690 --> 01:08:47,733 are more advanced than we are may be humbling, 1331 01:08:47,734 --> 01:08:51,320 but that could be a necessary step in our survival. 1332 01:08:51,321 --> 01:08:54,782 People are so afraid for their lives, their families, 1333 01:08:54,783 --> 01:08:58,786 because they have had to sign nondisclosure agreements. 1334 01:08:58,787 --> 01:09:02,748 Witness from the U.K., Nick Pope. 1335 01:09:02,749 --> 01:09:04,250 Thank you. 1336 01:09:04,251 --> 01:09:05,918 Um, you should all have a printed-out copy 1337 01:09:05,919 --> 01:09:07,628 of my opening statement. 1338 01:09:07,629 --> 01:09:10,673 I was one of the witnesses, and I have to say, 1339 01:09:10,674 --> 01:09:14,260 this was the nearest that we've gotten since, 1340 01:09:14,261 --> 01:09:17,263 oh, way back to the '70s and the '60s, even, 1341 01:09:17,264 --> 01:09:21,976 to proper congressional hearings on the UFO mystery. 1342 01:09:21,977 --> 01:09:25,938 You did work for the Ministry of Defence in the U.K.? 1343 01:09:25,939 --> 01:09:28,107 That's correct, sir, yes. 1344 01:09:28,108 --> 01:09:31,235 I was asked about my experience 1345 01:09:31,236 --> 01:09:34,571 within the British government's UFO program, 1346 01:09:34,572 --> 01:09:37,116 and one of the U.K.'s most high-profile cases, 1347 01:09:37,117 --> 01:09:39,618 the Rendlesham Forest incident. 1348 01:09:39,619 --> 01:09:42,871 In December 1980, 1349 01:09:42,872 --> 01:09:46,166 there were unexplained reports of a glowing craft in the woods 1350 01:09:46,167 --> 01:09:49,670 of Royal Air Force Base, Woodbridge. 1351 01:09:49,671 --> 01:09:54,300 Burn marks and broken branches were later discovered. 1352 01:09:54,301 --> 01:09:58,095 Some have called this incident "Britain's Roswell." 1353 01:09:58,096 --> 01:10:01,765 Even though I've left government, I responded with, 1354 01:10:01,766 --> 01:10:04,810 "I can neither confirm nor deny." 1355 01:10:04,811 --> 01:10:07,438 I don't think the committee liked 1356 01:10:07,439 --> 01:10:10,274 my "neither confirm nor deny" response, 1357 01:10:10,275 --> 01:10:12,651 and they pushed me very hard on that. 1358 01:10:12,652 --> 01:10:15,154 Certainly, you've been involved since you left. 1359 01:10:15,155 --> 01:10:16,822 Yes, sir, in a private capacity. 1360 01:10:16,823 --> 01:10:18,073 What's your opinion, 1361 01:10:18,074 --> 01:10:20,409 based on all that stuff that you've had access to? 1362 01:10:20,410 --> 01:10:21,952 Is there an E.T. origin 1363 01:10:21,953 --> 01:10:26,540 to what's obvious sightings of real UFOs? 1364 01:10:26,541 --> 01:10:29,001 It is a... a possibility. 1365 01:10:29,002 --> 01:10:31,670 You could tell by the faces, 1366 01:10:31,671 --> 01:10:34,673 they really weren't quite sure what to think of this yet. 1367 01:10:34,674 --> 01:10:38,385 By Wednesday, we have them, you know, standing up, 1368 01:10:38,386 --> 01:10:42,014 pointing fingers, saying, "We need to open those files." 1369 01:10:42,015 --> 01:10:44,850 It drove things forward. 1370 01:10:44,851 --> 01:10:47,811 It took the UFO phenomenon out of the fringe 1371 01:10:47,812 --> 01:10:49,521 and into the mainstream. 1372 01:10:49,522 --> 01:10:52,358 Thousands of people watched it online. 1373 01:10:52,359 --> 01:10:54,193 We netcast it so that 1374 01:10:54,194 --> 01:10:56,195 members of Congress and their staff 1375 01:10:56,196 --> 01:10:58,989 who were too timid to come down and watch it there, 1376 01:10:58,990 --> 01:11:00,824 or members of the press that were afraid 1377 01:11:00,825 --> 01:11:02,493 that they might be seen watching it, 1378 01:11:02,494 --> 01:11:04,536 could watch it in the comfort of their offices. 1379 01:11:04,537 --> 01:11:08,332 Sometime this year, we may just enter a new world. 1380 01:11:08,333 --> 01:11:09,917 Thank you so much. 1381 01:11:09,918 --> 01:11:11,960 Based on the hearings, 1382 01:11:11,961 --> 01:11:14,713 four of the six former members of Congress 1383 01:11:14,714 --> 01:11:17,716 pledged their support to hold a world conference, 1384 01:11:17,717 --> 01:11:20,052 in conjunction with the United Nations, 1385 01:11:20,053 --> 01:11:22,179 to address the disclosure 1386 01:11:22,180 --> 01:11:24,681 of all knowledge of extraterrestrial contact 1387 01:11:24,682 --> 01:11:26,226 with this planet. 1388 01:11:27,727 --> 01:11:31,105 Then, on August 15, 2013, 1389 01:11:31,106 --> 01:11:34,692 less than four months after the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure, 1390 01:11:34,693 --> 01:11:39,738 the United States government made a shocking admission. 1391 01:11:39,739 --> 01:11:42,116 After decades of denying its existence, 1392 01:11:42,117 --> 01:11:44,701 they finally admitted that a secret base 1393 01:11:44,702 --> 01:11:48,247 known as Area 51 did exist. 1394 01:11:48,248 --> 01:11:51,333 Did the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure 1395 01:11:51,334 --> 01:11:54,461 force the U.S. government to act? 1396 01:11:54,462 --> 01:11:56,296 While the government acknowledged 1397 01:11:56,297 --> 01:12:00,676 the existence of Area 51, it still has not been revealed 1398 01:12:00,677 --> 01:12:04,304 just what it is currently being used for. 1399 01:12:04,305 --> 01:12:05,931 And since that disclosure, 1400 01:12:05,932 --> 01:12:08,767 the perimeter around the base has been extended 1401 01:12:08,768 --> 01:12:12,104 and security heightened. 1402 01:12:12,105 --> 01:12:15,607 Area 51 has to be more secretive now, 1403 01:12:15,608 --> 01:12:18,110 because you got so many other concerns. 1404 01:12:18,111 --> 01:12:21,155 We didn't have computers to worry about, Internet, 1405 01:12:21,156 --> 01:12:23,699 all that sort of thing that you've got today. 1406 01:12:23,700 --> 01:12:26,285 So it's a brand-new ball game as far as security. 1407 01:12:26,286 --> 01:12:29,580 While many considered the government's admission 1408 01:12:29,581 --> 01:12:33,125 of the existence of Area 51 to be a bombshell, 1409 01:12:33,126 --> 01:12:36,795 an even bigger disclosure was still to come: 1410 01:12:36,796 --> 01:12:42,760 the declassification of millions of top secret CIA documents. 1411 01:12:47,186 --> 01:12:48,854 Bethesda, Maryland. 1412 01:12:48,855 --> 01:12:51,732 November 2014. 1413 01:12:51,733 --> 01:12:53,650 Stephen Bassett, 1414 01:12:53,651 --> 01:12:57,404 executive director of the Paradigm Research Group, 1415 01:12:57,405 --> 01:13:01,867 launches an initiative directed to influence Hillary Clinton. 1416 01:13:01,868 --> 01:13:04,745 Based on Clinton's work with Laurance Rockefeller 1417 01:13:04,746 --> 01:13:06,788 in the 1990s, 1418 01:13:06,789 --> 01:13:09,291 Bassett believes she could be an ally 1419 01:13:09,292 --> 01:13:13,962 in getting the government to declassify its UFO files. 1420 01:13:13,963 --> 01:13:17,299 That political initiative was begun 1421 01:13:17,300 --> 01:13:19,718 by sending a full copy 1422 01:13:19,719 --> 01:13:22,888 of the 30 hours of testimony to every member of Congress, 1423 01:13:22,889 --> 01:13:27,142 addressing the Rockefeller Initiative, naming names... 1424 01:13:27,143 --> 01:13:31,021 Secretary Clinton, President Clinton, John Podesta, 1425 01:13:31,022 --> 01:13:32,731 George Stephanopoulos, et cetera, et cetera. 1426 01:13:32,732 --> 01:13:36,318 That testimony created a very significant dilemma 1427 01:13:36,319 --> 01:13:38,695 for the Clinton campaign team. 1428 01:13:38,696 --> 01:13:44,618 The political initiative forces the Clinton campaign team, 1429 01:13:44,619 --> 01:13:47,204 which included Barack Obama... He was on the team... 1430 01:13:47,205 --> 01:13:49,665 To speak to the issue. 1431 01:13:49,666 --> 01:13:53,878 Are we ready to go win an election in November? 1432 01:13:55,505 --> 01:13:58,548 Clinton's campaign chairman, John Podesta, 1433 01:13:58,549 --> 01:14:01,134 is well known for his interest in UFO 1434 01:14:01,135 --> 01:14:06,474 and extraterrestrial encounters, and according to him, so is she. 1435 01:14:08,226 --> 01:14:10,519 Secretary Clinton, likewise, 1436 01:14:10,520 --> 01:14:12,646 was also kind of interested in the topic, 1437 01:14:12,647 --> 01:14:15,607 and during the course of the campaign said 1438 01:14:15,608 --> 01:14:17,693 that, if elected, she would have ordered 1439 01:14:17,694 --> 01:14:20,529 a more thorough declassification review. 1440 01:14:20,530 --> 01:14:23,198 She was very open. She did not skirt the issue. 1441 01:14:23,199 --> 01:14:24,866 She talked about it very openly. 1442 01:14:24,867 --> 01:14:28,203 Many believe that had Clinton won, 1443 01:14:28,204 --> 01:14:30,080 there would have been a seismic shift 1444 01:14:30,081 --> 01:14:32,958 from the government's long-held policy of secrecy 1445 01:14:32,959 --> 01:14:39,047 concerning UFO investigations to a new policy of full disclosure. 1446 01:14:39,048 --> 01:14:41,675 The system of regulation 1447 01:14:41,676 --> 01:14:45,762 that creates our secrecy system... what's top secret, 1448 01:14:45,763 --> 01:14:48,849 what's confidential, these lower levels of classification... 1449 01:14:48,850 --> 01:14:52,936 That's regulated and has been since the Truman administration 1450 01:14:52,937 --> 01:14:55,272 by executive order of the president. 1451 01:14:55,273 --> 01:15:00,485 The president sets forward the general rules of classification. 1452 01:15:00,486 --> 01:15:02,738 And some presidents have been more forthcoming, 1453 01:15:02,739 --> 01:15:04,531 wanted less secrecy. 1454 01:15:04,532 --> 01:15:08,618 Some have tightened the reins and wanted more secrecy. 1455 01:15:08,619 --> 01:15:09,745 It makes a difference. 1456 01:15:09,746 --> 01:15:12,497 The CIA and the Pentagon... 1457 01:15:12,498 --> 01:15:16,001 They were worried about Hillary Clinton, Secretary Clinton, 1458 01:15:16,002 --> 01:15:18,670 all the statements she was making, winning the presidency, 1459 01:15:18,671 --> 01:15:20,589 and going to the Pentagon and basically saying, 1460 01:15:20,590 --> 01:15:22,674 "You are going to give me the information I need 1461 01:15:22,675 --> 01:15:24,384 "to disclose the extraterrestrial presence, 1462 01:15:24,385 --> 01:15:27,054 or I'm gonna fire every single one of you." 1463 01:15:27,055 --> 01:15:32,350 As this year of 2016 went forward, we all expected 1464 01:15:32,351 --> 01:15:35,312 that this headline that we've been waiting for 1465 01:15:35,313 --> 01:15:38,982 that is going to break the protocol, 1466 01:15:38,983 --> 01:15:43,195 break the policy of denial, was going to happen. 1467 01:15:43,196 --> 01:15:46,156 John Podesta was trying to get ready 1468 01:15:46,157 --> 01:15:49,159 to open up that we're not alone in the universe. 1469 01:15:49,160 --> 01:15:51,912 All of that crashed 1470 01:15:51,913 --> 01:15:56,333 when a different person became President of the United States. 1471 01:15:56,334 --> 01:16:00,212 November 8, 2016, 1472 01:16:00,213 --> 01:16:04,007 Donald Trump was elected as America's next president. 1473 01:16:04,008 --> 01:16:08,303 There would be no disclosure of the secret UFO files. 1474 01:16:08,304 --> 01:16:13,475 I've had a number of members of Congress, 1475 01:16:13,476 --> 01:16:16,728 members of the U.S. Senate say to me, "Keep going at this." 1476 01:16:16,729 --> 01:16:19,648 I'm really interested in it, but I can't say anything about it." 1477 01:16:19,649 --> 01:16:22,234 But as a longtime advisor 1478 01:16:22,235 --> 01:16:24,236 to President Barack Obama, 1479 01:16:24,237 --> 01:16:27,948 John Podesta still had an ally in the White House, 1480 01:16:27,949 --> 01:16:31,452 one who would remain there for another two months. 1481 01:16:35,289 --> 01:16:39,376 January 17, 2017. 1482 01:16:39,377 --> 01:16:42,337 In Barack Obama's last days as president, 1483 01:16:42,338 --> 01:16:45,173 the CIA posts on its website 1484 01:16:45,174 --> 01:16:48,927 nearly 13 million pages of agency documents, 1485 01:16:48,928 --> 01:16:52,472 many of which pertain to UFOs. 1486 01:16:52,473 --> 01:16:57,435 It was a very, very big deal, and people were excited. 1487 01:16:57,436 --> 01:17:02,065 All of these things were efforts, I believe, 1488 01:17:02,066 --> 01:17:04,609 to educate people and to move us 1489 01:17:04,610 --> 01:17:10,115 in a direction that we can accept, as a society, 1490 01:17:10,116 --> 01:17:12,993 that extraterrestrials are here 1491 01:17:12,994 --> 01:17:16,706 and have been here for thousands of years. 1492 01:17:19,542 --> 01:17:22,961 Investigator Chase Kloetzke and author Nick Pope 1493 01:17:22,962 --> 01:17:25,088 have been searching for proof 1494 01:17:25,089 --> 01:17:27,507 that the U.S. government has been hiding its interactions 1495 01:17:27,508 --> 01:17:29,468 with extraterrestrials. 1496 01:17:29,469 --> 01:17:32,679 Now they hope to find new evidence among 1497 01:17:32,680 --> 01:17:36,433 the millions of recently declassified pages. 1498 01:17:36,434 --> 01:17:38,101 Well, there's such a lot to go through. 1499 01:17:38,102 --> 01:17:40,937 Exactly. It comes back to the old saying, 1500 01:17:40,938 --> 01:17:44,149 the best place to hide a book is in a library. 1501 01:17:44,150 --> 01:17:48,278 And there are all sorts of gems in here, I'm sure, 1502 01:17:48,279 --> 01:17:50,113 but, um, how would we ever know? 1503 01:17:50,114 --> 01:17:52,532 We've got to go through it literally page by page, 1504 01:17:52,533 --> 01:17:54,409 - line by line. - Right. 1505 01:17:54,410 --> 01:17:57,204 So we're taking a look at this report. 1506 01:17:57,402 --> 01:17:59,611 December 1960. 1507 01:17:59,612 --> 01:18:01,571 This has come from Detroit, 1508 01:18:01,572 --> 01:18:06,743 and it's a sighting of unidentified objects in the sky. 1509 01:18:06,744 --> 01:18:09,913 "Like a disc," it says, 1510 01:18:09,914 --> 01:18:12,207 which again, is something I'm sure you've come across 1511 01:18:12,208 --> 01:18:14,000 in-in various reports, as have I. 1512 01:18:14,001 --> 01:18:15,460 Yes, many. 1513 01:18:15,461 --> 01:18:17,796 And yet, it has these redactions on it. 1514 01:18:17,797 --> 01:18:19,923 And again, the question arises: Why? 1515 01:18:19,924 --> 01:18:24,261 If this subject is so unclassified and unimportant, 1516 01:18:24,262 --> 01:18:26,012 why all these redactions? 1517 01:18:26,013 --> 01:18:28,598 - And this next document. - Oh, wow. That's crazy. 1518 01:18:28,599 --> 01:18:31,643 Right? Why even bother? 1519 01:18:31,644 --> 01:18:35,230 Only information is... the date. 1520 01:18:35,231 --> 01:18:37,607 13 million documents. 1521 01:18:37,608 --> 01:18:40,527 If there really was a smoking gun in there, 1522 01:18:40,528 --> 01:18:42,989 it would be almost impossible to find. 1523 01:18:46,492 --> 01:18:49,661 So far, the CIA archive has revealed 1524 01:18:49,662 --> 01:18:51,746 thousands of reports of sightings 1525 01:18:51,747 --> 01:18:53,999 of unexplained aircraft. 1526 01:18:54,000 --> 01:18:57,419 One report said that, of 1,500 official accounts 1527 01:18:57,420 --> 01:19:00,255 of UFOs since 1947, 1528 01:19:00,256 --> 01:19:04,843 an incredible 20% remain unexplained. 1529 01:19:04,844 --> 01:19:08,722 But was the release of the CIA online archive 1530 01:19:08,723 --> 01:19:14,269 another step towards disclosure or a way to bury the truth? 1531 01:19:14,270 --> 01:19:17,772 When the Pentagon's classified study into UFOs... 1532 01:19:17,773 --> 01:19:20,817 The Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program... 1533 01:19:20,818 --> 01:19:24,488 Was uncovered later in 2017, 1534 01:19:24,489 --> 01:19:26,656 journalists and researchers rushed 1535 01:19:26,657 --> 01:19:30,076 to file Freedom of Information Act requests. 1536 01:19:30,077 --> 01:19:34,707 Will these files finally explain what the government knows? 1537 01:19:38,023 --> 01:19:41,109 11 months after the CIA's archive 1538 01:19:41,110 --> 01:19:43,778 is released to the public in 2017, 1539 01:19:43,779 --> 01:19:46,447 The New York Times story reveals 1540 01:19:46,448 --> 01:19:48,533 the Department of Defense's 1541 01:19:48,534 --> 01:19:52,454 or Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program. 1542 01:19:56,291 --> 01:19:58,084 As soon as the story breaks, 1543 01:19:58,085 --> 01:20:00,628 journalists and researchers start filing 1544 01:20:00,629 --> 01:20:05,133 Freedom of Information Act requests, known as FOIA. 1545 01:20:05,134 --> 01:20:12,014 There have now been 1,500 to 2,000 FOIAs on this program... 1546 01:20:12,015 --> 01:20:14,058 $22 million program... 1547 01:20:14,059 --> 01:20:16,018 And the government at this point is saying, 1548 01:20:16,019 --> 01:20:17,395 "Program? What program?" 1549 01:20:17,396 --> 01:20:18,980 They're playing the same old game. 1550 01:20:18,981 --> 01:20:20,481 "We didn't release those films." 1551 01:20:20,482 --> 01:20:21,983 But they're under so much pressure. 1552 01:20:21,984 --> 01:20:24,485 If this keeps up for even 1553 01:20:24,486 --> 01:20:26,529 four, five or six more months, 1554 01:20:26,530 --> 01:20:31,159 I do not imagine how disclosure can not take place. 1555 01:20:31,160 --> 01:20:34,704 Much of what was undertaken and reviewed 1556 01:20:34,705 --> 01:20:37,039 still remains in the dark, 1557 01:20:37,040 --> 01:20:40,334 in classified form at the Department of Defense. 1558 01:20:40,335 --> 01:20:43,004 I would hope that they would declassify it 1559 01:20:43,005 --> 01:20:44,839 and release as much as possible. 1560 01:20:44,840 --> 01:20:47,091 - Good afternoon. - Good afternoon. 1561 01:20:47,092 --> 01:20:50,011 When this story broke in The New York Times... 1562 01:20:50,012 --> 01:20:51,929 - Jordan. - ...guy by the name of 1563 01:20:51,930 --> 01:20:55,391 Jordan Fabian from The Hill... he asks Sarah Sanders 1564 01:20:55,392 --> 01:20:57,643 the $64,000 question. 1565 01:20:57,644 --> 01:21:00,605 Does the president believe in the existence of UFOs, 1566 01:21:00,606 --> 01:21:02,523 and would he be interested 1567 01:21:02,524 --> 01:21:04,025 in restoring funding for that program? 1568 01:21:04,026 --> 01:21:06,068 Somehow that question hasn't come up 1569 01:21:06,069 --> 01:21:09,197 in our back and forth over the last couple days, but I will, 1570 01:21:09,198 --> 01:21:13,409 uh, check into that and be happy to circle back. Jennifer? 1571 01:21:13,410 --> 01:21:16,370 As far as I know, she has never come back around, 1572 01:21:16,371 --> 01:21:18,039 because you can't. 1573 01:21:18,040 --> 01:21:20,124 The president has to stay out of it. 1574 01:21:20,125 --> 01:21:23,252 They want the community to force the issue. 1575 01:21:23,253 --> 01:21:25,087 They want us to force the issue. 1576 01:21:25,088 --> 01:21:28,883 And that is why they moved it to Bob Bigelow, 1577 01:21:28,884 --> 01:21:31,636 who's a contractor in Las Vegas. 1578 01:21:31,637 --> 01:21:34,722 It's private industry that will do the disclosure. 1579 01:21:34,723 --> 01:21:37,099 History is about to happen at a level 1580 01:21:37,100 --> 01:21:41,145 that's almost incalculable, extraordinary, unprecedented. 1581 01:21:41,146 --> 01:21:44,899 It makes something like the Roman Empire look trivial. 1582 01:21:44,900 --> 01:21:47,109 So, just think about that. 1583 01:21:47,110 --> 01:21:49,070 The announcement of the extraterrestrial presence, 1584 01:21:49,071 --> 01:21:50,863 worldwide engagement, 1585 01:21:50,864 --> 01:21:53,950 open contacts with multiple civilizations. 1586 01:21:53,951 --> 01:21:58,246 The revelations about AATIP may be clues 1587 01:21:58,247 --> 01:22:00,414 that there's an agenda here. 1588 01:22:00,415 --> 01:22:04,001 This may be government trying 1589 01:22:04,002 --> 01:22:07,421 to slowly drip-feed this information out to the public 1590 01:22:07,422 --> 01:22:11,300 in such a way that there won't be out-and-out panic. 1591 01:22:11,301 --> 01:22:13,511 It may be a way 1592 01:22:13,512 --> 01:22:18,766 of slowly but surely acclimatizing people 1593 01:22:18,767 --> 01:22:21,602 to the reality of this phenomenon. 1594 01:22:21,603 --> 01:22:25,356 The fact that The New York Times published 1595 01:22:25,357 --> 01:22:28,693 a Pentagon story is extraordinary. 1596 01:22:28,694 --> 01:22:32,363 And nobody really cared, so, 1597 01:22:32,364 --> 01:22:37,368 to me, that means that while we are all talking about 1598 01:22:37,369 --> 01:22:40,121 that we may be connected to extraterrestrials, 1599 01:22:40,122 --> 01:22:43,124 that this knowledge is within us. 1600 01:22:43,125 --> 01:22:47,545 It's hardwired, so that, hey, if they're coming, 1601 01:22:47,546 --> 01:22:50,881 it won't be panic because we come from them. 1602 01:22:50,882 --> 01:22:54,969 I do think that the world is ready for this knowledge, 1603 01:22:54,970 --> 01:22:59,056 and I think that it would be the most revolutionary story 1604 01:22:59,057 --> 01:23:01,393 in the history of mankind. 1605 01:23:04,354 --> 01:23:06,856 Has the time finally come 1606 01:23:06,857 --> 01:23:09,358 when not only the United States government 1607 01:23:09,359 --> 01:23:14,155 but nations around the world will reveal what UFO researchers 1608 01:23:14,156 --> 01:23:18,075 and ancient astronaut theorists have long suspected: 1609 01:23:18,076 --> 01:23:21,162 that extraterrestrial visitation of our planet 1610 01:23:21,163 --> 01:23:24,206 is not only real, but has been happening 1611 01:23:24,207 --> 01:23:26,542 for thousands of years? 1612 01:23:26,543 --> 01:23:31,422 There are many who believe the answer is a profound yes, 1613 01:23:31,423 --> 01:23:34,675 and that the truth will lead to a greater understanding 1614 01:23:34,676 --> 01:23:39,847 not only of mankind's past, but of its future, 1615 01:23:39,848 --> 01:23:42,933 a future that will see humans 1616 01:23:42,934 --> 01:23:46,062 as the torchbearers of a new generation, 1617 01:23:46,063 --> 01:23:51,025 and as the extraterrestrial visitors of planets and galaxies 1618 01:23:51,026 --> 01:23:53,528 far beyond our own.