1 00:00:13,520 --> 00:00:14,679 Come on, then! 2 00:00:14,680 --> 00:00:16,760 One, two, three! 3 00:00:19,360 --> 00:00:21,400 Wait for me! 4 00:00:26,440 --> 00:00:28,639 ♪ I'm on the right track, baby 5 00:00:28,640 --> 00:00:30,640 ♪ I was born this way... 6 00:00:34,400 --> 00:00:36,439 ♪ I'm on the right track, baby 7 00:00:36,440 --> 00:00:38,560 ♪ I was born this way... 8 00:00:50,160 --> 00:00:52,399 Alan. 9 00:00:52,400 --> 00:00:56,559 Alan, come here, You're never gonna guess who's here. Look, it's Jack. 10 00:00:56,560 --> 00:00:58,840 Who is it? Come and see, it's a surprise. 11 00:01:05,680 --> 00:01:07,799 ♪ I'm on the right track, baby 12 00:01:07,800 --> 00:01:09,840 ♪ I was born this way... 13 00:01:13,360 --> 00:01:15,359 ♪ I'm on the right track, baby 14 00:01:15,360 --> 00:01:17,400 ♪ I was born this way... 15 00:01:32,880 --> 00:01:36,120 Welcome. Welcome, everybody! 16 00:01:58,400 --> 00:02:00,999 It's great that so many of you... 17 00:02:01,000 --> 00:02:02,680 so many of you could... 18 00:02:12,280 --> 00:02:13,879 Sit there. 19 00:02:13,880 --> 00:02:17,720 Don't panic. Let's undo your tie. I'll get you some water. 20 00:02:19,120 --> 00:02:22,079 One, two, three, four, five, six... 21 00:02:22,080 --> 00:02:23,239 Clear. 22 00:02:23,240 --> 00:02:25,280 Manual CPR. 23 00:02:25,520 --> 00:02:28,759 One, two, three, four, five, six... 24 00:02:28,760 --> 00:02:30,760 Clear. 25 00:02:30,960 --> 00:02:34,200 One, two, three, four, five, six... 26 00:03:01,280 --> 00:03:04,200 Can you excuse me, love? Can I get through? Thanks. 27 00:03:05,680 --> 00:03:07,000 Excuse me. 28 00:03:08,920 --> 00:03:12,000 Lads, excuse me. Can I get through, please? Thank you. 29 00:03:12,800 --> 00:03:14,679 I know, I know. I'll have a word. 30 00:03:14,680 --> 00:03:17,039 Pound a shot, this is what you get. 31 00:03:17,040 --> 00:03:19,960 Local or stag do? Town. 32 00:03:20,120 --> 00:03:22,599 Card's linked to a flat up the quayside. 33 00:03:22,600 --> 00:03:23,999 David Kenworthy. 34 00:03:24,000 --> 00:03:26,119 It's being done out. 35 00:03:26,120 --> 00:03:30,120 The neighbors reckon he's been living with the parents. Darras Hall. 36 00:03:35,920 --> 00:03:38,840 He's just a lad. You said he was middle-aged. 37 00:03:45,880 --> 00:03:48,879 "Managing director, Kenworthy Estates." 38 00:03:48,880 --> 00:03:50,520 Have you looked this up? 39 00:03:53,560 --> 00:03:55,560 One for us, Marcus? 40 00:03:56,200 --> 00:03:57,480 Yep. 41 00:03:58,920 --> 00:04:00,880 Multiple bruising from blunt trauma. 42 00:04:01,720 --> 00:04:03,760 This one here. 43 00:04:04,160 --> 00:04:06,759 Could've knocked him out before he went over but... 44 00:04:06,760 --> 00:04:09,680 Could have been conscious till the cardiac arrest. 45 00:04:14,440 --> 00:04:16,359 Look at this. Very nice. 46 00:04:16,360 --> 00:04:18,359 Didn't get that down the market. 47 00:04:18,360 --> 00:04:20,040 Not a robbery then. 48 00:04:23,440 --> 00:04:26,280 If this is a falling out over a spilt pint... 49 00:04:27,440 --> 00:04:31,240 It's a family firm. Registered to the Darras Hall address. 50 00:04:32,480 --> 00:04:36,759 Right... Well, get Uniform up there. 51 00:04:36,760 --> 00:04:38,760 Give 'em the death warning. 52 00:04:42,200 --> 00:04:44,520 Weekend on the lash down Whitley Bay. 53 00:04:54,640 --> 00:04:57,640 Right. Who found the body, love? She's over there. 54 00:04:58,680 --> 00:05:00,279 Excuse me. 55 00:05:00,280 --> 00:05:01,839 Come on, lass. 56 00:05:01,840 --> 00:05:04,640 A bit of a shock. You'll be all right. 57 00:05:21,880 --> 00:05:24,200 Just while it's still fresh in your mind. 58 00:05:24,760 --> 00:05:27,320 I tried... with the blood but... 59 00:05:30,760 --> 00:05:33,240 Well, you called for help. That was enough. 60 00:05:34,280 --> 00:05:36,519 I used his phone. My battery died. 61 00:05:36,520 --> 00:05:40,280 Right, have you still got it? I gave it to the ambulance man. 62 00:05:41,760 --> 00:05:44,320 OK, fine, we'll chase it up. 63 00:05:45,400 --> 00:05:49,239 How did he seem? Fine. Wished me luck finding a fare. 64 00:05:49,240 --> 00:05:51,960 That was only, what, 15 minutes before... 65 00:05:52,800 --> 00:05:56,520 Could he speak at all? He made noises but... 66 00:05:58,200 --> 00:06:00,200 I just held his hand. 67 00:06:03,400 --> 00:06:05,560 Had you see him on the street? 68 00:06:06,880 --> 00:06:08,799 Maybe. 69 00:06:08,800 --> 00:06:12,760 Oh, I just... I don't know. Maybe just standing there? 70 00:06:14,200 --> 00:06:16,200 He was in pain, I think. 71 00:06:20,640 --> 00:06:23,040 Ma'am, they've made contact with the family. 72 00:06:25,440 --> 00:06:28,959 Now, this is DC Lockhart. He's going to be taking a statement. 73 00:06:28,960 --> 00:06:30,959 He's one of our finest officers. 74 00:06:30,960 --> 00:06:34,439 So anything you can remember, even if it seems unimportant. 75 00:06:34,440 --> 00:06:36,480 All right? 76 00:06:37,440 --> 00:06:40,479 Will you...? 77 00:06:40,480 --> 00:06:43,520 I don't know. Send my condolences? 78 00:06:51,560 --> 00:06:54,120 OK, if you'd just like to start? 79 00:07:06,600 --> 00:07:11,400 It's a retirement do. Stepmother told Uniform they were expecting him back for it. 80 00:07:12,280 --> 00:07:13,879 Right. 81 00:07:13,880 --> 00:07:17,760 So it's dad, and her. 82 00:07:19,040 --> 00:07:20,960 Anyone else? 83 00:07:22,040 --> 00:07:24,040 Er... brother, I think. 84 00:07:26,520 --> 00:07:29,000 Well, he's done well for himself - dad. 85 00:07:30,520 --> 00:07:32,960 Property. Get in early, the only way is up. 86 00:07:39,440 --> 00:07:42,200 Is there anyone else you'd like us to inform? 87 00:07:42,720 --> 00:07:44,760 Sorry. It's just... 88 00:07:46,320 --> 00:07:50,840 The media have this phrase they use; "named locally". 89 00:07:53,840 --> 00:07:55,840 I'd rather we do that. 90 00:07:56,560 --> 00:07:58,560 How do we even start? 91 00:07:59,760 --> 00:08:02,680 Why him? A robbery... or what? 92 00:08:03,960 --> 00:08:06,640 I don't know but we'll find out. 93 00:08:07,440 --> 00:08:10,200 They just left him there? Don't. 94 00:08:10,840 --> 00:08:13,920 OK? I should've gone to find him. 95 00:08:15,040 --> 00:08:17,079 I knew something was wrong. I should have... 96 00:08:17,080 --> 00:08:20,520 Just don't, Tom, it won't get us anywhere. 97 00:08:21,880 --> 00:08:23,880 I can't take it in. 98 00:08:25,320 --> 00:08:28,200 When was the last time...? About three, headed out. 99 00:08:30,240 --> 00:08:32,760 Said he'd be back at five to pay the caterers. 100 00:08:33,240 --> 00:08:35,200 But you don't know where he went? 101 00:08:37,720 --> 00:08:42,399 Did he keep a diary, you know, to note down appointments? 102 00:08:42,400 --> 00:08:46,000 He's got a laptop. Well, we'll need to take that. 103 00:08:46,760 --> 00:08:48,279 When can I see him? 104 00:08:48,280 --> 00:08:52,000 We'll be doing the postmortem first thing. So, after that. 105 00:08:53,720 --> 00:08:57,840 I want to go there. Whitley. Of course. 106 00:08:59,040 --> 00:09:01,960 I mean, why... why Whitley? 107 00:09:04,080 --> 00:09:06,919 Well, was there any connection? Mm? 108 00:09:06,920 --> 00:09:09,040 Girlfriend? Friends? Work? 109 00:09:10,920 --> 00:09:13,760 Dad? I've no idea. 110 00:09:15,520 --> 00:09:20,320 It doesn't make any sense. This whole thing was his idea. 111 00:09:21,240 --> 00:09:26,000 Could your son be... a bit... unreliable? 112 00:09:27,440 --> 00:09:31,480 Not at all. He was our rock, wasn't he? 113 00:09:33,480 --> 00:09:35,480 He was. 114 00:09:38,680 --> 00:09:40,840 Yeah. 115 00:09:42,240 --> 00:09:43,600 He was. 116 00:09:53,600 --> 00:09:55,600 Well, thanks for you cooperation. 117 00:09:58,160 --> 00:10:01,000 How'd they take it? Still in shock, I think. 118 00:10:02,960 --> 00:10:05,599 Right. A list of all the guests. 119 00:10:05,600 --> 00:10:08,319 Everyone who was here, the time they came and left. 120 00:10:08,320 --> 00:10:13,480 Anyone with a connection to Whitley Bay... and confirm the family were here all night. 121 00:10:14,040 --> 00:10:16,600 OK. Here. 122 00:10:19,200 --> 00:10:21,200 Ooh, you're a lifesaver. 123 00:10:41,560 --> 00:10:44,200 If she asks, be vague. What? 124 00:10:48,640 --> 00:10:53,120 We're banned from going to anywhere "dodgy". The kids love Whitley Bay. 125 00:10:54,000 --> 00:10:56,000 Hi, love. Hiya. 126 00:11:29,440 --> 00:11:32,120 Excuse me, sir. 127 00:11:32,800 --> 00:11:36,559 We're appealing for witnesses for a murder enquiry, if you can help? 128 00:11:36,560 --> 00:11:38,560 Thank you. 129 00:11:46,040 --> 00:11:47,880 Full force from behind. 130 00:11:48,400 --> 00:11:50,919 - Surprise attack. - No scuffle? 131 00:11:50,920 --> 00:11:54,199 Force flips him over. Falls, sustains wound at the front. 132 00:11:54,200 --> 00:11:55,959 Mm. Not on his guard then? 133 00:11:55,960 --> 00:11:59,679 Guy his age, have to be sure you'll knock him out or he might fight back. 134 00:11:59,680 --> 00:12:03,479 Mm. So could have been impulsive. Does it have to have been a bloke? 135 00:12:03,480 --> 00:12:06,000 Not necessarily. Tough chick with big arms. 136 00:12:10,080 --> 00:12:13,880 Last meal: chips with curry sauce. Washed down with a bottle of red. 137 00:12:14,040 --> 00:12:17,840 Right. Pubs, takeaways, CCTV. 138 00:12:18,080 --> 00:12:19,560 Right. 139 00:12:19,880 --> 00:12:22,240 Right. Erm... 140 00:12:23,640 --> 00:12:25,439 See you later. 141 00:12:25,440 --> 00:12:27,480 Anything else? 142 00:12:29,480 --> 00:12:31,999 Carbon monoxide in the blood. Car exhaust? 143 00:12:32,000 --> 00:12:34,320 More like spent time with a heavy smoker. 144 00:12:34,480 --> 00:12:37,560 Hm. What was he hit with? 145 00:12:37,760 --> 00:12:40,039 Have to get back to you on that. Come on, Marcus. 146 00:12:40,040 --> 00:12:44,400 No. I won't commit. It could be anything. Hockey stick, rifle butt... 147 00:12:45,080 --> 00:12:47,120 Giant stick of rock. 148 00:12:49,200 --> 00:12:52,799 Oh, don't tell me - most of the witnesses off their heads. 149 00:12:52,800 --> 00:12:56,319 Pretty much. But confirms the family were there for the duration. 150 00:12:56,320 --> 00:12:57,599 Good. 151 00:12:57,600 --> 00:12:59,600 Kenny? Mobile? 152 00:12:59,960 --> 00:13:03,599 Er... Paramedics are still looking. Oh, for goodness' sake. 153 00:13:03,600 --> 00:13:05,607 I can pull the call log off the server but it'll 154 00:13:05,620 --> 00:13:07,679 mean a magistrate getting out of bed on a Sunday. 155 00:13:07,680 --> 00:13:09,880 That's a good a reason as any. Cameras? 156 00:13:10,320 --> 00:13:13,279 Most are trained on the street, not the beach. We're still looking. 157 00:13:13,280 --> 00:13:15,280 OK, right. 158 00:13:15,880 --> 00:13:19,079 David Kenworthy, 37 years of age. 159 00:13:19,080 --> 00:13:23,679 Same business as dad, made a packet off those flats by the Sage. 160 00:13:23,680 --> 00:13:25,719 So there's money sloshing about. 161 00:13:25,720 --> 00:13:29,839 Currently living in the family home while he's having a wet room installed. 162 00:13:29,840 --> 00:13:32,200 Now that is an en-suite to the likes of us. 163 00:13:32,800 --> 00:13:37,439 Hen party saw him by the sea wall and in the time it took to buy a kebab, 164 00:13:37,440 --> 00:13:40,639 someone had knocked him of the wall and onto the beach. 165 00:13:40,640 --> 00:13:46,319 Now why was he in Whitley Bay? And what was more important than his dad's big send-off? 166 00:13:46,320 --> 00:13:48,559 His Facebook says single. 167 00:13:48,560 --> 00:13:50,560 Well, that means nothing, does it, Kenny? 168 00:13:52,320 --> 00:13:54,839 Any previous contact? 169 00:13:54,840 --> 00:13:59,119 Er, no. Clean. Bar a disqualification for speeding. 170 00:13:59,120 --> 00:14:02,639 Oh, that's why there were no... no car keys. 171 00:14:02,640 --> 00:14:04,559 So how'd he get to Whitley Bay? 172 00:14:04,560 --> 00:14:05,839 Come on. Come on. 173 00:14:05,840 --> 00:14:08,879 The PC on the scene was with the hate crime unit till last week. 174 00:14:08,880 --> 00:14:10,667 He reckons there's been more than a couple of 175 00:14:10,680 --> 00:14:12,439 attacks on the beach in the last few months. 176 00:14:12,440 --> 00:14:16,159 Oh, any witness statements? No, no, just intelligence. 177 00:14:16,160 --> 00:14:18,280 And it's mostly second-hand at that. 178 00:14:21,080 --> 00:14:23,679 So no victims coming forward? No. 179 00:14:23,680 --> 00:14:25,680 Is there a cruising site nearby? 180 00:14:27,280 --> 00:14:28,919 Why would I know? 181 00:14:28,920 --> 00:14:31,840 Well, get on to the websites, see if he had a profile. 182 00:14:32,360 --> 00:14:36,480 Ma'am. So he leaves the family home at short notice. 183 00:14:36,720 --> 00:14:40,959 Expected back, doesn't return. So where did he go? Who did he meet? 184 00:14:40,960 --> 00:14:44,760 Friends, family, rivals, lovers. I want the lot. 185 00:14:45,400 --> 00:14:47,400 Joe, with me. 186 00:15:25,120 --> 00:15:28,559 Any pattern? Well, it's like you say, second-hand. 187 00:15:28,560 --> 00:15:33,399 All use a weapon. But most suggest a confrontation. 188 00:15:33,400 --> 00:15:35,599 This was more of an unprovoked attack? 189 00:15:35,600 --> 00:15:37,840 Or targeted strike. 190 00:15:38,320 --> 00:15:40,999 Kenny. Search history on the laptop. 191 00:15:41,000 --> 00:15:43,920 It shows him looking up sold land values in Whitley Bay. 192 00:15:44,640 --> 00:15:47,319 Spent about an hour on it, the morning he died. 193 00:15:47,320 --> 00:15:49,560 So not just here on a whim. 194 00:15:55,800 --> 00:15:58,079 Alan's not been in the best of health. 195 00:15:58,080 --> 00:16:03,040 The party was to celebrate, well... Handing over the baton to David. 196 00:16:03,960 --> 00:16:05,840 He's not interested. 197 00:16:07,160 --> 00:16:11,760 I'm not. I'm leaving. Well, was leaving. 198 00:16:12,400 --> 00:16:14,880 Were there any plans to develop, in Whitley? 199 00:16:15,440 --> 00:16:17,480 Not at all. 200 00:16:18,000 --> 00:16:20,960 You seem very sure. Good money after bad. 201 00:16:21,440 --> 00:16:23,480 They saw eye to eye on that. 202 00:16:24,240 --> 00:16:25,919 May I ask? 203 00:16:25,920 --> 00:16:27,680 Erm... 204 00:16:28,400 --> 00:16:29,959 Was David gay? 205 00:16:29,960 --> 00:16:33,119 I don't think so. No, I mean... 206 00:16:33,120 --> 00:16:36,799 Not at all. Who's saying that? 207 00:16:36,800 --> 00:16:40,599 He's had girlfriends in the past. Anyone recently? 208 00:16:40,600 --> 00:16:44,599 Who's been saying this? No one. I'm just exploring. 209 00:16:44,600 --> 00:16:47,999 This police work, is it? Innuendo? 210 00:16:48,000 --> 00:16:51,400 She's just doing her job, love. She's making accusations. 211 00:16:51,960 --> 00:16:54,280 If I hear this repeated back to me, I'll... 212 00:16:58,320 --> 00:17:01,320 I'm sorry. I've let things get to us. 213 00:17:04,360 --> 00:17:07,760 It's not him. It's the medication. Mood swings. 214 00:17:09,480 --> 00:17:13,200 But if he was gay, might he have kept it hidden? 215 00:17:14,360 --> 00:17:16,560 He was cagey about his love life, I'll say that. 216 00:17:16,840 --> 00:17:21,880 I got a sense there might be someone but... I think he would have told us two at least. 217 00:17:23,160 --> 00:17:24,560 Excuse me. 218 00:17:29,000 --> 00:17:32,120 Did any of the guests ask after your brother? 219 00:17:32,520 --> 00:17:36,680 Most of them. I said he was called to an emergency at one of the properties. 220 00:17:37,480 --> 00:17:39,120 Why not say you didn't know? 221 00:17:39,600 --> 00:17:41,840 I didn't wanna worry anyone. 222 00:17:42,640 --> 00:17:45,000 It was a business do. Hm. 223 00:17:50,600 --> 00:17:54,840 You have to make it awkward, don't you? Sorry. Bad habit. 224 00:17:55,480 --> 00:17:59,839 Well, it makes sense. United front. Keep up the reputation. 225 00:17:59,840 --> 00:18:02,200 Yeah. Especially if you're being sidelined. 226 00:18:08,560 --> 00:18:11,600 Any luck? Yep. He was here last night. 227 00:18:16,280 --> 00:18:17,479 Hello, love. 228 00:18:17,480 --> 00:18:21,960 Yep, came in, bought the maxi. Is that two portions or one? 229 00:18:22,360 --> 00:18:26,599 It depends how hungry you are. I call it a large to share but some people, you know. 230 00:18:26,600 --> 00:18:28,039 So, meeting someone? 231 00:18:28,040 --> 00:18:30,079 Was anyone with him? Did he speak to anyone? 232 00:18:30,080 --> 00:18:34,519 There was an altercation. No, that's wrong. More er... "had words with". 233 00:18:34,520 --> 00:18:37,920 Who? Him next door. He'll be on your books. 234 00:18:40,040 --> 00:18:45,280 Yeah. Larry Crowe. Found it. He was cautioned last month for threatening behavior. 235 00:18:45,600 --> 00:18:48,359 Numerous reports of trouble outside, some of it him. 236 00:18:48,360 --> 00:18:51,640 Abusive to an officer, no convictions. Thanks, Kenny. 237 00:18:59,480 --> 00:19:04,400 Want Uniform round the back? Mm. Never hurts to put the wind up. 238 00:19:09,240 --> 00:19:11,280 Right. Every inch. 239 00:19:12,160 --> 00:19:14,759 Oi! Can you get this opened up for us? 240 00:19:14,760 --> 00:19:17,919 No. You need a warrant. Or we can arrest you, if you prefer. 241 00:19:17,920 --> 00:19:21,799 Oh, I see. You're just stitching me up! Aye, that's right. Get the keys. 242 00:19:21,800 --> 00:19:23,840 Hey! 243 00:19:42,280 --> 00:19:44,560 I know what you're doing! I'm not stupid. 244 00:19:48,800 --> 00:19:50,840 Ma'am, we've found something. 245 00:19:51,880 --> 00:19:53,600 What do you know! 246 00:20:05,160 --> 00:20:06,919 It's been cleaned. 247 00:20:06,920 --> 00:20:08,560 Mm. 248 00:20:10,720 --> 00:20:12,760 They've missed a bit. 249 00:20:20,570 --> 00:20:26,730 The 37-year-old Newcastle resident was found with substantial injuries by revelers. 250 00:20:26,767 --> 00:20:30,646 Emergency medical attention at the scene failed to save the man, 251 00:20:30,647 --> 00:20:33,767 who police have now named as David Kenworthy. 252 00:20:34,407 --> 00:20:36,447 His family have asked for privacy. 253 00:20:42,847 --> 00:20:45,886 I wasn't there. Well, the bat's gone for analysis now. 254 00:20:45,887 --> 00:20:48,126 What was the argument about? 255 00:20:48,127 --> 00:20:51,206 There wasn't an argument. Well, we heard different. 256 00:20:51,207 --> 00:20:53,966 He was taking photos of this place. I told him to leave off. 257 00:20:53,967 --> 00:20:56,206 Why he was taking photos? 258 00:20:56,207 --> 00:20:59,647 Hello. "Curiosity", he says, as if I'm a bloody idiot. 259 00:21:00,127 --> 00:21:03,126 He was sizing us up. You knew who he was then? 260 00:21:03,127 --> 00:21:05,287 Been hanging around these last few months. 261 00:21:05,487 --> 00:21:08,200 Waiting to see what he can pick up for nothing. 262 00:21:08,213 --> 00:21:10,766 Cos that's how they operate, the Kenworthys. 263 00:21:10,767 --> 00:21:13,086 See a sign of weakness and they swoop. 264 00:21:13,087 --> 00:21:16,127 So where did you go after you didn't have an argument? 265 00:21:16,607 --> 00:21:19,687 Came back here, mended the change machine. 266 00:21:21,007 --> 00:21:23,686 Do we arrest him? 267 00:21:23,687 --> 00:21:29,246 No. Wait for the lab report. Have you found where our victim was drinking? 268 00:21:29,247 --> 00:21:33,446 He was drinking in a bar down the road from 6:30. A taxi dropped him off. 269 00:21:33,447 --> 00:21:37,766 Thank you. Drank alone till about nine o'clock. Merlot. 270 00:21:37,767 --> 00:21:40,846 What, just sat there on his own? Apparently so. 271 00:21:40,847 --> 00:21:44,047 When he should've been glad-handing. Why? 272 00:21:46,487 --> 00:21:48,126 What's that? 273 00:21:48,127 --> 00:21:52,207 A cleaner found it. The receipt matches with the victim's card details. 274 00:21:55,047 --> 00:21:56,247 Books? 275 00:21:58,567 --> 00:22:00,567 Dog Wit. 276 00:22:03,287 --> 00:22:04,806 Food Britannia. 277 00:22:04,807 --> 00:22:06,526 Whitley Bay. 278 00:22:06,527 --> 00:22:09,207 He definitely had an interest in this place. 279 00:22:11,287 --> 00:22:14,566 What was he up to? Mm? 280 00:22:14,567 --> 00:22:16,326 I mean, on the property side. 281 00:22:16,327 --> 00:22:18,606 What was he not telling them? 282 00:22:18,607 --> 00:22:22,567 Planning for when he was in charge. What, behind his father's back? 283 00:22:22,967 --> 00:22:25,326 Shep. I'm at the Kenworthy Offices. 284 00:22:25,327 --> 00:22:28,846 From what they're saying here, money in the bank, creditors paid on time. 285 00:22:28,847 --> 00:22:32,206 What, it was all above board? Ah-ha. Good employers, I think. 286 00:22:32,207 --> 00:22:35,446 Though most seem to reckon they played hardball in negotiations. 287 00:22:35,447 --> 00:22:40,567 Well, look out for any business rivalries, disgruntled sellers. 288 00:22:40,967 --> 00:22:44,407 Maybe they made themselves unpopular. Will do. 289 00:22:46,327 --> 00:22:48,047 He spends weeks planning a party. 290 00:22:50,087 --> 00:22:53,487 No explanation, comes here instead. 291 00:22:53,927 --> 00:22:56,686 It's out of character of him not to phone, so... 292 00:22:56,687 --> 00:22:59,127 He didn't want them to know what he was up to. 293 00:22:59,567 --> 00:23:03,927 Or... he was making a point of not going to the party. 294 00:23:04,967 --> 00:23:08,287 Maybe that's all he was doing in Whitley. Not being there. 295 00:23:09,247 --> 00:23:11,767 Otherwise he'd have phoned, with an excuse. 296 00:23:12,647 --> 00:23:15,767 Maybe. Or maybe he'd had a drink and lost track of time. 297 00:23:16,247 --> 00:23:18,127 Well, he'd have got the taxi, wouldn't he? 298 00:23:19,927 --> 00:23:23,967 I mean, is it odd? Maybe I'm reading in...? 299 00:23:26,207 --> 00:23:29,207 Or maybe he just thought the taxi was a waste of money. 300 00:23:31,887 --> 00:23:35,206 How is your Jess? Back at school OK? 301 00:23:35,207 --> 00:23:39,847 Yeah. Celine thinks all the girls in her year are a bad influence. 302 00:23:40,287 --> 00:23:43,086 She's got us moving catchment areas. 303 00:23:43,087 --> 00:23:45,687 Couldn't lend us 30 grand, could you? 304 00:23:46,567 --> 00:23:49,286 Kenny, tell me this is an update from the lab. 305 00:23:49,287 --> 00:23:51,847 I've just run the address of the parents at Darras Hall. 306 00:23:52,287 --> 00:23:56,487 There's a fatality in 1977. Burglar fell off the roof. 307 00:23:57,047 --> 00:23:59,326 A burglar named Patrick Crowe. 308 00:23:59,327 --> 00:24:03,486 Well, it's not that common a name, surely? Is there a coroner's report? 309 00:24:03,487 --> 00:24:05,407 Ah, looking now. 310 00:24:07,087 --> 00:24:09,127 Patrick? 311 00:24:19,247 --> 00:24:21,207 Bring him in. 312 00:24:30,367 --> 00:24:36,286 1977. Coroner records a verdict of accidental death 313 00:24:36,287 --> 00:24:40,847 in the case of a 15-year-old lad named Patrick Crowe. 314 00:24:48,127 --> 00:24:53,767 Your son Paddy, is in a bungled robbery at Kenworthy's home. 315 00:24:54,447 --> 00:24:56,926 Now why didn't you mention that? 316 00:24:56,927 --> 00:24:59,327 Because you're all in his pocket. 317 00:25:00,607 --> 00:25:02,846 Do I look like I'm taking backhanders, love? 318 00:25:02,847 --> 00:25:06,726 You did jack-all when it happened, you'll do jack-all now. I cannot stand it. 319 00:25:06,727 --> 00:25:08,486 Oh, so what should we have done? 320 00:25:08,487 --> 00:25:10,606 Well, get him for murder. Who? 321 00:25:10,607 --> 00:25:12,766 Who d'you think? Alan Kenworthy! 322 00:25:12,767 --> 00:25:14,767 Hang on, hang on. 323 00:25:15,767 --> 00:25:18,847 Take us through it - this burglary. 324 00:25:20,087 --> 00:25:22,646 He never burgled anyone. That's the point. 325 00:25:22,647 --> 00:25:25,006 So what was he doing on the roof? 326 00:25:25,007 --> 00:25:29,446 That's what the Kenworthys hired him for! He was a builder's apprentice. 327 00:25:29,447 --> 00:25:31,246 That was his job, being on roofs. 328 00:25:31,247 --> 00:25:35,286 Oh, I see. He was up there doing a bit of practicing, was he? At the boss's place? 329 00:25:35,287 --> 00:25:37,366 You see? You've decided. 330 00:25:37,367 --> 00:25:43,207 I've decided nothing. You give me your version, then I'll decide. 331 00:25:48,487 --> 00:25:52,487 There was a knock on the door. Two coppers smirking. 332 00:25:53,767 --> 00:25:56,046 "Your son's dead. 333 00:25:56,047 --> 00:25:59,207 But it was his own fault, cos he's a thief, so never mind." 334 00:25:59,807 --> 00:26:02,726 Yeah, well, things weren't always handled right. 335 00:26:02,727 --> 00:26:06,086 Kenworthy says that he's caught him breaking in 336 00:26:06,087 --> 00:26:09,327 and he ran on some flat roof, slipped, fell. 337 00:26:10,087 --> 00:26:13,206 Accidental. So why don't you believe that? 338 00:26:13,207 --> 00:26:17,646 Because he knew he'd been given a good chance, so he wasn't gonna muck it up. 339 00:26:17,647 --> 00:26:21,846 So what was he doing up there? Oh, I don't know. I don't know. But it's not that. 340 00:26:21,847 --> 00:26:24,046 Did you ask? Aye. Course. 341 00:26:24,047 --> 00:26:27,046 I kicked off big time because I wanted your lot to investigate. 342 00:26:27,047 --> 00:26:29,886 Nobody listened. They just said I was barmy. 343 00:26:29,887 --> 00:26:33,967 And that drove me barmy. Drove the wife barmy. 344 00:26:36,287 --> 00:26:38,486 Where's she now? 345 00:26:38,487 --> 00:26:41,047 Oh, she died about ten years ago. 346 00:26:42,167 --> 00:26:44,767 We weren't together, you know, it just ruined everything. 347 00:26:45,727 --> 00:26:48,327 I was angry, you know? 348 00:26:48,487 --> 00:26:51,686 You changed the name of the business. 349 00:26:51,687 --> 00:26:55,287 Well, I couldn't stand any reminders. I just wanted to move on. 350 00:26:56,487 --> 00:26:58,847 But why lie? 351 00:26:59,567 --> 00:27:03,647 Why say he was a thief if it was an accident? 352 00:27:04,167 --> 00:27:07,567 Why... just... Oh. 353 00:27:08,287 --> 00:27:11,047 Why break our hearts twice? 354 00:27:11,367 --> 00:27:14,486 Or maybe you just couldn't stomach the truth. 355 00:27:14,487 --> 00:27:17,487 No. He's not what he makes out, you know, Kenworthy. 356 00:27:17,887 --> 00:27:20,526 No. But nobody sees it. He's got you all fooled. 357 00:27:20,527 --> 00:27:23,766 So, what, you thought you'd get your own back some 30-odd years later? 358 00:27:23,767 --> 00:27:27,247 No, cos I wouldn't do that to another person. Not even him. 359 00:27:28,287 --> 00:27:30,487 Where's the lab got with the blood stain? 360 00:27:30,767 --> 00:27:34,206 Oh, why hurry? It's only a murder. He's certainly got motive. 361 00:27:34,207 --> 00:27:36,086 Yeah, he saw his chance and took it. 362 00:27:36,087 --> 00:27:40,846 David sizing up the property. The final insult? Loses it? 363 00:27:40,847 --> 00:27:42,566 Brace yourself. What? 364 00:27:42,567 --> 00:27:44,766 Paramedics reckon they've not got the mobile. 365 00:27:44,767 --> 00:27:49,486 Oh, brilliant. How many times the tide gone out since then? 366 00:27:49,487 --> 00:27:54,686 Oh, well, the provider are gonna send us... Store fingerprints on the server, do they? 367 00:27:54,687 --> 00:27:56,687 Think it through. 368 00:27:57,687 --> 00:28:01,286 Right, we'll keep him until forensics get back. 369 00:28:01,287 --> 00:28:03,566 Who's got the statements from the guests? 370 00:28:03,567 --> 00:28:05,726 Celine, Joe. 371 00:28:05,727 --> 00:28:08,766 Er... We're gonna look at a place. A house. 372 00:28:08,767 --> 00:28:11,366 Oh, where? Tynemouth. 373 00:28:11,367 --> 00:28:14,047 Oh. Very nice. Just to get a feel for the area. 374 00:28:14,367 --> 00:28:15,926 And I can come back in if you need us. 375 00:28:15,927 --> 00:28:19,406 No. Lab might take hours. We'll start in the morning. Go on. 376 00:28:19,407 --> 00:28:23,886 It's a wreck. We can hardly afford it I know. But the schools there... 377 00:28:23,887 --> 00:28:25,487 You might bag yourself a bargain. 378 00:28:27,247 --> 00:28:30,006 Put your own stamp on it, make the place your own. 379 00:28:30,007 --> 00:28:33,127 Well, you were right. It is a bloodstain on the bat. 380 00:28:33,927 --> 00:28:38,487 Well, it's like I've done this before. Wait for it. Lab have got a match. 381 00:28:41,127 --> 00:28:43,647 Well, of course, there's a blood stain. 382 00:28:43,927 --> 00:28:48,086 I had a run-in with a bloke last month. Came at me with a broken pint pot. 383 00:28:48,087 --> 00:28:51,606 I protected myself. Don't you check your own records? 384 00:28:51,607 --> 00:28:54,726 I know you've been cautioned for violence. Self-defense. 385 00:28:54,727 --> 00:28:56,046 Oh. 386 00:28:56,047 --> 00:28:59,127 There's nothing on me, no matter how hard you try. 387 00:29:00,887 --> 00:29:05,127 The blood stain is a match to our victim. 388 00:29:17,122 --> 00:29:19,502 Have you checked out that change machine yet? 389 00:29:19,527 --> 00:29:21,046 I'll do it now. Good. 390 00:29:21,047 --> 00:29:22,966 Covered everything to the water's edge? 391 00:29:22,967 --> 00:29:25,326 See if the lifeguards saw anything on Saturday. 392 00:29:25,327 --> 00:29:27,407 Go right down to the end. OK, ma'am. 393 00:29:45,247 --> 00:29:49,966 What time did Crowe leave the chippie? Blokey reckons around 9:50. 394 00:29:49,967 --> 00:29:53,926 And the girl found the body... The call to 999 at 10:01. 395 00:29:53,927 --> 00:29:55,926 That's 11 minutes. Aha. 396 00:29:55,927 --> 00:29:57,982 I've got six witnesses saying he was fixing the 397 00:29:57,995 --> 00:29:59,846 change machine when they heard the sirens. 398 00:29:59,847 --> 00:30:03,006 I'm not taking the word of a bunch of gamblers. 399 00:30:03,007 --> 00:30:05,646 Ma'am, he's logged a call to the manufacturers. 400 00:30:05,647 --> 00:30:08,766 They've recorded it at 9:57 from their office phone. 401 00:30:08,767 --> 00:30:10,566 There's a transcript of the call. 402 00:30:10,567 --> 00:30:12,406 He could have done it, if he was quick. 403 00:30:12,407 --> 00:30:14,726 But he didn't have the bat in the chippie's, did he? 404 00:30:14,727 --> 00:30:17,487 He'd have had to double back in, what, six minutes? 405 00:30:18,647 --> 00:30:21,806 It's not enough time. If he'd done his best Usain Bolt. 406 00:30:21,807 --> 00:30:23,847 He's nearly 70. 407 00:30:25,047 --> 00:30:26,607 He leaves the chippie, right? 408 00:30:27,527 --> 00:30:32,966 Then he legs it next door, gets the bat, and then legs it all the way over here, 409 00:30:32,967 --> 00:30:37,286 down to the beach - wallop! - and then goes all the way back, 410 00:30:37,287 --> 00:30:39,206 and strolls in as cool as a... 411 00:30:39,207 --> 00:30:42,247 Nah. That's not gonna work. 412 00:30:43,407 --> 00:30:48,847 So, if he's got an alibi...? How did the victim's blood get on that bat? 413 00:30:56,167 --> 00:30:59,487 Who else has access to your office? No one. 414 00:31:00,527 --> 00:31:03,726 There's only one key and I keep it on me. Could someone have broken in? 415 00:31:03,727 --> 00:31:07,767 No, cos I was in there phoning the change machine people. 416 00:31:08,047 --> 00:31:10,687 Did you give the key to someone? No. 417 00:31:11,927 --> 00:31:16,047 Who are you protecting? I'm offering you a lifeline here. Take it. 418 00:31:18,007 --> 00:31:20,886 You've got an alibi, fine. 419 00:31:20,887 --> 00:31:24,286 So who took the bat to get the victim's blood on it? 420 00:31:24,287 --> 00:31:27,127 I'm not saying it was someone else when it wasn't. 421 00:31:29,447 --> 00:31:32,126 In that case... Oh, here comes the stitch-up. 422 00:31:32,127 --> 00:31:34,326 ...I'm going to release you. Eh? 423 00:31:34,327 --> 00:31:37,687 For now. But you remain a person of interest. 424 00:31:37,967 --> 00:31:39,686 Thank you. 425 00:31:39,687 --> 00:31:44,566 Oh, listen. I know Kenworthy, he controls people. 426 00:31:44,567 --> 00:31:48,726 Like who? Who, other than you, has got a problem with him? 427 00:31:48,727 --> 00:31:50,846 Everyone! 428 00:31:50,847 --> 00:31:54,766 Well, even his own kids were scared of him. You could see it in their little faces. 429 00:31:54,767 --> 00:31:58,406 You knew him as a child? The deceased? Not him. No. 430 00:31:58,407 --> 00:32:01,092 But the older boy and the sister. They used to 431 00:32:01,105 --> 00:32:03,687 come down here on the sly to play the slots. 432 00:32:04,927 --> 00:32:08,047 But they were messed up, the pair of them. Frightened! 433 00:32:08,847 --> 00:32:11,607 That's quite an allegation, you got evidence to back it up? 434 00:32:11,927 --> 00:32:13,767 What, my word not good enough for you? 435 00:32:14,927 --> 00:32:16,767 I'd quit while you're ahead, pet. 436 00:32:19,407 --> 00:32:20,566 Joe? 437 00:32:20,567 --> 00:32:23,006 I'm getting surveillance to check out the arcade. 438 00:32:23,007 --> 00:32:25,446 Find out who might've got into the building. Good. 439 00:32:25,447 --> 00:32:29,006 Did they mention a sister, the Kenworthy family? 440 00:32:29,007 --> 00:32:33,407 A sister? No, I don't think so. Get on to it, Kenny. 441 00:32:33,927 --> 00:32:37,607 Is there a name? Hm. Something Kenworthy. 442 00:32:38,007 --> 00:32:41,487 Oh. But she might have married. So... something something. 443 00:32:46,407 --> 00:32:49,247 I think they deserve an update, don't you? 444 00:32:52,247 --> 00:32:56,486 Some of the locals seem to think he had plans to develop in Whitley. 445 00:32:56,487 --> 00:32:58,766 Well, he didn't, because we don't. 446 00:32:58,767 --> 00:33:00,767 Look, I know it's hard. 447 00:33:02,447 --> 00:33:07,767 But is there any chance David could have been doing things you weren't aware of? 448 00:33:08,367 --> 00:33:12,486 What, like a drag act in Darlington? Alan! 449 00:33:12,487 --> 00:33:14,607 Well, the woman goes from bad to worse. 450 00:33:14,887 --> 00:33:19,086 It just doesn't seem like David. He was what you see is what you get. 451 00:33:19,087 --> 00:33:20,926 He wouldn't sneak about. 452 00:33:20,927 --> 00:33:22,926 What if something had changed? 453 00:33:22,927 --> 00:33:26,646 Why was he drinking alone for three hours? I just can't answer that. 454 00:33:26,647 --> 00:33:29,527 He must've been confused or... I don't know. 455 00:33:30,407 --> 00:33:32,327 It doesn't make any sense to us. 456 00:33:37,887 --> 00:33:43,047 One person who came to our attention was a fella called Larry Crowe. 457 00:33:45,287 --> 00:33:47,406 Aye? That name ring a bell? 458 00:33:47,407 --> 00:33:48,686 No. 459 00:33:48,687 --> 00:33:50,967 Says his son worked for you before he died. 460 00:33:52,247 --> 00:33:55,126 Oh, an apprentice? Fell off a roof. 461 00:33:55,127 --> 00:33:58,046 Is he looking for compo? Only we've had more than one. 462 00:33:58,047 --> 00:34:00,047 No, fell off the roof of this house. 463 00:34:00,927 --> 00:34:04,327 What did he say? That I killed his son? 464 00:34:06,287 --> 00:34:09,846 The man's a lunatic. He's said something before, has he? 465 00:34:09,847 --> 00:34:13,487 At the time, yes. He'd gone quiet for the last few years. 466 00:34:14,047 --> 00:34:17,607 Only you said you didn't have any connection with Whitley Bay. 467 00:34:19,127 --> 00:34:21,127 A fella with a grudge? 468 00:34:21,727 --> 00:34:24,246 I thought he'd died. 469 00:34:24,247 --> 00:34:28,247 Still, seems like the sort of thing we might have needed to know. 470 00:34:30,007 --> 00:34:33,247 Can you just admit it? Your memory's not what it was. 471 00:34:35,247 --> 00:34:40,886 It's why they've give us medication. That's why I've been moved off my own business. 472 00:34:40,887 --> 00:34:42,806 He's supposed to avoid stress. 473 00:34:42,807 --> 00:34:44,407 We attract rumors. 474 00:34:45,727 --> 00:34:48,526 She's a gold digger, I'm a murderer. 475 00:34:48,527 --> 00:34:52,247 David was up to God knows what. 476 00:34:53,247 --> 00:34:55,607 It's jealousy, we can deal with it. 477 00:34:57,007 --> 00:34:59,086 But this is just too much. 478 00:34:59,087 --> 00:35:01,366 He's not eaten for two days, so can we, please...? 479 00:35:01,367 --> 00:35:06,207 Yeah. Yeah, OK. Just one last question about family. 480 00:35:08,727 --> 00:35:10,767 You have a daughter... 481 00:35:11,127 --> 00:35:13,127 Lorna. What about her? 482 00:35:14,367 --> 00:35:18,967 Well, is Lorna still alive? Only you haven't mentioned her. 483 00:35:20,607 --> 00:35:22,607 We're out of touch. 484 00:35:23,487 --> 00:35:25,407 So do you know how I could contact her? 485 00:35:27,167 --> 00:35:29,847 We fell out. I've... I've not seen her... 486 00:35:29,967 --> 00:35:32,127 Oh, since God knows when. 487 00:35:33,567 --> 00:35:35,926 Would Thomas know where she is? 488 00:35:35,927 --> 00:35:38,846 No. Oh, well, I'd still like to talk to him. 489 00:35:38,847 --> 00:35:40,407 He's not here. 490 00:35:41,207 --> 00:35:44,607 I don't know where he is. 491 00:35:45,247 --> 00:35:49,847 He's with the priest. Making the arrangements. 492 00:36:07,607 --> 00:36:11,967 It could have slipped his mind. Do I buy the doddery old fella act? 493 00:36:14,167 --> 00:36:17,767 A bloke that age can be as wily as anyone, believe me. 494 00:36:22,327 --> 00:36:25,327 How long has Karen been around? 495 00:36:26,527 --> 00:36:30,887 First wife passed in 1990. And they married in 2002. 496 00:36:31,367 --> 00:36:35,887 Hm. Not the new addition then. Not the wicked stepmother swooping in. 497 00:36:37,007 --> 00:36:41,767 Still, it's a bit of a gap. At least ten years coping alone. 498 00:36:42,487 --> 00:36:44,726 One teenager, and a couple of 20-somethings. 499 00:36:44,727 --> 00:36:47,446 That's Easy Street, parenting-wise. 500 00:36:47,447 --> 00:36:49,767 Finger's crossed. 501 00:36:49,847 --> 00:36:54,286 Shep? Bloke in the bookshop - apparently the victim said the books were a gift. 502 00:36:54,287 --> 00:36:56,967 A gift? Hold on. 503 00:36:57,367 --> 00:36:58,887 Not for him, the books. 504 00:37:01,007 --> 00:37:03,046 Well, for the dad? To give them at the party? 505 00:37:03,047 --> 00:37:06,606 Well, that's a bit metrosexual for him, isn't it? Cookery? 506 00:37:06,607 --> 00:37:08,486 Well, I don't know. 507 00:37:08,487 --> 00:37:11,326 And I found a list of the properties they manage, 508 00:37:11,327 --> 00:37:14,407 and the flats above the bookshop were also part of that portfolio. 509 00:37:14,647 --> 00:37:19,646 Well, maybe his trip was work-related. Do we know who the tenants are? 510 00:37:19,647 --> 00:37:24,047 They are a... family of six rehoused from the Kingfisher. 511 00:37:25,447 --> 00:37:29,286 Any contact with them? Uniform knocked, but no answer. 512 00:37:29,287 --> 00:37:31,526 Council tenants, though? 513 00:37:31,527 --> 00:37:35,326 Yep. In fact, the company makes most of their money letting to people on benefits. 514 00:37:35,327 --> 00:37:37,487 Well, they don't parade that, do they? 515 00:37:38,447 --> 00:37:42,646 Here's me thinking it's all luxury apartments and grand designs. 516 00:37:42,647 --> 00:37:45,527 Shep, get Uniform to knock again. - Will do. 517 00:37:48,127 --> 00:37:50,726 Ma'am. Yeah. Computer forensics. 518 00:37:50,727 --> 00:37:53,806 He had an appointment in his calendar on the Saturday afternoon. 519 00:37:53,807 --> 00:37:54,966 An estate agent. 520 00:37:54,967 --> 00:37:58,046 Yeah, she says she drove him to see a new build out by the coast. 521 00:37:58,047 --> 00:38:01,366 He didn't tell us that either, did he? 522 00:38:01,367 --> 00:38:04,407 Concealing what he was up to on dad's big day. 523 00:38:05,367 --> 00:38:07,407 Or they didn't tell us. 524 00:38:30,527 --> 00:38:33,127 Remember when this was all fields? 525 00:38:46,847 --> 00:38:48,486 Ah, Nicky? 526 00:38:48,487 --> 00:38:50,966 Er... You're not Becky and Dan, are you? 527 00:38:50,967 --> 00:38:54,327 No, love. Can we come in? 528 00:38:55,487 --> 00:38:57,487 Yeah. 529 00:38:59,727 --> 00:39:03,606 Hm, very nice. Did he make you an offer? 530 00:39:03,607 --> 00:39:07,327 Er... no. They tend to go for properties where they can add value. 531 00:39:11,647 --> 00:39:13,526 So why did he come and see it then? 532 00:39:13,527 --> 00:39:15,453 Well, I think it's a case of check out the 533 00:39:15,466 --> 00:39:17,726 competition. The rental market's quite buoyant. 534 00:39:17,727 --> 00:39:20,206 I suppose families can't afford a deposit, can they? 535 00:39:20,207 --> 00:39:22,247 Exactly. 536 00:39:23,087 --> 00:39:25,846 Have you done a lot of work for the Kenworthys? 537 00:39:25,847 --> 00:39:28,486 Oh, well, I've managed a couple of the rentals in the past. 538 00:39:28,487 --> 00:39:30,446 Mm. How was that? Easy. 539 00:39:30,447 --> 00:39:34,047 David's good at picking people that are no trouble - was good. 540 00:39:35,647 --> 00:39:38,726 It's my manager that's had the most dealings with them. 541 00:39:38,727 --> 00:39:42,127 So why'd he see you for this place? Mm? 542 00:39:45,007 --> 00:39:46,327 Were you friendly? 543 00:39:50,927 --> 00:39:53,526 We weren't boyfriend or girlfriend or anything official. 544 00:39:53,527 --> 00:39:55,767 But... we did... 545 00:39:56,607 --> 00:39:59,687 Yeah, we had a connection. For how long? 546 00:40:00,487 --> 00:40:02,487 On and off for the last six months. 547 00:40:03,247 --> 00:40:05,286 Why keep it quiet? 548 00:40:05,287 --> 00:40:08,606 They were big clients and, like I say, it was never official. 549 00:40:08,607 --> 00:40:13,127 And did you have "a connection" with him here... on Saturday? 550 00:40:13,887 --> 00:40:15,887 No. 551 00:40:16,047 --> 00:40:18,047 Why not? 552 00:40:18,447 --> 00:40:20,446 If I'm honest, we had a row. 553 00:40:20,447 --> 00:40:22,126 About...? 554 00:40:22,127 --> 00:40:24,806 I told him I wanted more. You know, a proper relationship. 555 00:40:24,807 --> 00:40:27,006 He wasn't keen? 556 00:40:27,007 --> 00:40:31,606 He said life was "too complicated" or some such. Too much "stuff" going on. 557 00:40:31,607 --> 00:40:35,006 Stuff? Exactly. 558 00:40:35,007 --> 00:40:37,047 I just wanted to know where I stood. 559 00:40:38,527 --> 00:40:40,527 I really liked him... 560 00:40:40,967 --> 00:40:44,487 So, you had a row and then what? 561 00:40:45,167 --> 00:40:48,407 He walked out. Slammed the door and I never saw him again. 562 00:40:49,447 --> 00:40:51,446 Were you invited to the party? 563 00:40:51,447 --> 00:40:54,247 Er... yeah. But through work, not as a couple. 564 00:40:56,087 --> 00:40:58,127 I thought I'd make up to him there. 565 00:41:00,047 --> 00:41:02,607 When he never showed up, what did you do? 566 00:41:03,967 --> 00:41:07,127 Drank the bar dry and puked in the cab on the way home. 567 00:41:12,847 --> 00:41:15,806 I'll get Shep to cross-check the statements from the guests. 568 00:41:15,807 --> 00:41:19,086 She's a canny lass. Why's he keeping her at arm's length? 569 00:41:19,087 --> 00:41:21,887 "Stuff". Still, it rules out cruising. 570 00:41:22,407 --> 00:41:24,407 Bloody doesn't. 571 00:41:24,767 --> 00:41:26,767 Becky and Dan. 572 00:41:28,167 --> 00:41:30,246 It's all downhill from here, guys. 573 00:41:30,247 --> 00:41:32,446 What do you want to live here for anyway? 574 00:41:32,447 --> 00:41:36,247 There's no character, it's completely isolated. 575 00:41:36,767 --> 00:41:38,767 Wait a minute. 576 00:41:39,327 --> 00:41:43,247 David doesn't drive. So if she dumped him here... 577 00:41:44,167 --> 00:41:46,207 How'd he get to Mileside? 578 00:41:47,527 --> 00:41:49,886 I have been warned about data protection. 579 00:41:49,887 --> 00:41:51,887 Aye, just do it. It'll be fine. 580 00:42:00,887 --> 00:42:02,887 Is this this fella who was killed? 581 00:42:03,687 --> 00:42:06,047 Did you speak to him? No. 582 00:42:08,647 --> 00:42:11,886 There you go. Did you see the driver who picked him up? 583 00:42:11,887 --> 00:42:14,046 Yes. Nice-looking girl. 584 00:42:14,047 --> 00:42:16,247 Girl? What age? 585 00:42:16,927 --> 00:42:19,767 Maybe early 50s? 586 00:42:21,007 --> 00:42:25,406 Thanks, love. Ford Focus. Registration number LV55 ZTE. 587 00:42:25,407 --> 00:42:27,407 Just as quick as you can. 588 00:42:38,527 --> 00:42:40,847 OK, as soon as you can. Sir. 589 00:42:41,727 --> 00:42:44,646 Kenny, I want to place Karen at Monkseaton. 590 00:42:44,647 --> 00:42:46,406 The stepmother? Right. 591 00:42:46,407 --> 00:42:49,526 Speed cameras, any time she used her debit card. 592 00:42:49,527 --> 00:42:53,886 Anything that will tell us she lied about her whereabouts on Saturday afternoon. 593 00:42:53,887 --> 00:42:55,406 OK, will do. 594 00:42:55,407 --> 00:42:57,886 Oh, er... Ma'am? 595 00:42:57,887 --> 00:43:01,887 Ma'am, there's a lady there who wants to lay some flowers. Is that OK? 596 00:43:10,487 --> 00:43:13,926 I'm DCI Vera Stanhope. I'm heading the investigation. 597 00:43:13,927 --> 00:43:16,286 Are you friends of the deceased? 598 00:43:16,287 --> 00:43:18,006 Not exactly, no. 599 00:43:18,007 --> 00:43:20,127 I'm Lorna. I'm his sister. 600 00:44:05,815 --> 00:44:07,855 I think things are just hitting home. 601 00:44:09,575 --> 00:44:11,574 Did you know David? 602 00:44:11,575 --> 00:44:15,094 No. No. I didn't know any of them. 603 00:44:15,095 --> 00:44:18,215 Things ran... pretty deep. 604 00:44:26,335 --> 00:44:27,974 Would he have suffered? 605 00:44:27,975 --> 00:44:31,055 No, love. No. He'd have been unconscious throughout. 606 00:44:33,095 --> 00:44:35,095 And he wasn't alone when he...? 607 00:44:37,775 --> 00:44:40,495 I think a lot of people tried very hard to save him. 608 00:44:44,615 --> 00:44:47,214 Do you know when the funeral is? 609 00:44:47,215 --> 00:44:49,535 Have you not been in touch with the family? 610 00:44:51,535 --> 00:44:53,895 How'd you find out? Radio. 611 00:44:55,175 --> 00:44:58,335 We do try to contact the relatives. I'm sorry. 612 00:44:58,855 --> 00:45:00,855 I don't think it's really sunk in. 613 00:45:03,175 --> 00:45:05,655 I didn't see him for so long and then... 614 00:45:06,895 --> 00:45:09,854 Had you been in touch? Yeah. 615 00:45:09,855 --> 00:45:13,095 I'd seen him most weeks for the last few months. 616 00:45:14,375 --> 00:45:16,655 I saw him on Saturday. Before... 617 00:45:17,335 --> 00:45:20,695 We sort of kept it quiet. I thought you might not know. 618 00:45:22,055 --> 00:45:25,575 Did you drive him from Monkseaton to Mileside? 619 00:45:28,735 --> 00:45:32,095 He sent me a message on Facebook, about four months ago. 620 00:45:32,975 --> 00:45:34,975 And it became a once-a-week thing? 621 00:45:35,855 --> 00:45:38,335 Yeah. We'd come for chips in Whitley. 622 00:45:40,015 --> 00:45:42,015 Take me through Saturday. 623 00:45:44,615 --> 00:45:46,215 Er... he called out of the blue. 624 00:45:47,655 --> 00:45:50,135 Said he'd fallen out with a girl and was stranded. 625 00:45:51,255 --> 00:45:54,015 But why call you, not call a taxi? 626 00:45:54,175 --> 00:45:56,175 Well, that's what I thought. 627 00:45:56,975 --> 00:46:02,095 Ulterior motive. Tried to persuade me to go to Dad's for some party. 628 00:46:02,655 --> 00:46:05,575 Sprang it on me. I declined, obviously. 629 00:46:05,935 --> 00:46:09,934 You know, he kept the fact he was seeing you quiet from the rest of the family. 630 00:46:09,935 --> 00:46:11,454 Do you know that? 631 00:46:11,455 --> 00:46:13,974 Yeah. I asked him to. 632 00:46:13,975 --> 00:46:16,974 He was disappointed, but it would've all kicked off. 633 00:46:16,975 --> 00:46:19,574 I didn't want Dad making him choose. 634 00:46:19,575 --> 00:46:21,575 How do you mean? 635 00:46:22,415 --> 00:46:26,055 Well, you're either on Dad's side or you're not. I'm not! 636 00:46:26,295 --> 00:46:28,294 Oh, why's that? 637 00:46:28,295 --> 00:46:30,295 Because we don't get on. 638 00:46:31,095 --> 00:46:32,495 Then what? 639 00:46:33,175 --> 00:46:37,415 I went home, made the boys' tea. 640 00:46:38,815 --> 00:46:40,055 Went to work. 641 00:46:40,735 --> 00:46:42,735 Never saw him again. 642 00:46:44,255 --> 00:46:46,455 Did you part on bad terms, love? 643 00:46:48,255 --> 00:46:51,095 No. No, I think he understood. 644 00:46:52,895 --> 00:46:57,774 Well, I'm going to need a contact for your work, love. I'm sorry. 645 00:46:57,775 --> 00:46:59,375 Of course. 646 00:47:03,935 --> 00:47:05,935 What was he doing at Mileside? 647 00:47:07,815 --> 00:47:10,415 Donkey work, to do with the property he said. 648 00:47:12,535 --> 00:47:14,815 Thomas had left him in the lurch, I think. 649 00:47:14,975 --> 00:47:16,975 What, they'd had a disagreement? 650 00:47:17,535 --> 00:47:19,255 Oh, no, I don't think so. 651 00:47:19,455 --> 00:47:21,974 Mm. Thanks, love. 652 00:47:21,975 --> 00:47:24,855 So how did he seem? You know, in himself? 653 00:47:25,655 --> 00:47:27,934 I got the impression he had a lot on his shoulders. 654 00:47:27,935 --> 00:47:30,534 But happy, mostly. 655 00:47:30,535 --> 00:47:34,254 And how was his relationship with your dad and his wife? 656 00:47:34,255 --> 00:47:36,255 And, of course, your brother. 657 00:47:36,935 --> 00:47:39,015 He wouldn't hear a word said against them. 658 00:47:39,495 --> 00:47:42,934 I mean, if I thought there was a feud, I'd be the first to say, but... 659 00:47:42,935 --> 00:47:47,415 No, he just tried to convince me that... Dad had mellowed. 660 00:47:48,175 --> 00:47:50,095 That it was all Happy Families. 661 00:47:56,855 --> 00:47:58,855 Just give me a minute. 662 00:48:02,295 --> 00:48:07,855 Well, here's my direct line. And we'll try and keep you in the loop as far as we can. 663 00:48:08,295 --> 00:48:12,935 Much appreciated. Or she'll be at the computer 24/7. 664 00:48:15,415 --> 00:48:18,414 You know, she collapsed when she heard the news. 665 00:48:18,415 --> 00:48:24,254 Came back, heard it on the radio. She was just curled up on the floor. 666 00:48:24,255 --> 00:48:26,655 How do you mean came back? 667 00:48:27,095 --> 00:48:31,695 She was with Val. They went out after work for a drink. 668 00:48:45,895 --> 00:48:50,014 Ma'am. Lorna Underwood. Works at a rescue center for stray dogs. 669 00:48:50,015 --> 00:48:54,775 Yeah, ring her colleague Val and confirm that they worked late then went for a drink. 670 00:48:57,695 --> 00:48:59,854 Erm... What? 671 00:48:59,855 --> 00:49:01,854 Problem at the lab. Blood stain. 672 00:49:01,855 --> 00:49:04,654 They're now reckoning there's no match for David on there. 673 00:49:04,655 --> 00:49:07,494 Oh, for pity's sake. 674 00:49:07,495 --> 00:49:09,495 It's lucky we didn't charge him. 675 00:49:10,775 --> 00:49:13,254 What? Contaminated samples? They think so. 676 00:49:13,255 --> 00:49:15,775 And whose cock-up's that? Ours or theirs? 677 00:49:16,455 --> 00:49:19,575 They're looking into it. They've sent you a diagram. 678 00:49:21,415 --> 00:49:23,415 And they're very sorry. 679 00:49:24,215 --> 00:49:27,734 No joy with the mobile, I'm afraid. Aw, not you an' all. 680 00:49:27,735 --> 00:49:31,054 Provider said that the data was wiped at handset level. 681 00:49:31,055 --> 00:49:33,614 It'll take 24 hours to get it off the backup server. 682 00:49:33,615 --> 00:49:35,334 Wiped? How? 683 00:49:35,335 --> 00:49:38,414 Well, somebody could've found it on a beach. Cleaned it up to sell it. 684 00:49:38,415 --> 00:49:41,775 Right, check eBay. Check the girl. Check everyone. 685 00:49:41,855 --> 00:49:45,175 Check every drunk, every stag do, the lot. 686 00:49:46,095 --> 00:49:49,295 We've missed someone. Don't sit down. Come on! 687 00:49:53,335 --> 00:49:59,175 She said Thomas left David in the lurch so what was he supposed to be doing in Mileside? 688 00:50:17,735 --> 00:50:19,454 We're looking for Thomas Kenworthy? 689 00:50:19,455 --> 00:50:21,295 Er... He's not here. 690 00:50:21,455 --> 00:50:23,494 Well, where is he? 691 00:50:23,495 --> 00:50:25,934 He went to speak to a builder's merchant, I think. 692 00:50:25,935 --> 00:50:28,295 Which one? I don't know. 693 00:50:29,135 --> 00:50:31,815 Well, let's go through them one by one, shall we? 694 00:50:32,575 --> 00:50:34,214 When was he last here? 695 00:50:34,215 --> 00:50:36,974 I've haven't seen him since before dinner time. 696 00:50:36,975 --> 00:50:38,175 Oh. 697 00:50:39,935 --> 00:50:42,494 Where does he normally go? 698 00:50:42,495 --> 00:50:45,014 Come on, come on. There's a pub. 699 00:50:45,015 --> 00:50:48,695 He goes there. When he doesn't want us to know he's been drinking. 700 00:50:49,895 --> 00:50:50,895 Name? 701 00:50:51,975 --> 00:50:54,088 He left about an hour ago. I tried to take his 702 00:50:54,101 --> 00:50:56,135 keys off him, like, but he wasn't having it. 703 00:50:56,815 --> 00:50:59,174 Does he drink here a lot? Oh, aye. Necks it back. 704 00:50:59,175 --> 00:51:01,855 Play a bit of darts sometimes. But... not social. 705 00:51:03,215 --> 00:51:05,215 Where's your dartboard? 706 00:51:05,815 --> 00:51:07,814 Got a room out the back. 707 00:51:07,815 --> 00:51:09,654 Can I take a look? Well... 708 00:51:09,655 --> 00:51:12,255 Ah, I'm not Health and Safety. 709 00:51:16,415 --> 00:51:18,415 Oh, this takes me back. 710 00:51:18,855 --> 00:51:20,855 Aye, well, keeps us in business. 711 00:51:21,215 --> 00:51:23,174 When was he last in, before today? 712 00:51:23,175 --> 00:51:26,175 Friday before the rush. That's carbon monoxide. 713 00:51:27,495 --> 00:51:29,414 Anyone with him? 714 00:51:29,415 --> 00:51:32,935 Aye. His brother... the fella who died? 715 00:51:33,695 --> 00:51:36,455 He come in to find him. You sure it was him? 716 00:51:36,975 --> 00:51:40,095 Oh, aye. Thomas was off his face, he went for him! 717 00:51:40,695 --> 00:51:43,295 There was a fight? I had to step in. 718 00:51:48,575 --> 00:51:50,455 I bloody stink now. 719 00:51:50,775 --> 00:51:55,414 Thomas Kenworthy. Six foot, dark hair. Driving a Qashqai, we understand. 720 00:51:55,415 --> 00:51:58,654 Ma'am. Yeah, Kenny, get on to plate recognition. 721 00:51:58,655 --> 00:52:01,894 Run the brother's vehicle. Seems to have gone AWOL. 722 00:52:01,895 --> 00:52:04,934 Right. We've just had word from family liaison. 723 00:52:04,935 --> 00:52:07,774 The dad's been hospitalized. When? 724 00:52:07,775 --> 00:52:09,801 Well, he was found collapsed at his home. He's 725 00:52:09,814 --> 00:52:11,894 on his way to the cardiac ward at the District. 726 00:52:11,895 --> 00:52:14,735 Is his son with him? Couldn't say. Sorry. 727 00:52:33,575 --> 00:52:38,135 We're here for Alan Kenworthy. OK. Er... lift to level minus one. 728 00:52:38,855 --> 00:52:41,254 Follow the signs. Yeah, signs to what, love? 729 00:52:41,255 --> 00:52:43,255 Oh, mortuary. 730 00:53:00,375 --> 00:53:03,174 Major cardiac event. Died in the ambulance. 731 00:53:03,175 --> 00:53:06,174 Just like that? It's not surprising, man of his age. 732 00:53:06,175 --> 00:53:08,734 Anyone with him? Apart from the trauma team? 733 00:53:08,735 --> 00:53:10,854 His wife, I think. But she's been taken home. 734 00:53:10,855 --> 00:53:14,614 Did anything about it strike you as unusual? If it had, I'd have told you. 735 00:53:14,615 --> 00:53:17,174 I'd like a postmortem. It'll be a wait. 736 00:53:17,175 --> 00:53:18,494 Ah, we'll do our own. 737 00:53:18,495 --> 00:53:22,574 Get on to Marcus tell him to collect the body and tell him it's urgent. Thanks, love. 738 00:53:22,575 --> 00:53:26,214 We've got plate recognition. Thomas' car found up at Mileside. 739 00:53:26,215 --> 00:53:28,534 Mileside? The bookshop? 740 00:53:28,535 --> 00:53:30,654 Retracing David's footsteps? 741 00:53:30,655 --> 00:53:34,295 Well, let's get after him. Break the news. 742 00:53:34,695 --> 00:53:36,775 If he doesn't know already. 743 00:53:48,215 --> 00:53:50,215 Hungry? Eurgh! 744 00:53:51,375 --> 00:53:53,575 Get them to take this in. 745 00:53:54,735 --> 00:53:56,735 Done a runner. 746 00:53:57,655 --> 00:53:59,935 All ports warning? Aye! 747 00:54:16,495 --> 00:54:18,495 These are addressed here. 748 00:54:43,055 --> 00:54:45,055 Why did he collect the junk mail? 749 00:54:48,255 --> 00:54:51,495 He's not here. There's no one here. 750 00:54:52,455 --> 00:54:54,455 I think that's the point. 751 00:55:59,565 --> 00:56:01,505 Come on. 752 00:56:01,539 --> 00:56:05,419 I told the other officer. We went for last orders then I dropped her back. 753 00:56:06,859 --> 00:56:08,019 Nothing else? 754 00:56:08,579 --> 00:56:11,339 I wouldn't lie for her, not to you lot anyway. 755 00:56:12,099 --> 00:56:13,378 I'll get it. 756 00:56:13,379 --> 00:56:15,898 How much is this for a haircut? Fine. I'll dye my own. 757 00:56:15,899 --> 00:56:17,979 Oh, Michael, stop teasing your sister. 758 00:56:18,859 --> 00:56:21,698 Hey, tell him. How much is a lady's cut and color? 759 00:56:21,699 --> 00:56:24,178 Hey, you're asking the wrong person, pet. 760 00:56:24,179 --> 00:56:27,538 It's what it costs. I'll do it. It'll be good practice. 761 00:56:27,539 --> 00:56:29,498 You are not becoming a hairdresser. 762 00:56:29,499 --> 00:56:31,378 Karen Kenworthy spoke to Thomas. 763 00:56:31,379 --> 00:56:33,818 She called into the office. Shep's on her way out there. 764 00:56:33,819 --> 00:56:36,138 We'll go via the office. Hey, have you eaten? 765 00:56:36,139 --> 00:56:37,939 I'll be all right! 766 00:56:40,059 --> 00:56:44,098 He said he was on a bender. OK. What time? 767 00:56:44,099 --> 00:56:48,139 Late, I was asleep. I told him about Alan. 768 00:56:50,699 --> 00:56:52,699 He just hung up. 769 00:56:52,779 --> 00:56:54,779 Rise and shine! What have we got? 770 00:56:55,379 --> 00:56:59,579 Er... Shep's list of tenants. First five all dead. 771 00:56:59,939 --> 00:57:02,099 Well... What do we make of that? Hm? 772 00:57:02,379 --> 00:57:04,298 Er... Serial killer? 773 00:57:04,299 --> 00:57:06,978 Oh, well, that's the clear-up rate sorted. 774 00:57:06,979 --> 00:57:09,978 It's a scam. Fictitious tenants. 775 00:57:09,979 --> 00:57:12,338 Buy any old dump, then tell the housing lot 776 00:57:12,339 --> 00:57:16,058 you're putting up people they've lost track of, or evicted or what have you. 777 00:57:16,059 --> 00:57:18,858 Slips through the net. Did David know? 778 00:57:18,859 --> 00:57:20,938 Well, maybe he found out. 779 00:57:20,939 --> 00:57:24,819 Maybe that's why he didn't turn up at the party. Knew it was a sham. 780 00:57:25,379 --> 00:57:27,218 Have those texts come though yet? 781 00:57:27,219 --> 00:57:33,018 Yeah, the most recent to time of death was between the deceased's phone 782 00:57:33,019 --> 00:57:37,858 and a pay-as-you-go that was bought in the Northeast sometime in the last month. 783 00:57:37,859 --> 00:57:40,339 Oh. Narrows it down. 784 00:57:41,139 --> 00:57:43,299 How long before we get a name for the recipient? 785 00:57:44,099 --> 00:57:46,138 A different provider. 786 00:57:46,139 --> 00:57:48,059 The magistrate is looking into it. 787 00:57:48,619 --> 00:57:51,419 Find out if that pay-as-you-go was paid for on a card. 788 00:57:51,539 --> 00:57:54,098 Might speed things up. Yeah, it might not. 789 00:57:54,099 --> 00:57:56,298 Oh, we'll just give up now then, shall we? 790 00:57:56,299 --> 00:57:57,698 Listen to this. 791 00:57:57,699 --> 00:58:03,499 Sender, 1900 hours. "You OK? Still love you." 792 00:58:04,299 --> 00:58:08,058 Now David replies... but not until 2110. 793 00:58:08,059 --> 00:58:12,459 "Yeah, I'm in Whitley." Sender: "I'll come and meet you." 794 00:58:14,499 --> 00:58:19,698 "You OK?" I mean, that implies he was upset beforehand, doesn't it? And with who? 795 00:58:19,699 --> 00:58:21,699 A girl? The brother? 796 00:58:22,339 --> 00:58:25,139 Sounds a bit mushy for bloke to bloke, doesn't it? 797 00:58:25,579 --> 00:58:29,658 - What about the sister? Hang on. - "Where are you?" 798 00:58:29,659 --> 00:58:31,979 "Rendezvous!" 799 00:58:34,339 --> 00:58:36,898 Exclamation mark. Why the surprise? 800 00:58:36,899 --> 00:58:40,458 Thought it was obvious? Where I'd obviously be? Where I always am? 801 00:58:40,459 --> 00:58:43,058 What? So, a regular meet, so the sister. 802 00:58:43,059 --> 00:58:44,899 Aye, but the sister's alibi checks out. 803 00:58:45,219 --> 00:58:48,058 Shep's spoke to her colleague. She was up there until about ten. 804 00:58:48,059 --> 00:58:50,778 So not obvious. So why? 805 00:58:50,779 --> 00:58:53,338 Marcus called. Have a nice chat, did we? 806 00:58:53,339 --> 00:58:56,858 Very funny, Kenny. He left a message. He'd like a call back, please. 807 00:58:56,859 --> 00:58:59,018 Right. 808 00:58:59,019 --> 00:59:01,019 Well, let's get over there. 809 00:59:01,419 --> 00:59:04,858 Get the forensic accountants on to their lettings transactions, will you? 810 00:59:04,859 --> 00:59:08,939 Oh, words to strike fear into the heart of any killer. 811 00:59:11,259 --> 00:59:13,298 What were you thinking? Pillow on the face? 812 00:59:13,299 --> 00:59:15,258 That could trigger a heart attack, couldn't it? 813 00:59:15,259 --> 00:59:19,018 Mm. But then... so could a thick build-up of plaque in the left ventricle. 814 00:59:19,019 --> 00:59:21,018 Any bruising? Sign of a struggle? 815 00:59:21,019 --> 00:59:24,018 Sorry. History of cardiac events, long-time smoker. 816 00:59:24,019 --> 00:59:27,499 High cholesterol. Liked to drink, enlarged liver. 817 00:59:27,979 --> 00:59:29,538 He's lucky he made it this far. 818 00:59:29,539 --> 00:59:33,379 Nothing? No compression of the teeth, no signs on the fingers. 819 00:59:34,539 --> 00:59:36,499 Been at it since first light but... nothing. 820 00:59:38,819 --> 00:59:41,179 I'd convinced myself he'd been done in. 821 00:59:43,099 --> 00:59:46,779 Am I the one who's getting doddery? 822 00:59:47,419 --> 00:59:50,378 Well, there's no right answer to that one, is there? 823 00:59:50,379 --> 00:59:52,899 Look, maybe I'm just reading in. 824 00:59:54,979 --> 00:59:57,938 I just feel he's casting a shadow. You know? 825 00:59:57,939 --> 01:00:00,539 I mean, if could we work out how dad fits into... 826 01:00:01,259 --> 01:00:03,419 Has anyone informed the daughter? 827 01:00:24,259 --> 01:00:27,698 Nice area. Celine would like it here. 828 01:00:27,699 --> 01:00:31,019 Mm. Not done bad for herself has she, Lorna? 829 01:00:31,339 --> 01:00:35,218 Oh, look at that. What does her husband do again? 830 01:00:35,219 --> 01:00:38,339 GP. Must do a bit of Botox on the side, eh? 831 01:00:50,979 --> 01:00:53,499 I'll go. 832 01:00:54,779 --> 01:00:56,419 Hello. 833 01:00:57,019 --> 01:00:59,619 I'm sorry, love. Can we come in? 834 01:01:01,699 --> 01:01:04,618 The boys are at home. Can I just dispatch them first? 835 01:01:04,619 --> 01:01:06,298 Yeah. 836 01:01:06,299 --> 01:01:08,698 I'll just be a minute. 837 01:01:08,699 --> 01:01:12,579 Come on, lads. Let's get you down to the cricket club. Grab your kits. 838 01:01:16,539 --> 01:01:19,379 Would you like tea of coffee? Oh, no, no, thanks. 839 01:01:40,619 --> 01:01:43,619 You all right? You're not gonna pass out this time? 840 01:01:45,939 --> 01:01:48,899 I'm fine. It's just the shock. 841 01:01:50,019 --> 01:01:54,019 We were just concerned you didn't hear via the media again. 842 01:01:54,819 --> 01:01:56,819 Thank you. I appreciate that. 843 01:01:57,139 --> 01:02:01,859 I should contact them, shouldn't I? Well, that's up to you, pet. 844 01:02:03,699 --> 01:02:07,858 Could you give me a number for Thomas or whatshername, Karen? 845 01:02:07,859 --> 01:02:10,739 Well, er... Thomas seems to have gone missing. 846 01:02:11,779 --> 01:02:14,899 Well, David said he'd started drinking, after his divorce. 847 01:02:15,459 --> 01:02:18,538 That he'd just go off on benders. 848 01:02:18,539 --> 01:02:21,578 Do you know where? No, no, just that he did. 849 01:02:21,579 --> 01:02:25,099 This would've hit him very hard. He worshipped Dad. 850 01:02:31,259 --> 01:02:35,459 I've said umpteen times, "You've moved on, make contact." 851 01:02:36,339 --> 01:02:37,738 But she's always shut it down. 852 01:02:37,739 --> 01:02:40,458 There's counseling if she wanted to speak to someone, or if you... 853 01:02:40,459 --> 01:02:41,658 No, thanks. 854 01:02:41,659 --> 01:02:43,459 Do you know why she lost contact? 855 01:02:44,539 --> 01:02:47,979 Something happened after their mother died. That's all I know. 856 01:02:56,819 --> 01:02:58,819 Never let the sun set. Never. 857 01:03:00,179 --> 01:03:04,779 You get used to estrangement. Comes a point it gets easier. 858 01:03:05,459 --> 01:03:07,459 But from your own dad. 859 01:03:07,699 --> 01:03:10,819 Ah, well, he still cast a shadow, like I said. 860 01:03:13,299 --> 01:03:16,578 Don't worry, won't happen to you. 861 01:03:16,579 --> 01:03:19,138 Kenny? No, it's me, the good-looking one. 862 01:03:19,139 --> 01:03:21,178 Plate recognition on the Qashqai? 863 01:03:21,179 --> 01:03:25,378 We've got Thomas's car driving into Darras Hall at 10:45, 864 01:03:25,379 --> 01:03:27,538 Saturday. 865 01:03:27,539 --> 01:03:28,979 He left the party? 866 01:03:29,579 --> 01:03:31,258 It looks like it. I'm sorry. 867 01:03:31,259 --> 01:03:35,418 How come we didn't see him leaving the party? 868 01:03:35,419 --> 01:03:39,338 I don't know. The guests might've been diverted by the dad's collapse. 869 01:03:39,339 --> 01:03:42,338 Or he made sure they didn't notice? 870 01:03:42,339 --> 01:03:44,498 Right. 871 01:03:44,499 --> 01:03:49,739 Place the Qashqai on the road to Whitley. Anytime earlier and we've nailed him. 872 01:03:50,259 --> 01:03:52,419 Already on it. Well, better late than never. 873 01:03:54,499 --> 01:03:56,698 Qashqai keys have just been found. The coast road. 874 01:03:56,699 --> 01:04:00,219 Right, they've found the keys to the Qashqai. The coast road. 875 01:04:06,179 --> 01:04:09,699 Do you want a search team down there? I think we're gonna have to. 876 01:04:12,859 --> 01:04:16,139 Sends David a text reassuring him. 877 01:04:17,379 --> 01:04:19,699 David reveals his whereabouts. 878 01:04:20,099 --> 01:04:23,498 So Thomas goes to Whitley, things get heated. 879 01:04:23,499 --> 01:04:25,498 You know, "You're on the fiddle." 880 01:04:25,499 --> 01:04:28,579 There was no fight on the prom, though? He didn't give him a chance. 881 01:04:29,059 --> 01:04:32,379 Premeditated. Get in quick before losing your bottle. 882 01:04:32,859 --> 01:04:34,698 You'd have to be pretty set on doing it. 883 01:04:34,699 --> 01:04:37,019 Well, dad doesn't rate him does he, mm? 884 01:04:38,379 --> 01:04:42,699 Could have been festering for years. Jealousies, resentments building up. 885 01:04:43,539 --> 01:04:47,378 Dad thinks he's a loser, or knows he's bent. 886 01:04:47,379 --> 01:04:49,499 Cuts him out the picture work-wise. 887 01:04:50,019 --> 01:04:52,939 Or dad knows what's best for him. Knows he can't cope. 888 01:04:55,779 --> 01:04:59,459 Ah, come on! Where are you? 889 01:05:01,579 --> 01:05:03,739 Crowe! Open up! 890 01:05:05,579 --> 01:05:07,899 Go away. I wanna talk to you! 891 01:05:08,259 --> 01:05:09,859 Leave me alone. 892 01:05:11,699 --> 01:05:12,938 Oi! 893 01:05:12,939 --> 01:05:16,059 Crowe, open the door, I wanna talk to you! 894 01:05:16,419 --> 01:05:18,579 Crowe, I want a word with you. Come on! 895 01:05:19,619 --> 01:05:23,339 Just clear off or I'll come out there and see to you! 896 01:05:42,594 --> 01:05:44,594 Mind your head. 897 01:06:07,074 --> 01:06:10,794 What do you want with Crowe? Karen said his name came up. 898 01:06:11,474 --> 01:06:16,233 What was the feud about? Just know that Dad hated him. 899 01:06:16,234 --> 01:06:18,874 We've ruled Crowe out. He has an alibi. 900 01:06:19,914 --> 01:06:22,393 Who from? Some crook down Whitley? 901 01:06:22,394 --> 01:06:25,314 Oh, that's rich, seeing as you're all on the fiddle. 902 01:06:25,754 --> 01:06:28,954 Kenworthy Estates claiming housing on that little lot. 903 01:06:30,114 --> 01:06:33,874 Only half the people you're putting up have passed away. 904 01:06:34,434 --> 01:06:39,153 Or made up. Derelicts you're naming as family homes. 905 01:06:39,154 --> 01:06:40,674 Nice little margin on that. 906 01:06:41,514 --> 01:06:43,714 Getting your own back, was it? 907 01:06:44,274 --> 01:06:47,753 Dad didn't think you were up to it, so thought you'd show him otherwise? 908 01:06:47,754 --> 01:06:49,793 No. No? 909 01:06:49,794 --> 01:06:54,593 David found out about your dodgy dealings, dragged you out of the pub Friday night. 910 01:06:54,594 --> 01:06:59,833 Big fall out. He won't go to the party because he knows it's a sham. 911 01:06:59,834 --> 01:07:03,553 And you feel humiliated, don't you? Seek him out. 912 01:07:03,554 --> 01:07:06,234 But I was at the party, wasn't I? Were you? 913 01:07:06,634 --> 01:07:10,274 Well, your car wasn't seen in Darras Hall until - when was it? 914 01:07:10,514 --> 01:07:14,033 Quarter to 11. Quarter to 11. So where had you been? 915 01:07:14,034 --> 01:07:15,993 Whitley Bay? 916 01:07:15,994 --> 01:07:18,074 No. Have words. Wallop. 917 01:07:23,714 --> 01:07:26,353 I wasn't on the fiddle. David was. 918 01:07:26,354 --> 01:07:29,393 Oh, that's nice. Blame the dead fella. 919 01:07:29,394 --> 01:07:34,394 Now what reason would he have to cheat on his family? 920 01:07:35,474 --> 01:07:39,034 The whole thing is about to go belly-up. Desperate. 921 01:07:39,634 --> 01:07:44,114 Dad lost his touch. He kept buying any old rubbish that came on the market. 922 01:07:44,314 --> 01:07:47,753 Stuff we couldn't have let without major renovation. 923 01:07:47,754 --> 01:07:52,154 David wouldn't confront him about it. He said he had a plan to recoup the losses. 924 01:07:52,554 --> 01:07:55,153 I didn't realize it was dodgy until last week. 925 01:07:55,154 --> 01:07:57,473 Still kept quiet about it, though, didn't you? 926 01:07:57,474 --> 01:08:00,034 I was trying to protect my dad. 927 01:08:01,114 --> 01:08:03,114 David was the apple of his eye. 928 01:08:03,554 --> 01:08:05,794 That make you jealous? 929 01:08:06,354 --> 01:08:09,234 What? Not at all. 930 01:08:12,554 --> 01:08:15,314 Not... at all. 931 01:08:18,394 --> 01:08:19,914 Where did you go? 932 01:08:21,354 --> 01:08:24,034 Drove around for a bit. In circles? 933 01:08:25,234 --> 01:08:27,234 Till Karen called. 934 01:08:27,954 --> 01:08:29,954 I don't believe you, pet. 935 01:08:31,754 --> 01:08:33,754 Don't believe you. 936 01:08:39,314 --> 01:08:42,834 OK... I'm lying. 937 01:08:43,794 --> 01:08:47,834 You're right. I just wanted to get my own back. 938 01:08:48,954 --> 01:08:50,714 OK? Happy? 939 01:08:52,514 --> 01:08:56,074 I just wanted to hurt him or at least show him I wasn't pathetic. 940 01:08:57,354 --> 01:08:59,553 Whilst someone knocked his head in, 941 01:08:59,554 --> 01:09:03,394 I was trying to bang a girl who was in love with him. 942 01:09:04,714 --> 01:09:06,714 Just to prove myself. 943 01:09:11,514 --> 01:09:13,154 And how long was he at yours? 944 01:09:15,394 --> 01:09:18,034 We didn't actually... I was too drunk. 945 01:09:22,714 --> 01:09:25,313 OK, we did, but... I'm not like that. 946 01:09:25,314 --> 01:09:27,274 I... I just... 947 01:09:28,074 --> 01:09:32,194 I was so hurt. I wanted to hurt David back. It was just a stupid mistake. 948 01:09:32,954 --> 01:09:34,993 Why did you lie to the police? 949 01:09:34,994 --> 01:09:37,914 Look, I didn't tell you because I didn't want 950 01:09:37,927 --> 01:09:41,113 people to think I didn't love him, because I did. 951 01:09:41,114 --> 01:09:43,114 I really did. 952 01:09:47,314 --> 01:09:50,913 Great. A couple of the statements mention a girl sick all over the loos 953 01:09:50,914 --> 01:09:52,913 and escorted out around nine o'clock. 954 01:09:52,914 --> 01:09:54,793 Seems to match her description. 955 01:09:54,794 --> 01:09:58,234 I can check speed cameras around hers to confirm but... 956 01:10:00,194 --> 01:10:02,233 Do I let him go or...? 957 01:10:02,234 --> 01:10:04,833 Hm. Go home. 958 01:10:04,834 --> 01:10:06,394 I can manage. 959 01:10:06,834 --> 01:10:08,834 You sure? Hm. 960 01:10:13,914 --> 01:10:15,914 What about the criminal damage? 961 01:10:32,674 --> 01:10:36,274 What about the damage? No, I wanna drop it. 962 01:10:38,194 --> 01:10:43,074 Well, for what it's worth, wasn't us told him you were under suspicion. 963 01:10:43,834 --> 01:10:48,674 You know I thought, when Kenworthy dies, I'll feel this great weight lifted, but... 964 01:10:49,434 --> 01:10:53,354 Aye, well, it can't be easy something like that. 965 01:10:54,674 --> 01:10:56,514 Yeah, well, they moved on, didn't they? 966 01:10:57,274 --> 01:11:00,834 Had another kid, played happy families. 967 01:11:02,594 --> 01:11:04,594 I lost everything. 968 01:11:50,594 --> 01:11:52,113 Kenny. Ma'am? 969 01:11:52,114 --> 01:11:55,394 How old was Lorna in 1977? 970 01:12:01,314 --> 01:12:03,313 14. Oh, hang on. 971 01:12:03,314 --> 01:12:05,314 Birthday last week. That means 15. 972 01:12:07,674 --> 01:12:12,194 David bought the books and these were a gift, weren't they? 973 01:12:15,674 --> 01:12:19,193 We're giving them the best. More storage isn't gonna change that. 974 01:12:19,194 --> 01:12:21,514 It's not about storage. It's about the... 975 01:12:22,674 --> 01:12:24,674 Peer group. 976 01:12:25,434 --> 01:12:28,793 When did you become so snobby? It's not snobby to want the best. 977 01:12:28,794 --> 01:12:30,634 We went to a rough school and we survived. 978 01:12:32,594 --> 01:12:34,594 Oh. 979 01:12:38,874 --> 01:12:40,674 Yeah? 980 01:12:41,034 --> 01:12:43,034 Yeah, OK. OK. I'm on my way. 981 01:12:47,474 --> 01:12:49,994 Look, she wants me to go in. I'm sorry. 982 01:12:51,994 --> 01:12:55,153 Listen, I know you just want the best. 983 01:12:55,154 --> 01:12:59,234 But we're doing all right and we're not divorced yet, are we? 984 01:13:00,514 --> 01:13:02,033 I suppose not. 985 01:13:02,034 --> 01:13:03,354 Come here. 986 01:13:06,314 --> 01:13:09,794 This is what they need. Parents who stick together. 987 01:13:11,074 --> 01:13:13,074 Go on, go. 988 01:13:15,874 --> 01:13:19,153 Did you change your plans at the last minute? Arrange to meet him? 989 01:13:19,154 --> 01:13:22,353 No, I was with Valerie at the center. I thought you'd checked this. 990 01:13:22,354 --> 01:13:24,353 Aye, and we're checking again. 991 01:13:24,354 --> 01:13:26,354 Well, good, because I didn't. 992 01:13:27,394 --> 01:13:31,114 Who else might he have bought a last-minute birthday present for? 993 01:13:32,234 --> 01:13:36,794 I have no idea. Look, I don't know what you're getting at, but I wouldn't hurt David. 994 01:13:37,874 --> 01:13:39,874 I loved him. He was... 995 01:13:44,354 --> 01:13:46,394 He wasn't your brother, was he, love? 996 01:13:46,714 --> 01:13:48,714 Mm? 997 01:13:49,154 --> 01:13:51,154 He was your son. 998 01:13:57,154 --> 01:13:58,714 His DNA. 999 01:14:00,114 --> 01:14:05,194 The markers... show a strong overlap with a man named Larry Crowe. 1000 01:14:06,194 --> 01:14:12,354 Which means David's real father... is Larry Crowe's son Patrick. 1001 01:14:18,514 --> 01:14:20,514 Paddy. 1002 01:14:21,834 --> 01:14:23,834 Why don't you take me through it? 1003 01:14:26,954 --> 01:14:28,394 I'm sorry, ma'am. I need a word. 1004 01:14:39,834 --> 01:14:44,593 Yeah, mobile phone. Bought by credit card in the name of Lorna Underwood in Allenburn. 1005 01:14:44,594 --> 01:14:48,674 Now the first was sent from her house, and the last one's from Whitley. 1006 01:14:50,194 --> 01:14:52,194 Has she got a motive? Mm. 1007 01:14:54,034 --> 01:14:56,634 Not losing a family twice. 1008 01:15:27,398 --> 01:15:30,038 He came to work for Dad in the May. 1009 01:15:30,358 --> 01:15:33,997 I wasn't supposed to talk to him or any of the laborers, really. 1010 01:15:33,998 --> 01:15:36,678 Oh, bad influences from Whitley? 1011 01:15:37,718 --> 01:15:41,277 Wanted us to grow up better than him, he said. 1012 01:15:41,278 --> 01:15:43,278 Attitude back then. 1013 01:15:44,478 --> 01:15:46,317 I do think Paddy loved me, though. 1014 01:15:46,318 --> 01:15:50,958 I know that sounds daft about a 15-year-old boy, but I do think he did. 1015 01:15:52,478 --> 01:15:55,678 But you got pregnant? Yeah. 1016 01:15:56,958 --> 01:15:58,958 Then what? 1017 01:16:00,598 --> 01:16:05,158 Dad wanted me to get rid. I wasn't having any of it. I screamed the place down. 1018 01:16:05,998 --> 01:16:12,038 So he made an offer. David could grow up one of the family if we never spoke about it. 1019 01:16:12,358 --> 01:16:16,758 Protect my reputation. Protect his, more like. 1020 01:16:20,078 --> 01:16:22,477 Me and Mam went to Stoke for six months. 1021 01:16:22,478 --> 01:16:25,518 And when she came back she told people David was a happy accident. 1022 01:16:25,998 --> 01:16:28,758 That was the deal. Put up and shut up. 1023 01:16:30,758 --> 01:16:32,598 That must have been hard. 1024 01:16:33,798 --> 01:16:38,278 At least he was there though, wasn't he? At least I had him. 1025 01:16:39,318 --> 01:16:41,318 What happened when your mam died? 1026 01:16:41,798 --> 01:16:45,598 David was... so bereaved. 1027 01:16:46,398 --> 01:16:48,998 I just... I wanted him to know he still had a mother. 1028 01:16:49,878 --> 01:16:52,197 Dad came down on that like a ton of bricks. 1029 01:16:52,198 --> 01:16:54,558 I had to leave. I couldn't bear it. 1030 01:16:55,718 --> 01:17:00,118 Does this have to come out? I mean, how do I break something like this to my kids? 1031 01:17:02,318 --> 01:17:05,437 I gave up everything so David could have a normal life. 1032 01:17:05,438 --> 01:17:07,718 Do you see? I could never harm him. Never. 1033 01:17:27,478 --> 01:17:29,478 When did you tell him? 1034 01:17:29,918 --> 01:17:32,038 In the car to Mileside. 1035 01:17:32,798 --> 01:17:38,718 He kept going on and on about me going to the party and how we could all reconcile. 1036 01:17:38,958 --> 01:17:43,357 How Dad had softened, and Karen had been like a mum to him. 1037 01:17:43,358 --> 01:17:45,358 That tipped me over, I'm afraid. 1038 01:17:46,518 --> 01:17:48,398 How did he react? 1039 01:17:49,918 --> 01:17:52,518 Very angry. Upset with Dad. 1040 01:17:53,438 --> 01:17:57,557 Felt everything was a sham. Said he couldn't face them. 1041 01:17:57,558 --> 01:18:00,517 And he threatened to put it all out in the open. 1042 01:18:00,518 --> 01:18:02,478 Sort of, yeah. 1043 01:18:02,878 --> 01:18:04,998 Must have been terrifying. 1044 01:18:05,598 --> 01:18:06,758 Yeah. 1045 01:18:10,118 --> 01:18:16,118 Do you own a pay-as-you-go phone, number ending 458? 1046 01:18:16,958 --> 01:18:19,518 Yes, but... Text deleted. 1047 01:18:19,958 --> 01:18:23,597 But the provider keeps them on the server for 48 hours, 1048 01:18:23,598 --> 01:18:28,078 and here you are on your way to meet him. 1049 01:18:43,918 --> 01:18:47,317 Did you send those texts? Not that one or these. 1050 01:18:47,318 --> 01:18:50,597 It's your phone. You use this one just to contact David? 1051 01:18:50,598 --> 01:18:52,837 I didn't send this saying I was coming to Whitley. 1052 01:18:52,838 --> 01:18:54,957 How did it get there? I don't know. 1053 01:18:54,958 --> 01:18:57,038 Someone must have got my phone and... 1054 01:18:58,918 --> 01:19:00,838 And who might that have been, love? 1055 01:19:04,798 --> 01:19:06,277 Was this him? 1056 01:19:06,278 --> 01:19:10,478 Yep. I told you. I said I gave it to the doctor. He said he'd hand it in. 1057 01:19:16,078 --> 01:19:18,038 That was a good shot! Excellent. 1058 01:19:45,278 --> 01:19:48,998 Can I just say goodbye to my boys? I'm sorry. I'm afraid not. 1059 01:19:52,398 --> 01:19:53,998 Right. 1060 01:20:01,758 --> 01:20:05,157 This is your idea of amusement in Whitley, is it? 1061 01:20:05,158 --> 01:20:08,117 It was a mistake. Mistake? 1062 01:20:08,118 --> 01:20:11,117 And you stayed on at the scene to try and put it right. 1063 01:20:11,118 --> 01:20:13,758 Yes. It wasn't my fault. 1064 01:20:14,718 --> 01:20:17,998 Why don't you tell me how it happened? Sequence of events. 1065 01:20:19,198 --> 01:20:21,078 I mean, I know why it happened. 1066 01:20:21,398 --> 01:20:26,318 At a guess: You thought she was cheating on you and that her mate was covering. Hm? 1067 01:20:34,278 --> 01:20:36,678 There was a change. About four months ago. 1068 01:20:37,278 --> 01:20:39,597 She started spending all her time on the laptop. 1069 01:20:39,598 --> 01:20:42,558 She was distracted, wouldn't look me in the eye. 1070 01:20:44,198 --> 01:20:48,597 Something had happened. I'm not stupid. 1071 01:20:48,598 --> 01:20:51,798 Well, why not confront her? I think I didn't want to know the answer. 1072 01:20:52,918 --> 01:20:57,277 And then I found this pay-as-you-go phone, 1073 01:20:57,278 --> 01:20:59,478 and you don't have one of them unless... 1074 01:21:00,278 --> 01:21:04,038 Well, I'm not mad, am I, for assuming the worst, am I? 1075 01:21:04,598 --> 01:21:07,158 Saturday. What happened? 1076 01:21:08,718 --> 01:21:10,518 I got the feeling... 1077 01:21:12,198 --> 01:21:15,038 ...it was building up a head of steam whatever it was. 1078 01:21:17,118 --> 01:21:21,118 She was distant. She told lies. 1079 01:21:22,238 --> 01:21:23,477 Like? 1080 01:21:23,478 --> 01:21:27,438 Like she was going down to the kennels when she wasn't. 1081 01:21:30,358 --> 01:21:35,798 Saturday afternoon came and suddenly she... announced that she was off. 1082 01:21:36,318 --> 01:21:37,957 "Oh, really? Where you going?" 1083 01:21:37,958 --> 01:21:40,038 "Kennels." "Right. Right." 1084 01:21:42,438 --> 01:21:46,118 And I found myself... following her. 1085 01:21:46,998 --> 01:21:49,638 And you saw her pick up a man you didn't know? 1086 01:21:51,718 --> 01:21:58,078 It's not always been a bed of roses between us... but the look on her face. 1087 01:21:59,918 --> 01:22:04,518 In all the years we've been together, I don't think I've ever seen her look... so happy. 1088 01:22:06,518 --> 01:22:08,637 And it didn't cross your mind they were related? 1089 01:22:08,638 --> 01:22:10,717 No. Why would it? 1090 01:22:10,718 --> 01:22:15,037 Whenever we talked about family, she always shut me out. I learned that early on. 1091 01:22:15,038 --> 01:22:17,637 But I did know that there was someone else. 1092 01:22:17,638 --> 01:22:21,518 She'd mentioned it over the years. Some chappy in Whitley. 1093 01:22:22,318 --> 01:22:24,318 I knew there was a secret. 1094 01:22:26,398 --> 01:22:29,357 She was never honest. 1095 01:22:29,358 --> 01:22:32,278 If only... she'd just... been honest. 1096 01:22:33,118 --> 01:22:39,598 Mm. And you thought she'd revived it, did you? Her and this chappy from Whitley? 1097 01:22:40,318 --> 01:22:42,389 Well, you hear about it, don't you? They meet 1098 01:22:42,402 --> 01:22:44,438 up on the internet again and whatever and... 1099 01:22:45,758 --> 01:22:49,438 She sent him a message. That night. 1100 01:22:51,558 --> 01:22:53,558 She told him... 1101 01:22:56,438 --> 01:22:58,198 She told him that she loved him. 1102 01:23:00,598 --> 01:23:04,038 Well, that's it, I thought. You know, I've gotta knock this on the head. 1103 01:23:05,518 --> 01:23:07,958 I've... gotta put a stop to this. 1104 01:23:08,758 --> 01:23:13,718 So you took her phone and lured him into a trap? 1105 01:23:16,358 --> 01:23:19,798 I just wanted to talk to him. But you took along a weapon. 1106 01:23:21,358 --> 01:23:24,718 I didn't know him. It was dark, I was on my own. 1107 01:23:25,278 --> 01:23:28,598 Oh, I see. Self-defense? 1108 01:23:28,998 --> 01:23:31,118 Exactly! Yes! 1109 01:23:31,638 --> 01:23:35,437 I said to him, "Leave us alone," and he got aggressive, started lashing out. 1110 01:23:35,438 --> 01:23:37,757 I was just defending myself. 1111 01:23:37,758 --> 01:23:39,758 Ah, come on. Really? 1112 01:23:40,638 --> 01:23:43,197 If you'd just spoken to him, he could have put you right. 1113 01:23:43,198 --> 01:23:46,718 You could have been sat around having a cozy little catch-up. 1114 01:23:49,518 --> 01:23:51,518 I'm so sorry. 1115 01:23:55,758 --> 01:23:57,758 How can I undo this? 1116 01:23:58,678 --> 01:24:00,678 You can't, love. 1117 01:24:01,718 --> 01:24:04,077 But I just want to keep my family together. 1118 01:24:04,078 --> 01:24:08,718 Well, that's one way of showing you care. Kill her eldest son. 1119 01:24:17,838 --> 01:24:19,838 Oh, you really didn't know. 1120 01:24:59,158 --> 01:25:02,678 I'd invited Paddy over. We thought Dad was away. 1121 01:25:03,358 --> 01:25:05,197 But Tom had told him. 1122 01:25:05,198 --> 01:25:08,478 It wasn't his fault. He was scared of Dad. 1123 01:25:08,838 --> 01:25:10,838 I was too. He was tough. 1124 01:25:12,238 --> 01:25:15,758 I could hear him shouting and swearing as he came up the stairs. 1125 01:25:16,958 --> 01:25:21,078 I panicked. Told Paddy to go out the window. 1126 01:25:22,598 --> 01:25:26,438 There was this flat roof. We'd sat out there before. I thought it was safe. 1127 01:25:27,438 --> 01:25:30,038 Dad came in and started searching. 1128 01:25:30,838 --> 01:25:33,758 I denied it all but the window's wide open. 1129 01:25:34,718 --> 01:25:37,158 Dad goes to climb out, says he's gonna kill him. 1130 01:25:38,358 --> 01:25:40,878 I've got hold of Dad's legs, I'm pleading with him. 1131 01:25:41,478 --> 01:25:43,278 Then there was just this scream. 1132 01:25:45,278 --> 01:25:48,758 I don't know if Paddy slipped or lost his footing or... 1133 01:25:49,878 --> 01:25:53,278 Me and Dad were both inside. It was an accident. 1134 01:25:54,798 --> 01:25:57,878 When we got to him, he was unconscious. 1135 01:25:58,838 --> 01:26:00,838 I put my arms around him. 1136 01:26:02,078 --> 01:26:03,318 And then he... 1137 01:26:06,758 --> 01:26:10,838 When the ambulance came, Dad said this thing about a burglary. 1138 01:26:13,838 --> 01:26:15,718 Said otherwise I'd be accused. 1139 01:26:17,718 --> 01:26:20,237 I shouldn't have gone along with it. I should have... 1140 01:26:20,238 --> 01:26:24,958 He should have. He was the adult. You were 15. You were a child. 1141 01:26:25,958 --> 01:26:27,958 You should have been protected. 1142 01:27:22,798 --> 01:27:24,798 So, how was that? Huh? 1143 01:27:25,678 --> 01:27:27,637 Oh... 1144 01:27:27,638 --> 01:27:31,438 I just wish my ex-wife could've heard it but... 1145 01:27:32,678 --> 01:27:34,958 Thank you. Ah, least we could do. 1146 01:27:35,998 --> 01:27:38,878 And he wasn't alone when he died. That's one thing. 1147 01:27:41,278 --> 01:27:43,558 And he was trying to protect his daughter. 1148 01:27:47,838 --> 01:27:49,838 Maybe I'd have done the same thing. 1149 01:28:00,438 --> 01:28:03,997 Did cast a shadow. Who, dad? 1150 01:28:03,998 --> 01:28:05,998 Aye, Alan. 1151 01:28:06,318 --> 01:28:08,117 Oh, right. Erm... 1152 01:28:08,118 --> 01:28:11,198 Well, family life, complicated, I suppose. 1153 01:28:14,198 --> 01:28:17,398 Do you really need 30,000 to move house? 1154 01:28:19,198 --> 01:28:21,437 Nah, we'll be all right. Oh? 1155 01:28:21,438 --> 01:28:24,997 I've got a plan. 1156 01:28:24,998 --> 01:28:26,837 Did you used to come down here? 1157 01:28:26,838 --> 01:28:30,598 What, back in the olden days? The old Spanish City? 1158 01:28:31,278 --> 01:28:34,398 Me dad's girlfriend used to do a turn there. 1159 01:28:35,038 --> 01:28:37,158 Might bring the kids down here on Saturday.