1 00:00:07,547 --> 00:00:09,548 Earth. 2 00:00:09,549 --> 00:00:11,049 Fire. 3 00:00:11,050 --> 00:00:13,051 Air. 4 00:00:13,052 --> 00:00:15,153 Water. 5 00:00:15,154 --> 00:00:18,957 Only the Avatar can master all four elements 6 00:00:18,958 --> 00:00:21,259 and bring balance to the world. 7 00:00:27,166 --> 00:00:30,335 - After fusing with Vaatu, Unalaq became a Dark Avatar 8 00:00:30,336 --> 00:00:32,370 and ripped Korra and Raava apart. 9 00:00:32,371 --> 00:00:33,805 By destroying Raava, 10 00:00:33,806 --> 00:00:35,474 Unalaq and Vaatu transformed 11 00:00:35,475 --> 00:00:38,043 into the most powerful dark spirit that's ever lived. 12 00:00:38,044 --> 00:00:41,113 Tenzin managed to free Jinora from the Fog of Lost Souls, 13 00:00:41,114 --> 00:00:43,849 but her spiritual quest isn't over yet. 14 00:00:43,850 --> 00:00:48,850 Can anyone save the world from eternal darkness? 15 00:00:58,297 --> 00:01:00,766 - Ooh. 16 00:01:00,767 --> 00:01:02,234 Pretty. 17 00:01:02,235 --> 00:01:04,402 - General lroh, are your ships in position? 18 00:01:04,403 --> 00:01:06,238 - Yes, Mr. President, but I need to know 19 00:01:06,239 --> 00:01:11,239 what kind of enemy we're dealing with. 20 00:01:18,384 --> 00:01:23,384 - It's time to take back the physical world. 21 00:01:28,528 --> 00:01:33,528 - Fire! 22 00:01:55,054 --> 00:02:00,054 - Monster attack! 23 00:02:10,469 --> 00:02:12,470 - They're over here! 24 00:02:12,471 --> 00:02:16,041 Please, wake up. 25 00:02:16,042 --> 00:02:17,909 - They're going to be all right, 26 00:02:17,910 --> 00:02:22,910 but I need to get them into some spirit water right away. 27 00:02:48,307 --> 00:02:50,342 - Thank goodness you're all okay. 28 00:02:50,343 --> 00:02:52,143 - Did you find Jinora? 29 00:02:52,144 --> 00:02:54,179 - I was able to rescue her soul, 30 00:02:54,180 --> 00:02:56,648 but she wasn't ready to return to her body yet. 31 00:02:56,649 --> 00:02:59,517 She sensed the world was in grave danger. 32 00:02:59,518 --> 00:03:02,654 - She was right. 33 00:03:02,655 --> 00:03:05,056 - Were you able to stop Unalaq and Vaatu? 34 00:03:05,057 --> 00:03:09,561 - No, they fused, then Vaatu ripped Raava right out of me 35 00:03:09,562 --> 00:03:11,396 and destroyed her. 36 00:03:11,397 --> 00:03:12,931 Vaatu won. 37 00:03:12,932 --> 00:03:15,333 - No! I'm too young 38 00:03:15,334 --> 00:03:17,636 to live through 10,000 years of darkness. 39 00:03:17,637 --> 00:03:20,805 Korra, can't you talk to one of your past lives or something? 40 00:03:20,806 --> 00:03:23,275 - When Vaatu destroyed Raava, 41 00:03:23,276 --> 00:03:26,878 he destroyed my connection to the past Avatars too. 42 00:03:26,879 --> 00:03:28,313 - If that's true, then-- 43 00:03:28,314 --> 00:03:30,782 - The cycle is over. 44 00:03:30,783 --> 00:03:33,285 I'm the last Avatar. 45 00:03:33,286 --> 00:03:36,321 I'm so sorry, Tenzin. 46 00:03:43,462 --> 00:03:48,462 - She needs you now, more than ever. 47 00:03:55,174 --> 00:04:00,174 - It's going to destroy the entire city. 48 00:04:13,092 --> 00:04:18,092 - We're going down. 49 00:04:50,429 --> 00:04:52,697 - It's pandemonium in the streets. 50 00:04:52,698 --> 00:04:55,200 Giant vines are destroying everything. 51 00:04:55,201 --> 00:04:57,836 This is Shiro Shinobi signing off-- 52 00:05:07,646 --> 00:05:12,646 - Zhu Li, commence operation "Winged Freedom"! 53 00:05:16,122 --> 00:05:21,122 Do the thing! 54 00:05:24,730 --> 00:05:28,466 - The other Avatars may not be able to help you anymore, 55 00:05:28,467 --> 00:05:30,068 but perhaps I can. 56 00:05:30,069 --> 00:05:33,138 - No one can help me now. 57 00:05:33,139 --> 00:05:36,174 - I know I haven't been the best mentor to you, 58 00:05:36,175 --> 00:05:37,575 but I realized it was because 59 00:05:37,576 --> 00:05:40,512 I had a lot of spiritual growth to do myself. 60 00:05:40,513 --> 00:05:43,581 There may still be a way for you to stop Vaatu. 61 00:05:43,582 --> 00:05:46,184 - How? - Let go of your attachment 62 00:05:46,185 --> 00:05:48,019 to who you think you are 63 00:05:48,020 --> 00:05:50,155 and connect with your inner spirit. 64 00:05:50,156 --> 00:05:53,058 - Haven't you heard anything I said? 65 00:05:53,059 --> 00:05:54,526 Raava is gone. 66 00:05:54,527 --> 00:05:56,961 I'm not connected to a spirit anymore. 67 00:05:56,962 --> 00:05:58,897 - I'm not talking about Raava. 68 00:05:58,898 --> 00:06:02,067 Raava is not who you are. 69 00:06:02,068 --> 00:06:03,101 Come with me. 70 00:06:03,102 --> 00:06:07,972 I need to show you something. 71 00:06:07,973 --> 00:06:10,341 - Why are you showing me Vaatu's prison? 72 00:06:10,342 --> 00:06:12,477 - Because this tree had a history 73 00:06:12,478 --> 00:06:14,879 long before it held Vaatu. 74 00:06:14,880 --> 00:06:17,782 This is the Tree of Time, 75 00:06:17,783 --> 00:06:19,851 and the legends say that its roots 76 00:06:19,852 --> 00:06:24,122 bind the spirit and physical worlds together. 77 00:06:24,123 --> 00:06:27,492 - And you think this tree can help me somehow? 78 00:06:27,493 --> 00:06:29,761 - Yes, I have read that long ago, 79 00:06:29,762 --> 00:06:32,464 the ancients would meditate beneath this tree 80 00:06:32,465 --> 00:06:37,465 and connect with the great cosmic energy of the universe. 81 00:06:44,076 --> 00:06:47,112 - These are my memories. 82 00:06:47,113 --> 00:06:49,614 - The Tree of Time remembers all. 83 00:06:49,615 --> 00:06:52,150 Korra, the most powerful thing about you 84 00:06:52,151 --> 00:06:55,920 is not the spirit of Raava, but your own inner spirit. 85 00:06:55,921 --> 00:06:59,891 You have always been strong, unyielding, and fearless. 86 00:06:59,892 --> 00:07:01,793 - Avatar Wan. 87 00:07:01,794 --> 00:07:06,231 - Before he fused with Raava, Wan was just a regular person. 88 00:07:06,232 --> 00:07:09,567 - But he was brave and smart 89 00:07:09,568 --> 00:07:12,137 and always wanted to defend the helpless. 90 00:07:12,138 --> 00:07:13,338 - That's right. 91 00:07:13,339 --> 00:07:15,840 He became a legend because of who he was, 92 00:07:15,841 --> 00:07:18,109 not what he was. 93 00:07:18,110 --> 00:07:23,110 He wasn't defined by Raava any more than you are. 94 00:07:27,486 --> 00:07:29,921 Everyone in Republic City is in danger. 95 00:07:29,922 --> 00:07:32,423 - You have to help them, Korra. - How? 96 00:07:32,424 --> 00:07:34,058 They're halfway around the world. 97 00:07:34,059 --> 00:07:36,427 - Do as the ancients once did. 98 00:07:36,428 --> 00:07:39,330 Connect to the cosmic energy of the universe. 99 00:07:39,331 --> 00:07:44,331 Don't bend the elements, but the energy within yourself. 100 00:07:44,537 --> 00:07:47,705 - You really think I can do this? 101 00:07:47,706 --> 00:07:52,043 - I have no doubt. 102 00:07:52,044 --> 00:07:54,145 - Thank you for not giving up on me. 103 00:07:54,146 --> 00:07:59,146 - I'm proud of you. 104 00:08:07,393 --> 00:08:10,228 - If you and Vaatu have the same fight every 10,000 years, 105 00:08:10,229 --> 00:08:12,397 why hasn't one of you destroyed the other? 106 00:08:12,398 --> 00:08:14,098 - He cannot destroy light 107 00:08:14,099 --> 00:08:16,501 any more than I can destroy darkness. 108 00:08:16,502 --> 00:08:19,871 One cannot exist without the other. 109 00:08:19,872 --> 00:08:24,872 - Find the light in the dark. 110 00:09:19,531 --> 00:09:24,531 - Uh...what did you say to her, exactly? 111 00:09:56,335 --> 00:09:57,969 - Korra's back. 112 00:09:57,970 --> 00:10:02,970 - And she's a blue giant. 113 00:11:06,071 --> 00:11:10,007 - You are looking for something that is gone. 114 00:11:10,008 --> 00:11:12,744 Raava has been destroyed. 115 00:11:12,745 --> 00:11:17,745 And soon you will be too! 116 00:11:31,230 --> 00:11:36,230 - They're coming for Korra. 117 00:12:35,627 --> 00:12:37,728 - Leave my Bolin alone! 118 00:12:37,729 --> 00:12:40,198 - I am so done with spirits. 119 00:12:40,199 --> 00:12:41,833 - Eska! 120 00:12:41,834 --> 00:12:42,900 I love you! 121 00:12:45,404 --> 00:12:48,072 Let's face the end of the world together! 122 00:12:48,073 --> 00:12:53,073 - You're so romantic. 123 00:12:55,881 --> 00:12:58,583 - With you out of the way, 124 00:12:58,584 --> 00:13:03,584 I will be the one true Avatar. 125 00:13:11,163 --> 00:13:12,930 - Mommy, it's Jinora. 126 00:13:12,931 --> 00:13:15,299 She's...beautiful. 127 00:13:15,300 --> 00:13:17,668 - What? Let me see. 128 00:13:18,871 --> 00:13:23,871 Be careful, sweetie! 129 00:13:42,127 --> 00:13:46,330 - No! 130 00:13:46,331 --> 00:13:51,331 - Raava. 131 00:14:47,492 --> 00:14:50,127 - Go in peace. 132 00:14:50,128 --> 00:14:52,897 - Harmonic convergence is nearly over. 133 00:14:52,898 --> 00:14:57,898 We must return to the spirit world so we can fuse once again. 134 00:16:00,298 --> 00:16:05,298 - I'll see you soon, Dad. 135 00:16:23,355 --> 00:16:27,725 Gran-Gran, I missed you. 136 00:16:27,726 --> 00:16:29,794 - What about Korra and the others? 137 00:16:29,795 --> 00:16:31,062 - Don't worry. 138 00:16:31,063 --> 00:16:32,496 They're all right. 139 00:16:32,497 --> 00:16:37,497 Korra saved the world. 140 00:17:29,755 --> 00:17:34,755 - Her Avatar spirit has returned. 141 00:17:44,870 --> 00:17:49,870 - It's over. 142 00:17:59,985 --> 00:18:02,887 I don't even know what to say. 143 00:18:02,888 --> 00:18:03,921 - You were amazing. 144 00:18:03,922 --> 00:18:06,757 - And the way you turned all gigantic like that, wow! 145 00:18:06,758 --> 00:18:08,592 I just wish Varrick had been here to film it. 146 00:18:08,593 --> 00:18:10,694 It would have been the greatest mover ever. 147 00:18:10,695 --> 00:18:15,695 After "The Nuktuk Chronicles," of course. 148 00:18:16,334 --> 00:18:17,935 - I'm sorry about your father, 149 00:18:17,936 --> 00:18:20,905 but he was already fused with Vaatu. 150 00:18:20,906 --> 00:18:22,239 I couldn't save him. 151 00:18:22,240 --> 00:18:25,009 - It seems cousin Korra is under the impression 152 00:18:25,010 --> 00:18:27,611 we are saddened by our father's demise. 153 00:18:27,612 --> 00:18:29,346 - But I will not miss him at all. 154 00:18:29,347 --> 00:18:32,349 In the end, he became a deplorable man. 155 00:18:32,350 --> 00:18:33,751 - Agreed. 156 00:18:33,752 --> 00:18:36,954 But how will we explain this to mother? 157 00:18:36,955 --> 00:18:39,023 - So I was thinking, I'm not really a fan 158 00:18:39,024 --> 00:18:41,358 of the long-distance relationship thing. 159 00:18:41,359 --> 00:18:44,061 So how about you move to Republic City with me? 160 00:18:44,062 --> 00:18:46,664 - I do not think that will be possible. 161 00:18:46,665 --> 00:18:49,967 - Okay, Desna can come too. 162 00:18:49,968 --> 00:18:52,102 - I will not be joining you, Bolin. 163 00:18:52,103 --> 00:18:54,405 Desna and I must return home. 164 00:18:54,406 --> 00:18:57,842 - But you said-- - Eternal darkness was upon us. 165 00:18:57,843 --> 00:19:00,845 I became caught up in the moment. 166 00:19:00,846 --> 00:19:02,780 - Yeah. 167 00:19:02,781 --> 00:19:04,748 I guess I did too. 168 00:19:04,749 --> 00:19:07,885 - But... you will always hold a special place 169 00:19:07,886 --> 00:19:10,788 in the organ that pumps my blood. 170 00:19:10,789 --> 00:19:14,725 I will remember you fondly, my turtle-duck. 171 00:19:18,597 --> 00:19:20,831 Bum-Ju, you're okay. 172 00:19:20,832 --> 00:19:25,832 I missed you, little buddy. 173 00:19:29,040 --> 00:19:31,442 - Now that you're bonded with Raava once again, 174 00:19:31,443 --> 00:19:35,813 are you also reconnected to your past lives? 175 00:19:35,814 --> 00:19:37,414 - No. 176 00:19:37,415 --> 00:19:39,850 I think that link is gone forever. 177 00:19:39,851 --> 00:19:42,386 - I see. 178 00:19:42,387 --> 00:19:47,387 Why don't you close the portals and we'll go home. 179 00:19:53,164 --> 00:19:55,432 - Maybe I shouldn't. 180 00:19:55,433 --> 00:19:56,934 - What do you mean? 181 00:19:56,935 --> 00:19:59,270 - What if Unalaq was right 182 00:19:59,271 --> 00:20:01,405 when he said the Avatar shouldn't be a bridge 183 00:20:01,406 --> 00:20:03,641 between the two worlds? 184 00:20:03,642 --> 00:20:05,709 What if Avatar Wan made a mistake 185 00:20:05,710 --> 00:20:08,112 when he closed the portals? 186 00:20:08,113 --> 00:20:09,546 What if humans and spirits 187 00:20:09,547 --> 00:20:13,217 weren't meant to live apart? 188 00:20:13,218 --> 00:20:16,520 Well, what do you think I should do? 189 00:20:16,521 --> 00:20:19,223 - I think you should trust your instincts. 190 00:20:19,224 --> 00:20:21,558 There is nothing else I can teach you. 191 00:20:21,559 --> 00:20:24,695 You are the Avatar. 192 00:20:24,696 --> 00:20:29,696 Whatever your decision, I support you. 193 00:20:41,713 --> 00:20:45,582 - Hey, can we talk? - Of course. 194 00:20:45,583 --> 00:20:46,951 - There's something I've been wanting to tell you 195 00:20:46,952 --> 00:20:48,352 about that fight we had. 196 00:20:48,353 --> 00:20:50,154 I know I said it wasn't that bad, 197 00:20:50,155 --> 00:20:53,324 but that's not exactly true. 198 00:20:53,325 --> 00:20:57,261 I, um--I broke up with you. 199 00:20:57,262 --> 00:20:58,529 - I remember. 200 00:20:58,530 --> 00:21:01,832 - But I thought you said you lost part of your memory? 201 00:21:01,833 --> 00:21:03,867 - I did, but being inside the Tree of Time 202 00:21:03,868 --> 00:21:06,170 brought it back. 203 00:21:06,171 --> 00:21:08,072 I'm sorry for blowing up at you. 204 00:21:08,073 --> 00:21:09,707 - That's okay. 205 00:21:09,708 --> 00:21:11,742 I think we both said some things that we regret. 206 00:21:11,743 --> 00:21:14,211 - Why didn't you just tell me the truth in the first place? 207 00:21:14,212 --> 00:21:15,479 - I know I should have, 208 00:21:15,480 --> 00:21:18,916 but I didn't wanna hurt you all over again. 209 00:21:18,917 --> 00:21:21,518 I guess part of me wanted to forget about the breakup too. 210 00:21:21,519 --> 00:21:24,822 - I think we both know that this... 211 00:21:24,823 --> 00:21:28,258 us... doesn't work. 212 00:21:28,259 --> 00:21:30,394 - You're right. 213 00:21:30,395 --> 00:21:31,962 - It's over. 214 00:21:31,963 --> 00:21:36,963 For real this time. 215 00:21:46,344 --> 00:21:47,778 - I'll always love you, Korra. 216 00:21:47,779 --> 00:21:52,779 - And I'll always love you. 217 00:21:57,589 --> 00:22:01,692 - You want a hug? 218 00:22:01,693 --> 00:22:05,963 Hmmm. 219 00:22:05,964 --> 00:22:08,966 - The War of the Water Tribes is over. 220 00:22:08,967 --> 00:22:11,035 Unalaq has been defeated 221 00:22:11,036 --> 00:22:13,604 and the Northern fleet is returning home. 222 00:22:13,605 --> 00:22:16,573 The Water Tribes will always be allies, 223 00:22:16,574 --> 00:22:19,810 but the Southern Tribe is now independent. 224 00:22:19,811 --> 00:22:21,378 And the Southern Council 225 00:22:21,379 --> 00:22:24,882 of Elders has appointed my father, Tonraq, 226 00:22:24,883 --> 00:22:29,883 to be your new chief. [cheers and applause] 227 00:22:30,088 --> 00:22:32,790 I've realized that even though we should learn 228 00:22:32,791 --> 00:22:34,825 from those who came before us, 229 00:22:34,826 --> 00:22:38,695 we must also forge our own path. 230 00:22:38,696 --> 00:22:42,866 So that is why I've decided to keep the portals open. 231 00:22:42,867 --> 00:22:45,769 Humans can now physically enter the spirit world 232 00:22:45,770 --> 00:22:49,173 and spirits will be free to roam our world. 233 00:22:49,174 --> 00:22:52,042 I will no longer be the bridge. 234 00:22:52,043 --> 00:22:56,180 Humans and spirits must learn to live together. 235 00:22:56,181 --> 00:22:59,883 My mission will always be to use Raava's light spirit 236 00:22:59,884 --> 00:23:03,287 to guide the world toward peace and balance. 237 00:23:03,288 --> 00:23:06,757 Harmonic convergence has caused a shift in the planet's energy. 238 00:23:06,758 --> 00:23:08,859 I can feel it. 239 00:23:08,860 --> 00:23:11,662 Things will never be the same again. 240 00:23:11,663 --> 00:23:16,166 We are entering a new age.