1 00:00:03,280 --> 00:00:04,400 Giants. 2 00:00:04,720 --> 00:00:09,520 They found up to 40 or 50 people inside this cave. 3 00:00:10,040 --> 00:00:13,640 One was allegedly 7 feet, 7 inches tall. 4 00:00:14,560 --> 00:00:16,040 Grey-skinned creatures. 5 00:00:16,320 --> 00:00:20,120 Essentially humanoid but with disproportionately large heads... 6 00:00:20,320 --> 00:00:23,040 ...and huge black almond-shaped eyes. 7 00:00:23,160 --> 00:00:25,720 And beings with godlike powers. 8 00:00:25,880 --> 00:00:28,560 This was a person who was a little more than human. 9 00:00:28,920 --> 00:00:34,360 Throughout history there have been stories of strange beings and fantastic creatures. 10 00:00:35,920 --> 00:00:38,600 But could they be more than just myth? 11 00:00:38,960 --> 00:00:39,880 In my opinion, 12 00:00:40,000 --> 00:00:44,320 these people were misinterpreted flesh-and-blood space travelers. 13 00:00:45,320 --> 00:00:47,360 Millions of people around the world... 14 00:00:47,560 --> 00:00:51,720 ...believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 15 00:00:52,440 --> 00:00:54,080 What if it were true? 16 00:00:55,240 --> 00:00:59,080 Did ancient aliens really helped to shape our history? 17 00:00:59,720 --> 00:01:05,880 And if so, might we find proof by examining the faces of the gods? 18 00:01:39,720 --> 00:01:41,080 Cahauchi, Peru. 19 00:01:44,280 --> 00:01:47,710 Two thousand years ago, this ancient settlement served... 20 00:01:47,800 --> 00:01:51,080 ...as the religious and cultural capital of the Nazca people. 21 00:01:54,080 --> 00:01:56,520 But sometime around 500 AD, 22 00:01:56,880 --> 00:01:58,920 the Nazca mysteriously disappeared, 23 00:01:59,520 --> 00:02:02,160 leaving Cahauchi to fall into disarray. 24 00:02:04,280 --> 00:02:07,440 Fourteen hundred years later, in 1910, 25 00:02:08,000 --> 00:02:09,920 anthropologist Ales Hrdlicka... 26 00:02:10,240 --> 00:02:13,840 ...came to Cahuachi to study the ancient Nazca civilization. 27 00:02:15,760 --> 00:02:18,790 During the dig he unearthed some of the most surprising... 28 00:02:18,880 --> 00:02:21,240 ...and shocking artifacts he had ever seen. 29 00:02:26,920 --> 00:02:32,840 They were skulls with enormous, elongated craniums. 30 00:02:34,520 --> 00:02:35,800 Where did they come from? 31 00:02:36,480 --> 00:02:37,760 How did they get there? 32 00:02:38,160 --> 00:02:40,080 And were they human? 33 00:02:41,360 --> 00:02:45,640 In Peru, we find this weird elongated skulls. 34 00:02:47,080 --> 00:02:52,080 And they're bizarre-looking, I mean. And these people looked like aliens. 35 00:02:57,440 --> 00:02:59,560 One may say, okay, aliens. 36 00:02:59,720 --> 00:03:06,480 But another aspect we have to consider is that skull and cranial deformation... 37 00:03:07,160 --> 00:03:10,310 ...forming elongated heads is a practice that's known... 38 00:03:10,400 --> 00:03:12,560 ...throughout much of the ancient world. 39 00:03:15,040 --> 00:03:20,190 In 1870, the process of skull deformation was well-chronicled... 40 00:03:20,280 --> 00:03:24,000 ...by a German botanist and explorer named George Schweinfurth. 41 00:03:25,280 --> 00:03:27,240 While exploring the African Congo, 42 00:03:27,680 --> 00:03:30,680 he came in contact with the tribe called the Mangbetu. 43 00:03:31,360 --> 00:03:34,440 They routinely performed the ritual of cranial binding... 44 00:03:34,960 --> 00:03:38,640 ...that allowed them to physically alter the shape of human skulls. 45 00:03:40,840 --> 00:03:47,160 They took infants' skulls and compressed them and bound them, 46 00:03:47,320 --> 00:03:51,560 and they forced the cranium out and elongated. 47 00:03:51,680 --> 00:03:54,480 And in many cases, they doubled the size. 48 00:03:57,320 --> 00:04:00,080 And the big question is, why was this being done? 49 00:04:02,440 --> 00:04:04,680 It may have been a way to distinguish... 50 00:04:05,120 --> 00:04:08,670 ...the elite perhaps from the everyday people; 51 00:04:08,760 --> 00:04:12,680 May have been a social stratification type of issue. 52 00:04:13,000 --> 00:04:15,240 Something that also appeals to me is that... 53 00:04:15,360 --> 00:04:19,350 ...it may have been a way to express physically... 54 00:04:19,440 --> 00:04:24,870 ...and maybe try to achieve physically greater levels of consciousness... 55 00:04:24,960 --> 00:04:28,120 ...or higher levels of mental ability. 56 00:04:28,640 --> 00:04:34,840 In my opinion, they did this in order to mimic the gods. 57 00:04:35,320 --> 00:04:38,960 And those gods were physical beings, 58 00:04:40,000 --> 00:04:43,200 because if they were just a figment of our ancestors' imagination... 59 00:04:43,880 --> 00:04:48,760 I don't think that's a compelling enough reason to expose your children... 60 00:04:49,120 --> 00:04:53,640 ...to such a ritual to achieve that type of look. 61 00:04:54,360 --> 00:04:55,550 And in my opinion, 62 00:04:55,640 --> 00:05:00,240 these people were misinterpreted flesh-and-blood space travelers. 63 00:05:00,600 --> 00:05:03,840 Some people have suggested aliens have elongated skulls. 64 00:05:04,000 --> 00:05:08,880 And, apparently, ancient peoples are mimicking those skulls. 65 00:05:09,160 --> 00:05:13,240 The old saying is that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. 66 00:05:16,680 --> 00:05:18,510 Although there have been many images... 67 00:05:18,600 --> 00:05:21,600 that attempt to depict what aliens might actually look like, 68 00:05:22,120 --> 00:05:25,360 one in particular has come to dominate the public perception. 69 00:05:26,040 --> 00:05:28,560 It too features an elongated cranium, 70 00:05:29,240 --> 00:05:34,360 and is associated with an extraterrestrial race that many refer to as the Greys. 71 00:05:37,160 --> 00:05:42,160 In terms of entities, one very common description on the so-called Greys, 72 00:05:42,840 --> 00:05:47,870 3.5, 4 feet tall, essentially humanoid, but very spindly, 73 00:05:47,960 --> 00:05:53,000 with disproportionately large heads and huge black almond-shaped eyes. 74 00:05:55,480 --> 00:05:57,880 But would someone in a primitive society... 75 00:05:58,120 --> 00:06:01,880 really want to replicate this look and deform their skull? 76 00:06:02,640 --> 00:06:05,640 Some archaeologist have a different perspective. 77 00:06:06,200 --> 00:06:10,880 They point to artistic self-expression as an explanation of these customs. 78 00:06:11,120 --> 00:06:16,800 There are all kinds of people that either worship the body or use the body as art, 79 00:06:17,160 --> 00:06:19,680 be it a tattoo or piercing of some sort, 80 00:06:20,040 --> 00:06:23,510 or tribes that put things in their ears or on their lips... 81 00:06:23,600 --> 00:06:26,190 ...to try to grow parts of their body. 82 00:06:26,280 --> 00:06:30,200 Some societies we know practice binding parts of the body, 83 00:06:30,320 --> 00:06:32,640 feet or heads, and try to make certain shapes. 84 00:06:32,880 --> 00:06:34,430 And this was done for whatever reason... 85 00:06:34,520 --> 00:06:37,030 ...we know today that this isn't usually the most healthy thing to do. 86 00:06:37,120 --> 00:06:38,750 But it doesn't mean people don't do it. 87 00:06:38,840 --> 00:06:42,160 People are always trying to change their body to make it look a certain way. 88 00:06:46,840 --> 00:06:49,800 Whatever the explanation may be for these rituals, 89 00:06:50,240 --> 00:06:53,240 they are not just found in Peru and the African Congo. 90 00:06:53,920 --> 00:06:56,880 Skull deformation is a global phenomenon. 91 00:06:57,360 --> 00:07:02,240 What's really strange is that this is found all over the world. 92 00:07:03,040 --> 00:07:06,920 And this is something that archaeologists cannot easily explain. 93 00:07:07,840 --> 00:07:10,880 Because for people on remote islands, 94 00:07:11,320 --> 00:07:14,760 for people in South America or Malta, or in Africa, 95 00:07:15,160 --> 00:07:22,080 to suddenly independently do this cranial deformation like this seems incredible. 96 00:07:24,080 --> 00:07:27,800 I mean this is something that had to be learned, 97 00:07:28,520 --> 00:07:30,520 something that was taught to them. 98 00:07:33,240 --> 00:07:36,550 We seem to have basic similarities... 99 00:07:36,640 --> 00:07:41,600 ...as if there was one civilization or at least one type of culture... 100 00:07:42,080 --> 00:07:45,120 ...that was influencing people around the world. 101 00:07:47,600 --> 00:07:50,590 I find it more and more difficult to believe... 102 00:07:50,680 --> 00:07:52,630 ...what I was taught as an undergraduate... 103 00:07:52,720 --> 00:07:56,840 that all these different cultures just coincidentally... 104 00:07:57,160 --> 00:08:02,080 ...came up with these same concepts independently of each other. 105 00:08:06,880 --> 00:08:10,760 Could it be that the elongated skulls found throughout the world... 106 00:08:11,280 --> 00:08:13,760 ...are really the result of ancient humans... 107 00:08:13,920 --> 00:08:17,280 ...trying to emulate the appearance of otherworldly visitors? 108 00:08:18,600 --> 00:08:22,480 Or could they really be the skulls of extraterrestrials? 109 00:08:23,840 --> 00:08:27,560 Ancient Astronaut theorists believe further clues can be found... 110 00:08:27,840 --> 00:08:31,160 by examining other strange bones and relics, 111 00:08:31,840 --> 00:08:36,120 relics that may provide proof of giants. 112 00:08:42,040 --> 00:08:43,320 Lovelock, Nevada. 113 00:08:44,320 --> 00:08:46,000 In the early 1800s... 114 00:08:46,320 --> 00:08:50,840 ...local legends passed down by the Paiute Indians told of a race of giants... 115 00:08:50,960 --> 00:08:52,880 ...who were exterminated by their tribe. 116 00:08:55,960 --> 00:08:59,120 It is said this was done by trapping the giants in a cave, 117 00:08:59,720 --> 00:09:01,000 shooting arrows at them. 118 00:09:01,520 --> 00:09:04,560 And then starting a large fire at the mouth of the cave. 119 00:09:06,840 --> 00:09:11,000 Evidence of this slaughter lay undisturbed until the early 20th century. 120 00:09:18,800 --> 00:09:23,160 Lovelock Cave was first discovered by local ranchers... 121 00:09:23,480 --> 00:09:26,520 ...who were looking for bat guano to use in their fields. 122 00:09:27,840 --> 00:09:29,920 In need of fertilizers for their crops, 123 00:09:30,200 --> 00:09:33,630 ...the ranchers removed nearly 10 feet of guano in rich soil 124 00:09:33,720 --> 00:09:35,360 ...from the surface of the cave. 125 00:09:36,720 --> 00:09:40,120 And then they began finding human remains. 126 00:09:41,360 --> 00:09:47,040 They found up to 40 or 50 people inside this cave. 127 00:09:49,200 --> 00:09:52,960 One was allegedly 7 feet, 7 inches tall. 128 00:09:54,000 --> 00:09:59,160 They all had long red hair and were literal giants. 129 00:10:01,680 --> 00:10:05,720 If these skeletons were the remains of the legendary red-hair giants, 130 00:10:06,560 --> 00:10:08,920 were they visitors from distant continents? 131 00:10:10,680 --> 00:10:15,230 Throughout the 19th century, many giant skeletons were allegedly discovered... 132 00:10:15,320 --> 00:10:19,920 ...in the Midwest, also in parts of California and around Death Valley. 133 00:10:20,680 --> 00:10:23,840 And the skeletons here found at Lovelock 134 00:10:24,280 --> 00:10:29,600 ...are one of the few that were really excavated by an accredited university. 135 00:10:30,560 --> 00:10:35,200 Archaeologists from the Nevada Historical Society and the University of California 136 00:10:35,720 --> 00:10:39,920 ...believe the cave was occupied from approximately 1,500 BC... 137 00:10:40,240 --> 00:10:44,400 ...until a few hundred years before white men appeared in the Nevada territory. 138 00:10:47,320 --> 00:10:49,400 Seventy-five miles from the cave site, 139 00:10:50,040 --> 00:10:52,720 a local museum has preserved several skulls... 140 00:10:52,880 --> 00:10:56,160 ...that some believe are recovered remains of the giants. 141 00:10:58,920 --> 00:11:04,600 Inside this cabinet here are three skulls from the Lovelock Cave. 142 00:11:06,320 --> 00:11:07,960 When you first see these skulls, 143 00:11:08,600 --> 00:11:13,880 they seem to be pretty much normal-looking skulls. 144 00:11:14,720 --> 00:11:20,400 However, it's when we really start to compare the jaw bones... 145 00:11:21,360 --> 00:11:27,040 ...with this modern dental impression of a normal adult male... 146 00:11:27,520 --> 00:11:32,960 ...that we see that these jaw bones are unusually large. 147 00:11:33,920 --> 00:11:37,920 And these are really the skulls of giant people... 148 00:11:38,360 --> 00:11:41,720 ...who were perhaps 7, even 8 feet tall. 149 00:11:43,680 --> 00:11:45,960 One of the odd things with these skulls 150 00:11:46,280 --> 00:11:50,160 ...is that they're not actually put on display here at the museum... 151 00:11:50,320 --> 00:11:52,080 ...and they're kept in this cabinet. 152 00:11:52,680 --> 00:11:59,480 Now, we don't know if that's really just out of respect for Native Americans, 153 00:11:59,800 --> 00:12:03,680 or whether there's really something unusual about these giant skulls... 154 00:12:03,840 --> 00:12:05,400 ...that they don't want them displayed. 155 00:12:06,720 --> 00:12:09,670 Are the Nevada bones evidence of a race of giants... 156 00:12:09,760 --> 00:12:12,560 ...that existed all through early human history? 157 00:12:14,800 --> 00:12:19,080 If so, could the giants be the descendants of extraterrestrials? 158 00:12:20,440 --> 00:12:22,200 According to the Hebrew testament, 159 00:12:22,600 --> 00:12:27,800 one such giant appeared in the Valley of Elah 2,500 years ago. 160 00:12:29,440 --> 00:12:31,470 Each morning for 40 days, 161 00:12:31,560 --> 00:12:36,320 a Philistine giant over 9 feet tall challenged the Israelites to a fight. 162 00:12:38,320 --> 00:12:40,360 His name was Goliath, 163 00:12:43,160 --> 00:12:45,960 David and Goliath is one of those episodes in the Bible... 164 00:12:46,240 --> 00:12:48,360 ...where you wonder what is going on. 165 00:12:49,160 --> 00:12:53,760 Is it just a metaphor or are we dealing with a fundamental interpretation? 166 00:12:54,000 --> 00:12:57,520 And in that sense, Goliath has to be a giant creature. 167 00:12:58,160 --> 00:13:01,640 The question then is, he cannot be human, what is he? 168 00:13:04,440 --> 00:13:08,680 David's stunning triumph over Goliath was considered a mere fable, 169 00:13:09,280 --> 00:13:11,510 until archaeologists turned up evidence... 170 00:13:11,600 --> 00:13:15,160 ...that suggests this confrontation really did happen. 171 00:13:16,880 --> 00:13:19,120 On the outskirts of Tell es-Safi, Israel 172 00:13:19,560 --> 00:13:24,280 scientists discovered a moat that may have once protected the Philistine fortress. 173 00:13:25,640 --> 00:13:30,760 Nearby, they found shards of pottery inscribed with the name Goliath. 174 00:13:32,560 --> 00:13:36,070 Tests indicate the pottery is from the same time period... 175 00:13:36,160 --> 00:13:37,800 ...as described in the Bible. 176 00:13:39,080 --> 00:13:43,120 Ancient Astronaut theorists claim this is unmistakable evidence... 177 00:13:43,360 --> 00:13:46,400 ...of extraterrestrial giants in Biblical times. 178 00:13:48,200 --> 00:13:52,200 Are we dealing with metaphors or are we dealing with hard evidence? 179 00:13:52,400 --> 00:13:55,280 Are these physical creatures which somehow roamed the earth? 180 00:13:55,920 --> 00:14:00,280 And I think on volume, we have to accept that some of these were real. 181 00:14:00,760 --> 00:14:04,080 The question then is how did these genetic freaks come about. 182 00:14:06,320 --> 00:14:09,470 One of the main tenets of Ancient Astronaut Theory suggests... 183 00:14:09,560 --> 00:14:14,840 ...that a long time ago extraterrestrials changed our genetic makeup... 184 00:14:15,160 --> 00:14:21,000 ...through a targeted mutation of our genes, essentially in the lab. 185 00:14:21,400 --> 00:14:27,040 So, they took a couple of human beings, altered their DNA, 186 00:14:27,600 --> 00:14:31,080 then reinserted those people back into population, 187 00:14:31,240 --> 00:14:35,230 so through procreation those people would pass on... 188 00:14:35,320 --> 00:14:39,080 those new genetic alterations to the entire population. 189 00:14:40,040 --> 00:14:44,560 Ancient Astronaut Theory suggest the evidence points to one conclusion, 190 00:14:45,360 --> 00:14:49,200 that aliens changed the genetics of early human DNA. 191 00:14:50,840 --> 00:14:54,960 For an alien being to work with DNA is so easy... 192 00:14:55,480 --> 00:14:59,360 that just creating a new type is not at all that difficult. 193 00:14:59,680 --> 00:15:04,320 Even today, we have the capability to create new types of animals. 194 00:15:04,520 --> 00:15:07,240 The question is will we create it as such as well. 195 00:15:09,320 --> 00:15:13,040 Did giants really walked the earth thousands of years ago? 196 00:15:13,840 --> 00:15:17,200 And if so, could they have been from another world, 197 00:15:18,240 --> 00:15:23,520 or perhaps the result of alien experimentation with human DNA? 198 00:15:24,720 --> 00:15:26,560 Perhaps the answer can be found... 199 00:15:27,000 --> 00:15:31,600 ...by examining the stories of yet another type of otherworldly being, 200 00:15:32,000 --> 00:15:36,760 winged creatures that descended from the sky as angels. 201 00:15:45,800 --> 00:15:47,000 Rome, Italy. 202 00:15:48,120 --> 00:15:51,440 Stored in the treasury of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican... 203 00:15:52,640 --> 00:15:55,280 ...is the sarcophagus of Junius Bassus. 204 00:15:57,080 --> 00:16:02,600 Constructed in 359 AD, the sarcophagus features what some believe... 205 00:16:02,800 --> 00:16:07,400 ...to be the earliest known depiction of winged angels in all of Christianity. 206 00:16:10,440 --> 00:16:11,800 In the centuries that followed, 207 00:16:12,200 --> 00:16:15,760 angels were almost always depicted as having wings. 208 00:16:17,400 --> 00:16:18,920 But why? 209 00:16:19,040 --> 00:16:21,720 Especially since the actual biblical texts... 210 00:16:21,880 --> 00:16:25,360 ...rarely describe angels as having bird-like appendages. 211 00:16:27,240 --> 00:16:30,400 The vast majority of the stories in the old testament... 212 00:16:30,880 --> 00:16:32,920 ...angels aren't described as having wings at all. 213 00:16:33,240 --> 00:16:34,600 Some of them, they look human. 214 00:16:36,160 --> 00:16:40,440 When the angel comes to visit Abraham, this angel does not have wings. 215 00:16:40,800 --> 00:16:41,800 He looks like a man. 216 00:16:42,080 --> 00:16:43,920 Abraham bows to him, which is interesting. 217 00:16:44,200 --> 00:16:48,720 How did Abraham know if he looks like a human being? 218 00:16:49,040 --> 00:16:52,680 What was it that gave Abraham clue to run over and bow down to him? 219 00:16:53,240 --> 00:16:54,990 And so, there's a supernatural quality. 220 00:16:55,080 --> 00:16:57,840 There's a superhuman quality that they acknowledge, 221 00:16:58,120 --> 00:17:01,040 that this was a person who was a little more than human. 222 00:17:05,880 --> 00:17:07,590 A concept of the angel as such... 223 00:17:07,680 --> 00:17:10,280 ...comes directly out of the Graeco-Roman tradition. 224 00:17:11,000 --> 00:17:14,280 Stories of Hermes and Iris kind coming down and giving messages. 225 00:17:15,240 --> 00:17:19,430 Envisioning them as beings like human beings, 226 00:17:19,520 --> 00:17:22,160 kind of looking like human beings and being benevolent. 227 00:17:23,520 --> 00:17:26,520 There are plenty of other beings which have these beautiful wings, 228 00:17:26,760 --> 00:17:28,630 these kind of forms and shapes. 229 00:17:28,720 --> 00:17:32,400 But all of these beings, however they are conceived of, 230 00:17:32,600 --> 00:17:37,640 ...are a way of telling us that we have a hard time understanding... 231 00:17:37,920 --> 00:17:41,000 ...what it is that separates us from them, from the gods. 232 00:17:42,200 --> 00:17:46,120 They have to be these kind of weird beings who have wings. 233 00:17:47,560 --> 00:17:52,080 Angels show up at various cultures as probably misidentified technology. 234 00:17:52,360 --> 00:17:56,080 If they saw someone, a human being or a humanoid, flying in the skies, 235 00:17:56,240 --> 00:17:58,960 they can only give it a natural review, giving it wings. 236 00:18:00,040 --> 00:18:01,680 I don't think they actually had wings. 237 00:18:01,960 --> 00:18:04,680 It was ancient man's way of saying they had the power of flight. 238 00:18:07,080 --> 00:18:09,920 The angels that had wings that we're used to seeing... 239 00:18:10,040 --> 00:18:12,600 ...depicted in pictures of the Bible or what have you, 240 00:18:12,720 --> 00:18:16,120 basically the wings say these beings can fly. 241 00:18:16,880 --> 00:18:19,270 So, we believe in angels, 242 00:18:19,360 --> 00:18:22,200 and the Native Americans talk about the Star People. 243 00:18:23,280 --> 00:18:26,640 The Egyptians talk about the gods coming to and from the Earth. 244 00:18:28,960 --> 00:18:31,760 So, I believe this is the basis, this is the template... 245 00:18:32,160 --> 00:18:35,630 ...for the civilizations of the earth's religious practices. 246 00:18:35,720 --> 00:18:36,680 I believe that. 247 00:18:41,280 --> 00:18:44,960 For centuries, religious tradition has perpetuated the notion 248 00:18:45,120 --> 00:18:48,760 ...of bird-like wings to explain an angel's mode of travel. 249 00:18:49,680 --> 00:18:53,080 But is such a concept even scientifically plausible? 250 00:18:54,840 --> 00:18:58,680 In 2009, a study at University College London... 251 00:18:59,280 --> 00:19:05,200 ...compared classic depictions of winged angels with actual bird physiology. 252 00:19:06,800 --> 00:19:09,200 You have to be able to flap down and flap up. 253 00:19:09,400 --> 00:19:11,960 And you really need a separate muscle to do each of these. 254 00:19:12,600 --> 00:19:15,600 On the way down, you're generating the lift. 255 00:19:16,160 --> 00:19:18,350 And you actually have to rotate the wings slightly... 256 00:19:18,440 --> 00:19:20,160 ...and get a different angle as you come up. 257 00:19:22,200 --> 00:19:24,000 And then they actually generate their thrust. 258 00:19:24,520 --> 00:19:27,480 Otherwise if you just went up and down in the same straight pattern, 259 00:19:27,760 --> 00:19:29,790 you'd be making lift one way 260 00:19:29,880 --> 00:19:32,641 but when you went back the other way you just push yourself back down. 261 00:19:34,200 --> 00:19:36,800 So when you look at the classic pictures of angels, 262 00:19:37,200 --> 00:19:40,400 the wings are centered on their back very close together. 263 00:19:41,480 --> 00:19:45,120 Whereas the birds with the wings on the side can have longer muscles... 264 00:19:45,280 --> 00:19:47,800 ...with that great strength that go into moving them up and down 265 00:19:48,080 --> 00:19:50,230 With the wings on the back, they're gonna look like... 266 00:19:50,320 --> 00:19:52,880 they're gonna flap more like this than up and down 267 00:19:55,160 --> 00:20:00,160 Researchers also concluded that angels, given their humanoid interpretation, 268 00:20:00,800 --> 00:20:02,800 would be simply to heavy for flight. 269 00:20:03,760 --> 00:20:05,440 We're not designed aerodynamically. 270 00:20:05,680 --> 00:20:10,120 And we're quite heavy. I mean we're solid bones, solid muscle. 271 00:20:10,480 --> 00:20:12,720 So, those two features you have to overcome. 272 00:20:15,800 --> 00:20:19,120 But if angels could not have possessed actual wings, 273 00:20:19,280 --> 00:20:22,280 how have they managed to travel to and from the heavens? 274 00:20:27,120 --> 00:20:30,440 Angels were never described to fly around like Superman. 275 00:20:30,880 --> 00:20:33,880 But they sort of had a vertical ascent into the sky, 276 00:20:34,200 --> 00:20:36,640 or when they descended, it was a vertical descent. 277 00:20:36,840 --> 00:20:38,160 How was that possible? 278 00:20:40,360 --> 00:20:44,840 In 1953, Bell Aerosystems developed the rocket belt, 279 00:20:45,280 --> 00:20:48,240 the precursor to today's workable jet pack. 280 00:20:49,920 --> 00:20:52,840 Designed to lift individuals vertically into the air... 281 00:20:53,200 --> 00:20:55,400 ...and glide them across the skies, 282 00:20:55,680 --> 00:20:59,520 today's jet packs can reach altitudes of over 8,000 feet... 283 00:21:00,840 --> 00:21:04,000 ...and travel at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. 284 00:21:07,880 --> 00:21:09,640 If you look at a modern jet pack, 285 00:21:10,160 --> 00:21:13,520 humans are ascending and descending in a vertical position. 286 00:21:16,360 --> 00:21:21,760 Now imagine if that picture was shown to our ancestors. How would they react? 287 00:21:23,880 --> 00:21:30,520 Obviously, they will say, wow, this creature must be divine. 288 00:21:30,880 --> 00:21:34,070 This creature must be some type of a god... 289 00:21:34,160 --> 00:21:37,360 ...because they've got the capability of flight. 290 00:21:39,320 --> 00:21:43,160 They're like birds. Not even the sky is the limit to them. 291 00:21:45,360 --> 00:21:49,880 Did our ancestors tried to explain an ancient alien technology... 292 00:21:50,360 --> 00:21:53,480 ...by suggesting that extraterrestrial visitors... 293 00:21:53,680 --> 00:21:56,320 ...were heavenly visitors with bird-like wings? 294 00:21:58,920 --> 00:22:00,720 If the answer is yes, 295 00:22:01,560 --> 00:22:05,960 the implications are both profound and potentially disturbing. 296 00:22:07,600 --> 00:22:11,080 For if angels are actual visitors from other worlds, 297 00:22:11,520 --> 00:22:13,360 then what is their mission? 298 00:22:14,520 --> 00:22:16,120 Are they simply watching us? 299 00:22:16,680 --> 00:22:21,560 Or is there, perhaps, a more sinister purpose? 300 00:22:26,680 --> 00:22:28,120 Oaxaca, Mexico. 301 00:22:29,240 --> 00:22:33,320 Situated on a low mountain range, rising above the central plain, 302 00:22:35,000 --> 00:22:37,720 lie the ancient ruins of Monte Albán. 303 00:22:39,000 --> 00:22:44,440 Here, around 100 BC, researchers believe the Zapotec Indians... 304 00:22:44,680 --> 00:22:47,000 ...worshiped a bloodthirsty Mayan god, 305 00:22:47,320 --> 00:22:50,640 with a body of a man and the head of a bat. 306 00:22:52,440 --> 00:22:54,520 They called him Camazotz 307 00:22:56,480 --> 00:22:58,360 The iconography is rather striking. 308 00:22:58,720 --> 00:23:01,400 The image of a half man, half bat. 309 00:23:02,800 --> 00:23:07,240 A man with the head of a bat and wing-like cloak spread out... 310 00:23:07,360 --> 00:23:10,560 ...with crosses of bones in the lining. 311 00:23:11,360 --> 00:23:14,360 The Zapotec people in Oaxaca area of Mexico... 312 00:23:14,640 --> 00:23:18,160 ...believed that winged creatures, bat-like creatures come in the night. 313 00:23:20,320 --> 00:23:25,440 They will attack and they will drink blood and disappear without ever being noticed. 314 00:23:27,160 --> 00:23:30,800 This is simply a sort of anthropomorphic bat... 315 00:23:31,480 --> 00:23:37,600 ...which was worshiped by the sacrifice of libations of blood. 316 00:23:39,280 --> 00:23:41,920 So what they did was they cut themselves... 317 00:23:42,520 --> 00:23:46,440 ...and poured it into a bowl and offered it to the god. 318 00:23:47,760 --> 00:23:52,960 Blood was a very important substance to the Mayan. 319 00:23:55,200 --> 00:23:58,080 That is what gave humans life. 320 00:23:58,440 --> 00:24:03,760 Blood and breath was what the essence of life was. 321 00:24:04,080 --> 00:24:07,190 That's where this "cajul", this divine essence, resided, 322 00:24:07,280 --> 00:24:08,760 in blood and in breath. 323 00:24:10,200 --> 00:24:11,480 When you would die, 324 00:24:11,720 --> 00:24:14,920 you entered into the underworld that was called Xibalba. 325 00:24:16,640 --> 00:24:18,720 Then if you defeated the lords of death, 326 00:24:18,840 --> 00:24:23,160 you would then ascend to the heavens and become one of the revered ancestors. 327 00:24:23,480 --> 00:24:25,720 The blood is the thing that reconnects... 328 00:24:25,840 --> 00:24:28,040 ...the world that we live in with the world of the dead. 329 00:24:28,440 --> 00:24:30,750 Some of the earliest archaeological evidence... 330 00:24:30,840 --> 00:24:35,120 ...shows that blood rituals were present as far back as we can search. 331 00:24:44,840 --> 00:24:49,720 Legends and myths of supernatural beings with traits similar to vampires... 332 00:24:50,000 --> 00:24:52,360 ...are a part of nearly every ancient culture. 333 00:24:54,440 --> 00:24:59,360 In Hindu folklore, for example, the vetala was known as an evil spirit... 334 00:24:59,680 --> 00:25:02,120 ...that took demonic possession of corpses. 335 00:25:03,800 --> 00:25:09,200 The Indian goddess Kali was also intimately linked with blood sacrifices. 336 00:25:10,040 --> 00:25:11,750 Kali becomes the destroyer. 337 00:25:11,840 --> 00:25:15,120 And she is portrayed as a hag-like woman... 338 00:25:15,760 --> 00:25:18,000 ...with a whole number of arms... 339 00:25:20,880 --> 00:25:22,150 ...each carrying a sword. 340 00:25:22,240 --> 00:25:24,560 She is the goddess of death and destruction. 341 00:25:25,760 --> 00:25:30,360 Her eyes are red and she drips blood from her mouth. 342 00:25:32,680 --> 00:25:36,080 She's known to take infants from their crib and drink their blood. 343 00:25:40,560 --> 00:25:44,960 In North America, early Cherokees believed in a bloodthirsty creature... 344 00:25:45,120 --> 00:25:49,280 ...that slaughtered humans, drank their blood, and ate their livers... 345 00:25:50,240 --> 00:25:52,000 ...known as the Utlunta. 346 00:25:52,680 --> 00:25:57,600 This demon was said to possess eternal life while feeding on the living. 347 00:25:59,440 --> 00:26:01,760 The notion of the thing from the spirit world... 348 00:26:01,920 --> 00:26:04,640 ...traveling through the various Indian nations... 349 00:26:05,040 --> 00:26:06,480 ...was a great fear... 350 00:26:08,240 --> 00:26:13,040 ...among not only the Cherokee but also the Sioux and Arapaho. 351 00:26:14,360 --> 00:26:17,880 But who or what are these mysterious creatures? 352 00:26:18,200 --> 00:26:20,560 And where did they come from? 353 00:26:21,720 --> 00:26:25,080 Might they be as Ancient Astronaut theorist believe... 354 00:26:25,680 --> 00:26:29,360 ...extraterrestrial beings abandoned here on Earth? 355 00:26:32,960 --> 00:26:34,760 In the ancient Jewish Talmud... 356 00:26:35,200 --> 00:26:39,360 the Genesis story set in the Garden of Eden includes Adam and Eve. 357 00:26:40,040 --> 00:26:42,320 But also a woman called Lilith. 358 00:26:45,640 --> 00:26:49,680 In Jewish folklore, Lilith was the first wife of Adam. 359 00:26:50,160 --> 00:26:54,600 She was created from the same earth as Adam, not from his rib as Eve was. 360 00:26:55,880 --> 00:26:59,870 But she proved to be very disobedient and uncontrollable, 361 00:26:59,960 --> 00:27:01,640 and had to be banished. 362 00:27:05,320 --> 00:27:09,400 According to the Talmud, when Lilith refused to obey Adam... 363 00:27:09,960 --> 00:27:14,000 ...God sent three angels to convince her to submit to his authority. 364 00:27:14,680 --> 00:27:17,400 But when Lilith refused for the final time, 365 00:27:17,720 --> 00:27:20,680 God condemned her to live on Earth for eternity. 366 00:27:24,280 --> 00:27:27,720 In a sense, Lilith was the first vampire to wander the earth. 367 00:27:28,280 --> 00:27:32,080 She shared all of the characteristics of female vampires. 368 00:27:33,160 --> 00:27:35,790 Lilith had the head and breast of a woman, 369 00:27:35,880 --> 00:27:38,590 the body of a snake and the wings of a bird. 370 00:27:38,680 --> 00:27:40,280 She's a terrifying creature. 371 00:27:41,640 --> 00:27:45,360 In Jewish tradition, Lilith has been a kind of night demon... 372 00:27:45,520 --> 00:27:49,280 ...against whom incantations and prayers have to be offered... 373 00:27:49,440 --> 00:27:53,640 ...because she will come and snatch away an infant sleeping in its crib... 374 00:27:53,920 --> 00:27:57,200 ...or at least snatch away its soul and cause it to die. 375 00:28:04,280 --> 00:28:07,080 But why are tales of bloodsucking creatures... 376 00:28:07,200 --> 00:28:09,640 ...so prevalent throughout the ancient world? 377 00:28:10,840 --> 00:28:13,600 Might blood and the unique chemistry of it... 378 00:28:13,920 --> 00:28:20,200 ...serve as a kind of cosmic fuel, one that connects the living to the dead, 379 00:28:21,040 --> 00:28:26,080 the human to the inhuman, the earthly to the otherworldly? 380 00:28:29,360 --> 00:28:32,760 Blood is the life force of humans... 381 00:28:33,000 --> 00:28:35,640 ...and it was very important to extraterrestrials too. 382 00:28:35,840 --> 00:28:37,790 There's something very special about our blood. 383 00:28:37,880 --> 00:28:42,200 So, we have to think that if this blood sacrifices... 384 00:28:42,360 --> 00:28:46,240 ...aren't some distortion of what was originally... 385 00:28:47,720 --> 00:28:52,600 ...just extraterrestrials showing us how important our blood was. 386 00:28:55,560 --> 00:29:00,320 Angels, demons, the Greys. 387 00:29:02,440 --> 00:29:07,600 Are they all various interpretations of one type of extraterrestrial species? 388 00:29:08,200 --> 00:29:12,760 A species that has been visiting our planet for thousands of years. 389 00:29:13,560 --> 00:29:17,480 Or are they descriptions of several different alien visitors? 390 00:29:18,520 --> 00:29:22,080 Ancient Astronaut theorists believe further clues can be found... 391 00:29:22,320 --> 00:29:26,680 ...by examining the ancient Greek stories of Fish People. 392 00:29:32,720 --> 00:29:34,240 Cape Sounion, Greece. 393 00:29:35,600 --> 00:29:39,280 Perched on the headland, surrounded on three sides by the sea, 394 00:29:39,880 --> 00:29:44,600 lies the ruins of the Temple of Poseidon, built in 440 BC. 395 00:29:45,600 --> 00:29:48,000 The second son of the Titan king Cronos, 396 00:29:48,440 --> 00:29:50,560 Poseidon was worshiped throughout Greece, 397 00:29:50,920 --> 00:29:53,720 almost as much as his younger brother Zeus. 398 00:29:55,880 --> 00:29:57,910 Poseidon was the god of the sea. 399 00:29:58,000 --> 00:30:01,120 He was also the god of earthquake and, strangely, horses. 400 00:30:01,680 --> 00:30:05,350 When Poseidon was in a good mood, he created new lands out of the sea, 401 00:30:05,440 --> 00:30:08,160 he gave calm waters for good voyages. 402 00:30:08,520 --> 00:30:12,360 When he was in a bad mood, he destroyed ships and brought storms. 403 00:30:17,080 --> 00:30:19,400 Poseidon does rule over the kingdom of the sea. 404 00:30:19,840 --> 00:30:22,440 It is envisioned as a kind of a place where people lived. 405 00:30:22,920 --> 00:30:24,350 And when he comes out of that place, 406 00:30:24,440 --> 00:30:27,760 yes, he rides this spectacular kind of like water chariot... 407 00:30:27,960 --> 00:30:31,080 ...that is driven by dolphins and he holds on to a really big trident. 408 00:30:31,880 --> 00:30:36,480 In Greek mythology, Cronus eats all of his children except for Zeus, 409 00:30:36,880 --> 00:30:39,800 who eventually rescues his siblings, including Poseidon... 410 00:30:40,200 --> 00:30:41,640 ...from the belly of his father. 411 00:30:42,200 --> 00:30:46,110 A potion is prepared that makes him heave up all the other siblings of Zeus, 412 00:30:46,200 --> 00:30:47,920 and these becomes the gods of Olympus. 413 00:30:49,840 --> 00:30:51,760 But Ancient Astronaut theorists... 414 00:30:51,920 --> 00:30:57,000 ...believe this Greek myth is actually a metaphor for an extraterrestrial events. 415 00:30:57,800 --> 00:30:59,040 They believe the notion... 416 00:30:59,320 --> 00:31:02,480 ...of gods being vomited up from the belly of their father... 417 00:31:03,040 --> 00:31:07,720 ...actually describes mutinous aliens being expelled from the mother ship. 418 00:31:12,720 --> 00:31:15,470 Any being which is swallowed up into a living creature... 419 00:31:15,560 --> 00:31:17,480 ...will not be able to survive for three days. 420 00:31:17,600 --> 00:31:20,880 It will die from suffocation and will begin to decay. 421 00:31:21,280 --> 00:31:25,120 What we have here is not a creature but something else. 422 00:31:25,880 --> 00:31:27,880 It could have been the object which was clearly... 423 00:31:28,080 --> 00:31:30,360 ...of a man-made or extraterrestrial origin. 424 00:31:31,320 --> 00:31:32,840 A mutiny took place. 425 00:31:33,200 --> 00:31:35,240 Some of the extraterrestrials... 426 00:31:35,440 --> 00:31:39,360 ...they had sex with wonderful earthly females, women. 427 00:31:39,720 --> 00:31:41,040 They were not allowed to do this. 428 00:31:41,280 --> 00:31:45,950 So, one of these extraterrestrials who were not allowed to go back... 429 00:31:46,040 --> 00:31:49,200 ...with the mother spaceship had the name of Poseidon. 430 00:31:49,880 --> 00:31:54,800 Poseidon fell in love with a beautiful human girl. 431 00:31:56,160 --> 00:31:58,000 And he made her pregnant. 432 00:31:59,720 --> 00:32:01,630 Poseidon is married, right? 433 00:32:01,720 --> 00:32:04,720 He's got a child who's got some grandchildren, right? 434 00:32:05,120 --> 00:32:08,030 There's the whole cast of sea nymphs as well. 435 00:32:08,120 --> 00:32:10,040 All of them presumably, like, live in this place. 436 00:32:10,280 --> 00:32:14,520 Poseidon has the power of the deep, the unseen place. 437 00:32:14,640 --> 00:32:16,430 If you look out to the sea, you see a surface, 438 00:32:16,520 --> 00:32:18,830 and you're aware there's a whole world below that, 439 00:32:18,920 --> 00:32:22,040 suggesting powers beyond that which meet the eye. 440 00:32:25,800 --> 00:32:28,760 Among the mythical creatures associated with Poseidon... 441 00:32:29,120 --> 00:32:32,800 ...are the Telchines, a race of advanced fish children. 442 00:32:33,440 --> 00:32:37,240 These human-like beings could live both in and out of water. 443 00:32:38,160 --> 00:32:40,280 They are masters of technology, 444 00:32:40,560 --> 00:32:45,640 and seem to match up with the fish gods of ancient Sumeria who worked for Enki, 445 00:32:45,960 --> 00:32:49,000 the great god of alchemy and technology and smith craft. 446 00:32:49,320 --> 00:32:53,240 The Telchines are also kind of in the shadowy territory... 447 00:32:53,400 --> 00:32:55,720 ...of god, human, monsters things. 448 00:32:56,040 --> 00:33:01,800 They're just these kind of figures who are not gods but were like human beings. 449 00:33:02,800 --> 00:33:06,880 There's one story about the Roman version of Zeus, Jupiter, trying to destroy them. 450 00:33:07,440 --> 00:33:09,590 Now, we don't know whether they are actually all destroyed, 451 00:33:09,680 --> 00:33:14,840 but it's possibly it's because of their relationship to the magic. 452 00:33:18,960 --> 00:33:22,640 In Greek legend, the Telchines were also metallurgists. 453 00:33:23,760 --> 00:33:26,640 They were said to have created Poseidon's magical trident... 454 00:33:27,200 --> 00:33:30,920 ...and to have cast the first bronze statues of the gods of Olympus. 455 00:33:33,600 --> 00:33:35,360 And according to some historians... 456 00:33:35,680 --> 00:33:38,600 ...the Telchines may not have been creatures of myth, 457 00:33:38,960 --> 00:33:41,520 but were beings who actually existed. 458 00:33:46,120 --> 00:33:48,360 They were people called Telchines. 459 00:33:48,560 --> 00:33:50,560 We do actually have evidence of these beings. 460 00:33:50,680 --> 00:33:55,400 They were actual ancient Greeks who had specific tasks and trades, 461 00:33:55,520 --> 00:33:58,080 like metallurgy, like smithing, and so on. 462 00:33:58,280 --> 00:34:01,800 And so you could see how it is that a being like Telchines... 463 00:34:02,000 --> 00:34:05,360 ...that these things could in fact not just be these mythological beings, 464 00:34:05,520 --> 00:34:07,790 but like actual people. 465 00:34:07,880 --> 00:34:10,430 So, the way we look at the ancient Greeks and Romans would have been the way... 466 00:34:10,520 --> 00:34:13,480 ...they would've looked at the stories that are being told about the Iliad. 467 00:34:16,560 --> 00:34:19,230 We've got these stories of the Telchines... 468 00:34:19,320 --> 00:34:25,360 ...and they were able to survive underwater for unlimited amounts of time. 469 00:34:25,920 --> 00:34:31,680 How is such a thing possible unless you have access to some type of technology? 470 00:34:34,840 --> 00:34:40,600 An Israeli company is currently developing a human artificial gill system... 471 00:34:40,960 --> 00:34:46,150 ...that allows humans to take oxygen from surrounding water... 472 00:34:46,240 --> 00:34:49,800 ...without the need of oxygen tanks. 473 00:34:50,680 --> 00:34:56,480 You potentially can remain underwater for unlimited amounts of time. 474 00:35:00,280 --> 00:35:03,440 All the technology that we are discovering today... 475 00:35:04,160 --> 00:35:08,280 ...is in fact old news. It's been around before. 476 00:35:09,520 --> 00:35:13,720 Could the ancient Greek myths really be based on actual events? 477 00:35:14,680 --> 00:35:20,280 And if so, were the Telchines early humans in possession of alien technology? 478 00:35:21,040 --> 00:35:24,440 Or could they themselves have been otherworldly beings? 479 00:35:25,600 --> 00:35:27,710 Perhaps the answer can be found... 480 00:35:27,800 --> 00:35:33,120 ...by exploring the Middle Eastern stories of shapeshifters known as the jinn. 481 00:35:39,400 --> 00:35:41,960 Temple Mount, Old City, Jerusalem. 482 00:35:44,680 --> 00:35:48,000 It was here that many biblical stories reportedly occurred, 483 00:35:48,440 --> 00:35:52,080 including the binding of Isaac from Genesis 22. 484 00:35:55,160 --> 00:36:00,560 In the story, God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac on Mount Moriah. 485 00:36:02,280 --> 00:36:04,960 Abraham sets out to obey God's command. 486 00:36:05,600 --> 00:36:08,840 But after binding his son and preparing for the sacrifice, 487 00:36:09,400 --> 00:36:12,240 he is stopped at the last minute by an angel. 488 00:36:14,200 --> 00:36:18,040 Conventional interpretations of the story usually conclude... 489 00:36:18,200 --> 00:36:21,200 ...that God only wanted to test Abraham's faith. 490 00:36:22,960 --> 00:36:28,520 But Ancient Astronaut theorists suggests the tale has another interpretation. 491 00:36:30,240 --> 00:36:35,200 In my opinion, god "God" would never ask such a question. 492 00:36:35,680 --> 00:36:41,640 So, is it possible that it was a fallen angel/alien... 493 00:36:41,840 --> 00:36:45,640 ...extraterrestrial who posed as God. 494 00:36:48,360 --> 00:36:50,680 God never demands human sacrifice 495 00:36:50,840 --> 00:36:53,590 Human sacrifice is totally anathema to Christianity... 496 00:36:53,680 --> 00:36:55,960 ...and it's totally anathema to God as a creator. 497 00:36:57,800 --> 00:37:00,880 The French philosopher Sartre very famously wrote... 498 00:37:01,760 --> 00:37:06,480 if an angel were to tell me I needed to sacrifice my son, I'd ask for some ID. 499 00:37:08,960 --> 00:37:11,720 Maybe somebody else impersonating a god. 500 00:37:12,000 --> 00:37:15,360 And do we then have somebody stepping in to actually prevent this from happening? 501 00:37:16,280 --> 00:37:20,160 Are we in fact maybe confronted with two warring civilizations... 502 00:37:20,600 --> 00:37:24,040 ...trying to control what is happening in the stories of the Bible. 503 00:37:25,720 --> 00:37:29,320 Just like there are good people and bad people here on Earth, 504 00:37:29,720 --> 00:37:32,800 there's good and bad extraterrestrials out there. 505 00:37:33,320 --> 00:37:37,480 Good and evil permeates the entire universe. 506 00:37:37,960 --> 00:37:40,120 Yin and Yang. There's a balance. 507 00:37:43,200 --> 00:37:45,760 Deep inside the Middle Eastern country of Oman, 508 00:37:46,320 --> 00:37:49,560 a mysterious cavern lies hidden far beneath the surface... 509 00:37:50,800 --> 00:37:54,160 ...called Majlis Al Jinn, or meeting place of the jinn. 510 00:37:55,080 --> 00:37:58,320 It stretches more than 14 acres underground, 511 00:37:59,160 --> 00:38:01,720 and is one of the world's 10 largest caves<./i> 512 00:38:02,840 --> 00:38:08,280 Many Omanis still believe this cavern and others like it are actually inhabited... 513 00:38:08,440 --> 00:38:14,120 ...by supernatural creatures of Islamic folklore called jinn or genies, 514 00:38:14,920 --> 00:38:18,080 mystical creatures that are usually invisible to man. 515 00:38:20,240 --> 00:38:23,480 One interesting aspect of the jinns is an element of free will. 516 00:38:24,120 --> 00:38:26,630 They're like angels, but we think of angels in the west... 517 00:38:26,720 --> 00:38:30,800 ...as under the direct command of the divine powers. 518 00:38:32,080 --> 00:38:35,070 But the jinn can make some decisions for themselves, 519 00:38:35,160 --> 00:38:38,720 and some of them are a little contrary or curious in their way of being. 520 00:38:40,680 --> 00:38:42,560 According to Islamic theology, 521 00:38:43,040 --> 00:38:46,360 genies often reveal themselves to humans with messages, 522 00:38:46,840 --> 00:38:49,160 which can be either benevolent or deceptive. 523 00:38:51,720 --> 00:38:54,600 But is it possible that genies actually exist? 524 00:38:55,240 --> 00:38:57,920 If so, where did they come from? 525 00:38:58,880 --> 00:39:00,760 When we talk about genie, genie in a bottle, 526 00:39:01,040 --> 00:39:03,160 it's very interesting, because you rub the bottle... 527 00:39:03,280 --> 00:39:06,040 ...and then the genie comes out of it and then fulfills your wishes. 528 00:39:06,560 --> 00:39:09,800 Well, let's look at this from a modern-day perspective. 529 00:39:10,320 --> 00:39:12,160 If you have a little container, 530 00:39:12,600 --> 00:39:15,440 and you push a button and a hologram comes out, 531 00:39:15,920 --> 00:39:18,120 then could that be a genie in a bottle? 532 00:39:18,760 --> 00:39:21,280 And according to the Ancient Astronaut theory... 533 00:39:21,440 --> 00:39:26,880 that is exactly what happened where extraterrestrials used holograms... 534 00:39:27,200 --> 00:39:32,240 ...in order to relay messages. That is essentially a genie in a bottle. 535 00:39:35,960 --> 00:39:40,720 Like angels, Jinn are said to be able to appear and disappear at will, 536 00:39:41,360 --> 00:39:44,680 and they're sometimes only heard as disembodied voices. 537 00:39:46,360 --> 00:39:49,120 But while some Ancient Astronaut theorist believe... 538 00:39:49,440 --> 00:39:52,600 ...this behavior resembles that of extraterrestrials, 539 00:39:53,280 --> 00:39:57,600 others claim that angels, jinn, and other supernatural creatures... 540 00:39:57,840 --> 00:40:00,280 ...have origins right here on Earth. 541 00:40:00,920 --> 00:40:03,640 They call these beings ultra-terrestrial. 542 00:40:05,440 --> 00:40:08,480 Ultraterrestrials are possible beings that travel... 543 00:40:08,600 --> 00:40:10,280 ...and visit us from other dimensions. 544 00:40:10,880 --> 00:40:14,600 We know that we all vibrate in a three dimensional space at a certain frequency. 545 00:40:14,960 --> 00:40:18,710 It's very possible that other beings vibrate at a higher frequency... 546 00:40:18,800 --> 00:40:21,560 ...and are able to pass more easily into other dimensions. 547 00:40:23,600 --> 00:40:25,870 The ultra-terrestrial theory would also explain... 548 00:40:25,960 --> 00:40:29,240 ...the folkloric creatures, the angelic creatures, 549 00:40:29,680 --> 00:40:34,480 any sort of experience of a strange, supernatural, or alien being... 550 00:40:34,680 --> 00:40:36,200 ...that's occurred throughout history. 551 00:40:39,800 --> 00:40:41,880 Angels and demons. 552 00:40:42,680 --> 00:40:44,640 Giants and genies. 553 00:40:45,600 --> 00:40:47,160 Did they actually exist? 554 00:40:48,120 --> 00:40:52,240 And if so, could they have come here from somewhere out of this world? 555 00:40:52,920 --> 00:40:54,830 But why? 556 00:40:54,920 --> 00:40:59,040 Were they sent here to shape mankind's past or its future? 557 00:41:00,120 --> 00:41:03,160 Do they mean to do us harm or good? 558 00:41:05,160 --> 00:41:09,240 Perhaps even more importantly, could they still be here, 559 00:41:10,320 --> 00:41:12,920 living among us, undetected?