1 00:00:01,749 --> 00:00:03,166 Demonic seduction… 2 00:00:03,896 --> 00:00:06,685 You cannot resist or do anything about it. 3 00:00:07,369 --> 00:00:08,634 Hybrid offspring... 4 00:00:08,845 --> 00:00:11,974 People believed that he was half-dragon and half-human. 5 00:00:12,537 --> 00:00:14,709 ...and strange abductions. 6 00:00:15,034 --> 00:00:18,043 These beings from outer space wanted to have sex. 7 00:00:18,665 --> 00:00:20,623 In cultures around the world, 8 00:00:20,714 --> 00:00:25,307 there are tales of intimate encounters with extraterrestrial beings. 9 00:00:26,129 --> 00:00:29,098 But could these stories be more than just myth? 10 00:00:29,479 --> 00:00:34,730 Did aliens come to Earth to mate with humans? 11 00:00:35,310 --> 00:00:39,149 Clearly, there are entities out there which have an agenda. 12 00:00:40,136 --> 00:00:43,698 Mating with human beings for their own purpose. 13 00:00:44,694 --> 00:00:46,769 Millions of people around the world... 14 00:00:46,952 --> 00:00:51,292 ...believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 15 00:00:51,719 --> 00:00:53,591 What if it were true? 16 00:00:54,816 --> 00:00:58,511 Did Ancient Aliens really help to shape our history? 17 00:00:59,341 --> 00:01:04,205 And if so, might we be the product of alien breeders? 18 00:01:37,263 --> 00:01:39,845 Leipzig, Germany. 2010. 19 00:01:41,101 --> 00:01:43,504 Biologists led by Svante Paabo... 20 00:01:43,595 --> 00:01:47,028 ...of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 21 00:01:47,287 --> 00:01:48,840 make a stunning announcement. 22 00:01:49,445 --> 00:01:51,826 They had determined that early humans... 23 00:01:51,917 --> 00:01:55,722 ...not only co-existed on Earth with other more primitive hominids, 24 00:01:56,143 --> 00:01:58,271 they also mated with them. 25 00:02:00,653 --> 00:02:02,168 But even more astonishing... 26 00:02:02,987 --> 00:02:06,663 ...was their finding that another, as yet unidentified species, 27 00:02:06,879 --> 00:02:09,981 may also be represented in human DNA. 28 00:02:13,379 --> 00:02:16,400 Up until now, most people have been familiar... 29 00:02:16,491 --> 00:02:19,643 ...with the typical DNA model of human evolution in which, 30 00:02:20,465 --> 00:02:23,384 you have a very nicely defined progression... 31 00:02:23,825 --> 00:02:27,453 ...from previous types of human or hominid life... 32 00:02:27,936 --> 00:02:29,934 ...up to anatomically modern humans. 33 00:02:31,307 --> 00:02:32,855 That's not true anymore. 34 00:02:33,349 --> 00:02:37,267 And what we're seeing is evidence that there could have been inter-breeding... 35 00:02:37,441 --> 00:02:42,425 ...with what the actual mainstream media is calling “mystery species” of humans. 36 00:02:46,034 --> 00:02:48,729 There's a big debate over Neanderthals and others... 37 00:02:48,820 --> 00:02:50,865 ...whether they had sexual contact in humans. 38 00:02:51,419 --> 00:02:55,096 But if there were primates already here who had evolved by Darwinian evolution, 39 00:02:55,382 --> 00:02:58,902 it's not a big step to take the next step and create a cross. 40 00:03:00,856 --> 00:03:03,589 An anthropologist from the University of Wisconsin, 41 00:03:03,705 --> 00:03:05,099 Dr John Hawks, 42 00:03:05,401 --> 00:03:10,548 did a comprehensive analysis of human DNA going back for many thousands of years, 43 00:03:10,943 --> 00:03:12,845 and what he found was astonishing. 44 00:03:14,027 --> 00:03:18,344 If you look at the DNA from someone in 3000 BC, 45 00:03:19,106 --> 00:03:22,507 and you compare that to the DNA of someone alive today, 46 00:03:22,993 --> 00:03:25,545 it has changed by seven percent. 47 00:03:26,967 --> 00:03:32,499 Mapping the human genome, Dr Hawks found that in the past 5,000 years, 48 00:03:32,705 --> 00:03:36,089 our DNA has evolved at a rate 100 times greater... 49 00:03:36,257 --> 00:03:39,570 ...than any previous 5,000-year period in our history. 50 00:03:40,240 --> 00:03:43,162 So what happened in the last 5,000 years... 51 00:03:43,407 --> 00:03:47,475 ...that altered the structure of human DNA by seven percent? 52 00:03:48,537 --> 00:03:52,466 Is it possible that extraterrestrial humans interbred with us... 53 00:03:52,557 --> 00:03:54,676 ...sometime in the last 5,000 years, 54 00:03:54,942 --> 00:03:57,940 and that could account for these monumental changes... 55 00:03:58,031 --> 00:03:59,816 ...in the structure of human DNA? 56 00:04:02,558 --> 00:04:04,411 Could it be that our ancestors... 57 00:04:04,502 --> 00:04:06,941 ...are not only hominids who lived here on Earth, 58 00:04:07,380 --> 00:04:10,361 but also beings from beyond our world? 59 00:04:12,158 --> 00:04:15,385 Ancient Astronaut Theorists claim that evidence of this... 60 00:04:15,528 --> 00:04:17,822 ...can be found in stories throughout history 61 00:04:17,913 --> 00:04:20,642 that depict humans mating with gods. 62 00:04:21,378 --> 00:04:26,183 Throughout world cultures and mythologies, this idea of otherworldly beings, 63 00:04:26,274 --> 00:04:28,194 gods, supernatural beings, 64 00:04:28,285 --> 00:04:31,963 demons having sex with humans is very, very common. 65 00:04:32,391 --> 00:04:34,673 The way that we interpret that experience... 66 00:04:34,774 --> 00:04:37,825 ...depends on the cultural and religious factors around us. 67 00:04:39,253 --> 00:04:43,625 We can read about these accounts of all sorts of weird beings... 68 00:04:43,716 --> 00:04:45,426 ...who had their way with humans. 69 00:04:47,815 --> 00:04:51,006 Now all we have to do is to approach these stories, 70 00:04:51,097 --> 00:04:53,377 and look at them from a modern perspective, 71 00:04:53,828 --> 00:04:56,903 to eliminate the always suggested symbolism, 72 00:04:57,099 --> 00:05:01,065 and look at these events for what they potentially really were... 73 00:05:01,623 --> 00:05:04,519 ...encounters with extraterrestrials. 74 00:05:06,196 --> 00:05:09,774 There is abundant undeniable evidence of human... 75 00:05:09,865 --> 00:05:11,482 ...and extraterrestrial interbreeding. 76 00:05:11,869 --> 00:05:13,578 It's in so many different cultures... 77 00:05:13,669 --> 00:05:16,089 ...that to suggest that it's all a conspiracy theory, 78 00:05:16,180 --> 00:05:19,333 or a myth, or a fantasy is completely illogical. 79 00:05:22,516 --> 00:05:25,273 But if extraterrestrials have, in fact, 80 00:05:25,425 --> 00:05:28,371 been mating with human beings since ancient times, 81 00:05:28,816 --> 00:05:30,428 what might their purpose be? 82 00:05:31,903 --> 00:05:33,547 Ancient Astronaut Theorists... 83 00:05:33,652 --> 00:05:38,339 ...believe the answer can be found in the biblical stories of the fallen angels. 84 00:05:39,666 --> 00:05:42,038 There are references in the scriptures... 85 00:05:42,129 --> 00:05:46,164 ...to rebellious angels who were in trouble with God, came to Earth, 86 00:05:46,255 --> 00:05:49,728 found the daughters of men attractive and married them, 87 00:05:49,819 --> 00:05:53,060 which is to say had sex with them and produced offspring. 88 00:05:55,035 --> 00:05:56,522 But God was not happy about it. 89 00:05:57,389 --> 00:06:01,115 The unhappiness of God about it doesn't appear in Genesis... 90 00:06:01,206 --> 00:06:02,253 ...so much as it does 91 00:06:02,344 --> 00:06:05,189 in the extra-canonical Old Testament Book of Enoch. 92 00:06:06,392 --> 00:06:08,545 In the Book of Enoch, it actually gives the numbers. 93 00:06:08,636 --> 00:06:10,777 It says 200 angels disobeyed God, 94 00:06:10,992 --> 00:06:13,466 and came to Earth and mated with human women. 95 00:06:14,584 --> 00:06:17,706 In the Book of Enoch, these beings from outer space, 96 00:06:17,874 --> 00:06:20,984 they wanted to have sex with beauties on Earth. 97 00:06:21,317 --> 00:06:22,820 So they all came together, 98 00:06:22,954 --> 00:06:27,207 and they swore, we will do it even if it's against the rule. 99 00:06:30,999 --> 00:06:33,317 The apocryphal text called the Book of Enoch... 100 00:06:33,585 --> 00:06:35,782 ...was written before the time of Jesus, 101 00:06:36,051 --> 00:06:39,899 but was curiously removed from the Bible in the 4th century AD... 102 00:06:40,105 --> 00:06:41,998 ...at the Council of Laodicea. 103 00:06:43,355 --> 00:06:45,509 According to some Biblical scholars, 104 00:06:45,600 --> 00:06:48,681 the reason for this was most likely the controversy... 105 00:06:48,826 --> 00:06:52,601 ...over these accounts of the fallen angels mating with daughters of men, 106 00:06:52,862 --> 00:06:56,147 accounts that the people of the time had taken as fact. 107 00:06:58,248 --> 00:07:01,513 But if the stories of the fallen angels are to be taken literally, 108 00:07:02,019 --> 00:07:06,301 how is it that spiritual beings were able to not only mate with humans, 109 00:07:06,481 --> 00:07:08,297 but even reproduce? 110 00:07:09,682 --> 00:07:12,024 If angels are what we think they are today, 111 00:07:12,150 --> 00:07:16,534 these non-corporeal, certainly non-human entities, 112 00:07:17,110 --> 00:07:21,680 what on Earth, why on Earth, how on Earth could there be any interest... 113 00:07:21,806 --> 00:07:24,985 ...in a sexual relationship with human women? 114 00:07:25,756 --> 00:07:27,784 It's physically impossible. 115 00:07:28,488 --> 00:07:32,605 So, therefore, if there's any legitimacy to what the Bible says, 116 00:07:32,700 --> 00:07:34,202 as we believe that there is, 117 00:07:34,311 --> 00:07:38,914 we must re-understand what these sons of God are. 118 00:07:41,140 --> 00:07:46,647 We have to change the interpretation and to interpret them in a modern way. 119 00:07:47,068 --> 00:07:50,317 And you see of a sudden, it all makes sense. 120 00:07:51,807 --> 00:07:57,358 Now the problem is, if extraterrestrials had a sexual contact with our forefathers, 121 00:07:57,550 --> 00:08:02,753 that means that the genital apparatus must be similar, otherwise it's not possible. 122 00:08:03,961 --> 00:08:05,691 Now here's the interesting thing. 123 00:08:06,387 --> 00:08:09,536 They didn't come down here for recreational pastime... 124 00:08:09,627 --> 00:08:11,342 as we use sexuality today. 125 00:08:12,184 --> 00:08:14,405 They had an agenda... 126 00:08:14,988 --> 00:08:18,918 ...in the manipulation of the human genetic pool. 127 00:08:23,519 --> 00:08:26,442 Is it possible that the stories of the fallen angels... 128 00:08:26,723 --> 00:08:29,951 ...are really depicting alien beings coming down to Earth... 129 00:08:30,042 --> 00:08:33,460 ...to mate with humans and manipulate our genetic makeup? 130 00:08:35,248 --> 00:08:38,627 In this ancient tale that was excised from the Hebrew Bible, 131 00:08:39,079 --> 00:08:42,018 it also describes the offspring of these encounters... 132 00:08:43,059 --> 00:08:45,762 ...a race of giants known as the Nephilim. 133 00:08:47,427 --> 00:08:50,389 Nephilim were beings that were a crossbreed 134 00:08:50,480 --> 00:08:53,350 between an angelic order and a human order, 135 00:08:53,530 --> 00:08:55,849 which apparently were very large. 136 00:08:57,371 --> 00:09:00,234 The offspring of the sons of god and the daughters of men... 137 00:09:01,262 --> 00:09:03,406 ...were not completely human. 138 00:09:04,089 --> 00:09:06,218 They were what we would, by today, call Demi-gods. 139 00:09:07,372 --> 00:09:10,882 They were not necessarily homosapien men. But homo superiors. 140 00:09:11,419 --> 00:09:13,634 They had added abilities, added strength. 141 00:09:14,064 --> 00:09:15,892 Very possibly added stature. 142 00:09:16,876 --> 00:09:20,840 These entities created devastation upon the Earth. 143 00:09:22,375 --> 00:09:26,612 Why? Because they are not indigenous to this Earth. 144 00:09:30,191 --> 00:09:34,900 Ancient accounts of powerful beings that are the offspring of gods and humans... 145 00:09:35,063 --> 00:09:37,721 ...can be found in cultures throughout the world. 146 00:09:39,745 --> 00:09:42,286 But if these giants were more than mythology, 147 00:09:42,598 --> 00:09:46,700 wouldn't we have found skeletal remains or other evidence of their existence? 148 00:09:47,552 --> 00:09:50,327 According to some Ancient Astronaut Theorists, 149 00:09:50,635 --> 00:09:53,949 proof that these human-alien hybrids once walked the Earth... 150 00:09:55,017 --> 00:09:58,632 ...may lie not in the Middle East, Africa, or even Asia, 151 00:09:59,641 --> 00:10:04,225 but on the other side of the world, in North America. 152 00:10:08,308 --> 00:10:10,191 Delavan Lake, Wisconsin. 153 00:10:10,719 --> 00:10:12,891 May 4th, 1912. 154 00:10:15,159 --> 00:10:17,791 According to a report in the "New York Times", 155 00:10:18,005 --> 00:10:20,887 two local boys made an extraordinary discovery. 156 00:10:22,860 --> 00:10:26,860 Eighteen skeletons found in a series of ancient burial mounds, 157 00:10:28,013 --> 00:10:31,801 and all of them measuring between 7 and 9 feet tall. 158 00:10:32,812 --> 00:10:35,256 The enormous skeletons were reportedly submitted... 159 00:10:35,347 --> 00:10:37,177 ...to the State Historical Museum, 160 00:10:37,707 --> 00:10:42,057 but some say they were later confiscated by the Smithsonian Institution. 161 00:10:45,345 --> 00:10:49,168 There have been finds of giant humanoid bones all over the world. 162 00:10:49,858 --> 00:10:51,554 Even here in the American southwest. 163 00:10:52,490 --> 00:10:54,973 Yet most of these stories have been suppressed. 164 00:10:55,878 --> 00:10:59,244 They're not the kind of thing you read about in anatomy textbooks. 165 00:10:59,335 --> 00:11:01,138 You don't ever read about them in the news. 166 00:11:01,299 --> 00:11:04,326 They're generally just regarded as myths and legends. 167 00:11:05,415 --> 00:11:08,660 The reason why that would be the case is because that would imply... 168 00:11:08,831 --> 00:11:11,979 ...that these creatures were not necessarily evolved here on Earth, 169 00:11:12,590 --> 00:11:14,937 that they had come from somewhere else. 170 00:11:15,489 --> 00:11:19,675 You have to wonder if they're not half extraterrestrial, half human giants... 171 00:11:19,766 --> 00:11:22,240 ...that existed here hundreds and thousands of years ago. 172 00:11:24,617 --> 00:11:27,794 Did ancient humans really have sexual encounters... 173 00:11:27,885 --> 00:11:32,146 ...with extraterrestrial beings that resulted in superhuman offspring? 174 00:11:34,187 --> 00:11:37,811 But if so, why aren't there giants among us today? 175 00:11:38,799 --> 00:11:42,955 Ancient Astronaut Theorists say the answer can once again be found... 176 00:11:43,761 --> 00:11:45,110 ...in the Holy Bible. 177 00:11:46,825 --> 00:11:49,707 Because of the contamination of the human gene pool, 178 00:11:50,082 --> 00:11:53,220 God's experiment on Earth was thwarted. 179 00:11:53,769 --> 00:11:56,323 And God was not going to be thwarted. 180 00:11:56,780 --> 00:12:00,702 And therefore, he chose, I guess we can call it Plan B. 181 00:12:01,953 --> 00:12:02,997 He sent the flood. 182 00:12:04,970 --> 00:12:06,866 In the Old Testament's Book of Genesis, 183 00:12:07,063 --> 00:12:11,375 the story of Noah tells of how God saw that the wickedness of man was great, 184 00:12:11,738 --> 00:12:15,507 and decided to destroy all of creation with a great flood. 185 00:12:18,759 --> 00:12:22,188 Noah, his family, and the animals aboard the Ark, 186 00:12:22,439 --> 00:12:25,380 were allowed to survive and repopulate the planet. 187 00:12:27,522 --> 00:12:30,906 But Ancient Astronaut Theorists believe there is more to the story... 188 00:12:30,997 --> 00:12:33,054 ...that it can be found in the Book of Enoch. 189 00:12:35,838 --> 00:12:40,452 In the Book of Enoch, it's recorded that when Noah was born, his body shined. 190 00:12:41,534 --> 00:12:44,924 Kind of like the glow of Moses' face when he came down from Mount Sinai. 191 00:12:45,662 --> 00:12:49,224 When his father saw this, he immediately was appalled, 192 00:12:49,315 --> 00:12:51,203 and he turned to his mother accusing her of being intimate... 193 00:12:51,293 --> 00:12:53,028 ...with one of the sons of God. 194 00:12:54,838 --> 00:12:57,700 According to the story, the father, Lamech, 195 00:12:58,041 --> 00:13:00,642 received advice from his grandfather Enoch... 196 00:13:00,833 --> 00:13:03,750 ...that Noah is to be the future of the human race. 197 00:13:04,594 --> 00:13:09,346 Enoch says he should accept the baby as his own son, 198 00:13:09,599 --> 00:13:14,824 because the guardians of the sky will destroy the planet with the Great Flood, 199 00:13:15,585 --> 00:13:19,326 and Noah is the survivor of the new generation. 200 00:13:20,851 --> 00:13:25,959 And Noah was a mixed creature between extraterrestrials and us. 201 00:13:26,738 --> 00:13:31,020 Now we are the descendants of Noah, so we all are part of it. 202 00:13:31,795 --> 00:13:34,882 This changed human evolution completely. 203 00:13:39,885 --> 00:13:43,676 I believe almost every culture around the world has a flood legend. 204 00:13:44,414 --> 00:13:46,960 There is someone, in the place of a Noah. 205 00:13:47,730 --> 00:13:51,269 So, therefore, the ancient flood was of vital importance. 206 00:13:51,724 --> 00:13:56,660 Because the world before the flood was very different than the world afterwards. 207 00:13:58,091 --> 00:14:00,738 There are continual legends from around the world... 208 00:14:01,064 --> 00:14:03,884 ...that in the pre-flood times, 209 00:14:04,133 --> 00:14:06,898 was an advanced technological civilization, 210 00:14:07,105 --> 00:14:11,997 where human beings were in touch with beings from the stars. 211 00:14:12,707 --> 00:14:17,763 All of this was lost because of the contamination that incurred. 212 00:14:19,504 --> 00:14:23,165 Is it possible that the story of the great flood is not only true, 213 00:14:23,461 --> 00:14:25,939 but that it was caused by extraterrestrials... 214 00:14:26,030 --> 00:14:30,240 ...to eradicate a human population that had been genetically contaminated? 215 00:14:30,948 --> 00:14:34,650 If so, did this bring an end to sexual contact... 216 00:14:34,741 --> 00:14:36,741 ...between humans and aliens? 217 00:14:37,015 --> 00:14:41,151 Or have extraterrestrials continued to experiment with our DNA? 218 00:14:46,420 --> 00:14:48,327 Mt. Olympus, Greece. 219 00:14:49,278 --> 00:14:54,153 It is here that the Greek gods known as the Olympians were said to reside. 220 00:14:56,119 --> 00:14:58,273 According to the ancient Greek stories, 221 00:14:58,467 --> 00:15:01,184 the Olympians often came down from Mt. Olympus... 222 00:15:01,275 --> 00:15:03,571 ...to intervene in the lives of mortals, 223 00:15:04,411 --> 00:15:05,753 aiding them in war, 224 00:15:07,685 --> 00:15:11,577 teaching them valuable skills like how to make fire and create weapons, 225 00:15:12,791 --> 00:15:14,850 and even mating with them. 226 00:15:17,206 --> 00:15:19,117 There are many, many myths of Zeus... 227 00:15:19,208 --> 00:15:22,114 ...having sexual relationships with mortal women, 228 00:15:23,161 --> 00:15:27,227 and the mortal women then giving birth to these exceptional children. 229 00:15:27,872 --> 00:15:31,710 For example, Heracles, also known as Hercules, 230 00:15:31,918 --> 00:15:34,005 is one of the children of Zeus. 231 00:15:34,903 --> 00:15:37,963 His mother was Alcmene who was a mortal woman. 232 00:15:38,660 --> 00:15:42,628 And Zeus approached her disguised in the form of her husband. 233 00:15:43,644 --> 00:15:45,727 And as a result, she became pregnant 234 00:15:45,818 --> 00:15:48,582 and she gave birth to the great hero, Hercules. 235 00:15:50,297 --> 00:15:54,736 One of the aspects of these sexual relationships between gods and humans... 236 00:15:54,827 --> 00:15:57,959 ...is that the woman is almost always pregnant as a result of it. 237 00:15:59,384 --> 00:16:03,148 One of the most well-known of these encounters between gods and mortals, 238 00:16:03,311 --> 00:16:05,349 is the story of Zeus and Leda, 239 00:16:06,193 --> 00:16:08,771 a pairing which produced Helen of Troy, 240 00:16:09,527 --> 00:16:13,203 the woman whose beauty was said to be the cause of the Trojan War. 241 00:16:17,223 --> 00:16:21,595 Zeus came as a swan and seduced Leda, who is the mother. 242 00:16:22,281 --> 00:16:27,300 The fact that Leda was coupling with a swan, even if it was Zeus, 243 00:16:27,391 --> 00:16:30,011 means that Helen was born of an egg. 244 00:16:32,516 --> 00:16:35,687 Helen of Troy is born apparently out of an egg. 245 00:16:35,868 --> 00:16:37,217 Now what is going on here? 246 00:16:38,645 --> 00:16:41,143 Through the lens of the Ancient Astronaut Theory, 247 00:16:41,357 --> 00:16:43,042 we might be able to surmise... 248 00:16:43,133 --> 00:16:46,470 ...that maybe Helen of Troy was a hybrid... 249 00:16:47,050 --> 00:16:49,422 ...born inside one of those incubation tanks... 250 00:16:49,513 --> 00:16:52,613 ...that many modern day abductees have described. 251 00:16:54,150 --> 00:16:59,916 It's interesting to me to compare that to potentially an extraterrestrial event. 252 00:17:02,063 --> 00:17:05,718 Although most people regard the Olympians as purely mythological, 253 00:17:06,326 --> 00:17:09,583 the ancient Greeks considered them to be actual beings. 254 00:17:10,879 --> 00:17:14,218 This notion was made even more credible in 1870, 255 00:17:14,469 --> 00:17:18,470 when German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann uncovered evidence... 256 00:17:18,561 --> 00:17:21,359 ...that suggests Troy was a real place. 257 00:17:23,849 --> 00:17:27,123 As the progress of archeology continues forward, 258 00:17:27,588 --> 00:17:31,990 we're validating more and more of these ancient Greek mythologies. 259 00:17:32,211 --> 00:17:36,133 So why should we arbitrarily induce a bias into the research that says, 260 00:17:36,224 --> 00:17:38,924 all the reports of gods can't be true, 261 00:17:39,162 --> 00:17:42,845 even though we're validating everything else with actual empirical data. 262 00:17:44,144 --> 00:17:45,765 What if these gods were there, 263 00:17:46,000 --> 00:17:49,358 and what if the people of the time were directly interacting... 264 00:17:49,449 --> 00:17:51,701 ...with a higher form of intelligence? 265 00:17:55,347 --> 00:17:58,887 Is it possible that the Olympians were not mythological gods, 266 00:17:58,978 --> 00:18:01,124 but extraterrestrial beings? 267 00:18:02,846 --> 00:18:04,982 Ancient Astronaut Theorists suggest... 268 00:18:05,073 --> 00:18:08,097 ...that the Greek stories are more than just mythology. 269 00:18:08,513 --> 00:18:11,216 And as evidence point to similar stories... 270 00:18:11,340 --> 00:18:14,272 ...found in a culture thousands of miles away. 271 00:18:16,859 --> 00:18:18,961 Jiangsu Province, China, 272 00:18:19,971 --> 00:18:22,575 It was here in 247 BC... 273 00:18:23,009 --> 00:18:25,239 ...that the founder of the ancient Han Empire 274 00:18:25,330 --> 00:18:27,964 was born under mysterious circumstances. 275 00:18:29,472 --> 00:18:32,080 Liu Bang, later known as Emperor Gao, 276 00:18:32,249 --> 00:18:35,571 was said to have been the product of a supernatural conception. 277 00:18:36,590 --> 00:18:39,897 His mother who was not pregnant at the time, got caught in a rainstorm. 278 00:18:42,051 --> 00:18:47,903 There were very large claps of thunder and wind whipping up, 279 00:18:48,411 --> 00:18:51,923 and she fled under a bridge to find shelter. 280 00:18:52,512 --> 00:18:54,790 Her husband went to rescue her, 281 00:18:55,226 --> 00:18:58,893 and he noticed that there was a dragon hovering above her. 282 00:18:59,385 --> 00:19:02,843 So from that point, she basically became pregnant with Liu Bang. 283 00:19:04,608 --> 00:19:07,180 He sort of had the appearance of a dragon as well. 284 00:19:07,391 --> 00:19:10,667 So many people believed that he was half-dragon, half-human. 285 00:19:11,201 --> 00:19:15,224 And Liu Bang was extraordinary in other respects as well. 286 00:19:15,327 --> 00:19:17,540 He came from a peasant family. 287 00:19:18,033 --> 00:19:23,946 It was extremely improbable for a peasant to become an emperor in those days. 288 00:19:25,625 --> 00:19:30,138 Liu Bang began Han China, the great empire in China. 289 00:19:30,925 --> 00:19:36,047 And so it was thought that somehow this child had not only human origins... 290 00:19:36,138 --> 00:19:39,894 ...but whatever came from this flying presence at the conception... 291 00:19:40,029 --> 00:19:41,620 ...factored in to who he was. 292 00:19:42,945 --> 00:19:45,874 These various descriptions of ancient flying dragons... 293 00:19:45,965 --> 00:19:47,514 ...have similar properties... 294 00:19:47,605 --> 00:19:50,717 ...to what we would today call a technological flying craft, 295 00:19:50,962 --> 00:19:55,500 a large body, sounds of smoke, and fire and great noise. 296 00:19:57,251 --> 00:20:00,420 You have to wonder here if this hovering dragon... 297 00:20:00,663 --> 00:20:03,448 ...isn't some kind of fiery, 298 00:20:03,539 --> 00:20:07,967 or lit up extraterrestrial ship that had hovered over her, 299 00:20:08,058 --> 00:20:12,754 and ultimately, she was impregnated by these extraterrestrial visitors. 300 00:20:16,390 --> 00:20:21,140 Is it possible that the conception stories of both Liu Bang and Helen of Troy... 301 00:20:21,494 --> 00:20:24,898 ...are really accounts of aliens mating with early humans? 302 00:20:27,020 --> 00:20:31,522 And if so, were they part of a larger extraterrestrial agenda? 303 00:20:33,571 --> 00:20:38,352 Incredibly, Ancient Astronaut Theorists claim further answers can be found... 304 00:20:38,600 --> 00:20:41,455 ...with the deathbed confession of a pope. 305 00:20:47,842 --> 00:20:51,237 The Vatican, May 12th, 1003 AD. 306 00:20:55,205 --> 00:20:59,455 One of the most controversial popes of all time, Pope Sylvester II, 307 00:20:59,620 --> 00:21:01,079 lies on his deathbed. 308 00:21:05,065 --> 00:21:07,251 Over the course of his four years as Pope, 309 00:21:07,441 --> 00:21:10,476 Sylvester had proven to be both learned and innovative, 310 00:21:10,715 --> 00:21:13,519 having promoted the study of arithmetic and astronomy. 311 00:21:14,496 --> 00:21:15,944 But there were those who believed... 312 00:21:16,034 --> 00:21:18,659 ...that the mysterious pontiff's scientific skills... 313 00:21:18,833 --> 00:21:22,075 ...were the result of his having been in league with demons. 314 00:21:25,379 --> 00:21:27,332 That he had studied the black arts, 315 00:21:29,177 --> 00:21:33,631 and that he had even built a robotic head from which he received secret knowledge. 316 00:21:36,098 --> 00:21:38,923 According to some accounts, with his last breaths, 317 00:21:39,247 --> 00:21:41,661 Pope Sylvester made a shocking confession, 318 00:21:42,369 --> 00:21:46,643 that he was involved with a mythological demon called a succubus. 319 00:21:49,171 --> 00:21:52,940 Incubi and succubi are very commonly appearing... 320 00:21:53,240 --> 00:21:56,950 ...in ancient mythologies straight through to the medieval times. 321 00:21:57,202 --> 00:21:58,577 This is not a one-off, 322 00:21:58,668 --> 00:22:01,955 it was a common feature of life back in those days. 323 00:22:03,911 --> 00:22:07,468 In ancient stories, the succubus is a demonic being... 324 00:22:07,559 --> 00:22:10,845 ...that takes the form of a woman and seduces human men. 325 00:22:12,769 --> 00:22:17,306 This demon is also able to change genders and become an incubus, 326 00:22:17,604 --> 00:22:21,321 using the semen taken from men to impregnate mortal women. 327 00:22:22,869 --> 00:22:27,295 Incubi and succubi were said to come to people in the night... 328 00:22:29,800 --> 00:22:33,564 ...in a kind of nightmarish experience of sleep paralysis. 329 00:22:35,091 --> 00:22:36,717 They wake up from a deep sleep, 330 00:22:36,808 --> 00:22:38,833 and are fully conscious of their surroundings. 331 00:22:38,924 --> 00:22:40,986 However, they also are paralyzed. 332 00:22:42,447 --> 00:22:44,945 And there's a sexual component to this presence... 333 00:22:45,036 --> 00:22:47,764 ...in that it is attempting to rape you. 334 00:22:50,987 --> 00:22:53,746 Stories of the incubus and succubus, 335 00:22:53,837 --> 00:22:58,257 demons that appear at night to have sex with people in their bedrooms. 336 00:23:01,341 --> 00:23:02,717 There's often some fear involved, 337 00:23:02,808 --> 00:23:05,368 but you cannot resist or do anything about it. 338 00:23:08,039 --> 00:23:14,282 The classic form of the incubus theory is owed to St. Thomas Aquinas. 339 00:23:14,975 --> 00:23:17,150 In several of his works, 340 00:23:17,241 --> 00:23:21,364 he discusses this phrase "children of the devil". 341 00:23:21,755 --> 00:23:24,660 For a child of the devil to be born, 342 00:23:24,751 --> 00:23:28,943 the devil is somehow going to have to steal viable semen from a man, 343 00:23:29,034 --> 00:23:30,768 and inject it into a woman. 344 00:23:32,522 --> 00:23:36,092 Clearly there are entities out there which have an agenda... 345 00:23:36,937 --> 00:23:41,529 ...with apparently mating with human beings for their own purpose. 346 00:23:43,646 --> 00:23:46,920 Might these sexual predators be simply an ancient myth? 347 00:23:48,618 --> 00:23:51,948 Or could the legends be based on historical documentation? 348 00:23:57,876 --> 00:24:00,463 Between 1480 and 1750, 349 00:24:01,004 --> 00:24:04,705 an estimated 50,000 executions of so-called witches... 350 00:24:05,811 --> 00:24:08,216 ...occurred as part of the Holy Inquisition, 351 00:24:10,688 --> 00:24:14,053 an unrelenting war waged by the Roman Catholic Church... 352 00:24:14,216 --> 00:24:17,354 ...against anyone they saw as opposing God's law. 353 00:24:20,356 --> 00:24:24,577 Witches were people who were thought to be engaged in a conspiracy with Satan... 354 00:24:24,862 --> 00:24:27,894 ...to bring about the destruction of Christianity, 355 00:24:27,985 --> 00:24:30,257 the destruction of the civilized world. 356 00:24:36,506 --> 00:24:40,113 According to the Malleus Maleficarum or “Hammer of the Witches”, 357 00:24:41,488 --> 00:24:45,714 witchcraft began when women ceased resisting the advances of demons. 358 00:24:48,300 --> 00:24:52,515 Woman accused of having sex with demons were tortured into confessions... 359 00:24:52,632 --> 00:24:56,006 ...that revealed lurid details of their sexual relations. 360 00:24:59,903 --> 00:25:03,352 If you had sex with a demon, you had given your soul to the demon, 361 00:25:03,443 --> 00:25:06,579 and therefore, you would be forced even against your will, 362 00:25:06,756 --> 00:25:09,472 to kill livestock, kill and eat babies, 363 00:25:10,049 --> 00:25:14,344 destroy pregnancies, make men impotent, and on down the line. 364 00:25:16,310 --> 00:25:18,369 Many of these reports from medieval times... 365 00:25:18,460 --> 00:25:21,351 ...have similarities to a modern day alien abduction. 366 00:25:21,533 --> 00:25:25,900 People report the same type of feeling of having some type of a sexual encounter. 367 00:25:27,849 --> 00:25:30,332 Could the confessions heard during the Inquisition, 368 00:25:30,634 --> 00:25:33,922 and encounters with the mythological incubus and succubus, 369 00:25:34,826 --> 00:25:38,820 really be describing sexual relations with extraterrestrials? 370 00:25:40,983 --> 00:25:43,122 Some Ancient Astronaut Theorists... 371 00:25:43,550 --> 00:25:46,496 ...say that not only was this happening in medieval times, 372 00:25:46,860 --> 00:25:49,000 but that it still goes on today. 373 00:25:54,295 --> 00:25:57,302 Modern accounts of sexual encounters with aliens... 374 00:25:57,393 --> 00:25:59,386 ...date back to 1957, 375 00:26:00,795 --> 00:26:03,965 when a Brazilian farmer claimed he was taken on board a ship, 376 00:26:04,819 --> 00:26:06,766 and coerced into having sex... 377 00:26:06,856 --> 00:26:09,928 ...with a strange-looking blonde female with large eyes. 378 00:26:11,983 --> 00:26:14,731 One of the most famous and earliest... 379 00:26:15,291 --> 00:26:18,362 ...of the modern extraterrestrial abduction reports, 380 00:26:18,481 --> 00:26:23,372 is the 1957 case of Antonio Vilas Boas in Brazil. 381 00:26:24,017 --> 00:26:28,466 And he claimed that a flying saucer landed in his remote farm, 382 00:26:28,908 --> 00:26:30,479 he was taken aboard. 383 00:26:31,405 --> 00:26:32,502 While he was there, 384 00:26:32,593 --> 00:26:36,627 he had a sexual encounter with this extraterrestrial woman. 385 00:26:38,127 --> 00:26:40,561 That is one of the first abduction cases and most interesting, 386 00:26:40,651 --> 00:26:45,021 because it preceded all the others and wasn't well known until years afterwards. 387 00:26:45,187 --> 00:26:47,512 So you can't say that Antonio Vilas Boas 388 00:26:47,603 --> 00:26:50,217 got these ideas by reading pulp literature. 389 00:26:51,432 --> 00:26:53,800 A few years later in 1961, 390 00:26:54,291 --> 00:26:56,846 Betty and Barney Hill of Lancaster, New Hampshire... 391 00:26:57,218 --> 00:26:59,329 ...reported a famous abduction incident, 392 00:26:59,563 --> 00:27:02,017 where they were placed naked on examination tables... 393 00:27:02,508 --> 00:27:06,054 ...and probed by what they described as Grey aliens, 394 00:27:06,282 --> 00:27:08,844 who extracted eggs and sperm samples. 395 00:27:10,024 --> 00:27:15,260 There are too many stories like that where one can dismiss them as simply saying, 396 00:27:15,351 --> 00:27:18,369 "Oh, all those stories are made up." 397 00:27:19,576 --> 00:27:23,595 I personally think that many abduction stories are fake... 398 00:27:23,747 --> 00:27:27,289 because people want attention, they want to be listened to. 399 00:27:27,470 --> 00:27:29,530 But at the same time to suggest... 400 00:27:29,621 --> 00:27:33,949 ...that all of these stories are a hoax, it's too much. 401 00:27:37,095 --> 00:27:40,913 What we're seeing is a clear-cut through line... 402 00:27:41,326 --> 00:27:45,390 ...between modern day extraterrestrial abduction accounts, 403 00:27:46,069 --> 00:27:49,058 and what we actually find in medieval times. 404 00:27:50,061 --> 00:27:52,688 There are notable similarities in these stories. 405 00:27:53,508 --> 00:27:58,353 And the products of that sexual conjunction appear to be used... 406 00:27:58,485 --> 00:28:01,471 ...for a genetic interbreeding program. 407 00:28:06,048 --> 00:28:07,292 Are these incidents 408 00:28:07,383 --> 00:28:11,112 along with the incubus and succubus stories from medieval times... 409 00:28:11,306 --> 00:28:14,427 ...really encounters with extraterrestrial beings? 410 00:28:15,375 --> 00:28:18,947 If so, are they simply the actions of rogue aliens, 411 00:28:19,094 --> 00:28:22,173 similar to the ancient stories of the fallen angels? 412 00:28:22,958 --> 00:28:25,758 Or might they be part of some greater plan? 413 00:28:26,376 --> 00:28:30,510 Perhaps the answer can be found with the stories of unborn babies... 414 00:28:30,601 --> 00:28:33,944 ...that mysteriously disappear from the womb. 415 00:28:39,485 --> 00:28:44,066 Sydney, Australia. July 1992. 416 00:28:48,510 --> 00:28:52,630 Peter Khoury awakes to find himself paralyzed and unable to talk, 417 00:28:52,721 --> 00:28:54,093 but fully conscious. 418 00:28:55,585 --> 00:28:57,588 He feels a weight pressing down on him, 419 00:28:57,970 --> 00:29:00,322 and as his eyes adjust to the darkness... 420 00:29:02,931 --> 00:29:06,841 ...he notices a woman with very strange features, straddling his body. 421 00:29:10,317 --> 00:29:13,329 I got the shock of my life because right on top of me... 422 00:29:14,046 --> 00:29:16,028 ...was this female, a blonde female. 423 00:29:18,549 --> 00:29:20,531 She was milky white in color. 424 00:29:20,685 --> 00:29:24,385 Her eyes were probably two, three times bigger than human eyes. 425 00:29:24,534 --> 00:29:26,154 She had protruding cheekbones, 426 00:29:26,245 --> 00:29:29,915 and a narrow face that narrowed down to a pointy chin. 427 00:29:30,091 --> 00:29:32,228 And on the side of the bed, on the corner of the bed, 428 00:29:32,319 --> 00:29:35,114 there was another female, an Asian-looking female. 429 00:29:35,310 --> 00:29:39,229 And then the blonde female touches her stomach, 430 00:29:39,628 --> 00:29:41,235 and points to the sky. 431 00:29:43,945 --> 00:29:46,049 The visitors then disappeared, 432 00:29:47,737 --> 00:29:50,727 but not without leaving behind proof that they were there, 433 00:29:52,707 --> 00:29:54,368 a single blonde hair. 434 00:29:58,745 --> 00:30:02,396 Khoury took this piece of evidence to an independent genealogy lab, 435 00:30:03,567 --> 00:30:08,117 where bio-chemist Horace Drew subjected the hair to DNA analysis. 436 00:30:10,404 --> 00:30:12,704 The results were not what he expected. 437 00:30:14,434 --> 00:30:16,594 It was very unusual because most people's hair... 438 00:30:16,685 --> 00:30:18,622 ...is yellow or brown or black. 439 00:30:18,713 --> 00:30:21,089 And this was optically clear like nylon fishing line. 440 00:30:21,282 --> 00:30:24,152 There is no body who has hair on earth which is optically clear. 441 00:30:25,388 --> 00:30:27,978 Normally a human hair only has one kind of DNA type. 442 00:30:28,319 --> 00:30:29,737 In the shaft above the hair, 443 00:30:29,828 --> 00:30:32,808 we got a very rare Chinese lineage about 0.1 percent, 444 00:30:32,899 --> 00:30:34,374 1 percent of ethnic Chinese. 445 00:30:34,465 --> 00:30:35,642 And then in the other part, 446 00:30:35,733 --> 00:30:39,487 we actually got blue-eyed Celtic light-skinned lineage. 447 00:30:40,319 --> 00:30:44,036 This shows authentically an unusual DNA, which is fairly rare, 448 00:30:44,127 --> 00:30:47,047 which Peter couldn't just have picked up in his bedroom or off the street. 449 00:30:49,500 --> 00:30:53,159 The Peter Khoury hair sample yielded very unusual DNA results... 450 00:30:53,250 --> 00:30:55,891 ...that just aren't easy to explain in normal, 451 00:30:55,981 --> 00:30:58,502 conventional, human DNA sequences. 452 00:31:00,074 --> 00:31:02,293 You can't really keep dismissing it all... 453 00:31:02,384 --> 00:31:04,669 ...as sort of fantasies of the mind, or sexual fantasies. 454 00:31:06,809 --> 00:31:10,019 And while it didn't absolutely prove that it was alien... 455 00:31:10,110 --> 00:31:12,168 ...because we're only dealing with one hair sample, 456 00:31:12,412 --> 00:31:15,932 it did nevertheless prove that we're dealing with something quite unusual. 457 00:31:18,498 --> 00:31:21,015 When we see DNA evidence in the hair... 458 00:31:21,106 --> 00:31:24,445 ...of something that doesn't match up with what we would expect to be, 459 00:31:24,536 --> 00:31:28,281 old Gaelic DNA mixed with Chinese DNA and blonde hair, 460 00:31:28,378 --> 00:31:29,816 the story lines don't add up, 461 00:31:29,927 --> 00:31:34,208 unless we start to invoke the idea of abduction... 462 00:31:35,738 --> 00:31:39,102 ...and genetic interbreeding going back for many thousands of years, 463 00:31:39,333 --> 00:31:41,005 all the way to the dawn of history. 464 00:31:47,901 --> 00:31:51,061 Could the unusual DNA sequence found in the hair sample... 465 00:31:51,354 --> 00:31:54,936 ...be evidence that Peter Khoury really did have an encounter... 466 00:31:55,109 --> 00:31:56,872 ...with otherworldly beings? 467 00:31:58,667 --> 00:32:00,970 And if so, what did they want? 468 00:32:03,287 --> 00:32:07,070 Some Ancient Astronaut Theorists believe the answer can be found... 469 00:32:07,310 --> 00:32:09,460 ...by looking back at the medieval accounts... 470 00:32:09,551 --> 00:32:12,854 ...of women being impregnated by so-called demons. 471 00:32:19,222 --> 00:32:23,537 According to medieval literature that warned of these demonic sexual unions, 472 00:32:24,541 --> 00:32:27,710 women's bellies would grow enormous following their encounters, 473 00:32:28,359 --> 00:32:31,537 but the fetus would often mysteriously disappear. 474 00:32:34,226 --> 00:32:40,281 In the Malleus, there are numbers of symptoms... 475 00:32:40,372 --> 00:32:46,381 ...that get listed as proof of the reality of these demonic encounters... 476 00:32:46,684 --> 00:32:48,831 ...between women and demons. 477 00:32:50,921 --> 00:32:55,722 One of them is a kind of medieval theory of false pregnancies. 478 00:32:56,084 --> 00:33:02,180 Kramer says that women who have had children sired on them by demons, 479 00:33:02,288 --> 00:33:08,421 will sometimes find that their bellies are full of nothing but air. 480 00:33:12,746 --> 00:33:16,002 According to the Malleus, she expels a great quantity of wind, 481 00:33:17,205 --> 00:33:20,292 and of course, doesn't deliver anything living. 482 00:33:21,275 --> 00:33:24,410 To medieval Christians, this in and of itself, 483 00:33:24,516 --> 00:33:30,040 this phantom pregnancy with no progeny, seemed demonic. It seemed wrong. 484 00:33:31,840 --> 00:33:36,892 But were these women really pregnant, or was it all in their minds? 485 00:33:39,361 --> 00:33:41,932 Phantom pregnancies are reported even today, 486 00:33:42,435 --> 00:33:45,426 known in the medical world as pseudocyesis. 487 00:33:49,372 --> 00:33:52,196 Pseudocyesis literally means false pregnancy. 488 00:33:52,607 --> 00:33:55,220 It's otherwise known as phantom pregnancies, 489 00:33:55,498 --> 00:33:58,697 and in fact, it's so rare that we don't even have a clear understanding... 490 00:33:58,788 --> 00:34:00,209 ...of its true prevalence. 491 00:34:00,645 --> 00:34:02,910 We have two hypotheses to explain this. 492 00:34:03,249 --> 00:34:04,641 One is psychosomatic. 493 00:34:05,120 --> 00:34:09,470 So it's the mind that's making the body believe that it's pregnant. 494 00:34:10,415 --> 00:34:12,728 And the other hypothesis is just reverse of that, 495 00:34:12,853 --> 00:34:15,306 there's something that's happening in the human body... 496 00:34:15,445 --> 00:34:18,081 ...that's making the mind think that it's pregnant. 497 00:34:19,204 --> 00:34:22,157 The thought that some women have reported pregnancies, 498 00:34:22,248 --> 00:34:24,882 and then the fetus disappears... 499 00:34:26,097 --> 00:34:28,652 ...the initial speculation is it might be a phantom pregnancy. 500 00:34:28,743 --> 00:34:31,569 But there have been a number of very compelling cases that argue... 501 00:34:31,660 --> 00:34:33,906 ...that maybe there's something more to it than that. 502 00:34:36,047 --> 00:34:40,100 There is more than one case of a UFO abduction followed by a pregnancy, 503 00:34:40,277 --> 00:34:42,417 but it turns out that a couple of months later, 504 00:34:43,294 --> 00:34:44,573 the pregnancy disappears. 505 00:34:46,148 --> 00:34:49,000 There is some evidence that the woman has been re-abducted, 506 00:34:49,091 --> 00:34:53,196 a fetus removed in the UFO, and the woman put back on Earth. 507 00:34:57,232 --> 00:34:59,147 Where this all leads, I don't know. 508 00:34:59,492 --> 00:35:01,783 How reliable all the stories are, I don't know. 509 00:35:02,166 --> 00:35:06,873 But there's enough evidence here to make me reasonably certain... 510 00:35:07,085 --> 00:35:10,410 ...on the balance of probability that something like this is happening. 511 00:35:11,834 --> 00:35:15,352 Is it possible, as some Ancient Astronaut Theorists suggest, 512 00:35:15,802 --> 00:35:19,726 that false pregnancies reported in medieval times and even today, 513 00:35:20,269 --> 00:35:23,949 are actually the result of an extraterrestrial encounter? 514 00:35:24,608 --> 00:35:28,223 If so, what is happening to these unborn babies? 515 00:35:29,679 --> 00:35:33,100 Perhaps the ultimate answer can be found with the story of a man... 516 00:35:33,240 --> 00:35:37,573 ...who claims to have met his child on an alien spaceship. 517 00:35:43,649 --> 00:35:46,819 Las Vegas, Nevada. 1987. 518 00:35:47,958 --> 00:35:49,138 In the middle of the night, 519 00:35:49,343 --> 00:35:53,922 Bret Oldham, and his girlfriend Dhyanne Swanson are awakened by a loud bang. 520 00:35:55,587 --> 00:35:58,068 The couple who are expecting their first child, 521 00:35:58,609 --> 00:36:01,114 are shocked to see a number of what look like... 522 00:36:01,233 --> 00:36:03,397 ...Grey aliens surrounding their bed. 523 00:36:05,686 --> 00:36:07,358 Before we even had time to react... 524 00:36:07,449 --> 00:36:10,539 ...to seeing the Greys in the room, we were gone. 525 00:36:12,204 --> 00:36:13,878 They took us aboard the craft. 526 00:36:14,298 --> 00:36:18,938 They placed me on the table, and placed her to my right. 527 00:36:19,155 --> 00:36:21,677 And they had her in a position much like women do... 528 00:36:21,768 --> 00:36:24,075 ...when they get an exam from the gynecologist. 529 00:36:25,069 --> 00:36:28,633 I realised immediately what was happening. They were taking the fetus. 530 00:36:33,319 --> 00:36:35,651 I couldn't move. I couldn't move my head. I couldn't move anything. 531 00:36:35,741 --> 00:36:38,738 I could move my eyes to see, you know, where he was at, 532 00:36:38,829 --> 00:36:40,335 and I could hear him screaming. 533 00:36:42,550 --> 00:36:44,452 That's when I realised they were doing something to me. 534 00:36:44,542 --> 00:36:46,985 I remember just calling, just saying, "Please. Please don't. 535 00:36:47,098 --> 00:36:48,776 Don't take my baby. Don't hurt us." 536 00:36:51,319 --> 00:36:52,869 According to Dhyanne's account, 537 00:36:53,302 --> 00:36:55,253 the next morning, she refused to believe... 538 00:36:55,344 --> 00:36:58,379 ...the incident was more than just a terrible nightmare. 539 00:37:00,621 --> 00:37:05,064 But after finding traces of blood in her bed, she feared a miscarriage, 540 00:37:05,206 --> 00:37:07,285 and the couple went to see her doctor. 541 00:37:08,302 --> 00:37:12,499 When examined, Dhyanne was found to have no tissue remaining in her womb, 542 00:37:13,591 --> 00:37:16,437 as if the fetus had been surgically removed. 543 00:37:17,090 --> 00:37:19,511 He said I've never seen anything like this before. 544 00:37:19,752 --> 00:37:21,698 It's like this woman was never pregnant. 545 00:37:21,805 --> 00:37:24,342 I went in to clean the womb and the womb was already cleaned. 546 00:37:26,060 --> 00:37:29,847 Dhyanne had been nearly four months pregnant at the time of this incident. 547 00:37:30,486 --> 00:37:36,001 If you were referring to a case where we have ultrasonographic evidence... 548 00:37:36,168 --> 00:37:37,708 ...that the fetus was present, 549 00:37:38,303 --> 00:37:41,593 and then sometime later, there's no more fetus. 550 00:37:41,684 --> 00:37:42,922 I would think that's strange. 551 00:37:44,547 --> 00:37:49,575 What you have here is a ultrasonographic image of a human fetus, 552 00:37:49,991 --> 00:37:52,090 at about three months of gestation. 553 00:37:52,467 --> 00:37:56,124 If you measure the what we call crown to rump length, 554 00:37:56,215 --> 00:37:59,103 which is the longest distance from the head to the butt, 555 00:37:59,801 --> 00:38:01,302 that's about 5 to 6 centimetres, 556 00:38:01,393 --> 00:38:04,245 so that's roughly the size or the diameter of a baseball. 557 00:38:05,617 --> 00:38:10,749 Could the body absorb this fetus overnight? That's very unlikely. 558 00:38:12,252 --> 00:38:17,220 How could the unborn child just disappear completely, without a trace? 559 00:38:19,906 --> 00:38:23,786 Is it possible that what Bret and Dhyanne experienced the previous night, 560 00:38:24,282 --> 00:38:27,115 really was more than just a bizarre dream? 561 00:38:28,682 --> 00:38:32,791 Most of the time, we would explain that by saying that the patient had a miscarriage. 562 00:38:33,553 --> 00:38:35,841 But in the event that there was not much bleeding, 563 00:38:35,932 --> 00:38:38,198 and there's not much passage of tissue, 564 00:38:38,561 --> 00:38:41,908 and yet the embryo is gone, I couldn't explain that. 565 00:38:44,186 --> 00:38:46,967 We were both kind of stunned when we left the hospital that night, 566 00:38:47,058 --> 00:38:52,492 it took a while for us to start talking about if we remembered the same things. 567 00:38:53,577 --> 00:38:57,882 Three years later, Bret Oldham claims he was once again visited, 568 00:38:57,973 --> 00:38:59,844 and taken by Grey aliens. 569 00:39:01,239 --> 00:39:06,179 I was taken by two small Greys to an area that I'd never seen before. 570 00:39:06,435 --> 00:39:09,196 Within a few minutes, I could see that it was a female hybrid. 571 00:39:09,859 --> 00:39:12,752 She was carrying a small child with her. 572 00:39:12,961 --> 00:39:14,723 And as she got closer, I could also see... 573 00:39:14,814 --> 00:39:17,767 ...that the child she was carrying was a female hybrid. 574 00:39:19,525 --> 00:39:21,930 I did feel a bond with the child, 575 00:39:22,442 --> 00:39:24,975 which would lead me to believe that it probably was part mine. 576 00:39:28,489 --> 00:39:32,945 There seems to be a good deal of relatively consistent evidence... 577 00:39:33,195 --> 00:39:35,729 ...on the part of both male and female abductees... 578 00:39:35,993 --> 00:39:38,719 ...that there's some interest in our reproductive process. 579 00:39:41,503 --> 00:39:45,933 There is also some evidence that abductees have been put in contact, 580 00:39:46,257 --> 00:39:49,640 on spaceships, with hybrid children, 581 00:39:50,028 --> 00:39:52,336 who seem to have some human characteristics, 582 00:39:52,427 --> 00:39:54,655 and some characteristics that aren't quite human. 583 00:39:58,751 --> 00:40:02,788 Might the stories of reunions with hybrid babies be not fantasy, 584 00:40:03,312 --> 00:40:06,690 but a conditioning process to prepare us for the day... 585 00:40:06,780 --> 00:40:09,671 ...when the alien agenda is finally revealed? 586 00:40:10,632 --> 00:40:13,541 But if we are being subtly and strategically altered, 587 00:40:14,275 --> 00:40:16,077 where will it ultimately lead? 588 00:40:19,798 --> 00:40:21,645 It would seem that extraterrestrials... 589 00:40:21,736 --> 00:40:24,601 ...have been coming to Earth for quite a long time, 590 00:40:24,952 --> 00:40:27,959 and having sexual relationships with humans. 591 00:40:29,631 --> 00:40:34,296 And the reason for this would be to manipulate our DNA, 592 00:40:35,236 --> 00:40:39,850 making us into the more refined race that we are today. 593 00:40:40,094 --> 00:40:43,270 And we still have a certain evolution to go. 594 00:40:44,401 --> 00:40:49,393 Is there another very heinous thing behind all of this and that is, 595 00:40:49,831 --> 00:40:52,251 “Let's wipe out the earthlings, 596 00:40:52,600 --> 00:40:56,375 and put in this new breed that we can control”? 597 00:40:59,168 --> 00:41:00,453 In my personal view, 598 00:41:00,920 --> 00:41:04,317 we're seeing extraterrestrials interbreeding with humans... 599 00:41:04,408 --> 00:41:08,860 ...as part of a long-term interfamilial exchange. 600 00:41:09,229 --> 00:41:12,598 The human family goes far beyond life on Earth. 601 00:41:13,957 --> 00:41:19,127 Extraterrestrial humans may be coming here to replenish their genetic supply. 602 00:41:19,480 --> 00:41:22,208 It may literally be a question of life and death for them. 603 00:41:23,431 --> 00:41:28,145 When I'm asked whether an alien sexual agenda exists, 604 00:41:28,562 --> 00:41:31,392 or if there is anything that we can do to stop it. 605 00:41:31,861 --> 00:41:35,169 Well, if such an agenda really exists, 606 00:41:36,456 --> 00:41:39,479 then I've got bad news for you, there's nothing we can do. 607 00:41:42,338 --> 00:41:45,665 Are extraterrestrials really interbreeding with humans... 608 00:41:45,756 --> 00:41:48,333 ...to carry out a secret alien agenda? 609 00:41:50,337 --> 00:41:52,682 Could they be upgrading our genetic makeup? 610 00:41:54,505 --> 00:41:56,666 Or are they experimenting with our DNA... 611 00:41:56,933 --> 00:42:00,670 ...to one day replace us with a superior human race? 612 00:42:01,635 --> 00:42:04,681 Perhaps one day we'll discover that an alien invasion... 613 00:42:04,927 --> 00:42:08,354 ...has been taking place on Earth for thousands of years, 614 00:42:09,466 --> 00:42:13,653 one being waged within our own bodies.