1 00:00:06,621 --> 00:00:07,292 Earth. 2 00:00:08,534 --> 00:00:09,150 Fire. 3 00:00:10,256 --> 00:00:10,977 Air. 4 00:00:12,014 --> 00:00:12,793 Water. 5 00:00:14,135 --> 00:00:17,959 Only the Avatar can master all four elements 6 00:00:18,168 --> 00:00:20,121 and bring balance to the world. 7 00:00:25,878 --> 00:00:28,619 The Earth Empire has invaded the United Republic! 8 00:00:28,987 --> 00:00:31,958 After Kuvira demonstrated the power of her spirit energy weapon, 9 00:00:32,058 --> 00:00:34,667 President Raiko surrendered the city, but the Avatar refused 10 00:00:34,748 --> 00:00:35,899 to give up without a fight. 11 00:00:36,199 --> 00:00:38,659 Korra held Baatar Jr. hostage, hoping to force Kuvira 12 00:00:38,741 --> 00:00:40,619 to back down, but the plan failed, 13 00:00:40,723 --> 00:00:42,754 and she fired on team Avatar's hideout. 14 00:00:42,899 --> 00:00:46,343 Can anything or anyone stop Kuvira and her mecha-giant? 15 00:01:02,413 --> 00:01:03,745 Go ahead. Take your time. 16 00:01:03,845 --> 00:01:05,395 Just bending a giant wall. 17 00:01:05,688 --> 00:01:07,428 Man, we got a lot of people here. 18 00:01:07,878 --> 00:01:08,866 Is that everybody? 19 00:01:27,569 --> 00:01:30,025 Kuvira's heading our way with a platoon of mecha-suits. 20 00:01:30,121 --> 00:01:31,120 What should we do? 21 00:01:31,291 --> 00:01:32,958 This is my hometown, and I hate to say it, 22 00:01:33,049 --> 00:01:34,759 but there's no use risking all our lives 23 00:01:34,841 --> 00:01:36,046 to fight that giant thing. 24 00:01:36,213 --> 00:01:37,476 Let her take the city for now. 25 00:01:37,694 --> 00:01:39,377 We'll think of some way to come back and beat her. 26 00:01:39,576 --> 00:01:41,492 What about all the people who haven't been evacuated yet? 27 00:01:41,887 --> 00:01:43,528 If Kuvira finds out Wu is with them, 28 00:01:43,668 --> 00:01:45,487 she might fire that spirit cannon at him 29 00:01:45,578 --> 00:01:46,475 and take them all out. 30 00:01:46,928 --> 00:01:49,122 I couldn't stop Kuvira from taking Zaofu. 31 00:01:49,402 --> 00:01:51,433 I'm not letting her conquer Republic City. 32 00:01:51,783 --> 00:01:54,212 The world isn't safe as long as she has that weapon. 33 00:01:54,614 --> 00:01:55,321 I agree. 34 00:01:55,765 --> 00:01:57,587 We take down that giant today. 35 00:01:58,122 --> 00:01:58,711 Lin! 36 00:01:58,949 --> 00:02:00,146 Glad to see you all made it out. 37 00:02:00,699 --> 00:02:01,560 You had me worried. 38 00:02:01,833 --> 00:02:03,827 Well, you benders are gonna have to fight her alone. 39 00:02:03,916 --> 00:02:07,034 She just blew up our factory with all our hummingbird suits. 40 00:02:07,134 --> 00:02:08,085 Not all of them. 41 00:02:08,407 --> 00:02:10,537 There are the prototypes back at my office. 42 00:02:10,800 --> 00:02:12,214 If we can get those ready to fly, 43 00:02:12,216 --> 00:02:14,525 we'll at least be able to offer a little air support. 44 00:02:14,638 --> 00:02:17,201 Su, you take Baatar Jr. And the rest of the wounded 45 00:02:17,312 --> 00:02:18,572 back to Asami's office. 46 00:02:18,762 --> 00:02:20,480 Get those suits working as soon as you can. 47 00:02:20,724 --> 00:02:22,981 The rest of us will just have to face Kuvira on our own. 48 00:02:29,121 --> 00:02:31,026 Everyone, please settle down. 49 00:02:31,152 --> 00:02:33,680 The trains should be returning to pick us up soon. 50 00:02:33,887 --> 00:02:35,691 Tell that mecha-jerk to settle down. 51 00:02:35,788 --> 00:02:37,836 She's the one blowing up the whole city! 52 00:02:38,121 --> 00:02:40,661 I hate to be the bearer of more bad news, 53 00:02:40,824 --> 00:02:43,547 but I just heard on the radio that Kuvira's army 54 00:02:43,632 --> 00:02:45,120 has destroyed the train tracks. 55 00:02:45,541 --> 00:02:47,390 We're not getting out of the city by rail. 56 00:02:47,879 --> 00:02:50,487 Everyone, I was just up on the observation deck 57 00:02:50,589 --> 00:02:53,241 and saw a bunch of mecha-suit soldiers heading this way! 58 00:02:53,504 --> 00:02:56,120 Oh, great! The giant one wasn't enough? 59 00:02:56,216 --> 00:02:57,068 It's over! 60 00:02:57,358 --> 00:02:58,953 We're all gonna get blown to bits! 61 00:02:59,121 --> 00:03:00,001 Listen, everyone. 62 00:03:00,121 --> 00:03:02,290 I can get us out of here if you just sit tight. 63 00:03:02,478 --> 00:03:04,037 Can you step off the bench, please? 64 00:03:04,121 --> 00:03:05,118 It's a little crowded up here. 65 00:03:05,309 --> 00:03:07,120 Sure. I'm only the conductor. 66 00:03:07,709 --> 00:03:09,214 No one needs me on the bench. 67 00:03:09,341 --> 00:03:10,474 Just stay calm. 68 00:03:10,476 --> 00:03:12,491 I'll be right back. Come on! 69 00:03:12,754 --> 00:03:14,421 Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where are you going? 70 00:03:14,668 --> 00:03:16,010 I'm going to get some help. 71 00:03:16,121 --> 00:03:17,954 You think you can handle this unruly mob 72 00:03:18,054 --> 00:03:18,751 for a little while? 73 00:03:19,121 --> 00:03:20,121 I raised Meelo. 74 00:03:20,310 --> 00:03:21,472 I can handle anything. 75 00:03:29,261 --> 00:03:31,337 A paint store? That's it! 76 00:03:33,341 --> 00:03:34,700 What are you doing, Meelo? 77 00:03:35,121 --> 00:03:37,262 I just got an idea how to beat the giant! 78 00:03:37,543 --> 00:03:41,227 Now everyone, grab some paint and find me some balloons! 79 00:03:59,251 --> 00:04:00,438 Airbenders approaching. 80 00:04:00,810 --> 00:04:01,644 I see them. 81 00:04:49,178 --> 00:04:50,755 Bombs away! 82 00:05:06,816 --> 00:05:07,976 Clear the glass. 83 00:05:14,121 --> 00:05:14,784 Now! 84 00:05:19,560 --> 00:05:21,120 The joints are platinum, too! 85 00:05:21,218 --> 00:05:22,777 We can't metalbend any of it! 86 00:05:24,016 --> 00:05:26,445 You're about to get the world's largest hot-foot, 87 00:05:26,526 --> 00:05:27,260 metal lady! 88 00:05:46,570 --> 00:05:47,912 Hit it now! 89 00:07:13,525 --> 00:07:14,440 Opal! 90 00:07:26,121 --> 00:07:27,510 Everyone, retreat. 91 00:07:27,742 --> 00:07:29,718 Take the wounded back to Asami's office. 92 00:07:29,877 --> 00:07:30,819 I'll meet you there. 93 00:07:31,121 --> 00:07:32,741 I'm going to see if I can find help. 94 00:07:38,910 --> 00:07:40,080 + 95 00:07:47,260 --> 00:07:49,253 All right. Let's fire it up again. 96 00:08:00,113 --> 00:08:02,021 I can't stabilize it! 97 00:08:02,317 --> 00:08:04,248 I thought you fixed the hydraulics. 98 00:08:04,357 --> 00:08:05,317 I did! 99 00:08:05,408 --> 00:08:06,459 Twist harder! 100 00:08:14,465 --> 00:08:15,517 I hope you have something in here 101 00:08:15,617 --> 00:08:17,475 that can take out a platoon of mecha-suits. 102 00:08:17,746 --> 00:08:19,540 Kuvira's troops are headed this way! 103 00:08:19,932 --> 00:08:21,917 I know how to take down some mecha-suits, 104 00:08:22,160 --> 00:08:24,716 and it just might take down that giant, too! 105 00:08:24,979 --> 00:08:27,453 Asami, disconnect anything electrical in here 106 00:08:27,535 --> 00:08:28,260 until we get back. 107 00:08:28,378 --> 00:08:29,393 Zhu Li, let's go. 108 00:08:34,952 --> 00:08:35,931 Where am I? 109 00:08:36,953 --> 00:08:37,608 Mom? 110 00:08:38,108 --> 00:08:39,114 Just rest, son. 111 00:08:39,617 --> 00:08:40,324 I'm here. 112 00:08:40,496 --> 00:08:43,252 Mom, I'm so sorry. 113 00:08:44,093 --> 00:08:46,875 I betrayed you... The whole family. 114 00:08:48,063 --> 00:08:49,622 I gave my life to Kuvira, 115 00:08:50,144 --> 00:08:51,951 and she just fired that weapon at me. 116 00:08:52,555 --> 00:08:53,643 How could she do that? 117 00:08:54,178 --> 00:08:55,381 I don't know, sweetie. 118 00:08:55,528 --> 00:08:57,540 She's a complicated person. 119 00:08:58,055 --> 00:08:59,940 Wing and wei will never forgive me. 120 00:09:00,952 --> 00:09:01,769 And Opal... 121 00:09:02,105 --> 00:09:04,751 Yeah, they might take some time to come around, 122 00:09:04,857 --> 00:09:07,512 but we'll work through it as a family. 123 00:09:11,345 --> 00:09:13,366 Do you think this plan will actually work, sir? 124 00:09:13,646 --> 00:09:15,060 I know I can stop the mecha-suits 125 00:09:15,150 --> 00:09:18,241 with an electromagnetic pulse, so it stands to reason 126 00:09:18,332 --> 00:09:20,272 that I can stop a giant mecha-suit 127 00:09:20,489 --> 00:09:22,737 with a giant electromagnetic pulse. 128 00:09:25,900 --> 00:09:27,848 Zhu Li, I've been thinking. 129 00:09:28,153 --> 00:09:29,585 You're always thinking, sir. 130 00:09:29,821 --> 00:09:33,048 Yes, but lately, I've been thinking about you. 131 00:09:33,736 --> 00:09:35,865 I know we might not make it out of this mess, 132 00:09:35,952 --> 00:09:38,357 and I feel like there are some things I should tell you. 133 00:09:38,744 --> 00:09:39,533 There are? 134 00:09:39,841 --> 00:09:41,227 I remember when I was a boy, 135 00:09:41,309 --> 00:09:43,530 I had an ostrich horse. 136 00:09:44,072 --> 00:09:45,459 Named her Mrs. beaks. 137 00:09:46,298 --> 00:09:47,195 I grew up on a farm. 138 00:09:47,286 --> 00:09:48,310 Did I ever tell you that, Zhu Li? 139 00:09:49,128 --> 00:09:51,956 This was before the circus people took me away. 140 00:09:52,345 --> 00:09:56,943 Anyway, I loved old Mrs. beaks, but I took her for granted. 141 00:09:57,952 --> 00:09:59,377 You'll have to finish your story later. 142 00:09:59,486 --> 00:10:00,909 Kuvira's troops are in range. 143 00:10:02,257 --> 00:10:04,360 Okay. I hope this works. 144 00:10:13,276 --> 00:10:15,623 Yes! Dead in their tracks. 145 00:10:18,126 --> 00:10:19,613 Oh, rats. 146 00:10:19,703 --> 00:10:20,764 She's still coming. 147 00:10:21,581 --> 00:10:22,951 Zhu Li, do the thing! 148 00:10:23,292 --> 00:10:25,349 I'm afraid there are no more things to do. 149 00:10:27,336 --> 00:10:28,215 What was that? 150 00:10:28,626 --> 00:10:29,951 An electromagnetic pulse. 151 00:10:30,357 --> 00:10:32,868 It shut down the mecha-suits, but our power source is fine. 152 00:10:32,998 --> 00:10:34,221 Locate the source of the pulse. 153 00:10:34,312 --> 00:10:35,708 That must be where Varrick is. 154 00:10:35,956 --> 00:10:38,747 Third and fourth mech platoons, move in and continue the sweep. 155 00:10:39,082 --> 00:10:40,995 Capture anyone left in this city. 156 00:10:42,235 --> 00:10:43,658 Varrick, how come your electro-thingy 157 00:10:43,749 --> 00:10:45,779 shut down the small mecha-suits but not the big one? 158 00:10:45,952 --> 00:10:47,952 Because it's powered with spirit vine energy. 159 00:10:48,545 --> 00:10:49,179 I'm sorry. 160 00:10:49,804 --> 00:10:50,838 I wish I could help you, 161 00:10:51,490 --> 00:10:52,460 but it's unstoppable. 162 00:10:52,838 --> 00:10:53,653 It's not. 163 00:10:55,820 --> 00:10:56,336 Dad? 164 00:10:57,666 --> 00:10:59,025 I got him out of jail to help. 165 00:10:59,454 --> 00:11:02,223 I figured we need all the geniuses we can get our hands on right now. 166 00:11:02,809 --> 00:11:04,696 If the prison's still standing after all this is over, 167 00:11:04,786 --> 00:11:05,747 we can throw him back in. 168 00:11:05,952 --> 00:11:07,668 I know what you all must think of me, 169 00:11:08,382 --> 00:11:09,723 but I love Republic City, 170 00:11:10,258 --> 00:11:11,793 and I would do anything to save her. 171 00:11:12,326 --> 00:11:13,951 You think you know how to defeat this thing? 172 00:11:14,162 --> 00:11:15,694 You must act like an infection: 173 00:11:16,173 --> 00:11:17,952 Break the skin and attack the vital organs. 174 00:11:18,436 --> 00:11:20,013 Disconnect the heart and the brain, 175 00:11:20,095 --> 00:11:21,635 and this beast cannot live. 176 00:11:21,952 --> 00:11:23,794 But how are we supposed to get inside? 177 00:11:24,111 --> 00:11:27,184 Future industries has plasma saws for cutting platinum. 178 00:11:27,546 --> 00:11:29,060 If we had one on the mecha-suit... 179 00:11:29,191 --> 00:11:31,085 But the saws are way too big. 180 00:11:31,425 --> 00:11:33,383 We'd never get the suits off the ground. 181 00:11:33,952 --> 00:11:35,695 I think I can add an electrical element 182 00:11:35,776 --> 00:11:37,154 to the welding torch on your suit 183 00:11:37,299 --> 00:11:39,384 and convert it into a plasma saw. 184 00:11:39,836 --> 00:11:41,477 Then we'll just have to land on the giant 185 00:11:41,631 --> 00:11:44,032 and cut open a hole big enough for someone to get in. 186 00:11:44,508 --> 00:11:46,076 Like a metal mosquito. 187 00:11:46,348 --> 00:11:48,573 You know what happens to mosquitoes that land on me? 188 00:11:48,762 --> 00:11:49,623 I squash 'em! 189 00:11:50,362 --> 00:11:51,767 We'll have to attack in a swarm 190 00:11:51,857 --> 00:11:53,951 to try to keep you guys safe in the hummingbird suits. 191 00:11:54,309 --> 00:11:55,669 It looks like they're our only hope. 192 00:11:56,619 --> 00:11:58,785 ♪ Oh, first he ate the fruit 193 00:11:59,093 --> 00:12:00,724 ♪ then he ate the leaves 194 00:12:00,806 --> 00:12:04,412 ♪ hungry little lemur ate up all my trees ♪ 195 00:12:04,674 --> 00:12:07,049 Okay. Great job, everybody. 196 00:12:07,511 --> 00:12:09,125 Who's got another song for us? 197 00:12:09,537 --> 00:12:12,146 We can't just sit around here singing old airbender songs 198 00:12:12,227 --> 00:12:14,566 until we're all captured or worse. 199 00:12:14,874 --> 00:12:16,157 Should we play the button game? 200 00:12:16,701 --> 00:12:17,634 Who has a button? 201 00:12:26,952 --> 00:12:28,951 Where did these badgermoles come from? 202 00:12:28,952 --> 00:12:30,951 The zoo! 203 00:12:30,952 --> 00:12:32,951 Mako always hated my singing, but they love it! 204 00:12:32,952 --> 00:12:35,951 Well, what are we supposed to do with badgermoles? 205 00:12:35,952 --> 00:12:37,951 They're the best earthbenders around! 206 00:12:37,952 --> 00:12:39,951 We can use them to tunnel out of the city 207 00:12:39,952 --> 00:12:41,951 without Kuvira's troops spotting us! 208 00:12:41,952 --> 00:12:44,951 Are you sure this is the best plan? 209 00:12:44,952 --> 00:12:45,952 Let's follow the moles! 210 00:12:46,952 --> 00:12:48,951 ♪ Badgermoles digging holes ♪ 211 00:12:48,952 --> 00:12:50,951 ♪ under Republic City 212 00:12:50,952 --> 00:12:52,951 ♪ got to run away from Kuvira today ♪ 213 00:12:52,952 --> 00:12:54,951 ♪ although I do still think she's pretty ♪ 214 00:12:58,061 --> 00:12:59,647 Mech platoons, report. 215 00:12:59,892 --> 00:13:02,276 Third platoon. No sign of anyone so far. 216 00:13:02,430 --> 00:13:04,505 Fourth platoon. En route to train station. 217 00:13:05,329 --> 00:13:07,948 I think we found the source of the electromagnetic pulse: 218 00:13:08,427 --> 00:13:09,732 Future industries tower. 219 00:13:10,335 --> 00:13:11,477 That's the place. 220 00:13:15,326 --> 00:13:16,794 Kuvira is headed our way. 221 00:13:17,952 --> 00:13:19,951 How long will it take to get the plasma saws ready? 222 00:13:20,265 --> 00:13:21,425 Just a few more minutes. 223 00:13:21,635 --> 00:13:22,946 Get out there as soon as you can. 224 00:13:23,137 --> 00:13:25,577 If you do manage to get inside, find the engine room. 225 00:13:25,774 --> 00:13:27,192 There are two emergency levers. 226 00:13:27,283 --> 00:13:29,951 If you switch them off at the same time, you'll cut the power. 227 00:13:30,306 --> 00:13:30,950 Thanks. 228 00:13:31,276 --> 00:13:34,230 We may not be able to beat that thing, but we can slow it down. 229 00:13:34,348 --> 00:13:34,992 Let's go! 230 00:13:47,910 --> 00:13:48,990 + 231 00:15:11,323 --> 00:15:12,003 Jinora! 232 00:15:25,130 --> 00:15:26,239 Whoa! 233 00:16:24,485 --> 00:16:26,035 ♪ Oh, yin 234 00:16:26,153 --> 00:16:30,570 ♪ you're the sweetest evacuee I've ever known ♪ 235 00:16:30,914 --> 00:16:33,589 ♪ and I just want to thank you for being so kind ♪ 236 00:16:33,689 --> 00:16:36,363 ♪ when I was living in your home ♪ 237 00:16:37,895 --> 00:16:38,484 Halt. 238 00:16:39,207 --> 00:16:42,253 Turn around slowly, and please, stop that singing. 239 00:16:42,515 --> 00:16:44,618 You are all Earth Empire prisoners. 240 00:16:44,960 --> 00:16:47,008 Come with us and no one will get hurt. 241 00:16:47,099 --> 00:16:48,390 You don't need these people. 242 00:16:48,534 --> 00:16:50,999 They're just innocent civilians caught in the crossfire, 243 00:16:51,343 --> 00:16:54,739 but I'm Prince Wu, rightful leader of the Earth Kingdom. 244 00:16:55,050 --> 00:16:56,065 Take me to Kuvira. 245 00:16:56,479 --> 00:16:57,938 I've got business with her. 246 00:16:58,219 --> 00:16:59,739 No! Don't do it, Wu! 247 00:16:59,960 --> 00:17:00,740 I have to. 248 00:17:01,245 --> 00:17:04,626 But before I go, I'd like to sing you a song. 249 00:17:05,878 --> 00:17:08,738 ♪ If you don't respect the broach ♪ 250 00:17:08,988 --> 00:17:11,925 ♪ you don't respect me 251 00:17:12,233 --> 00:17:14,952 ♪ oh, no, no, no, no, no 252 00:17:15,215 --> 00:17:17,889 ♪ you're no better than a roach ♪ 253 00:17:18,124 --> 00:17:20,544 ♪ but I'm royalty 254 00:17:20,635 --> 00:17:23,535 ♪ I got my badgermoles with me ♪ 255 00:17:24,496 --> 00:17:27,995 Actually, your song is so bad, your badgermoles deserted you. 256 00:17:28,633 --> 00:17:31,118 ♪ You don't know 257 00:17:31,200 --> 00:17:35,463 ♪ what you're talking about 258 00:17:42,251 --> 00:17:44,739 ♪ Oh, badgermoles I love you, I love you ♪ 259 00:17:44,936 --> 00:17:48,408 ♪ I want to, I want to pet your snouts ♪ 260 00:17:58,124 --> 00:17:59,901 If we stop that mecha-giant, 261 00:18:00,318 --> 00:18:01,739 it will all be because of you. 262 00:18:02,043 --> 00:18:04,608 You're the one who designed these incredible suits. 263 00:18:06,352 --> 00:18:08,310 It's great to be working together again. 264 00:18:09,340 --> 00:18:10,292 I love you, dad. 265 00:18:11,106 --> 00:18:11,967 I love you, too. 266 00:18:17,441 --> 00:18:18,130 Zhu Li? 267 00:18:19,041 --> 00:18:19,676 Yes? 268 00:18:21,517 --> 00:18:24,263 I have something I need to attach before we take off. 269 00:18:24,877 --> 00:18:26,273 Attach to what? 270 00:18:26,445 --> 00:18:29,527 I need to attach this ring to your finger. 271 00:18:30,289 --> 00:18:33,461 Zhu Li moon, will you do the thing 272 00:18:33,615 --> 00:18:34,902 for the rest of our lives? 273 00:18:37,869 --> 00:18:38,558 Yes. 274 00:18:39,625 --> 00:18:40,314 Yes! 275 00:18:43,834 --> 00:18:47,162 Now, let's go attach these barely-functional rust buckets 276 00:18:47,251 --> 00:18:49,961 to a giant killer smashing machine! 277 00:18:50,305 --> 00:18:52,879 It's exactly how I always pictured our engagement. 278 00:19:27,461 --> 00:19:29,935 Aim for that spot in the middle of the back, 279 00:19:30,044 --> 00:19:31,431 the one I can never reach. 280 00:19:31,615 --> 00:19:32,249 Got it. 281 00:19:47,932 --> 00:19:49,564 Whaa! Let's get out of here. 282 00:19:50,740 --> 00:19:51,592 Wow! 283 00:19:51,861 --> 00:19:53,740 I wish I had that kind of flexibility. 284 00:20:38,980 --> 00:20:39,941 Hang on! 285 00:20:56,833 --> 00:20:58,011 I need more power! 286 00:20:58,333 --> 00:20:59,330 They're cutting in! 287 00:20:59,550 --> 00:21:00,556 More power! 288 00:21:12,224 --> 00:21:13,611 We need to get out of here. 289 00:21:13,740 --> 00:21:14,522 Almost there. 290 00:21:19,290 --> 00:21:20,738 We have to go now! 291 00:21:20,957 --> 00:21:22,688 Almost there. Almost there. 292 00:21:29,188 --> 00:21:30,647 Dad! Now! 293 00:21:31,195 --> 00:21:32,056 Good-bye, Asami. 294 00:21:32,740 --> 00:21:33,439 I love you. 295 00:21:36,740 --> 00:21:37,767 Dad! 296 00:21:47,405 --> 00:21:48,737 Hiroshi's plan worked. 297 00:21:49,408 --> 00:21:50,369 There's our opening.