1 00:00:06,567 --> 00:00:07,223 Earth. 2 00:00:08,510 --> 00:00:09,371 Fire. 3 00:00:10,256 --> 00:00:10,962 Air. 4 00:00:11,959 --> 00:00:12,730 Water. 5 00:00:14,138 --> 00:00:18,015 Only the avatar can master all four elements... 6 00:00:18,189 --> 00:00:20,020 And bring balance to the world. 7 00:00:25,922 --> 00:00:28,360 - So much has changed these past three years. 8 00:00:28,478 --> 00:00:30,561 Mako is a bodyguard for the future earth king, 9 00:00:30,655 --> 00:00:32,762 Prince wu, while bolin works for kuvira, 10 00:00:32,844 --> 00:00:34,711 The earth kingdom's interim leader who has 11 00:00:34,810 --> 00:00:37,068 Brought stability to a nation plagued by chaos. 12 00:00:37,268 --> 00:00:39,784 Meanwhile, after wandering the world trying to heal herself, 13 00:00:39,875 --> 00:00:42,695 A spirit led korra to the swamp, where she met toph beifong. 14 00:00:42,821 --> 00:00:44,392 Will this earthbending master be the key 15 00:00:44,491 --> 00:00:46,250 To korra regaining her avatar mojo? 16 00:00:52,832 --> 00:00:54,551 - So then the crowds are gathered, 17 00:00:54,720 --> 00:00:56,581 All excited to see my coronation, 18 00:00:56,753 --> 00:00:59,545 When all of a sudden, these boulders come rolling through. 19 00:00:59,808 --> 00:01:02,993 And guess what pops out of 'em? Earthbender dames! 20 00:01:03,236 --> 00:01:05,722 These gals start banging the boulders like drums 21 00:01:05,804 --> 00:01:08,023 And sing the song of my royal lineage. 22 00:01:08,168 --> 00:01:10,470 It's the most dynamite six-hour show you've ever seen 23 00:01:10,561 --> 00:01:11,395 In your life. 24 00:01:12,025 --> 00:01:14,290 - Shouldn't you be getting ready to... I don't know... 25 00:01:14,517 --> 00:01:15,650 Rule the whole nation? 26 00:01:15,937 --> 00:01:18,377 - Now, now, now. Don't get yourself in a tizzy. 27 00:01:18,559 --> 00:01:20,199 I'll have ministers for all that. 28 00:01:20,532 --> 00:01:23,405 No sir, mako. When we get to ba sing se, 29 00:01:23,487 --> 00:01:26,015 It'll just be two kooky pals livin' the life! 30 00:01:27,121 --> 00:01:28,290 - Yay... 31 00:01:29,826 --> 00:01:31,384 - Getting excited for your big day? 32 00:01:31,602 --> 00:01:33,750 - Does a platypus bear poop in... hey! 33 00:01:33,893 --> 00:01:35,500 You can't put bleachers there! 34 00:01:35,608 --> 00:01:37,967 There won't be enough room for the dance of the badgermoles! 35 00:01:38,162 --> 00:01:39,993 Look, it's gonna go like this. 36 00:01:42,078 --> 00:01:44,399 - You sure that's the guy you want running the earth kingdom? 37 00:01:44,770 --> 00:01:46,485 - Trust me. We'll be sending a delegation 38 00:01:46,585 --> 00:01:49,328 Of experienced advisors to handle day-to-day governing. 39 00:01:49,608 --> 00:01:51,987 - I see the prince is becoming accustomed to 40 00:01:52,068 --> 00:01:53,464 The burdens of leadership. 41 00:01:53,946 --> 00:01:56,332 - You know royals. They love a ceremony. 42 00:01:56,912 --> 00:01:59,058 Have you received any word on the avatar's location? 43 00:01:59,303 --> 00:02:01,528 - Not yet, but I have airbenders all over the world 44 00:02:01,585 --> 00:02:02,511 On the lookout for her. 45 00:02:03,027 --> 00:02:04,323 I hope they find her soon. 46 00:02:04,857 --> 00:02:06,674 I'm concerned about reports I've heard 47 00:02:06,755 --> 00:02:08,813 Regarding kuvira's growing military. 48 00:02:09,453 --> 00:02:11,265 They say she's throwing some of her dissenters 49 00:02:11,347 --> 00:02:12,362 Into prison camps. 50 00:02:12,724 --> 00:02:14,301 - Well, she'll be stepping down tomorrow. 51 00:02:14,582 --> 00:02:17,020 We can worry about correcting any of her mistakes after that. 52 00:02:17,271 --> 00:02:18,268 - And you're not worried about her 53 00:02:18,368 --> 00:02:20,103 Handing power over to prince wu? 54 00:02:20,571 --> 00:02:22,583 - When kuvira started cleaning up the earth kingdom, 55 00:02:22,673 --> 00:02:24,408 She knew her position wasn't permanent. 56 00:02:24,790 --> 00:02:26,648 She gave me her word that she'd step down. 57 00:02:28,005 --> 00:02:31,105 - Still, I'd feel a lot better if korra were here. 58 00:02:36,043 --> 00:02:38,671 - You've gotta help me get back into avatar fighting shape. 59 00:02:39,258 --> 00:02:40,290 I'm getting my butt kicked 60 00:02:40,394 --> 00:02:42,397 By losers all over the earth kingdom. 61 00:02:43,071 --> 00:02:44,050 The world needs me. 62 00:02:44,398 --> 00:02:45,884 - Get over yourself. 63 00:02:45,975 --> 00:02:48,068 The world doesn't need you one bit. 64 00:02:48,858 --> 00:02:50,916 - But while I've been the avatar, I've stopped 65 00:02:51,006 --> 00:02:54,368 Some really bad people from doing some really bad things. 66 00:02:54,541 --> 00:02:58,631 - Listen, when I was chief of police of republic city, 67 00:02:58,803 --> 00:03:01,513 I worked my butt off busting criminals. 68 00:03:01,953 --> 00:03:04,210 But did that make crime disappear? 69 00:03:04,491 --> 00:03:05,188 Nope. 70 00:03:05,885 --> 00:03:08,242 If there's one thing I learned on the beat, 71 00:03:08,677 --> 00:03:12,593 It's that the names change, but the street stays the same. 72 00:03:13,309 --> 00:03:15,248 - So, basically, you're saying that 73 00:03:15,330 --> 00:03:18,228 Everything I've ever accomplished has been pointless. 74 00:03:18,697 --> 00:03:20,329 And I thought beifong was grumpy. 75 00:03:20,501 --> 00:03:22,930 - I'm the original beifong. 76 00:03:23,069 --> 00:03:25,525 - So, you're not gonna train me? 77 00:03:25,771 --> 00:03:29,247 - Well, I was planning on soaking my feet in mud 78 00:03:29,383 --> 00:03:30,407 For a few weeks. 79 00:03:31,422 --> 00:03:32,601 But I can't stand you 80 00:03:32,682 --> 00:03:35,691 Being so pathetic and getting your butt kicked all the time. 81 00:03:36,260 --> 00:03:39,169 All right. I guess I can help. 82 00:03:39,343 --> 00:03:41,409 - Thank you! - Nah-ah-ah-ah. 83 00:03:41,608 --> 00:03:44,173 You want to hug something, go hug a tree. 84 00:03:44,796 --> 00:03:46,944 We're here to work. 85 00:03:50,352 --> 00:03:53,361 - Hello, republic city! 86 00:03:53,443 --> 00:03:55,645 Bolin is back! 87 00:03:57,237 --> 00:03:59,231 And eska's also here. 88 00:04:00,561 --> 00:04:03,153 - I see you have replaced me with a new girlfriend. 89 00:04:03,753 --> 00:04:06,019 Well done. She seems very threatening. 90 00:04:06,282 --> 00:04:07,605 - Oh, no, no. That's kuvira. 91 00:04:07,640 --> 00:04:09,065 She's kind of my boss. 92 00:04:09,346 --> 00:04:11,448 - Boss. Girlfriend. Same thing. 93 00:04:11,757 --> 00:04:13,750 - I'm afraid there's been a mistake, your eminence. 94 00:04:13,969 --> 00:04:16,452 We have you and your brother booked in the same room, 95 00:04:16,688 --> 00:04:17,703 With only one bed. 96 00:04:18,424 --> 00:04:21,103 - It's no mistake. Desna sleeps in the tub. 97 00:04:25,930 --> 00:04:27,208 - Never thought I'd be allowed back in 98 00:04:27,298 --> 00:04:28,939 The republic city four elements. 99 00:04:29,068 --> 00:04:30,246 Raiko must have turned purple 100 00:04:30,328 --> 00:04:33,335 When kuvira made him pardon me of my alleged crimes. 101 00:04:33,598 --> 00:04:36,006 - You're an upstanding citizen again, sir. 102 00:04:36,098 --> 00:04:38,503 - Upstanding is right! And don't forget to 103 00:04:38,584 --> 00:04:40,844 Fill the extra bag with as many of those little soaps 104 00:04:40,931 --> 00:04:43,487 As you can grab. Love the lavender scent. 105 00:04:46,324 --> 00:04:47,275 - Bolin! 106 00:04:50,725 --> 00:04:51,722 Look at you! 107 00:04:52,124 --> 00:04:55,013 My little brother got all... Important. 108 00:04:55,212 --> 00:04:56,173 - I know, right? 109 00:04:56,395 --> 00:04:58,019 I see myself in the mirror sometimes, 110 00:04:58,101 --> 00:04:59,588 And I think I'm in trouble before I realize, 111 00:04:59,696 --> 00:05:00,494 It's only me. 112 00:05:00,757 --> 00:05:03,077 - So... What's it like working for kuvira? 113 00:05:03,691 --> 00:05:05,350 From what I've heard, she's pretty harsh. 114 00:05:05,513 --> 00:05:07,496 - No! I mean, she can be tough, sure, 115 00:05:07,587 --> 00:05:09,208 But we're turning around the earth kingdom 116 00:05:09,289 --> 00:05:10,431 Like you wouldn't believe. 117 00:05:10,848 --> 00:05:13,467 You remember how bad grandma's neighborhood in ba sing se was? 118 00:05:13,673 --> 00:05:15,018 All that's completely changed. 119 00:05:15,102 --> 00:05:16,934 I mean, we are really... Helping people. 120 00:05:17,233 --> 00:05:19,631 But what have you been up to? Fighting crime? Busting triads? 121 00:05:19,839 --> 00:05:22,005 Chasing the ladies, mako style? 122 00:05:22,287 --> 00:05:24,664 - Well, I've been working for wu. 123 00:05:29,564 --> 00:05:32,228 And, uh... Yeah. 124 00:05:33,970 --> 00:05:35,365 - So have you seen korra yet? 125 00:05:35,664 --> 00:05:38,120 - No. She was supposed to come in with tonraq, 126 00:05:38,238 --> 00:05:40,332 But he says she left the south pole months ago. 127 00:05:40,633 --> 00:05:42,065 No one knows where she is. 128 00:05:44,661 --> 00:05:45,241 - Mother. 129 00:05:46,391 --> 00:05:47,723 - Hello, baatar junior. 130 00:05:48,065 --> 00:05:50,086 - It's just "baatar" now. 131 00:05:50,684 --> 00:05:52,983 So, now that you've seen all the good we've done 132 00:05:53,059 --> 00:05:55,686 Since we left zaofu, you must be sorry that 133 00:05:55,738 --> 00:05:56,825 You didn't come and help us. 134 00:05:57,079 --> 00:05:59,803 - I don't if I'd call marching all over the earth kingdom, 135 00:06:00,084 --> 00:06:03,356 Forcing people to bow to kuvira, "doing good." 136 00:06:03,828 --> 00:06:05,695 - You're going to have to get over your grudge with her. 137 00:06:06,275 --> 00:06:07,797 I'm sure you've heard that we're engaged. 138 00:06:08,111 --> 00:06:10,622 She's going to be an official member of our family. 139 00:06:10,921 --> 00:06:13,773 - I'm just glad that she'll be stepping down after tomorrow. 140 00:06:14,266 --> 00:06:16,269 - You prefer to be ruled by that royal idiot? 141 00:06:18,752 --> 00:06:20,737 - I hope I'm not out of order saying this... 142 00:06:21,036 --> 00:06:24,109 You're pretty easy on the eyes for a military type. 143 00:06:25,107 --> 00:06:27,484 I'll put in a good word for you with the hotel staff, 144 00:06:27,563 --> 00:06:28,983 Maybe get you a little upgrade. 145 00:06:29,074 --> 00:06:31,131 I've been living here for years. They love me. 146 00:06:31,550 --> 00:06:32,846 - I won't be needing your help. 147 00:06:33,079 --> 00:06:34,720 We've reserved the presidential suite. 148 00:06:34,955 --> 00:06:37,434 - Well, I think someone is pulling your chain, gumdrop. 149 00:06:37,524 --> 00:06:39,396 See, I'm in the presidential suite. 150 00:06:39,748 --> 00:06:42,041 - Not anymore. I had you moved out. 151 00:06:42,555 --> 00:06:44,993 - Wait, what? Cam, where's all my stuff? 152 00:06:45,319 --> 00:06:47,984 - We moved you into a very nice junior suite 153 00:06:48,172 --> 00:06:49,150 On the seventh floor. 154 00:06:49,241 --> 00:06:50,510 - Junior suite? 155 00:06:51,541 --> 00:06:53,063 - Something you should know about me... 156 00:06:53,929 --> 00:06:55,733 I always get what I want. 157 00:06:58,320 --> 00:06:59,670 + 158 00:07:02,998 --> 00:07:05,490 - Your royal cabinet is here, your majesty! 159 00:07:05,862 --> 00:07:06,569 - Where have you been? 160 00:07:06,696 --> 00:07:08,264 My coronation is in ten minutes. 161 00:07:08,776 --> 00:07:09,891 Where's everyone else? 162 00:07:10,054 --> 00:07:12,175 Where are the seven sacred chests of exquisite finery? 163 00:07:12,293 --> 00:07:14,350 Where are my grandfather's taffeta pantaloons? 164 00:07:14,704 --> 00:07:17,416 - Sadly, most of your servants were scattered 165 00:07:17,459 --> 00:07:20,431 And the royal things were looted after the queen was... 166 00:07:20,954 --> 00:07:22,402 Removed from office. 167 00:07:22,647 --> 00:07:26,236 So your coronation may not have some of the usual items... 168 00:07:26,757 --> 00:07:28,398 Like... The crown. 169 00:07:28,655 --> 00:07:29,634 - There's no crown? 170 00:07:29,860 --> 00:07:31,909 How can you have a coronation without a crown? 171 00:07:32,009 --> 00:07:33,976 How will people know when I'm officially the king? 172 00:07:34,257 --> 00:07:37,094 - We still have one of the royal jewels we can pin on you. 173 00:07:38,406 --> 00:07:39,456 - An earring? 174 00:07:39,596 --> 00:07:42,179 - Think of it more as a royal brooch. 175 00:07:44,105 --> 00:07:46,843 - Are you telling me that there are no dancing badgermoles? 176 00:07:47,146 --> 00:07:48,498 No acrobat bell-ringers? 177 00:07:48,581 --> 00:07:50,294 No horn-blowing announcer-y guy? 178 00:07:50,828 --> 00:07:54,093 - It will be a very simple, intimate, elegant ceremony. 179 00:07:54,220 --> 00:07:56,239 A wonderful day for your kingdom. 180 00:07:56,570 --> 00:07:58,123 Just try on the brooch, your grace. 181 00:07:58,204 --> 00:07:59,944 You'll see it will look beau... - don't... 182 00:08:00,370 --> 00:08:01,095 Touch me. 183 00:08:03,242 --> 00:08:04,738 - Okay. Bring it. 184 00:08:23,402 --> 00:08:24,753 - Tell me what you did wrong. 185 00:08:25,034 --> 00:08:27,212 - Well... I was thinking that you were gonna... 186 00:08:27,311 --> 00:08:28,127 - Exactly. 187 00:08:28,335 --> 00:08:29,949 You were thinking. 188 00:08:30,472 --> 00:08:31,116 Go again. 189 00:08:52,060 --> 00:08:53,021 - Pathetic. 190 00:08:53,635 --> 00:08:57,786 Of all the avatars I've worked with, you're by far the worst. 191 00:08:58,137 --> 00:09:00,566 I know that's only one other avatar, but still. 192 00:09:01,110 --> 00:09:02,542 - Ah! Hey! 193 00:09:02,907 --> 00:09:04,811 It seems like you're enjoying having someone around 194 00:09:04,892 --> 00:09:06,179 To beat up an awful lot. 195 00:09:06,415 --> 00:09:10,138 - Yeah, the swampbenders out here really can't take a punch. 196 00:09:10,446 --> 00:09:13,395 - So... What made you want to drop out 197 00:09:13,482 --> 00:09:15,342 And disconnect from the rest of the world? 198 00:09:15,569 --> 00:09:19,022 - I'm more connected to the world than you've ever been. 199 00:09:19,611 --> 00:09:23,463 The roots and vines... they run all over the world. 200 00:09:24,001 --> 00:09:27,834 I can see su and lin, zaofu and republic city... 201 00:09:28,378 --> 00:09:30,967 I see everything. 202 00:09:36,745 --> 00:09:38,549 - You're blind compared to me. 203 00:09:43,822 --> 00:09:46,560 - Now rise, wu of the hou-ting dynasty, 204 00:09:46,650 --> 00:09:48,254 King of all the earth lands, 205 00:09:48,336 --> 00:09:51,232 And glorious defender of ba sing se. 206 00:09:51,522 --> 00:09:53,380 Long may you reign. 207 00:09:53,588 --> 00:09:55,614 - go wu. Woo. 208 00:09:57,277 --> 00:10:01,193 - Thank you for that incredibly brief but very moving ceremony. 209 00:10:01,601 --> 00:10:04,725 I am touched by the love of my devoted countrymen 210 00:10:04,807 --> 00:10:05,913 Who have worked so hard 211 00:10:06,003 --> 00:10:08,315 To restore their beloved leader to the throne. 212 00:10:08,572 --> 00:10:10,593 One of them deserves special attention. 213 00:10:10,693 --> 00:10:12,315 Kuvira? Rise. 214 00:10:15,634 --> 00:10:18,480 For your service to the realm, I would like to present you 215 00:10:18,562 --> 00:10:20,936 With the kyoshi medal of freedom, 216 00:10:21,299 --> 00:10:23,166 Our nation's highest honor, 217 00:10:23,339 --> 00:10:27,211 Which was somehow not stolen, unlike the royal pinkie rings. 218 00:10:27,474 --> 00:10:27,945 Hmph. 219 00:10:29,359 --> 00:10:29,940 - Thank you. 220 00:10:30,322 --> 00:10:32,942 And if you don't mind, I'd like to say a few words. 221 00:10:33,429 --> 00:10:36,438 - Why not? We've got six hours to fill. 222 00:10:38,773 --> 00:10:41,869 - Growing up in zaofu with suyin beifong, 223 00:10:42,181 --> 00:10:45,740 I learned that the idea of a royal family passing a title 224 00:10:45,819 --> 00:10:48,702 From one generation to the next was archaic, 225 00:10:49,075 --> 00:10:51,196 And that technology and innovation should be 226 00:10:51,295 --> 00:10:52,880 What drives a nation forward. 227 00:10:53,217 --> 00:10:56,481 It was the pathetic rule of kings and queens that caused 228 00:10:56,563 --> 00:11:00,064 The earth kingdom to descend into such incredible disarray. 229 00:11:00,545 --> 00:11:03,853 It's taken me three years to get it back on track, 230 00:11:04,127 --> 00:11:05,958 And there's no way I will allow it 231 00:11:06,039 --> 00:11:08,197 To slip back into the dark ages. 232 00:11:08,998 --> 00:11:11,353 I'd like to make an announcement to the world. 233 00:11:11,891 --> 00:11:14,135 The earth kingdom is no more. 234 00:11:14,366 --> 00:11:18,317 And from here on out, this man has no authority. 235 00:11:18,771 --> 00:11:19,487 - wait, what? 236 00:11:19,642 --> 00:11:21,329 But I just got the royal brooch. 237 00:11:22,290 --> 00:11:25,190 - I have created a new earth empire, 238 00:11:25,380 --> 00:11:28,716 And I will continue to lead it into the future myself, 239 00:11:28,948 --> 00:11:32,587 Bringing about a new era of prosperity for my people. 240 00:11:33,332 --> 00:11:35,009 - we love you, kuvira! 241 00:11:35,778 --> 00:11:37,745 - All hail the great uniter! 242 00:11:40,925 --> 00:11:43,884 - And let me assure my fellow leaders of one thing... 243 00:11:45,875 --> 00:11:50,352 Anyone who crosses our borders or stands in our way 244 00:11:50,551 --> 00:11:52,241 Will be crushed. 245 00:11:56,316 --> 00:11:57,839 - thank you, kuvira! 246 00:11:58,121 --> 00:12:00,314 All hail the great uniter! 247 00:12:00,557 --> 00:12:02,360 - Worst coronation ever. 248 00:12:05,429 --> 00:12:08,301 - Were you surprised? Because I was really surprised. 249 00:12:08,537 --> 00:12:10,377 Won't this turn all the world leaders against us? 250 00:12:10,491 --> 00:12:12,276 - Relax, kid, what can they do? 251 00:12:12,529 --> 00:12:14,133 Kuvira controls the whole nation now, 252 00:12:14,223 --> 00:12:17,105 And republic city is begging for the metal that we're mining. 253 00:12:17,309 --> 00:12:19,475 This train has left the station, 254 00:12:19,620 --> 00:12:21,188 And we own the track! 255 00:12:26,168 --> 00:12:29,014 Now that's a nice-looking hunk of spirit vine. 256 00:12:29,112 --> 00:12:30,132 Let's take it back to the lab 257 00:12:30,213 --> 00:12:31,813 And get it stabilized immediately. 258 00:12:37,408 --> 00:12:38,695 - You look worried, bolin. 259 00:12:39,966 --> 00:12:42,450 - Yeah, well... I just have some misgivings 260 00:12:42,532 --> 00:12:45,302 About how you kind of ambushed tenzin and the other leaders. 261 00:12:45,783 --> 00:12:47,378 - You believe in the work that we've done 262 00:12:47,463 --> 00:12:49,619 For the people of the earth empire, right, bolin? 263 00:12:50,118 --> 00:12:51,042 - I do, but... 264 00:12:51,341 --> 00:12:52,357 - Then stick with me. 265 00:12:52,602 --> 00:12:55,004 I'm going to need your help now more than ever. 266 00:12:55,505 --> 00:12:57,805 Raiko and the other leaders want to bully us into 267 00:12:57,905 --> 00:13:00,433 Accepting some idiot king who will serve them 268 00:13:00,533 --> 00:13:01,657 But neglect the people. 269 00:13:02,101 --> 00:13:03,945 We have to stand strong against them. 270 00:13:04,187 --> 00:13:07,151 - I'm just not sure about this whole empire thing. 271 00:13:07,241 --> 00:13:08,837 It seems pretty aggressive. 272 00:13:09,466 --> 00:13:11,260 And what was that part about the crushing? 273 00:13:11,761 --> 00:13:14,081 - That was just some tough rhetoric to let people know 274 00:13:14,172 --> 00:13:15,115 That we mean business. 275 00:13:15,491 --> 00:13:18,610 Believe me, conflict is the last thing I want. 276 00:13:19,121 --> 00:13:21,323 Will you help me make history, bolin? 277 00:13:24,590 --> 00:13:26,584 - Hmm. I'll stand by you. 278 00:13:27,627 --> 00:13:28,397 - Thank you. 279 00:13:28,814 --> 00:13:30,010 - We need to talk. 280 00:13:32,932 --> 00:13:34,563 - Can you give us the room, please? 281 00:13:39,294 --> 00:13:40,699 - I met with the world leaders, 282 00:13:40,882 --> 00:13:42,812 And I've come as their representative. 283 00:13:43,202 --> 00:13:45,823 - So now you're taking an interest in world affairs? 284 00:13:46,324 --> 00:13:47,865 A little late, isn't it? 285 00:13:48,108 --> 00:13:50,455 When the queen fell and everyone was asking you 286 00:13:50,546 --> 00:13:52,975 To help keep the earth kingdom from falling apart, 287 00:13:53,428 --> 00:13:55,468 All you wanted to do was hide in zaofu 288 00:13:55,558 --> 00:13:57,616 And let others deal with the consequences. 289 00:13:57,924 --> 00:14:00,526 - That's hardly fair. I didn't want to seize power 290 00:14:00,607 --> 00:14:02,837 For myself, which is what you've done. 291 00:14:03,412 --> 00:14:05,832 I'm telling you, for the good of everyone, 292 00:14:06,173 --> 00:14:07,333 You have to step down. 293 00:14:07,714 --> 00:14:09,173 - I stepped up. 294 00:14:09,669 --> 00:14:11,645 I provide stability and equality. 295 00:14:12,388 --> 00:14:16,050 Tell your world leaders to stay out of earth empire business. 296 00:14:16,475 --> 00:14:18,977 We won't accept their hand-picked dictator. 297 00:14:19,646 --> 00:14:21,305 - What makes you so different? 298 00:14:21,640 --> 00:14:23,082 You're just another tyrant. 299 00:14:23,435 --> 00:14:25,529 And don't pretend the people put you where you are. 300 00:14:25,828 --> 00:14:27,272 I know what happens to cities who don't want 301 00:14:27,311 --> 00:14:28,731 To hand over control to you. 302 00:14:29,462 --> 00:14:31,855 - Then you know what's coming for zaofu. 303 00:14:33,900 --> 00:14:35,250 + 304 00:14:37,015 --> 00:14:39,444 - First I lose my suite, then I lose my throne. 305 00:14:39,671 --> 00:14:41,257 My royal brooch is a lie! 306 00:14:42,607 --> 00:14:44,193 I know you must be crushed, 307 00:14:44,298 --> 00:14:46,646 Not getting to come back to ba sing se with me. 308 00:14:46,981 --> 00:14:49,745 - Don't worry about me. I'll find a way to make it. 309 00:14:50,100 --> 00:14:52,738 - Good ol' mako, my big tough guy. 310 00:14:54,019 --> 00:14:57,001 Ugh. Okay, I just have to go on, 311 00:14:57,164 --> 00:14:59,475 Move forward, take decisive action. 312 00:14:59,908 --> 00:15:01,313 Let's go shopping! 313 00:15:07,698 --> 00:15:08,912 Ugh. Get rid of him. 314 00:15:09,293 --> 00:15:10,127 He's with her. 315 00:15:10,453 --> 00:15:11,341 - He's my brother. 316 00:15:13,214 --> 00:15:14,846 - Interesting ceremony, huh? 317 00:15:15,154 --> 00:15:17,039 - You aren't going to keep working for kuvira 318 00:15:17,184 --> 00:15:18,625 Now that she's going against the wishes 319 00:15:18,716 --> 00:15:19,976 Of the entire world, are you? 320 00:15:20,230 --> 00:15:22,550 - You don't understand. Kuvira is helping out 321 00:15:22,631 --> 00:15:24,299 All the poor people in the earth empire, 322 00:15:24,571 --> 00:15:27,063 People like our family. This is for the best. 323 00:15:27,338 --> 00:15:28,217 - I don't know, bro. 324 00:15:28,693 --> 00:15:30,909 - Okay, why don't you come with me, and you'll see for yourself? 325 00:15:30,990 --> 00:15:33,392 We've done a lot of good, and varrick is working on 326 00:15:33,474 --> 00:15:35,326 Some new innovations. We're making history. 327 00:15:35,625 --> 00:15:37,701 - By crushing anyone who gets in your way? 328 00:15:38,099 --> 00:15:40,048 - That was just some tough rhetoric 329 00:15:40,130 --> 00:15:42,178 To let the people know that we mean business. 330 00:15:42,524 --> 00:15:45,070 I mean, kuvira is basically just like korra... 331 00:15:45,604 --> 00:15:46,973 She might seem hard to deal with, 332 00:15:47,229 --> 00:15:48,788 But it's just because she's so passionate 333 00:15:48,996 --> 00:15:50,465 And believes in what she's doing. 334 00:15:50,764 --> 00:15:52,633 - It seems like she's just a dictator 335 00:15:52,685 --> 00:15:54,516 Who's taking the earth kingdom by force. 336 00:15:54,815 --> 00:15:56,598 - Oh, okay, so you think your new best friend in there 337 00:15:56,649 --> 00:15:58,314 Would be a better leader than kuvira? 338 00:15:58,750 --> 00:16:00,590 - Well, no, but still... - still what? 339 00:16:00,817 --> 00:16:02,729 Come on, mako, I'm making a difference out there. 340 00:16:02,779 --> 00:16:03,664 What are you doin', huh? 341 00:16:04,050 --> 00:16:05,446 You're just some glorified butler 342 00:16:05,528 --> 00:16:07,014 For some snotty, rich bozo. 343 00:16:07,866 --> 00:16:09,524 - I'm sorry. I don't want to work for 344 00:16:09,642 --> 00:16:12,243 Your glorious emperor in her military dictatorship. 345 00:16:12,615 --> 00:16:13,168 - Fine! 346 00:16:13,376 --> 00:16:15,080 I'm gonna go back to my awesome train, 347 00:16:15,240 --> 00:16:17,207 Where we bring freedom wherever we go. 348 00:16:17,546 --> 00:16:21,107 Enjoy licking the king's boots in your junior suite! 349 00:16:28,473 --> 00:16:30,458 - Sorry, sport. I heard it all. 350 00:16:30,730 --> 00:16:31,827 - Can't believe him! 351 00:16:31,988 --> 00:16:34,372 - I know! Insulting another man's suite? 352 00:16:34,671 --> 00:16:35,749 It's beneath low. 353 00:16:36,012 --> 00:16:37,598 But I think I know what would cheer you up... 354 00:16:38,096 --> 00:16:40,457 A visit to little ba sing se fashion mall! 355 00:16:40,656 --> 00:16:41,617 I'll buy you a smoothie. 356 00:16:42,042 --> 00:16:43,682 - Yeah. Okay. 357 00:16:45,305 --> 00:16:46,637 - That was terrible. 358 00:16:46,855 --> 00:16:48,223 - Ha! Maybe for you. 359 00:16:48,390 --> 00:16:49,985 I had a great time! 360 00:16:50,507 --> 00:16:53,969 I never realized how much I missed tormenting the avatar. 361 00:16:54,585 --> 00:16:56,478 I wish you were putting up more of a fight. 362 00:16:56,618 --> 00:16:57,831 But it was still fun. 363 00:16:58,039 --> 00:17:01,539 - You were tossing me around like a rag doll all day long. 364 00:17:01,675 --> 00:17:04,822 - I know! And I'm an old lady. 365 00:17:05,157 --> 00:17:07,344 Imagine me in my prime. 366 00:17:07,436 --> 00:17:11,134 Ha-ha! I would have destroyed you! 367 00:17:11,892 --> 00:17:14,266 - I just don't understand why I can't get back 368 00:17:14,348 --> 00:17:16,287 To my former self. It's like... 369 00:17:16,484 --> 00:17:18,514 I'm a step slower. I'm tentative. 370 00:17:18,596 --> 00:17:19,339 I'm out of sync. 371 00:17:19,571 --> 00:17:21,404 I just can't get back in the groove. 372 00:17:21,616 --> 00:17:23,873 - Probably carrying around that metal doesn't help. 373 00:17:24,127 --> 00:17:24,941 - What metal? 374 00:17:25,147 --> 00:17:28,156 - The little bits of metal poison stuck in your body. 375 00:17:28,808 --> 00:17:31,074 Are you trying to tell me you can't feel metal 376 00:17:31,144 --> 00:17:32,086 In your own body? 377 00:17:32,757 --> 00:17:35,086 You really are the worst avatar ever. 378 00:17:35,559 --> 00:17:37,187 - I thought su got it all out. 379 00:17:37,410 --> 00:17:39,948 - No, my girls never really picked up metalbending 380 00:17:40,038 --> 00:17:41,470 All that well, if you ask me. 381 00:17:42,064 --> 00:17:44,194 - That's been my problem this entire time! 382 00:17:44,589 --> 00:17:45,414 I gotta get it out. 383 00:17:45,564 --> 00:17:46,909 You can get it out for me, right? 384 00:17:47,199 --> 00:17:49,038 - Who do you think you're talking to? 385 00:17:52,727 --> 00:17:54,885 - Once we're done with these, we can go into the middle ring 386 00:17:54,966 --> 00:17:56,456 And I'll let you pick out some new suits. 387 00:17:56,673 --> 00:17:58,858 Then we'll hit the boutiques in the upper ring for me. 388 00:18:04,701 --> 00:18:06,359 Where did you get those shirts? 389 00:18:06,876 --> 00:18:08,988 - Aces, right? Kuvira is my hero. 390 00:18:09,160 --> 00:18:10,302 - They're selling them over there. 391 00:18:15,440 --> 00:18:16,981 - You can't sell that junk in here! 392 00:18:17,115 --> 00:18:18,746 This is the little ba sing se fashion mall, 393 00:18:18,789 --> 00:18:19,991 And I'm the little king here! 394 00:18:20,124 --> 00:18:21,411 Respect the brooch! 395 00:18:22,651 --> 00:18:23,956 - stop it, little king! 396 00:18:25,405 --> 00:18:27,498 - I am the glorious defender! 397 00:18:29,495 --> 00:18:31,707 - I'm covered in juice! Get him! 398 00:18:31,849 --> 00:18:33,037 - We need to get you out of here. 399 00:18:33,290 --> 00:18:34,025 - Ooh! 400 00:18:55,772 --> 00:18:56,932 It's destiny! 401 00:18:57,077 --> 00:18:58,590 Look where we are, mako... 402 00:18:59,457 --> 00:19:00,816 The royal palace. 403 00:19:05,977 --> 00:19:06,956 The throne! 404 00:19:08,391 --> 00:19:09,588 Out of my way! 405 00:19:11,517 --> 00:19:13,602 - Hey! It's my birthday! 406 00:19:13,879 --> 00:19:15,284 - It's my coronation day! 407 00:19:15,454 --> 00:19:16,881 You'll have another birthday next year, 408 00:19:16,962 --> 00:19:19,164 But I'll never have this day back again! 409 00:19:19,468 --> 00:19:20,900 Never! 410 00:19:21,252 --> 00:19:22,467 - Okay, you're losing it. 411 00:19:23,236 --> 00:19:26,653 - This is the worst day of my life! 412 00:19:28,475 --> 00:19:28,974 - why? 413 00:19:29,437 --> 00:19:30,996 Do you really want to be the king? 414 00:19:31,258 --> 00:19:33,827 I mean, kuvira might be a power-crazed dictator, 415 00:19:33,918 --> 00:19:35,894 But at least she spent the last few years working hard 416 00:19:35,984 --> 00:19:37,444 To make the earth kingdom somewhat better. 417 00:19:37,709 --> 00:19:39,372 If you were an earth kingdom citizen, 418 00:19:39,699 --> 00:19:42,130 Do you think you're the kind of person you want as your king? 419 00:19:42,280 --> 00:19:43,745 What have you ever done for your people? 420 00:19:46,468 --> 00:19:48,825 I'm sorry. That was out of line. 421 00:19:49,142 --> 00:19:50,338 - No. You're right. 422 00:19:50,861 --> 00:19:52,701 No one ever talked to me like that before. 423 00:19:53,376 --> 00:19:55,651 I guess I'm just a joke who got what he deserved. 424 00:19:58,976 --> 00:20:01,251 - Let's get you out of here and back to some place safe. 425 00:20:01,556 --> 00:20:03,241 - Carry me? - No. 426 00:20:04,117 --> 00:20:06,809 - Okay. If you want me to bend out this metal, 427 00:20:06,918 --> 00:20:08,404 You need to relax. 428 00:20:08,695 --> 00:20:10,109 - I am relaxed. 429 00:20:10,272 --> 00:20:11,750 - Ha! Seriously? 430 00:20:11,945 --> 00:20:14,284 Your body is like a twisted tree trunk. 431 00:20:14,512 --> 00:20:16,062 - Just do it! I'm ready! 432 00:20:30,299 --> 00:20:32,366 - It wouldn't hurt if you would just relax! 433 00:20:32,456 --> 00:20:33,789 Stop fighting me! 434 00:20:34,015 --> 00:20:35,430 - I'm not fighting! 435 00:20:49,147 --> 00:20:51,283 Ya! - All right, that's it. 436 00:20:51,455 --> 00:20:53,231 You're going to have to do this yourself. 437 00:20:53,418 --> 00:20:55,932 Clearly, you want to keep the metal in there. 438 00:20:56,237 --> 00:20:57,198 - What do you mean? 439 00:20:57,440 --> 00:20:59,579 Why would I want poison inside me? 440 00:21:00,058 --> 00:21:02,717 - I don't know. Maybe so you have an excuse 441 00:21:02,808 --> 00:21:04,711 Not to go back to being the avatar. 442 00:21:05,114 --> 00:21:07,166 If you don't get better, you can't do your job, 443 00:21:07,257 --> 00:21:09,514 So you don't have to worry about getting hurt again. 444 00:21:10,383 --> 00:21:12,541 - What? That's ridiculous. 445 00:21:12,804 --> 00:21:15,159 - Whatever. When you want it out, 446 00:21:15,250 --> 00:21:16,527 You can bend it out. 447 00:21:16,608 --> 00:21:19,420 I can't deal with all your issues for you. 448 00:21:19,877 --> 00:21:22,814 - Wait! What am I supposed to do now? 449 00:21:23,083 --> 00:21:24,126 - How should I know? 450 00:21:24,225 --> 00:21:26,165 Ask the spirit that brought you here. 451 00:21:26,735 --> 00:21:29,826 The good news is, if you're looking for a place to hang 452 00:21:29,907 --> 00:21:31,358 Where no one will bother you, 453 00:21:31,550 --> 00:21:34,469 You picked the best swamp in the world! 454 00:21:37,161 --> 00:21:40,108 - This is a mission of the utmost importance. 455 00:21:40,465 --> 00:21:42,355 Conflict is coming to the earth kingdom, 456 00:21:42,436 --> 00:21:44,412 And we need to find the avatar. 457 00:21:45,365 --> 00:21:47,975 Can I count on you three to bring korra home? 458 00:21:49,405 --> 00:21:50,991 - You can count on one of us. 459 00:21:51,378 --> 00:21:53,617 I don't know about these two ladies. 460 00:22:08,546 --> 00:22:11,102 - From now on, developing this technology is 461 00:22:11,184 --> 00:22:12,498 Your number one priority. 462 00:22:13,164 --> 00:22:15,984 - This is going to change everything.