1 00:00:02,320 --> 00:00:05,090 This was the language of the Gods. 2 00:00:05,190 --> 00:00:07,190 Did extraterrestrial beings 3 00:00:07,290 --> 00:00:10,430 leave behind coded messages? 4 00:00:10,530 --> 00:00:13,730 We may find information that is vital to mankind. 5 00:00:13,830 --> 00:00:16,830 Messages that are carved in stone 6 00:00:16,930 --> 00:00:19,500 and found all over the world? 7 00:00:19,600 --> 00:00:21,070 There has been an explosion 8 00:00:21,170 --> 00:00:23,200 in new discoveries of geoglyphs 9 00:00:23,310 --> 00:00:24,533 that we didn't know about before. 10 00:00:24,540 --> 00:00:27,340 But once deciphered, 11 00:00:27,440 --> 00:00:30,250 will they reveal a message of hope... 12 00:00:30,350 --> 00:00:33,950 Many of the geoglyphs were created 13 00:00:34,050 --> 00:00:36,790 in order to contact someone up there. 14 00:00:36,890 --> 00:00:38,420 ...or a deadly warning? 15 00:00:38,520 --> 00:00:41,260 Just imagine if we don't get that message. 16 00:00:41,360 --> 00:00:43,760 Humanity could be in the balance. 17 00:00:43,860 --> 00:00:46,290 ♪ ♪ 18 00:01:14,190 --> 00:01:18,090 Saudi Arabia. 2004. 19 00:01:18,200 --> 00:01:23,060 While exploring the ancient lava fields of Harrat Khaybar, 20 00:01:23,170 --> 00:01:26,400 amateur archaeologist Dr. Abdullah Al-Saeed 21 00:01:26,500 --> 00:01:30,410 comes upon a number of what appear to be stone walls, 22 00:01:30,510 --> 00:01:34,410 each approximately three feet high. 23 00:01:34,510 --> 00:01:38,050 From the ground level, Dr. Al-Saeed concludes 24 00:01:38,150 --> 00:01:42,220 that the structures have no discernable pattern or purpose. 25 00:01:44,520 --> 00:01:47,660 That is, not until four years later, 26 00:01:47,760 --> 00:01:52,430 when he obtains satellite photos of the very same area. 27 00:01:52,530 --> 00:01:55,300 What he sees astounds him. 28 00:01:55,400 --> 00:01:59,530 There, detectable from the sky are a vast collection 29 00:01:59,640 --> 00:02:03,200 of more than 400 stone enclosures. 30 00:02:03,310 --> 00:02:06,810 Known to the local Bedouin as the Works of the Old Men, 31 00:02:06,910 --> 00:02:09,940 these mysterious structures are quickly examined 32 00:02:10,050 --> 00:02:13,780 and are revealed to stretch for hundreds of miles. 33 00:02:13,880 --> 00:02:16,650 They were within what's referred to 34 00:02:16,750 --> 00:02:19,490 as-as a lava field of activity. 35 00:02:19,590 --> 00:02:23,220 They're generally described either as kites 36 00:02:23,330 --> 00:02:27,230 or as gates, 37 00:02:27,330 --> 00:02:31,570 which are more rectilinear forms of them. 38 00:02:31,670 --> 00:02:35,840 And there are literally hundreds of these. 39 00:02:35,940 --> 00:02:40,070 In fact, they stretch all the way from Saudi Arabia 40 00:02:40,180 --> 00:02:44,650 right away across to Jordan and into Syria. 41 00:02:44,750 --> 00:02:47,920 They're kind of like angular pyramids 42 00:02:48,020 --> 00:02:50,650 almost going off into the distance like runways, 43 00:02:50,750 --> 00:02:53,090 widening at one end to being short at the other end. 44 00:02:53,190 --> 00:02:56,020 Although no record exists 45 00:02:56,130 --> 00:02:58,730 indicating when these structures were built, 46 00:02:58,830 --> 00:03:00,930 who built them or why, 47 00:03:01,030 --> 00:03:05,270 the predominant theory among mainstream archaeologists 48 00:03:05,370 --> 00:03:08,070 is that they were constructed for hunting purposes 49 00:03:08,170 --> 00:03:10,410 many thousands of years ago. 50 00:03:10,510 --> 00:03:14,680 What we think they are are prehistoric hunting sites 51 00:03:14,780 --> 00:03:16,380 where gazelle and other animals 52 00:03:16,480 --> 00:03:19,250 would be driven into the enclosure, 53 00:03:19,350 --> 00:03:22,350 and then on the outsides of the enclosure, pits were dug 54 00:03:22,450 --> 00:03:24,220 and the animals would fall into the pits. 55 00:03:24,320 --> 00:03:27,520 The kites, when you visit them on the ground, 56 00:03:27,620 --> 00:03:28,890 are really hard to find. 57 00:03:28,990 --> 00:03:31,930 In the air you get the whole pattern. 58 00:03:32,030 --> 00:03:34,130 There are literally thousands of them. 59 00:03:34,230 --> 00:03:37,930 And they must have been in use for thousands of years. 60 00:03:38,030 --> 00:03:39,570 And why did they fall into disuse? 61 00:03:39,670 --> 00:03:41,300 That's an answer we haven't yet got. 62 00:03:41,400 --> 00:03:44,940 Although the theory that the stone structures 63 00:03:45,040 --> 00:03:47,410 were used for hunting purposes is compelling, 64 00:03:47,510 --> 00:03:51,550 ancient astronaut theorists argue that if these structures 65 00:03:51,650 --> 00:03:53,920 were really used for hunting gazelle, 66 00:03:54,020 --> 00:03:56,920 the walls would have needed to be more than three feet high 67 00:03:57,020 --> 00:04:01,160 since a gazelle can leap more than ten feet into the air. 68 00:04:01,260 --> 00:04:05,660 Instead, they suggest that because the structures 69 00:04:05,760 --> 00:04:07,600 are only viewable from the air, 70 00:04:07,700 --> 00:04:09,930 they should be considered geoglyphs. 71 00:04:10,030 --> 00:04:12,600 A geoglyph is just basically 72 00:04:12,700 --> 00:04:16,100 a drawing on the landscape, usually quite large scale. 73 00:04:16,210 --> 00:04:17,940 Most geoglyphs are in deserts, 74 00:04:18,040 --> 00:04:19,440 and in deserts you get a phenomenon 75 00:04:19,540 --> 00:04:21,240 which we call desert varnish. 76 00:04:21,340 --> 00:04:24,610 It's just a natural dark patina that builds up on the surface. 77 00:04:24,710 --> 00:04:27,580 So if you move the dark parts to one side, 78 00:04:27,680 --> 00:04:29,980 expose the lighter soil or sand underneath, 79 00:04:30,090 --> 00:04:32,950 that is one way of making a drawing. 80 00:04:33,060 --> 00:04:36,960 The second basic technique is to use the dark stones 81 00:04:37,060 --> 00:04:39,460 and pile them together to make shapes. 82 00:04:39,560 --> 00:04:43,800 Geometric shapes, animal shapes or whatever. 83 00:04:43,900 --> 00:04:47,200 And the third basic technique is simply a combination of the two. 84 00:04:47,300 --> 00:04:49,600 You move things to one side to expose lightness, 85 00:04:49,710 --> 00:04:51,540 you use the dark stones to make patterns. 86 00:04:51,640 --> 00:04:54,440 So, you get very nice combination of the two. 87 00:04:54,540 --> 00:04:56,610 In recent years, thanks to modern technology, 88 00:04:56,710 --> 00:04:58,680 and particularly satellite photographs, 89 00:04:58,780 --> 00:05:00,980 uh, there has been an explosion in new discoveries 90 00:05:01,080 --> 00:05:03,450 of-of geoglyphs that we didn't know about before. 91 00:05:05,720 --> 00:05:08,390 The interesting fact about all of these 92 00:05:08,490 --> 00:05:11,330 is that they point towards the sky. 93 00:05:11,430 --> 00:05:14,030 And what might this tell us? 94 00:05:14,130 --> 00:05:17,630 Well, the first thing is that many of the geoglyphs 95 00:05:17,730 --> 00:05:21,500 that we know today were only discovered 96 00:05:21,600 --> 00:05:26,710 once aerial survey started in around the 1920s. 97 00:05:26,810 --> 00:05:28,880 All of them were only really revealed 98 00:05:28,980 --> 00:05:31,650 once aircraft got up into the air. 99 00:05:31,750 --> 00:05:34,580 And this tells us something very, very important. 100 00:05:34,680 --> 00:05:39,650 Most geoglyphs really only make sense from above. 101 00:05:39,760 --> 00:05:42,820 It therefore seems that they would be messages 102 00:05:42,930 --> 00:05:45,360 to something nonhuman, something up there. 103 00:05:45,460 --> 00:05:49,030 When the now legendary Nazca Lines of Peru 104 00:05:49,130 --> 00:05:51,830 were first discovered in 1927, 105 00:05:51,940 --> 00:05:54,900 they were considered a unique phenomenon. 106 00:05:55,000 --> 00:05:58,670 But now, with the benefit of satellite imagery, 107 00:05:58,780 --> 00:06:00,740 thousands of ancient geoglyphs 108 00:06:00,840 --> 00:06:03,580 are being found all over the world: 109 00:06:03,680 --> 00:06:07,850 in Kazakhstan, in the Southwestern United States, 110 00:06:07,950 --> 00:06:13,690 in the Atacama Desert of Chile and in Bolivia. 111 00:06:13,790 --> 00:06:15,920 Almost everywhere around the world, 112 00:06:16,030 --> 00:06:18,690 we find what are known as geoglyphs. 113 00:06:18,800 --> 00:06:21,960 Whether they be the Nazca Lines in Peru, 114 00:06:22,070 --> 00:06:26,730 British geoglyphs to those in the Middle East, 115 00:06:26,840 --> 00:06:30,200 they're something that are virtually universal 116 00:06:30,310 --> 00:06:32,710 around the world and they've been appearing 117 00:06:32,810 --> 00:06:34,540 for many hundreds of years. 118 00:06:34,640 --> 00:06:36,880 But why would ancient people 119 00:06:36,980 --> 00:06:40,210 in so many different locations around the world 120 00:06:40,320 --> 00:06:44,750 all be making signs that can only be seen from above? 121 00:06:44,850 --> 00:06:46,720 We don't know for sure what ancient peoples 122 00:06:46,820 --> 00:06:48,560 were trying to communicate through geoglyphs, 123 00:06:48,660 --> 00:06:52,490 but the most important thing is the amount of time and effort 124 00:06:52,600 --> 00:06:54,000 that went into building them. 125 00:06:54,100 --> 00:06:55,660 They're not quick sketches. 126 00:06:55,770 --> 00:06:59,130 They're, many of them, whole community projects. 127 00:06:59,240 --> 00:07:00,856 And the time that you spend working on them 128 00:07:00,940 --> 00:07:03,140 is time not spent gathering food, 129 00:07:03,240 --> 00:07:05,510 not spent defending your land. 130 00:07:05,610 --> 00:07:08,340 It's time not spent looking after your children. 131 00:07:08,450 --> 00:07:11,450 So, the first thing that they communicate 132 00:07:11,550 --> 00:07:14,950 is to the community itself what is important to the community. 133 00:07:15,050 --> 00:07:17,520 But could there be another 134 00:07:17,620 --> 00:07:20,420 even more incredible explanation? 135 00:07:20,520 --> 00:07:24,330 Is it possible that these ancient geoglyphs were created 136 00:07:24,430 --> 00:07:29,500 not for a terrestrial purpose, but for an extraterrestrial one? 137 00:07:29,600 --> 00:07:33,200 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 138 00:07:33,300 --> 00:07:35,770 and suggest further clues can be found 139 00:07:35,870 --> 00:07:38,140 by examining similar shapes and symbols 140 00:07:38,240 --> 00:07:40,610 that occur on a much smaller scale. 141 00:07:40,710 --> 00:07:45,510 Geoglyphs are gigantic-sized versions 142 00:07:45,620 --> 00:07:47,380 of what we know as petroglyphs, 143 00:07:47,480 --> 00:07:50,280 the most obvious being the rock art that we'd see 144 00:07:50,390 --> 00:07:53,650 on surfaces of stone rock around the world 145 00:07:53,760 --> 00:07:56,660 that date back many, many thousands of years. 146 00:07:56,760 --> 00:08:00,030 Petroglyphs are images carved into stones or incised 147 00:08:00,130 --> 00:08:01,860 or hammered away. 148 00:08:01,970 --> 00:08:06,330 They occur all over the world from Australia up through Asia, 149 00:08:06,440 --> 00:08:09,400 Europe, Africa, through the Americas. 150 00:08:11,440 --> 00:08:13,640 Perhaps more intriguing 151 00:08:13,740 --> 00:08:15,680 than the petroglyphs themselves 152 00:08:15,780 --> 00:08:18,080 are the eerie similarities between them 153 00:08:18,180 --> 00:08:21,520 and their geoglyphic siblings. 154 00:08:21,620 --> 00:08:24,190 We see certain symbols recurring again and again. 155 00:08:24,290 --> 00:08:27,390 There are many geometric forms. 156 00:08:27,490 --> 00:08:31,490 These take the form of, uh, spirals, 157 00:08:31,590 --> 00:08:34,330 of concentric rings 158 00:08:34,430 --> 00:08:37,830 and other more rectilinear or abstract designs. 159 00:08:37,930 --> 00:08:40,330 They're something that are virtually universal 160 00:08:40,440 --> 00:08:42,100 around the world. 161 00:08:42,210 --> 00:08:44,740 One of the most interesting geoglyphs that you have at Nazca 162 00:08:44,840 --> 00:08:46,770 is the sun, star, cross geoglyph, 163 00:08:46,880 --> 00:08:50,950 which is really a very complicated huge mandala 164 00:08:51,050 --> 00:08:54,420 of interconnected stars and triangles. 165 00:08:54,520 --> 00:08:56,680 And it's something we see all over the world 166 00:08:56,790 --> 00:09:00,190 and in Tibet and India as mandalas and even yantras. 167 00:09:00,290 --> 00:09:05,260 So, things like this that are so geometrically complicated 168 00:09:05,360 --> 00:09:07,360 and are found all over the world 169 00:09:07,460 --> 00:09:10,530 indicates that there was some kind of worldwide 170 00:09:10,630 --> 00:09:14,470 symbolic language that was brought here 171 00:09:14,570 --> 00:09:17,870 by a higher intelligence, probably extraterrestrials. 172 00:09:17,970 --> 00:09:20,780 Is it possible that the thousands 173 00:09:20,880 --> 00:09:23,040 of mysterious petroglyphs and geoglyphs 174 00:09:23,150 --> 00:09:24,450 found throughout the world 175 00:09:24,550 --> 00:09:27,420 were intended to be a form of communication 176 00:09:27,520 --> 00:09:32,290 between early humans and extraterrestrial visitors? 177 00:09:32,390 --> 00:09:35,920 Ancient astronaut theorists believe that proof 178 00:09:36,030 --> 00:09:39,090 of such a profound idea does exist 179 00:09:39,200 --> 00:09:42,500 and it can be found by examining an ancient story 180 00:09:42,600 --> 00:09:45,400 associated with one of the oldest petroglyphs 181 00:09:45,500 --> 00:09:47,470 ever discovered. 182 00:09:50,440 --> 00:09:54,910 Northwest Nevada. 2013. 183 00:09:55,010 --> 00:09:58,750 In the dried-up bed of what was once Winnemucca Lake, 184 00:09:58,850 --> 00:10:00,850 researchers take carbonate samples 185 00:10:00,950 --> 00:10:04,590 from a series of recently discovered limestone boulders. 186 00:10:04,690 --> 00:10:09,820 They are covered with what appears to be ancient carvings. 187 00:10:09,930 --> 00:10:12,760 Some of the petroglyphs are believed to be depictions 188 00:10:12,860 --> 00:10:14,260 of ancient shipping techniques, 189 00:10:14,360 --> 00:10:18,530 but others are much more difficult to identify. 190 00:10:20,600 --> 00:10:24,710 Even more mysterious is the fact that the local Paiute people 191 00:10:24,810 --> 00:10:28,340 say the petroglyphs were not created by their ancestors, 192 00:10:28,440 --> 00:10:31,980 but by a race of giants. 193 00:10:32,080 --> 00:10:33,510 The Paiutes said that 194 00:10:33,620 --> 00:10:36,520 initially they did not create petroglyphs, 195 00:10:36,620 --> 00:10:40,960 that an ancient race called the Si-Te-Cah did. 196 00:10:41,060 --> 00:10:45,060 The Si-Te-Cah was a race of giants 197 00:10:45,160 --> 00:10:50,030 that was said to have been white-complected, 198 00:10:50,130 --> 00:10:53,800 having red hair, and well over seven-foot tall. 199 00:10:53,900 --> 00:10:57,140 The Paiutes explained that these giants lived on the lake... 200 00:10:57,240 --> 00:10:59,910 In Pyramid Lake, on floating cities. 201 00:11:01,610 --> 00:11:04,750 And each Paiute legend has their own versions 202 00:11:04,850 --> 00:11:06,810 of how petroglyphs were originally created. 203 00:11:06,920 --> 00:11:11,890 But they remain, to this day, unaware now of what 204 00:11:11,990 --> 00:11:16,460 a lot of that language was, like most tribes in the world. 205 00:11:18,030 --> 00:11:20,060 Samples of the petroglyphs were taken 206 00:11:20,160 --> 00:11:22,660 to the University of Colorado at Boulder, 207 00:11:22,770 --> 00:11:26,400 where scientists performed a series of radiocarbon tests 208 00:11:26,500 --> 00:11:28,240 to determine their age. 209 00:11:28,340 --> 00:11:33,170 The results are astonishing, and reveal the petroglyphs 210 00:11:33,280 --> 00:11:39,550 were etched between 10,500 and 14,800 years ago, 211 00:11:39,650 --> 00:11:41,580 making them the oldest petroglyphs 212 00:11:41,680 --> 00:11:44,390 ever found in North America. 213 00:11:44,490 --> 00:11:46,190 When we look at petroglyphs, 214 00:11:46,290 --> 00:11:48,690 with their incredible spirals, the doorways, 215 00:11:48,790 --> 00:11:50,390 the strange beings that are featured, 216 00:11:50,490 --> 00:11:51,960 the stories that are told, 217 00:11:52,060 --> 00:11:54,200 it suggests that they all have an origin 218 00:11:54,300 --> 00:11:56,300 with extraterrestrials themselves. 219 00:11:57,900 --> 00:11:59,370 Could the petroglyphs found 220 00:11:59,470 --> 00:12:02,100 at Winnemucca Lake really have been created 221 00:12:02,210 --> 00:12:05,970 by an ancient race of extraterrestrial giants? 222 00:12:06,080 --> 00:12:10,210 If so, what were they intended to represent? 223 00:12:10,310 --> 00:12:14,150 A map indicating their planet of origin? 224 00:12:14,250 --> 00:12:17,720 Or was it an alien form of hieroglyphics which, 225 00:12:17,820 --> 00:12:20,720 when deciphered, could teach us profound lessons 226 00:12:20,820 --> 00:12:23,090 about mankind's past? 227 00:12:23,190 --> 00:12:27,060 Perhaps further clues can be found by examining geoglyphs 228 00:12:27,160 --> 00:12:32,300 that some believe are depictions of actual alien beings. 229 00:12:37,110 --> 00:12:40,570 The Atacama Desert, Chile. 230 00:12:40,680 --> 00:12:45,250 Located on the western side of a hill called Cerro Unitas 231 00:12:45,350 --> 00:12:48,320 is an enormous geoglyph of a human-like figure 232 00:12:48,420 --> 00:12:51,350 known as the Atacama Giant. 233 00:12:51,450 --> 00:12:54,120 Although its origins remain a mystery, 234 00:12:54,220 --> 00:12:58,790 some have estimated it to be as much as 10,000 years old. 235 00:12:58,900 --> 00:13:02,800 The Atacama Giant is one of about 236 00:13:02,900 --> 00:13:05,770 500 petroglyphs in the Atacama Desert 237 00:13:05,870 --> 00:13:09,140 that span a huge area of about 15,000 square kilometers, 238 00:13:09,240 --> 00:13:12,040 produced over about a millennium of time, 239 00:13:12,140 --> 00:13:14,140 and linking cultures from the Incas 240 00:13:14,240 --> 00:13:17,210 all the way up to the early Christianization 241 00:13:17,310 --> 00:13:18,950 of South America. 242 00:13:19,050 --> 00:13:23,520 The Atacama Giant itself is about 100 meters tall, 243 00:13:23,620 --> 00:13:26,190 and it's a hugely impressive figure. 244 00:13:26,290 --> 00:13:28,890 It's got the most amazing symmetry and geometry, 245 00:13:28,990 --> 00:13:32,060 which would have required the most exquisite planning. 246 00:13:32,160 --> 00:13:34,460 Because once you're up there digging away, 247 00:13:34,560 --> 00:13:37,060 you can't see exactly the proportions. 248 00:13:37,170 --> 00:13:39,970 It's clearly a focal point 249 00:13:40,070 --> 00:13:42,400 of the culture of the people who made it. 250 00:13:42,510 --> 00:13:44,410 It has these very strange 251 00:13:44,510 --> 00:13:48,510 horizontal and vertical lines coming out of its head. 252 00:13:48,610 --> 00:13:51,080 Archaeoastronomers have suggested that 253 00:13:51,180 --> 00:13:54,380 every part of this figure was actually used 254 00:13:54,480 --> 00:13:57,050 for astronomical purposes. 255 00:13:57,150 --> 00:14:02,820 It marked the different cycles of the moon in every year. 256 00:14:02,930 --> 00:14:06,230 If you ask the local elders 257 00:14:06,330 --> 00:14:10,000 what the Atacama Giant represents, 258 00:14:10,100 --> 00:14:14,370 they will say that it represents sacred space, 259 00:14:14,470 --> 00:14:17,240 and that actually entering inside them 260 00:14:17,340 --> 00:14:20,610 allowed you communication with the sky gods. 261 00:14:23,550 --> 00:14:26,110 Given that these geoglyphs have multiple layers of meaning 262 00:14:26,220 --> 00:14:28,250 and much knowledge encoded with them, 263 00:14:28,350 --> 00:14:31,990 we have to ask if maybe it's also a device 264 00:14:32,090 --> 00:14:35,660 to tell the locals when the extraterrestrials would return. 265 00:14:37,790 --> 00:14:41,130 Although the Atacama Giant is extraordinary, 266 00:14:41,230 --> 00:14:43,560 it is by no means unique, 267 00:14:43,670 --> 00:14:45,400 as similar geoglyphs can be found 268 00:14:45,500 --> 00:14:48,040 in many parts of the world. 269 00:14:52,170 --> 00:14:55,280 Blythe, California. 270 00:14:55,380 --> 00:14:58,880 Located in the desert, just west of the Arizona border, 271 00:14:58,980 --> 00:15:02,920 an estimated 300 gigantic figures can be seen etched 272 00:15:03,020 --> 00:15:04,850 in the arid ground. 273 00:15:07,260 --> 00:15:11,460 Known as the Blythe Intaglios, these ancient carvings depict 274 00:15:11,560 --> 00:15:16,300 animals, spirals, and, perhaps most significantly, 276 00:15:16,400 --> 00:15:18,930 gigantic humanoid figures. 277 00:15:19,040 --> 00:15:21,470 These intaglios are unique 278 00:15:21,570 --> 00:15:24,740 in that they're always found on the shorelines 279 00:15:24,840 --> 00:15:29,640 of ancient lakes that existed 12,500 years ago and prior. 280 00:15:32,880 --> 00:15:35,520 In April 2018, 281 00:15:35,620 --> 00:15:38,750 author and ancient astronaut researcher David Childress 282 00:15:38,850 --> 00:15:42,420 traveled to Blythe to meet with Alfredo Figueroa, 283 00:15:42,530 --> 00:15:44,930 an elder of the local Chemehuevi tribe. 284 00:15:45,030 --> 00:15:47,030 He is also known to many in the region 285 00:15:47,130 --> 00:15:50,030 as The Guardian of the Glyphs. 286 00:15:50,130 --> 00:15:53,370 David was eager to see firsthand whether the legends 287 00:15:53,470 --> 00:15:56,270 surrounding these unique geoglyphs could be true. 288 00:15:56,370 --> 00:15:58,270 They can only be seen from the air, really, right? 289 00:15:58,370 --> 00:15:59,870 Well, they can be seen from the ground, 290 00:15:59,980 --> 00:16:02,110 but you can see it over intact. 291 00:16:02,210 --> 00:16:03,380 If you're walking on it, 292 00:16:03,480 --> 00:16:05,480 you really don't know what you're walking on. 293 00:16:05,580 --> 00:16:06,710 Exactly, yeah, right. 294 00:16:06,820 --> 00:16:08,613 We'll be able to see it with the drone, I think. 295 00:16:08,620 --> 00:16:10,280 Oh, that's excellent. You got a drone? 296 00:16:10,390 --> 00:16:12,043 - Yes, we've got it. - Oh, that's wonderful. 297 00:16:12,050 --> 00:16:13,653 - Let me get the drone out. - That's the best way. 298 00:16:13,660 --> 00:16:14,968 - Okay, let me get it. - Thank you. 299 00:16:17,490 --> 00:16:19,830 Who builds this, and-and why? 300 00:16:19,930 --> 00:16:21,860 The original tribes here were the Aztecas. 301 00:16:21,960 --> 00:16:23,300 - The Aztecs. - Right. 302 00:16:23,400 --> 00:16:26,870 Okay. Here we go. 303 00:16:33,280 --> 00:16:34,580 Wow. 304 00:16:34,680 --> 00:16:35,710 That's pretty interesting. 305 00:16:35,810 --> 00:16:37,810 With the drone camera, 306 00:16:37,910 --> 00:16:40,410 David and Alfredo are able to see 307 00:16:40,520 --> 00:16:42,920 the Blythe Intaglios from a vantage point 308 00:16:43,020 --> 00:16:44,990 that their creators never could have, 309 00:16:45,090 --> 00:16:49,590 at least not without the aid of some form of aircraft. 310 00:16:49,690 --> 00:16:53,390 But if this is true, then why were they created? 311 00:16:53,500 --> 00:16:55,400 And for whom? 312 00:16:55,500 --> 00:16:57,900 All right, this is... Is Omecihuatl. 314 00:16:58,000 --> 00:17:01,170 "Cihuatl" means "woman." 315 00:17:01,270 --> 00:17:03,940 And she is pregnant, right here, see? 316 00:17:04,040 --> 00:17:05,710 She's, like, having a baby, then. 317 00:17:05,810 --> 00:17:07,040 Ah, okay. 318 00:17:07,140 --> 00:17:10,580 And right next to her is the ocelot. 319 00:17:10,680 --> 00:17:12,110 Ocelot is the jaguar. 320 00:17:12,210 --> 00:17:13,750 Okay, so you can see it's a cat 321 00:17:13,850 --> 00:17:15,850 because it has a very long tail, huh? 322 00:17:15,950 --> 00:17:18,920 Well, the tail is supposed to be like a "U," 323 00:17:19,020 --> 00:17:23,760 and in the cosmos, it represents the Big Dipper. 324 00:17:25,660 --> 00:17:28,630 Here in this place, they came down. 325 00:17:28,730 --> 00:17:31,630 And because they descended from the cosmos, 326 00:17:31,730 --> 00:17:35,300 our ancestors created these images 327 00:17:35,400 --> 00:17:39,310 and aligned them with the constellations 328 00:17:39,410 --> 00:17:42,410 so that we would understand that story. 329 00:17:42,510 --> 00:17:44,950 But of all the Blythe Intaglios, 330 00:17:45,050 --> 00:17:47,310 the one Alfredo is most eager to show David 331 00:17:47,420 --> 00:17:50,220 are the ones that are the largest 332 00:17:50,320 --> 00:17:51,820 and arguably the most dramatic. 333 00:17:51,920 --> 00:17:53,790 This is big. This thing is huge. 334 00:17:53,890 --> 00:17:56,790 That's right. 335 00:17:56,890 --> 00:17:58,890 They are the ones representing 336 00:17:58,990 --> 00:18:02,930 the Aztec gods, Kokopelli... Better known as Quetzalcoatl... 337 00:18:03,030 --> 00:18:06,230 And Cicimitl, the Aztec star god. 338 00:18:06,340 --> 00:18:07,840 Which glyph is this one? 339 00:18:07,940 --> 00:18:09,940 What we're seeing here is Kokopelli, 340 00:18:10,040 --> 00:18:12,440 and he represents Quetzalcoatl. 341 00:18:12,540 --> 00:18:16,410 The Aztec god, Quetzalcoatl. 342 00:18:16,510 --> 00:18:19,080 - So, this one is... - Cicimitl. 343 00:18:19,180 --> 00:18:21,150 Cicimitl. 344 00:18:22,950 --> 00:18:25,020 His face there... You see his nose. 345 00:18:25,120 --> 00:18:27,750 I mean, he's not like a normal person, is he? 346 00:18:27,860 --> 00:18:30,660 No, he looks just like a... a E.T. 347 00:18:30,760 --> 00:18:33,330 He looks like an extraterrestrial. Uh-huh, yeah. 348 00:18:33,430 --> 00:18:36,660 An extraterrestrial? 349 00:18:36,770 --> 00:18:40,330 Is it possible that these incredible geoglyphs represent 350 00:18:40,440 --> 00:18:44,740 not just mythological gods, but actual alien beings, 351 00:18:44,840 --> 00:18:48,910 whose arrival on Earth was witnessed by the Azteca people? 352 00:18:50,780 --> 00:18:53,480 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 353 00:18:53,580 --> 00:18:57,120 and Alfredo Figueroa is convinced that it was here... 354 00:18:57,220 --> 00:19:01,050 The location of the Aztecs' legendary home of Aztlan... 355 00:19:01,160 --> 00:19:05,690 Where extraterrestrial visitors came down from the sky. 356 00:19:05,790 --> 00:19:09,460 Aztlan is very important in Aztec mythology. 357 00:19:09,570 --> 00:19:13,000 It was a place where the gods came down to give them 358 00:19:13,100 --> 00:19:16,700 the information and prophecies that the Aztecs had. 359 00:19:18,570 --> 00:19:20,910 I mean, you're maintaining that this whole area here, 360 00:19:21,010 --> 00:19:22,840 around Blythe and the Colorado River, 361 00:19:22,950 --> 00:19:25,980 is an ancient homeland of-of the Aztecs 362 00:19:26,080 --> 00:19:28,550 - and-and the gods, too? - Yes. 363 00:19:28,650 --> 00:19:32,920 The geoglyphs were made by the Nahuatl people. 364 00:19:33,020 --> 00:19:36,920 The Nahuatl are the origin of the Aztecas and the Mexicas. 365 00:19:37,030 --> 00:19:39,560 So, they're the ones that made 'em at first. 366 00:19:39,660 --> 00:19:43,200 And then the Nahuatl people made these geoglyphs to... 367 00:19:43,300 --> 00:19:45,930 to honor, uh, the creator gods. 368 00:19:46,040 --> 00:19:48,740 Right. And to not forget where we came from. 369 00:19:48,840 --> 00:19:50,540 Where we came from. That's right. 370 00:19:50,640 --> 00:19:53,210 Could it be that Blythe, California, 371 00:19:53,310 --> 00:19:57,010 really was the ancestral home of the Aztec people, 372 00:19:57,110 --> 00:19:59,910 and that more than 1,000 years ago, 373 00:20:00,020 --> 00:20:03,920 the area was visited by extraterrestrial beings? 374 00:20:04,020 --> 00:20:07,690 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest that the answers 375 00:20:07,790 --> 00:20:09,590 may be found by examining 376 00:20:09,690 --> 00:20:12,260 the most mysterious geoglyphs of all, 377 00:20:12,360 --> 00:20:17,300 incredible markings that are invisible to the naked eye. 378 00:20:21,470 --> 00:20:23,340 Palpa, Peru. 379 00:20:23,440 --> 00:20:26,270 December 2017. 380 00:20:26,380 --> 00:20:30,610 Researchers use state-of-the-art drones to photograph 381 00:20:30,710 --> 00:20:34,750 the famous Nazca Lines with high-resolution cameras. 382 00:20:34,850 --> 00:20:38,020 This is new technology being employed 383 00:20:38,120 --> 00:20:39,720 to search the landscape, 384 00:20:39,820 --> 00:20:42,790 and to try and find what the human eye 385 00:20:42,890 --> 00:20:46,730 has not been able to notice and not even from airplanes. 386 00:20:46,830 --> 00:20:50,100 What the researchers find amazes them, 387 00:20:50,200 --> 00:20:54,270 as the HD camera reveals dozens of additional geoglyphs 388 00:20:54,370 --> 00:20:56,640 that had never been seen before. 389 00:20:56,740 --> 00:21:04,780 They include a huge serpent, and also a giant fish, 391 00:21:04,880 --> 00:21:07,010 both of which are cosmic symbols. 392 00:21:09,150 --> 00:21:12,050 The thing is, with some of the figures found in Palpa, 393 00:21:12,150 --> 00:21:15,160 they think they could be older than some of the Nazca figures, 394 00:21:15,260 --> 00:21:16,960 because they're on hillsides, and it's known 395 00:21:17,060 --> 00:21:20,490 that the Paracas culture, who were around before the Nazca, 396 00:21:20,600 --> 00:21:23,900 going back to probably 800 BC, or even earlier. 397 00:21:24,000 --> 00:21:26,230 It does suggest that there was more cultures 398 00:21:26,340 --> 00:21:27,970 than just the Nazca people creating 399 00:21:28,070 --> 00:21:33,240 these effigies and lines in that part of the whole Nazca region. 400 00:21:33,340 --> 00:21:35,310 More geoglyphs, 401 00:21:35,410 --> 00:21:39,480 created by cultures stretching back nearly 3,000 years? 402 00:21:39,580 --> 00:21:41,520 But who were they? 403 00:21:41,620 --> 00:21:44,080 What were they trying to communicate? 404 00:21:44,190 --> 00:21:46,650 One has to wonder, 405 00:21:46,760 --> 00:21:50,760 why did our ancestors create these things 406 00:21:50,860 --> 00:21:54,090 if they can only be appreciated from the air? 407 00:21:56,370 --> 00:21:59,870 Because here is the thing: sometimes it has been proposed 408 00:21:59,970 --> 00:22:03,670 that the Nazca Lines were crests 409 00:22:03,770 --> 00:22:08,280 of different tribes, of different societies. 410 00:22:08,380 --> 00:22:10,710 But if I were a society leader, 411 00:22:10,810 --> 00:22:13,610 and I had my crest created on the ground, 412 00:22:13,720 --> 00:22:17,780 but I could not see it, I would not be very happy with that. 413 00:22:17,890 --> 00:22:21,660 That many of them can only be seen from the air, 414 00:22:21,760 --> 00:22:26,560 that suggests to me that many of the geoglyphs were in fact 415 00:22:26,660 --> 00:22:31,570 created in order to contact someone up there. 416 00:22:31,670 --> 00:22:35,140 The ancients were trying to represent 417 00:22:35,240 --> 00:22:39,540 that which they believed was coming from the cosmos, 418 00:22:39,640 --> 00:22:42,340 and that they themselves were trying to communicate 419 00:22:42,440 --> 00:22:46,810 or make the link with these cosmic beings. 420 00:22:48,920 --> 00:22:51,250 For ancient astronaut theorists, 421 00:22:51,350 --> 00:22:53,250 the link between the Nazca Lines 422 00:22:53,360 --> 00:22:57,090 and extraterrestrial communication is an obvious one. 423 00:22:57,190 --> 00:23:00,160 They believe ancient man 424 00:23:00,260 --> 00:23:02,930 would have no reason to make such detailed 425 00:23:03,030 --> 00:23:05,930 and elaborate representations of life on Earth 426 00:23:06,030 --> 00:23:10,500 unless they were trying to communicate with someone. 427 00:23:10,610 --> 00:23:14,070 They also cite recent images recorded on Mars 428 00:23:14,180 --> 00:23:17,280 as evidence which supports their claims. 429 00:23:17,380 --> 00:23:19,610 Certainly, the photographs 430 00:23:19,720 --> 00:23:22,750 that have been taken by the Mars orbiters 431 00:23:22,850 --> 00:23:26,950 and the landers and the rovers would suggest 432 00:23:27,060 --> 00:23:31,260 there are actually geoglyphs on Mars. 433 00:23:31,360 --> 00:23:34,090 These geoglyphic formations are structural, 434 00:23:34,200 --> 00:23:35,900 like we see with the American Indians, 435 00:23:36,000 --> 00:23:38,900 the Mound Builders, those type of formations. 436 00:23:39,000 --> 00:23:43,070 We're also finding pictographic images like the face on Mars, 437 00:23:43,170 --> 00:23:45,570 which have facial features. 438 00:23:45,670 --> 00:23:47,970 We have wonderful pictures 439 00:23:48,080 --> 00:23:50,440 of the surface of Mars, and definitely 440 00:23:50,550 --> 00:23:53,910 on the surface of Mars, we have some stone circles. 441 00:23:54,020 --> 00:23:57,450 Nature does not create stone circle. 442 00:23:57,550 --> 00:24:00,050 Nature could make one stone circle, 443 00:24:00,160 --> 00:24:03,120 but not three or four put together. 444 00:24:04,990 --> 00:24:07,460 Of particular interest to researchers 445 00:24:07,560 --> 00:24:10,460 is a recently discovered geological anomaly 446 00:24:10,570 --> 00:24:14,430 that strongly resembles a species of bird. 447 00:24:14,540 --> 00:24:18,070 In 2002, a member of the Cydonia Institute discovered 448 00:24:18,170 --> 00:24:21,610 a parrot formation in the Argyre basin area of Mars. 449 00:24:21,710 --> 00:24:25,010 After two geologists and three veterinarians... 450 00:24:25,110 --> 00:24:28,250 One being an avian specialist... Examined the formation, 451 00:24:28,350 --> 00:24:31,690 they confirmed that the parrot formation had over 17 points 452 00:24:31,790 --> 00:24:34,960 of anatomical correctness, all adhering to the proper shape, 453 00:24:35,060 --> 00:24:38,330 size and orientation to a real parrot. 454 00:24:38,430 --> 00:24:41,330 The same motif can be seen on a copper plate 455 00:24:41,430 --> 00:24:44,760 produced by the Hopewell Indians that features the same type 456 00:24:44,870 --> 00:24:47,700 of parrot formation with an upraised wing. 457 00:24:49,770 --> 00:24:52,310 Could the mysterious parrot-shaped formation 458 00:24:52,410 --> 00:24:55,710 on the surface of Mars really offer a link 459 00:24:55,810 --> 00:24:58,650 to the thousands of geoglyphs found here on Earth? 460 00:24:58,750 --> 00:25:03,720 And, if so, does it offer evidence that extraterrestrials 461 00:25:03,820 --> 00:25:06,720 have been using them as a form of communication with humans 462 00:25:06,820 --> 00:25:10,190 for thousands of years? 463 00:25:10,290 --> 00:25:13,990 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and believe 464 00:25:14,100 --> 00:25:16,960 that the various geoglyphic depictions of animals, 465 00:25:17,070 --> 00:25:21,330 humans and birds may not have been intended as mere artwork, 466 00:25:21,440 --> 00:25:23,500 but as a form of language, 467 00:25:23,610 --> 00:25:28,170 whose message for mankind has yet to be decoded. 468 00:25:35,250 --> 00:25:37,180 Elkab, Egypt. 469 00:25:37,290 --> 00:25:39,850 June 2017. 470 00:25:39,960 --> 00:25:43,490 A team of researchers from Yale University 471 00:25:43,590 --> 00:25:46,630 and the Royal Museums of Art and History in Brussels 472 00:25:46,730 --> 00:25:49,000 make an historic find. 473 00:25:49,100 --> 00:25:53,570 While exploring this ancient city, they discover a number 474 00:25:53,670 --> 00:25:57,340 of rock art carvings, which after closer examination, 475 00:25:57,440 --> 00:26:00,870 date back an estimated 5,200 years, 476 00:26:00,980 --> 00:26:04,880 making them the oldest monumental Egyptian hieroglyphs 477 00:26:04,980 --> 00:26:06,550 ever discovered. 478 00:26:06,650 --> 00:26:10,650 Using combinations of various shapes and symbols, 479 00:26:10,750 --> 00:26:13,990 including representations of humans and animals, 480 00:26:14,090 --> 00:26:15,990 hieroglyphics is regarded 481 00:26:16,090 --> 00:26:18,660 as a highly sophisticated writing system, 482 00:26:18,760 --> 00:26:21,260 where every symbol and combination of symbols 483 00:26:21,360 --> 00:26:24,700 has a specific meaning. 484 00:26:24,800 --> 00:26:28,740 When we look at the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt, 485 00:26:28,840 --> 00:26:30,600 they seem to have come from nowhere. 486 00:26:30,710 --> 00:26:33,610 No one knows where they came from, 487 00:26:33,710 --> 00:26:36,680 no one knows who they really were designed for, 488 00:26:36,780 --> 00:26:39,110 or for their purpose, they just appeared out of nowhere. 489 00:26:39,210 --> 00:26:40,850 So where did these come from? 490 00:26:40,950 --> 00:26:43,580 Were they sort of just divinely inspired? 491 00:26:43,690 --> 00:26:45,220 Was it some other reason, 492 00:26:45,320 --> 00:26:47,920 was it some gods that emerged and arrived 493 00:26:48,020 --> 00:26:50,390 and presented them with this information? 494 00:26:50,490 --> 00:26:53,390 The term "hieroglyphics" 495 00:26:53,500 --> 00:26:57,730 literally means "holy writing," and ancient Egyptian texts say 496 00:26:57,830 --> 00:27:02,170 it was a gift given to them from the god Thoth. 497 00:27:02,270 --> 00:27:07,870 There are legends from all over the world that sky gods 498 00:27:07,980 --> 00:27:12,250 have come down to Earth and given information 499 00:27:12,350 --> 00:27:16,950 of science and learning, and also communication 500 00:27:17,050 --> 00:27:18,920 and of language to people. 501 00:27:19,020 --> 00:27:24,920 And early language and alphabets are these symbols. 502 00:27:27,430 --> 00:27:29,900 We're here in Luxor Temple, 503 00:27:30,000 --> 00:27:36,940 and the hieroglyphs here... are so interesting. 505 00:27:37,040 --> 00:27:39,470 Most people would think that ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs 506 00:27:39,570 --> 00:27:44,510 is more like emojis, and symbols where the sun and a cow 507 00:27:44,610 --> 00:27:47,150 would meet the sky, and you have this picture of the sky... 508 00:27:47,250 --> 00:27:49,320 It's not pictures next to each other. 509 00:27:49,420 --> 00:27:51,990 It's a proper language. 510 00:27:52,090 --> 00:27:54,620 It's a language that has such precision 511 00:27:54,720 --> 00:27:57,090 that people from all over the world 512 00:27:57,190 --> 00:28:01,700 can translate it with the same exact meaning. 513 00:28:01,800 --> 00:28:06,130 All this language was from the god of knowledge. 514 00:28:06,230 --> 00:28:07,730 That's what ancient Egyptians believed, 515 00:28:07,840 --> 00:28:12,610 that god Thoth gave them the language, with all it has. 516 00:28:12,710 --> 00:28:14,470 And the kings then used it 517 00:28:14,580 --> 00:28:16,640 to also communicate with their gods. 518 00:28:16,750 --> 00:28:19,780 Ancient Egyptian kings knew for a fact that their gods 519 00:28:19,880 --> 00:28:22,550 understood hieroglyphs. 520 00:28:22,650 --> 00:28:26,650 As described in the Pyramid Texts, 521 00:28:26,760 --> 00:28:29,520 ancient Egyptian religious texts that date back 522 00:28:29,620 --> 00:28:31,790 more than 4,000 years, 523 00:28:31,890 --> 00:28:35,530 a meteoric iron object called the Benben stone 524 00:28:35,630 --> 00:28:38,830 was reported as having descended from the heavens 525 00:28:38,930 --> 00:28:40,700 like a firebird. 526 00:28:42,440 --> 00:28:47,640 Even Egyptologists agree that this type of a shape 527 00:28:47,740 --> 00:28:50,080 descended from the sky... 528 00:28:52,150 --> 00:28:54,710 ...and made a controlled landing. 529 00:28:54,820 --> 00:28:58,920 The Benben stone opened, and people walked out, 530 00:28:59,020 --> 00:29:01,690 the first creator gods. 531 00:29:01,790 --> 00:29:06,190 Now, when I hear a story like this, I wonder 532 00:29:06,290 --> 00:29:09,830 if this thing may have been some type of a craft, 533 00:29:09,930 --> 00:29:11,800 because it is very reminiscent 534 00:29:11,900 --> 00:29:16,340 of the top module of an Apollo rocket. 535 00:29:17,970 --> 00:29:20,670 The Benben came with hieroglyphic inscriptions on it, 536 00:29:20,780 --> 00:29:24,040 and it was the first form of hieroglyphic language, 537 00:29:24,150 --> 00:29:26,010 the gift from the gods. 538 00:29:26,110 --> 00:29:29,450 This was the language of the gods. 539 00:29:29,550 --> 00:29:32,890 Did an otherworldly spacecraft 540 00:29:32,990 --> 00:29:35,760 bring the language of hieroglyphics to the people 541 00:29:35,860 --> 00:29:40,460 of ancient Egypt thousands of years ago? 542 00:29:40,560 --> 00:29:43,800 And, if so, could there be a connection between hieroglyphs 543 00:29:43,900 --> 00:29:47,630 and the various individual figures of animals, 544 00:29:47,740 --> 00:29:50,900 shapes and symbols found in the world's 545 00:29:51,010 --> 00:29:53,640 petroglyphs and geoglyphs? 546 00:29:53,740 --> 00:29:56,710 It would seem that these petroglyphs and geoglyphs 547 00:29:56,810 --> 00:30:00,110 are ultimately part of this universal language 548 00:30:00,220 --> 00:30:01,650 that's the forerunner 549 00:30:01,750 --> 00:30:04,780 of hieroglyphic and pictographic languages, too, 550 00:30:04,890 --> 00:30:06,590 like the Chinese for example. 551 00:30:06,690 --> 00:30:08,920 When we're really able to understand 552 00:30:09,020 --> 00:30:10,920 these geoglyphs or petroglyphs, 553 00:30:11,030 --> 00:30:13,890 we may find that there is a message for us 554 00:30:14,000 --> 00:30:16,560 that we have been missing all this time. 555 00:30:16,670 --> 00:30:19,570 One day, hopefully, we will find that knowledge 556 00:30:19,670 --> 00:30:22,900 and know that message. 557 00:30:23,000 --> 00:30:25,810 If hieroglyphs actually represent 558 00:30:25,910 --> 00:30:28,740 a type of ancient alien language, 559 00:30:28,840 --> 00:30:31,740 could their earliest examples exist carved into rocks 560 00:30:31,850 --> 00:30:34,450 and etched in desert sands? 561 00:30:34,550 --> 00:30:37,780 Could they be trying to tell us that Earth's history 562 00:30:37,890 --> 00:30:41,350 is very different than the one we've been taught? 563 00:30:41,460 --> 00:30:45,330 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 564 00:30:45,430 --> 00:30:47,990 and suggest that instead of viewing them as symbols 565 00:30:48,100 --> 00:30:50,500 of mankind's ancient past, 566 00:30:50,600 --> 00:30:55,440 we should start to look at them as part of mankind's future. 567 00:31:02,540 --> 00:31:05,910 Kanda, the Republic of Macedonia. 568 00:31:06,010 --> 00:31:10,920 There, isolated on a hill in the middle of a vast steppe, 569 00:31:11,020 --> 00:31:14,150 sits a giant geoglyph depicting a symbol 570 00:31:14,260 --> 00:31:17,460 known as the cosmic egg. 571 00:31:17,560 --> 00:31:20,430 According to ancient mythology, 572 00:31:20,530 --> 00:31:22,800 it is the great egg of the universe 573 00:31:22,900 --> 00:31:28,300 from which a powerful deity is often hatched or born. 574 00:31:28,400 --> 00:31:32,470 The concept of the cosmic egg is universal. 575 00:31:32,570 --> 00:31:36,010 But what's so interesting is that a multinational team 576 00:31:36,110 --> 00:31:39,050 who have been investigating this site 577 00:31:39,150 --> 00:31:43,780 have come to the conclusion that it's orientated 578 00:31:43,890 --> 00:31:47,320 towards the constellation of Cassiopeia. 579 00:31:47,420 --> 00:31:51,890 Cassiopeia represents the queen of Heaven. 580 00:31:51,990 --> 00:31:53,730 In addition to the alignment 581 00:31:53,830 --> 00:31:57,000 of the egg with the Cassiopeia constellation, 582 00:31:57,100 --> 00:31:58,930 many scholars believe that the symbol 583 00:31:59,030 --> 00:32:03,370 contained in the egg represents that of the cosmic god Se. 584 00:32:05,410 --> 00:32:08,740 He represents the all-seeing god. 585 00:32:08,840 --> 00:32:11,880 Macedonian myth says that the god Se 586 00:32:11,980 --> 00:32:14,580 was the child of the great cosmic mother 587 00:32:14,680 --> 00:32:16,320 and the supreme god father. 588 00:32:16,420 --> 00:32:18,990 While there are various theories 589 00:32:19,090 --> 00:32:22,560 as to who made the cosmic egg geoglyph and why, 590 00:32:22,660 --> 00:32:25,990 ancient astronaut theorists agree on one point, 591 00:32:26,090 --> 00:32:28,230 that this geoglyph, 592 00:32:28,330 --> 00:32:32,230 like the thousands of others found all across the world, 593 00:32:32,330 --> 00:32:35,000 was intended to be more than simply a work of art 594 00:32:35,100 --> 00:32:37,500 or indicate a place of worship. 595 00:32:37,610 --> 00:32:41,670 It was intended to communicate something of great, 596 00:32:41,780 --> 00:32:45,080 possibly intergalactic, importance. 597 00:32:45,180 --> 00:32:47,050 It would seem that 598 00:32:47,150 --> 00:32:49,780 extraterrestrials arrived on Earth, 599 00:32:49,880 --> 00:32:53,350 and then taught humans the meanings of these symbols. 600 00:32:53,460 --> 00:32:57,020 And then humans then used these symbols 601 00:32:57,130 --> 00:32:59,130 to try and contact the extraterrestrials themselves, 602 00:32:59,230 --> 00:33:03,600 either as giant geoglyphs on the ground 603 00:33:03,700 --> 00:33:06,130 to even just petroglyphs on the rocks. 604 00:33:11,970 --> 00:33:14,370 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest 605 00:33:14,480 --> 00:33:17,310 that the notion that petroglyphs and geoglyphs 606 00:33:17,410 --> 00:33:19,580 could represent a form of communication 607 00:33:19,680 --> 00:33:21,480 taught to humans by alien visitors 608 00:33:21,580 --> 00:33:25,420 is supported by our own relatively modern science 609 00:33:25,520 --> 00:33:28,120 of semiotics. 610 00:33:28,220 --> 00:33:31,590 It is the study of signs and symbols 611 00:33:31,690 --> 00:33:34,930 mankind will need to use when trying to communicate, 612 00:33:35,030 --> 00:33:37,330 not only with future generations, 613 00:33:37,430 --> 00:33:39,800 but with extraterrestrials. 614 00:33:39,900 --> 00:33:41,330 Pictographs are more than 615 00:33:41,440 --> 00:33:42,840 pretty simplistic pictures. 616 00:33:42,940 --> 00:33:45,940 They are, in fact, another way of communicating entirely, 617 00:33:46,040 --> 00:33:49,980 not only on Earth, but in a spacecraft sent to deep space 618 00:33:50,080 --> 00:33:52,910 to communicate perhaps with beings 619 00:33:53,010 --> 00:33:55,420 we have no idea about how they speak, write, 620 00:33:55,520 --> 00:33:58,050 or make signification. 621 00:34:00,760 --> 00:34:05,120 In 1991, the United States Department of Energy 623 00:34:05,230 --> 00:34:07,260 assigned two teams of experts 624 00:34:07,360 --> 00:34:10,100 to the task of devising a marking system 625 00:34:10,200 --> 00:34:13,600 for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, or WIPP, 626 00:34:13,700 --> 00:34:16,200 a nuclear waste facility 627 00:34:16,300 --> 00:34:19,010 located in the salt beds of the Delaware Basin, 628 00:34:19,110 --> 00:34:22,880 26 miles east of Carlsbad, New Mexico. 629 00:34:24,910 --> 00:34:28,110 The project attempted to find ways of communicating 630 00:34:28,220 --> 00:34:30,050 the hazard of the plant 631 00:34:30,150 --> 00:34:32,390 to humans living in the distant future, 632 00:34:32,490 --> 00:34:36,320 humans who may have developed entirely new languages 633 00:34:36,420 --> 00:34:39,630 or other forms of communication. 634 00:34:42,230 --> 00:34:45,130 One prominent member of the project 635 00:34:45,230 --> 00:34:48,700 was space artist and science journalist Jon Lomberg. 636 00:34:50,710 --> 00:34:56,480 Lomberg had previously worked on NASA's 1977 Voyager mission, 637 00:34:56,580 --> 00:34:58,540 helping to determine what sounds and images 638 00:34:58,650 --> 00:35:01,480 should be included on a pair of golden discs 639 00:35:01,580 --> 00:35:03,650 being sent into deep space. 640 00:35:05,690 --> 00:35:08,020 They put together a panel of people 641 00:35:08,120 --> 00:35:10,090 from a wide variety of backgrounds, 642 00:35:10,190 --> 00:35:13,160 including me as an artist 643 00:35:13,260 --> 00:35:15,060 and as somebody who had experience 644 00:35:15,160 --> 00:35:17,760 trying to communicate with extraterrestrials. 645 00:35:17,870 --> 00:35:20,930 The idea being was, if we can come up with a way 646 00:35:21,040 --> 00:35:24,000 of communicating with extraterrestrials, 647 00:35:24,110 --> 00:35:27,040 then communicating with humans 10,000 years 648 00:35:27,140 --> 00:35:31,180 or a half a million years away should be a piece of cake. 649 00:35:33,110 --> 00:35:35,750 Through their research, the teams determined 650 00:35:35,850 --> 00:35:39,190 that simple images are the most universally recognized. 651 00:35:39,290 --> 00:35:45,120 But some can only be understood when paired with other images. 652 00:35:45,230 --> 00:35:47,790 We knew that there were certain elements of human art 653 00:35:47,900 --> 00:35:50,630 that had appeared so widely 654 00:35:50,730 --> 00:35:52,623 that you could assume everybody would understand them. 655 00:35:52,630 --> 00:35:55,270 And they were: the comic strip. 656 00:35:55,370 --> 00:35:58,870 The idea of a series of images where first this happens, 657 00:35:58,970 --> 00:36:01,210 and then this happens, and then this happens, 658 00:36:01,310 --> 00:36:02,810 you find that all over, 659 00:36:02,910 --> 00:36:06,910 from ancient Egypt to the plains tribes 660 00:36:07,020 --> 00:36:09,050 to the Bayeux Tapestry. 661 00:36:09,150 --> 00:36:10,950 The idea of telling a story with pictures 662 00:36:11,050 --> 00:36:13,290 seems to be something that everybody knows. 663 00:36:13,390 --> 00:36:17,990 So we used the linear story and the stick figure 664 00:36:18,090 --> 00:36:21,060 to try to explain the meaning of symbols 665 00:36:21,160 --> 00:36:25,770 like the poison symbol or the nuclear radiation trefoil 666 00:36:25,870 --> 00:36:28,000 or the "do not" sign. 667 00:36:28,100 --> 00:36:30,270 None of these are universal, 668 00:36:30,370 --> 00:36:33,240 but they're easily explained with a little comic strip. 669 00:36:35,010 --> 00:36:38,410 The whole of written human history is only 5,000 years old. 670 00:36:38,510 --> 00:36:41,410 It's only by the most incredible efforts 671 00:36:41,520 --> 00:36:44,250 that we're able to read the earliest human languages. 672 00:36:44,350 --> 00:36:46,820 So trying to guess how people are going to understand things 673 00:36:46,920 --> 00:36:50,860 10,000 years from now requires incredibly imaginative thinking. 674 00:36:50,960 --> 00:36:54,490 Symbols are universal, and thus, 675 00:36:54,600 --> 00:36:56,630 when we're looking at hieroglyphs 676 00:36:56,730 --> 00:37:02,640 or petroglyphs on rock or geoglyphs, 678 00:37:02,740 --> 00:37:05,670 we have to also recognize 679 00:37:05,770 --> 00:37:07,770 that there are universal symbols. 680 00:37:07,880 --> 00:37:11,510 We may look at them today and not be aware 681 00:37:11,610 --> 00:37:13,980 of exactly what they mean. 682 00:37:14,080 --> 00:37:16,920 Just possibly some of them 683 00:37:17,020 --> 00:37:21,620 could have been influenced by external sources, 684 00:37:21,720 --> 00:37:25,020 non-terrestrial intelligences, 685 00:37:25,130 --> 00:37:28,460 perhaps even extraterrestrials. 686 00:37:28,560 --> 00:37:32,000 These messages potentially contain 687 00:37:32,100 --> 00:37:34,030 tremendous knowledge for humanity. 688 00:37:34,140 --> 00:37:36,040 It could be something very simple 689 00:37:36,140 --> 00:37:38,870 like "point yourselves at this particular star system" 690 00:37:38,970 --> 00:37:42,210 or "meet us at this particular time and place." 691 00:37:42,310 --> 00:37:44,840 And just imagine if we don't get that message 692 00:37:44,950 --> 00:37:46,580 and don't make that meeting, 693 00:37:46,680 --> 00:37:49,720 or don't look to that particular star system. 694 00:37:49,820 --> 00:37:52,290 Humanity could be in the balance. 695 00:37:54,320 --> 00:37:56,490 Could it be that the petroglyphs and geoglyphs 696 00:37:56,590 --> 00:37:58,320 found all over the world 697 00:37:58,430 --> 00:38:00,990 are not only examples of how early humans 698 00:38:01,100 --> 00:38:02,930 communicated with each other, 699 00:38:03,030 --> 00:38:07,070 but their attempt to replicate a more sophisticated form 700 00:38:07,170 --> 00:38:09,170 of extraterrestrial language? 701 00:38:11,210 --> 00:38:13,570 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 702 00:38:13,680 --> 00:38:16,440 and believe the evidence can be found 703 00:38:16,540 --> 00:38:19,610 by investigating UFO encounters in which witnesses 704 00:38:19,710 --> 00:38:22,210 reported seeing hieroglyphic writing 705 00:38:22,320 --> 00:38:24,320 on alien spacecraft. 706 00:38:28,560 --> 00:38:30,160 Rendlesham Forest. 707 00:38:30,260 --> 00:38:32,390 Suffolk County, England. 708 00:38:32,490 --> 00:38:35,960 December 26, 1980. 709 00:38:36,060 --> 00:38:40,230 Near an airbase leased to the United States Air Force 710 00:38:40,340 --> 00:38:41,900 by the R.A.F., 711 00:38:42,000 --> 00:38:45,670 strange lights are reported on the horizon. 712 00:38:45,770 --> 00:38:49,680 Two U.S. servicemen are dispatched to the site 713 00:38:49,780 --> 00:38:51,680 to investigate what they believe 714 00:38:51,780 --> 00:38:55,210 could be a possible downed aircraft. 715 00:38:55,320 --> 00:39:00,190 Some U.S. servicemen at a base called Woodbridge 716 00:39:00,290 --> 00:39:03,260 saw a strange light over the forest 717 00:39:03,360 --> 00:39:05,290 and went to investigate, 718 00:39:05,390 --> 00:39:11,130 and in a clearing came across this landed craft. 719 00:39:11,230 --> 00:39:16,000 One of them saw these strange sequence of symbols 720 00:39:16,100 --> 00:39:18,370 upon the side of it. 721 00:39:18,470 --> 00:39:24,410 The object then rose up and disappeared out of sight. 722 00:39:26,450 --> 00:39:28,710 What were these hieroglyphs? 723 00:39:28,820 --> 00:39:33,020 Were we meant to see them? Were we meant to record them? 724 00:39:33,120 --> 00:39:36,760 There are some very famous cases 725 00:39:36,860 --> 00:39:40,930 of hieroglyphs being seen on the side 726 00:39:41,030 --> 00:39:45,300 of what appeared to be flying saucers or UFOs. 727 00:39:45,400 --> 00:39:47,530 Another UFO incident 728 00:39:47,640 --> 00:39:52,000 where hieroglyphs were seen on the side of a strange craft 729 00:39:52,110 --> 00:39:56,010 took place at Kecksburg, in Pennsylvania. 730 00:39:57,810 --> 00:40:01,780 On December 9, 1965, a fireball was seen 731 00:40:01,880 --> 00:40:05,120 streaking through the skies of-of Michigan and Ontario 732 00:40:05,220 --> 00:40:09,390 and then crashing in Pennsylvania. 733 00:40:09,490 --> 00:40:13,130 And this became known as the Kecksburg UFO. 734 00:40:13,230 --> 00:40:15,730 But what they said that they found 735 00:40:15,830 --> 00:40:19,170 on this bell-shaped object 736 00:40:19,270 --> 00:40:24,070 were strange hieroglyphic writing all along the base, 737 00:40:24,170 --> 00:40:28,910 very similar to the early pictographs and petroglyphs 738 00:40:29,010 --> 00:40:31,580 and geoglyphs that we find all over the world. 739 00:40:31,680 --> 00:40:35,650 Could the details of these and other UFO reports 740 00:40:35,750 --> 00:40:39,420 provide proof that the geoglyphs and petroglyphs 741 00:40:39,520 --> 00:40:41,450 found all across the world 742 00:40:41,560 --> 00:40:45,990 were actually inspired by alien encounters in the distant past? 743 00:40:48,430 --> 00:40:50,300 I believe that one day we will break 744 00:40:50,400 --> 00:40:53,930 the entire code of the ancient language locked away 745 00:40:54,040 --> 00:40:57,870 in the petroglyphs, geoglyphs, and even megaliths of the world. 746 00:40:57,970 --> 00:41:00,370 And in it, we may find information 747 00:41:00,480 --> 00:41:03,680 that is vital to mankind. 748 00:41:03,780 --> 00:41:05,880 When we're really able to understand 749 00:41:05,980 --> 00:41:07,380 these geoglyphs and petroglyphs, 750 00:41:07,480 --> 00:41:10,720 we may find that there is a message for us 751 00:41:10,820 --> 00:41:13,350 that we have been missing all this time. 752 00:41:13,450 --> 00:41:14,990 One day, hopefully, 753 00:41:15,090 --> 00:41:19,290 we will find that knowledge and know that message. 754 00:41:19,390 --> 00:41:22,460 It may be that there's a sort of metaphysical time lock 755 00:41:22,560 --> 00:41:24,900 or a timeline for the decoding 756 00:41:25,000 --> 00:41:26,530 of the petroglyphs and geoglyphs. 757 00:41:26,630 --> 00:41:28,000 Maybe now is the time 758 00:41:28,100 --> 00:41:31,240 for us to fully understand what those messages are. 759 00:41:31,340 --> 00:41:35,410 Perhaps the keys to breaking the alien code 760 00:41:35,510 --> 00:41:39,040 are all around us, and have been hiding in plain sight 761 00:41:39,150 --> 00:41:41,980 for thousands of years. 762 00:41:42,080 --> 00:41:46,020 All we need to do to unlock their mystery is to see them 763 00:41:46,120 --> 00:41:50,690 from the same perspective as our extraterrestrial ancestors. 764 00:41:50,790 --> 00:41:53,830 We must look at them from the sky. 765 00:41:55,830 --> 00:41:57,138 CAPTIONING PROVIDED BY A+E NETWORKS