1 00:00:01,334 --> 00:00:03,210 When I was a kid, I would just, 2 00:00:03,211 --> 00:00:05,254 out of nowhere, start saying things. 3 00:00:05,255 --> 00:00:07,840 Things like, "Mom, in my last life 4 00:00:07,841 --> 00:00:09,634 I was shot down and killed." 5 00:00:12,345 --> 00:00:14,972 Suzanne Ghanem identified 6 00:00:14,973 --> 00:00:18,809 25 different relatives of her prior life. 7 00:00:18,810 --> 00:00:20,603 And their relationship. 8 00:00:22,063 --> 00:00:24,732 There was literally no explanation 9 00:00:24,733 --> 00:00:29,194 of how Om Seti knew the things she knew, 10 00:00:29,195 --> 00:00:33,240 of how she understood the ancient language, 11 00:00:33,241 --> 00:00:38,704 how she predicted the placement of ruins under the ground. 12 00:00:38,705 --> 00:00:41,790 You have thousands of reports 13 00:00:41,791 --> 00:00:43,584 of reincarnation. 14 00:00:43,585 --> 00:00:47,129 So one has to wonder whether there is something behind that. 15 00:00:47,130 --> 00:00:49,757 Did extraterrestrials come to Earth 16 00:00:49,758 --> 00:00:53,385 and tweak the human body to serve as a vehicle for the soul? 17 00:00:53,386 --> 00:00:54,595 And if so, 18 00:00:54,596 --> 00:00:56,681 what is the purpose? 19 00:01:31,508 --> 00:01:33,550 Lafayette, Louisiana. 20 00:01:33,551 --> 00:01:35,428 2001. 21 00:01:39,516 --> 00:01:42,476 Aside from having an unusual obsession with airplanes 22 00:01:42,477 --> 00:01:44,812 and World War II, 23 00:01:44,813 --> 00:01:47,314 James Leininger was, by all accounts, 24 00:01:47,315 --> 00:01:50,150 a normal three-year-old. 25 00:01:50,151 --> 00:01:52,277 That is, before he began having 26 00:01:52,278 --> 00:01:55,281 a strange recurring nightmare. 27 00:02:02,831 --> 00:02:04,498 I would have these nightmares, 28 00:02:04,499 --> 00:02:07,793 and it would be just me kicking and screaming, 29 00:02:07,794 --> 00:02:10,504 me with my legs physically in the air, 30 00:02:10,505 --> 00:02:12,297 kicking up at the ceiling, screaming, 31 00:02:12,298 --> 00:02:15,592 "Plane crash on fire, little man can't get out." 32 00:02:15,593 --> 00:02:20,055 And that was every night for almost a year. 33 00:02:20,056 --> 00:02:25,018 And then I would just, out of nowhere, start saying things. 34 00:02:25,019 --> 00:02:28,397 Things like "Mom, in my last life 35 00:02:28,398 --> 00:02:30,441 I was shot down and killed." 36 00:02:33,403 --> 00:02:35,279 James would draw elaborate 37 00:02:35,280 --> 00:02:37,656 airplane dogfight scenes. 38 00:02:37,657 --> 00:02:40,868 He also seemed to have an eerie and inexplicable knowledge 39 00:02:40,869 --> 00:02:43,370 of World War II aircraft, 40 00:02:43,371 --> 00:02:46,373 right down to their components. 41 00:02:46,374 --> 00:02:51,169 This is a drawing I did when I was, when I was much younger. 42 00:02:51,170 --> 00:02:55,716 And this is one of the ones I signed "James 3." 43 00:02:55,717 --> 00:03:00,220 My dad asked me one day, "Why do you sign it 'James 3'?" 44 00:03:00,221 --> 00:03:02,389 And I just turned to him and simply said, 45 00:03:02,390 --> 00:03:04,099 "'Cause I'm the third James." 46 00:03:04,100 --> 00:03:07,060 I was the junior, junior. 47 00:03:07,061 --> 00:03:09,730 And then, one day, my father asked me 48 00:03:09,731 --> 00:03:12,442 the name of the ship that I was on and I said, "Natoma." 49 00:03:15,361 --> 00:03:17,487 After doing some research, 50 00:03:17,488 --> 00:03:21,074 James' father found that there was, in fact, 51 00:03:21,075 --> 00:03:27,372 an aircraft carrier named the USS Natoma Bay (CVE 62). 52 00:03:27,373 --> 00:03:30,250 The boy could also indicate on a map 53 00:03:30,251 --> 00:03:32,294 the exact location of where the plane 54 00:03:32,295 --> 00:03:34,922 he claimed to be flying went down. 55 00:03:34,923 --> 00:03:39,259 In Chichijima, Japan. 56 00:03:39,260 --> 00:03:42,638 Eventually, my father found a ship roster. 57 00:03:42,639 --> 00:03:44,389 And they went down the line 58 00:03:44,390 --> 00:03:47,309 and saw names that they had recognized that I had said. 59 00:03:47,310 --> 00:03:48,936 And then they came to James. 60 00:03:48,937 --> 00:03:50,604 James McCready Huston. 61 00:03:50,605 --> 00:03:52,272 This man was killed 62 00:03:52,273 --> 00:03:56,861 when he was shot down over the island Chichijima. 63 00:04:01,282 --> 00:04:02,950 While James Leininger's memories 64 00:04:02,951 --> 00:04:07,037 of his so-called past life remained vivid in his youth, 65 00:04:07,038 --> 00:04:10,416 they began to fade as he became an adult. 66 00:04:11,960 --> 00:04:15,754 But what he is able to remember still brings back 67 00:04:15,755 --> 00:04:17,715 powerful emotions. 68 00:04:19,300 --> 00:04:22,302 My memories of James Huston 69 00:04:22,303 --> 00:04:26,056 and the things that he underwent 70 00:04:26,057 --> 00:04:30,560 have mostly all but gone. 71 00:04:30,561 --> 00:04:33,605 I can remember this one snapshot. 72 00:04:33,606 --> 00:04:35,649 You... 73 00:04:35,650 --> 00:04:37,234 I'm sorry. 74 00:04:37,235 --> 00:04:42,948 And you hear, you just hear this, this crackling. 75 00:04:42,949 --> 00:04:47,787 And it's just this loud banging and this distant just... 76 00:04:51,332 --> 00:04:53,500 And you can see these black dots in the sky. 77 00:04:53,501 --> 00:04:56,545 You look up. 78 00:04:56,546 --> 00:05:00,091 And eventually you see this plane start to come down. 79 00:05:04,345 --> 00:05:06,972 And it hits the water. 80 00:05:06,973 --> 00:05:08,975 And it's black after that. 81 00:05:11,519 --> 00:05:13,520 You don't hear anything. You don't see anything. 82 00:05:13,521 --> 00:05:16,858 It's just... it's done. 83 00:05:19,527 --> 00:05:21,653 Although mainstream science 84 00:05:21,654 --> 00:05:25,157 widely dismisses the concept of reincarnation, 85 00:05:25,158 --> 00:05:28,160 leading academic institutions, 86 00:05:28,161 --> 00:05:30,037 such as the University of Virginia, 87 00:05:30,038 --> 00:05:32,164 Duke University, 88 00:05:32,165 --> 00:05:34,708 and the University of British Columbia, 89 00:05:34,709 --> 00:05:38,420 have entire departments devoted to its study. 90 00:05:38,421 --> 00:05:39,880 And, according to their research, 91 00:05:39,881 --> 00:05:43,717 a mounting body of evidence suggests 92 00:05:43,718 --> 00:05:46,887 that the ability of some to vividly recall past lives 93 00:05:46,888 --> 00:05:50,724 may, in fact, be a real occurrence. 94 00:05:50,725 --> 00:05:55,062 You have thousands of reports. 95 00:05:55,063 --> 00:06:00,108 So one has to wonder whether there is something behind that. 96 00:06:00,109 --> 00:06:05,280 There are studies that have been made on these things, 97 00:06:05,281 --> 00:06:10,577 and I wonder how long it'll be until mainstream science 98 00:06:10,578 --> 00:06:14,748 agrees with the idea that something happens to us 99 00:06:14,749 --> 00:06:16,751 after death. 100 00:06:19,420 --> 00:06:23,715 The basic idea of reincarnation is that, upon your death, 101 00:06:23,716 --> 00:06:28,053 your soul departs your body. 102 00:06:28,054 --> 00:06:31,890 You go to your version of heaven 103 00:06:31,891 --> 00:06:35,602 and then you come down into a new body. 104 00:06:35,603 --> 00:06:38,396 An easy way to understand this 105 00:06:38,397 --> 00:06:41,274 is that you can upload files from your computer 106 00:06:41,275 --> 00:06:42,651 to the cloud 107 00:06:42,652 --> 00:06:45,530 and then download files to a new computer. 108 00:06:47,782 --> 00:06:50,325 But while scientists are just beginning 109 00:06:50,326 --> 00:06:53,036 to entertain the notion that reincarnation 110 00:06:53,037 --> 00:06:54,454 may be a real occurrence, 111 00:06:54,455 --> 00:06:58,291 the idea of a soul leaving one human body 112 00:06:58,292 --> 00:07:02,629 and entering another can be traced back thousands of years, 113 00:07:02,630 --> 00:07:06,050 to the very beginning of Egyptian civilization. 114 00:07:11,639 --> 00:07:13,349 Turin, Italy. 115 00:07:15,434 --> 00:07:18,019 On display at the Egyptian Museum 116 00:07:18,020 --> 00:07:21,982 is the Turin King List, or Royal Canon, 117 00:07:21,983 --> 00:07:26,279 which dates back to the 13th century BC. 118 00:07:28,948 --> 00:07:30,991 The papyrus includes a list 119 00:07:30,992 --> 00:07:33,869 detailing the ancient Egyptian rulers, 120 00:07:33,870 --> 00:07:38,790 extending back to the very start of Egyptian civilization. 121 00:07:38,791 --> 00:07:42,169 We see all the timelines, and all the kings were there, 122 00:07:42,170 --> 00:07:43,753 but the first two groups of names 123 00:07:43,754 --> 00:07:47,174 on that list... 124 00:07:47,175 --> 00:07:48,967 were gods, 125 00:07:48,968 --> 00:07:51,011 the gods of Egypt, 126 00:07:51,012 --> 00:07:55,850 who they believed ruled before the kings. 127 00:07:58,853 --> 00:08:01,188 Although scholars fully accept 128 00:08:01,189 --> 00:08:04,649 the chronology from the rule of King Menes onward, 129 00:08:04,650 --> 00:08:10,363 they discount the time before his reign around 3000 BC, 130 00:08:10,364 --> 00:08:14,410 a time when these alleged gods ruled over Egypt. 131 00:08:15,870 --> 00:08:18,038 One of the first names to be found on the list 132 00:08:18,039 --> 00:08:22,167 is the god Osiris. 133 00:08:22,168 --> 00:08:24,878 Osiris was depicted as a human-like god. 134 00:08:24,879 --> 00:08:27,380 He had human features. 135 00:08:27,381 --> 00:08:30,008 But one of the most curious things about Osiris 136 00:08:30,009 --> 00:08:34,387 is that he was shown with green skin. 137 00:08:34,388 --> 00:08:36,932 Osiris is thought to have come from 138 00:08:36,933 --> 00:08:40,185 the star system Orion originally. 139 00:08:40,186 --> 00:08:43,396 And was part of a group of extraterrestrials 140 00:08:43,397 --> 00:08:45,816 that came to Earth. 141 00:08:47,401 --> 00:08:49,819 What's interesting about the ancient Egyptian gods 142 00:08:49,820 --> 00:08:52,030 is they could also die. 143 00:08:52,031 --> 00:08:54,199 They weren't necessarily immortal. 144 00:08:54,200 --> 00:08:58,078 And when the god Osiris died, 145 00:08:58,079 --> 00:09:01,748 centuries ago according to Egyptian mythology, 146 00:09:01,749 --> 00:09:04,084 he was reborn 147 00:09:04,085 --> 00:09:09,130 as his own son, Horus. 148 00:09:09,131 --> 00:09:15,011 And Horus became a physical incarnation on Earth. 149 00:09:15,012 --> 00:09:18,223 And it is believed by the ancient Egyptians 150 00:09:18,224 --> 00:09:22,769 that all the pharaohs became gods incarnate. 151 00:09:22,770 --> 00:09:27,232 And once one particular pharaoh died, 152 00:09:27,233 --> 00:09:33,113 the spirit would then go into the next pharaoh. 153 00:09:33,114 --> 00:09:35,282 And so on, and so on. 154 00:09:35,283 --> 00:09:40,912 So this, this cycle of reincarnation continued. 155 00:09:40,913 --> 00:09:43,290 In the ancient Egyptian creation mythology, 156 00:09:43,291 --> 00:09:44,749 the god Ptah 157 00:09:44,750 --> 00:09:49,587 came from Sirius and fashioned the human body. 158 00:09:49,588 --> 00:09:50,964 We have to ask the question: 159 00:09:50,965 --> 00:09:53,300 did extraterrestrials come to Earth 160 00:09:53,301 --> 00:09:56,762 and tweak the human body to serve as a vehicle for the soul? 161 00:10:01,767 --> 00:10:04,311 If the stories of the Egyptian gods 162 00:10:04,312 --> 00:10:08,106 incarnating into human bodies are true, 163 00:10:08,107 --> 00:10:11,818 do all humans possess souls that have been passed down 164 00:10:11,819 --> 00:10:13,987 from the beginning of mankind, 165 00:10:13,988 --> 00:10:15,363 and may have originated 166 00:10:15,364 --> 00:10:18,366 beyond Earth? 167 00:10:18,367 --> 00:10:21,328 Perhaps further clues can be found 168 00:10:21,329 --> 00:10:25,123 by examining recent case studies into past lives 169 00:10:25,124 --> 00:10:29,587 that scientists find too remarkable to dismiss. 170 00:10:37,386 --> 00:10:41,723 Charlottesville, Virginia, 1967. 171 00:10:41,724 --> 00:10:45,685 Renowned psychiatrist Dr. Ian Stevenson 172 00:10:45,686 --> 00:10:48,855 launches the Division of Personality Studies 173 00:10:48,856 --> 00:10:51,107 at the University of Virginia, 174 00:10:51,108 --> 00:10:54,736 making it one of the first educational institutions 175 00:10:54,737 --> 00:10:59,908 to devote serious research into the study of reincarnation. 176 00:10:59,909 --> 00:11:01,993 Over his 40-year career, 177 00:11:01,994 --> 00:11:06,206 Dr. Stevenson extensively studied more than 3,000 cases 178 00:11:06,207 --> 00:11:09,167 of individuals who reported past life memories. 179 00:11:09,168 --> 00:11:14,047 And he was able to objectively validate the claims being made 180 00:11:14,048 --> 00:11:18,134 in an astounding 1,200 instances. 181 00:11:18,135 --> 00:11:20,387 The body of work by Ian Stevenson 182 00:11:20,388 --> 00:11:22,013 is exceptionally credible. 183 00:11:22,014 --> 00:11:28,061 It's painstakingly documenting instances of things 184 00:11:28,062 --> 00:11:30,605 that are suggestive of reincarnation. 185 00:11:30,606 --> 00:11:33,942 Now, what makes a case credible is that the person 186 00:11:33,943 --> 00:11:37,320 has specific knowledge that they couldn't possibly have. 187 00:11:37,321 --> 00:11:40,323 Dr. Stevenson traveled 188 00:11:40,324 --> 00:11:41,825 throughout the world to meet with people 189 00:11:41,826 --> 00:11:44,160 claiming to have knowledge of their past lives. 190 00:11:44,161 --> 00:11:46,246 You are now fully relaxed. 191 00:11:46,247 --> 00:11:48,415 He used various methodologies, 192 00:11:48,416 --> 00:11:51,918 including hypnosis, to obtain pertinent details 193 00:11:51,919 --> 00:11:54,087 from his subjects, and then would set out 194 00:11:54,088 --> 00:11:57,257 to authenticate and document the evidence. 195 00:11:57,258 --> 00:12:02,053 One of his most striking case studies was Suzanne Ghanem, 196 00:12:02,054 --> 00:12:06,641 who was born in Richmond, Virginia in 1963. 197 00:12:06,642 --> 00:12:10,728 She insisted from a young age that in her previous life 198 00:12:10,729 --> 00:12:13,857 she had been Hanan Monsour, a Lebanese women 199 00:12:13,858 --> 00:12:18,279 who had passed away just ten days before Suzanne was born. 200 00:12:21,782 --> 00:12:24,909 At the age of two, she shared with her parents 201 00:12:24,910 --> 00:12:27,829 the name of Hanan's husband and her three children, 202 00:12:27,830 --> 00:12:32,167 and later scribbled a phone number on a scrap of paper. 203 00:12:32,168 --> 00:12:34,377 Dr. Stevenson would discover 204 00:12:34,378 --> 00:12:37,547 that the number matched the Monsours' home phone number, 205 00:12:37,548 --> 00:12:41,302 except that the last two digits were reversed. 206 00:12:42,720 --> 00:12:44,762 Suzanne Ghanem 207 00:12:44,763 --> 00:12:47,807 holds the record for being able to identify 208 00:12:47,808 --> 00:12:49,684 relatives of her prior life. 209 00:12:49,685 --> 00:12:52,145 She walked into a room and identified 210 00:12:52,146 --> 00:12:56,400 25 different relatives by name and their relationship. 211 00:12:59,111 --> 00:13:00,361 In another case study, 212 00:13:00,362 --> 00:13:02,697 Dr. Stevenson traveled to India 213 00:13:02,698 --> 00:13:06,326 to research the claims of one of the most notorious 214 00:13:06,327 --> 00:13:09,245 reincarnations in the region. 215 00:13:09,246 --> 00:13:11,748 There's the interesting case 216 00:13:11,749 --> 00:13:14,125 of Shanti Devi in India. 217 00:13:14,126 --> 00:13:19,339 She was born in 1926, and at the age of four 218 00:13:19,340 --> 00:13:22,091 she began telling her parents that she was 219 00:13:22,092 --> 00:13:24,677 the reincarnation of this other woman 220 00:13:24,678 --> 00:13:27,013 from another town called Mathura. 221 00:13:27,014 --> 00:13:30,099 Mathura is a small village 222 00:13:30,100 --> 00:13:34,812 over 100 miles away from Shanti's hometown of Delhi. 223 00:13:34,813 --> 00:13:38,191 By the time Shanti Devi was nine years old, 224 00:13:38,192 --> 00:13:41,277 she had convinced her parents of her prior existence, 225 00:13:41,278 --> 00:13:44,864 and was put in contact with her former family. 226 00:13:44,865 --> 00:13:48,785 The young girl spoke directly with the man she claimed 227 00:13:48,786 --> 00:13:51,913 she was married to in her previous life. 228 00:13:51,914 --> 00:13:55,875 Shanti Devi gives very accurate information, 229 00:13:55,876 --> 00:13:59,212 knows exactly where she lived in this past life, 230 00:13:59,213 --> 00:14:00,964 the names of people in her family, 231 00:14:00,965 --> 00:14:02,590 her husband specifically. 232 00:14:02,591 --> 00:14:06,052 She eventually met this family and her husband 233 00:14:06,053 --> 00:14:08,221 from a previous life, and lo and behold, 234 00:14:08,222 --> 00:14:11,307 these people embraced her and agreed 235 00:14:11,308 --> 00:14:14,852 that she is this lost relative from another life. 236 00:14:14,853 --> 00:14:18,064 Eventually, Mahatma Gandhi himself 237 00:14:18,065 --> 00:14:20,858 got involved in this whole story. 238 00:14:20,859 --> 00:14:25,280 He had an investigation made, and in 1936 239 00:14:25,281 --> 00:14:29,617 Gandhi himself said that he was satisfied that she was 240 00:14:29,618 --> 00:14:33,038 the reincarnation of this other woman. 241 00:14:36,292 --> 00:14:38,960 In some reincarnation cases, 242 00:14:38,961 --> 00:14:42,046 like that of an English woman named Dorothy Eady, 243 00:14:42,047 --> 00:14:47,260 the past-life recall went much further back in history. 244 00:14:47,261 --> 00:14:50,972 As a young girl, after a near-death experience, 245 00:14:50,973 --> 00:14:54,892 she began recalling her life as a temple virgin in Egypt 246 00:14:54,893 --> 00:14:59,106 during the reign of Seti I in the 14th century BC. 247 00:15:01,150 --> 00:15:04,527 Eady eventually moved to Abydos, Egypt, 248 00:15:04,528 --> 00:15:07,196 took on the name Om Seti, 249 00:15:07,197 --> 00:15:09,824 and became a respected Egyptologist 250 00:15:09,825 --> 00:15:13,453 and the keeper of the Temple of Seti. 251 00:15:13,454 --> 00:15:14,954 It was all really interesting, 252 00:15:14,955 --> 00:15:17,790 because she was one of very few 253 00:15:17,791 --> 00:15:21,044 that perfected the ancient Egyptian language. 254 00:15:21,045 --> 00:15:23,796 She could speak it. 255 00:15:23,797 --> 00:15:25,965 I can translate. 256 00:15:25,966 --> 00:15:29,969 I can try to read, but she could speak it. 257 00:15:29,970 --> 00:15:34,724 And she would go to the other Egyptologists and tell them, 258 00:15:34,725 --> 00:15:37,977 the gardens of whatever is down here. 259 00:15:37,978 --> 00:15:39,979 Dig here, you'll find it. 260 00:15:39,980 --> 00:15:44,525 And most thought she was just crazy. 261 00:15:44,526 --> 00:15:47,403 But they dig and they find it. 262 00:15:47,404 --> 00:15:49,280 She had the information. 263 00:15:49,281 --> 00:15:52,158 She knew things no one else would know. 264 00:15:52,159 --> 00:15:56,162 There was literally no explanation 265 00:15:56,163 --> 00:16:00,041 of how she knew the things she knew, 266 00:16:00,042 --> 00:16:05,713 of how she understood the language, 267 00:16:05,714 --> 00:16:11,511 how she predicted the placement of ruins under the ground. 268 00:16:11,512 --> 00:16:15,181 I don't think anyone up till today 269 00:16:15,182 --> 00:16:19,644 has an explanation of knowing how she knew that, 270 00:16:19,645 --> 00:16:23,606 because she wasn't right once and wrong three times. 271 00:16:23,607 --> 00:16:25,983 She was always right. 272 00:16:26,571 --> 00:16:28,698 Om Seti came back 273 00:16:28,699 --> 00:16:33,452 with a very clear memory of her past life, 274 00:16:33,453 --> 00:16:38,291 specifically to find her way back to Egypt, 275 00:16:38,292 --> 00:16:41,794 but also to educate us. 276 00:16:41,795 --> 00:16:46,007 When you'd see someone speaking about their past life 277 00:16:46,008 --> 00:16:48,926 with such credibility, such accuracy, 278 00:16:48,927 --> 00:16:53,806 this tells us that there is more to it than this life. 279 00:16:53,807 --> 00:16:59,228 So, they are actually teaching us about other worlds, 280 00:16:59,229 --> 00:17:03,066 other realities, and what we are perhaps here to do. 281 00:17:05,027 --> 00:17:08,696 Although Om Seti made significant contributions 282 00:17:08,697 --> 00:17:11,866 to the study of ancient Egypt and its people, 283 00:17:11,867 --> 00:17:14,994 it is her claim to have been reincarnated 284 00:17:14,995 --> 00:17:18,539 that may be her most important legacy. 285 00:17:18,540 --> 00:17:24,837 But if reincarnation is proven to exist... why? 286 00:17:24,838 --> 00:17:29,634 And what does it reveal, not only about our past lives, 287 00:17:29,635 --> 00:17:32,846 but also our future ones? 288 00:17:41,646 --> 00:17:46,192 Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt. 289 00:17:46,193 --> 00:17:50,405 Opposite from the famous burial chamber of King Tut 290 00:17:54,368 --> 00:17:57,870 It is known only by a number, 291 00:17:57,871 --> 00:18:01,499 because even though it was discovered over a century ago, 292 00:18:01,500 --> 00:18:04,752 no one is certain who was buried there. 293 00:18:04,753 --> 00:18:06,879 Initially, it was thought to belong 294 00:18:06,880 --> 00:18:10,049 to King Tut's father, Akhenaten, 295 00:18:10,050 --> 00:18:12,468 but radiological examination 296 00:18:12,469 --> 00:18:17,224 suggested the body belonged to a much younger man. 297 00:18:20,268 --> 00:18:25,106 This is it, KV55 in the Valley of the Kings, 298 00:18:25,107 --> 00:18:27,566 away from the public eye. 299 00:18:27,567 --> 00:18:31,654 Most Egyptologists and archaeologists 300 00:18:31,655 --> 00:18:35,700 are baffled and have a lot of questions. 301 00:18:35,701 --> 00:18:38,077 Very little is known about this tomb. 302 00:18:38,078 --> 00:18:39,830 Let's get in. 303 00:18:42,082 --> 00:18:45,793 One of the most common features of all the tombs 304 00:18:45,794 --> 00:18:47,878 in the Valley of the Kings 305 00:18:47,879 --> 00:18:50,631 is the amount of wall paintings on the tombs 306 00:18:50,632 --> 00:18:54,593 explaining everything and telling the world 307 00:18:54,594 --> 00:18:57,263 that this is the tomb of that king, 308 00:18:57,264 --> 00:18:59,432 and this is how great that king is. 309 00:18:59,433 --> 00:19:01,100 But look at this tomb. 310 00:19:01,101 --> 00:19:04,562 Completely empty. 311 00:19:04,563 --> 00:19:06,939 In 1907, 312 00:19:06,940 --> 00:19:11,610 archaeologists allegedly found an ominous curse on the wall, 313 00:19:11,611 --> 00:19:14,613 assuring that whoever occupied this tomb 314 00:19:14,614 --> 00:19:18,242 would not return in a subsequent life. 315 00:19:18,243 --> 00:19:20,244 When they first opened this tomb, 316 00:19:20,245 --> 00:19:24,623 they found little remains of hieroglyphics on this wall 317 00:19:24,624 --> 00:19:31,214 that says, "The evil one should not live again." 318 00:19:33,258 --> 00:19:36,677 Inside, archaeologists found a coffin 319 00:19:36,678 --> 00:19:41,432 with the remains of a mummified body with an elongated head. 320 00:19:41,433 --> 00:19:44,894 The right side of its skull was smashed in. 321 00:19:44,895 --> 00:19:48,814 But perhaps the most striking feature of the tomb 322 00:19:48,815 --> 00:19:52,276 is that, unlike all other tombs in the valley, 323 00:19:52,277 --> 00:19:55,613 it was not built to keep grave robbers out 324 00:19:55,614 --> 00:20:00,159 it was built specifically to keep someone... or something... 325 00:20:00,160 --> 00:20:02,661 Trapped inside. 326 00:20:02,662 --> 00:20:06,165 This is the burial chamber of the tomb. 327 00:20:06,166 --> 00:20:10,712 Right here is exactly where the sarcophagus would have gone. 328 00:20:14,883 --> 00:20:21,013 And to north, south, east and west of the sarcophagus, 329 00:20:21,014 --> 00:20:24,308 were the four magical cardinal blocks 330 00:20:24,309 --> 00:20:29,648 that protects the tomb from any intruders. 331 00:20:32,234 --> 00:20:36,195 This is a part of some of the magical blocks 332 00:20:36,196 --> 00:20:40,824 that surrounded the sarcophagus. 333 00:20:40,825 --> 00:20:45,371 These rocks in every other tomb had inscriptions on the outside, 334 00:20:45,372 --> 00:20:48,207 on the side facing the world, 335 00:20:48,208 --> 00:20:52,336 so it protects the tomb from the world, except for this tomb. 336 00:20:52,337 --> 00:20:56,215 This tomb, the rocks had hieroglyphics 337 00:20:56,216 --> 00:20:59,218 with the inscriptions on the inside, 338 00:20:59,219 --> 00:21:03,222 as if they intentionally wanted to protect the outside world 339 00:21:03,223 --> 00:21:06,017 from the contents of this tomb. 340 00:21:08,478 --> 00:21:10,020 The ancient Egyptians 341 00:21:10,021 --> 00:21:13,232 were strong believers in reincarnation, 342 00:21:13,233 --> 00:21:16,569 and even had a specific name for the part of the individual 343 00:21:16,570 --> 00:21:19,697 that detaches itself from the body after death. 344 00:21:19,698 --> 00:21:23,617 They referred to it as Ba. 345 00:21:23,618 --> 00:21:26,579 The Ba is the personality. 346 00:21:26,580 --> 00:21:29,081 The Ba is the character. 347 00:21:29,082 --> 00:21:32,084 Every human had a Ba, 348 00:21:32,085 --> 00:21:36,213 and the Ba is the part they believed 349 00:21:36,214 --> 00:21:41,760 moves out and is reincarnated in another life, 350 00:21:41,761 --> 00:21:44,014 another living human. 351 00:21:45,557 --> 00:21:48,434 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest 352 00:21:48,435 --> 00:21:51,895 that the concept of what the Egyptians referred to 353 00:21:51,896 --> 00:21:56,066 as the Ba, or the detachment of the spirit from the body, 354 00:21:56,067 --> 00:22:00,946 has been depicted in artwork throughout history. 355 00:22:00,947 --> 00:22:02,948 Across the globe, 356 00:22:02,949 --> 00:22:07,453 over 1.5 billion people believe in reincarnation, 357 00:22:07,454 --> 00:22:11,081 including nearly all Eastern philosophies, 358 00:22:11,082 --> 00:22:15,795 as well as the Kabbalistic sect of Judaism. 359 00:22:16,963 --> 00:22:20,342 Tibetans, we believe rebirth. 360 00:22:49,037 --> 00:22:53,165 In the Kabbalistic tradition of Judaism, 361 00:22:53,166 --> 00:22:58,379 reincarnation is considered a fundamental belief. 362 00:22:58,380 --> 00:23:00,923 And unlike other religions, 363 00:23:00,924 --> 00:23:03,384 which believe you have only one lifetime 364 00:23:03,385 --> 00:23:05,636 in which to get it right, 365 00:23:05,637 --> 00:23:10,391 in the Kabbalistic tradition, it is believed 366 00:23:10,392 --> 00:23:15,813 that souls are given multiple chances to get it right. 367 00:23:15,814 --> 00:23:21,277 So souls are believed to reincarnate time after time. 368 00:23:24,572 --> 00:23:27,366 The idea of the preexistence of the soul 369 00:23:27,367 --> 00:23:31,578 was once a significant doctrine of the Christian canon, 370 00:23:31,579 --> 00:23:34,206 before it had been excised from the teachings 371 00:23:34,207 --> 00:23:40,379 by Roman emperor Justinian the Great in 553 AD. 372 00:23:40,380 --> 00:23:44,091 The early Christian belief in reincarnation 373 00:23:44,092 --> 00:23:46,260 was eventually declared a heresy. 374 00:23:46,261 --> 00:23:49,138 Instead of recycling to Earth over and over again, 375 00:23:49,139 --> 00:23:52,516 you now only have one destination after this life. 376 00:23:52,517 --> 00:23:55,519 That destination is either Heaven or it's Hell, 377 00:23:55,520 --> 00:23:58,188 depending on how you behaved in life. 378 00:23:58,189 --> 00:24:01,275 It was used as a control mechanism. 379 00:24:01,276 --> 00:24:05,279 In ancient Greece, Socrates, Pythagoras 380 00:24:05,280 --> 00:24:10,743 and Plato all commented on the possibility of reincarnation. 381 00:24:10,744 --> 00:24:14,288 In the dialogues, Plato says, 382 00:24:14,289 --> 00:24:19,334 "I am confident that there truly is such a thing as living again, 383 00:24:19,335 --> 00:24:21,754 and that the living spring from the dead." 384 00:24:21,755 --> 00:24:25,883 So here's a strong sense of reincarnation. 385 00:24:25,884 --> 00:24:29,219 There are many beliefs around the world, 386 00:24:29,220 --> 00:24:31,889 that reincarnation exists. 387 00:24:31,890 --> 00:24:35,559 Some people believe that certain types of souls 388 00:24:35,560 --> 00:24:39,438 are able to come back, not just in one body, 389 00:24:39,439 --> 00:24:44,818 but in several bodies at once to perform specific tasks. 390 00:24:44,819 --> 00:24:46,945 And that's one of the reasons why 391 00:24:46,946 --> 00:24:49,406 there are so many more people on the Earth today 392 00:24:49,407 --> 00:24:50,949 than there used to be. 393 00:24:50,950 --> 00:24:53,118 And also it is possible for you 394 00:24:53,119 --> 00:24:56,622 to reincarnate from other planets. 395 00:24:56,623 --> 00:25:00,292 Oftentimes, when reincarnation is discussed, 396 00:25:00,293 --> 00:25:01,794 we only talk about it 397 00:25:01,795 --> 00:25:04,963 that people are reincarnated here on Earth, 398 00:25:04,964 --> 00:25:07,299 and I personally always thought 399 00:25:07,300 --> 00:25:11,678 that that was a limiting idea of reincarnation. 400 00:25:11,679 --> 00:25:17,184 I think even extraterrestrial organisms... biological ones... 401 00:25:17,185 --> 00:25:20,939 Would be reincarnated throughout the universe. 402 00:25:24,442 --> 00:25:26,693 If souls are indeed recycling 403 00:25:26,694 --> 00:25:30,447 through various bodies, as so many cultures, 404 00:25:30,448 --> 00:25:33,659 both ancient and modern, have proposed, 405 00:25:33,660 --> 00:25:37,871 is this simply the natural continuation of life 406 00:25:37,872 --> 00:25:40,874 or might this process be directed 407 00:25:40,875 --> 00:25:43,418 towards some greater end? 408 00:25:43,419 --> 00:25:47,130 One that reaches far beyond Earth? 409 00:25:47,131 --> 00:25:50,259 Perhaps further clues can be found 410 00:25:50,260 --> 00:25:53,262 by examining the stories of those who claim 411 00:25:53,263 --> 00:25:57,892 to have been reincarnated with a specific purpose for humanity. 412 00:26:05,358 --> 00:26:06,900 Dharamshala, India, 413 00:26:06,901 --> 00:26:11,154 May 17, 2015. 414 00:26:11,155 --> 00:26:13,031 We want justice! 415 00:26:13,032 --> 00:26:15,534 - What do we want? - We want freedom! 416 00:26:15,535 --> 00:26:17,078 What do we want? 417 00:26:18,830 --> 00:26:20,831 Tibetan exiles in India, 418 00:26:20,832 --> 00:26:23,041 including the current Dalai Lama, 419 00:26:23,042 --> 00:26:25,836 renew their call for Communist China 420 00:26:25,837 --> 00:26:28,213 to release the high-ranking Buddhist monk 421 00:26:28,214 --> 00:26:31,717 they have held captive for the past 20 years. 422 00:26:31,718 --> 00:26:35,262 Gedhun Choekyi Nyima is considered 423 00:26:35,263 --> 00:26:38,223 one of the world's longest-held political prisoners. 424 00:26:38,224 --> 00:26:41,852 He has been held captive since 1995, 425 00:26:41,853 --> 00:26:45,230 when at the age of six, he was recognized 426 00:26:45,231 --> 00:26:48,442 as the 11th reincarnation of the Panchen Lama, 427 00:26:48,443 --> 00:26:51,904 the second most important spiritual leader of Tibet 428 00:26:51,905 --> 00:26:56,241 after the Dalai Lama himself. 429 00:26:56,242 --> 00:26:59,244 The Dalai Lama unilaterally announced 430 00:26:59,245 --> 00:27:01,455 that they'd found the Panchen Lama. 431 00:27:01,456 --> 00:27:05,125 Now, the Chinese placed him under house arrest in China, 432 00:27:05,126 --> 00:27:07,753 and he's not been heard from since. 433 00:27:07,754 --> 00:27:10,797 The Chinese government installed, effectively, 434 00:27:10,798 --> 00:27:12,591 their own candidate. 435 00:27:12,592 --> 00:27:14,259 The reason for this 436 00:27:14,260 --> 00:27:17,429 seems to be that the previous Panchen Lama 437 00:27:17,430 --> 00:27:19,598 had spoken out against Chinese Communism, 438 00:27:19,599 --> 00:27:23,602 and the Chinese government was probably worried about that. 439 00:27:23,603 --> 00:27:27,773 Like most other Eastern religions, 440 00:27:27,774 --> 00:27:29,274 the belief in reincarnation 441 00:27:29,275 --> 00:27:33,111 is central to the Tibetan Buddhist philosophy. 442 00:27:33,112 --> 00:27:35,739 The current Dalai Lama 443 00:27:35,740 --> 00:27:38,951 is the 14th in his reincarnation lineage, 444 00:27:38,952 --> 00:27:43,288 but he claims to be the 74th incarnation of his spirit, 445 00:27:43,289 --> 00:27:47,626 which is said to trace back to the deity Chenrezig, 446 00:27:47,627 --> 00:27:51,089 the founding god of the Tibetan people. 447 00:27:52,590 --> 00:27:56,301 Is a very special dedicated compassion 448 00:27:56,302 --> 00:27:59,973 Buddha manifested for Tibet. 449 00:28:11,275 --> 00:28:15,278 This being continues to come back through reincarnations 450 00:28:15,279 --> 00:28:18,323 to simply help the Tibetan people 451 00:28:18,324 --> 00:28:20,993 and the humans on the Earth 452 00:28:20,994 --> 00:28:24,455 to also find their way to enlightenment. 453 00:28:27,166 --> 00:28:30,377 It is said that Chenrezig made a vow 454 00:28:30,378 --> 00:28:34,006 that he would not rest until he had "liberated all the beings 455 00:28:34,007 --> 00:28:36,842 in all the realms of suffering." 456 00:28:36,843 --> 00:28:41,471 Tibetan Buddhists believe, that in the form of the Dalai Lama, 457 00:28:41,472 --> 00:28:46,226 he returns to Earth in a quest to fulfill this mission. 458 00:28:46,227 --> 00:28:49,855 But according to ancient astronaut theorists, 459 00:28:49,856 --> 00:28:53,483 Chenrezig was not merely an enlightened being, 460 00:28:53,484 --> 00:28:56,695 he was an extraterrestrial visitor to Earth 461 00:28:56,696 --> 00:28:58,572 in the remote past. 462 00:28:58,573 --> 00:29:02,534 In many of the renderings similar to his, 463 00:29:02,535 --> 00:29:07,456 you have these Buddhas that are in this lotus position 464 00:29:07,457 --> 00:29:11,543 that seem to be sitting inside some sort of vehicles. 465 00:29:11,544 --> 00:29:14,087 They look like lotus flowers, 466 00:29:14,088 --> 00:29:19,551 and you have them surrounded by flames and smoke. 467 00:29:19,552 --> 00:29:22,888 Chenrezig is often seen floating 468 00:29:22,889 --> 00:29:26,141 in a kind of UFO-shaped disc 469 00:29:26,142 --> 00:29:28,685 with different objects around him. 470 00:29:28,686 --> 00:29:32,647 So, it would seem that really, for Tibetan Buddhists, 471 00:29:32,648 --> 00:29:35,734 the Dalai Lama is a reincarnation 472 00:29:35,735 --> 00:29:39,571 of some kind of extraterrestrial god 473 00:29:39,572 --> 00:29:44,326 who has chosen the Tibetan people as his people, 474 00:29:44,327 --> 00:29:48,955 and he continually reincarnates over and over again, 475 00:29:48,956 --> 00:29:52,627 to lead these people. 476 00:29:56,005 --> 00:29:58,006 According to researchers, 477 00:29:58,007 --> 00:30:01,259 the vast majority of reincarnated individuals 478 00:30:01,260 --> 00:30:05,430 are completely unaware of their previous lives. 479 00:30:05,431 --> 00:30:08,600 But if the Dalai Lama is returning 480 00:30:08,601 --> 00:30:10,977 to fulfill a recognized mission, 481 00:30:10,978 --> 00:30:13,814 could there be others who knowingly come back 482 00:30:13,815 --> 00:30:16,651 with a task to complete? 483 00:30:21,155 --> 00:30:22,781 Hillah, Iraq. 484 00:30:22,782 --> 00:30:25,867 Just over 50 miles south of Baghdad. 485 00:30:25,868 --> 00:30:29,329 Scattered over 2,000 acres, 486 00:30:29,330 --> 00:30:31,957 in the center of the war-torn nation, 487 00:30:31,958 --> 00:30:36,837 lie the ruins of one of the ancient world's greatest cities, 488 00:30:36,838 --> 00:30:38,463 Babylon. 489 00:30:38,464 --> 00:30:43,552 During the 1980s, Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein 490 00:30:43,553 --> 00:30:46,972 attempted to reconstruct the city. 491 00:30:46,973 --> 00:30:51,184 He built himself a replica structure 492 00:30:51,185 --> 00:30:53,645 on the ancient foundation of the palace 493 00:30:53,646 --> 00:30:58,817 of the sixth century Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar II, 494 00:30:58,818 --> 00:31:04,990 and even made plans to restore his famous Hanging Gardens. 495 00:31:04,991 --> 00:31:08,493 In 1991, during the First Gulf War, 496 00:31:08,494 --> 00:31:11,496 the world was introduced to Saddam Hussein, 497 00:31:11,497 --> 00:31:13,540 both as a military dictator, 498 00:31:13,541 --> 00:31:16,585 but also, we learned during the 1980s, 499 00:31:16,586 --> 00:31:18,545 Saddam had spent over $500 million 500 00:31:18,546 --> 00:31:20,672 rebuilding Babylon. 501 00:31:20,673 --> 00:31:22,924 One of the interesting things 502 00:31:22,925 --> 00:31:24,676 that came out in the news 503 00:31:24,677 --> 00:31:29,181 around the time of the First Gulf War with Iraq, 504 00:31:29,182 --> 00:31:30,974 was that Saddam Hussein believed 505 00:31:30,975 --> 00:31:34,729 that he was the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar II. 506 00:31:36,856 --> 00:31:40,192 Saddam Hussein said that he was 507 00:31:40,193 --> 00:31:42,360 the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar. 508 00:31:42,361 --> 00:31:46,031 He had coins made with his image on one side, 509 00:31:46,032 --> 00:31:48,366 and Nebuchadnezzar on the other. 510 00:31:48,367 --> 00:31:52,037 The original bricks in Babylon had the name 511 00:31:52,038 --> 00:31:55,040 Nebuchadnezzar engraved on them. 512 00:31:55,041 --> 00:31:58,168 When Saddam rebuilt the ancient city of Babylon, 513 00:31:58,169 --> 00:32:01,463 he had bricks inscribed with his own name 514 00:32:01,464 --> 00:32:05,927 and the name Nebuchadnezzar engraved on them as well. 515 00:32:09,764 --> 00:32:12,766 Nebuchadnezzar II was a powerful 516 00:32:12,767 --> 00:32:16,937 and ambitious ruler, and during his reign he made Babylon 517 00:32:16,938 --> 00:32:20,982 the most powerful kingdom in the region. 518 00:32:20,983 --> 00:32:26,071 Much like Saddam Hussein, Nebuchadnezzar II also set out 519 00:32:26,072 --> 00:32:29,574 to reconstruct the already ancient city, 520 00:32:29,575 --> 00:32:31,743 specifically focusing on restoring 521 00:32:31,744 --> 00:32:36,332 the Great Ziggurat of Babylon, the Etemenanki temple. 522 00:32:38,542 --> 00:32:42,629 Scholars have proposed that the site may actually be 523 00:32:42,630 --> 00:32:46,758 the former location of the biblical Tower of Babel, 524 00:32:46,759 --> 00:32:49,261 which was constructed after the Great Flood 525 00:32:49,262 --> 00:32:54,266 by orders of the ancient king, Nimrod. 526 00:32:54,267 --> 00:32:56,810 Ancient legend tells us that King Nebuchadnezzar 527 00:32:56,811 --> 00:33:00,647 was indeed himself a reincarnation of the earlier 528 00:33:00,648 --> 00:33:03,275 Babylonian King Nimrod. 529 00:33:03,276 --> 00:33:08,655 Nimrod was the first world dictator who created 530 00:33:08,656 --> 00:33:10,949 what was a world empire. 531 00:33:10,950 --> 00:33:14,995 Nimrod was of the descendants of Noah. 532 00:33:14,996 --> 00:33:18,290 Now, Noah was very unique, very interesting. 533 00:33:18,291 --> 00:33:21,501 He was born with certain attributes which indicated 534 00:33:21,502 --> 00:33:23,837 that he was not of this world. 535 00:33:23,838 --> 00:33:26,131 If this is true, 536 00:33:26,132 --> 00:33:29,175 could it be that Saddam Hussein was not only 537 00:33:29,176 --> 00:33:32,137 a reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar II, 538 00:33:32,138 --> 00:33:36,475 but also the biblical character known as Nimrod? 539 00:33:38,227 --> 00:33:41,104 And might this being have returned to fulfill a mission 540 00:33:41,105 --> 00:33:46,776 he was unable to complete in his earlier incarnation? 541 00:33:46,777 --> 00:33:48,653 What we're seeing here is actually 542 00:33:48,654 --> 00:33:51,239 a progression of a soul, or a spirit, 543 00:33:51,240 --> 00:33:54,367 beginning with Nimrod, going through Nebuchadnezzar, 544 00:33:54,368 --> 00:33:57,829 and then reincarnating as Saddam Hussein, 545 00:33:57,830 --> 00:34:01,584 who was trying to do exactly the same thing in each lifetime. 546 00:34:04,462 --> 00:34:08,882 If the existence of the human soul can be proven, 547 00:34:08,883 --> 00:34:10,842 could it really carry remnants 548 00:34:10,843 --> 00:34:13,261 from previous lives? 549 00:34:13,262 --> 00:34:16,681 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 550 00:34:16,682 --> 00:34:19,017 and point to a number of recent scientific 551 00:34:19,018 --> 00:34:21,311 discoveries for their proof, 552 00:34:21,312 --> 00:34:23,688 not only of reincarnation, 553 00:34:23,689 --> 00:34:27,318 but of mankind's ancient alien origins. 554 00:34:38,079 --> 00:34:41,999 Stanton, Kentucky, July 2016. 555 00:34:44,377 --> 00:34:48,505 A witness to the aftermath of a fatal traffic collision 556 00:34:48,506 --> 00:34:52,425 takes a photograph of the scene as he drives past. 557 00:34:52,426 --> 00:34:57,389 Upon examination of the picture, he notices the vestige 558 00:34:57,390 --> 00:35:00,267 of a figure floating above the scene. 559 00:35:01,936 --> 00:35:04,896 Many have suggested that this chilling photograph 560 00:35:04,897 --> 00:35:08,900 actually shows the soul leaving the body. 561 00:35:08,901 --> 00:35:13,905 And today an increasing number of scientists support the notion 562 00:35:13,906 --> 00:35:16,574 that there may really be a spirit that continues on 563 00:35:16,575 --> 00:35:19,120 after the body dies. 564 00:35:21,247 --> 00:35:24,290 The vast body of information 565 00:35:24,291 --> 00:35:25,917 supporting the concept 566 00:35:25,918 --> 00:35:27,836 or the idea of reincarnation 567 00:35:27,837 --> 00:35:31,214 is getting stronger and stronger. 568 00:35:31,215 --> 00:35:34,676 There's nothing in the science that precludes that, 569 00:35:34,677 --> 00:35:37,888 and there's some information that actually supports it. 570 00:35:40,433 --> 00:35:42,517 In 1996, 571 00:35:42,518 --> 00:35:45,687 renowned physicist Sir Roger Penrose 572 00:35:45,688 --> 00:35:49,107 and anesthesiologist Dr. Stuart Hameroff 573 00:35:49,108 --> 00:35:53,278 developed a quantum theory of consciousness that supports 574 00:35:53,279 --> 00:35:55,989 the notion of a separate state of an individual 575 00:35:55,990 --> 00:36:00,743 that can exist beyond the confines of a physical body. 576 00:36:00,744 --> 00:36:05,707 Their work highlights structures called microtubules, 577 00:36:05,708 --> 00:36:10,128 which they suggest is the seat of the soul. 578 00:36:10,129 --> 00:36:12,797 Microtubules are light pipes 579 00:36:12,798 --> 00:36:16,342 that allow electrons to flow unimpeded, 580 00:36:16,343 --> 00:36:18,554 so the body can talk to itself. 581 00:36:20,222 --> 00:36:23,808 It allows consciousness to flow throughout the body, 582 00:36:23,809 --> 00:36:27,813 at least so the theory goes. 583 00:36:29,815 --> 00:36:33,193 According to their theory, the soul itself exists 584 00:36:33,194 --> 00:36:36,488 in an energetic state. 585 00:36:36,489 --> 00:36:39,824 When the body dies, it returns to the universe, 586 00:36:39,825 --> 00:36:43,077 as it cannot be destroyed. 587 00:36:43,078 --> 00:36:46,122 And in the case of near-death experiences, 588 00:36:46,123 --> 00:36:50,668 it may later return to the body after resuscitation. 589 00:36:50,669 --> 00:36:53,171 Their theory suggests that 590 00:36:53,172 --> 00:36:57,759 what is happening is that some energetic quantum essence 591 00:36:57,760 --> 00:37:01,221 of consciousness itself that can exist as pure energy 592 00:37:01,222 --> 00:37:03,014 is exiting the body. 593 00:37:03,015 --> 00:37:05,517 And then, when the body becomes viable again, 594 00:37:05,518 --> 00:37:08,019 it is able to reinhabit the body through 595 00:37:08,020 --> 00:37:12,398 using these microtubules, much like the idea of an antenna. 596 00:37:12,399 --> 00:37:15,735 We have the possibility that this is an intelligent design. 597 00:37:15,736 --> 00:37:18,571 That there could be intelligent beings before us 598 00:37:18,572 --> 00:37:22,534 who specifically designed these biological bodies 599 00:37:22,535 --> 00:37:25,412 to be vessels for the soul. 600 00:37:29,750 --> 00:37:32,544 According to ancient astronaut theorists, 601 00:37:32,545 --> 00:37:36,047 our latest scientific discoveries reflect the stories 602 00:37:36,048 --> 00:37:40,385 written by our ancestors over 3,500 years ago, 603 00:37:40,386 --> 00:37:43,388 detailing how the gods fashioned the human body 604 00:37:43,389 --> 00:37:46,433 to possess a soul or spirit. 605 00:37:48,310 --> 00:37:50,770 When you look at, uh, one of the earliest creation myths 606 00:37:50,771 --> 00:37:53,022 from Mesopotamia, they talked about how, 607 00:37:53,023 --> 00:37:56,651 in order for a human body to be animated, 608 00:37:56,652 --> 00:37:59,737 the gods needed to connect the soul to it, 609 00:37:59,738 --> 00:38:02,657 or the spiritual consciousness to it. 610 00:38:02,658 --> 00:38:05,910 Otherwise it just doesn't function. 611 00:38:05,911 --> 00:38:09,414 The gods in ancient stories have all 612 00:38:09,415 --> 00:38:12,250 the hallmarks of what we call extraterrestrials. 613 00:38:12,251 --> 00:38:16,421 They're deeply interested in the idea of the soul, how to move 614 00:38:16,422 --> 00:38:19,340 the soul from one body to another. 615 00:38:19,341 --> 00:38:22,135 We call that reincarnation. 616 00:38:22,136 --> 00:38:23,720 So the historical record 617 00:38:23,721 --> 00:38:26,889 of extraterrestrials tweaking human bodies 618 00:38:26,890 --> 00:38:29,767 suggests that the ultimate purpose 619 00:38:29,768 --> 00:38:31,603 of this genetic alteration 620 00:38:31,604 --> 00:38:36,650 is to make the human body a better vehicle for the soul. 621 00:38:38,819 --> 00:38:41,446 Are scientists on the verge of uncovering 622 00:38:41,447 --> 00:38:46,409 a profound truth... that man really does possess a soul, 623 00:38:46,410 --> 00:38:49,662 and human bodies are physiologically designed 624 00:38:49,663 --> 00:38:54,167 to support it, as our ancestors claimed? 625 00:38:54,168 --> 00:38:58,338 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and believe 626 00:38:58,339 --> 00:39:02,092 the more important question... is why? 627 00:39:10,142 --> 00:39:12,685 New York City College of Technology. 628 00:39:12,686 --> 00:39:15,980 August 2016. 629 00:39:15,981 --> 00:39:20,652 Physicist Gregory Matloff publishes a paper arguing 630 00:39:20,653 --> 00:39:23,863 that consciousness may extend beyond humans, 631 00:39:23,864 --> 00:39:27,283 and that the universe itself might be self-aware. 632 00:39:27,284 --> 00:39:30,995 Prominent scientists like Christoph Koch 633 00:39:30,996 --> 00:39:35,833 and Sir Roger Penrose also support this notion. 634 00:39:35,834 --> 00:39:39,212 And researchers studying reincarnation believe 635 00:39:39,213 --> 00:39:43,966 it might help explain why souls are continuously recycled. 636 00:39:43,967 --> 00:39:46,844 There seems to be a process where you reincarnate 637 00:39:46,845 --> 00:39:50,390 repeatedly, because there is a larger consciousness 638 00:39:50,391 --> 00:39:52,684 that you're a part of. 639 00:39:52,685 --> 00:39:56,187 In short, we upload and download consciousness, 640 00:39:56,188 --> 00:40:00,858 and we're creating a common body of information. 641 00:40:00,859 --> 00:40:04,445 Cosmic consciousness is expansive. 642 00:40:04,446 --> 00:40:07,407 It allows us to imagine the possibilities 643 00:40:07,408 --> 00:40:11,119 beyond our 3D reality. 644 00:40:11,120 --> 00:40:15,873 Beyond our limited way of seeing this reality 645 00:40:15,874 --> 00:40:17,292 right here on the Earth. 646 00:40:19,086 --> 00:40:21,587 But if human bodies were created 647 00:40:21,588 --> 00:40:25,299 as vessels for the soul by extraterrestrial beings, 648 00:40:25,300 --> 00:40:28,761 as some ancient astronaut theorists propose, 649 00:40:28,762 --> 00:40:31,431 was it to feed the human experience into 650 00:40:31,432 --> 00:40:33,891 a shared cosmic consciousness? 651 00:40:33,892 --> 00:40:37,979 And if so, could the key to uncovering the truth 652 00:40:37,980 --> 00:40:42,734 about our alien origins be walking amongst us today? 653 00:40:42,735 --> 00:40:44,902 Some of the souls that are currently 654 00:40:44,903 --> 00:40:46,946 walking around Planet Earth 655 00:40:46,947 --> 00:40:49,699 have been around for a very long time, 656 00:40:49,700 --> 00:40:54,412 and may be traced back to extraterrestrials visiting 657 00:40:54,413 --> 00:40:56,497 in the remote past. 658 00:40:56,498 --> 00:40:59,083 The truth of our past could definitely be 659 00:40:59,084 --> 00:41:01,545 part of our future. 660 00:41:03,088 --> 00:41:05,798 Extraterrestrial reincarnated souls 661 00:41:05,799 --> 00:41:09,177 have been with us for thousands and thousands of years, 662 00:41:09,178 --> 00:41:15,600 guiding us, leading us over and over again as best they can 663 00:41:15,601 --> 00:41:19,103 to help us achieve our various goals. 664 00:41:19,104 --> 00:41:21,939 We have to realize that 665 00:41:21,940 --> 00:41:25,193 extraterrestrial knowledge is present in our world, 666 00:41:25,194 --> 00:41:28,362 that these souls carry direct evidence and knowledge 667 00:41:28,363 --> 00:41:29,781 from our past 668 00:41:29,782 --> 00:41:32,325 and are perhaps being used to fulfill 669 00:41:32,326 --> 00:41:34,952 the mission of these extraterrestrial beings. 670 00:41:34,953 --> 00:41:38,873 Is it possible that humans are designed 671 00:41:38,874 --> 00:41:41,667 to carry the souls of otherworldly beings 672 00:41:41,668 --> 00:41:45,296 that came to Earth thousands of years ago? 673 00:41:45,297 --> 00:41:49,717 Perhaps as we learn more about reincarnation 674 00:41:49,718 --> 00:41:53,137 we will be able to access ancient knowledge 675 00:41:53,138 --> 00:41:56,182 seeded deep within each of us. 676 00:41:56,183 --> 00:41:59,143 We may also discover that the truths 677 00:41:59,144 --> 00:42:01,687 about our extraterrestrial past 678 00:42:01,688 --> 00:42:05,400 are much closer than we ever realized.