1 00:00:04.714 --> 00:00:07.592 [ Man Narrating ] Every action is being monitored. 2 00:00:09.344 --> 00:00:12.889 There are millions and millions of cameras everywhere you go. 3 00:00:13.431 --> 00:00:15.934 [ Narrator] Every conversation is recorded. 4 00:00:16.170 --> 00:00:18.177 [ Man ] Cell phones are actually sending information... 5 00:00:18.228 --> 00:00:20.396 about who we're communicating with on a daily basis. 6 00:00:21.439 --> 00:00:24.442 [ Narrator] And every secret is exposed. 7 00:00:24.526 --> 00:00:26.528 [ Man ] We are headed into this direction... 8 00:00:26.611 --> 00:00:29.197 where, with a stroke of a key... 9 00:00:29.280 --> 00:00:33.340 you can figure out anything you want about a person. 10 00:00:33.117 --> 00:00:35.360 [ Narrator] As technology advances... 11 00:00:35.119 --> 00:00:39.249 information about everything and everyone... 12 00:00:39.332 --> 00:00:42.585 is becoming more accessible than ever before. 13 00:00:44.128 --> 00:00:46.881 But in this age of unlimited access... 14 00:00:46.965 --> 00:00:50.468 should we be asking not only who is watching us... 15 00:00:51.219 --> 00:00:52.720 but from where? 16 00:00:52.804 --> 00:00:55.431 [ Man ] These “Watchers,” who are extraterrestrials... 17 00:00:55.515 --> 00:00:58.226 were all over the Earth in ancient times. 18 00:00:58.309 --> 00:01:01.896 Watching people on Earth, watching civilization grow... 19 00:01:01.980 --> 00:01:05.733 and you have to wonder, isn't this still happening today? 20 00:01:06.818 --> 00:01:08.945 [ Narrator] Millions of people around the world... 21 00:01:09.280 --> 00:01:13.741 believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 22 00:01:13.825 --> 00:01:16.770 What if it were true? 23 00:01:17.161 --> 00:01:21.249 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 24 00:01:21.791 --> 00:01:25.503 And if so, might they be among us today? 25 00:01:58.494 --> 00:02:01.164 [ Narrator] June 5, 2013. 26 00:02:01.873 --> 00:02:07.860 The British daily newspaper, The Guardian reveals that classified documents... 27 00:02:07.170 --> 00:02:11.215 from the United States National Security Agency have been leaked. 28 00:02:12.383 --> 00:02:16.679 Among them is an order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court... 29 00:02:16.763 --> 00:02:19.849 requiring Verizon to hand over metadata... 30 00:02:19.932 --> 00:02:24.812 from millions of Americans' phone calls to the FBI and NSA. 31 00:02:25.480 --> 00:02:28.149 Four days later, Edward Snowden... 32 00:02:28.232 --> 00:02:32.487 a former cyber-security expert for the Central Intelligence Agency... 33 00:02:32.570 --> 00:02:36.741 comes forward lo identify himself as the source of the leak. 34 00:02:37.283 --> 00:02:40.536 When asked to explain his actions, Snowden states... 35 00:02:41.790 --> 00:02:46.668 “I can get your emails, passwords, phone records, credit cards. 36 00:02:46.751 --> 00:02:51.714 I do not want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded.” 37 00:02:54.175 --> 00:02:56.469 The NSA is the National Security Agency... 38 00:02:56.552 --> 00:02:58.781 or, as some people call it, the National Spying Agency... 39 00:02:58.805 --> 00:03:01.265 which is in control of monitoring... 40 00:03:01.349 --> 00:03:03.267 the communication systems throughout the world. 41 00:03:05.436 --> 00:03:07.855 Every form of electronic communication... 42 00:03:07.939 --> 00:03:11.192 supposedly for the purposes of national security... 43 00:03:11.275 --> 00:03:14.862 to identify and neutralize any threats to America. 44 00:03:14.946 --> 00:03:19.330 One of the documents that Edward Snowden released was about a Project Mystic... 45 00:03:19.117 --> 00:03:22.870 which has the capability to record the actual audio... 46 00:03:22.954 --> 00:03:27.792 of every conversation in an entire country, if not the planet. 47 00:03:29.850 --> 00:03:30.604 [ Man ] Technology is really interesting... 48 00:03:30.628 --> 00:03:32.797 as it enhances our life in so many ways. 49 00:03:32.880 --> 00:03:34.549 But with each of those enhancements... 50 00:03:34.632 --> 00:03:38.100 there's also something potentially taken away, depending on how you see it. 51 00:03:38.940 --> 00:03:44.767 For example, our privacy is changing, or is actually getting reduced almost daily. 52 00:03:47.729 --> 00:03:50.189 We've never experienced a society... 53 00:03:50.273 --> 00:03:52.692 where there are so many microphones... 54 00:03:52.775 --> 00:03:56.362 millions and millions of cameras everywhere you go. 55 00:03:56.446 --> 00:03:59.449 [ Man ] We are moving our entire lives... 56 00:03:59.532 --> 00:04:02.493 into what is known as the Cloud. 57 00:04:02.577 --> 00:04:04.704 We are headed into this direction where... 58 00:04:04.787 --> 00:04:06.581 with a stroke of a key... 59 00:04:06.664 --> 00:04:09.584 you can figure out anything you want about a person. 60 00:04:12.253 --> 00:04:14.173 [ Narrator] As technology continues to advance... 61 00:04:14.213 --> 00:04:15.882 at an ever-increasing rate... 62 00:04:15.965 --> 00:04:21.120 we gain greater access to information both from and about each other... 63 00:04:21.763 --> 00:04:26.100 becoming interconnected unlike any other time in our history. 64 00:04:26.184 --> 00:04:29.520 There are those who believe that this evolution of technology... 65 00:04:29.604 --> 00:04:32.640 is not entirely of our own making. 66 00:04:32.148 --> 00:04:35.485 But that we have been guided by visitors that first came to Earth... 67 00:04:35.568 --> 00:04:38.237 thousands of years ago. 68 00:04:38.863 --> 00:04:43.451 From the perspective that I look at it all is that a long time ago... 69 00:04:43.534 --> 00:04:48.915 extraterrestrials provided the basic tools, the basic knowledge... 70 00:04:48.998 --> 00:04:52.430 with the idea that ultimately... 71 00:04:52.126 --> 00:04:56.923 we would turn or become the society that we are today. 72 00:04:58.674 --> 00:05:02.804 So is it possible that we are still being observed? 73 00:05:02.887 --> 00:05:05.970 And the answer is a resounding “yes.” 74 00:05:08.184 --> 00:05:10.478 [ Narrator] Ancient astronaut theorists contend... 75 00:05:10.561 --> 00:05:13.640 that it is by extraterrestrial design... 76 00:05:13.147 --> 00:05:16.275 that we have become so technologically interconnected... 77 00:05:16.359 --> 00:05:19.821 and that we are being watched not only by agencies of the government... 78 00:05:19.904 --> 00:05:23.241 but by beings from beyond our world. 79 00:05:23.908 --> 00:05:28.204 They also claim that they set us on this course in the ancient past... 80 00:05:28.287 --> 00:05:30.915 and that we can find evidence of their existence... 81 00:05:30.998 --> 00:05:33.543 in the stories of a group of ancient aliens... 82 00:05:33.626 --> 00:05:35.503 known as the “Watchers.” 83 00:05:39.423 --> 00:05:43.177 In the fourth chapter of the Hebrew Bible's Book of Daniel... 84 00:05:43.261 --> 00:05:47.223 the Watchers are described as a group of divine overseers... 85 00:05:47.306 --> 00:05:50.184 later associated with angels. 86 00:05:50.268 --> 00:05:52.270 [ Man ] The Watchers are essentially messengers... 87 00:05:52.353 --> 00:05:56.774 and so this is why many scholars understand the Watchers... 88 00:05:56.858 --> 00:06:00.528 to be a class of angels, since angels were understood to be messengers in the Bible. 89 00:06:01.571 --> 00:06:05.992 They're tasked with managing the Earth and watching over humans. 90 00:06:06.534 --> 00:06:08.870 And some of these are said to be good Watchers. 91 00:06:08.953 --> 00:06:10.621 They do their jobs dutifully. 92 00:06:10.705 --> 00:06:13.624 And others are said to be bad Watchers. 93 00:06:14.375 --> 00:06:16.711 [ Man ] it is said about the Watchers... 94 00:06:16.794 --> 00:06:19.380 that nothing happens on Earth... 95 00:06:19.463 --> 00:06:23.134 that is not ordained by their hand and executed by their agents. 96 00:06:23.718 --> 00:06:25.720 Who are they? What are they? 97 00:06:25.803 --> 00:06:29.807 Well, Daniel doesn't necessarily go into greater detail. 98 00:06:29.891 --> 00:06:33.269 But there were numerous other texts... 99 00:06:33.352 --> 00:06:37.523 that teach more about that which is recorded in the biblical books. 100 00:06:37.607 --> 00:06:39.984 One of the most famous, of course, is the Book of Enoch. 101 00:06:41.527 --> 00:06:43.112 [ Narrator] The Book of Enoch... 102 00:06:43.195 --> 00:06:46.991 containing the firsthand account of the great-grandfather of Noah... 103 00:06:47.740 --> 00:06:49.619 was stricken from the Bible's Old Testament... 104 00:06:49.702 --> 00:06:54.665 at the Council of Laodicea in the fourth century AD. 105 00:06:56.459 --> 00:06:59.337 In the third book of this apocryphal text... 106 00:06:59.420 --> 00:07:02.757 Enoch says an angel known as a “Watcher”... 107 00:07:02.840 --> 00:07:07.637 took him aboard a fiery chariot that ascended to heaven. 108 00:07:09.931 --> 00:07:15.610 Enoch is brought up into outer space, into heaven. 109 00:07:17.438 --> 00:07:19.482 It's fascinatingly detailed... 110 00:07:19.565 --> 00:07:23.110 and the reports of crystal walls... 111 00:07:23.194 --> 00:07:26.113 with light coming out of them and crystal rooms... 112 00:07:26.197 --> 00:07:29.492 sounds like someone with primitive language skills... 113 00:07:29.575 --> 00:07:34.121 trying to explain going into a super high-fidelity... 114 00:07:34.205 --> 00:07:36.874 science-fiction reality. 115 00:07:39.210 --> 00:07:41.629 [ Man] In many ways, when you read the Book of Enoch... 116 00:07:41.712 --> 00:07:45.132 he is an abductee by extraterrestrials... 117 00:07:45.216 --> 00:07:48.302 and they're taking him into a spaceship, they're showing him the Earth... 118 00:07:48.386 --> 00:07:50.513 they're giving him special instructions. 119 00:07:53.570 --> 00:07:55.309 [ Narrator] The Book Of Enoch also states... 120 00:07:55.393 --> 00:07:57.812 that 200 Watchers descended to Earth... 121 00:07:57.895 --> 00:08:02.316 to oversee humankind and aid in our advancement. 122 00:08:02.400 --> 00:08:06.654 The Watchers were said to have taught mankind... 123 00:08:06.737 --> 00:08:08.906 many different arts and sciences... 124 00:08:08.990 --> 00:08:12.618 that had previously only been known to the angels of heaven. 125 00:08:13.369 --> 00:08:16.288 And these included astronomy... 126 00:08:16.372 --> 00:08:17.999 metrology... 127 00:08:18.820 --> 00:08:20.626 the use of weapons. 128 00:08:21.669 --> 00:08:23.189 [ TSOUKALOS ] Enoch is talking about... 129 00:08:23.254 --> 00:08:26.700 flesh-and-blood beings who came... 130 00:08:26.900 --> 00:08:29.468 saw potential for mankind and imparted knowledge. 131 00:08:29.552 --> 00:08:32.555 Those are who the Watchers were. 132 00:08:35.182 --> 00:08:38.686 [ Narrator] Could it be that the Watchers described in the Book of Enoch... 133 00:08:38.769 --> 00:08:41.630 are extraterrestrials that came to Earth... 134 00:08:41.147 --> 00:08:44.275 and taught early humans in the distant past? 135 00:08:45.317 --> 00:08:47.194 Did they plant the seeds of knowledge... 136 00:08:47.278 --> 00:08:50.948 that would lead us to this point in our technological evolution? 137 00:08:52.450 --> 00:08:55.360 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 138 00:08:55.119 --> 00:08:57.621 and suggest that evidence for this... 139 00:08:57.705 --> 00:09:00.791 can be found in every corner of the world. 140 00:09:02.710 --> 00:09:04.670 Around the world, we find stories... 141 00:09:04.754 --> 00:09:08.490 that are strikingly similar to that of the Watchers coming to Earth... 142 00:09:08.132 --> 00:09:11.969 and giving humanity forbidden knowledge, especially the secrets of heaven. 143 00:09:13.596 --> 00:09:16.557 [ Narrator] Inca legend states that the god Viracocha... 144 00:09:16.640 --> 00:09:20.144 created humans and taught them astronomy... 145 00:09:20.227 --> 00:09:23.606 agriculture and other advanced ans. 146 00:09:25.316 --> 00:09:29.320 The Maya civilization believed their supreme god Kukulkan... 147 00:09:29.403 --> 00:09:33.657 taught humans writing, mathematics and science. 148 00:09:35.493 --> 00:09:39.205 And in ancient Chinese legend, the divine ruler Huang Di... 149 00:09:39.288 --> 00:09:41.207 introduced numerous advancements... 150 00:09:41.290 --> 00:09:45.836 such as the wheel, weaving and writing. 151 00:09:48.839 --> 00:09:52.468 [ Collins ] In Egypt, you have the god Osiris... 152 00:09:52.551 --> 00:09:55.304 revealing the wisdom to mortal kind... 153 00:09:55.387 --> 00:09:58.182 on how they could construct civilization. 154 00:09:58.849 --> 00:10:03.562 And you find this again and again, um, within the Eurasian continent... 155 00:10:03.646 --> 00:10:09.110 in Africa, but also obviously within Southwest Asia. 156 00:10:09.193 --> 00:10:11.362 You have the stories of the Anunnaki. 157 00:10:13.280 --> 00:10:16.534 [ TSOUKALOS ] The stories of the Anunnaki or the Watchers... 158 00:10:16.617 --> 00:10:22.414 or the gods in the Greek pantheon or any of the ancient gods... 159 00:10:22.498 --> 00:10:26.252 were based on physical visitations. 160 00:10:26.752 --> 00:10:30.256 [ Man ] They are all the same group, the same extraterrestrials. 161 00:10:30.339 --> 00:10:34.552 They just have received different names among the tribes and among the continents. 162 00:10:36.679 --> 00:10:41.642 [ Narrator] If extraterrestrials really did come here to Earth to assist humanity... 163 00:10:41.725 --> 00:10:43.894 what happened to them? 164 00:10:43.978 --> 00:10:48.650 Perhaps the answer can be found with one of the ancient world's... 165 00:10:48.149 --> 00:10:52.570 most powerful secret societies, which still exists today. 166 00:11:00.911 --> 00:11:02.746 [ Narrator] The Netherlands. 167 00:11:04.810 --> 00:11:06.917 March 24, 2014. 168 00:11:08.419 --> 00:11:12.256 Fifty-eight world leaders gather at the World Forum in The Hague... 169 00:11:12.339 --> 00:11:15.759 for the third biannual Nuclear Security Summit. 170 00:11:17.110 --> 00:11:21.974 In the center of the room is a giant spinning hologram of a pyramid... 171 00:11:22.570 --> 00:11:25.644 with three smaller upside-down pyramids inside it. 172 00:11:26.604 --> 00:11:30.441 This symbol, which is also worn as a pin by the delegates... 173 00:11:30.524 --> 00:11:33.527 is the summit's official logo. 174 00:11:33.611 --> 00:11:37.823 But there are some who claim it represents something else- 175 00:11:37.907 --> 00:11:41.452 the all-seeing eye of the Illuminati. 176 00:11:44.121 --> 00:11:49.430 Conspiracy theorists suggest that this centuries-old secret society... 177 00:11:49.126 --> 00:11:52.463 is alive and well in the 21st century... 178 00:11:52.546 --> 00:11:56.634 as evidenced by symbols flashed by celebrities... 179 00:11:56.717 --> 00:12:00.721 industry moguls and even heads of state. 180 00:12:01.305 --> 00:12:04.808 The modern-day Illuminati was organized by Adam Weishaupt in Germany. 181 00:12:06.477 --> 00:12:11.732 And he formulated plans so that his group could infiltrate all the key powers of society... 182 00:12:11.815 --> 00:12:17.821 the political sphere, the banking sphere, the media sphere back in the late 1700s. 183 00:12:18.656 --> 00:12:20.467 When we're talking about the Illuminati today... 184 00:12:20.491 --> 00:12:23.577 we're talking about, essentially, the most powerful secret society. 185 00:12:25.913 --> 00:12:27.706 [Shouting ] 186 00:12:27.790 --> 00:12:30.834 [ Dice] These are the people that pull the strings from behind the scenes. 187 00:12:35.673 --> 00:12:37.508 [ Narrator] Is this just paranoia... 188 00:12:37.591 --> 00:12:41.762 or might the Illuminati still be around today... 189 00:12:41.845 --> 00:12:45.266 embedded in the highest levels of society? 190 00:12:45.349 --> 00:12:48.686 And if so, what is their agenda? 191 00:12:51.105 --> 00:12:55.943 Some say the answer can be found with a much older secret society... 192 00:12:56.260 --> 00:13:00.948 which may have been the precursor to the Illuminati, the Knights Templar. 193 00:13:02.283 --> 00:13:06.662 This band of Warrior monks was formed in 7778 AD... 194 00:13:06.745 --> 00:13:11.250 to protect pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem during the Crusades. 195 00:13:14.440 --> 00:13:16.547 But many claim that their true purpose... 196 00:13:16.630 --> 00:13:21.302 was to find lost religious relics hidden at the Temple Mount. 197 00:13:22.720 --> 00:13:24.805 And during their time in Jerusalem... 198 00:13:24.888 --> 00:13:27.308 they rose from relative obscurity... 199 00:13:27.391 --> 00:13:31.200 to being the most powerful order of the Crusades. 200 00:13:31.103 --> 00:13:33.731 So far-reaching was their influence... 201 00:13:33.814 --> 00:13:38.402 that it became widely rumored they were in league with demons. 202 00:13:39.278 --> 00:13:44.740 [ Man ] Jacques de Molay, the leading figure in the history of the Knights Templar... 203 00:13:44.158 --> 00:13:48.620 was brought up on charges of treason and heresy for something like devil worship... 204 00:13:50.331 --> 00:13:53.709 somehow worshiping the dark side. 205 00:13:53.792 --> 00:13:57.171 This was the charge brought against not only de Molay... 206 00:13:57.254 --> 00:14:01.383 but the Knights Templars in general. 207 00:14:04.428 --> 00:14:08.349 [ Narrator] Is it possible the Knights Templar really were in contact... 208 00:14:08.432 --> 00:14:12.853 with otherworldly entities they encountered at the Temple Mount? 209 00:14:14.210 --> 00:14:18.567 And if so, just what were these so-called demons? 210 00:14:18.650 --> 00:14:22.446 [ Tzadok ] We are taught that these shedim, demons... 211 00:14:22.529 --> 00:14:24.615 in many ways, they are like human beings. 212 00:14:24.698 --> 00:14:26.867 And in many ways, they're like the angels. 213 00:14:26.950 --> 00:14:29.870 Some are evil. Many are good. 214 00:14:29.953 --> 00:14:32.873 Rumor has it that the Templar Knights... 215 00:14:32.956 --> 00:14:37.628 endeavored to communicate with these spiritual entities. 216 00:14:38.796 --> 00:14:42.508 This concept of demons is very different from the way we think of demons today. 217 00:14:42.591 --> 00:14:45.552 Essentially what a demon was, was an otherworldly being... 218 00:14:46.720 --> 00:14:49.223 a being that was not of this Earth- 219 00:14:49.306 --> 00:14:52.434 potentially an extraterrestrial being... 220 00:14:52.518 --> 00:14:55.813 with the word “extraterrestrial” meaning “not of this Earth.” 221 00:15:00.401 --> 00:15:03.779 [ Narrator] Could the Templars really have been influenced by aliens... 222 00:15:03.862 --> 00:15:07.157 that they misinterpreted as spiritual beings? 223 00:15:07.825 --> 00:15:10.160 Some ancient astronaut theorists say... 224 00:15:10.244 --> 00:15:14.748 that the Knights Templar were in contact with the same extraterrestrials... 225 00:15:14.832 --> 00:15:18.836 that were known in biblical times as the Watchers. 226 00:15:18.919 --> 00:15:23.966 And as evidence, they point to one of the Templars' most prominent symbols... 227 00:15:24.490 --> 00:15:29.930 the same symbol that some say was virtually present at the Nuclear Security Summit- 228 00:15:30.130 --> 00:15:31.974 the all-seeing eye. 229 00:15:33.517 --> 00:15:36.103 This symbol, which is sometimes just an eye... 230 00:15:36.186 --> 00:15:38.772 but often an eye within a pyramid... 231 00:15:38.856 --> 00:15:41.692 was used by the ancient Egyptians... 232 00:15:42.359 --> 00:15:43.944 the Knights Templar... 233 00:15:44.486 --> 00:15:46.321 the Rosicrucians... 234 00:15:47.197 --> 00:15:48.699 the Freemasons... 235 00:15:49.450 --> 00:15:51.760 the Illuminati... 236 00:15:51.660 --> 00:15:53.203 and is even incorporated... 237 00:15:53.287 --> 00:15:56.999 into the great seal of the United States. 238 00:15:57.820 --> 00:16:00.461 It is a symbol that is most commonly interpreted to mean... 239 00:16:00.544 --> 00:16:05.900 that someone, or something, is watching us. 240 00:16:05.174 --> 00:16:07.468 The Eye of Providence symbolizes... 241 00:16:07.551 --> 00:16:10.554 the idea of an omniscient, intelligent universe... 242 00:16:10.637 --> 00:16:15.184 that is overseeing all of the affairs that we have here on Earth. 243 00:16:15.767 --> 00:16:17.328 [ Man ] For many, the Eye of Providence... 244 00:16:17.352 --> 00:16:19.563 was a symbol that God was watching over us. 245 00:16:19.646 --> 00:16:22.650 But others believed that it had a much deeper meaning... 246 00:16:22.149 --> 00:16:24.985 and actually extended well beyond many other cultures... 247 00:16:25.903 --> 00:16:29.239 possibly even connected to extraterrestrials. 248 00:16:33.410 --> 00:16:36.121 [ Narrator] Could the symbol of the all-seeing eye... 249 00:16:36.205 --> 00:16:40.626 be secretly telling us that the Watchers are still here on Earth... 250 00:16:40.709 --> 00:16:44.171 working behind the scenes in secret societies... 251 00:16:44.254 --> 00:16:47.900 and even the top levels of government? 252 00:16:49.384 --> 00:16:53.472 Curiously, the Book of Enoch tells of the Watchers' arrival... 253 00:16:53.555 --> 00:16:56.808 but it never tells of their departure. 254 00:16:56.892 --> 00:16:58.977 [ Bar Tzadok ] We have the records... 255 00:16:59.610 --> 00:17:03.230 as described in the Book of Enoch and other literature... 256 00:17:03.106 --> 00:17:05.317 that when the Watchers came down... 257 00:17:05.400 --> 00:17:07.444 corrupted the human gene pool... 258 00:17:07.528 --> 00:17:10.322 introducing hidden technologies... 259 00:17:10.405 --> 00:17:12.950 centuries before they were meant to be introduced. 260 00:17:13.330 --> 00:17:15.452 Things were off track. 261 00:17:16.995 --> 00:17:19.498 It was then ordained by whatever heavenly powers... 262 00:17:19.581 --> 00:17:22.334 that we had to start from scratch. 263 00:17:22.417 --> 00:17:24.169 The flood was to come. 264 00:17:26.880 --> 00:17:29.967 But yet, what happened to the Watchers? 265 00:17:31.385 --> 00:17:33.530 They were not human... 266 00:17:33.136 --> 00:17:36.723 and therefore they were not subject to a human decree. 267 00:17:36.807 --> 00:17:40.269 Or could they be susceptible to human death? 268 00:17:40.352 --> 00:17:43.313 Well, the Bible doesn't say what happened to them. 269 00:17:43.397 --> 00:17:45.649 But the other legends do. 270 00:17:46.692 --> 00:17:49.403 In the mystical legends, it is taught... 271 00:17:49.486 --> 00:17:52.447 that a good number of them escaped the flood... 272 00:17:52.531 --> 00:17:56.326 by escaping to secret hidden places. 273 00:17:58.161 --> 00:18:01.748 [ Narrator] Is it possible that ancient aliens called the Watchers... 274 00:18:01.832 --> 00:18:06.295 actually survived the cataclysm known as the Great Flood? 275 00:18:07.254 --> 00:18:09.464 And could they not only have survived... 276 00:18:09.548 --> 00:18:13.594 but managed to live among us in secret for thousands of years? 277 00:18:15.120 --> 00:18:18.140 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 278 00:18:18.223 --> 00:18:23.562 and claim that proof can be found deep beneath the earth. 279 00:18:31.778 --> 00:18:35.320 [ Narrator] Nevsehir Province, Central Turkey. 280 00:18:36.533 --> 00:18:40.537 Hidden 60 meters below ground lies Derinkuyu... 281 00:18:41.330 --> 00:18:45.250 an ancient subterranean city that archaeologists believe... 282 00:18:45.334 --> 00:18:49.296 once housed more than 20,000 people. 283 00:18:52.507 --> 00:18:55.385 First discovered in 1963... 284 00:18:55.469 --> 00:18:58.347 some ancient astronaut theorists contend... 285 00:18:58.430 --> 00:19:00.974 the once fully functioning underground city . 286 00:19:01.580 --> 00:19:05.729 Is evidence that ancient people really were forced underground... 287 00:19:05.812 --> 00:19:07.939 by a great cataclysmic event. 288 00:19:12.235 --> 00:19:15.572 And that they may have had help from more advanced beings... 289 00:19:16.406 --> 00:19:17.908 like the Watchers. 290 00:19:21.161 --> 00:19:26.583 The amazing thing about Derinkuyu is that it was built around 9000 BC... 291 00:19:28.418 --> 00:19:31.129 just before the last Ice Age. 292 00:19:31.213 --> 00:19:34.633 And you have to ask, is it possible that it was built by the Watchers... 293 00:19:34.716 --> 00:19:40.430 as a refuge for themselves, or perhaps as a refuge for humanity? 294 00:19:42.990 --> 00:19:44.935 Archaeologists in the Middle East... 295 00:19:45.180 --> 00:19:49.220 have surmised that around 5000 BC... 296 00:19:49.106 --> 00:19:52.234 there was a huge flood throughout the Middle East... 297 00:19:54.653 --> 00:19:59.741 and it destroyed and flooded much of Sumeria and Anatolia. 298 00:20:00.701 --> 00:20:03.620 This is the same time where the city of Derinkuyu... 299 00:20:03.704 --> 00:20:06.623 was being occupied underground. 300 00:20:07.457 --> 00:20:13.255 So we might surmise that this was one of the refuges of the Watchers. 301 00:20:17.968 --> 00:20:22.180 [ Narrator] Is it really possible that the underground city of Derinkuyu... 302 00:20:22.264 --> 00:20:25.580 was constructed with the help of extraterrestrials... 303 00:20:25.142 --> 00:20:27.811 to provide shelter from a great flood? 304 00:20:28.854 --> 00:20:31.648 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 305 00:20:31.732 --> 00:20:35.402 that Derinkuyu is just one of numerous locations... 306 00:20:35.485 --> 00:20:38.196 where it appears someone or something... 307 00:20:38.280 --> 00:20:43.452 built a fortification to serve as a refuge from a great cataclysm. 308 00:20:46.705 --> 00:20:50.292 In a remote area of the Himalayan mountain range in Nepal... 309 00:20:50.375 --> 00:20:53.503 at an elevation of 14,000 feet... 310 00:20:53.587 --> 00:20:59.384 over 10,000 man-made caves have been found carved into sheer cliffs. 311 00:20:59.468 --> 00:21:05.560 Archaeologists believe they could date back more than 3,000 years... 312 00:21:05.140 --> 00:21:06.975 and struggle to explain... 313 00:21:07.580 --> 00:21:11.188 how ancient people would have been able to access these caves... 314 00:21:11.271 --> 00:21:13.815 let alone create them. 315 00:21:14.524 --> 00:21:16.526 [WILCOCK] it's not easy to get up there at all. 316 00:21:16.610 --> 00:21:20.155 It's not known, why would people take the trouble... 317 00:21:20.238 --> 00:21:25.368 to climb up a vertical cliff in the middle of the Himalayas? 318 00:21:25.452 --> 00:21:28.121 It suggests that whoever built them... 319 00:21:28.205 --> 00:21:32.167 might have had some sort of flying-craft technology. 320 00:21:38.131 --> 00:21:40.133 [ Narrator] Perhaps even more baffling... 321 00:21:40.217 --> 00:21:44.346 are the Huashan Grottos in the Anhui Province of China. 322 00:21:45.639 --> 00:21:49.142 They are the largest ancient man-made caves in the country... 323 00:21:49.226 --> 00:21:53.605 containing stone rooms, bridges and pavilions. 324 00:21:54.564 --> 00:21:59.694 Archaeologists have no idea how they were built, by whom or why. 325 00:22:01.988 --> 00:22:04.991 Could these ancient sites that defy explanation... 326 00:22:05.750 --> 00:22:10.580 have been built by alien visitors in order to survive the Great Flood? 327 00:22:12.707 --> 00:22:14.835 Ancient astronaut theorists contend... 328 00:22:14.918 --> 00:22:19.297 that perhaps the strongest proof that the Watchers survived the flood... 329 00:22:19.381 --> 00:22:23.930 can be found not in the Middle East, Asia or India... 330 00:22:23.176 --> 00:22:26.763 but in the American Southwest. 331 00:22:29.432 --> 00:22:31.977 Northeastern Arizona. 332 00:22:32.686 --> 00:22:38.400 Sprawled across this desolate and arid region lie the three mesas. 333 00:22:38.900 --> 00:22:41.778 Settlements of the Native American Hopi tribe... 334 00:22:41.862 --> 00:22:43.864 that some have long believed... 335 00:22:43.947 --> 00:22:47.576 align with the stars of Orion's Belt- 336 00:22:47.659 --> 00:22:51.788 Alnilam, Alnitak and Mintaka. 337 00:22:55.584 --> 00:22:59.170 In addition to their strong ties to the constellation of Orion... 338 00:22:59.254 --> 00:23:03.550 the Hopi also have numerous legends of the Ant People... 339 00:23:03.633 --> 00:23:07.637 an advanced race of beings that came to the aid of mankind. 340 00:23:09.931 --> 00:23:12.225 [ Man ] I've seen some of these carvings... 341 00:23:12.309 --> 00:23:16.521 on the rock cliffs in Arizona. 342 00:23:18.690 --> 00:23:23.486 The Ant People helped the Hopi survive two major cataclysms... 343 00:23:23.570 --> 00:23:27.157 the destruction of the first world by fire... 344 00:23:29.367 --> 00:23:34.748 some kind of asteroid strike or perhaps a comet hit the Earth... 345 00:23:34.831 --> 00:23:39.669 and the second world by ice, maybe a pole shift. 346 00:23:40.629 --> 00:23:45.425 But each time, the Ant People led the Hopi down into caverns... 347 00:23:45.508 --> 00:23:49.346 and helped them survive in a subterranean world. 348 00:23:50.972 --> 00:23:53.892 [ Henry] This story is strikingly similar to that of the Watchers... 349 00:23:53.975 --> 00:23:57.604 who sought to protect the humans that they had interacted with. 350 00:23:57.687 --> 00:24:02.233 You have to wonder are the Ant People somehow related to, if not the same as... 351 00:24:02.317 --> 00:24:05.153 the Watchers of the biblical story? 352 00:24:09.658 --> 00:24:11.952 [ Narrator] But what ancient astronaut theorists... 353 00:24:12.350 --> 00:24:15.246 find most fascinating about the story of the Ant People... 354 00:24:15.330 --> 00:24:17.832 is what they are called in Hopi. 355 00:24:19.334 --> 00:24:21.962 The Hopi word for “ant” is “anu. ” 356 00:24:22.450 --> 00:24:24.965 And the Hopi word for “friend” is "nnaki". 357 00:24:25.480 --> 00:24:29.302 So you put the two together, the Anunnaki, the ant friends... 358 00:24:29.386 --> 00:24:34.140 that the Hopi have interacted with for centuries and millennia. 359 00:24:34.766 --> 00:24:39.229 And this ties in with the Bible and with Sumerian mythology. 360 00:24:39.312 --> 00:24:41.648 It's all tied in together. 361 00:24:41.731 --> 00:24:45.276 These Ant People are pervasive in human history. 362 00:24:47.737 --> 00:24:52.534 [ Narrator] According to Sumerian texts, the Anunnaki, much like the Watchers... 363 00:24:52.617 --> 00:24:55.662 were beings who came down from the sky... 364 00:24:56.413 --> 00:24:58.790 and helped mankind's earliest civilization... 365 00:24:58.873 --> 00:25:04.870 to develop writing, medicine and irrigation. 366 00:25:05.171 --> 00:25:07.632 Could the Hopi stories of the Ant People... 367 00:25:07.716 --> 00:25:10.635 actually be describing the same star travelers... 368 00:25:10.719 --> 00:25:14.550 that the Sumerians called the Anunnaki... 369 00:25:14.931 --> 00:25:18.560 and that the Bible refers to as the Watchers? 370 00:25:21.855 --> 00:25:24.858 Might the Ant People have been extraterrestrials... 371 00:25:24.941 --> 00:25:28.280 that took refuge in the caves of the American Southwest... 372 00:25:29.154 --> 00:25:32.449 to survive the Great Flood? 373 00:25:33.783 --> 00:25:37.996 But if the Watchers really did remain here on Earth... 374 00:25:38.790 --> 00:25:42.792 did they also continue to manipulate the evolution of human society? 375 00:25:44.794 --> 00:25:48.173 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 376 00:25:48.256 --> 00:25:50.258 and claim the evidence can be found... 377 00:25:50.341 --> 00:25:55.221 with the strange cave-dwelling entities known as the Jinn. 378 00:26:03.104 --> 00:26:05.315 Muscat, Oman. 379 00:26:06.441 --> 00:26:09.903 Here, on the shores of the Arabian Sea... 380 00:26:09.986 --> 00:26:13.239 lies one of the world's 10 largest caves... 381 00:26:13.323 --> 00:26:15.658 Majlis Al Jinn... 382 00:26:15.742 --> 00:26:18.870 or “meeting place of the Jinn.” 383 00:26:18.953 --> 00:26:21.390 According to Islamic texts... 384 00:26:21.122 --> 00:26:24.334 the Jinn are beings from a higher realm. 385 00:26:24.417 --> 00:26:26.461 But they are not angels. 386 00:26:27.253 --> 00:26:30.882 They have free will, and they disobey Allah... 387 00:26:30.965 --> 00:26:35.929 just as the Watchers are said to have disobeyed God in the Book of Enoch. 388 00:26:38.223 --> 00:26:41.726 And many Muslims believe this 14-acre cavern... 389 00:26:41.810 --> 00:26:45.897 is still inhabited by these otherworldly beings. 390 00:26:47.607 --> 00:26:51.528 In Islam, there is a class of beings known as Jinn. 391 00:26:51.611 --> 00:26:57.617 The Jinn are angelic, and yet they are not of the ethereal realm. 392 00:26:59.244 --> 00:27:02.580 They are of the earthly realm. They're neither good nor evil. 393 00:27:02.664 --> 00:27:04.958 They're shape shifters. They can help you. 394 00:27:05.410 --> 00:27:06.709 They can also trick you. 395 00:27:07.877 --> 00:27:10.505 [ Henry] They are supposed to have had magic abilities... 396 00:27:10.588 --> 00:27:14.884 supernatural powers, and humans greatly feared the Jinn. 397 00:27:14.968 --> 00:27:17.137 They are just exiled beings... 398 00:27:17.220 --> 00:27:20.140 who crossed over a forbidden boundary... 399 00:27:20.223 --> 00:27:24.600 and now find themselves trapped in the earth plane. 400 00:27:26.729 --> 00:27:31.234 [ Narrator] In the Islamic texts, the Jinn appear only when they want to be seen... 401 00:27:32.152 --> 00:27:37.448 often influencing humans by whispering instructions to them while invisible. 402 00:27:38.700 --> 00:27:41.161 In order to understand the nature of these entities... 403 00:27:41.244 --> 00:27:45.373 we must understand that in many ways they are the intermediary race. 404 00:27:46.457 --> 00:27:49.210 Like human beings, they eat and drink. 405 00:27:49.294 --> 00:27:51.921 Like human beings, they sexually procreate. 406 00:27:52.714 --> 00:27:54.507 But like the angels... 407 00:27:54.591 --> 00:27:59.262 they can shape-shift, fly and know the future. 408 00:28:02.640 --> 00:28:04.642 [ Narrator] Stories of encounters with the Jinn... 409 00:28:04.726 --> 00:28:07.687 can be found throughout the Muslim world. 410 00:28:07.770 --> 00:28:09.606 But could they be true? 411 00:28:10.190 --> 00:28:14.680 And if so, are these the same otherworldly entities... 412 00:28:14.152 --> 00:28:16.279 that are said to have descended to Earth... 413 00:28:16.362 --> 00:28:20.742 before the time of the Great Flood, known as the Watchers? 414 00:28:21.743 --> 00:28:24.579 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 415 00:28:24.662 --> 00:28:27.332 and claim that further evidence can be found... 416 00:28:27.415 --> 00:28:32.337 with the stories of similar strange beings found all over the world. 417 00:28:35.480 --> 00:28:39.100 In Africa, there are stories of the Orisha... 418 00:28:39.930 --> 00:28:42.130 demigods who came down from the sky... 419 00:28:42.960 --> 00:28:44.150 that are said to speak every language... 420 00:28:44.980 --> 00:28:46.851 and secretly influence events on Earth. 421 00:28:48.186 --> 00:28:51.898 In Japan, the Tengu are birdlike creatures... 422 00:28:51.981 --> 00:28:53.900 that are said to hide out in the mountains... 423 00:28:53.983 --> 00:28:56.778 and change form to manipulate humans. 424 00:28:58.196 --> 00:29:03.284 But if the Watchers were active on Earth hundreds of years ago... 425 00:29:03.368 --> 00:29:07.380 could they still be living among us even to this day? 426 00:29:08.498 --> 00:29:11.376 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 427 00:29:11.459 --> 00:29:14.587 and for proof, they suggest we look no further... 428 00:29:14.671 --> 00:29:18.633 than recent accounts of alien abductions. 429 00:29:23.221 --> 00:29:27.100 January 25, 1967. 430 00:29:28.170 --> 00:29:31.200 South Ashburnham, Massachusetts. 431 00:29:33.147 --> 00:29:36.859 Thirty-year-old Betty Andreasson is in her kitchen after dinner... 432 00:29:36.943 --> 00:29:41.864 while her mother, father and seven children are in the living room. 433 00:29:42.448 --> 00:29:45.340 Suddenly, the power goes out. 434 00:29:47.620 --> 00:29:50.810 And when it comes back on a moment later... 435 00:29:50.164 --> 00:29:54.430 a beam of red light shoots through the window. 436 00:29:55.295 --> 00:29:57.255 [Woman ] We saw a flashing reddish orange light... 437 00:29:57.338 --> 00:29:59.966 coming through the pantry window. 438 00:30:00.490 --> 00:30:05.346 Five beings entered my home right through the wooden door. 439 00:30:06.556 --> 00:30:09.309 They had large black eyes... 440 00:30:09.392 --> 00:30:14.480 tiny nose, thin slit mouth, tiny holes for ears. 441 00:30:14.564 --> 00:30:17.692 A large, bulbous head. 442 00:30:17.775 --> 00:30:23.406 And I was quite shocked, wondering, who-who or what is this, you know? 443 00:30:24.240 --> 00:30:28.244 At that point, I was taken up into the craft. 444 00:30:31.372 --> 00:30:38.338 Betty ends up going with them to someplace that she thinks is their world. 445 00:30:38.421 --> 00:30:42.425 And she said it was more vivid than life itself. 446 00:30:42.508 --> 00:30:46.846 Betty Andreasson's reports are very detailed and thorough. 447 00:30:48.389 --> 00:30:52.393 There's lots and lots of specific drawings that she makes... 448 00:30:52.477 --> 00:30:55.146 of technology on these ships. 449 00:30:55.229 --> 00:30:59.250 This is before the era that anybody was talking about this stuff... 450 00:30:59.609 --> 00:31:02.280 so it was a totally unique experience for her. 451 00:31:04.822 --> 00:31:08.534 [ Narrator] A devout Christian, Andreasson describes her abduction... 452 00:31:08.618 --> 00:31:11.371 as a religious experience. 453 00:31:12.288 --> 00:31:15.666 The only thing I could think of that they must be angels... 454 00:31:15.750 --> 00:31:18.544 for them to be able to pass through the door like that... 455 00:31:18.628 --> 00:31:22.340 and to take me through that door the same way. 456 00:31:23.490 --> 00:31:25.385 But for ancient astronaut theorists... 457 00:31:25.468 --> 00:31:28.137 this encounter is most significant... 458 00:31:28.221 --> 00:31:32.433 because of how these strange beings identified themselves. 459 00:31:32.934 --> 00:31:35.395 They said that they were the Watchers. 460 00:31:37.480 --> 00:31:41.109 [ Narrator] But if extraterrestrial beings known as Watchers... 461 00:31:41.192 --> 00:31:45.196 are still living among us today, why? 462 00:31:45.988 --> 00:31:48.157 Perhaps the answer can be found... 463 00:31:48.241 --> 00:31:52.703 by examining other cases of extraterrestrial abductions... 464 00:31:52.787 --> 00:31:55.373 and by examining whether the Watchers... 465 00:31:55.456 --> 00:32:01.337 are watching us or if there are other beings watching them. 466 00:32:08.469 --> 00:32:10.721 [ Narrator] June 1, 1990. 467 00:32:11.722 --> 00:32:13.975 UFO investigator Raymond Fowler... 468 00:32:14.580 --> 00:32:15.977 publishes The Watchers... 469 00:32:16.600 --> 00:32:20.398 an unprecedented inside look at the Betty Andreasson case. 470 00:32:21.399 --> 00:32:26.700 After years of hypnosis, psych exams and interviews... 471 00:32:26.154 --> 00:32:30.366 Fowler concludes that the strange beings Andreasson encountered... 472 00:32:30.450 --> 00:32:32.702 that called themselves the Watchers... 473 00:32:33.619 --> 00:32:39.250 were the same entities that are commonly identified today as gray aliens. 474 00:32:41.850 --> 00:32:43.796 It's very interesting, this word “Watchers.” 475 00:32:43.880 --> 00:32:48.509 Because when you talk with so many people, you begin to hear patterns. 476 00:32:48.593 --> 00:32:50.303 And even if... 477 00:32:50.386 --> 00:32:54.223 you're not sitting across from a man or a woman or a child who says... 478 00:32:54.307 --> 00:32:56.976 “I was taken by a Watcher”... 479 00:32:57.590 --> 00:33:00.605 what you hear is the abductees knew... 480 00:33:00.688 --> 00:33:04.442 that they were dealing with something that knew everything about them. 481 00:33:05.526 --> 00:33:10.310 Again, the Watcher idea, whether you use that name or not. 482 00:33:12.575 --> 00:33:14.494 [ Narrator] According to Betty's account... 483 00:33:14.577 --> 00:33:17.330 the extraterrestrials who took her aboard their craft... 484 00:33:17.413 --> 00:33:20.833 subjected her to medical examination. 485 00:33:21.876 --> 00:33:24.879 And I was floated to a table. 486 00:33:25.546 --> 00:33:27.798 And as he was examining me... 487 00:33:27.882 --> 00:33:32.762 he-he said that they were gonna have to measure me physically. 488 00:33:34.960 --> 00:33:38.976 And at that point, they started to take this needle-like thing... 489 00:33:39.769 --> 00:33:42.146 and thrust it into my navel. 490 00:33:42.939 --> 00:33:47.276 And I could feel it going round and round inside me. 491 00:33:48.444 --> 00:33:52.730 As incredible as Betty Andreasson's abduction story sounds... 492 00:33:52.156 --> 00:33:53.699 it is not unique. 493 00:33:55.760 --> 00:33:59.622 Many alleged alien abductees give very similar accounts. 494 00:34:03.125 --> 00:34:08.130 In 1961, Betty and Barney Hill of Lancaster, New Hampshire... 495 00:34:08.965 --> 00:34:11.717 made one of the earliest alien abduction reports... 496 00:34:11.801 --> 00:34:15.263 when they claimed that they had been taken aboard a ship... 497 00:34:17.974 --> 00:34:20.518 placed naked on examination tables... 498 00:34:20.601 --> 00:34:24.939 and probed by what they described as gray aliens. 499 00:34:26.691 --> 00:34:29.151 Linda Porter of Covina, California... 500 00:34:29.235 --> 00:34:34.824 reported that in 1963, she, too, was taken aboard a ship... 501 00:34:35.950 --> 00:34:38.494 where she witnessed strange-looking creatures... 502 00:34:38.578 --> 00:34:43.332 examining humans held in states of suspended animation. 503 00:34:47.461 --> 00:34:49.755 But if these accounts are true... 504 00:34:49.839 --> 00:34:53.676 what is it that's being done to these abductees? 505 00:34:54.218 --> 00:34:57.722 Watchers have two key areas of interest as concerned to humanity. 506 00:34:57.805 --> 00:35:00.933 One is genetics and the other is technology... 507 00:35:01.170 --> 00:35:05.313 and both are found in the phenomena of alien abductions. 508 00:35:06.814 --> 00:35:09.609 So one idea would be that the purpose of the abductions... 509 00:35:09.692 --> 00:35:12.612 is to continue to tweak the human body... 510 00:35:12.695 --> 00:35:17.783 to assist humanity in climbing the evolutionary ladder, so to speak. 511 00:35:19.535 --> 00:35:22.872 [ Narrator] Is it possible that the Watchers that were described in the Bible... 512 00:35:22.955 --> 00:35:24.582 and the Book of Enoch... 513 00:35:24.665 --> 00:35:29.670 really are responsible for the modern alien abduction phenomenon... 514 00:35:30.212 --> 00:35:34.258 and that they are continuing to alter our genetic makeup? 515 00:35:34.884 --> 00:35:39.550 Or might there be another explanation? 516 00:35:39.680 --> 00:35:42.391 Some ancient astronaut theorists suggest“. 517 00:35:42.475 --> 00:35:45.645 It is possible that modern alien abductions... 518 00:35:45.728 --> 00:35:50.524 are not the work of those same Watchers that survived the Great Flood. 519 00:35:50.608 --> 00:35:55.738 But that instead, they are carried out by another group of extraterrestrials. 520 00:35:56.739 --> 00:36:02.370 Watchers that have returned to Earth in search of those who stayed behind. 521 00:36:02.995 --> 00:36:05.164 All of the people that I've interviewed... 522 00:36:05.998 --> 00:36:08.420 they would tell you the same thing. 523 00:36:08.125 --> 00:36:11.587 These Watchers, they're not all of the same mind. 524 00:36:13.798 --> 00:36:16.800 There seems to be conflict... 525 00:36:16.920 --> 00:36:21.138 about what the future of humanity on this planet will be. 526 00:36:22.390 --> 00:36:24.368 [ Bar Tzadok ] The legends teach us that the Watchers... 527 00:36:24.392 --> 00:36:27.561 fight amongst themselves... 528 00:36:27.645 --> 00:36:32.858 and that they will each manipulate segments of humanity... 529 00:36:32.942 --> 00:36:37.530 so as to express their own agendas. 530 00:36:37.613 --> 00:36:42.368 And therefore it is they who influence nations... 531 00:36:42.451 --> 00:36:44.745 to go to war and to fight... 532 00:36:45.371 --> 00:36:49.830 for their purposes and not necessarily for our own betterment. 533 00:36:54.755 --> 00:36:58.592 And you have to wonder if many of the modern-day abductions... 534 00:36:58.676 --> 00:37:01.387 such as Betty Andreasson... 535 00:37:01.470 --> 00:37:06.976 are really extraterrestrials who are searching for the Watchers. 536 00:37:10.980 --> 00:37:14.400 [ Narrator] Could it be that extraterrestrials are abducting humans... 537 00:37:14.483 --> 00:37:19.655 because they are actually looking for other alien beings hiding among us? 538 00:37:20.823 --> 00:37:24.660 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest that the answer may be found... 539 00:37:25.244 --> 00:37:31.000 by taking a closer look at the United States governments most secret projects. 540 00:37:39.300 --> 00:37:44.138 [ Narrator] San Francisco, California. June 6, 2011. 541 00:37:45.848 --> 00:37:49.101 At the annual Apple Worldwide Developers Conference... 542 00:37:49.185 --> 00:37:54.640 Steve Jobs introduces the world to his latest technological breakthrough- 543 00:37:55.524 --> 00:37:57.260 iCloud. 544 00:37:59.403 --> 00:38:03.657 This new service allows users to store all of their digital data... 545 00:38:03.741 --> 00:38:09.330 such as music, e-mail, contacts, documents... 546 00:38:09.413 --> 00:38:13.459 photos and Internet search history. -. 547 00:38:13.542 --> 00:38:18.631 On pools of remote servers collectively known as the Cloud. 548 00:38:22.343 --> 00:38:25.846 This revolutionary technology takes off so fast... 549 00:38:25.930 --> 00:38:31.393 that within two years there are over 300 million people on the Cloud. 550 00:38:32.269 --> 00:38:35.231 And because it is built into every Apple device... 551 00:38:35.314 --> 00:38:39.193 some people use the Cloud without even realizing it. 552 00:38:40.110 --> 00:38:42.321 But while Apple assures its customers... 553 00:38:42.404 --> 00:38:45.115 that their personal files are secure... 554 00:38:45.199 --> 00:38:47.535 in August of 2014... 555 00:38:47.618 --> 00:38:53.165 explicit personal photos of female celebrities begin to pop up online. 556 00:38:53.249 --> 00:38:55.417 The Cloud has been hacked. 557 00:38:57.127 --> 00:38:59.189 [ Kamkar ] All of your information is now on the Cloud. 558 00:38:59.213 --> 00:39:00.756 It's now somewhere else. 559 00:39:00.840 --> 00:39:04.468 Sure, you can always potentially access it and read that information back... 560 00:39:04.552 --> 00:39:07.596 but that also means someone else now has access to your data. 561 00:39:08.514 --> 00:39:10.933 That data could be your e-mails. It could be your messages. 562 00:39:11.160 --> 00:39:13.310 It could be phone calls. It could be voice mails. 563 00:39:13.394 --> 00:39:15.330 [ Dice] it's incredible because you're literally... 564 00:39:15.354 --> 00:39:19.358 just handing your data over to an unknown location... 565 00:39:19.441 --> 00:39:21.944 run by who knows who. 566 00:39:22.270 --> 00:39:26.365 Many people see very big security issues with these. 567 00:39:26.907 --> 00:39:32.162 You're no longer personally having control of your own data on your own hard drive. 568 00:39:32.246 --> 00:39:37.167 You're just sending it off into the ether, uh, to who knows where. 569 00:39:39.837 --> 00:39:43.132 [ Narrator] When Edward Snowden revealed in 2013... 570 00:39:43.215 --> 00:39:46.302 the extent to which our privacy has been compromised... 571 00:39:46.385 --> 00:39:48.530 it drew public outrage. 572 00:39:49.346 --> 00:39:51.891 But as the march of technology moves forward... 573 00:39:51.974 --> 00:39:57.146 are we adapting to the notion that nothing is sacred or secret? 574 00:39:58.188 --> 00:40:01.150 And is it possible that extraterrestrials... 575 00:40:01.233 --> 00:40:03.861 who have been watching us for thousands of years... 576 00:40:03.944 --> 00:40:06.864 actually led us to this point? 577 00:40:07.364 --> 00:40:11.760 Could it be that our increased reliance on computers... 578 00:40:11.160 --> 00:40:15.581 cell phones, tablets and anything else connected to the Internet... 579 00:40:15.664 --> 00:40:18.918 is the product of extraterrestrial design... 580 00:40:19.100 --> 00:40:24.340 giving the Watchers greater access to us than ever before? 581 00:40:26.508 --> 00:40:29.154 [ Dice ] We're living in a day and age now where everybody is carrying... 582 00:40:29.178 --> 00:40:33.515 literally a camera and a microphone in their hand or in their pocket... 583 00:40:33.599 --> 00:40:36.268 that can be remotely activated by the NSA... 584 00:40:36.352 --> 00:40:40.439 or various number of intelligence agencies or even hackers. 585 00:40:41.230 --> 00:40:44.193 The Webcams in all laptops and the microphones... 586 00:40:44.276 --> 00:40:47.154 can be easily remotely activated. 587 00:40:48.155 --> 00:40:52.785 It really seems that because of technology these extraterrestrials... 588 00:40:52.868 --> 00:40:57.790 step up their monitoring and watch every little detail of what goes on. 589 00:40:57.873 --> 00:41:01.100 And they want to see our planet... 590 00:41:01.850 --> 00:41:06.382 nurture certain civilizations that are technologically minded. 591 00:41:10.177 --> 00:41:11.971 [ Narrator] But there are some who believe... 592 00:41:12.540 --> 00:41:15.990 the highly interconnected society we now live in... 593 00:41:15.182 --> 00:41:19.311 provides for even more shocking implications. 594 00:41:20.620 --> 00:41:25.693 They say that extraterrestrials may actually be in league with world leaders... 595 00:41:25.776 --> 00:41:28.362 monitoring each and every one of us... 596 00:41:28.445 --> 00:41:32.408 in an effort to root out the Watchers who have been hiding among us... 597 00:41:32.491 --> 00:41:34.368 for thousands of years. 598 00:41:36.578 --> 00:41:39.665 The United States government has proof... 599 00:41:39.748 --> 00:41:42.418 that at least three competing... 600 00:41:42.501 --> 00:41:45.504 geopolitical, territorial... 601 00:41:45.587 --> 00:41:47.297 extraterrestrial groups... 602 00:41:48.900 --> 00:41:50.467 that are in conflict with each other... 603 00:41:50.551 --> 00:41:52.636 have been on this planet. 604 00:41:53.971 --> 00:41:57.850 The intervention may actually be... 605 00:41:57.933 --> 00:42:01.895 positive for humans going forward. 606 00:42:02.521 --> 00:42:05.607 But we are also presented... 607 00:42:05.691 --> 00:42:09.690 the idea that we are dealing with intelligences... 608 00:42:09.153 --> 00:42:13.407 that may actually want to do harm, and have done harm. 609 00:42:13.490 --> 00:42:18.454 It is as if there were political parties in the cosmos. 610 00:42:22.410 --> 00:42:25.586 [ Narrator] Is it possible, as ancient astronaut theorists contend... 611 00:42:26.253 --> 00:42:28.964 that the Watchers really do exist... 612 00:42:29.590 --> 00:42:33.469 and are still here on Earth watching over us? 613 00:42:34.344 --> 00:42:38.140 Could we be under surveillance by not one group of Watchers... 614 00:42:39.141 --> 00:42:40.684 but several? 615 00:42:40.768 --> 00:42:45.147 And might a secret conglomeration of the world's most powerful leaders... 616 00:42:45.230 --> 00:42:50.235 have actually taken a side in this extraterrestrial conflict? 617 00:42:50.319 --> 00:42:53.238 Perhaps very soon we will discover... 618 00:42:53.322 --> 00:42:56.533 that aliens have been among us all along... 619 00:42:57.409 --> 00:43:01.380 watching us and guiding us. 620 00:43:01.121 --> 00:43:04.750 Not only in the interest of our own future... 621 00:43:04.833 --> 00:43:06.335 but also... 622 00:43:07.503 --> 00:43:09.505 theirs.