1 00:00:01.135 --> 00:00:03.435 NARRATOR: Strange, sharp-toothed predators. 2 00:00:03.537 --> 00:00:05.137 DAVID WILCOCK: Their genes don't match up 3 00:00:05.206 --> 00:00:07.506 with anything else that we have on Earth. 4 00:00:07.608 --> 00:00:10.476 NARRATOR: Multi-legged behemoths. 5 00:00:10.578 --> 00:00:14.747 LOREN COLEMAN: The kraken scared humans for centuries. 6 00:00:14.849 --> 00:00:18.817 NARRATOR: And ravenous reptiles that prey on humans. 7 00:00:18.919 --> 00:00:20.564 KEN GERHARDMAN: Children are warned to stay away 8 00:00:20.588 --> 00:00:22.788 from bodies of water because the kappa will actually 9 00:00:22.890 --> 00:00:24.156 drag them in and drown them. 10 00:00:24.258 --> 00:00:26.580 NARRATOR: Throughout history, 11 00:00:26.160 --> 00:00:28.193 there are accounts of bizarre 12 00:00:28.295 --> 00:00:31.730 and frightening creatures inhabiting our waters. 13 00:00:31.832 --> 00:00:36.368 Is it possible that they come not from our lakes and oceans, 14 00:00:36.470 --> 00:00:40.720 but from somewhere far more remote? 15 00:00:40.174 --> 00:00:41.651 GIORGIO TSOUKALOS: Could it be possible 16 00:00:41.675 --> 00:00:44.243 that some of that light that we've discovered 17 00:00:44.345 --> 00:00:49.448 at the bottom of the ocean had its origin in outer space? 18 00:00:49.550 --> 00:00:53.118 NARRATOR: Since the dawn of civilization, 19 00:00:53.220 --> 00:00:56.355 mankind has credited its origins to gods 20 00:00:56.457 --> 00:01:00.125 and other visitors from the stars. 21 00:01:00.227 --> 00:01:02.694 What if it were true? 22 00:01:02.797 --> 00:01:05.300 Did extraterrestrial beings 23 00:01:05.132 --> 00:01:07.733 really help to shape our history? 24 00:01:07.835 --> 00:01:10.335 And if so... 25 00:01:10.438 --> 00:01:15.140 might they have come in the form of creatures of the deep? 26 00:01:48.309 --> 00:01:53.278 NARRATOR: August 19, 2014. 27 00:01:53.380 --> 00:01:55.347 During a routine cleaning, 28 00:01:55.449 --> 00:01:58.784 Russian cosmonauts aboard the International Space Station 29 00:01:58.886 --> 00:02:01.787 discover something incredibly unexpected 30 00:02:01.889 --> 00:02:04.220 covering parts of the windows... 31 00:02:04.125 --> 00:02:06.225 Living sea plankton. 32 00:02:06.327 --> 00:02:09.528 According to some mainstream scientists, 33 00:02:09.630 --> 00:02:13.198 the tiny organisms may have been carried to the station 34 00:02:13.300 --> 00:02:16.468 on air currents from the earth's oceans, 35 00:02:16.570 --> 00:02:21.807 or perhaps launched into space on a contaminated rocket. 36 00:02:21.909 --> 00:02:27.179 But many say these are both highly improbable scenarios. 37 00:02:27.281 --> 00:02:29.181 In the previous episode of cleaning, 38 00:02:29.283 --> 00:02:33.285 which was only about a few weeks prior to that particular date, 39 00:02:33.387 --> 00:02:34.820 there was nothing found. 40 00:02:34.922 --> 00:02:38.390 And the space station was in orbit; 41 00:02:38.492 --> 00:02:40.792 There was no connection with the ground. 42 00:02:40.895 --> 00:02:43.762 So I-I really think that there's absolutely no chance 43 00:02:43.864 --> 00:02:45.797 that these are microorganisms that were 44 00:02:45.900 --> 00:02:49.401 somehow lifted from the Earth. 45 00:02:49.503 --> 00:02:52.638 NARRATOR: Astrobiologist Chandra Wickramasinghe 46 00:02:52.740 --> 00:02:56.475 believes the plankton is of extraterrestrial origin, 47 00:02:56.577 --> 00:02:59.278 and evidence of panspermia... 48 00:02:59.380 --> 00:03:02.614 The idea that life exists throughout the universe 49 00:03:02.716 --> 00:03:06.585 and is spread by comets and asteroids. 50 00:03:06.687 --> 00:03:08.353 WICKRAMASINGHE: I think what happened 51 00:03:08.455 --> 00:03:11.323 was that a small fragment of a comet 52 00:03:11.425 --> 00:03:14.259 that carried microorganisms, uh, 53 00:03:14.361 --> 00:03:17.329 including plankton, landed on the window 54 00:03:17.431 --> 00:03:20.650 of the International Space Station. 55 00:03:20.167 --> 00:03:23.802 It's not surprising if one accepts the idea 56 00:03:23.904 --> 00:03:26.405 that life is continuing to arrive 57 00:03:26.507 --> 00:03:28.674 at the Earth from space. 58 00:03:28.776 --> 00:03:33.378 PAUL DAVIES: There's always been a-a problem about life on Earth. 59 00:03:33.480 --> 00:03:34.824 Did it actually start here on Earth 60 00:03:34.848 --> 00:03:36.348 or come here from somewhere else? 61 00:03:36.450 --> 00:03:38.283 Uh, seeing as we don't know how life began, 62 00:03:38.385 --> 00:03:39.585 it's up for grabs. 63 00:03:41.855 --> 00:03:45.123 NARRATOR: But whether life originated on Earth 64 00:03:45.226 --> 00:03:47.920 or somewhere else in the universe, 65 00:03:47.194 --> 00:03:49.494 one thing is now certain: 66 00:03:49.597 --> 00:03:53.465 Sea plankton can survive in outer space. 67 00:03:53.567 --> 00:03:56.568 Surviving space is very difficult, actually, 68 00:03:56.670 --> 00:04:00.720 primarily because of the, um, the vacuum of space 69 00:04:00.174 --> 00:04:01.607 and then the intense radiation. 70 00:04:01.709 --> 00:04:03.609 And so those things, um, in general 71 00:04:03.711 --> 00:04:06.245 will sort of rip apart tissues. 72 00:04:06.347 --> 00:04:08.130 So the presence of-of plankton 73 00:04:08.115 --> 00:04:10.716 on the space station, um, is remarkable. 74 00:04:10.818 --> 00:04:13.151 NARRATOR: The discovery of plankton 75 00:04:13.254 --> 00:04:15.487 on the International Space Station 76 00:04:15.589 --> 00:04:18.900 has led ancient astronaut theorists 77 00:04:18.192 --> 00:04:20.225 to ask the question: 78 00:04:20.327 --> 00:04:23.629 If sea life can thrive in the furthest reaches of space, 79 00:04:23.731 --> 00:04:26.798 could the reverse be true as well? 80 00:04:26.900 --> 00:04:30.435 Might there be undiscovered alien life-forms 81 00:04:30.537 --> 00:04:34.373 dwelling in the deepest regions of our oceans? 82 00:04:39.213 --> 00:04:40.779 Portsmouth, England. 83 00:04:40.881 --> 00:04:44.750 December 21, 1872. 84 00:04:44.852 --> 00:04:47.552 The HMS Challenger sets out 85 00:04:47.655 --> 00:04:50.155 on a three-year scientific expedition 86 00:04:50.257 --> 00:04:56.610 to survey the Earth's oceans and search for new marine life. 87 00:04:56.163 --> 00:04:58.196 At the time of its departure, 88 00:04:58.299 --> 00:05:00.666 the mainstream scientific viewpoint 89 00:05:00.768 --> 00:05:04.336 is that life cannot exist more than 1,800 feet 90 00:05:04.438 --> 00:05:07.706 beneath the surface of the ocean. 91 00:05:07.808 --> 00:05:11.443 But in March of 1875, 92 00:05:11.545 --> 00:05:14.460 after more than two years at sea, 93 00:05:14.148 --> 00:05:18.750 the crew of the HMS Challenger makes a remarkable discovery. 94 00:05:18.852 --> 00:05:20.585 Using a deep-sea dredge, 95 00:05:20.688 --> 00:05:23.221 they uncover an abundance of life 96 00:05:23.324 --> 00:05:27.526 at depths well beyond 1,800 feet. 97 00:05:27.628 --> 00:05:30.620 Every time they dredged the waters of the ocean, 98 00:05:30.164 --> 00:05:33.980 they kept bringing up weirder and weirder creatures 99 00:05:33.200 --> 00:05:35.367 at deeper and deeper levels. 100 00:05:35.469 --> 00:05:37.169 And it quickly became apparent 101 00:05:37.271 --> 00:05:41.239 that the oceans are teeming with life. 102 00:05:41.342 --> 00:05:43.342 Throughout time, we tend to sort of, um, 103 00:05:43.444 --> 00:05:47.112 impose our own limitations and our own perspectives on, 104 00:05:47.214 --> 00:05:48.792 sort of, our view of the universe, right? 105 00:05:48.816 --> 00:05:52.840 And so our idea of the deep ocean was similar to that, too. 106 00:05:52.186 --> 00:05:55.530 We thought that probably nothing else could live at great depths 107 00:05:55.155 --> 00:05:57.356 because we certainly couldn't survive. 108 00:05:57.458 --> 00:05:59.558 Um, our bodies couldn't take the pressure. 109 00:05:59.660 --> 00:06:01.438 It's sort of biased, I think, our interpretation 110 00:06:01.462 --> 00:06:05.163 of life in the deep oceans. 111 00:06:05.265 --> 00:06:10.680 WILCOCK: They found over 4,700 different types of new life. 112 00:06:10.170 --> 00:06:13.205 It was a wealth of data so vast that it filled 113 00:06:13.307 --> 00:06:18.777 50 volumes with 30,000 pages of information, 114 00:06:18.879 --> 00:06:20.445 and was, essentially, 115 00:06:20.547 --> 00:06:23.382 a scientific revolution for its time. 116 00:06:28.288 --> 00:06:31.220 Uh, 220-plus, uh, crew. 117 00:06:31.125 --> 00:06:32.624 Only five scientists... 118 00:06:47.307 --> 00:06:51.610 NARRATOR: In addition to finding new species of marine life, 119 00:06:51.712 --> 00:06:55.213 the Challenger crew also made the first discovery 120 00:06:55.315 --> 00:06:58.490 of what are called cosmic spherules... 121 00:06:58.152 --> 00:07:01.753 Nickel-iron micrometeorites from outer space. 122 00:07:01.855 --> 00:07:06.725 According to some scientists, these spherules could be capable 123 00:07:06.827 --> 00:07:10.128 of carrying extraterrestrial life. 124 00:07:10.230 --> 00:07:11.496 DAVIES: A lot of those rocks 125 00:07:11.598 --> 00:07:14.650 would have carried a microbial cargo. 126 00:07:14.168 --> 00:07:17.469 Cocooned inside of rocks, a microbe could be quite happy 127 00:07:17.571 --> 00:07:19.237 in the harsh conditions of space. 128 00:07:19.339 --> 00:07:21.440 In particular, it would be shielded from radiation by 129 00:07:21.542 --> 00:07:23.800 the depth of rock. 130 00:07:23.110 --> 00:07:26.770 It could probably stay in the dormant phase 131 00:07:26.180 --> 00:07:28.680 out in space for certainly thousands 132 00:07:28.782 --> 00:07:31.160 if not millions of years. 133 00:07:31.118 --> 00:07:34.753 HENRY: When scientists explored these nickel-iron spherules 134 00:07:34.855 --> 00:07:37.556 in depth, they discovered that they contained iron 135 00:07:37.658 --> 00:07:40.759 that was extraterrestrial in origin. 136 00:07:40.861 --> 00:07:44.796 Is it possible that this extraterrestrial substances 137 00:07:44.898 --> 00:07:48.733 were brought here by alien beings and deposited 138 00:07:48.836 --> 00:07:52.771 in the oceans of Earth, along with other forms of life? 139 00:07:59.213 --> 00:08:01.790 NARRATOR: Is it possible that the Challenger 140 00:08:01.181 --> 00:08:02.481 discovered the conveyance 141 00:08:02.583 --> 00:08:07.486 of extraterrestrial life on the sea floor? 142 00:08:07.588 --> 00:08:12.324 Might the deepest parts of the ocean be as alien to us 143 00:08:12.426 --> 00:08:16.610 as the farthest reaches of outer space? 144 00:08:16.163 --> 00:08:19.164 Ancient astronaut theorists believe the answer 145 00:08:19.266 --> 00:08:21.132 is a resounding yes, 146 00:08:21.235 --> 00:08:24.690 and point to other strange creatures 147 00:08:24.171 --> 00:08:26.104 that have recently been found 148 00:08:26.206 --> 00:08:29.474 in the seemingly inhospitable deep. 149 00:08:32.379 --> 00:08:34.579 March, 2005. 150 00:08:34.681 --> 00:08:38.160 Scientists off the coast of Easter Island 151 00:08:38.118 --> 00:08:40.510 discover the yeti crab, 152 00:08:40.153 --> 00:08:43.421 a furry crustacean that thrives on the sea floor 153 00:08:43.524 --> 00:08:45.624 near hydrothermal vents... 154 00:08:45.726 --> 00:08:50.280 Fissures that release geothermally-heated water. 155 00:08:50.130 --> 00:08:52.631 Using the hair that covers its body, 156 00:08:52.733 --> 00:08:55.166 the crab is able to filter out 157 00:08:55.269 --> 00:08:58.303 the toxic minerals the vents excrete. 158 00:08:58.405 --> 00:09:02.474 But as extraordinary as the yeti crab is, 159 00:09:02.576 --> 00:09:06.545 it is just one of many forms of marine life 160 00:09:06.647 --> 00:09:11.550 known to be able to exist in such extreme conditions. 161 00:09:11.652 --> 00:09:14.286 Because of the unique conditions that exists 162 00:09:14.388 --> 00:09:17.222 in the hydrothermal vents, um, some really interesting 163 00:09:17.324 --> 00:09:20.325 and remarkable organisms can be found there. 164 00:09:23.830 --> 00:09:25.764 NARRATOR: Another newly-discovered organism 165 00:09:25.866 --> 00:09:31.200 that puzzles scientists is the ctenophore, or comb jelly. 166 00:09:31.104 --> 00:09:35.206 When neurobiologist Leonid Moroz sequenced the DNA 167 00:09:35.309 --> 00:09:37.242 of this translucent creature 168 00:09:37.344 --> 00:09:41.313 at the University of Florida in 2007, he discovered 169 00:09:41.415 --> 00:09:44.382 they possessed a complex nervous system 170 00:09:44.484 --> 00:09:48.320 completely different from the entire animal kingdom. 171 00:10:38.739 --> 00:10:41.706 NARRATOR: How comb jellies function 172 00:10:41.808 --> 00:10:44.576 continues to baffle scientists, 173 00:10:44.678 --> 00:10:48.413 and their unique properties have led Dr. Moroz to dub them, 174 00:10:48.515 --> 00:10:51.449 quote, "aliens of the sea." 175 00:11:03.463 --> 00:11:06.231 We're still finding incredible creatures in the ocean, 176 00:11:06.333 --> 00:11:08.800 creatures that we never even knew existed. 177 00:11:08.902 --> 00:11:10.735 Could be extraterrestrial life. 178 00:11:10.837 --> 00:11:14.539 It's a big planet, and there are a lot of mysteries still here. 179 00:11:14.641 --> 00:11:17.242 NARRATOR: Could there really be alien life 180 00:11:17.344 --> 00:11:19.411 thriving in Earth's oceans? 181 00:11:19.513 --> 00:11:22.781 Might they have traveled here on meteors, 182 00:11:22.883 --> 00:11:26.551 like the plankton found aboard the International Space Station? 183 00:11:26.653 --> 00:11:29.421 Perhaps further clues can be found 184 00:11:29.523 --> 00:11:33.391 by examining the legends of strange aquatic creatures 185 00:11:33.493 --> 00:11:37.495 that were said to have come to Earth from the stars. 186 00:11:42.369 --> 00:11:45.700 NARRATOR: Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan. 187 00:11:45.138 --> 00:11:48.606 May, 2014. 188 00:11:48.675 --> 00:11:53.278 At the historic Miyakonojo Shimazu Residence, 189 00:11:53.380 --> 00:11:55.914 the mummified remains of a sea animal 190 00:11:56.160 --> 00:11:59.517 with webbed hands and feet are put on public display. 191 00:11:59.586 --> 00:12:02.387 Discovered in 1818, 192 00:12:02.489 --> 00:12:05.557 the bones are the first of their kind to be exhibited, 193 00:12:05.659 --> 00:12:09.527 and are purported to be from the legendary kappa... 194 00:12:09.629 --> 00:12:12.464 A species of amphibious humanoid creatures 195 00:12:12.566 --> 00:12:16.201 believed to lurk in the waters of Japan. 196 00:12:16.303 --> 00:12:19.137 DOMINIC STEAVU: These remains were from, allegedly, 197 00:12:19.206 --> 00:12:24.743 a kappa that had been shot in 1818 near a local river. 198 00:12:26.813 --> 00:12:30.140 The kappa, which translates as "water child," 199 00:12:30.117 --> 00:12:34.619 is a creature that is usually about five feet in height, 200 00:12:34.721 --> 00:12:38.356 has scaly skin, 201 00:12:38.458 --> 00:12:42.927 and is usually blue or green in color. 202 00:12:43.290 --> 00:12:45.997 It has a turtle shell on its back and a beak, 203 00:12:46.990 --> 00:12:50.468 as well as a kind of plate on the top of its head 204 00:12:50.570 --> 00:12:54.172 in which it always has to carry water. 205 00:12:54.274 --> 00:12:57.375 If it spills this water, then it loses all of its power, 206 00:12:57.477 --> 00:13:00.378 and it can die within a very short period of time. 207 00:13:00.480 --> 00:13:05.283 So the kappa is basically a water demon. 208 00:13:05.385 --> 00:13:08.253 GERHARD: The kappa is perceived to be 209 00:13:08.355 --> 00:13:10.922 a very malevolent and quite violent creature. 210 00:13:10.991 --> 00:13:12.457 And, in fact, 211 00:13:12.559 --> 00:13:14.993 children are warned to stay away from bodies of water, 212 00:13:15.950 --> 00:13:17.695 because the kappa will actually drag them in and drown them. 213 00:13:21.635 --> 00:13:25.537 NARRATOR: While accounts of the kappa are rare in modern times, 214 00:13:25.639 --> 00:13:27.438 there are still sightings 215 00:13:27.541 --> 00:13:31.409 in remote areas like the Fukuoka Prefecture. 216 00:13:31.511 --> 00:13:33.478 In fact, to this day, 217 00:13:33.547 --> 00:13:36.181 signs can be found posted near bodies of water 218 00:13:36.283 --> 00:13:39.284 throughout Japan warning of the kappa. 219 00:13:41.454 --> 00:13:46.570 For ancient astronaut theorists, the kappa are not only real, 220 00:13:46.159 --> 00:13:49.460 but their existence is proof of otherworldly beings 221 00:13:49.529 --> 00:13:52.297 inhabiting the Earth's waters. 222 00:13:52.365 --> 00:13:55.660 WILCOCK: These kappa are reported 223 00:13:55.168 --> 00:13:58.136 as having an unusual intelligence. 224 00:13:58.238 --> 00:13:59.671 Apparently, they can speak, 225 00:13:59.773 --> 00:14:01.940 even though they have a bird-like beak. 226 00:14:02.800 --> 00:14:04.409 And now, physical, tangible artifacts 227 00:14:04.511 --> 00:14:08.313 of the body of the kappa have gone on display. 228 00:14:08.415 --> 00:14:10.481 Will we find genetic markers 229 00:14:10.584 --> 00:14:14.219 that clearly show that it could not be something from Earth? 230 00:14:18.358 --> 00:14:21.359 NARRATOR: Could it be that the kappa are similar 231 00:14:21.428 --> 00:14:23.928 to the other strange undersea creatures 232 00:14:23.997 --> 00:14:28.199 first discovered by the HMS Challenger in the 1870s? 233 00:14:28.268 --> 00:14:33.400 And if so, are they indigenous to planet Earth, 234 00:14:33.730 --> 00:14:38.409 or did they come here by some extraterrestrial means? 235 00:14:38.511 --> 00:14:41.346 Perhaps the answer can be found 236 00:14:41.448 --> 00:14:44.482 by examining the many historical accounts 237 00:14:44.584 --> 00:14:46.985 of mermaids. 238 00:14:50.223 --> 00:14:52.190 The very earliest accounts 239 00:14:52.259 --> 00:14:55.360 of mermaid-like creatures reveal a connection 240 00:14:55.428 --> 00:14:58.162 with beings that come from the sky. 241 00:14:58.231 --> 00:15:03.134 A story from ancient Syria that dates back to 1,000 B.C. 242 00:15:03.236 --> 00:15:07.538 relates that the goddess Atargatis came down from the sky 243 00:15:07.607 --> 00:15:09.674 and dove into a lake 244 00:15:09.776 --> 00:15:13.578 to become a half-fish, half-human creature. 245 00:15:13.680 --> 00:15:17.982 And in Greek mythology, the goddess Aphrodite 246 00:15:18.510 --> 00:15:22.320 is sometimes associated with mermaid-like beings. 247 00:15:22.422 --> 00:15:23.922 LOREN COLEMAN: If you look at 248 00:15:24.240 --> 00:15:25.924 some of the ancient classic authors 249 00:15:26.260 --> 00:15:28.260 from the Greeks, from the Sumerians, 250 00:15:28.128 --> 00:15:31.396 you see tales of mermaids in which 251 00:15:31.498 --> 00:15:35.166 there is a very direct connection with the heavens, 252 00:15:35.235 --> 00:15:41.306 with a fish-like creature that comes from outer space. 253 00:15:41.408 --> 00:15:45.176 There's something out there that may not even be connected 254 00:15:45.278 --> 00:15:49.113 to our known biological world. 255 00:15:49.215 --> 00:15:52.160 NARRATOR: For ancient astronaut theorists, 256 00:15:52.118 --> 00:15:53.518 the strongest evidence 257 00:15:53.586 --> 00:15:56.955 that humanoid sea creatures not only existed 258 00:15:57.570 --> 00:15:59.190 but came from somewhere beyond our Earth 259 00:15:59.292 --> 00:16:01.225 can be found in the origin tale 260 00:16:01.328 --> 00:16:05.496 of yet another aquatic creature with human traits. 261 00:16:07.400 --> 00:16:11.336 The West African Dogons worship ancestral spirits 262 00:16:11.404 --> 00:16:13.137 they call the Nommo... 263 00:16:13.206 --> 00:16:18.109 The first living creatures created by their sky god Amma. 264 00:16:18.211 --> 00:16:20.244 Described as amphibious, 265 00:16:20.313 --> 00:16:22.800 hermaphroditic, fish-like creatures, 266 00:16:22.182 --> 00:16:24.349 they descended from the stars 267 00:16:24.451 --> 00:16:27.180 in a vessel accompanied by fire and thunder. 268 00:16:29.220 --> 00:16:32.457 GIORGIO TSOUKALOS: There's a really incredible story 269 00:16:32.559 --> 00:16:35.426 of the Nommo that descended from the sky 270 00:16:35.495 --> 00:16:37.862 in a loud noisy whirlwind 271 00:16:37.931 --> 00:16:41.990 that made the Earth shake when it landed. 272 00:16:41.201 --> 00:16:45.570 And their knowledge of everything was given to them 273 00:16:45.672 --> 00:16:49.607 by that being that descended in a whirlwind from the sky. 274 00:16:49.709 --> 00:16:52.143 HENRY: Now, this is interesting because 275 00:16:52.212 --> 00:16:54.879 we have so many traditions of extraterrestrial beings 276 00:16:54.981 --> 00:16:58.820 riding upon clouds that you have to ask, 277 00:16:58.184 --> 00:17:00.184 did the Nommo come from the stars? 278 00:17:00.286 --> 00:17:02.487 Were they extraterrestrial beings 279 00:17:02.555 --> 00:17:05.323 that came to Earth to teach the Dogon? 280 00:17:05.425 --> 00:17:06.858 Is this perhaps why they called them 281 00:17:06.960 --> 00:17:08.960 the monitors and the teachers? 282 00:17:09.620 --> 00:17:14.332 WILCOCK: The legend said they described the star Sirius 283 00:17:14.434 --> 00:17:16.000 as being their point of origin, 284 00:17:16.690 --> 00:17:18.202 and had very accurate information 285 00:17:18.304 --> 00:17:21.873 about a dwarf star called Sirius B 286 00:17:21.975 --> 00:17:25.243 that wasn't even known at the time. 287 00:17:25.345 --> 00:17:28.913 The Dogon said that when the Nommo landed and came out 288 00:17:28.982 --> 00:17:31.115 of this craft that they arrived in, 289 00:17:31.217 --> 00:17:34.452 they almost immediately got into the water. 290 00:17:34.521 --> 00:17:37.388 Because they were essentially fish-like humanoids, 291 00:17:37.490 --> 00:17:41.359 it seems that they needed to be in the water. 292 00:17:41.428 --> 00:17:44.195 We are definitely dealing with some sort of intelligent, 293 00:17:44.297 --> 00:17:46.230 aquatic, humanoid species 294 00:17:46.332 --> 00:17:48.299 that came here as an extraterrestrial visitor 295 00:17:48.401 --> 00:17:50.401 from outer space. 296 00:17:53.506 --> 00:17:56.274 NARRATOR: Might the detailed descriptions of the Nommo 297 00:17:56.342 --> 00:17:59.410 suggest that they were extraterrestrials 298 00:17:59.512 --> 00:18:03.810 that came from space to inhabit our oceans? 299 00:18:03.149 --> 00:18:06.417 And might these be the same beings 300 00:18:06.519 --> 00:18:08.252 that are described in the accounts 301 00:18:08.321 --> 00:18:10.455 of the kappa and mermaids? 302 00:18:10.557 --> 00:18:15.260 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 303 00:18:15.128 --> 00:18:19.970 and suggest there is evidence that alien life forms 304 00:18:19.199 --> 00:18:23.868 have not only descended to Earth from the sky, 305 00:18:23.970 --> 00:18:26.700 but that they may also be entering our planet 306 00:18:26.139 --> 00:18:29.140 through underwater portals. 307 00:18:36.149 --> 00:18:37.915 NARRATOR: Lake Champlain. 308 00:18:38.170 --> 00:18:41.352 July 5, 1977. 309 00:18:41.454 --> 00:18:44.755 While taking a drive along the Eastern shore, 310 00:18:44.858 --> 00:18:47.859 just north of St. Albans, Vermont, 311 00:18:47.961 --> 00:18:50.795 Sandra and Anthony Mansi pull over 312 00:18:50.897 --> 00:18:53.197 to let their two children play in the lake. 313 00:18:53.299 --> 00:18:55.333 As they begin to wade in, 314 00:18:55.435 --> 00:18:59.137 Sandra notices a disturbance in the water. 315 00:18:59.239 --> 00:19:01.572 And then, something shocking. 316 00:19:03.900 --> 00:19:04.408 And I'm watching out there, 317 00:19:04.511 --> 00:19:08.179 and all of a sudden, I could see turbulence. 318 00:19:10.583 --> 00:19:13.251 Something broke the surface of the water. 319 00:19:13.353 --> 00:19:15.386 And it broke the surface like this, 320 00:19:15.488 --> 00:19:17.922 right here... the back of the head and the neck. 321 00:19:18.240 --> 00:19:20.958 I went down, 322 00:19:21.600 --> 00:19:24.195 and that's when it turned to look over its back. 323 00:19:24.297 --> 00:19:26.364 And I snapped the photograph. 324 00:19:26.466 --> 00:19:30.334 NARRATOR: The photograph that Sandra Mansi took that day 325 00:19:30.436 --> 00:19:34.710 is considered by many to be definitive evidence 326 00:19:34.174 --> 00:19:38.509 that Lake Champlain is home to a monster. 327 00:19:41.514 --> 00:19:44.916 Lake Champlain is named for the French explorer 328 00:19:45.180 --> 00:19:48.853 Samuel De Champlain, and in 1609, 329 00:19:48.955 --> 00:19:51.923 he claimed that he saw a strange creature 330 00:19:52.250 --> 00:19:55.590 emerging from the waters while on an expedition. 331 00:19:55.161 --> 00:19:59.997 This sighting was just the first of hundreds. 332 00:20:00.990 --> 00:20:03.467 And for many who believe the stories are true, 333 00:20:03.570 --> 00:20:07.238 Sandra Mansi's photograph is the ultimate proof 334 00:20:07.340 --> 00:20:10.174 that Champ really exists. 335 00:20:10.276 --> 00:20:12.143 In 1981, 336 00:20:12.245 --> 00:20:15.780 the famous photo was submitted for authentication 337 00:20:15.882 --> 00:20:20.284 to the Optical Sciences Center at the University of Arizona. 338 00:20:20.386 --> 00:20:23.187 The findings from the optical college in Arizona 339 00:20:23.289 --> 00:20:25.890 was that this was an authentic photograph. 340 00:20:25.992 --> 00:20:27.358 It was not tampered. 341 00:20:27.460 --> 00:20:29.560 It was genuine. 342 00:20:32.599 --> 00:20:35.990 NARRATOR: Curiously, there have been sightings 343 00:20:35.201 --> 00:20:39.203 of very similar creatures reported all over the world, 344 00:20:39.305 --> 00:20:44.275 like Cressie and Ogopogo in Canada; 345 00:20:44.377 --> 00:20:47.211 The Japanese sea monster Issie; 346 00:20:47.313 --> 00:20:51.349 Mokele-mbembe, sighted off the West Coast of Africa; 347 00:20:51.451 --> 00:20:54.518 And the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland. 348 00:20:54.621 --> 00:20:56.887 KEN GERHARD: One of the most compelling aspects 349 00:20:56.990 --> 00:21:00.224 of the mystery is that descriptions are very similar. 350 00:21:00.326 --> 00:21:03.160 And we're talking about decades of sightings, 351 00:21:03.263 --> 00:21:05.129 numbering in the thousands. 352 00:21:05.231 --> 00:21:08.232 To me, this indicates that we're dealing with 353 00:21:08.334 --> 00:21:11.235 variations of the exact same species here... 354 00:21:11.337 --> 00:21:13.304 A breeding population worldwide. 355 00:21:13.406 --> 00:21:18.109 NARRATOR: Could the fact that stories of similar sea monsters 356 00:21:18.211 --> 00:21:20.478 are told throughout the world be evidence 357 00:21:20.580 --> 00:21:23.914 that these strange creatures really exist? 358 00:21:24.170 --> 00:21:26.984 And if so, just what are they? 359 00:21:27.860 --> 00:21:31.355 According to ancient astronaut theorists, there is evidence 360 00:21:31.457 --> 00:21:36.127 that they may have extraterrestrial origins. 361 00:21:36.229 --> 00:21:39.330 HENRY: The story of the Loch Ness Monster 362 00:21:39.432 --> 00:21:41.532 reminds me of a UFO sighting 363 00:21:41.634 --> 00:21:44.802 that happened north of Nashville back in the '90s. 364 00:21:44.904 --> 00:21:46.404 (rain pattering) 365 00:21:46.506 --> 00:21:50.107 A man hears the sound of rain beating down on the roof, 366 00:21:50.209 --> 00:21:53.444 and he goes outside, and it's a perfectly clear night. 367 00:21:53.546 --> 00:21:57.515 And he looks up in the sky, and he sees a giant UFO 368 00:21:57.617 --> 00:22:01.850 that's firing at a creature on his deck that looks like... 369 00:22:01.187 --> 00:22:03.154 He calls it the one-footed snorkel monster, 370 00:22:03.256 --> 00:22:07.825 because it looked like an elephant's trunk with one foot. 371 00:22:07.927 --> 00:22:10.428 In his police report, the man described 372 00:22:10.530 --> 00:22:13.764 how the snorkel monster spun itself into a vortex 373 00:22:13.866 --> 00:22:16.467 or a ball of light and disappeared. 374 00:22:16.569 --> 00:22:19.937 One wonders if this is evidence of a portal 375 00:22:20.390 --> 00:22:22.373 that this creature was opening up, 376 00:22:22.475 --> 00:22:25.910 and, in fact, if this creature and the Loch Ness Monster 377 00:22:26.120 --> 00:22:28.879 are part of the same family of creatures 378 00:22:28.981 --> 00:22:32.160 that travel the world through these portals or gateways. 379 00:22:32.118 --> 00:22:35.886 NARRATOR: Could it be that there are alien life-forms 380 00:22:35.988 --> 00:22:38.556 inhabiting our oceans that have traveled here 381 00:22:38.658 --> 00:22:42.793 through portals in time and space? 382 00:22:42.895 --> 00:22:45.262 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 383 00:22:45.365 --> 00:22:48.132 and suggest further proof can be found 384 00:22:48.234 --> 00:22:51.369 with the story of another underwater monster: 385 00:22:51.471 --> 00:22:53.971 The kraken. 386 00:22:54.730 --> 00:22:57.308 This squid-like creature of enormous proportions 387 00:22:57.410 --> 00:23:00.344 was described in 1755 388 00:23:00.446 --> 00:23:04.515 by Norwegian historian and bishop Erik Pontoppidan. 389 00:23:04.617 --> 00:23:08.119 He included it in not a fictional text, 390 00:23:08.221 --> 00:23:10.221 but in an encyclopedic account 391 00:23:10.323 --> 00:23:12.957 of the diverse life-forms in his home country 392 00:23:13.590 --> 00:23:16.293 called The Natural History of Norway. 393 00:23:16.396 --> 00:23:18.963 This is very compelling because it indicates 394 00:23:19.650 --> 00:23:23.134 that the kraken was viewed as a real and very viable animal. 395 00:23:23.236 --> 00:23:26.437 In Norse mythology, the kraken was 396 00:23:26.539 --> 00:23:28.472 an island-sized, multi-tentacled monster, 397 00:23:28.574 --> 00:23:32.443 capable of sinking ships by way of the massive whirlpools 398 00:23:32.545 --> 00:23:35.413 that it left in its wake. 399 00:23:35.515 --> 00:23:37.515 Many of the ancient classic authors 400 00:23:37.617 --> 00:23:40.518 talked about kraken as really being 401 00:23:40.620 --> 00:23:43.554 the object that was in the middle of a whirlpool, 402 00:23:43.656 --> 00:23:48.292 so they saw the kraken as a shipping danger. 403 00:23:48.394 --> 00:23:51.462 NARRATOR: Norwegian accounts of the kraken 404 00:23:51.564 --> 00:23:54.865 creating whirlpools through which ships would disappear 405 00:23:54.967 --> 00:23:57.935 date back to the 13th century. 406 00:23:58.370 --> 00:24:01.906 But could the truth about these sea monsters 407 00:24:02.800 --> 00:24:07.144 be even more incredible than our ancestors believed? 408 00:24:07.246 --> 00:24:09.947 Do the stories of the kraken, 409 00:24:10.490 --> 00:24:12.783 and the mysterious whirlpools it creates, 410 00:24:12.885 --> 00:24:15.352 provide further evidence of alien entities 411 00:24:15.455 --> 00:24:19.190 coming to Earth through underwater portals? 412 00:24:19.292 --> 00:24:21.992 These legends suggest that there is 413 00:24:22.940 --> 00:24:25.196 a highly intelligent species in the ocean. 414 00:24:25.298 --> 00:24:28.799 We don't even really know where they came from. 415 00:24:28.901 --> 00:24:31.368 Perhaps our definition of extraterrestrial life 416 00:24:31.471 --> 00:24:32.903 is a little too strict. 417 00:24:33.500 --> 00:24:35.272 And it could be that these are species 418 00:24:35.374 --> 00:24:37.541 that came here from somewhere else. 419 00:24:39.579 --> 00:24:41.111 Of course, there's a lot of the ocean 420 00:24:41.214 --> 00:24:43.781 that hasn't actually been, uh, well explored, 421 00:24:43.883 --> 00:24:47.318 so we're constantly finding new and exciting creatures 422 00:24:47.420 --> 00:24:50.321 that maybe before may have only been legendary. 423 00:24:52.325 --> 00:24:55.459 NARRATOR: Could there be alien life inhabiting our seas 424 00:24:55.561 --> 00:24:58.529 that is much larger, more intelligent, 425 00:24:58.631 --> 00:25:03.133 and more dangerous than furry crabs and strange jellyfish? 426 00:25:03.236 --> 00:25:05.970 And is it possible that the Earth's waters 427 00:25:06.720 --> 00:25:09.106 contain portals that allow these creatures 428 00:25:09.208 --> 00:25:13.777 to travel here from other parts of the universe undetected? 429 00:25:13.880 --> 00:25:19.160 To find out, ancient astronaut theorist David Childress 430 00:25:19.118 --> 00:25:23.287 will dive into the waters of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, 431 00:25:23.389 --> 00:25:25.823 where according to ancient legends, 432 00:25:25.925 --> 00:25:29.927 there is an underwater gateway to another realm. 433 00:25:36.202 --> 00:25:39.103 NARRATOR: Tulum, Mexico. 434 00:25:39.205 --> 00:25:43.641 Here, on the eastern edge of the Yucatan Peninsula, 435 00:25:43.743 --> 00:25:47.645 lie the ruins of one of the last cities built by the Maya, 436 00:25:47.747 --> 00:25:50.314 an advanced ancient civilization 437 00:25:50.383 --> 00:25:52.850 that thrived throughout Mesoamerica 438 00:25:52.919 --> 00:25:57.288 from the eighth century B.C. to the 15th century A.D. 439 00:26:00.293 --> 00:26:03.727 Situated on a cliff overlooking the Caribbean Sea, 440 00:26:03.829 --> 00:26:06.931 this site honors the mysterious diving god 441 00:26:07.330 --> 00:26:10.401 that can be found depicted on several buildings. 442 00:26:10.469 --> 00:26:14.939 Behind me is the Temple of the Diving God. 443 00:26:15.700 --> 00:26:18.676 On the western doorway is a stucco relief 444 00:26:18.744 --> 00:26:24.248 of a winged being who is either diving down from the sky 445 00:26:24.350 --> 00:26:28.218 or he's diving down into the water. 446 00:26:28.287 --> 00:26:32.890 His real identity is not known. 447 00:26:32.191 --> 00:26:34.825 NARRATOR: In addition to the diving god, 448 00:26:34.927 --> 00:26:37.962 it has been documented that the interior of the temple 449 00:26:38.300 --> 00:26:39.964 once contained a mural 450 00:26:40.660 --> 00:26:44.100 portraying the Aztec water goddess Chalchiuhtlicue. 451 00:26:46.272 --> 00:26:50.400 While the Aztecs did not occupy the Yucatan Peninsula, 452 00:26:50.142 --> 00:26:52.910 their ancestors the Olmecs did, 453 00:26:53.120 --> 00:26:56.914 and some believe there may be a profound connection 454 00:26:57.160 --> 00:27:00.784 between this area of Mexico and the Aztec water gods, 455 00:27:00.886 --> 00:27:06.190 who ruled over a paradise-like world called Tlalocan. 456 00:27:07.893 --> 00:27:12.696 Descriptions of Tlalocan come from the Aztec shamans, 457 00:27:12.798 --> 00:27:16.700 spiritual guides who could access this otherworldly realm 458 00:27:16.802 --> 00:27:20.370 through whirlpools while in a dream state. 459 00:27:20.139 --> 00:27:23.907 And according to ancient astronaut theorists, 460 00:27:23.976 --> 00:27:26.644 deep in the jungle, just south of Tulum, 461 00:27:26.712 --> 00:27:29.246 is a location that is a perfect match 462 00:27:29.348 --> 00:27:32.883 for the descriptions of the east region of Tlalocan. 463 00:27:35.354 --> 00:27:38.155 There's an intriguing site right here 464 00:27:38.257 --> 00:27:40.658 off the coast of the Caribbean Sea, 465 00:27:40.760 --> 00:27:45.262 and it may have a connection to the Aztec Tlalocan, 466 00:27:45.331 --> 00:27:50.134 and it's name is Cenote Angelita, 467 00:27:50.236 --> 00:27:52.302 and it's right here. 468 00:27:53.873 --> 00:27:56.106 NARRATOR: A cenote is a sinkhole 469 00:27:56.208 --> 00:27:58.976 where limestone bedrock has collapsed, 470 00:27:59.780 --> 00:28:01.979 exposing the freshwater underneath it. 471 00:28:02.810 --> 00:28:04.782 Many of the cenotes in this part of the Yucatan 472 00:28:04.884 --> 00:28:08.619 are believed to have been formed by the meteor strike 473 00:28:08.688 --> 00:28:12.623 that wiped out the dinosaurs more than 65 million years ago. 474 00:28:12.692 --> 00:28:15.826 As a result of this extreme impact, 475 00:28:15.928 --> 00:28:19.630 they contain high amounts of shocked quartz. 476 00:28:21.400 --> 00:28:24.301 Shocked quartz is a particular type of quartz 477 00:28:24.403 --> 00:28:26.870 that really needs very, very high pressure to form. 478 00:28:26.972 --> 00:28:28.872 Quartz is a crystal, 479 00:28:28.974 --> 00:28:31.208 but every crystal is not completely uniform. 480 00:28:31.310 --> 00:28:33.744 It's comprised of smaller little pieces 481 00:28:33.846 --> 00:28:36.980 that have to align along defects. 482 00:28:37.490 --> 00:28:38.382 And high pressure 483 00:28:38.484 --> 00:28:41.510 changes the internal structure of the quartz. 484 00:28:43.550 --> 00:28:46.323 NARRATOR: Scientists have long known that quartz is able 485 00:28:46.425 --> 00:28:49.860 to convert the Earth's natural electrical vibrations 486 00:28:49.962 --> 00:28:52.129 into a form of energy. 487 00:28:52.231 --> 00:28:54.131 And some have even suggested 488 00:28:54.233 --> 00:28:57.701 that it could be used in the formation of wormholes, 489 00:28:57.770 --> 00:29:00.370 through an electromagnetic reaction 490 00:29:00.139 --> 00:29:03.600 called the Casimir effect. 491 00:29:05.311 --> 00:29:08.245 MICHAEL DENNIN: The idea is, if I take two metal plates 492 00:29:08.314 --> 00:29:10.414 and stick them in the vacuum of space, 493 00:29:10.516 --> 00:29:13.417 it turns out, because of quantum fluctuation, 494 00:29:13.486 --> 00:29:15.953 this creates an effective, attractive force 495 00:29:16.550 --> 00:29:17.821 between the plates. 496 00:29:17.923 --> 00:29:20.691 One can think of this as a negative energy. 497 00:29:20.760 --> 00:29:23.260 Now, an intriguing idea that we get 498 00:29:23.129 --> 00:29:25.896 is that this is exactly the principle we need 499 00:29:25.998 --> 00:29:30.167 to understand perhaps how to stabilize a wormhole. 500 00:29:30.269 --> 00:29:32.936 NARRATOR: Although there are a number of cenotes 501 00:29:33.380 --> 00:29:37.441 in the Yucatan, Cenote Angelita is very unique. 502 00:29:37.543 --> 00:29:40.377 About 100 feet below its surface, 503 00:29:40.479 --> 00:29:42.379 the freshwater meets up 504 00:29:42.481 --> 00:29:45.883 with the salt water coming from the ocean beneath it, 505 00:29:45.951 --> 00:29:49.219 creating a mysterious underwater river. 506 00:29:50.856 --> 00:29:53.323 CHILDRESS: Where we are right now in the Yucatan 507 00:29:53.392 --> 00:29:57.661 is just about as far east as you can go in Mexico. 508 00:29:57.763 --> 00:30:04.334 And the description of Tlalocan was that the very eastern side 509 00:30:04.436 --> 00:30:07.437 was where the waters of the underworld 510 00:30:07.540 --> 00:30:12.442 met with the waters of the surface world. 511 00:30:12.545 --> 00:30:15.379 And that is exactly what we have here. 512 00:30:17.449 --> 00:30:20.751 It was said that souls passed through here, 513 00:30:20.853 --> 00:30:23.754 and the Aztecs believed very strongly 514 00:30:23.823 --> 00:30:27.191 that this was a portal to another dimension. 515 00:30:29.829 --> 00:30:32.963 WILCOCK: The Aztecs had the legend of the Tlalocan... 516 00:30:33.650 --> 00:30:37.835 They entered into through whirlpools in the water. 517 00:30:37.937 --> 00:30:42.706 So you can start to connect the dots here 518 00:30:42.808 --> 00:30:46.243 and see that those areas could in fact be traversable wormholes 519 00:30:46.345 --> 00:30:48.345 that will take us somewhere else. 520 00:30:50.349 --> 00:30:52.783 NARRATOR: Could the highly pressurized quartz 521 00:30:52.885 --> 00:30:56.653 found in Cenote Angelita have made it the perfect location 522 00:30:56.722 --> 00:31:01.158 for advanced alien beings to create a wormhole? 523 00:31:01.260 --> 00:31:05.280 And might this explain the stories from the Aztec shamans 524 00:31:05.970 --> 00:31:09.700 who claimed they were shown an entrance to paradise? 525 00:31:09.802 --> 00:31:13.704 David Childress has enlisted diver Spencer Stander 526 00:31:13.806 --> 00:31:16.707 to help him explore the cenote. 527 00:31:16.809 --> 00:31:21.211 We'll see the-the river, um, around an island. 528 00:31:21.280 --> 00:31:23.347 And, uh, you'll see these bizarre trees. 529 00:31:23.449 --> 00:31:26.116 It's like a decrepit forest; It's so cool. 530 00:31:26.185 --> 00:31:28.630 It looks like a moving river. You're gonna be blown away. 531 00:31:28.870 --> 00:31:29.319 Uh, this is gonna be unique. 532 00:31:34.159 --> 00:31:38.195 CHILDRESS: Diver Spenr 533 00:31:38.297 --> 00:31:40.764 and ancient astronaut theorist David Childress 534 00:31:40.866 --> 00:31:44.902 are about to explore the Cenote Angelita. 535 00:31:44.970 --> 00:31:47.905 For ancient astronaut theorists, 536 00:31:47.973 --> 00:31:51.241 Cenote Angelita has an eerie similarity 537 00:31:51.343 --> 00:31:53.777 to both the legends and illustrations 538 00:31:53.879 --> 00:31:57.781 of the Aztec paradise Tlalocan, where it was believed 539 00:31:57.883 --> 00:32:00.884 souls could pass through a portal to another realm. 540 00:32:04.290 --> 00:32:06.757 So, um, we're just gonna check. 541 00:32:06.859 --> 00:32:08.325 (gas hisses) 542 00:32:11.330 --> 00:32:13.196 All right, I'm gonna jump in there. 543 00:32:17.360 --> 00:32:19.169 Nice. 544 00:32:19.238 --> 00:32:21.710 NARRATOR: Although the waters of the cenote 545 00:32:21.140 --> 00:32:23.941 are extremely murky on the surface, 546 00:32:24.430 --> 00:32:28.245 at 15 feet down, everything becomes crystal clear. 547 00:32:28.314 --> 00:32:32.149 But once they descend to 100 feet, 548 00:32:32.217 --> 00:32:36.190 it turns as black as the darkest reaches of space. 549 00:32:36.121 --> 00:32:38.555 CHILDRESS: And even though we had lights with us, 550 00:32:38.657 --> 00:32:42.359 it was still like we were floating within the cosmos. 551 00:32:44.396 --> 00:32:48.165 But then as we got down at a hundred feet, 552 00:32:48.267 --> 00:32:52.135 suddenly we could start to see the sides of the cenote... 553 00:32:54.139 --> 00:32:59.643 and then this strange layer began to emerge. 554 00:32:59.745 --> 00:33:03.113 NARRATOR: Here, the freshwater of the cenote meets 555 00:33:03.215 --> 00:33:05.150 the salt water of the ocean, 556 00:33:05.117 --> 00:33:09.119 forming one of nature's most mysterious anomalies: 557 00:33:09.221 --> 00:33:11.855 An underwater river. 558 00:33:13.859 --> 00:33:17.661 CHILDRESS: And these dead trees coming out of the sides, 559 00:33:17.763 --> 00:33:21.665 and-and this artificial sort of mound at the bottom. 560 00:33:23.569 --> 00:33:28.271 And it was really like the meeting of-of two worlds. 561 00:33:30.275 --> 00:33:33.710 One of the freshwater of the upper world 562 00:33:33.779 --> 00:33:38.480 and then that of this lower world of the seawater 563 00:33:38.117 --> 00:33:41.685 and this murky layer of hydrogen sulfite 564 00:33:41.754 --> 00:33:45.880 that we had to then penetrate. 565 00:33:45.190 --> 00:33:47.900 NARRATOR: The meeting of waters from above 566 00:33:47.192 --> 00:33:49.626 with waters from below 567 00:33:49.728 --> 00:33:51.628 is exactly how the Aztecs described 568 00:33:51.730 --> 00:33:54.898 the east region of Tlalocan, 569 00:33:55.000 --> 00:33:58.902 a place where souls would pass from one dimension to another 570 00:33:59.400 --> 00:34:01.905 as though passing through a portal. 571 00:34:02.700 --> 00:34:06.243 It is here that some ancient astronaut theorists believe 572 00:34:06.345 --> 00:34:10.814 there may really exist a portal to another world. 573 00:34:10.916 --> 00:34:13.817 Could it be true? 574 00:34:13.919 --> 00:34:17.154 Might extraterrestrials have considered this 575 00:34:17.256 --> 00:34:20.257 the perfect location to create a stargate... 576 00:34:23.950 --> 00:34:27.970 hidden in the thick layer of poisonous hydrogen sulfide 577 00:34:27.199 --> 00:34:31.268 that obscures all that lies beneath from view? 578 00:34:31.370 --> 00:34:35.720 The whole thing was-was very spooky. 579 00:34:35.174 --> 00:34:37.674 And, uh, it's something I'll remember 580 00:34:37.776 --> 00:34:39.810 for the rest of my life. 581 00:34:39.912 --> 00:34:42.546 NARRATOR: After 30 minutes underwater, 582 00:34:42.648 --> 00:34:46.516 David and Spencer return to the surface. 583 00:34:46.618 --> 00:34:50.220 CHILDRESS: Oh, man, that was so fantastic and strange. 584 00:34:50.322 --> 00:34:52.756 - Man, uh, wow. - (laughs) 585 00:34:52.825 --> 00:34:56.726 It strikes me just how much this does fit the Aztec legend 586 00:34:56.829 --> 00:35:00.831 of the-the underworld of Tlalocan. 587 00:35:00.899 --> 00:35:04.670 What is mysterious though is, even if the Aztecs 588 00:35:04.169 --> 00:35:07.938 had come here and knew about this place 589 00:35:08.400 --> 00:35:09.940 or-or learned about it from the Olmecs, 590 00:35:10.420 --> 00:35:12.609 how would they have known 591 00:35:12.711 --> 00:35:15.712 what is 100 feet down in this cenote? 592 00:35:15.814 --> 00:35:17.859 That's right, 'cause you can't see it from the surface. 593 00:35:17.883 --> 00:35:20.150 I mean, I suppose that, you know, 594 00:35:20.252 --> 00:35:23.920 the shamans could just go down there in a... in a trance state 595 00:35:23.989 --> 00:35:26.756 or if someone actually dove down into this thing. 596 00:35:26.859 --> 00:35:28.492 - Yeah. - It's incredible. 597 00:35:28.594 --> 00:35:30.861 NARRATOR: Could it be 598 00:35:30.963 --> 00:35:33.563 that some of the bizarre underwater creatures 599 00:35:33.665 --> 00:35:35.765 that have been reported for centuries... 600 00:35:35.868 --> 00:35:38.101 Like the Loch Ness Monster, 601 00:35:38.170 --> 00:35:41.938 the kraken and the kappa... 602 00:35:42.400 --> 00:35:44.908 Are not just mythical sea monsters, 603 00:35:44.977 --> 00:35:48.979 but alien entities that have come to Earth through wormholes? 604 00:35:52.151 --> 00:35:53.984 CHILDRESS: You have to ask yourself, 605 00:35:54.520 --> 00:35:58.788 could the shocked quartz here at the Cenote Angelita 606 00:35:58.891 --> 00:36:00.790 create wormholes 607 00:36:00.893 --> 00:36:03.260 that extraterrestrials might have used 608 00:36:03.128 --> 00:36:04.828 for interdimensional travel? 609 00:36:04.930 --> 00:36:07.130 JASON MARTELL: It can't be a coincidence 610 00:36:07.232 --> 00:36:09.833 that both Mayan and Aztec beliefs 611 00:36:09.935 --> 00:36:12.350 incorporated a swirling pool of water 612 00:36:12.137 --> 00:36:16.706 where they were able to travel to some other sacred paradise. 613 00:36:16.775 --> 00:36:20.844 Maybe we're talking about a form of technological travel 614 00:36:20.946 --> 00:36:23.480 that isn't understood in modern form, 615 00:36:23.582 --> 00:36:25.815 but through the ancient astronaut lens, 616 00:36:25.918 --> 00:36:27.517 we have to understand that ancient man 617 00:36:27.586 --> 00:36:29.986 went to great lengths to depict and explain 618 00:36:30.550 --> 00:36:32.756 how this form of travel was taking place. 619 00:36:32.858 --> 00:36:34.624 And it might be that this is something 620 00:36:34.693 --> 00:36:36.626 that was extraterrestrial in nature. 621 00:36:36.695 --> 00:36:38.895 NARRATOR: Could there really be 622 00:36:38.964 --> 00:36:41.970 a gateway to another world 623 00:36:41.200 --> 00:36:45.502 hidden at the bottom of Cenote Angelita? 624 00:36:45.604 --> 00:36:49.272 And if so, could other cenotes, lakes, 625 00:36:49.374 --> 00:36:53.743 rivers and oceans contain similar portals 626 00:36:53.845 --> 00:36:56.246 through which all manner of alien life 627 00:36:56.315 --> 00:36:58.715 is coming to our planet? 628 00:36:58.817 --> 00:37:01.117 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 629 00:37:01.220 --> 00:37:04.120 and suggest there is new evidence 630 00:37:04.223 --> 00:37:06.957 that the abundance of water on planet Earth 631 00:37:07.250 --> 00:37:11.828 makes it a prime destination for extraterrestrial beings. 632 00:37:19.104 --> 00:37:22.639 NASA launches Storm Probes into the Van Allen belts, 633 00:37:22.741 --> 00:37:25.800 intense radiation zones 634 00:37:25.110 --> 00:37:27.777 that surround planet Earth like a doughnut. 635 00:37:27.879 --> 00:37:30.747 DENNIN: Because of the Van Allen belts, 636 00:37:30.849 --> 00:37:33.483 incoming charged particles are sent on curved paths 637 00:37:33.585 --> 00:37:36.653 that safely protect the Earth, and we don't get hit by them. 638 00:37:36.755 --> 00:37:38.688 NARRATOR: During the two-year mission, 639 00:37:38.790 --> 00:37:41.658 the probes record the belts' radio waves 640 00:37:41.760 --> 00:37:44.394 and discover something incredible. 641 00:37:44.496 --> 00:37:46.429 (high-pitched warbling) 642 00:37:46.531 --> 00:37:48.498 The sound they produce in space 643 00:37:48.600 --> 00:37:52.469 is nearly identical to the song of a humpback whale. 644 00:37:52.571 --> 00:37:55.538 (whale singing) 645 00:37:55.641 --> 00:37:57.507 DENNIN: What's nice about the Van Allen belts 646 00:37:57.609 --> 00:37:59.576 is the radio waves they emit 647 00:37:59.678 --> 00:38:03.146 are at the same frequencies as sound that we listen to. 648 00:38:03.248 --> 00:38:05.515 And so you can record these radio waves 649 00:38:05.617 --> 00:38:08.485 and play them, and they make music basically. 650 00:38:08.587 --> 00:38:10.587 (high-pitched warbling) 651 00:38:12.624 --> 00:38:16.660 Radiation and things in the universe make noise. 652 00:38:16.762 --> 00:38:18.962 Planets emit a sound. 653 00:38:19.640 --> 00:38:20.897 Everything emits a sound. 654 00:38:20.999 --> 00:38:23.667 And the similarity to the humpback whale sound... 655 00:38:23.769 --> 00:38:25.735 I mean, is that a coincidence? 656 00:38:25.837 --> 00:38:27.537 I don't believe in coincidences. 657 00:38:27.639 --> 00:38:28.872 But it is weird. 658 00:38:28.974 --> 00:38:32.800 WILCOCK: It's possible to me 659 00:38:32.110 --> 00:38:35.779 that other aquatic, humanoid life-forms that are out there 660 00:38:35.881 --> 00:38:38.548 in the universe might be able to notice 661 00:38:38.650 --> 00:38:42.152 that these electromagnetic belts around our Earth 662 00:38:42.254 --> 00:38:45.789 are ringing like a gong, saying, "There's water here." 663 00:38:45.891 --> 00:38:47.724 And that could very well attract them 664 00:38:47.826 --> 00:38:49.726 and draw them to our planet, 665 00:38:49.828 --> 00:38:53.596 almost like a beacon to a watery world. 666 00:38:53.699 --> 00:38:56.166 NARRATOR: Could the Van Allen belts 667 00:38:56.268 --> 00:38:59.636 actually be of extraterrestrial design, 668 00:38:59.738 --> 00:39:01.738 acting as a beacon to indicate 669 00:39:01.840 --> 00:39:03.973 that our planet is rich with water? 670 00:39:04.760 --> 00:39:07.610 While scientists are discovering 671 00:39:07.713 --> 00:39:09.913 that water is more prevalent throughout the universe 672 00:39:10.150 --> 00:39:14.840 than previously thought, it has become increasingly clear 673 00:39:14.186 --> 00:39:17.387 that planets with large bodies of liquid water... 674 00:39:17.489 --> 00:39:19.656 Believed to be essential for complex life... 675 00:39:19.758 --> 00:39:21.570 Are scarce. 676 00:39:21.159 --> 00:39:23.126 Earth is a little bit special. 677 00:39:23.228 --> 00:39:26.663 It's got abundant water, but it's also got abundant land, 678 00:39:26.765 --> 00:39:29.399 and that may be a peculiar feature. 679 00:39:29.501 --> 00:39:32.902 But seeing as liquid water is so critical to life as we know it, 680 00:39:33.400 --> 00:39:35.538 when we look to worlds elsewhere, 681 00:39:35.640 --> 00:39:39.709 we're primarily looking for liquid water. 682 00:39:39.811 --> 00:39:44.180 If life exists that's intelligent 683 00:39:44.282 --> 00:39:47.183 on a planet that hosts water-based life, 684 00:39:47.285 --> 00:39:51.688 then one can suggest that the only other planet 685 00:39:51.790 --> 00:39:53.656 that they would be looking for intelligent life 686 00:39:53.759 --> 00:39:55.825 is also water-based. 687 00:39:57.829 --> 00:40:01.164 GERHARD: We seem so fixated on finding life on other planets, 688 00:40:01.266 --> 00:40:04.000 yet there's so much potential here on Earth. 689 00:40:04.102 --> 00:40:06.469 If there's anything that we've learned from history, 690 00:40:06.571 --> 00:40:09.639 it's that anything is possible. 691 00:40:09.741 --> 00:40:11.875 We can't discount the possibility 692 00:40:11.977 --> 00:40:14.811 that somewhere in the vast, unexplored ocean depths 693 00:40:14.913 --> 00:40:17.514 lies some highly intelligent 694 00:40:17.616 --> 00:40:20.830 and highly dangerous life-form we haven't seen yet... 695 00:40:20.185 --> 00:40:23.186 Deep-sea aliens, if you will. 696 00:40:26.525 --> 00:40:29.592 75% of our planet is ocean. 697 00:40:43.875 --> 00:40:45.408 MARTELL: Today, as we look deeper 698 00:40:45.510 --> 00:40:47.760 into our own solar system and beyond, 699 00:40:47.179 --> 00:40:49.712 we realize the importance of H2O, 700 00:40:49.815 --> 00:40:52.782 and that water isn't only a life force for us, 701 00:40:52.884 --> 00:40:55.885 but possibly other organisms within the galaxy. 702 00:40:55.987 --> 00:41:00.123 And knowing that our oceans are as deep as they are, 703 00:41:00.225 --> 00:41:03.493 it's very possible that there's a whole other world 704 00:41:03.595 --> 00:41:06.596 of exploration waiting for us. 705 00:41:06.698 --> 00:41:08.932 We might even discover that there are other races 706 00:41:09.340 --> 00:41:10.400 living on the planet Earth, 707 00:41:10.502 --> 00:41:13.470 but at the deep parts of our oceans. 708 00:41:18.543 --> 00:41:21.100 NARRATOR: Is it possible that extraterrestrials 709 00:41:21.112 --> 00:41:23.947 inhabit our waters all over the world? 710 00:41:25.250 --> 00:41:27.550 Could exotic fish, 711 00:41:27.652 --> 00:41:30.420 terrifying sea monsters, 712 00:41:30.522 --> 00:41:33.723 and even humanoid creatures 713 00:41:33.825 --> 00:41:38.461 have come to our planet through underwater portals? 714 00:41:38.563 --> 00:41:43.399 Perhaps when we finally make contact with alien beings, 715 00:41:43.502 --> 00:41:47.103 it will not be in the furthest reaches of space, 716 00:41:47.205 --> 00:41:50.139 but right here on Earth, 717 00:41:50.242 --> 00:41:51.841 lurking in the deep.