1 00:00:01,927 --> 00:00:05,292 Seven stone giants standing guard 2 00:00:05,294 --> 00:00:07,299 over a Pacific island. 3 00:00:07,321 --> 00:00:10,905 But what are they protecting, and from whom? 4 00:00:10,907 --> 00:00:12,907 According to the people of the island, 5 00:00:12,921 --> 00:00:17,372 they face the actual homeland of their ancestors. 6 00:00:17,461 --> 00:00:21,832 Could the answer be found some 2,000 miles away? 7 00:00:21,987 --> 00:00:24,987 We are baffled by what it's all about. 8 00:00:24,681 --> 00:00:26,425 Ancient astronaut theorists, 9 00:00:26,427 --> 00:00:29,225 Giorgio Tsoukalos and David Childress 10 00:00:29,381 --> 00:00:31,652 embark on an incredible journey... 11 00:00:31,807 --> 00:00:32,927 This is the famous Hiva. 12 00:00:33,054 --> 00:00:35,552 ...to a land of bizarre figures... 13 00:00:35,707 --> 00:00:39,899 Look at all these heads with the big goggle-shaped eyes. 14 00:00:40,054 --> 00:00:42,072 ...and forbidden places... 15 00:00:42,074 --> 00:00:44,074 If you step on the site, 16 00:00:44,047 --> 00:00:46,945 something bad is going to happen to you. 17 00:00:47,101 --> 00:00:49,101 ...in search of what could be 18 00:00:48,874 --> 00:00:52,179 the ultimate evidence of mankind's 19 00:00:52,201 --> 00:00:54,412 extraterrestrial origins. 20 00:00:54,421 --> 00:00:57,421 If we can crack the mysteries of Easter Island, 21 00:00:57,034 --> 00:01:01,034 we're going to be able to open up once and for all 22 00:00:59,041 --> 00:01:01,041 the true mysteries of the ancient world. 23 00:01:30,201 --> 00:01:32,492 Easter Sunday, 24 00:01:32,501 --> 00:01:35,525 April 5, 1722. 25 00:01:35,681 --> 00:01:38,912 Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen 26 00:01:38,921 --> 00:01:42,605 is 2,300 miles off the coast of Chile, 27 00:01:42,661 --> 00:01:46,339 leading a fleet of three ships on an expedition to establish 28 00:01:46,494 --> 00:01:49,419 a western trade route to the Spice Islands. 29 00:01:49,594 --> 00:01:53,412 In the early afternoon, he is alerted by his crew 30 00:01:53,521 --> 00:01:56,332 that they have spotted a small island, 31 00:01:56,507 --> 00:02:00,239 and that there is smoke rising from it in several places, 32 00:02:00,261 --> 00:02:02,925 suggesting that it is inhabited. 33 00:02:02,981 --> 00:02:06,192 When they reach the shore, they are surprised 34 00:02:06,281 --> 00:02:08,539 by the appearance of some of the natives. 35 00:02:08,694 --> 00:02:10,765 When Roggeveen and his crew 36 00:02:10,921 --> 00:02:13,839 discovered Easter Island in 1722, 37 00:02:13,994 --> 00:02:16,832 accounts were written down 38 00:02:16,834 --> 00:02:19,079 that not only did they stumble across 39 00:02:19,234 --> 00:02:22,399 normal Polynesian-looking people, but as well, 40 00:02:22,554 --> 00:02:24,892 people of giant proportions, 41 00:02:24,894 --> 00:02:27,032 who were light skinned, had red hair, 42 00:02:27,187 --> 00:02:28,792 and even blonde hair. 43 00:02:28,947 --> 00:02:31,832 As recorded in the ship's log, 44 00:02:31,834 --> 00:02:36,019 they also made another, even more unexpected discovery. 45 00:02:36,174 --> 00:02:38,352 "We noticed certain 46 00:02:38,354 --> 00:02:41,059 "remarkably tall stone figures. 47 00:02:41,214 --> 00:02:45,245 "These stone figures caused us to be filled with wonder, 48 00:02:45,321 --> 00:02:49,399 "for we could not understand how it was possible to erect them. 49 00:02:49,554 --> 00:02:52,885 "Some of these statues were a good 30 feet in height 50 00:02:53,041 --> 00:02:54,859 and broad in proportion." 51 00:02:58,327 --> 00:03:02,019 Roggeveen named this remote land "Easter Island," 52 00:03:02,041 --> 00:03:04,485 after the day on which it was discovered. 53 00:03:04,541 --> 00:03:08,792 But today, nearly 300 years later, 54 00:03:08,881 --> 00:03:11,992 Roggeveen's questions concerning the strange appearance 55 00:03:12,101 --> 00:03:15,292 of the natives, as well as the origins and purpose 56 00:03:15,381 --> 00:03:18,712 of the gigantic stone statues, known as moai, 57 00:03:18,867 --> 00:03:20,992 have yet to be answered. 58 00:03:21,147 --> 00:03:23,852 One can imagine that the moai, 59 00:03:24,007 --> 00:03:27,007 being set up all around the island with their backs 60 00:03:26,221 --> 00:03:28,221 to the outside world looking inwards, 61 00:03:28,061 --> 00:03:31,852 were a kind of protective barrier 62 00:03:31,854 --> 00:03:33,854 that the ancestors would look after them, 63 00:03:33,814 --> 00:03:35,992 and protect their little world. 64 00:03:36,001 --> 00:03:38,072 The thing about these moai 65 00:03:38,227 --> 00:03:42,012 is that they have these very strange faces, very elongated. 66 00:03:42,014 --> 00:03:44,014 They don't look quite human. 67 00:03:43,594 --> 00:03:45,339 They're humanoid, 68 00:03:45,494 --> 00:03:47,899 but they're somehow different than ordinary humans. 69 00:03:47,921 --> 00:03:51,379 They look almost alien in appearance. 70 00:03:51,534 --> 00:03:54,552 And you have to wonder, what do they ultimately represent? 71 00:03:54,727 --> 00:03:56,992 Carved from volcanic rock, 72 00:03:57,101 --> 00:04:01,405 the nearly 900 moai each weigh up to 90 tons, 73 00:04:01,581 --> 00:04:04,581 and the tallest of them tower above the landscape 74 00:04:04,501 --> 00:04:07,905 at heights of more than 30 feet. 75 00:04:07,907 --> 00:04:11,092 There have been many theories over the years 76 00:04:11,267 --> 00:04:13,592 as to how they were moved. 77 00:04:13,767 --> 00:04:16,612 The first theory is thought 78 00:04:16,767 --> 00:04:19,139 that they must have been dragged horizontally 79 00:04:19,161 --> 00:04:23,132 on sledges or rollers or something of that kind. 80 00:04:23,134 --> 00:04:26,159 It was tried again recently for a TV film, 81 00:04:26,334 --> 00:04:28,334 and again they moved it a few meters 82 00:04:28,134 --> 00:04:31,179 but it really doesn't, uh, prove anything. 83 00:04:31,354 --> 00:04:32,712 The idea 84 00:04:32,867 --> 00:04:35,867 that the trees were cut down at some point, 85 00:04:35,494 --> 00:04:40,159 and they were all used for rollers, wooden logs, 86 00:04:40,181 --> 00:04:43,352 falls by the wayside, because wooden rollers 87 00:04:43,507 --> 00:04:45,539 would not be able to support 88 00:04:45,694 --> 00:04:48,999 the weight of some of these statues. 89 00:04:49,021 --> 00:04:52,205 You're talking about several hundred statues, 90 00:04:52,207 --> 00:04:56,207 and it would depend on the size and weight of the statue, 91 00:04:55,287 --> 00:04:58,287 the number of people you had available to help, 92 00:04:58,007 --> 00:05:01,105 the distance you were going to go, the kind of terrain. 93 00:05:01,161 --> 00:05:04,612 So, basically, we don't really know. 94 00:05:04,767 --> 00:05:08,839 For ancient astronaut theorists, 95 00:05:09,014 --> 00:05:12,014 the answers to just how the moai were transported 96 00:05:11,981 --> 00:05:14,099 and positioned in the island 97 00:05:14,121 --> 00:05:17,665 can be found in the legends told by the native people, 98 00:05:17,821 --> 00:05:20,945 legends that suggested a type of energy, 99 00:05:21,021 --> 00:05:24,345 known as "mana," was used to literally levitate 100 00:05:24,347 --> 00:05:28,365 the giant sculptures into place. 101 00:05:28,367 --> 00:05:32,059 According with, uh, oral tradition and the legends... 102 00:05:41,307 --> 00:05:43,765 The king was given the gift of mana 103 00:05:43,821 --> 00:05:47,112 from the great creator god, Makemake. 104 00:05:47,267 --> 00:05:50,105 Legend holds that the king commanded 105 00:05:50,261 --> 00:05:52,959 that these great stone statues walk. 106 00:05:56,181 --> 00:05:58,845 And one has to wonder, 107 00:05:58,847 --> 00:06:01,192 well, either they all 108 00:06:01,347 --> 00:06:04,445 were off their rockers describing these things, 109 00:06:04,521 --> 00:06:07,005 or they witnessed something. 110 00:06:07,181 --> 00:06:09,181 And I'm leaning more in the direction 111 00:06:09,307 --> 00:06:11,172 that they witnessed something 112 00:06:11,347 --> 00:06:15,872 because there had to have been a spark of inspiration. 113 00:06:15,874 --> 00:06:17,932 And so, in my opinion, 114 00:06:17,934 --> 00:06:21,959 mana was some type of extraterrestrial technology 115 00:06:21,981 --> 00:06:25,232 that allowed these stones 116 00:06:25,321 --> 00:06:28,732 to be levitated into place. 117 00:06:28,887 --> 00:06:31,719 When the statues had pupils, 118 00:06:31,874 --> 00:06:34,579 they came to life, 119 00:06:34,581 --> 00:06:38,232 imbued with mana to have supernatural powers. 120 00:06:38,234 --> 00:06:41,265 According to the Easter Island myth, 121 00:06:41,267 --> 00:06:45,759 this power came out of the eyes of the statues, 122 00:06:45,761 --> 00:06:48,505 and was this mystical power. 123 00:06:48,661 --> 00:06:50,859 It's like it was creating some kind 124 00:06:50,901 --> 00:06:53,919 of force field of energy 125 00:06:53,941 --> 00:06:57,699 that surrounded the island and protected it. 126 00:06:57,854 --> 00:07:00,925 So you have to wonder if there's something real here, 127 00:07:00,981 --> 00:07:05,339 and was it some kind of extraterrestrial technology? 128 00:07:05,341 --> 00:07:09,652 Of all the many mysteries of Easter Island, 129 00:07:09,741 --> 00:07:11,939 perhaps the most puzzling involves 130 00:07:12,094 --> 00:07:14,094 not only the construction of the moai, 131 00:07:14,001 --> 00:07:16,825 but their positioning on the island. 132 00:07:17,001 --> 00:07:23,705 880 of the 887 moai face inland, 133 00:07:23,861 --> 00:07:26,352 but on the west edge of the island, 134 00:07:26,354 --> 00:07:29,354 seven of the moai are positioned on a platform 135 00:07:29,141 --> 00:07:31,272 known as Ahu Akivi, 136 00:07:31,274 --> 00:07:34,619 and face outwardly, towards the sea. 137 00:07:34,641 --> 00:07:36,912 Moais face in, it's believed, 138 00:07:36,914 --> 00:07:39,914 because they're protecting the village that they oversee. 139 00:07:39,634 --> 00:07:44,519 Ahu Akivi is the one exception. 140 00:07:44,521 --> 00:07:48,272 The moais there look out to sea. 141 00:07:48,427 --> 00:07:53,425 Not only that, they're identical. 142 00:07:53,427 --> 00:07:57,525 But why would these seven identical moai face out 143 00:07:57,527 --> 00:08:01,799 to sea, when all of the other moai on the island face inland? 144 00:08:01,954 --> 00:08:06,472 Could it be that they were meant to point to a specific location 145 00:08:06,627 --> 00:08:09,052 somewhere farther out? 146 00:08:09,141 --> 00:08:12,925 Perhaps the answer can be found by drawing a straight line 147 00:08:12,927 --> 00:08:16,632 from the line of sight of the seven moai. 148 00:08:16,787 --> 00:08:20,279 Following it on a northwesterly route, 149 00:08:20,434 --> 00:08:24,399 the first landmass in its path is the Marquesas Islands, 150 00:08:24,554 --> 00:08:28,232 roughly 2,300 miles from Easter Island. 151 00:08:28,387 --> 00:08:31,105 The Marquesas are an extremely remote island group, 152 00:08:31,161 --> 00:08:33,452 which is part of French Polynesia. 153 00:08:33,627 --> 00:08:37,645 It's a three-and-a-half-hour flight northeast of Tahiti. 154 00:08:37,647 --> 00:08:41,647 And it's a part of what's known as the Polynesian triangle, 155 00:08:41,354 --> 00:08:44,279 which is bound by Hawaii in the north, 156 00:08:44,281 --> 00:08:46,245 Easter Island in the east, 157 00:08:46,401 --> 00:08:50,465 and New Zealand in the west. 158 00:08:50,467 --> 00:08:55,685 It was the last place on Earth that was discovered. 159 00:08:55,841 --> 00:08:58,841 And there's probably more mystery shrouded in the Pacific 160 00:08:58,014 --> 00:09:00,014 than any other place in the world. 161 00:08:59,601 --> 00:09:02,932 To follow up on the incredible theory 162 00:09:03,021 --> 00:09:05,505 that Easter Island's origins might be found 163 00:09:05,561 --> 00:09:07,859 on one of the remote Marquesas Islands, 164 00:09:08,014 --> 00:09:12,339 in June, 2018, ancient astronaut theorists 165 00:09:12,361 --> 00:09:15,659 Giorgio Tsoukalos and David Childress 166 00:09:15,661 --> 00:09:18,679 set out to explore the islands for themselves. 167 00:09:18,701 --> 00:09:20,701 This is gonna be a great exploration 168 00:09:20,581 --> 00:09:22,581 to see what connection there is 169 00:09:22,361 --> 00:09:24,712 between Easter Island and right here. 170 00:09:24,721 --> 00:09:25,961 Should be quite the adventure. 171 00:09:35,587 --> 00:09:36,799 - Hello. - Hello. 172 00:09:36,974 --> 00:09:38,974 I'm Giorgio. Pleasure to meet you. 173 00:09:38,794 --> 00:09:41,892 - I'm Aniata. - Hi, I'm David. 174 00:09:42,047 --> 00:09:44,479 Arriving on one of the Marquesas Islands, 175 00:09:44,634 --> 00:09:47,719 ancient astronaut theorists Giorgio Tsoukalos 176 00:09:47,741 --> 00:09:49,779 and David Childress meet 177 00:09:49,934 --> 00:09:52,459 with local guide Aniata Kimitete. 178 00:09:52,634 --> 00:09:53,805 Let's go explore. 179 00:09:53,807 --> 00:09:55,879 - Great. - All right. 180 00:09:55,921 --> 00:10:00,632 She has brought them to an area known as Kamuihei, 181 00:10:00,634 --> 00:10:03,252 a sacred place believed to be rich 182 00:10:03,261 --> 00:10:07,385 in what the natives call "mana" or spiritual power. 183 00:10:07,387 --> 00:10:11,519 Here, they hope to find the answer as to why seven 184 00:10:11,561 --> 00:10:15,205 of the nearly 900 giant statues on Easter Island 185 00:10:15,361 --> 00:10:18,679 are all facing in the direction of this remote island chain 186 00:10:18,681 --> 00:10:20,639 in the South Pacific. 187 00:10:22,414 --> 00:10:24,712 So we are arriving 188 00:10:24,714 --> 00:10:26,714 at this spot where I really wanted 189 00:10:26,561 --> 00:10:28,561 to show you about this site. 190 00:10:27,854 --> 00:10:28,854 Oh, look at this. 191 00:10:31,141 --> 00:10:34,141 What we see here is what we call petroglyphs. 192 00:10:33,967 --> 00:10:35,119 Yeah. 193 00:10:35,274 --> 00:10:38,099 So you have three turtles. 194 00:10:38,121 --> 00:10:41,872 So one, two, three here. 195 00:10:41,961 --> 00:10:46,345 And also, on the rock, you can see a canoe. 196 00:10:46,501 --> 00:10:48,501 - Okay. - So you have the head 197 00:10:48,481 --> 00:10:52,481 of the canoe here that looks a little bit like a bird. 198 00:10:51,721 --> 00:10:54,721 Their canoes had a bird head at the front. 199 00:10:54,234 --> 00:10:56,205 Do you see the beak? 200 00:10:56,361 --> 00:10:58,612 - Yeah, that looks like a bird head. - Yeah. 201 00:10:58,767 --> 00:11:00,979 And what is the significance of the turtles? 202 00:11:01,134 --> 00:11:06,379 The turtle is actually the messenger from the gods. 203 00:11:06,534 --> 00:11:09,259 He was a very sacred animal. 204 00:11:09,261 --> 00:11:11,261 People were not allowed to eat them. 205 00:11:11,054 --> 00:11:12,439 You know, I think 206 00:11:12,614 --> 00:11:14,614 this is really interested what you said, 207 00:11:14,367 --> 00:11:16,367 that the turtle is regarded here 208 00:11:16,201 --> 00:11:18,201 as a messenger of the gods, 209 00:11:18,354 --> 00:11:20,354 because this is not something new. 210 00:11:20,114 --> 00:11:23,185 It's not something native to this area. 211 00:11:23,187 --> 00:11:25,325 There are other parts of the world 212 00:11:25,327 --> 00:11:26,945 where the turtle is described 213 00:11:27,101 --> 00:11:29,565 by having descended from the sky. 214 00:11:29,567 --> 00:11:33,399 And the idea that this is here, too, considered 215 00:11:33,401 --> 00:11:36,732 a messenger of the gods, that, to me, is a connection 216 00:11:36,734 --> 00:11:39,339 to potential extraterrestrials. 217 00:11:39,514 --> 00:11:41,399 Throughout the world, 218 00:11:41,554 --> 00:11:45,032 numerous ancient cultures have origin stories 219 00:11:45,034 --> 00:11:49,012 that involve some sort of a divine or "cosmic" turtle. 220 00:11:49,101 --> 00:11:53,472 Followers of Japanese Shinto venerate the Kame-ishi, 221 00:11:53,581 --> 00:11:57,952 a stone turtle that portends the end of the world. 222 00:11:57,961 --> 00:12:02,379 In Guatemala, there are legends of giant flying turtles, 223 00:12:02,534 --> 00:12:06,245 and even artifacts that feature the image of a man wearing 224 00:12:06,401 --> 00:12:11,072 what appears to be a helmet lying inside a turtle shell. 225 00:12:11,247 --> 00:12:14,999 In North America, the Iroquois Indians tell tales 226 00:12:15,174 --> 00:12:17,339 of a "sky goddess" 227 00:12:17,494 --> 00:12:19,494 who falls to Earth from the sky, 228 00:12:19,287 --> 00:12:21,499 whereupon a giant turtle rises up 229 00:12:21,521 --> 00:12:23,521 from the ocean to catch her. 230 00:12:25,361 --> 00:12:27,552 I think it's interesting here, 231 00:12:27,554 --> 00:12:30,065 this canoe, which would have been very large, 232 00:12:30,221 --> 00:12:32,221 has the bird head on it. 233 00:12:32,167 --> 00:12:33,985 And you have the Birdmen 234 00:12:33,987 --> 00:12:35,987 of Easter Island that are so famous. 235 00:12:38,607 --> 00:12:42,119 One of Easter Island's ancient traditions involves 236 00:12:42,121 --> 00:12:45,239 Tangata manu, or the Birdman cult. 237 00:12:45,414 --> 00:12:49,719 According to legend, the creator god, Makemake, 238 00:12:49,874 --> 00:12:53,912 was looking in a mirror and saw a bird land on his shoulder. 239 00:12:54,067 --> 00:12:56,552 Seeing his image combined with the bird, 240 00:12:56,561 --> 00:13:01,012 he decided to make a son who was half man, half bird. 241 00:13:01,021 --> 00:13:04,692 In turn, the Rapa Nui people of Easter Island worshipped 242 00:13:04,694 --> 00:13:09,139 the Birdman as the predecessor of all humans. 243 00:13:10,781 --> 00:13:14,345 One of the central focuses of the rituals, 244 00:13:14,501 --> 00:13:17,385 the annual rituals at Easter Island, 245 00:13:17,441 --> 00:13:22,892 was that of Tangata manu, the Birdman. 246 00:13:23,067 --> 00:13:26,519 And the Birdman is a universal symbol 247 00:13:26,674 --> 00:13:29,674 that we find in many parts of the globe 248 00:13:29,341 --> 00:13:34,039 that relates to ancestry associated with figures, 249 00:13:34,214 --> 00:13:37,412 characters in feather coats who were seen 250 00:13:37,567 --> 00:13:41,979 to be able to go between this world and the next. 251 00:13:42,134 --> 00:13:46,532 And here we have the same ideas on Easter Island. 252 00:13:46,687 --> 00:13:49,052 Is there more to see on the island? 253 00:13:49,207 --> 00:13:52,207 We have a lot more to see on the island. 254 00:13:51,794 --> 00:13:53,794 - Okay. - So let's go. - Okay. 255 00:13:53,934 --> 00:13:56,812 After showing Giorgio and David 256 00:13:56,967 --> 00:14:00,039 the ancient petroglyphs, Aniata takes them to a site 257 00:14:00,194 --> 00:14:02,512 that has some of the most striking statuary 258 00:14:02,514 --> 00:14:04,805 in the Marquesas. 259 00:14:04,961 --> 00:14:07,961 Right now, we are at the Tohua of Temehea. 260 00:14:07,421 --> 00:14:10,385 So, the tohua is the gathering place. 261 00:14:10,387 --> 00:14:14,419 And so this sculpture here is a modern sculpture. 262 00:14:14,421 --> 00:14:17,632 But is this based on something old? 263 00:14:17,641 --> 00:14:21,572 Yes. Because the site that we're on was rebuilt. 264 00:14:21,574 --> 00:14:23,025 Even though it's modern, 265 00:14:23,201 --> 00:14:25,379 it's really based on the original statue. 266 00:14:25,554 --> 00:14:27,005 Oh, wow. Okay. 267 00:14:27,181 --> 00:14:29,092 Is this considered a tiki? 268 00:14:29,094 --> 00:14:32,799 Yes, these tikis represent the population. 269 00:14:32,801 --> 00:14:34,579 So, to the Marquesan people, 270 00:14:34,734 --> 00:14:36,432 wh-what is a tiki? 271 00:14:36,587 --> 00:14:40,052 A tiki, at first, was the representation of our god 272 00:14:40,227 --> 00:14:42,312 of magic and sorcery. 273 00:14:42,401 --> 00:14:46,401 He was one of the only god in French Polynesia that has 274 00:14:46,481 --> 00:14:47,481 the face of a man. 275 00:14:49,201 --> 00:14:52,172 He became our protector, 276 00:14:52,174 --> 00:14:54,174 because when you have a tiki 277 00:14:54,294 --> 00:14:57,294 by your side, then you're protected from your enemy. 278 00:14:56,914 --> 00:14:59,065 In the Marquesas, 279 00:14:59,067 --> 00:15:01,639 the word "tiki" can be used to refer 280 00:15:01,794 --> 00:15:04,794 both to an ancestral figure that came to the islands 281 00:15:04,314 --> 00:15:05,759 in ancient times 282 00:15:05,914 --> 00:15:09,212 as well as the statues that represent him. 283 00:15:09,367 --> 00:15:12,992 They are variously carved in both wood and stone 284 00:15:12,994 --> 00:15:18,085 and often depict a being with large, goggle-like eyes. 285 00:15:18,087 --> 00:15:22,312 The lore has it that Tiki was the primary ancestor 286 00:15:22,401 --> 00:15:25,401 and was created in the image of the sky god. 287 00:15:25,441 --> 00:15:28,785 The local people made statues in honor of their creator god, 288 00:15:28,941 --> 00:15:31,159 Tiki, and used them in worship. 289 00:15:33,014 --> 00:15:35,572 And this is what Tiki looks like, 290 00:15:35,574 --> 00:15:38,165 - as a god? - Yes, because th-they say 291 00:15:38,167 --> 00:15:40,745 in the legend that, when Tiki left 292 00:15:40,747 --> 00:15:42,772 the Earth, they made the sculpture 293 00:15:42,927 --> 00:15:44,699 of how he looked like, 294 00:15:44,701 --> 00:15:48,012 just to have something to remember from Tiki. 295 00:15:48,021 --> 00:15:50,605 So that's how he looked like, actually. 296 00:15:50,607 --> 00:15:52,607 He looks very strange to me. 297 00:15:52,061 --> 00:15:54,319 This is a representation 298 00:15:54,474 --> 00:15:57,445 of what your ancestors thought 299 00:15:57,447 --> 00:15:59,932 this figure looked like. 300 00:16:00,087 --> 00:16:02,087 It doesn't look like a man. 301 00:16:01,727 --> 00:16:03,839 It looks... weird. 302 00:16:03,861 --> 00:16:06,861 Yeah, I mean, he-he sort of looks like a man, 303 00:16:06,194 --> 00:16:08,805 but, with these big goggle eyes 304 00:16:08,961 --> 00:16:11,425 and the elongated head and everything, 305 00:16:11,601 --> 00:16:14,879 he looks like an extraterrestrial. 306 00:16:15,961 --> 00:16:17,632 From what you know, 307 00:16:17,787 --> 00:16:20,819 do you think that the people of the Marquesas 308 00:16:20,974 --> 00:16:23,279 went as far as Easter Island? 309 00:16:23,301 --> 00:16:25,301 Are there any legends or stories 310 00:16:24,461 --> 00:16:26,023 - behind that? - So, there is 311 00:16:26,047 --> 00:16:28,612 one story where... when they said, um, 312 00:16:28,767 --> 00:16:32,779 that one chief of the island sent his seven sons 313 00:16:32,934 --> 00:16:34,572 to Easter Island, 314 00:16:34,574 --> 00:16:37,712 because they were fighting a lot over here. 315 00:16:37,714 --> 00:16:39,092 So he sent them away. 316 00:16:39,247 --> 00:16:42,247 Told them, uh, if they wanted to come back, 317 00:16:41,601 --> 00:16:43,681 they had to make peace with one another. 318 00:16:44,647 --> 00:16:46,772 Seven brothers? 319 00:16:46,927 --> 00:16:50,605 Princes who left the Marquesas Islands for Easter Island 320 00:16:50,761 --> 00:16:53,112 hundreds of years ago? 321 00:16:53,267 --> 00:16:55,267 I think it's really fascinating 322 00:16:55,281 --> 00:16:58,759 that, in the Marquesas, there's a story of seven brothers 323 00:16:58,801 --> 00:17:01,139 that were exiled by their father 324 00:17:01,161 --> 00:17:03,161 in order to go to Easter Island. 325 00:17:03,214 --> 00:17:07,639 You combine that with the fact that there is this platform 326 00:17:07,794 --> 00:17:13,072 on Easter Island with seven moais standing on there, 327 00:17:13,074 --> 00:17:16,172 that would indicate to me that the Marquesas 328 00:17:16,261 --> 00:17:19,819 and Easter Island are, in fact, connected. 329 00:17:22,914 --> 00:17:26,372 But if the stone carvings and ancient legends 330 00:17:26,527 --> 00:17:29,039 prove that the origins of Easter Island 331 00:17:29,081 --> 00:17:32,719 can be found some 2,000 miles away in the Marquesas, 332 00:17:32,874 --> 00:17:34,959 could there have been another, 333 00:17:35,114 --> 00:17:38,399 perhaps extraterrestrial, reason for the exile 334 00:17:38,401 --> 00:17:41,692 of the seven royal brothers from their homeland? 335 00:17:41,801 --> 00:17:45,099 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 336 00:17:45,141 --> 00:17:48,525 and suggest the evidence points to everything 337 00:17:48,701 --> 00:17:51,652 from the strange faces of the tiki gods 338 00:17:51,654 --> 00:17:55,339 to bloody stories of human sacrifice. 339 00:18:03,074 --> 00:18:06,619 Ancient astronaut theorists Giorgio Tsoukalos 340 00:18:06,774 --> 00:18:10,832 and David Childress are in the remote Marquesas Islands. 341 00:18:10,834 --> 00:18:14,459 They are searching for clues that may help them solve 342 00:18:14,501 --> 00:18:16,899 some of the most compelling mysteries 343 00:18:16,901 --> 00:18:21,179 concerning an island located some 2,000 miles to their east, 344 00:18:21,201 --> 00:18:24,525 Easter Island. 345 00:18:24,681 --> 00:18:26,681 I think it's really fascinating that, 346 00:18:26,121 --> 00:18:28,825 of all the standing heads in Easter Island, 347 00:18:28,981 --> 00:18:31,399 seven of them actually point 348 00:18:31,421 --> 00:18:33,839 in the direction of the Marquesas. 349 00:18:34,014 --> 00:18:36,572 And so now the question is, why? 350 00:18:36,574 --> 00:18:40,574 I think it's quite possible that the Marquesas and Easter Island 351 00:18:40,594 --> 00:18:43,012 are, in fact, connected. 352 00:18:43,101 --> 00:18:46,019 But perhaps equally compelling, 353 00:18:46,174 --> 00:18:48,192 if not slightly disturbing, 354 00:18:48,201 --> 00:18:51,212 are numerous carvings found throughout the islands 355 00:18:51,367 --> 00:18:55,699 which depict strange, big-eyed gods known as tikis. 356 00:18:57,521 --> 00:19:01,392 So, right now, we are at the Tohua of Hikokua. 357 00:19:01,394 --> 00:19:03,945 The tiki placed on site like this, 358 00:19:04,101 --> 00:19:07,039 like, really, uh, sacred site... 359 00:19:09,681 --> 00:19:12,852 ...they were made to scare the people away, 360 00:19:12,854 --> 00:19:14,559 because they-they were telling, 361 00:19:14,714 --> 00:19:17,425 "Hey, this is a very sacred site, 362 00:19:17,581 --> 00:19:18,939 so be careful." 363 00:19:20,134 --> 00:19:23,052 "If you step on the site, 364 00:19:23,207 --> 00:19:24,945 "if you do something wrong, 365 00:19:24,947 --> 00:19:28,859 then something bad is going to happen to you." 366 00:19:28,861 --> 00:19:31,159 I think if we are talking about extraterrestrials 367 00:19:31,314 --> 00:19:32,925 in ancient times visiting 368 00:19:32,981 --> 00:19:35,405 and you follow the ancient stories, 369 00:19:35,407 --> 00:19:39,092 when they came down with fire, smoke and noise, 370 00:19:39,094 --> 00:19:42,094 that that is the reason why they were afraid. 371 00:19:41,734 --> 00:19:43,872 There are multiple other versions 372 00:19:43,881 --> 00:19:47,752 of the exact same motif worldwide, 373 00:19:47,927 --> 00:19:51,832 with people with elongated skulls and giant goggle eyes. 374 00:19:51,987 --> 00:19:55,132 Like, uh, what comes to mind immediately is in-in Peru. 375 00:19:55,141 --> 00:19:57,317 - Yeah, at Tiwanaku a-and Pumapunku... - Yes. 376 00:19:57,341 --> 00:19:59,225 ...you have the same 377 00:19:59,227 --> 00:20:01,105 goggle-headed, eyed, uh, 378 00:20:01,107 --> 00:20:02,863 - you know, people. - Exactly. 379 00:20:02,887 --> 00:20:04,887 You have that in Mexico, too, 380 00:20:04,094 --> 00:20:06,545 - with the Olmec statues. - Yes. 381 00:20:06,601 --> 00:20:10,332 These may be depictions of actual extraterrestrials 382 00:20:10,487 --> 00:20:13,385 who visited the Earth thousands of years ago. 383 00:20:13,541 --> 00:20:17,272 Eerily similar to the tiki of the Marquesas, 384 00:20:17,427 --> 00:20:19,872 figures with oversized skulls 385 00:20:20,027 --> 00:20:23,272 and enormous eyes have surfaced at archaeological sites 386 00:20:23,427 --> 00:20:24,999 throughout the world. 387 00:20:25,154 --> 00:20:30,252 Among these are the Dogu figures of Japan, 388 00:20:30,261 --> 00:20:35,072 the aboriginal Wandjina petroglyphs of Australia, 389 00:20:35,247 --> 00:20:37,652 the terra-cotta figurines 390 00:20:37,654 --> 00:20:40,019 recently unearthed in Northern Ghana, 391 00:20:40,174 --> 00:20:43,092 the trickster god Eshu 392 00:20:43,181 --> 00:20:46,392 of the Yoruba people of Nigeria, 393 00:20:46,481 --> 00:20:50,019 and the stunning petroglyphs of Karahunj, 394 00:20:50,174 --> 00:20:54,059 otherwise known as Armenia's Stonehenge. 395 00:20:56,221 --> 00:20:59,412 So it does seem that Tiki, he's walking, 396 00:20:59,567 --> 00:21:01,579 he's living and breathing. 397 00:21:01,734 --> 00:21:03,879 He's not just a spirit, is he? 398 00:21:04,054 --> 00:21:06,054 No. He's not a spirit. 399 00:21:06,041 --> 00:21:10,259 So, um, they-they say that Tiki is not really a god, 400 00:21:10,414 --> 00:21:12,572 but he's not really a man also. 401 00:21:12,747 --> 00:21:16,372 Aniata, thank you so much for showing us everything here. 402 00:21:16,527 --> 00:21:18,527 - It's truly tremendous. - You're welcome. 403 00:21:18,201 --> 00:21:20,201 - Thank you so much. - Have a nice travel. 404 00:21:19,561 --> 00:21:20,672 Thank you. 405 00:21:24,681 --> 00:21:27,019 One day after their informative visit 406 00:21:27,174 --> 00:21:29,399 to the island of Nuku Hiva, 407 00:21:29,554 --> 00:21:35,105 Giorgio and David travel next to the nearby island of Hiva Oa 408 00:21:35,107 --> 00:21:38,245 to see firsthand the most unusual 409 00:21:38,401 --> 00:21:39,579 of all the island tikis. 410 00:21:42,761 --> 00:21:45,279 Hello. 411 00:21:45,454 --> 00:21:46,839 Good to see you. 412 00:21:46,881 --> 00:21:48,059 - Yep. - Okay. 413 00:21:48,081 --> 00:21:50,492 As their local guide, 414 00:21:50,494 --> 00:21:54,365 they have enlisted Hiva Oa resident, Heimata Bonno. 415 00:21:54,521 --> 00:21:56,745 This is... 416 00:21:56,747 --> 00:21:59,747 - incredible. So, what are we looking at here? - Yeah. 417 00:21:58,841 --> 00:22:00,139 What is this? 418 00:22:15,274 --> 00:22:17,274 Oh, it totally looks like a llama. 419 00:22:16,701 --> 00:22:19,505 No question. 420 00:22:19,681 --> 00:22:21,905 I totally think this looks like a llama. 421 00:22:22,061 --> 00:22:25,061 I mean, there's no question in my mind. 422 00:22:24,101 --> 00:22:27,812 And I also don't think that this was altered. 423 00:22:27,987 --> 00:22:29,645 This is original. 424 00:22:29,801 --> 00:22:32,559 And I don't see any, uh, changes. 425 00:22:32,561 --> 00:22:35,739 So either this is not authentic 426 00:22:35,741 --> 00:22:38,741 or, if it is authentic, it's a llama 427 00:22:38,094 --> 00:22:41,179 and it proves connection to-to South America. 428 00:22:42,921 --> 00:22:44,825 South America? 429 00:22:44,981 --> 00:22:47,292 Is it possible that the llama, 430 00:22:47,294 --> 00:22:49,585 believed to be native to South America, 431 00:22:49,641 --> 00:22:52,641 was known to people living on this remote island chain 432 00:22:52,494 --> 00:22:55,412 some 3,500 miles away? 433 00:22:55,567 --> 00:22:57,319 But how? 434 00:23:00,394 --> 00:23:03,394 Some people say that it's a woman giving birth. 435 00:23:03,254 --> 00:23:05,659 Do the women here 436 00:23:05,661 --> 00:23:07,781 in the Marquesas Islands, do they do this? 437 00:23:07,914 --> 00:23:11,172 They lie on their stomach and give birth? No. 438 00:23:11,327 --> 00:23:13,612 This is crazy. 439 00:23:13,614 --> 00:23:15,325 Huh. 440 00:23:15,501 --> 00:23:17,625 To me, 441 00:23:17,627 --> 00:23:20,425 it looks like something from the sky. 442 00:23:20,581 --> 00:23:24,385 It's like, uh, maybe some flying vehicle. 443 00:23:24,541 --> 00:23:27,439 - It's a great question. - Yeah. 444 00:23:27,481 --> 00:23:29,939 Perhaps what we're looking at here 445 00:23:30,114 --> 00:23:32,114 is some type of a craft, 446 00:23:32,061 --> 00:23:34,181 because you have the windows in the front, 447 00:23:34,314 --> 00:23:36,279 which are these giant goggles, 448 00:23:36,454 --> 00:23:39,454 and then you have the mouth in the front, 449 00:23:38,547 --> 00:23:41,859 which, to me, looks like some type of an air intake. 450 00:23:42,014 --> 00:23:45,425 Underneath, you have a lifting body 451 00:23:45,601 --> 00:23:48,339 that goes underneath the entire body. 452 00:23:48,361 --> 00:23:50,825 And if you combine that 453 00:23:50,981 --> 00:23:53,685 with the story of this object 454 00:23:53,687 --> 00:23:55,699 or this woman giving birth, 455 00:23:55,854 --> 00:23:59,705 if someone has never seen passengers disembarking 456 00:23:59,881 --> 00:24:01,805 from an actual airplane, 457 00:24:01,961 --> 00:24:05,285 if they have no idea what is happening, 458 00:24:05,441 --> 00:24:08,079 well, all of a sudden, 459 00:24:08,254 --> 00:24:12,472 a flying vehicle is giving birth to people. 460 00:24:12,561 --> 00:24:15,545 Is it possible that this ancient statue 461 00:24:15,701 --> 00:24:17,701 that has been interpreted in modern times 462 00:24:17,714 --> 00:24:19,705 as a fertility goddess 463 00:24:19,881 --> 00:24:24,019 is actually depicting an extraterrestrial spacecraft? 464 00:24:25,441 --> 00:24:27,885 I think that tikis are nothing else 465 00:24:28,041 --> 00:24:30,552 but misunderstood technology 466 00:24:30,554 --> 00:24:35,132 that, over time, turned into divine objects 467 00:24:35,134 --> 00:24:38,259 of magic and sorcery. 468 00:24:46,441 --> 00:24:48,441 Can we go look at it? Great. 469 00:24:51,714 --> 00:24:53,139 Oh, wow. 470 00:24:55,647 --> 00:24:58,519 Clearly, this tiki, the head is missing. 471 00:24:58,674 --> 00:25:01,939 But I see that it has six fingers. 472 00:25:11,821 --> 00:25:14,821 It's very feasible to me that they actually tried 473 00:25:14,514 --> 00:25:17,732 to imitate whoever visited 474 00:25:17,734 --> 00:25:20,759 or whoever came here to impart this knowledge. 475 00:25:20,914 --> 00:25:23,845 Why would they carve six fingers 476 00:25:23,847 --> 00:25:26,332 if they did not see six fingers? 477 00:25:26,487 --> 00:25:29,919 So we should not say, "Oh, this is just fantasy." 478 00:25:30,094 --> 00:25:33,779 I think they saw someone with six fingers. 479 00:25:33,934 --> 00:25:35,505 Is that possible? 480 00:25:35,661 --> 00:25:36,732 Yeah. 481 00:25:36,887 --> 00:25:38,407 - Yes. - Yeah. 482 00:25:47,421 --> 00:25:49,179 So these are protectors. 483 00:25:49,354 --> 00:25:50,899 And all the tikis here 484 00:25:51,074 --> 00:25:54,779 and the moai on Easter Island are protectors as well. 485 00:25:59,301 --> 00:26:01,545 So, on Easter Island, you-you have 486 00:26:01,701 --> 00:26:04,599 seven moai, and they are looking 487 00:26:04,754 --> 00:26:05,605 towards Marquesas. 488 00:26:05,681 --> 00:26:08,199 Is-is this some ancestors? 489 00:26:08,221 --> 00:26:09,221 Or a connection? 490 00:26:16,707 --> 00:26:19,825 All of the ancient tikis in the Marquesas 491 00:26:20,001 --> 00:26:23,001 are positioned to look in the direction of Easter Island. 492 00:26:22,881 --> 00:26:24,612 But why? 493 00:26:24,767 --> 00:26:27,879 And if both the moai and the tikis are depictions 494 00:26:28,034 --> 00:26:30,299 of extraterrestrial visitors, 495 00:26:30,321 --> 00:26:33,321 why do they appear so different, both in height 496 00:26:32,994 --> 00:26:35,332 and appearance? 497 00:26:35,334 --> 00:26:38,334 Is it possible that the seven brothers of legend 498 00:26:38,121 --> 00:26:40,192 left the Marquesas for Easter Island 499 00:26:40,281 --> 00:26:42,419 because they were fighting with each other? 500 00:26:42,574 --> 00:26:46,605 Or could they have been fleeing for their lives? 501 00:26:46,681 --> 00:26:49,839 For Giorgio and David, 502 00:26:49,994 --> 00:26:53,212 these questions form the pieces of a confounding puzzle, 503 00:26:53,367 --> 00:26:55,367 one they are both determined to solve 504 00:26:55,054 --> 00:26:58,059 before they return home. 505 00:27:06,127 --> 00:27:08,127 While visiting the ancient site known 506 00:27:08,127 --> 00:27:12,039 as I'ipona, located in the Marquesas Islands, 507 00:27:12,214 --> 00:27:14,139 local guide Heimata Bonno 508 00:27:14,161 --> 00:27:16,281 has just shown ancient astronaut theorists 509 00:27:16,401 --> 00:27:19,139 Giorgio Tsoukalos and David Childress 510 00:27:19,294 --> 00:27:21,445 a number of sacred tiki statues 511 00:27:21,601 --> 00:27:24,172 which have six fingers on each hand. 512 00:27:24,174 --> 00:27:26,685 That is, uh, very interesting to me. 513 00:27:26,861 --> 00:27:30,352 He has also just informed them that the tiki gods 514 00:27:30,354 --> 00:27:32,354 were believed by the natives to possess 515 00:27:32,301 --> 00:27:35,165 an extraordinary amount of what they called "mana," 516 00:27:35,221 --> 00:27:37,305 a spiritual power, 517 00:27:37,307 --> 00:27:40,139 which, if consumed, would make the natives strong 518 00:27:40,294 --> 00:27:42,419 and virtually invincible. 519 00:27:42,421 --> 00:27:44,959 So, how-how does this tiki have mana? 520 00:27:44,981 --> 00:27:46,981 How does it get the mana? 521 00:28:03,661 --> 00:28:05,219 I see. 522 00:28:05,374 --> 00:28:07,385 Eat the mana? 523 00:28:07,387 --> 00:28:10,999 Is Heimata Bonno describing a form of ritual cannibalism 524 00:28:11,174 --> 00:28:14,219 in which the natives of the Marquesas would eat the bodies 525 00:28:14,374 --> 00:28:17,979 of those who they believed possessed spiritual power? 526 00:28:18,154 --> 00:28:20,679 And where is the mana contained? 527 00:28:20,681 --> 00:28:23,681 The mana's coming out of the eyes, right? Or... 528 00:28:27,821 --> 00:28:29,365 So they would... 529 00:28:29,521 --> 00:28:31,545 eat the eyes and the tongue, 530 00:28:31,701 --> 00:28:33,159 the brain? 531 00:28:42,994 --> 00:28:44,994 Is it possible that the natives 532 00:28:44,961 --> 00:28:48,039 of the Marquesas Islands believed that the mana, 533 00:28:48,194 --> 00:28:50,319 or spiritual power, 534 00:28:50,341 --> 00:28:53,905 of their tiki gods could be literally consumed? 535 00:28:54,061 --> 00:28:56,699 If so, was their eagerness 536 00:28:56,701 --> 00:28:59,701 to eat the organs not only of the tiki, 537 00:28:58,761 --> 00:29:01,932 but of their offspring, one of the chief reasons 538 00:29:01,941 --> 00:29:04,039 why the so-called seven brothers 539 00:29:04,061 --> 00:29:06,061 fled the Marquesas for Easter Island 540 00:29:06,094 --> 00:29:09,199 thousands of years ago? 541 00:29:09,374 --> 00:29:12,385 Here there are very large boulders 542 00:29:12,541 --> 00:29:13,852 of basalt. 543 00:29:14,007 --> 00:29:15,792 It's very heavy. 544 00:29:15,794 --> 00:29:17,872 I know in some places in Polynesia 545 00:29:17,874 --> 00:29:20,079 and Micronesia they have legends 546 00:29:20,234 --> 00:29:23,234 that the stones are... are flying through the air. 547 00:29:33,661 --> 00:29:35,661 So they are giants and very strong, 548 00:29:35,587 --> 00:29:38,559 and they can lift these big stones? 549 00:29:46,367 --> 00:29:49,499 - Oh. - Giant bones? 550 00:29:49,654 --> 00:29:52,592 Found in caves on the Marquesas Islands? 551 00:29:52,701 --> 00:29:54,225 Could this be the evidence 552 00:29:54,381 --> 00:29:56,652 Giorgio and David have been searching for 553 00:29:56,741 --> 00:30:00,399 that suggest the early inhabitants of Easter Island 554 00:30:00,401 --> 00:30:03,732 were, in fact, giant alien hybrid beings? 555 00:30:03,821 --> 00:30:06,885 Beings who forged a colony of giants 556 00:30:06,961 --> 00:30:09,445 much like themselves, 557 00:30:09,601 --> 00:30:11,825 and who commemorated their time on the island 558 00:30:11,981 --> 00:30:14,419 by fashioning giant stone sentinels. 559 00:30:16,307 --> 00:30:20,099 We have these stories of giants worldwide. 560 00:30:20,141 --> 00:30:24,505 In Malta, we have some of the biggest megalithic sites 561 00:30:24,561 --> 00:30:28,079 in all of Europe, that allegedly were built 562 00:30:28,101 --> 00:30:29,959 by the giants. 563 00:30:30,114 --> 00:30:33,105 The giants were offspring 564 00:30:33,107 --> 00:30:37,512 of the gods after they mated with human women. 565 00:30:37,687 --> 00:30:42,439 Then you have stories of the giants on Sardinia, 566 00:30:42,614 --> 00:30:45,819 many of whom have been suggested were originated 567 00:30:45,994 --> 00:30:49,199 by extraterrestrials. 568 00:30:49,374 --> 00:30:52,374 The origin story of the giants in the Bible 569 00:30:52,407 --> 00:30:55,759 is that angels mated with human women. 570 00:30:57,381 --> 00:31:00,665 The offspring were the giants. 571 00:31:00,841 --> 00:31:03,119 So we have to wonder, 572 00:31:03,121 --> 00:31:07,099 are the seven sentinels actually giants? 573 00:31:07,254 --> 00:31:10,432 Part alien and part human. 574 00:31:10,521 --> 00:31:13,372 ...Perhaps they were escaping 575 00:31:13,374 --> 00:31:16,419 the Marquesas Islands because they were 576 00:31:16,441 --> 00:31:18,105 the ruling elite, 577 00:31:18,107 --> 00:31:20,732 and essentially, they were overthrown 578 00:31:20,821 --> 00:31:22,499 because they had this power, 579 00:31:22,541 --> 00:31:24,739 and they went to Easter Island. 580 00:31:27,001 --> 00:31:30,539 Heimata, it's been so interesting here. 581 00:31:30,694 --> 00:31:34,299 You have such good information. I really appreciate it. 582 00:31:34,474 --> 00:31:35,594 Yeah, thank you for sharing. 583 00:31:35,721 --> 00:31:36,912 You're welcome. 584 00:31:37,001 --> 00:31:38,445 Could it be that 585 00:31:38,501 --> 00:31:40,859 the so-called seven princes of the Marquesas 586 00:31:40,881 --> 00:31:43,865 were giant alien-human hybrids? 587 00:31:44,021 --> 00:31:48,085 Hybrids who may have had access to extraterrestrial technologies 588 00:31:48,141 --> 00:31:51,141 that caused them to be thought of by the natives 589 00:31:50,901 --> 00:31:53,519 as kings or gods? 590 00:31:55,314 --> 00:31:58,859 And if so, could it be that the real reason 591 00:31:59,014 --> 00:32:01,345 these seven brothers left the Marquesas 592 00:32:01,401 --> 00:32:03,972 was not because they were fighting, 593 00:32:04,081 --> 00:32:07,025 but because they were fleeing for their lives, 594 00:32:07,027 --> 00:32:11,025 in fear of being killed and eaten by the natives? 595 00:32:11,081 --> 00:32:14,332 Ancient astronaut theorists say the answer 596 00:32:14,341 --> 00:32:16,185 is a profound yes, 597 00:32:16,261 --> 00:32:19,261 and believe that even more answers can be found 598 00:32:19,074 --> 00:32:23,279 not only by examining the stone statues of Easter Island, 599 00:32:23,301 --> 00:32:25,639 but by also taking a closer look 600 00:32:25,794 --> 00:32:27,852 at what some of them are wearing 601 00:32:28,007 --> 00:32:29,719 on their heads. 602 00:32:36,307 --> 00:32:38,745 Isolated in the vast expanse 603 00:32:38,821 --> 00:32:42,419 of the South Pacific, Easter Island remains 604 00:32:42,441 --> 00:32:46,032 a land of mystery. 605 00:32:46,041 --> 00:32:50,739 Since its discovery by Europeans in the 18th century, 606 00:32:50,894 --> 00:32:54,894 very little is still known about the people who once lived there, 607 00:32:53,701 --> 00:32:56,299 or their origins. 608 00:32:56,454 --> 00:32:59,152 But of all the mysteries involving the island 609 00:32:59,327 --> 00:33:02,059 otherwise known as Rapa Nui, 610 00:33:02,081 --> 00:33:04,819 the most persistent involve 611 00:33:04,841 --> 00:33:09,099 the nearly 900 megalithic statues known as moai, 612 00:33:09,254 --> 00:33:13,145 and why they were put here in the first place. 613 00:33:13,301 --> 00:33:16,312 The moai are considered to be 614 00:33:16,321 --> 00:33:19,779 no more than perhaps a thousand years old. 615 00:33:19,821 --> 00:33:22,939 However, it has been established 616 00:33:23,094 --> 00:33:26,279 that some of them penetrate down into the ground 617 00:33:26,434 --> 00:33:29,172 by a great amount of feet 618 00:33:29,174 --> 00:33:31,439 to reveal the rest of the body, 619 00:33:31,441 --> 00:33:33,605 not just the oversized head. 620 00:33:33,661 --> 00:33:37,725 And the amount of catenation suggests 621 00:33:37,901 --> 00:33:40,532 that they are infinitely older 622 00:33:40,687 --> 00:33:42,679 than a thousand years. 623 00:33:42,721 --> 00:33:46,459 They could go back many, many, many millennia. 624 00:33:48,041 --> 00:33:49,325 When you visit Easter Island, 625 00:33:49,381 --> 00:33:52,381 and you look at the sights there, the statues, 626 00:33:52,341 --> 00:33:55,341 the megalithic walls, you realize they're much older 627 00:33:55,267 --> 00:33:57,519 than what, you know, history tells us. 628 00:33:59,021 --> 00:34:01,499 Further clouding the issue 629 00:34:01,654 --> 00:34:05,659 is a discovery that was made in 2017. 630 00:34:05,814 --> 00:34:09,472 With the help of photography and 3-D modeling programs, 631 00:34:09,647 --> 00:34:13,979 archaeologists discovered that the 13-ton stone hats, 632 00:34:13,981 --> 00:34:17,219 known as pukao, on the Easter Island moai 633 00:34:17,241 --> 00:34:19,992 contain a wide diversity of petroglyphs, 634 00:34:20,147 --> 00:34:23,147 made by what appear to be different groups of people. 635 00:34:25,487 --> 00:34:29,592 The hats that are on top of the Easter Island moai 636 00:34:29,747 --> 00:34:31,747 are a little bit of a mystery. 637 00:34:31,554 --> 00:34:33,779 But recently, they've been analyzed, and carvings 638 00:34:33,801 --> 00:34:36,801 have been found on them, which has, like, questioned, 639 00:34:36,807 --> 00:34:40,205 you know, the idea of what they really represent. 640 00:34:40,261 --> 00:34:42,579 Perhaps there is something else going on here. 641 00:34:42,601 --> 00:34:44,545 It could well be 642 00:34:44,701 --> 00:34:46,959 that a number of different cultures 643 00:34:46,981 --> 00:34:49,119 lived on Easter Island. 644 00:34:51,707 --> 00:34:55,279 One of the most fascinating monuments on Easter Island 645 00:34:55,434 --> 00:34:58,805 is the stone platform, or ahu, 646 00:34:58,881 --> 00:35:01,152 known as Vinapu. 647 00:35:01,154 --> 00:35:04,565 And this is a huge megalithic construction 648 00:35:04,621 --> 00:35:06,872 that is essentially a wall 649 00:35:07,027 --> 00:35:10,452 made of cyclopean megalithic blocks 650 00:35:10,607 --> 00:35:13,939 that all interlock with each other. 651 00:35:13,961 --> 00:35:17,972 When you look at this, you cannot help but think 652 00:35:17,981 --> 00:35:21,752 of Cuzco in Peru. 653 00:35:21,927 --> 00:35:24,379 And there has to be a relationship 654 00:35:24,401 --> 00:35:26,059 between the two cultures. 655 00:35:26,234 --> 00:35:27,932 All of these 656 00:35:28,087 --> 00:35:31,952 part of a much bigger transmission of knowledge, 657 00:35:31,954 --> 00:35:34,445 where the belief, 658 00:35:34,447 --> 00:35:38,279 the common belief was an origin amongst the stars. 659 00:35:42,087 --> 00:35:44,792 If, as ancient astronaut theorists suggest, 660 00:35:44,881 --> 00:35:48,052 the seven moai that face out to sea 661 00:35:48,054 --> 00:35:51,832 really do represent a race of giant alien hybrid beings 662 00:35:51,834 --> 00:35:55,292 that fled the Marquesas Islands hundreds, and perhaps thousands, 663 00:35:55,294 --> 00:35:57,205 of years ago, 664 00:35:57,361 --> 00:36:00,539 do the hundreds of other moai 665 00:36:00,561 --> 00:36:02,625 represent their offspring? 666 00:36:02,681 --> 00:36:04,705 And if so, 667 00:36:04,881 --> 00:36:07,892 could they have had contact with other parts of the world, 668 00:36:07,981 --> 00:36:10,699 making Easter Island a virtual hub 669 00:36:10,854 --> 00:36:13,319 of extraterrestrial activity? 670 00:36:15,161 --> 00:36:18,559 Easter Island has also got 671 00:36:18,714 --> 00:36:21,714 the strong legend that it is the center of the world, 672 00:36:21,814 --> 00:36:24,485 or the "navel of the world." 673 00:36:24,641 --> 00:36:27,872 And there are various places around our planet 674 00:36:28,027 --> 00:36:31,105 that are said to be the "navel of the world." 675 00:36:31,281 --> 00:36:32,832 They're in Cuzco, 676 00:36:32,921 --> 00:36:34,865 at Delphi in Greece, 677 00:36:35,021 --> 00:36:36,519 at Sardinia, 678 00:36:36,674 --> 00:36:38,412 and in Egypt. 679 00:36:38,521 --> 00:36:41,925 In many cases, there's a stone ball 680 00:36:41,927 --> 00:36:45,392 that is marking this center-of-the-world spot. 681 00:36:45,567 --> 00:36:48,085 And we have that at Easter Island. 682 00:36:48,087 --> 00:36:50,105 These navels of the world 683 00:36:50,107 --> 00:36:52,872 are apparently power places, 684 00:36:52,874 --> 00:36:55,932 places of vortex, energy. 685 00:36:56,087 --> 00:36:58,150 It would seem that they are all connected 686 00:36:58,174 --> 00:37:02,292 to this worldwide energy grid. 687 00:37:02,294 --> 00:37:07,145 Why did this huge megalithic culture emerge here? 688 00:37:07,147 --> 00:37:09,745 Perhaps this tells us 689 00:37:09,921 --> 00:37:12,239 that there is some special quality 690 00:37:12,241 --> 00:37:14,365 with Easter Island, 691 00:37:14,521 --> 00:37:17,445 one that was recognized by the ancestors 692 00:37:17,601 --> 00:37:19,919 of the Rapa Nui culture. 693 00:37:21,761 --> 00:37:23,992 Were the seven moai that face the sea 694 00:37:23,994 --> 00:37:26,559 positioned so as to indicate a warning 695 00:37:26,561 --> 00:37:29,239 to those natives on the Marquesas that wanted 696 00:37:29,414 --> 00:37:33,052 to hunt them and eat them for their power? 697 00:37:33,227 --> 00:37:36,732 Or were they meant to serve as a commemoration 698 00:37:36,887 --> 00:37:40,732 not only of Easter Island's extraterrestrial origins 699 00:37:40,887 --> 00:37:45,832 but of the history of alien activity on our planet? 700 00:37:45,987 --> 00:37:49,565 As far as Giorgio Tsoukalos and David Childress are concerned, 701 00:37:49,721 --> 00:37:52,185 there still needs to be further investigation 702 00:37:52,261 --> 00:37:56,079 before those questions can be answered. 703 00:38:01,701 --> 00:38:04,299 On the last day of their incredible journey 704 00:38:04,474 --> 00:38:06,399 to the Marquesas Islands, 705 00:38:06,554 --> 00:38:09,012 ancient astronaut theorists Giorgio Tsoukalos 706 00:38:09,167 --> 00:38:10,879 and David Childress 707 00:38:10,881 --> 00:38:14,252 meet at a café on the island of Nuku Hiva. 708 00:38:14,254 --> 00:38:17,359 They are confident that their investigation 709 00:38:17,361 --> 00:38:20,361 has led to not only evidence of a direct link 710 00:38:20,281 --> 00:38:22,959 between the Marquesas and Easter Island 711 00:38:23,114 --> 00:38:25,379 but also a greater understanding 712 00:38:25,554 --> 00:38:28,632 as to the kinds of beings who lived on these islands 713 00:38:28,787 --> 00:38:31,452 thousands of years ago. 714 00:38:31,541 --> 00:38:35,759 Well, this was an in... incredible experience. 715 00:38:35,761 --> 00:38:38,761 From all the people we've talked to, these ancient civilizations 716 00:38:38,647 --> 00:38:43,425 are way older than what we were taught. 717 00:38:43,581 --> 00:38:45,581 Yeah, you have these strong connections 718 00:38:45,181 --> 00:38:47,181 from the Marquesas to Easter Island. 719 00:38:47,287 --> 00:38:50,685 And the idea of the-the flying turtle 720 00:38:50,841 --> 00:38:53,841 would be what you would think of as a disc... 721 00:38:52,714 --> 00:38:54,639 - Yes. - ...flying. 722 00:38:54,814 --> 00:38:57,439 They knew that turtles don't fly. 723 00:38:57,441 --> 00:39:01,185 So why would they have stories of flying turtles? 724 00:39:01,361 --> 00:39:05,245 If we had, uh, airships landing here, 725 00:39:05,401 --> 00:39:08,632 and then the people are-are wondering, 726 00:39:08,634 --> 00:39:10,739 how do these turtles fly? 727 00:39:10,741 --> 00:39:13,245 - Yes. - And the extraterrestrials 728 00:39:13,401 --> 00:39:17,465 tell them, "Well, they fly with this energy 729 00:39:17,621 --> 00:39:19,505 - "called mana." - Mm-hmm. 730 00:39:19,507 --> 00:39:23,892 And there, they transcribe this mana energy to-to everything. 731 00:39:24,047 --> 00:39:27,047 And, you know, it... the-the tikis have the mana, 732 00:39:26,721 --> 00:39:28,365 the stones have the mana. 733 00:39:28,541 --> 00:39:30,432 Uh, mana's everywhere. 734 00:39:30,587 --> 00:39:34,185 And, all of a sudden, something that was technological in origin 735 00:39:34,187 --> 00:39:35,565 becomes magic. 736 00:39:35,567 --> 00:39:37,379 It becomes sorcery. 737 00:39:37,401 --> 00:39:39,472 It becomes something divine. 738 00:39:39,474 --> 00:39:42,359 Everything that they're talking about 739 00:39:42,514 --> 00:39:45,199 and depicting would seem to be extraterrestrial. 740 00:39:45,201 --> 00:39:47,959 One of my favorite pieces that we saw 741 00:39:48,001 --> 00:39:51,759 was that tiki of this woman laying on the stomach 742 00:39:51,781 --> 00:39:54,145 and she's giving birth. 743 00:39:54,301 --> 00:39:58,301 But that's not the position in which to deliver a baby. 744 00:39:57,334 --> 00:40:00,645 To me, it looks like some sort of a flying object, 745 00:40:00,821 --> 00:40:04,252 where passengers are disembarking, or pilots. 746 00:40:04,407 --> 00:40:09,199 And if this is seen by someone who has never seen an airplane, 747 00:40:09,221 --> 00:40:11,221 well, then, for all intents and purposes, 748 00:40:11,134 --> 00:40:13,212 that thing is giving birth. 749 00:40:13,214 --> 00:40:16,214 So, to me, it's a... it's a wonderful 750 00:40:16,294 --> 00:40:19,265 and interesting misunderstanding. 751 00:40:19,441 --> 00:40:21,565 It really shows, I think, this connection 752 00:40:21,721 --> 00:40:23,859 between the Marquesas, 753 00:40:24,014 --> 00:40:28,705 perhaps also that these places are-are space ports, 754 00:40:28,707 --> 00:40:29,707 in a sense. 755 00:40:31,781 --> 00:40:34,119 And isn't necessarily, uh, 756 00:40:34,274 --> 00:40:37,539 the way that Western archaeologists tell the story. 757 00:40:39,801 --> 00:40:42,019 Whether it is tikis here in the Marquesas 758 00:40:42,041 --> 00:40:44,905 or moai in Easter Island, 759 00:40:45,061 --> 00:40:48,145 we're looking at misunderstood technology. 760 00:40:48,301 --> 00:40:51,172 Because I think that when you combine this 761 00:40:51,261 --> 00:40:53,439 with the old stories of legends 762 00:40:53,594 --> 00:40:55,594 of people descending from the sky 763 00:40:55,587 --> 00:40:58,585 with a lot of noise, smoke and fire, 764 00:40:58,741 --> 00:41:01,125 those depictions may represent 765 00:41:01,201 --> 00:41:03,925 either extraterrestrials themselves 766 00:41:04,081 --> 00:41:08,419 or craft that the extraterrestrials used. 767 00:41:08,441 --> 00:41:12,865 Were the seven stone sentinels of Easter Island 768 00:41:12,867 --> 00:41:15,867 placed there to commemorate what may once have been 769 00:41:15,727 --> 00:41:17,459 a land of giant hybrids, 770 00:41:17,614 --> 00:41:22,059 part human and part alien? 771 00:41:22,081 --> 00:41:26,039 As far as Giorgio Tsoukalos and David Childress are concerned, 772 00:41:26,214 --> 00:41:29,699 the answer is a profound yes. 773 00:41:29,721 --> 00:41:32,721 They also believe the ancient moai on Easter Island 774 00:41:32,607 --> 00:41:34,239 now serve a different, 775 00:41:34,394 --> 00:41:37,699 if perhaps unintended, purpose. 776 00:41:37,854 --> 00:41:40,165 Instead of silently standing guard, 777 00:41:40,341 --> 00:41:43,341 as if to protect the island and its secrets, 778 00:41:43,147 --> 00:41:46,845 the moai might actually be helping to reveal the truth 779 00:41:46,847 --> 00:41:50,239 about mankind's extraterrestrial history, 780 00:41:50,394 --> 00:41:54,625 a history that may very soon repeat itself when we, 781 00:41:54,627 --> 00:41:58,032 in the not-so-distant future, could come face-to-face 782 00:41:58,187 --> 00:42:01,045 with those same alien visitors 783 00:42:01,201 --> 00:42:05,012 who were once immortalized in stone.