1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,840 Best avocados, six for a fiver, ripe and ready to eat! 2 00:00:02,840 --> 00:00:05,160 All right, Annie, you have a good day, all right? 3 00:00:05,160 --> 00:00:07,520 Morning, Ian. Milan, you all right? 4 00:00:07,520 --> 00:00:08,800 Oh, yeah. Very good. 5 00:00:08,800 --> 00:00:11,760 Fresh avocados. Best in the North. 6 00:00:11,760 --> 00:00:13,760 Just those, please. Coming right up, darling. 7 00:00:15,560 --> 00:00:16,680 There you go, love. 8 00:00:16,680 --> 00:00:19,320 Tell you what, I'll throw in another one for free, yeah? 9 00:00:19,320 --> 00:00:21,480 As long as I see you back here tomorrow. 10 00:00:21,480 --> 00:00:23,520 What time do you call this? Bus was late. 11 00:00:23,520 --> 00:00:25,120 I'll be docking your wages, Leanne. 12 00:00:25,120 --> 00:00:27,640 One more late start, and I'll be letting you go. 13 00:00:27,640 --> 00:00:29,800 Couldn't break a 20 for us, could you, Carol? 14 00:00:29,800 --> 00:00:32,440 Oh, you're that cheeky. Last time today, all right? 15 00:00:34,760 --> 00:00:36,240 Cheers, Carol. 16 00:00:37,640 --> 00:00:40,520 So, Ian, how's the new pitch working out for you? 17 00:00:40,520 --> 00:00:43,200 Well, it's working great, man, yeah. The usual, mate. 18 00:00:44,360 --> 00:00:46,200 All right. There you go. 19 00:00:48,160 --> 00:00:49,560 Cheers, Danny. 20 00:00:49,560 --> 00:00:51,800 I notice your takings are up, then. 21 00:00:51,800 --> 00:00:54,520 All right, Tony. Onions, man. 22 00:00:54,520 --> 00:00:56,680 Let's get this lot out while it's fresh. 23 00:00:58,160 --> 00:01:01,000 Won't sell itself, will it, son? 24 00:01:02,760 --> 00:01:05,640 MUSIC PLAYING, LAUGHTER 25 00:01:07,040 --> 00:01:10,240 All done, Leanne. Sorted. 26 00:01:10,240 --> 00:01:12,120 Come on, girls, let's be having you! 27 00:01:12,120 --> 00:01:14,520 Howay, Onions, get another round in. Mine's a pint. 28 00:01:14,520 --> 00:01:17,760 We'll lose our table. Coming, coming! 29 00:01:19,520 --> 00:01:22,280 All right? Nice shirt, Danny! 30 00:01:22,280 --> 00:01:25,800 Fresh and sharp, or what? Wahey! 31 00:01:25,800 --> 00:01:28,000 Right, boys! Where were we? 32 00:01:28,000 --> 00:01:30,920 Danny. Don't you think you've had enough? 33 00:01:32,880 --> 00:01:34,320 A word. 34 00:01:35,800 --> 00:01:36,920 In private. 35 00:01:40,280 --> 00:01:41,560 INDISTINCT SHOUTING 36 00:01:41,560 --> 00:01:42,800 Danny! 37 00:01:45,960 --> 00:01:49,000 Danny! Danny, man, will you wait? 38 00:01:51,800 --> 00:01:54,200 There you go. Cheers, love. 39 00:02:06,640 --> 00:02:08,720 We best get t'bus, girls, come on. 40 00:02:08,720 --> 00:02:10,520 Bye, girls, see youse tomorrow. 41 00:02:10,520 --> 00:02:11,760 Bye. 42 00:02:20,720 --> 00:02:22,120 PHONE BUZZES 43 00:02:47,280 --> 00:02:50,520 ENGINE REVS 44 00:02:53,160 --> 00:02:54,800 TYRES SQUEAL, CRASH 45 00:03:05,360 --> 00:03:09,040 PHONE RINGS 46 00:04:04,120 --> 00:04:05,680 VERA: Thanks, love. OFFICER: Ma'am. 47 00:04:09,160 --> 00:04:12,000 Check in with her, make sure she's all right, yeah? 48 00:04:14,720 --> 00:04:17,440 Morning, ma'am. Mark. 49 00:04:17,440 --> 00:04:21,320 Morning, ma'am. Er, male fatality, early 20s. 50 00:04:21,320 --> 00:04:22,960 Hit-and-run, they said. 51 00:04:22,960 --> 00:04:25,240 Yeah, jogger found him first thing this morning. 52 00:04:26,960 --> 00:04:30,000 Deceased got a name? Yeah, Danny Meddon. 53 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:32,600 We found some business cards in his wallet. 54 00:04:32,600 --> 00:04:35,520 Oh, so he wasn't robbed, then? No, doesn't look like it. 55 00:04:35,520 --> 00:04:39,400 I mean, all the money's still there. No sign of a phone, though. 56 00:04:39,400 --> 00:04:41,640 Let's see that card. 57 00:04:41,640 --> 00:04:44,560 "Meddon's Fruit and Veg, Bentham Market." 58 00:04:44,560 --> 00:04:47,080 Oh, I know 'em. They've been there for years. 59 00:04:48,520 --> 00:04:50,920 It wouldn't hurt to give that number a ring. Ma'am. 60 00:04:54,320 --> 00:04:57,120 Hold up, watch where you're stepping. 61 00:04:59,640 --> 00:05:02,000 First impressions, focuses the mind. 62 00:05:02,000 --> 00:05:06,600 Huh, we sharing these first impressions? 63 00:05:06,600 --> 00:05:09,160 Injuries suggest he was hit by a moving vehicle. 64 00:05:09,160 --> 00:05:11,240 Well, I could've told you that. 65 00:05:11,240 --> 00:05:14,160 Multiple fractures to the left femur and pelvis, 66 00:05:14,160 --> 00:05:16,560 likely sustained at the moment of impact. 67 00:05:16,560 --> 00:05:18,840 Query internal bleeding. PM will tell us more. 68 00:05:18,840 --> 00:05:20,760 Time of death, any ideas? 69 00:05:20,760 --> 00:05:22,800 Rigor mortis in the hands and upper limbs, 70 00:05:22,800 --> 00:05:24,080 still some give in the legs, 71 00:05:24,080 --> 00:05:27,280 suggests he's been dead for around six to eight hours. 72 00:05:27,280 --> 00:05:29,320 So sometime late last night. 73 00:05:29,320 --> 00:05:32,040 We've got fragments of a broken headlight, 74 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:34,400 might help us narrow down the vehicle in question. 75 00:05:34,400 --> 00:05:37,080 Well, that's something at least we can work with. 76 00:05:39,760 --> 00:05:42,840 Hey. Thanks, Paula. 77 00:05:42,840 --> 00:05:46,200 Where's Aiden today? Er... Aiden? Perth. 78 00:05:46,200 --> 00:05:47,800 Perth? What's he doing in Scotland? 79 00:05:49,480 --> 00:05:52,480 Try Perth, Australia. What? 80 00:05:52,480 --> 00:05:53,640 You're shocked (?) 81 00:05:53,640 --> 00:05:56,280 Could've knocked me for six when I found out. Hm. 82 00:05:56,280 --> 00:05:59,200 It was his missus sent in the application, 83 00:05:59,200 --> 00:06:02,360 reckoned his prospects'd be better down under. 84 00:06:02,360 --> 00:06:04,440 Plus, her sister lives there. 85 00:06:04,440 --> 00:06:07,800 Kenny gives him six months. 86 00:06:07,800 --> 00:06:09,840 PHONE RINGS 87 00:06:12,280 --> 00:06:14,320 Ma'am, we've found the phone. 88 00:06:19,080 --> 00:06:22,160 Right, so there's the point of impact. 89 00:06:22,160 --> 00:06:26,560 His phone goes flying... and he ends up here. 90 00:06:26,560 --> 00:06:29,760 Absence of any skid marks suggests the vehicle was going at speed. 91 00:06:29,760 --> 00:06:32,000 No attempts to brake and avoid a collision. 92 00:06:32,000 --> 00:06:34,040 Yeah, might not have been time to stop. 93 00:06:34,040 --> 00:06:38,640 Random driver run him down accidently, fled the scene? 94 00:06:38,640 --> 00:06:40,280 Evidence might suggest otherwise. 95 00:06:40,280 --> 00:06:42,800 There are some tracks further down that we're investigating. 96 00:06:42,800 --> 00:06:45,360 So, could the driver have stopped eventually? 97 00:06:45,360 --> 00:06:47,120 To check if he's still alive. Aye... 98 00:06:48,600 --> 00:06:51,000 ..or to make sure he was dead. 99 00:06:55,600 --> 00:06:59,000 Give us a minute, won't you? Yep, cheers. Will do. 100 00:07:01,760 --> 00:07:05,720 We've pulled up a home address in East Bentham. 101 00:07:05,720 --> 00:07:08,200 Uniform are there now, but there's nobody home. 102 00:07:10,480 --> 00:07:13,400 Shirt sleeves, plenty of money. 103 00:07:13,400 --> 00:07:16,000 Sounds like a night on the town. 104 00:07:16,000 --> 00:07:18,480 So, what's he doing out here, middle of nowhere? 105 00:07:18,480 --> 00:07:21,080 Yeah, well, that's the thousand-dollar question, Kenny. 106 00:07:25,080 --> 00:07:28,440 Girlfriend? Whoever she is, she'll need tellin'. 107 00:07:48,080 --> 00:07:50,760 MILAN SHAH: No. No, no, you can't park there, I'm afraid. 108 00:07:50,760 --> 00:07:52,800 Who's in charge here, love? 109 00:07:52,800 --> 00:07:55,320 That'd be me, market inspector. Aye, Mr...? 110 00:07:55,320 --> 00:07:58,520 Shah. Milan Shah. Ah, DCI Stanhope. 111 00:07:58,520 --> 00:08:00,360 I'm here about Danny Meddon. 112 00:08:00,360 --> 00:08:01,840 What's he done now? 113 00:08:01,840 --> 00:08:05,120 Ah, now, his fruit and veg stall, is that a family concern? 114 00:08:05,120 --> 00:08:07,520 Yeah, Danny's dad owns the license, Tony Meddon. 115 00:08:07,520 --> 00:08:09,440 Yeah. And that's who I need to talk to, love. 116 00:08:09,440 --> 00:08:11,400 He hasn't shown his face here this morning. 117 00:08:11,400 --> 00:08:13,440 Left Onions to mind the shop, as usual. 118 00:08:13,440 --> 00:08:16,320 Onions? Right. Keep an eye on my motor, love. 119 00:08:17,800 --> 00:08:21,440 Er, I need a word, pet, somewhere quiet. 120 00:08:21,440 --> 00:08:23,480 I just can't believe it. 121 00:08:23,480 --> 00:08:26,440 Now, have you any idea where I'd find his mam and dad? 122 00:08:26,440 --> 00:08:29,080 It's best they hear about this from us. 123 00:08:29,080 --> 00:08:30,720 His mam died a while back, 124 00:08:30,720 --> 00:08:34,120 and I think his dad was headed to the wholesalers. 125 00:08:34,120 --> 00:08:36,200 Right. 126 00:08:36,200 --> 00:08:40,160 Now, were both you and Danny working on the stall yesterday? 127 00:08:40,160 --> 00:08:44,600 Aye, and then we went for drinks in The Tavern after work. 128 00:08:44,600 --> 00:08:47,120 Most of the stallholders end there after close. 129 00:08:47,120 --> 00:08:49,760 Yeah. Anything happen in the pub I should know about? 130 00:08:49,760 --> 00:08:51,800 Danny and his dad had a bit of a kick-off. 131 00:08:51,800 --> 00:08:54,640 So, what was this kick-off about? 132 00:08:54,640 --> 00:08:57,240 Tony told Danny he was thinking of selling up. 133 00:08:58,640 --> 00:09:02,120 Danny was livid, saw it as some kind of betrayal. 134 00:09:02,120 --> 00:09:04,520 So, how did it resolve itself? 135 00:09:04,520 --> 00:09:07,680 I got between them. Danny stormed out of there. 136 00:09:07,680 --> 00:09:12,120 And what time was this? Er, must've been around nine. 137 00:09:12,120 --> 00:09:14,680 When did his mam die? 138 00:09:14,680 --> 00:09:16,880 It's getting on six months now. 139 00:09:18,440 --> 00:09:21,760 Tony's been letting things slide with the business since. 140 00:09:21,760 --> 00:09:24,400 Me and Danny have been picking up the slack for him. 141 00:09:24,400 --> 00:09:27,200 What about a girlfriend? Good-looking lad. 142 00:09:28,880 --> 00:09:30,960 He liked to play the field. 143 00:09:32,840 --> 00:09:34,800 Do you recognise this face? 144 00:09:37,520 --> 00:09:39,200 No. 145 00:09:39,200 --> 00:09:40,800 No, I can't say I do, sorry. 146 00:09:40,800 --> 00:09:42,040 Hm. 147 00:09:43,640 --> 00:09:46,640 Now, I am gonna have to ask you this, love. 148 00:09:48,040 --> 00:09:51,640 Can you think of anyone who might've had it in for Danny? 149 00:09:51,640 --> 00:09:53,240 Maybe. 150 00:09:54,360 --> 00:09:57,760 You might wanna talk to Ian Headley. He's one of the other traders. 151 00:09:59,280 --> 00:10:00,720 Wanna tell me why? 152 00:10:00,720 --> 00:10:04,520 Few months ago... Tony falls behind on his subs. 153 00:10:04,520 --> 00:10:06,080 Comes into work one day, 154 00:10:06,080 --> 00:10:08,320 and he finds out the gaffer's handed Headley his pitch. 155 00:10:08,320 --> 00:10:10,960 What, the gaffer? You mean Mr Shah? Aye. 156 00:10:10,960 --> 00:10:12,800 Tony, he goes after Headley. 157 00:10:12,800 --> 00:10:15,400 He throws a punch, lands him an assault charge. 158 00:10:17,360 --> 00:10:19,320 He's been at odds with the Meddons ever since. 159 00:10:21,600 --> 00:10:23,840 Well, thanks, love. 160 00:10:23,840 --> 00:10:26,720 Look, I can't keep calling you Onions. 161 00:10:26,720 --> 00:10:28,400 What does your mam call you? 162 00:10:28,400 --> 00:10:31,240 Owen. It's Owen Duggan. 163 00:10:31,240 --> 00:10:33,480 Ah, well, thanks, Owen. 164 00:10:33,480 --> 00:10:35,800 We may need to talk again. 165 00:11:01,240 --> 00:11:04,200 Tony Meddon? Who's asking? 166 00:11:05,440 --> 00:11:08,240 I'm afraid I have some bad news for you, sir. 167 00:11:10,600 --> 00:11:12,600 Where'd you find him? 168 00:11:12,600 --> 00:11:15,880 Couple of miles outside town, Bentham Bridge. 169 00:11:15,880 --> 00:11:17,160 And what was he doing there? 170 00:11:17,160 --> 00:11:20,000 Well, I was hoping you'd know the answer to that. 171 00:11:20,000 --> 00:11:21,880 He was in the pub last time I saw him. 172 00:11:21,880 --> 00:11:23,960 Yeah, where the pair of you had a kick-off. 173 00:11:25,640 --> 00:11:28,920 We've been losing money hand over fist... 174 00:11:28,920 --> 00:11:30,600 ever since Gaynor died. 175 00:11:30,600 --> 00:11:34,120 Aye, I heard your wife had passed. I'm sorry, love. 176 00:11:34,120 --> 00:11:36,360 I told him I was done with it. 177 00:11:36,360 --> 00:11:38,880 You know, the stall, the grafting, early starts, 178 00:11:38,880 --> 00:11:40,240 none of it mattered any more. 179 00:11:40,240 --> 00:11:42,280 And what did he say to that? 180 00:11:44,440 --> 00:11:47,640 Some guff about the stall being his mam's legacy. 181 00:11:50,080 --> 00:11:52,520 Weren't you worried when he didn't come home last night? 182 00:11:52,520 --> 00:11:55,720 Nah. He'd been dossing down at Onions' place. 183 00:11:57,040 --> 00:11:58,480 Is that right? 184 00:12:01,440 --> 00:12:05,200 Now, I noticed you've got a broken headlight on your vehicle, sir. 185 00:12:05,200 --> 00:12:07,120 You know that's against the law. Aye. 186 00:12:07,120 --> 00:12:09,960 That'd be a fine, points on your licence. 187 00:12:09,960 --> 00:12:12,120 Do you wanna tell us how you came by it? 188 00:12:12,120 --> 00:12:15,520 I smashed it a few weeks ago. Hadn't had time to get it fixed. 189 00:12:15,520 --> 00:12:18,040 Did you report the accident? 190 00:12:18,040 --> 00:12:19,840 I'd let the insurance lapse. 191 00:12:19,840 --> 00:12:22,480 Well, that's six more points, probably lose your license. 192 00:12:22,480 --> 00:12:24,800 I've had a lot on my mind lately, you know. 193 00:12:27,680 --> 00:12:30,360 Well, lucky for you, that's not my department. 194 00:12:30,360 --> 00:12:33,720 But I will need you to ID the body, sir. 195 00:12:33,720 --> 00:12:35,280 Next of kin. 196 00:12:39,560 --> 00:12:43,080 Danny Meddon, 23 years old, market trader. 197 00:12:43,080 --> 00:12:47,040 He was killed last night in a hit-and-run at Bentham Bridge. 198 00:12:47,040 --> 00:12:49,840 Now, this may have been a random accident, 199 00:12:49,840 --> 00:12:51,600 but since it wasn't reported, 200 00:12:51,600 --> 00:12:53,600 we're treating it as a murder investigation 201 00:12:53,600 --> 00:12:55,680 until we know otherwise. 202 00:12:55,680 --> 00:12:57,880 Either way, we need to find that vehicle. 203 00:12:57,880 --> 00:13:00,160 Steph, surveillance. 204 00:13:00,160 --> 00:13:02,600 Er, there was no surveillance near the crime scene, ma'am. 205 00:13:02,600 --> 00:13:04,720 We're still checking ANPR and speed cameras. 206 00:13:04,720 --> 00:13:08,280 Now, Jac would have handed me a list of any stolen cars by now. 207 00:13:08,280 --> 00:13:11,040 Since she's back in Fraud, you need to step up. 208 00:13:11,040 --> 00:13:13,720 I'll make sure I'm across it, ma'am. Aye. 209 00:13:13,720 --> 00:13:15,280 As soon as you like. 210 00:13:15,280 --> 00:13:19,720 Now, we know the lad left The Market Tavern about 9pm 211 00:13:19,720 --> 00:13:23,720 after a stand-up row with his dad, Tony Meddon. 212 00:13:23,720 --> 00:13:27,480 Now, the two had been at odds since the lad's mam died. 213 00:13:27,480 --> 00:13:30,400 And there's a bit of a crust on the grieving husband, 214 00:13:30,400 --> 00:13:31,880 by all accounts. 215 00:13:31,880 --> 00:13:34,240 Er, I pulled out Tony Meddon's record, 216 00:13:34,240 --> 00:13:37,200 and he got six months suspended for that assault on Ian Headley. 217 00:13:37,200 --> 00:13:40,800 Right, so there's bad blood between the two of them. 218 00:13:40,800 --> 00:13:43,040 We need to talk to this fella. 219 00:13:43,040 --> 00:13:46,320 Right, I want legs down at that market. 220 00:13:46,320 --> 00:13:50,000 Anyone who knew Danny Meddon, anyone who saw him last night, 221 00:13:50,000 --> 00:13:51,760 anyone.... 222 00:13:54,560 --> 00:13:58,320 Well, look who the cat dragged in. 223 00:13:59,480 --> 00:14:01,280 I didn't mean to interrupt. 224 00:14:08,040 --> 00:14:11,200 Hey, it's nice of you to stop by, Joe. 225 00:14:11,200 --> 00:14:12,800 As some of you may remember, 226 00:14:12,800 --> 00:14:15,160 DS Ashworth used to be one of the team. 227 00:14:15,160 --> 00:14:18,080 It's DI Ashworth now, College of Policing. 228 00:14:18,080 --> 00:14:19,280 You must have been informed. 229 00:14:21,280 --> 00:14:23,720 What? That we're gonna be observing. 230 00:14:23,720 --> 00:14:27,560 Oh, aye, but I didn't know it was going to be you. 231 00:14:27,560 --> 00:14:29,760 Does that mean we're gonna be assessed, ma'am? 232 00:14:29,760 --> 00:14:30,880 SHE EXHALES 233 00:14:30,880 --> 00:14:33,520 Well, maybe DI Ashworth can answer that. 234 00:14:33,520 --> 00:14:35,000 And you are? 235 00:14:36,280 --> 00:14:38,760 Detective Constable Duncan. Steph. 236 00:14:38,760 --> 00:14:42,520 This force is one of a number being studied for comparative purposes. 237 00:14:42,520 --> 00:14:45,440 New codes of professional practice. 238 00:14:45,440 --> 00:14:47,120 So, why are we being singled out? 239 00:14:47,120 --> 00:14:51,680 Recent case summaries highlighted a lack of... strategic direction. 240 00:14:53,200 --> 00:14:55,400 What, and they've sent you to sort it out? 241 00:14:55,400 --> 00:14:57,680 We set national standards for key areas of policing. 242 00:14:57,680 --> 00:15:00,480 And we want all of those in law enforcement 243 00:15:00,480 --> 00:15:02,240 to understand their challenges. 244 00:15:02,240 --> 00:15:04,240 So, what's the deal here, Joe? 245 00:15:04,240 --> 00:15:05,640 You're snooping on us? 246 00:15:05,640 --> 00:15:08,480 I prefer to call it close scrutiny. 247 00:15:08,480 --> 00:15:10,640 And I'd rather you call me "sir". 248 00:15:14,240 --> 00:15:15,480 A word. 249 00:15:22,240 --> 00:15:23,680 I thought you might have missed us. 250 00:15:23,680 --> 00:15:25,720 Well, I don't know what gave you that idea. 251 00:15:25,720 --> 00:15:28,440 You swan in here in a new coat, no word of warning. 252 00:15:28,440 --> 00:15:30,440 Like I say, I'm just observing. 253 00:15:30,440 --> 00:15:32,440 And do I get any say in this? 254 00:15:32,440 --> 00:15:33,920 It was all above my pay grade. 255 00:15:33,920 --> 00:15:36,960 There are plenty of forces who aren't up to scratch. 256 00:15:36,960 --> 00:15:39,360 There's no suggestion that anyone's underperforming. 257 00:15:39,360 --> 00:15:42,080 Well, that's exactly what it sounded like to me. 258 00:15:42,080 --> 00:15:44,240 Listen, I'm gonna be ticking some boxes. 259 00:15:44,240 --> 00:15:45,560 A few recommendations, 260 00:15:45,560 --> 00:15:48,160 intelligence requirements, operational priorities. 261 00:15:48,160 --> 00:15:49,720 Vera, you won't even know I'm here. 262 00:15:49,720 --> 00:15:53,400 Oh, right. Well, in that case, I've got a murder to solve. 263 00:15:56,480 --> 00:15:58,760 And I'd rather you called me "ma'am". 264 00:16:05,600 --> 00:16:07,480 And he didn't seem out of the ordinary to you? 265 00:16:07,480 --> 00:16:09,600 Excuse me, sir. All right, thank you for your time. 266 00:16:09,600 --> 00:16:12,480 You should've been issued with standardised questionnaires. 267 00:16:12,480 --> 00:16:14,680 You'll have to take that one up with the boss. 268 00:16:16,560 --> 00:16:18,320 How long are we gonna have to live with this? 269 00:16:18,320 --> 00:16:20,120 Oh, as long as it takes, Kenny. 270 00:16:20,120 --> 00:16:21,960 We do our job. Nothing to worry about. 271 00:16:21,960 --> 00:16:23,600 Mr Shah? Wait! 272 00:16:23,600 --> 00:16:25,320 Basma. Yeah. 273 00:16:25,320 --> 00:16:28,120 What are you doing here? Well, Carol told us about Danny. 274 00:16:28,120 --> 00:16:29,880 I thought maybe I could be of some help. 275 00:16:29,880 --> 00:16:32,360 You're not helping anyone, Basma. Just go home. 276 00:16:32,360 --> 00:16:34,440 Must be the missus. Hmm. 277 00:16:34,440 --> 00:16:38,560 Excuse me, is this absolutely necessary? 278 00:16:38,560 --> 00:16:41,560 We're investigating a murder, Mr Shah. 279 00:16:41,560 --> 00:16:44,240 Yeah, I understand that, but how's this gonna look? 280 00:16:44,240 --> 00:16:46,160 You all questioning my stallholders. 281 00:16:46,160 --> 00:16:48,400 Oh, well, the sooner we're finished... 282 00:16:48,400 --> 00:16:50,520 So, where will I find Ian Headley? 283 00:16:52,080 --> 00:16:54,200 If it's lunch, he'll be in the cafe. 284 00:16:58,800 --> 00:17:00,920 Danny was shooting his mouth off as usual. 285 00:17:00,920 --> 00:17:02,680 Thought it was going to come to blows. 286 00:17:02,680 --> 00:17:05,080 Called his dad out in front of all the traders. 287 00:17:05,080 --> 00:17:08,360 Well, that wouldn't have gone down too well. 288 00:17:08,360 --> 00:17:10,040 Tony Meddon's a piece of work. 289 00:17:10,040 --> 00:17:12,680 Son... was a chip off the old block. 290 00:17:14,040 --> 00:17:16,800 Well, you and the Meddons have history. 291 00:17:16,800 --> 00:17:19,960 Well, just market banter. Things got out of hand. 292 00:17:19,960 --> 00:17:23,560 Yeah, Tony Meddon took a pop at you for stealing his pitch. 293 00:17:23,560 --> 00:17:25,880 The Meddons liked to think they owned this market. 294 00:17:25,880 --> 00:17:27,680 Plenty of people in their pocket. 295 00:17:27,680 --> 00:17:30,400 Well, that's a bit of an accusation. 296 00:17:30,400 --> 00:17:31,880 HE SIGHS 297 00:17:31,880 --> 00:17:34,800 Look, you might want to search that lock-up. 298 00:17:34,800 --> 00:17:36,800 Wasn't just apples and pears they were selling. 299 00:17:37,960 --> 00:17:40,120 You're gonna have to give me more than that, love. 300 00:17:40,120 --> 00:17:41,880 HE SIGHS 301 00:17:41,880 --> 00:17:44,680 Danny was flogging knock-off fags. Everyone knew it. 302 00:17:44,680 --> 00:17:47,080 I brought it up with Milan, the market inspector. 303 00:17:47,080 --> 00:17:50,080 Said it was none of my concern. Meaning? 304 00:17:50,080 --> 00:17:52,360 Well, clearly, he was in on it. 305 00:17:53,920 --> 00:17:55,520 What time did you leave the pub? 306 00:17:55,520 --> 00:17:59,240 Eh, must've been about 11. Headed straight for home. 307 00:17:59,240 --> 00:18:01,680 See Danny on your travels? 308 00:18:02,760 --> 00:18:03,800 Can't say I did. 309 00:18:05,280 --> 00:18:06,320 But... 310 00:18:07,840 --> 00:18:10,080 ..Danny Meddon was bad news. 311 00:18:10,080 --> 00:18:12,240 Ask anyone on the market. 312 00:18:12,240 --> 00:18:14,400 That lad got everything that was coming to him. 313 00:18:16,720 --> 00:18:18,240 I'll leave you to your fry-up. 314 00:18:26,280 --> 00:18:27,760 BELL RINGS 315 00:18:32,120 --> 00:18:34,760 Mark, get a warrant to search the Meddons' lock-up. 316 00:18:34,760 --> 00:18:37,120 Rumour has it they've been selling dodgy fags. 317 00:18:37,120 --> 00:18:38,200 Ma'am. 318 00:18:39,680 --> 00:18:41,720 They've got enough to contend with, Joe, 319 00:18:41,720 --> 00:18:43,440 without you breathing down their necks. 320 00:18:43,440 --> 00:18:45,720 There are guidelines and procedures. 321 00:18:45,720 --> 00:18:47,600 When did you get so by-the-book? 322 00:18:47,600 --> 00:18:50,160 Well, maybe if you'd warned them they were being assessed. 323 00:18:50,160 --> 00:18:51,560 VERA SIGHS Ma'am! 324 00:18:54,560 --> 00:18:56,840 Barmaid confirmed Danny'd had a skinful. 325 00:18:56,840 --> 00:18:58,760 Left the pub around 9pm with Onions. 326 00:18:58,760 --> 00:19:01,160 His name's Owen Duggan. 327 00:19:01,160 --> 00:19:03,040 He left at 9pm? 328 00:19:03,040 --> 00:19:05,200 That's two or three hours unaccounted for. 329 00:19:05,200 --> 00:19:08,040 Kenny tells me you're in charge? 330 00:19:08,040 --> 00:19:11,040 Oh, your acquainted with DC Lockhart? 331 00:19:11,040 --> 00:19:14,760 He buys his pants from my stall. Has done for years now. 332 00:19:14,760 --> 00:19:18,120 Carol runs the stall next to the Meddons'. 333 00:19:18,120 --> 00:19:21,480 Ah, so you would've known the lad quite well? 334 00:19:21,480 --> 00:19:24,600 Me and his mam were mates. Gaynor Meddon. 335 00:19:24,600 --> 00:19:26,400 Only one who could keep him in line. 336 00:19:26,400 --> 00:19:29,320 Ah, he was a bit of a charmer, by all accounts. 337 00:19:29,320 --> 00:19:32,360 Oh, Danny was a proper ladies' man. 338 00:19:32,360 --> 00:19:35,480 Well, any ladies in particular we should be talking to? 339 00:19:35,480 --> 00:19:37,840 Well, you might wanna start with Leanne. 340 00:19:37,840 --> 00:19:39,560 Helps us out sometimes if I need her. 341 00:19:39,560 --> 00:19:41,400 Ah, is she here today? 342 00:19:41,400 --> 00:19:44,760 No. Late for work yesterday and hasn't turned up at all today. 343 00:19:44,760 --> 00:19:48,480 Now, this kick-off in the pub last night, 344 00:19:48,480 --> 00:19:51,280 that wasn't just to do with him selling up? 345 00:19:52,800 --> 00:19:55,040 Danny adored his mam. 346 00:19:55,040 --> 00:19:58,640 After she passed, well, he were lost. 347 00:19:58,640 --> 00:20:01,640 And it all came out at the funeral. What? 348 00:20:01,640 --> 00:20:05,440 Tony only goes and tells him he's adopted. 349 00:20:05,440 --> 00:20:07,160 Not even a real Meddon. 350 00:20:07,160 --> 00:20:10,360 What, and he hadn't known he was adopted? 351 00:20:10,360 --> 00:20:13,520 Knocked him for six. Drove a real wedge between them. 352 00:20:14,760 --> 00:20:18,520 Now, Mrs Shah, I saw you talking to her earlier, 353 00:20:18,520 --> 00:20:20,560 was she also a friend of Danny's mam? 354 00:20:20,560 --> 00:20:21,640 Well, used to be. 355 00:20:21,640 --> 00:20:24,480 Basma and Milan ran a stall together. 356 00:20:24,480 --> 00:20:26,280 Hmm. 357 00:20:26,280 --> 00:20:28,320 OK. Leanne's address, love. 358 00:20:28,320 --> 00:20:30,600 She lives out in one of the villages. 359 00:20:30,600 --> 00:20:32,520 She's on the books, isn't she? 360 00:20:33,520 --> 00:20:36,040 I'm sure I can find one somewhere. 361 00:20:38,800 --> 00:20:41,920 So, what have we learned from these stallholders? 362 00:20:41,920 --> 00:20:44,520 Aside from where Kenny buys his pants. 363 00:20:44,520 --> 00:20:46,520 CHUCKLING 364 00:20:46,520 --> 00:20:48,880 Now, we know the lad had a bit of a rep. 365 00:20:48,880 --> 00:20:51,040 Fancied himself as the market gigolo. 366 00:20:51,040 --> 00:20:53,120 Might explain where he was for those missing hours. 367 00:20:53,120 --> 00:20:55,720 What about this sideline in dodgy fags? 368 00:20:55,720 --> 00:20:59,240 Err, I ran a background check on Milan Shah. Come back clean. 369 00:20:59,240 --> 00:21:03,080 Well, if he is taking sweeteners to turn a blind eye, 370 00:21:03,080 --> 00:21:04,680 that puts him in the frame. 371 00:21:04,680 --> 00:21:07,040 I'm not aware of any evidence to support that. 372 00:21:07,040 --> 00:21:09,600 Well, we'd better get a wiggle on and find some, then! 373 00:21:09,600 --> 00:21:11,920 Just trying to establish your line of inquiry. 374 00:21:11,920 --> 00:21:14,320 I wasn't aware you were part of this briefing. 375 00:21:14,320 --> 00:21:15,680 Just ticking those boxes. 376 00:21:16,800 --> 00:21:18,160 What about passive data? 377 00:21:19,360 --> 00:21:21,280 Kenny, passive data? 378 00:21:21,280 --> 00:21:22,840 Ma'am? 379 00:21:22,840 --> 00:21:24,120 Phone logs. 380 00:21:24,120 --> 00:21:27,440 Phone logs, bank statements, computer records. 381 00:21:27,440 --> 00:21:30,160 Could give us everything we need to know about Danny Meddon. 382 00:21:30,160 --> 00:21:34,880 Well, how about three missed calls from Leanne Barrie 383 00:21:34,880 --> 00:21:37,120 the evening he was murdered. 384 00:21:37,120 --> 00:21:39,640 She lives with her parents in Fourstones, ma'am. 385 00:21:39,640 --> 00:21:41,440 Fourstones? 386 00:21:41,440 --> 00:21:46,000 Well, that's not a million miles from where we found his body. 387 00:21:47,680 --> 00:21:49,560 Right. 388 00:21:49,560 --> 00:21:51,840 I'm off to Fourstones. 389 00:21:51,840 --> 00:21:53,840 Mind if I tag along? VERA SIGHS 390 00:21:53,840 --> 00:21:55,200 Do I have a choice? 391 00:21:58,920 --> 00:22:01,480 OK, I get it. You'd rather I wasn't across this. 392 00:22:01,480 --> 00:22:03,840 Ah, he's got something right. 393 00:22:03,840 --> 00:22:06,320 There's always room for improvement, that's all I'm saying. 394 00:22:06,320 --> 00:22:08,720 So, this lack of strategic direction, 395 00:22:08,720 --> 00:22:11,160 I'm guessing that's a pop at me? 396 00:22:11,160 --> 00:22:13,680 I know that you lost a couple of your team recently. 397 00:22:14,680 --> 00:22:17,400 Jac was offered promotion. 398 00:22:17,400 --> 00:22:19,400 We were sorry to see her go. 399 00:22:19,400 --> 00:22:22,280 I'd never stand in anyone's way, as you well know. 400 00:22:22,280 --> 00:22:23,480 DS Healey? 401 00:22:23,480 --> 00:22:25,640 He fancied his prospects down under. 402 00:22:25,640 --> 00:22:27,680 Now, I suppose that's my fault as well? 403 00:22:27,680 --> 00:22:30,360 It's all about inspiring common purpose. 404 00:22:30,360 --> 00:22:32,320 Building an inclusive workplace. 405 00:22:32,320 --> 00:22:33,960 Meaning? 406 00:22:35,400 --> 00:22:37,440 You never did learn to delegate, did you? 407 00:22:37,440 --> 00:22:38,920 I mean, look at a copper like Kenny. 408 00:22:38,920 --> 00:22:41,280 You ever stopped to think about his personal development? 409 00:22:41,280 --> 00:22:43,520 I think he's a tad past that, don't you? 410 00:22:45,360 --> 00:22:47,360 You're not still driving that old thing, are you? 411 00:22:47,360 --> 00:22:48,400 Yeah, what if I am? 412 00:22:48,400 --> 00:22:50,440 Well, I think resources would be better spent 413 00:22:50,440 --> 00:22:51,800 maintaining a newer vehicle. 414 00:22:51,800 --> 00:22:54,280 Well, if the vehicle doesn't meet your exacting standards, 415 00:22:54,280 --> 00:22:55,880 you can drive yourself there. 416 00:22:57,640 --> 00:22:59,880 ENGINE REVS 417 00:23:37,080 --> 00:23:40,320 Now, we're here about the death of one of the stallholders, 418 00:23:40,320 --> 00:23:41,600 a Danny Meddon. 419 00:23:41,600 --> 00:23:44,080 Found on Bentham Bridge. What? 420 00:23:45,320 --> 00:23:49,480 Hey, I'm sorry, love. It was a hit-and-run last night. 421 00:23:50,640 --> 00:23:51,760 WHISPERS: Right. 422 00:23:53,720 --> 00:23:56,680 Now, can you tell us about your relationship with the deceased? 423 00:23:56,680 --> 00:23:58,400 There's nothing to tell. 424 00:23:58,400 --> 00:24:01,640 Ah, well, we know you called him three times last night 425 00:24:01,640 --> 00:24:02,760 after he left the pub. 426 00:24:02,760 --> 00:24:04,320 You said you were out with the girls. 427 00:24:04,320 --> 00:24:05,520 I was. 428 00:24:05,520 --> 00:24:07,400 I never wanted Leanne to take that job. 429 00:24:07,400 --> 00:24:09,040 They don't need to hear all this, Alun. 430 00:24:09,040 --> 00:24:11,520 I could've put in a word at the factory. 431 00:24:11,520 --> 00:24:12,920 Where is it you work, Mr Barrie? 432 00:24:12,920 --> 00:24:17,040 Camley's. Shop floor manager, been there 25 years. 433 00:24:17,040 --> 00:24:19,240 This was her chance to get out of the village. 434 00:24:19,240 --> 00:24:20,520 Make some new friends. 435 00:24:20,520 --> 00:24:22,520 She doesn't need friends like Danny Meddon. 436 00:24:22,520 --> 00:24:24,560 I told him to stay away. 437 00:24:24,560 --> 00:24:26,240 You never gave him a chance! 438 00:24:26,240 --> 00:24:29,840 Look, we just need to establish the lad's movements 439 00:24:29,840 --> 00:24:31,200 prior to the incident. 440 00:24:33,960 --> 00:24:35,920 Yeah, well... 441 00:24:38,680 --> 00:24:40,760 We were all set on leaving last night. 442 00:24:40,760 --> 00:24:42,960 I'd packed a bag. 443 00:24:42,960 --> 00:24:45,720 You finally would've been shot of us! 444 00:25:00,000 --> 00:25:04,160 Now, Carol at the market tells us that you and Danny were close. 445 00:25:04,160 --> 00:25:06,480 Danny looked out for us. 446 00:25:06,480 --> 00:25:08,640 Said we had a special connection. 447 00:25:10,320 --> 00:25:13,920 So, this plan for the pair of you to leave Bentham last night, 448 00:25:13,920 --> 00:25:15,280 was that his idea? 449 00:25:15,280 --> 00:25:17,520 We decided a couple of days ago. 450 00:25:17,520 --> 00:25:20,400 We only booked the tickets last night on his tablet. 451 00:25:20,400 --> 00:25:21,760 The last coach down to London. 452 00:25:21,760 --> 00:25:25,880 So, the pair of you are all set to get this coach. Then what? 453 00:25:25,880 --> 00:25:28,280 Got roped into that dinner with Carol and the girls, 454 00:25:28,280 --> 00:25:30,440 so he said he'd meet us at the coach station later. 455 00:25:31,720 --> 00:25:34,440 Kept calling him. No answer. 456 00:25:34,440 --> 00:25:37,800 Stood there at the station for over an hour. 457 00:25:37,800 --> 00:25:40,640 Obviously, he wasn't coming, so I caught a cab back to the village. 458 00:25:43,160 --> 00:25:45,920 Did Danny tell you he was adopted? 459 00:25:47,680 --> 00:25:49,600 He didn't want it getting around the market. 460 00:25:49,600 --> 00:25:51,960 PHONE RINGS 461 00:25:53,520 --> 00:25:54,600 Hello. 462 00:25:54,600 --> 00:25:56,240 Yeah. OK. 463 00:25:58,040 --> 00:26:00,000 He told me he'd tracked down his birth mother. 464 00:26:01,120 --> 00:26:03,960 What? When was this? 465 00:26:03,960 --> 00:26:05,320 Few months ago. 466 00:26:05,320 --> 00:26:08,920 I asked him how it went. He closed it down. 467 00:26:08,920 --> 00:26:10,560 Did he tell you her name? 468 00:26:11,720 --> 00:26:14,120 Never mentioned her again. Oh. 469 00:26:15,680 --> 00:26:19,960 I think she might've lived somewhere in South Shields. 470 00:26:19,960 --> 00:26:22,080 Oh, thanks, pet. 471 00:26:25,160 --> 00:26:26,680 So, what are we thinking? 472 00:26:26,680 --> 00:26:28,720 I'm thinking you should keep your nose out of it. 473 00:26:28,720 --> 00:26:32,040 Stuck up in the sticks, parents who don't understand her. 474 00:26:32,040 --> 00:26:35,440 Along comes a good-looking lad... 475 00:26:35,440 --> 00:26:37,720 Sounds to me like he was stringing her along. 476 00:26:37,720 --> 00:26:39,680 Oh, that's a fella's take on it, is it? 477 00:26:39,680 --> 00:26:40,920 Hey, I'm just trying to help. 478 00:26:40,920 --> 00:26:45,240 Oh, well, come on, then, since we're sharing, enlighten us. 479 00:26:45,240 --> 00:26:46,640 He's got a family business to run. 480 00:26:46,640 --> 00:26:49,320 The last thing he's gonna do is run away with a lovesick teenager. 481 00:26:50,880 --> 00:26:53,200 So, are you still with Celine? 482 00:26:53,200 --> 00:26:55,040 Aye. 483 00:26:55,040 --> 00:26:57,280 And the kids OK, 484 00:26:57,280 --> 00:26:59,680 Thingy and... Whatsherface? 485 00:26:59,680 --> 00:27:03,240 Michael and Jessie? They're fine. 486 00:27:04,440 --> 00:27:06,040 Oh, and the bairn? 487 00:27:06,040 --> 00:27:07,840 The bairn's 13 now. 488 00:27:07,840 --> 00:27:10,600 Well, I'll expect you'll be missing them. 489 00:27:10,600 --> 00:27:12,000 PHONE RINGS Yeah. 490 00:27:12,000 --> 00:27:15,880 Part of the job, innit? Long stints away from home. 491 00:27:15,880 --> 00:27:18,360 Well, this used to be your home. 492 00:27:18,360 --> 00:27:20,400 Mark? 493 00:27:23,680 --> 00:27:25,440 Ma'am. Hang on, hang on. 494 00:27:25,440 --> 00:27:27,200 Have you applied for a search warrant? 495 00:27:27,200 --> 00:27:28,600 Do I need one? I know what's right. 496 00:27:28,600 --> 00:27:30,840 Well, so do I, love. 497 00:27:30,840 --> 00:27:33,520 Come on, get this open. 498 00:27:33,520 --> 00:27:36,160 Let's have a look inside. Here we go. 499 00:27:41,960 --> 00:27:43,240 Look, can I...? 500 00:27:43,240 --> 00:27:44,800 Can you stand back, sir? 501 00:27:44,800 --> 00:27:47,640 ONLOOKERS CHATTER 502 00:28:01,760 --> 00:28:02,920 Ma'am. 503 00:28:04,200 --> 00:28:06,080 Ma'am. 504 00:28:10,000 --> 00:28:12,240 I swear, I had no idea that they were in there. 505 00:28:12,240 --> 00:28:14,080 I don't even have a key. 506 00:28:25,800 --> 00:28:28,680 Ooh, not looking good with Trading Standards. 507 00:28:28,680 --> 00:28:31,320 Yeah, well, I'll need to write up a report. 508 00:28:31,320 --> 00:28:34,920 Oh, what, make sure you cover your back? 509 00:28:34,920 --> 00:28:36,520 Sorry, what's that supposed to mean? 510 00:28:36,520 --> 00:28:39,520 That lock-up is full of knock-off gear. 511 00:28:39,520 --> 00:28:42,720 I had no idea. Ah, that's not gonna wash, love. 512 00:28:42,720 --> 00:28:45,640 Cos I know Ian Headley tipped you the wink. 513 00:28:45,640 --> 00:28:47,680 Ian Headley likes to stir up trouble. 514 00:28:47,680 --> 00:28:51,200 The Meddons haven't paid their subs here for weeks, 515 00:28:51,200 --> 00:28:53,400 and yet you still keep 'em on the market. 516 00:28:53,400 --> 00:28:57,400 Tony's wife died. I could hardly send them packing. 517 00:28:57,400 --> 00:29:01,080 What, so you just turn a blind eye to whatever it is they're doing? 518 00:29:01,080 --> 00:29:05,320 Now, how much is that little favour worth, I wonder? 519 00:29:06,880 --> 00:29:08,720 You think I was in on this? 520 00:29:08,720 --> 00:29:10,440 I run a reputable market. 521 00:29:10,440 --> 00:29:13,000 There's nothing reputable about the Meddons. 522 00:29:13,000 --> 00:29:15,720 And from what I've been hearing, it's them who run this place. 523 00:29:15,720 --> 00:29:16,960 Yeah, I think we're done here. 524 00:29:16,960 --> 00:29:19,120 We're done when I say we're done. 525 00:29:19,120 --> 00:29:23,880 Now, what time did you last see Danny Meddon? 526 00:29:27,600 --> 00:29:29,440 Around closing yesterday. 527 00:29:29,440 --> 00:29:31,000 He was on his way to The Tavern. 528 00:29:31,000 --> 00:29:32,480 You not go to the pub? 529 00:29:32,480 --> 00:29:35,000 I never mix with the traders outside of work hours. 530 00:29:35,000 --> 00:29:36,040 Ah. 531 00:29:36,040 --> 00:29:39,480 I left the market around seven and went home to my wife. 532 00:29:39,480 --> 00:29:42,360 And I assume she'll vouch for that? 533 00:29:42,360 --> 00:29:45,160 Yeah, if she needs to. PHONE RINGS 534 00:29:45,160 --> 00:29:49,600 Ah, here's Tony now. I'll leave you to give him the news. 535 00:29:58,400 --> 00:29:59,480 Yeah? 536 00:30:07,680 --> 00:30:10,080 Leave it on my desk. OK, ma'am. 537 00:30:12,400 --> 00:30:14,160 Oh, still here, then? 538 00:30:14,160 --> 00:30:15,840 I thought I might sit in for this one. 539 00:30:15,840 --> 00:30:17,920 What, for old times' sake? 540 00:30:17,920 --> 00:30:19,240 Just observing, remember? 541 00:30:19,240 --> 00:30:22,000 Yeah. It's a non-speaking role. 542 00:30:28,040 --> 00:30:32,840 47 cartons of contraband cigarettes hidden under your satsumas. 543 00:30:32,840 --> 00:30:36,760 Handbags, perfume under your pomegranates! 544 00:30:36,760 --> 00:30:38,760 Danny sold all that on the side. 545 00:30:38,760 --> 00:30:40,560 Any cash went straight into his pocket. 546 00:30:40,560 --> 00:30:43,440 So where's he getting this knock-off gear from? 547 00:30:43,440 --> 00:30:45,880 Straight off one of the ships, is what he... he said. 548 00:30:45,880 --> 00:30:48,080 But I-I don't know, I didn't ask any questions. 549 00:30:48,080 --> 00:30:50,080 Well, that's very convenient. 550 00:30:50,080 --> 00:30:53,520 I warned him he was getting himself in trouble. 551 00:30:53,520 --> 00:30:56,960 Oh, so he's dealing with people you wouldn't wanna mess with? 552 00:30:56,960 --> 00:30:59,280 Hmm. And was his dad part of all this? 553 00:31:00,240 --> 00:31:01,680 If he finds out that I'm talking... 554 00:31:01,680 --> 00:31:04,880 What, he'll take a pop at you? We know he's got form for that. 555 00:31:06,000 --> 00:31:09,120 Now, then, Danny's tablet. 556 00:31:09,120 --> 00:31:11,240 Any idea where that might be? 557 00:31:11,240 --> 00:31:13,320 Why would I know that? 558 00:31:13,320 --> 00:31:16,760 Well, to start with, he's been kipping on your floor. 559 00:31:16,760 --> 00:31:18,600 Another thing you failed to mention. 560 00:31:18,600 --> 00:31:20,440 He had nowhere else to go. 561 00:31:20,440 --> 00:31:24,800 Your mate leaves the pub, steaming drunk, 562 00:31:24,800 --> 00:31:27,200 doesn't turn up for work the next morning. 563 00:31:27,200 --> 00:31:30,680 Didn't you think to give him a ring, find out if he was OK? 564 00:31:30,680 --> 00:31:32,920 Danny was always disappearing. 565 00:31:32,920 --> 00:31:35,520 He wouldn't show up for days sometimes. 566 00:31:35,520 --> 00:31:37,560 Any idea where he went? 567 00:31:37,560 --> 00:31:39,040 I wasn't his keeper. 568 00:31:39,040 --> 00:31:42,240 Did you know that Danny had met up with his birth mother? 569 00:31:42,240 --> 00:31:43,960 Who told you that, then? 570 00:31:43,960 --> 00:31:46,600 Well, he confided as much to Leanne Barrie. 571 00:31:47,800 --> 00:31:50,040 Reckons she was his girlfriend. 572 00:31:51,120 --> 00:31:52,720 She'd only known him five minutes. 573 00:31:52,720 --> 00:31:55,840 Selling contraband tobacco's a serious offence. 574 00:31:55,840 --> 00:31:59,520 You could be looking at a fine, possible custodial sentence. 575 00:31:59,520 --> 00:32:01,360 Yeah, well, here's the thing, pet, 576 00:32:01,360 --> 00:32:04,560 I couldn't give a stuff about these dodgy fags. 577 00:32:04,560 --> 00:32:09,080 I just want to find out who killed your mate. 578 00:32:09,080 --> 00:32:13,960 So if there's anything at all you've neglected to tell me, 579 00:32:13,960 --> 00:32:16,040 now would be a good time. 580 00:32:21,440 --> 00:32:23,360 Right. 581 00:32:23,360 --> 00:32:24,640 Wait. 582 00:32:25,840 --> 00:32:30,560 Danny broke into Headley's van and stole some shirts and some tops. 583 00:32:32,200 --> 00:32:33,960 Did he? 584 00:32:33,960 --> 00:32:35,160 And when was this? 585 00:32:35,160 --> 00:32:36,960 It was a few days ago. 586 00:32:38,400 --> 00:32:41,560 Danny got a kick out of riling Headley up. 587 00:32:41,560 --> 00:32:43,360 He said he needed putting in his place. 588 00:32:43,360 --> 00:32:45,960 Was this theft reported? No. 589 00:32:45,960 --> 00:32:48,480 Headley was probably too scared to. 590 00:32:48,480 --> 00:32:50,880 Oh, not surprised. 591 00:32:50,880 --> 00:32:52,280 Last time, he got a thump. 592 00:32:52,280 --> 00:32:54,000 So, that night, 593 00:32:54,000 --> 00:32:56,680 Danny comes into the pub wearing one of these shirts. 594 00:32:58,720 --> 00:33:02,240 And the look on Headley's face... 595 00:33:03,240 --> 00:33:05,480 Right. 596 00:33:05,480 --> 00:33:07,400 Listen, you're not gonna charge us 597 00:33:07,400 --> 00:33:09,200 for that stuff in the lock-up, are you? 598 00:33:09,200 --> 00:33:12,800 No, that licence is in Tony Meddon's name. 599 00:33:12,800 --> 00:33:15,400 He'll have to deal with the fallout. 600 00:33:15,400 --> 00:33:17,800 But if I find out you've been lying to me, 601 00:33:17,800 --> 00:33:20,480 a fine's gonna be the least of your worries. 602 00:33:20,480 --> 00:33:24,080 Interview terminated, 9:32. 603 00:33:24,080 --> 00:33:26,280 DCI Stanhope leaving the room. 604 00:33:27,480 --> 00:33:30,040 Just observing (!) 605 00:33:30,040 --> 00:33:32,760 This department is in dire need of a shake-up. 606 00:33:32,760 --> 00:33:34,360 Resources are stretched, of course, 607 00:33:34,360 --> 00:33:37,120 but I did make some proposals to the Forensics Submissions team. 608 00:33:37,120 --> 00:33:38,680 Well, I'll make sure I read up on them. 609 00:33:38,680 --> 00:33:41,680 Well, if we could just focus on the matter in hand. 610 00:33:44,200 --> 00:33:48,560 Postmortem findings confirmed what we learned at the crime scene. 611 00:33:48,560 --> 00:33:50,480 Typical impact injuries. 612 00:33:50,480 --> 00:33:51,720 Aside from the fractures, 613 00:33:51,720 --> 00:33:53,880 burst blood vessels from the force of the collision, 614 00:33:53,880 --> 00:33:55,440 tears in the soft tissues. 615 00:33:55,440 --> 00:33:56,680 So, what was it killed him? 616 00:33:56,680 --> 00:33:59,680 Acute subdural haematoma. 617 00:33:59,680 --> 00:34:02,400 Blood would have collected between the skull and the brain. 618 00:34:02,400 --> 00:34:04,720 PH levels confirmed the postmortem interval. 619 00:34:04,720 --> 00:34:06,920 He'd been dead for around six hours when we found him. 620 00:34:06,920 --> 00:34:09,520 Are you saying his life might've been saved 621 00:34:09,520 --> 00:34:11,360 if someone had got him to hospital? 622 00:34:11,360 --> 00:34:14,600 That's pure conjecture. Well, not if it impacts on my case. 623 00:34:14,600 --> 00:34:17,960 It's... possible. 624 00:34:17,960 --> 00:34:19,120 I ran a tox screen. 625 00:34:19,120 --> 00:34:21,680 There was a substantial amount of alcohol in his system, 626 00:34:21,680 --> 00:34:23,400 enough to impair his mental faculties. 627 00:34:23,400 --> 00:34:25,440 Well, we know he'd been on a bender. 628 00:34:25,440 --> 00:34:27,800 So, what is the strategy for the forensic response? 629 00:34:27,800 --> 00:34:30,320 All compiled in line with best practice. 630 00:34:32,720 --> 00:34:36,320 What about the crime scene, anything that we can work with? 631 00:34:36,320 --> 00:34:39,120 Microscopic flecks of grey paint on Danny's jeans. 632 00:34:39,120 --> 00:34:41,440 Highly likely it came from the vehicle that ran him down. 633 00:34:41,440 --> 00:34:43,240 Unless he'd been painting the garden fence. 634 00:34:43,240 --> 00:34:45,680 If we can match the paint to a code on the database... 635 00:34:45,680 --> 00:34:48,520 It's the undercoat layer structure that gives us all the answers. 636 00:34:48,520 --> 00:34:49,720 We only have the topcoat. 637 00:34:51,400 --> 00:34:53,120 What about the broken headlight? 638 00:34:53,120 --> 00:34:55,240 Ah, now, that was more promising. 639 00:34:56,920 --> 00:35:00,000 The fragment we found has a code embedded inside it. 640 00:35:00,000 --> 00:35:02,160 It's incomplete, but if we can crack it... 641 00:35:02,160 --> 00:35:05,000 We could narrow down the focus to a particular make of vehicle. 642 00:35:05,000 --> 00:35:07,000 Mm-hm. Good. 643 00:35:07,000 --> 00:35:09,120 Right, now it's time. 644 00:35:09,120 --> 00:35:12,160 I'll leave you two to put your heads together. 645 00:35:24,080 --> 00:35:25,960 MAN SIGHS 646 00:35:31,320 --> 00:35:32,720 Yeah. 647 00:35:47,600 --> 00:35:50,520 Just glad his mam isn't here to see this. 648 00:35:50,520 --> 00:35:53,240 Look, why don't you come and sit down, love? 649 00:36:05,080 --> 00:36:08,240 And I know he'd only just found out he was adopted. 650 00:36:12,840 --> 00:36:15,320 You've been talking to Carol. 651 00:36:15,320 --> 00:36:17,400 She's a nebby one. 652 00:36:17,400 --> 00:36:20,600 All came out at his mam's funeral. 653 00:36:20,600 --> 00:36:22,920 Gaynor's dying wish. 654 00:36:22,920 --> 00:36:24,720 Made me swear to tell him the truth. 655 00:36:24,720 --> 00:36:27,800 Why keep it a secret? 656 00:36:27,800 --> 00:36:31,720 Just never felt like the right time, is all. 657 00:36:31,720 --> 00:36:33,920 Well, how did the lad take the news? 658 00:36:36,600 --> 00:36:38,680 I told him he was still my son. 659 00:36:40,320 --> 00:36:41,600 Flesh and blood. 660 00:36:43,120 --> 00:36:46,640 The rest of it, nobody else's business. 661 00:36:49,080 --> 00:36:52,160 Look, I'm sorry to bring this up, love, 662 00:36:52,160 --> 00:36:54,560 but that assault charge, Ian Headley. 663 00:36:54,560 --> 00:36:57,480 Ian Headley, Ian Headley. Headley stole our pitch! 664 00:36:57,480 --> 00:37:00,560 Now, that might've been wise to have mentioned that charge before. 665 00:37:00,560 --> 00:37:02,440 So, what, were you making an example of him? 666 00:37:02,440 --> 00:37:04,480 I should never have lamped him. Understatement. 667 00:37:04,480 --> 00:37:06,880 But he insisted on getting the police involved. 668 00:37:06,880 --> 00:37:08,560 On the market, we settle things our way. 669 00:37:08,560 --> 00:37:10,600 Oh, keep it in the family? He had it coming. 670 00:37:10,600 --> 00:37:12,960 So, nothing to do with these dodgy fags? 671 00:37:12,960 --> 00:37:14,880 Cos we've got you bang to rights for that. 672 00:37:14,880 --> 00:37:17,200 No prizes for guessing who grassed us up. 673 00:37:17,200 --> 00:37:19,600 Now, just after we found that gear, 674 00:37:19,600 --> 00:37:22,520 you were straight on the blower to the market inspector. 675 00:37:22,520 --> 00:37:25,120 Now, that makes me think he was in on it. 676 00:37:26,640 --> 00:37:28,840 Danny said Milan wouldn't be a problem. 677 00:37:30,680 --> 00:37:33,160 That everything was taken care of. Meaning? 678 00:37:36,400 --> 00:37:38,040 Everyone has their price. 679 00:38:07,200 --> 00:38:08,240 Ooh. 680 00:38:14,400 --> 00:38:17,600 I saw youse yesterday, down at the market. 681 00:38:17,600 --> 00:38:19,080 Oh, aye. 682 00:38:19,080 --> 00:38:22,160 Carol tells us you used to run a stall there. 683 00:38:22,160 --> 00:38:25,280 Ten years, rain or shine. 684 00:38:25,280 --> 00:38:27,960 So, why'd you decide to give it up? 685 00:38:27,960 --> 00:38:30,760 Milan landed the inspector's job. 686 00:38:30,760 --> 00:38:32,480 He didn't think I could manage on my own. 687 00:38:34,000 --> 00:38:36,400 We bought the house off-plan, 688 00:38:36,400 --> 00:38:39,240 moved up sticks to the middle of nowhere. 689 00:38:39,240 --> 00:38:41,720 I'm a lady of leisure now. 690 00:38:42,760 --> 00:38:44,920 How well do you know the Meddons? 691 00:38:44,920 --> 00:38:47,880 I was friendly enough with Gaynor. 692 00:38:49,120 --> 00:38:51,160 Milan didn't think they were our sort of people. 693 00:38:51,160 --> 00:38:57,200 Now, market inspector, take home pay wouldn't stretch very far. 694 00:38:57,200 --> 00:38:59,920 I mean, a house like this, it must've cost you. 695 00:38:59,920 --> 00:39:02,640 We came into some family money. 696 00:39:02,640 --> 00:39:03,800 Ah. 697 00:39:05,120 --> 00:39:08,160 Now, on the night that Danny was killed, 698 00:39:08,160 --> 00:39:10,680 your husband tells me he was home all evening. 699 00:39:10,680 --> 00:39:13,160 Must have got back about 7:30. 700 00:39:13,160 --> 00:39:15,640 Well, you sound very certain of that. 701 00:39:16,680 --> 00:39:18,840 Milan likes his routine. 702 00:39:18,840 --> 00:39:20,600 Regular as clockwork. 703 00:39:20,600 --> 00:39:23,680 OK. I'll leave you to it. 704 00:39:23,680 --> 00:39:25,800 Thanks for your time, love. 705 00:39:29,600 --> 00:39:31,400 Bye. 706 00:39:45,640 --> 00:39:48,360 I've been looking into Danny's social media history, ma'am. 707 00:39:48,360 --> 00:39:52,000 He had a profile on a gay hook-up app. 708 00:39:52,000 --> 00:39:53,320 What? 709 00:39:54,800 --> 00:39:57,800 Are you saying our ladies' man was into fellas, too? 710 00:39:57,800 --> 00:39:59,920 Looks like. 711 00:40:01,400 --> 00:40:04,080 Well, there's a turn-up. 712 00:40:04,080 --> 00:40:05,440 Anything we can run with? 713 00:40:05,440 --> 00:40:07,400 All his DMs have been deleted. 714 00:40:07,400 --> 00:40:09,240 Something he didn't want to get out? 715 00:40:09,240 --> 00:40:12,920 Bicurious, metrosexual - does anyone care these days? 716 00:40:12,920 --> 00:40:16,400 Oh, you'd be surprised, Steph, small town like Bentham. 717 00:40:16,400 --> 00:40:17,480 Well done. 718 00:40:17,480 --> 00:40:20,640 Kenny, where are we with this lad's tablet? 719 00:40:20,640 --> 00:40:22,080 Nothing yet, ma'am. 720 00:40:22,080 --> 00:40:25,960 Well, contact that pub again! It's got to be somewhere. 721 00:40:25,960 --> 00:40:27,080 Ma'am. 722 00:40:39,360 --> 00:40:40,840 Leanne, is that you? DOOR CLOSES 723 00:41:09,520 --> 00:41:10,760 Snivelling snitch! 724 00:41:13,400 --> 00:41:16,120 You never learn, do you? Right, get out! 725 00:41:17,120 --> 00:41:18,320 Argh! 726 00:41:32,400 --> 00:41:35,560 He was waiting outside the lock-up. If I hadn't got away in the van... 727 00:41:35,560 --> 00:41:38,000 Are you saying Tony Meddon threatened you? 728 00:41:38,000 --> 00:41:40,320 He needs locking up. I don't want him anywhere near me. 729 00:41:40,320 --> 00:41:42,640 And is this the van you were driving? 730 00:41:42,640 --> 00:41:45,080 Yep. I keep most of my stock in there overnight. 731 00:41:45,080 --> 00:41:49,920 So, is this the same van Danny Meddon broke into last week? 732 00:41:49,920 --> 00:41:51,920 See, he was wearing this shirt the night he died. 733 00:41:51,920 --> 00:41:54,440 Yeah, and I doubt he paid for it. 734 00:41:54,440 --> 00:41:56,560 I knew it was Danny. I didn't have any proof. 735 00:41:56,560 --> 00:42:00,640 And there he was in the pub, bold as brass, 736 00:42:00,640 --> 00:42:02,840 waltzing around in your stolen clobber. 737 00:42:02,840 --> 00:42:04,640 Stands to reason you might have cracked. 738 00:42:04,640 --> 00:42:07,320 I'm the victim here, the injured party! 739 00:42:07,320 --> 00:42:10,280 And we will address your concerns, sir. 740 00:42:10,280 --> 00:42:12,360 But meanwhile, I'd like my forensics team 741 00:42:12,360 --> 00:42:14,120 going over that van. 742 00:42:16,560 --> 00:42:18,440 I don't buy it, it doesn't add up. 743 00:42:20,360 --> 00:42:22,560 Is Tony Meddon still a suspect? 744 00:42:22,560 --> 00:42:24,720 Aye, for the time being. 745 00:42:24,720 --> 00:42:26,960 Not that it's any of your concern. 746 00:42:26,960 --> 00:42:29,200 You think he's capable of running down his own son? 747 00:42:31,120 --> 00:42:36,040 I think he's a violent individual with previous for assault, 748 00:42:36,040 --> 00:42:38,960 who just threatened the fella who dobbed him in. 749 00:42:40,280 --> 00:42:42,480 I think we should focus on Ian Headley. 750 00:42:42,480 --> 00:42:45,600 That's your strategic assessment, is it? 751 00:42:45,600 --> 00:42:47,480 Well, it wouldn't hurt to bring him in. 752 00:42:47,480 --> 00:42:50,120 I'll bring him in when I'm good and ready to bring him in. 753 00:42:52,360 --> 00:42:55,640 And when I want your opinion, I'll ask for it. 754 00:43:05,600 --> 00:43:06,920 KNOCK AT DOOR 755 00:43:06,920 --> 00:43:09,120 DOOR OPENS 756 00:43:09,120 --> 00:43:11,160 HE SIGHS 757 00:43:12,400 --> 00:43:15,080 I'm just trying to encourage some creative thinking. 758 00:43:15,080 --> 00:43:16,680 God knows this place could do with it. 759 00:43:16,680 --> 00:43:19,200 You've done nothing but undermine me since you got here. 760 00:43:19,200 --> 00:43:20,880 Now you're doing it in front of my team. 761 00:43:20,880 --> 00:43:22,920 I would never undermine you. 762 00:43:22,920 --> 00:43:26,080 Backstabbing, sabotage, call it what you will. 763 00:43:26,080 --> 00:43:28,640 I've seen you on your phone. 764 00:43:28,640 --> 00:43:31,840 Well, if you're planning on reporting me to the IOPC, 765 00:43:31,840 --> 00:43:33,760 go ahead, fill your boots. 766 00:43:33,760 --> 00:43:36,800 When was the last time you bought some new equipment? 767 00:43:36,800 --> 00:43:38,400 What's wrong with the kit I've got? 768 00:43:38,400 --> 00:43:40,680 Some of those computers are older than I am. 769 00:43:40,680 --> 00:43:42,920 They do the job. "They do the job." 770 00:43:42,920 --> 00:43:45,720 They could be better. It's all about standardisation. 771 00:43:45,720 --> 00:43:47,600 Yeah, spending taxpayers' money. 772 00:43:47,600 --> 00:43:51,480 Listen, Joe, I follow my gut. 773 00:43:51,480 --> 00:43:54,040 One of the most important things to any decent copper. 774 00:43:54,040 --> 00:43:56,800 Now, clearly, that's something you've forgotten all about. 775 00:43:56,800 --> 00:43:58,160 KNOCK AT DOOR What?! 776 00:43:58,160 --> 00:44:00,640 The report you asked for from social services, ma'am. 777 00:44:00,640 --> 00:44:03,360 Danny Meddon's adoption. Right, any joy? 778 00:44:03,360 --> 00:44:05,640 Birth was registered at Bentham General, 779 00:44:05,640 --> 00:44:07,600 8th September, 2000. 780 00:44:07,600 --> 00:44:09,120 Father unknown. 781 00:44:09,120 --> 00:44:11,440 There's a scanned picture of the birth mother, though. 782 00:44:11,440 --> 00:44:13,360 Alison Wilmslow. 783 00:44:13,360 --> 00:44:16,680 Ah, now, that's the photo the lad had in his wallet. 784 00:44:16,680 --> 00:44:19,040 Adoption was finalised six months later. 785 00:44:19,040 --> 00:44:21,360 Adoptive parents, Anthony and Gaynor Meddon. 786 00:44:21,360 --> 00:44:23,240 They were both vetted and cleared by a panel. 787 00:44:23,240 --> 00:44:26,440 Well, this seems fairly routine. 788 00:44:28,440 --> 00:44:31,320 Something flagged up on the file as well, ma'am. 789 00:44:31,320 --> 00:44:32,920 Something you might wanna know about. 790 00:44:34,440 --> 00:44:36,120 Well, spit it out. 791 00:44:37,640 --> 00:44:40,520 The mother got pregnant as a result of a sexual assault. 792 00:44:48,000 --> 00:44:49,840 Could the lad have known about that? 793 00:44:49,840 --> 00:44:51,840 She now goes by Alison Rahim, 794 00:44:51,840 --> 00:44:55,000 and I traced her number on Danny's mobile. 795 00:44:55,000 --> 00:44:57,240 So he had been in contact with her. 796 00:44:58,720 --> 00:45:00,520 I've also tracked down a current address. 797 00:45:00,520 --> 00:45:02,680 Somewhere in South Shields. 798 00:45:02,680 --> 00:45:04,400 Aye, 25 Fourbridge Street. 799 00:45:04,400 --> 00:45:05,840 Good work, Steph. 800 00:45:05,840 --> 00:45:07,760 I thought I could pay her a visit. 801 00:45:07,760 --> 00:45:10,800 Well, something like that requires sensitive handing. 802 00:45:10,800 --> 00:45:12,680 And you think I'm not up to the job? 803 00:45:13,800 --> 00:45:16,920 Just watch your tone, DC Duncan. 804 00:45:18,320 --> 00:45:19,400 Sorry, ma'am. 805 00:45:19,400 --> 00:45:21,360 I suppose I could always go with her. 806 00:45:21,360 --> 00:45:24,400 Or what, I get mentioned in that report, 807 00:45:24,400 --> 00:45:26,720 failure to effectively engage the workforce? 808 00:45:26,720 --> 00:45:28,720 It might be relevant to the case. 809 00:45:30,160 --> 00:45:31,200 Hmm. 810 00:45:33,000 --> 00:45:36,080 Right, don't share anything you don't need to. 811 00:46:10,960 --> 00:46:14,400 Ian Headley tells us you threatened him last night. 812 00:46:14,400 --> 00:46:15,560 He tried to run us over! 813 00:46:15,560 --> 00:46:18,560 You've been going out of your way to intimidate the man, 814 00:46:18,560 --> 00:46:20,840 you and your son. He should never have grassed us up! 815 00:46:22,120 --> 00:46:24,760 Did you know about this break-in? 816 00:46:24,760 --> 00:46:25,920 Ian Headley's van. 817 00:46:25,920 --> 00:46:29,200 Danny stole some of his gear. 818 00:46:29,200 --> 00:46:30,520 The stupid... 819 00:46:30,520 --> 00:46:33,440 Pissed up, thieving, knock-off fags. 820 00:46:33,440 --> 00:46:35,720 Sounds like a lad who was looking for trouble. 821 00:46:35,720 --> 00:46:38,080 He had this anger inside him... 822 00:46:39,240 --> 00:46:40,760 ..ever since Gaynor died. 823 00:46:43,120 --> 00:46:44,800 He was broken. 824 00:46:44,800 --> 00:46:46,440 I couldn't fix him. 825 00:46:56,320 --> 00:46:57,680 Alison Rahim? 826 00:46:59,240 --> 00:47:01,920 Detective Constable Duncan. This is DI Ashworth. 827 00:47:01,920 --> 00:47:04,280 We'd like to talk to you about Danny Meddon. 828 00:47:05,960 --> 00:47:08,120 Right, go and see your dad. 829 00:47:12,280 --> 00:47:14,320 I want nothing more to do with Danny. 830 00:47:14,320 --> 00:47:16,280 And you can tell him that from me. 831 00:47:16,280 --> 00:47:18,480 We can't do that, Mrs Rahim. 832 00:47:18,480 --> 00:47:20,160 I'm afraid he was killed two days ago. 833 00:47:23,760 --> 00:47:26,920 Right, lads, come on. Got some snacks. Here you are. 834 00:47:26,920 --> 00:47:29,000 Thanks, Dad! You're welcome. 835 00:47:29,000 --> 00:47:31,640 Getting pregnant back then was the last thing I needed. 836 00:47:31,640 --> 00:47:35,040 I was still young. 21. 837 00:47:35,040 --> 00:47:36,800 I wasn't ready to be a mother. 838 00:47:36,800 --> 00:47:38,720 So you gave the child up for adoption. 839 00:47:41,320 --> 00:47:43,480 Neil had no idea. 840 00:47:43,480 --> 00:47:45,760 Not until Danny showed up. 841 00:47:45,760 --> 00:47:46,840 When was this? 842 00:47:46,840 --> 00:47:51,920 Er... Must've been, erm... six months ago. 843 00:47:54,280 --> 00:47:56,640 We contacted social services. 844 00:47:56,640 --> 00:47:59,000 We know about the circumstances of Danny's adoption. 845 00:48:01,320 --> 00:48:05,440 TONY: Gaynor couldn't have kids. God knows we tried. 846 00:48:06,800 --> 00:48:09,680 In the end, we put our names down with an adoption agency. 847 00:48:16,760 --> 00:48:20,480 We think Danny might have traced his birth mother. 848 00:48:20,480 --> 00:48:23,600 Nah. He wouldn't have done that without telling us first. 849 00:48:23,600 --> 00:48:26,480 The pair of you were barely talking. 850 00:48:26,480 --> 00:48:28,200 They never told us her name. 851 00:48:29,480 --> 00:48:31,920 Did they tell you anything about her circumstances? 852 00:48:33,160 --> 00:48:35,600 Only that she'd been sexually assaulted. 853 00:48:36,840 --> 00:48:38,720 Didn't feel able to keep the baby. 854 00:48:38,720 --> 00:48:40,640 Wanted to make sure he went to a good home. 855 00:48:40,640 --> 00:48:44,760 Yeah. Sparing you the details. 856 00:48:44,760 --> 00:48:46,920 We didn't want Danny to know. 857 00:48:48,000 --> 00:48:50,760 A start like that weighs on you. 858 00:48:52,280 --> 00:48:55,120 Then Gaynor found out she had cancer. 859 00:48:56,680 --> 00:48:58,400 Said we should tell Danny everything, 860 00:48:58,400 --> 00:49:00,360 that we owed him the truth. 861 00:49:00,360 --> 00:49:05,800 So, this rift between you wasn't about the business at all? 862 00:49:05,800 --> 00:49:07,560 It was him finding out 863 00:49:07,560 --> 00:49:10,840 the dad he worshipped had been living a lie. 864 00:49:10,840 --> 00:49:13,680 How could I tell him how he came into this world? 865 00:49:15,280 --> 00:49:16,360 A rape. 866 00:49:18,240 --> 00:49:21,000 Aye, you just wanted to protect him. 867 00:49:22,480 --> 00:49:25,000 All I ever wanted was to make him feel safe. 868 00:49:27,120 --> 00:49:30,280 ALISON: I was on my way home from a works Christmas party. 869 00:49:30,280 --> 00:49:33,800 Pub in Bentham. Er... 870 00:49:33,800 --> 00:49:35,520 It was late. 871 00:49:36,680 --> 00:49:38,000 After midnight. 872 00:49:38,000 --> 00:49:40,040 Should have been more careful. 873 00:49:40,040 --> 00:49:42,880 Hey, you were just walking home. 874 00:49:42,880 --> 00:49:44,800 You've got nothing to be sorry for. 875 00:49:44,800 --> 00:49:46,520 Never got a look at him. 876 00:49:47,920 --> 00:49:49,680 He had this, er... 877 00:49:50,920 --> 00:49:52,640 This heavy coat on. 878 00:49:53,680 --> 00:49:55,520 Er... 879 00:49:55,520 --> 00:49:58,880 Hood up. Scarf wrapped around his face. 880 00:50:02,480 --> 00:50:04,560 I still remember the smell of him, though. 881 00:50:07,160 --> 00:50:09,080 Beer and cheap aftershave. 882 00:50:10,240 --> 00:50:11,720 You don't have to tell us this. 883 00:50:11,720 --> 00:50:13,960 No, I do. 884 00:50:15,200 --> 00:50:17,040 Cos I need to make you understand. 885 00:50:18,000 --> 00:50:19,760 He was young. 886 00:50:19,760 --> 00:50:22,920 Erm... strong. 887 00:50:26,080 --> 00:50:27,400 I tried to scream. 888 00:50:27,400 --> 00:50:29,760 I tried to make him stop. 889 00:50:29,760 --> 00:50:31,320 Erm... 890 00:50:34,800 --> 00:50:39,360 Afterwards, I... I just walked to the local nick. 891 00:50:39,360 --> 00:50:42,800 Erm... Police took a statement, said all the right things. 892 00:50:42,800 --> 00:50:43,960 It wasn't your fault. 893 00:50:47,200 --> 00:50:49,280 Was the incident ever followed up? 894 00:50:49,280 --> 00:50:54,760 Aye, the... the doctor took a sample of the assailant's DNA. 895 00:50:54,760 --> 00:50:56,600 No match on the system. 896 00:50:56,600 --> 00:51:00,800 A few weeks, still hadn't heard anything. 897 00:51:00,800 --> 00:51:03,400 "No leads of any substance," they said. 898 00:51:04,480 --> 00:51:08,520 So I decided to drop the case. 899 00:51:08,520 --> 00:51:11,480 You know, put what happened behind me, 900 00:51:11,480 --> 00:51:14,160 before it destroyed us. 901 00:51:14,160 --> 00:51:15,920 And then you found out you were pregnant? 902 00:51:18,160 --> 00:51:20,520 I didn't tell anyone what had happened. 903 00:51:23,040 --> 00:51:24,920 But then the... 904 00:51:24,920 --> 00:51:27,400 the faces of the people that I grew up with, 905 00:51:27,400 --> 00:51:30,240 well, it was like they could see into my soul. 906 00:51:32,320 --> 00:51:33,960 I felt dirty. 907 00:51:35,160 --> 00:51:38,200 Culpable. That child would've been a constant reminder. 908 00:51:39,720 --> 00:51:43,560 I asked if I could hold him, you know, for an hour or so. 909 00:51:43,560 --> 00:51:45,440 And then they took him away. 910 00:51:48,160 --> 00:51:51,760 I couldn't stay in Bentham, not after what had happened. 911 00:51:51,760 --> 00:51:55,680 So I... I moved here, met Neil, 912 00:51:55,680 --> 00:51:57,640 had two more kids. 913 00:51:57,640 --> 00:52:00,080 Money's tight, but we're good. 914 00:52:01,920 --> 00:52:03,160 What do you do? 915 00:52:03,160 --> 00:52:05,640 I'm a community nurse. 916 00:52:05,640 --> 00:52:07,160 Neil drives a minicab. 917 00:52:09,640 --> 00:52:12,440 You said Danny turned up a few months ago. Yeah. 918 00:52:12,440 --> 00:52:15,120 He... He found us through social services. 919 00:52:15,120 --> 00:52:18,600 Said that he wanted some answers. She told him she wasn't interested. 920 00:52:18,600 --> 00:52:22,520 Yeah, well, he pushed and pushed, and in the end, the truth came out. 921 00:52:22,520 --> 00:52:24,800 The rape. 922 00:52:24,800 --> 00:52:27,440 What it did to me. Everything. 923 00:52:27,440 --> 00:52:29,120 And how did Danny take it? 924 00:52:29,120 --> 00:52:30,840 Seemed to push him over the edge, 925 00:52:30,840 --> 00:52:34,520 that this man was somehow a part of him. 926 00:52:34,520 --> 00:52:36,400 What's all this got to do with his murder? 927 00:52:36,400 --> 00:52:39,440 Danny called your wife two weeks ago. 928 00:52:39,440 --> 00:52:41,440 You hadn't broken off contact completely. 929 00:52:42,560 --> 00:52:44,440 We agreed, 930 00:52:44,440 --> 00:52:47,120 no more contact. It... It was finished. 931 00:52:47,120 --> 00:52:48,520 It was just on the phone. 932 00:52:48,520 --> 00:52:50,200 It was just a few minutes, that's all. 933 00:52:50,200 --> 00:52:52,080 He was still my son, 934 00:52:52,080 --> 00:52:54,520 and I turned him away. 935 00:52:54,520 --> 00:52:57,080 Maybe if I'd just been a bit kinder, you know... 936 00:52:59,360 --> 00:53:01,640 We could take another look at the sexual assault case. 937 00:53:02,920 --> 00:53:04,800 See if it throws up any new leads. 938 00:53:04,800 --> 00:53:06,240 Dragging it all back up? 939 00:53:06,240 --> 00:53:09,480 We'd have to get clearance from the original SIO. 940 00:53:09,480 --> 00:53:11,240 Extenuating circumstances. 941 00:53:11,240 --> 00:53:13,640 23 years, I've lived with this. 942 00:53:15,840 --> 00:53:18,000 All I've ever wanted is some closure. 943 00:53:21,600 --> 00:53:24,440 What the hell were you thinking, making that kind of promise? 944 00:53:24,440 --> 00:53:27,600 The case was shelved. Forgotten. 945 00:53:27,600 --> 00:53:30,280 Everything that happened to her, just brushed under the carpet. 946 00:53:30,280 --> 00:53:31,960 That was not your call to make. 947 00:53:31,960 --> 00:53:34,520 There's a violent sex offender who could still be out there. 948 00:53:34,520 --> 00:53:37,160 You always stay objective. You never get involved. 949 00:53:38,640 --> 00:53:40,240 And how's that one working out for you? 950 00:53:40,240 --> 00:53:43,880 Hey! Just remember who you're talking to, eh? 951 00:53:46,360 --> 00:53:49,120 Six weeks, I've been out of uniform. 952 00:53:49,120 --> 00:53:50,880 Trying to earn my place on that team. 953 00:53:52,080 --> 00:53:53,720 The DCI, she's a tough act to follow, 954 00:53:53,720 --> 00:53:55,560 and she doesn't cut you any slack. 955 00:53:55,560 --> 00:53:57,840 Aye, she's infuriating. 956 00:53:57,840 --> 00:54:00,480 But she's the best there is, and she'll always have your back. 957 00:54:01,680 --> 00:54:04,400 I'm sorry. I messed up. 958 00:54:05,360 --> 00:54:06,680 Get in. 959 00:54:12,640 --> 00:54:15,040 He said he was a minicab driver. 960 00:54:19,040 --> 00:54:20,760 You see his car? 961 00:54:20,760 --> 00:54:22,200 Grey paint. 962 00:54:22,200 --> 00:54:24,680 You thinking what I'm thinking? 963 00:54:24,680 --> 00:54:26,840 I'm thinking we should run those plates. 964 00:54:36,280 --> 00:54:38,880 VERA: Now, the night your lad was killed, 965 00:54:38,880 --> 00:54:41,920 did you drive home from the pub? 966 00:54:41,920 --> 00:54:45,240 I'd had a few drinks. Flagged down a cab. 967 00:54:45,240 --> 00:54:47,760 So, how come you were parked up with the van 968 00:54:47,760 --> 00:54:49,600 next morning at the wholesalers'? 969 00:54:49,600 --> 00:54:51,840 Onions is insured to drive it. 970 00:54:53,200 --> 00:54:55,240 Ah. Aye. 971 00:54:55,240 --> 00:54:58,200 Restaurant orders, home delivery boxes. 972 00:54:58,200 --> 00:55:00,320 I picked it up from his place, 973 00:55:00,320 --> 00:55:03,280 just before you told me Danny was dead. 974 00:55:09,120 --> 00:55:11,920 So, Danny and Leanne... 975 00:55:11,920 --> 00:55:15,720 Did you know they were planning on leaving together? Leaving? 976 00:55:15,720 --> 00:55:17,080 Aye. Is that what she told you? 977 00:55:17,080 --> 00:55:20,040 Aye, no, they'd booked tickets for that night. 978 00:55:20,040 --> 00:55:22,520 Coach down to London. 979 00:55:22,520 --> 00:55:23,880 HE SCOFFS 980 00:55:27,320 --> 00:55:29,000 Danny was all talk. 981 00:55:30,080 --> 00:55:32,080 Aye, he said he was meeting her. 982 00:55:32,080 --> 00:55:35,000 He started bragging about how hot she was for him, 983 00:55:35,000 --> 00:55:37,000 you know, rubbing my face in it. 984 00:55:38,320 --> 00:55:41,480 But I caught him that night, 985 00:55:41,480 --> 00:55:43,320 he'd booked a hotel room for them. 986 00:55:43,320 --> 00:55:45,400 Well, they'd need a hotel in London. 987 00:55:45,400 --> 00:55:48,040 No, here, in town. 988 00:55:49,480 --> 00:55:52,160 Which hotel was this? I don't know. 989 00:55:53,840 --> 00:55:56,960 And you didn't think it was worth sharing this? 990 00:55:56,960 --> 00:55:58,840 Well, I didn't want to drop Leanne in it. 991 00:55:58,840 --> 00:56:01,000 You know something like that gets around the market. 992 00:56:01,000 --> 00:56:04,320 So you were just looking out for the lass? 993 00:56:06,320 --> 00:56:09,880 Danny tells us to go back to the flat 994 00:56:09,880 --> 00:56:11,920 and not to wait up for him. 995 00:56:11,920 --> 00:56:15,640 Did you drive the Meddon van home that night? 996 00:56:19,400 --> 00:56:20,480 Maybe. 997 00:56:20,480 --> 00:56:22,560 You either did or you didn't. 998 00:56:22,560 --> 00:56:24,440 I was over the limit, all right? 999 00:56:24,440 --> 00:56:26,480 It was the only reason I didn't tell you. 1000 00:56:26,480 --> 00:56:28,640 Well, you know what I think? 1001 00:56:29,600 --> 00:56:32,920 I think you found out your best mate was leaving, 1002 00:56:32,920 --> 00:56:35,280 along with the lass you were sweet on. 1003 00:56:35,280 --> 00:56:38,920 You weren't gonna let that happen, were you? 1004 00:56:38,920 --> 00:56:41,480 You seriously think that I killed him? 1005 00:56:41,480 --> 00:56:45,680 I think you've been lying to me from the start. 1006 00:56:45,680 --> 00:56:48,960 Too busy pointing the finger at Ian Headley. 1007 00:56:48,960 --> 00:56:51,360 Danny was still my best friend... 1008 00:56:52,680 --> 00:56:54,640 ..despite everything. 1009 00:56:54,640 --> 00:56:57,240 He was the only friend I've ever had. 1010 00:57:07,880 --> 00:57:09,600 VERA CLAPS 1011 00:57:09,600 --> 00:57:13,000 Danny Meddon's last known movements. 1012 00:57:13,000 --> 00:57:17,040 Now, according to Owen Duggan - Onions - 1013 00:57:17,040 --> 00:57:20,400 Danny booked a Bentham hotel room for the night, 1014 00:57:20,400 --> 00:57:23,120 bragging about taking Leanne Barrie there. 1015 00:57:23,120 --> 00:57:27,240 But we know she was stood waiting for him at that coach station, 1016 00:57:27,240 --> 00:57:29,880 unless she's lying an' all. 1017 00:57:29,880 --> 00:57:31,280 So, who was he with? 1018 00:57:31,280 --> 00:57:34,720 Hmm? Let's get his photo out there, Kenny - 1019 00:57:34,720 --> 00:57:37,560 hotels, B&B. Let's see if anyone bites. 1020 00:57:37,560 --> 00:57:38,920 Yes, ma'am. 1021 00:57:38,920 --> 00:57:40,640 I bought breakfast. 1022 00:57:40,640 --> 00:57:42,760 Oh, it's gonna take more than a bacon roll, love. 1023 00:57:42,760 --> 00:57:45,560 Well, if you're not hungry... Never said that. 1024 00:57:45,560 --> 00:57:50,480 Right, Steph, tell us how you got on with Alison Rahim. 1025 00:57:52,440 --> 00:57:56,360 Well, about that, ma'am... this is her cold case file, 1026 00:57:56,360 --> 00:57:58,560 and it makes for some pretty grim reading. 1027 00:57:58,560 --> 00:58:02,000 Who asked you to pull that file? I've cleared it with Bentham CID. 1028 00:58:02,000 --> 00:58:06,120 This case was investigated and put on ice. 1029 00:58:06,120 --> 00:58:07,880 We should take another look. 1030 00:58:09,400 --> 00:58:11,120 Steph, could you give us a minute? 1031 00:58:14,920 --> 00:58:17,560 In case you've forgotten, you're not part of this team. 1032 00:58:17,560 --> 00:58:19,440 Well, maybe I can bring something to this one. 1033 00:58:19,440 --> 00:58:22,240 Oh, I think you've brought quite enough, don't you? 1034 00:58:22,240 --> 00:58:25,760 We put the DNA through the database and go back through the evidence. 1035 00:58:25,760 --> 00:58:27,480 I thought we were supposed to be 1036 00:58:27,480 --> 00:58:30,160 prioritising our time and our resources? 1037 00:58:30,160 --> 00:58:32,960 So I'm afraid I'm gonna have to say no. 1038 00:58:32,960 --> 00:58:35,280 With respect, ma'am, I don't need your permission. 1039 00:58:35,280 --> 00:58:36,720 KNOCK AT DOOR 1040 00:58:36,720 --> 00:58:39,040 Sorry to interrupt, ma'am. 1041 00:58:39,040 --> 00:58:41,520 Those plates that you wanted Tech to run, sir. 1042 00:58:41,520 --> 00:58:44,960 We can place Neil Rahim's vehicle in Bentham 1043 00:58:44,960 --> 00:58:46,440 the night Danny murdered. 1044 00:58:49,160 --> 00:58:51,280 Right. I'm driving. 1045 00:58:59,240 --> 00:59:01,160 No sugar, please, mate. No problem. 1046 00:59:16,160 --> 00:59:20,040 He'd been ringing up the house, hanging up whenever I answered. 1047 00:59:21,400 --> 00:59:24,200 It's the only reason she told us the truth in the first place, 1048 00:59:24,200 --> 00:59:26,480 she was worried I would hear it from Danny. 1049 00:59:26,480 --> 00:59:30,200 Hey, that must've come as a shock to hear, 1050 00:59:30,200 --> 00:59:32,600 finding out what had happened to your missus. 1051 00:59:32,600 --> 00:59:35,000 I had a grown-up son I knew nothing about. 1052 00:59:35,000 --> 00:59:37,040 Had you spoken to Danny recently, Mr Rahim? 1053 00:59:38,800 --> 00:59:42,080 Alison was thinking of meeting up with him again. 1054 00:59:42,080 --> 00:59:44,920 He'd been laying on the sob story, pushing all her buttons. 1055 00:59:44,920 --> 00:59:47,960 So, what, you wanted to warn him off? 1056 00:59:47,960 --> 00:59:51,520 Aye. Went down to see him at the market, couple of weeks ago. 1057 00:59:51,520 --> 00:59:53,800 Told him to sling his hook? 1058 00:59:53,800 --> 00:59:55,920 Even offered to pay him off. 1059 00:59:55,920 --> 00:59:58,840 Cocky little scrote just smirked at us. 1060 00:59:58,840 --> 01:00:01,280 And did your wife know this meeting had taken place? 1061 01:00:02,520 --> 01:00:05,560 She's got no idea. It's the reason I didn't tell you. 1062 01:00:07,920 --> 01:00:10,400 Now, the evening Danny was killed, 1063 01:00:10,400 --> 01:00:12,360 were you out driving your cab that night? 1064 01:00:12,360 --> 01:00:15,440 Would have been touting for business in town, 1065 01:00:15,440 --> 01:00:18,600 quayside, big market. Get most of my fares from there. 1066 01:00:18,600 --> 01:00:20,600 Pick up any fares for Bentham? 1067 01:00:20,600 --> 01:00:22,640 Not that I remember. 1068 01:00:22,640 --> 01:00:24,600 You sure about that? 1069 01:00:24,600 --> 01:00:26,720 Because your plates flagged up only a few miles away 1070 01:00:26,720 --> 01:00:28,120 from where the lad was killed. 1071 01:00:31,640 --> 01:00:35,880 Now you mention it, I did pick up a lass from the coach station. 1072 01:00:35,880 --> 01:00:37,840 Drove her out to one of the villages. 1073 01:00:37,840 --> 01:00:39,080 Fourstones, I think. 1074 01:00:39,080 --> 01:00:41,080 That must be 20 miles away. 1075 01:00:41,080 --> 01:00:43,160 She was young. 1076 01:00:43,160 --> 01:00:45,640 She seemed upset about something. 1077 01:00:45,640 --> 01:00:47,520 I wanted to make sure she got home safe. 1078 01:00:49,560 --> 01:00:51,800 What happened to Alison, 1079 01:00:51,800 --> 01:00:54,360 something like that stays with you. 1080 01:00:55,600 --> 01:00:58,600 There'll be a record on the satnav. You can check with the cab office. 1081 01:00:58,600 --> 01:01:01,200 Oh, don't you worry, love, we will. 1082 01:01:06,000 --> 01:01:07,560 Erm... 1083 01:01:07,560 --> 01:01:10,800 Danny told us he was close to tracking him down. 1084 01:01:10,800 --> 01:01:13,560 Said he was gonna pay him back for what he did to his mam. 1085 01:01:23,480 --> 01:01:26,640 What if Alison did know her assailant's identity, 1086 01:01:26,640 --> 01:01:28,960 and Danny had tracked down his real dad? 1087 01:01:30,480 --> 01:01:33,280 Gives us a motive for wanting him dead. 1088 01:01:33,280 --> 01:01:37,200 Finds out he's adopted, his mam the victim of a sexual assault. 1089 01:01:37,200 --> 01:01:39,000 That's enough to mess with anyone's head. 1090 01:01:39,000 --> 01:01:40,960 A sexual offender about to be named and shamed. 1091 01:01:43,960 --> 01:01:45,680 Nah! 1092 01:01:45,680 --> 01:01:49,480 She didn't name her assailant. Didn't even see his face. 1093 01:01:49,480 --> 01:01:52,320 And the police didn't pick up a single lead. 1094 01:01:52,320 --> 01:01:55,760 Now, the chances of that lad finding anything were pretty slim. 1095 01:01:55,760 --> 01:01:57,720 Had you already looked at that file, then? 1096 01:01:57,720 --> 01:02:00,200 Well, of course I bloody had. 1097 01:02:04,480 --> 01:02:06,560 PHONE RINGS 1098 01:02:08,200 --> 01:02:09,240 Kenny? 1099 01:02:09,240 --> 01:02:11,600 'I'm over at the Pendelton Hotel in Bentham, ma'am.' 1100 01:02:11,600 --> 01:02:14,840 The receptionist recognised a photograph of Danny. 1101 01:02:14,840 --> 01:02:17,360 He came here the night he died. 1102 01:02:17,360 --> 01:02:19,640 He went to a room on the second floor. 1103 01:02:19,640 --> 01:02:22,600 'Was there anyone with him? Hold on, Kenny.' 1104 01:02:24,200 --> 01:02:25,600 Right, go on. 1105 01:02:25,600 --> 01:02:27,160 'Well, not that she remembers.' 1106 01:02:27,160 --> 01:02:29,720 But I checked the payment details, 1107 01:02:29,720 --> 01:02:33,440 and he used a card registered to Milan Shah. 1108 01:02:51,680 --> 01:02:53,720 DOORBELL RINGS 1109 01:03:06,000 --> 01:03:08,880 I replied to a message on a dating website, 1110 01:03:08,880 --> 01:03:12,080 we exchanged a few details, agreed to meet. 1111 01:03:12,080 --> 01:03:14,840 So, to be clear, Mr Shah, 1112 01:03:14,840 --> 01:03:17,240 you were meeting Danny Meddon for sex? 1113 01:03:17,240 --> 01:03:20,560 Look, he didn't have a picture on his profile page, 1114 01:03:20,560 --> 01:03:22,360 wasn't even using his real name. 1115 01:03:22,360 --> 01:03:25,280 Well, plenty of chances to have sent him packing. 1116 01:03:25,280 --> 01:03:27,920 Two more hotel bookings in your name, 1117 01:03:27,920 --> 01:03:29,640 past six weeks. 1118 01:03:29,640 --> 01:03:31,880 You can see why I couldn't tell you, 1119 01:03:31,880 --> 01:03:33,560 a man in my position. 1120 01:03:33,560 --> 01:03:35,600 Oh, we're not here to judge you, love. 1121 01:03:35,600 --> 01:03:37,120 Just want the facts. 1122 01:03:37,120 --> 01:03:41,000 I thought he was out of my league, and I liked the attention. 1123 01:03:43,880 --> 01:03:48,480 So, on the night in question, you met the lad in that hotel room, 1124 01:03:48,480 --> 01:03:50,960 and we can hazard a guess what you were up to. 1125 01:03:50,960 --> 01:03:53,280 Danny was already drunk when he got there. 1126 01:03:53,280 --> 01:03:55,320 He'd been arguing with his dad in the pub. 1127 01:03:55,320 --> 01:03:57,160 Oh, he was angry, wound up. 1128 01:03:57,160 --> 01:03:59,120 Yeah. Took me a while to calm him down. 1129 01:03:59,120 --> 01:04:01,960 I believe you. According to the hotel receptionist, 1130 01:04:01,960 --> 01:04:03,760 you were in that room nearly two hours. 1131 01:04:03,760 --> 01:04:06,320 Even ordered a bottle of wine. Mm-hm! 1132 01:04:06,320 --> 01:04:08,600 I left him passed out on the bed. 1133 01:04:08,600 --> 01:04:10,040 And what time was this? 1134 01:04:10,040 --> 01:04:12,880 HE SCOFFS Must have been around 11. 1135 01:04:12,880 --> 01:04:15,640 And then you drove back to Meadowside 1136 01:04:15,640 --> 01:04:17,720 and got your missus to cover for you. 1137 01:04:20,360 --> 01:04:23,880 If this gets out, it will finish her. 1138 01:04:26,760 --> 01:04:28,640 Right, now listen up. 1139 01:04:30,280 --> 01:04:35,840 Mr Shah said he left Danny Meddon passed out in that hotel room. 1140 01:04:35,840 --> 01:04:38,240 He's done nothing but lie to us up to now, 1141 01:04:38,240 --> 01:04:40,760 but unless we can prove otherwise... 1142 01:04:40,760 --> 01:04:44,000 Married man, closet case, he'd been playing around. 1143 01:04:44,000 --> 01:04:46,440 And the lad had enough on him to bury him. 1144 01:04:46,440 --> 01:04:49,240 Well, I went through his wallet when he got booked in. 1145 01:04:49,240 --> 01:04:51,800 Found a petrol receipt for the night in question. 1146 01:04:51,800 --> 01:04:54,280 It's for a garage on the A-road just outside of Bentham. 1147 01:04:54,280 --> 01:04:58,240 Well, that's headed over to where we found his body. 1148 01:04:58,240 --> 01:04:59,480 Well done, Mark! 1149 01:04:59,480 --> 01:05:02,960 Time on the receipt says 11:25pm. 1150 01:05:02,960 --> 01:05:06,360 Right. Well, get over to that petrol station, 1151 01:05:06,360 --> 01:05:09,040 let's see what that'll give us. Ma'am. 1152 01:05:09,040 --> 01:05:12,480 That was the desk sergeant, ma'am. Leanne Barrie's been arrested. 1153 01:05:22,280 --> 01:05:25,080 OFFICER: Mind your head. Come on, this way. 1154 01:05:31,480 --> 01:05:33,160 Turn to your right, please. 1155 01:05:35,080 --> 01:05:36,440 Now to your left. 1156 01:05:42,280 --> 01:05:44,760 Shoplifting? 1157 01:05:44,760 --> 01:05:47,560 Just took a bit of make-up from one of the stalls, like. 1158 01:05:47,560 --> 01:05:49,480 Ah, doesn't matter what you stole, love. 1159 01:05:49,480 --> 01:05:51,640 It's still theft. Why did you do it? 1160 01:05:53,440 --> 01:05:55,800 Well, we're going to charge you. Sit down. 1161 01:05:56,800 --> 01:05:58,720 You'll have a record. 1162 01:05:58,720 --> 01:06:00,640 All for a bit of lippy. 1163 01:06:02,240 --> 01:06:07,280 DCI Stanhope interviewing Leanne Barrie, 19:39. 1164 01:06:08,720 --> 01:06:12,600 Look, I know you've had a tough time the last few days, love, 1165 01:06:12,600 --> 01:06:14,880 but do you think Danny would've wanted any of this? 1166 01:06:14,880 --> 01:06:15,920 I don't care about Danny! 1167 01:06:15,920 --> 01:06:18,040 From the moment we met, he'd been messing me around. 1168 01:06:18,040 --> 01:06:20,640 Now, if you've got something to say 1169 01:06:20,640 --> 01:06:23,160 that might have a bearing on his murder, 1170 01:06:23,160 --> 01:06:25,200 you need to tell me what it is. 1171 01:06:28,320 --> 01:06:29,640 OK. 1172 01:06:31,600 --> 01:06:34,600 How did his tablet come to be in your possession? 1173 01:06:35,880 --> 01:06:37,800 He left it behind in the pub that night. 1174 01:06:37,800 --> 01:06:39,760 That was something else you shouldn't have taken. 1175 01:06:39,760 --> 01:06:41,680 I was just looking after it for him. 1176 01:06:41,680 --> 01:06:44,520 So, if I'm gonna find something on here, 1177 01:06:44,520 --> 01:06:46,680 you might just as well tell me what it is. 1178 01:06:51,760 --> 01:06:54,040 I was scrolling through some of his emails. 1179 01:06:54,040 --> 01:06:55,240 Yeah, his emails, yeah. 1180 01:06:55,240 --> 01:06:58,800 Yeah, cos Danny had signed up to this heritage website 1181 01:06:58,800 --> 01:07:00,840 after he found out he was adopted. 1182 01:07:00,840 --> 01:07:03,120 What, like a family tree? Yeah. 1183 01:07:03,120 --> 01:07:06,320 You send them a swab, they work out your DNA profile, 1184 01:07:06,320 --> 01:07:08,520 post you an update if they find any matches. 1185 01:07:08,520 --> 01:07:09,920 I'd already done it. 1186 01:07:11,200 --> 01:07:13,000 So, why did you sign up? 1187 01:07:13,000 --> 01:07:15,240 A-level project. 1188 01:07:15,240 --> 01:07:17,240 Genetics and coding. 1189 01:07:17,240 --> 01:07:19,160 Wanted to find out what I was made of. 1190 01:07:19,160 --> 01:07:23,440 So, when I'm going through these emails - and I will - 1191 01:07:23,440 --> 01:07:25,480 what is it I'm gonna find? 1192 01:07:25,480 --> 01:07:28,320 You're going to find that... 1193 01:07:30,440 --> 01:07:32,640 ..my dad isn't all he was cracked up to be. 1194 01:07:33,800 --> 01:07:35,440 Danny was my brother. 1195 01:08:10,200 --> 01:08:11,240 Morning, ma'am. 1196 01:08:11,240 --> 01:08:15,240 Listen, you were right about that cold case. 1197 01:08:15,240 --> 01:08:17,720 Now, walking home from that Christmas do, 1198 01:08:17,720 --> 01:08:21,760 the night Alison was attacked, that party was at Camley's. 1199 01:08:21,760 --> 01:08:26,000 Aye, she was working there the same time as Alun Barrie. 1200 01:08:26,000 --> 01:08:29,520 Now, Leanne told us that she and Danny had a connection. 1201 01:08:29,520 --> 01:08:31,560 Well, we know he played the field. 1202 01:08:31,560 --> 01:08:34,360 So, why didn't he try it on with her? 1203 01:08:34,360 --> 01:08:35,880 I tell you why, 1204 01:08:35,880 --> 01:08:40,640 because he'd found out that Leanne was his sister. 1205 01:08:40,640 --> 01:08:42,120 And Alun Barrie was his dad? 1206 01:08:43,320 --> 01:08:45,800 He'd found his mam's rapist. 1207 01:08:45,800 --> 01:08:47,840 SIREN WAILS 1208 01:09:06,360 --> 01:09:09,040 Well, come on, come on, look sharp. 1209 01:09:14,640 --> 01:09:18,080 Up there! Follow her up there. 1210 01:09:41,320 --> 01:09:43,120 Do the honours, Joe. 1211 01:09:47,760 --> 01:09:51,520 Alun Barrie, I'm arresting you on suspicion of serious sexual assault. 1212 01:09:55,960 --> 01:10:00,600 1999, you were already working at Camley's, weren't you? 1213 01:10:02,400 --> 01:10:04,240 Well, yes, you were. We know you were. 1214 01:10:04,240 --> 01:10:10,680 And, erm... And Alison Rahim was also working there at the same time. 1215 01:10:10,680 --> 01:10:15,600 Although you might remember her as Alison Winslow. 1216 01:10:15,600 --> 01:10:17,520 Employed as a packer. 1217 01:10:18,560 --> 01:10:21,760 If you say so. That was 23 year ago. 1218 01:10:21,760 --> 01:10:23,360 Name doesn't ring any bells. 1219 01:10:23,360 --> 01:10:27,680 Oh, you might remember the Christmas party that year, 1999. 1220 01:10:27,680 --> 01:10:29,720 I'm assuming you were there. 1221 01:10:29,720 --> 01:10:31,480 Like I said, it was years ago. 1222 01:10:31,480 --> 01:10:36,680 Well, this is a statement Alison gave to the police, 1223 01:10:36,680 --> 01:10:38,960 reporting that she'd been sexually assaulted 1224 01:10:38,960 --> 01:10:41,760 on her way home from that party. 1225 01:10:41,760 --> 01:10:44,080 Yeah, some of it's a bit hard to stomach, 1226 01:10:44,080 --> 01:10:45,760 but it's all there in black and white. 1227 01:10:45,760 --> 01:10:47,920 We can give you some time to read it. 1228 01:10:49,040 --> 01:10:50,520 Why would I wanna read it? 1229 01:10:53,320 --> 01:10:55,280 "I had no idea I was being followed 1230 01:10:55,280 --> 01:10:58,240 "until he grabbed me by the back of the neck, 1231 01:10:58,240 --> 01:10:59,960 "pushed me down to the ground..." 1232 01:10:59,960 --> 01:11:01,560 I don't need to listen to this. 1233 01:11:05,080 --> 01:11:10,960 And these are the injuries she sustained during that assault. 1234 01:11:12,320 --> 01:11:15,160 I'd like you look at them, please, sir. 1235 01:11:20,200 --> 01:11:22,800 Did you know your daughter was arrested yesterday? 1236 01:11:22,800 --> 01:11:24,360 What? Aye. 1237 01:11:24,360 --> 01:11:27,200 Stealing some make-up from one of the stalls. 1238 01:11:27,200 --> 01:11:29,680 Her DNA profile was added to our database. 1239 01:11:29,680 --> 01:11:31,120 You can't do that. 1240 01:11:31,120 --> 01:11:33,200 Ah, it's just normal procedure, love. 1241 01:11:33,200 --> 01:11:36,200 And it's good for us that we did. 1242 01:11:36,200 --> 01:11:41,320 Because this here... is your daughter's profile. 1243 01:11:43,160 --> 01:11:49,600 And this is the profile of Alison's assailant. 1244 01:11:50,760 --> 01:11:53,080 And they're a familial match. 1245 01:11:53,080 --> 01:11:55,520 Which is all the evidence that we need to charge you. 1246 01:11:56,760 --> 01:12:00,000 See, DNA doesn't lie, love. 1247 01:12:00,000 --> 01:12:03,760 23 years, you've been waiting for a knock at the door, 1248 01:12:03,760 --> 01:12:06,040 and Danny Meddon tracks you down. 1249 01:12:06,040 --> 01:12:08,000 What's he got to do with it? 1250 01:12:08,000 --> 01:12:09,800 Ah, that poor lad who was killed 1251 01:12:09,800 --> 01:12:11,640 just a couple of miles from your house. 1252 01:12:11,640 --> 01:12:13,640 Now, we know you'd warned him off, 1253 01:12:13,640 --> 01:12:15,680 didn't want him anywhere near your daughter. 1254 01:12:15,680 --> 01:12:17,040 Danny Meddon was bad news. 1255 01:12:17,040 --> 01:12:19,360 Oh, aye. But not in the sense you mean. 1256 01:12:19,360 --> 01:12:21,320 It was worse than that, love. 1257 01:12:21,320 --> 01:12:25,960 Because Alison Rahim, the lass you sexually assaulted, 1258 01:12:25,960 --> 01:12:28,240 was his mam. 1259 01:12:28,240 --> 01:12:30,480 Danny Meddon was your son. 1260 01:12:32,040 --> 01:12:33,720 No. 1261 01:12:33,720 --> 01:12:35,040 No way. 1262 01:12:36,600 --> 01:12:38,320 That why you killed him? 1263 01:12:38,320 --> 01:12:42,280 Cos he was about to expose you for what you really are? 1264 01:12:42,280 --> 01:12:44,480 What? This is ridiculous. 1265 01:12:44,480 --> 01:12:46,280 Now you're saying I'd murder my own child? 1266 01:12:46,280 --> 01:12:49,080 Well, you violently assaulted his mam, 1267 01:12:49,080 --> 01:12:50,560 beat her black and blue, 1268 01:12:50,560 --> 01:12:52,680 left her like a bag of rubbish at the side of the road. 1269 01:12:52,680 --> 01:12:54,520 I think you're capable of anything. 1270 01:12:56,520 --> 01:12:58,040 KATHY: So... 1271 01:12:58,040 --> 01:13:01,720 who is she, this... this woman, who's come forward? 1272 01:13:01,720 --> 01:13:03,680 Now, I can't tell you that, not at this stage. 1273 01:13:03,680 --> 01:13:05,280 I think, at least, you owe me her name. 1274 01:13:05,280 --> 01:13:06,880 She was a colleague of your husband's. 1275 01:13:06,880 --> 01:13:08,320 She worked at Camley's for a while. 1276 01:13:09,600 --> 01:13:13,560 Leanne must not know anything about this so-called rape. 1277 01:13:14,960 --> 01:13:17,440 She's going to find out soon enough, love. 1278 01:13:17,440 --> 01:13:18,680 What? 1279 01:13:21,120 --> 01:13:23,120 Danny knew what he'd done. 1280 01:13:23,120 --> 01:13:26,160 Leanne, you don't need to hear any of this. 1281 01:13:26,160 --> 01:13:29,600 He found out his dad was a rapist. Our dad! Enough! 1282 01:13:29,600 --> 01:13:31,040 I'm sorry, love. 1283 01:13:31,040 --> 01:13:33,760 He didn't even care about me. He set us up. 1284 01:13:33,760 --> 01:13:35,480 He was just using me to get to my dad. 1285 01:13:35,480 --> 01:13:37,640 Well, why did he leave it so long? 1286 01:13:37,640 --> 01:13:39,560 Why wouldn't he say something sooner? 1287 01:13:39,560 --> 01:13:41,440 Maybe he was trying to protect her. 1288 01:13:41,440 --> 01:13:45,400 We think Danny was headed here on the night he was murdered 1289 01:13:45,400 --> 01:13:47,600 for a confrontation with your husband. 1290 01:13:49,120 --> 01:13:51,480 And you... And you think Alun killed him? 1291 01:13:52,440 --> 01:13:54,400 He had everything to lose, pet. 1292 01:14:03,000 --> 01:14:04,440 There you go. 1293 01:14:10,520 --> 01:14:12,720 So, talk to me. 1294 01:14:12,720 --> 01:14:16,320 I'm worried we're shooting ourselves in the foot here. 1295 01:14:16,320 --> 01:14:18,440 You don't think Alun Barrie killed him? 1296 01:14:18,440 --> 01:14:20,640 No, I'm starting to think maybe he didn't know 1297 01:14:20,640 --> 01:14:23,080 Danny had identified him. 1298 01:14:23,080 --> 01:14:24,440 It's a bit of a U-turn. 1299 01:14:24,440 --> 01:14:26,160 Well, we know he couldn't stand the lad, 1300 01:14:26,160 --> 01:14:28,480 but he'd no idea the little scrote was about to do a flit 1301 01:14:28,480 --> 01:14:30,160 with his daughter. 1302 01:14:30,160 --> 01:14:33,800 And I'd lay money he didn't know Danny was having a covert romp 1303 01:14:33,800 --> 01:14:35,560 in that hotel with Milan Shah. 1304 01:14:35,560 --> 01:14:37,920 The chances of them meeting on that road... 1305 01:14:37,920 --> 01:14:42,200 And the look on his face when we told him who Danny was. 1306 01:14:43,680 --> 01:14:45,360 More surprised than we were. 1307 01:14:45,360 --> 01:14:49,120 So, if he was in the dark about being the lad's biological father... 1308 01:14:49,120 --> 01:14:51,680 Where's his motive for wanting him dead? 1309 01:14:51,680 --> 01:14:54,200 Apart from the fact he hates his guts. 1310 01:14:54,200 --> 01:14:58,040 Aye, so, now, what does your gut tell you? 1311 01:14:58,040 --> 01:15:00,480 It tells me that there's more to this. 1312 01:15:03,680 --> 01:15:06,000 Reminds me of the day that we scattered Hector's ashes. 1313 01:15:06,000 --> 01:15:08,440 How long ago was that now? 1314 01:15:08,440 --> 01:15:10,480 Well, it's 13 years. 1315 01:15:12,160 --> 01:15:15,800 I know people think I'm stuck in my ways, 1316 01:15:15,800 --> 01:15:18,440 but I've adapted as a copper. 1317 01:15:18,440 --> 01:15:20,120 Moved with the times. 1318 01:15:20,120 --> 01:15:21,760 Anything to get the job done. 1319 01:15:21,760 --> 01:15:25,400 I mean, that's why I'm still around. Don't get anywhere standing still. 1320 01:15:28,640 --> 01:15:30,680 HE SIGHS 1321 01:15:32,000 --> 01:15:33,640 My dad's dying. 1322 01:15:35,600 --> 01:15:37,240 Vascular dementia. 1323 01:15:39,080 --> 01:15:41,800 That's the reason I took this gig. 1324 01:15:41,800 --> 01:15:43,080 How long's he got? 1325 01:15:43,080 --> 01:15:44,880 I don't know. 1326 01:15:44,880 --> 01:15:46,720 A few months, if we're lucky. 1327 01:15:47,920 --> 01:15:50,120 It's getting to the point where he forgets who I am. 1328 01:15:51,400 --> 01:15:53,800 Hey, I'm sorry, love. 1329 01:15:55,960 --> 01:15:58,280 You know, I always wanted to bring the kids up here. 1330 01:15:59,360 --> 01:16:03,200 I followed the work and lost sight of what matters. 1331 01:16:04,720 --> 01:16:07,840 Francesca. She's your youngest. 1332 01:16:07,840 --> 01:16:09,800 You remembered her name! Yeah. 1333 01:16:09,800 --> 01:16:12,480 After the mother-in-law, wasn't it? 1334 01:16:12,480 --> 01:16:14,440 Hard to forget that one. 1335 01:16:14,440 --> 01:16:16,040 HE CHUCKLES 1336 01:16:16,040 --> 01:16:17,320 Come on. 1337 01:16:21,200 --> 01:16:24,360 Ma'am, we've got the CCTV from that petrol station. 1338 01:16:24,360 --> 01:16:25,920 You might want to have a look. 1339 01:16:28,400 --> 01:16:32,000 So, that's Milan Shah's Range Rover pulling up at one of the pumps. 1340 01:16:34,800 --> 01:16:36,520 Someone else with him. 1341 01:16:36,520 --> 01:16:38,320 Yeah, who is it? 1342 01:16:40,320 --> 01:16:42,000 Can you zoom in on that? 1343 01:16:49,160 --> 01:16:51,160 Danny Meddon. 1344 01:16:57,520 --> 01:17:00,360 On the night Danny Meddon was killed, 1345 01:17:00,360 --> 01:17:04,280 contrary to what you told us, you left that hotel together. 1346 01:17:04,280 --> 01:17:08,520 Because we've got you both caught on camera, in your vehicle, 1347 01:17:08,520 --> 01:17:12,360 at a garage not a mile from where we found his body. 1348 01:17:13,720 --> 01:17:16,960 I said I'd drive him home. It was late. He'd been drinking. 1349 01:17:16,960 --> 01:17:19,360 Now you're arguing here. What was that about? 1350 01:17:19,360 --> 01:17:21,040 I... 1351 01:17:22,360 --> 01:17:24,800 I told him I wanted to end things. 1352 01:17:24,800 --> 01:17:27,440 The affair, the dodgy scams. 1353 01:17:27,440 --> 01:17:29,760 Barrow boy charm wearing thin, was it? 1354 01:17:29,760 --> 01:17:32,720 Look, Danny set me up. 1355 01:17:32,720 --> 01:17:34,200 He was playing me. 1356 01:17:34,200 --> 01:17:35,520 CLICKS HER TONGUE 1357 01:17:35,520 --> 01:17:38,040 So, what was it, wanted the debt written off? 1358 01:17:38,040 --> 01:17:40,280 The money his dad owed in rent? 1359 01:17:40,280 --> 01:17:41,920 Even demanded their old pitch back. 1360 01:17:41,920 --> 01:17:44,000 And if he didn't get what he wanted? 1361 01:17:44,000 --> 01:17:46,840 He threatened to tell Basma everything. 1362 01:17:46,840 --> 01:17:49,680 I told him I wouldn't give in to blackmail. 1363 01:17:49,680 --> 01:17:52,760 So, he jumped out and started walking down... 1364 01:17:52,760 --> 01:17:54,280 down one of the lanes. 1365 01:17:54,280 --> 01:17:58,000 And then you started your car and followed him. 1366 01:17:58,000 --> 01:18:01,880 You ran that lad down and you left him for dead. 1367 01:18:01,880 --> 01:18:03,200 KNOCK AT DOOR 1368 01:18:04,360 --> 01:18:05,440 Ma'am, a word? 1369 01:18:15,480 --> 01:18:18,200 Danny Meddon was trash. 1370 01:18:18,200 --> 01:18:21,040 I wasn't gonna let him ruin everything I'd worked for. 1371 01:18:36,560 --> 01:18:38,880 This better be important. 1372 01:18:38,880 --> 01:18:41,800 The fragment of headlight we found at the crime scene, 1373 01:18:41,800 --> 01:18:43,640 we narrowed down to a model of vehicle. 1374 01:18:43,640 --> 01:18:44,840 What, you cracked the code? 1375 01:18:44,840 --> 01:18:47,480 VW Golf, 17 plate. 1376 01:18:47,480 --> 01:18:49,280 He drives a white Range Rover. 1377 01:18:51,440 --> 01:18:53,440 Well, that doesn't stack up. 1378 01:18:53,440 --> 01:18:55,200 The chances are, it rules him out. 1379 01:18:56,840 --> 01:18:59,080 Unless... 1380 01:18:59,080 --> 01:19:01,840 Those stallholders were out on a birthday dinner that night, 1381 01:19:01,840 --> 01:19:04,560 weren't they? They all signed a statement. 1382 01:19:04,560 --> 01:19:07,040 Maybe we missed someone. 1383 01:19:08,800 --> 01:19:11,640 Get Steph to run another ANPR check, 1384 01:19:11,640 --> 01:19:13,800 any plates that match the new intel. 1385 01:19:13,800 --> 01:19:16,320 And let me know as soon as you find anything. 1386 01:19:19,360 --> 01:19:20,720 Thank you. Thanks, love. 1387 01:19:26,320 --> 01:19:27,840 Hey, have you got a minute, love? 1388 01:19:27,840 --> 01:19:29,840 Oh, I heard you arrested Milan Shah. 1389 01:19:29,840 --> 01:19:32,160 Ah, now, you know I can't comment on that. 1390 01:19:32,160 --> 01:19:34,240 Well, news travels fast in the market. 1391 01:19:34,240 --> 01:19:35,400 Yes, I'll bet. 1392 01:19:35,400 --> 01:19:38,240 Now there's just something I need to check with you, love. 1393 01:19:38,240 --> 01:19:40,080 Well, of course, if I can help. 1394 01:19:40,080 --> 01:19:44,120 Now, his wife, Basma, tells us that she and Milan were at home 1395 01:19:44,120 --> 01:19:47,520 all evening, the night that Danny was killed. 1396 01:19:47,520 --> 01:19:50,360 But I don't think she's being straight with us. 1397 01:19:51,440 --> 01:19:53,880 No, she's not being straight with you. 1398 01:19:53,880 --> 01:19:56,040 I don't know what he was doing, 1399 01:19:56,040 --> 01:19:59,080 but she was out with us at the birthday dinner. 1400 01:19:59,080 --> 01:20:02,000 And what time did she leave the restaurant? 1401 01:20:02,000 --> 01:20:04,600 Must've been around 11. 1402 01:20:04,600 --> 01:20:05,840 You sure about that? 1403 01:20:05,840 --> 01:20:07,680 Well, she needed to get home before he did, 1404 01:20:07,680 --> 01:20:09,680 otherwise there'd have been hell to pay. 1405 01:20:09,680 --> 01:20:11,640 Thanks, love. 1406 01:20:14,320 --> 01:20:16,080 Talk to me, Steph! 1407 01:20:16,080 --> 01:20:17,640 'We got a hit with a vehicle that fits. 1408 01:20:17,640 --> 01:20:19,720 'We can place it in the vicinity of the crime scene.' 1409 01:20:19,720 --> 01:20:20,960 It's a grey-coloured Golf. 1410 01:20:20,960 --> 01:20:23,480 'Is it registered to Milan Shah's address?' Yes, it is. 1411 01:20:23,480 --> 01:20:26,880 Steph, I need back-up over at Meadowside Estate. 1412 01:20:26,880 --> 01:20:28,320 And, Joe, I'll meet you there. 1413 01:20:37,920 --> 01:20:39,960 BELL RINGS 1414 01:21:02,920 --> 01:21:04,640 Mrs Shah. 1415 01:21:07,400 --> 01:21:09,600 I called, rang the bell. 1416 01:21:09,600 --> 01:21:12,440 I've been putting it off, the garden. 1417 01:21:12,440 --> 01:21:14,920 It's always best to stay on top of things. 1418 01:21:14,920 --> 01:21:17,120 Your husband's being questioned 1419 01:21:17,120 --> 01:21:19,760 in connection with Danny Meddon's murder. 1420 01:21:19,760 --> 01:21:22,560 He's been in custody for hours now. Are you not concerned? 1421 01:21:22,560 --> 01:21:24,320 SHE SIGHS 1422 01:21:25,440 --> 01:21:27,000 I shouldn't have lied for him. 1423 01:21:27,000 --> 01:21:29,200 Milan can be very persuasive. 1424 01:21:29,200 --> 01:21:32,240 Your husband didn't kill Danny Meddon. 1425 01:21:33,960 --> 01:21:38,200 And we know all about his little secret. 1426 01:21:39,320 --> 01:21:41,200 I always hated this house. 1427 01:21:42,600 --> 01:21:45,320 Soulless and draughty. 1428 01:21:45,320 --> 01:21:46,920 No-one ever comes to visit. 1429 01:21:46,920 --> 01:21:50,520 Ah, well, you missed yer mates, fancied a night out on the town. 1430 01:21:51,720 --> 01:21:53,520 He told us he'd be back late, 1431 01:21:53,520 --> 01:21:56,560 some business with the stallholder committee. 1432 01:21:56,560 --> 01:21:58,680 See you tomorrow! 1433 01:21:58,680 --> 01:22:00,480 'Just an hour, I thought. 1434 01:22:00,480 --> 01:22:02,000 'It's not as if he'd ever know.' 1435 01:22:02,000 --> 01:22:05,320 One for the road? I.. I'd better get back. 1436 01:22:05,320 --> 01:22:07,800 All right, love. Right. I'll call youse! 1437 01:22:07,800 --> 01:22:10,000 'I said goodbye to Carol, headed to the car.' 1438 01:22:12,480 --> 01:22:15,320 He called us to tell us he was on his way home. 1439 01:22:15,320 --> 01:22:18,720 And you were parked up in Burn Street, 1440 01:22:18,720 --> 01:22:20,560 behind the Pendelton Hotel. 1441 01:22:20,560 --> 01:22:22,760 Is that where you saw the pair of them? 1442 01:22:24,080 --> 01:22:26,400 MILAN: Danny! Danny! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! 1443 01:22:26,400 --> 01:22:29,040 OK, look, it's late, you've had a lot to drink. 1444 01:22:29,040 --> 01:22:30,800 Let me just... 1445 01:22:33,240 --> 01:22:34,440 Come on, it's me. 1446 01:22:34,440 --> 01:22:35,960 It's fine. 1447 01:22:35,960 --> 01:22:38,800 VERA: And there's you, keeping up appearances, 1448 01:22:38,800 --> 01:22:42,120 locked up out of harm's way while he's carrying on. 1449 01:22:42,120 --> 01:22:45,280 With Gaynor's lad, to boot. 1450 01:22:45,280 --> 01:22:47,080 Danny Meddon liked to play games. 1451 01:22:47,080 --> 01:22:50,000 'He didn't care about the consequences, 1452 01:22:50,000 --> 01:22:52,360 'people he was hurting, lives he might be ruining. 1453 01:22:53,640 --> 01:22:55,600 'I followed them to the garage. 1454 01:22:55,600 --> 01:22:58,200 'Saw Danny leaving, Milan driving away.' 1455 01:22:58,200 --> 01:23:03,200 Ah, so you saw your chance to put an end to things, hmm? 1456 01:23:03,200 --> 01:23:08,440 I thought maybe if I went after Danny, 1457 01:23:08,440 --> 01:23:10,680 I might be able to make him see sense, 1458 01:23:10,680 --> 01:23:14,080 or confront him, warn him off. 1459 01:23:14,080 --> 01:23:15,800 That didn't work out so well. 1460 01:23:18,240 --> 01:23:21,880 'I was driving too fast. He was weaving all over the road.' 1461 01:23:23,200 --> 01:23:24,240 THUD 1462 01:23:24,240 --> 01:23:26,240 After I hit him, I slammed on the brakes. 1463 01:23:30,200 --> 01:23:32,400 Sat there, shaking. 1464 01:23:32,400 --> 01:23:34,520 Couldn't take my hands off the steering wheel. 1465 01:23:35,680 --> 01:23:38,920 I could see him in the mirror, lying in the middle of the bridge. 1466 01:23:38,920 --> 01:23:41,880 All I could hear was the river. 1467 01:23:41,880 --> 01:23:44,400 WATER FLOWS 1468 01:23:44,400 --> 01:23:47,960 I could see he was already dead. 1469 01:23:47,960 --> 01:23:52,320 So you just got in your car and drove off? 1470 01:23:52,320 --> 01:23:55,040 Aye. I panicked. 1471 01:23:55,040 --> 01:23:57,240 I... I wasn't thinking straight. 1472 01:23:57,240 --> 01:24:00,520 Except it wasn't an accident, was it, love? 1473 01:24:00,520 --> 01:24:04,520 You had every intention of running that lad down. 1474 01:24:04,520 --> 01:24:08,360 You wanted him dead, and you just walked away. 1475 01:24:14,520 --> 01:24:16,800 It was payback. 1476 01:24:16,800 --> 01:24:19,400 He deserved everything he got. 1477 01:24:19,400 --> 01:24:22,720 You left him to die on that bridge, 1478 01:24:22,720 --> 01:24:26,600 and drove home to your lying, cheating husband. 1479 01:24:27,640 --> 01:24:29,920 We could have put it all behind us. 1480 01:24:29,920 --> 01:24:31,520 The problem had gone away. 1481 01:24:32,640 --> 01:24:34,240 A new start. 1482 01:24:35,480 --> 01:24:39,800 Well, I think we both know that was never going to happen. 1483 01:24:46,520 --> 01:24:49,000 Mr Shah... 1484 01:24:49,000 --> 01:24:52,040 we've charged your wife with Danny Meddon's murder, 1485 01:24:52,040 --> 01:24:55,920 and you'll also be charged with perverting the course of justice. 1486 01:24:55,920 --> 01:24:58,800 I owed her that much, after everything I put her through. 1487 01:24:58,800 --> 01:25:01,560 Oh, that doesn't excuse anything, love. 1488 01:25:01,560 --> 01:25:03,280 You know, I... 1489 01:25:05,040 --> 01:25:07,320 I... 1490 01:25:07,320 --> 01:25:10,000 I was ready to tell Basma everything that night. 1491 01:25:11,120 --> 01:25:13,560 Yeah, I rehearsed it in my head a thousand times. 1492 01:25:13,560 --> 01:25:15,480 I couldn't let her hear it from Danny. 1493 01:25:16,520 --> 01:25:20,920 But when I got back from Bentham, she wasn't at home, 1494 01:25:20,920 --> 01:25:23,680 so I sat down and waited. 1495 01:25:23,680 --> 01:25:26,920 And I heard her key in the door. 1496 01:25:26,920 --> 01:25:30,200 She'd been out with some friends from the market. 1497 01:25:30,200 --> 01:25:32,280 Thought I'd be angry for catching her out. 1498 01:25:33,680 --> 01:25:36,480 She was trembling. 1499 01:25:36,480 --> 01:25:39,080 Almost recoiled when I touched her. 1500 01:25:39,080 --> 01:25:42,200 Well, that's hardly surprising, 1501 01:25:42,200 --> 01:25:45,320 after what she'd seen, what she'd just done. 1502 01:25:46,560 --> 01:25:49,800 She... She checked her car into the garage the next day. 1503 01:25:51,040 --> 01:25:53,080 They billed me for a broken headlight. 1504 01:25:53,080 --> 01:25:56,680 Ah, so that's when you realised she'd killed him? 1505 01:25:58,040 --> 01:26:00,440 She must have known I had my suspicions. 1506 01:26:01,600 --> 01:26:05,760 Cos when I told her I needed an alibi... 1507 01:26:07,400 --> 01:26:09,520 ..she didn't even ask me why. 1508 01:26:21,600 --> 01:26:23,360 Hiya. 1509 01:26:23,360 --> 01:26:26,400 No Onions today? Nah. Given him a bit of time off. 1510 01:26:27,600 --> 01:26:29,840 Well, I thought you'd like to know, 1511 01:26:29,840 --> 01:26:33,360 we've charged Basma Shah with your son's murder. 1512 01:26:36,520 --> 01:26:37,720 I heard. 1513 01:26:39,560 --> 01:26:42,640 Suppose it'll all come out, what Danny was up to? 1514 01:26:42,640 --> 01:26:45,120 I expect it will, love. 1515 01:26:47,280 --> 01:26:49,080 He was still my son. 1516 01:26:50,920 --> 01:26:54,680 Tony, this is Alison Rahim. 1517 01:26:56,960 --> 01:26:59,680 Right. What can I get you, love? 1518 01:27:02,240 --> 01:27:04,680 She's Danny's birth mother. 1519 01:27:07,240 --> 01:27:10,640 I asked Inspector Stanhope if it might be OK to drop by. 1520 01:27:11,800 --> 01:27:13,360 Just to talk. 1521 01:27:15,640 --> 01:27:16,880 Oh, you're busy, sorry, I... 1522 01:27:16,880 --> 01:27:18,080 No. 1523 01:27:19,280 --> 01:27:22,160 I can get someone to mind the stall. 1524 01:27:23,880 --> 01:27:26,160 We can grab a coffee, if you like? 1525 01:27:27,240 --> 01:27:29,400 Yeah. Be nice. 1526 01:27:34,440 --> 01:27:35,840 Can you just...? Aye. 1527 01:27:41,880 --> 01:27:45,120 Thanks for coming. No, thanks for seeing me. 1528 01:27:54,880 --> 01:27:56,560 DCI Stanhope! 1529 01:28:00,880 --> 01:28:03,240 CHATTER 1530 01:28:10,280 --> 01:28:13,160 I thought you'd be packed up and gone by now. 1531 01:28:13,160 --> 01:28:15,280 Nah, a few loose ends I needed to sort out. 1532 01:28:15,280 --> 01:28:19,720 Ah, well, I'll look forward to those recommendations. 1533 01:28:21,640 --> 01:28:24,040 No need to lose any sleep. 1534 01:28:24,040 --> 01:28:25,320 Me, on the other hand, 1535 01:28:25,320 --> 01:28:28,960 with everything that's going on with my dad, I'll not be going far. 1536 01:28:28,960 --> 01:28:34,160 Well, erm... if you like, maybe... 1537 01:28:34,160 --> 01:28:38,320 maybe I could pull a few strings, get a place on the team. 1538 01:28:38,320 --> 01:28:40,840 I mean, just something to tide you over, if that's... 1539 01:28:40,840 --> 01:28:42,680 I'm a DI now, boss. 1540 01:28:42,680 --> 01:28:44,640 Aye, and don't we know it! 1541 01:28:46,040 --> 01:28:48,400 Ma'am, someone put these on my desk. 1542 01:28:48,400 --> 01:28:51,120 Oh, Carol insisted, Kenny. 1543 01:28:51,120 --> 01:28:53,480 Thought you could do with a new pair. 1544 01:28:54,840 --> 01:28:56,560 It'd have to be on my terms. 1545 01:28:56,560 --> 01:28:59,280 Long as you remember who's in charge. 1546 01:29:01,240 --> 01:29:03,480 All right, I'll give it some thought. 1547 01:29:03,480 --> 01:29:07,640 Actually, ma'am, I'm a large. 1548 01:29:07,640 --> 01:29:10,320 Oh, that's too much information, Kenny! 1549 01:29:10,320 --> 01:29:12,440 THEY CHUCKLE 1550 01:29:17,960 --> 01:29:20,120 TEAM CHEERING 1551 01:29:20,120 --> 01:29:22,160 Subtitles by accessibility@itv.com