1 00:00:02,720 --> 00:00:04,640 Mysterious stone heads… 2 00:00:05,200 --> 00:00:06,920 How in the heck did they make these? 3 00:00:07,129 --> 00:00:08,608 Where did they come from? 4 00:00:09,237 --> 00:00:10,638 And how did they move them? 5 00:00:11,755 --> 00:00:15,024 …Ancient monuments containing 100-ton blocks… 6 00:00:15,198 --> 00:00:17,110 Some of the stones are of such magnitude, 7 00:00:17,200 --> 00:00:19,760 modern machinery is incapable of putting them there. 8 00:00:20,040 --> 00:00:23,280 …And solid granite cut with incredible precision. 9 00:00:23,440 --> 00:00:26,470 We ourselves today could not replicate... 10 00:00:26,560 --> 00:00:30,680 ...what our ancestors allegedly accomplished with stonemasonry. 11 00:00:31,348 --> 00:00:32,278 Throughout the world, 12 00:00:32,701 --> 00:00:35,889 there are giant structures that have baffled archeologists. 13 00:00:36,429 --> 00:00:40,036 Could they really have been constructed using primitive tools? 14 00:00:40,821 --> 00:00:44,139 Or might they be the product of alien technology? 15 00:00:44,367 --> 00:00:47,198 Extraterrestrials would not have left without any proof. 16 00:00:47,439 --> 00:00:51,040 They wanted that in the far future, we start to reflect, 17 00:00:51,773 --> 00:00:53,293 “Have we been visited by outer space?” 18 00:00:53,916 --> 00:00:56,747 Millions of people around the world believe... 19 00:00:56,837 --> 00:01:00,665 ...we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 20 00:01:01,314 --> 00:01:03,028 What if it were true? 21 00:01:03,987 --> 00:01:07,790 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 22 00:01:08,437 --> 00:01:14,238 And if so, might they have a connection to the world's most Mysterious Structures? 23 00:01:48,818 --> 00:01:51,845 On the northwest coast of France, just south of Brittany, 24 00:01:52,110 --> 00:01:55,270 lies one of the most important prehistoric sites in Europe. 25 00:01:58,080 --> 00:01:59,840 At the seaside village of Carnac, 26 00:02:00,402 --> 00:02:05,343 over 3000 megalithic stones are placed in rows over two miles long. 27 00:02:07,440 --> 00:02:11,080 The Carnac stones were hewn from local rock formations... 28 00:02:11,377 --> 00:02:17,264 ...and erected between 4500 to 2500 BC at the end of the Stone Age. 29 00:02:18,972 --> 00:02:22,192 They are the largest collection of standing stones in the world. 30 00:02:26,193 --> 00:02:31,039 Archaeologists are baffled by the many megaliths at Carnac here. 31 00:02:31,778 --> 00:02:35,411 It's clearly a massive construction project... 32 00:02:35,501 --> 00:02:39,801 ...with blocks of granite weighing 50 to 100, 33 00:02:40,118 --> 00:02:43,039 to even up to 350 tons. 34 00:02:44,599 --> 00:02:48,190 Legends here say that giants built Carnac. 35 00:02:49,179 --> 00:02:50,210 But you have to wonder, 36 00:02:50,300 --> 00:02:54,686 what is the real purpose of these giant megaliths, 37 00:02:54,776 --> 00:03:01,639 and why would prehistoric people have moved all of these massive stones... 38 00:03:01,729 --> 00:03:05,424 ...and placed them in the many alignments here at Carnac? 39 00:03:07,023 --> 00:03:11,441 Thousands of large stones have been arranged... 40 00:03:11,561 --> 00:03:13,469 ...in very interesting patterns. 41 00:03:13,788 --> 00:03:18,650 They're arranged in intersecting lines that form triangles... 42 00:03:18,740 --> 00:03:23,987 ...that could only be visible from above the earth. 43 00:03:26,138 --> 00:03:31,056 These arrangements of stones may have been a way... 44 00:03:31,146 --> 00:03:34,406 ...of communicating with extraterrestrial beings. 45 00:03:36,721 --> 00:03:38,421 The ancient Greek poet, Pindar, 46 00:03:38,720 --> 00:03:41,280 spoke of a mystical land called Hyperborea, 47 00:03:41,627 --> 00:03:45,967 far to the North, where the sun shined 24 hours a day. 48 00:03:49,805 --> 00:03:52,622 Legends claim that Apollo visited Hyperborea, 49 00:03:53,189 --> 00:03:56,201 traveling in his chariot of fire every 20 years. 50 00:03:57,903 --> 00:03:59,466 Apollo would tell to the Greeks, 51 00:03:59,556 --> 00:04:02,331 "Okay, I'm gonna go see some other people," 52 00:04:02,421 --> 00:04:04,037 "I've got to go and teach them." 53 00:04:04,350 --> 00:04:06,217 And they're like, well, where are you off to? 54 00:04:06,307 --> 00:04:08,148 And he's like, well, I'm actually going to a place... 55 00:04:08,238 --> 00:04:10,931 ...that's beyond where the north wind comes. 56 00:04:11,200 --> 00:04:13,200 It's the land of the Hyperboreans. 57 00:04:15,400 --> 00:04:18,139 Although mainstream archaeologists speculate 58 00:04:18,342 --> 00:04:21,304 that the Carnac stones are most likely tomb markers, 59 00:04:21,782 --> 00:04:26,058 ancient astronaut theorists believe these stones are intentionally laid out... 60 00:04:26,148 --> 00:04:28,204 ...in a unique geometric formation. 61 00:04:30,186 --> 00:04:33,188 Many speculations existed since centuries. 62 00:04:33,687 --> 00:04:35,859 And only a few years ago, in France, 63 00:04:35,949 --> 00:04:40,552 they started to photograph this whole French Brittany by helicopters. 64 00:04:41,146 --> 00:04:44,947 And when they put the pictures together, of a sudden someone realized, 65 00:04:45,394 --> 00:04:46,837 "Hey, this is not coincidence." 66 00:04:47,543 --> 00:04:50,611 The distances of the lines are always the same: 67 00:04:51,116 --> 00:04:53,781 2860 meters, 68 00:04:54,620 --> 00:04:58,637 or exactly the half of 2860 meters. 69 00:05:01,503 --> 00:05:03,790 The angles are always the same. 70 00:05:04,106 --> 00:05:06,475 It's Pythagorean triangles. 71 00:05:07,383 --> 00:05:12,425 It's all a gigantic geometrical pattern from Stone Age, 72 00:05:12,515 --> 00:05:13,936 which is impossible. 73 00:05:14,040 --> 00:05:18,560 Our Stone Age people had no idea of Pythagoras' triangles. 74 00:05:18,958 --> 00:05:21,627 Pythagoras was about 420 BC. 75 00:05:23,588 --> 00:05:27,073 Even though the geometric arrangement of the Carnac Stones... 76 00:05:27,233 --> 00:05:31,035 ...predates the Pythagorean theorem by more than 2000 years, 77 00:05:32,832 --> 00:05:34,466 one question remains: 78 00:05:35,561 --> 00:05:39,157 "Why were the stones arranged in such a precise pattern?" 79 00:05:40,601 --> 00:05:43,249 The Carnac Stones are one of the few things on the planet... 80 00:05:43,339 --> 00:05:45,631 ...that can actually be seen from space. 81 00:05:46,230 --> 00:05:47,424 And they're a perfect marker... 82 00:05:47,514 --> 00:05:50,781 ...for any kind of aerial vehicle looking down on the Earth. 83 00:05:53,949 --> 00:05:57,422 Many of the tourists who come here to Carnac claim... 84 00:05:57,512 --> 00:06:02,955 ...that they can actually feel the energy emanating from these granite megaliths. 85 00:06:04,127 --> 00:06:08,188 How did these ancient people know about this energy? 86 00:06:08,909 --> 00:06:12,803 And is it possible that they were able to use this energy... 87 00:06:12,893 --> 00:06:16,315 ...to even move and erect these giant stones? 88 00:06:18,640 --> 00:06:22,720 I am of the opinion that they were made on purpose. 89 00:06:23,920 --> 00:06:28,600 The extraterrestrials told our ancestor, do this, and this. 90 00:06:29,146 --> 00:06:32,386 It's not the extraterrestrials who made the stone lines. 91 00:06:32,633 --> 00:06:37,566 It's the humans who made it, but by the order of the extraterrestrials. 92 00:06:41,030 --> 00:06:45,799 But were the Carnac stones a signpost for an ancient astronaut called Apollo... 93 00:06:46,498 --> 00:06:49,418 ...as he flew his spacecraft high above the land? 94 00:06:53,249 --> 00:06:58,088 If the Greek god, Apollo, was really some kind of ancient astronaut, 95 00:06:58,677 --> 00:07:01,533 it's possible that the stones here at Carnac... 96 00:07:01,623 --> 00:07:03,212 ...were a directional finder... 97 00:07:03,386 --> 00:07:08,515 ...pointing the way to the far north, to the Hyperborea of the ancient gods. 98 00:07:16,615 --> 00:07:20,502 Over 1000 miles north of Carnac lies Scandinavia, 99 00:07:21,121 --> 00:07:23,959 home to an ancient people called the Norse. 100 00:07:25,416 --> 00:07:27,988 The Norse were tribal Germanic people... 101 00:07:28,432 --> 00:07:33,426 ...who lived in what is now known as Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Norway. 102 00:07:35,722 --> 00:07:39,784 Norse legends record the triumphs of great warriors with advanced weaponry, 103 00:07:40,279 --> 00:07:44,104 sophisticated combat techniques, and navigational prowess. 104 00:07:45,198 --> 00:07:49,257 Like the Greeks, Norse mythology includes supernatural beings, 105 00:07:50,818 --> 00:07:53,424 other worlds, and powerful gods. 106 00:07:57,231 --> 00:07:58,440 But like the Romans, 107 00:07:58,795 --> 00:08:01,674 could the Norse myths refer not to different gods, 108 00:08:01,897 --> 00:08:05,355 but the same gods as those depicted by the ancient Greeks? 109 00:08:06,991 --> 00:08:09,067 There are a number of similarities... 110 00:08:09,157 --> 00:08:11,786 ...between Greek mythology and Norse mythology, 111 00:08:12,131 --> 00:08:15,409 and many of the gods are almost identical. 112 00:08:15,751 --> 00:08:17,077 And they do much the same thing. 113 00:08:20,146 --> 00:08:24,881 Descriptions of the Viking god Odin, the god of war, death, and knowledge... 114 00:08:25,324 --> 00:08:28,710 ...and the Greek god, Zeus, bare striking similarities. 115 00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:34,674 Zeus and Odin are both sky father gods. 116 00:08:37,792 --> 00:08:39,718 They travel through the skies in chariots... 117 00:08:39,838 --> 00:08:43,667 ...because they are akin to the solar divinities. 118 00:08:44,249 --> 00:08:48,737 The precursor to many religious beliefs is sun worship. 119 00:08:49,032 --> 00:08:51,340 The ancients knew that life came from the sun. 120 00:08:51,598 --> 00:08:55,742 So that is a great mystery and a source of great awe. 121 00:09:00,475 --> 00:09:03,019 What you're getting there is not just some minor deity, 122 00:09:03,109 --> 00:09:06,595 but you really are nailing it down to one of the chief deities. 123 00:09:07,064 --> 00:09:08,791 This is a very important character. 124 00:09:09,205 --> 00:09:15,438 And so whoever is behind Odin or Zeus is obviously a person, or a divine entity, 125 00:09:15,746 --> 00:09:17,917 which is shared by these cultures. 126 00:09:18,290 --> 00:09:21,251 And it's clear that whoever inspired the myth... 127 00:09:21,341 --> 00:09:24,739 ...of Zeus or Odin is somehow somebody... 128 00:09:24,829 --> 00:09:26,977 ...who had an extremely important contribution... 129 00:09:27,067 --> 00:09:28,550 ...to make to both civilizations. 130 00:09:28,911 --> 00:09:32,423 So this entity was definitely known throughout Europe. 131 00:09:36,918 --> 00:09:38,676 Could the Norse and Greek gods... 132 00:09:39,195 --> 00:09:42,314 ...really have been the same extraterrestrial beings? 133 00:09:44,280 --> 00:09:46,827 Did they use the megalithic stones at Carnac... 134 00:09:47,446 --> 00:09:48,848 ...as a directional marker... 135 00:09:48,992 --> 00:09:51,395 ...that could be seen from high above the Earth? 136 00:09:52,433 --> 00:09:55,311 And if so, is it possible that this site, 137 00:09:55,707 --> 00:09:58,343 and other megalithic structures around the world, 138 00:09:58,883 --> 00:10:02,733 really were built with the help of otherworldly technology? 139 00:10:04,059 --> 00:10:06,515 Ancient astronaut theorists say “yes,” 140 00:10:07,463 --> 00:10:09,434 and claim further proof can be found... 141 00:10:09,620 --> 00:10:12,425 ...by examining megalithic rocks in Bolivia 142 00:10:12,754 --> 00:10:15,197 cut with incredible precision. 143 00:10:23,038 --> 00:10:24,719 Palm Springs, California. 144 00:10:25,828 --> 00:10:28,623 Master stonemason and sculptor, Roger Hopkins, 145 00:10:29,108 --> 00:10:33,199 uses a variety of advanced tools to cut and shape hard stones. 146 00:10:36,108 --> 00:10:40,064 Powered implements such as diamond-tipped wires and polishers... 147 00:10:40,418 --> 00:10:42,227 enable him to fashion works of art 148 00:10:42,560 --> 00:10:46,040 out of huge granite blocks obtained from nearby quarries. 149 00:10:49,960 --> 00:10:52,000 Yet even with these high-tech tools, 150 00:10:52,280 --> 00:10:55,840 Hopkins cannot replicate what ancient civilizations accomplished... 151 00:10:56,160 --> 00:10:57,520 ...thousands of years ago. 152 00:11:01,080 --> 00:11:03,160 Could these advanced engineering methods... 153 00:11:03,520 --> 00:11:07,520 ...be the smoking gun that proves humans had help from alien beings? 154 00:11:10,680 --> 00:11:14,840 The precision on some of the work that I have seen, is just incredible. 155 00:11:15,600 --> 00:11:17,790 It's possible to do by hand, 156 00:11:17,880 --> 00:11:21,760 but it would take an incredible amount of time. 157 00:11:22,320 --> 00:11:26,840 Plus, you have to have years of experience to be able to pull it off. 158 00:11:27,760 --> 00:11:31,360 In my opinion, the most tangible pieces of evidence that we have... 159 00:11:31,800 --> 00:11:34,720 ...regarding possible extraterrestrial technology... 160 00:11:35,560 --> 00:11:39,880 ...is when we look at the ancient stone cutting techniques. 161 00:11:41,160 --> 00:11:47,240 Because in some instances, we ourselves today could not replicate... 162 00:11:47,800 --> 00:11:52,120 ...what our ancestors allegedly accomplished with stonemasonry. 163 00:12:00,040 --> 00:12:04,960 Puma Punku is a large temple complex located on a high plateau in Bolivia. 164 00:12:10,520 --> 00:12:15,280 Mainstream archaeologists date the site from approximately 200 BC. 165 00:12:16,880 --> 00:12:20,560 The people who lived here had neither a written language nor the wheel, 166 00:12:21,160 --> 00:12:24,800 yet somehow, they built one of the world's most complex structures. 167 00:12:28,960 --> 00:12:31,440 Ancient alien theorists view Puma Punku... 168 00:12:31,760 --> 00:12:34,680 ...as clear proof of extraterrestrial influence. 169 00:12:37,120 --> 00:12:42,520 The ruins we find at Puma Punku are simply extraordinary. 170 00:12:43,160 --> 00:12:45,440 Puma Punku defies logic. 171 00:12:50,880 --> 00:12:53,520 The interest of Puma Punku is not so much... 172 00:12:53,880 --> 00:12:56,360 ...that the individual stones sorted together perfectly... 173 00:12:56,640 --> 00:13:00,480 ...but the fact that the stones, as such, are of such tremendous design... 174 00:13:00,800 --> 00:13:02,630 ...that it requires concepts of mathematics... 175 00:13:02,720 --> 00:13:05,720 ...which are far beyond anything we are actually using right now. 176 00:13:06,000 --> 00:13:07,200 Yet, somehow in the past, 177 00:13:07,360 --> 00:13:10,200 somebody has made that for a specific purpose. 178 00:13:10,480 --> 00:13:13,390 And in a way which even computer programs today... 179 00:13:13,480 --> 00:13:15,840 ...would kind of go, "How is this possible?" 180 00:13:24,400 --> 00:13:26,840 In the highlands of Bolivia, Puma Punku. 181 00:13:27,680 --> 00:13:32,600 Some of these blocks are over 40 to 50 tons each. 182 00:13:33,120 --> 00:13:34,800 What can you tell us about this? 183 00:13:35,440 --> 00:13:39,880 Boy, they… they had their stone cutting abilities, 184 00:13:40,480 --> 00:13:43,190 you know, pretty well fine tuned for 5000 years old. 185 00:13:43,280 --> 00:13:46,120 I mean, it's almost unbelievable. 186 00:13:47,120 --> 00:13:50,960 But these cutting planes that they have on here are very impressive. 187 00:13:51,800 --> 00:13:54,040 And some of the incise cuts. 188 00:13:56,240 --> 00:14:00,000 See like in, in here, all these interior cuts, very hard to do. 189 00:14:00,640 --> 00:14:02,670 I mean, it would be difficult for us with the... 190 00:14:02,760 --> 00:14:05,240 Our equipment to get that kind of precision. 191 00:14:09,800 --> 00:14:12,440 Let's talk a little bit about inside boxes. 192 00:14:13,360 --> 00:14:15,840 I was afraid you were gonna pull something like this on me. 193 00:14:16,400 --> 00:14:18,240 That is a hell of a piece of work. 194 00:14:19,960 --> 00:14:23,470 I mean, if we were to do something like that today, 195 00:14:23,560 --> 00:14:26,430 we'd use what they have these computer driven, 196 00:14:26,520 --> 00:14:30,230 CNC machines which are, have diamond tips... 197 00:14:30,320 --> 00:14:34,190 ...and you have a template that, you know, the computer follows. 198 00:14:34,280 --> 00:14:37,200 And even then, it may not come out as perfect. 199 00:14:38,960 --> 00:14:42,360 Because even though you can tell that, obviously, this piece broke off. 200 00:14:42,960 --> 00:14:45,600 Nowhere in here can you see any imperfection. 201 00:14:46,200 --> 00:14:48,400 It's like... And by the way, 7when you're there, 202 00:14:49,000 --> 00:14:51,310 If you go with your finger over these edges, 203 00:14:51,400 --> 00:14:55,520 and you put a little pressure on your fingertip, you can cut yourself. 204 00:14:55,840 --> 00:14:57,760 This is how sharp the edges are. 205 00:15:02,800 --> 00:15:06,320 But where could the ancient peoples have developed such technology? 206 00:15:07,320 --> 00:15:08,560 Is it really possible... 207 00:15:08,840 --> 00:15:13,520 ...that extraterrestrial visitors provided different construction methods and tools? 208 00:15:14,520 --> 00:15:16,200 When I saw these blocks, 209 00:15:17,360 --> 00:15:19,280 I didn't really think that they were cut. 210 00:15:20,680 --> 00:15:23,120 The first thing, really, that I thought of... 211 00:15:23,400 --> 00:15:25,870 ...was this appears very similar... 212 00:15:25,960 --> 00:15:29,040 ...to Frank Lloyd Wright's textile block system of construction... 213 00:15:29,800 --> 00:15:33,960 ...which he used in his California houses in the early 1920s. 214 00:15:35,760 --> 00:15:41,000 Now what he did was he took concrete, poured it into molds. 215 00:15:41,960 --> 00:15:46,760 There actually are ancient Incan legends... 216 00:15:47,320 --> 00:15:52,840 ...that suggest that they had the capability of softening the stone. 217 00:15:54,000 --> 00:15:55,760 At Sacsayhuamán for example, 218 00:15:56,320 --> 00:16:00,400 we find these gigantic stone blocks, gigantic stone walls... 219 00:16:01,080 --> 00:16:06,640 ...where it looks as if those stones were molten, put into place, 220 00:16:07,280 --> 00:16:09,120 and then the stone hardened again. 221 00:16:11,360 --> 00:16:15,240 Is it possible that the precision-cut stones at Puma Punku... 222 00:16:15,600 --> 00:16:19,040 ...are really the product of extraterrestrial technology? 223 00:16:19,960 --> 00:16:23,760 Perhaps further clues can be found halfway around the world, 224 00:16:25,040 --> 00:16:29,760 with an ancient civilization that was found buried beneath the earth. 225 00:16:36,560 --> 00:16:41,080 Located more than 500 miles away from the crowded streets of Istanbul... 226 00:16:42,000 --> 00:16:44,640 ...is Sanliurfa, in southeastern Turkey. 227 00:16:47,680 --> 00:16:52,120 There, in 1994, on a dusty hilltop, 228 00:16:52,680 --> 00:16:57,160 a local shepherd noticed the tip of a stone sticking out of his field. 229 00:16:58,760 --> 00:17:03,720 He began to dig, eventually, unearthing a 19-foot pillar. 230 00:17:04,920 --> 00:17:06,800 Its edges were precise, 231 00:17:07,400 --> 00:17:11,880 and rising from its center was a relief carving of a strange animal. 232 00:17:12,760 --> 00:17:14,400 Upon closer examination, 233 00:17:14,920 --> 00:17:17,320 it appeared that the finely chiseled stone... 234 00:17:17,600 --> 00:17:20,200 ...had been fashioned by talented stonemasons, 235 00:17:20,520 --> 00:17:22,640 working with advanced tools. 236 00:17:23,400 --> 00:17:26,280 When word of the discovery reached the scientific community, 237 00:17:26,920 --> 00:17:28,800 one fact became obvious, 238 00:17:29,480 --> 00:17:33,080 a Kurdish shepherd had stumbled upon what is perhaps... 239 00:17:33,200 --> 00:17:37,360 ...the most astonishing archaeological discovery in modern times. 240 00:17:37,720 --> 00:17:40,560 A site known as Gobekli Tepe. 241 00:17:43,920 --> 00:17:45,150 For 13 years, 242 00:17:45,240 --> 00:17:51,360 a German archeology team has been meticulously going into a hill, 243 00:17:52,440 --> 00:17:56,360 and they have been doing carbon dating, as deep as they go. 244 00:17:58,880 --> 00:18:00,710 And it has taken them 13 years... 245 00:18:00,800 --> 00:18:05,720 ...to uncover only five percent of a gigantic civilization. 246 00:18:08,080 --> 00:18:09,800 They know what's under the ground. 247 00:18:10,600 --> 00:18:15,760 Circles upon circles upon circles, perfect circles in stone. 248 00:18:16,240 --> 00:18:22,360 And rising up out of those stone circles, are huge sculpted columns, 249 00:18:22,680 --> 00:18:27,240 19 feet high, 15 tons per column. 250 00:18:28,240 --> 00:18:30,360 Test results have supported the idea... 251 00:18:30,880 --> 00:18:34,480 ...that Gobekli Tepe is nearly 12,000 years old, 252 00:18:35,080 --> 00:18:39,040 almost 7000 years older than Mesopotamia's Fertile Crescent, 253 00:18:39,600 --> 00:18:42,600 long heralded as the Cradle of Civilization. 254 00:18:43,320 --> 00:18:44,760 In Gobekli Tepe, 255 00:18:45,240 --> 00:18:48,390 the oldest advanced site now on our planet. 256 00:18:48,480 --> 00:18:51,560 We know of no other site that is this advanced. 257 00:18:54,600 --> 00:18:56,960 And it has now doubled the history of humanity. 258 00:18:58,960 --> 00:19:03,920 And right there is this gigantic site with huge megalithic circular structures. 259 00:19:04,280 --> 00:19:06,240 It just stands there, a mystery, 260 00:19:06,400 --> 00:19:08,960 "asking us to “go figure, how was this done?" 261 00:19:09,280 --> 00:19:10,600 "What's the background to this?”" 262 00:19:11,600 --> 00:19:13,230 We don't know who made them. 263 00:19:13,320 --> 00:19:15,670 They just come out of the darkness of the last ice age, 264 00:19:15,760 --> 00:19:16,640 where we know nothing, 265 00:19:17,000 --> 00:19:20,480 and enter the stage of history already fully formed. 266 00:19:22,800 --> 00:19:26,910 And to my mind, this is indicative of a major forgotten episode... 267 00:19:27,000 --> 00:19:28,040 ...in human history. 268 00:19:29,560 --> 00:19:32,520 Curiously, after 13 years of digging, 269 00:19:33,040 --> 00:19:35,680 archaeologists investigating the ancient site... 270 00:19:36,360 --> 00:19:39,200 ...have failed to recover a single stone-cutting tool, 271 00:19:39,720 --> 00:19:42,520 nor have they found any agricultural implements. 272 00:19:43,360 --> 00:19:48,240 How in the world can you contemplate 19-foot-tall, 273 00:19:48,680 --> 00:19:55,480 perfectly sculpted columns that are 11-12,000 years old and no tools? 274 00:19:56,520 --> 00:19:59,800 The mystery of Gobekli Tepe is further compounded... 275 00:19:59,920 --> 00:20:02,720 by the ancient stone carvings found throughout the site. 276 00:20:04,640 --> 00:20:08,720 They depict creatures like wild boars and geese. 277 00:20:13,200 --> 00:20:19,960 We see various types of creatures, different animals, birds, insects 278 00:20:20,320 --> 00:20:24,840 and even abstract human forms that seem to come together... 279 00:20:25,320 --> 00:20:28,440 ...to create this very weird menagerie, 280 00:20:28,800 --> 00:20:32,350 ...which has totally baffled the archeologists... 281 00:20:32,440 --> 00:20:34,280 ...who have uncovered this site. 282 00:20:35,040 --> 00:20:37,800 Now, what they represent is a matter of speculation, 283 00:20:38,000 --> 00:20:44,040 but it's my intuition that they may even represent a ark in stone. 284 00:20:45,560 --> 00:20:49,040 Located less than 350 miles from Mount Ararat, 285 00:20:49,520 --> 00:20:53,480 the site many Biblical scholars believe to be the resting place of Noah's Ark, 286 00:20:54,360 --> 00:20:59,280 the animal carvings of Gobekli Tepe suggest a time in the region's history... 287 00:20:59,760 --> 00:21:01,760 ...when the indigenous animal population... 288 00:21:02,040 --> 00:21:04,600 ...may have been of a totally different origin. 289 00:21:06,640 --> 00:21:10,120 But do these carvings actually provide historical proof... 290 00:21:10,400 --> 00:21:13,080 ...of the great flood that was described in the Bible? 291 00:21:14,040 --> 00:21:15,440 Archaeologists are aware... 292 00:21:15,640 --> 00:21:19,680 ...that there are more than 2000 myths of a great flood, 293 00:21:19,840 --> 00:21:22,160 which destroyed an earlier civilization. 294 00:21:23,040 --> 00:21:27,000 Some researchers theorize that the events of a cataclysmic flood... 295 00:21:27,560 --> 00:21:30,480 ...and a story similar to that told of Noah's Ark... 296 00:21:31,080 --> 00:21:34,040 ...was recorded on the stone pillars of Gobekli Tepe. 297 00:21:34,920 --> 00:21:37,920 If true, that would push the date of the great flood... 298 00:21:38,240 --> 00:21:43,120 ...back to the end of the last Ice Age, far earlier than the biblical period. 299 00:21:43,440 --> 00:21:48,560 There is evidence that this may have ended quite catastrophically. 300 00:21:48,840 --> 00:21:50,560 There was a lot of things happening. 301 00:21:50,760 --> 00:21:55,080 A lot of migrations, possibly waters rising-up very quickly. 302 00:21:55,400 --> 00:21:58,760 A lot of rapid changes in lifestyles. 303 00:22:01,160 --> 00:22:05,320 But another, perhaps even more profound question remains. 304 00:22:06,080 --> 00:22:07,920 Who built Gobekli Tepe? 305 00:22:08,760 --> 00:22:09,960 For what purpose? 306 00:22:10,480 --> 00:22:14,960 And how did such an ancient site remain in nearly pristine condition... 307 00:22:15,280 --> 00:22:17,240 ...for more than 10,000 years? 308 00:22:17,560 --> 00:22:19,510 In the case of Gobekli Tepe, 309 00:22:19,600 --> 00:22:23,360 we find that the site was carefully placed underneath sand. 310 00:22:23,680 --> 00:22:25,200 This site was buried. 311 00:22:27,120 --> 00:22:30,680 It appears as if somehow the usage of Gobekli Tepe... 312 00:22:31,280 --> 00:22:33,710 ...was no longer there and that people moved on, 313 00:22:33,800 --> 00:22:36,560 but had such a reverence to this important site... 314 00:22:36,760 --> 00:22:40,480 ...that rather than destroy it, they put it to peace by burying it. 315 00:22:41,840 --> 00:22:44,720 Is it possible that the people at Gobekli Tepe... 316 00:22:45,120 --> 00:22:46,840 ...had such reverence for the site... 317 00:22:47,200 --> 00:22:51,150 ...because it really was built with the help of alien technology? 318 00:22:51,240 --> 00:22:53,640 Ancient astronaut theorists say “yes,” 319 00:22:54,080 --> 00:22:55,390 and claim further evidence... 320 00:22:55,480 --> 00:22:58,520 that extraterrestrials were behind the construction... 321 00:22:58,680 --> 00:23:00,880 ...of the world's most mysterious structures... 322 00:23:01,120 --> 00:23:03,000 ...can be found in Lebanon... 323 00:23:03,240 --> 00:23:07,720 ...by examining a site that dates back nearly 9000 years. 324 00:23:13,440 --> 00:23:14,480 Eastern Lebanon. 325 00:23:15,680 --> 00:23:16,840 The Baalbek Valley. 326 00:23:17,960 --> 00:23:19,960 Here, at this archaeological site, 327 00:23:20,560 --> 00:23:25,240 stand the ruins of Heliopolis, built in the fourth century BC... 328 00:23:25,440 --> 00:23:27,920 ...by Alexander the Great to honor Zeus. 329 00:23:28,920 --> 00:23:30,760 But beneath the Corinthian columns... 330 00:23:31,000 --> 00:23:33,880 ...and remnants of both Greek and Roman architecture... 331 00:23:34,360 --> 00:23:37,920 ...lie the ruins of a site that is much, much older. 332 00:23:38,560 --> 00:23:43,520 According to archaeologists, it dates back nearly 9000 years. 333 00:23:45,680 --> 00:23:47,600 The ancient city of Baalbek, 334 00:23:49,160 --> 00:23:52,160 named after the early Canaanite deity, Baal. 335 00:23:53,240 --> 00:23:56,920 Baal is the god of life, the god of the sky, the god of the sun. 336 00:23:57,080 --> 00:24:01,310 He was the god that was venerated on the site of Baalbek... 337 00:24:01,400 --> 00:24:04,160 ...during the Canaanite and the Phoenician times. 338 00:24:06,400 --> 00:24:09,360 And so because it was already sacred to the god Baal, 339 00:24:10,000 --> 00:24:12,270 then later the Greeks and the Romans... 340 00:24:12,360 --> 00:24:15,520 ...then would build temples on this very same spot. 341 00:24:18,560 --> 00:24:23,040 Archeological surveys have revealed that the enormous stone foundation... 342 00:24:23,240 --> 00:24:28,200 ...that lies at the base of the site dates back tens of thousands of years. 343 00:24:29,640 --> 00:24:32,790 Baalbek, as we know from the archaeological evidence, 344 00:24:32,880 --> 00:24:35,190 must have existed during the Neolithic Period, 345 00:24:35,280 --> 00:24:39,680 between 6000 to 8000 years, or even 9000 years BC. 346 00:24:42,440 --> 00:24:46,040 But even more significant to ancient astronaut theorists... 347 00:24:46,480 --> 00:24:49,760 ...is their belief that the colossal stone platform... 348 00:24:50,280 --> 00:24:54,120 ...may once have served as a landing pad for space travelers. 349 00:24:58,600 --> 00:25:02,840 We don't know why Baalbek was chosen as this specific site. 350 00:25:03,480 --> 00:25:06,920 It may well be some kind of special power place. 351 00:25:13,240 --> 00:25:17,280 But what was originally there before the Roman temple... 352 00:25:17,520 --> 00:25:23,160 ...was this spaceport platform that was apparently used... 353 00:25:23,400 --> 00:25:27,080 ...for extraterrestrials coming and going on planet earth. 354 00:25:29,320 --> 00:25:34,040 As evidence, researchers point to the gigantic megalithic stones... 355 00:25:34,200 --> 00:25:40,400 ...incorporated into the foundation, each weighing between 800 to 1200 tons, 356 00:25:41,920 --> 00:25:43,680 and perfectly fitted together. 357 00:25:46,600 --> 00:25:48,720 This is the real mystery of Baalbek. 358 00:25:49,080 --> 00:25:50,800 How these stones came to be there. 359 00:25:51,080 --> 00:25:52,230 Why they were placed there... 360 00:25:52,320 --> 00:25:54,910 ...and, specifically, how they were transported into place... 361 00:25:55,000 --> 00:25:57,240 ...because some of the stones are of such magnitude... 362 00:25:57,400 --> 00:26:00,120 ...that modern machinery is incapable of putting them there. 363 00:26:00,400 --> 00:26:02,600 But somehow, our ancestors were able to do this. 364 00:26:04,640 --> 00:26:08,520 Some have suggested that this stone alone weighs... 365 00:26:08,720 --> 00:26:13,480 in excess of 1,200 tons. 366 00:26:13,720 --> 00:26:15,320 How was it moved there? 367 00:26:15,840 --> 00:26:20,030 Because, obviously, it's situated on top of these stone rows... 368 00:26:20,120 --> 00:26:21,520 that we can find down here. 369 00:26:21,720 --> 00:26:25,720 Which means that this stone had to be lifted... 370 00:26:26,120 --> 00:26:30,400 ...and then set it on top of these stones down here. 371 00:26:33,520 --> 00:26:36,760 And because these stones were gigantic, 372 00:26:36,880 --> 00:26:42,800 ancient people assumed that extraterrestrial or unknown forces... 373 00:26:43,120 --> 00:26:44,720 ...brought them to the site itself. 374 00:26:48,920 --> 00:26:52,480 It is one of the oldest, oldest megalithic sites on the planet. 375 00:26:52,640 --> 00:26:56,760 And it has these huge stones laid out in a precise geometrical shape... 376 00:26:57,000 --> 00:27:02,750 ...at a time when the prehistoric people who would've lived there, 377 00:27:02,840 --> 00:27:05,120 who would've gone to the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon, 378 00:27:05,320 --> 00:27:09,240 would have no concept of how to move stones of that nature. 379 00:27:10,560 --> 00:27:16,680 But if the moving, hoisting and setting of such massive stones... 380 00:27:17,040 --> 00:27:22,200 was so incredibly difficult, then who, or what, placed them there? 381 00:27:22,720 --> 00:27:25,520 And perhaps more importantly, why? 382 00:27:26,080 --> 00:27:28,750 We know that the ancients always went to power places... 383 00:27:28,840 --> 00:27:30,680 ...and Baalbek clearly is one of them. 384 00:27:31,400 --> 00:27:33,190 It is a place where the gods were worshiped, 385 00:27:33,280 --> 00:27:34,840 where the gods were said to be present. 386 00:27:35,200 --> 00:27:36,680 And so when it comes to Baalbek, 387 00:27:36,880 --> 00:27:38,880 this platform was built there for a reason. 388 00:27:39,400 --> 00:27:40,600 For what purpose it was used, 389 00:27:40,720 --> 00:27:43,480 is a question we can't answer at this moment in time. 390 00:27:43,720 --> 00:27:46,630 But what we do know is that whatever was happening there, 391 00:27:46,720 --> 00:27:50,840 had a great religious significance to them and was linked with worshiping deities. 392 00:27:51,520 --> 00:27:54,080 Deities which clearly are of an otherworldly origin. 393 00:27:57,160 --> 00:28:00,640 Is it possible, as ancient astronaut theorists believe, 394 00:28:01,360 --> 00:28:04,390 that Baalbek had been considered a sacred place... 395 00:28:04,480 --> 00:28:06,480 ...for tens of thousands of years... 396 00:28:07,080 --> 00:28:11,760 ...because it was where extraterrestrial beings first arrived on Earth? 397 00:28:13,840 --> 00:28:15,680 Perhaps the answer can be found... 398 00:28:16,080 --> 00:28:20,760 ...by examining other megalithic stones on Easter Island. 399 00:28:24,840 --> 00:28:26,400 The South Pacific Ocean. 400 00:28:29,080 --> 00:28:34,760 2300 miles west of South America, in one of the most remote places on earth, 401 00:28:35,400 --> 00:28:38,720 giant stone figures stand with their backs to the sea. 402 00:28:41,800 --> 00:28:44,040 Called Moai by the native inhabitants, 403 00:28:44,520 --> 00:28:47,240 they are the silent sentinels of Easter Island. 404 00:28:49,480 --> 00:28:51,470 The Moais are scattered throughout the island, 405 00:28:51,560 --> 00:28:54,560 and they're positioned on top of platforms for the most part. 406 00:28:55,080 --> 00:29:00,240 A Moai is a, is a stone sculpture of a deceased ancestor. 407 00:29:00,720 --> 00:29:05,120 They were once living individuals who ruled the society or led the society. 408 00:29:05,480 --> 00:29:08,080 They were chiefs, and then upon their death, 409 00:29:08,320 --> 00:29:11,120 we believe that they've become represented in stone. 410 00:29:14,360 --> 00:29:18,800 Nearly 900 Moai were carved between the 12th and 18th centuries. 411 00:29:19,720 --> 00:29:22,200 Hewn with stone tools from volcanic rock, 412 00:29:23,040 --> 00:29:30,000 the tallest stands a towering 33 feet high and weighs a staggering 75 tons. 413 00:29:32,520 --> 00:29:35,880 They were probably even more unique looking in the past. 414 00:29:36,120 --> 00:29:37,240 They may have been painted. 415 00:29:37,480 --> 00:29:41,520 And they also had large white coral eyes with obsidian pupils. 416 00:29:42,160 --> 00:29:44,880 So it's a very effective way of kind of telling people, 417 00:29:45,400 --> 00:29:47,120 not verbally but symbolically, 418 00:29:47,480 --> 00:29:50,000 that someone's watching you and you should toe the line. 419 00:29:50,480 --> 00:29:52,120 You should do what you're supposed to do. 420 00:29:54,680 --> 00:29:58,640 The people who created the Moai called themselves the Rapa Nui, 421 00:29:59,240 --> 00:30:01,350 and mainstream historians believe... 422 00:30:01,440 --> 00:30:05,360 ...their Polynesian ancestors came to the island in canoes... 423 00:30:05,560 --> 00:30:10,960 ...from across the vast Pacific Ocean between 700 and 1100 AD. 424 00:30:12,240 --> 00:30:16,240 But over several centuries, for reasons that are still unclear, 425 00:30:16,760 --> 00:30:18,760 what was once an island paradise... 426 00:30:19,080 --> 00:30:21,080 ...withered into a treeless desert... 427 00:30:21,520 --> 00:30:26,240 ...stalked by famine, violence and some say, cannibalism. 428 00:30:28,640 --> 00:30:31,800 When the first Europeans arrived in 1722, 429 00:30:32,280 --> 00:30:35,680 the Rapa Nui culture had already been nearly wiped out. 430 00:30:36,760 --> 00:30:39,600 And few could imagine how such primitive people... 431 00:30:39,800 --> 00:30:41,680 ...could have created the Moai. 432 00:30:43,320 --> 00:30:45,080 How in the heck did they make these? 433 00:30:45,240 --> 00:30:46,760 Where did they come from? 434 00:30:47,360 --> 00:30:48,760 And how did they move them? 435 00:30:49,400 --> 00:30:51,520 Nobody has the answer. 436 00:30:53,880 --> 00:30:57,560 Modern scientists have tried, and so far, have failed, 437 00:30:57,920 --> 00:31:00,680 to duplicate the feats of the ancient Rapa Nui. 438 00:31:02,200 --> 00:31:07,270 In 1987, anthropologist Charles Love used rollers... 439 00:31:07,360 --> 00:31:11,720 to move a 9-ton Moai replica at Western Wyoming Community College. 440 00:31:11,880 --> 00:31:16,920 Ready? On three! One, two, three! 441 00:31:17,120 --> 00:31:19,120 Come on. Three... Come on. Get it... 442 00:31:19,480 --> 00:31:22,040 Good. Thank you. 443 00:31:23,120 --> 00:31:24,960 Nobody able to bunch it by half an inch. 444 00:31:26,160 --> 00:31:29,800 Other researchers have tried pulling Moai with sleds. 445 00:31:30,720 --> 00:31:32,360 But there is a unique problem... 446 00:31:32,600 --> 00:31:36,440 ...with the idea of moving Moai with sleds or rollers. 447 00:31:37,840 --> 00:31:39,110 When you go to Easter Island, 448 00:31:39,200 --> 00:31:42,760 you don't get the impression they had enough wood to have rollers. 449 00:31:43,080 --> 00:31:45,590 And in fact, in the 1700s, 450 00:31:45,680 --> 00:31:50,040 the first four expeditions to Easter Island never really saw a tree. 451 00:31:51,400 --> 00:31:53,800 And so that's the real mystery of Easter Island. 452 00:31:54,120 --> 00:31:58,920 How can you move a multi-ton statue if you have no trees for rollers? 453 00:32:03,080 --> 00:32:05,800 According to the oral history of the Rapa Nui, 454 00:32:06,360 --> 00:32:09,600 the Moai were moved in a very unusual way. 455 00:32:11,560 --> 00:32:13,800 They all reply basically the same thing. 456 00:32:14,280 --> 00:32:16,560 The Moai walked to the ahu... 457 00:32:16,920 --> 00:32:18,920 ...and that's the only explanation that they give. 458 00:32:19,800 --> 00:32:24,160 But who, or what, had the power to make multi-ton Moai... 459 00:32:24,640 --> 00:32:28,400 ...appear to walk to their ahu, or stone platforms? 460 00:32:30,760 --> 00:32:35,240 In 1919, British archaeologist Katherine Routledge, 461 00:32:35,680 --> 00:32:37,720 who lived on Easter Island for a year, 462 00:32:38,320 --> 00:32:41,520 recorded the legends and testimony of an old woman... 463 00:32:42,040 --> 00:32:46,560 ...who said the Moai were moved with a mystical energy called mana. 464 00:32:47,720 --> 00:32:50,880 And, according to the oral histories of the Rapa Nui, 465 00:32:51,360 --> 00:32:53,800 mana came from the gods. 466 00:32:55,920 --> 00:33:02,120 Mana was a direct gift of the gods given to the Easter Islanders. 467 00:33:02,680 --> 00:33:06,640 Was this Mana really a type of magical force? 468 00:33:07,000 --> 00:33:08,320 Of course not. 469 00:33:08,960 --> 00:33:11,840 It was some type of misunderstood technology, 470 00:33:12,320 --> 00:33:16,280 some type of a device, an extraterrestrial tool... 471 00:33:16,720 --> 00:33:18,200 ...with which you could move... 472 00:33:18,520 --> 00:33:22,280 ...those massive Easter Island heads rather easily. 473 00:33:25,000 --> 00:33:28,190 Did early inhabitants of Easter Island really know 474 00:33:28,280 --> 00:33:31,120 ...how to unlock the secrets of gravity using mana? 475 00:33:32,280 --> 00:33:33,200 And if so, 476 00:33:33,600 --> 00:33:37,240 where might such power over the physical world have come from? 477 00:33:38,280 --> 00:33:41,840 Might these astounding abilities, forever lost to time, 478 00:33:42,080 --> 00:33:45,440 have been made possible by extraterrestrial visitors? 479 00:33:46,480 --> 00:33:48,520 Perhaps further evidence can be found... 480 00:33:48,640 --> 00:33:51,320 ...with a mysterious structure in southern Florida... 481 00:33:51,720 --> 00:33:54,640 ...built from 30-ton coral blocks. 482 00:33:59,200 --> 00:34:00,440 Homestead, Florida. 483 00:34:01,640 --> 00:34:03,560 Thirty miles south of Miami. 484 00:34:05,840 --> 00:34:08,710 This former agricultural town is home... 485 00:34:08,800 --> 00:34:11,640 ...to one of the most mysterious structures in North America, 486 00:34:13,120 --> 00:34:19,280 a stone garden made of sculpted blocks of ancient coral, some weighing 30 tons. 487 00:34:20,280 --> 00:34:22,520 It's called the Coral Castle. 488 00:34:25,480 --> 00:34:27,280 Spread over several acres, 489 00:34:27,880 --> 00:34:29,310 the complex formations... 490 00:34:29,400 --> 00:34:31,600 ...and intricate designs of the stone walls... 491 00:34:31,720 --> 00:34:33,840 ...and sculptures marvel tourists. 492 00:34:34,760 --> 00:34:37,600 But unlike other great structures around the world, 493 00:34:38,040 --> 00:34:40,400 this site is not ancient. 494 00:34:41,200 --> 00:34:43,670 Coral Castle in Florida is often said... 495 00:34:43,760 --> 00:34:48,920 ...to be the only modern megalithic structure ever built. 496 00:34:50,880 --> 00:34:55,030 In 1923, Ed Leedskalnin, a Latvian immigrant... 497 00:34:55,120 --> 00:34:56,920 ...began building what he originally called, 498 00:34:57,040 --> 00:34:58,280 "Rock Gate Park." 499 00:34:58,920 --> 00:34:59,840 But believe it or not, 500 00:35:00,480 --> 00:35:04,280 Leedskalnin insisted that he was not using modern machinery... 501 00:35:04,400 --> 00:35:06,160 ...to build the impressive structure. 502 00:35:06,720 --> 00:35:09,360 He also claimed that he was working alone. 503 00:35:09,520 --> 00:35:10,520 Ed was a hermit. 504 00:35:11,240 --> 00:35:12,640 And Ed was a loner. 505 00:35:13,520 --> 00:35:14,880 And he was a foreigner. 506 00:35:15,720 --> 00:35:16,960 And he was a recluse. 507 00:35:17,320 --> 00:35:18,280 And a scientist. 508 00:35:19,680 --> 00:35:21,280 He was in love with a woman... 509 00:35:21,400 --> 00:35:25,030 ...and he wanted to build this facility in memory of her. 510 00:35:25,120 --> 00:35:27,160 And he waited for her to come from Europe... 511 00:35:27,280 --> 00:35:30,760 ...and he waited, and he waited and she never did. 512 00:35:31,800 --> 00:35:32,870 But the big question is, 513 00:35:32,960 --> 00:35:36,480 is how did this frail little man move... 514 00:35:36,880 --> 00:35:41,080 ...these thousands of pounds of block by himself? 515 00:35:42,920 --> 00:35:47,320 Barely over five feet tall, and weighing just 100 pounds, 516 00:35:47,680 --> 00:35:50,200 Leedskalnin is said to have carved, moved... 517 00:35:50,320 --> 00:35:53,080 ...and hoisted huge multi-ton ton stones... 518 00:35:53,280 --> 00:35:55,320 ...using only a makeshift tripod. 519 00:35:56,320 --> 00:35:57,440 He has a tripod. 520 00:35:58,160 --> 00:35:59,880 Three pieces of Florida Pine, 521 00:36:00,200 --> 00:36:01,360 and he's got some chains 522 00:36:01,480 --> 00:36:03,480 and he's now going to lift 30 tons. 523 00:36:04,480 --> 00:36:08,400 Ten tons of rock, can't be done. No one could do that. 524 00:36:08,920 --> 00:36:10,000 He would work at night. 525 00:36:10,280 --> 00:36:11,920 He wouldn't let anybody watch him. 526 00:36:12,360 --> 00:36:16,120 And he said that he knew the secrets of the pyramids. 527 00:36:17,880 --> 00:36:20,840 But what exactly was Leedskalnin referring to? 528 00:36:21,520 --> 00:36:25,190 Had he rediscovered the same advanced technology used... 529 00:36:25,280 --> 00:36:30,120 ...to build megalithic structures like Carnac and Gobekli Tepe? 530 00:36:30,560 --> 00:36:32,880 Ed, over and over again, would tell people... 531 00:36:33,320 --> 00:36:37,320 that he knew the secrets that helped the Egyptians build the pyramids. 532 00:36:37,440 --> 00:36:38,590 What was he talking about? 533 00:36:38,680 --> 00:36:41,560 Why was he constantly harking back to the Egyptians? 534 00:36:41,840 --> 00:36:42,690 We don't know. 535 00:36:43,640 --> 00:36:46,350 Leedskalnin continued work on the Coral Castle... 536 00:36:46,440 --> 00:36:48,880 ...until his death in 1951. 537 00:36:50,520 --> 00:36:54,000 In the journals he left behind, the builder explained... 538 00:36:54,360 --> 00:36:56,560 ...that he had discovered the ancient secret... 539 00:36:56,680 --> 00:37:00,040 ...of transforming stones into weightless objects. 540 00:37:02,000 --> 00:37:04,270 Ed says this in his pamphlet, "Magnetic Current," 541 00:37:04,360 --> 00:37:08,480 that real gravity is actually real magnet. 542 00:37:09,160 --> 00:37:11,560 So if you reverse the magnet forces... 543 00:37:11,840 --> 00:37:15,400 ...with a force of some kind of electromagnetic... 544 00:37:15,840 --> 00:37:17,880 Radio perhaps, frequency, 545 00:37:18,240 --> 00:37:23,480 you can then make these rocks not as heavy as they seem otherwise. 546 00:37:23,720 --> 00:37:25,120 And therefore you can lift them. 547 00:37:27,240 --> 00:37:31,400 But if Leedskalnin had developed a device that could modify gravity, 548 00:37:32,920 --> 00:37:34,080 what was his secret? 549 00:37:34,680 --> 00:37:38,480 Some suggest the answer lies in a mysterious black box... 550 00:37:38,600 --> 00:37:41,120 ...that can be seen in various photographs. 551 00:37:43,360 --> 00:37:45,960 A box that has since disappeared. 552 00:37:49,800 --> 00:37:51,800 The black box sitting on top... 553 00:37:52,080 --> 00:37:55,120 ...is the element that no one has ever seen... 554 00:37:55,360 --> 00:37:58,480 ...except in those pictures and no one has today. 555 00:37:58,800 --> 00:38:02,000 We believe that black box has something to do... 556 00:38:02,200 --> 00:38:07,990 ...with how he got these massive heavy brittle pieces of rock... 557 00:38:08,080 --> 00:38:11,760 ...up in the air in a way that no one can duplicate. 558 00:38:13,000 --> 00:38:16,920 He had some kind of magnetic machine down in one of his other house areas... 559 00:38:17,160 --> 00:38:18,880 ...that has since been dismantled. 560 00:38:19,000 --> 00:38:21,160 But it had a revolving ability. 561 00:38:21,480 --> 00:38:23,160 He may have been having that thing spin. 562 00:38:23,320 --> 00:38:25,080 The whole place could have been anti-gravity. 563 00:38:26,200 --> 00:38:28,240 He probably just pushed these into place. 564 00:38:29,960 --> 00:38:33,160 Levitation is the only way that I know of to hold up very heavy objects. 565 00:38:33,640 --> 00:38:37,120 Very, very high-speed trains are magnetically levitated. 566 00:38:40,280 --> 00:38:43,320 These high-speed trains don't have wheels that touch any tracks. 567 00:38:43,480 --> 00:38:47,200 They're literally suspended above the track using magnetic forces. 568 00:38:49,040 --> 00:38:51,520 We can speculate at this time... 569 00:38:51,680 --> 00:38:53,320 ...that there are techniques... 570 00:38:53,880 --> 00:38:57,000 ...for using electromagnetism to nullify gravity. 571 00:38:58,280 --> 00:39:00,200 This was the great quest of Einstein. 572 00:39:01,440 --> 00:39:03,910 The motivation for such technologies, of course, 573 00:39:04,000 --> 00:39:07,800 to lift a large spaceship out into space and across space. 574 00:39:14,160 --> 00:39:18,230 Could it be that Ed Leedskalnin utilized anti-gravity... 575 00:39:18,320 --> 00:39:21,430 ...to levitate and distribute the enormous rocks used... 576 00:39:21,520 --> 00:39:23,080 ...to build Coral Castle? 577 00:39:23,680 --> 00:39:27,120 If so, where did this incredible knowledge come from? 578 00:39:28,920 --> 00:39:31,560 And he died, taking this secret to his grave. 579 00:39:31,800 --> 00:39:33,440 The question is, did he invent it? 580 00:39:33,800 --> 00:39:38,080 Or did he himself somehow inherit it, or learn it from a tradition, 581 00:39:38,320 --> 00:39:40,760 or maybe from some visitor from another realm? 582 00:39:42,560 --> 00:39:45,280 The only thing that is explainable... 583 00:39:45,560 --> 00:39:52,080 is that someone with a higher form of physics and understanding of gravity, 584 00:39:52,200 --> 00:39:56,000 has created the ability of one person to lift stones... 585 00:39:56,120 --> 00:39:59,880 ...that modern technology could not do, the way he did it. 586 00:40:00,320 --> 00:40:03,400 It had to come from a different place in this galaxy. 587 00:40:11,680 --> 00:40:13,480 The fact that one guy... 588 00:40:14,320 --> 00:40:19,280 ...created these massive structures is absolutely fascinating. 589 00:40:19,840 --> 00:40:24,080 Am I suggesting that he did this with extraterrestrial technology? 590 00:40:24,760 --> 00:40:27,200 No, because I don't know. 591 00:40:27,440 --> 00:40:30,600 Am I excluding that possibility? No. 592 00:40:32,040 --> 00:40:35,040 If aliens visited earth in ancient times, 593 00:40:35,480 --> 00:40:39,680 perhaps the world's mysterious stone structures can provide clues, 594 00:40:40,240 --> 00:40:44,560 not only to mankind's past but to its future. 595 00:40:46,240 --> 00:40:49,880 I think that extraterrestrials would not have left our solar system... 596 00:40:50,200 --> 00:40:52,560 ...some thousands of years ago without any proof. 597 00:40:53,120 --> 00:40:56,960 They wanted that in the far future, we start to reflect. 598 00:40:57,880 --> 00:40:59,400 “Have we been visited by outer space?” 599 00:41:01,400 --> 00:41:07,320 Could additional evidence still lie hidden, right before our eyes? 600 00:41:08,880 --> 00:41:12,960 Evidence that, when found, will prove once and for all... 601 00:41:14,080 --> 00:41:16,040 ...that we are not alone?