1 00:00:01.168 --> 00:00:02.935 NARRATOR: Mysterious skulls. 2 00:00:02.970 --> 00:00:05.671 BRIEN FOERSTER: The DNA didn't match anything 3 00:00:05.706 --> 00:00:07.539 known to be human. 4 00:00:07.575 --> 00:00:10.142 NARRATOR: Bizarre mutations. 5 00:00:10.177 --> 00:00:12.511 DAVID WILCOCK: This could be reptilian type 6 00:00:12.546 --> 00:00:13.645 of humanoid life. 7 00:00:13.681 --> 00:00:16.215 NARRATOR: And terrifying monsters. 8 00:00:16.250 --> 00:00:18.650 JONATHAN YOUNG: The Apache had a demonic figure 9 00:00:18.686 --> 00:00:20.919 who could petrify you through its gaze. 10 00:00:20.955 --> 00:00:23.856 NARRATOR: In cultures throughout the world, 11 00:00:23.891 --> 00:00:27.359 there are stories of strange humanlike gods. 12 00:00:27.395 --> 00:00:31.663 Could our ancestors have really encountered 13 00:00:31.699 --> 00:00:34.333 these otherworldly beings? 14 00:00:34.368 --> 00:00:37.302 And might they have a connection to us? 15 00:00:37.338 --> 00:00:39.438 GIORGIO A. TSOUKALOS: What we have are remnants 16 00:00:39.473 --> 00:00:44.676 of the teachers that visited mankind in the remote past. 17 00:00:44.712 --> 00:00:48.130 JASON MARTELL: Our DNA contains a lost extraterrestrial gene 18 00:00:48.490 --> 00:00:50.416 that's now resurfacing at the right time. 19 00:00:50.451 --> 00:00:53.352 NARRATOR: Since the dawn of civilization, 20 00:00:53.387 --> 00:00:57.289 mankind has credited its origins to gods 21 00:00:57.324 --> 00:01:00.325 and other visitors from the stars. 22 00:01:00.361 --> 00:01:03.896 What if it were true? 23 00:01:03.931 --> 00:01:05.731 Did extraterrestrial beings 24 00:01:05.766 --> 00:01:08.867 really help to shape our history? 25 00:01:08.903 --> 00:01:13.639 And if so, might humans be just one link 26 00:01:13.674 --> 00:01:16.341 in the chain of alien evolution? 27 00:01:47.141 --> 00:01:49.975 NARRATOR: Paracas skull number 44. 28 00:01:50.100 --> 00:01:52.945 Discovered in 2012, 29 00:01:52.980 --> 00:01:56.348 it has a weight of 2.8 pounds, 30 00:01:56.383 --> 00:02:00.552 25% heavier than the average adult male skull. 31 00:02:00.588 --> 00:02:06.458 It has a cranial capacity of 1,500 cubic centimeters, 32 00:02:06.494 --> 00:02:09.361 20% greater than normal. 33 00:02:12.266 --> 00:02:14.967 And it is missing a sagittal suture, 34 00:02:15.200 --> 00:02:17.350 the connective tissue joint 35 00:02:17.710 --> 00:02:20.873 found between the parietal bones in all human skulls. 36 00:02:20.908 --> 00:02:25.711 This is just one of hundreds of strange, misshapen skulls 37 00:02:25.746 --> 00:02:29.681 that have been found on the southern coast of Peru, 38 00:02:29.717 --> 00:02:32.518 dating back to 1927. 39 00:02:32.553 --> 00:02:34.853 It was at this time 40 00:02:34.889 --> 00:02:38.790 that archaeologist Julio Tello first excavated 41 00:02:38.826 --> 00:02:41.930 a massive burial complex, 42 00:02:41.128 --> 00:02:43.529 thought to have been built by the Paracas people 43 00:02:43.564 --> 00:02:48.333 who lived in the region from 800 BC to 100 BC. 44 00:02:50.504 --> 00:02:54.106 Julio C. Tello was the father of Peruvian archaeology... 45 00:02:55.709 --> 00:02:59.611 and in the 1920s, he discovered mummy bundles. 46 00:02:59.647 --> 00:03:04.516 And in each mummy bundle was a person with an elongated skull. 47 00:03:04.552 --> 00:03:09.210 They were buried in family mausoleums, 48 00:03:09.560 --> 00:03:12.958 in some cases as deep as 30 feet into the bedrock. 49 00:03:12.993 --> 00:03:15.894 NARRATOR: Mainstream archaeologists say 50 00:03:15.930 --> 00:03:20.265 the elongation is most likely the result of head binding, 51 00:03:20.301 --> 00:03:23.100 which involves wrapping the heads of infants 52 00:03:23.370 --> 00:03:25.470 while their skulls are still soft 53 00:03:25.506 --> 00:03:27.839 in order to change the shape. 54 00:03:27.875 --> 00:03:30.542 It is a practice found in numerous cultures 55 00:03:30.578 --> 00:03:31.877 throughout the world 56 00:03:31.912 --> 00:03:35.581 that dates back thousands of years. 57 00:03:35.616 --> 00:03:37.516 But why would people desire 58 00:03:37.551 --> 00:03:40.586 to elongate the heads of their children? 59 00:03:40.621 --> 00:03:43.755 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest 60 00:03:43.791 --> 00:03:48.600 that head binding originated with primitive humans 61 00:03:48.950 --> 00:03:49.628 who were attempting to imitate 62 00:03:49.663 --> 00:03:53.432 the appearance of extraterrestrial visitors. 63 00:03:53.467 --> 00:03:56.468 But according to researcher Brien Foerster, 64 00:03:56.503 --> 00:04:00.572 the assistant director of the Paracas History Museum, 65 00:04:00.608 --> 00:04:02.574 head binding would not account 66 00:04:02.610 --> 00:04:06.578 for the other anomalies that the Paracas skulls exhibit. 67 00:04:08.649 --> 00:04:10.849 FOERSTER: About five percent of the elongated skulls 68 00:04:10.884 --> 00:04:15.287 that we find in Paracas are so complex in shape and size 69 00:04:15.322 --> 00:04:17.956 that it's hard to believe that they're the result 70 00:04:17.992 --> 00:04:23.610 of any form of cranial deformation or head binding. 71 00:04:23.970 --> 00:04:26.980 Not only are they elongated vertically, 72 00:04:26.133 --> 00:04:30.836 but also the eye sockets are much larger than normal. 73 00:04:30.871 --> 00:04:33.739 There are two holes in the back of the skull 74 00:04:33.774 --> 00:04:35.874 called foramen, 75 00:04:35.909 --> 00:04:39.311 through which blood and nerve flow occurred. 76 00:04:39.346 --> 00:04:43.215 And also their jaws were very robust. 77 00:04:43.250 --> 00:04:45.584 WILCOCK: Among the largest of them 78 00:04:45.619 --> 00:04:50.756 we find skulls 60% heavier than normal human skulls 79 00:04:50.791 --> 00:04:54.593 and a brain capacity that is 2.5 times 80 00:04:54.628 --> 00:04:57.195 larger than the normal human brain. 81 00:04:59.633 --> 00:05:03.680 NARRATOR: But if these elongated skulls were not the result 82 00:05:03.103 --> 00:05:06.638 of the ancient practice of head binding, 83 00:05:06.674 --> 00:05:11.543 then just who or what were these mysterious beings? 84 00:05:11.578 --> 00:05:13.278 In 2014, 85 00:05:13.314 --> 00:05:18.830 DNA testing was performed on Paracas skull number 44, 86 00:05:18.118 --> 00:05:21.353 which rendered surprising results. 87 00:05:21.388 --> 00:05:24.389 FOERSTER: Some initial DNA testing has been done, 88 00:05:24.425 --> 00:05:26.725 and the results, according to the geneticist, 89 00:05:26.760 --> 00:05:28.960 are quite startling. 90 00:05:28.996 --> 00:05:30.862 There were certain segments of the DNA 91 00:05:30.898 --> 00:05:33.532 that didn't match anything known to be human. 92 00:05:35.202 --> 00:05:38.337 What it suggests to me is that Paracas could very well 93 00:05:38.372 --> 00:05:44.142 have been an ancient bloodline related to Homo sapiens 94 00:05:44.178 --> 00:05:47.546 but not specifically Homo sapiens itself. 95 00:05:49.750 --> 00:05:52.250 When you look at this kind of archaeological evidence, 96 00:05:52.286 --> 00:05:54.986 you're seeing concrete, tangible, 97 00:05:55.220 --> 00:05:57.322 DNA-testable proof 98 00:05:57.358 --> 00:06:01.159 that extraterrestrials walked on Earth 99 00:06:01.195 --> 00:06:04.363 right among us. 100 00:06:04.398 --> 00:06:07.199 Personally, I think it is quite possible 101 00:06:07.234 --> 00:06:09.670 that what we have there 102 00:06:09.103 --> 00:06:12.771 are remnants of the so-called teachers 103 00:06:12.806 --> 00:06:17.909 that visited mankind in the remote past. 104 00:06:17.945 --> 00:06:20.746 NARRATOR: Could it be that this skull 105 00:06:20.781 --> 00:06:24.583 and other similar skulls found in southern Peru 106 00:06:24.618 --> 00:06:28.120 are something other than human? 107 00:06:28.155 --> 00:06:30.355 While mainstream scholars continue 108 00:06:30.391 --> 00:06:34.192 to dismiss this possibility, there is now evidence 109 00:06:34.228 --> 00:06:37.620 that at one time the Earth was inhabited 110 00:06:37.970 --> 00:06:41.233 by other species that possessed intelligence equal to 111 00:06:41.268 --> 00:06:44.236 or even greater than humans. 112 00:06:47.674 --> 00:06:48.874 Gibraltar. 113 00:06:48.909 --> 00:06:52.744 September 1, 2014. 114 00:06:52.780 --> 00:06:58.383 Inside Gorham's Cave on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea, 115 00:06:58.419 --> 00:07:01.520 anthropologists announce a finding 116 00:07:01.880 --> 00:07:03.989 that fundamentally changes our understanding 117 00:07:04.240 --> 00:07:06.291 of early human history. 118 00:07:06.326 --> 00:07:10.162 A pattern of cross-hatched lines carved into the rock 119 00:07:10.197 --> 00:07:13.198 over 39,000 years ago 120 00:07:13.233 --> 00:07:15.834 is the first known example of cave art 121 00:07:15.869 --> 00:07:18.103 created not by our ancestors 122 00:07:18.138 --> 00:07:21.206 but by another intelligent species, 123 00:07:21.241 --> 00:07:23.275 the Neanderthals. 124 00:07:23.310 --> 00:07:27.279 WILLIAM LEONARD: Previous to this, it was generally regarded 125 00:07:27.314 --> 00:07:30.782 that only anatomically modern humans had that capability, 126 00:07:30.818 --> 00:07:34.886 that cave paintings and etchings and making of figurines 127 00:07:34.922 --> 00:07:38.323 was really something that was restricted to modern humans. 128 00:07:38.358 --> 00:07:40.859 And so the Gibraltar site clearly indicates 129 00:07:40.894 --> 00:07:43.695 that Neanderthals had the capacity 130 00:07:43.730 --> 00:07:46.298 for symbolic representation. 131 00:07:46.333 --> 00:07:49.734 NARRATOR: Like humans, Neanderthals 132 00:07:49.770 --> 00:07:52.904 are thought to have evolved from Homo erectus, 133 00:07:52.940 --> 00:07:57.420 but contrary to popular belief, they are not our ancestors. 134 00:07:57.770 --> 00:08:00.450 They were actually a separate species 135 00:08:00.800 --> 00:08:03.114 that lived alongside early humans. 136 00:08:03.150 --> 00:08:06.384 More and more evidence is coming to light, uh, that suggests 137 00:08:06.420 --> 00:08:09.788 that Neanderthals were at least socially intelligent, 138 00:08:09.823 --> 00:08:12.791 at least thinking in symbolic behavior, 139 00:08:12.826 --> 00:08:15.794 uh, and therefore may have even been... as far as we know, 140 00:08:15.829 --> 00:08:17.896 may have been even more intelligent than-than us. 141 00:08:17.931 --> 00:08:20.265 PETER WARD: We find lots of evidence 142 00:08:20.300 --> 00:08:21.967 that Neanderthals used tools, 143 00:08:22.200 --> 00:08:24.302 perhaps in different ways than we did. 144 00:08:24.338 --> 00:08:28.773 Certainly, the discovery of graves where flowers are buried. 145 00:08:28.809 --> 00:08:32.210 They loved their children just as we love ours. 146 00:08:32.246 --> 00:08:37.849 The technology available to them is only now being discovered. 147 00:08:39.860 --> 00:08:41.419 NARRATOR: DNA studies show 148 00:08:41.455 --> 00:08:44.189 that Neanderthals lived among modern humans 149 00:08:44.224 --> 00:08:46.491 for thousands of years 150 00:08:46.527 --> 00:08:49.928 and interbred with them before becoming extinct. 151 00:08:51.498 --> 00:08:54.650 And they were not the only other intelligent 152 00:08:54.101 --> 00:08:58.690 humanlike species in prehistoric times. 153 00:08:58.105 --> 00:09:03.475 In 2003, scientists identified floresiensis... 154 00:09:03.510 --> 00:09:07.479 Known as the Hobbit people... In Indonesia. 155 00:09:07.514 --> 00:09:10.515 And as recently as 2008, 156 00:09:10.551 --> 00:09:14.219 the species Denisovan hominin was discovered 157 00:09:14.254 --> 00:09:16.888 in southern Siberia. 158 00:09:16.924 --> 00:09:20.892 LEONARD: What is intriguing about this find 159 00:09:20.928 --> 00:09:22.994 is the DNA evidence suggests 160 00:09:23.300 --> 00:09:25.997 that they are genetically distinct from both Neanderthals 161 00:09:26.330 --> 00:09:28.990 and anatomically modern humans, 162 00:09:28.135 --> 00:09:31.303 suggesting perhaps that at 40,000 years ago, 163 00:09:31.338 --> 00:09:36.141 you had as many as three different human forms 164 00:09:36.176 --> 00:09:38.476 on planet Earth. 165 00:09:40.547 --> 00:09:42.547 WARD: No, there absolutely have to be 166 00:09:42.583 --> 00:09:44.950 still unknown human lineages out there. 167 00:09:44.985 --> 00:09:48.587 Whether they are totally different species or varieties. 168 00:09:48.622 --> 00:09:50.956 I'm sure that the paleontologists 169 00:09:50.991 --> 00:09:52.457 of the present day 170 00:09:52.492 --> 00:09:58.290 and the near future will find more of our family tree. 171 00:09:58.650 --> 00:10:00.332 WILCOCK: What we're now seeing is 172 00:10:00.367 --> 00:10:02.867 a Lord of the Rings type situation 173 00:10:02.903 --> 00:10:06.705 in which there are multiple hominid populations 174 00:10:06.740 --> 00:10:10.475 coexisting on Earth at the same time. 175 00:10:10.510 --> 00:10:12.911 When we look at the Denisovans, 176 00:10:12.946 --> 00:10:16.481 we're seeing that they actually have traces in their DNA 177 00:10:16.516 --> 00:10:18.617 of a species that is completely 178 00:10:18.652 --> 00:10:21.786 unlike anything we've seen anywhere else on Earth. 179 00:10:21.822 --> 00:10:23.922 We don't know where it comes from, 180 00:10:23.957 --> 00:10:26.240 and we don't know who these people are. 181 00:10:26.590 --> 00:10:29.361 It's a complete baffling mystery. 182 00:10:31.999 --> 00:10:35.600 NARRATOR: Did Neanderthals and other ancient hominids 183 00:10:35.636 --> 00:10:38.436 possess capabilities on par with, 184 00:10:38.472 --> 00:10:43.174 or perhaps even exceeding, those of our human ancestors? 185 00:10:43.210 --> 00:10:45.543 And if science is only now 186 00:10:45.579 --> 00:10:48.790 discovering the truth about these species, 187 00:10:48.115 --> 00:10:51.282 then what other forms of intelligent life 188 00:10:51.318 --> 00:10:56.154 may have also roamed the Earth thousands of years ago? 189 00:10:56.189 --> 00:10:59.324 Might humans have shared the Earth with, 190 00:10:59.359 --> 00:11:04.696 and interbred with, species not indigenous to this planet? 191 00:11:04.731 --> 00:11:08.433 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest 192 00:11:08.468 --> 00:11:10.935 there may be further clues to be found 193 00:11:10.971 --> 00:11:14.720 with Paracas skull number 44, 194 00:11:14.107 --> 00:11:16.875 by reconstructing its face. 195 00:11:21.815 --> 00:11:24.382 NARRATOR: New York City. 196 00:11:24.418 --> 00:11:27.786 March 27, 2015. 197 00:11:27.821 --> 00:11:31.990 Brien Foerster has enlisted artist Marcia Moore 198 00:11:32.250 --> 00:11:35.326 to help him examine Paracas skull number 44 199 00:11:35.362 --> 00:11:38.797 in an entirely new way. 200 00:11:38.832 --> 00:11:41.199 Drawing on her experience 201 00:11:41.234 --> 00:11:43.868 doing facial reconstructions with 3-D models, 202 00:11:43.904 --> 00:11:47.772 Marcia will try to bring the ancient skull back to life 203 00:11:47.808 --> 00:11:50.508 by scanning it onto a computer 204 00:11:50.544 --> 00:11:53.745 and digitally rebuilding its face. 205 00:11:56.249 --> 00:11:58.650 So, the first thing that we're going to do... 206 00:11:58.685 --> 00:12:02.854 - I'm going to get a visual. - Mm-hmm. 207 00:12:02.889 --> 00:12:08.526 And now it's going to laser-cut slices of this skull. 208 00:12:08.562 --> 00:12:10.295 (chirping) 209 00:12:10.330 --> 00:12:12.263 And it's going to patch up this entire skull 210 00:12:12.299 --> 00:12:14.650 to make a 3-D model. 211 00:12:14.101 --> 00:12:18.303 And we'll get to an accurate feel of this individual. 212 00:12:20.407 --> 00:12:22.841 If you'd like to take your skull away from the carousel. 213 00:12:22.876 --> 00:12:25.276 Up here on the computer... 214 00:12:25.312 --> 00:12:28.313 This is how we generated the... the skull model. 215 00:12:28.348 --> 00:12:30.448 With all of these little dots, the laser picked up 216 00:12:30.484 --> 00:12:33.852 and was able to create a fairly accurate rendering 217 00:12:33.887 --> 00:12:35.386 of this skull. 218 00:12:35.422 --> 00:12:37.589 FOERSTER: That's amazing. 219 00:12:39.192 --> 00:12:41.593 NARRATOR: Analyzing the bone structure, 220 00:12:41.628 --> 00:12:43.695 Marcia begins to generate virtual layers 221 00:12:43.730 --> 00:12:45.764 of muscle and tissue 222 00:12:45.799 --> 00:12:50.969 to re-create the facial anatomy of the Paracas skull. 223 00:12:51.400 --> 00:12:54.606 You can tell by this skull, the cheeks are prominent. 224 00:12:54.641 --> 00:12:56.941 The chin is very prominent. 225 00:12:56.977 --> 00:12:59.911 The eyes... obviously the sockets are much larger, 226 00:12:59.946 --> 00:13:02.130 and that's always difficult. 227 00:13:02.480 --> 00:13:05.517 I'm adding a little bit more length to the neck. 228 00:13:05.552 --> 00:13:10.455 I think that probably this skull had a very strong neck, 229 00:13:10.490 --> 00:13:12.757 so added material there. 230 00:13:12.793 --> 00:13:16.194 Create the cranial formation of the skull. 231 00:13:16.229 --> 00:13:18.530 NARRATOR: Based on the shape of the skull, 232 00:13:18.565 --> 00:13:22.967 Marcia approximates where to add additional tissue and muscle 233 00:13:23.300 --> 00:13:27.172 until finally... a face emerges. 234 00:13:29.420 --> 00:13:30.642 FOERSTER: That's remarkable. 235 00:13:30.677 --> 00:13:32.343 MOORE: Yeah, so I'm going to show you 236 00:13:32.379 --> 00:13:33.812 the... the build-up, 237 00:13:33.847 --> 00:13:35.313 slowly building up the cheeks, 238 00:13:35.348 --> 00:13:38.750 the jawline, the eyes. 239 00:13:38.785 --> 00:13:40.919 This, again, is a reconstruction, 240 00:13:40.954 --> 00:13:42.654 but it's an interpretation 241 00:13:42.689 --> 00:13:45.230 of what this physical could have looked like. 242 00:13:45.580 --> 00:13:47.392 And here it is. 243 00:13:47.427 --> 00:13:50.428 Well, you have brought a 2,000-year-old skull to life. 244 00:13:50.463 --> 00:13:53.765 And answers some questions, but presents many more. 245 00:13:53.800 --> 00:13:55.567 Absolutely. 246 00:13:57.170 --> 00:13:58.870 FOERSTER: Marcia's interpretation 247 00:13:58.905 --> 00:14:00.939 I find very intriguing 248 00:14:00.974 --> 00:14:04.776 because what she has been able to represent 249 00:14:04.811 --> 00:14:06.945 is atypical of the native people 250 00:14:06.980 --> 00:14:09.714 that we find in coastal Peru today. 251 00:14:11.585 --> 00:14:14.452 The Paracas culture disappeared 2,000 years ago. 252 00:14:14.487 --> 00:14:16.487 They left no descendants, 253 00:14:16.523 --> 00:14:18.323 nor did they leave oral tradition 254 00:14:18.358 --> 00:14:20.658 or written documentation of any sort. 255 00:14:20.694 --> 00:14:23.294 So we have no idea, in fact, 256 00:14:23.330 --> 00:14:26.798 who they were and where they came from. 257 00:14:26.833 --> 00:14:32.170 From Marcia's interpretation, I believe that it is possible 258 00:14:32.205 --> 00:14:37.709 that beings have come from other parts of our universe 259 00:14:37.744 --> 00:14:39.878 to this planet 260 00:14:39.913 --> 00:14:44.549 and have mingled with the genetics that were here. 261 00:14:44.584 --> 00:14:49.120 I believe that they're a subspecies of humanity. 262 00:14:50.523 --> 00:14:52.560 NARRATOR: Could this be the face 263 00:14:52.920 --> 00:14:54.859 of an alien-human hybrid? 264 00:14:54.895 --> 00:14:57.929 Or might Paracas skull number 44 265 00:14:57.964 --> 00:15:02.500 have origins completely outside of planet Earth, 266 00:15:02.535 --> 00:15:05.770 as some ancient astronaut theorists suggest? 267 00:15:08.375 --> 00:15:11.542 TSOUKALOS: I have seen those skulls close up. 268 00:15:11.578 --> 00:15:15.460 And the moment I was able to do this, 269 00:15:15.810 --> 00:15:17.415 it changes everything 270 00:15:17.450 --> 00:15:20.618 because if you compare a skull 271 00:15:20.654 --> 00:15:23.210 where you can prove 272 00:15:23.560 --> 00:15:25.957 that the skull was artificially elongated, 273 00:15:25.992 --> 00:15:30.280 and you compare that to one of the Paracas skulls, 274 00:15:30.630 --> 00:15:35.433 then you can see a marked difference between the two. 275 00:15:35.468 --> 00:15:37.535 I think, personally, 276 00:15:37.570 --> 00:15:41.472 that they are themselves the extraterrestrials. 277 00:15:43.643 --> 00:15:47.612 NARRATOR: Is Paracas skull number 44 evidence 278 00:15:47.647 --> 00:15:51.849 of another intelligent... Perhaps even extraterrestrial... 279 00:15:51.885 --> 00:15:56.454 Species living among humans in the distant past? 280 00:15:56.489 --> 00:15:59.570 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest 281 00:15:59.920 --> 00:16:03.394 that the facial reconstruction does resemble an ancient ruler 282 00:16:03.430 --> 00:16:06.130 that they believe was from the stars... 283 00:16:06.166 --> 00:16:10.601 The Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten. 284 00:16:10.637 --> 00:16:14.906 CHILDRESS: He has big eyes, he has an extended head. 285 00:16:14.941 --> 00:16:17.175 And in some ways, 286 00:16:17.210 --> 00:16:21.546 he looks like one of the Atenists like Akhenaten, 287 00:16:21.581 --> 00:16:25.550 or their children with large extended heads. 288 00:16:25.585 --> 00:16:30.421 NARRATOR: Akhenaten ruled in the 14th century BC, 289 00:16:30.457 --> 00:16:33.240 and was considered a heretical pharaoh 290 00:16:33.590 --> 00:16:37.528 for changing the polytheistic religion of ancient Egypt. 291 00:16:37.564 --> 00:16:41.299 He declared there was only one god... Aten. 292 00:16:41.334 --> 00:16:45.703 A god he depicted as a disk in the sky. 293 00:16:45.739 --> 00:16:50.608 CHILDRESS: Akhenaten became enthralled with the Aten disk. 294 00:16:50.643 --> 00:16:56.247 And the Aten disk was something that was supposedly the sun, 295 00:16:56.282 --> 00:16:58.816 but it was depicted in a completely different way 296 00:16:58.852 --> 00:17:02.353 than the Egyptians had depicted the sun before. 297 00:17:02.389 --> 00:17:06.124 And so it's interesting to think of the Aten disk 298 00:17:06.159 --> 00:17:09.527 as possibly some kind of a spaceship. 299 00:17:11.598 --> 00:17:16.000 And so, when you see these Atenists like Akhenaten, 300 00:17:16.360 --> 00:17:17.835 you have to wonder 301 00:17:17.871 --> 00:17:20.710 if they're not some kind of extraterrestrials. 302 00:17:21.741 --> 00:17:24.709 They look a lot like Grey aliens. 303 00:17:26.413 --> 00:17:28.646 NARRATOR: Akhenaten's reign also marked 304 00:17:28.681 --> 00:17:32.116 a radical change in art, transitioning 305 00:17:32.152 --> 00:17:35.119 from idealistic portrayals of people 306 00:17:35.155 --> 00:17:37.588 to much more realistic renditions... 307 00:17:37.624 --> 00:17:40.958 A fact which has only added to the speculation 308 00:17:40.994 --> 00:17:44.796 about the ancient pharaoh and his family's origins. 309 00:17:44.831 --> 00:17:47.932 WILCOCK: There are so many illustrations of them 310 00:17:47.967 --> 00:17:50.601 painted on the temple walls, 311 00:17:50.637 --> 00:17:54.572 as well as granite sculptures of Akhenaten, 312 00:17:54.607 --> 00:17:57.208 of his wife Nefertiti, 313 00:17:57.243 --> 00:18:00.678 of their daughter Meritaten. 314 00:18:00.713 --> 00:18:03.614 Even King Tut was one of the children 315 00:18:03.650 --> 00:18:05.216 of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. 316 00:18:05.251 --> 00:18:06.951 There are busts of King Tut 317 00:18:06.986 --> 00:18:10.855 that also show an elongated skull. 318 00:18:10.890 --> 00:18:14.792 We're also seeing that they have a very narrow ribcage. 319 00:18:14.828 --> 00:18:18.196 And the distance between their neck 320 00:18:18.231 --> 00:18:21.132 and their waist is longer 321 00:18:21.167 --> 00:18:24.936 than typical humans would have on Earth. 322 00:18:24.971 --> 00:18:27.805 You look at this granite bust of Meritaten, 323 00:18:27.841 --> 00:18:31.676 where her head extends all the way back, there's no hair, 324 00:18:31.711 --> 00:18:34.212 and you tell me that if a guy 325 00:18:34.247 --> 00:18:36.747 actually made that as a mistake 326 00:18:36.783 --> 00:18:39.417 that he would still be allowed to work 327 00:18:39.452 --> 00:18:41.652 or even allowed to finish the sculpture? 328 00:18:41.688 --> 00:18:44.210 He was sculpting what they really look like. 329 00:18:47.994 --> 00:18:49.727 NARRATOR: Is the facial reconstruction 330 00:18:49.762 --> 00:18:51.662 of the Paracas skull 331 00:18:51.698 --> 00:18:54.499 the face of an ancient astronaut? 332 00:18:56.236 --> 00:18:58.703 Does its similarity to the depictions 333 00:18:58.738 --> 00:19:02.140 of the Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten provide evidence 334 00:19:02.175 --> 00:19:04.642 that our planet has, in fact, 335 00:19:04.677 --> 00:19:07.712 been visited by extraterrestrials? 336 00:19:09.749 --> 00:19:12.917 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 337 00:19:12.952 --> 00:19:16.954 and believe that further proof of an extraterrestrial presence 338 00:19:16.990 --> 00:19:19.190 here on Earth can be found 339 00:19:19.225 --> 00:19:21.659 within humanity itself. 340 00:19:27.167 --> 00:19:29.233 NARRATOR: Houston, Texas. 341 00:19:29.269 --> 00:19:31.402 2010. 342 00:19:31.437 --> 00:19:34.772 Doctors at the Texas Heart Institute 343 00:19:34.807 --> 00:19:37.275 examine a 59-year-old man 344 00:19:37.310 --> 00:19:39.410 complaining of chest pains 345 00:19:39.445 --> 00:19:42.914 and make an astounding discovery: 346 00:19:42.949 --> 00:19:46.284 The patient has a three-chambered heart, 347 00:19:46.319 --> 00:19:49.887 similar to that of a reptile. 348 00:19:49.923 --> 00:19:53.240 Researchers attributed the rare condition 349 00:19:53.590 --> 00:19:55.326 to an evolutionary phenomenon 350 00:19:55.361 --> 00:19:57.595 called atavism, 351 00:19:57.630 --> 00:20:00.298 when a lost trait of a distant ancestor 352 00:20:00.333 --> 00:20:04.101 reemerges in a modern organism. 353 00:20:04.137 --> 00:20:07.438 GAGE CRUMP: So the idea is, if you look at where 354 00:20:07.473 --> 00:20:09.907 we evolve from, we were first fish. 355 00:20:09.943 --> 00:20:11.776 Fish have a two-chambered heart. 356 00:20:11.811 --> 00:20:14.110 And then we came on land... We're more like a reptile. 357 00:20:14.470 --> 00:20:15.580 That has a three-chambered heart. 358 00:20:15.615 --> 00:20:17.315 And then eventually a four-chambered heart 359 00:20:17.350 --> 00:20:19.917 as we became mammals and then humans. 360 00:20:19.953 --> 00:20:21.886 So interestingly, during development, 361 00:20:21.921 --> 00:20:23.654 that same sequence of evolution 362 00:20:23.690 --> 00:20:26.157 is played out again as embryos. 363 00:20:26.192 --> 00:20:29.227 So if there's any sort of defect in the embryo along the way, 364 00:20:29.262 --> 00:20:31.762 it could get stalled out at that earlier state. 365 00:20:31.798 --> 00:20:34.298 And now this man has a heart that's more typical 366 00:20:34.334 --> 00:20:36.267 of our distant ancestors, 367 00:20:36.302 --> 00:20:38.402 - the reptiles. - (growls) 368 00:20:39.906 --> 00:20:42.373 NARRATOR: While the discovery of a human 369 00:20:42.408 --> 00:20:45.743 with a reptilian heart is incredibly rare, 370 00:20:45.778 --> 00:20:48.145 other genetic conditions have been found 371 00:20:48.181 --> 00:20:50.748 that suggest a link with reptiles. 372 00:20:52.752 --> 00:20:55.119 Since the 1800s, 373 00:20:55.154 --> 00:20:57.455 over 100 cases of human tails 374 00:20:57.490 --> 00:21:01.158 have been reported in medical journals. 375 00:21:01.194 --> 00:21:04.729 People with the disease ichthyosis 376 00:21:04.764 --> 00:21:08.990 have dry, scaly skin. 377 00:21:08.134 --> 00:21:11.702 And people with the diseases called syndactyly 378 00:21:11.738 --> 00:21:13.871 and ectrodactyly 379 00:21:13.906 --> 00:21:15.172 have fused fingers 380 00:21:15.208 --> 00:21:17.975 and clawlike hands. 381 00:21:18.110 --> 00:21:21.646 But if such anatomical irregularities 382 00:21:21.681 --> 00:21:24.749 are a link to our ancient ancestors, 383 00:21:24.784 --> 00:21:27.285 as some scientists suggest, 384 00:21:27.320 --> 00:21:30.354 could it be that they are not the remnants 385 00:21:30.390 --> 00:21:34.125 of a reptilian stage in human development, 386 00:21:34.160 --> 00:21:36.494 but instead reveal that humans 387 00:21:36.529 --> 00:21:40.531 once comingled with reptilian aliens? 388 00:21:40.566 --> 00:21:44.402 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 389 00:21:44.437 --> 00:21:47.805 and believe that further clues can be found 390 00:21:47.840 --> 00:21:51.742 in the stories of China's first emperor, Fu Xi. 391 00:21:53.379 --> 00:21:56.747 Fu Xi is one of the mythical rulers of China, 392 00:21:56.783 --> 00:21:59.216 and he is considered to be, uh, the original 393 00:21:59.252 --> 00:22:00.985 or prototypical man. 394 00:22:03.890 --> 00:22:06.957 He was created along with his sister Nu Wa. 395 00:22:06.993 --> 00:22:09.193 They were humanoid in form, 396 00:22:09.228 --> 00:22:12.897 in the sense that their upper bodies were that of humans, 397 00:22:12.932 --> 00:22:15.633 but their lower bodies were that of snakes. 398 00:22:15.668 --> 00:22:18.836 And they're often represented with snake tails 399 00:22:18.871 --> 00:22:20.771 intertwined together. 400 00:22:23.910 --> 00:22:27.111 NARRATOR: Similar stories of reptilian humanoid beings 401 00:22:27.146 --> 00:22:30.848 exist in cultures around the ancient world, 402 00:22:30.883 --> 00:22:33.851 including Japan, Greece 403 00:22:33.886 --> 00:22:37.540 and South America. 404 00:22:37.900 --> 00:22:39.390 CHILDRESS: We even have good drawings and reliefs 405 00:22:39.425 --> 00:22:42.893 of many of these fantastic creatures. 406 00:22:42.929 --> 00:22:45.730 And so is it possible that some of these creatures 407 00:22:45.765 --> 00:22:50.234 really are aliens that look like that? 408 00:22:50.269 --> 00:22:52.103 And it seems like, in some cases, 409 00:22:52.138 --> 00:22:54.400 that is probably the case. 410 00:22:57.710 --> 00:23:00.845 NARRATOR: Other unusual anomalies also appear 411 00:23:00.880 --> 00:23:03.347 to mirror the descriptions of divine beings 412 00:23:03.383 --> 00:23:06.917 from ancient texts. 413 00:23:06.953 --> 00:23:10.454 Millions of infants are born with blue patches of skin 414 00:23:10.490 --> 00:23:12.890 called Mongolian spots, 415 00:23:12.925 --> 00:23:15.292 evoking the blue-skinned gods 416 00:23:15.328 --> 00:23:17.561 common to India and Egypt. 417 00:23:20.600 --> 00:23:23.200 There have also been many cases of gigantism 418 00:23:23.236 --> 00:23:25.169 throughout history, 419 00:23:25.204 --> 00:23:29.140 bringing to mind biblical stories of the Nephilim... 420 00:23:29.175 --> 00:23:32.877 Giants that were said to be the hybrid offspring 421 00:23:32.912 --> 00:23:35.212 of humans and divine beings 422 00:23:35.248 --> 00:23:36.881 called the Watchers. 423 00:23:39.352 --> 00:23:43.320 Within us is the whole evolutionary development 424 00:23:43.356 --> 00:23:46.390 of humankind, as well as the other species 425 00:23:46.426 --> 00:23:48.392 that humans developed from... 426 00:23:48.428 --> 00:23:51.280 Reptiles, fish and so forth. 427 00:23:51.630 --> 00:23:56.660 Extrapolating this idea, if extraterrestrials had a hand 428 00:23:56.102 --> 00:23:58.350 in retooling our DNA, 429 00:23:58.700 --> 00:24:02.106 then do we also carry their genetic makeup 430 00:24:02.141 --> 00:24:05.900 within us, as we would? 431 00:24:05.440 --> 00:24:08.112 MARTELL: We know today that our DNA contains a lot 432 00:24:08.147 --> 00:24:11.248 of junk DNA that we still don't understand. 433 00:24:11.284 --> 00:24:13.551 So when we see these genetic anomalies surface 434 00:24:13.586 --> 00:24:15.619 in physical form in children, 435 00:24:15.655 --> 00:24:17.354 it could be that it's not an anomaly. 436 00:24:17.390 --> 00:24:19.957 It's actually a lost extraterrestrial gene, 437 00:24:19.992 --> 00:24:23.127 a marker that's now resurfacing at the right time. 438 00:24:25.598 --> 00:24:28.632 NARRATOR: Like the Neanderthals, did extraterrestrials 439 00:24:28.668 --> 00:24:33.300 breed with early man thousands of years ago? 440 00:24:33.390 --> 00:24:36.907 Did they leave behind genetic evidence in our DNA 441 00:24:36.943 --> 00:24:40.311 that still exists today? 442 00:24:40.346 --> 00:24:43.948 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 443 00:24:43.983 --> 00:24:47.618 and suggest that Earth may at one time have been home 444 00:24:47.653 --> 00:24:51.422 to not one alien race, but many. 445 00:24:56.262 --> 00:24:58.280 NARRATOR: West Virginia. 446 00:24:58.640 --> 00:25:01.650 September 1952. 447 00:25:02.535 --> 00:25:04.602 Multiple witnesses report 448 00:25:04.637 --> 00:25:09.206 seeing a strange ball of light shooting across the night sky 449 00:25:09.242 --> 00:25:12.420 and landing in a nearby wooded area. 450 00:25:17.316 --> 00:25:19.517 Those who investigate the crash site 451 00:25:19.552 --> 00:25:22.586 describe seeing a ten-foot-tall 452 00:25:22.622 --> 00:25:26.560 birdlike creature with glowing red eyes. 453 00:25:26.920 --> 00:25:29.126 REDFERN: It was this huge, humanoid-type figure 454 00:25:29.161 --> 00:25:33.531 anywhere from about ten feet to 12 feet high, 455 00:25:33.566 --> 00:25:35.866 had these fiery, blazing eyes 456 00:25:35.902 --> 00:25:38.469 and was emitting these sparks 457 00:25:38.504 --> 00:25:42.206 and flashes of light. 458 00:25:42.241 --> 00:25:44.975 It was described as having a cowl-like head, 459 00:25:45.110 --> 00:25:48.913 not unlike an ace of spades card in a deck of cards. 460 00:25:50.550 --> 00:25:52.983 The entire group was unanimous 461 00:25:53.190 --> 00:25:57.121 in their belief that the object or the creature 462 00:25:57.156 --> 00:25:59.623 was utterly real, 463 00:25:59.659 --> 00:26:04.194 that it was connected with the overflight of the strange light 464 00:26:04.230 --> 00:26:06.263 and it was also connected 465 00:26:06.299 --> 00:26:09.990 with this red pulsating light that they saw. 466 00:26:12.204 --> 00:26:15.406 NARRATOR: Curiously, Native American mythology 467 00:26:15.441 --> 00:26:20.210 also describes a similar half-bird, half-human creature 468 00:26:20.246 --> 00:26:25.716 that shared the planet with mankind thousands of years ago. 469 00:26:25.751 --> 00:26:29.520 YOUNG: The Apache had a demonic figure in their mythology, 470 00:26:29.555 --> 00:26:32.523 the giant owl man, 471 00:26:32.558 --> 00:26:36.260 who could petrify you through its gaze. 472 00:26:36.620 --> 00:26:38.950 It was truly a terrifying presence 473 00:26:38.130 --> 00:26:40.640 that could come at any time 474 00:26:40.990 --> 00:26:43.934 and particularly in the night sky, when owls fly. 475 00:26:43.970 --> 00:26:46.300 TOK THOMPSON: This is a pretty common theme 476 00:26:46.380 --> 00:26:48.539 in a lot of Native American mythology, 477 00:26:48.574 --> 00:26:51.410 that there was a time in the past 478 00:26:51.770 --> 00:26:54.612 when the Earth was overrun by pretty scary monsters 479 00:26:54.647 --> 00:26:57.514 of various forms. 480 00:26:57.550 --> 00:26:59.416 And the big owl... Or the owl man... 481 00:26:59.452 --> 00:27:01.518 Is one of these sort of representatives. 482 00:27:02.989 --> 00:27:04.955 (tribal chanting) 483 00:27:06.425 --> 00:27:08.792 NARRATOR: Might the stories of owl men 484 00:27:08.828 --> 00:27:12.290 and other strange creatures describe beings 485 00:27:12.640 --> 00:27:15.799 that the Native Americans actually encountered? 486 00:27:15.835 --> 00:27:19.403 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 487 00:27:19.438 --> 00:27:23.507 and point to similar creation myths from across the world 488 00:27:23.542 --> 00:27:28.245 of gods that resemble not just anthropomorphic birds 489 00:27:28.280 --> 00:27:31.448 but also reptiles, 490 00:27:31.484 --> 00:27:33.984 insects 491 00:27:34.200 --> 00:27:36.220 and sea creatures. 492 00:27:40.660 --> 00:27:42.693 TSOUKALOS: All around the world, 493 00:27:42.728 --> 00:27:45.963 we have figurines and carvings and paintings, 494 00:27:45.998 --> 00:27:50.670 rock paintings of these very bizarre creatures 495 00:27:50.102 --> 00:27:53.604 that can be found not only on every continent, 496 00:27:53.639 --> 00:27:55.572 but once you compare them, 497 00:27:55.608 --> 00:27:58.475 they're also incredibly similar. 498 00:27:58.511 --> 00:28:00.611 So one has to wonder 499 00:28:00.646 --> 00:28:03.681 if these figurines and these statues 500 00:28:03.716 --> 00:28:05.649 of these different depictions 501 00:28:05.685 --> 00:28:08.118 of what they referred to as the gods, 502 00:28:08.154 --> 00:28:13.223 if they're actually rooted in some type of reality. 503 00:28:13.259 --> 00:28:17.127 NARRATOR: Did our ancestors really encounter 504 00:28:17.163 --> 00:28:21.298 these intelligent life-forms thousands of years ago? 505 00:28:21.333 --> 00:28:25.690 And if so, just what were they? 506 00:28:29.675 --> 00:28:32.376 Cambridge, Massachusetts. 507 00:28:32.411 --> 00:28:35.646 February 2013. 508 00:28:35.681 --> 00:28:40.884 Analyzing data gathered by NASA's Kepler space telescope, 509 00:28:40.920 --> 00:28:43.654 astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center 510 00:28:43.689 --> 00:28:46.423 for Astrophysics announce 511 00:28:46.459 --> 00:28:49.626 that six percent of all red dwarf stars 512 00:28:49.662 --> 00:28:52.596 have habitable, Earth-like planets. 513 00:28:52.631 --> 00:28:57.670 Because red dwarf stars burn much longer than our sun, 514 00:28:57.103 --> 00:28:59.703 the discovery raises the possibility 515 00:28:59.739 --> 00:29:02.873 that life on these planets could be much older 516 00:29:02.908 --> 00:29:05.943 and much different than life on Earth. 517 00:29:05.978 --> 00:29:08.579 The environment plays a-a really pivotal role 518 00:29:08.614 --> 00:29:11.815 in sort of the direction, um, that organisms evolve. 519 00:29:11.851 --> 00:29:13.684 And so you can imagine that evolution 520 00:29:13.719 --> 00:29:15.419 played out on a different planet 521 00:29:15.454 --> 00:29:17.621 might follow the same types of rules 522 00:29:17.656 --> 00:29:20.570 but have completely different end products, 523 00:29:20.920 --> 00:29:22.593 and so it'd look completely different. 524 00:29:22.628 --> 00:29:26.897 WARD: Just go to any other star with planets around it. 525 00:29:26.932 --> 00:29:29.733 Intelligence is going to happen because of crises. 526 00:29:29.769 --> 00:29:32.469 It's going to happen because you can only survive 527 00:29:32.505 --> 00:29:33.771 with that intelligence. 528 00:29:34.807 --> 00:29:36.774 But it could be from a reptile, 529 00:29:36.809 --> 00:29:38.175 that we were reptile-equivalent. 530 00:29:38.210 --> 00:29:40.310 It could be from a quadruped. 531 00:29:40.346 --> 00:29:42.813 It might be from a mollusk-like creature. 532 00:29:42.848 --> 00:29:45.182 The cause is probably gonna be the same. 533 00:29:45.217 --> 00:29:48.118 The end result, anatomically, totally different. 534 00:29:51.257 --> 00:29:53.624 HENRY: There could be a myriad of different forms 535 00:29:53.659 --> 00:29:56.627 that intelligent life takes throughout the cosmos. 536 00:29:56.662 --> 00:29:59.696 When we look to the earthly record of otherworldly beings 537 00:29:59.732 --> 00:30:01.640 that have visited Earth, 538 00:30:01.100 --> 00:30:03.267 they exhibit different characteristics. 539 00:30:03.302 --> 00:30:07.371 They have bird heads, dog heads, reptilian-type forms. 540 00:30:07.406 --> 00:30:10.174 It's possible that these are the forms that these beings take 541 00:30:10.209 --> 00:30:11.475 on their home planet, 542 00:30:11.510 --> 00:30:13.944 and they might even coexist with beings 543 00:30:13.979 --> 00:30:16.113 that are even different from them. 544 00:30:18.751 --> 00:30:21.852 NARRATOR: Is it possible that, like the Neanderthals, 545 00:30:21.887 --> 00:30:24.388 Denisovans and floresiensis 546 00:30:24.423 --> 00:30:27.691 that existed alongside humans here on Earth, 547 00:30:27.726 --> 00:30:30.828 there are similar intelligent beings 548 00:30:30.863 --> 00:30:32.529 that evolved differently from us 549 00:30:32.565 --> 00:30:36.533 on planets all across the universe? 550 00:30:36.569 --> 00:30:39.837 And if many such species do exist, 551 00:30:39.872 --> 00:30:41.772 might Earth have been visited 552 00:30:41.807 --> 00:30:45.709 by more than just one race of aliens? 553 00:30:45.744 --> 00:30:47.611 Ancient astronaut theorists believe 554 00:30:47.646 --> 00:30:51.882 that the answers lie not only in stories of divine beings 555 00:30:51.917 --> 00:30:55.452 from the past but in sightings that continue 556 00:30:55.487 --> 00:30:57.688 to this very day. 557 00:31:02.928 --> 00:31:05.262 NARRATOR: Fort McDowell, Arizona. 558 00:31:05.297 --> 00:31:08.632 February 2015. 559 00:31:08.667 --> 00:31:12.169 Thousands flock to this small desert community 560 00:31:12.204 --> 00:31:14.972 20 miles outside of Phoenix 561 00:31:15.700 --> 00:31:19.576 to attend the annual International UFO Congress. 562 00:31:19.612 --> 00:31:22.412 Many attendees and speakers 563 00:31:22.448 --> 00:31:26.316 share stories of being abducted by aliens, 564 00:31:26.352 --> 00:31:28.819 and their accounts describe extraterrestrials 565 00:31:28.854 --> 00:31:33.657 that take a variety of physical forms. 566 00:31:33.692 --> 00:31:35.659 Within the field of ufology, 567 00:31:35.694 --> 00:31:38.629 there are multiple types of aliens reported. 568 00:31:38.664 --> 00:31:40.998 This includes winged humanoids. 569 00:31:41.330 --> 00:31:43.433 Like Mothman, 570 00:31:43.469 --> 00:31:46.169 the Houston Batman. 571 00:31:46.205 --> 00:31:50.107 It also includes so-called insectoids, which... 572 00:31:50.142 --> 00:31:54.645 as their names suggest, they look like large insects. 573 00:31:54.680 --> 00:31:57.147 And then we have the reptilians, 574 00:31:57.182 --> 00:32:00.500 bipedal reptile-type creatures. 575 00:32:00.850 --> 00:32:03.153 I think it's highly possible that they've adapted 576 00:32:03.188 --> 00:32:05.555 and developed physically in those fashions 577 00:32:05.591 --> 00:32:07.991 in relation to the conditions 578 00:32:08.270 --> 00:32:11.628 on their relative home planets. 579 00:32:11.664 --> 00:32:14.932 I think there are all kinds of creatures with intelligence 580 00:32:14.967 --> 00:32:17.834 in this universe that would shock us. 581 00:32:17.870 --> 00:32:20.737 I think your environment determines 582 00:32:20.773 --> 00:32:23.540 what you're going to end up looking like eventually. 583 00:32:23.575 --> 00:32:25.509 I think, after time, 584 00:32:25.544 --> 00:32:28.712 that complexity of who you are physically 585 00:32:28.747 --> 00:32:33.383 adapts to what that planet is. 586 00:32:33.419 --> 00:32:36.520 WILCOCK: If you look at some of the Sumerian illustrations, 587 00:32:36.555 --> 00:32:39.289 you see an avian bird head 588 00:32:39.325 --> 00:32:42.192 on top of a very strong human body. 589 00:32:42.227 --> 00:32:44.828 You look on the Egyptian paintings, 590 00:32:44.863 --> 00:32:47.564 and you have a human with an elongated skull 591 00:32:47.599 --> 00:32:49.967 and very green skin. 592 00:32:50.200 --> 00:32:52.169 And there is a one-to-one correlation 593 00:32:52.204 --> 00:32:55.539 between modern sightings that people are reporting, 594 00:32:55.574 --> 00:32:58.542 both from abduction contact experiences, 595 00:32:58.577 --> 00:33:01.244 as well as what we hear from insider testimony, 596 00:33:01.280 --> 00:33:04.381 and what we see in the most ancient records 597 00:33:04.416 --> 00:33:06.583 of contact with the gods. 598 00:33:06.618 --> 00:33:08.418 It's the same people. 599 00:33:08.454 --> 00:33:11.321 They never really left. 600 00:33:11.357 --> 00:33:13.724 NARRATOR: Could there be a connection 601 00:33:13.759 --> 00:33:15.425 between the strange-looking gods 602 00:33:15.461 --> 00:33:18.261 depicted by ancient civilizations 603 00:33:18.297 --> 00:33:22.332 and these present-day encounters with extraterrestrials? 604 00:33:22.368 --> 00:33:25.836 Are we, in fact, seeing similar beings 605 00:33:25.871 --> 00:33:28.605 to the ones described by our ancestors 606 00:33:28.640 --> 00:33:31.775 thousands of years ago? 607 00:33:31.810 --> 00:33:35.679 Despite the many different kinds of aliens reported, 608 00:33:35.714 --> 00:33:37.781 there are certain distinct similarities 609 00:33:37.816 --> 00:33:40.817 within such sightings. 610 00:33:43.589 --> 00:33:45.288 MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, 611 00:33:45.324 --> 00:33:48.225 is one of the longest-lasting, most respected. 612 00:33:48.260 --> 00:33:50.460 UFO research groups in the world. 613 00:33:50.496 --> 00:33:53.597 MUFON's studies 614 00:33:53.632 --> 00:33:56.299 of UFO landings and humanoid cases 615 00:33:56.335 --> 00:34:00.604 has shown that most UFO events involving entities 616 00:34:00.639 --> 00:34:04.908 revolve around sightings of creatures that are humanoid, 617 00:34:04.943 --> 00:34:07.544 that's to say two arms, two legs, 618 00:34:07.579 --> 00:34:09.679 a body and a head. 619 00:34:09.715 --> 00:34:13.784 CHILDRESS: When we look at all of the different reports 620 00:34:13.819 --> 00:34:16.720 of extraterrestrials coming here to Earth, 621 00:34:16.755 --> 00:34:19.556 and they're all generally 622 00:34:19.591 --> 00:34:22.392 humanoid in form. 623 00:34:22.428 --> 00:34:25.262 And it would seem that the human form 624 00:34:25.297 --> 00:34:27.798 is very much a universal form. 625 00:34:33.705 --> 00:34:36.807 NARRATOR: If intelligent life would evolve much differently 626 00:34:36.842 --> 00:34:38.708 on other planets, 627 00:34:38.744 --> 00:34:41.344 as mainstream science suggests, 628 00:34:41.380 --> 00:34:43.747 then why would so many people 629 00:34:43.782 --> 00:34:46.583 describe encounters with extraterrestrials 630 00:34:46.618 --> 00:34:49.986 that have human characteristics? 631 00:34:50.220 --> 00:34:53.256 REDFERN: There may well have been some original 632 00:34:53.292 --> 00:34:57.861 proto-alien civilization that seeded the universe. 633 00:34:57.896 --> 00:35:02.466 Over time, the image of creatures with two arms, 634 00:35:02.501 --> 00:35:06.236 two legs, a torso and a head, two eyes and a mouth 635 00:35:06.271 --> 00:35:10.307 pretty much rules throughout the entire spectrum 636 00:35:10.342 --> 00:35:13.577 of UFO activity and sightings. 637 00:35:13.612 --> 00:35:17.280 TSOUKALOS: Now, that would imply that our lineage 638 00:35:17.316 --> 00:35:21.184 is something that is bipedal. 639 00:35:21.220 --> 00:35:23.787 Whether a creature walks upright 640 00:35:23.822 --> 00:35:26.957 with the face of an insect 641 00:35:26.992 --> 00:35:29.926 or the face of a human doesn't really matter. 642 00:35:29.962 --> 00:35:33.630 You still have a two-legged creature 643 00:35:33.665 --> 00:35:36.399 that originated somewhere. 644 00:35:37.836 --> 00:35:40.303 Given the number of humanoid-appearing gods, 645 00:35:40.339 --> 00:35:43.507 it suggests that there is a common ancestor 646 00:35:43.542 --> 00:35:46.900 for all intelligent life in the universe 647 00:35:46.440 --> 00:35:48.478 and perhaps we're on the verge of rediscovering 648 00:35:48.514 --> 00:35:50.380 that common ancestor. 649 00:35:53.510 --> 00:35:55.418 NARRATOR: Could there be one common source 650 00:35:55.454 --> 00:35:58.288 for all intelligent life in the universe? 651 00:35:58.323 --> 00:36:01.892 A primordial species that seeded different planets 652 00:36:01.927 --> 00:36:05.729 with beings similar to ourselves? 653 00:36:05.764 --> 00:36:08.365 Ancient astronaut theorists believe 654 00:36:08.400 --> 00:36:11.868 the ultimate truth about mankind's origins 655 00:36:11.904 --> 00:36:13.870 might be found by examining 656 00:36:13.906 --> 00:36:16.706 not only our past 657 00:36:16.742 --> 00:36:18.975 but also our future. 658 00:36:22.648 --> 00:36:25.715 NARRATOR: June 2013. 659 00:36:25.751 --> 00:36:29.190 In an article for Forbes, 660 00:36:29.540 --> 00:36:32.880 graphic artist and researcher Nickolay Lamm 661 00:36:32.124 --> 00:36:35.692 illustrates just how the human face might change 662 00:36:35.727 --> 00:36:39.596 over the next 100,000 years. 663 00:36:39.631 --> 00:36:43.333 With the help of a computational biologist 664 00:36:43.368 --> 00:36:45.268 and taking into account 665 00:36:45.304 --> 00:36:48.104 future technological, environmental 666 00:36:48.140 --> 00:36:50.740 and genetic influences, 667 00:36:50.776 --> 00:36:54.277 he came up with eerie renderings 668 00:36:54.313 --> 00:36:56.780 that show an increasingly large cranium 669 00:36:56.815 --> 00:36:58.782 with a pronounced forehead, 670 00:36:58.817 --> 00:37:00.584 huge eyes 671 00:37:00.619 --> 00:37:04.921 and more pigmented skin tone. 672 00:37:04.957 --> 00:37:07.357 As far as the future, it's-it's always really hard 673 00:37:07.392 --> 00:37:10.393 to predict, uh, especially in terms of Homo sapiens sapiens, 674 00:37:10.429 --> 00:37:13.163 because we've been so good at, uh, 675 00:37:13.198 --> 00:37:15.198 modifying our environment through our technology. 676 00:37:15.234 --> 00:37:18.435 So if you try to think about what we might look like 677 00:37:18.470 --> 00:37:20.337 in the future, again, it's a bit hard, 678 00:37:20.372 --> 00:37:22.572 because we don't exactly know, uh, 679 00:37:22.608 --> 00:37:23.818 what these environmental pressures 680 00:37:23.842 --> 00:37:26.576 may be on us right now. 681 00:37:26.612 --> 00:37:29.279 NARRATOR: While Lamm's work was dismissed 682 00:37:29.314 --> 00:37:31.681 by some scientists as conjecture, 683 00:37:31.717 --> 00:37:34.584 anthropologists have found that humanity 684 00:37:34.620 --> 00:37:36.119 has changed greatly 685 00:37:36.154 --> 00:37:39.456 over the past 200,000 years. 686 00:37:39.491 --> 00:37:42.492 Homo sapiens have developed more delicate skeletons, 687 00:37:42.527 --> 00:37:44.261 smaller faces 688 00:37:44.296 --> 00:37:46.796 and more pointed chins. 689 00:37:46.832 --> 00:37:49.399 And recent studies have shown 690 00:37:49.434 --> 00:37:51.601 the human body is still undergoing 691 00:37:51.637 --> 00:37:54.271 significant changes. 692 00:37:56.775 --> 00:37:59.776 LEONARD: So over the last 40,000 to 50,000 years, 693 00:37:59.811 --> 00:38:03.113 tooth sizes have reduced very, very dramatically. 694 00:38:03.148 --> 00:38:06.783 And this is largely the product of expansion 695 00:38:06.818 --> 00:38:09.786 of both cooking and ultimately 696 00:38:09.821 --> 00:38:12.555 the development of pottery. 697 00:38:12.591 --> 00:38:15.759 These cultural innovations for changing 698 00:38:15.794 --> 00:38:18.595 what we eat and how we eat 699 00:38:18.630 --> 00:38:21.431 led to dramatic declines 700 00:38:21.466 --> 00:38:24.200 in how large our jaws were 701 00:38:24.236 --> 00:38:25.568 and ultimately 702 00:38:25.604 --> 00:38:28.271 what our tooth sizes look like. 703 00:38:28.307 --> 00:38:32.375 The future direction of human evolution is difficult to chart, 704 00:38:32.411 --> 00:38:34.244 but certainly we would think 705 00:38:34.279 --> 00:38:37.981 that some continued expansion of brain size 706 00:38:38.160 --> 00:38:40.950 may be something that we're gonna continue to see 707 00:38:40.986 --> 00:38:43.420 as we move forward in human evolution. 708 00:38:45.991 --> 00:38:48.425 NARRATOR: In 2012, scientists 709 00:38:48.460 --> 00:38:50.393 from the University of Tennessee 710 00:38:50.429 --> 00:38:53.897 announced findings that show that human skull size 711 00:38:53.932 --> 00:38:55.899 has also increased dramatically 712 00:38:55.934 --> 00:38:58.335 just since the late 1800s. 713 00:39:00.706 --> 00:39:03.473 What they found is totally amazing. 714 00:39:03.508 --> 00:39:05.909 The average height of the skull 715 00:39:05.944 --> 00:39:09.379 increased by an astonishing eight millimeters, 716 00:39:09.414 --> 00:39:12.150 or almost .3 inches. 717 00:39:12.500 --> 00:39:14.718 The actual increase in brain volume 718 00:39:14.753 --> 00:39:16.353 caused by this height change 719 00:39:16.388 --> 00:39:18.488 is 200 cubic centimeters, 720 00:39:18.523 --> 00:39:21.758 which is the size of a tennis ball. 721 00:39:21.793 --> 00:39:23.727 Our jaws are becoming 722 00:39:23.762 --> 00:39:26.296 longer and narrower, 723 00:39:26.331 --> 00:39:28.465 and the size of the head is becoming bigger. 724 00:39:28.500 --> 00:39:31.434 Well, it starts to sound pretty familiar, doesn't it? 725 00:39:35.674 --> 00:39:38.108 NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut theorists speculate 726 00:39:38.143 --> 00:39:41.411 that extended space travel may also lead us 727 00:39:41.446 --> 00:39:42.912 to appear more like the Greys 728 00:39:42.948 --> 00:39:45.815 in the distant future. 729 00:39:45.851 --> 00:39:49.185 Some have suggested that the reason why the Greys 730 00:39:49.221 --> 00:39:52.389 have these what appear to be atrophied bodies 731 00:39:52.424 --> 00:39:54.891 is because that over time 732 00:39:54.926 --> 00:39:57.327 their bodies changed. 733 00:39:57.362 --> 00:40:00.630 They, too, at some point, had larger muscles, 734 00:40:00.665 --> 00:40:02.932 but because they became space travelers 735 00:40:02.968 --> 00:40:05.869 their muscles atrophied. 736 00:40:05.904 --> 00:40:08.338 When you go to space, you don't have that pressure 737 00:40:08.373 --> 00:40:11.207 pushing down on you, so those muscles aren't used, 738 00:40:11.243 --> 00:40:15.545 and so you lose muscle very rapidly. 739 00:40:15.580 --> 00:40:17.747 Also associated with that... Your bones 740 00:40:17.783 --> 00:40:20.283 begin to atrophy. 741 00:40:20.318 --> 00:40:22.786 We're talking about longer and longer missions 742 00:40:22.821 --> 00:40:25.388 out into space, going to Mars, going farther. 743 00:40:25.424 --> 00:40:27.891 And so astronauts will be subjected to these stresses 744 00:40:27.926 --> 00:40:30.860 for a long period of time. 745 00:40:33.632 --> 00:40:35.965 CHILDRESS: Is it possible that the Grey aliens 746 00:40:36.100 --> 00:40:38.635 at one time looked more like us 747 00:40:38.670 --> 00:40:40.503 when they were planet bound? 748 00:40:43.800 --> 00:40:46.376 And so we're on that same track. 749 00:40:47.712 --> 00:40:50.613 And we are becoming more and more 750 00:40:50.649 --> 00:40:53.490 like these Grey aliens themselves. 751 00:40:55.687 --> 00:40:59.722 Our lineage has come about due to other extraterrestrials 752 00:40:59.758 --> 00:41:01.658 that are similar to us. 753 00:41:03.128 --> 00:41:07.130 Perhaps the lineage began elsewhere 754 00:41:07.165 --> 00:41:10.300 millions and millions of years ago. 755 00:41:13.738 --> 00:41:16.406 NARRATOR: Are humans... And perhaps even other 756 00:41:16.441 --> 00:41:20.900 extraterrestrial races that our ancestors encountered... 757 00:41:20.450 --> 00:41:22.912 Descendants of the Greys? 758 00:41:24.820 --> 00:41:26.382 Did these otherworldly travelers 759 00:41:26.418 --> 00:41:28.785 generate intelligent life 760 00:41:28.820 --> 00:41:32.388 not only here on Earth, but throughout the universe? 761 00:41:34.559 --> 00:41:37.327 And might the course of human evolution 762 00:41:37.362 --> 00:41:40.530 lead us to become more and more like them? 763 00:41:42.868 --> 00:41:44.701 Perhaps we will discover 764 00:41:44.736 --> 00:41:48.605 that our true destiny is to continue their mission 765 00:41:48.640 --> 00:41:51.741 and one day join our alien ancestors 766 00:41:51.776 --> 00:41:53.643 in the stars.