1 00:00:02,250 --> 00:00:05,250 NARRATOR: For centuries, Native Americans have kept alive 2 00:00:05,375 --> 00:00:08,000 some of the oldest traditions on Earth. 3 00:00:08,125 --> 00:00:11,292 Through oral history and sacred sites, 4 00:00:11,375 --> 00:00:16,917 the story is told to Indigenous people for thousands of years. 5 00:00:17,042 --> 00:00:21,625 NARRATOR: Their incredible history is carved into the landscape. 6 00:00:21,708 --> 00:00:25,208 This is sensational. Look at that guy right there. 7 00:00:25,375 --> 00:00:29,667 They represent those gods that came to Earth. 8 00:00:29,792 --> 00:00:34,417 NARRATOR: And their sacred rituals display a reverence for the land 9 00:00:34,542 --> 00:00:38,042 and for the ancestors from the stars. 10 00:00:38,167 --> 00:00:42,708 They're the keepers of the upper world, which means space. 11 00:00:42,833 --> 00:00:45,250 ALFREDO FIGUEROA: We don't use the word "gods." 12 00:00:45,375 --> 00:00:47,542 We use the word "creator." 13 00:00:47,667 --> 00:00:49,500 (speaks Native language) 14 00:00:49,625 --> 00:00:53,208 NARRATOR: Do the stories of America's Indigenous people 15 00:00:53,333 --> 00:00:58,292 reveal a long history of contact with otherworldly visitors? 16 00:00:58,417 --> 00:01:02,125 JON DOVER: All Native American tribes have oral histories 17 00:01:02,250 --> 00:01:04,500 that people came from the stars to visit them. 18 00:01:04,667 --> 00:01:05,708 I know they're out there. 19 00:01:08,292 --> 00:01:10,583 NARRATOR: There is a doorway 20 00:01:10,708 --> 00:01:13,333 in the universe. 21 00:01:13,417 --> 00:01:16,417 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 22 00:01:17,583 --> 00:01:20,042 It demands we question everything 23 00:01:20,208 --> 00:01:22,333 we have ever been taught. 24 00:01:22,417 --> 00:01:26,208 The evidence is all around us. 25 00:01:26,333 --> 00:01:30,042 The future is right before our eyes. 26 00:01:30,208 --> 00:01:32,833 We are not alone. 27 00:01:32,917 --> 00:01:36,208 We have never been alone. 28 00:01:46,167 --> 00:01:48,833 Collinsville, Illinois. 29 00:01:48,958 --> 00:01:51,833 15 miles east of St. Louis. 30 00:01:51,958 --> 00:01:56,333 Towering over the flat local terrain is Monks Mound, 31 00:01:56,417 --> 00:01:59,625 the remains of a massive earthen pyramid. 32 00:01:59,708 --> 00:02:04,500 Built more than 1,000 years ago, it was the centerpiece 33 00:02:04,625 --> 00:02:08,917 of the ancient Native American city of Cahokia. 34 00:02:09,042 --> 00:02:13,292 Monks Mound is the largest building 35 00:02:13,375 --> 00:02:17,083 of the ancient North America north of Mexico. 36 00:02:17,208 --> 00:02:18,667 It was called that 37 00:02:18,792 --> 00:02:22,667 because Trappist French monks lived nearby it. 38 00:02:22,792 --> 00:02:25,458 It stands 100 feet tall today. 39 00:02:25,583 --> 00:02:28,417 It was probably taller in its heyday. 40 00:02:28,542 --> 00:02:34,958 It comprises of about 22 million cubic feet of dirt, 41 00:02:35,042 --> 00:02:37,917 which was millions and millions 42 00:02:38,042 --> 00:02:41,958 of buckets of dirt brought one at a time. 43 00:02:42,083 --> 00:02:44,875 Its circumference on the bottom is larger 44 00:02:45,042 --> 00:02:50,375 than the Temple of the Sun just north of Mexico City. 45 00:02:52,000 --> 00:02:55,833 NARRATOR: Monks Mound and other ancient ruins across the Americas 46 00:02:55,958 --> 00:02:59,000 offer clues about how Native people once lived 47 00:02:59,083 --> 00:03:01,542 in vast, thriving communities. 48 00:03:01,708 --> 00:03:05,833 Yet very little is known about the inhabitants of Cahokia 49 00:03:05,958 --> 00:03:07,792 and many Native cultures 50 00:03:07,875 --> 00:03:10,000 since most of their history and traditions 51 00:03:10,083 --> 00:03:14,292 were passed down orally rather than through written records. 52 00:03:14,375 --> 00:03:17,792 The Native Americans traditionally use 53 00:03:17,875 --> 00:03:19,667 a oral tradition. 54 00:03:19,792 --> 00:03:21,625 Everything is spoken. 55 00:03:22,875 --> 00:03:26,333 The oral traditions actually go back thousands of years. 56 00:03:26,417 --> 00:03:28,208 It's just the way it was. 57 00:03:28,333 --> 00:03:31,833 And we've maintained that tradition even to this day. 58 00:03:31,917 --> 00:03:33,917 (jangling) 59 00:03:35,208 --> 00:03:37,542 NARRATOR: It is unknown what the Native Americans 60 00:03:37,667 --> 00:03:40,583 who inhabited Cahokia called themselves. 61 00:03:40,708 --> 00:03:44,333 Anthropologists refer to them as the Mississippians, 62 00:03:44,458 --> 00:03:48,417 a name used to describe a wide variety of Native peoples 63 00:03:48,542 --> 00:03:52,375 that lived east of the Mississippi in North America. 64 00:03:53,500 --> 00:03:57,917 And although much about Cahokia remains a mystery, 65 00:03:58,042 --> 00:04:00,000 what is known is that it thrived 66 00:04:00,125 --> 00:04:03,542 centuries before Europeans ever stepped foot in the Americas, 67 00:04:03,667 --> 00:04:06,750 as did countless other cities. 68 00:04:07,917 --> 00:04:09,583 BARNHART: Around 1050, 69 00:04:09,708 --> 00:04:14,750 the city swells to a population of 15,000, 70 00:04:14,875 --> 00:04:17,625 and including the satellite communities around it, 71 00:04:17,750 --> 00:04:19,375 almost 30,000. 72 00:04:19,542 --> 00:04:21,583 There were a number of these cities 73 00:04:21,708 --> 00:04:25,458 all around the eastern part of what's now the United States. 74 00:04:25,542 --> 00:04:31,750 The general picture of Native America before European contact 75 00:04:31,875 --> 00:04:34,500 is that it's some sort of just nomadic life, 76 00:04:34,625 --> 00:04:38,958 that they were living in small bands and camps. 77 00:04:39,042 --> 00:04:41,833 The truth is that there were thousands of people 78 00:04:42,000 --> 00:04:43,250 living in the same place, 79 00:04:43,375 --> 00:04:45,917 very much the way the Europeans were. 80 00:04:48,417 --> 00:04:50,583 NARRATOR: Across North America, 81 00:04:50,708 --> 00:04:53,500 vast differences existed between the Native peoples 82 00:04:53,667 --> 00:04:58,000 in terms of language, customs and cultural practices. 83 00:04:58,125 --> 00:05:01,250 Yet many tribes shared the tradition 84 00:05:01,375 --> 00:05:04,667 of worshipping a powerful being known as the Bird Man. 85 00:05:04,792 --> 00:05:06,250 (hawk cries) 86 00:05:06,375 --> 00:05:11,167 When excavations were performed at Cahokia in the 20th century, 87 00:05:11,333 --> 00:05:14,417 this motif was found to be abundant. 88 00:05:15,417 --> 00:05:17,458 The most remarkable example 89 00:05:17,542 --> 00:05:20,333 was connected to the burial of a man believed to have been 90 00:05:20,458 --> 00:05:22,333 an early Cahokian ruler. 91 00:05:22,458 --> 00:05:25,583 His body had been placed on an elevated platform 92 00:05:25,708 --> 00:05:29,750 covered by a bed of more than 20,000 marine shell disc beads 93 00:05:29,875 --> 00:05:32,458 arranged in the shape of a falcon, 94 00:05:32,542 --> 00:05:34,917 with the bird's head appearing beneath 95 00:05:35,042 --> 00:05:36,833 and beside the man's head 96 00:05:36,958 --> 00:05:40,708 and its wings and tail beneath his arms and legs. 97 00:05:41,667 --> 00:05:43,958 The Bird Man of Cahokia is a burial 98 00:05:44,083 --> 00:05:47,708 that was found under a mound in the center of the city. 99 00:05:49,208 --> 00:05:51,292 And it's called the Bird Man 100 00:05:51,417 --> 00:05:54,833 because there's this arrangement of shells 101 00:05:54,917 --> 00:05:59,667 that appear to be in the shape of a bird. 102 00:05:59,833 --> 00:06:04,125 And it makes sense because we know that the Mississippians 103 00:06:04,208 --> 00:06:09,500 had a supernatural being who may or may not be a god. 104 00:06:09,625 --> 00:06:12,500 But he's a very powerful creature 105 00:06:12,583 --> 00:06:15,250 that lives up in the sky. 106 00:06:15,375 --> 00:06:20,000 We see depictions on also stone tablets. 107 00:06:22,250 --> 00:06:26,625 JONATHAN YOUNG: Native people believed in the power deity called the Bird Man. 108 00:06:27,750 --> 00:06:31,542 There are a number of depictions in the remains 109 00:06:31,708 --> 00:06:34,458 of these cultures of this powerful creature 110 00:06:34,583 --> 00:06:37,417 who could fly and could move among the different realms 111 00:06:37,542 --> 00:06:42,042 and was essentially the ruling, uh, god of this reality. 112 00:06:42,167 --> 00:06:45,333 -(hawk cries) -NARRATOR: Various descriptions of the Bird Man 113 00:06:45,417 --> 00:06:48,667 can be found from one tradition to the next, 114 00:06:48,833 --> 00:06:52,083 and some also feature a similar celestial being 115 00:06:52,208 --> 00:06:55,292 called the thunderbird. 116 00:06:55,417 --> 00:06:57,542 The thunderbird, uh, in Zuni 117 00:06:57,667 --> 00:07:02,667 is described as a being that came from the sky 118 00:07:02,833 --> 00:07:05,625 that could create lightning. 119 00:07:05,708 --> 00:07:07,917 It could create a lot of noise. 120 00:07:08,042 --> 00:07:11,500 And it was represented 121 00:07:11,625 --> 00:07:16,542 as a being with wings made out of knives. 122 00:07:16,667 --> 00:07:21,167 Now, the thunderbird could have been a vehicle. 123 00:07:21,250 --> 00:07:25,292 But way back then, the Indians had no other reference. 124 00:07:25,375 --> 00:07:28,292 So they just said... (stammers) it is a bird. 125 00:07:28,375 --> 00:07:32,000 (bird cries) 126 00:07:32,125 --> 00:07:34,667 One could argue that this is a representation 127 00:07:34,750 --> 00:07:36,833 of misunderstood technology 128 00:07:36,917 --> 00:07:39,833 that could illustrate some type of a flying craft. 129 00:07:39,958 --> 00:07:45,333 Because if you don't have the terminology for a plane, 130 00:07:45,417 --> 00:07:49,792 well, of course you're gonna call it a bird. 131 00:07:49,917 --> 00:07:53,750 I mean, pilots even today call their planes birds. 132 00:07:55,208 --> 00:07:58,667 MAHOOTY: The Mound Builders, I believe, were those Indian tribes 133 00:07:58,792 --> 00:08:03,042 that had contact with the extraterrestrials, 134 00:08:03,167 --> 00:08:05,458 the teachers. 135 00:08:05,542 --> 00:08:09,625 The star ancestors taught the American Indians 136 00:08:09,750 --> 00:08:11,500 about where they came from, 137 00:08:11,583 --> 00:08:14,958 their different star system, constellations, 138 00:08:15,083 --> 00:08:18,625 and how they're supposed to carry out their rituals, 139 00:08:18,750 --> 00:08:21,625 by referring to their star system, 140 00:08:21,708 --> 00:08:23,292 whether it be Pleiades, 141 00:08:23,375 --> 00:08:25,542 whether it be the Milky Way, 142 00:08:25,667 --> 00:08:28,583 whether it be the Big Dipper. 143 00:08:33,417 --> 00:08:36,083 We don't use the word "gods." 144 00:08:36,208 --> 00:08:38,167 We use the word "creator." 145 00:08:38,292 --> 00:08:40,583 (speaks Native language) 146 00:08:40,708 --> 00:08:43,667 He who has no name and has all the names. 147 00:08:43,792 --> 00:08:46,750 He's the eye that oversees everybody. 148 00:08:48,875 --> 00:08:52,333 PATTI ROBLES: The creation story, if you understand it correctly, 149 00:08:52,417 --> 00:08:55,667 we are all from the cosmos. 150 00:08:55,833 --> 00:09:00,250 Our ancestors were extraterrestrial. 151 00:09:00,375 --> 00:09:04,167 The story is told to Indigenous people 152 00:09:04,333 --> 00:09:07,042 for thousands of years 153 00:09:07,167 --> 00:09:08,792 through oral history 154 00:09:08,875 --> 00:09:13,333 and through the petroglyphs and pictographs 155 00:09:13,417 --> 00:09:17,292 and the sacred sites that continue to be part 156 00:09:17,417 --> 00:09:20,667 of our Native cultural traditions. 157 00:09:22,458 --> 00:09:24,708 DOVER: In talking about star people, 158 00:09:24,833 --> 00:09:28,250 all Native American tribes have these, uh, traditional 159 00:09:28,375 --> 00:09:32,042 oral histories that people came from the stars to visit them. 160 00:09:32,167 --> 00:09:35,792 And it's universal, all across the United States, 161 00:09:35,875 --> 00:09:39,167 that these gods, as we call them today, 162 00:09:39,292 --> 00:09:44,000 came to Earth and visited to provide knowledge. 163 00:09:44,125 --> 00:09:47,833 The Cherokee talked about, uh, the star seeds 164 00:09:48,000 --> 00:09:49,917 and the people coming from the sky. 165 00:09:50,042 --> 00:09:54,167 The Zunis and the Hopis talk about the star people coming, 166 00:09:54,333 --> 00:09:58,917 and the Mississippi mound people had the Bird Man culture. 167 00:09:59,042 --> 00:10:02,833 So, here we have these cultures, 168 00:10:02,958 --> 00:10:05,333 and their legends and lores are about 169 00:10:05,458 --> 00:10:08,125 star ancestors coming down, 170 00:10:08,250 --> 00:10:12,333 giving them information, showing them science and medicine. 171 00:10:12,417 --> 00:10:17,167 TSOUKALOS: Native American people have been very clear 172 00:10:17,292 --> 00:10:21,792 when they speak of celestial beings that imparted knowledge. 173 00:10:21,917 --> 00:10:24,667 And if you compare that to the ancient astronaut theory, 174 00:10:24,792 --> 00:10:27,333 that's exactly what it talks about, 175 00:10:27,500 --> 00:10:33,000 that the knowledge was imparted by beings who visited us. 176 00:10:35,458 --> 00:10:38,875 NARRATOR: Could the stories of the Bird Men and star people 177 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:42,000 provide an oral history of alien visitation 178 00:10:42,125 --> 00:10:44,708 among early Native American tribes? 179 00:10:44,833 --> 00:10:47,875 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 180 00:10:48,000 --> 00:10:51,333 and propose that, while the Indigenous communities 181 00:10:51,458 --> 00:10:53,208 kept no written records, 182 00:10:53,333 --> 00:10:56,000 a historical account of exactly what they encountered 183 00:10:56,125 --> 00:10:58,750 can be found carved into the landscape 184 00:10:58,875 --> 00:11:02,875 at an ancient petroglyph site in Arizona. 185 00:11:08,958 --> 00:11:10,500 NARRATOR: In the American Southwest 186 00:11:10,667 --> 00:11:13,167 is a region known as the Four Corners, 187 00:11:13,250 --> 00:11:17,250 where the boundaries of Arizona, New Mexico, 188 00:11:17,375 --> 00:11:19,708 Colorado and Utah meet. 189 00:11:19,833 --> 00:11:21,958 Most of this region belongs 190 00:11:22,042 --> 00:11:25,042 to semiautonomous Native American nations, 191 00:11:25,208 --> 00:11:27,583 including the Navajo, 192 00:11:27,708 --> 00:11:32,000 Hopi, Zuni, 193 00:11:32,167 --> 00:11:36,042 Ute and dozens of other Native American peoples. 194 00:11:37,042 --> 00:11:38,792 They are all thought to be descendants 195 00:11:38,875 --> 00:11:44,000 of people frequently called the Ancestral Pueblo, or Anasazi. 196 00:11:44,083 --> 00:11:46,875 DOVER: The Anasazi, or the old ones, 197 00:11:47,000 --> 00:11:48,583 as we like to refer to them, 198 00:11:48,708 --> 00:11:50,792 were here in the Four Corners region, 199 00:11:50,917 --> 00:11:53,167 uh, for thousands of years. 200 00:11:53,250 --> 00:11:58,458 And they suddenly, around 1070 AD, just up and disappear. 201 00:11:59,667 --> 00:12:01,833 Their cities are abandoned, 202 00:12:01,917 --> 00:12:04,000 their structures, everything. 203 00:12:04,083 --> 00:12:05,500 Pottery is left. 204 00:12:05,625 --> 00:12:07,458 They don't know what happened to them. 205 00:12:10,750 --> 00:12:17,000 NARRATOR: Archaeological evidence shows that, between 1275 and 1300 AD, 206 00:12:17,167 --> 00:12:19,833 the Pueblo people stopped building entirely 207 00:12:19,958 --> 00:12:22,708 and the land was left empty. 208 00:12:23,750 --> 00:12:25,667 DOVER: They were a people that inhabited 209 00:12:25,792 --> 00:12:30,500 this Four Corners region for thousands of years. 210 00:12:30,625 --> 00:12:31,917 It's still a mystery today, 211 00:12:32,042 --> 00:12:33,583 and it's one of the big mysteries 212 00:12:33,708 --> 00:12:35,333 in the American Southwest. 213 00:12:37,250 --> 00:12:39,708 NARRATOR: Similar to the Mississippian tribes to the east, 214 00:12:39,833 --> 00:12:41,917 the Pueblo nations 215 00:12:42,042 --> 00:12:46,333 also described contact with visitors from the stars 216 00:12:46,458 --> 00:12:48,042 and performed rituals 217 00:12:48,167 --> 00:12:51,958 to connect with sky beings called the kachina. 218 00:12:53,042 --> 00:12:55,083 There were objects-- we call them dolls-- 219 00:12:55,208 --> 00:12:57,958 but they were sacred objects that would be similar 220 00:12:58,083 --> 00:13:01,708 to the costumes worn by the dancers and imagined to be 221 00:13:01,833 --> 00:13:04,167 the appearance of these celestial beings. 222 00:13:04,292 --> 00:13:06,833 DOVER: If you look at the kachinas, 223 00:13:06,917 --> 00:13:09,125 there are so many different types-- 224 00:13:09,208 --> 00:13:12,500 different headdresses, different feathers on them, 225 00:13:12,625 --> 00:13:14,500 different ways of painting them 226 00:13:14,667 --> 00:13:17,125 to distinguish them one from another. 227 00:13:17,208 --> 00:13:19,083 And that tells me 228 00:13:19,208 --> 00:13:22,625 that there were a lot of different types of beings 229 00:13:22,708 --> 00:13:26,542 that were interacting with early Natives, 230 00:13:26,667 --> 00:13:29,167 much more than we even, uh, think. 231 00:13:30,375 --> 00:13:33,042 TSOUKALOS: The kachinas were their first teachers, 232 00:13:33,167 --> 00:13:37,042 the ones that imparted the knowledge. 233 00:13:37,208 --> 00:13:40,292 The Hopi are very clear in suggesting 234 00:13:40,375 --> 00:13:42,917 that the kachinas were physical beings. 235 00:13:43,042 --> 00:13:46,667 MAHOOTY: The kachina is a representation 236 00:13:46,750 --> 00:13:52,833 of the actual gods that used to come into the villages eons ago. 237 00:13:52,958 --> 00:13:56,333 Some of them are warriors. 238 00:13:56,417 --> 00:13:58,833 Most of them are priesthood-type kachinas, 239 00:13:59,000 --> 00:14:01,917 and they come from different parts-- 240 00:14:02,042 --> 00:14:04,792 in my opinion, different parts of the universe. 241 00:14:04,917 --> 00:14:08,917 But they actually have certain places on this planet 242 00:14:09,042 --> 00:14:10,875 that they call it home. 243 00:14:11,042 --> 00:14:13,000 Ours is west of here, 244 00:14:13,083 --> 00:14:14,917 and of course a lot of other pueblos 245 00:14:15,042 --> 00:14:17,417 have their own specific place. 246 00:14:17,542 --> 00:14:20,833 And even to this day, some of them are here. 247 00:14:22,333 --> 00:14:26,542 NARRATOR: The story of strange humanoid beings assisting Native peoples 248 00:14:26,667 --> 00:14:30,500 has been recounted for centuries among the Pueblo nations. 249 00:14:30,583 --> 00:14:34,833 Not only is it a central part of their oral traditions, 250 00:14:34,958 --> 00:14:37,458 these encounters were so significant 251 00:14:37,583 --> 00:14:40,917 they were carved in stone. 252 00:14:42,167 --> 00:14:46,083 DOVER: I believe that these visitations have been documented 253 00:14:46,208 --> 00:14:49,833 in pictographs and petroglyphs. 254 00:14:49,958 --> 00:14:52,750 They're not art, actually, for art's sake. 255 00:14:52,875 --> 00:14:56,000 The petroglyphs have been done this way 256 00:14:56,083 --> 00:14:58,292 for basically thousands of years. 257 00:14:58,375 --> 00:15:02,333 NARRATOR: Do petroglyphs found throughout North America 258 00:15:02,417 --> 00:15:06,333 tell a story of ancient extraterrestrial contact? 259 00:15:06,417 --> 00:15:10,042 In July 2021, 260 00:15:10,167 --> 00:15:12,917 ancient astronaut theorists Giorgio Tsoukalos 261 00:15:13,042 --> 00:15:14,917 and William Henry traveled 262 00:15:15,042 --> 00:15:16,833 to Rock Art Ranch in Winslow, Arizona, 263 00:15:16,958 --> 00:15:19,083 to investigate one of North America's 264 00:15:19,208 --> 00:15:23,333 most extensive collections of petroglyphs. 265 00:15:23,417 --> 00:15:28,125 Joining them is esteemed Navajo Tribal Ranger Jon Dover. 266 00:15:28,208 --> 00:15:31,917 It's so great to meet you because 31 years, 267 00:15:32,042 --> 00:15:34,958 you've been a Tribal Navajo Ranger, is that correct? 268 00:15:35,042 --> 00:15:37,833 Yes, uh, I started in 1980, 269 00:15:37,958 --> 00:15:39,875 uh, to 2011. 270 00:15:40,042 --> 00:15:43,333 And, uh, worked, uh, most of, uh, 271 00:15:43,458 --> 00:15:48,417 -the reservation up there, 27,000 square miles. -Wow. 272 00:15:48,542 --> 00:15:50,042 This ranch is very unique 273 00:15:50,208 --> 00:15:54,583 because there is so much archaeology here. 274 00:15:54,708 --> 00:15:57,583 Well, we're sure excited to be here to get eyes on it with you. 275 00:15:57,708 --> 00:15:59,917 -Okay, well, let's go take a look. -All right. 276 00:16:01,583 --> 00:16:05,583 NARRATOR: Rock Art Ranch's 5,000 acres are home to nearly 277 00:16:05,708 --> 00:16:09,292 3,000 ancient petroglyphs, and on nearly every panel 278 00:16:09,417 --> 00:16:12,667 are figures that the Navajo identify as star people. 279 00:16:12,750 --> 00:16:15,000 This is sensational. 280 00:16:15,167 --> 00:16:16,792 Look at that guy right there. 281 00:16:16,875 --> 00:16:20,125 -They call that the birthing mother, right? -That's right. 282 00:16:20,250 --> 00:16:23,000 Very fascinating because I'm looking at that 283 00:16:23,125 --> 00:16:25,625 and immediately my mind goes around the world. 284 00:16:25,708 --> 00:16:27,167 Absolutely. 285 00:16:27,292 --> 00:16:29,917 -TSOUKALOS: This is a depiction of a mother goddess. -Yep. 286 00:16:30,042 --> 00:16:32,417 TSOUKALOS: It's like those big giant statues 287 00:16:32,542 --> 00:16:34,875 -that were found over in Europe... -Right. 288 00:16:35,042 --> 00:16:38,250 ...but it also reminds me of Dogu statues of Japan. 289 00:16:38,375 --> 00:16:40,542 -HENRY: Yeah. -And also, the Wandjinas. 290 00:16:40,708 --> 00:16:43,333 -HENRY: Right. -Very similar. 291 00:16:44,583 --> 00:16:47,417 NARRATOR: In the Northwest Kimberly region of Australia, 292 00:16:47,542 --> 00:16:52,167 ancient cave art depicts beings called the Wandjina, 293 00:16:52,250 --> 00:16:56,125 the sky heroes of one of Australia's Indigenous clans. 294 00:16:56,250 --> 00:16:58,208 The stories behind the Wandjinas goes 295 00:16:58,333 --> 00:17:00,000 that they descended from the sky 296 00:17:00,083 --> 00:17:02,833 and gave knowledge 297 00:17:02,917 --> 00:17:06,000 and jumpstarted civilization in Australia 298 00:17:06,167 --> 00:17:08,000 thousands and thousands of years ago. 299 00:17:08,167 --> 00:17:10,792 And the Wandjinas are incredible 300 00:17:10,875 --> 00:17:15,000 because they have these gigantic heads 301 00:17:15,125 --> 00:17:17,625 and these long bodies 302 00:17:17,708 --> 00:17:19,708 and these arms. 303 00:17:19,833 --> 00:17:22,333 It seems as if they're inside 304 00:17:22,458 --> 00:17:26,458 some sort of a pressurized suit. 305 00:17:26,542 --> 00:17:31,000 There are similar figures all around the world-- 306 00:17:31,125 --> 00:17:34,167 big bulbous heads, big bodies 307 00:17:34,250 --> 00:17:36,250 floating up in the sky. 308 00:17:36,375 --> 00:17:39,667 In Japan we have the same things, 309 00:17:39,833 --> 00:17:41,833 in Africa... 310 00:17:41,958 --> 00:17:44,000 in Europe... 311 00:17:44,167 --> 00:17:48,000 in North and South America. 312 00:17:48,125 --> 00:17:52,208 So my suggestion is that the extraterrestrials 313 00:17:52,333 --> 00:17:55,792 that came to Earth thousands and thousands of years ago 314 00:17:55,917 --> 00:17:58,333 didn't just visit Australia. 315 00:17:58,500 --> 00:18:01,625 They visited each and every continent on Earth. 316 00:18:01,708 --> 00:18:05,833 And that is why we have the similar motifs. 317 00:18:05,958 --> 00:18:08,500 Look at the concentric rings up there. 318 00:18:08,625 --> 00:18:10,833 That's the portal symbol. There's two of them. 319 00:18:10,958 --> 00:18:12,292 And there's guys around the portal, 320 00:18:12,375 --> 00:18:14,792 -on the lower one. Yeah. -Interesting, yeah. 321 00:18:14,875 --> 00:18:18,167 Tell me, Jon, petroglyphs are regarded 322 00:18:18,292 --> 00:18:21,958 as picture books that tell a story all at once. 323 00:18:22,042 --> 00:18:25,167 That's right, and also en-en... 324 00:18:25,333 --> 00:18:28,667 -enmeshed in all this are religious symbols. -Mm-hmm. 325 00:18:28,792 --> 00:18:32,042 Things that tell you something about how they worshipped. 326 00:18:32,167 --> 00:18:34,708 -Pictures of gods. -Mm-hmm. 327 00:18:34,875 --> 00:18:37,208 TSOUKALOS: And when you say 328 00:18:37,333 --> 00:18:38,333 -"gods..." -Gods, right. 329 00:18:38,458 --> 00:18:40,708 ...what, in your culture... 330 00:18:40,833 --> 00:18:44,708 -what does that mean? -It could be anything from 331 00:18:44,833 --> 00:18:47,500 somebody coming to them 332 00:18:47,583 --> 00:18:50,667 and meeting with them and imparting knowledge. 333 00:18:50,792 --> 00:18:53,000 And in the case of the Navajo, 334 00:18:53,125 --> 00:18:55,333 that's what the Yeibichai represent. 335 00:18:55,458 --> 00:18:59,000 In the case of the Hopis, the kachinas represent those gods... 336 00:18:59,083 --> 00:19:01,250 -HENRY: Right. -...that came to Earth 337 00:19:01,375 --> 00:19:03,583 to give them knowledge. 338 00:19:03,708 --> 00:19:06,667 And could one make the argument that these may have been 339 00:19:06,833 --> 00:19:11,208 visitations by flesh-and-blood extraterrestrials 340 00:19:11,333 --> 00:19:13,458 -in ancient times? -Oh, definitely. 341 00:19:13,583 --> 00:19:16,583 From what we understand, there's many different 342 00:19:16,708 --> 00:19:18,458 races of alien 343 00:19:18,542 --> 00:19:21,000 that are coming to-to this world. 344 00:19:21,167 --> 00:19:24,167 -That's amazing. -In the case of some tribes 345 00:19:24,250 --> 00:19:26,333 down in Southern Arizona, you even have 346 00:19:26,458 --> 00:19:29,167 a mountain range called the Estrella Mountains. 347 00:19:29,292 --> 00:19:33,792 In the language of the people in that area, "Estrella" 348 00:19:33,875 --> 00:19:35,708 means "stargate." 349 00:19:35,833 --> 00:19:38,417 HENRY: Absolutely. Estrella-- star people. 350 00:19:38,542 --> 00:19:41,875 Am I correct to assume that this is only the tip of the iceberg, 351 00:19:42,042 --> 00:19:44,125 and that there are so many more 352 00:19:44,250 --> 00:19:47,875 panels like this that the world doesn't even know about? 353 00:19:48,000 --> 00:19:50,167 On the Navajo reservation alone, 354 00:19:50,250 --> 00:19:54,583 there are 300,000 sites that are recorded. 355 00:19:54,708 --> 00:19:58,667 I mean, we're talking at least 4000 BC, 356 00:19:58,792 --> 00:20:00,375 -right? -That's right. 357 00:20:00,500 --> 00:20:03,208 Well, this is great, but I'm just looking on the other side, 358 00:20:03,333 --> 00:20:05,333 and there is more. I mean, there's more everywhere. 359 00:20:05,458 --> 00:20:07,667 So let's go check out the other ones, 360 00:20:07,792 --> 00:20:08,833 -as well. -Sure thing. 361 00:20:18,875 --> 00:20:21,417 NARRATOR: Giorgio Tsoukalos and William Henry 362 00:20:21,542 --> 00:20:23,458 have been granted special access 363 00:20:23,542 --> 00:20:26,375 to Rock Art Ranch in Winslow, Arizona, 364 00:20:26,542 --> 00:20:30,083 where Navajo Tribal elder Jon Dover is guiding them 365 00:20:30,208 --> 00:20:32,083 through the ancient petroglyph panels. 366 00:20:32,208 --> 00:20:33,833 -Wow. -Look at this. 367 00:20:37,708 --> 00:20:40,792 I mean, look at the hollow body with the star inside. 368 00:20:40,917 --> 00:20:42,875 -HENRY: Mm-hmm. -One hand pointing to the sky, 369 00:20:43,042 --> 00:20:43,958 the other down to Earth. 370 00:20:46,042 --> 00:20:48,375 And just beneath that, 371 00:20:48,500 --> 00:20:50,708 look at-- that is a Grey alien. 372 00:20:50,875 --> 00:20:52,458 TSOUKALOS: That triangular head, very strange. 373 00:20:52,583 --> 00:20:54,000 HENRY: That is a-- Yeah, it is. 374 00:20:54,125 --> 00:20:56,083 DOVER: You have all kinds 375 00:20:56,208 --> 00:20:57,417 of different types of figures, 376 00:20:57,542 --> 00:21:00,250 -different representations of gods. -Right. 377 00:21:00,375 --> 00:21:02,292 I mean, what we have to fill in with our imagination 378 00:21:02,375 --> 00:21:05,792 is that these beings off the wall, 3D, 379 00:21:05,875 --> 00:21:08,208 -walking amongst the people. -(laughs) Yeah. 380 00:21:08,333 --> 00:21:10,333 -They're interacting with these beings. -Right. 381 00:21:10,500 --> 00:21:12,000 We don't know if it's the same time. 382 00:21:12,125 --> 00:21:14,500 -Right. -Or could be different times. 383 00:21:14,625 --> 00:21:16,458 HENRY: That's mind-blowing. 384 00:21:16,542 --> 00:21:19,333 I'm so intrigued by that double helix up there, too, 385 00:21:19,458 --> 00:21:21,667 beside the trapezoidal figure. 386 00:21:21,750 --> 00:21:24,250 -I mean... -TSOUKALOS: Mm-hmm, as if to indicate, 387 00:21:24,375 --> 00:21:27,542 because of the creature on the left, DNA, 388 00:21:27,667 --> 00:21:29,333 -you know, had something to do with this. -Right. 389 00:21:29,417 --> 00:21:31,875 -That's right. -Giorgio, uh, when you see 390 00:21:32,000 --> 00:21:34,333 -the guy with the trapezoidal body... -Mm-hmm. 391 00:21:34,458 --> 00:21:36,500 ...and you see the curvy lines on the body, 392 00:21:36,625 --> 00:21:40,375 -that always symbolizes, like, vibration. -Okay. 393 00:21:40,500 --> 00:21:43,000 The-the Anunnaki wore cloaks that had those kind of 394 00:21:43,167 --> 00:21:44,625 -curvy lines all over. -Right. 395 00:21:44,708 --> 00:21:47,333 And so here we have a clear, clear symbolic connection 396 00:21:47,458 --> 00:21:49,625 with-with the Anunnaki on this figure. 397 00:21:49,708 --> 00:21:53,833 The Anunnaki were powerful deities worshipped more than 398 00:21:53,958 --> 00:21:57,917 5,000 years ago by the ancient Sumerians who inhabited 399 00:21:58,042 --> 00:22:02,958 Mesopotamia, an area that is now modern-day Iraq. 400 00:22:04,292 --> 00:22:07,250 According to the Sumerian writings, the Anunnaki 401 00:22:07,375 --> 00:22:10,875 descended upon a mountain, shining like the sun, 402 00:22:11,000 --> 00:22:15,167 and shared profound wisdom with the human race. 403 00:22:15,292 --> 00:22:17,333 Look at all the different types 404 00:22:17,458 --> 00:22:20,542 of beings here, and then all the way across there, 405 00:22:20,708 --> 00:22:22,667 y-you've still got even more variety. 406 00:22:22,792 --> 00:22:25,958 I mean, this is almost like a meeting place 407 00:22:26,083 --> 00:22:28,000 of all these different worlds and different beings. 408 00:22:28,125 --> 00:22:32,000 So, you know, you have giants, you have little people. 409 00:22:32,125 --> 00:22:36,083 And the giants and the little people are talked about 410 00:22:36,208 --> 00:22:39,083 in the other world that they came from 411 00:22:39,208 --> 00:22:41,000 before they came to this world. 412 00:22:41,083 --> 00:22:44,875 So, and this is the same with Sego Canyon up in Utah. 413 00:22:46,333 --> 00:22:48,500 You have these massive, 414 00:22:48,625 --> 00:22:51,542 massive carvings and petroglyphs. 415 00:22:52,833 --> 00:22:57,208 So the fact that we have these virtually identical motifs, 416 00:22:57,333 --> 00:23:01,667 to me, suggests they were all taught by the same teachers. 417 00:23:01,792 --> 00:23:04,292 And the guy here with the horns, 418 00:23:04,417 --> 00:23:07,333 which could be rays, right next to the Grey alien. 419 00:23:07,500 --> 00:23:10,125 He's got horns or rays coming off of his head. 420 00:23:10,208 --> 00:23:13,000 -We see that at Valcamonica in Italy. -TSOUKALOS: Yes, you do. 421 00:23:13,167 --> 00:23:15,667 HENRY: You see it all kinds of different places, but then 422 00:23:15,750 --> 00:23:17,792 pointing to the idea these could be luminous 423 00:23:17,875 --> 00:23:19,583 or radiant beings that they're portraying. 424 00:23:19,708 --> 00:23:21,750 TSOUKALOS: And seeing creatures here 425 00:23:21,875 --> 00:23:24,792 -having, for example, three fingers... -HENRY: Mm-hmm. 426 00:23:24,875 --> 00:23:28,750 You know, as far as I know, uh, except for a couple of reptiles, 427 00:23:28,875 --> 00:23:31,167 there aren't any three-fingered creatures. 428 00:23:31,292 --> 00:23:34,125 -Yeah. -You know? So, and especially nothing humanoid. 429 00:23:34,250 --> 00:23:36,542 -Right. -So, again, our ancestors 430 00:23:36,708 --> 00:23:39,958 had impeccable powers of observation. 431 00:23:40,042 --> 00:23:41,500 That's all they did all day. 432 00:23:41,583 --> 00:23:43,167 They, they observed. 433 00:23:43,292 --> 00:23:45,417 And so your estimation then, too, 434 00:23:45,542 --> 00:23:47,500 is that this was not a bunch of kids, 435 00:23:47,667 --> 00:23:50,125 you know, on a Saturday night not knowing what to do. 436 00:23:50,250 --> 00:23:51,792 Absolutely not. 437 00:23:51,875 --> 00:23:55,292 These were people that came here with a purpose... 438 00:23:55,417 --> 00:23:58,250 -HENRY: Mm-hmm. -...and the purpose was to put 439 00:23:58,375 --> 00:24:01,583 their history on the wall 440 00:24:01,708 --> 00:24:05,375 showing where they came from, where they were going. 441 00:24:05,500 --> 00:24:07,167 Jon, this is incredible, 442 00:24:07,292 --> 00:24:10,500 and what I love the most is the access. 443 00:24:10,625 --> 00:24:13,000 I mean, I've never been face-to-face like this. 444 00:24:13,125 --> 00:24:15,917 There's a lot of places nobody's allowed to go 445 00:24:16,042 --> 00:24:18,833 except for archaeologists, medicine men, 446 00:24:18,917 --> 00:24:21,833 -and Rangers. -HENRY: It's spectacular. It's one thing to see 447 00:24:21,917 --> 00:24:23,875 images in a book or on a... online, 448 00:24:24,000 --> 00:24:26,250 but to-to come face-to-face with it, feel the energy, 449 00:24:26,375 --> 00:24:28,667 see it, spectacular. 450 00:24:28,792 --> 00:24:32,167 I came away with this deep sense 451 00:24:32,333 --> 00:24:35,792 that this is meant for us to discover 452 00:24:35,875 --> 00:24:39,292 throughout the ages, that it was super important to the ancients 453 00:24:39,417 --> 00:24:41,500 to record this information, 454 00:24:41,625 --> 00:24:43,417 to tell us that these beings were here. 455 00:24:43,542 --> 00:24:46,375 They had a hand in our evolution 456 00:24:46,542 --> 00:24:49,000 and they're probably still visiting us today. 457 00:24:49,125 --> 00:24:52,833 TSOUKALOS: What I think is important in this whole thing is that 458 00:24:52,917 --> 00:24:56,625 Jon said these are our stories of the star people. 459 00:24:56,750 --> 00:24:59,750 And when First Nation cultures say 460 00:24:59,875 --> 00:25:04,208 that someone visited from the sky and imparted knowledge, 461 00:25:04,375 --> 00:25:08,208 I think it's time that we start to listen. 462 00:25:09,708 --> 00:25:12,708 NARRATOR: Do the petroglyphs at Rock Art Ranch provide 463 00:25:12,875 --> 00:25:15,958 an historical record of extraterrestrial visitation 464 00:25:16,083 --> 00:25:18,000 in North America? 465 00:25:18,167 --> 00:25:21,542 And if so, why does there seem to be such a strong 466 00:25:21,667 --> 00:25:24,333 connection between Native Americans 467 00:25:24,458 --> 00:25:26,042 and otherworldly beings? 468 00:25:26,167 --> 00:25:29,958 Perhaps further clues can be found within oral traditions 469 00:25:30,083 --> 00:25:33,292 that describe strange beings known as... 470 00:25:33,375 --> 00:25:35,500 the ant men. 471 00:25:42,375 --> 00:25:46,000 NARRATOR: In the desolate high desert of the American Southwest 472 00:25:46,083 --> 00:25:49,208 stand the ruins of the most important ceremonial site 473 00:25:49,333 --> 00:25:51,542 of the ancient Pueblo people. 474 00:25:51,708 --> 00:25:55,083 Constructed around 900 AD, 475 00:25:55,208 --> 00:25:57,875 the central feature of this vast complex 476 00:25:58,000 --> 00:25:59,583 is the Great Kiva. 477 00:25:59,708 --> 00:26:02,667 A kiva is basically, 478 00:26:02,750 --> 00:26:06,542 um, a Native American version of a church. 479 00:26:06,667 --> 00:26:09,333 It is a circular structure. 480 00:26:09,500 --> 00:26:11,833 Chaco Canyon has 481 00:26:11,958 --> 00:26:15,833 an absolutely giant one that's located there. 482 00:26:15,958 --> 00:26:20,667 When you enter one you're literally entering another world 483 00:26:20,792 --> 00:26:23,792 to commune with the gods from before. 484 00:26:24,917 --> 00:26:27,167 In ancient Pueblo culture, 485 00:26:27,333 --> 00:26:31,833 every place you went had a small kiva of some kind. 486 00:26:31,958 --> 00:26:34,417 But they would get together 487 00:26:34,542 --> 00:26:36,375 maybe eight or nine different kivas, 488 00:26:36,500 --> 00:26:39,667 small ones, into a larger great kiva, 489 00:26:39,750 --> 00:26:44,208 and the great kivas were huge. 490 00:26:45,458 --> 00:26:49,083 When the Spanish came in in the 1600s, 491 00:26:49,208 --> 00:26:51,667 they took their church and interposed it 492 00:26:51,792 --> 00:26:53,333 on top of the kiva. 493 00:26:53,500 --> 00:26:55,583 So everywhere in these Hopi villages, 494 00:26:55,708 --> 00:27:00,000 in the Pueblo villages that you see a Catholic church, 495 00:27:00,083 --> 00:27:03,167 it's usually on the high point of land 496 00:27:03,292 --> 00:27:05,833 where the kiva was destroyed and the church 497 00:27:05,958 --> 00:27:08,583 was built over the top of it. 498 00:27:10,083 --> 00:27:13,625 NARRATOR: Every kiva includes a feature called a sipapu. 499 00:27:13,708 --> 00:27:18,042 In some kivas, the sipapu is a small hole 500 00:27:18,208 --> 00:27:19,833 in the subterranean wall. 501 00:27:19,917 --> 00:27:21,917 In kivas that are enclosed, 502 00:27:22,042 --> 00:27:25,208 it is often represented by a hole in the roof. 503 00:27:25,333 --> 00:27:29,792 In both cases, it is the most important part of the structure, 504 00:27:29,875 --> 00:27:33,958 symbolizing the entrance to a subterranean world. 505 00:27:34,042 --> 00:27:37,792 All of the Pueblos share a story 506 00:27:37,917 --> 00:27:41,542 in which humankind began under the earth. 507 00:27:41,708 --> 00:27:45,208 And we slowly, over generations, crawled up 508 00:27:45,375 --> 00:27:47,833 and out of a hole called sipapu. 509 00:27:47,958 --> 00:27:53,208 And the kivas have this little hole in it symbolizing that. 510 00:27:53,333 --> 00:27:56,500 NARRATOR: The descendants of the Ancestral Pueblo 511 00:27:56,625 --> 00:27:59,083 share the belief that Earth was populated 512 00:27:59,208 --> 00:28:03,333 three separate times before the era of modern humans, 513 00:28:03,458 --> 00:28:05,875 with each previous age 514 00:28:06,000 --> 00:28:08,667 ending in a devastating cataclysm. 515 00:28:08,750 --> 00:28:11,000 HENRY: The Pueblo Indians believe that 516 00:28:11,125 --> 00:28:14,208 there in fact were three worlds, or epochs, before ours. 517 00:28:14,333 --> 00:28:15,875 And they were all destroyed. 518 00:28:16,042 --> 00:28:19,875 The first by fire, the second by ice, 519 00:28:20,000 --> 00:28:22,583 and the third by water. 520 00:28:22,708 --> 00:28:25,917 In each instance, they tell us that it was due 521 00:28:26,042 --> 00:28:28,875 to mistreatment of the Earth, and so that tells us 522 00:28:29,000 --> 00:28:33,208 that there could have been previous examples of humanity 523 00:28:33,333 --> 00:28:36,292 that were destroyed who knows how long ago. 524 00:28:37,750 --> 00:28:40,667 CHILDRESS: We're living now in the fourth world. 525 00:28:40,833 --> 00:28:43,250 And the Zunis and Hopis believe 526 00:28:43,375 --> 00:28:47,333 our fourth world will also end in a cataclysm. 527 00:28:48,500 --> 00:28:52,000 HENRY: Their prophecy says that there would be a, 528 00:28:52,083 --> 00:28:54,667 a gourd of ashes that would come from the sky. 529 00:28:54,792 --> 00:28:57,333 That's interpreted as nuclear warfare. 530 00:28:57,417 --> 00:29:01,250 TSOUKALOS: The Hopi suggest that there were previous worlds 531 00:29:01,375 --> 00:29:05,750 or civilizations before, and this is interesting because 532 00:29:05,875 --> 00:29:08,042 there are other cultures, ancient cultures, 533 00:29:08,167 --> 00:29:11,250 around the world, who speak of similar stories. 534 00:29:12,792 --> 00:29:14,375 HENRY: The Kabbalah teaches that there were previous 535 00:29:14,542 --> 00:29:16,167 advanced human civilizations. 536 00:29:16,292 --> 00:29:18,125 A number of them. 537 00:29:18,208 --> 00:29:21,292 The Hindus teach about the Yugas, 538 00:29:21,375 --> 00:29:23,292 where civilization advances 539 00:29:23,375 --> 00:29:28,042 to a very high place and then descends and then re-ascends. 540 00:29:28,208 --> 00:29:30,833 It, too, is divided into four different ages. 541 00:29:30,917 --> 00:29:34,833 So all of these traditions corresponds directly 542 00:29:34,958 --> 00:29:38,333 with what the Native American tradition is teaching. 543 00:29:38,417 --> 00:29:41,250 NARRATOR: Could the Native American tradition 544 00:29:41,375 --> 00:29:45,667 describing previous ages of humankind be true? 545 00:29:45,750 --> 00:29:49,000 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 546 00:29:49,125 --> 00:29:51,333 and suggest that these stories 547 00:29:51,458 --> 00:29:55,375 also contain evidence of extraterrestrial intervention. 548 00:29:57,000 --> 00:30:01,792 The Hopis of Northern Arizona have a very curious myth 549 00:30:01,875 --> 00:30:05,583 of surviving the third of the cataclysms 550 00:30:05,708 --> 00:30:10,333 by going underground and living with what they call the ant men. 551 00:30:10,417 --> 00:30:15,125 HENRY: The stories the Hopi tell us that the ant people rescued them 552 00:30:15,208 --> 00:30:19,167 from cataclysm by taking them underground, literally, 553 00:30:19,292 --> 00:30:22,208 and helping the Hopi to survive underground, 554 00:30:22,333 --> 00:30:25,375 and then once it was safe to return to the surface 555 00:30:25,542 --> 00:30:28,875 of the Earth, the Hopi were taken up through the sipapu 556 00:30:29,000 --> 00:30:32,917 by the ant people and repopulated the Earth. 557 00:30:33,042 --> 00:30:35,250 But in all instances, the ant people are described 558 00:30:35,375 --> 00:30:37,917 as having a special relationship with the Hopi, 559 00:30:38,042 --> 00:30:41,208 and also of having a connection with the star realms. 560 00:30:41,375 --> 00:30:45,917 NARRATOR: Despite their name, ant men are described not as insects 561 00:30:46,042 --> 00:30:49,292 but rather as small humanoid figures. 562 00:30:49,417 --> 00:30:52,500 The reason they call these creatures "ant men" 563 00:30:52,625 --> 00:30:55,167 is that they lived under the earth, 564 00:30:55,292 --> 00:30:58,417 and they would emerge much like ants crawling out of a hive. 565 00:30:58,542 --> 00:31:01,708 So they called them ant men, but what they were, 566 00:31:01,833 --> 00:31:03,417 were extraterrestrials. 567 00:31:03,542 --> 00:31:06,833 They were entering our world through the portal. 568 00:31:06,958 --> 00:31:11,167 CHILDRESS: The ant men were underground dwellers who 569 00:31:11,250 --> 00:31:14,000 had a high technology and looked very similar 570 00:31:14,083 --> 00:31:17,000 apparently to what we would call Grey aliens. 571 00:31:17,083 --> 00:31:20,083 So this is something of a mystery, 572 00:31:20,208 --> 00:31:22,708 of-of who these ant men were. 573 00:31:22,875 --> 00:31:26,917 Many Hopis and the Zunis have similar belief that, 574 00:31:27,042 --> 00:31:29,333 yes, the ant men were extraterrestrials. 575 00:31:31,208 --> 00:31:33,000 MAHOOTY: There were beings that are 576 00:31:33,125 --> 00:31:35,208 of extraterrestrial origin 577 00:31:35,375 --> 00:31:39,333 that were... were part of that whole 578 00:31:39,417 --> 00:31:41,292 emergence mythology. 579 00:31:41,417 --> 00:31:43,875 The entrance to the fourth world. 580 00:31:45,042 --> 00:31:47,500 Could it be that the story of the ant men 581 00:31:47,667 --> 00:31:49,375 is a genuine account 582 00:31:49,500 --> 00:31:52,417 of extraterrestrials helping humanity survive 583 00:31:52,542 --> 00:31:54,875 a global cataclysm? 584 00:31:55,000 --> 00:31:58,000 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 585 00:31:58,125 --> 00:32:00,833 and suggest further clues can be found 586 00:32:00,958 --> 00:32:03,083 by comparing the Native American traditions 587 00:32:03,208 --> 00:32:06,208 to accounts of a legendary lost continent 588 00:32:06,333 --> 00:32:09,250 called Atlantis. 589 00:32:17,208 --> 00:32:20,958 NARRATOR: In his famous dialogues, Timaeus and Critias, 590 00:32:21,083 --> 00:32:23,083 the Greek philosopher Plato writes 591 00:32:23,208 --> 00:32:25,208 about a lost continent 592 00:32:25,375 --> 00:32:28,375 that existed 9,000 years before his time 593 00:32:28,500 --> 00:32:32,667 and was home to a highly advanced civilization. 594 00:32:32,792 --> 00:32:37,167 Called Atlantis, it was founded by the Greek god Poseidon, 595 00:32:37,333 --> 00:32:41,333 and the inhabitants possessed sophisticated technology. 596 00:32:41,500 --> 00:32:45,167 But Atlantis was ultimately destroyed 597 00:32:45,292 --> 00:32:49,542 by a terrible cataclysm, and according to some researchers, 598 00:32:49,708 --> 00:32:53,083 the story of its destruction is strikingly similar 599 00:32:53,208 --> 00:32:55,875 to Native American traditions detailing the end 600 00:32:56,000 --> 00:32:58,458 of the third world. 601 00:32:58,542 --> 00:33:01,667 HENRY: The Hopi and other Pueblo Indians tell us 602 00:33:01,750 --> 00:33:04,000 that their devastating cataclysm 603 00:33:04,167 --> 00:33:07,000 was due to human greed and wandering away 604 00:33:07,167 --> 00:33:09,542 from the-the spiritual truths of our creator. 605 00:33:09,708 --> 00:33:13,333 What's interesting about this is that this idea 606 00:33:13,500 --> 00:33:16,500 is echoed in Plato's story of the destruction of Atlantis. 607 00:33:16,583 --> 00:33:19,958 The Atlanteans were also created by gods. 608 00:33:20,042 --> 00:33:23,292 As soon as humanity wandered off into materialism, 609 00:33:23,417 --> 00:33:27,500 that's when Atlantis was destroyed by water. 610 00:33:27,625 --> 00:33:30,333 A perfect correspondence with what the Hopi said 611 00:33:30,417 --> 00:33:32,375 happened at the end of the third world. 612 00:33:32,500 --> 00:33:34,625 NARRATOR: Could there be a connection 613 00:33:34,708 --> 00:33:37,333 between the ancient Greek tale of Atlantis 614 00:33:37,458 --> 00:33:40,167 and Native American origin stories? 615 00:33:40,333 --> 00:33:43,125 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest 616 00:33:43,208 --> 00:33:46,500 another story told by early Native Americans 617 00:33:46,583 --> 00:33:49,500 bears striking similarities to Atlantis-- 618 00:33:49,625 --> 00:33:54,167 the legend of the lost city of Aztlán, which appears 619 00:33:54,292 --> 00:33:56,292 in the traditions of the Aztecs 620 00:33:56,375 --> 00:33:58,083 and numerous Native American groups 621 00:33:58,208 --> 00:34:00,250 throughout the Southwest. 622 00:34:13,958 --> 00:34:18,292 ...of the Hopis, so we have all these oral histories also... 623 00:34:24,333 --> 00:34:27,208 There's debate among scholars as to exactly 624 00:34:27,333 --> 00:34:29,667 what Aztlán looked like. 625 00:34:29,792 --> 00:34:34,000 And we know that the Aztecs say 626 00:34:34,125 --> 00:34:37,167 that their capital of Tenochtitlán 627 00:34:37,292 --> 00:34:41,167 was made in the image of Aztlán. 628 00:34:41,292 --> 00:34:43,792 And from that capital, 629 00:34:43,875 --> 00:34:47,333 we get a backwards projection that their origin place 630 00:34:47,458 --> 00:34:51,583 is an island surrounded by water. 631 00:34:53,167 --> 00:34:56,125 They actually built Tenochtitlán up 632 00:34:56,250 --> 00:34:58,833 into the lake and put causeways out 633 00:34:59,000 --> 00:35:01,958 so that it looks very much like Atlantis. 634 00:35:02,083 --> 00:35:04,833 NARRATOR: According to the Aztecs, 635 00:35:04,958 --> 00:35:09,125 the god Huitzilopochtli was the founder of Tenochtitlán, 636 00:35:09,250 --> 00:35:11,875 which as far as ancient astronaut theorists 637 00:35:12,000 --> 00:35:15,000 are concerned, provides yet another intriguing connection 638 00:35:15,083 --> 00:35:18,958 to Plato's description of Atlantis. 639 00:35:19,042 --> 00:35:22,667 Tenochtitlán was a place made artificially. 640 00:35:22,833 --> 00:35:26,250 Compare it to Atlantis. 641 00:35:26,375 --> 00:35:29,667 In both cases, a god was the ruler of it. 642 00:35:29,792 --> 00:35:32,333 In Atlantis, we have Poseidon. 643 00:35:32,458 --> 00:35:35,167 Now, Poseidon was an extraterrestrial. 644 00:35:35,333 --> 00:35:39,875 Not everyone should have access to Atlantis. 645 00:35:40,042 --> 00:35:43,708 The same thing in Aztlán or Tenochtitlán. 646 00:35:43,833 --> 00:35:45,542 They wanted to be separated. 647 00:35:45,667 --> 00:35:48,500 They had a certain technology there which was 648 00:35:48,625 --> 00:35:52,333 a hidden technology, and it was not for the general public. 649 00:35:52,417 --> 00:35:54,042 See, it's the same thing. 650 00:35:54,208 --> 00:35:56,333 TSOUKALOS: The fact that we have stories 651 00:35:56,458 --> 00:35:58,708 that are not just similar but identical 652 00:35:58,833 --> 00:36:02,167 leads me to think that perhaps 653 00:36:02,292 --> 00:36:04,083 these ancient cultures were visited 654 00:36:04,208 --> 00:36:07,167 by the same extraterrestrials. 655 00:36:07,250 --> 00:36:10,292 NARRATOR: While mainstream academics 656 00:36:10,375 --> 00:36:13,750 consider the stories of these lost civilizations 657 00:36:13,875 --> 00:36:17,000 and their destruction to be mythological, 658 00:36:17,083 --> 00:36:20,000 the recent discovery of vast sunken landmasses 659 00:36:20,083 --> 00:36:22,167 such as Doggerland, 660 00:36:22,292 --> 00:36:26,500 located just east of the British Isles in 2012, 661 00:36:26,625 --> 00:36:31,208 and Zealandia, found near New Zealand in 2017, 662 00:36:31,333 --> 00:36:34,792 may offer proof that a catastrophic water event 663 00:36:34,875 --> 00:36:38,333 did, in fact, change the face of the Earth. 664 00:36:38,500 --> 00:36:41,708 CHILDRESS: So here we have authentic legends 665 00:36:41,833 --> 00:36:46,083 of lost lands that were destroyed in cataclysms. 666 00:36:46,208 --> 00:36:49,667 Mainstream historians, you know, still 667 00:36:49,750 --> 00:36:52,417 pretty much reject this, feel that it's all myths. 668 00:36:52,542 --> 00:36:55,667 But it would seem really that all kinds 669 00:36:55,750 --> 00:36:59,125 of civilizations could have come and gone on our planet. 670 00:36:59,208 --> 00:37:01,500 We know that there are over 200 671 00:37:01,625 --> 00:37:04,500 known submerged cities in the Mediterranean. 672 00:37:04,625 --> 00:37:07,042 There's just so much on our planet 673 00:37:07,167 --> 00:37:09,333 that we have yet to find out. 674 00:37:10,708 --> 00:37:12,792 YOUNG: In the Native American Indigenous teaching, 675 00:37:12,875 --> 00:37:15,292 there are cycles of destruction and rebirth. 676 00:37:15,375 --> 00:37:18,000 The interesting part is that this is parallel 677 00:37:18,125 --> 00:37:19,833 to other great world teachings. 678 00:37:19,958 --> 00:37:22,458 In the story of Noah, 679 00:37:22,542 --> 00:37:24,583 the sons of God came down to Earth. 680 00:37:24,708 --> 00:37:27,125 And they were teaching the humans evil ways, 681 00:37:27,250 --> 00:37:29,917 and God decided to intervene 682 00:37:30,042 --> 00:37:32,542 and brought this great flood. 683 00:37:32,708 --> 00:37:36,083 In the story of Gilgamesh, the Sumerian legend, 684 00:37:36,208 --> 00:37:39,542 the council of gods brought the flood. 685 00:37:39,708 --> 00:37:44,167 The Inca god Viracocha created the great flood. 686 00:37:44,292 --> 00:37:46,875 HENRY: So all of these traditions 687 00:37:47,000 --> 00:37:50,375 correspond directly with the Hopi four worlds tradition 688 00:37:50,500 --> 00:37:52,917 about previous civilizations 689 00:37:53,042 --> 00:37:55,292 destroyed by the gods. 690 00:37:55,417 --> 00:37:57,000 The story is always the same. 691 00:37:57,083 --> 00:37:58,542 This speaks to the idea 692 00:37:58,667 --> 00:38:01,500 of extraterrestrial intervention in human affairs. 693 00:38:01,583 --> 00:38:04,625 ROBLES: I believe there are ancient civilizations 694 00:38:04,708 --> 00:38:09,167 that some people refuse to write about. 695 00:38:09,292 --> 00:38:12,083 But ancient civilizations are 696 00:38:12,208 --> 00:38:15,125 coming to surface because the time has come 697 00:38:15,208 --> 00:38:19,375 to tell the truth about human origin. 698 00:38:19,500 --> 00:38:22,333 NARRATOR: Could it be that Native American stories 699 00:38:22,458 --> 00:38:25,542 of star people and of lost civilizations 700 00:38:25,667 --> 00:38:28,542 so closely resembles other ancient traditions 701 00:38:28,667 --> 00:38:31,250 from around the globe because they all encountered 702 00:38:31,375 --> 00:38:34,500 the same otherworldly visitors? 703 00:38:34,625 --> 00:38:37,833 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and suggest 704 00:38:37,917 --> 00:38:41,500 the Native Americans' knowledge of star people 705 00:38:41,625 --> 00:38:43,708 comes not only from the distant past 706 00:38:43,875 --> 00:38:46,708 but from the extraterrestrial activity 707 00:38:46,875 --> 00:38:50,667 that occurs over Native lands even today. 708 00:39:00,750 --> 00:39:02,958 NARRATOR: According to Zuni elder Clifford Mahooty, 709 00:39:03,042 --> 00:39:06,333 above this steep mesa on the Zuni Reservation, 710 00:39:06,458 --> 00:39:10,208 strange lights are seen in the sky nearly every night. 711 00:39:10,333 --> 00:39:14,750 The UFO activity here is very, very, 712 00:39:14,875 --> 00:39:17,208 uh, prevalent because 713 00:39:17,333 --> 00:39:19,375 of the religious system 714 00:39:19,500 --> 00:39:22,292 that we practice every day. 715 00:39:22,375 --> 00:39:26,208 So all around the whole Zuni reservation 716 00:39:26,333 --> 00:39:29,833 you can look up in the sky and they're up there. 717 00:39:29,958 --> 00:39:34,000 And they're not stars. They're not planets. 718 00:39:34,125 --> 00:39:35,750 There's a lot of our people 719 00:39:35,875 --> 00:39:37,917 that, here in Zuni, have seen them. 720 00:39:39,375 --> 00:39:41,375 TSOUKALOS: When you talk to many Native Americans, 721 00:39:41,500 --> 00:39:44,292 they'll tell you that UFO sightings are common 722 00:39:44,375 --> 00:39:45,667 on their Native lands. 723 00:39:45,792 --> 00:39:48,333 And you have to ask, why is that? 724 00:39:48,458 --> 00:39:50,625 Is it because they have had these traditions 725 00:39:50,708 --> 00:39:53,958 of the star people and the star ancestors? 726 00:39:54,083 --> 00:39:57,833 Maybe places like the Zuni territory and Hopi mesas 727 00:39:57,958 --> 00:40:00,875 have been visited for thousands of years. 728 00:40:02,417 --> 00:40:04,958 NARRATOR: Today, more UFO incidents 729 00:40:05,083 --> 00:40:09,208 are being reported and captured on camera than ever before. 730 00:40:09,333 --> 00:40:11,625 But while this recent activity 731 00:40:11,708 --> 00:40:13,583 has captured the public's imagination 732 00:40:13,708 --> 00:40:17,042 and inspired sensational headlines, 733 00:40:17,167 --> 00:40:21,583 for many Native Americans, it is nothing out of the ordinary. 734 00:40:21,708 --> 00:40:26,375 In my time working as a Navajo Ranger, 735 00:40:26,500 --> 00:40:30,042 we had incidences of, uh, UFOs 736 00:40:30,208 --> 00:40:32,167 coming and going all the time. 737 00:40:32,292 --> 00:40:35,292 When we talk to people, they tell us, 738 00:40:35,375 --> 00:40:37,000 "Oh, yeah, they're here all the time." 739 00:40:37,167 --> 00:40:39,375 So they just accept it. 740 00:40:39,500 --> 00:40:41,625 And as such, with the knowledge 741 00:40:41,708 --> 00:40:45,458 that I have and the experiences I've had, 742 00:40:45,583 --> 00:40:47,250 I know they're out there-- I've seen them 743 00:40:47,375 --> 00:40:48,833 numerous, numerous times. 744 00:40:49,000 --> 00:40:52,417 And, uh, it's just a fact of life. 745 00:40:52,542 --> 00:40:55,208 ROBLES: We must reestablish 746 00:40:55,375 --> 00:40:58,333 the connection between our star ancestors 747 00:40:58,458 --> 00:41:01,833 by educating and creating an awareness among the, 748 00:41:01,958 --> 00:41:03,375 the humans on Earth. 749 00:41:03,500 --> 00:41:05,625 We have to establish 750 00:41:05,708 --> 00:41:08,333 an urgency protecting the sacred sites 751 00:41:08,500 --> 00:41:10,542 and telling the story of what they mean. 752 00:41:10,667 --> 00:41:12,375 This is the history of the world. 753 00:41:12,500 --> 00:41:14,417 We are star beings. 754 00:41:15,667 --> 00:41:18,292 MAHOOTY: As far as being connected with the star elders, 755 00:41:18,375 --> 00:41:20,792 they gave us this knowledge, and ours 756 00:41:20,875 --> 00:41:24,458 is a direct relationship with the... 757 00:41:24,542 --> 00:41:27,458 entities throughout the universe. 758 00:41:28,750 --> 00:41:31,542 NARRATOR: Could contact with star people 759 00:41:31,667 --> 00:41:34,792 as described in the ancient sacred traditions 760 00:41:34,917 --> 00:41:38,500 still be happening in Native American communities today? 761 00:41:38,625 --> 00:41:41,333 And if so, might it be the beginning 762 00:41:41,458 --> 00:41:43,625 of the next Earth cycle? 763 00:41:43,750 --> 00:41:48,167 And a profound new chapter in the human story? 764 00:41:48,292 --> 00:41:50,958 Perhaps as we learn the truth 765 00:41:51,042 --> 00:41:53,375 about the mysterious objects in the sky, 766 00:41:53,542 --> 00:41:56,375 we will discover that the star ancestors 767 00:41:56,500 --> 00:41:59,500 are not merely ancient figures carved on rocks 768 00:41:59,583 --> 00:42:02,500 but an extraterrestrial presence 769 00:42:02,583 --> 00:42:04,875 that has been guiding us all along. 770 00:42:05,000 --> 00:42:08,583 CAPTIONING PROVIDED BY A+E NETWORKS