1 00:00:02,388 --> 00:00:04,264 Legends of lizard people. 2 00:00:04,799 --> 00:00:07,147 It had arms and legs like that of a man. 3 00:00:08,256 --> 00:00:11,109 Statues depicting strange creatures. 4 00:00:12,183 --> 00:00:15,859 They have the facial features of what seems to be reptiles. 5 00:00:16,802 --> 00:00:20,876 And underground caves said to be home to serpent gods. 6 00:00:21,599 --> 00:00:22,670 There are too many stories... 7 00:00:22,759 --> 00:00:25,586 ...about reptilian entities living within the Earth, 8 00:00:25,675 --> 00:00:27,009 for them to be dismissed. 9 00:00:27,693 --> 00:00:30,000 Throughout history, there have been stories... 10 00:00:30,089 --> 00:00:32,851 ...of beings half-human, half reptile. 11 00:00:34,074 --> 00:00:36,532 Could they be more than mere fantasy? 12 00:00:38,206 --> 00:00:42,210 And if so, might they be visitors from another planet? 13 00:00:43,340 --> 00:00:46,136 That you have to wonder if there's not some truth... 14 00:00:46,225 --> 00:00:49,392 ...to the stories of reptilian intervention... 15 00:00:50,142 --> 00:00:51,266 ...on planet Earth. 16 00:00:52,246 --> 00:00:55,067 Millions of people around the world believe... 17 00:00:55,156 --> 00:00:59,009 ...we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 18 00:00:59,844 --> 00:01:01,596 What if it were true? 19 00:01:02,747 --> 00:01:06,548 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 20 00:01:07,321 --> 00:01:11,405 And if so, might there be a connection between aliens... 21 00:01:11,494 --> 00:01:14,891 ..and strange beings called the Reptilians? 22 00:01:48,347 --> 00:01:50,107 Bishopville, South Carolina. 23 00:01:50,762 --> 00:01:53,824 June 1988, 2 AM. 24 00:01:56,123 --> 00:02:00,626 17-year-old Christopher Davis had pulled over on a deserted road... 25 00:02:00,715 --> 00:02:03,532 ...near Scape Ore Swamp to fix a flat tire. 26 00:02:04,257 --> 00:02:07,234 Just as he finished, he heard a noise behind him. 27 00:02:08,279 --> 00:02:13,662 He saw a strange seven-foot-tall creature with red glowing eyes running towards him. 28 00:02:16,019 --> 00:02:17,741 Davis started to drive away, 29 00:02:18,276 --> 00:02:22,161 but the creature caught up with him and jumped on the roof of the car. 30 00:02:24,052 --> 00:02:26,203 Swerving hard to throw the creature off, 31 00:02:26,641 --> 00:02:29,626 he saw it had three fingers and green skin. 32 00:02:32,080 --> 00:02:36,369 Finally, it fell from the car, and Davis sped away. 33 00:02:36,789 --> 00:02:38,789 And he ended up getting out of where he was, 34 00:02:38,878 --> 00:02:40,349 and he went immediately home. 35 00:02:41,895 --> 00:02:45,408 He was so upset that his parents called the police department. 36 00:02:45,858 --> 00:02:48,809 Sheriff Liston Truesdale actually went out there and interviewed him. 37 00:02:48,898 --> 00:02:50,936 Then he asked him to take a lie detector test... 38 00:02:51,026 --> 00:02:54,100 ...and this young boy passed the lie detector test with flying colours. 39 00:02:55,080 --> 00:02:59,378 What Christopher Davis told the detective he saw was a lizard man. 40 00:03:00,919 --> 00:03:05,418 And what's interesting is that the police took the story very, very seriously. 41 00:03:06,725 --> 00:03:09,594 Although Christopher Davis' sighting of the Lizard Man... 42 00:03:09,683 --> 00:03:13,715 ...was certainly the most famous and infamous one, it's not the only one. 43 00:03:14,749 --> 00:03:17,121 They tracked down a number of other witnesses... 44 00:03:17,210 --> 00:03:20,555 ...who both previously and after had seen the lizard man. 45 00:03:24,138 --> 00:03:28,629 In the spring of 1988, a crop duster named Frank Mitchell... 46 00:03:29,363 --> 00:03:32,509 ...reported seeing what he said was a lizard man... 47 00:03:33,041 --> 00:03:37,226 ...cross his grassy runway one morning as he was about to take off. 48 00:03:39,410 --> 00:03:44,538 And two years later in 1990, Bertha Blythers and her five children... 49 00:03:45,122 --> 00:03:47,818 ...claimed they nearly hit a lizard-like man... 50 00:03:47,907 --> 00:03:49,746 ...while driving near the same swamp. 51 00:03:53,944 --> 00:03:56,065 Could these incidents all be related? 52 00:03:56,979 --> 00:04:00,325 Is it merely coincidence that three separate people... 53 00:04:00,414 --> 00:04:04,144 ...on three separate occasions reported seeing a Lizard Man... 54 00:04:04,233 --> 00:04:05,823 ...near the Scape Ore Swamp? 55 00:04:07,361 --> 00:04:11,392 Could there possibly be another species of life down here, 56 00:04:11,481 --> 00:04:14,474 something we're not aware of, and, and they're interacting with people? 57 00:04:16,291 --> 00:04:18,689 Further sightings of a so-called Lizard Man... 58 00:04:19,464 --> 00:04:21,621 ...have been reported not only in this area, 59 00:04:22,400 --> 00:04:26,135 but also in Tennessee, Illinois and Austria. 60 00:04:27,985 --> 00:04:31,414 In fact, alleged encounters with these creatures... 61 00:04:31,503 --> 00:04:33,177 ...have become so widespread, 62 00:04:33,586 --> 00:04:36,150 they are now collectively known by one name: 63 00:04:37,895 --> 00:04:38,962 the Reptilians. 64 00:04:40,703 --> 00:04:44,522 But could accounts of the Reptilians be more than just the product... 65 00:04:44,611 --> 00:04:46,682 ...of overactive imaginations? 66 00:04:47,820 --> 00:04:50,423 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 67 00:04:51,590 --> 00:04:55,277 and as evidence, they point to the legends of serpent gods... 68 00:04:55,366 --> 00:04:57,701 ...that can be found throughout the world. 69 00:04:59,519 --> 00:05:06,214 In South America, Quetzalcoatl, Kukulcan, they’re always referenced as serpent gods. 70 00:05:06,303 --> 00:05:08,044 Even in Japan or ancient China, 71 00:05:08,133 --> 00:05:11,347 we have these dragon emperors and dragon gods. 72 00:05:11,792 --> 00:05:14,706 It’s very possible that there was a time in the past... 73 00:05:14,795 --> 00:05:16,605 ...that ancient man was interacting... 74 00:05:16,694 --> 00:05:19,593 ...with what appear to be living serpent beings, 75 00:05:19,682 --> 00:05:21,213 a lost reptilian race. 76 00:05:22,381 --> 00:05:26,925 We can find these stories of serpent gods all around the world. 77 00:05:27,676 --> 00:05:30,864 I don’t mean just, you know, particular geographic regions. 78 00:05:30,953 --> 00:05:35,164 But on every continent, on virtually every ancient culture. 79 00:05:35,497 --> 00:05:38,489 You have them in India, you have them in China, 80 00:05:38,849 --> 00:05:44,809 in Greece, in England, in South and North America, in Africa. 81 00:05:45,157 --> 00:05:48,303 I mean, it doesn’t matter where you go in the world. 82 00:05:48,689 --> 00:05:54,473 There are these direct references to these serpent-like beings... 83 00:05:54,562 --> 00:05:55,777 ...that descended from the sky. 84 00:05:56,743 --> 00:06:01,234 So, to me, this is not a figment of the imagination. 85 00:06:01,524 --> 00:06:03,820 And certainly, not coincidence. 86 00:06:07,822 --> 00:06:11,749 In addition to myths and legends passed down through oral history, 87 00:06:12,372 --> 00:06:15,995 early written texts also speak of serpent beings... 88 00:06:16,084 --> 00:06:17,946 ...that were once present on Earth. 89 00:06:18,803 --> 00:06:21,401 The Bible speaks of a reptilian race, 90 00:06:21,490 --> 00:06:24,256 the seraphim, we read about them in the Book of Isaiah. 91 00:06:25,290 --> 00:06:27,232 Some will interpret them as being the fiery ones, 92 00:06:27,321 --> 00:06:30,230 but the correct understanding is reptilian. 93 00:06:33,298 --> 00:06:37,611 There has always been knowledge of the reptilians. 94 00:06:38,596 --> 00:06:41,788 Some are good, others bad. 95 00:06:44,008 --> 00:06:47,323 Religious texts tell of reptilian beings... 96 00:06:47,412 --> 00:06:52,538 ...whose existence is inexorably linked to that of the Earth and humankind. 97 00:06:53,095 --> 00:06:54,749 So for example, in the Bible, 98 00:06:55,782 --> 00:07:00,674 the book of Genesis has a story about a serpent who tempts Eve, 99 00:07:00,763 --> 00:07:04,099 the first woman, by offering her the forbidden fruit... 100 00:07:04,188 --> 00:07:05,542 ...from the Tree of Knowledge. 101 00:07:05,982 --> 00:07:09,035 Eve falls for the snake's blandishments... 102 00:07:09,124 --> 00:07:13,028 ...and she eats of that apple and forever changes human history. 103 00:07:13,370 --> 00:07:16,677 Causing Adam and Eve to be expelled from the Garden of Eden... 104 00:07:16,766 --> 00:07:19,350 ...and causing the serpent, too, to be punished... 105 00:07:19,439 --> 00:07:23,539 ...in that he is doomed to slither upon the ground... 106 00:07:23,628 --> 00:07:26,918 ...as a punishment for his disobeying God's will. 107 00:07:29,231 --> 00:07:33,997 It is understood, in ancient legend, that prior to God punishing the serpent, 108 00:07:34,559 --> 00:07:37,502 the serpent was completely humanoid in character. 109 00:07:37,916 --> 00:07:41,355 And that this serpent, this nachash, 110 00:07:41,974 --> 00:07:48,597 was only one of a race of reptilian beings who served God. 111 00:07:50,106 --> 00:07:52,903 When you hear that story from a modern perspective, 112 00:07:52,992 --> 00:07:57,558 it sounds an awful lot like what people describe as the Reptilians, 113 00:07:58,170 --> 00:08:03,580 lizard-like beings, or beings with the faces or visage of a viper. 114 00:08:08,481 --> 00:08:13,346 But if the serpent in the Garden of Eden really was a reptilian alien, 115 00:08:13,435 --> 00:08:15,748 as ancient astronaut theorists suggest, 116 00:08:16,621 --> 00:08:18,797 could there be similar stories recorded... 117 00:08:18,886 --> 00:08:21,801 ...in the ancient texts of other cultures as well? 118 00:08:22,306 --> 00:08:24,959 In the Quran, there's a fascinating category... 119 00:08:25,048 --> 00:08:27,926 ...of creatures known as the, the Djinn. 120 00:08:29,378 --> 00:08:32,950 The Djinn are ancient. They were here before humans. 121 00:08:33,039 --> 00:08:35,883 They’re a category unto themselves, not unlike angels. 122 00:08:36,554 --> 00:08:40,265 And at one point, Iblis, the leader of the Djinn, offended god, 123 00:08:41,427 --> 00:08:43,178 crossed him, was rebellious, 124 00:08:43,267 --> 00:08:46,696 and was cursed like the serpent in the Garden of Eden... 125 00:08:46,785 --> 00:08:49,868 ...and became earthbound, trapped on Earth for eternity... 126 00:08:49,957 --> 00:08:51,269 ...and they are here with us. 127 00:08:53,306 --> 00:08:55,291 Throughout the Mediterranean and the Near East, 128 00:08:55,380 --> 00:09:01,523 there is a very strong belief linking snakes, skinks, lizards, 129 00:09:01,817 --> 00:09:06,184 and other reptiles to supernatural or magical creatures... 130 00:09:06,273 --> 00:09:09,794 ...and in some cases, to the souls of ancestors. 131 00:09:10,834 --> 00:09:14,074 So it can be considered bad luck to kill one of these beings... 132 00:09:14,163 --> 00:09:17,896 ...if you find it in the home, because it might be a Djinn... 133 00:09:17,985 --> 00:09:20,931 ...or another kind of supernatural creature that is visiting you. 134 00:09:24,800 --> 00:09:26,754 The Djinn. Kukulkan. 135 00:09:27,142 --> 00:09:28,988 The serpent in the Garden of Eden. 136 00:09:30,089 --> 00:09:33,625 Could all of these stories about otherworldly serpent beings... 137 00:09:33,714 --> 00:09:37,221 ...able to influence humanity be based on fact? 138 00:09:39,847 --> 00:09:43,754 And if they had been part of human history for thousands of years, 139 00:09:44,523 --> 00:09:45,679 where did they come from? 140 00:09:47,263 --> 00:09:50,866 Are they alien creatures coming to Earth from another planet? 141 00:09:51,885 --> 00:09:54,994 Or could they be living right under our feet? 142 00:10:02,358 --> 00:10:07,297 Los Angeles, California. January, 1934. 143 00:10:09,094 --> 00:10:12,578 The Los Angeles Times published an article entitled: 144 00:10:12,655 --> 00:10:14,738 "Lizard People’s Catacomb City Hunted." 145 00:10:16,489 --> 00:10:20,554 Accounting the attempt by mining engineer G. Warren Shufelt, 146 00:10:20,960 --> 00:10:23,928 to locate and excavate a maze of tunnels... 147 00:10:24,017 --> 00:10:26,281 ...which he believed were beneath the streets... 148 00:10:26,370 --> 00:10:28,119 ...of downtown Los Angeles. 149 00:10:29,574 --> 00:10:32,131 Warren Shufelt was a mining engineer... 150 00:10:32,673 --> 00:10:38,202 ...and he invented a device that he called the radio x-ray... 151 00:10:38,738 --> 00:10:40,949 ...to be used for gold mining. 152 00:10:41,038 --> 00:10:44,727 And this device could find tunnels underground. 153 00:10:44,816 --> 00:10:47,760 And he actually created a map of the tunnels. 154 00:10:51,479 --> 00:10:54,205 Included on Shufelt’s map of tunnels... 155 00:10:54,294 --> 00:10:58,565 ...were 16 places where he said he had located gold deposits. 156 00:11:00,927 --> 00:11:04,909 Shufelt's plan gained momentum after meeting with a Hopi medicine man... 157 00:11:04,998 --> 00:11:07,348 ...who told him the legend of the Lizard People... 158 00:11:07,437 --> 00:11:09,575 ...that live in underground cities. 159 00:11:10,244 --> 00:11:14,870 Warren Shufelt had a sit-down with a Indian medicine man in Arizona... 160 00:11:15,300 --> 00:11:17,758 ...who told him there was a Hopi legend... 161 00:11:18,307 --> 00:11:21,964 ...that there was three cities on the Pacific Coast... 162 00:11:22,053 --> 00:11:23,551 ...that were completely underground. 163 00:11:24,798 --> 00:11:29,238 The, the story goes that 5,000 years ago, there was a meteor shower... 164 00:11:30,285 --> 00:11:33,598 ...and these lizard people sought refuge underground. 165 00:11:34,183 --> 00:11:36,149 They dug these tunnels, 166 00:11:36,238 --> 00:11:39,936 and one of the network of tunnels was under the city of Los Angeles. 167 00:11:42,533 --> 00:11:44,112 According to the legend, 168 00:11:44,201 --> 00:11:49,498 the lizard people carved out vast chambers large enough to house a thousand families, 169 00:11:50,857 --> 00:11:55,346 using advanced technologies, such as a mysterious chemical... 170 00:11:55,435 --> 00:11:57,339 ...that could easily bore through bedrock. 171 00:11:59,588 --> 00:12:02,020 Shufelt obtained permission from the city... 172 00:12:02,109 --> 00:12:05,301 ...and began digging to try and reach the vast tunnel system. 173 00:12:06,532 --> 00:12:10,214 The city council, perhaps motivated by the alleged gold... 174 00:12:10,303 --> 00:12:12,031 ...that was contained within the tunnels, 175 00:12:12,661 --> 00:12:17,296 allowed Shufelt to dig a 250-foot shaft under the agreement... 176 00:12:18,315 --> 00:12:21,764 ...that he would give them 50 percent of the treasure, if recovered. 177 00:12:22,961 --> 00:12:26,752 Warren Shufelt was a successful mining engineer... 178 00:12:27,424 --> 00:12:29,650 ...and, and it seems that he had some kind of connection... 179 00:12:29,739 --> 00:12:31,126 ...at The Los Angeles Times... 180 00:12:31,215 --> 00:12:33,240 ...because The Times really followed the story. 181 00:12:34,122 --> 00:12:36,827 It was a story that caught the popular imagination. 182 00:12:38,730 --> 00:12:41,910 After a month of digging and not reaching the tunnel system, 183 00:12:42,407 --> 00:12:46,871 Warren Shufelt and his team ran out of money and stopped the search. 184 00:12:48,566 --> 00:12:52,153 But a fascination with the story continues to this day. 185 00:12:53,365 --> 00:12:57,116 So now, we have these stories of, of underground people, 186 00:12:57,205 --> 00:13:01,197 a race living underground in, in tunnels and bases. 187 00:13:01,745 --> 00:13:02,721 And you have to wonder, 188 00:13:02,810 --> 00:13:05,903 is this some kind of reptilian extraterrestrials... 189 00:13:05,992 --> 00:13:11,711 ...who have taken control of our planet and are living underground? 190 00:13:12,987 --> 00:13:14,218 It seems incredible, 191 00:13:14,307 --> 00:13:16,443 and yet, it's what some of the stories are telling us. 192 00:13:18,914 --> 00:13:22,330 Is it possible that an advanced race of lizard people... 193 00:13:22,890 --> 00:13:25,891 ...once lived underneath the Western United States? 194 00:13:27,366 --> 00:13:29,370 And could they still be there today? 195 00:13:31,551 --> 00:13:37,006 Astonishingly, a nearly identical legend exists halfway around the world. 196 00:13:40,905 --> 00:13:42,051 Benares, India. 197 00:13:45,814 --> 00:13:48,947 Within this city lies the Well of Sheshna, 198 00:13:51,363 --> 00:13:56,454 which in Hindu legend, is an entrance into an underground city of the Nagas, 199 00:13:58,585 --> 00:14:03,140 a race of semi-divine serpent people known throughout Eastern culture. 200 00:14:04,946 --> 00:14:09,091 In Benares, the sacred city of India, there is a well, the well of Sheshna. 201 00:14:09,514 --> 00:14:13,752 This is one of the portals to the underground city called Patala. 202 00:14:14,213 --> 00:14:16,831 And the Nagas live in this place. 203 00:14:16,920 --> 00:14:20,100 It’s a place of great power and mystery, and some danger. 204 00:14:21,098 --> 00:14:24,549 And only the holy can make contact with it. 205 00:14:27,135 --> 00:14:30,542 Patala is underworld in Hindu mythology. 206 00:14:31,342 --> 00:14:33,553 There are many beings that live in there, 207 00:14:34,446 --> 00:14:36,971 many reptilians, which are called Nagas. 208 00:14:37,912 --> 00:14:41,200 As a demigod, they must have descended from heaven to the Earth... 209 00:14:41,289 --> 00:14:44,150 ...to teach, to give special qualities, to the human world. 210 00:14:44,974 --> 00:14:50,101 Nagas are not really evil, being as in Judeo Christian context. 211 00:14:52,607 --> 00:14:56,840 Ancient astronaut theorists claim the Hindu stories of the Nagas... 212 00:14:57,272 --> 00:15:01,386 ...bear a striking resemblance to the Hopi stories of Lizard People, 213 00:15:01,475 --> 00:15:03,716 who also resided beneath the Earth. 214 00:15:05,009 --> 00:15:08,375 So here we are linking the Naga, the serpent beings... 215 00:15:08,464 --> 00:15:10,594 ...with the reptilian beings of the Hopi tradition. 216 00:15:11,599 --> 00:15:14,895 We see a common thread here of these beings... 217 00:15:14,984 --> 00:15:18,316 ...who are, at one time, reviled and also revered. 218 00:15:19,069 --> 00:15:22,759 But also as beings that have a direct influence on humanity. 219 00:15:24,832 --> 00:15:28,493 Is it merely coincidence that extremely similar legends... 220 00:15:28,582 --> 00:15:31,570 ...of advanced reptilian beings living underground... 221 00:15:32,336 --> 00:15:34,977 ...can be found on opposite sides of the world? 222 00:15:36,280 --> 00:15:40,026 And is it possible these reptilian underground dwellers... 223 00:15:40,919 --> 00:15:44,524 ...surface every so often to interact with humanity? 224 00:15:47,422 --> 00:15:51,487 Perhaps more clues can be found in artifacts unearthed... 225 00:15:51,576 --> 00:15:53,652 ...in the cradle of civilisation. 226 00:15:55,514 --> 00:15:58,442 Southern Iraq, 1923. 227 00:16:00,612 --> 00:16:03,008 British archaeologist Sir Leonard Woolley... 228 00:16:03,698 --> 00:16:06,424 ...leads an excavation to uncover the remains... 229 00:16:06,514 --> 00:16:09,715 ...of one of the oldest agricultural communities in the world, 230 00:16:10,659 --> 00:16:15,502 the Ubaid culture, which dates back to 5900 B.C. 231 00:16:17,471 --> 00:16:21,753 Among the remains, they discovered some unusual clay artefacts. 232 00:16:22,826 --> 00:16:24,366 Among the dwellings and tools, 233 00:16:24,455 --> 00:16:28,482 they also discovered these strange-looking clay figurines. 234 00:16:28,571 --> 00:16:31,824 And I say strange because they don’t really look human. 235 00:16:33,318 --> 00:16:37,272 They have the facial features of what seems to be reptiles. 236 00:16:38,781 --> 00:16:44,323 Now, is it possible that the Sumerians were depicting a race of beings... 237 00:16:44,412 --> 00:16:47,068 ...that were living among them at the time? 238 00:16:49,995 --> 00:16:53,585 Mainstream scholars have debated the meaning of the statues... 239 00:16:53,674 --> 00:16:54,867 ...since their discovery, 240 00:16:56,169 --> 00:16:58,929 thinking perhaps they were Sumerian gods. 241 00:17:00,718 --> 00:17:03,743 However, ancient astronaut theorists believe... 242 00:17:03,832 --> 00:17:06,603 ...the statues could have a different meaning. 243 00:17:07,364 --> 00:17:11,496 These clay figurines have these what are called coffee bean eyes. 244 00:17:11,585 --> 00:17:13,992 They have these elongated skulls. 245 00:17:14,623 --> 00:17:19,568 They look very much like some kind of reptilian extraterrestrial. 246 00:17:20,148 --> 00:17:26,264 And they're breastfeeding children and doing very normal human things... 247 00:17:26,353 --> 00:17:30,209 ...that you wouldn’t think that gods would necessarily be doing. 248 00:17:30,541 --> 00:17:38,193 So it's this mixture of human activity with these reptilian aliens. 249 00:17:39,769 --> 00:17:43,216 So we're showing mammalian reptilian physiology. 250 00:17:44,056 --> 00:17:47,357 When it shows them holding those babies, 251 00:17:47,861 --> 00:17:50,448 it's not a normal thing to have anywhere 252 00:17:50,537 --> 00:17:52,840 an iconography throughout the entire world. 253 00:17:53,418 --> 00:17:54,661 And it makes you suspect... 254 00:17:54,750 --> 00:17:58,418 ...as to whether or not they had actual physical contacts between them. 255 00:17:59,571 --> 00:18:02,483 But just what are these strange creatures? 256 00:18:03,732 --> 00:18:06,819 Where do the reptilians that have reportedly been witnessed... 257 00:18:06,908 --> 00:18:10,021 ...by humans for thousands of years come from? 258 00:18:11,856 --> 00:18:15,816 Some ancient astronaut theorists believe the answer can be found... 259 00:18:16,372 --> 00:18:20,315 ...by looking back, not thousands of years, but millions. 260 00:18:24,055 --> 00:18:27,305 Ottawa, Ontario, 1982. 261 00:18:29,187 --> 00:18:31,047 At The National Museum of Canada, 262 00:18:31,500 --> 00:18:35,653 paleontologist and curator of vertebrate fossils Dale Russell... 263 00:18:36,186 --> 00:18:37,989 ...publishes a thought experiment... 264 00:18:38,963 --> 00:18:41,828 ...based on the trend toward larger brain sizes... 265 00:18:41,917 --> 00:18:44,283 ...and the upright posture of dinosaurs. 266 00:18:46,254 --> 00:18:47,903 He proposes a theory... 267 00:18:47,992 --> 00:18:51,736 ...about what one species of dinosaur would have evolved into... 268 00:18:52,155 --> 00:18:56,470 ...if it had survived the mass extinction 65 million years ago. 269 00:18:57,866 --> 00:19:01,296 What he did is take the dinosaurs known as Troodon, 270 00:19:01,385 --> 00:19:06,138 they noticed the morphological changes in the skeletal structure of the dinosaur. 271 00:19:06,227 --> 00:19:10,202 And based on over time where it was going, they extrapolated it out further. 272 00:19:10,774 --> 00:19:13,417 And strangely enough, or wonderfully enough, 273 00:19:13,506 --> 00:19:17,296 they actually came up with a model that resembled a humanoid reptilian being, 274 00:19:17,886 --> 00:19:21,829 which actually matched that of the reports that we were hearing now... 275 00:19:21,918 --> 00:19:23,734 ...as well as reports from ancient history. 276 00:19:24,235 --> 00:19:27,540 So for me, this was one of the most compelling pieces of information... 277 00:19:27,629 --> 00:19:30,164 ...where science actually says it is possible. 278 00:19:32,162 --> 00:19:33,355 If the dinos hadn't died out, 279 00:19:33,727 --> 00:19:36,709 this would’ve become what he called the dinosauroid, 280 00:19:37,046 --> 00:19:41,350 an upright standing, semi-humanoid, semi-reptilian entity, 281 00:19:41,439 --> 00:19:42,881 what we might call a reptoid, 282 00:19:42,970 --> 00:19:44,916 he thought it might stand four to five feet high, 283 00:19:45,005 --> 00:19:48,599 weigh about 90 pounds, and have a fairly advanced brain. 284 00:19:49,229 --> 00:19:52,325 Now, did this entity ever come into existence? 285 00:19:53,604 --> 00:19:57,247 What if some of the dinosaurs didn't become extinct? 286 00:19:57,336 --> 00:20:00,380 What if they managed to survive the global extinction, 287 00:20:00,469 --> 00:20:03,429 or presumed extinction, 65 million years ago... 288 00:20:03,922 --> 00:20:08,021 ...and over time, some of them developed through natural selection... 289 00:20:08,111 --> 00:20:12,059 ...and they grew smaller, they became more intelligent, 290 00:20:12,148 --> 00:20:17,854 they became more adept and adaptive and, and took on a, a humanoid form. 291 00:20:18,753 --> 00:20:23,227 We necessarily shouldn't think that the reptilians are extraterrestrials. 292 00:20:23,679 --> 00:20:26,281 Perhaps, in some strange way, they are our forefathers... 293 00:20:26,370 --> 00:20:29,308 ...albeit from millions and millions of years in the past. 294 00:20:31,504 --> 00:20:33,383 If the Reptilians do exist, 295 00:20:33,964 --> 00:20:36,252 could they be the descendants of dinosaurs... 296 00:20:36,690 --> 00:20:39,338 ...that walked the Earth millions of years ago? 297 00:20:42,954 --> 00:20:46,240 Our concept of dinosaurs is changing all the time, of course. 298 00:20:46,329 --> 00:20:49,981 And nowadays, we’re making so many new discoveries every year... 299 00:20:50,361 --> 00:20:52,750 ...that we’re reinterpreting them in many ways. 300 00:20:53,642 --> 00:20:56,753 Certainly, if you looked 20, 30 years back, 301 00:20:57,181 --> 00:20:59,200 there were so many things that have been found... 302 00:20:59,622 --> 00:21:02,162 ...and so many other things we know now. 303 00:21:02,820 --> 00:21:04,865 Particularly, I think it’s been very important... 304 00:21:04,954 --> 00:21:08,408 ...that nowadays is, it’s completely very well accepted... 305 00:21:08,497 --> 00:21:11,165 ...that the idea that dinosaurs are not extinct. 306 00:21:11,515 --> 00:21:16,779 That dinosaurs essentially evolved into birds and that they’re alive today. 307 00:21:19,145 --> 00:21:22,641 And now that we know that not all the dinosaurs died out, 308 00:21:22,730 --> 00:21:25,642 and as a matter of fact, some survived to become birds, 309 00:21:26,183 --> 00:21:28,711 warm blooded birds, mind you, from a dinosaur, 310 00:21:28,800 --> 00:21:30,935 which is considered reptile and cold blooded, 311 00:21:32,420 --> 00:21:35,106 we're recognising that even if these are birds now, 312 00:21:35,195 --> 00:21:38,191 we didn't recognise them now as being part of the dinosaur family, 313 00:21:38,650 --> 00:21:40,891 what could these other pockets... 314 00:21:40,980 --> 00:21:44,201 ...that have survived the devastation 65 million years ago. 315 00:21:44,590 --> 00:21:49,667 Could they have evolved parallel to mankind in, in hidden cavern systems... 316 00:21:49,756 --> 00:21:54,616 ...and could they be actually the beings that we think are extraterrestrial... 317 00:21:54,705 --> 00:21:56,564 ...but are actually our terrestrial neighbours? 318 00:21:57,936 --> 00:21:59,667 Palaeontologists generally argue... 319 00:21:59,756 --> 00:22:03,261 ...that the dinosaurs died out totally 65 million years ago. 320 00:22:03,690 --> 00:22:06,277 I think it’s certainly within the realm of feasibility... 321 00:22:06,366 --> 00:22:11,742 ...that some found an ecological niche to survive in and may even exist today. 322 00:22:13,249 --> 00:22:16,415 And I point out that while we hear UFO abductees... 323 00:22:16,504 --> 00:22:19,875 ...talking about little Greys and tall humanoids, 324 00:22:19,964 --> 00:22:24,479 a minority of them do report encounters with, with what we would call Reptoids. 325 00:22:24,831 --> 00:22:26,034 So, it’s possible... 326 00:22:27,146 --> 00:22:30,426 ...that on some planet, if not Earth, somewhere else, 327 00:22:30,854 --> 00:22:32,936 they evolved from dinosaurs. 328 00:22:34,645 --> 00:22:39,365 To find another place in the universe that was so rich with resources... 329 00:22:39,454 --> 00:22:41,985 ...and so capable of supporting life, 330 00:22:42,348 --> 00:22:45,180 was probably a very exciting discovery... 331 00:22:45,269 --> 00:22:49,043 ...for extraterrestrial visitors to Earth in our prehistory. 332 00:22:50,266 --> 00:22:54,408 In their eyes, this could have been the place they could colonise, 333 00:22:54,881 --> 00:22:59,483 or, perhaps, act as a working environment for experiments they were doing... 334 00:22:59,572 --> 00:23:02,220 ...with new species they were trying to engineer. 335 00:23:05,149 --> 00:23:11,087 Maybe they manipulated dinosaur DNA to favour certain mutations. 336 00:23:11,599 --> 00:23:15,461 By playing with certain mutations in the genes of dinosaurs, 337 00:23:15,916 --> 00:23:20,136 highly advanced extraterrestrials through genetic modification... 338 00:23:20,225 --> 00:23:23,982 ...may have been able to alter the course of dinosaur evolution... 339 00:23:24,071 --> 00:23:26,667 ...to favour the rise of mammals. 340 00:23:27,346 --> 00:23:31,481 Is it possible celestial travelers manipulated the DNA... 341 00:23:31,570 --> 00:23:36,344 ...of reptiles and mammals on Earth, as ancient astronaut theorists believe? 342 00:23:38,046 --> 00:23:40,664 And could one of their experiments have resulted... 343 00:23:40,753 --> 00:23:46,628 ...in a reptilian human hybrid species that now exists primarily underground? 344 00:23:49,021 --> 00:23:51,654 It’s very possible that the reptilian agenda... 345 00:23:51,743 --> 00:23:53,675 ...extends well into our history. 346 00:23:54,123 --> 00:23:57,447 We really don’t know the full record of dinosaurs on our planet... 347 00:23:58,034 --> 00:24:00,423 ...since dinosaurs were here for millions of years. 348 00:24:01,623 --> 00:24:04,760 Many of these references to a current reptilian race... 349 00:24:04,849 --> 00:24:07,154 ...or an ancient serpent race that was worshiped... 350 00:24:07,243 --> 00:24:10,407 ...by various cultures could be an offshoot, 351 00:24:10,496 --> 00:24:14,392 a genetic variation of dinosaurs that naturally evolved here on Earth. 352 00:24:15,929 --> 00:24:20,233 If extraterrestrials had somehow assisted the evolution of reptiles, 353 00:24:20,322 --> 00:24:21,720 as well as human beings, 354 00:24:22,243 --> 00:24:25,776 could have been some mixing of reptile and human genes? 355 00:24:26,556 --> 00:24:28,420 Perhaps we need to look no further... 356 00:24:29,304 --> 00:24:30,979 ...than our own bodies. 357 00:24:39,548 --> 00:24:42,307 Punjab, India, 2001. 358 00:24:44,320 --> 00:24:48,016 A boy named Balaji is born with a bizarre deformity: 359 00:24:49,282 --> 00:24:50,738 a seven-inch tail. 360 00:24:52,851 --> 00:24:55,229 Believing his tail to be a sign of divinity, 361 00:24:55,899 --> 00:25:01,016 people begin flocking to his house offering prayers, money and gifts, 362 00:25:01,629 --> 00:25:04,461 hoping their wishes would be fulfilled in return. 363 00:25:05,460 --> 00:25:06,878 He otherwise seemed normal, 364 00:25:06,967 --> 00:25:11,328 but he had a weird serpent-like tail at the base of his spine. 365 00:25:12,108 --> 00:25:15,363 And the reason why he was being worshipped... 366 00:25:16,460 --> 00:25:21,743 ...was that their own legends reported beings with tails like this. 367 00:25:22,420 --> 00:25:25,863 And they thought that he was the reincarnated form... 368 00:25:28,288 --> 00:25:29,597 ...of one of the gods. 369 00:25:31,270 --> 00:25:36,005 Over 100 cases of human tails have been reported in medical journals... 370 00:25:36,094 --> 00:25:37,630 ...since the 1800s. 371 00:25:39,438 --> 00:25:44,230 Every human embryo has a small tail in the early stages of development... 372 00:25:44,866 --> 00:25:48,908 ...which is reabsorbed by the growing body by nine weeks of pregnancy. 373 00:25:50,561 --> 00:25:54,371 Similarities in the developmental stages of embryos of animals... 374 00:25:54,460 --> 00:25:56,702 ...have been observed for a very long time. 375 00:25:56,791 --> 00:26:01,508 Darwin noted that closely-related species often have embryos... 376 00:26:01,597 --> 00:26:03,979 ...that start off looking essentially identical. 377 00:26:05,760 --> 00:26:07,544 And then, it’s not until later in development... 378 00:26:07,633 --> 00:26:10,170 ...that they start to develop some of their characteristics... 379 00:26:10,259 --> 00:26:12,873 ...that sort of uniquely define the different species. 380 00:26:13,965 --> 00:26:17,700 And in fact, our own embryos have a tail for instance... 381 00:26:17,789 --> 00:26:21,284 ...and look very much like the embryos of, of other vertebrae animals... 382 00:26:21,373 --> 00:26:24,410 ...if we go, you know, really early, early into our development. 383 00:26:26,689 --> 00:26:27,915 If you go back far enough, 384 00:26:28,004 --> 00:26:30,933 humans and reptiles share a common ancestor. 385 00:26:31,804 --> 00:26:34,118 If you go back about 300 million years before present, 386 00:26:34,533 --> 00:26:37,959 you find this group that’s evolving where one line went off... 387 00:26:38,048 --> 00:26:40,738 ...towards the, what’s now the reptiles and the birds. 388 00:26:40,827 --> 00:26:43,359 And the other line went off to a whole series of animals, 389 00:26:43,448 --> 00:26:46,093 including the ancestors of what became the mammals. 390 00:26:47,135 --> 00:26:49,268 And that occurred, that split starts to occur... 391 00:26:49,357 --> 00:26:51,214 ...probably about 250 million years before present. 392 00:26:52,823 --> 00:26:55,498 For so many years, we grew up thinking... 393 00:26:55,587 --> 00:26:59,782 ...that, you know, reptiles were the closest relative to dinosaurs... 394 00:26:59,871 --> 00:27:02,240 ...and that now, we know that’s a little bit different. 395 00:27:02,751 --> 00:27:04,641 In fact, if you look at Tyrannosaurus, 396 00:27:04,730 --> 00:27:07,472 it’s essentially the predecessor to modern birds. 397 00:27:08,203 --> 00:27:11,073 So we go way back and we look at how evolution... 398 00:27:11,162 --> 00:27:13,625 ...has changed animal forms over the years. 399 00:27:14,086 --> 00:27:17,059 Some of the mammals looked a lot like reptiles. 400 00:27:17,148 --> 00:27:19,241 They looked like little furred lizards, in fact. 401 00:27:19,657 --> 00:27:21,390 So, yeah, I mean if, if, you know, 402 00:27:21,479 --> 00:27:25,000 looking at, at the evolution of, of life on the planet, 403 00:27:25,089 --> 00:27:26,286 yeah, we’re all, we’re all related. 404 00:27:27,982 --> 00:27:30,373 In addition to humans born with tails, 405 00:27:30,994 --> 00:27:32,767 there are other genetic conditions... 406 00:27:32,856 --> 00:27:36,178 ...that might suggest a link with our reptilian past. 407 00:27:37,547 --> 00:27:41,761 People with the disease Ichthyosis have dry, scaly skin. 408 00:27:43,815 --> 00:27:47,959 And people with the diseases called Syndactyly and Ectrodactyly... 409 00:27:48,628 --> 00:27:51,284 ...have fused fingers and claw-like hands. 410 00:27:52,643 --> 00:27:54,269 There’s even a Biblical legend... 411 00:27:54,810 --> 00:27:57,199 ...that people who lived before the patriarch Noah... 412 00:27:57,598 --> 00:27:58,826 ...had webbed fingers. 413 00:28:00,068 --> 00:28:02,940 Legend says that until the time of Noah, 414 00:28:04,076 --> 00:28:08,935 all human beings were born with webbed fingers. 415 00:28:09,686 --> 00:28:11,391 Almost reptilian in nature. 416 00:28:12,326 --> 00:28:16,460 And that Noah was the first to be born without that. 417 00:28:17,105 --> 00:28:21,756 And as such was a sign and a symbol of things to come. 418 00:28:24,133 --> 00:28:25,572 Might there have been a time... 419 00:28:25,661 --> 00:28:29,433 ...when reptilian characteristics were more prevalent in humans? 420 00:28:30,190 --> 00:28:32,594 There are traditions in numerous cultures... 421 00:28:32,683 --> 00:28:36,049 ...of reptilian bloodlines associated with royalty. 422 00:28:37,647 --> 00:28:42,016 According to legend, Alexander the Great was sired by a dragon. 423 00:28:43,196 --> 00:28:47,668 Japanese legends state the founder of the imperial dynasty, Jimo, 424 00:28:48,604 --> 00:28:51,152 was the great-grandson of a dragon god. 425 00:28:52,417 --> 00:28:55,867 And in China, ancient emperors were described... 426 00:28:55,956 --> 00:28:58,119 ...as having a dragon-like appearance. 427 00:28:59,231 --> 00:29:01,552 Is it possible these ancient rulers... 428 00:29:02,414 --> 00:29:06,497 ...did have a more direct connection to reptilian ancestors? 429 00:29:07,633 --> 00:29:11,265 The royal bloodline issue is one of which they believe... 430 00:29:11,354 --> 00:29:14,492 ...that the heredity of certain individuals... 431 00:29:14,581 --> 00:29:17,860 ...carried some form of a unique signature in their blood... 432 00:29:19,599 --> 00:29:23,424 ...that was bestowed upon them by ancient reptilian human beings. 433 00:29:24,928 --> 00:29:26,405 So, let’s ask this question: 434 00:29:27,461 --> 00:29:30,211 why throughout known human history... 435 00:29:31,390 --> 00:29:35,876 ...have there been certain families and bloodlines... 436 00:29:36,963 --> 00:29:43,300 ...that have claimed to be superior to the rest of humanity? 437 00:29:43,693 --> 00:29:47,306 So superior that they have a right to rule over them? 438 00:29:48,655 --> 00:29:52,674 Why did Chinese emperors claim the right to rule... 439 00:29:52,763 --> 00:29:56,418 ...because of their alleged descendants from the serpent gods? 440 00:29:57,982 --> 00:30:02,000 Why did the, the kings of Media, now Iran, 441 00:30:02,656 --> 00:30:06,105 why were they called the Dragon Dynasty of Media? 442 00:30:06,937 --> 00:30:11,718 Why is this constant theme unfolding all the way through history? 443 00:30:15,489 --> 00:30:19,693 Might the stories of rulers with reptilian bloodlines be true? 444 00:30:21,106 --> 00:30:24,727 And if so, is it possible that all humans... 445 00:30:24,816 --> 00:30:28,470 ...have a genetic connection to Reptilian ancestors? 446 00:30:29,727 --> 00:30:34,175 Some believe more proof can be found in our brains. 447 00:30:39,046 --> 00:30:41,512 January 1977. 448 00:30:43,074 --> 00:30:47,880 Esteemed scientist Carl Sagan publishes his Pulitzer Prize winning book... 449 00:30:48,997 --> 00:30:50,284 "Dragons of Eden:" 450 00:30:51,029 --> 00:30:54,424 "Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence." 451 00:30:56,147 --> 00:31:00,589 The book explores the theory put forth by neuroscientist Paul MacLean, 452 00:31:01,203 --> 00:31:05,133 which connects parts of the brain to different time periods in history. 453 00:31:07,948 --> 00:31:11,012 Paul MacLean suggested that the forebrain itself... 454 00:31:11,101 --> 00:31:13,910 ...could actually be subdivided into three different parts. 455 00:31:15,115 --> 00:31:17,396 One of which he called the reptilian complex. 456 00:31:17,485 --> 00:31:21,008 The other, he called the paleomammalian complex, 457 00:31:21,097 --> 00:31:23,642 or later was referred to as the limbic system. 458 00:31:23,937 --> 00:31:26,947 And the third, he called the neomammalian complex. 459 00:31:28,651 --> 00:31:30,668 This was significant because he tied... 460 00:31:30,757 --> 00:31:33,773 ...these three different aspects of the forebrain... 461 00:31:33,862 --> 00:31:36,236 ...to evolutionary history into development. 462 00:31:36,553 --> 00:31:40,207 So he suggested that the more primitive reptilian brain... 463 00:31:40,685 --> 00:31:42,108 ...was the oldest part of the brain... 464 00:31:42,197 --> 00:31:45,384 ...and it was reminiscent of our evolving from reptiles. 465 00:31:47,387 --> 00:31:49,975 So the reptilian complex or the basal ganglia, 466 00:31:50,440 --> 00:31:56,711 MacLean associated with some of the more aggressive behaviours or territoriality. 467 00:31:57,132 --> 00:32:01,244 Some of these things we typically associate with many reptilian species. 468 00:32:02,590 --> 00:32:05,059 If a human only had the reptilian part of the brain, 469 00:32:05,402 --> 00:32:08,205 they basically would be operating just by instinct. 470 00:32:08,527 --> 00:32:10,260 If they want food, they would just take it. 471 00:32:12,264 --> 00:32:14,415 If they want sex, they would just rape the person. 472 00:32:14,504 --> 00:32:16,854 There would be no higher order of thought at all. 473 00:32:19,173 --> 00:32:21,781 Carl Sagan suggested that we need... 474 00:32:21,870 --> 00:32:24,777 ...to actually focus on the reptilian brain... 475 00:32:25,199 --> 00:32:27,917 ...because that's where these primitive urges of aggression... 476 00:32:28,006 --> 00:32:29,571 ...and territorialism come from. 477 00:32:29,660 --> 00:32:34,078 Especially in an age where we're involved with a lot of war and conflict. 478 00:32:35,979 --> 00:32:38,700 And where governments are appealing to our fear... 479 00:32:38,789 --> 00:32:42,251 ...and our primitive aspects of our, that are motivating us. 480 00:32:46,441 --> 00:32:49,996 But is it possible that the reptilian aspect of our brains, 481 00:32:50,545 --> 00:32:52,646 along with rare human anomalies, 482 00:32:53,286 --> 00:32:54,880 like people born with tails, 483 00:32:56,070 --> 00:33:00,530 scaly skin and fused fingers might be the result... 484 00:33:00,619 --> 00:33:04,657 ...of something other than our evolution from prehistoric reptiles? 485 00:33:05,602 --> 00:33:06,903 Could it be evidence... 486 00:33:06,992 --> 00:33:10,107 ...that the so-called Reptilians not only exist, 487 00:33:10,603 --> 00:33:14,084 but that we may even share a similar genetic makeup? 488 00:33:15,722 --> 00:33:21,372 Ancient astronaut theorists believe the answer may lie with religious texts... 489 00:33:21,461 --> 00:33:25,985 ...describing human-like entities with reptilian characteristics. 490 00:33:33,202 --> 00:33:37,557 Nag Hammadi, Egypt. December, 1945. 491 00:33:40,797 --> 00:33:44,020 A farmer discovers a sealed earthenware jar... 492 00:33:44,109 --> 00:33:47,174 ...containing 13 leather-bound papyrus books. 493 00:33:49,495 --> 00:33:53,200 These books, now known as the Nag Hammadi codices, 494 00:33:53,733 --> 00:33:56,868 were written by the early Christians known as Gnostics... 495 00:33:57,241 --> 00:33:59,518 ...in the first several centuries A.D. 496 00:34:02,587 --> 00:34:06,904 These mysterious texts contain the gospels of Thomas and Philip, 497 00:34:07,445 --> 00:34:10,907 as well as other previously unknown secret gospels. 498 00:34:12,352 --> 00:34:15,483 Mixed in with the religious writings are poems, 499 00:34:15,572 --> 00:34:17,641 instructions for mystical practice, 500 00:34:18,212 --> 00:34:21,252 and a description of the origin of the universe. 501 00:34:22,589 --> 00:34:27,085 They shed a great deal of light on early religious issues, 502 00:34:27,174 --> 00:34:29,305 biblical texts, and biblical history. 503 00:34:30,000 --> 00:34:34,395 And they made a mention of a very mysterious race of creatures... 504 00:34:34,484 --> 00:34:36,359 ...that have become known as the archons. 505 00:34:38,526 --> 00:34:42,086 We don't really know what the archons were or even are. 506 00:34:42,769 --> 00:34:46,124 What's interesting is that there is actually a depiction... 507 00:34:46,213 --> 00:34:50,726 ...and description of the archons looking definitively Reptilian. 508 00:34:51,403 --> 00:34:53,275 So, this has given rise to the idea 509 00:34:53,364 --> 00:34:57,454 that perhaps, the reptilians, the archons were one and the same. 510 00:34:58,466 --> 00:35:02,160 They’re very robot-like, very machine-like, 511 00:35:03,924 --> 00:35:06,323 and therefore, very predictable. 512 00:35:07,088 --> 00:35:10,258 And given that you see the machine-like nature... 513 00:35:10,347 --> 00:35:13,606 ...of so many reptilian animals... 514 00:35:13,695 --> 00:35:16,170 ...and what have you in, in the human society, 515 00:35:16,566 --> 00:35:18,445 there is a correlation between the two... 516 00:35:18,534 --> 00:35:22,596 ...and why, shy the reptilian form is so common... 517 00:35:22,685 --> 00:35:28,050 ...an expression of this machine-like, unemotional, computer-like mentality. 518 00:35:30,550 --> 00:35:33,525 Considering that the reptilian aspect of our brains ... 519 00:35:33,614 --> 00:35:35,313 ...is believed to be responsible... 520 00:35:35,402 --> 00:35:37,992 ...for our most aggressive and reflexive behaviours, 521 00:35:39,183 --> 00:35:41,903 is it possible the stories of the archons... 522 00:35:41,992 --> 00:35:45,421 ...really are describing Reptilian humanoid beings? 523 00:35:46,377 --> 00:35:49,277 And might our own so-called "Reptilian traits"... 524 00:35:49,755 --> 00:35:52,607 ...really be the product of alien engineering? 525 00:35:53,994 --> 00:35:59,134 People focus on the Garden of Eden story in the Bible, as if it’s a one-off. 526 00:36:00,291 --> 00:36:01,692 Look around the world, 527 00:36:01,781 --> 00:36:05,068 and you’ll find similar stories on a similar theme. 528 00:36:05,157 --> 00:36:09,771 It seems to be talking about when humans were created: 529 00:36:10,331 --> 00:36:11,858 Adam and Eve. 530 00:36:13,360 --> 00:36:15,852 I would strongly suggest, from my research, 531 00:36:15,941 --> 00:36:17,939 that actually, it’s not talking about that at all. 532 00:36:18,028 --> 00:36:21,699 It’s talking about the point when human genetics... 533 00:36:22,429 --> 00:36:26,581 were interfered with and genetically manipulated. 534 00:36:27,847 --> 00:36:30,944 And so, humans became at that point, 535 00:36:31,891 --> 00:36:34,118 themselves, a hybrid, 536 00:36:35,355 --> 00:36:38,219 which had a great infusion, I would suggest, 537 00:36:38,308 --> 00:36:40,674 of what I would call archon genetics. 538 00:36:40,763 --> 00:36:43,029 Symbolically, the serpent in the Garden of Eden. 539 00:36:44,231 --> 00:36:46,030 One could make the argument... 540 00:36:46,119 --> 00:36:50,927 ...that the being that approached Eve in the Garden of Eden... 541 00:36:51,367 --> 00:36:53,520 ...might have been a Reptilian. 542 00:36:54,726 --> 00:36:59,616 And one suggestion is that the whole idea of the Garden of Eden... 543 00:36:59,705 --> 00:37:02,375 ...was nothing else but some type of a lab. 544 00:37:02,857 --> 00:37:09,147 A lab that was run by extra-terrestrials in which we were ultimately created. 545 00:37:09,654 --> 00:37:15,317 Now, this sounds absolutely insane and I’m aware of how this sounds. 546 00:37:15,807 --> 00:37:18,978 But if you look into the whole story, 547 00:37:19,067 --> 00:37:22,323 along with all the other supporting accounts, 548 00:37:23,144 --> 00:37:26,350 then, if you are of the same mindset, 549 00:37:27,477 --> 00:37:30,262 you could potentially come to the same conclusion. 550 00:37:32,093 --> 00:37:36,061 Are human beings really the product of genetic manipulation... 551 00:37:36,150 --> 00:37:38,282 ...by extraterrestrial visitors? 552 00:37:39,288 --> 00:37:43,278 And were our ancestors some form of reptilian-human hybrid? 553 00:37:45,282 --> 00:37:48,143 Many ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 554 00:37:48,856 --> 00:37:53,586 and they believe that reptilian humanoids not only existed on our planet... 555 00:37:53,675 --> 00:37:55,616 ...tens of thousands of years ago, 556 00:37:56,390 --> 00:38:00,510 but that they are alive and well and living among us to this day. 557 00:38:08,894 --> 00:38:11,737 Eugene, Oregon, 1982. 558 00:38:13,847 --> 00:38:18,441 Wes Penre woke up in his bedroom feeling paralysed and icy cold. 559 00:38:20,214 --> 00:38:23,708 He saw what he described as a horrible creature across the room, 560 00:38:24,321 --> 00:38:29,398 green, hairless, extremely muscular and with red glowing eyes. 561 00:38:30,610 --> 00:38:32,345 Wes was terrified, 562 00:38:32,434 --> 00:38:34,790 until the creature disappeared from his room. 563 00:38:38,690 --> 00:38:40,013 During the early 1980s, 564 00:38:40,102 --> 00:38:42,310 I noticed that there were reports coming across... 565 00:38:42,399 --> 00:38:44,637 ...of individuals who claimed to have had contact, 566 00:38:44,726 --> 00:38:47,127 not with the small diminutive little Grey beings... 567 00:38:47,216 --> 00:38:50,014 ...or the Nordic blondes from the 50s. 568 00:38:50,103 --> 00:38:51,494 These were quite different. 569 00:38:52,117 --> 00:38:55,356 These were reptilian humanoid beings. 570 00:38:55,445 --> 00:38:58,751 In other words, humanoid beings that had reptilian physiology... 571 00:38:58,842 --> 00:38:59,864 ...to their outer appearance. 572 00:39:00,360 --> 00:39:02,980 And they started showing up in some of the shadows... 573 00:39:03,069 --> 00:39:05,730 ...of some of the more reliable cases that I was investigating. 574 00:39:09,083 --> 00:39:10,431 I'm aware of a number of cases... 575 00:39:10,520 --> 00:39:13,185 ...where people have woken up in the middle of the night... 576 00:39:13,274 --> 00:39:15,827 ...sort of frozen in bed unable to move, 577 00:39:15,916 --> 00:39:19,410 and seen these seven7 to 8-foot tall reptilian type creatures... 578 00:39:19,499 --> 00:39:20,768 ...just hovering over them. 579 00:39:22,342 --> 00:39:25,540 And each and every person who reported on this 580 00:39:25,629 --> 00:39:29,534 has just got a sense of just complete dread and hatred. 581 00:39:30,687 --> 00:39:33,886 Now, you could, I guess, make the argument... 582 00:39:33,975 --> 00:39:35,612 that the person is so terrified, 583 00:39:36,163 --> 00:39:38,702 they assumed that the reptilians were hostile. 584 00:39:38,791 --> 00:39:40,776 That's an interesting angle to take. 585 00:39:41,377 --> 00:39:44,893 Maybe it's just they look fierce, they look intimidating, 586 00:39:45,379 --> 00:39:47,581 that we necessarily assume they are. 587 00:39:48,069 --> 00:39:48,924 Perhaps they're not. 588 00:39:52,715 --> 00:39:57,372 Could recent reports of human encounters with strange, reptile-like creatures... 589 00:39:57,791 --> 00:40:01,917 ...really be proof that our reptilian ancestors still exist? 590 00:40:03,022 --> 00:40:05,778 But if so, what is their objective? 591 00:40:06,883 --> 00:40:09,315 The reptilian agenda is very simple. 592 00:40:11,096 --> 00:40:15,635 They are seeking to hijack life on Earth... 593 00:40:17,553 --> 00:40:21,649 to over now thousands of years and more, 594 00:40:22,761 --> 00:40:25,819 infiltrate and infiltrate human society, 595 00:40:26,657 --> 00:40:28,486 to change it into their image, 596 00:40:30,625 --> 00:40:35,486 to centralise power in the hands of those that represent their interests... 597 00:40:35,932 --> 00:40:38,972 ...to the point where they dictate from a central point. 598 00:40:41,726 --> 00:40:47,694 You have to wonder just what role reptilians do play in this planet. 599 00:40:49,494 --> 00:40:55,350 And whether there's some kind of battle between various extraterrestrial races... 600 00:40:57,435 --> 00:41:01,047 ...and that the reptilians have been forced underground, 601 00:41:02,316 --> 00:41:06,483 away from our civilisation by other extraterrestrials... 602 00:41:06,572 --> 00:41:10,442 who have, in a sense, won the battle for planet Earth. 603 00:41:12,349 --> 00:41:16,410 Because the reptilians seem hostile and look hostile, 604 00:41:17,054 --> 00:41:19,900 does that mean there's an agenda to take us over, 605 00:41:19,989 --> 00:41:22,078 to wipe us out, I don't know. 606 00:41:23,261 --> 00:41:25,715 We could look at it from the perspective we're like cattle. 607 00:41:25,804 --> 00:41:28,246 The reptilians have no desire to wipe us out, 608 00:41:28,646 --> 00:41:32,193 but in some capacity, we're useful to them... 609 00:41:32,282 --> 00:41:34,777 in the same way that a cow is useful to a farmer. 610 00:41:35,572 --> 00:41:39,253 Personally, I do not subscribe to the Reptilian Agenda. 611 00:41:39,841 --> 00:41:45,023 We are not slaves. We have free will. We can do whatever the hell we want. 612 00:41:45,694 --> 00:41:49,445 It is very easy for human beings... 613 00:41:50,030 --> 00:41:54,199 to say, "Oh, look, the reason why we’re in this shape on planet Earth..." 614 00:41:54,289 --> 00:41:58,965 "...is because we’re a slave species, we are beholden to them." 615 00:42:01,473 --> 00:42:03,315 I would have to say that the thing... 616 00:42:03,404 --> 00:42:07,549 ...that will finally unite humans and reptoids together... 617 00:42:08,020 --> 00:42:11,952 is actually the fact that we all descended from a common heritage. 618 00:42:12,430 --> 00:42:14,100 And even though we look different now, 619 00:42:14,409 --> 00:42:17,460 if we share our planet and have different physical appearances, 620 00:42:17,769 --> 00:42:18,874 it doesn’t really matter. 621 00:42:19,611 --> 00:42:23,106 I think it would be great to reinvent humankind... 622 00:42:23,195 --> 00:42:26,559 ...by introducing us to another alien species. 623 00:42:27,357 --> 00:42:30,865 So there are advantages to be had for contact with these entities. 624 00:42:35,600 --> 00:42:40,303 Do scaly, humanoid creatures known as Reptilians really exist? 625 00:42:41,948 --> 00:42:45,516 And if so, are they an alien-created species? 626 00:42:46,519 --> 00:42:49,684 One which harbors a sinister plan for humanity? 627 00:42:50,868 --> 00:42:54,324 Or will they reveal themselves to be our genetic brothers... 628 00:42:54,834 --> 00:43:00,411 and initiate a future where reptilians and humans finally become one?