1 00:00:01.135 --> 00:00:02.701 NARRATOR: Bizarre shapes... 2 00:00:02.803 --> 00:00:04.570 LINDA MOULTON HOWE: What in the world 3 00:00:04.672 --> 00:00:06.705 is making these patterns and why? 4 00:00:06.807 --> 00:00:09.541 NARRATOR: ...intricate designs... 5 00:00:09.643 --> 00:00:11.543 DAVID WILCOCK: Scientists are now saying 6 00:00:11.645 --> 00:00:13.579 that this geometry 7 00:00:13.681 --> 00:00:16.281 is the secret keys to the higher dimensions. 8 00:00:16.384 --> 00:00:18.450 NARRATOR: ...and a mysterious method 9 00:00:18.552 --> 00:00:20.986 that defies explanation. 10 00:00:21.880 --> 00:00:23.922 NICK POPE: Everyone was scratching their heads 11 00:00:24.250 --> 00:00:25.302 and saying, "What's going on here?" 12 00:00:25.326 --> 00:00:27.726 NARRATOR: Are the patterns 13 00:00:27.828 --> 00:00:29.728 appearing on fields across the globe 14 00:00:29.830 --> 00:00:32.264 part of an elaborate hoax? 15 00:00:32.366 --> 00:00:36.268 Or could there really be an otherworldly connection? 16 00:00:36.370 --> 00:00:39.705 GIORGIO TSOUKALOS: These are messages from elsewhere. 17 00:00:39.807 --> 00:00:42.741 And elsewhere, in my opinion, 18 00:00:42.843 --> 00:00:44.777 means of extraterrestrial origin. 19 00:00:44.879 --> 00:00:48.180 NARRATOR: Since the dawn of civilization, 20 00:00:48.282 --> 00:00:52.651 mankind has credited its origins to gods 21 00:00:52.753 --> 00:00:55.788 and other visitors from the stars. 22 00:00:55.890 --> 00:00:58.791 What if it were true? 23 00:00:58.893 --> 00:01:00.592 Did extraterrestrial beings 24 00:01:00.694 --> 00:01:04.263 really help to shape our history? 25 00:01:04.365 --> 00:01:06.131 And if so... 26 00:01:06.233 --> 00:01:08.801 could they really be communicating 27 00:01:08.903 --> 00:01:11.703 using circles from the sky? 28 00:01:38.933 --> 00:01:41.500 Turin, Italy. 29 00:01:41.602 --> 00:01:44.837 June 23, 2015. 30 00:01:44.939 --> 00:01:49.410 Pilot Silvio Sirotto reports 31 00:01:49.143 --> 00:01:50.676 that while flying over a wheat field 32 00:01:50.778 --> 00:01:52.878 directly in the flight path of the local airport, 33 00:01:52.980 --> 00:01:56.415 he spotted a mysterious design 34 00:01:56.517 --> 00:01:58.817 seemingly pressed into the crops. 35 00:01:58.919 --> 00:02:02.540 Investigators are baffled 36 00:02:02.156 --> 00:02:04.323 as to how the design could have been created 37 00:02:04.425 --> 00:02:08.861 without any detection in such a high-traffic area. 38 00:02:08.963 --> 00:02:11.930 To date, it remains a mystery, 39 00:02:12.320 --> 00:02:15.501 but it is only one of the latest examples 40 00:02:15.603 --> 00:02:17.200 in a strange phenomenon 41 00:02:17.104 --> 00:02:19.905 that has been going on for decades, 42 00:02:20.700 --> 00:02:23.475 and possibly much, much longer. 43 00:02:23.577 --> 00:02:29.470 Over 10,000 crop formations have been found worldwide. 44 00:02:29.150 --> 00:02:32.584 They have been reported in over 50 different countries 45 00:02:32.686 --> 00:02:36.421 and on nearly every continent on Earth. 46 00:02:36.524 --> 00:02:39.391 Commonly known as crop circles, 47 00:02:39.493 --> 00:02:44.596 the formations are designs pressed down into fields. 48 00:02:44.698 --> 00:02:47.299 They range from small circles 49 00:02:47.401 --> 00:02:50.969 to elaborate pictograms hundreds of feet across. 50 00:02:52.540 --> 00:02:55.574 They have been found in various crops, 51 00:02:55.676 --> 00:02:57.876 including wheat, barley, 52 00:02:57.978 --> 00:03:02.140 oilseed rape and corn. 53 00:03:02.116 --> 00:03:04.616 And they've been making worldwide headlines 54 00:03:04.718 --> 00:03:06.985 since the mid-1960s. 55 00:03:08.989 --> 00:03:11.256 One of the first, in 1966, 56 00:03:11.358 --> 00:03:13.659 it was Tully, Queensland, Australia. 57 00:03:13.761 --> 00:03:15.427 (buzzing) 58 00:03:15.529 --> 00:03:17.829 A farmer heard a buzzing sound 59 00:03:17.932 --> 00:03:20.980 and literally saw this big, round, 60 00:03:20.201 --> 00:03:24.636 maybe 30-feet-diameter craft, disk, rising up 61 00:03:24.738 --> 00:03:28.607 out of what essentially was marshy, reedy ground. 62 00:03:28.709 --> 00:03:30.943 And it goes up and disappears, 63 00:03:31.450 --> 00:03:34.580 and left behind the circle. 64 00:03:34.682 --> 00:03:36.615 CHARLES MALLETT: Beginning in Tully, Australia, 65 00:03:36.717 --> 00:03:38.550 there seems to be a kind of a smattering 66 00:03:38.652 --> 00:03:41.286 of these circular impressions, relatively simple, 67 00:03:41.388 --> 00:03:43.322 but in several locations around the world. 68 00:03:43.424 --> 00:03:49.361 1960s, '70s, '80s, liberal sprinkling of circles, 69 00:03:49.463 --> 00:03:51.960 1990... bang, 70 00:03:51.198 --> 00:03:54.132 and the whole thing goes planet-wide. 71 00:03:57.370 --> 00:03:58.971 NARRATOR: By 1991, 72 00:03:59.730 --> 00:04:01.974 over 2,500 formations had been reported 73 00:04:02.760 --> 00:04:06.278 across 23 different countries. 74 00:04:06.380 --> 00:04:08.447 HOWE: As an investigative reporter 75 00:04:08.549 --> 00:04:10.782 who began about three decades ago, 76 00:04:10.884 --> 00:04:13.752 trying to get to the bottom of this phenomena, 77 00:04:13.854 --> 00:04:16.221 I remember getting these photographs 78 00:04:16.323 --> 00:04:21.426 and reading that there were no footprints. 79 00:04:21.528 --> 00:04:25.530 No one was walking around, because if they had, 80 00:04:25.633 --> 00:04:28.300 we would have seen broken stalks. 81 00:04:28.402 --> 00:04:30.736 Everybody was raising this question: 82 00:04:30.838 --> 00:04:34.573 "What in the world is making these patterns and why?" 83 00:04:36.577 --> 00:04:39.440 They had scientists and meteorologists in the field, 84 00:04:39.146 --> 00:04:41.130 and it was really fascinating 85 00:04:41.115 --> 00:04:44.416 and people really got into it in a big, big way. 86 00:04:46.720 --> 00:04:49.721 POPE: Nobody knew what to make of this. 87 00:04:49.823 --> 00:04:53.558 Politicians, scientists, the UFO community... 88 00:04:53.661 --> 00:04:55.527 Everyone was scratching their heads 89 00:04:55.629 --> 00:04:57.540 and saying, "What's going on here? What is this?" 90 00:04:57.564 --> 00:05:00.999 Some people thought that it was extraterrestrial. 91 00:05:01.101 --> 00:05:04.403 Others thought it was a meteorological phenomenon 92 00:05:04.505 --> 00:05:06.171 of some sort. 93 00:05:06.273 --> 00:05:08.607 And other people said, "Well, it must be a hoax." 94 00:05:13.800 --> 00:05:15.881 NARRATOR: On September 9, 1991, 95 00:05:15.983 --> 00:05:18.684 two retirees from the English countryside, 96 00:05:18.786 --> 00:05:23.822 Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, came forward with an admission 97 00:05:23.924 --> 00:05:26.992 that they were behind the crop formations. 98 00:05:27.940 --> 00:05:30.280 Using nothing more than a board and strings, 99 00:05:30.130 --> 00:05:33.131 the hoaxers demonstrated their technique 100 00:05:33.233 --> 00:05:37.369 for pressing down the crop to form a design. 101 00:05:37.471 --> 00:05:40.872 HOWE: I won't forget when the news came 102 00:05:40.974 --> 00:05:43.542 that there were these two men 103 00:05:43.644 --> 00:05:47.813 saying they were responsible for all the crop formations. 104 00:05:47.915 --> 00:05:49.514 And immediately, 105 00:05:49.616 --> 00:05:51.983 because of all the work that I had been doing was, 106 00:05:52.860 --> 00:05:55.754 well, they weren't traveling to 23 nations, 107 00:05:55.856 --> 00:05:58.123 number one. 108 00:05:58.225 --> 00:06:00.726 Number two, they were off-kilter. 109 00:06:00.828 --> 00:06:02.694 They were not geometric. 110 00:06:02.796 --> 00:06:06.932 And for those of us who have been in real crop formations, 111 00:06:07.340 --> 00:06:09.601 there's just no comparison. 112 00:06:09.703 --> 00:06:12.571 MALLETT: Doug and Dave, "the men that conned the world." 113 00:06:12.673 --> 00:06:14.706 That was the headline in our local newspaper here. 114 00:06:14.808 --> 00:06:17.843 And these two men came forward and said, "We done it all." 115 00:06:17.945 --> 00:06:22.781 We made all the crop circles since 1976, everything." 116 00:06:22.883 --> 00:06:24.750 Most people pretty much swallowed that, 117 00:06:24.852 --> 00:06:26.618 hook, line and sinker. 118 00:06:28.255 --> 00:06:29.988 POPE: There are some theories 119 00:06:30.900 --> 00:06:33.625 that, uh, Doug and Dave were just government stooges, 120 00:06:33.727 --> 00:06:35.494 that, uh, the plan 121 00:06:35.596 --> 00:06:37.863 was to bring the whole subject into disrepute, 122 00:06:37.965 --> 00:06:39.464 to discredit it, 123 00:06:39.566 --> 00:06:43.135 and to-to make the media just go away. 124 00:06:43.237 --> 00:06:45.337 NARRATOR: But could it be 125 00:06:45.439 --> 00:06:47.839 that there is more to the crop circle phenomenon 126 00:06:47.941 --> 00:06:51.676 than a modern-day hoax orchestrated by pranksters? 127 00:06:51.779 --> 00:06:56.548 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and suggest 128 00:06:56.650 --> 00:07:00.180 that crop formations are not, in fact, 129 00:07:00.120 --> 00:07:02.454 a modern phenomenon at all, 130 00:07:02.556 --> 00:07:06.658 but can be traced back hundreds of years. 131 00:07:06.760 --> 00:07:10.729 JONATHAN YOUNG: There is a report from the year 815, 132 00:07:10.831 --> 00:07:13.165 of the Bishop of Lyon, 133 00:07:13.267 --> 00:07:15.867 a warning, notifying another priest 134 00:07:15.969 --> 00:07:18.170 who was going to take over his parish 135 00:07:18.272 --> 00:07:20.572 that the locals are involved in something 136 00:07:20.674 --> 00:07:22.340 he considers devil worship. 137 00:07:24.278 --> 00:07:26.578 They're gathering seeds 138 00:07:26.680 --> 00:07:28.647 in a flattened circle of the crops 139 00:07:28.749 --> 00:07:30.582 and using them in fertility rituals. 140 00:07:33.353 --> 00:07:38.123 WILCOCK: There are some very strange accounts in the 1600s. 141 00:07:38.225 --> 00:07:42.194 One of the original scientists, Dr. Robert Plot, 142 00:07:42.296 --> 00:07:46.164 reported seeing crop circles appearing on his land 143 00:07:46.266 --> 00:07:48.867 in Staffordshire, England. 144 00:07:48.969 --> 00:07:52.604 And he actually drew diagrams of what he was seeing. 145 00:07:54.141 --> 00:07:57.242 We also have the infamous legend, in the 1600s, 146 00:07:57.344 --> 00:07:59.611 of the so-called "mowing-devil." 147 00:08:01.849 --> 00:08:05.183 TSOUKALOS: One of the first crop circles ever reported 148 00:08:05.285 --> 00:08:08.253 was a mowing-devil that was in England 149 00:08:08.355 --> 00:08:10.589 going through the wheat fields. 150 00:08:10.691 --> 00:08:16.161 There's actually a woodcut that shows what, 151 00:08:16.263 --> 00:08:18.897 for all intents and purposes, looks like a crop circle, 152 00:08:18.999 --> 00:08:21.660 but has this black creature 153 00:08:21.168 --> 00:08:23.168 that just runs around with the horns. 154 00:08:23.270 --> 00:08:25.470 So the idea was, in folklore, 155 00:08:25.572 --> 00:08:30.410 that something or someone laid down this formation 156 00:08:30.143 --> 00:08:31.576 in a wheat field. 157 00:08:31.678 --> 00:08:34.479 And that goes back all the way to 1678. 158 00:08:36.416 --> 00:08:40.151 Some even have suggested that there may be a description 159 00:08:40.254 --> 00:08:44.256 of a crop circle in the Dead Sea Scrolls. 160 00:08:44.358 --> 00:08:46.191 WILLIAM HENRY: In the Dead Sea Scrolls 161 00:08:46.293 --> 00:08:49.940 is a cryptic reference to a light 162 00:08:49.196 --> 00:08:52.964 that leaves a mark on the ground. 163 00:08:53.660 --> 00:08:57.102 Interpreters ask: Is it possible that the marks on the land... 164 00:08:57.204 --> 00:08:59.700 Specifically on the barley and the lentil... 165 00:08:59.172 --> 00:09:01.273 Are crop circles? 166 00:09:04.111 --> 00:09:06.811 NARRATOR: Is it possible that crop circles 167 00:09:06.914 --> 00:09:11.820 have appeared for hundreds, if not thousands of years? 168 00:09:11.184 --> 00:09:15.186 And if so, could it be that while some of these formations 169 00:09:15.289 --> 00:09:17.722 have been exposed as hoaxes, 170 00:09:17.824 --> 00:09:22.193 many others are connected to otherworldly beings? 171 00:09:22.296 --> 00:09:25.263 Perhaps further clues can be found 172 00:09:25.365 --> 00:09:29.534 by putting a man-made crop formation to the test. 173 00:09:37.811 --> 00:09:40.579 NARRATOR: Wiltshire, England. 174 00:09:40.647 --> 00:09:43.381 This sleepy countryside, 175 00:09:43.483 --> 00:09:47.520 just over 100 miles west of London, 176 00:09:47.120 --> 00:09:51.623 is considered ground zero for the crop circle phenomenon. 177 00:09:53.660 --> 00:09:57.896 It is also home to many mysterious ancient sites, 178 00:09:57.998 --> 00:09:59.864 including Stonehenge, 179 00:09:59.933 --> 00:10:01.900 Avebury, 180 00:10:02.200 --> 00:10:04.235 Silbury Hill 181 00:10:04.338 --> 00:10:07.272 and West Kennet Long Barrow. 182 00:10:07.374 --> 00:10:10.141 MALLET: One could quite reasonably 183 00:10:10.210 --> 00:10:12.978 and easy make the connection that these crop circles 184 00:10:13.800 --> 00:10:14.379 are happening in these places 185 00:10:14.481 --> 00:10:16.681 because these places are markings 186 00:10:16.750 --> 00:10:18.483 of certain energetic corridors 187 00:10:18.552 --> 00:10:20.852 or crossover points or very special places 188 00:10:20.921 --> 00:10:22.654 that were used by people 189 00:10:22.756 --> 00:10:25.557 in the past for presumably metaphysical reasons... 190 00:10:25.659 --> 00:10:28.426 Meditating, praying, ritual, whatever. 191 00:10:35.200 --> 00:10:37.969 NARRATOR: Today, ancient astronaut theorist and explorer. 192 00:10:38.710 --> 00:10:40.205 Giorgio Tsoukalos 193 00:10:40.273 --> 00:10:42.340 is in Wiltshire to meet up with three men 194 00:10:42.442 --> 00:10:45.760 who have a unique perspective on crop formations. 195 00:10:45.178 --> 00:10:47.345 - Hi. - Giorgio. 196 00:10:47.447 --> 00:10:48.880 John? Good to meet you. 197 00:10:48.982 --> 00:10:51.160 NARRATOR: John Lundberg, Rob Irving 198 00:10:51.840 --> 00:10:55.220 and William Russell have over two decades of experience 199 00:10:55.322 --> 00:10:58.423 creating artistic designs in crops. 200 00:10:58.525 --> 00:11:00.825 So, thanks very much for meeting me out here. 201 00:11:00.894 --> 00:11:02.927 NARRATOR: Giorgio will challenge them to recreate 202 00:11:02.996 --> 00:11:06.998 a simple formation that many crop circle investigators 203 00:11:07.100 --> 00:11:11.970 suggest cannot be perfectly reproduced. 204 00:11:12.720 --> 00:11:15.674 In 2005, overnight, 205 00:11:15.776 --> 00:11:19.770 the Golden Ball formation was created. 206 00:11:19.179 --> 00:11:21.790 This is what it looks like right here. 207 00:11:21.148 --> 00:11:23.848 You might be familiar with this one. 208 00:11:23.950 --> 00:11:25.316 Got the different circles. 209 00:11:25.419 --> 00:11:26.751 JOHN LUNDBERG: How big is it? 210 00:11:26.820 --> 00:11:29.487 - 96 feet in diameter. - Okay. 211 00:11:29.589 --> 00:11:33.124 So it's not small, it's fairly large, and, um, 212 00:11:33.226 --> 00:11:38.129 I was wondering if you could recreate this. 213 00:11:40.333 --> 00:11:41.411 - We can certainly try, yeah. - Right? 214 00:11:41.435 --> 00:11:42.233 Now, this was done overnight, 215 00:11:42.335 --> 00:11:44.690 so the most you'll have 216 00:11:44.171 --> 00:11:46.304 - is about five to seven hours. - Okay. 217 00:11:46.406 --> 00:11:48.600 And you'll be using these boards? 218 00:11:48.750 --> 00:11:49.808 Yeah, this is called a stalk stomper, 219 00:11:49.876 --> 00:11:52.711 which is the tool that we use for flattening the crop. 220 00:11:52.813 --> 00:11:54.746 All right, well, shall we get started? 221 00:11:54.848 --> 00:11:56.414 - Sure. - Okay. Let's do it. 222 00:11:58.485 --> 00:12:00.385 Well, you're starting on the ring. 223 00:12:00.487 --> 00:12:02.787 NARRATOR: John Lundberg and his team 224 00:12:02.889 --> 00:12:06.725 begin by measuring out the design using a tape measure. 225 00:12:06.793 --> 00:12:08.893 This one, here. 226 00:12:08.962 --> 00:12:10.573 NARRATOR: After determining where to place the edges, 227 00:12:10.597 --> 00:12:14.399 they use their wooden stalk stompers to shuffle their way 228 00:12:14.501 --> 00:12:19.370 across the upright stems to create the desired pattern. 229 00:12:19.139 --> 00:12:21.773 Keep going. 230 00:12:36.560 --> 00:12:39.224 NARRATOR: The team is able to complete the challenge 231 00:12:39.326 --> 00:12:42.794 within the allotted time. 232 00:12:42.863 --> 00:12:44.262 Well, that was quick. 233 00:12:44.331 --> 00:12:45.764 Pretty good, huh? 234 00:12:45.866 --> 00:12:47.265 Really good stuff. 235 00:12:47.334 --> 00:12:48.967 - All right. - Thanks. 236 00:12:49.690 --> 00:12:53.370 So, did you guys encounter any problems or any challenges? 237 00:12:53.140 --> 00:12:54.205 I think the only problem 238 00:12:54.307 --> 00:12:56.374 is-is the crop is a bit kind of tangly. 239 00:12:56.476 --> 00:12:57.976 But I-I'm happy with it. 240 00:12:58.440 --> 00:13:00.440 I think it should look great from the air. 241 00:13:03.850 --> 00:13:05.450 Some more altitude. 242 00:13:05.552 --> 00:13:06.885 Keep going. Going up, going up. 243 00:13:06.953 --> 00:13:08.419 NARRATOR: In order to get 244 00:13:08.488 --> 00:13:11.623 a side-by-side comparison of the designs, 245 00:13:11.691 --> 00:13:16.270 Giorgio enlists the assistance of a local drone team. 246 00:13:16.129 --> 00:13:20.980 They send a camera up over the field. 247 00:13:20.200 --> 00:13:22.400 MAN: Climb a bit. 248 00:13:22.502 --> 00:13:25.690 And hold there. 249 00:13:25.138 --> 00:13:27.138 Oh, wow. 250 00:13:29.420 --> 00:13:32.243 I mean, it's a really nice recreation. 251 00:13:32.312 --> 00:13:34.312 There's no question about it. 252 00:13:34.414 --> 00:13:36.114 - Pretty identical. - Yeah. 253 00:13:36.216 --> 00:13:37.515 Can't tell the difference really. 254 00:13:37.584 --> 00:13:39.170 They're really impressive. 255 00:13:39.119 --> 00:13:41.519 NARRATOR: While the recreation 256 00:13:41.588 --> 00:13:43.855 of the Golden Ball Hill formation 257 00:13:43.957 --> 00:13:48.493 looks very similar to the original from the air, 258 00:13:48.595 --> 00:13:52.664 crop circle researchers suggest 259 00:13:52.766 --> 00:13:54.833 that what made the formation truly unique 260 00:13:54.935 --> 00:13:57.936 was not how it appeared from above, 261 00:13:58.380 --> 00:14:00.939 but how it appeared on the ground. 262 00:14:07.113 --> 00:14:10.348 So to examine the recreation up close, 263 00:14:10.450 --> 00:14:13.852 Giorgio meets up with crop circle investigator 264 00:14:13.920 --> 00:14:15.153 Charles Mallet. 265 00:14:15.255 --> 00:14:16.821 Hi, Charles. 266 00:14:16.923 --> 00:14:18.167 - Hey, Giorgio. - Pleasure to meet you. 267 00:14:18.191 --> 00:14:19.424 - How are you? - I'm okay. 268 00:14:19.526 --> 00:14:21.292 You're good? Come to the center here. 269 00:14:21.394 --> 00:14:23.728 NARRATOR: Mallet has been researching 270 00:14:23.830 --> 00:14:26.998 the crop circle phenomenon since the 1990s, 271 00:14:27.100 --> 00:14:30.680 and was one of the first investigators on the ground 272 00:14:30.170 --> 00:14:35.874 of the Golden Ball Hill pattern when it appeared in 2005. 273 00:14:35.976 --> 00:14:38.343 What are the telltale signs 274 00:14:38.445 --> 00:14:40.110 that leads you to believe that something 275 00:14:40.113 --> 00:14:43.281 is real or man-made, or real, whatever that means. 276 00:14:43.350 --> 00:14:45.250 I think we have to get over the-the notion 277 00:14:45.352 --> 00:14:46.918 that people can't make shapes in fields. 278 00:14:47.200 --> 00:14:49.554 People can make really impressive shapes in fields. 279 00:14:49.656 --> 00:14:51.901 So we have to get down there and look at the physical evidence 280 00:14:51.925 --> 00:14:54.580 before we start taking it further. 281 00:14:54.160 --> 00:14:56.405 When I stand in this formation, I look at the carpet of flowers 282 00:14:56.429 --> 00:14:58.997 across the top of these plants, and then I look on the ground. 283 00:14:59.990 --> 00:15:03.167 I see two separate situations... Undamaged and damaged, 284 00:15:03.270 --> 00:15:06.537 because they used a physical device, 285 00:15:06.640 --> 00:15:08.373 and it's men stepping with planks of wood. 286 00:15:08.475 --> 00:15:11.542 So it's crush, crush, crush, crush. 287 00:15:11.645 --> 00:15:14.112 And it produces a really clear pattern of damage. 288 00:15:14.180 --> 00:15:17.181 So there's a lot of the flowers have just been wiped off. 289 00:15:17.284 --> 00:15:20.840 - And then if we were able to... - Sure. 290 00:15:20.186 --> 00:15:23.187 To maybe come and look right down into the detail. 291 00:15:23.290 --> 00:15:27.992 We need to just look at some, uh, stems here. 292 00:15:28.940 --> 00:15:31.296 Here's a good example of what happens 293 00:15:31.364 --> 00:15:33.698 to oilseed rape plants 294 00:15:33.800 --> 00:15:35.700 when they're physically pushed to the ground. 295 00:15:35.802 --> 00:15:40.371 Huge, ugly kink, very mechanical. 296 00:15:40.440 --> 00:15:45.276 Down here, there's bruising and scraping down the stems. 297 00:15:45.345 --> 00:15:47.156 What you're suggesting or what you're telling me 298 00:15:47.180 --> 00:15:52.500 is that in a non-man-made, uh, scenario, 299 00:15:52.152 --> 00:15:54.520 the stalks would not be broken like this. 300 00:15:54.154 --> 00:15:55.154 Absolutely. 301 00:15:58.858 --> 00:16:00.358 Can you show me some of those pictures 302 00:16:00.427 --> 00:16:01.960 that you brought to see the comparison? 303 00:16:02.620 --> 00:16:03.227 Yeah, yeah, sure. 304 00:16:03.330 --> 00:16:04.996 Great. 305 00:16:05.650 --> 00:16:06.965 These are from taken from the original 306 00:16:07.670 --> 00:16:09.600 2005 formation here. 307 00:16:09.703 --> 00:16:13.671 This is what I would expect to see in a real crop circle. 308 00:16:15.775 --> 00:16:18.276 NARRATOR: Incredibly, none of the flower heads 309 00:16:18.345 --> 00:16:22.347 on the original 2005 Golden Ball Hill formation 310 00:16:22.449 --> 00:16:25.283 were damaged or destroyed. 311 00:16:25.352 --> 00:16:28.519 And the seamless lay of flowers suggests 312 00:16:28.621 --> 00:16:32.560 that it was not mechanically produced using boards 313 00:16:32.158 --> 00:16:34.425 and shuffling over the stalks. 314 00:16:36.429 --> 00:16:39.664 In the original 2005 formation, 315 00:16:39.766 --> 00:16:41.499 there's nothing physical, nothing local, 316 00:16:41.601 --> 00:16:43.301 nothing mechanical made this circle. 317 00:16:43.403 --> 00:16:46.270 That really opens the door to so many possibilities. 318 00:16:46.339 --> 00:16:47.772 And the honest answer is: 319 00:16:47.874 --> 00:16:49.385 We do not know where these circles are coming from, 320 00:16:49.409 --> 00:16:50.475 the real ones. 321 00:16:52.979 --> 00:16:55.279 NARRATOR: If the Golden Ball Hill formation 322 00:16:55.382 --> 00:16:59.317 was not made with boards, then how was it created? 323 00:16:59.419 --> 00:17:01.519 And by whom? 324 00:17:01.588 --> 00:17:04.689 Perhaps further clues can be found 325 00:17:04.791 --> 00:17:07.191 by examining the intriguing evidence 326 00:17:07.293 --> 00:17:10.610 left behind at the scene. 327 00:17:13.330 --> 00:17:15.133 NARRATOR: Ann Arbor, Michigan. 328 00:17:15.235 --> 00:17:19.437 At the height of the crop circle phenomenon in the 1990s, 329 00:17:19.539 --> 00:17:23.474 former University of Michigan research physicist. 330 00:17:23.576 --> 00:17:28.312 W.C. Levengood and his team at BLT Research 331 00:17:28.415 --> 00:17:31.115 began scientifically analyzing samples 332 00:17:31.217 --> 00:17:34.685 from various crop formations found throughout the world. 333 00:17:34.788 --> 00:17:38.122 ELTJO H. HASELHOFF: The BLT team performed many different tests, 334 00:17:38.191 --> 00:17:41.125 from simple inspection under a microscope, 335 00:17:41.227 --> 00:17:44.128 chemical analyses of the soils and the plants, 336 00:17:44.230 --> 00:17:47.965 germination tests, uh, node length measurements and so on. 337 00:17:48.680 --> 00:17:50.968 They produced, uh, many, many lab reports 338 00:17:51.710 --> 00:17:53.404 and a couple scientific papers as well 339 00:17:53.506 --> 00:17:56.774 in which they explained what they found. 340 00:17:56.876 --> 00:18:00.645 We found that there are two scientifically-documented, 341 00:18:00.747 --> 00:18:03.481 all-over-the-world changes. 342 00:18:03.583 --> 00:18:07.850 The first is the apical node elongation. 343 00:18:07.153 --> 00:18:10.521 Most crops have four or even five nodes, 344 00:18:10.590 --> 00:18:13.558 and they are the knuckle-like protuberances 345 00:18:13.660 --> 00:18:16.270 that are found along the plant stem 346 00:18:16.129 --> 00:18:18.290 all the way down to the ground. 347 00:18:18.131 --> 00:18:19.931 The apical node 348 00:18:20.330 --> 00:18:23.701 is the very first node beneath the seed head, 349 00:18:23.770 --> 00:18:28.239 and that node becomes elongated, stretched, 350 00:18:28.341 --> 00:18:32.610 as compared to the control nodes in the rest of the field. 351 00:18:32.679 --> 00:18:35.580 Now, the node elongation can be 352 00:18:35.682 --> 00:18:38.382 a range actually between, say, 45% 353 00:18:38.485 --> 00:18:42.153 and over 200% elongation. 354 00:18:42.222 --> 00:18:46.591 The second visible plant change that is well tested 355 00:18:46.693 --> 00:18:47.925 are the expulsion cavities, 356 00:18:48.270 --> 00:18:51.696 holes blown out at the lower stem nodes, 357 00:18:51.764 --> 00:18:55.166 usually the second but sometimes also the third and fourth nodes. 358 00:18:55.235 --> 00:18:59.103 And literally, they're holes blown out at the nodes. 359 00:18:59.205 --> 00:19:01.139 Best I can tell, 360 00:19:01.207 --> 00:19:04.509 these visible changes are beyond the capability 361 00:19:04.577 --> 00:19:07.512 of humans at this point in time. 362 00:19:07.580 --> 00:19:11.682 This is indicative of some kind of intense heat 363 00:19:11.751 --> 00:19:14.285 that has hit the stalk 364 00:19:14.387 --> 00:19:18.256 and actually physically changed it. 365 00:19:18.358 --> 00:19:21.759 Who or what would have done this? 366 00:19:25.932 --> 00:19:27.765 NARRATOR: Could the physical anomalies 367 00:19:27.834 --> 00:19:30.301 found within some crop circles 368 00:19:30.403 --> 00:19:32.703 be evidence that they were created 369 00:19:32.805 --> 00:19:35.673 with advanced technology? 370 00:19:35.742 --> 00:19:39.744 And, if so, what might this technology be? 371 00:19:41.748 --> 00:19:43.414 Pleasure to meet you. 372 00:19:43.483 --> 00:19:46.617 NARRATOR: In January of 2000, using his own data 373 00:19:46.719 --> 00:19:50.588 as well as data collected by BLT Research, 374 00:19:50.657 --> 00:19:54.458 Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff published a scientific paper 375 00:19:54.561 --> 00:19:58.129 suggesting that the formations might be created 376 00:19:58.198 --> 00:20:02.166 by an unknown electromagnetic energy source. 377 00:20:04.470 --> 00:20:07.171 So you've actually done scientific analysis 378 00:20:07.273 --> 00:20:09.730 on some of those formations. 379 00:20:09.175 --> 00:20:12.176 So what were some of your conclusions? 380 00:20:12.278 --> 00:20:15.279 The hypothesis is that somehow electromagnetic energy 381 00:20:15.381 --> 00:20:18.282 is involved in the creation of these crop circles, 382 00:20:18.384 --> 00:20:22.153 and that somehow this energy causes node elongation. 383 00:20:22.255 --> 00:20:24.322 So the nodes in the stems get longer. 384 00:20:24.424 --> 00:20:26.891 And the more energy, the longer the nodes are. 385 00:20:26.993 --> 00:20:29.927 And that is very interesting, because all you need to do 386 00:20:29.996 --> 00:20:32.930 is take a cross section across a circle, like this, 387 00:20:32.999 --> 00:20:35.199 and measure the node length in each of these positions. 388 00:20:37.337 --> 00:20:38.836 And actually, this is what you see. 389 00:20:38.905 --> 00:20:40.938 This is in... at the perimeter. 390 00:20:41.700 --> 00:20:43.341 See these nodes, these dark areas? 391 00:20:43.443 --> 00:20:46.344 This is somewhere halfway, and that's in the center. 392 00:20:46.446 --> 00:20:48.224 So, you see, there is a huge difference in node length. 393 00:20:48.248 --> 00:20:49.747 TSOUKALOS: I mean, it's a hu... 394 00:20:49.816 --> 00:20:51.716 I mean, this is fascinating; This is incredible. 395 00:20:51.818 --> 00:20:53.629 HASELHOFF: And it's not just a little bit. -Okay. 396 00:20:53.653 --> 00:20:55.953 It's a difference in size between a horse and an elephant. 397 00:20:56.550 --> 00:20:57.355 It's-it's very, very significant, 398 00:20:57.457 --> 00:20:59.824 so you can actually make a graph of this. 399 00:20:59.926 --> 00:21:01.826 So this is the node length at the edge, 400 00:21:01.894 --> 00:21:04.962 when the node length is about two millimeters. 401 00:21:05.640 --> 00:21:06.475 So this is in the center of the circle, 402 00:21:06.499 --> 00:21:09.467 and the node length is, like, 4.2 millimeters. 403 00:21:09.535 --> 00:21:12.803 And going towards the perimeter, that's about two millimeters. 404 00:21:12.905 --> 00:21:15.840 You see, there is a massive change in node length. 405 00:21:15.908 --> 00:21:17.508 They're actually more than twice as long. 406 00:21:17.610 --> 00:21:19.777 Yeah, I mean, what, uh, what would do this? 407 00:21:19.879 --> 00:21:21.912 That's, uh, quite weird. 408 00:21:21.981 --> 00:21:23.759 HASELHOFF: Well, in this case, it was very interesting, 409 00:21:23.783 --> 00:21:26.851 because this crop circle, uh, actually had an eyewitness 410 00:21:26.953 --> 00:21:28.319 when it was... when it formed. 411 00:21:28.421 --> 00:21:31.856 And the eyewitness says, "I saw a ball of light, 412 00:21:31.958 --> 00:21:33.858 and it was standing still." 413 00:21:33.960 --> 00:21:35.760 And that is very important, 414 00:21:35.862 --> 00:21:37.702 because when a ball of light is standing still, 415 00:21:37.797 --> 00:21:39.230 we can very accurately predict 416 00:21:39.332 --> 00:21:42.400 how the energy will be distributed on the ground. 417 00:21:42.502 --> 00:21:46.370 And we know that there will be more energy in the center. 418 00:21:46.139 --> 00:21:49.407 And the more energy, the longer the nodes are. 419 00:21:49.509 --> 00:21:51.787 And we can also predict what the node length would have been. 420 00:21:51.811 --> 00:21:53.911 So you can check your hypothesis. 421 00:21:53.980 --> 00:21:56.380 And in this case, it was a perfect match. 422 00:21:56.482 --> 00:21:57.815 Wow. 423 00:21:57.884 --> 00:21:59.583 Amazing, isn't it? 424 00:21:59.686 --> 00:22:01.130 Now, this is where I get the goose bumps, 425 00:22:01.154 --> 00:22:05.560 because clearly there is something there, 426 00:22:05.158 --> 00:22:09.927 and no one denies that many of them are man-made, 427 00:22:10.290 --> 00:22:11.962 but then there is something bizarre. 428 00:22:12.650 --> 00:22:15.933 Do you have any... idea 429 00:22:16.350 --> 00:22:19.970 how, or who, might be behind it? 430 00:22:21.774 --> 00:22:24.275 That's a very difficult question. 431 00:22:24.344 --> 00:22:26.610 What I can say about that is... 432 00:22:28.381 --> 00:22:31.480 I don't know. 433 00:22:31.150 --> 00:22:35.720 So it is something that remains a giant question mark. 434 00:22:35.788 --> 00:22:37.321 Absolutely, yes. 435 00:22:38.758 --> 00:22:42.727 I find it very disheartening in a weird way 436 00:22:42.829 --> 00:22:46.831 that something as open as crop formations 437 00:22:46.933 --> 00:22:51.702 are not studied closer by the scientific community, 438 00:22:51.771 --> 00:22:55.106 that they are just offhandedly dismissed 439 00:22:55.208 --> 00:22:58.809 as flat-out hoaxes from the get-go, 440 00:22:58.878 --> 00:23:02.460 when there is concise scientific evidence 441 00:23:02.148 --> 00:23:06.884 that not every crop circle is man-made. 442 00:23:06.953 --> 00:23:11.555 Maybe the origin is extraterrestrial. 443 00:23:11.657 --> 00:23:14.358 NARRATOR: Does this peer-reviewed 444 00:23:14.460 --> 00:23:17.528 scientific research provide evidence 445 00:23:17.597 --> 00:23:21.465 that not all crop formations are the product of hoaxers? 446 00:23:21.567 --> 00:23:26.103 And, if so, could there be an otherworldly, 447 00:23:26.205 --> 00:23:30.341 perhaps extraterrestrial, origin to them? 448 00:23:30.410 --> 00:23:33.477 Perhaps further clues can be found 449 00:23:33.579 --> 00:23:38.582 by exploring eyewitness accounts of the crop circle phenomenon. 450 00:23:40.953 --> 00:23:42.653 NARRATOR: Salisbury, England. 451 00:23:42.755 --> 00:23:46.290 July 7, 2007. 452 00:23:46.392 --> 00:23:51.128 Local paralegal and crop circle researcher Gary King 453 00:23:51.197 --> 00:23:54.465 spends the night camping out on Knap Hill, 454 00:23:54.567 --> 00:23:58.569 an area known for sightings of mysterious orbs 455 00:23:58.671 --> 00:24:00.538 and other strange occurrences. 456 00:24:02.809 --> 00:24:04.608 It was the seventh of July 2007, 457 00:24:04.710 --> 00:24:06.630 so because it was a kind of an auspicious date... 458 00:24:06.712 --> 00:24:10.140 The seven-seven-seven... We decided we'd come here. 459 00:24:10.116 --> 00:24:11.894 I came here with my girlfriend to do a night watch. 460 00:24:11.918 --> 00:24:13.962 So we arrived here, and at about 3:00 in the morning, 461 00:24:13.986 --> 00:24:15.486 we had a big white flash of light, 462 00:24:15.555 --> 00:24:17.188 which completely encompassed the sky. 463 00:24:19.910 --> 00:24:20.736 And about 20 minutes after that, we looked, 464 00:24:20.760 --> 00:24:23.461 and we could see this crop circle laid out in front of us. 465 00:24:25.932 --> 00:24:27.865 The field it appeared in was this field here 466 00:24:27.934 --> 00:24:29.667 to the right that's yellow now. 467 00:24:29.735 --> 00:24:32.303 It was actually wheat the year that it occurred, 468 00:24:32.371 --> 00:24:33.804 but they rotate the crops. 469 00:24:33.906 --> 00:24:36.173 And it started from way back at... near those trees 470 00:24:36.275 --> 00:24:37.875 and then came over the brow of this hill. 471 00:24:37.910 --> 00:24:40.100 It was absolutely enormous. 472 00:24:43.150 --> 00:24:47.651 NARRATOR: The crop formation extended 1,033 feet long 473 00:24:47.753 --> 00:24:49.820 and 490 feet wide. 474 00:24:52.558 --> 00:24:54.492 The over two-acre design 475 00:24:54.560 --> 00:24:57.895 contained 150 individual circles... 476 00:24:57.997 --> 00:25:01.899 The largest, 164 feet across. 477 00:25:04.300 --> 00:25:05.903 KING: I have no idea what made it. 478 00:25:06.500 --> 00:25:07.671 What I do know though is that 479 00:25:07.740 --> 00:25:09.373 people with boards didn't make this. 480 00:25:13.279 --> 00:25:16.180 NARRATOR: Gary King's experience is just one 481 00:25:16.282 --> 00:25:18.749 of many firsthand accounts of designs 482 00:25:18.818 --> 00:25:22.286 that mysteriously appear in a short period of time. 483 00:25:25.458 --> 00:25:28.859 It is documented that there are approximately 70 cases 484 00:25:28.961 --> 00:25:31.962 of people having an eyewitness sighting 485 00:25:32.640 --> 00:25:33.898 of the formation of a crop circle 486 00:25:34.000 --> 00:25:36.333 where they are literally standing there in the crop, 487 00:25:36.435 --> 00:25:40.304 and it just spontaneously forms in front of them. 488 00:25:40.406 --> 00:25:44.341 There is a loud tweeting sound in a lot of cases. 489 00:25:44.443 --> 00:25:46.243 And then this sort of 490 00:25:46.345 --> 00:25:48.913 crackling electrostatic charge on the crops. 491 00:25:48.981 --> 00:25:50.915 And then you just watch as 492 00:25:50.983 --> 00:25:53.851 almost like an oriental fan is unrolling, 493 00:25:53.953 --> 00:25:56.353 just... (imitates whooshing) the crops just fold down. 494 00:25:56.455 --> 00:25:58.889 In a matter of three seconds, it's all finished. 495 00:25:58.991 --> 00:26:01.892 NARRATOR: Crop circle researchers cite 496 00:26:01.994 --> 00:26:04.295 that many of these eyewitness accounts 497 00:26:04.397 --> 00:26:06.964 include sightings of strange lights 498 00:26:07.660 --> 00:26:09.166 in and around a formation. 499 00:26:15.408 --> 00:26:17.942 Milk Hill, Wiltshire, England. 500 00:26:18.440 --> 00:26:20.770 1991. 501 00:26:20.146 --> 00:26:24.181 Steve Alexander, a local photographer, 502 00:26:24.250 --> 00:26:26.383 is filming footage of a crop formation 503 00:26:26.485 --> 00:26:27.885 from a neighboring hill, 504 00:26:27.987 --> 00:26:30.387 when he captures a strange metallic light 505 00:26:30.489 --> 00:26:32.323 floating in the field below. 506 00:26:36.162 --> 00:26:37.461 MALLETT: His camera caught sight 507 00:26:37.563 --> 00:26:39.797 of what seemed to be a white orb of light 508 00:26:39.865 --> 00:26:44.268 flying right across this field right next to a crop circle. 509 00:26:44.337 --> 00:26:46.570 That orb of light, whatever it was, 510 00:26:46.672 --> 00:26:49.873 flew directly over a tractor working in the next field down. 511 00:26:49.976 --> 00:26:53.410 And later on, that farmer was contacted, and he said, 512 00:26:53.479 --> 00:26:55.512 "I saw this weird orb of light 513 00:26:55.615 --> 00:26:58.949 about the size of a melon or something fly over my tractor." 514 00:27:03.856 --> 00:27:07.910 I myself have seen several, 515 00:27:07.193 --> 00:27:09.827 and they are astonishing in their brightness. 516 00:27:11.330 --> 00:27:15.265 We are dealing with intelligent plasmas 517 00:27:15.334 --> 00:27:18.235 that are sending and receiving information 518 00:27:18.337 --> 00:27:22.473 for another intelligence of unknown origin. 519 00:27:26.512 --> 00:27:28.445 Orbs of light are 520 00:27:28.547 --> 00:27:31.482 a commonly associated phenomenon with crop circles, 521 00:27:31.584 --> 00:27:33.584 and this goes all the way back to the story 522 00:27:33.686 --> 00:27:35.953 of the mowing-devil in 1678. 523 00:27:38.958 --> 00:27:42.593 The sighting of lights is often associated with these phenomena, 524 00:27:42.662 --> 00:27:46.864 and they do seem to suggest something we don't understand. 525 00:27:46.932 --> 00:27:51.100 The ghost lights, the will-o'-the-wisp sightings 526 00:27:51.103 --> 00:27:55.572 represented some force of nature we had not entirely acknowledged 527 00:27:55.675 --> 00:27:57.675 or given sufficient respect to, 528 00:27:57.777 --> 00:28:01.845 some mystery that we need to come to grips with. 529 00:28:03.749 --> 00:28:05.983 WILCOCK: It could be an actual craft, 530 00:28:06.850 --> 00:28:08.986 or it could potentially be something like the stylus 531 00:28:09.880 --> 00:28:12.222 from an extraterrestrial hand that is somewhere far away, 532 00:28:12.291 --> 00:28:16.600 but this light is the projected form of a technology 533 00:28:16.128 --> 00:28:18.929 being used from the safety and comfort of space. 534 00:28:20.833 --> 00:28:24.868 We have to imagine an advanced extraterrestrial race 535 00:28:24.937 --> 00:28:27.171 sending out orbs of light 536 00:28:27.273 --> 00:28:30.374 that are sort of like peepholes for exploration. 537 00:28:32.211 --> 00:28:35.179 They come to a planet, they find something interesting, 538 00:28:35.281 --> 00:28:38.148 the peephole opens into a portal, 539 00:28:38.250 --> 00:28:41.185 perhaps through which these advanced visitors can pass, 540 00:28:41.287 --> 00:28:44.210 or perhaps through which a human could even enter 541 00:28:44.123 --> 00:28:46.657 and travel to the home planet of the orb. 542 00:28:46.759 --> 00:28:48.959 Is this what a crop circle is? 543 00:28:49.280 --> 00:28:53.564 To me, the proliferation of wormhole-themed crop circles 544 00:28:53.666 --> 00:28:56.800 tells us that this is the method of communication 545 00:28:56.902 --> 00:29:00.137 as well as travel of these advanced visitors. 546 00:29:00.206 --> 00:29:02.740 There is a possibility 547 00:29:02.842 --> 00:29:05.709 that we are dealing with time travelers. 548 00:29:05.811 --> 00:29:09.546 The time travelers are using the crop formations 549 00:29:09.648 --> 00:29:14.585 to judge the accuracy of their time travel. 550 00:29:14.653 --> 00:29:19.990 So are the crop formations designed for humans at all? 551 00:29:22.995 --> 00:29:26.563 NARRATOR: Just what purpose do crop circles serve? 552 00:29:26.632 --> 00:29:29.199 Are they landing codes for time travelers, 553 00:29:29.268 --> 00:29:32.102 as some crop circle investigators suggest? 554 00:29:34.600 --> 00:29:35.672 Or is it possible 555 00:29:35.775 --> 00:29:39.760 that they serve as a communication medium? 556 00:29:39.178 --> 00:29:42.579 One only meant for us to discover 557 00:29:42.681 --> 00:29:47.500 once we evolved enough to discern them from the sky. 558 00:29:51.490 --> 00:29:53.230 NARRATOR: Winchester, England. 559 00:29:53.125 --> 00:29:56.126 August 15, 2002. 560 00:29:58.764 --> 00:30:00.998 A crop formation bearing the image 561 00:30:01.100 --> 00:30:05.969 of what appears to be a Grey alien emerges in a wheat field. 562 00:30:08.841 --> 00:30:11.800 At the bottom right corner of the image 563 00:30:11.110 --> 00:30:13.177 is a disk-shaped object 564 00:30:13.279 --> 00:30:16.947 containing what some believe to be binary code, 565 00:30:17.490 --> 00:30:21.318 a computer language consisting of ones and zeros. 566 00:30:24.156 --> 00:30:26.560 There was a crop formation 567 00:30:26.158 --> 00:30:30.360 that unmistakably looks like an extraterrestrial, 568 00:30:30.462 --> 00:30:33.130 the proverbial Grey with the almond eyes 569 00:30:33.232 --> 00:30:35.465 and the triangular-shaped head. 570 00:30:35.568 --> 00:30:37.401 There's also at the bottom, 571 00:30:37.503 --> 00:30:39.236 there seems to be a computer disk 572 00:30:39.338 --> 00:30:41.605 and what looked like binary code. 573 00:30:43.742 --> 00:30:45.976 The message allegedly says, 574 00:30:46.780 --> 00:30:50.981 "Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. 575 00:30:51.830 --> 00:30:54.151 "Much pain, but still time. 576 00:30:54.253 --> 00:30:55.853 "There is good out there. 577 00:30:55.955 --> 00:30:57.988 "We oppose deceivers. 578 00:30:58.900 --> 00:31:00.230 Conduit closing." 579 00:31:02.127 --> 00:31:04.995 It was warning humanity 580 00:31:05.970 --> 00:31:08.131 about the deceivers, about dangers. 581 00:31:10.903 --> 00:31:15.639 NARRATOR: Just a year prior, on August 21, 2001, 582 00:31:15.741 --> 00:31:20.100 another formation that contained binary code appeared 583 00:31:20.112 --> 00:31:24.470 in a wheat field next to the Chilbolton Radio Observatory. 584 00:31:24.149 --> 00:31:28.919 Researchers are convinced that the design was a response 585 00:31:29.210 --> 00:31:31.922 to a message that was transmitted into space 586 00:31:32.240 --> 00:31:36.827 by astronomers Frank Drake and Carl Sagan in 1974. 587 00:31:38.764 --> 00:31:40.964 In November of 1974, 588 00:31:41.660 --> 00:31:44.201 Carl Sagan and Drake at Cornell University 589 00:31:44.303 --> 00:31:47.371 sent out from Arecibo, Puerto Rico, 590 00:31:47.473 --> 00:31:50.641 a signal of binary code about Earth 591 00:31:50.743 --> 00:31:53.543 to whoever in the cosmos would receive our signal. 592 00:31:53.646 --> 00:31:56.179 NARRATOR: The original message contained 593 00:31:56.282 --> 00:31:58.482 binary-encoded information, 594 00:31:58.584 --> 00:32:01.285 including the numbers one through ten, 595 00:32:01.387 --> 00:32:05.856 an image of our DNA strand, the figure of a human, 596 00:32:05.958 --> 00:32:08.125 and a graphic of the solar system 597 00:32:08.227 --> 00:32:10.861 with the position of Earth highlighted. 598 00:32:12.640 --> 00:32:14.197 It echoed absolutely, 599 00:32:14.300 --> 00:32:16.833 line by line by line. 600 00:32:19.438 --> 00:32:22.172 The DNA did not look like double helix. 601 00:32:22.274 --> 00:32:24.107 It was very bizarre. 602 00:32:24.209 --> 00:32:27.945 And then when you got down, instead of a six-foot human, 603 00:32:28.470 --> 00:32:32.820 it was this thing that was maybe a third the height 604 00:32:32.184 --> 00:32:34.384 of the human in Carl Sagan, 605 00:32:34.486 --> 00:32:40.223 and it was associated with a strange solar system. 606 00:32:40.326 --> 00:32:45.128 It was a very complex, very strange, one-of-a-kind pattern. 607 00:32:45.230 --> 00:32:47.631 We'd never seen anything like it before. 608 00:32:50.636 --> 00:32:54.204 NARRATOR: In 2004, a mysterious rock 609 00:32:54.306 --> 00:32:57.374 was found near the Roswell crash site 610 00:32:57.476 --> 00:32:59.409 bearing the same image as a crop circle 611 00:32:59.511 --> 00:33:01.878 that was discovered in Chiseldon, England, 612 00:33:01.981 --> 00:33:05.248 on August 2, 1996. 613 00:33:07.920 --> 00:33:11.922 On the Roswell Rock, you have an almost identical symbol 614 00:33:12.240 --> 00:33:13.857 in England. 615 00:33:13.959 --> 00:33:16.693 To me, it's very fascinating, because it essentially shows 616 00:33:16.795 --> 00:33:21.640 that they're trying to somehow communicate with us. 617 00:33:21.166 --> 00:33:27.237 So the idea is that perhaps some of these crop circles 618 00:33:27.339 --> 00:33:31.308 indeed are messages from elsewhere. 619 00:33:31.410 --> 00:33:33.343 And elsewhere, in my opinion, 620 00:33:33.445 --> 00:33:36.790 means of extraterrestrial origin. 621 00:33:38.817 --> 00:33:41.785 NARRATOR: Could it be that some crop formations 622 00:33:41.887 --> 00:33:45.856 serve as a medium for extraterrestrial communication? 623 00:33:47.693 --> 00:33:50.727 Many crop circle researchers say yes, 624 00:33:50.829 --> 00:33:54.297 and suggest further evidence of this can be found 625 00:33:54.400 --> 00:33:58.702 by examining the advanced astronomical, scientific, 626 00:33:58.804 --> 00:34:02.205 and mathematical equations contained within them. 627 00:34:04.276 --> 00:34:06.343 One formation had everyone baffled, 628 00:34:06.445 --> 00:34:08.345 and people were saying, "Well, what is this?" 629 00:34:08.447 --> 00:34:11.548 Then a mathematician had a look at it and said, 630 00:34:11.650 --> 00:34:14.951 "Wait a minute, that's a representation of pi. 631 00:34:15.540 --> 00:34:18.550 And it's correct down to ten decimal places." 632 00:34:20.920 --> 00:34:22.926 It's a representation of pi in a geometric sense. 633 00:34:23.280 --> 00:34:26.830 It's kind of interesting because the way you get pi out of it 634 00:34:26.932 --> 00:34:29.332 is the lengths of the different arcs in each segment. 635 00:34:29.435 --> 00:34:31.935 And what happens is there's these little notches 636 00:34:32.370 --> 00:34:35.405 in the spiral that let you know you're at the end of an arc. 637 00:34:35.507 --> 00:34:37.808 So you actually have to measure the arc lengths 638 00:34:37.910 --> 00:34:39.176 as you go around, 639 00:34:39.278 --> 00:34:41.311 and their lengths give you the digits of pi. 640 00:34:41.413 --> 00:34:44.114 And there's a little circle to give you the decimal point. 641 00:34:44.216 --> 00:34:47.417 So it's a really interesting example of using geometry 642 00:34:47.519 --> 00:34:50.870 as a code for representing digits and numbers. 643 00:34:52.157 --> 00:34:55.920 POPE: It just shows the level of knowledge, 644 00:34:55.194 --> 00:34:57.961 mathematical knowledge, geometric skill 645 00:34:58.630 --> 00:35:01.164 that goes into making these things. 646 00:35:01.266 --> 00:35:05.202 Many of the most famous crop circles 647 00:35:05.304 --> 00:35:07.871 actually derive from fractal patterns. 648 00:35:10.800 --> 00:35:13.777 The Mandelbrot set, 649 00:35:13.879 --> 00:35:16.313 the Julia set. 650 00:35:16.415 --> 00:35:20.217 To make these, you have to have knowledge of math. 651 00:35:20.319 --> 00:35:23.753 Mathematics is, of course, the universal language. 652 00:35:23.856 --> 00:35:26.890 If we ever encounter aliens, 653 00:35:26.191 --> 00:35:28.391 they're not gonna speak English or French or German. 654 00:35:28.494 --> 00:35:30.927 We'll speak and we'll communicate 655 00:35:31.290 --> 00:35:32.529 via mathematics. 656 00:35:32.631 --> 00:35:36.660 Could crop circles... As some believe... 657 00:35:36.168 --> 00:35:39.236 Be an attempt from an alien civilization 658 00:35:39.338 --> 00:35:42.380 to reach out and communicate with us? 659 00:35:44.109 --> 00:35:46.390 WILCOCK: There's a consistent amount of sacred geometry... 660 00:35:46.478 --> 00:35:50.180 Tetrahedrons, cubes, octahedrons, 661 00:35:50.282 --> 00:35:52.883 and even more complex geometric patterns. 662 00:35:52.985 --> 00:35:55.952 Many of our best and top scientists are now saying 663 00:35:56.540 --> 00:35:58.822 that this geometry is the secret keys 664 00:35:58.924 --> 00:36:00.290 to the higher dimensions. 665 00:36:00.392 --> 00:36:02.225 And it's right there in the crops, 666 00:36:02.327 --> 00:36:04.928 as if they're giving us a trail of bread crumbs, 667 00:36:05.300 --> 00:36:08.165 showing us how to get to the next level as a planet. 668 00:36:10.102 --> 00:36:13.303 NARRATOR: Might crop formations that contain celestial patterns 669 00:36:13.405 --> 00:36:15.405 and mathematical equations 670 00:36:15.507 --> 00:36:18.608 really have been created by otherworldly beings 671 00:36:18.710 --> 00:36:21.945 attempting to communicate with humans? 672 00:36:22.470 --> 00:36:27.217 And if extraterrestrial forces are sending messages to mankind, 673 00:36:27.319 --> 00:36:30.453 why aren't world governments more interested? 674 00:36:30.556 --> 00:36:34.570 Some insiders say they are, 675 00:36:34.159 --> 00:36:38.395 and suggest that they are not only interested, 676 00:36:38.497 --> 00:36:42.365 but may even be directly involved. 677 00:36:47.272 --> 00:36:48.572 NARRATOR: Avebury, England. 678 00:36:48.674 --> 00:36:50.941 July 2006. 679 00:36:51.430 --> 00:36:54.477 The shadow of a geometric pattern 680 00:36:54.580 --> 00:36:56.313 appears in a field. 681 00:36:56.415 --> 00:36:59.716 The design echoes a crop formation 682 00:36:59.818 --> 00:37:02.185 that was created in the exact same location 683 00:37:02.287 --> 00:37:05.121 12 months prior. 684 00:37:05.224 --> 00:37:09.859 Crop circle researchers refer to this phenomenon 685 00:37:09.962 --> 00:37:12.596 as a "ghost formation." 686 00:37:12.698 --> 00:37:14.764 The ghost formations are a really curious aside 687 00:37:14.866 --> 00:37:17.133 to the main crop circle phenomenon. 688 00:37:17.236 --> 00:37:19.970 The following year or even later in the same year, 689 00:37:20.720 --> 00:37:22.380 there's an impression left in the field. 690 00:37:22.140 --> 00:37:24.374 Even though the original crop circle has been harvested 691 00:37:24.476 --> 00:37:26.476 or cut down in whatever way, 692 00:37:26.578 --> 00:37:28.445 there's a residual effect on the ground. 693 00:37:28.547 --> 00:37:31.548 That, to some people, seems utterly mysterious. 694 00:37:34.419 --> 00:37:37.320 NARRATOR: The altered growth pattern of the affected crops 695 00:37:37.422 --> 00:37:39.550 has been known to persist 696 00:37:39.157 --> 00:37:42.959 for up to two years after the initial crop circle appears, 697 00:37:43.610 --> 00:37:45.695 but only on certain formations. 698 00:37:45.797 --> 00:37:49.966 CHILDRESS: A number of crop circles reappear again. 699 00:37:50.680 --> 00:37:55.438 It seems that it's some effort to communicate with us, 700 00:37:55.540 --> 00:37:59.309 from extraterrestrials, by putting these designs 701 00:37:59.411 --> 00:38:03.113 onto the ground over and over again. 702 00:38:03.215 --> 00:38:05.115 And perhaps what they're trying to do 703 00:38:05.217 --> 00:38:08.585 is give us information that they think we need, 704 00:38:08.687 --> 00:38:11.870 but we just need to decipher it. 705 00:38:11.189 --> 00:38:15.191 NARRATOR: Could there really be a message so important 706 00:38:15.294 --> 00:38:18.261 that the residual design persists in the crops 707 00:38:18.363 --> 00:38:20.864 for months and even years? 708 00:38:20.966 --> 00:38:24.234 If so, wouldn't the crop circle phenomenon 709 00:38:24.336 --> 00:38:27.971 be more closely monitored by world governments? 710 00:38:28.730 --> 00:38:31.441 Some crop circle investigators say yes and suggest 711 00:38:31.543 --> 00:38:34.878 that the U.S. and British governments currently utilize 712 00:38:34.980 --> 00:38:38.448 satellite technology to secretly photograph 713 00:38:38.550 --> 00:38:40.550 and catalog crop formations. 714 00:38:42.954 --> 00:38:46.356 But others suggest their involvement 715 00:38:46.458 --> 00:38:48.858 may actually run much deeper. 716 00:38:51.363 --> 00:38:55.298 Just as it was British government policy to downplay 717 00:38:55.400 --> 00:38:57.100 the true interest in UFOs, 718 00:38:57.202 --> 00:38:59.703 so it was the case with crop circles. 719 00:38:59.805 --> 00:39:02.739 If there's an alien message there, 720 00:39:02.841 --> 00:39:04.641 of course government would want that knowledge 721 00:39:04.710 --> 00:39:07.110 and they'd want to keep it for themselves. 722 00:39:07.212 --> 00:39:09.450 The intriguing thing there is, of course, 723 00:39:09.147 --> 00:39:12.480 that some of the formations that people are seeing 724 00:39:12.150 --> 00:39:14.484 might actually be made by the government. 725 00:39:16.521 --> 00:39:20.523 Government scientists would be making the reply 726 00:39:20.625 --> 00:39:23.960 that goes out from us to the extraterrestrials. 727 00:39:24.620 --> 00:39:28.640 HOWE: Whether crop formations are the residue 728 00:39:28.166 --> 00:39:32.302 of intelligent plasmas 729 00:39:32.404 --> 00:39:36.339 or extraterrestrials or a combination of both, 730 00:39:36.441 --> 00:39:39.509 why can't the whole world know 731 00:39:39.611 --> 00:39:42.245 what it is that the governments 732 00:39:42.347 --> 00:39:45.115 know about crop formations and lights? 733 00:39:45.217 --> 00:39:48.785 What would happen if the whole planet knew, 734 00:39:48.887 --> 00:39:52.589 if all humans knew we're not alone? 735 00:39:57.162 --> 00:39:59.562 NARRATOR: Is it possible that world governments 736 00:39:59.664 --> 00:40:02.399 are secretly working to uncover messages 737 00:40:02.501 --> 00:40:05.535 encrypted within crop circles, 738 00:40:05.637 --> 00:40:07.670 and are even attempting 739 00:40:07.773 --> 00:40:10.473 to communicate with otherworldly entities 740 00:40:10.575 --> 00:40:14.444 by creating crop circles themselves? 741 00:40:14.546 --> 00:40:16.246 And if these formations 742 00:40:16.348 --> 00:40:19.616 really are messages from extraterrestrials, 743 00:40:19.718 --> 00:40:22.786 just what are they trying to communicate? 744 00:40:25.891 --> 00:40:28.625 HOWE: Something keeps laying things down 745 00:40:28.727 --> 00:40:31.428 in sequence as if it has 746 00:40:31.530 --> 00:40:35.432 a big picture of how it is communicating with this planet, 747 00:40:35.534 --> 00:40:38.835 but it is doing so in pieces. 748 00:40:38.937 --> 00:40:42.238 If you looked at the math and you looked at the warnings, 749 00:40:42.340 --> 00:40:47.760 something champions us, wants us to evolve. 750 00:40:49.247 --> 00:40:52.649 TSOUKALOS: I think that the crop formations are a calling card 751 00:40:52.751 --> 00:40:55.452 that we are being given, 752 00:40:55.554 --> 00:40:58.254 that is being put underneath our very eyes. 753 00:40:58.356 --> 00:41:02.559 And we really should pay attention to those messages. 754 00:41:02.661 --> 00:41:07.330 Those are little hints that are dropped worldwide 755 00:41:07.432 --> 00:41:12.569 that prepare us to change our point of view 756 00:41:12.671 --> 00:41:14.838 that we're not the only ones. 757 00:41:16.875 --> 00:41:20.877 NARRATOR: Have extraterrestrials been using crop circles 758 00:41:20.979 --> 00:41:25.615 to communicate with mankind throughout our history? 759 00:41:25.717 --> 00:41:30.320 Are these complex designs pieces of a mathematical puzzle 760 00:41:30.422 --> 00:41:33.456 that, once put together and deciphered, 761 00:41:33.558 --> 00:41:37.360 will reveal the truth about both our origins 762 00:41:37.462 --> 00:41:39.762 and our destiny? 763 00:41:39.865 --> 00:41:43.533 Perhaps we will unlock the secrets of the universe 764 00:41:43.635 --> 00:41:47.337 not by venturing out deeper into space, 765 00:41:47.439 --> 00:41:50.740 but by understanding the messages 766 00:41:50.842 --> 00:41:54.444 that are being given to us right here on Earth.