1 00:00:04,287 --> 00:00:08,319 It is America's most infamous military installation. 2 00:00:08,474 --> 00:00:11,339 For decades, witnesses in that area 3 00:00:11,494 --> 00:00:15,272 are seeing unusual craft hovering over the base. 4 00:00:15,447 --> 00:00:17,825 The place where top secret experiments, 5 00:00:17,881 --> 00:00:20,605 involving alien technology, 6 00:00:20,681 --> 00:00:23,532 are rumored to be taking place. 7 00:00:23,707 --> 00:00:27,052 There is extraterrestrial technology at Area 51. 8 00:00:27,061 --> 00:00:29,952 But is Area 51 still viable, 9 00:00:30,061 --> 00:00:32,599 now that the top secret is out? 10 00:00:32,754 --> 00:00:34,303 This underground expansion has stretched 11 00:00:34,327 --> 00:00:36,665 all the way through Nevada into Utah. 12 00:00:36,821 --> 00:00:41,139 Or do other, even more covert places exist, 13 00:00:41,314 --> 00:00:44,079 where mankind's extraterrestrial future 14 00:00:44,121 --> 00:00:46,232 is being prepared? 15 00:00:46,321 --> 00:00:50,632 Where are Areas 52, 53, and 54? 16 00:01:19,221 --> 00:01:22,559 Langley, Virginia. 17 00:01:22,734 --> 00:01:26,432 August 15, 2013. 18 00:01:26,521 --> 00:01:30,659 After decades of secrecy, denials and cover-ups, 19 00:01:30,814 --> 00:01:33,845 the CIA declassifies documents 20 00:01:33,901 --> 00:01:35,979 which acknowledge the existence 21 00:01:36,001 --> 00:01:38,685 of a top secret military research facility 22 00:01:38,741 --> 00:01:41,792 known as Area 51. 23 00:01:41,967 --> 00:01:44,812 This was an historic announcement. 24 00:01:44,814 --> 00:01:47,359 Finally, these years of rumors 25 00:01:47,514 --> 00:01:50,679 that the UFO community and the conspiracy theory community 26 00:01:50,834 --> 00:01:54,445 had been claiming to be true had been validated. 27 00:01:54,621 --> 00:01:57,285 The federal government was forced to acknowledge 28 00:01:57,361 --> 00:01:59,732 the existence of the Area 51 base 29 00:01:59,734 --> 00:02:02,252 because of a Freedom of Information Act request. 30 00:02:02,361 --> 00:02:05,361 It took them over a decade to actually respond, 31 00:02:05,141 --> 00:02:08,141 but in the end, they eventually had to admit 32 00:02:07,081 --> 00:02:08,519 what everybody already knew, 33 00:02:08,521 --> 00:02:10,521 which was that Area 51 did exist. 34 00:02:10,201 --> 00:02:13,339 Since 1955, 35 00:02:13,361 --> 00:02:15,600 this top secret base, 36 00:02:15,775 --> 00:02:18,766 located in the remote desert of southern Nevada, 37 00:02:18,768 --> 00:02:21,100 has been considered the epicenter 38 00:02:21,122 --> 00:02:24,026 of the military's most classified projects, 39 00:02:24,182 --> 00:02:26,333 from the U-2 spy plane 40 00:02:26,488 --> 00:02:29,366 to the F-117 stealth fighter. 41 00:02:29,422 --> 00:02:30,946 But many believe 42 00:02:31,002 --> 00:02:33,786 that in the darkest corners of Area 51 43 00:02:33,942 --> 00:02:36,893 lurks an even bigger secret... 44 00:02:36,895 --> 00:02:38,906 One that hides the ultimate evidence 45 00:02:39,082 --> 00:02:42,600 of extraterrestrial contact. 46 00:02:45,282 --> 00:02:49,500 While the admission that Area 51 existed was important, 47 00:02:49,522 --> 00:02:52,522 it didn't go far enough for many people 48 00:02:52,048 --> 00:02:55,048 who were hoping that the government was going to confirm 49 00:02:54,502 --> 00:02:57,113 all the rumors about crashed UFOs 50 00:02:57,202 --> 00:02:59,733 and recovered alien technology were true. 51 00:02:59,888 --> 00:03:02,733 But the government said nothing about that. 52 00:03:02,735 --> 00:03:07,353 They only gave us the exact minimal amount 53 00:03:07,355 --> 00:03:08,940 of information that was requested. 54 00:03:08,962 --> 00:03:11,053 They did not give us any more information. 55 00:03:11,055 --> 00:03:14,055 And they certainly appear to still be covering up 56 00:03:13,182 --> 00:03:16,546 what exactly goes on at Area 51. 57 00:03:16,702 --> 00:03:18,626 Over the years, 58 00:03:18,782 --> 00:03:21,782 there have been a number of claims by people 59 00:03:20,562 --> 00:03:22,562 who have been associated with Area 51 60 00:03:22,508 --> 00:03:24,748 who have spoken to journalists or whistle-blowers 61 00:03:24,822 --> 00:03:27,626 in which they have stated, quite explicitly, 62 00:03:27,702 --> 00:03:31,340 that there is extraterrestrial technology at Area 51. 63 00:03:31,495 --> 00:03:36,960 The theory was that they had hired propulsion experts, 64 00:03:37,002 --> 00:03:39,833 engineers, physicists, 65 00:03:39,988 --> 00:03:44,293 to reverse engineer alien propulsion technology, 66 00:03:44,468 --> 00:03:46,760 which was so far in advance of ours, 67 00:03:46,802 --> 00:03:48,973 and they were doing that at Area 51. 68 00:03:48,975 --> 00:03:53,000 We also have rumors that there are alien spacecraft 69 00:03:53,175 --> 00:03:56,175 on the base that have actually been tested and flown 70 00:03:55,995 --> 00:03:57,713 out of Area 51. 71 00:03:57,802 --> 00:04:01,520 Is it possible that scientists at Area 51 72 00:04:01,675 --> 00:04:04,853 have been able to not merely study, 73 00:04:05,008 --> 00:04:07,080 but successfully reverse engineer 74 00:04:07,235 --> 00:04:09,393 an extraterrestrial craft? 75 00:04:09,548 --> 00:04:13,366 For 30 years, people have gone 76 00:04:13,522 --> 00:04:17,746 to the perimeter with binoculars, telescopes. 77 00:04:17,902 --> 00:04:21,220 They've seen bright objects moving in angular motions, 78 00:04:21,242 --> 00:04:22,880 or zigzag motions, 79 00:04:23,035 --> 00:04:26,035 and in ways that seem to be well beyond anything 80 00:04:25,588 --> 00:04:27,446 that we have ever seen, 81 00:04:27,502 --> 00:04:30,720 and propulsion technology that's not readily identifiable. 82 00:04:30,875 --> 00:04:34,266 But if Area 51 83 00:04:34,268 --> 00:04:36,420 is the place where the U.S. government 84 00:04:36,595 --> 00:04:38,915 is conducting its most top secret military research, 85 00:04:39,088 --> 00:04:42,353 and possibly hiding decades of evidence 86 00:04:42,355 --> 00:04:44,286 concerning alien contact, 87 00:04:44,362 --> 00:04:47,040 just how secret is it now? 88 00:04:47,062 --> 00:04:50,520 If everyone knows that it exists 89 00:04:50,522 --> 00:04:52,693 and what kind of work is done there, 90 00:04:52,848 --> 00:04:55,153 could Area 51 have outlived its purpose 91 00:04:55,242 --> 00:04:59,220 as a strategic military asset? 92 00:04:59,375 --> 00:05:04,366 In search of the answers, ancient astronaut theorist 93 00:05:04,368 --> 00:05:08,140 Giorgio Tsoukalos has traveled to Henderson, Nevada. 94 00:05:08,162 --> 00:05:10,162 - Hello. Great to meet you. - Hello. 95 00:05:09,868 --> 00:05:12,149 He has arranged to meet with TD Barnes, 96 00:05:12,222 --> 00:05:14,546 a former electrical engineer 97 00:05:14,548 --> 00:05:16,893 who worked on classified military projects 98 00:05:16,895 --> 00:05:20,520 at Area 51 for more than four decades. 99 00:05:26,762 --> 00:05:28,826 - Only in 2009. - Yeah, 2009. 100 00:05:29,002 --> 00:05:31,042 And when did you start your work there? 101 00:05:33,135 --> 00:05:34,778 So almost 50 years 102 00:05:34,802 --> 00:05:36,802 you kept it a secret from your wife. 103 00:05:38,455 --> 00:05:40,455 And what did you work on? 104 00:05:41,942 --> 00:05:43,960 Okay. 105 00:05:44,135 --> 00:05:45,255 Let's hypothetically say 106 00:05:45,302 --> 00:05:47,386 that a UFO crashes 107 00:05:47,562 --> 00:05:49,773 and you get ahold of it. 108 00:05:49,928 --> 00:05:52,928 Would we be able to reverse engineer that technology? 109 00:06:12,308 --> 00:06:13,766 Wow. 110 00:06:13,942 --> 00:06:15,982 I mean, for all intents and purposes, 111 00:06:16,035 --> 00:06:18,886 that was a secret space program. 112 00:06:19,042 --> 00:06:20,520 Do you think that this 113 00:06:20,675 --> 00:06:23,400 secret space program stills exists today? 114 00:06:33,988 --> 00:06:36,946 Okay. Now, while you were working there, 115 00:06:37,102 --> 00:06:40,102 did you ever see anything weird up in the sky? 116 00:06:48,083 --> 00:06:49,601 Wow. 117 00:06:49,756 --> 00:06:52,881 In your estimation, when you read these stories about 118 00:06:52,883 --> 00:06:55,987 some companies trying to develop a warp drive, 119 00:06:56,143 --> 00:06:59,754 or even an antimatter propulsion system, 120 00:06:59,756 --> 00:07:02,321 is this something actually achievable? 121 00:07:14,689 --> 00:07:15,769 Ah, that's tremendous. 122 00:07:15,929 --> 00:07:19,534 But if, as TD Barnes suggests, 123 00:07:19,709 --> 00:07:21,207 the military has successfully 124 00:07:21,263 --> 00:07:24,241 reverse engineered anti-gravity 125 00:07:24,263 --> 00:07:27,681 and flying saucer technologies at Area 51, 126 00:07:27,836 --> 00:07:31,021 what are they working on now? 127 00:07:31,176 --> 00:07:34,081 And if its purpose is still to operate 128 00:07:34,236 --> 00:07:36,236 as the government's most highly classified, 129 00:07:35,976 --> 00:07:38,501 top secret laboratory, 130 00:07:38,523 --> 00:07:42,121 why would they admit to the existence of Area 51? 131 00:07:42,276 --> 00:07:46,467 Especially after decades of silence? 132 00:07:46,643 --> 00:07:50,134 One possibility about the public announcement 133 00:07:50,136 --> 00:07:52,321 that Area 51 exists, 134 00:07:52,496 --> 00:07:55,581 is that the real action has moved elsewhere. 135 00:07:55,736 --> 00:07:59,261 In other words, the CIA, 136 00:07:59,416 --> 00:08:01,801 the government, only felt able to come clean 137 00:08:01,956 --> 00:08:04,314 about this because the real secrets 138 00:08:04,316 --> 00:08:06,547 have been moved somewhere else. 139 00:08:06,549 --> 00:08:08,641 So in a real sense, perhaps, 140 00:08:08,796 --> 00:08:12,796 the question isn't so much what's going on at Area 51, 141 00:08:12,403 --> 00:08:17,081 but what's going on at Area 52, 53, and 54? 142 00:08:17,103 --> 00:08:19,967 Area 52? 53? 143 00:08:20,123 --> 00:08:21,734 And 54? 144 00:08:21,909 --> 00:08:23,887 Might there really be other, 145 00:08:23,943 --> 00:08:27,314 even more secret locations, 146 00:08:27,469 --> 00:08:30,134 where the government is continuing to study 147 00:08:30,289 --> 00:08:33,574 and replicate extraterrestrial technology? 148 00:08:33,729 --> 00:08:36,881 Having one big place 149 00:08:37,036 --> 00:08:39,094 where everybody is doing the research 150 00:08:39,249 --> 00:08:40,927 is not a good idea 151 00:08:40,929 --> 00:08:44,114 because it would be hard to hide from the general public. 152 00:08:44,223 --> 00:08:47,761 So the idea that there might be any single, individual 153 00:08:47,763 --> 00:08:51,234 Area 51 where they're reverse engineering alien spacecraft, 154 00:08:51,236 --> 00:08:54,236 now, that seems a little bit an outdated concept. 155 00:08:54,089 --> 00:08:56,089 If I were going to do it, 156 00:08:56,089 --> 00:08:59,089 I would spread the technology pieces out across the country. 157 00:09:00,516 --> 00:09:02,719 Is it possible that the reason government officials 158 00:09:02,743 --> 00:09:06,414 revealed the existence of Area 51 159 00:09:06,569 --> 00:09:09,827 is because they want to use it as a decoy? 160 00:09:09,829 --> 00:09:12,829 One that takes the focus away from their other, 161 00:09:12,736 --> 00:09:15,134 perhaps even bigger, operations 162 00:09:15,289 --> 00:09:19,054 at numerous sites all across the United States? 163 00:09:19,056 --> 00:09:21,141 So the fact that they would finally admit 164 00:09:21,296 --> 00:09:25,296 that Area 51 exists is actually, to my mind, a smoke screen. 165 00:09:23,996 --> 00:09:26,996 What's really going on is that you've got 166 00:09:25,869 --> 00:09:27,989 all these massive underground facilities. 167 00:09:28,016 --> 00:09:30,221 You can take all the really good stuff 168 00:09:30,223 --> 00:09:33,223 you don't want anybody to see and simply 169 00:09:32,296 --> 00:09:36,414 move it somewhere else in the blink of an eye. 170 00:09:36,416 --> 00:09:39,034 While the public remains focused on what is 171 00:09:39,036 --> 00:09:43,061 or isn't happening at Area 51, 172 00:09:43,063 --> 00:09:45,434 could the government be hiding its research 173 00:09:45,523 --> 00:09:47,567 into extraterrestrial technology 174 00:09:47,569 --> 00:09:50,307 at other strategic sites 175 00:09:50,463 --> 00:09:53,227 all across the country? 176 00:09:53,283 --> 00:09:55,283 Perhaps the answer can be found 177 00:09:55,003 --> 00:09:57,707 by investigating reports of an extensive 178 00:09:57,709 --> 00:10:00,334 tunneling operation currently underway 179 00:10:00,489 --> 00:10:06,954 in the Nevada desert. 180 00:10:07,109 --> 00:10:09,109 Witnesses are looking out, and even. 181 00:10:08,569 --> 00:10:12,661 March 17, 2018. 182 00:10:12,683 --> 00:10:15,547 Just outside the perimeter of Area 51, 183 00:10:15,703 --> 00:10:18,614 Giorgio Tsoukalos 184 00:10:18,616 --> 00:10:21,321 meets with researcher Wolf McCarron 185 00:10:21,363 --> 00:10:24,174 and mining expert Christian Gronau. 186 00:10:24,349 --> 00:10:26,349 They are here to investigate rumors 187 00:10:26,143 --> 00:10:30,847 of an alleged tunnel network that lies beneath Area 51. 188 00:10:31,003 --> 00:10:33,374 - This is amazing. - Isn't it? 189 00:10:33,376 --> 00:10:35,587 Wolf and Christian believe 190 00:10:35,589 --> 00:10:37,987 this location... the Tempiute Mine... 191 00:10:38,043 --> 00:10:41,187 is one of several old Nevada mines that have been used 192 00:10:41,243 --> 00:10:43,954 to expand operations at Area 51, 193 00:10:44,109 --> 00:10:47,114 deep underground. 194 00:10:47,289 --> 00:10:51,481 I'm a miner, about 100 miles north of Area 51 here, 195 00:10:51,636 --> 00:10:54,874 and I've been mining there since 1992. 196 00:10:55,049 --> 00:10:57,074 I also own a mine in Goldfield. 197 00:10:57,076 --> 00:11:01,076 So I'm just an avid miner, you know... I search these out. 198 00:11:01,063 --> 00:11:04,063 So what can you tell us about Area 51? 199 00:11:03,656 --> 00:11:06,867 Well, Area 51, what you see, 200 00:11:06,869 --> 00:11:11,428 like, on Google Imagery, that was the '50s, '60s and '70s. 201 00:11:11,584 --> 00:11:13,855 Since then, they've gone down. 202 00:11:13,944 --> 00:11:15,904 Everything they do is underground. 203 00:11:15,964 --> 00:11:18,202 And what evidence 204 00:11:18,357 --> 00:11:20,575 have you come across as a miner 205 00:11:20,730 --> 00:11:23,248 that would corroborate your idea? 206 00:11:23,404 --> 00:11:26,404 People are questioning, well, if they're going down, 207 00:11:25,304 --> 00:11:27,304 where is all the dirt going? 208 00:11:27,137 --> 00:11:29,137 Well, it's going to these nearby mines, 209 00:11:29,057 --> 00:11:31,057 and they're putting it in huge mountains, 210 00:11:30,570 --> 00:11:32,570 and they're heap leaching it. 211 00:11:32,064 --> 00:11:34,064 And by the time they're done 212 00:11:33,250 --> 00:11:34,473 heap leaching a huge mountain, 213 00:11:34,497 --> 00:11:36,022 it goes down to nothing. 214 00:11:36,177 --> 00:11:37,202 Now, to the uninitiated, 215 00:11:37,224 --> 00:11:38,942 what does heap leaching mean? 216 00:11:39,117 --> 00:11:41,117 It is... they pile the ore up 217 00:11:41,077 --> 00:11:43,662 into a large mountain, hundreds of feet high, 218 00:11:43,684 --> 00:11:48,402 and they run hoses all the way through it, like every two feet, 219 00:11:48,557 --> 00:11:52,862 and they leach in mercury and cyanide. 220 00:11:53,017 --> 00:11:56,202 And what that does, it'll take boulders this large 221 00:11:56,357 --> 00:11:58,357 and actually just bring them down to nothing. 222 00:11:57,810 --> 00:11:59,388 Really? 223 00:11:59,564 --> 00:12:00,564 Yeah. 224 00:12:01,997 --> 00:12:04,342 Is the government using heap leaching 225 00:12:04,497 --> 00:12:08,428 inside the Tempiute Mine in order to hide 226 00:12:08,430 --> 00:12:10,842 the massive amounts of dirt being removed 227 00:12:10,997 --> 00:12:13,835 in the course of their digging operations? 228 00:12:13,924 --> 00:12:17,715 But if so, how is the government able to conduct 229 00:12:17,870 --> 00:12:21,595 such an enormous operation without arousing the suspicion 230 00:12:21,750 --> 00:12:23,982 of the local miners? 231 00:12:24,137 --> 00:12:28,482 These mines around here have gold, silver, lead. 232 00:12:28,637 --> 00:12:32,637 So any mine would be more than happy to accept the ore. 233 00:12:31,537 --> 00:12:33,537 And it's kinda like hush-up money. 234 00:12:33,517 --> 00:12:37,517 I've witnessed this hush up and dealt with this a lot. 235 00:12:36,930 --> 00:12:38,675 Hush up of what? 236 00:12:38,830 --> 00:12:42,842 Hush up of the base and the tunnels of Area 51. 237 00:12:42,864 --> 00:12:44,455 Okay. 238 00:12:44,630 --> 00:12:47,630 It's sort of self-explanatory that the reason 239 00:12:46,970 --> 00:12:51,162 why people would go underground is if there are experiments 240 00:12:51,164 --> 00:12:53,622 going on that there's no interference, 241 00:12:53,624 --> 00:12:54,704 or less interference. 242 00:12:54,757 --> 00:12:56,142 Exactly. Yeah. 243 00:12:58,144 --> 00:13:00,064 Has the U.S. military 244 00:13:00,150 --> 00:13:04,295 been expanding its operations at Area 51 not outward, 245 00:13:04,404 --> 00:13:06,122 but downward, 246 00:13:06,277 --> 00:13:08,482 in order to keep its top secret work 247 00:13:08,484 --> 00:13:11,282 even more secret than before? 248 00:13:13,237 --> 00:13:14,482 It is my own belief, 249 00:13:14,637 --> 00:13:16,637 based on a lot of good research, 250 00:13:16,730 --> 00:13:19,635 that there is most likely a large... 251 00:13:19,637 --> 00:13:22,615 I would even say vast... web of interconnected, 252 00:13:22,704 --> 00:13:25,815 underground bases and tunnels that exist. 253 00:13:25,924 --> 00:13:29,042 They originally started doing it, by the way, 254 00:13:29,044 --> 00:13:31,688 just to protect against an atomic strike 255 00:13:31,844 --> 00:13:33,844 that could've happened from the Soviet Union. 256 00:13:33,817 --> 00:13:35,817 And you need secure underground facilities. 257 00:13:35,684 --> 00:13:38,684 Well, they took that and just ran with it. 258 00:13:40,464 --> 00:13:42,306 There are those that believe 259 00:13:42,330 --> 00:13:46,248 that the underground operations being conducted at Area 51 260 00:13:46,404 --> 00:13:49,862 are only the tip of an enormous iceberg. 261 00:13:50,017 --> 00:13:53,768 Is it just one of many secret government facilities, 262 00:13:53,924 --> 00:13:56,924 each connected to each other by a vast network 263 00:13:56,864 --> 00:14:00,382 of underground high-speed trains? 264 00:14:00,404 --> 00:14:03,035 An underground train system 265 00:14:03,190 --> 00:14:06,235 is said to be centered around Cheyenne Mountain 266 00:14:06,390 --> 00:14:07,922 in Colorado Springs. 267 00:14:07,964 --> 00:14:10,964 This is a mountain that has been hollowed out 268 00:14:10,824 --> 00:14:12,202 by the U.S. military. 269 00:14:12,377 --> 00:14:15,202 It's the NORAD central command. 270 00:14:15,204 --> 00:14:18,815 And they go from Cheyenne Mountain, in Colorado Springs, 271 00:14:18,970 --> 00:14:21,970 to Dulce, New Mexico, which is said to have 272 00:14:21,750 --> 00:14:24,668 an extraterrestrial underground base. 273 00:14:24,824 --> 00:14:28,075 Then it goes to Los Alamos, in New Mexico, 274 00:14:28,230 --> 00:14:30,755 then to Albuquerque, and to Roswell, 275 00:14:30,930 --> 00:14:33,948 and to Area 51, in Nevada. 276 00:14:33,950 --> 00:14:38,262 All of these military bases are essentially connected 277 00:14:38,417 --> 00:14:42,122 by a secret underground subway system. 278 00:14:45,837 --> 00:14:48,982 The folks who are looking at Area 51, 279 00:14:49,004 --> 00:14:51,322 they're not looking at Dulce. 280 00:14:51,324 --> 00:14:56,042 Dulce, New Mexico, is on Jicarilla Apache Reservation. 281 00:14:57,664 --> 00:14:59,928 It's actually a separate entity. 282 00:14:59,930 --> 00:15:01,930 It's part of the Apache Nation. 283 00:15:01,424 --> 00:15:04,622 In other words, you can't just go there. 284 00:15:04,777 --> 00:15:09,628 There is a peak just north of the town of Dulce 285 00:15:09,784 --> 00:15:11,922 called Archuleta Peak. 286 00:15:11,944 --> 00:15:17,868 And residents of Dulce claim to have seen UFOs 287 00:15:17,870 --> 00:15:21,622 coming in and out of that mountain. 288 00:15:21,777 --> 00:15:24,777 The U.S. government is saying that there's nothing there... 289 00:15:23,577 --> 00:15:25,577 they have no military base there, 290 00:15:25,270 --> 00:15:27,815 there's not some underground train network. 291 00:15:27,817 --> 00:15:30,255 And yet, people who live there say 292 00:15:30,257 --> 00:15:32,257 there is something going on here. 293 00:15:32,244 --> 00:15:35,869 So, just like Area 51, where the government was saying, 294 00:15:35,871 --> 00:15:37,909 hey, there's nothing going on here, 295 00:15:38,065 --> 00:15:41,369 but researchers for decades knew and investigated things 296 00:15:41,425 --> 00:15:43,269 that were going on there. 297 00:15:43,425 --> 00:15:47,256 And so perhaps at Dulce, one day, they will admit... 298 00:15:47,411 --> 00:15:49,663 yes, something was going on there. 299 00:15:49,818 --> 00:15:52,469 Is there really a vast network 300 00:15:52,471 --> 00:15:54,549 of top secret government laboratories, 301 00:15:54,705 --> 00:15:56,656 each conducting experiments 302 00:15:56,658 --> 00:15:59,776 using extraterrestrial technology? 303 00:15:59,951 --> 00:16:01,434 For ancient astronaut theorists, 304 00:16:01,458 --> 00:16:04,423 the answer is a profound yes. 305 00:16:04,445 --> 00:16:07,243 And they offer, as additional proof, 306 00:16:07,398 --> 00:16:11,556 not one located at a facility in the American southwest 307 00:16:11,558 --> 00:16:14,283 but one much farther to the east. 308 00:16:14,458 --> 00:16:17,983 A military base they claim has been working directly 309 00:16:18,138 --> 00:16:20,569 with extraterrestrials for decades 310 00:16:20,725 --> 00:16:24,036 and operating very close to the location 311 00:16:24,038 --> 00:16:27,196 where mankind made its first successful effort 312 00:16:27,198 --> 00:16:29,843 to reach the sky. 313 00:16:36,411 --> 00:16:39,007 We actually have an eyewitness NARRATOR: Dayton, Ohio. 314 00:16:39,031 --> 00:16:43,076 Here, on the very same plains where Wilbur and Orville Wright 315 00:16:43,231 --> 00:16:46,316 lifted mankind into the era of flight, 316 00:16:46,318 --> 00:16:48,756 sits Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 317 00:16:48,758 --> 00:16:51,929 one of the largest and highest-funded bases 318 00:16:52,105 --> 00:16:55,229 in the nation's military. 319 00:16:55,285 --> 00:16:58,423 It is up there as one of the single most important 320 00:16:58,578 --> 00:17:02,016 military, technology, back-engineering study 321 00:17:02,018 --> 00:17:06,803 in biological entities of any place we have. 322 00:17:08,658 --> 00:17:10,656 For ancient astronaut theorists, 323 00:17:10,658 --> 00:17:12,996 Wright-Patterson... or Wright-Patt, 324 00:17:12,998 --> 00:17:15,236 as it is more commonly called... 325 00:17:15,238 --> 00:17:18,269 has been a hub of extraterrestrial investigation 326 00:17:18,271 --> 00:17:21,516 and experimentation for decades. 327 00:17:21,671 --> 00:17:25,803 Some even consider it of greater strategic importance 328 00:17:25,825 --> 00:17:27,203 than Area 51. 329 00:17:27,358 --> 00:17:29,876 So, the rumors and stories 330 00:17:29,878 --> 00:17:31,576 of aliens at Wright-Patt 331 00:17:31,731 --> 00:17:34,743 have been very widespread for a very long period of time. 332 00:17:34,898 --> 00:17:38,129 And there have also been claims that unknown aerial vehicles 333 00:17:38,131 --> 00:17:41,343 or UFOs are being stored deep underground. 334 00:17:44,671 --> 00:17:47,876 On June 14, 1947, 335 00:17:47,878 --> 00:17:51,716 an unidentified object reportedly crashed on a farm 336 00:17:51,871 --> 00:17:54,956 outside the town of Roswell, New Mexico. 337 00:17:55,111 --> 00:17:57,429 According to eyewitnesses, 338 00:17:57,485 --> 00:18:00,896 the object resembled some sort of flying disc, 339 00:18:01,051 --> 00:18:03,356 and the bodies recovered from the wreckage 340 00:18:03,445 --> 00:18:06,629 looked like nothing from this planet. 341 00:18:06,705 --> 00:18:10,476 Within days, the so-called Roswell incident 342 00:18:10,651 --> 00:18:12,429 captured the imaginations 343 00:18:12,605 --> 00:18:16,189 of millions of people around the world. 344 00:18:16,345 --> 00:18:17,889 But just as the event 345 00:18:17,965 --> 00:18:21,376 jump-started America's interest in UFOs, 346 00:18:21,465 --> 00:18:24,465 it also ushered in the era of the government cover-up. 347 00:18:26,758 --> 00:18:29,203 The Roswell Base issued a press release, 348 00:18:29,205 --> 00:18:32,205 and then several hours later, it's all denied. 349 00:18:32,158 --> 00:18:34,158 "Sorry, people, just a weather balloon. 350 00:18:33,925 --> 00:18:35,716 "Our top intelligence officers 351 00:18:35,871 --> 00:18:37,871 didn't know what they were looking at." 352 00:18:37,238 --> 00:18:39,123 And we actually have evidence 353 00:18:39,145 --> 00:18:42,145 of an FBI memo that made such a statement, 354 00:18:41,025 --> 00:18:42,669 that what was recovered 355 00:18:42,725 --> 00:18:46,243 was being brought to Wright Field for analysis. 356 00:18:46,398 --> 00:18:49,398 Well, you're not going to bring balloon parts 357 00:18:48,478 --> 00:18:51,503 to Wright Field for analysis. That's not going to happen. 358 00:18:51,658 --> 00:18:53,936 You've got to remember that in 1947 359 00:18:53,938 --> 00:18:55,736 when the Roswell crash happened, 360 00:18:55,891 --> 00:18:58,463 there was no Area 51 in Nevada. 361 00:18:58,618 --> 00:19:01,083 And in fact, the important Air Force headquarters 362 00:19:01,238 --> 00:19:06,083 to study these crashed artifacts and possibly alien bodies 363 00:19:06,258 --> 00:19:09,556 was Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. 364 00:19:09,558 --> 00:19:12,643 Now, the reason that this wreckage 365 00:19:12,798 --> 00:19:15,798 would have been sent to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base 366 00:19:15,518 --> 00:19:17,316 is because at that time, 367 00:19:17,318 --> 00:19:20,318 it was the center of the Air Force's 368 00:19:19,431 --> 00:19:21,736 Foreign Technology Division, meaning the division 369 00:19:21,738 --> 00:19:24,496 that actually studied foreign aircraft, 370 00:19:24,498 --> 00:19:26,458 foreign technologies of all kinds, 371 00:19:26,518 --> 00:19:28,683 and certainly alien tech, 372 00:19:28,838 --> 00:19:31,103 wrecked alien spacecrafts 373 00:19:31,105 --> 00:19:33,876 and report of alien spacecraft sightings 374 00:19:33,878 --> 00:19:35,878 would be sent there to be studied 375 00:19:35,431 --> 00:19:37,354 by the Foreign Technology Division. 376 00:19:37,378 --> 00:19:38,874 Is it possible 377 00:19:38,898 --> 00:19:40,923 that Wright-Patterson Air Force Base 378 00:19:41,078 --> 00:19:43,843 is still housing the remains of the object 379 00:19:43,998 --> 00:19:48,389 recovered from the New Mexico desert more than 70 years ago? 380 00:19:48,545 --> 00:19:51,476 And if so, could there be evidence 381 00:19:51,478 --> 00:19:54,683 that their efforts to recreate the so-called flying disc 382 00:19:54,838 --> 00:19:56,643 have been successful? 383 00:19:58,951 --> 00:20:02,224 Even now, in the last few years, 384 00:20:02,399 --> 00:20:05,744 there have been important UFO sightings around Dayton. 385 00:20:05,919 --> 00:20:08,324 And witnesses in that area 386 00:20:08,479 --> 00:20:11,479 are looking out over Wright-Patterson Air Force Base 387 00:20:11,019 --> 00:20:14,077 and, even in broad daylight, 388 00:20:14,252 --> 00:20:17,644 seeing unusual craft hovering over the base. 389 00:20:17,646 --> 00:20:19,646 This is a very distinct possibility 390 00:20:19,166 --> 00:20:21,270 that's supported by the fact 391 00:20:21,272 --> 00:20:24,450 that no jets are released when these UFOs appear. 392 00:20:24,606 --> 00:20:27,606 It's almost as if they know what they are. 393 00:20:26,232 --> 00:20:27,804 Maybe it's because 394 00:20:27,959 --> 00:20:30,959 it's one of our own reverse engineered craft. 395 00:20:33,072 --> 00:20:37,330 But even if the UFOs recently sighted in the skies 396 00:20:37,486 --> 00:20:40,084 above Wright-Patterson are man-made, 397 00:20:40,106 --> 00:20:42,644 couldn't that be considered proof 398 00:20:42,799 --> 00:20:45,510 that the UFO that crash-landed near Roswell 399 00:20:45,566 --> 00:20:49,090 was, in fact, reverse engineered? 400 00:20:49,246 --> 00:20:53,770 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and to support their claim, 401 00:20:53,826 --> 00:20:57,164 they point to two other top secret UFO investigations 402 00:20:57,319 --> 00:20:59,850 that took place at Wright-Patterson: 403 00:20:59,906 --> 00:21:04,484 Project Sign and Project Blue Book. 404 00:21:04,506 --> 00:21:06,522 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base was the center, 405 00:21:06,546 --> 00:21:09,977 the hub, for Project Sign and Project Blue Book. 406 00:21:10,132 --> 00:21:12,570 Now, both of these projects were involved 407 00:21:12,572 --> 00:21:14,424 with one essential task, 408 00:21:14,579 --> 00:21:18,317 which was the study and categorization of reports 409 00:21:18,319 --> 00:21:20,637 of unidentified flying objects. 410 00:21:20,726 --> 00:21:22,568 Project Sign was set up 411 00:21:22,592 --> 00:21:26,024 after the flying saucer wave of sightings 412 00:21:26,179 --> 00:21:29,577 across the United States in 1947, 413 00:21:29,732 --> 00:21:32,097 and shortly after the Roswell crash. 414 00:21:32,206 --> 00:21:36,190 Sign researched and investigated the phenomenon, 415 00:21:36,192 --> 00:21:38,664 taking reports, not just from the public, 416 00:21:38,819 --> 00:21:41,937 but from the military, from pilots who were seeing things, 417 00:21:42,112 --> 00:21:45,497 from radar operators who were tracking these objects. 418 00:21:45,652 --> 00:21:49,830 This was the U.S. government's formal UFO program. 419 00:21:49,832 --> 00:21:52,832 The Air Force had 22 years of UFO investigation 420 00:21:52,786 --> 00:21:55,084 that was housed in the Foreign Technology Division, 421 00:21:55,259 --> 00:21:58,259 and Blue Book is the most famous and ran 422 00:21:57,379 --> 00:21:59,379 for the longest period of time. 423 00:21:59,132 --> 00:22:02,132 They go out and they look for foreign technology, 424 00:22:01,732 --> 00:22:04,437 including crashed wreckage. 425 00:22:04,446 --> 00:22:06,030 And then, they have access 426 00:22:06,032 --> 00:22:09,032 to all of the technical expertise on the base. 427 00:22:09,099 --> 00:22:13,524 In 1969, after compiling and studying 428 00:22:13,679 --> 00:22:16,357 more than 12,000 UFO sightings, 429 00:22:16,446 --> 00:22:19,557 Project Blue Book was terminated. 430 00:22:19,666 --> 00:22:22,110 Most of the sightings were categorized 431 00:22:22,266 --> 00:22:26,950 as high-altitude spy planes or natural aerial phenomena, 432 00:22:27,006 --> 00:22:32,204 although approximately 700 unidentified cases still remain. 433 00:22:35,159 --> 00:22:39,064 But while the U.S. Air Force insists to this day 434 00:22:39,239 --> 00:22:42,077 that credible evidence of extraterrestrial visitation 435 00:22:42,079 --> 00:22:43,997 never existed, 436 00:22:43,999 --> 00:22:47,124 many former employees of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 437 00:22:47,146 --> 00:22:49,044 such as Ray Szymanski, 438 00:22:49,066 --> 00:22:54,090 have come forward with a very different story. 439 00:22:54,146 --> 00:22:57,957 I started working at Wright- Patterson in January of 1973, 440 00:22:57,959 --> 00:23:00,959 and I had 38 years and nine months of service 441 00:22:59,512 --> 00:23:01,557 when I retired. 442 00:23:01,559 --> 00:23:05,010 I spent nearly my entire career at Air Force Research Labs, 443 00:23:05,086 --> 00:23:08,850 and I did advanced research and development. 444 00:23:08,926 --> 00:23:11,926 On the first day of working there, I had a mentor. 445 00:23:10,479 --> 00:23:11,844 His name was Corvette Al. 446 00:23:11,999 --> 00:23:13,999 He was the equivalent of a flag officer, 447 00:23:14,006 --> 00:23:15,724 a general or an admiral, 448 00:23:15,899 --> 00:23:18,899 and he said, "Let's go through the hangar," 449 00:23:17,479 --> 00:23:19,479 and as we stepped into that hangar, 450 00:23:19,226 --> 00:23:21,226 he turned to me and said, 451 00:23:20,559 --> 00:23:22,710 "Have you heard about our aliens?" 452 00:23:22,766 --> 00:23:24,410 I said, "What?" 453 00:23:24,566 --> 00:23:27,566 He said, "Yeah, we have aliens here on the base." 454 00:23:26,146 --> 00:23:28,124 I said, "Really?" 455 00:23:28,279 --> 00:23:32,279 And then, he said, "Well, yeah, there was a crash out west", 456 00:23:30,719 --> 00:23:32,719 and they brought the aliens and their machine." 457 00:23:32,699 --> 00:23:34,490 He used the word "machine." 458 00:23:34,646 --> 00:23:36,646 Brought here to Wright-Patterson for evaluation 459 00:23:36,512 --> 00:23:40,097 and possible exploitation. 460 00:23:40,272 --> 00:23:44,010 Hangar 18 was this mysterious hangar at Wright Field where 461 00:23:44,012 --> 00:23:49,497 we actually have an eyewitness who was taken to Hangar 18, 462 00:23:49,586 --> 00:23:51,677 Lieutenant Colonel Marion Magruder. 463 00:23:51,832 --> 00:23:54,832 He was a fighter pilot in the United States Marine Corps 464 00:23:54,312 --> 00:23:56,710 who saw the alien technology, 465 00:23:56,712 --> 00:24:02,144 but worse, he saw the live alien. 466 00:24:02,319 --> 00:24:04,130 It looked human, 467 00:24:04,132 --> 00:24:06,132 its head was larger than humans', 468 00:24:06,059 --> 00:24:07,557 its arms were much longer, 469 00:24:07,712 --> 00:24:10,712 and it moved like this in a wavy motion. 470 00:24:10,726 --> 00:24:15,177 The humanoid communicated with Magruder telepathically, 471 00:24:15,266 --> 00:24:18,090 and the Army and the Air Force, 472 00:24:18,246 --> 00:24:21,297 as well as the higher branches of the Pentagon, 473 00:24:21,299 --> 00:24:24,404 were absolutely fascinated by the fact that here 474 00:24:24,559 --> 00:24:29,665 were creatures who could communicate without using words. 475 00:24:29,667 --> 00:24:33,805 Thus began a series of experiments into psychokinesis, 476 00:24:33,847 --> 00:24:38,898 psychic projection, thought projection. 477 00:24:39,053 --> 00:24:41,445 If the Magruder account is true, 478 00:24:41,467 --> 00:24:44,091 and the U.S. military 479 00:24:44,093 --> 00:24:46,333 was once using live aliens for scientific study, 480 00:24:46,380 --> 00:24:48,871 where did those experiments take place? 481 00:24:49,027 --> 00:24:51,085 Was it at Wright-Patterson? 482 00:24:51,107 --> 00:24:53,165 Area 51? 483 00:24:53,187 --> 00:24:55,898 Or were they conducted at yet another facility? 484 00:24:55,907 --> 00:24:57,825 And, if so, where? 485 00:24:58,000 --> 00:25:01,365 And are they still taking place today? 486 00:25:12,153 --> 00:25:15,018 Here, at the eastern tip of the island, 487 00:25:15,020 --> 00:25:18,865 is all that remains of the Montauk Air Force Station. 488 00:25:18,887 --> 00:25:23,191 Originally established as a naval base in 1917 489 00:25:23,367 --> 00:25:25,965 due to its strategic defensive location, 490 00:25:26,140 --> 00:25:29,265 the Montauk installation protected the East Coast 491 00:25:29,267 --> 00:25:31,225 from submarines and bombers 492 00:25:31,227 --> 00:25:36,618 for several decades, before it was decommissioned in 1981. 493 00:25:36,620 --> 00:25:40,885 But according to statements from multiple whistle-blowers, 494 00:25:40,907 --> 00:25:44,311 a secret laboratory hidden deep beneath the base 495 00:25:44,467 --> 00:25:46,818 may still be operating. 496 00:25:49,120 --> 00:25:51,120 I think it's the perfect cover. 497 00:25:51,120 --> 00:25:53,120 You have kind of a lax topside operation, 498 00:25:53,120 --> 00:25:56,120 an Air Force Station that really nothing is going on at, 499 00:25:55,740 --> 00:26:00,571 but underneath the ground, you have this extremely elaborate 500 00:26:00,727 --> 00:26:04,685 experiment going on, many levels of an underground base. 501 00:26:06,307 --> 00:26:08,347 Each of these men that told the tale, 502 00:26:08,373 --> 00:26:11,905 they don't say they entered the base through, 503 00:26:11,927 --> 00:26:14,098 you know, a topside location. 504 00:26:14,253 --> 00:26:17,631 They would all enter Brookhaven National Laboratories 505 00:26:17,687 --> 00:26:20,985 and travel on a train underneath the ground to Montauk. 506 00:26:21,140 --> 00:26:24,140 So people that are working above ground don't even know 507 00:26:23,600 --> 00:26:25,600 what's going on underneath the ground. 508 00:26:24,947 --> 00:26:27,758 For ancient astronaut theorists, 509 00:26:27,760 --> 00:26:31,805 Montauk, like Area 51 and Wright-Patterson, 510 00:26:31,960 --> 00:26:34,665 remains notorious as one of the places 511 00:26:34,820 --> 00:26:38,245 the U.S. military would carry out numerous experiments, 512 00:26:38,420 --> 00:26:41,465 often with the aid of otherworldly technology. 513 00:26:43,087 --> 00:26:44,418 There are some who believe 514 00:26:44,573 --> 00:26:46,091 these experiments 515 00:26:46,093 --> 00:26:48,331 even involved human subjects 516 00:26:48,487 --> 00:26:51,098 as part of a highly controversial research program 517 00:26:51,107 --> 00:26:54,758 known as the Montauk Project. 518 00:26:54,913 --> 00:26:57,913 Some of the stories about what was going on 519 00:26:57,287 --> 00:27:01,025 in the Montauk Project actually tie in with something 520 00:27:01,180 --> 00:27:04,051 that we absolutely know to be real, 521 00:27:04,107 --> 00:27:06,818 because we have declassified documents on it, 522 00:27:06,907 --> 00:27:09,585 and that's MKUltra. 523 00:27:09,760 --> 00:27:14,731 Now, MKUltra was a program run by the CIA and the U.S. Army, 524 00:27:14,887 --> 00:27:17,851 and it literally tried to harness 525 00:27:18,027 --> 00:27:20,925 the technique of mind control. 526 00:27:21,080 --> 00:27:23,080 But there are rumors that there were other, 527 00:27:23,087 --> 00:27:27,618 more exotic techniques that people were using at Montauk: 528 00:27:27,793 --> 00:27:30,738 remote influencing, for example, which is the idea 529 00:27:30,893 --> 00:27:34,411 that you can effectively use the power of your mind 530 00:27:34,467 --> 00:27:39,038 to influence somebody else's behavior. 531 00:27:39,040 --> 00:27:42,525 Clearly, there would be huge military value 532 00:27:42,680 --> 00:27:44,760 in such techniques, and that, of course, 533 00:27:44,860 --> 00:27:46,860 is exactly why they were doing them. 534 00:27:46,527 --> 00:27:48,711 This was stuff that was so beyond 535 00:27:48,787 --> 00:27:51,478 the normal thought processes of the military mind. 536 00:27:51,633 --> 00:27:53,643 It wasn't making better guns, better ammo, 537 00:27:53,667 --> 00:27:55,125 more efficient airplanes. 538 00:27:55,280 --> 00:27:57,145 This was way beyond that. 539 00:27:57,300 --> 00:28:00,300 This was a program that used all sorts of different techniques 540 00:27:59,467 --> 00:28:02,378 to try to control human thought. 541 00:28:02,387 --> 00:28:06,218 Mind control? 542 00:28:06,220 --> 00:28:08,865 Remote thought manipulation? 543 00:28:08,887 --> 00:28:12,445 If the U.S. military really did believe 544 00:28:12,600 --> 00:28:15,351 that such incredible power was achievable, 545 00:28:15,353 --> 00:28:19,078 did it get the idea from extraterrestrials? 546 00:28:19,080 --> 00:28:22,545 Perhaps even from the technology reportedly recovered 547 00:28:22,567 --> 00:28:24,471 after the crash at Roswell? 548 00:28:24,527 --> 00:28:26,498 The big question about Montauk 549 00:28:26,500 --> 00:28:30,771 has always been, were they operating with the technologies 550 00:28:30,827 --> 00:28:35,345 that they had because they were given to our government 551 00:28:35,367 --> 00:28:40,158 by non-humans, legitimately, as some kind of collaboration 552 00:28:40,247 --> 00:28:44,785 or trade, for us to experiment with? 553 00:28:46,520 --> 00:28:49,331 One thing that's at Montauk 554 00:28:49,487 --> 00:28:51,487 is the so-called Montauk Chair. 555 00:28:51,220 --> 00:28:55,220 It had some kind of wires, or there's some kind of 556 00:28:53,880 --> 00:28:56,339 extraterrestrial technology associated with this chair 557 00:28:56,494 --> 00:28:58,892 and that, combined with the individual's 558 00:28:58,894 --> 00:29:01,386 innate psychic capabilities, 559 00:29:01,388 --> 00:29:04,566 would allow you to engage in transforming reality 560 00:29:04,721 --> 00:29:06,326 in one way or another. 561 00:29:06,368 --> 00:29:08,866 The subject would sit in the chair, 562 00:29:09,021 --> 00:29:13,099 and this chair was meant to manifest thought 563 00:29:13,208 --> 00:29:16,666 into physical reality. 564 00:29:16,821 --> 00:29:21,386 And included in that are telekinesis, remote viewing. 565 00:29:21,408 --> 00:29:25,559 One of the experiments that they used at first was to manifest, 566 00:29:25,561 --> 00:29:27,561 let's say, a glass or a ball, 567 00:29:27,621 --> 00:29:30,112 something simple, an inanimate object. 568 00:29:30,268 --> 00:29:31,970 Whatever the subject was thinking 569 00:29:31,994 --> 00:29:35,339 would manifest into physical reality. 570 00:29:35,494 --> 00:29:39,132 Eventually, this evolved into heightened psychic abilities. 571 00:29:39,308 --> 00:29:42,526 They claimed they could teleport from one place to another. 572 00:29:47,148 --> 00:29:49,090 According to many researchers 573 00:29:49,114 --> 00:29:51,279 and ancient astronaut theorists, 574 00:29:51,454 --> 00:29:53,454 accounts of the so-called "Montauk Chair" 575 00:29:53,068 --> 00:29:56,926 and its connection to mind control 576 00:29:57,081 --> 00:29:59,406 are strangely similar to accounts of a chair 577 00:29:59,408 --> 00:30:02,408 that dates back to the days of the pharaohs: 578 00:30:02,114 --> 00:30:05,506 the throne of Ptah. 579 00:30:07,834 --> 00:30:09,834 Ptah was one of the most intriguing gods 580 00:30:09,701 --> 00:30:11,119 of Ancient Egypt. 581 00:30:11,208 --> 00:30:14,459 He was the god before all the other gods. 582 00:30:14,548 --> 00:30:17,299 He created Earth. 583 00:30:17,454 --> 00:30:20,172 He created humanity. 584 00:30:20,328 --> 00:30:22,379 Unlike the other gods, 585 00:30:22,381 --> 00:30:27,406 Ptah would create the world with his thought. 586 00:30:27,448 --> 00:30:32,592 He would think it, feel it and hence, it was created. 587 00:30:32,648 --> 00:30:36,626 Ptah is portrayed sitting on a throne. 588 00:30:36,801 --> 00:30:40,801 And this throne is thought to be the center point from which 589 00:30:39,394 --> 00:30:42,612 his thought is able to manifest creation. 590 00:30:42,668 --> 00:30:44,668 What's fascinating about these scenes 591 00:30:44,508 --> 00:30:47,232 is that this throne is feathered. 592 00:30:47,388 --> 00:30:50,279 It's feathered because it flies. 593 00:30:50,454 --> 00:30:52,966 It's known as his ascension throne. 594 00:30:53,121 --> 00:30:56,219 When we compare the descriptions of the Montauk Chair 595 00:30:56,308 --> 00:30:58,819 with the ascension throne of Ptah, 596 00:30:58,821 --> 00:31:01,752 Was the U.S. military involved 597 00:31:01,908 --> 00:31:05,379 in reverse engineering an extraterrestrial technology 598 00:31:05,488 --> 00:31:09,326 that was used thousands of years ago in Ancient Egypt? 599 00:31:09,368 --> 00:31:11,766 Could the legends 600 00:31:11,941 --> 00:31:14,886 about an Egyptian god and his flying throne 601 00:31:14,908 --> 00:31:17,179 and the report of a thought-control chair 602 00:31:17,354 --> 00:31:21,199 at the Montauk military base really be connected? 603 00:31:21,288 --> 00:31:25,759 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and suggest 604 00:31:25,761 --> 00:31:28,761 that not only has the U.S. government been working 605 00:31:28,668 --> 00:31:32,519 to acquire and perfect alien technology for decades, 606 00:31:32,674 --> 00:31:37,919 but that the operations at Montauk are still going on. 607 00:31:38,008 --> 00:31:39,999 Several people have claimed 608 00:31:40,088 --> 00:31:43,466 that they were part of these Montauk experiments. 609 00:31:43,641 --> 00:31:46,799 They do recall sitting in a special chair. 610 00:31:46,888 --> 00:31:49,906 And people say that today 611 00:31:50,081 --> 00:31:52,081 there is still activity in the underground sections 612 00:31:51,988 --> 00:31:53,406 of the Montauk base. 613 00:31:55,188 --> 00:31:57,812 Is the seemingly abandoned military base 614 00:31:57,968 --> 00:32:01,726 on Eastern Long Island still, secretly, in operation? 615 00:32:01,748 --> 00:32:05,979 And if so, is Montauk part of a vast network 616 00:32:06,154 --> 00:32:09,072 of government laboratories and factories 617 00:32:09,128 --> 00:32:13,266 where extraterrestrial technology is being harvested? 618 00:32:13,288 --> 00:32:16,346 Ancient astronaut theorists insist 619 00:32:16,501 --> 00:32:19,159 such an incredible notion is true, 620 00:32:19,161 --> 00:32:22,572 and they point to yet another highly guarded installation 621 00:32:22,648 --> 00:32:27,426 as proof that alien technology is not only being tested, 622 00:32:27,428 --> 00:32:30,766 but that it's already being used. 623 00:32:36,701 --> 00:32:37,979 Washington, D.C. 624 00:32:37,981 --> 00:32:41,846 December 16, 2017. 625 00:32:42,001 --> 00:32:46,279 After a decade of speculation within the UFO community, 626 00:32:46,434 --> 00:32:49,399 officials at the Pentagon confirm the existence 627 00:32:49,508 --> 00:32:51,819 of a highly secretive UFO research project 628 00:32:51,994 --> 00:32:56,559 known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, 629 00:32:56,561 --> 00:32:59,026 or AATIP. 630 00:32:59,048 --> 00:33:03,212 The project was funded by Congress in 2007 631 00:33:03,268 --> 00:33:06,839 with the help of Senator Harry Reid of Nevada. 632 00:33:06,928 --> 00:33:10,519 What's different about the AATIP program is the fact 633 00:33:10,674 --> 00:33:13,192 that it involved a private company, Bigelow Aerospace. 634 00:33:13,194 --> 00:33:15,472 This has never been done before. 635 00:33:15,628 --> 00:33:17,704 The government previously has always kept 636 00:33:17,728 --> 00:33:20,566 all of its UFO extraterrestrial information, 637 00:33:20,721 --> 00:33:22,959 all of its reports, completely separately. 638 00:33:23,114 --> 00:33:26,114 So that makes it very, very unique and very different 639 00:33:25,789 --> 00:33:28,447 from Projects Sign and Blue Book. 640 00:33:28,622 --> 00:33:31,540 The Pentagon ran this program officially 641 00:33:31,695 --> 00:33:33,927 from 2007 to 2012, 642 00:33:33,969 --> 00:33:37,969 although there's a lot of reason to believe that the program 643 00:33:37,009 --> 00:33:38,913 not only has continued, 644 00:33:38,969 --> 00:33:42,127 but that multiple programs of this sort have continued. 645 00:33:44,862 --> 00:33:46,862 But why would the U.S. government 646 00:33:46,769 --> 00:33:50,627 allow such sensitive research to take place 647 00:33:50,802 --> 00:33:52,922 outside of its secure military facilities? 648 00:33:54,475 --> 00:33:57,273 According to ancient astronaut theorists, 649 00:33:57,275 --> 00:34:00,353 the answer is all too obvious. 650 00:34:00,409 --> 00:34:02,327 Over the years, 651 00:34:02,482 --> 00:34:05,320 the government realized, 652 00:34:05,475 --> 00:34:09,760 if you can take projects that were developing 653 00:34:09,762 --> 00:34:14,233 and move them from inside the Pentagon itself, 654 00:34:14,289 --> 00:34:18,453 and move them into industry, guess what you get to avoid? 655 00:34:18,509 --> 00:34:20,313 Freedom of information. 656 00:34:20,489 --> 00:34:23,060 Inside the government, 657 00:34:23,215 --> 00:34:25,193 the military, Department of Defense, 658 00:34:25,195 --> 00:34:26,865 the scientists and engineers there 659 00:34:26,889 --> 00:34:29,889 are possibly susceptible to the Freedom of Information Act. 660 00:34:29,722 --> 00:34:32,722 People can fill out a Freedom of Information Act form 661 00:34:32,549 --> 00:34:35,187 and request information on any government program. 662 00:34:35,342 --> 00:34:39,393 Well, private companies are not susceptible. 663 00:34:39,395 --> 00:34:43,395 They don't have to adhere to the Freedom of Information Act. 664 00:34:41,902 --> 00:34:45,700 So the big aerospace defense companies, for example, 665 00:34:45,875 --> 00:34:50,667 can do their own research in their own private facilities, 666 00:34:50,822 --> 00:34:53,822 and they never have to tell you anything about that 667 00:34:53,302 --> 00:34:55,302 if they don't want to. 668 00:34:55,442 --> 00:34:57,740 And when you look at the exemptions 669 00:34:57,895 --> 00:35:00,087 to the Freedom of Information Act, 670 00:35:00,242 --> 00:35:03,867 exemption number four covers trade secrets, 671 00:35:03,889 --> 00:35:08,813 information which belongs to the private sector. 672 00:35:08,969 --> 00:35:12,460 So when the government put out some of their UFO programs 673 00:35:12,569 --> 00:35:16,580 to Bigelow Aerospace, what they were doing, cleverly, 674 00:35:16,582 --> 00:35:20,147 was making scrutiny much more difficult. 675 00:35:20,302 --> 00:35:22,507 And we know from Luis Elizondo, 676 00:35:22,662 --> 00:35:25,520 the program manager of the AATIP program, 677 00:35:25,675 --> 00:35:27,453 that they received a number 678 00:35:27,455 --> 00:35:30,480 of shocking UFO cases 679 00:35:30,635 --> 00:35:32,653 that came their way 680 00:35:32,809 --> 00:35:34,809 in connection with the U.S. military. 681 00:35:34,549 --> 00:35:37,549 The word he used was "beyond next generation technology." 682 00:35:43,749 --> 00:35:47,793 According to sources within the AATIP program, 683 00:35:47,849 --> 00:35:50,720 the government secretly collects materials... 684 00:35:50,729 --> 00:35:53,567 often referred to as "metamaterials"... 685 00:35:53,722 --> 00:35:55,682 from extraterrestrial crash sites 686 00:35:55,742 --> 00:35:57,053 and then turns them over 687 00:35:57,209 --> 00:36:00,307 to be reverse engineered by approved contractors, 688 00:36:00,482 --> 00:36:03,187 like those at Bigelow Aerospace. 689 00:36:03,362 --> 00:36:05,600 Metamaterials are 690 00:36:05,755 --> 00:36:08,773 materials that have been combined in such a way 691 00:36:08,929 --> 00:36:11,473 that the isotopic ratios of the materials 692 00:36:11,529 --> 00:36:14,400 are not found on Planet Earth. 693 00:36:14,555 --> 00:36:17,773 I worked with, uh, some of these artifacts. 694 00:36:17,829 --> 00:36:19,993 I put them through various tests. 695 00:36:19,995 --> 00:36:22,240 There was nothing unusual about the materials 696 00:36:22,395 --> 00:36:26,395 they were made of, but they were layered in such a way 697 00:36:25,809 --> 00:36:27,873 that it took some doing 698 00:36:28,029 --> 00:36:30,940 to make them in their configuration. 699 00:36:30,942 --> 00:36:34,942 And also, the interesting piece of it was when you put them 700 00:36:33,789 --> 00:36:35,873 under extremely high electric fields, 701 00:36:36,029 --> 00:36:39,133 they tend to show properties of propulsion, 702 00:36:39,189 --> 00:36:41,407 meaning they would move in directions, 703 00:36:41,562 --> 00:36:44,562 sometimes toward the field, sometimes away from the field, 704 00:36:43,782 --> 00:36:46,867 that wasn't typical of standard electrostatic things 705 00:36:47,022 --> 00:36:49,327 that I had seen before. 706 00:36:49,482 --> 00:36:51,787 What metamaterials will do is they will alter 707 00:36:51,942 --> 00:36:54,087 electromagnetic frequencies, 708 00:36:54,129 --> 00:36:56,473 or the visual spectrum. 709 00:36:56,549 --> 00:37:00,549 They can bend light if they're engineered in such a way. 710 00:37:00,402 --> 00:37:02,813 They can change acoustic properties. 711 00:37:02,889 --> 00:37:05,247 And the imagination is the limit. 712 00:37:05,422 --> 00:37:08,260 So they can really do almost anything. 713 00:37:08,269 --> 00:37:11,473 Is the government's increasing use 714 00:37:11,629 --> 00:37:14,220 of outside agencies and contractors 715 00:37:14,395 --> 00:37:16,813 designed to throw UFO investigators 716 00:37:16,969 --> 00:37:19,560 and ancient astronaut theorists off? 717 00:37:19,569 --> 00:37:24,060 And if so, does that mean that infamous top secret sites, 718 00:37:24,215 --> 00:37:27,793 like Area 51 and its alleged underground network 719 00:37:27,795 --> 00:37:31,000 of covert laboratories and military installations, 720 00:37:31,155 --> 00:37:34,287 will soon be obsolete? 721 00:37:34,442 --> 00:37:38,360 Ancient astronaut theorists say no, 722 00:37:38,449 --> 00:37:40,500 and they insist that, if anything, 723 00:37:40,675 --> 00:37:42,993 there are now more government sites 724 00:37:43,049 --> 00:37:46,647 engaged in extraterrestrial research than ever, 725 00:37:46,669 --> 00:37:49,907 and that this research is no longer being confined 726 00:37:49,929 --> 00:37:52,521 to areas within the United States, 727 00:37:52,523 --> 00:37:54,728 or even on Planet Earth. 728 00:38:03,850 --> 00:38:07,128 The U.S. Air Force announces that SpaceX, 729 00:38:07,283 --> 00:38:11,988 an aerospace company run by billionaire CEO Elon Musk, 730 00:38:12,143 --> 00:38:14,061 is now eligible to participate 731 00:38:14,216 --> 00:38:17,368 in the launch of military satellites. 732 00:38:17,523 --> 00:38:20,688 The announcement leads many to speculate 733 00:38:20,843 --> 00:38:24,901 whether SpaceX may be contracted in the future for additional, 734 00:38:25,076 --> 00:38:26,768 and perhaps even more covert, 735 00:38:26,790 --> 00:38:29,908 military space projects. 736 00:38:29,930 --> 00:38:31,690 In 2015, SpaceX... 737 00:38:31,810 --> 00:38:33,810 which is a private corporation, of course... 738 00:38:33,583 --> 00:38:35,961 Was actually certified by the U.S. government 739 00:38:36,050 --> 00:38:39,228 for national security launches into space. 740 00:38:39,383 --> 00:38:42,383 And what that means is, you've now got 741 00:38:41,456 --> 00:38:43,468 another private corporation which is authorized 742 00:38:43,470 --> 00:38:47,328 to actually put secret payloads into orbit. 743 00:38:47,483 --> 00:38:50,614 What that means is that their entire operation 744 00:38:50,616 --> 00:38:54,608 now kind of flows under the dark umbrella of national security. 745 00:38:54,783 --> 00:38:58,934 It's possible that the private ventures, 746 00:38:58,990 --> 00:39:02,221 like SpaceX, like Bigelow Aerospace 747 00:39:02,223 --> 00:39:05,223 and the various others, will come up with a way 748 00:39:04,703 --> 00:39:06,401 to make it economically viable 749 00:39:06,576 --> 00:39:08,381 to colonize Mars. 750 00:39:08,390 --> 00:39:09,981 For decades... 751 00:39:09,983 --> 00:39:11,983 ever since the first Earth satellites 752 00:39:11,956 --> 00:39:14,068 and rovers began sending back data 753 00:39:14,090 --> 00:39:16,481 about the so-called "Red Planet"... 754 00:39:16,483 --> 00:39:19,394 Mars has been the focus of intense scrutiny 755 00:39:19,396 --> 00:39:22,421 by ancient astronaut theorists. 756 00:39:22,510 --> 00:39:25,168 They cite images of structures... 757 00:39:25,190 --> 00:39:28,161 carvings and other strange anomalies 758 00:39:28,316 --> 00:39:31,628 as evidence that Mars was... and might still be... 759 00:39:31,650 --> 00:39:34,288 a hub of extraterrestrial activity. 760 00:39:36,910 --> 00:39:38,968 Is it possible that the U.S. government, 761 00:39:38,990 --> 00:39:41,054 along with other nations, 762 00:39:41,130 --> 00:39:45,521 has proof that such an audacious notion is true? 763 00:39:45,523 --> 00:39:47,523 And could this be the reason 764 00:39:47,643 --> 00:39:50,648 why the human-based Mars missions are being conducted 765 00:39:50,803 --> 00:39:53,341 not by publicly funded governments, 766 00:39:53,516 --> 00:39:57,108 but by a number of privately funded corporations 767 00:39:57,263 --> 00:39:59,888 with their own seemingly disparate agendas? 768 00:40:01,923 --> 00:40:03,932 I am extremely familiar with this technique, 769 00:40:03,956 --> 00:40:06,956 and it's one of the ways that you protect 770 00:40:06,496 --> 00:40:09,934 classified information and big secrets. 771 00:40:09,936 --> 00:40:12,974 You can have a highly classified project, 772 00:40:13,030 --> 00:40:16,134 but effectively, it's broken into small parts. 773 00:40:16,190 --> 00:40:19,141 Everyone's working on a piece of it. 774 00:40:19,250 --> 00:40:22,408 No one necessarily knows what the person next door to them 775 00:40:22,563 --> 00:40:26,441 is doing, and very few people have the big picture. 776 00:40:26,443 --> 00:40:29,443 It's a world that I've operated in myself 777 00:40:29,310 --> 00:40:32,310 in my 21 years at the Ministry of Defense. 778 00:40:32,163 --> 00:40:35,721 It's even possible that somebody could be working 779 00:40:35,876 --> 00:40:40,188 on extraterrestrial technology and not know it. 780 00:40:42,076 --> 00:40:45,076 We are on the cusp of a brand-new reality 781 00:40:44,676 --> 00:40:48,468 of super-advanced technology, that will see us colonizing 782 00:40:48,470 --> 00:40:51,834 the Moon, Mars, traveling into deep space. 783 00:40:51,910 --> 00:40:55,208 This is a chapter that's opening in human affairs 784 00:40:55,230 --> 00:40:59,408 that began as long ago as 1947 with the Roswell crash, 785 00:40:59,563 --> 00:41:03,234 after which the U.S. military began preparing us 786 00:41:03,236 --> 00:41:06,236 for a life in which we will be living with extraterrestrials, 787 00:41:06,063 --> 00:41:09,221 both on Earth and in space. 788 00:41:09,223 --> 00:41:13,728 Are the U.S. government's efforts to examine 789 00:41:13,750 --> 00:41:17,268 and utilize extraterrestrials and their technology 790 00:41:17,443 --> 00:41:20,443 really on the threshold of a bold new era? 791 00:41:20,450 --> 00:41:23,328 One where places like Area 51, 792 00:41:23,483 --> 00:41:25,568 Wright-Patterson, Montauk, 793 00:41:25,743 --> 00:41:28,768 and even Mars will all become part 794 00:41:28,770 --> 00:41:31,848 of a larger and more powerful network? 795 00:41:32,023 --> 00:41:33,908 One that will facilitate 796 00:41:34,063 --> 00:41:37,861 mankind's anticipated journey to the stars? 797 00:41:37,950 --> 00:41:40,188 Ancient astronaut theorists believe 798 00:41:40,363 --> 00:41:42,548 there are forces in the government 799 00:41:42,570 --> 00:41:46,694 that insist we are not yet ready to have the answers, 800 00:41:46,850 --> 00:41:49,121 and that the truth must remain hidden away, 801 00:41:49,130 --> 00:41:53,354 behind electric fences and security cameras, 802 00:41:53,530 --> 00:41:56,988 at places both known and unknown, 803 00:41:57,143 --> 00:42:00,114 and equally protected by the notion 804 00:42:00,170 --> 00:42:03,170 that what we can see with our own eyes 805 00:42:02,930 --> 00:42:05,921 could not possibly be true.