1 00:00:10,374 --> 00:00:13,374 [LAUGHTER AND DANCE MUSIC] 2 00:01:01,374 --> 00:01:05,374 [HE SOBS] 3 00:01:17,022 --> 00:01:18,022 Urgh! 4 00:02:50,734 --> 00:02:52,374 Joe! 5 00:02:53,374 --> 00:02:54,740 Joe! Quick, man! 6 00:02:54,741 --> 00:02:56,374 What's going on? 7 00:02:57,374 --> 00:02:59,574 There's someone in the water! Call an ambulance! 8 00:03:56,678 --> 00:03:58,678 WOMAN: Walken Estates. 9 00:04:53,678 --> 00:04:55,678 - Find it all right, ma'am? - Ooph! 10 00:04:57,120 --> 00:04:59,373 - Who's that with Kenny? - David Walken. 11 00:04:59,374 --> 00:05:02,373 His dad owns the place. Business land down here, 12 00:05:02,374 --> 00:05:04,373 personal estate further up there. 13 00:05:04,374 --> 00:05:07,373 The body's been ID'd as his brother Dennis. 14 00:05:07,374 --> 00:05:09,733 - What, by him? - No. By Joe Barry. 15 00:05:09,734 --> 00:05:12,374 - And who's he? - General Manager of the farm. 16 00:05:12,940 --> 00:05:17,100 Well, they both look like they could do with a cup of tea and a sit-down. 17 00:05:18,112 --> 00:05:20,272 Get Jac to find somewhere a bit quieter. 18 00:05:20,297 --> 00:05:22,137 Ma'am, here you are. 19 00:05:31,374 --> 00:05:33,373 How long was he in the water? 20 00:05:33,374 --> 00:05:35,734 Three or four hours tops. 21 00:05:36,574 --> 00:05:38,374 Just a young lad. 22 00:05:39,374 --> 00:05:41,373 18, 19, I'd say. 23 00:05:41,374 --> 00:05:43,054 Baby face. 24 00:05:44,460 --> 00:05:46,373 No obvious signs of assault. 25 00:05:46,374 --> 00:05:48,889 So why not an accident or a suicide? 26 00:05:48,890 --> 00:05:50,733 Well, whilst I say no obvious traces, 27 00:05:50,734 --> 00:05:52,373 there is an indentation here. 28 00:05:52,374 --> 00:05:55,373 Could he have whacked his head on some rocks during a midnight swim? 29 00:05:55,374 --> 00:05:58,084 - He was at a party. - My feeling is he was assaulted 30 00:05:58,085 --> 00:06:00,131 and then dumped into the water afterwards. 31 00:06:00,132 --> 00:06:03,894 So what you're saying, that angle suggests a blow landing from above. 32 00:06:05,429 --> 00:06:06,749 Precisely. 33 00:06:07,202 --> 00:06:08,722 Hm? 34 00:06:09,260 --> 00:06:11,373 What else? Anything in his pockets? 35 00:06:11,374 --> 00:06:12,734 I would have told you if there was. 36 00:06:14,414 --> 00:06:17,373 What, there was nothing? Not even a mobile? 37 00:06:17,374 --> 00:06:18,820 See previous answer. 38 00:06:19,574 --> 00:06:22,373 What's up Malcolm, go without your morning coffee or what? 39 00:06:22,374 --> 00:06:26,654 There are some scrapes here on his left knuckles. 40 00:06:26,655 --> 00:06:28,373 Well, that's something else, isn't it? 41 00:06:28,374 --> 00:06:30,373 Possibly from punching someone. 42 00:06:30,374 --> 00:06:31,733 He could have been in a fight. 43 00:06:31,734 --> 00:06:33,373 Ah... 44 00:06:33,374 --> 00:06:36,373 That could be from being tossed about in the water. 45 00:06:36,374 --> 00:06:39,709 Well, I'll give you some definitive answers as soon as possible, OK? 46 00:06:39,710 --> 00:06:42,213 Aye, well, let me know as soon as you find anything else. 47 00:06:42,214 --> 00:06:43,373 Will do. 48 00:06:43,374 --> 00:06:46,213 Yeah, and I'll have a coffee sent down for you, love. 49 00:06:46,214 --> 00:06:47,580 I hate to see you miserable. 50 00:06:53,140 --> 00:06:56,209 The deceased didn't live on the estate, he had a bedsit in Harbury. 51 00:06:56,210 --> 00:06:57,756 - Have you got an address? - Yeah. 52 00:06:57,757 --> 00:06:58,904 Right. 53 00:06:58,905 --> 00:07:01,920 - And what about witness statements? - There's a lot to get through. 54 00:07:01,921 --> 00:07:05,460 The guests from the party last night, staff, extended family. 55 00:07:09,414 --> 00:07:11,893 What about CCTV? 56 00:07:11,894 --> 00:07:13,893 The cameras here all point inwards, 57 00:07:13,894 --> 00:07:16,374 so there's no coverage of where the body was found. 58 00:07:17,608 --> 00:07:20,608 But he might not have gone into the water here. 59 00:07:23,374 --> 00:07:26,374 He could have drifted in from pretty much anywhere. 60 00:07:27,374 --> 00:07:29,894 Right, where's this house, then? 61 00:08:00,214 --> 00:08:02,893 - The size of the house... - I know. 62 00:08:02,894 --> 00:08:05,053 Luxury cars. 63 00:08:05,054 --> 00:08:07,374 The salmon business must be booming. 64 00:08:10,374 --> 00:08:13,373 So, is all of this land theirs, then? 65 00:08:13,374 --> 00:08:15,373 Apparently they've got a private mooring. 66 00:08:15,374 --> 00:08:18,374 And their son was living in a bedsit... 67 00:08:23,061 --> 00:08:25,061 Right, can you tell them we're here? 68 00:08:32,374 --> 00:08:34,374 [FOOTSTEPS APPROACH] 69 00:08:47,053 --> 00:08:50,053 I thought it was one of my boys. 70 00:08:50,374 --> 00:08:51,894 You hear something like that and... 71 00:08:52,734 --> 00:08:54,414 ...immediately think the worst. 72 00:08:55,734 --> 00:08:59,374 But we understood Dennis was one of your boys, Mrs Walken. 73 00:08:59,740 --> 00:09:01,260 What? 74 00:09:01,285 --> 00:09:02,765 No. 75 00:09:03,757 --> 00:09:05,277 Dennis was... 76 00:09:06,561 --> 00:09:08,060 ...not my son. 77 00:09:08,414 --> 00:09:10,214 He was mine. 78 00:09:11,054 --> 00:09:13,213 - One of my boys. - Oh, Mr Walken. 79 00:09:13,214 --> 00:09:16,373 DCI Vera Stanhope. This is DS Healy. 80 00:09:16,374 --> 00:09:18,894 We are so sorry for your loss. 81 00:09:24,894 --> 00:09:29,240 Now, we understand Dennis attended the party here last night. 82 00:09:29,241 --> 00:09:30,373 That's right. 83 00:09:30,374 --> 00:09:32,373 But he didn't live here with you. 84 00:09:32,374 --> 00:09:33,413 No. 85 00:09:33,414 --> 00:09:38,213 Now, can you recall the time when you last saw your son, Mr Walken? 86 00:09:38,214 --> 00:09:39,811 I mean, last night, I assume. 87 00:09:39,812 --> 00:09:42,373 Around 10:00 or 11:00, I think. 88 00:09:42,374 --> 00:09:44,413 - Can you remember? - I'm not sure. 89 00:09:44,414 --> 00:09:47,373 But, yes, around that time. 90 00:09:47,374 --> 00:09:49,858 I went up about ten-ish. 91 00:09:49,859 --> 00:09:52,373 That's a bit early to leave your own party. 92 00:09:52,374 --> 00:09:54,373 My wife's receiving cancer treatment. 93 00:09:54,374 --> 00:09:55,374 She gets tired. 94 00:09:55,959 --> 00:09:58,959 I stayed up for a couple more drinks, but I wasn't far behind her. 95 00:10:01,374 --> 00:10:03,373 Did Dennis have a lot to drink? 96 00:10:03,374 --> 00:10:05,623 - A fair bit, yes. - Birthday, was it? 97 00:10:05,624 --> 00:10:07,374 Our wedding anniversary. 98 00:10:07,858 --> 00:10:09,858 30 years. 99 00:10:10,186 --> 00:10:11,860 Well, congratulations. 100 00:10:13,374 --> 00:10:16,373 Now, we're investigating the possibility 101 00:10:16,374 --> 00:10:19,373 that Dennis was assaulted last night. 102 00:10:19,374 --> 00:10:21,373 - Assaulted? - Oh, my God...! 103 00:10:21,374 --> 00:10:23,373 Did he have an argument or a disagreement with anybody? 104 00:10:23,374 --> 00:10:24,413 No. 105 00:10:24,414 --> 00:10:26,373 Not that I saw. 106 00:10:26,374 --> 00:10:28,373 Did he enjoy the party? 107 00:10:28,374 --> 00:10:29,701 - Yes. - He was quiet. 108 00:10:29,702 --> 00:10:31,373 He didn't really know anyone, so... 109 00:10:31,374 --> 00:10:33,373 He spoke to loads of people. 110 00:10:33,374 --> 00:10:35,717 I'm just saying, it was complicated for him. 111 00:10:35,718 --> 00:10:37,374 It was complicated for all of us. 112 00:10:42,374 --> 00:10:44,647 He'd not long been in our lives. 113 00:10:44,648 --> 00:10:46,374 A few months. 114 00:10:48,214 --> 00:10:50,573 Did you know you had another son, Mr Walken? 115 00:10:50,574 --> 00:10:52,373 No. 116 00:10:52,374 --> 00:10:54,373 How about your other boys? 117 00:10:54,374 --> 00:10:57,717 - How did they take it? - David and Dennis got along well. 118 00:10:57,718 --> 00:10:59,734 And Josh, our eldest... 119 00:11:01,187 --> 00:11:02,717 ...we don't see Josh. 120 00:11:02,718 --> 00:11:04,373 Since when is that? 121 00:11:04,374 --> 00:11:06,373 Three years. 122 00:11:06,374 --> 00:11:08,374 He lives in Stockholm now. 123 00:11:09,060 --> 00:11:11,374 So does he know he had another brother? 124 00:11:11,780 --> 00:11:13,213 No. 125 00:11:13,214 --> 00:11:14,900 They never met. 126 00:11:18,374 --> 00:11:20,373 HEALY: All right, great. Thanks. 127 00:11:20,374 --> 00:11:22,820 Jac's found an address for Dennis' mother. 128 00:11:27,374 --> 00:11:31,213 STANHOPE: I'm afraid I am going to have to ask you some questions. 129 00:11:31,214 --> 00:11:33,733 Can you tell me when you last saw Dennis? 130 00:11:33,734 --> 00:11:35,374 It's been a while. 131 00:11:37,374 --> 00:11:38,374 Wednesday. 132 00:11:39,374 --> 00:11:41,373 I saw him Wednesday. Not for long. 133 00:11:41,374 --> 00:11:43,374 I didn't want to upset you. 134 00:11:45,374 --> 00:11:48,170 I'd bought him a toastie maker thing. 135 00:11:48,171 --> 00:11:50,373 You know, and... 136 00:11:50,374 --> 00:11:53,740 But before that, yeah, I hadn't seen him for a while. 137 00:11:58,546 --> 00:12:00,546 What happened to him? 138 00:12:01,374 --> 00:12:03,900 Well, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, love... 139 00:12:04,894 --> 00:12:07,893 ...but we are treating your son's death as suspicious. 140 00:12:07,894 --> 00:12:09,373 What do you mean? 141 00:12:09,374 --> 00:12:11,373 Who? 142 00:12:11,374 --> 00:12:13,374 Who would want to hurt him? 143 00:12:13,701 --> 00:12:15,221 Who? 144 00:12:17,374 --> 00:12:20,850 Now, you say you last saw Dennis on Wednesday. 145 00:12:20,851 --> 00:12:23,358 - Is that right? - Yeah. 146 00:12:23,359 --> 00:12:25,374 How did he seem? 147 00:12:26,374 --> 00:12:27,574 He was lost. 148 00:12:28,948 --> 00:12:30,420 He was just lost. 149 00:12:41,132 --> 00:12:42,772 Mr Bayliss... 150 00:12:44,374 --> 00:12:46,373 ...is it all right if we take photos? 151 00:12:46,374 --> 00:12:48,374 Yeah. 152 00:12:48,991 --> 00:12:51,373 - Did he do all this himself? - Initially. 153 00:12:51,374 --> 00:12:53,820 Then he worked with another lad who'd, er... 154 00:12:54,374 --> 00:12:57,053 ...who'd found his own birth father a couple of years back. 155 00:12:57,054 --> 00:12:59,573 And do you know this other lad's name? 156 00:12:59,574 --> 00:13:02,374 I didn't have anything to do with it. I'm... I'm sorry. 157 00:13:04,374 --> 00:13:06,373 When did he start all this? 158 00:13:06,374 --> 00:13:09,373 His ex-girlfriend bought him a DNA kit for his birthday. 159 00:13:09,374 --> 00:13:11,660 She did one as well. They thought it would be fun. 160 00:13:12,855 --> 00:13:16,655 He didn't realise he'd automatically be matched up with close relatives. 161 00:13:18,374 --> 00:13:19,374 Neither did we. 162 00:13:20,100 --> 00:13:21,373 Mm. 163 00:13:21,374 --> 00:13:22,733 Until then, he thought you were...? 164 00:13:22,734 --> 00:13:25,374 That I was his dad, yeah. 165 00:13:27,620 --> 00:13:29,374 How did he take it? 166 00:13:30,006 --> 00:13:32,006 He was angry. 167 00:13:32,374 --> 00:13:34,893 Lots of screaming and shouting. 168 00:13:34,894 --> 00:13:38,373 Then came the emotional distance, barely speaking to us. 169 00:13:38,374 --> 00:13:41,687 He'd stay up here, working on this, trying to track down his... 170 00:13:42,787 --> 00:13:43,980 ...his father. 171 00:13:45,780 --> 00:13:48,893 - So, he didn't move out straight away? - No. 172 00:13:48,894 --> 00:13:51,131 It was a few months later. 173 00:13:51,132 --> 00:13:54,373 And that's when the relationship between the three of you broke down. 174 00:13:54,374 --> 00:13:57,373 Occasionally he'd see Steph, when she pestered him enough. 175 00:13:57,374 --> 00:13:59,660 But, yeah, we were pretty broken then. 176 00:14:01,900 --> 00:14:03,574 Is this the ex-girlfriend? 177 00:14:04,060 --> 00:14:05,734 Yes. Phoebe. 178 00:14:12,574 --> 00:14:14,373 When did they split up? 179 00:14:14,374 --> 00:14:17,573 Not long after she left for uni last year. 180 00:14:17,574 --> 00:14:20,373 Mm. And whose decision was that? 181 00:14:20,374 --> 00:14:22,717 Hers. He was devastated. 182 00:14:22,718 --> 00:14:24,522 He was more or less living over there 183 00:14:24,523 --> 00:14:26,374 with her and her family before she left. 184 00:14:27,546 --> 00:14:29,546 Jamie was really good to him. 185 00:14:30,374 --> 00:14:32,373 - Jamie? - Phoebe's dad. 186 00:14:32,374 --> 00:14:33,574 Dennis worked for him. 187 00:14:35,163 --> 00:14:36,374 Can I hang on to this? 188 00:14:36,875 --> 00:14:38,374 Go ahead. 189 00:14:51,374 --> 00:14:53,053 Fishing. 190 00:14:53,054 --> 00:14:54,374 That was our thing. 191 00:15:13,374 --> 00:15:15,373 All that time calling someone Dad. 192 00:15:15,374 --> 00:15:17,373 He was his dad. 193 00:15:17,374 --> 00:15:19,373 Yeah, I know. But not biologically. 194 00:15:19,374 --> 00:15:22,374 Well, what's that compared to a lifetime of parenting? 195 00:15:23,374 --> 00:15:24,374 [SHE SIGHS] 196 00:15:24,375 --> 00:15:27,373 She can only have been a kid herself when she had Dennis. 197 00:15:27,374 --> 00:15:28,374 Yeah. 198 00:15:30,374 --> 00:15:32,694 The whole of her adult life being a mam. 199 00:15:34,374 --> 00:15:36,373 19 years of milestones. 200 00:15:36,374 --> 00:15:38,054 And then, suddenly, that's it. 201 00:15:39,374 --> 00:15:40,374 Gone. 202 00:15:43,374 --> 00:15:44,374 [ENGINE STARTS] 203 00:16:22,437 --> 00:16:23,694 Aiden... 204 00:16:25,959 --> 00:16:27,959 Anti-anxiety meds. 205 00:16:30,569 --> 00:16:32,569 Not prescribed. 206 00:16:33,574 --> 00:16:35,374 John... 207 00:16:41,600 --> 00:16:43,600 Aiden, see if there's anything under there. 208 00:16:51,374 --> 00:16:52,734 Ah, John, laptop. 209 00:16:57,374 --> 00:16:59,975 Dennis Bayliss, 19 years old. 210 00:16:59,976 --> 00:17:02,373 He was pulled out of the sea this morning, 211 00:17:02,374 --> 00:17:04,893 adjacent to the Walkens' fish farm. 212 00:17:04,894 --> 00:17:07,373 Now, the timeline goes like this... 213 00:17:07,374 --> 00:17:10,373 He was seen by a neighbour, Pat Ross, 214 00:17:10,374 --> 00:17:14,256 leaving his bedsit yesterday round about 6:00pm. 215 00:17:14,257 --> 00:17:19,592 An eyewitness has him leaving the party at about 1:00am, 2:00am. 216 00:17:19,593 --> 00:17:24,373 Malcolm has him dead in the water at approximately 4:00am. 217 00:17:24,374 --> 00:17:27,373 So, what happened to him in those two hours? 218 00:17:27,374 --> 00:17:30,373 I checked the camera at the main gate to the estate, ma'am. 219 00:17:30,374 --> 00:17:33,092 He was seen coming in on foot at 7:30 last night, 220 00:17:33,093 --> 00:17:34,701 but he didn't leave by that gate. 221 00:17:34,702 --> 00:17:37,373 - But that's the only way off the estate, isn't it? - Yeah. 222 00:17:37,374 --> 00:17:40,373 Well, maybe he left in a car with one of the other guests. 223 00:17:40,374 --> 00:17:41,680 Check it out. 224 00:17:42,574 --> 00:17:46,373 So, let's not assume he died where we found him. 225 00:17:46,374 --> 00:17:49,076 I mean, he could've floated in from anywhere. 226 00:17:49,077 --> 00:17:54,373 And let's scour the coastline for any evidence of an assault. 227 00:17:54,374 --> 00:17:57,850 According to Joe Barry, the business is locked and secure overnight. 228 00:17:57,851 --> 00:18:00,734 There's no way point of entry could have be down through the farm. 229 00:18:01,937 --> 00:18:04,881 Now, this party was held by the lad's biological father. 230 00:18:04,882 --> 00:18:06,373 That's Thomas Walken. 231 00:18:06,374 --> 00:18:08,573 Who he'd recently found via a DNA database. 232 00:18:08,574 --> 00:18:10,373 It took the family by storm. 233 00:18:10,374 --> 00:18:12,413 He used one of those genealogy home test kits. 234 00:18:12,414 --> 00:18:14,573 What, and the dad happened to be on there as well? 235 00:18:14,574 --> 00:18:17,373 What? No. He claims he didn't know the lad existed. 236 00:18:17,374 --> 00:18:20,373 It's more than likely he matched up with another blood relative 237 00:18:20,374 --> 00:18:22,061 and then found his father that way. 238 00:18:22,062 --> 00:18:23,373 Now, I want two things. 239 00:18:23,374 --> 00:18:25,373 Where he went into the water. 240 00:18:25,374 --> 00:18:28,373 And when he left the party, was he with anyone? 241 00:18:28,374 --> 00:18:31,373 And let's continue to get as many witness statements 242 00:18:31,374 --> 00:18:35,654 from the party as possible today, while it's all still fresh. 243 00:18:35,655 --> 00:18:38,373 And, Kenny, what about the lad's mobile? 244 00:18:38,374 --> 00:18:40,709 - Have we found it? - No, not yet, ma'am. 245 00:18:40,710 --> 00:18:43,240 But we did find his travel pass at his flat. 246 00:18:43,241 --> 00:18:45,373 We traced his current account from it. 247 00:18:45,374 --> 00:18:48,373 He had a standing order with his mobile phone service provider. 248 00:18:48,374 --> 00:18:51,678 I've requested a full breakdown of all incoming and outgoing calls. 249 00:18:51,679 --> 00:18:52,920 Ah, great. 250 00:18:52,921 --> 00:18:55,373 These are instant messages from his laptop, 251 00:18:55,374 --> 00:18:59,373 all from the past 48 hours and all from his ex-girlfriend Phoebe. 252 00:18:59,374 --> 00:19:00,881 Ex-girlfriend? 253 00:19:00,882 --> 00:19:04,740 Doesn't look so ex to me, if these messages are anything to go by. 254 00:19:05,574 --> 00:19:07,374 Get your coat. 255 00:19:10,374 --> 00:19:12,374 When did you last see Dennis, Phoebe? 256 00:19:13,374 --> 00:19:15,374 A few weeks ago. 257 00:19:16,374 --> 00:19:18,373 So you remained friends after you split up. 258 00:19:18,374 --> 00:19:20,373 He was going through a lot. 259 00:19:20,374 --> 00:19:22,662 I couldn't just cut him out of my life. 260 00:19:22,663 --> 00:19:25,733 - A lot, as in family stuff? - Finding his dad and all that, aye. 261 00:19:25,734 --> 00:19:28,115 Did you help him with his search? 262 00:19:28,116 --> 00:19:31,373 Initially, but once he got into it, it was all about him and Vinay, 263 00:19:31,374 --> 00:19:34,373 a guy he met online through a genealogy forum. 264 00:19:34,374 --> 00:19:37,374 - Do you have a number for him? - I hardly knew him. 265 00:19:38,734 --> 00:19:42,373 Are you all right, pet? Do you want me to get someone to be with you? 266 00:19:42,374 --> 00:19:45,053 - I'll just go home. - You're not going to be sick? 267 00:19:45,054 --> 00:19:48,374 Every time he went over to Thomas Walken's it ended badly. 268 00:19:53,374 --> 00:19:55,374 When did you last speak to Dennis? 269 00:19:55,898 --> 00:19:57,578 Late last night. 270 00:19:58,374 --> 00:20:00,373 He wanted to come over, but I said no. 271 00:20:00,374 --> 00:20:02,373 What time was this? 272 00:20:02,374 --> 00:20:04,373 Just before 2:00, I think. 273 00:20:04,374 --> 00:20:07,373 - And can you remember what he said? - He wasn't really making any sense. 274 00:20:07,374 --> 00:20:09,374 He just kept saying, "It had all come out." 275 00:20:10,020 --> 00:20:12,373 - What did he mean by that? - No idea. 276 00:20:12,374 --> 00:20:14,733 They never wanted him, though, I know that. 277 00:20:14,734 --> 00:20:17,374 It was obvious to everyone but Dennis. 278 00:20:19,976 --> 00:20:21,976 It all happened so fast. 279 00:20:22,413 --> 00:20:25,720 It's hard to believe. We'd only know each other a few months. 280 00:20:26,538 --> 00:20:27,975 But it must have been difficult 281 00:20:27,976 --> 00:20:30,016 having a long-lost brother turning up. 282 00:20:30,976 --> 00:20:33,451 - Maybe for him. - But not for you? 283 00:20:33,452 --> 00:20:35,975 Obviously, it was a bit odd when he first appeared. 284 00:20:35,976 --> 00:20:39,702 But you were all getting along, were you? 285 00:20:39,703 --> 00:20:42,702 And you and Dennis didn't have an arguments last night? 286 00:20:42,703 --> 00:20:45,200 You know things coming to a head, that sort of thing. 287 00:20:46,000 --> 00:20:49,280 We did have words, yeah. But nothing... 288 00:20:49,903 --> 00:20:51,412 ...you know, major. 289 00:20:51,413 --> 00:20:54,506 - What did you have words about? - I can't even remember. 290 00:20:54,507 --> 00:20:59,702 I think I suggested a cab, but he wanted to carry on drinking. 291 00:20:59,703 --> 00:21:01,702 - Did you get him a cab? - No. 292 00:21:01,703 --> 00:21:04,062 - Why not? - Because he didn't want me to. 293 00:21:04,063 --> 00:21:07,702 - So, did it get physical? - Not at all. 294 00:21:07,703 --> 00:21:09,444 Are you sure about that? 295 00:21:09,445 --> 00:21:10,703 Absolutely! 296 00:21:11,200 --> 00:21:13,116 Dennis could be difficult. 297 00:21:13,440 --> 00:21:17,120 One minute, he'd be great. The next minute, he'd be sulking like a kid. 298 00:21:17,703 --> 00:21:19,702 - He was a kid. - I know. 299 00:21:19,703 --> 00:21:21,702 I'm just saying, he could be a bit up and down. 300 00:21:21,703 --> 00:21:24,902 So, this was nothing serious, this argument? 301 00:21:24,903 --> 00:21:27,702 No. He had some daft idea in his head 302 00:21:27,703 --> 00:21:29,702 that Dad didn't really want him at the party. 303 00:21:29,703 --> 00:21:32,703 - And did he? - He was there, wasn't he? 304 00:21:33,952 --> 00:21:36,952 Was your dad involved in this argument? 305 00:21:38,336 --> 00:21:39,703 No. 306 00:21:40,179 --> 00:21:42,703 So, tell us about the business. 307 00:21:42,937 --> 00:21:44,080 Hm? 308 00:21:44,903 --> 00:21:47,702 Was Dennis interested in that? 309 00:21:47,703 --> 00:21:49,132 He was interested in the fish. 310 00:21:49,929 --> 00:21:51,760 Always asking to be taken out there. 311 00:21:52,383 --> 00:21:53,702 And did you take him out? 312 00:21:53,703 --> 00:21:56,703 Not personally. But he went out there once or twice, yeah. 313 00:21:58,327 --> 00:22:01,327 And how's the business doing? 314 00:22:02,703 --> 00:22:04,703 Making money, is it? 315 00:22:05,703 --> 00:22:07,702 Yeah, it's doing well. 316 00:22:07,703 --> 00:22:11,703 We've had a small problem with poaching, but nothing significant. 317 00:22:12,218 --> 00:22:13,218 Right. 318 00:22:14,063 --> 00:22:17,703 Yeah, well, thanks, David. That's all for now. 319 00:22:28,703 --> 00:22:30,222 Cause of death, blunt object. 320 00:22:30,223 --> 00:22:33,077 I'd say 15 centimetres wide. 321 00:22:33,400 --> 00:22:35,702 Brought down with extreme force. 322 00:22:35,703 --> 00:22:38,320 - Already dead when he hit the water. - Yes. 323 00:22:39,223 --> 00:22:41,234 What about those scratches on his hand? 324 00:22:41,259 --> 00:22:42,695 Oh, they're nothing. But 325 00:22:42,720 --> 00:22:46,080 he does have some bruising on the upper right arm. 326 00:22:47,903 --> 00:22:51,703 You can see there and then a larger one here. 327 00:22:56,703 --> 00:22:58,703 - Fingers and thumb? - I'd say so. 328 00:22:59,543 --> 00:23:00,703 Toxicology. 329 00:23:06,703 --> 00:23:08,702 - Methylphenidate? - Yes. It's a, erm... 330 00:23:08,703 --> 00:23:11,702 Yes, it's a first-line stimulant medication 331 00:23:11,703 --> 00:23:15,194 used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. 332 00:23:15,195 --> 00:23:16,702 Thank you. 333 00:23:16,703 --> 00:23:18,702 Fluoxetine, diazepam... 334 00:23:18,703 --> 00:23:21,702 - You name it, it's on there. - So, he's popping uppers and downers. 335 00:23:21,703 --> 00:23:23,542 Mm-hm. 336 00:23:23,543 --> 00:23:25,225 Excuse me. 337 00:23:25,226 --> 00:23:26,702 The parents have arrived early. 338 00:23:26,703 --> 00:23:28,080 Give us five minutes, please. 339 00:23:29,703 --> 00:23:30,703 They're keen. 340 00:23:30,703 --> 00:23:31,703 Oh... 341 00:23:33,430 --> 00:23:35,070 What? 342 00:23:43,703 --> 00:23:45,703 Are you ready? 343 00:23:46,703 --> 00:23:48,383 Mr Bayliss? 344 00:23:55,903 --> 00:23:57,703 [THEY BOTH SOB] 345 00:24:19,757 --> 00:24:21,437 Right, look... 346 00:24:23,875 --> 00:24:26,914 I am going to find out what happened to your son. 347 00:24:26,915 --> 00:24:28,875 I can promise you that. 348 00:24:29,203 --> 00:24:31,203 But to help me do that... 349 00:24:31,875 --> 00:24:33,874 ...I need to ask you a couple of questions. 350 00:24:33,875 --> 00:24:36,248 - Is that all right? - Yeah. 351 00:24:36,249 --> 00:24:37,875 You're sure? 352 00:24:38,875 --> 00:24:40,874 Now, this morning, 353 00:24:40,875 --> 00:24:43,874 you told me Dennis was lost. 354 00:24:43,875 --> 00:24:45,874 What did you mean by that? 355 00:24:45,875 --> 00:24:48,874 One minute, he'd be open, talkative. 356 00:24:48,875 --> 00:24:52,714 And the next, it was like getting blood out of a stone. 357 00:24:52,715 --> 00:24:56,436 Was he ever diagnosed with any kind of anxiety disorder? 358 00:24:56,437 --> 00:24:58,395 - There's nothing official. - No? 359 00:24:59,304 --> 00:25:02,875 He'd been on the waiting list for counselling for six months. 360 00:25:03,195 --> 00:25:06,195 So, he wasn't on any prescription tablets. 361 00:25:06,491 --> 00:25:08,075 Definitely not, no. 362 00:25:08,520 --> 00:25:12,875 Did he ever talk to you about his relationship with the Walkens? 363 00:25:13,272 --> 00:25:14,272 Hardly. 364 00:25:15,702 --> 00:25:17,702 Did you get the feeling he was close to them? 365 00:25:18,875 --> 00:25:20,279 Not as close as he wanted. 366 00:25:20,280 --> 00:25:22,874 They'd make plans with him, 367 00:25:22,875 --> 00:25:25,874 but when the time came, they'd... they'd fall through. 368 00:25:25,875 --> 00:25:27,875 He'd be devastated. 369 00:25:28,875 --> 00:25:31,874 He'd try and hide it, but I could tell. 370 00:25:31,875 --> 00:25:33,874 [SHE SOBS] 371 00:25:33,875 --> 00:25:35,714 Hey, it's all right, love. 372 00:25:35,715 --> 00:25:37,875 Beverley's going to get you home. 373 00:25:47,875 --> 00:25:49,874 STANHOPE: A young, unstable lad 374 00:25:49,875 --> 00:25:51,874 finds his birth father. 375 00:25:51,875 --> 00:25:53,874 The family have no idea he exists, 376 00:25:53,875 --> 00:25:55,874 until he comes knocking on their door. 377 00:25:55,875 --> 00:25:58,529 Now was he after a job? 378 00:25:58,530 --> 00:26:01,234 Did he want to be part of the family? Or was he after money? 379 00:26:01,235 --> 00:26:03,875 - They've got plenty of it. - Oh, aye. 380 00:26:04,413 --> 00:26:06,874 Now, the mam and the ex-girlfriend 381 00:26:06,875 --> 00:26:10,234 say it was an emotionally draining road for the lad. 382 00:26:10,235 --> 00:26:12,874 Contact with the Walkens meant trouble for him 383 00:26:12,875 --> 00:26:14,412 and anyone around him. 384 00:26:14,413 --> 00:26:16,576 But according to the Walkens... 385 00:26:16,577 --> 00:26:19,678 ...it's been relatively drama-free. 386 00:26:19,679 --> 00:26:21,875 And what do we make of these bruises? 387 00:26:23,715 --> 00:26:26,874 Now, they're only on the upper right arm, 388 00:26:26,875 --> 00:26:28,234 nowhere else on the body. 389 00:26:28,235 --> 00:26:30,394 Aiden, come here. 390 00:26:30,395 --> 00:26:33,874 Now, it looks like that thumb was really digging in. 391 00:26:33,875 --> 00:26:35,874 Like he'd been grabbed, hm? 392 00:26:35,875 --> 00:26:38,874 - [PHONE RINGS] - And then pulled or dragged. 393 00:26:38,875 --> 00:26:40,874 So, what does that tell us, hm? 394 00:26:40,875 --> 00:26:43,714 That the argument with David Walken escalated? 395 00:26:43,715 --> 00:26:46,874 Yeah, but what else does it tell us? I mean, how am I be standing? 396 00:26:46,875 --> 00:26:49,874 So, whoever grabbed him, might have been left-handed. 397 00:26:49,875 --> 00:26:51,394 Jackpot, Kenny! 398 00:26:51,395 --> 00:26:55,615 Find out if either David or Thomas Walken is left-handed. 399 00:26:55,616 --> 00:26:58,874 Now, he also had a cocktail of drugs in his system. 400 00:26:58,875 --> 00:27:01,234 So, he was buying uppers and downers from someone. 401 00:27:01,235 --> 00:27:03,874 Kenny, run a check on anyone with previous 402 00:27:03,875 --> 00:27:07,874 for selling prescription drugs and see if they were at that party. 403 00:27:07,875 --> 00:27:09,874 He could've had a run-in with a dealer. 404 00:27:09,875 --> 00:27:12,874 Now, this is a printout of the online genealogy forum 405 00:27:12,875 --> 00:27:14,874 Parent Not Expected. 406 00:27:14,875 --> 00:27:17,874 The admin is a guy called Vinay Deol. 407 00:27:17,875 --> 00:27:20,874 Yeah, known as a Search Angel. 408 00:27:20,875 --> 00:27:22,553 And what's that when it's at home? 409 00:27:22,554 --> 00:27:25,076 Well, it means he's your main man, Kenny. 410 00:27:25,077 --> 00:27:26,578 A little bit like me. 411 00:27:26,603 --> 00:27:28,874 Not too sure about the angel bit, ma'am. 412 00:27:28,875 --> 00:27:30,874 - [SHE CHUCKLES] - Now, he helped Dennis get from 413 00:27:30,875 --> 00:27:32,394 the match in the database to his father. 414 00:27:32,395 --> 00:27:35,140 So I want to talk to this Search Angel, Kenny, 415 00:27:35,165 --> 00:27:36,874 - as soon as. - Ma'am. 416 00:27:36,875 --> 00:27:38,217 Er, ma'am... 417 00:27:38,218 --> 00:27:40,874 I've just spoken with Dennis' employer, 418 00:27:40,875 --> 00:27:42,874 a Dwyer Electrical Installations. 419 00:27:42,875 --> 00:27:44,874 - Is that Phoebe's dad's company? - Yeah. 420 00:27:44,875 --> 00:27:46,874 They're working down on the Warbreck today. 421 00:27:46,875 --> 00:27:49,874 I thought you might want to pay them a visit yourself. 422 00:27:49,875 --> 00:27:51,875 Aye, I do. Thanks, Mark. 423 00:27:54,395 --> 00:27:56,074 MAN: I hear you're here to talk about Dennis. 424 00:27:56,075 --> 00:27:57,715 Aye. 425 00:27:58,367 --> 00:27:59,687 I can't believe it. 426 00:27:59,875 --> 00:28:02,874 How did he seem to you these last few weeks? 427 00:28:02,875 --> 00:28:04,459 He definitely hadn't been himself. 428 00:28:04,460 --> 00:28:05,600 Hm. 429 00:28:05,601 --> 00:28:06,874 Turning up late. 430 00:28:06,875 --> 00:28:08,576 Or not turning up at all. 431 00:28:08,577 --> 00:28:10,874 - And that was out of character? - Oh, yeah. 432 00:28:10,875 --> 00:28:13,874 I mean, it was probably our Phoebe leaving for uni 433 00:28:13,875 --> 00:28:15,874 that started him off with the late nights and what not, 434 00:28:15,875 --> 00:28:18,476 but before that he was coping great. 435 00:28:18,796 --> 00:28:20,195 Considering. 436 00:28:20,875 --> 00:28:22,554 Considering what? 437 00:28:22,555 --> 00:28:24,875 All the business with the DNA testing. 438 00:28:25,359 --> 00:28:29,359 I told Rob years ago they should tell the lad the truth. 439 00:28:29,875 --> 00:28:31,874 Do you know Rob Bayliss personally? 440 00:28:31,875 --> 00:28:34,874 We're not close, like, but, er... 441 00:28:34,875 --> 00:28:37,874 ...when he first got with Steph, I knew him a fair bit, you know? 442 00:28:37,875 --> 00:28:40,914 He fell in love with her and her baby. 443 00:28:40,915 --> 00:28:42,874 Doted on them both. 444 00:28:42,875 --> 00:28:45,874 And he got back in touch when Dennis was looking for an apprenticeship. 445 00:28:45,875 --> 00:28:48,874 - When was he last in work? - Friday. 446 00:28:48,875 --> 00:28:51,874 We finished up around 4:00, went over to The Two Boars. 447 00:28:51,875 --> 00:28:53,508 Hey... Where are you going? 448 00:28:53,530 --> 00:28:55,897 - Er, the shop. - Liam...! 449 00:28:57,468 --> 00:28:58,828 He's my lad. 450 00:28:59,235 --> 00:29:01,600 Well, then, he would have known Dennis as well. 451 00:29:01,601 --> 00:29:02,874 Aye. 452 00:29:02,875 --> 00:29:05,874 I can't say they were great pals, mind. 453 00:29:05,875 --> 00:29:08,874 Big brother protecting his little sister, I suppose. 454 00:29:08,875 --> 00:29:10,875 Did Dennis ever confide in you? 455 00:29:12,235 --> 00:29:14,074 I mean, was there anything significant 456 00:29:14,075 --> 00:29:16,714 that might have been troubling him lately? 457 00:29:16,715 --> 00:29:19,874 - There was something. - Go on... 458 00:29:19,875 --> 00:29:22,914 He said he was beginning to think his father knew about him all along, 459 00:29:22,915 --> 00:29:26,874 which obviously made him feel, well, you know... 460 00:29:26,875 --> 00:29:28,874 ...all sorts of stuff. 461 00:29:28,875 --> 00:29:29,875 Mm-hm. 462 00:29:29,876 --> 00:29:32,914 Right, well, thanks for your time, Mr Dwyer. 463 00:29:32,915 --> 00:29:34,875 All right. 464 00:29:45,875 --> 00:29:46,875 Oh... 465 00:29:46,875 --> 00:29:47,875 Lovely. 466 00:29:49,395 --> 00:29:50,875 Thanks. 467 00:29:51,655 --> 00:29:52,655 Mm... 468 00:29:52,875 --> 00:29:55,561 You haven't got peas in with mine, have you? 469 00:29:55,562 --> 00:29:57,226 Have I ever got the peas in with yours? 470 00:29:57,251 --> 00:29:59,875 - Yes! - Once! One time. 471 00:30:00,585 --> 00:30:01,585 Here... 472 00:30:01,875 --> 00:30:03,498 - [PHONE RINGS] - Separate peas. 473 00:30:03,499 --> 00:30:05,235 I don't want peas! 474 00:30:05,633 --> 00:30:07,273 DCI Stanhope. 475 00:30:09,875 --> 00:30:11,235 Right. 476 00:30:12,715 --> 00:30:13,874 - Seatbelt. - [ENGINE STARTS] 477 00:30:13,875 --> 00:30:17,875 Someone's just tried to break into Dennis' bedsit. 478 00:30:18,875 --> 00:30:21,475 - So what happened, exactly? - I heard a noise. 479 00:30:21,476 --> 00:30:23,342 You know, like someone trying to get in. 480 00:30:23,343 --> 00:30:25,874 So, I come out and there he was, with his hand in the letterbox, 481 00:30:25,875 --> 00:30:27,074 trying to open the door. 482 00:30:27,075 --> 00:30:29,714 I asked him what he was playing at and he just ran off. 483 00:30:29,715 --> 00:30:31,874 - What did this fella look like? - Young. 484 00:30:31,875 --> 00:30:33,874 No hair. You know, shaved, like. 485 00:30:33,875 --> 00:30:36,234 About the same age as Dennis. 486 00:30:36,235 --> 00:30:37,874 And what was he wearing? 487 00:30:37,875 --> 00:30:41,714 Red hoodie, black trousers, with the pockets in the side. 488 00:30:41,715 --> 00:30:43,914 - Have I been a help? - Aye, you have, love. 489 00:30:43,915 --> 00:30:45,874 Next time you think someone's breaking in, 490 00:30:45,875 --> 00:30:47,875 can you call the police first? 491 00:30:56,036 --> 00:30:57,036 Next left. 492 00:30:57,061 --> 00:30:59,061 Yes, I know! 493 00:31:04,875 --> 00:31:08,875 STANHOPE: There he is, the little treasure. 494 00:31:14,875 --> 00:31:15,875 After him! 495 00:31:15,875 --> 00:31:16,875 Oi! 496 00:31:54,875 --> 00:31:56,715 Come on, Liam. 497 00:32:04,131 --> 00:32:07,559 So, the manager of The Two Boars remembers Dennis and Liam 498 00:32:07,560 --> 00:32:09,130 drinking at the bar together. 499 00:32:09,131 --> 00:32:11,748 She said, "It looked like they might have been having words, 500 00:32:11,748 --> 00:32:13,907 "but I didn't actually hear what was said." 501 00:32:13,908 --> 00:32:15,107 Ah. Thanks, Jac. 502 00:32:15,108 --> 00:32:17,473 Ma'am, we've found nothing new at Dennis' flat. 503 00:32:17,474 --> 00:32:19,907 And there was nothing on Liam's person. 504 00:32:19,908 --> 00:32:21,908 But we found these in his work van. 505 00:32:25,220 --> 00:32:26,907 Good Morning. 506 00:32:26,908 --> 00:32:27,908 [DOOR CLOSES] 507 00:32:27,909 --> 00:32:30,908 DCI Stanhope enters the room. 508 00:32:32,595 --> 00:32:34,595 Did you have a good sleep? 509 00:32:36,173 --> 00:32:38,173 Yeah, that's good. 510 00:32:38,908 --> 00:32:42,908 Oh, that was quite a chase last night. 511 00:32:43,611 --> 00:32:44,900 Why did you run? 512 00:32:48,908 --> 00:32:50,907 Did you see Dennis on Saturday night? 513 00:32:50,908 --> 00:32:51,908 No. 514 00:32:51,909 --> 00:32:54,908 - Are you sure about that? - A hundred percent. 515 00:32:55,416 --> 00:32:59,416 What can you tell us about Dennis popping pills? 516 00:33:00,908 --> 00:33:02,907 Did he get them from you? 517 00:33:02,908 --> 00:33:04,107 No. 518 00:33:04,108 --> 00:33:07,607 Is that why we found the same pills in your van? 519 00:33:07,662 --> 00:33:09,907 Forensics are going over that van right now, ma'am. 520 00:33:09,908 --> 00:33:11,908 Oooh... What else will they find? 521 00:33:13,415 --> 00:33:15,375 Dennis' DNA, perhaps. 522 00:33:15,400 --> 00:33:16,907 No. 523 00:33:16,908 --> 00:33:18,622 I mean, I don't know. Maybe. 524 00:33:18,623 --> 00:33:20,107 But it's... 525 00:33:20,108 --> 00:33:22,907 What, do you think I had something to do with his death? 526 00:33:22,908 --> 00:33:25,260 - Well, did you? - No! 527 00:33:27,493 --> 00:33:29,533 What can you tell us about the Walkens? 528 00:33:29,600 --> 00:33:30,907 Nothing. 529 00:33:30,908 --> 00:33:33,907 Well, you know Thomas Walken is Dennis' dad. 530 00:33:33,908 --> 00:33:34,908 Yeah. 531 00:33:34,909 --> 00:33:37,907 And you know Dennis was at a party there on Saturday night. 532 00:33:37,908 --> 00:33:39,676 No, why would I? 533 00:33:39,677 --> 00:33:41,907 - Did you go to the party? - Me? No. 534 00:33:41,908 --> 00:33:45,028 Did you meet Dennis after the party, outside the Walken Estate? 535 00:33:45,029 --> 00:33:46,193 No. 536 00:33:46,218 --> 00:33:49,442 According to witnesses at The Two Boars pub, 537 00:33:49,443 --> 00:33:51,907 you were with Dennis on Friday night 538 00:33:51,908 --> 00:33:54,500 between 4:45 and closing time. 539 00:33:55,588 --> 00:33:57,325 So, you had an argument. 540 00:33:57,326 --> 00:33:59,317 What was the argument about? 541 00:33:59,318 --> 00:34:01,907 - Look, we didn't argue. - Well, their CCTV, 542 00:34:01,908 --> 00:34:03,907 which my officers are going through right now, 543 00:34:03,908 --> 00:34:05,908 will say that you did. 544 00:34:07,908 --> 00:34:08,908 Come on, Liam. 545 00:34:10,908 --> 00:34:12,907 Dennis was the one selling pills. 546 00:34:12,908 --> 00:34:15,427 Nothing big time, just every now and then. 547 00:34:15,428 --> 00:34:17,907 And I knew he'd have a stash of them in the flat. 548 00:34:17,908 --> 00:34:19,907 Didn't you think, if there where pills in that flat, 549 00:34:19,908 --> 00:34:22,500 my officers would have confiscated them? 550 00:34:23,498 --> 00:34:25,907 So what was the argument about? 551 00:34:25,908 --> 00:34:28,317 - We didn't argue. - You were seen! 552 00:34:28,318 --> 00:34:29,907 Stood at the bar! 553 00:34:29,908 --> 00:34:31,427 I... I owed him money. 554 00:34:31,428 --> 00:34:32,907 50 quid for pills. 555 00:34:32,908 --> 00:34:34,208 And he wanted it back. 556 00:34:34,209 --> 00:34:35,907 Oh, pull the other one, Liam. 557 00:34:35,908 --> 00:34:38,907 - What? - A young lad, younger than you, 558 00:34:38,908 --> 00:34:42,267 goes through a huge emotional upheaval. 559 00:34:42,268 --> 00:34:44,684 He finds out his dad's not his dad, 560 00:34:44,685 --> 00:34:46,907 his girlfriend gives him the heave-ho, 561 00:34:46,908 --> 00:34:47,908 he's living in a bedsit 562 00:34:47,909 --> 00:34:49,907 and he's estranged from his mam. 563 00:34:49,908 --> 00:34:52,907 Now, I could believe he started to use drugs. 564 00:34:52,908 --> 00:34:55,908 But I don't buy that he started to sell. 565 00:34:56,455 --> 00:34:58,455 Well, he did. 566 00:34:58,908 --> 00:34:59,908 OK. 567 00:34:59,909 --> 00:35:01,267 All right. 568 00:35:01,268 --> 00:35:03,907 So, who was he selling to? 569 00:35:03,908 --> 00:35:05,108 Hm? 570 00:35:06,908 --> 00:35:10,427 I mean, if you're so sure he's selling, who's he selling to? 571 00:35:10,428 --> 00:35:13,450 Lads at work? People down the pub? 572 00:35:13,451 --> 00:35:15,907 And if you didn't get into his flat, 573 00:35:15,908 --> 00:35:19,908 how come this lot ended up in your van? 574 00:35:25,908 --> 00:35:27,908 Take him to his cell. 575 00:35:34,908 --> 00:35:36,908 Interview terminated at 8:17. 576 00:35:37,908 --> 00:35:39,907 I just.. 577 00:35:39,908 --> 00:35:42,907 There's something I'm not getting about these pills. 578 00:35:42,908 --> 00:35:45,907 I don't think Dennis was selling. 579 00:35:45,908 --> 00:35:47,907 But do you know what? I don't think he was, either. 580 00:35:47,908 --> 00:35:49,908 Well, someone was. 581 00:35:51,611 --> 00:35:52,611 Oh... 582 00:35:53,908 --> 00:35:56,907 - What else are these stimulants used for? - I don't know. 583 00:35:56,908 --> 00:35:57,908 Come on... 584 00:35:57,909 --> 00:36:00,907 Study aids. So, where's the perfect market? 585 00:36:00,908 --> 00:36:02,583 A university campus. 586 00:36:02,584 --> 00:36:04,908 Aye. So, who's the most likely dealer? 587 00:36:11,908 --> 00:36:13,108 - PHOEBE: - Is Liam OK? 588 00:36:14,381 --> 00:36:15,512 When can he come home? 589 00:36:15,513 --> 00:36:18,907 When I'm satisfied he had nothing to do with Dennis' death, love. 590 00:36:18,908 --> 00:36:20,699 He hasn't. He wouldn't. 591 00:36:20,700 --> 00:36:23,121 What can you tell us about Dennis' flat, Phoebe? 592 00:36:23,122 --> 00:36:24,267 His flat? 593 00:36:24,268 --> 00:36:26,907 Can you think of any reason why someone would try to break in? 594 00:36:26,908 --> 00:36:28,908 Maybe to take something of value. 595 00:36:29,580 --> 00:36:30,908 What like? 596 00:36:31,251 --> 00:36:32,251 Money. 597 00:36:32,340 --> 00:36:33,908 Drugs. 598 00:36:35,268 --> 00:36:36,907 Are you going to arrest me, too? 599 00:36:36,908 --> 00:36:38,908 Look, love... 600 00:36:40,108 --> 00:36:42,907 ...we just want to find out who killed Dennis. 601 00:36:42,908 --> 00:36:45,907 - Isn't that what you want? - Yes, of course. 602 00:36:45,908 --> 00:36:46,908 Good. 603 00:36:47,908 --> 00:36:51,908 So, who was selling the prescription drugs, you or Dennis? 604 00:36:54,260 --> 00:36:55,907 Or both of you? 605 00:36:55,908 --> 00:36:58,402 I didn't want to ask my dad for more money, 606 00:36:58,403 --> 00:37:01,907 and I promised I wouldn't take out a hefty student loan. 607 00:37:01,908 --> 00:37:03,267 Oh, so, it was just you who was selling. 608 00:37:03,268 --> 00:37:05,418 It was just the odd one here and there. 609 00:37:05,419 --> 00:37:06,908 But then it snowballed. 610 00:37:07,908 --> 00:37:09,907 I thought you were going to search my room in uni. 611 00:37:09,908 --> 00:37:12,587 I panicked and I brought them home. But I couldn't keep them here. 612 00:37:12,588 --> 00:37:13,907 So, are you telling me 613 00:37:13,908 --> 00:37:17,748 Liam was trying to plant those drugs in Dennis' flat? 614 00:37:18,279 --> 00:37:19,439 Yes. 615 00:37:21,013 --> 00:37:22,214 I know... 616 00:37:22,239 --> 00:37:23,628 I know it was wrong. 617 00:37:23,629 --> 00:37:25,908 Well, there's an understatement. 618 00:37:28,341 --> 00:37:30,200 Where are you getting these pills from? 619 00:37:30,817 --> 00:37:31,907 A woman. 620 00:37:31,908 --> 00:37:34,267 - A woman... - Dennis never even met her. 621 00:37:34,268 --> 00:37:37,108 Honestly, he had nothing to do with that side of things. 622 00:37:38,908 --> 00:37:42,908 But something did happen a few weeks back. 623 00:37:43,440 --> 00:37:44,440 What? 624 00:37:44,465 --> 00:37:45,907 A girl I didn't know, 625 00:37:45,908 --> 00:37:47,907 I sold her a couple of pills 626 00:37:47,908 --> 00:37:49,907 and I told her not to take them together. 627 00:37:49,908 --> 00:37:51,267 But she took them both. 628 00:37:51,268 --> 00:37:53,427 - What happened? - She ended up in A&E. 629 00:37:53,428 --> 00:37:55,107 I called Dennis. 630 00:37:55,108 --> 00:37:57,587 And he came over and stayed with me. 631 00:37:57,588 --> 00:38:00,747 The girl was fine. But the next day, her boyfriend was going round 632 00:38:00,748 --> 00:38:03,427 trying to find out where she got the pills from. 633 00:38:03,428 --> 00:38:05,908 I found out later he'd not long been out of prison. 634 00:38:07,268 --> 00:38:08,908 Hm... 635 00:38:13,908 --> 00:38:15,908 We're going to need names, love. 636 00:38:28,908 --> 00:38:32,191 - It's a posh menu, isn't it? - It's student loans. 637 00:38:32,192 --> 00:38:36,347 I thought students lived on beans out of the tin and packet noodles. 638 00:38:36,348 --> 00:38:39,699 - No, that's just you, ma'am. - Hiya. Just find a table, 639 00:38:39,700 --> 00:38:41,907 then give your number in at the bar with your order. 640 00:38:41,908 --> 00:38:44,907 Actually, we're looking for Liza Conney. She works here. 641 00:38:44,908 --> 00:38:46,907 Yeah, she's in the kitchen. Shall I give her a shout for you? 642 00:38:46,908 --> 00:38:47,980 Please. 643 00:38:49,181 --> 00:38:50,460 What's a bruschetta? 644 00:38:52,908 --> 00:38:55,267 Look, it was nothing. I was out the next morning. 645 00:38:55,268 --> 00:38:57,907 Well, your boyfriend didn't think it was nothing. 646 00:38:57,908 --> 00:38:59,907 He went looking for whoever gave you those drugs. 647 00:38:59,908 --> 00:39:01,587 Look, Michael didn't go looking. 648 00:39:01,588 --> 00:39:03,907 He asked around and we happened to see them the next morning. 649 00:39:03,908 --> 00:39:06,907 - Them? Who's them? - Well, Phoebe and her boyfriend. 650 00:39:06,908 --> 00:39:08,908 Is this the fella that you saw with Phoebe? 651 00:39:10,908 --> 00:39:11,908 Yeah. 652 00:39:11,909 --> 00:39:14,907 Look, are they in trouble? Is she OK? 653 00:39:14,908 --> 00:39:17,907 - Phoebe's all right. - Ah, but this fella... 654 00:39:17,908 --> 00:39:19,161 ...Dennis Bayliss... 655 00:39:20,009 --> 00:39:23,197 ...he was found dead in the early hours of yesterday morning. 656 00:39:23,908 --> 00:39:25,907 - What? - So, I need you to tell me 657 00:39:25,908 --> 00:39:28,907 what happened when you came out of the hospital. 658 00:39:28,908 --> 00:39:31,907 Look, Mike picked me up from A&E and drove me back to my dorm. 659 00:39:31,908 --> 00:39:34,907 I fell asleep for a bit and when I woke up, he was gone. 660 00:39:34,908 --> 00:39:36,907 I went down to the kitchen to look for him 661 00:39:36,908 --> 00:39:39,747 and there he was with Phoebe and Dennis. 662 00:39:39,748 --> 00:39:42,427 Bit of a bully, is he, your boyfriend? 663 00:39:42,428 --> 00:39:43,907 No. 664 00:39:43,908 --> 00:39:46,860 So, he's never been in trouble with the police, hm? 665 00:39:47,908 --> 00:39:49,907 He was released from Eaton Grange in March. 666 00:39:49,908 --> 00:39:52,183 Look, he's completely started over. 667 00:39:52,184 --> 00:39:53,583 Just ask his probation officer! 668 00:39:53,608 --> 00:39:55,907 We will, love. You can bank on that. 669 00:39:55,908 --> 00:39:57,907 Look, he just hates drugs. 670 00:39:57,908 --> 00:39:59,907 Did Michael and Dennis have a physical altercation? 671 00:39:59,908 --> 00:40:00,908 No. 672 00:40:00,909 --> 00:40:02,427 Well, not really. 673 00:40:02,428 --> 00:40:03,907 Well, either they did or they didn't. 674 00:40:03,908 --> 00:40:05,908 It was a scuffle, not a fight. 675 00:40:07,620 --> 00:40:09,907 Do you see your boyfriend every weekend? 676 00:40:09,908 --> 00:40:11,908 - Yeah. - Hm? 677 00:40:12,260 --> 00:40:13,907 How about this weekend? 678 00:40:13,908 --> 00:40:15,908 Did you see him on Saturday night? 679 00:40:16,908 --> 00:40:18,907 - No. - No? So, where was he? 680 00:40:18,908 --> 00:40:20,907 He was meant to meet me from work, but... 681 00:40:20,908 --> 00:40:22,588 But what? 682 00:40:23,020 --> 00:40:24,908 He didn't turn up. 683 00:40:52,934 --> 00:40:54,934 STANHOPE: I'll ask you once again, Michael. 684 00:40:54,959 --> 00:40:57,159 Where were you on Saturday night? 685 00:40:57,184 --> 00:40:58,367 With mates. 686 00:40:58,392 --> 00:41:01,207 Even though you had an appointment with your girlfriend? 687 00:41:01,208 --> 00:41:03,247 I lost track of time and my phone died. 688 00:41:03,248 --> 00:41:04,928 Mm. 689 00:41:04,929 --> 00:41:08,208 Now, do you know this fella, Dennis Bayliss? 690 00:41:09,208 --> 00:41:10,272 Yes. 691 00:41:10,273 --> 00:41:13,850 Well, I'm conducting the investigation into his murder. 692 00:41:13,851 --> 00:41:16,207 So, I need you to take me through 693 00:41:16,208 --> 00:41:18,207 what happened the first time you met him, 694 00:41:18,208 --> 00:41:23,207 where the meeting took place and what were the circumstances. 695 00:41:23,208 --> 00:41:25,407 The first and only time I met him 696 00:41:25,408 --> 00:41:27,247 was at my girlfriend's halls of residence 697 00:41:27,248 --> 00:41:29,207 at Northumberland University. 698 00:41:29,208 --> 00:41:30,920 And what happened during that meeting? 699 00:41:31,888 --> 00:41:32,944 We spoke. 700 00:41:32,945 --> 00:41:34,569 About what specifically? 701 00:41:34,570 --> 00:41:37,407 You know what or I wouldn't be sat here, would I? 702 00:41:37,408 --> 00:41:41,207 I believe you confronted him about supplying your girlfriend with drugs. 703 00:41:41,208 --> 00:41:43,207 Isn't that right? 704 00:41:43,208 --> 00:41:46,208 I asked him where he got them from. 705 00:41:47,208 --> 00:41:49,208 Is that a crime? 706 00:41:50,208 --> 00:41:52,207 I believe you're anti-drugs. 707 00:41:52,208 --> 00:41:54,116 - Absolutely. - Mm. 708 00:41:54,117 --> 00:41:55,921 I've seen the chaos they cause. 709 00:41:55,922 --> 00:41:57,991 Is that why you lost your rag with Dennis? 710 00:41:57,992 --> 00:42:00,208 He lost it with me. 711 00:42:03,208 --> 00:42:07,257 He needed to know how dangerous all this prescription crap is. 712 00:42:07,258 --> 00:42:11,207 Oh, so, what, you didn't like the way he received your drugs advice? 713 00:42:11,208 --> 00:42:13,647 I'm used to stroppy kids thinking they know everything. 714 00:42:13,648 --> 00:42:14,749 Yeah. 715 00:42:14,750 --> 00:42:17,686 I asked him if he knew what he was selling was safe. He got defensive. 716 00:42:17,711 --> 00:42:21,179 Oh, is that when the scuffle broke out? 717 00:42:21,208 --> 00:42:23,207 He tried to throw a punch and I restrained him. 718 00:42:23,208 --> 00:42:25,568 And then what, you just walked off, did you? 719 00:42:26,181 --> 00:42:28,981 He got on the phone to his mate to come and pick him up. 720 00:42:29,208 --> 00:42:31,207 Did you see this mate? 721 00:42:31,208 --> 00:42:32,208 Nope. 722 00:42:32,209 --> 00:42:34,320 Nah, of course you didn't. 723 00:42:36,454 --> 00:42:37,934 I did see his car, though. 724 00:42:41,242 --> 00:42:43,041 Ma'am, I've tracked it. 725 00:42:43,042 --> 00:42:46,041 The car is registered to a Jassi Deol, aged 50. 726 00:42:46,042 --> 00:42:48,593 She's confirmed that her son Vinay often drives the car. 727 00:42:48,594 --> 00:42:51,041 - Isn't he our Search Angel? - Yeah, he is. 728 00:42:51,042 --> 00:42:52,757 But she can't remember exactly when. 729 00:42:52,758 --> 00:42:55,241 - Right, have you got an address? - Grace Drive, Swanside. 730 00:42:55,242 --> 00:42:58,041 - Right, come on. - Oh, he's not at home. 731 00:42:58,042 --> 00:43:00,553 But she said he might be at The Asholm Museum, where he works. 732 00:43:00,554 --> 00:43:03,082 - Good work, Jac. - Mm, gold star for you. 733 00:43:08,979 --> 00:43:10,979 STANHOPE: So, how close were you? 734 00:43:11,004 --> 00:43:14,004 One week, we'd see each other loads. The next, I wouldn't hear from him. 735 00:43:14,042 --> 00:43:16,401 Usually when I'd said something he didn't like. 736 00:43:16,402 --> 00:43:18,041 Like what? 737 00:43:18,042 --> 00:43:19,616 Something to do with his dad. 738 00:43:19,617 --> 00:43:21,041 He'd ask for my advice. 739 00:43:21,042 --> 00:43:24,041 But if it wasn't what he wanted to hear, he'd be off. 740 00:43:24,042 --> 00:43:27,041 So when Dennis contacted the Walkens, 741 00:43:27,042 --> 00:43:29,297 was that the first the family knew of him? 742 00:43:29,322 --> 00:43:30,401 So they said. 743 00:43:30,402 --> 00:43:34,042 And how would you say it was going between him and his dad? 744 00:43:34,800 --> 00:43:37,540 It definitely wasn't working out the way he'd hoped it would. 745 00:43:37,565 --> 00:43:38,885 If it wasn't for Mrs Walken, 746 00:43:38,910 --> 00:43:40,910 I don't think Thomas would've had anything to do with him. 747 00:43:41,042 --> 00:43:44,042 She's the one who made all the effort, not him. 748 00:43:44,925 --> 00:43:47,925 Do you think the father could have been perhaps... 749 00:43:47,950 --> 00:43:49,950 ...overwhelmed? 750 00:43:50,042 --> 00:43:53,401 You have to let the initial shock settle and see what emerges. 751 00:43:53,402 --> 00:43:54,760 That sounds sensible. 752 00:43:54,785 --> 00:43:57,745 Except, sensible is the last thing you feel in the circumstances. 753 00:43:59,863 --> 00:44:02,289 What can you tell us about his family tree? 754 00:44:02,314 --> 00:44:03,475 Anything. 755 00:44:03,500 --> 00:44:05,561 - I helped him build it. - Ah, good. 756 00:44:05,562 --> 00:44:09,538 Now, when did he first contact his birth father, Thomas Walken? 757 00:44:09,539 --> 00:44:13,041 Beginning of the year. But he didn't meet him until a while later. 758 00:44:13,042 --> 00:44:15,374 - Why not? - Thomas wanted to do more tests. 759 00:44:15,375 --> 00:44:17,041 Sibling tests, blood tests. 760 00:44:17,042 --> 00:44:18,241 Any possible test. 761 00:44:18,242 --> 00:44:19,811 Hm. 762 00:44:19,812 --> 00:44:23,678 So, who was the initial contact, then, off the database? 763 00:44:23,679 --> 00:44:25,041 His half-brother. 764 00:44:25,042 --> 00:44:27,041 David Walken? 765 00:44:27,042 --> 00:44:28,194 Or Joshua? 766 00:44:28,195 --> 00:44:30,041 Yeah, Joshua. 767 00:44:30,042 --> 00:44:33,608 It was a while before they met, though, around January. 768 00:44:33,609 --> 00:44:35,041 Why was that? 769 00:44:35,042 --> 00:44:39,041 Not everyone on the DNA database makes their personal details public. 770 00:44:39,042 --> 00:44:41,041 - So, there was no name? - No, nothing. 771 00:44:41,042 --> 00:44:43,041 Then, one day, there it was. 772 00:44:43,042 --> 00:44:46,042 Joshua had made himself visible and Dennis contacted him. 773 00:44:47,042 --> 00:44:49,241 So how did he react, Joshua? 774 00:44:49,242 --> 00:44:51,041 He couldn't wait to meet him. 775 00:44:51,042 --> 00:44:53,041 He flew over almost straight away. 776 00:44:53,042 --> 00:44:55,041 But all very much on the quiet. 777 00:44:55,042 --> 00:44:57,041 - Why? - Something to do with Josh 778 00:44:57,042 --> 00:44:59,042 not wanting his family to know he was here. 779 00:45:00,042 --> 00:45:01,042 Right. 780 00:45:03,042 --> 00:45:07,749 So, Dennis made contact with the estranged son Joshua Walken 781 00:45:07,750 --> 00:45:09,820 way before the rest of the family. 782 00:45:09,845 --> 00:45:12,000 But as far as any of them are concerned, 783 00:45:12,042 --> 00:45:14,041 Dennis and Joshua had never met. 784 00:45:14,042 --> 00:45:16,041 - Do you think the Walkens are lying? - Well, someone is. 785 00:45:16,042 --> 00:45:17,042 Huh. 786 00:45:18,042 --> 00:45:20,242 Now, then, these flights... 787 00:45:21,082 --> 00:45:24,041 Joshua's first flight was in December. 788 00:45:24,042 --> 00:45:26,020 Josh and Dennis didn't meet until January. 789 00:45:26,045 --> 00:45:27,241 Yeah, that's right. 790 00:45:27,242 --> 00:45:31,041 From January to March, he came over every two weeks 791 00:45:31,042 --> 00:45:33,041 for two or three days. All from Stockholm. 792 00:45:33,042 --> 00:45:36,803 And then, up until last month, it was every four weeks. 793 00:45:36,804 --> 00:45:37,928 Same route. 794 00:45:37,929 --> 00:45:40,671 - Those dates seem very specific. - Business meetings? 795 00:45:40,672 --> 00:45:42,186 A project in the UK? 796 00:45:42,187 --> 00:45:45,041 - A long-distance relationship? - Ah, he's married. 797 00:45:45,042 --> 00:45:49,041 - So...? - Now, this first flight in December, 798 00:45:49,042 --> 00:45:51,041 that wasn't direct from Stockholm. 799 00:45:51,042 --> 00:45:53,042 That was via Amsterdam. 800 00:45:53,808 --> 00:45:55,328 Now, why would he do that? 801 00:45:56,296 --> 00:45:57,600 Because it was an emergency? 802 00:46:01,667 --> 00:46:03,987 How often would you go for chemotherapy? 803 00:46:04,012 --> 00:46:05,750 Depends on the diagnosis. 804 00:46:05,775 --> 00:46:07,775 Every two weeks, initially. 805 00:46:07,800 --> 00:46:09,800 Then every four weeks, maybe. 806 00:46:09,825 --> 00:46:13,825 And what was the first thing we heard from Julia Walken? 807 00:46:13,850 --> 00:46:15,850 She thought it was one of her boys who'd been pulled out. 808 00:46:15,875 --> 00:46:17,875 Exactly. 809 00:46:17,900 --> 00:46:19,740 One of her boys. 810 00:46:29,683 --> 00:46:31,683 Hey, thanks for coming, love. 811 00:46:31,708 --> 00:46:33,548 - Oooh... - Here. 812 00:46:34,561 --> 00:46:35,880 Here, get that down you. 813 00:46:36,042 --> 00:46:37,241 I took a punt. 814 00:46:37,242 --> 00:46:39,041 Milk, no sugar. 815 00:46:39,042 --> 00:46:40,350 Perfect. Thank you. 816 00:46:40,351 --> 00:46:42,781 Of course, I could have come to you, love, but, erm... 817 00:46:42,806 --> 00:46:44,806 Oh, I'm glad to get out, to be honest. 818 00:46:45,652 --> 00:46:47,652 Now, I'm assuming... 819 00:46:48,878 --> 00:46:52,878 ...your husband doesn't know about Joshua's trips over to see you. 820 00:46:56,042 --> 00:46:57,616 As soon as I got the diagnosis, 821 00:46:57,617 --> 00:47:01,042 me and Joshua put everything behind us. 822 00:47:02,082 --> 00:47:04,041 I should never have lost contact. 823 00:47:04,042 --> 00:47:05,042 Mm. 824 00:47:05,043 --> 00:47:08,041 And he comes over to accompany you to the hospital. 825 00:47:08,042 --> 00:47:09,401 Am I right? 826 00:47:09,402 --> 00:47:12,041 Thomas isn't great with all that. 827 00:47:12,042 --> 00:47:14,042 It suits him not to come. 828 00:47:14,823 --> 00:47:16,823 It suits all of us. 829 00:47:18,042 --> 00:47:21,242 Were you aware that Joshua was meeting up with Dennis? 830 00:47:23,042 --> 00:47:24,042 Yeah. 831 00:47:25,242 --> 00:47:27,041 How about your husband and David? 832 00:47:27,042 --> 00:47:29,042 - Did they know? - No. 833 00:47:30,042 --> 00:47:32,042 So when did you find out? 834 00:47:33,042 --> 00:47:35,874 Josh told me as soon as Dennis made contact. 835 00:47:35,875 --> 00:47:37,327 And when was that? 836 00:47:37,328 --> 00:47:39,041 Beginning of the year. 837 00:47:39,042 --> 00:47:41,881 Oh, I felt for the lad. 838 00:47:41,882 --> 00:47:43,242 He was such a sweet boy. 839 00:47:44,320 --> 00:47:47,800 He just wanted to get to know his father. Naturally. 840 00:47:48,042 --> 00:47:50,280 But Thomas wasn't keen? 841 00:47:50,382 --> 00:47:53,542 He needed more time. He would have come round. 842 00:47:53,567 --> 00:47:56,567 Was Joshua in the country on Saturday night? 843 00:47:57,042 --> 00:47:58,042 No. 844 00:48:00,042 --> 00:48:02,042 But he was here on Friday night. 845 00:48:03,082 --> 00:48:06,042 I had the crazy idea of inviting him to our party. 846 00:48:07,784 --> 00:48:08,984 To make peace, but... 847 00:48:10,242 --> 00:48:12,041 ...it was never going to happen. 848 00:48:12,042 --> 00:48:14,041 He left me a message on the Saturday afternoon 849 00:48:14,042 --> 00:48:17,081 saying he couldn't go through with it and was flying back again. 850 00:48:17,082 --> 00:48:18,242 Hm. 851 00:48:19,777 --> 00:48:22,617 Where does Joshua stay when he comes over? 852 00:48:22,642 --> 00:48:24,802 Well, this last time, he stayed at my cottage. 853 00:48:26,042 --> 00:48:28,041 You have a cottage? 854 00:48:28,042 --> 00:48:29,800 Just off the estate. 855 00:48:29,825 --> 00:48:30,984 Oh, it's nothing grand. 856 00:48:31,009 --> 00:48:33,280 Just my little project. 857 00:48:35,480 --> 00:48:37,320 My quiet place. 858 00:48:37,398 --> 00:48:38,558 Oh... 859 00:48:39,042 --> 00:48:40,242 That's nice. 860 00:48:51,698 --> 00:48:53,698 It's all locked up. 861 00:48:53,885 --> 00:48:57,245 Dennis could have come up here after the party looking for his brother. 862 00:48:57,270 --> 00:49:00,110 We've combed through the CCTV at the house. He didn't leave the estate. 863 00:49:00,135 --> 00:49:02,935 Yeah, well, get Jac to go through it again. 864 00:49:03,042 --> 00:49:04,507 Kenny, yes? 865 00:49:04,508 --> 00:49:06,608 We found Dennis Bayliss' phone at the salmon farm. 866 00:49:06,609 --> 00:49:07,827 - Really? - Aye. 867 00:49:07,828 --> 00:49:10,041 - We'll meet you down there. - What? 868 00:49:10,042 --> 00:49:13,041 Dennis' phone has been found at the Walken Estate. 869 00:49:13,042 --> 00:49:15,241 - Where abouts? - By the salmon farm. 870 00:49:15,242 --> 00:49:19,042 Which he absolutely could not have accessed. 871 00:49:20,339 --> 00:49:21,339 Come on. 872 00:49:39,145 --> 00:49:41,145 Ma'am, we found the phone up there. 873 00:49:41,184 --> 00:49:43,648 The screen's smashed, it's dead, obviously. 874 00:49:43,673 --> 00:49:45,306 But I'll get it recharged and analysed. 875 00:49:45,331 --> 00:49:47,298 So, there's no doubt he was down here? 876 00:49:47,299 --> 00:49:50,658 Well, the positioning means he could have thrown it over the gate. 877 00:49:50,659 --> 00:49:53,618 Who told us this place was locked and secure overnight? 878 00:49:53,619 --> 00:49:55,172 Everyone did, ma'am. 879 00:49:55,173 --> 00:49:58,618 Right, get on to Mark and Jac. I want Forensics down here. 880 00:49:58,619 --> 00:50:01,618 Then get on to Malcolm. Tell him we've got our possible crime scene. 881 00:50:01,619 --> 00:50:03,618 See if he can throw anything else up. 882 00:50:03,619 --> 00:50:05,658 Meanwhile, this entire place is on lockdown. 883 00:50:05,659 --> 00:50:07,299 Understood, ma'am. 884 00:50:08,619 --> 00:50:10,868 JOE BARRY: I can't understand it. [HE SNIFFS] 885 00:50:10,869 --> 00:50:12,985 I mean, I personally locked up on Saturday, 886 00:50:12,986 --> 00:50:15,305 so I know the place was definitely secure. 887 00:50:15,306 --> 00:50:17,118 Well, that is strange. 888 00:50:17,119 --> 00:50:19,618 I mean, could there have been a mistake, do you think? 889 00:50:19,619 --> 00:50:22,618 Maybe somebody else came down here after you. 890 00:50:22,619 --> 00:50:24,459 I can't see how. 891 00:50:26,145 --> 00:50:27,305 Well... 892 00:50:27,330 --> 00:50:31,010 ...that's some security system you've got out here. 893 00:50:31,035 --> 00:50:34,355 I mean, is it just bad luck it hasn't picked up the poachers? 894 00:50:34,619 --> 00:50:35,619 Poachers? 895 00:50:35,620 --> 00:50:38,618 Aye. David said you've got a problem with poaching. 896 00:50:38,619 --> 00:50:40,240 Just minor losses. 897 00:50:40,265 --> 00:50:41,560 Yeah, that's what he said. 898 00:50:42,659 --> 00:50:46,618 So have you checked there was nothing untoward on Saturday? 899 00:50:46,619 --> 00:50:48,618 Well, to be honest, it's been that mad around here, 900 00:50:48,619 --> 00:50:50,618 I haven't had a chance to sit down with David 901 00:50:50,619 --> 00:50:52,618 and go through the weekly stocks. 902 00:50:52,619 --> 00:50:55,618 So the CCTV hasn't been gone through yet? 903 00:50:55,619 --> 00:50:57,618 Well, no. 904 00:50:57,619 --> 00:50:59,618 Well, do you mind if I have a look? 905 00:50:59,619 --> 00:51:01,619 Right, here we go... 906 00:51:03,459 --> 00:51:05,907 Sorry about this. It just takes a little time loading up. 907 00:51:05,908 --> 00:51:07,480 Oh, no problem. 908 00:51:09,493 --> 00:51:11,013 Give it a minute... 909 00:51:12,619 --> 00:51:16,138 Good. This is from Saturday night at 9:38. 910 00:51:16,139 --> 00:51:17,618 Right. 911 00:51:17,619 --> 00:51:20,818 So, can you fast-forward to 1:00am onwards? 912 00:51:20,819 --> 00:51:24,618 Aye. It'll just take me a wee while. 913 00:51:24,619 --> 00:51:26,619 It's all right, no rush. 914 00:51:28,619 --> 00:51:30,619 Oh, yeah, it's flying through now. 915 00:51:33,040 --> 00:51:34,040 Come on... 916 00:51:35,682 --> 00:51:38,002 - What's happening? - Sorry. 917 00:51:38,027 --> 00:51:39,387 I'll go back... 918 00:51:39,659 --> 00:51:41,618 ...and try again. 919 00:51:41,619 --> 00:51:43,619 Come on... 920 00:51:45,533 --> 00:51:46,733 Come on... 921 00:51:46,819 --> 00:51:48,032 Oh! 922 00:51:48,033 --> 00:51:49,101 What's happened? 923 00:51:49,126 --> 00:51:50,899 Looks like there was a camera outage. 924 00:51:50,900 --> 00:51:54,618 - Brilliant! Does it start again? - I've got nothing after 11:55. 925 00:51:54,619 --> 00:51:56,658 I'll have to check the computer. 926 00:51:56,659 --> 00:51:59,618 Well, I'm going to need your hard drive. 927 00:51:59,619 --> 00:52:02,619 - Aye, sure. I mean, anything I can do. - Here, finish that. 928 00:52:08,619 --> 00:52:10,618 DAVID: You think he was assaulted down there? 929 00:52:10,619 --> 00:52:13,818 Possibly. We've yet to find any evidence of him leaving the estate, 930 00:52:13,819 --> 00:52:15,619 so it makes sense. 931 00:52:17,423 --> 00:52:21,423 Now, do you have any idea of why he might have gone down there? 932 00:52:22,306 --> 00:52:24,306 - None whatsoever. - Why would we? 933 00:52:26,204 --> 00:52:28,954 Do you have any suspicions at all about any of the staff, 934 00:52:28,979 --> 00:52:30,619 regarding the poaching? 935 00:52:31,368 --> 00:52:33,048 What poaching? 936 00:52:34,916 --> 00:52:37,080 - What poaching? - I was dealing with it. 937 00:52:37,105 --> 00:52:39,400 - I didn't want to bother you. - Bother me? 938 00:52:39,619 --> 00:52:41,618 It's my business! 939 00:52:41,619 --> 00:52:44,618 - Did you report it? - Joe said he was looking into it. 940 00:52:44,619 --> 00:52:46,760 Joe? You left it to Joe? 941 00:52:47,415 --> 00:52:49,600 - I was waiting. - How do you know it wasn't Dennis? 942 00:52:51,141 --> 00:52:52,520 - Dad... - Dad, what? 943 00:52:52,819 --> 00:52:54,920 We don't know what the hell he was up to. 944 00:52:55,056 --> 00:52:57,056 It sounds like you haven't got a clue, either. 945 00:52:58,943 --> 00:53:01,440 So, you've no suspicions of Dennis at all, 946 00:53:01,619 --> 00:53:04,280 - in connection with the poaching? - No. 947 00:53:04,305 --> 00:53:05,720 You hardly knew him! 948 00:53:08,619 --> 00:53:09,619 Look... 949 00:53:10,119 --> 00:53:11,618 I'm not saying he was involved. 950 00:53:11,619 --> 00:53:14,618 He was my son. I cared about him. Of course I did. 951 00:53:14,619 --> 00:53:16,619 But did I know him? 952 00:53:17,025 --> 00:53:18,618 Did you know him? 953 00:53:18,619 --> 00:53:20,280 Did he know us? 954 00:53:20,305 --> 00:53:23,505 Did we all have some sort of magical connection when we met? 955 00:53:23,530 --> 00:53:25,330 No! 956 00:53:25,619 --> 00:53:27,299 We did not! 957 00:53:33,619 --> 00:53:36,618 HEALY: So, the son doesn't want to bother his own father 958 00:53:36,619 --> 00:53:38,658 - about the family business. - Ah, the man's a bully. 959 00:53:38,659 --> 00:53:40,250 David's scared of him. 960 00:53:40,251 --> 00:53:42,818 Do we really think Dennis is connected to the poaching? 961 00:53:42,819 --> 00:53:44,619 Look... 962 00:53:44,915 --> 00:53:48,640 ...he was desperate to have a relationship with his father, hm? 963 00:53:48,819 --> 00:53:51,619 He felt scorned, rejected, so... 964 00:53:52,619 --> 00:53:53,619 ...who knows? 965 00:54:00,819 --> 00:54:03,899 Now, this blackout lasted until Sunday morning. 966 00:54:03,900 --> 00:54:06,658 Every camera in the business area cut out. 967 00:54:06,659 --> 00:54:08,658 Now, is that a coincidence or what? 968 00:54:08,659 --> 00:54:10,000 Yeah. 969 00:54:10,001 --> 00:54:12,618 Now, how are we doing with the employee background checks? 970 00:54:12,619 --> 00:54:15,138 - Anything popped up? - Er, almost complete. 971 00:54:15,139 --> 00:54:17,618 There's a couple of temps I can't get backgrounds on, 972 00:54:17,619 --> 00:54:18,619 but I'm working on it. 973 00:54:18,620 --> 00:54:22,138 Jac, apply to get the Walkens' bank records. 974 00:54:22,139 --> 00:54:23,618 Business and private. 975 00:54:23,619 --> 00:54:26,138 - See what that pulls up. - Ma'am. 976 00:54:26,139 --> 00:54:29,618 Now, have we had that hard drive from the fish farm yet? 977 00:54:29,619 --> 00:54:32,305 - [PHONE RINGS] - Yeah. Tech are working on it now. 978 00:54:32,306 --> 00:54:33,659 Malcolm. 979 00:54:36,181 --> 00:54:38,618 DCI Stanhope, you're getting faster. 980 00:54:38,619 --> 00:54:40,407 So, what have you got? 981 00:54:40,408 --> 00:54:44,458 Right, well, following in-depth analysis on Dennis' clothes, 982 00:54:44,459 --> 00:54:46,618 we found traces of, erm... 983 00:54:46,619 --> 00:54:49,618 - Do you want to have a guess? - No, I don't. Get on with it. 984 00:54:49,619 --> 00:54:52,459 Well, all right, grease. 985 00:54:53,119 --> 00:54:55,211 - What sort of grease? - Well, I say grease. 986 00:54:55,212 --> 00:54:59,203 It is actually a calcium sulfonate complex thickener, 987 00:54:59,204 --> 00:55:02,336 which is used in high-performance marine products. 988 00:55:02,337 --> 00:55:04,188 Aye, used on boats. 989 00:55:04,189 --> 00:55:06,818 So, it looks like your boy was taken out onto the water. 990 00:55:06,819 --> 00:55:08,618 Where on his clothes was it? 991 00:55:08,619 --> 00:55:11,618 There was a little bit on the bottom of the legs. 992 00:55:11,619 --> 00:55:14,219 Interestingly, there were no traces of it on his back, which means... 993 00:55:14,220 --> 00:55:19,024 Which means he came into contact with it before he died. 994 00:55:19,025 --> 00:55:22,618 Because, if he was horizontal, there'd be traces all over him. 995 00:55:22,619 --> 00:55:24,618 You really should do this professionally. 996 00:55:24,619 --> 00:55:26,619 Well, so should you, pet. 997 00:55:28,872 --> 00:55:31,322 Right, now, listen up, everyone. 998 00:55:31,962 --> 00:55:34,618 He was on a boat before he died. 999 00:55:34,619 --> 00:55:36,618 So, he was involved with poaching. 1000 00:55:36,619 --> 00:55:38,618 Yeah, well, we'll have to consider it. 1001 00:55:38,619 --> 00:55:42,298 The question is, did he get on there voluntarily? 1002 00:55:42,299 --> 00:55:44,618 Or maybe he was forced or coerced. 1003 00:55:44,619 --> 00:55:46,618 That would account for the bruises. 1004 00:55:46,619 --> 00:55:48,196 There's a lot of boats down there, ma'am. 1005 00:55:48,197 --> 00:55:50,727 Yeah, and I want Forensics on every one of them. 1006 00:55:50,728 --> 00:55:53,618 And how are we doing with the lad's mobile? 1007 00:55:53,619 --> 00:55:56,618 No joy yet. They'll need more time, ma'am. 1008 00:55:56,619 --> 00:55:58,618 No, that's all right, we're making progress. 1009 00:55:58,619 --> 00:56:01,328 Ma'am, you're going to want to see this. 1010 00:56:01,329 --> 00:56:05,618 The salmon farm cameras were shut down at 23:54. 1011 00:56:05,619 --> 00:56:07,618 But a few minutes before that, at 23:51, 1012 00:56:07,619 --> 00:56:10,094 - there was a file deleted manually. - Deleted? 1013 00:56:10,095 --> 00:56:12,727 Yeah. But we've managed to retrieve it from the hard drive. 1014 00:56:12,728 --> 00:56:16,618 So, here's the main gates to the salmon farm at 23:35. 1015 00:56:16,619 --> 00:56:21,139 And then again ten minutes later at 23:45. 1016 00:56:25,819 --> 00:56:28,619 - Can you zoom in on that? - Yeah. 1017 00:56:31,619 --> 00:56:36,619 So, what's he doing down there at that time of night? 1018 00:56:44,001 --> 00:56:45,846 Are you going somewhere, Joe? 1019 00:56:47,139 --> 00:56:48,619 Hm? 1020 00:56:53,822 --> 00:56:57,200 Ma'am, there's a Rob Bayliss here to see you. 1021 00:57:05,297 --> 00:57:06,861 Mr Bayliss. 1022 00:57:06,886 --> 00:57:07,926 Who was that? 1023 00:57:08,659 --> 00:57:09,852 Don't go there, love. 1024 00:57:09,853 --> 00:57:12,352 Any developments, you'll be the first to know. 1025 00:57:12,353 --> 00:57:14,619 You have my word on that. 1026 00:57:22,087 --> 00:57:23,767 How are you both? 1027 00:57:24,641 --> 00:57:26,481 Ah, that's a stupid question. 1028 00:57:28,885 --> 00:57:31,414 Look, I'm going to get someone to take you home, pet. 1029 00:57:31,415 --> 00:57:32,885 You really shouldn't be here. 1030 00:57:36,697 --> 00:57:38,697 They won't be a minute. 1031 00:57:44,885 --> 00:57:48,244 Now, then, what were you doing in the Walkens' yard 1032 00:57:48,245 --> 00:57:51,245 on Saturday night after hours? 1033 00:57:52,431 --> 00:57:53,791 No comment. 1034 00:57:54,245 --> 00:57:58,469 I believe you were shutting down the security cameras. 1035 00:57:58,470 --> 00:57:59,620 No comment. 1036 00:57:59,645 --> 00:58:00,884 Is that how the poaching worked, you get paid 1037 00:58:00,885 --> 00:58:03,547 to make sure the cameras are down while they get on with it? 1038 00:58:03,548 --> 00:58:06,884 Now, according to pretty much every witness statement 1039 00:58:06,885 --> 00:58:09,404 received from the farm, 1040 00:58:09,405 --> 00:58:11,884 you are in charge of security. 1041 00:58:11,885 --> 00:58:14,274 I mean, some would say you are a control freak 1042 00:58:14,275 --> 00:58:16,884 because you refuse to employ a nightwatchman 1043 00:58:16,885 --> 00:58:18,884 because you like to be the only key holder, 1044 00:58:18,885 --> 00:58:20,884 aside from Thomas and David Walken. 1045 00:58:20,885 --> 00:58:22,446 Does that sound accurate? 1046 00:58:22,447 --> 00:58:24,399 I just like things the way I like them. 1047 00:58:24,400 --> 00:58:27,084 But what puzzles me is why you'd want 1048 00:58:27,085 --> 00:58:29,657 all that extra work and responsibility, 1049 00:58:29,658 --> 00:58:33,885 when you can pay some fella minimum wage to sit in a hut all night. 1050 00:58:37,517 --> 00:58:39,517 Is it because you're on the fiddle? 1051 00:58:39,885 --> 00:58:42,884 Is that why there are no police reports logged? 1052 00:58:42,885 --> 00:58:47,383 And why did we find Dennis' mobile in that yard? 1053 00:58:47,384 --> 00:58:50,885 The yard locked by you. 1054 00:58:51,564 --> 00:58:53,564 I don't know. 1055 00:58:54,885 --> 00:58:57,884 Well, let's talk security systems. 1056 00:58:57,885 --> 00:58:59,243 Hey... 1057 00:58:59,244 --> 00:59:01,344 And that was a cracking performance 1058 00:59:01,345 --> 00:59:03,649 you gave in the security office, by the way. 1059 00:59:03,650 --> 00:59:04,884 - I told you, didn't I? - Mm. 1060 00:59:04,885 --> 00:59:06,724 Excellent work. 1061 00:59:06,725 --> 00:59:09,391 We've had a closer look at the system installed at the Walkens', 1062 00:59:09,392 --> 00:59:11,084 which is now working perfectly, 1063 00:59:11,085 --> 00:59:12,885 but someone must have shut it off. 1064 00:59:18,885 --> 00:59:20,884 Care to explain? 1065 00:59:20,885 --> 00:59:22,884 I'm not an expert. 1066 00:59:22,885 --> 00:59:24,885 Oh, are you not? 1067 00:59:25,885 --> 00:59:26,885 Hm... 1068 00:59:28,925 --> 00:59:30,925 Is that your signature? 1069 00:59:32,885 --> 00:59:34,884 Yes? 1070 00:59:34,885 --> 00:59:35,885 Yes. 1071 00:59:35,886 --> 00:59:37,924 Well, you purchased the system. 1072 00:59:37,925 --> 00:59:40,884 You oversaw the installation. 1073 00:59:40,885 --> 00:59:45,539 And you run and manage the whole security network. 1074 00:59:45,540 --> 00:59:47,461 Yeah, well, all security systems have their flaws. 1075 00:59:47,462 --> 00:59:50,884 No, I'm not talking about technology, love. I'm talking about you. 1076 00:59:50,885 --> 00:59:53,884 And I have to tell you, I'm beginning to lose my patience. 1077 00:59:53,885 --> 00:59:55,884 We have reason to believe 1078 00:59:55,885 --> 00:59:59,084 that you were the last person to see Dennis Bayliss alive. 1079 00:59:59,085 --> 01:00:03,446 So I need you to tell me what were you doing in that yard 1080 01:00:03,447 --> 01:00:05,885 and why you lied. 1081 01:00:15,245 --> 01:00:18,368 Saturday just seemed the perfect opportunity, what with... 1082 01:00:18,369 --> 01:00:20,578 ...the party and everybody up at the house drinking. 1083 01:00:20,579 --> 01:00:24,422 So you are confirming you were aware of criminal activity 1084 01:00:24,423 --> 01:00:26,884 on the Walkens' farm on Saturday night? 1085 01:00:26,885 --> 01:00:27,885 Yes. 1086 01:00:28,165 --> 01:00:31,884 And how was the deceased, Dennis Bayliss, involved? 1087 01:00:31,885 --> 01:00:33,368 Well, he wasn't. 1088 01:00:33,369 --> 01:00:35,884 - [SHE SCOFFS] - I swear. 1089 01:00:35,885 --> 01:00:39,884 Look, forgive me if I don't automatically believe you, love. 1090 01:00:39,885 --> 01:00:44,884 Now, were you present throughout this theft of the Walkens' property? 1091 01:00:44,885 --> 01:00:46,563 Well, no. 1092 01:00:46,564 --> 01:00:48,672 No, I mean, all the poaching takes place out on the water. 1093 01:00:48,673 --> 01:00:50,688 We know Dennis was on a boat. 1094 01:00:50,689 --> 01:00:52,375 A boat? 1095 01:00:52,376 --> 01:00:55,245 Was he involved? 1096 01:00:55,978 --> 01:00:58,643 No! No, definitely not. 1097 01:00:59,885 --> 01:01:02,884 Could he have disturbed the poachers? 1098 01:01:02,885 --> 01:01:05,884 I can't see how. I mean... 1099 01:01:05,885 --> 01:01:06,885 No. 1100 01:01:06,886 --> 01:01:08,884 No, he couldn't have. 1101 01:01:08,885 --> 01:01:10,024 I need names. 1102 01:01:10,025 --> 01:01:11,244 Places. 1103 01:01:11,245 --> 01:01:12,924 Times. And I want them now. 1104 01:01:12,925 --> 01:01:14,085 Look... 1105 01:01:15,885 --> 01:01:16,925 What? 1106 01:01:18,065 --> 01:01:20,225 When I was down there, sorting the security... 1107 01:01:20,250 --> 01:01:21,730 Shutting it down. 1108 01:01:21,885 --> 01:01:25,084 Yeah, well, I noticed that one of the boats was missing. 1109 01:01:25,085 --> 01:01:26,884 One of the farm boats. 1110 01:01:26,885 --> 01:01:28,516 David had taken one of the farm boats 1111 01:01:28,517 --> 01:01:30,085 to get himself home that night. 1112 01:01:30,982 --> 01:01:32,462 Did he? 1113 01:01:38,525 --> 01:01:41,165 You were right about that engine, David. 1114 01:01:41,820 --> 01:01:43,319 The crank won't catch. 1115 01:01:43,320 --> 01:01:45,484 It means the cut-off's not loading. 1116 01:01:45,485 --> 01:01:47,484 See that here? 1117 01:01:47,485 --> 01:01:50,484 The water's damaged the kill switch, shorting the engine. 1118 01:01:50,485 --> 01:01:52,485 You're going to have to leave that, David. 1119 01:01:53,843 --> 01:01:55,843 I need you to come with me, love. 1120 01:02:00,609 --> 01:02:03,609 All the poachers have got alibis. They were tucked up in bed by 1:30. 1121 01:02:03,648 --> 01:02:05,648 No idea who Dennis was. 1122 01:02:05,672 --> 01:02:07,672 We've gone through the Walkens' bank statements. 1123 01:02:07,697 --> 01:02:09,697 Something's come up from David's personal account. 1124 01:02:09,722 --> 01:02:14,402 - What? - A payment of £1,000 to Vinay Deol. 1125 01:02:16,305 --> 01:02:18,305 Thank, Jac And something else. 1126 01:02:18,330 --> 01:02:20,330 He's left-handed. 1127 01:02:24,485 --> 01:02:25,525 Evening. 1128 01:02:35,117 --> 01:02:37,637 Why didn't you mention this? 1129 01:02:38,485 --> 01:02:41,000 It was a private arrangement, I didn't think it was relevant. 1130 01:02:41,025 --> 01:02:43,185 Was he extorting money out of you? 1131 01:02:43,210 --> 01:02:44,560 I don't know what you mean. 1132 01:02:44,633 --> 01:02:46,633 Well, something you wanted keeping quiet. 1133 01:02:47,382 --> 01:02:50,222 Maybe you've got more siblings tucked away somewhere. 1134 01:02:50,247 --> 01:02:52,280 I wasn't paying Vinay to keep quiet about anything. 1135 01:02:52,305 --> 01:02:54,305 I was paying him to keep an eye on Dennis. 1136 01:02:54,330 --> 01:02:55,760 To spy on him? 1137 01:02:56,070 --> 01:02:58,070 Not spy, just... 1138 01:02:59,485 --> 01:03:01,280 I didn't know what Dennis' intentions were. 1139 01:03:01,305 --> 01:03:03,305 I didn't know who he was. I felt... 1140 01:03:03,330 --> 01:03:04,850 ...protective. 1141 01:03:04,875 --> 01:03:07,355 Not just of the business, but of my family. 1142 01:03:07,760 --> 01:03:09,865 The poaching did only start after he turned up. 1143 01:03:09,890 --> 01:03:11,342 Dad is right about that. 1144 01:03:11,367 --> 01:03:14,430 But I didn't think he was actually doing it. 1145 01:03:14,455 --> 01:03:17,455 So you did think he was involved in some way. 1146 01:03:17,485 --> 01:03:19,164 I don't know, I... 1147 01:03:19,189 --> 01:03:22,389 I imagined him being indiscreet about the estate's security. 1148 01:03:22,920 --> 01:03:24,214 Possibly. 1149 01:03:24,239 --> 01:03:26,239 Tell us about this argument. 1150 01:03:27,070 --> 01:03:28,590 I've told you. 1151 01:03:28,615 --> 01:03:30,095 It was nothing, a few words. 1152 01:03:30,120 --> 01:03:31,120 Initially. 1153 01:03:31,145 --> 01:03:34,787 But I'm wondering if this argument didn't escalate. 1154 01:03:34,812 --> 01:03:36,040 It didn't. 1155 01:03:36,065 --> 01:03:38,065 Did you confront him about the poaching? 1156 01:03:38,485 --> 01:03:39,485 No. 1157 01:03:39,486 --> 01:03:42,484 - Are you sure about that? - For the purpose of the tape, 1158 01:03:42,485 --> 01:03:44,484 DCI Stanhope is showing Mr Walken 1159 01:03:44,485 --> 01:03:46,678 a photo of Dennis Bayliss' upper right arm, 1160 01:03:46,679 --> 01:03:48,039 which is full of bruising. 1161 01:03:48,064 --> 01:03:50,484 Are you responsible for these marks? 1162 01:03:50,485 --> 01:03:51,684 No. 1163 01:03:51,685 --> 01:03:53,304 Because we believe they were caused 1164 01:03:53,329 --> 01:03:56,460 by him being grabbed and pulled and dragged. 1165 01:03:56,485 --> 01:03:59,484 - Now, did you do any of that? - No. 1166 01:03:59,485 --> 01:04:02,484 Cos he wouldn't answer your questions about the poaching 1167 01:04:02,485 --> 01:04:04,484 or he wouldn't leave when you asked him to. 1168 01:04:04,485 --> 01:04:05,485 No. 1169 01:04:05,486 --> 01:04:07,485 Were you on a boat on Saturday? 1170 01:04:09,195 --> 01:04:10,500 Not after the party had started. 1171 01:04:10,525 --> 01:04:12,524 - So you were on a boat. - I use them every day. 1172 01:04:12,525 --> 01:04:14,524 - What time? - I don't know, earlier on. 1173 01:04:14,525 --> 01:04:17,336 - Was Dennis with you on the boat? - Why would he be? 1174 01:04:17,361 --> 01:04:19,006 We know he was on a boat with someone. 1175 01:04:19,031 --> 01:04:21,890 - Well, it wasn't me. - I don't believe you! 1176 01:04:27,149 --> 01:04:28,360 I didn't mean to hurt him. 1177 01:04:30,242 --> 01:04:32,242 Are you telling me... 1178 01:04:32,267 --> 01:04:34,267 ...you are responsible... 1179 01:04:34,292 --> 01:04:36,292 ...for these injuries? 1180 01:04:36,317 --> 01:04:38,317 It did get physical. 1181 01:04:38,342 --> 01:04:39,342 Briefly. 1182 01:04:40,110 --> 01:04:42,110 He said some stuff, which... 1183 01:04:42,485 --> 01:04:45,485 - Well, it was hard to hear. - What stuff? 1184 01:04:47,156 --> 01:04:49,156 It was about Josh. 1185 01:04:49,181 --> 01:04:52,541 To clarify, you're talking about your brother Joshua Walken. 1186 01:04:52,566 --> 01:04:55,206 I knew that's how Dennis must have found Dad. 1187 01:04:55,231 --> 01:04:58,071 Via Josh. There was no other way. 1188 01:04:58,096 --> 01:05:01,256 And you first asked him on Saturday night. 1189 01:05:01,485 --> 01:05:03,485 It just came out. 1190 01:05:04,140 --> 01:05:06,880 It was building each time we saw one another. 1191 01:05:06,905 --> 01:05:09,905 Despite what my dad said about Dennis being a stranger, 1192 01:05:10,242 --> 01:05:11,442 we did have a connection. 1193 01:05:12,792 --> 01:05:14,152 Like me and Josh. 1194 01:05:15,485 --> 01:05:17,325 Do you miss Josh? 1195 01:05:18,195 --> 01:05:20,555 I didn't realise how much until Dennis appeared. 1196 01:05:22,485 --> 01:05:24,485 So, what happened at this party? 1197 01:05:26,485 --> 01:05:28,040 Dennis was drunk. 1198 01:05:28,065 --> 01:05:30,065 He was all over the place. 1199 01:05:30,090 --> 01:05:31,640 I wasn't too great myself. 1200 01:05:32,485 --> 01:05:35,484 But I said I knew he was in contact with Josh. 1201 01:05:35,485 --> 01:05:37,485 And he didn't deny it. It was... 1202 01:05:40,485 --> 01:05:41,845 I'm ashamed. 1203 01:05:43,281 --> 01:05:45,281 Of myself. It was pathetic. 1204 01:05:45,306 --> 01:05:47,306 We were like little kids. 1205 01:05:47,331 --> 01:05:50,331 Two brothers arguing about who Josh loved more. 1206 01:05:52,219 --> 01:05:55,219 I grabbed him and told him to get out. That's when I must have... 1207 01:05:56,937 --> 01:06:00,640 But why would he go down to the business area of the estate? 1208 01:06:00,665 --> 01:06:03,305 I don't know. He said he was leaving. 1209 01:06:03,330 --> 01:06:06,200 Well, that's not leaving, is it? There's no way out from down there. 1210 01:06:06,300 --> 01:06:09,600 - There is, if you use the tidal path. - What tidal path? 1211 01:06:09,964 --> 01:06:12,124 At low tide you can get round to the next cove, 1212 01:06:12,149 --> 01:06:13,509 beyond the estate. 1213 01:06:13,534 --> 01:06:16,214 Now, did Dennis know about this path? 1214 01:06:16,239 --> 01:06:17,936 I don't know. 1215 01:06:17,961 --> 01:06:19,224 Possibly. 1216 01:06:52,000 --> 01:06:54,320 Well, if he did come this way, 1217 01:06:54,485 --> 01:06:57,040 it would have been pitch-black. 1218 01:06:57,065 --> 01:07:00,065 The lad must have been desperate to get away. 1219 01:07:03,485 --> 01:07:04,485 Hang on... 1220 01:07:04,486 --> 01:07:07,484 Isn't that where Joshua Walken stayed? 1221 01:07:07,485 --> 01:07:08,685 It is. 1222 01:07:11,062 --> 01:07:13,280 Get Forensics down here. 1223 01:07:22,148 --> 01:07:24,560 Ma'am, what do you want to do with David Walken? 1224 01:07:24,727 --> 01:07:26,727 - Well, how long have we got? - Another couple of hours. 1225 01:07:26,752 --> 01:07:28,960 - Well, keep him. - Fine. 1226 01:07:29,485 --> 01:07:31,040 Ma'am, we've got him. 1227 01:07:31,065 --> 01:07:32,460 He never left the country. 1228 01:07:32,485 --> 01:07:35,485 He's checked into a hotel in Lexford using his credit card. 1229 01:07:36,578 --> 01:07:37,738 Brilliant. 1230 01:08:14,485 --> 01:08:16,485 Hello, Joshua. 1231 01:08:22,262 --> 01:08:25,422 Did Dennis come to see you at your mam's cottage on Saturday night? 1232 01:08:25,447 --> 01:08:27,447 I knew. 1233 01:08:28,039 --> 01:08:29,039 What? 1234 01:08:29,828 --> 01:08:32,508 We all always knew. 1235 01:08:33,165 --> 01:08:34,485 About Dennis? 1236 01:08:38,085 --> 01:08:40,085 Before the DNA test? 1237 01:08:40,110 --> 01:08:42,110 That's why I tested. 1238 01:08:42,485 --> 01:08:44,484 You were looking for him. 1239 01:08:44,485 --> 01:08:46,484 Absolutely. 1240 01:08:46,485 --> 01:08:48,485 And I lost my family because of it. 1241 01:08:50,762 --> 01:08:53,242 I thought this kid deserved to know us. 1242 01:08:54,485 --> 01:08:55,485 How wrong was I? 1243 01:08:55,486 --> 01:08:57,484 Now, just to be clear... 1244 01:08:57,485 --> 01:09:02,120 ...you're saying you and your family have always known about Dennis. 1245 01:09:03,406 --> 01:09:06,446 I was about ten when the baby arguments started. 1246 01:09:06,471 --> 01:09:08,431 I'd listen at the door. 1247 01:09:08,456 --> 01:09:11,656 Who was this baby? When was it coming? Didn't Dad want it? 1248 01:09:12,696 --> 01:09:15,980 It was their complete denial that I'd heard anything about a baby 1249 01:09:16,005 --> 01:09:17,165 that gave it away. 1250 01:09:17,190 --> 01:09:19,740 If they'd bothered to come up with some vaguely believable story, 1251 01:09:19,765 --> 01:09:21,085 I probably would've bought it. 1252 01:09:25,766 --> 01:09:28,766 I always needed to know who the baby was. 1253 01:09:28,791 --> 01:09:31,431 Well, if you were so keen to find him, 1254 01:09:31,485 --> 01:09:36,484 how come it took so long for him to track you down after the DNA match? 1255 01:09:36,485 --> 01:09:38,484 I'd wanted to know the truth for so long, 1256 01:09:38,485 --> 01:09:40,485 but when I was faced with it, I... 1257 01:09:40,992 --> 01:09:43,992 I don't know, I was frightened, I suppose. 1258 01:09:44,800 --> 01:09:48,485 When did Dennis find out that his dad knew about him? 1259 01:09:49,485 --> 01:09:52,485 When I told him on Saturday. 1260 01:09:52,531 --> 01:09:54,720 What time did Dennis turn up at the cottage? 1261 01:09:55,242 --> 01:09:56,242 Late. 1262 01:09:56,485 --> 01:09:58,120 Around 2:00. 1263 01:09:58,145 --> 01:10:00,825 - And what happened? - He was distraught. 1264 01:10:00,850 --> 01:10:03,530 David had confronted him about me. He was all mixed up. 1265 01:10:04,836 --> 01:10:06,400 Dad had walked in on them arguing 1266 01:10:06,425 --> 01:10:08,905 and he launched a glass at poor David. 1267 01:10:08,930 --> 01:10:11,090 The whole thing is a mess. 1268 01:10:11,734 --> 01:10:12,920 He called him... 1269 01:10:13,485 --> 01:10:15,844 ...from the cottage before he left. 1270 01:10:15,845 --> 01:10:18,240 I went out after him to try and stop him. 1271 01:10:18,265 --> 01:10:21,265 The way he spoke to him, I knew he'd be... 1272 01:10:22,367 --> 01:10:24,367 That he wouldn't have that. 1273 01:10:25,274 --> 01:10:27,600 Not from Dennis. Not from anyone. 1274 01:10:27,625 --> 01:10:29,840 Now, wait a minute. Who did he call? 1275 01:10:33,485 --> 01:10:35,485 He called me dad. 1276 01:10:51,296 --> 01:10:52,296 Mr Walken... 1277 01:10:53,990 --> 01:10:55,295 Thomas Walken, I'm arresting you 1278 01:10:55,296 --> 01:10:58,135 on suspicion of the murder of Dennis Bayliss. 1279 01:10:58,136 --> 01:10:59,295 You do not have to say anything, 1280 01:10:59,296 --> 01:11:02,295 but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, 1281 01:11:02,296 --> 01:11:04,295 something you later rely on in court. 1282 01:11:04,296 --> 01:11:06,335 Anything you do say may be given as evidence. 1283 01:11:06,336 --> 01:11:08,295 He hasn't done anything. 1284 01:11:08,296 --> 01:11:10,295 What's happening? 1285 01:11:10,296 --> 01:11:11,296 I'm sorry, love. 1286 01:11:13,296 --> 01:11:14,296 We'll be in touch. 1287 01:11:14,297 --> 01:11:15,336 [ENGINE STARTS] 1288 01:11:22,296 --> 01:11:24,295 So, you're now saying... 1289 01:11:24,296 --> 01:11:28,815 ...you didn't go to bed shortly after your wife, as previously stated? 1290 01:11:28,816 --> 01:11:31,135 - No. - But you were out on the water? 1291 01:11:31,136 --> 01:11:33,295 - Correct. - Was Dennis in the boat with you? 1292 01:11:33,296 --> 01:11:34,296 - Dennis? - Aye. 1293 01:11:34,575 --> 01:11:35,615 No. 1294 01:11:35,640 --> 01:11:39,295 Oh, so you just went on this moonlight jaunt alone. 1295 01:11:39,296 --> 01:11:41,295 I wasn't alone. 1296 01:11:41,296 --> 01:11:43,295 Oh, so, who were you with? 1297 01:11:43,296 --> 01:11:44,296 Just an old friend. 1298 01:11:44,297 --> 01:11:46,296 Name? 1299 01:11:47,296 --> 01:11:49,296 Angela Bourne. 1300 01:11:51,296 --> 01:11:52,810 Oh... 1301 01:11:52,811 --> 01:11:55,135 I see. 1302 01:11:55,136 --> 01:11:57,295 And she can vouch for that, can she? 1303 01:11:57,296 --> 01:11:58,296 Yes. 1304 01:11:58,297 --> 01:12:01,295 So you were more concerned in keeping this cruise 1305 01:12:01,296 --> 01:12:03,295 with your old friend secret 1306 01:12:03,296 --> 01:12:06,888 than in assisting a murder investigation. Is that right? 1307 01:12:06,889 --> 01:12:08,693 We will be talking to Angela. 1308 01:12:08,694 --> 01:12:10,420 You can be sure of that. 1309 01:12:12,296 --> 01:12:17,296 Now, then, how did you feel when Dennis marched into your life? 1310 01:12:18,296 --> 01:12:20,496 A kid turns up at your door and says he's yours... 1311 01:12:21,336 --> 01:12:24,295 - ...you feel a lot of things. - Tell us more about that. 1312 01:12:24,296 --> 01:12:27,295 Did you feel happy, sad, guilty? 1313 01:12:27,296 --> 01:12:28,296 Guilty? 1314 01:12:28,297 --> 01:12:30,135 For what? 1315 01:12:30,136 --> 01:12:32,296 Angry maybe. 1316 01:12:33,296 --> 01:12:34,500 No. 1317 01:12:35,296 --> 01:12:36,656 Why would I be angry? 1318 01:12:37,020 --> 01:12:38,654 Well, let's see... 1319 01:12:38,655 --> 01:12:40,935 Fear of upsetting your wife. 1320 01:12:40,936 --> 01:12:43,135 Disappointing your sons. 1321 01:12:43,136 --> 01:12:45,295 Harming your reputation, your life. 1322 01:12:45,296 --> 01:12:48,295 My wife had no problem with Dennis. 1323 01:12:48,296 --> 01:12:49,655 Nor any of the above, 1324 01:12:49,656 --> 01:12:54,296 since the pair of you have known of his existence for the last 19 years. 1325 01:12:57,296 --> 01:13:01,296 So, how did his turning up affect your marriage, hm? 1326 01:13:02,296 --> 01:13:04,296 She has cancer. 1327 01:13:04,756 --> 01:13:06,864 She wasn't about to spend copious amounts of energy 1328 01:13:06,865 --> 01:13:09,816 - on a mistake I made 20 years ago. - Mm. 1329 01:13:11,296 --> 01:13:14,296 Remind me when you last saw Joshua. 1330 01:13:15,296 --> 01:13:17,295 Well, I told you. 1331 01:13:17,296 --> 01:13:18,599 Three years ago. 1332 01:13:18,600 --> 01:13:21,295 Did he confront you about you having another son somewhere? 1333 01:13:21,296 --> 01:13:25,296 - These questions are completely... - Pertinent. 1334 01:13:26,022 --> 01:13:29,022 Now, you denying Dennis' existence 1335 01:13:29,047 --> 01:13:33,047 suggests to me you didn't want the lad in your life. 1336 01:13:33,072 --> 01:13:37,072 And this new caring father act... 1337 01:13:37,097 --> 01:13:38,740 ...was simply that. 1338 01:13:41,952 --> 01:13:44,500 Tell us about the last time you saw Dennis on Saturday. 1339 01:13:45,336 --> 01:13:46,607 I'll tell you. 1340 01:13:46,608 --> 01:13:49,335 You came across David and Dennis having words 1341 01:13:49,336 --> 01:13:51,295 and you lost your temper. 1342 01:13:51,296 --> 01:13:54,295 I believe you even threw a glass at David. 1343 01:13:54,296 --> 01:13:55,296 No. 1344 01:13:55,297 --> 01:13:57,656 - So did you follow Dennis outside? - No. 1345 01:13:58,261 --> 01:14:01,061 - I believe Joshua told Dennis... - Joshua wasn't even there! 1346 01:14:01,086 --> 01:14:03,286 I believe Joshua told Dennis 1347 01:14:03,311 --> 01:14:07,111 that you had indeed known about him all these years 1348 01:14:07,296 --> 01:14:10,295 and that Dennis phoned you from your wife's cottage 1349 01:14:10,296 --> 01:14:13,966 in the early hours of Sunday morning in a distraught state. 1350 01:14:13,967 --> 01:14:15,794 - Wrong! - A young lad... 1351 01:14:15,795 --> 01:14:18,295 ...well, a stranger, practically, 1352 01:14:18,296 --> 01:14:21,295 bulldozes his way into your life 1353 01:14:21,296 --> 01:14:23,700 and shows no sign of retreating. 1354 01:14:24,296 --> 01:14:28,108 And here he is holding you to account for your actions 1355 01:14:28,108 --> 01:14:30,107 as an unfaithful husband. 1356 01:14:30,108 --> 01:14:31,627 I didn't kill him! 1357 01:14:31,628 --> 01:14:33,739 And I don't know anything about a phone call! 1358 01:14:33,740 --> 01:14:35,638 Now, his parents, 1359 01:14:35,639 --> 01:14:40,740 the people who have loved and cared for him these last 19 years... 1360 01:14:41,148 --> 01:14:44,107 ...are waiting for me to knock on their door 1361 01:14:44,108 --> 01:14:48,780 and tell them that I have caught whoever did this! 1362 01:14:51,108 --> 01:14:55,620 Now, I'd like to be able to tell them that you are cooperating... 1363 01:14:56,108 --> 01:14:59,107 ...and that what happened on Saturday night and Sunday morning 1364 01:14:59,108 --> 01:15:02,107 was a series of devastating events 1365 01:15:02,108 --> 01:15:05,460 leading to a catastrophic end. 1366 01:15:06,498 --> 01:15:09,498 But it was an accident... 1367 01:15:10,788 --> 01:15:12,628 ...and that you are sorry. 1368 01:15:21,862 --> 01:15:23,662 That's not going to happen. 1369 01:15:53,921 --> 01:15:54,921 Mark... 1370 01:15:56,108 --> 01:15:58,107 Have you got that list of outgoing calls 1371 01:15:58,108 --> 01:16:00,107 from Julia Walken's cottage yet? 1372 01:16:00,108 --> 01:16:02,148 They've just come in, ma'am. They're on your desk. 1373 01:16:11,108 --> 01:16:13,108 Are you all right? 1374 01:16:13,803 --> 01:16:17,820 Erm, I need Dennis' next of kin contact details. 1375 01:16:32,014 --> 01:16:34,014 Joshua did hear him right. 1376 01:16:34,039 --> 01:16:36,460 Dennis did call his dad. 1377 01:16:39,380 --> 01:16:41,107 He called Rob! 1378 01:16:41,108 --> 01:16:42,787 Ah... 1379 01:16:42,788 --> 01:16:46,107 And I think that's why he came into the station. 1380 01:16:46,108 --> 01:16:48,443 To hand himself in. 1381 01:16:48,444 --> 01:16:50,107 We need to get over there. 1382 01:16:50,108 --> 01:16:52,108 OK, let's go. Let's go! Let's go! 1383 01:17:12,308 --> 01:17:15,107 We need to speak to your husband, love. 1384 01:17:15,108 --> 01:17:16,260 He's not in. 1385 01:17:17,340 --> 01:17:18,467 Why? 1386 01:17:18,468 --> 01:17:21,107 - What's wrong? - Stephanie, focus on me, love. 1387 01:17:21,108 --> 01:17:24,107 You, sit down. It's all right. Look at me. 1388 01:17:24,108 --> 01:17:25,108 Now, then... 1389 01:17:25,109 --> 01:17:28,307 ...did you know that Dennis called your husband 1390 01:17:28,308 --> 01:17:30,627 in the early hours of Sunday morning? 1391 01:17:30,628 --> 01:17:32,107 No. 1392 01:17:32,108 --> 01:17:33,108 Mm. 1393 01:17:33,109 --> 01:17:35,220 Dennis called Rob's mobile. 1394 01:17:36,639 --> 01:17:39,540 Are you sure you knew nothing about that, Stephanie? 1395 01:17:46,108 --> 01:17:48,599 Well, we need to speak to him, pet. 1396 01:17:48,600 --> 01:17:50,107 Why? 1397 01:17:50,108 --> 01:17:51,108 Do you know where he is? 1398 01:17:52,108 --> 01:17:53,108 Hm? 1399 01:17:54,108 --> 01:17:56,540 Have you any idea at all... 1400 01:17:57,108 --> 01:17:59,107 ...where he might be, love? 1401 01:17:59,108 --> 01:18:00,948 I'm sorry, I don't know. 1402 01:18:03,148 --> 01:18:05,108 Oh, that's OK, love. 1403 01:18:16,108 --> 01:18:20,107 Now, your husband told us that fishing was their thing. 1404 01:18:20,108 --> 01:18:22,948 Where was this taken, love, hm? 1405 01:18:24,108 --> 01:18:25,788 Where is that? 1406 01:18:27,788 --> 01:18:29,108 Coral Bay. 1407 01:18:31,308 --> 01:18:33,107 Thanks, love. 1408 01:18:33,108 --> 01:18:35,107 Now, my officer is going to stay with you. 1409 01:18:35,108 --> 01:18:36,108 Hm? 1410 01:19:05,944 --> 01:19:07,944 That's his motor. 1411 01:19:23,308 --> 01:19:27,107 Right, Aiden, go down there and start looking. 1412 01:19:27,108 --> 01:19:29,107 Now, I need you two to stay up here. 1413 01:19:29,108 --> 01:19:31,600 Cordon off the lane and let no-one through. 1414 01:19:31,625 --> 01:19:32,780 Yes, ma'am. 1415 01:19:48,788 --> 01:19:50,107 Come on, Rob! 1416 01:19:50,108 --> 01:19:52,107 Aiden...? 1417 01:19:52,108 --> 01:19:53,108 Come on, Rob. Come on. 1418 01:19:55,483 --> 01:19:58,483 Get the paramedics down here now! 1419 01:20:06,108 --> 01:20:08,107 Pills and vodka. 1420 01:20:08,108 --> 01:20:10,107 I need an ETA and ambulance. 1421 01:20:10,108 --> 01:20:13,107 This is dispatch. On its way. ETA, 15 minutes. 1422 01:20:13,108 --> 01:20:15,108 - Are you performing CPR? - Yeah. 1423 01:20:20,685 --> 01:20:21,685 OK... 1424 01:20:21,710 --> 01:20:23,900 - Careful over these pebbles. - I've got him. 1425 01:20:34,308 --> 01:20:36,948 They reckon we got him just in time. 1426 01:20:38,108 --> 01:20:39,628 Well done, Aiden. 1427 01:20:42,522 --> 01:20:43,522 And you. 1428 01:20:47,108 --> 01:20:49,108 Right, come on. 1429 01:21:08,108 --> 01:21:10,628 He called about 3:15. 1430 01:21:13,108 --> 01:21:15,107 He wanted to come home. 1431 01:21:15,108 --> 01:21:17,108 To see Steph. 1432 01:21:18,858 --> 01:21:20,107 He'd been at the party, 1433 01:21:20,108 --> 01:21:22,700 but he'd ended up somewhere else, with someone else. 1434 01:21:25,108 --> 01:21:28,148 Eventually I got an address out of him and I drove down to pick him up. 1435 01:21:30,108 --> 01:21:32,108 And how was he? 1436 01:21:32,593 --> 01:21:34,593 He wanted answers. 1437 01:21:36,108 --> 01:21:37,628 Why did we lie? 1438 01:21:38,060 --> 01:21:41,365 How could we watch him build the family tree bit by bit, 1439 01:21:41,390 --> 01:21:44,047 when we could have just told him who Thomas was? 1440 01:21:46,311 --> 01:21:48,311 When we could have just told him the truth. 1441 01:21:50,451 --> 01:21:52,451 He was angry. 1442 01:21:53,108 --> 01:21:54,920 More than angry. 1443 01:21:54,945 --> 01:21:55,945 I couldn't take him home like that. 1444 01:21:55,970 --> 01:21:59,100 I didn't want her to feel what I felt. 1445 01:22:00,340 --> 01:22:03,107 I wanted to deal with it for her, for him, 1446 01:22:03,108 --> 01:22:06,107 and sort it all out and take him home ready to forgive, 1447 01:22:06,108 --> 01:22:08,107 ready to understand. [HE SIGHS] 1448 01:22:08,108 --> 01:22:10,420 Ready to be a family again. 1449 01:22:12,468 --> 01:22:16,301 So you picked him up from near that cottage, hm? 1450 01:22:17,108 --> 01:22:19,107 Where did you go? 1451 01:22:19,108 --> 01:22:20,551 I just drove. 1452 01:22:20,576 --> 01:22:22,540 I let him rant and rave. 1453 01:22:23,308 --> 01:22:25,107 And cry. 1454 01:22:25,108 --> 01:22:28,107 And drink. He was still drinking. I asked him to stop. 1455 01:22:28,108 --> 01:22:30,107 I told him it wasn't helping, that it was making it worse, 1456 01:22:30,108 --> 01:22:31,700 but he wouldn't. 1457 01:22:33,180 --> 01:22:35,107 So what happened then? 1458 01:22:35,108 --> 01:22:37,580 He realised I wasn't driving him home. 1459 01:22:37,942 --> 01:22:39,148 He went nuts. 1460 01:22:39,620 --> 01:22:41,107 I pulled over. 1461 01:22:41,108 --> 01:22:43,340 He stopped shouting and we sat there. Just... 1462 01:22:45,108 --> 01:22:46,108 ...sat there. 1463 01:22:47,647 --> 01:22:51,647 And when I looked up, I realised where we were. 1464 01:22:52,804 --> 01:22:55,444 The turning for Coral Bay. 1465 01:22:57,108 --> 01:22:58,787 I carried on. 1466 01:22:58,788 --> 01:23:00,107 We drove down to the bay 1467 01:23:00,108 --> 01:23:02,540 and I got him out of the car for a walk. 1468 01:23:04,468 --> 01:23:07,107 I wanted him to remember being there. 1469 01:23:07,108 --> 01:23:12,580 I wanted to shock him into remembering our lives before. 1470 01:23:14,108 --> 01:23:16,540 Together, the three of us. 1471 01:23:19,108 --> 01:23:21,107 There was this boat there, just... 1472 01:23:21,108 --> 01:23:23,307 ...just like the one we used when he were little. 1473 01:23:23,308 --> 01:23:26,107 He wanted to go out in it. He tried to go out in it. 1474 01:23:26,108 --> 01:23:29,107 We sat there in the boat, him with the whisky. 1475 01:23:29,108 --> 01:23:34,500 And I just had this urge to scoop him up and carry him home to bed. 1476 01:23:37,420 --> 01:23:39,107 He was calmer then. 1477 01:23:39,108 --> 01:23:41,108 And it was still down there and... 1478 01:23:42,108 --> 01:23:43,468 ...quiet. 1479 01:23:43,940 --> 01:23:46,380 He asked me about the first time I met him. 1480 01:23:47,108 --> 01:23:49,580 The first time I held him as a baby. 1481 01:23:51,420 --> 01:23:53,108 I told him. 1482 01:23:55,335 --> 01:23:58,335 I said it exactly how I remembered it. 1483 01:23:59,365 --> 01:24:02,365 How he had this weird thing with his finger. 1484 01:24:03,108 --> 01:24:04,820 His baby finger. 1485 01:24:04,845 --> 01:24:09,460 He'd wrap his fingers around my little one and lift his baby one up. 1486 01:24:12,108 --> 01:24:14,107 Like the way posh people drink tea. 1487 01:24:14,108 --> 01:24:16,107 [HE LAUGHS] 1488 01:24:16,108 --> 01:24:18,108 Yeah, with the pinkie up. 1489 01:24:22,628 --> 01:24:25,107 And I got it. I got why I was here. 1490 01:24:25,108 --> 01:24:27,108 You know, to love that finger. 1491 01:24:28,952 --> 01:24:30,952 And all his fingers and his hands and his face. 1492 01:24:31,514 --> 01:24:33,514 All of him. To love all of him. 1493 01:24:34,108 --> 01:24:36,108 And to protect him. 1494 01:24:39,108 --> 01:24:41,108 And to be his dad. 1495 01:24:48,108 --> 01:24:49,339 One minute, he was listening. 1496 01:24:49,340 --> 01:24:51,627 The next minute, he was up out of the boat. 1497 01:24:51,628 --> 01:24:53,628 He was charging around. 1498 01:24:55,373 --> 01:24:58,373 You know, swinging at me and shouting... 1499 01:24:59,615 --> 01:25:00,900 ...about Steph, 1500 01:25:03,108 --> 01:25:05,740 He was her world. And to hear him... 1501 01:25:08,467 --> 01:25:10,467 That's when I lost it. 1502 01:25:12,053 --> 01:25:14,373 He dropped the bottle and... 1503 01:25:15,108 --> 01:25:17,107 I don't know. 1504 01:25:17,108 --> 01:25:19,107 The next thing I remember, he was just there, 1505 01:25:19,108 --> 01:25:20,108 there, in front of me. 1506 01:25:20,109 --> 01:25:21,468 He was lying on his back. 1507 01:25:23,537 --> 01:25:25,737 I must have hit him with the bottle. 1508 01:25:26,956 --> 01:25:28,436 He was dead. 1509 01:25:37,108 --> 01:25:38,627 I pushed him away. 1510 01:25:38,628 --> 01:25:41,107 Not to push him into the water, but to push the sight away, 1511 01:25:41,108 --> 01:25:44,220 to make it go away. 1512 01:25:45,873 --> 01:25:48,180 And I kept on pushing till he was gone. 1513 01:25:50,912 --> 01:25:52,060 And then he was. 1514 01:25:55,761 --> 01:25:57,561 He was gone. 1515 01:26:04,108 --> 01:26:05,620 Robert Bayliss... 1516 01:26:07,468 --> 01:26:11,107 ...I'm arresting you for the murder of Dennis Bayliss. 1517 01:26:11,108 --> 01:26:13,107 You do not have to say anything, 1518 01:26:13,108 --> 01:26:17,107 but it may harm your defence if you fail to mention, when questioned, 1519 01:26:17,108 --> 01:26:18,788 something you later rely on in court. 1520 01:26:38,148 --> 01:26:40,107 Do you think every child grows up 1521 01:26:40,108 --> 01:26:42,787 thinking they've been born into the wrong family? 1522 01:26:42,788 --> 01:26:44,107 Hm? 1523 01:26:44,108 --> 01:26:48,107 That there's a better fit out there somewhere. 1524 01:26:48,108 --> 01:26:51,107 A more understanding mam. A more patient dad. 1525 01:26:51,108 --> 01:26:52,108 Hm? 1526 01:26:52,500 --> 01:26:54,107 I don't know. 1527 01:26:54,108 --> 01:26:57,108 - Is that what you thought? - No, I didn't think that. 1528 01:26:58,108 --> 01:26:59,108 I was certain of it. 1529 01:26:59,109 --> 01:27:01,108 [THEY BOTH CHUCKLE] 1530 01:27:02,592 --> 01:27:04,752 How about you? Did you ever think that? 1531 01:27:06,357 --> 01:27:07,877 I can't say that I did. 1532 01:27:08,948 --> 01:27:10,108 Are you all right? 1533 01:27:11,628 --> 01:27:14,107 - Is it all right if I get off? - Aye. 1534 01:27:14,108 --> 01:27:16,107 Go on, get home to that lad of yours. 1535 01:27:16,108 --> 01:27:18,468 - Come on, I'll drop you off. - I'm going to walk. 1536 01:27:23,108 --> 01:27:25,468 - See you tomorrow. - Aye, see you tomorrow. 1537 01:27:34,108 --> 01:27:35,500 Aiden... 1538 01:27:39,545 --> 01:27:41,545 It's about six mile. 1539 01:27:54,108 --> 01:27:55,948 I'll jump in, then. 1540 01:28:03,108 --> 01:28:05,108 [ENGINE STARTS]