1 00:00:03.880 --> 00:00:07.509 [ Man Narrating ] A civilization suddenly destroyed. 2 00:00:07.592 --> 00:00:10.679 [ Man ] I think they possessed incredible technology... 3 00:00:10.762 --> 00:00:12.847 and then something happened. 4 00:00:12.931 --> 00:00:16.768 [ Narrator] Centuries of knowledge wiped out forever. 5 00:00:16.851 --> 00:00:18.853 [ Man ] When these books were all destroyed... 6 00:00:18.937 --> 00:00:23.274 it was a way of setting the knowledge back to zero. 7 00:00:24.234 --> 00:00:26.569 [ Narrator] And the world's most powerful weapons... 8 00:00:26.653 --> 00:00:29.656 inexplicably taken off-line. 9 00:00:29.739 --> 00:00:33.201 We were being sent a message. “We are watching.” 10 00:00:33.284 --> 00:00:37.288 [ Narrator] Is it possible that extraterrestrials have intervened... 11 00:00:37.372 --> 00:00:41.751 at key moments in our history to manipulate our progress? 12 00:00:42.794 --> 00:00:46.381 And if so, what is their ultimate goal? 13 00:00:47.215 --> 00:00:52.303 [Woman ] There are extraterrestrials that want to see humanity evolve and grow... 14 00:00:52.387 --> 00:00:56.641 and another group that wants us destroyed. 15 00:00:57.475 --> 00:00:59.811 [ Narrator] Millions of people around the world... 16 00:00:59.894 --> 00:01:04.566 believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 17 00:01:04.649 --> 00:01:06.818 What if it were true? 18 00:01:07.694 --> 00:01:12.730 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 19 00:01:12.157 --> 00:01:13.742 And if so... 20 00:01:13.825 --> 00:01:19.289 is the advancement of mankind determined by an alien agenda? 21 00:01:51.700 --> 00:01:52.947 Washington, DC. 22 00:01:53.310 --> 00:01:55.330 2013. 23 00:01:56.659 --> 00:01:59.120 At the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure... 24 00:01:59.204 --> 00:02:02.791 six former members of the United States Congress... 25 00:02:02.874 --> 00:02:04.334 listened to testimony... 26 00:02:04.417 --> 00:02:08.129 from former high-ranking government and military officials... 27 00:02:08.213 --> 00:02:12.133 along with a variety of scientists and researchers... 28 00:02:12.217 --> 00:02:16.638 about extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. 29 00:02:17.889 --> 00:02:22.727 One of the speakers was former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer. 30 00:02:25.563 --> 00:02:28.399 The American people and the people of the world have a right to know. 31 00:02:28.483 --> 00:02:33.363 UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying overhead. 32 00:02:34.823 --> 00:02:37.826 We live in a cosmos teaming with life. 33 00:02:40.119 --> 00:02:44.207 [ Man ] To have a former defense minister and deputy prime minister... 34 00:02:44.290 --> 00:02:48.127 come out and say that the UFO phenomenon is real... 35 00:02:48.211 --> 00:02:51.500 and that we're being visited and that there's a government cover-up... 36 00:02:51.890 --> 00:02:53.842 is in of itself sensational. 37 00:02:56.940 --> 00:02:58.680 And he also expressed the view... 38 00:02:58.763 --> 00:03:04.180 that some alien civilizations are concerned about humanity... 39 00:03:04.102 --> 00:03:07.188 and do not want to share technology with the human race... 40 00:03:07.272 --> 00:03:12.986 for fear that we are not ready for it, that we'll abuse that technology. 41 00:03:13.690 --> 00:03:17.699 We are, after all, a race that has used atomic bombs on our own people. 42 00:03:23.663 --> 00:03:27.709 [ Narrator] Other distinguished speakers at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure... 43 00:03:27.792 --> 00:03:31.296 included nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman... 44 00:03:31.379 --> 00:03:34.757 retired air force captain, Robert Salas... 45 00:03:34.841 --> 00:03:40.638 and a former official for the Federal Aviation Administration, John Callahan... 46 00:03:40.722 --> 00:03:44.267 all of whom corroborated Paul Hellyer's assertion... 47 00:03:44.350 --> 00:03:48.104 that we are being visited by otherworldly beings. 48 00:03:49.480 --> 00:03:52.609 They also claim that these visitors have an interest... 49 00:03:52.692 --> 00:03:54.986 in our technological advancements... 50 00:03:55.862 --> 00:03:59.574 especially when it comes to nuclear weapons. 51 00:04:01.534 --> 00:04:06.706 These objects know in great detail how our missiles operate. 52 00:04:06.789 --> 00:04:09.459 They can shut down our missiles at any time. 53 00:04:09.542 --> 00:04:12.211 If you release that information to the public... 54 00:04:12.295 --> 00:04:15.882 what do you say then about, urn, you know... 55 00:04:15.965 --> 00:04:18.593 what kind of defense do we have against these things? 56 00:04:21.679 --> 00:04:24.724 [ Narrator] Could the UFO phenomenon be real? 57 00:04:25.808 --> 00:04:29.979 And is it possible that extraterrestrials have been monitoring... 58 00:04:30.630 --> 00:04:32.482 and perhaps even interfering... 59 00:04:32.565 --> 00:04:35.568 with the technological advancement of mankind? 60 00:04:37.280 --> 00:04:40.114 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 61 00:04:40.198 --> 00:04:45.161 and suggest that the earliest and perhaps strongest evidence of this... 62 00:04:45.244 --> 00:04:49.874 can be found in the biblical story of the Tower of Babel. 63 00:04:52.293 --> 00:04:54.545 According to the Book of Genesis... 64 00:04:54.629 --> 00:04:59.509 the Tower of Babel was built in Mesopotamia after the Great Flood. 65 00:04:59.592 --> 00:05:05.556 Some accounts suggest it reached nearly 30 stories, or 300 feet tall. 66 00:05:05.640 --> 00:05:10.228 It was described as a bridge between heaven and earth... 67 00:05:10.311 --> 00:05:12.647 built by a unified people. 68 00:05:12.730 --> 00:05:15.108 [ Man ] In the Book of Genesis, chapter 11... 69 00:05:15.191 --> 00:05:20.488 it says, “In the beginning there was only one language and few words.” 70 00:05:20.571 --> 00:05:22.490 And then a group of people got together... 71 00:05:22.573 --> 00:05:25.201 and decided that things could be improved. 72 00:05:25.910 --> 00:05:28.204 They learned how to make bricks... 73 00:05:28.287 --> 00:05:30.415 and this meant they could build buildings. 74 00:05:32.333 --> 00:05:34.585 [ Man ] Someone got the idea of building a tower- 75 00:05:34.669 --> 00:05:37.422 a tower to heaven to make a name for ourselves. 76 00:05:37.505 --> 00:05:41.467 Well, this starts to become hubris, where you start challenging the gods. 77 00:05:41.551 --> 00:05:43.940 This is a key idea- 78 00:05:43.177 --> 00:05:46.764 a certain kind of arrogance that is starting to think that you are a god... 79 00:05:46.848 --> 00:05:49.934 and so as the tower lifts up, God is annoyed. 80 00:05:53.980 --> 00:05:57.775 The powers up in the sky thought, “Uh-huh. 81 00:05:57.859 --> 00:06:00.570 We cannot let them succeed with this... 82 00:06:00.653 --> 00:06:04.657 because if they succeed in doing this, who knows what they'll do next?” 83 00:06:06.451 --> 00:06:10.790 [ Man ] God comes down and says, “Wow, they can actually accomplish this feat. 84 00:06:10.163 --> 00:06:13.410 They can actually build a tower up into the heavens. 85 00:06:13.124 --> 00:06:15.752 So let's disperse their language... 86 00:06:15.835 --> 00:06:18.880 and then they can't communicate and then they can't build this tower.” 87 00:06:22.258 --> 00:06:24.218 [ Narrator] Biblical scholars contend... 88 00:06:24.302 --> 00:06:27.889 that the story merely attempts to offer an explanation... 89 00:06:27.972 --> 00:06:30.391 for the various languages on Earth. 90 00:06:31.726 --> 00:06:34.520 But ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 91 00:06:34.604 --> 00:06:38.649 the biblical account may actually reveal a greater truth... 92 00:06:38.733 --> 00:06:44.489 about extraterrestrial interest in the technological progress of mankind. 93 00:06:46.324 --> 00:06:50.578 [ Man ] From the other literature that we have peripheral to the Bible... 94 00:06:50.661 --> 00:06:53.247 a much deeper story is told. 95 00:06:53.331 --> 00:06:55.374 What was this tower? 96 00:06:55.458 --> 00:06:57.543 According to this ancient source... 97 00:06:57.627 --> 00:07:03.700 this ancient technology that they discovered was to reach to the heavens. 98 00:07:03.800 --> 00:07:06.219 [ Man ] When you look at the story of the Tower of Babel... 99 00:07:06.302 --> 00:07:11.990 it's essentially a story of mankind developing technology... 100 00:07:11.182 --> 00:07:16.771 and being like the gods, being like our extraterrestrial creators. 101 00:07:16.854 --> 00:07:20.399 And therefore mankind was, in a sense... 102 00:07:20.483 --> 00:07:23.694 kept from reaching a technological level. 103 00:07:24.987 --> 00:07:28.116 [ Man ] The word Babel means “gate to God”... 104 00:07:28.199 --> 00:07:32.453 and some believe that the gate to God was, in fact, a star gate- 105 00:07:32.537 --> 00:07:36.916 a ladder, tower or stairway that reached into the heavens. 106 00:07:36.999 --> 00:07:42.296 And so when God saw that humankind were building a star gate... 107 00:07:42.380 --> 00:07:44.600 this was too much. 108 00:07:45.967 --> 00:07:48.469 [ Tzadok ] Well, what happened next? 109 00:07:48.553 --> 00:07:53.150 Powers that be watched. They observed. 110 00:07:53.990 --> 00:07:55.143 They spoke to one another saying... 111 00:07:55.226 --> 00:07:57.645 “We have to descend to the Earth... 112 00:07:57.728 --> 00:08:01.190 to bring an assault upon the builders of the Tower.” 113 00:08:01.274 --> 00:08:03.317 What kind of an assault? 114 00:08:03.401 --> 00:08:05.361 The Biblical text is very clear. 115 00:08:05.444 --> 00:08:08.865 They touched the minds of the people... 116 00:08:08.948 --> 00:08:12.451 and corrupted their spirit of unity. 117 00:08:12.535 --> 00:08:17.456 [ Man ] The Tower of Babel story really relates to a decision... 118 00:08:17.540 --> 00:08:20.168 that the so-called gods had made. 119 00:08:20.251 --> 00:08:23.588 Human beings were not only supposed to speak different languages. 120 00:08:23.671 --> 00:08:26.716 They were also supposed to fight with each other. 121 00:08:26.799 --> 00:08:29.177 They were supposed to come into conflict with each other. 122 00:08:29.260 --> 00:08:31.710 And as long as they're squabbling with each other... 123 00:08:31.950 --> 00:08:33.389 they're not gonna unite and fight against you. 124 00:08:34.390 --> 00:08:37.101 [ Man ] I believe whoever got involved realized... 125 00:08:37.185 --> 00:08:40.646 these human beings are coming along pretty darned fast. 126 00:08:40.730 --> 00:08:43.983 We got to slow this down a little bit, and that's what they did. 127 00:08:47.236 --> 00:08:51.449 [ Narrator] Is it possible, as some ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 128 00:08:51.532 --> 00:08:56.370 that otherworldly beings have been carefully watching the advancements of humans... 129 00:08:56.454 --> 00:08:57.955 and have intervened... 130 00:08:59.123 --> 00:09:04.921 creating barriers as a way to keep mankind from obtaining powerful technology? 131 00:09:06.130 --> 00:09:08.925 Perhaps further clues can be found... 132 00:09:09.800 --> 00:09:12.345 by examining the remnants of an ancient civilization... 133 00:09:12.428 --> 00:09:17.160 that appears to have been destroyed by a massive explosion. 134 00:09:24.315 --> 00:09:27.260 Sindh Province, Pakistan. 135 00:09:27.735 --> 00:09:29.946 1922. 136 00:09:30.988 --> 00:09:34.742 An officer of the Archaeological Survey of India... 137 00:09:34.825 --> 00:09:36.827 is led by a Buddhist monk... 138 00:09:36.911 --> 00:09:40.331 to an area believed to have been a religious monument. 139 00:09:41.916 --> 00:09:43.960 But under the mounds of dirt... 140 00:09:44.430 --> 00:09:48.381 archaeologists find instead an ancient Indus Valley city... 141 00:09:48.464 --> 00:09:51.676 dating back to 2000 BC. 142 00:09:52.677 --> 00:09:57.306 It is called Mohenjo-daro, or “mound of the dead.” 143 00:09:57.390 --> 00:10:01.769 And it is one of the oldest civilizations discovered in the world. 144 00:10:04.355 --> 00:10:08.985 [ Bramley] Mohenjo-daro was very advanced for that time. 145 00:10:10.778 --> 00:10:13.114 They had sanitation. 146 00:10:13.197 --> 00:10:15.449 They had all kinds of good things going. 147 00:10:15.533 --> 00:10:18.536 And they had a lot of trade going with Mesopotamia. 148 00:10:20.370 --> 00:10:23.874 [ Narrator] The city of Mohenjo-daro rivaled the ancient civilizations... 149 00:10:23.958 --> 00:10:26.252 in Egypt and Mesopotamia. 150 00:10:28.754 --> 00:10:34.719 Archaeologists believe that over 35,000 people once occupied the city. 151 00:10:34.802 --> 00:10:39.807 However, only 43 skeletons have been discovered at the site. 152 00:10:45.620 --> 00:10:48.441 There are many theories surrounding the mysterious disappearance... 153 00:10:48.524 --> 00:10:51.736 of the Indus people from Mohenjo-daro. 154 00:10:52.695 --> 00:10:57.330 In 1977, British researcher David Davenport... 155 00:10:57.116 --> 00:11:01.495 discovered that part of the archaeological site showed evidence... 156 00:11:01.579 --> 00:11:05.916 of having been destroyed by an extremely powerful explosion. 157 00:11:08.169 --> 00:11:11.339 [Marl] 158 00:11:32.568 --> 00:11:37.448 [ Narrator] Scholars claim that several calcified skeletons found at the site... 159 00:11:37.531 --> 00:11:41.160 suggest they suffered an instantaneous death. 160 00:11:45.164 --> 00:11:48.584 [ Henry] At Mohenjo-Daro, they found bodies arm in arm... 161 00:11:48.667 --> 00:11:53.255 skeletons, arm in arm, that had been vitrified-virtually vitrified. 162 00:11:55.216 --> 00:11:58.386 [ Narrator] For years, restricted access to the site... 163 00:11:58.469 --> 00:12:02.640 has prevented scientists from analyzing the vitrified ruins. 164 00:12:04.141 --> 00:12:09.355 But in 2014, mineralogist Dr. Sam Iyengar... 165 00:12:09.438 --> 00:12:13.401 was able to obtain a piece of fused pottery from Mohenjo-daro... 166 00:12:13.484 --> 00:12:16.654 and put it through a series of tests. 167 00:12:16.737 --> 00:12:18.823 [Iyengar] When I did the elemental analysis... 168 00:12:18.906 --> 00:12:22.368 it showed me that the Mohenjo-daro rock... 169 00:12:22.451 --> 00:12:28.124 contained mostly silicon, aluminum, with some calcium and potassium. 170 00:12:28.207 --> 00:12:32.860 So my thought was maybe it could be some type of a clay... 171 00:12:32.169 --> 00:12:34.171 till I did the X-ray diffraction. 172 00:12:36.590 --> 00:12:39.635 [ Narrator] X-ray diffraction is able to determine... 173 00:12:39.718 --> 00:12:42.471 exactly how a material was formed. 174 00:12:44.557 --> 00:12:47.309 [Iyengar] When I did the X-ray powder diffraction... 175 00:12:47.393 --> 00:12:50.271 this is the pattern I got. 176 00:12:50.354 --> 00:12:54.108 And you can see some crystalline peaks here... 177 00:12:54.191 --> 00:12:56.318 along with an amorphous hump... 178 00:12:56.402 --> 00:13:00.531 which usually results from a glassy phase in the rock. 179 00:13:00.614 --> 00:13:04.410 The composition is very similar to volcanic rock. 180 00:13:06.454 --> 00:13:11.375 The only way the clay can be converted into something, which we saw... 181 00:13:11.459 --> 00:13:16.213 is subjecting the clays to a very, very high temperature. 182 00:13:16.297 --> 00:13:20.426 I am talking 4,000 to 5,000-degree Fahrenheit. 183 00:13:21.719 --> 00:13:26.807 That is not something a early civilization can do intentionally. 184 00:13:26.891 --> 00:13:30.144 It has to be something supernatural. 185 00:13:33.564 --> 00:13:35.316 [ Narrator] Could this pottery sample... 186 00:13:35.399 --> 00:13:39.987 which shows irrefutable evidence of having been subjected to extreme heat... 187 00:13:41.864 --> 00:13:43.449 be definitive evidence... 188 00:13:43.532 --> 00:13:48.537 that Mohenjo-daro really was the site of some type of powerful explosion... 189 00:13:48.621 --> 00:13:50.331 in the ancient past? 190 00:13:53.000 --> 00:13:58.500 David Davenport and other researchers of India's ancient Vedic texts... 191 00:13:58.880 --> 00:14:01.910 have suggested that this is the case... 192 00:14:01.175 --> 00:14:05.804 and that Mohenjo-daro may in fact be the kingdom of Lanka- 193 00:14:07.473 --> 00:14:10.226 a city whose destruction is detailed... 194 00:14:10.309 --> 00:14:13.771 in the Indian epic known as the Ramayana. 195 00:14:14.438 --> 00:14:16.732 In the Ramayana it is described... 196 00:14:16.815 --> 00:14:20.194 that the god Vishnu decides the leader of Lanka- 197 00:14:20.277 --> 00:14:24.740 a modal named Ravana- has grown too powerful. 198 00:14:25.324 --> 00:14:30.790 Vishnu takes the human form of Rama and does battle with Ravana... 199 00:14:30.162 --> 00:14:32.790 who has become like the gods himself. 200 00:14:33.624 --> 00:14:35.960 [ Man ] Ravana was a very formidable enemy. 201 00:14:36.430 --> 00:14:41.480 In fact, most of his power, it was acquired from god Shiva himself... 202 00:14:41.131 --> 00:14:43.801 because he was a great devotee of Shiva. 203 00:14:44.635 --> 00:14:47.179 And Shiva gave him lethal weapons. 204 00:15:04.290 --> 00:15:10.350 It was described as the sun turning into 5O even more brighter suns... 205 00:15:10.119 --> 00:15:12.663 with this incredible blast. 206 00:15:14.164 --> 00:15:16.250 So some people have suggested... 207 00:15:16.333 --> 00:15:21.422 that perhaps at Mohenjo-daro some type of a nuclear blast occurred. 208 00:15:21.505 --> 00:15:27.428 Not only do we have a textual reference to a possible nuclear blast... 209 00:15:27.511 --> 00:15:31.640 but we also find physical evidence... 210 00:15:31.724 --> 00:15:36.353 that show vitrification of stone. 211 00:15:36.437 --> 00:15:39.773 And the only way that stone can be vitrified... 212 00:15:39.857 --> 00:15:42.776 is if it's exposed to extreme heat. 213 00:15:46.697 --> 00:15:49.325 This is not mythology. This is not superstition. 214 00:15:49.408 --> 00:15:52.328 This is documented historical events... 215 00:15:52.411 --> 00:15:56.415 of people that are warring with each other using advanced technology. 216 00:15:58.208 --> 00:16:02.338 I happen to believe that mankind possessed incredible technology... 217 00:16:02.421 --> 00:16:04.600 incredible knowledge... 218 00:16:04.890 --> 00:16:07.551 and that they did things that we're doing right now... 219 00:16:07.635 --> 00:16:09.720 and then something happened... 220 00:16:12.890 --> 00:16:15.434 and they had to literally start all over again. 221 00:16:17.610 --> 00:16:20.648 Whoever got involved said, “Uh-uh. That's not going to happen. 222 00:16:20.731 --> 00:16:24.318 Let's let them have knowledge, but not too much knowledge.” 223 00:16:24.401 --> 00:16:26.945 And I think that's probably what's happening here. 224 00:16:27.821 --> 00:16:30.541 [WILCOCK ] These extraterrestrials wouldn't want us to have access... 225 00:16:30.574 --> 00:16:34.119 to these advanced technologies and essentially become like gods. 226 00:16:34.203 --> 00:16:36.288 But they may have a keen interest... 227 00:16:36.372 --> 00:16:39.708 in following some sort of prime directive... 228 00:16:39.792 --> 00:16:44.171 so they don't openly interfere with us so that everybody knows they exist... 229 00:16:44.254 --> 00:16:48.759 but also making sure that we don't destroy the planet. 230 00:16:52.596 --> 00:16:56.684 [ Narrator] Is it possible that the vitrified ruins at Mohenjo-daro... 231 00:16:56.767 --> 00:17:01.188 are evidence that humans were in possession of advanced technology... 232 00:17:01.271 --> 00:17:03.816 thousands of years ago? 233 00:17:03.899 --> 00:17:05.693 And does this suggest... 234 00:17:05.776 --> 00:17:10.906 that extraterrestrial beings intervened in the affairs of mankind... 235 00:17:10.989 --> 00:17:14.159 to prevent the exploitation of these weapons? 236 00:17:15.369 --> 00:17:18.288 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 237 00:17:18.372 --> 00:17:21.542 and suggest further proof can be found... 238 00:17:21.625 --> 00:17:26.296 by examining the ancient world's greatest repository of knowledge... 239 00:17:26.380 --> 00:17:29.299 and how it came to be destroyed. 240 00:17:38.976 --> 00:17:42.104 Egypt. 391 AD, 241 00:17:43.731 --> 00:17:46.442 The Great Library of Alexandria... 242 00:17:46.525 --> 00:17:49.862 which houses perhaps the most extensive collection of knowledge... 243 00:17:49.945 --> 00:17:52.720 in the ancient world... 244 00:17:52.156 --> 00:17:54.450 is set aflame. 245 00:17:54.533 --> 00:17:57.327 [ People Screaming ] 246 00:17:57.411 --> 00:18:01.457 It is burned by decree of Emperor Theodosius I... 247 00:18:01.540 --> 00:18:05.127 who has deemed many of the works contained at the library... 248 00:18:05.210 --> 00:18:07.588 unorthodox and heretical. 249 00:18:09.673 --> 00:18:13.930 Built by the Egyptians in the third century BC... 250 00:18:13.177 --> 00:18:18.557 the Library of Alexandria was said to contain as many as a million scrolls... 251 00:18:18.640 --> 00:18:20.934 on a wide variety of topics... 252 00:18:21.180 --> 00:18:24.813 including astronomy, mathematics... 253 00:18:24.897 --> 00:18:28.776 physics, medicine and philosophy. 254 00:18:32.700 --> 00:18:36.617 [ Man ] The Library at Alexandria was the greatest library of the ancient world. 255 00:18:36.700 --> 00:18:38.786 Thousands and thousands of scrolls... 256 00:18:38.869 --> 00:18:42.122 all of the ancient science, all of the ancient wisdom... 257 00:18:42.206 --> 00:18:44.958 the occult lore, the literature. 258 00:18:45.420 --> 00:18:47.628 But as regimes changed... 259 00:18:47.711 --> 00:18:52.508 there was a fear that perhaps there were heresies in those volumes. 260 00:18:53.884 --> 00:18:57.763 [Woman ] As Christianity grew and became a more powerful religion... 261 00:18:57.846 --> 00:19:00.557 they began to see some of the learning... 262 00:19:00.641 --> 00:19:04.353 that was part of ancient civilization as evil. 263 00:19:05.687 --> 00:19:09.900 So all of the astronomy, all of the technological knowledge... 264 00:19:09.983 --> 00:19:12.903 all of the philosophy had to be destroyed. 265 00:19:14.238 --> 00:19:16.990 There was ancient technologies that were lost. 266 00:19:17.740 --> 00:19:20.350 We know this from modern historical record. 267 00:19:20.118 --> 00:19:25.916 Technologies-working with systems like magnetism, crystals, energy. 268 00:19:26.583 --> 00:19:28.168 Like the Ark of the Covenant. 269 00:19:28.252 --> 00:19:29.753 We know these things existed... 270 00:19:29.837 --> 00:19:33.131 but we don't know what was the nature of their existence. 271 00:19:34.132 --> 00:19:37.678 Some of those books were the history of our planet... 272 00:19:37.761 --> 00:19:40.973 going back to 100,000 years even. 273 00:19:41.765 --> 00:19:44.184 So when these books were all destroyed... 274 00:19:44.268 --> 00:19:49.314 it was a way of setting the knowledge back to zero. 275 00:19:53.193 --> 00:19:56.530 [ Narrator] Of the volumes once held by the vast library , 276 00:19:56.613 --> 00:20:00.284 Researchers have estimated that 95% of the knowledge... 277 00:20:00.367 --> 00:20:03.120 that was recorded there was incinerated... 278 00:20:03.203 --> 00:20:07.624 plunging humanity back thousands of years in its evolution. 279 00:20:07.708 --> 00:20:09.209 But Why? 280 00:20:11.128 --> 00:20:14.214 Was the Library of Alexandria burned down... 281 00:20:14.298 --> 00:20:16.383 simply because the Catholic Church... 282 00:20:16.466 --> 00:20:20.137 considered some of its contents to be heretical? 283 00:20:21.305 --> 00:20:24.266 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 284 00:20:24.349 --> 00:20:28.937 there may have been another- perhaps extraterrestrial-agenda... 285 00:20:29.210 --> 00:20:30.856 behind its destruction. 286 00:20:34.192 --> 00:20:38.488 According to an official NASA document published in 2007... 287 00:20:38.572 --> 00:20:42.951 titled “Unidentified Flying Objects in Classical Antiquity”... 288 00:20:43.350 --> 00:20:46.246 there were a remarkable number of mysterious encounters... 289 00:20:46.330 --> 00:20:49.541 during the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. 290 00:20:50.250 --> 00:20:53.921 They didn't use the term “UFO” or “flying saucer”... 291 00:20:54.400 --> 00:20:57.490 back in the times of the Romans and the Greeks... 292 00:20:57.132 --> 00:21:03.960 but they spoke about things like “sky armies,” “shields,” “ships.” 293 00:21:03.180 --> 00:21:05.432 I mean, this is history. 294 00:21:06.600 --> 00:21:09.102 [ Bramley] There's a very interesting report by Cicero. 295 00:21:09.186 --> 00:21:12.648 And what that was is that there was a sphere in the sky... 296 00:21:12.731 --> 00:21:15.609 which then divided into smaller spheres. 297 00:21:15.692 --> 00:21:19.237 This reflects the classic UFO reports that we get today... 298 00:21:19.321 --> 00:21:21.490 where there's just one big object, usually a sphere... 299 00:21:21.573 --> 00:21:26.203 and then suddenly it breaks apart and these smaller subsets go flying around. 300 00:21:28.997 --> 00:21:31.875 [ Narrator] This report from the first century BC... 301 00:21:31.959 --> 00:21:35.712 was just one of over 100 unexplained sightings... 302 00:21:35.796 --> 00:21:38.840 recorded during the Roman Empire. 303 00:21:38.924 --> 00:21:42.886 There's one remarkable story after another in the Roman Empire... 304 00:21:42.970 --> 00:21:45.138 of the appearance of spaceships. 305 00:21:45.222 --> 00:21:47.474 They're influencing battles. 306 00:21:47.557 --> 00:21:51.103 And it leaves the appearance that these extraterrestrial beings... 307 00:21:51.186 --> 00:21:55.941 had a direct bearing on the outcome of some of these battles and these wars. 308 00:21:56.858 --> 00:21:58.902 [ Narrator] Of all the unexplained sightings... 309 00:21:58.986 --> 00:22:03.156 the most famous was reported by Emperor Constantine the Great... 310 00:22:03.240 --> 00:22:06.618 on October 27, 312 AD... 311 00:22:06.702 --> 00:22:09.496 at the Battle of the Milvian Bridge... 312 00:22:09.579 --> 00:22:14.459 which would win him the throne and change western civilization forever. 313 00:22:15.419 --> 00:22:17.754 [ MAGLIOCCO ] The real moment of truth for Constantine... 314 00:22:17.838 --> 00:22:22.676 came when he was engaged in the midst of a great battle. 315 00:22:25.178 --> 00:22:29.683 He claimed to have seen a cross appear in the sky... 316 00:22:29.766 --> 00:22:31.518 over the battlefield. 317 00:22:32.519 --> 00:22:37.190 At that point he made a vow to Christ that if he won the battle... 318 00:22:37.274 --> 00:22:40.569 he would convert to Christianity for good... 319 00:22:40.652 --> 00:22:46.241 and he would make Christianity the state religion of the Roman Empire. 320 00:22:46.950 --> 00:22:50.829 [ Bramley] The vision of Constantine was extremely significant. 321 00:22:50.912 --> 00:22:52.831 They thought it was some kind of message. 322 00:22:52.914 --> 00:22:56.501 Fight this battle and establish this form of Christianity. 323 00:22:57.794 --> 00:23:01.256 [ Narrator] Shortly after Constantine became emperor of Rome... 324 00:23:01.339 --> 00:23:05.969 religious wars broke out between the Christians, Jews and pagans. 325 00:23:07.137 --> 00:23:08.847 It was during these wars... 326 00:23:08.930 --> 00:23:13.393 that the first attacks were made on the Library of Alexandria... 327 00:23:13.477 --> 00:23:18.398 ultimately leading to its total destruction in 391 AD. 328 00:23:19.691 --> 00:23:22.736 And according to some ancient astronaut theorists... 329 00:23:23.779 --> 00:23:28.116 this was done at the direction of those extraterrestrial beings... 330 00:23:28.200 --> 00:23:32.662 that were responsible for Constantine s vision at the Milvian Bridge. 331 00:23:34.831 --> 00:23:39.252 [ Pope ] The Roman Empire, in many ways, was ahead of its time. 332 00:23:39.336 --> 00:23:45.258 Now, was this something that caught the attention of intelligent extraterrestrials? 333 00:23:45.342 --> 00:23:48.261 Did it give them cause for concern? 334 00:23:48.345 --> 00:23:53.934 Were these UFO sightings at the time of the Roman Empire a monitoring process... 335 00:23:54.170 --> 00:23:58.146 and maybe humanity was just pegged back a little bit? 336 00:24:00.774 --> 00:24:05.737 [ Narrator] Is it possible the alleged UFO sightings throughout the Roman Empire... 337 00:24:05.821 --> 00:24:09.116 indicate that there is an extraterrestrial agenda... 338 00:24:09.199 --> 00:24:12.327 to hold back the progress of humanity? 339 00:24:12.410 --> 00:24:16.581 Or might there be an even more incredible explanation? 340 00:24:17.374 --> 00:24:20.430 Some ancient astronaut theorists claim... 341 00:24:20.127 --> 00:24:23.755 there may not be just one alien agenda... 342 00:24:25.382 --> 00:24:27.800 but several. 343 00:24:31.763 --> 00:24:33.849 Washington, DC. 344 00:24:35.100 --> 00:24:40.355 After five days of expert testimony at the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure... 345 00:24:40.438 --> 00:24:45.193 astounding claims regarding extraterrestrial involvement with the human race... 346 00:24:45.277 --> 00:24:48.405 were shared with former members of Congress. 347 00:24:50.730 --> 00:24:52.330 Among the most Inflammatory, 348 00:24:52.117 --> 00:24:56.746 is the assertion from former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer... 349 00:24:57.747 --> 00:25:01.626 that we are not being visited by just one alien faction... 350 00:25:02.586 --> 00:25:04.870 but several. 351 00:25:04.880 --> 00:25:10.635 At least four species had been visiting Earth for thousands of years. 352 00:25:11.678 --> 00:25:15.557 They are different species and consequently may have different agendas. 353 00:25:17.100 --> 00:25:18.727 [ Pope] The thing about Paul Hellyer... 354 00:25:18.810 --> 00:25:21.855 is the level of detail that he goes down to- 355 00:25:21.938 --> 00:25:25.358 numbers of civilizations, alien agendas. 356 00:25:25.442 --> 00:25:30.113 This is not some maverick UFO researcher. 357 00:25:30.197 --> 00:25:33.533 This is a politician still deeply connected. 358 00:25:33.617 --> 00:25:38.121 He has a number of extremely high-level government... 359 00:25:38.205 --> 00:25:41.499 and military and intelligence community sources. 360 00:25:43.126 --> 00:25:46.460 [ Narrator] Is it possible the government has been covering up... 361 00:25:46.129 --> 00:25:49.507 the presence of otherworldly beings here on Earth? 362 00:25:51.920 --> 00:25:55.180 And could there, in fact, be more than one agenda? 363 00:25:56.681 --> 00:25:58.975 Ancient astronaut theorists claim... 364 00:25:59.590 --> 00:26:02.812 that not only do different extraterrestrial agendas exist... 365 00:26:03.813 --> 00:26:08.652 but that this notion is supported by some of mankind's earliest writings. 366 00:26:10.445 --> 00:26:14.908 In Greek mythology, Prometheus acts in opposition to Zeus... 367 00:26:14.991 --> 00:26:17.994 by giving fire and knowledge to mankind. 368 00:26:20.380 --> 00:26:22.820 In the Indian Vedic texts... 369 00:26:22.165 --> 00:26:26.127 the gods Vishnu and Shiva are often at odds. 370 00:26:26.878 --> 00:26:32.175 Ana' even in the Bible, Lucifer is cast out of heaven for disobeying God. 371 00:26:34.100 --> 00:26:35.971 But perhaps the strongest clues... 372 00:26:36.540 --> 00:26:39.570 as to just what these opposing agendas are... 373 00:26:39.140 --> 00:26:43.812 can be found in the detailed accounts of the ancient Sumerians. 374 00:26:48.775 --> 00:26:51.319 Tall Al Muqayyar, Iraq. 375 00:26:51.403 --> 00:26:53.363 1922. 376 00:26:54.322 --> 00:26:58.760 British archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley and his team... 377 00:26:58.159 --> 00:27:01.496 uncover the ancient Sumerian city of Ur... 378 00:27:02.747 --> 00:27:05.000 and discover numerous clay tablets... 379 00:27:05.830 --> 00:27:09.296 containing fantastic tales of gods interacting with humans. 380 00:27:10.880 --> 00:27:16.469 We have these cuneiform tablets carved into clay with a primitive stylus... 381 00:27:16.553 --> 00:27:21.808 but the stories they tell- the Sumerian mythology of the Anunnaki... 382 00:27:21.891 --> 00:27:24.185 those who from heaven to Earth came- 383 00:27:24.269 --> 00:27:27.188 are so intricate and fascinating. 384 00:27:28.398 --> 00:27:31.568 [ Narrator] After studying the tablets for nearly 50 years... 385 00:27:31.651 --> 00:27:35.572 preeminent Mesopotamian historian, Thorkild Jacobsen... 386 00:27:35.655 --> 00:27:38.241 publishes Treasures of Darkness... 387 00:27:38.325 --> 00:27:44.289 a book outlining the governing structure of Sumerian gods called the Anunnaki. 388 00:27:45.332 --> 00:27:47.625 [ Bramley] Thorkild Jacobsen. 389 00:27:47.709 --> 00:27:52.172 He was not an ancient astronaut theorist or a ufologist by any means... 390 00:27:52.255 --> 00:27:55.884 but he just simply took all of these Mesopotamian stories... 391 00:27:55.967 --> 00:28:00.847 and he's able to construct from that exactly how the gods rule, how they manage... 392 00:28:00.930 --> 00:28:03.933 and the effect that it has on the human population... 393 00:28:04.170 --> 00:28:06.311 once they establish certain policies. 394 00:28:08.229 --> 00:28:11.358 [ Narrator] Jacobsen outlines that an assembly of gods... 395 00:28:11.441 --> 00:28:14.944 were charged with making decisions regarding Earth. 396 00:28:15.280 --> 00:28:17.322 The unanimous will of the assembly... 397 00:28:17.405 --> 00:28:21.117 would ultimately shape and control human history. 398 00:28:22.452 --> 00:28:27.499 The high-ranking gods of the assembly included half brothers, Enlil and Enki... 399 00:28:27.582 --> 00:28:30.585 who had opposing ideas about mankind. 400 00:28:32.796 --> 00:28:36.549 [ Henry] Enki is a very benevolent god, a very wise god. 401 00:28:36.633 --> 00:28:38.551 In fact, he's credited with being the one... 402 00:28:38.635 --> 00:28:41.554 who actually fashioned or created the human body. 403 00:28:41.638 --> 00:28:45.642 And his agenda was to raise humankind... 404 00:28:45.725 --> 00:28:48.610 even to the level of the gods. 405 00:28:48.144 --> 00:28:50.146 He's apposed by his half brother, Enlil... 406 00:28:50.230 --> 00:28:52.857 who's very militaristic and commanding... 407 00:28:52.941 --> 00:28:57.404 who prefers to keep humanity at the level of slaves and sex objects. 408 00:28:57.487 --> 00:28:59.447 And so throughout the Babylonian epics... 409 00:28:59.531 --> 00:29:04.160 there's this continuing battle between these two opposing forces, these brothers. 410 00:29:05.328 --> 00:29:08.957 Enlil did not like Enki's relationship with mankind. 411 00:29:09.400 --> 00:29:13.378 So apparently, he was the one who brought the deluge, the flood... 412 00:29:14.879 --> 00:29:17.298 that wiped out civilizations. 413 00:29:18.258 --> 00:29:21.428 Enki, on the other hand, tried to keep things going. 414 00:29:23.721 --> 00:29:26.558 [ Narrator] But just who were these brothers? 415 00:29:26.641 --> 00:29:29.600 According to ancient astronaut theorists... 416 00:29:29.144 --> 00:29:33.857 the Sumerians were visited by alien beings from another solar system. 417 00:29:35.191 --> 00:29:38.486 [WILCOCK] It's easy for us to say that the Anunnaki were their gods. 418 00:29:38.570 --> 00:29:40.113 But let's be clear. 419 00:29:40.196 --> 00:29:44.451 The Sumerians did not refer to the Anunnaki as gods. 420 00:29:44.534 --> 00:29:49.414 They referred to them as a race of giant human-looking people... 421 00:29:49.497 --> 00:29:52.410 who came from the stars. 422 00:29:53.418 --> 00:29:55.128 Enlil and Enki- 423 00:29:55.211 --> 00:30:00.800 they fought over whether humanity should be destroyed or not. 424 00:30:02.930 --> 00:30:05.847 And ever since then there has been a battle that has been going on... 425 00:30:05.930 --> 00:30:09.142 between extraterrestrial watchers... 426 00:30:09.225 --> 00:30:12.812 that want to see humanity evolve and grow... 427 00:30:12.896 --> 00:30:16.357 and another group that wants us destroyed. 428 00:30:17.775 --> 00:30:21.700 [ NOORY] Look at humankind. Some are good. Some are bad. 429 00:30:21.154 --> 00:30:23.406 I think extraterrestrials are the same thing. 430 00:30:23.490 --> 00:30:25.992 Some are very enlightened. They want to upgrade us. 431 00:30:26.750 --> 00:30:29.996 They want great things for this planet and this universe. 432 00:30:30.790 --> 00:30:32.123 There are others who don't. 433 00:30:32.207 --> 00:30:37.253 They want to keep us ignorant and down and fighting and greedy. 434 00:30:40.480 --> 00:30:43.885 [ Narrator] Do the legends of gods with different agendas for mankind... 435 00:30:43.968 --> 00:30:47.680 actually give insight into the extraterrestrial claims... 436 00:30:47.764 --> 00:30:50.934 of former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer? 437 00:30:52.143 --> 00:30:57.607 And if so, are these otherworldly rivalries still occurring today? 438 00:30:57.690 --> 00:31:02.570 Perhaps clues can be found by looking at our more recent past... 439 00:31:02.654 --> 00:31:06.366 and the secret technology of the Nazis. 440 00:31:17.835 --> 00:31:21.297 London, England. 1939. 441 00:31:22.799 --> 00:31:25.718 Former Nazi officer, Hermann Rauschning... 442 00:31:25.802 --> 00:31:29.130 publishes a book tit/ea' Hitler Speaks. 443 00:31:30.140 --> 00:31:33.393 In it, he reveals some shocking conversations... 444 00:31:33.476 --> 00:31:37.146 that he claimed to have had with Adolf Hitler- 445 00:31:38.314 --> 00:31:43.194 conversations about contact with nonhuman intelligences. 446 00:31:43.820 --> 00:31:46.406 The surprising thing is that Adolf Hitler was basically- 447 00:31:46.489 --> 00:31:49.200 We would call him today basically a UFO contactee. 448 00:31:49.284 --> 00:31:53.871 He claimed that he personally had at least one contact or meeting... 449 00:31:53.955 --> 00:31:56.749 with these so-called supermen. 450 00:31:56.833 --> 00:31:59.252 They called them the supermen or the underground supermen. 451 00:31:59.335 --> 00:32:04.257 But basically it was a contact with these super people... 452 00:32:04.340 --> 00:32:06.551 who were guiding them. 453 00:32:08.303 --> 00:32:13.641 [ Tzadok ] There are beings that are said to manipulate segments of humanity... 454 00:32:13.725 --> 00:32:18.605 so as to express their own agendas. 455 00:32:18.688 --> 00:32:24.402 And therefore it is they who influence nations to go to war... 456 00:32:24.485 --> 00:32:27.905 and to fight for their purposes and their agendas. 457 00:32:29.616 --> 00:32:33.494 [ Narrator] Is it really possible that Adolf Hitler was in contact... 458 00:32:33.578 --> 00:32:37.373 with a race of extraterrestrials he called “supermen”? 459 00:32:38.791 --> 00:32:41.711 While the authenticity of Hermann Rauschning's accounts... 460 00:32:41.794 --> 00:32:43.630 are widely questioned... 461 00:32:43.713 --> 00:32:46.174 ancient astronaut theorists propose... 462 00:32:46.257 --> 00:32:49.844 that extraterrestrials may have had a particular interest... 463 00:32:49.927 --> 00:32:53.640 in the quest of Hitler to obtain super weapons... 464 00:32:53.723 --> 00:32:55.850 lost knowledge... 465 00:32:55.933 --> 00:32:59.145 and artifacts of the ancestral gods. 466 00:32:59.228 --> 00:33:04.567 The Nazis embarked on a quest for so-called Wunderwaffe- 467 00:33:04.651 --> 00:33:06.270 wonder-weapons. 468 00:33:07.111 --> 00:33:11.115 And the Nazis were after not just making the atomic bomb- 469 00:33:11.199 --> 00:33:13.451 which they clearly were working toward- 470 00:33:13.534 --> 00:33:15.870 but guided missiles... 471 00:33:18.390 --> 00:33:20.667 and even something called the sun gun... 472 00:33:20.750 --> 00:33:25.171 which actually involved plans for some sort of space station... 473 00:33:25.254 --> 00:33:30.760 and then effectively directed energy weapon down to the surface of the Earth. 474 00:33:34.138 --> 00:33:36.224 Many people now speculate... 475 00:33:36.307 --> 00:33:40.436 that extraterrestrials were watching humanity... 476 00:33:40.520 --> 00:33:43.481 engaged in this cataclysmic conflict. 477 00:33:46.651 --> 00:33:50.446 The theory was that this was war on a totally new scale... 478 00:33:52.615 --> 00:33:58.204 and that it had attracted the attention of these alien visitors... 479 00:33:58.287 --> 00:34:04.210 who were watching with concern at human beings advancing so rapidly. 480 00:34:05.795 --> 00:34:10.925 There are a ton of reports that date back to the Second World War... 481 00:34:11.800 --> 00:34:15.388 where pilots reported the so-called “Foo Fighters.” 482 00:34:16.970 --> 00:34:21.477 And Foo Fighters are something that can be likened to modern-day UFOs. 483 00:34:21.561 --> 00:34:26.733 So that is very interesting because it shows to me... 484 00:34:26.816 --> 00:34:32.613 that somehow extraterrestrials were interested in the outcome. 485 00:34:34.741 --> 00:34:36.743 [ Bramley] You have World War ll with Hitler. 486 00:34:36.826 --> 00:34:38.703 Signs were really clear... 487 00:34:38.786 --> 00:34:41.956 that we were now starting to enter a phase of our development... 488 00:34:42.390 --> 00:34:45.251 where we are now going to have some pretty good technology. 489 00:34:46.252 --> 00:34:50.548 We're going to start understanding some of the weirder aspects of reality. 490 00:34:50.631 --> 00:34:54.719 That was the knowledge of the gods, perhaps, that they did not want us to have. 491 00:34:56.846 --> 00:35:00.266 [ Narrator] Is it possible that Hitler's quest for super weapons... 492 00:35:00.349 --> 00:35:02.727 ultimately led to his downfall? 493 00:35:04.103 --> 00:35:07.148 Might an extraterrestrial faction have intervened... 494 00:35:07.231 --> 00:35:10.526 to stop him before he went even further? 495 00:35:13.946 --> 00:35:16.324 Immediately following World War II... 496 00:35:16.407 --> 00:35:20.411 the United States military enlisted Nazi scientists... 497 00:35:20.495 --> 00:35:26.292 to continue the development of weaponry, including rockets and nuclear bombs. 498 00:35:29.378 --> 00:35:31.380 After World War ll... 499 00:35:31.464 --> 00:35:37.261 much of the UFO activity around the world really stepped up considerably. 500 00:35:38.930 --> 00:35:44.894 There are stories of how UFOs would circle around nuclear weapon silos. 501 00:35:46.896 --> 00:35:49.315 [ Narrator] UFO sightings were reported... 502 00:35:49.398 --> 00:35:53.486 at numerous US Air Force bases with nuclear capabilities... 503 00:35:53.569 --> 00:35:59.116 including high-profile reports from the Malmstrom Air Force base in Montana... 504 00:36:00.201 --> 00:36:03.621 and Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. 505 00:36:04.747 --> 00:36:09.377 In 7.980, there was a famous sighting of a disc-shaped object'... 506 00:36:09.460 --> 00:36:13.798 that hovered near a nuclear bomb storage depot in Suffolk, England... 507 00:36:13.881 --> 00:36:16.926 and emitted laser-like beams of light. 508 00:36:18.594 --> 00:36:23.349 The sightings over the missile facilities at Malmstrom and Minot... 509 00:36:23.432 --> 00:36:27.854 involved apparent shutdowns of the missiles. 510 00:36:27.937 --> 00:36:33.109 That is to say it was alleged that the missiles were taken off-line. 511 00:36:33.192 --> 00:36:38.573 Now, UFO believers think that we were being sent a message... 512 00:36:38.656 --> 00:36:40.867 and that the message was... 513 00:36:40.950 --> 00:36:45.371 “We know what your nuclear arsenal is capable of. 514 00:36:45.454 --> 00:36:46.998 We're watching.” 515 00:36:50.209 --> 00:36:54.380 [ Narrator] Are extraterrestrials monitoring nuclear facilities? 516 00:36:54.463 --> 00:36:56.674 Perhaps to ensure mankind... 517 00:36:56.757 --> 00:37:01.120 does not unleash such weapons of mass destruction. 518 00:37:02.960 --> 00:37:07.435 And if there are, in fact, competing alien agendas for mankind... 519 00:37:07.518 --> 00:37:09.437 will proof of this be revealed... 520 00:37:09.520 --> 00:37:13.941 with the introduction of an incredible new technology? 521 00:37:21.657 --> 00:37:23.534 Geneva, Switzerland. 522 00:37:23.618 --> 00:37:25.202 CERN headquarters. 523 00:37:26.829 --> 00:37:29.415 A multinational coalition of scientists... 524 00:37:29.498 --> 00:37:33.336 are working to upgrade the Large Hadron Collider... 525 00:37:33.419 --> 00:37:37.256 the world's largest and most powerful atom smasher... 526 00:37:37.340 --> 00:37:42.720 which is capable of producing the energy of 70,000 atomic bombs. 527 00:37:44.764 --> 00:37:46.432 The Large Hadron Collider... 528 00:37:46.515 --> 00:37:51.604 was key to the initial discovery of the Higgs boson, or “God Particle”- 529 00:37:53.105 --> 00:37:58.986 a subatomic particle that many scientists believe exists for a fraction of a second... 530 00:37:59.700 --> 00:38:01.739 before other particles get their mass... 531 00:38:01.822 --> 00:38:03.532 and the one missing piece... 532 00:38:03.616 --> 00:38:06.869 of our present understanding of the laws of physics. 533 00:38:08.829 --> 00:38:10.581 For theoretical physicists... 534 00:38:10.665 --> 00:38:14.835 the find opens up new frontiers in science and technology... 535 00:38:15.711 --> 00:38:19.173 suggesting the possibility of antigravity... 536 00:38:20.490 --> 00:38:22.343 travel at the speed of light... 537 00:38:23.302 --> 00:38:24.887 teleportation... 538 00:38:26.555 --> 00:38:29.892 and even future military applications. 539 00:38:31.102 --> 00:38:33.187 The Higgs particle is so new... 540 00:38:33.270 --> 00:38:36.732 we just really don't know what we're going to be able to do with it. 541 00:38:39.402 --> 00:38:43.155 [ Narrator] The first person to refer to the Higgs boson as the God Particle... 542 00:38:43.239 --> 00:38:46.993 was Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman... 543 00:38:48.244 --> 00:38:51.455 who also likened the use of the Large Hadron Collider... 544 00:38:51.539 --> 00:38:55.543 to the building of the Tower of Babel to reach the realm of God. 545 00:38:56.377 --> 00:38:58.337 If we take his words literally... 546 00:38:58.421 --> 00:39:01.757 it suggests that the search for the God particle... 547 00:39:01.841 --> 00:39:04.427 and the creation of these amazing particle accelerators... 548 00:39:04.510 --> 00:39:06.303 such as the one at CERN... 549 00:39:06.387 --> 00:39:11.183 is actually a re-creation of the Tower of Babel. 550 00:39:11.267 --> 00:39:15.229 Well, the Tower of Babel seems to have been humanity's first attempt... 551 00:39:15.312 --> 00:39:17.356 to blast open holes in heaven... 552 00:39:17.440 --> 00:39:19.817 to open star gates and wormholes. 553 00:39:24.989 --> 00:39:28.701 [ Narrator] With the promise of a more powerful, upgraded Collider... 554 00:39:28.784 --> 00:39:31.912 to go online in the next few years... 555 00:39:31.996 --> 00:39:36.959 scientists are hopeful that humankind will make even more technological leaps... 556 00:39:37.430 --> 00:39:40.337 in understanding just how the universe works. 557 00:39:43.632 --> 00:39:49.388 [ Frisbee ] When they finish the upgrade, it will be about 13 times more powerful. 558 00:39:52.266 --> 00:39:55.311 So that's an enormous increase in energy. 559 00:39:56.395 --> 00:40:01.317 We've never had a machine that could operate at these energy levels. 560 00:40:02.735 --> 00:40:04.361 But the questions is... 561 00:40:04.445 --> 00:40:08.240 are we at risk of opening up something we don't want? 562 00:40:08.324 --> 00:40:10.201 Is it a Pandora's Box? 563 00:40:12.995 --> 00:40:16.540 [ Narrator] Could the collaborations with scientists from across the world... 564 00:40:16.624 --> 00:40:18.876 happening at CERN today... 565 00:40:18.959 --> 00:40:22.713 mirror the efforts of the ancient civilization in Genesis... 566 00:40:22.797 --> 00:40:24.924 who built the Tower of Babel? 567 00:40:26.342 --> 00:40:28.100 If we are reaching a level... 568 00:40:28.940 --> 00:40:32.473 where we could interact with the heavens and connect with a galactic community... 569 00:40:32.556 --> 00:40:34.350 are we ready? 570 00:40:34.433 --> 00:40:37.228 Or will our efforts be thwarted again... 571 00:40:37.311 --> 00:40:41.524 pushing us back thousands of years in our development? 572 00:40:41.607 --> 00:40:44.610 The Egyptians, the Romans, the Greeks. 573 00:40:44.693 --> 00:40:47.404 Most of these empires, of course, fell... 574 00:40:47.488 --> 00:40:50.783 and for a while humanity was pegged back... 575 00:40:50.866 --> 00:40:54.787 but always we rose again and always we advance. 576 00:40:56.163 --> 00:41:00.918 Now it seems that we stand on the threshold of the final jump. 577 00:41:03.870 --> 00:41:07.550 [Young ] There do seem to be cyclical patterns in history. 578 00:41:07.633 --> 00:41:10.970 Each generation has to make the same mistakes. 579 00:41:11.530 --> 00:41:15.990 We personally have to make similar mistakes at each life stage. 580 00:41:16.642 --> 00:41:19.562 Some argue it is a spiral pattern- 581 00:41:19.645 --> 00:41:23.149 that the cycles have a kind of forward motion. 582 00:41:23.232 --> 00:41:28.195 It's actually traveling in a direction even as it seems to be going around in circles. 583 00:41:31.574 --> 00:41:33.826 [Tzadok] It is human destiny... 584 00:41:33.909 --> 00:41:36.662 from every legend, from every religion- 585 00:41:36.745 --> 00:41:41.792 to know we as a race of human beings will evolve. 586 00:41:41.876 --> 00:41:43.502 We will overcome. 587 00:41:43.586 --> 00:41:47.882 We will achieve the fulfillment of the messianic destiny... 588 00:41:47.965 --> 00:41:52.303 to knowing the truth of our universe, the truth of our existence. 589 00:41:52.386 --> 00:41:54.180 It's inevitable. 590 00:41:54.263 --> 00:41:56.640 It could well be that what we are seeing here... 591 00:41:56.724 --> 00:42:00.978 is the fulfillment of this long-standing plan or agenda... 592 00:42:01.610 --> 00:42:02.980 of these extraterrestrial beings... 593 00:42:03.630 --> 00:42:04.565 who have been waiting for us... 594 00:42:04.648 --> 00:42:09.403 to arrive at this level of consciousness or technology... 595 00:42:09.486 --> 00:42:13.365 through which they will feel comfortable now to reveal themselves. 596 00:42:17.620 --> 00:42:20.206 [ Narrator] Is it possible that the course of humanity... 597 00:42:20.289 --> 00:42:24.543 has been guided from the beginning by an alien agenda... 598 00:42:24.627 --> 00:42:27.379 as ancient astronaut theorists suggest? 599 00:42:28.756 --> 00:42:34.386 Have extraterrestrials been monitoring our progress for thousands of years... 600 00:42:34.470 --> 00:42:40.142 at times helping us to advance, and at other times holding us back? 601 00:42:41.143 --> 00:42:45.481 Are we finally reaching the point in our technological evolution... 602 00:42:45.564 --> 00:42:50.653 where these alien visitors can no longer exist among us undetected? 603 00:42:52.112 --> 00:42:54.615 Perhaps the setbacks throughout our history... 604 00:42:54.698 --> 00:42:58.410 were to assure we were prepared for full disclosure... 605 00:42:58.494 --> 00:43:03.415 and only then would we be allowed to realize our potential... 606 00:43:03.499 --> 00:43:07.336 and be reunited with our alien ancestors.