1 00:00:01,600 --> 00:00:03,066 [narrator] Truck salesman Isaiah Carvalho wants nothing more 2 00:00:03,066 --> 00:00:05,100 than to be a husband and father. 3 00:00:06,300 --> 00:00:08,200 [Carvalho] I just wanted to have my own family. 4 00:00:08,266 --> 00:00:13,567 I wanted to be a dad, that was one of my main goals out of life to achieve. 5 00:00:13,567 --> 00:00:15,600 [narrator] And out of the blue, he gets his wish. 6 00:00:17,000 --> 00:00:18,567 [Carvalho] Wow, she's beautiful. 7 00:00:18,567 --> 00:00:21,367 Anything that I could have ever wanted in a woman, you know. 8 00:00:21,367 --> 00:00:23,867 I was intrigued at the fact that she was a cop. 9 00:00:23,867 --> 00:00:28,967 [narrator] But soon, law and order will give way to chaos. 10 00:00:28,967 --> 00:00:30,000 She called me, told me that they got into an argument and she called the cops. 11 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:31,000 She called me, told me that they got into an argument and she called the cops. 12 00:00:33,767 --> 00:00:37,100 The cops come and say, "We gotta take you in." 13 00:00:37,100 --> 00:00:39,266 She worked in domestic violence unit, 14 00:00:39,266 --> 00:00:41,133 so she knew exactly how to play the system. 15 00:00:45,667 --> 00:00:50,200 [narrator] What happens when the person you trust most starts gunning for you? 16 00:00:50,266 --> 00:00:53,500 You really need to do something about Valerie, she wants to hurt Isaiah. 17 00:01:25,000 --> 00:01:26,767 [Carvalho] I always had hopes of having a family, 18 00:01:26,767 --> 00:01:29,500 that was, like, the biggest thing in the world to me. 19 00:01:29,567 --> 00:01:30,000 I wanted to be a dad, I wanted to be a husband 20 00:01:30,000 --> 00:01:31,000 I wanted to be a dad, I wanted to be a husband 21 00:01:32,467 --> 00:01:36,900 {\an8}and I just wanted to have everything that, you know, 22 00:01:38,200 --> 00:01:40,200 {\an8}a good guy would want out of life. 23 00:01:41,867 --> 00:01:44,800 {\an8}When I was younger, my parents went through a divorce 24 00:01:44,867 --> 00:01:48,367 {\an8}and it was hard for a while, my mom had me and my sister 25 00:01:48,367 --> 00:01:51,667 {\an8}and basically took care of us by herself. 26 00:01:51,667 --> 00:01:54,567 And I saw the pain and the hurt that she went through 27 00:01:54,567 --> 00:01:59,200 and from that day on, I swore that I would never do that to anybody, ever. 28 00:01:59,266 --> 00:02:00,000 {\an8}I guess Isaiah felt like, "Well, my mom and dad didn't work out, 29 00:02:00,000 --> 00:02:01,000 {\an8}I guess Isaiah felt like, "Well, my mom and dad didn't work out, 30 00:02:02,266 --> 00:02:08,500 {\an8}so I wanna make sure that when I do have somebody, it's gonna be forever." 31 00:02:08,567 --> 00:02:10,100 {\an8}[Carvalho] I vowed to myself that I would be 32 00:02:10,166 --> 00:02:11,667 {\an8}the best version of me that I could be 33 00:02:11,667 --> 00:02:16,100 {\an8}and treat whoever I was with like they were everything. 34 00:02:16,166 --> 00:02:21,066 Lucky for me, my stepfather, Patrick was always great to me and my sister. 35 00:02:21,066 --> 00:02:24,266 You know, he always treated us like we were his own. 36 00:02:26,400 --> 00:02:30,000 [Patrick] I was working up in the detective squad in the 106 one day. 37 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:30,200 [Patrick] I was working up in the detective squad in the 106 one day. 38 00:02:30,266 --> 00:02:31,000 {\an8}Valerie came in, she was a patrol officer downstairs. 39 00:02:33,266 --> 00:02:37,767 {\an8}And she came in with a complaint report that's filled out for a crime. 40 00:02:37,767 --> 00:02:40,100 {\an8}And she sees a picture on my desk 41 00:02:40,166 --> 00:02:42,567 {\an8}and she turns around and goes, "Who's that?" 42 00:02:43,166 --> 00:02:44,266 {\an8}And it's my son. 43 00:02:44,266 --> 00:02:45,900 {\an8}She's, like, "Gosh, just hook a girl up." 44 00:02:47,967 --> 00:02:51,467 [narrator] Twenty-six-year-old Valerie Cincinelli is a single mother 45 00:02:51,467 --> 00:02:53,767 making a name for herself with the NYPD. 46 00:02:55,166 --> 00:02:57,266 [Brian Glennon] She caught an armed, uh, robber, 47 00:02:57,266 --> 00:03:00,000 {\an8}she received officer of the month award multiple times. 48 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:01,000 {\an8}she received officer of the month award multiple times. 49 00:03:01,066 --> 00:03:03,266 {\an8}[Carvalho] My stepfather was, like, "Okay, you know." 50 00:03:03,266 --> 00:03:04,867 {\an8}He called me and he was, like, "Hey, you know, 51 00:03:04,867 --> 00:03:05,967 {\an8}there's this girl that I work with 52 00:03:05,967 --> 00:03:07,767 {\an8}and she wants to get to know you." 53 00:03:07,767 --> 00:03:10,500 {\an8}[Patrick] Valerie comes up again, so I went onto my laptop 54 00:03:10,567 --> 00:03:13,867 {\an8}and logged on to, uh, Facebook I had at the time. 55 00:03:13,867 --> 00:03:17,000 I said, "Well, here's his Facebook page." 56 00:03:17,000 --> 00:03:19,166 And she went on it right in front of me and all she put down... 57 00:03:19,166 --> 00:03:22,400 I remember it, she goes, "Hey, this is Valerie, I work with your dad, 58 00:03:22,467 --> 00:03:24,367 there's my number, give me a call." 59 00:03:27,166 --> 00:03:30,000 [narrator] Isaiah perks up when he sees Valerie's message and responds immediately. 60 00:03:30,000 --> 00:03:31,000 [narrator] Isaiah perks up when he sees Valerie's message and responds immediately. 61 00:03:31,867 --> 00:03:34,166 Initially we were gonna go out, just me and her. 62 00:03:34,166 --> 00:03:39,800 She had a last minute cancellation from a babysitter and couldn't get anybody. 63 00:03:39,867 --> 00:03:42,266 When I got there, she came outside 64 00:03:42,266 --> 00:03:46,000 and, yeah, I was blown away, I was, like, "Wow, she's beautiful." 65 00:03:46,066 --> 00:03:49,867 She brought me into the apartment and she was, like, 66 00:03:49,867 --> 00:03:51,100 "You're gonna meet my daughter." 67 00:03:51,100 --> 00:03:55,667 And I remember seeing Sophia and being, like, "Wow, 68 00:03:55,667 --> 00:03:58,567 she's the most adorable little girl I've ever seen in my life." 69 00:03:58,567 --> 00:04:00,000 And she took to me instantly and we were playing with a ball 70 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:01,000 And she took to me instantly and we were playing with a ball 71 00:04:01,367 --> 00:04:06,667 and we were playing catch and rolling it on the floor and she was running up to me. 72 00:04:07,967 --> 00:04:11,400 I thought, "Wow, maybe I can have a family of my own. 73 00:04:12,667 --> 00:04:14,266 And this would be a great start to it." 74 00:04:20,266 --> 00:04:22,100 And then we set up our second date. 75 00:04:23,467 --> 00:04:28,867 I met her at a bar and I met her friends and her friends liked me 76 00:04:28,867 --> 00:04:30,000 and they were, like, "Yeah, he's great, he's so nice 77 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:30,900 and they were, like, "Yeah, he's great, he's so nice 78 00:04:30,967 --> 00:04:31,000 and I think he'll be good for you." 79 00:04:34,200 --> 00:04:38,200 We were outside in front of the bar and she kissed me. 80 00:04:38,266 --> 00:04:41,667 And it was a very long and sensual kiss 81 00:04:41,667 --> 00:04:44,000 and we were basically lost in each other. 82 00:04:51,367 --> 00:04:55,400 [narrator] Over the next few months, Isaiah and Valerie become exclusive. 83 00:04:57,900 --> 00:05:00,000 We went on vacations together, we would take Sophia to the farm. 84 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:01,000 We went on vacations together, we would take Sophia to the farm. 85 00:05:03,066 --> 00:05:04,567 It felt like a family environment. 86 00:05:06,767 --> 00:05:10,567 Valerie was very loving and would call me 100 times a day 87 00:05:10,567 --> 00:05:12,967 to tell me "I love you" or "I miss you". 88 00:05:14,767 --> 00:05:16,467 And I just felt like I was on top of the world. 89 00:05:19,467 --> 00:05:21,767 [narrator] Almost a year into their relationship, 90 00:05:21,767 --> 00:05:25,967 Isaiah decides it's time to introduce Valerie to his extended family. 91 00:05:27,467 --> 00:05:29,567 I invited her to Easter dinner at my mom's. 92 00:05:31,300 --> 00:05:32,867 [Maryann] He goes, "I think I really love her, Ma." 93 00:05:32,867 --> 00:05:35,767 You know, "This is great I found the perfect person." 94 00:05:35,767 --> 00:05:38,000 And I'm, like, "I'm happy for you, I think that's great." 95 00:05:38,000 --> 00:05:39,567 Don't rush into this. 96 00:05:39,567 --> 00:05:40,900 And he's like, "No, I know, I know. 97 00:05:40,967 --> 00:05:42,700 But, Ma, I'm telling you, this is it." 98 00:05:42,767 --> 00:05:47,800 When we arrived, Valerie, instantly, you could tell that there was something off. 99 00:05:47,867 --> 00:05:51,467 Isaiah was very close with his cousin Christina. 100 00:05:51,467 --> 00:05:56,000 My cousin would watch us when my mom was working, me and my sister. 101 00:05:56,000 --> 00:05:57,767 I was very close to this cousin, 102 00:05:57,767 --> 00:06:00,000 she was kind of like a second mom to me. 103 00:06:00,000 --> 00:06:00,967 she was kind of like a second mom to me. 104 00:06:00,967 --> 00:06:01,000 {\an8}Any girl that Isaiah has ever dated, he's always said, 105 00:06:03,967 --> 00:06:05,800 {\an8}"Just wait until you meet my cousin. 106 00:06:05,867 --> 00:06:08,800 {\an8}She is the one you've gotta get past, 107 00:06:08,867 --> 00:06:10,867 {\an8}because she's kind of hard to please." 108 00:06:10,867 --> 00:06:15,467 {\an8}Valerie didn't like that when it came time to meet her. 109 00:06:15,467 --> 00:06:18,000 {\an8}[Maryann] Christina comes into the house and she says hello to everybody 110 00:06:18,066 --> 00:06:20,367 and she was very polite. 111 00:06:20,367 --> 00:06:23,800 Valerie didn't say anything to Christina, she totally ignored her. 112 00:06:23,867 --> 00:06:27,567 I'm standing in the kitchen and I'm preparing things and making stuff 113 00:06:27,567 --> 00:06:30,000 and all of a sudden, Christina comes into the kitchen 114 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:30,300 and all of a sudden, Christina comes into the kitchen 115 00:06:30,367 --> 00:06:31,000 and she turns around and she goes, "Are you kidding me?" 116 00:06:33,367 --> 00:06:34,367 And I said, "What's the matter?" 117 00:06:34,367 --> 00:06:36,200 She goes, "Is that chick for real? 118 00:06:37,300 --> 00:06:39,166 She is the rudest thing I've ever met." 119 00:06:39,700 --> 00:06:41,667 Valerie overheard her. 120 00:06:41,667 --> 00:06:44,367 So Valerie comes into the kitchen and it was, like, 121 00:06:44,367 --> 00:06:46,000 the biggest fight ever. 122 00:06:46,066 --> 00:06:48,500 All of a sudden, Valerie just starts screaming 123 00:06:48,567 --> 00:06:50,400 at the top of her lungs at my niece. 124 00:06:51,266 --> 00:06:52,667 I can't even say the stuff she said. 125 00:06:52,667 --> 00:06:54,300 Who does that? 126 00:06:54,300 --> 00:06:57,300 Who reacts that way at a family party with people you don't know? 127 00:06:57,367 --> 00:07:00,000 I felt like it was just, "Uh, okay, she's jealous kind of a person." 128 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:01,000 I felt like it was just, "Uh, okay, she's jealous kind of a person." 129 00:07:04,800 --> 00:07:07,200 I was, like, "That's a side of her that I haven't seen before." 130 00:07:07,266 --> 00:07:08,767 I basically just brushed it to the side. 131 00:07:08,767 --> 00:07:11,567 And we spoke about it and she apologized. 132 00:07:11,567 --> 00:07:14,266 You know, she offended me and I was, like, "Okay, we'll move on from this." 133 00:07:14,266 --> 00:07:20,467 And things got, you know, even more serious between me and her. 134 00:07:24,100 --> 00:07:29,100 My friend Michelle, uh, just wrote "Happy birthday, I love ya" 135 00:07:29,166 --> 00:07:30,000 on Facebook or something and Valerie freaked out on me, thought I was cheating on her. 136 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:31,000 on Facebook or something and Valerie freaked out on me, thought I was cheating on her. 137 00:07:34,166 --> 00:07:37,367 I was, like, "No, it's not even like that, she's my best friend's wife." 138 00:07:37,367 --> 00:07:41,166 And she didn't wanna hear it and she said, "It's either me or them." 139 00:07:44,567 --> 00:07:48,166 My brother had so many friends and he stopped talking to all of them 140 00:07:48,900 --> 00:07:50,266 when he started dating her. 141 00:08:00,200 --> 00:08:01,000 Valerie ended up telling me that she wanted to get married 142 00:08:03,767 --> 00:08:06,500 and she wanted to have a life together. 143 00:08:06,567 --> 00:08:09,800 She wanted to go to this hotel in Hershey, Pennsylvania. 144 00:08:11,500 --> 00:08:13,266 I was, like, "Let me call up, see if they have 145 00:08:13,266 --> 00:08:15,166 any availability and I'll book it." 146 00:08:16,066 --> 00:08:17,600 That's exactly what I did. 147 00:08:19,166 --> 00:08:21,900 She opened the door and walked in and turned the lights on 148 00:08:21,967 --> 00:08:25,000 and saw the roses and balloons, everything. 149 00:08:25,000 --> 00:08:27,867 And I was on one knee and I had the ring open. 150 00:08:29,066 --> 00:08:30,000 She started crying and looked at me 151 00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:31,000 She started crying and looked at me 152 00:08:32,166 --> 00:08:34,767 and I couldn't even really say it. 153 00:08:34,767 --> 00:08:37,367 I was, like, "Do you wanna..." And she was, like, "Yes!" 154 00:08:37,367 --> 00:08:38,367 Before I even finished the sentence. 155 00:08:39,166 --> 00:08:41,567 And she hugged me, kissed me. 156 00:08:41,567 --> 00:08:43,867 And it was a predominant moment in my life. 157 00:08:48,667 --> 00:08:52,000 We're planning the wedding, we had the date set, it was gonna be, like... 158 00:08:52,000 --> 00:08:56,467 I believe it was September of 2013. 159 00:08:56,467 --> 00:09:00,000 And during that time, it was around Valentine's Day. 160 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:01,000 And during that time, it was around Valentine's Day. 161 00:09:01,567 --> 00:09:04,567 Me and her went out, she loved Mexican food. 162 00:09:04,567 --> 00:09:07,266 So I took her to a really nice Mexican restaurant. 163 00:09:07,266 --> 00:09:10,667 And we got a little drunk. [chuckles] Not gonna lie. 164 00:09:10,667 --> 00:09:15,200 And, uh, we had a great time, we got back home, to the house 165 00:09:15,266 --> 00:09:17,166 and spent the night. 166 00:09:17,166 --> 00:09:19,000 And then, all of a sudden, a week later, 167 00:09:19,000 --> 00:09:22,700 she's, like, "Hey, I'm pregnant." 168 00:09:22,767 --> 00:09:27,567 I was excited, nervous, I couldn't believe that I was gonna have 169 00:09:28,600 --> 00:09:29,767 a baby of my own. 170 00:09:33,500 --> 00:09:34,867 [narrator] The wedding is postponed 171 00:09:34,867 --> 00:09:37,667 as the couple prepare for the baby. 172 00:09:37,667 --> 00:09:39,767 [Carvalho] And the doctor proceeded to tell her that... 173 00:09:43,600 --> 00:09:45,400 It was a boy. 174 00:09:45,467 --> 00:09:49,166 The baby was thriving, I was excited, I was overjoyed, 175 00:09:49,166 --> 00:09:53,867 I was just overcome with a rush of emotions. 176 00:09:53,867 --> 00:09:56,900 [narrator] They decide to call their new son Salvatore. 177 00:10:01,600 --> 00:10:02,600 [cell phone ringing] 178 00:10:09,166 --> 00:10:10,567 I ended up getting the phone call 179 00:10:10,567 --> 00:10:12,767 that she was ready to have the baby. 180 00:10:13,567 --> 00:10:15,867 And I rushed to the hospital. 181 00:10:18,767 --> 00:10:22,266 The doctor's, like, "Okay, here's the baby, he's coming." 182 00:10:22,266 --> 00:10:26,900 And I saw the crowning and I saw his head. 183 00:10:29,266 --> 00:10:30,000 I got to share that moment with my son. 184 00:10:30,000 --> 00:10:31,000 I got to share that moment with my son. 185 00:10:34,266 --> 00:10:35,567 And it changed my life forever. 186 00:10:36,700 --> 00:10:39,000 I was so happy for him, 187 00:10:39,066 --> 00:10:42,100 for me to see my nephew 188 00:10:42,100 --> 00:10:43,767 and my brother. 189 00:10:43,767 --> 00:10:45,266 First time dad. 190 00:10:45,266 --> 00:10:46,700 Those are all exciting things. 191 00:10:48,467 --> 00:10:49,967 Valerie was not having it. 192 00:10:51,100 --> 00:10:53,000 She didn't want anybody there. 193 00:10:53,000 --> 00:10:54,467 She didn't speak to anybody. 194 00:10:54,467 --> 00:10:55,500 I was, like, "Maybe she'll change. 195 00:10:55,567 --> 00:10:57,567 Maybe everything will be fine once we get home, 196 00:10:57,567 --> 00:11:00,000 get in the house and get settled, everything will be different." 197 00:11:00,000 --> 00:11:01,000 get in the house and get settled, everything will be different." 198 00:11:05,300 --> 00:11:08,100 It got progressively worse. 199 00:11:10,767 --> 00:11:15,700 It was my mom's 50th birthday and Valerie adamantly 200 00:11:15,767 --> 00:11:18,000 said to me, "I don't wanna go." 201 00:11:18,000 --> 00:11:20,800 She's, like, "You have a newborn, you should stay home." 202 00:11:20,867 --> 00:11:22,767 And I'm, like, "It's my mom's 50th birthday. 203 00:11:22,767 --> 00:11:24,000 This is a milestone in her life." 204 00:11:25,467 --> 00:11:27,700 I got home and it was, like, 11:00, 11:30 205 00:11:27,767 --> 00:11:30,000 and she got into a screaming match with me. 206 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:31,000 and she got into a screaming match with me. 207 00:11:31,266 --> 00:11:35,467 And freaked out and said, "Why did you leave me here with our son?" 208 00:11:35,467 --> 00:11:40,867 And we were screaming and yelling and I got frustrated and left the room, 209 00:11:40,867 --> 00:11:42,400 went downstairs into the basement. 210 00:11:45,500 --> 00:11:48,300 So that was the first instance that I had where she called the cops on me. 211 00:11:50,266 --> 00:11:54,600 I told my parents and my brother, 212 00:11:54,667 --> 00:11:57,467 "One day she' going to do something really crazy." 213 00:11:58,767 --> 00:12:00,000 And everybody used to say, "No, she wouldn't, she's a cop. 214 00:12:00,000 --> 00:12:01,000 And everybody used to say, "No, she wouldn't, she's a cop. 215 00:12:01,567 --> 00:12:02,467 She's a good person." 216 00:12:03,300 --> 00:12:04,667 Well, told you. 217 00:12:07,767 --> 00:12:08,000 [siren blaring] 218 00:12:10,400 --> 00:12:12,200 [narrator] Officer Valerie Cincinelli 219 00:12:12,266 --> 00:12:17,000 of the NYPD's domestic violence unit calls local police to her home 220 00:12:17,066 --> 00:12:19,867 after an argument with her fiance, Isaiah. 221 00:12:21,500 --> 00:12:22,600 [Carvalho] They came into the house 222 00:12:22,667 --> 00:12:25,000 and come downstairs and look at me. 223 00:12:26,400 --> 00:12:28,667 And I'm, like, "Why are you guys here?" 224 00:12:28,667 --> 00:12:31,567 "We were called to come here, is everything okay?" 225 00:12:31,567 --> 00:12:34,200 {\an8}I'm, like, "Yeah, everything's fine, we had a disagreement. 226 00:12:35,567 --> 00:12:37,166 {\an8}She was arguing with me." 227 00:12:37,166 --> 00:12:37,184 {\an8}And they were, like, "Well, why don't you just stay downstairs 228 00:12:37,184 --> 00:12:38,000 {\an8}And they were, like, "Well, why don't you just stay downstairs 229 00:12:39,367 --> 00:12:42,000 {\an8}on the couch tonight and let things blow over?" 230 00:12:42,000 --> 00:12:44,667 {\an8}And I was, like, "Okay, well I planned on doing that anyway." 231 00:12:46,667 --> 00:12:48,900 {\an8}She didn't talk to me for days. 232 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:53,667 She didn't wanna talk to me at all. 233 00:12:54,266 --> 00:12:56,200 I was truly sorry. 234 00:12:59,900 --> 00:13:02,166 [narrator] Eventually, the couple moves on, 235 00:13:02,166 --> 00:13:05,166 continuing with their plans for a beach-themed wedding. 236 00:13:06,400 --> 00:13:07,184 {\an8}[Stephanie] It was a beautiful day. 237 00:13:07,184 --> 00:13:07,767 {\an8}[Stephanie] It was a beautiful day. 238 00:13:09,367 --> 00:13:13,567 {\an8}I remember showing up and we were taking family photos 239 00:13:13,567 --> 00:13:18,900 {\an8}and Isaiah, he was, again, very excited, like, glowing, so happy. 240 00:13:18,967 --> 00:13:21,900 {\an8}As a mother, I just had that gut feeling, 241 00:13:21,967 --> 00:13:24,200 {\an8}that instinct that she's not gonna work. 242 00:13:25,667 --> 00:13:30,900 {\an8}One of her uncles came up to me and told me, "Run." 243 00:13:30,967 --> 00:13:32,467 {\an8}And I'm, like, "What are you talking about?" 244 00:13:33,567 --> 00:13:36,000 {\an8}And this is somebody in her family telling me this. 245 00:13:36,066 --> 00:13:37,184 And I still brushed it to the side 246 00:13:37,184 --> 00:13:38,000 And I still brushed it to the side 247 00:13:38,166 --> 00:13:39,567 and paid no mind to it. 248 00:13:44,100 --> 00:13:46,900 The honeymoon phase lasted, like... [scoffs] 249 00:13:46,967 --> 00:13:48,467 Probably a week and a half to two weeks. 250 00:13:53,000 --> 00:13:54,600 We didn't even go on a honeymoon. 251 00:13:56,500 --> 00:13:57,367 She didn't wanna go. 252 00:13:57,800 --> 00:13:59,367 [baby crying] 253 00:14:00,467 --> 00:14:03,300 [Carvalho] We made a decent amount of money from the wedding 254 00:14:03,367 --> 00:14:07,184 and she kept every single dollar of it. 255 00:14:07,184 --> 00:14:07,567 and she kept every single dollar of it. 256 00:14:07,567 --> 00:14:08,000 So, her money was her money and my money was her money. 257 00:14:11,266 --> 00:14:15,100 I picked up a second job working on weekends doing estimates 258 00:14:15,100 --> 00:14:17,567 for my cousin's gutter company and I was bringing home 259 00:14:17,567 --> 00:14:19,467 a decent amount of cash on the weekends. 260 00:14:20,967 --> 00:14:23,767 All the responsibility of our son was on me. 261 00:14:23,767 --> 00:14:27,767 Diaper changes, feeding him, baths, 262 00:14:27,767 --> 00:14:29,400 whatever it was, I had to do it. 263 00:14:31,367 --> 00:14:34,900 [narrator] Isaiah is initially successful in placating Valerie, 264 00:14:34,967 --> 00:14:36,500 but three years into his marriage, 265 00:14:36,567 --> 00:14:37,184 he realizes something is terribly wrong. 266 00:14:37,184 --> 00:14:38,000 he realizes something is terribly wrong. 267 00:14:40,266 --> 00:14:44,300 She started to disappear and always said she was working late, 268 00:14:44,367 --> 00:14:47,166 or always said that she was stuck on a detail. 269 00:14:47,166 --> 00:14:52,266 Something in me told me that she's doing something, this is not normal. 270 00:14:52,266 --> 00:14:54,967 She has to be cheating on me, there has to be somebody else. 271 00:14:57,667 --> 00:14:59,166 I used to fill her car up. 272 00:15:01,667 --> 00:15:05,667 One day I took her car and something in me was, like, "Check the car. 273 00:15:05,667 --> 00:15:07,184 Just look around the car real quick." 274 00:15:07,184 --> 00:15:08,000 Just look around the car real quick." 275 00:15:09,066 --> 00:15:14,000 And I lifted the floor mat and I found cards. 276 00:15:16,900 --> 00:15:20,300 And they didn't say a name on it, 277 00:15:20,367 --> 00:15:23,066 but you could tell that they were love cards. 278 00:15:26,500 --> 00:15:30,266 I ended up going home and confronting her. 279 00:15:30,266 --> 00:15:34,166 And she freaked out and said, "Those are my friend's cards. 280 00:15:34,166 --> 00:15:36,066 She left them in the car and I just put them there 281 00:15:36,066 --> 00:15:37,184 so I didn't forget where they were." 282 00:15:37,184 --> 00:15:37,500 so I didn't forget where they were." 283 00:15:37,567 --> 00:15:38,000 I just felt like she wasn't being honest with me at all. 284 00:15:45,600 --> 00:15:47,066 She agreed to go to counseling with me. 285 00:15:48,100 --> 00:15:49,567 When we initially went to counseling, 286 00:15:49,567 --> 00:15:52,266 she made it seem like I wasn't doing enough. 287 00:15:52,266 --> 00:15:56,266 And nothing amounted to anything to her, ever. 288 00:15:56,266 --> 00:15:58,800 She wanted more and more and more. 289 00:16:00,066 --> 00:16:04,066 Very different than your typical couple fighting, 290 00:16:04,066 --> 00:16:07,184 it was anything and everything they fought about. 291 00:16:07,184 --> 00:16:07,266 it was anything and everything they fought about. 292 00:16:08,667 --> 00:16:09,834 -[baby crying] -[muffled shouting] 293 00:16:17,800 --> 00:16:20,767 [Carvalho] When we went back to the therapist, 294 00:16:20,767 --> 00:16:23,000 the therapist was, like, "Well, why don't you guys go on a vacation 295 00:16:23,000 --> 00:16:25,900 or spend some quality time together as a family?" 296 00:16:25,967 --> 00:16:28,200 And I was, like, "You know what? That's a good idea." 297 00:16:28,266 --> 00:16:31,100 So I booked for us to go to St. Martin together. 298 00:16:33,800 --> 00:16:37,184 We went to an all-inclusive resort, but the whole time we were there, 299 00:16:37,184 --> 00:16:38,000 We went to an all-inclusive resort, but the whole time we were there, 300 00:16:39,166 --> 00:16:44,000 I slept in the living room with Sal and she slept in the bedroom with Sophia. 301 00:16:44,000 --> 00:16:49,266 When things didn't go so well, Valerie's main goal was to turn Sophia against me. 302 00:16:49,266 --> 00:16:53,467 And she made it her priority to do so. 303 00:16:53,467 --> 00:16:57,367 We're on a tropical island, this is supposed to be a time for us to reconnect. 304 00:16:58,166 --> 00:16:59,300 And there was no reconnection. 305 00:17:03,867 --> 00:17:05,767 [narrator] The couple returns to Long Island 306 00:17:05,767 --> 00:17:07,184 and when the NYPD throws its annual Christmas party in 2017, 307 00:17:07,184 --> 00:17:08,000 and when the NYPD throws its annual Christmas party in 2017, 308 00:17:10,266 --> 00:17:14,800 Valerie tells Isaiah she's going alone. 309 00:17:14,867 --> 00:17:19,767 She went and around 10:00, she texted me and said, "Hey, on my way." 310 00:17:19,767 --> 00:17:24,767 10:30 rolls around, 11:00, I'm, like, "There's no way. 311 00:17:24,767 --> 00:17:27,100 Like, it doesn't take that long to leave there." 312 00:17:27,166 --> 00:17:29,000 I'm calling her and texting her, no answer. 313 00:17:30,400 --> 00:17:35,767 So I tracked the phone and I see that she went a completely different route. 314 00:17:35,767 --> 00:17:37,184 And I see that the tracker went off and I got the last known location 315 00:17:37,184 --> 00:17:38,000 And I see that the tracker went off and I got the last known location 316 00:17:40,367 --> 00:17:44,767 of the tracker and I went to the last known location and I found her car, 317 00:17:46,567 --> 00:17:49,600 parked behind a closed auto shop. 318 00:17:49,667 --> 00:17:53,000 So I proceeded to look around, walk around, look and see if I could find her, 319 00:17:53,000 --> 00:17:55,900 or see if I could see her in the car with somebody else. 320 00:17:57,667 --> 00:18:00,166 She ended up finally coming home. 321 00:18:00,166 --> 00:18:03,066 And said, "Oh, no, I was dropping a friend off. 322 00:18:03,066 --> 00:18:05,400 You're crazy, you're a psychopath." 323 00:18:05,467 --> 00:18:06,967 And I was, like, "There's no way. 324 00:18:06,967 --> 00:18:07,184 You never told me about anybody that lived over there." 325 00:18:07,184 --> 00:18:08,000 You never told me about anybody that lived over there." 326 00:18:09,667 --> 00:18:12,767 She ended up proceeding upstairs into the bedroom, 327 00:18:12,767 --> 00:18:14,266 slammed the door closed and locked it. 328 00:18:15,100 --> 00:18:16,600 Now, my work clothes were in there, 329 00:18:16,667 --> 00:18:18,967 so I'm knocking on the door, like, "Hey, I need my work clothes." 330 00:18:18,967 --> 00:18:21,567 She told me that if I didn't stop knocking on the door, 331 00:18:21,567 --> 00:18:24,000 she was gonna shoot me through the door, make it look like an accident. 332 00:18:27,800 --> 00:18:30,900 After that happened, we got into an argument. 333 00:18:32,567 --> 00:18:36,867 I confronted her again and I told her that you're lying to me, 334 00:18:36,867 --> 00:18:37,184 I know something's going on. 335 00:18:37,184 --> 00:18:38,000 I know something's going on. 336 00:18:38,667 --> 00:18:40,767 She swore up and down to me again, 337 00:18:40,767 --> 00:18:44,767 "I don't want nobody but you, you're the only one for me." 338 00:18:44,767 --> 00:18:46,266 Okay, well, if you're not lying to me 339 00:18:46,266 --> 00:18:48,767 and nothing happened that night, let me see your phone. 340 00:18:48,767 --> 00:18:52,467 If you have nothing to hide, then what's the reason that you can't show it to me? 341 00:18:52,467 --> 00:18:57,100 And I went to grab the phone and she grabbed it 342 00:18:57,166 --> 00:18:59,600 and it fell down and it broke the screen protector. 343 00:19:01,600 --> 00:19:06,100 The cops come and they tell me to wait outside. 344 00:19:06,166 --> 00:19:07,184 She talks to them, tells them that she's an officer. 345 00:19:07,184 --> 00:19:08,000 She talks to them, tells them that she's an officer. 346 00:19:09,367 --> 00:19:14,767 She told them that I hit her with a belt and knocked the phone out of her hand. 347 00:19:15,967 --> 00:19:19,467 Cops come back outside and say there's a no tolerance 348 00:19:19,467 --> 00:19:23,967 for any type of domestic abuse, we gotta take you in. 349 00:19:23,967 --> 00:19:26,266 They cuffed me and put me in the back of the car 350 00:19:26,266 --> 00:19:29,467 and took me to booking and kept me overnight. 351 00:19:31,166 --> 00:19:34,400 I felt like an empty shell, I felt broken. 352 00:19:34,467 --> 00:19:36,900 I had a big fear that she was going to do everything in her power 353 00:19:36,967 --> 00:19:37,184 to make sure that I was basically screwed. 354 00:19:37,184 --> 00:19:38,000 to make sure that I was basically screwed. 355 00:19:42,867 --> 00:19:45,400 [narrator] NYPD cop Valerie Cincinelli 356 00:19:45,467 --> 00:19:48,667 has just lodged a formal domestic abuse complaint 357 00:19:48,667 --> 00:19:51,467 against her husband, Isaiah Carvalho. 358 00:19:51,467 --> 00:19:54,467 Isaiah's stepfather, Detective Patrick Roach, 359 00:19:54,467 --> 00:19:58,367 is right by his stepson's side when Isaiah faces a judge. 360 00:19:59,867 --> 00:20:01,467 [Patrick] When his case got called, 361 00:20:01,467 --> 00:20:04,100 judge just kind of looked at me and he asked, 362 00:20:04,100 --> 00:20:05,266 "Do you work in the same precinct?" 363 00:20:05,266 --> 00:20:06,634 I said, "Yeah, she works in domestic violence, 364 00:20:06,634 --> 00:20:10,867 the next office over from mine and he's my stepson." 365 00:20:10,867 --> 00:20:11,805 {\an8}And he looked at me and goes, "So she knows the system." I said, "Yes." 366 00:20:11,805 --> 00:20:12,000 {\an8}And he looked at me and goes, "So she knows the system." I said, "Yes." 367 00:20:15,000 --> 00:20:18,100 {\an8}He goes, "Okay," and he released him on his own recognizance. 368 00:20:18,166 --> 00:20:21,667 {\an8}[Carvalho] The judge granted her a temporary restraining order, 369 00:20:21,667 --> 00:20:24,467 {\an8}where we could not fight. 370 00:20:24,467 --> 00:20:28,600 {\an8}I could go back home, but I was not allowed to argue, fight 371 00:20:28,667 --> 00:20:30,867 {\an8}curse at her or anything. 372 00:20:30,867 --> 00:20:34,400 We went to one more session of therapy. 373 00:20:34,467 --> 00:20:37,300 And I broke down, cried, and I was like, 374 00:20:37,367 --> 00:20:39,667 "I'm trying to do everything that you told me to do. 375 00:20:39,667 --> 00:20:41,300 I took us on vacation." 376 00:20:41,367 --> 00:20:41,805 And the therapist was like, 377 00:20:41,805 --> 00:20:42,000 And the therapist was like, 378 00:20:42,767 --> 00:20:44,567 "I don't think she's seeing anybody else. 379 00:20:44,567 --> 00:20:47,100 I just think that there's some type of block 380 00:20:47,166 --> 00:20:49,767 and there's basically nothing you can do." 381 00:20:49,767 --> 00:20:52,900 And I cried and she was laughing at me crying 382 00:20:52,967 --> 00:20:55,166 because all I wanted was us to stay together. 383 00:20:57,200 --> 00:21:00,567 [narrator] The next day, Isaiah comes home early from work 384 00:21:00,567 --> 00:21:03,667 excited to spend some time with his son. 385 00:21:03,667 --> 00:21:06,667 [Isaiah] I walk into the house and I'm like, "Hey, Sal. Daddy's home. Hey, buddy." 386 00:21:06,667 --> 00:21:09,066 'Cause he would usually come running and be like, "Hey, Daddy!" 387 00:21:09,066 --> 00:21:10,700 Be so excited. 388 00:21:10,767 --> 00:21:11,805 And, nothing. 389 00:21:11,805 --> 00:21:12,000 And, nothing. 390 00:21:13,500 --> 00:21:15,100 So, I'm like, "Sophia?" 391 00:21:15,767 --> 00:21:17,066 Nothing. 392 00:21:19,500 --> 00:21:22,500 [narrator] Valerie appears and after a heated argument, 393 00:21:22,567 --> 00:21:25,667 she tells Isaiah that Sal is at a friend's house 394 00:21:25,667 --> 00:21:27,767 and she's on her way to pick him up. 395 00:21:29,100 --> 00:21:31,166 "Okay, well, I'll follow you to wherever he is 396 00:21:31,166 --> 00:21:33,100 and I'll take him for the day." 397 00:21:33,100 --> 00:21:35,567 She got in the car. I followed her a little bit. 398 00:21:35,567 --> 00:21:39,266 And all of a sudden, here comes a squad car. 399 00:21:39,266 --> 00:21:41,805 And the cops, they told me, "Well, listen, you know, we had a complaint that 400 00:21:41,805 --> 00:21:42,000 And the cops, they told me, "Well, listen, you know, we had a complaint that 401 00:21:43,000 --> 00:21:46,667 you were following her and that she felt threatened." 402 00:21:46,667 --> 00:21:49,767 But the ended up arresting me for the second time. 403 00:21:52,400 --> 00:21:56,066 [narrator] But this time, the judge is less lenient. 404 00:21:56,066 --> 00:22:00,100 He ended up issuing a full stayaway order of protection. 405 00:22:00,100 --> 00:22:03,467 So, now not only was I not allowed to go into the house 406 00:22:03,467 --> 00:22:05,100 or be with my son, 407 00:22:05,667 --> 00:22:06,767 everything that I owned 408 00:22:06,767 --> 00:22:08,166 and everything that I had was there. 409 00:22:09,300 --> 00:22:11,805 [narrator] Isaiah moves out and files for divorce. 410 00:22:11,805 --> 00:22:12,000 [narrator] Isaiah moves out and files for divorce. 411 00:22:12,166 --> 00:22:14,567 But the consequences are devastating. 412 00:22:18,800 --> 00:22:22,567 [Isaiah] The law guardian granted her residential custody 413 00:22:22,567 --> 00:22:25,000 instead of giving 50-50 custody. 414 00:22:26,500 --> 00:22:29,800 I was not allowed to see my son for four months. 415 00:22:32,300 --> 00:22:35,367 I had to go to court for visitation. 416 00:22:37,500 --> 00:22:40,467 When I finally retained my lawyer and told her what happened, 417 00:22:40,467 --> 00:22:41,805 she said that we were going to have a hard time trying to get Sal. 418 00:22:41,805 --> 00:22:42,000 she said that we were going to have a hard time trying to get Sal. 419 00:22:43,767 --> 00:22:45,667 {\an8}He didn't want to be a part-time dad. 420 00:22:45,667 --> 00:22:47,266 {\an8}So, it was really hard for him. 421 00:22:52,300 --> 00:22:55,600 I went to go drop him off one time, bring him back home, 422 00:22:55,667 --> 00:22:59,300 and I went with two female officers. 423 00:22:59,367 --> 00:23:02,667 I go to the door and Sal's screaming bloody murder. 424 00:23:02,667 --> 00:23:05,467 Valerie basically had to rip him out of my arms. 425 00:23:05,467 --> 00:23:07,200 She couldn't get him to let go. 426 00:23:07,266 --> 00:23:11,805 And it infuriated her and she slammed the door in my face 427 00:23:11,805 --> 00:23:12,000 And it infuriated her and she slammed the door in my face 428 00:23:12,367 --> 00:23:15,266 while I was holding Sal with the officers present. 429 00:23:16,567 --> 00:23:17,800 And told me to keep him. 430 00:23:18,867 --> 00:23:20,767 A week later, I get a phone call 431 00:23:20,767 --> 00:23:22,300 from a sergeant from that precinct 432 00:23:22,367 --> 00:23:23,700 saying that if I didn't bring Sal back, 433 00:23:23,767 --> 00:23:25,667 he was going to have me arrested. 434 00:23:25,667 --> 00:23:27,367 I was like, "What are you talking about? 435 00:23:27,367 --> 00:23:28,667 She told me to keep him. 436 00:23:28,667 --> 00:23:31,867 She slammed the door with two of your officers present." 437 00:23:31,867 --> 00:23:33,800 And she tried to say that I kidnapped him. 438 00:23:33,867 --> 00:23:36,500 And I ended up having to bring him back again. 439 00:23:38,000 --> 00:23:39,667 She completely broke me down 440 00:23:39,667 --> 00:23:41,805 in every way that you could possibly break somebody down. 441 00:23:41,805 --> 00:23:42,000 in every way that you could possibly break somebody down. 442 00:23:44,867 --> 00:23:48,000 [narrator] With Valerie having sole custody of his son Sal, 443 00:23:48,000 --> 00:23:51,100 Isaiah feels like he's in his darkest hour. 444 00:23:51,166 --> 00:23:54,367 And then, there's a ray of hope. 445 00:23:54,367 --> 00:23:57,767 [Patrick] I was working one day and I get a text on my phone 446 00:23:57,767 --> 00:24:01,266 that says, "You may want to call this guy, John. Here's his number. 447 00:24:01,266 --> 00:24:03,900 He has information that'll help your son with his divorce." 448 00:24:03,967 --> 00:24:08,500 So I didn't know what the number was. 449 00:24:08,567 --> 00:24:11,805 Text that person back, I'm... "Okay, thanks. Who is this?" 450 00:24:11,805 --> 00:24:12,000 Text that person back, I'm... "Okay, thanks. Who is this?" 451 00:24:12,767 --> 00:24:16,367 And it said, "Don't worry about who it is. Friend of the department." 452 00:24:16,367 --> 00:24:20,066 And curiosity killed the cat. 453 00:24:20,066 --> 00:24:22,266 So I stopped by and meet this guy, 454 00:24:22,266 --> 00:24:24,066 John DiRubba, at his house. 455 00:24:25,867 --> 00:24:26,867 He opens up his laptop 456 00:24:26,900 --> 00:24:28,767 and he starts showing me pictures of my son. 457 00:24:30,567 --> 00:24:33,867 And he goes, "I'm dating Valerie." 458 00:24:33,867 --> 00:24:35,567 I said, "You're dating Valerie?" 459 00:24:35,567 --> 00:24:36,900 He's like, "Yeah." 460 00:24:38,200 --> 00:24:41,805 He started to explain that when Isaiah would drop of Sal, 461 00:24:41,805 --> 00:24:42,000 He started to explain that when Isaiah would drop of Sal, 462 00:24:42,367 --> 00:24:44,900 that she would come in, she'd start crying, 463 00:24:44,967 --> 00:24:48,400 telling what a monster he is. "He beat me." 464 00:24:49,100 --> 00:24:50,500 So, he would follow Isaiah 465 00:24:50,567 --> 00:24:53,000 thinking he's following so kind of an abusive husband. 466 00:24:53,000 --> 00:24:55,300 You know, a monster. 467 00:24:55,367 --> 00:24:58,166 And he told me that there was one time she was up in the shower 468 00:24:58,166 --> 00:25:00,600 he grabbed her phone and went through her phone. 469 00:25:00,667 --> 00:25:04,667 And he noticed text messages from Isaiah to Valerie 470 00:25:04,667 --> 00:25:07,800 saying that he wanted to keep the family together, 471 00:25:07,867 --> 00:25:10,367 "We should go to counselling." "Let's make this work." 472 00:25:10,367 --> 00:25:11,805 And he realized, "Wait a minute. 473 00:25:11,805 --> 00:25:12,000 And he realized, "Wait a minute. 474 00:25:12,667 --> 00:25:14,266 This isn't the monster she's telling me about. 475 00:25:14,266 --> 00:25:16,000 This is a guy that wants his family back." 476 00:25:16,066 --> 00:25:19,967 So, now he felt really guilty on everything that was going on. 477 00:25:22,667 --> 00:25:25,767 [narrator] John asks to meet Isaiah, and when they do, 478 00:25:25,767 --> 00:25:29,266 Isaiah learns why he and Valerie failed to reconnect 479 00:25:29,266 --> 00:25:30,700 when they went on vacation. 480 00:25:32,166 --> 00:25:34,166 He showed me photos of when we went to St. Martin. 481 00:25:36,567 --> 00:25:38,500 There was pictures that Valerie sent him. 482 00:25:38,567 --> 00:25:39,467 Dirty pictures. 483 00:25:39,467 --> 00:25:41,100 Pictures of her in bikinis. 484 00:25:41,166 --> 00:25:41,805 He told me they got matching tattoos 485 00:25:41,805 --> 00:25:42,000 He told me they got matching tattoos 486 00:25:43,767 --> 00:25:45,266 that said, "'til death." 487 00:25:45,266 --> 00:25:47,567 That they were going to be together "'til death." 488 00:25:48,367 --> 00:25:49,500 Her and him. 489 00:25:52,867 --> 00:25:55,266 The night of the Christmas party when she went missing 490 00:25:55,266 --> 00:25:56,867 and I was looking for her, 491 00:25:56,867 --> 00:25:59,166 John told me that they were in the car 492 00:25:59,166 --> 00:26:02,667 across the parking lot watching me the whole time. 493 00:26:02,667 --> 00:26:04,667 Part of the motivation for him to come forward 494 00:26:04,667 --> 00:26:05,967 that they were having problems. 495 00:26:07,066 --> 00:26:08,200 He just wanted to do the right thing 496 00:26:08,266 --> 00:26:10,700 and try to help me to get Sal. 497 00:26:10,767 --> 00:26:11,805 And all the time that he should have been spending with me, 498 00:26:11,805 --> 00:26:12,000 And all the time that he should have been spending with me, 499 00:26:13,100 --> 00:26:15,400 he was with this guy and not his own father. 500 00:26:16,200 --> 00:26:18,166 And that tore me apart. 501 00:26:18,166 --> 00:26:20,066 That destroyed me. 502 00:26:23,000 --> 00:26:25,166 [narrator] Although John promises to help Isaiah 503 00:26:25,166 --> 00:26:28,200 get custody of his son, he never delivers. 504 00:26:29,567 --> 00:26:31,900 [Isaiah] He ended up going back and getting back with her. 505 00:26:33,066 --> 00:26:35,567 {\an8}Valerie had a way about her 506 00:26:35,567 --> 00:26:38,500 that made guys fall for her. 507 00:26:39,400 --> 00:26:41,567 I don't know how. I don't know why. 508 00:26:42,500 --> 00:26:44,000 But she was good at what she was doing. 509 00:26:46,867 --> 00:26:49,800 I made an offer for custody of Sal 510 00:26:49,867 --> 00:26:53,066 and $50,000 for the renovations I did on the house 511 00:26:53,066 --> 00:26:54,166 and the money that I put into the house. 512 00:26:55,000 --> 00:26:56,266 And the rings back. 513 00:26:56,266 --> 00:26:58,266 She declined my offer 514 00:26:58,266 --> 00:27:00,867 and my lawyers proceeded to say, 515 00:27:00,867 --> 00:27:03,467 "Okay, well, if you decline the offer, we're going to go after everything." 516 00:27:03,467 --> 00:27:09,166 I was entitled to her pension, deferred comp, her 401K, 517 00:27:10,367 --> 00:27:11,805 the increased value of the house. 518 00:27:11,805 --> 00:27:12,000 the increased value of the house. 519 00:27:12,667 --> 00:27:16,100 And when those numbers came back, 520 00:27:16,166 --> 00:27:21,266 they were substantially greater than the offer that I had originally presented. 521 00:27:23,300 --> 00:27:25,100 She did not take lightly to that 522 00:27:25,100 --> 00:27:28,100 'cause she didn't even want to give me a dollar. 523 00:27:29,300 --> 00:27:32,467 Because, again, her money was her money. 524 00:27:32,467 --> 00:27:36,800 [narrator] Isaiah has no idea just how far Valerie will go 525 00:27:36,867 --> 00:27:39,367 to keep her money. 526 00:27:39,367 --> 00:27:41,805 I started getting text messages from someone else 527 00:27:41,805 --> 00:27:42,000 I started getting text messages from someone else 528 00:27:43,266 --> 00:27:44,800 that was totally out of the blue. 529 00:27:44,867 --> 00:27:46,667 "You really need to do something about Valerie." 530 00:27:46,667 --> 00:27:48,100 "She wants to hurt Isaiah." 531 00:27:48,166 --> 00:27:50,100 They said, "We don't know how to tell you this, but, 532 00:27:51,367 --> 00:27:52,200 she wants to have you killed." 533 00:27:52,266 --> 00:27:53,867 Yeah. I am scared. 534 00:27:57,700 --> 00:27:59,000 [narrator] Detective Patrick Roach has been warmed 535 00:27:59,066 --> 00:28:00,467 by an anonymous tipster 536 00:28:00,467 --> 00:28:02,867 that fellow officer Valerie Cincinelli 537 00:28:02,867 --> 00:28:05,700 intends to harm his stepson, Isaiah. 538 00:28:07,266 --> 00:28:10,667 {\an8}I would get text that says that, uh, Valerie's getting very frustrated. 539 00:28:10,667 --> 00:28:15,467 She doesn't understand how Isaiah was staying five steps ahead of her. 540 00:28:15,467 --> 00:28:19,300 [narrator] Isaiah moves in with his parents for protection. 541 00:28:19,367 --> 00:28:21,300 [Patrick] He'd always call me when he was on the road. 542 00:28:21,367 --> 00:28:24,367 And I'd always give him a different way to go home. 543 00:28:25,000 --> 00:28:26,091 He always changed it up. 544 00:28:26,091 --> 00:28:26,867 He always changed it up. 545 00:28:28,667 --> 00:28:30,867 [narrator] But Isaiah is all alone one morning 546 00:28:30,867 --> 00:28:33,166 when an alarming situation arises. 547 00:28:34,667 --> 00:28:37,567 [Isaiah] All of a sudden I see this car come speeding down the block 548 00:28:37,567 --> 00:28:42,000 {\an8}and literally skid-stop in front of my house. 549 00:28:42,000 --> 00:28:44,867 Two guys in suits get out of the car and tell me that, 550 00:28:44,867 --> 00:28:47,667 you know, that they're federal officers, 551 00:28:47,667 --> 00:28:49,967 and to not run and... 552 00:28:50,800 --> 00:28:52,367 I'm scared for my life at this point. 553 00:28:52,367 --> 00:28:55,100 And, uh, without even preparing me 554 00:28:55,166 --> 00:28:56,091 or breaking it to me slowly, they were like, 555 00:28:56,091 --> 00:28:57,000 or breaking it to me slowly, they were like, 556 00:28:58,567 --> 00:29:02,066 "Your wife hired a hitman. She wants to have you killed. 557 00:29:02,066 --> 00:29:04,367 And we got to go fake your death right now." 558 00:29:06,867 --> 00:29:08,400 I couldn't believe it. 559 00:29:09,400 --> 00:29:11,100 I was blown away. 560 00:29:12,367 --> 00:29:14,100 I called my stepfather and I told him, 561 00:29:14,100 --> 00:29:17,967 "Listen, there's two guys who are posing to be FBI agents." 562 00:29:17,967 --> 00:29:20,600 And he's like, "Wake your mother up. Tell her to come downstairs." 563 00:29:21,667 --> 00:29:23,667 {\an8}I started crying and I was like, 564 00:29:24,400 --> 00:29:25,967 {\an8}"You've-- Like, oh, my God. 565 00:29:25,967 --> 00:29:26,091 {\an8}What? What do you mean, 'a hit out?'" 566 00:29:26,091 --> 00:29:27,000 {\an8}What? What do you mean, 'a hit out?'" 567 00:29:27,800 --> 00:29:29,166 Could not believe it. 568 00:29:29,166 --> 00:29:33,367 She wants him dead, but she's hiring someone to do it. 569 00:29:33,367 --> 00:29:35,767 I was totally shocked. 570 00:29:35,767 --> 00:29:38,000 Yeah, I think the girl's crazy, but, 571 00:29:38,066 --> 00:29:40,500 would have never in a million years thought that 572 00:29:40,567 --> 00:29:43,767 she would be capable of wanting to kill somebody. 573 00:29:47,300 --> 00:29:49,200 [Isaiah] I was like, "Where's my son?" 574 00:29:49,266 --> 00:29:52,567 "He's at school. There's an FBI agent there 575 00:29:52,567 --> 00:29:54,100 and you're gonna get him later." 576 00:29:57,066 --> 00:29:59,900 [narrator] The FBI learned about the plot to kill Isaiah 577 00:29:59,967 --> 00:30:02,200 from a source close to Valerie. 578 00:30:02,867 --> 00:30:06,166 John DiRubba came to the FBI 579 00:30:06,166 --> 00:30:09,400 with some recordings that he made of, uh, Valerie. 580 00:30:09,467 --> 00:30:12,567 {\an8}He also stated to the FBI that she provided him 581 00:30:12,567 --> 00:30:15,400 {\an8}with $7,000 to give to a hit man 582 00:30:15,467 --> 00:30:16,967 to make this happen. 583 00:30:16,967 --> 00:30:18,066 She wanted me dead 584 00:30:18,066 --> 00:30:20,100 because she didn't want me to show up to court. 585 00:30:20,166 --> 00:30:22,567 She didn't want me to get any money from her. 586 00:30:24,400 --> 00:30:26,091 [narrator] Valerie also doesn't want to share John DiRubba. 587 00:30:26,091 --> 00:30:27,000 [narrator] Valerie also doesn't want to share John DiRubba. 588 00:30:29,266 --> 00:30:33,100 [Isaiah] She wanted to have John DiRubba's 14-year-old daughter taken out as well. 589 00:30:33,166 --> 00:30:34,867 In fact, the reason she said that she wanted to have her 590 00:30:34,867 --> 00:30:36,767 taken out was because she was getting in the way. 591 00:30:37,967 --> 00:30:40,200 She thought that John was gonna, you know, 592 00:30:40,266 --> 00:30:44,000 do everything according to her beck and call. 593 00:30:46,500 --> 00:30:48,266 Including killing his own daughter. 594 00:30:48,266 --> 00:30:50,867 Because he was that in love with her. 595 00:30:52,166 --> 00:30:56,091 I think that if Valerie didn't add his daughter to the list, 596 00:30:56,091 --> 00:30:56,567 I think that if Valerie didn't add his daughter to the list, 597 00:30:56,567 --> 00:30:57,000 of people she wanted dead, 598 00:30:58,066 --> 00:31:00,166 that my son would be dead right now. 599 00:31:02,367 --> 00:31:05,166 [narrator] An agent posing as the hitman John hired 600 00:31:05,166 --> 00:31:06,667 has already meet with Valerie 601 00:31:06,667 --> 00:31:08,467 to discuss payment for the job. 602 00:31:10,166 --> 00:31:14,467 There was a form of payment. It was $7,000 in gold coins. 603 00:31:14,467 --> 00:31:16,266 [narrator] Now they need to provide proof 604 00:31:16,266 --> 00:31:18,667 of Isaiah's death to John DiRubba 605 00:31:18,667 --> 00:31:21,400 who is standing by, in on the plan. 606 00:31:21,467 --> 00:31:24,367 [Isaiah] And they took me over to the marina near my house 607 00:31:25,467 --> 00:31:26,091 and they had me sit in my car. 608 00:31:26,091 --> 00:31:27,000 and they had me sit in my car. 609 00:31:28,266 --> 00:31:30,100 And they had me fake my death. 610 00:31:32,000 --> 00:31:34,667 They put glass all over me and all over the floor 611 00:31:34,667 --> 00:31:37,000 and they had me hunch into the passenger seat. 612 00:31:38,867 --> 00:31:40,467 And they took pictures of me. 613 00:31:42,100 --> 00:31:45,000 So, now, I'm, uh, presumed dead. 614 00:31:47,500 --> 00:31:49,300 It was, uh, 615 00:31:49,367 --> 00:31:51,567 the most surreal thing I ever been through in my life. 616 00:31:53,567 --> 00:31:56,091 [Maryann] My husband came home and two of us are in the house 617 00:31:56,091 --> 00:31:56,800 [Maryann] My husband came home and two of us are in the house 618 00:31:56,867 --> 00:31:57,000 and they had agents watching. 619 00:31:58,367 --> 00:32:00,400 We don't know where but, you know, they were watching 620 00:32:00,467 --> 00:32:01,800 the house and everything and 621 00:32:01,867 --> 00:32:04,367 we were just waiting and waiting and waiting. 622 00:32:05,967 --> 00:32:09,667 I was nervous. I was pissed. 623 00:32:09,667 --> 00:32:14,100 I was upset because I blame it on myself 624 00:32:14,100 --> 00:32:15,700 that I brought this to the family. 625 00:32:15,767 --> 00:32:17,500 You know what? Should have kept your mouth shut. 626 00:32:17,567 --> 00:32:19,767 You know, when Valerie turned around and said, "Oh, who's that?" 627 00:32:20,266 --> 00:32:21,867 You know. 628 00:32:21,867 --> 00:32:24,300 The FBI sends this photo to John DiRubba 629 00:32:24,367 --> 00:32:26,091 so he can present it to Valerie 630 00:32:26,091 --> 00:32:27,000 so he can present it to Valerie 631 00:32:27,367 --> 00:32:31,767 and at the time John DiRubba has a body-worn camera 632 00:32:31,767 --> 00:32:34,767 and could record what her reaction was to the photo. 633 00:32:42,500 --> 00:32:45,367 John got the text and opened it up and said, "Oh, my God." 634 00:32:47,300 --> 00:32:50,166 "It's Isaiah. He's dead. It's done." 635 00:32:51,767 --> 00:32:53,967 And Valerie went ballistic. 636 00:33:16,567 --> 00:33:18,967 {\an8}She's like, "You're an idiot. Why would he send you that? 637 00:33:18,967 --> 00:33:20,467 Why would they do that? 638 00:33:20,467 --> 00:33:22,166 Like, they can come and get us." 639 00:33:30,300 --> 00:33:33,100 The staged hit of Isaiah is extremely important 640 00:33:33,100 --> 00:33:36,266 for the case because it's showing that 641 00:33:36,266 --> 00:33:41,767 it wasn't just the thought or something that Valerie might have just wanted, 642 00:33:41,767 --> 00:33:44,700 it's the investigators trying to show that 643 00:33:44,767 --> 00:33:46,266 the intent was there. 644 00:33:46,266 --> 00:33:48,700 Because she's actually telling him to get rid of 645 00:33:48,767 --> 00:33:53,066 a photo of her estranged husband's supposed dead body. 646 00:33:53,066 --> 00:33:56,091 Which wouldn't be normal behavior for someone who is not involved in a crime. 647 00:33:56,091 --> 00:33:57,000 Which wouldn't be normal behavior for someone who is not involved in a crime. 648 00:34:01,567 --> 00:34:04,500 [narrator] Two police officers arrive at Valerie's door 649 00:34:04,567 --> 00:34:08,000 and tell her that Isaiah's body was discovered at the marina. 650 00:34:17,667 --> 00:34:18,834 [sobs] 651 00:34:18,867 --> 00:34:22,700 They asked her if she knew anybody that was out to get me 652 00:34:22,767 --> 00:34:24,867 or if there was, if I had 653 00:34:24,867 --> 00:34:26,091 anybody that wanted to do any harm to me. 654 00:34:26,091 --> 00:34:27,000 anybody that wanted to do any harm to me. 655 00:34:27,166 --> 00:34:28,567 And she said, "No." 656 00:34:33,667 --> 00:34:35,867 You know, crocodile teared her way through it. 657 00:34:35,867 --> 00:34:40,266 She's supposed to be this decorated police officer. 658 00:34:40,266 --> 00:34:44,867 She went to extreme lengths to have her husband taken out. 659 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:48,400 And not only me, a 14-year-old girl. 660 00:34:48,467 --> 00:34:50,000 A child. 661 00:34:56,500 --> 00:35:00,166 [narrator] The FBI has just informed Officer Valerie Cincinelli 662 00:35:00,166 --> 00:35:02,867 that her husband Isaiah is dead. 663 00:35:04,767 --> 00:35:08,000 {\an8}Ten minutes later, my phone starts ringing, my cell. 664 00:35:08,066 --> 00:35:09,166 {\an8}And it's Valerie. 665 00:35:09,166 --> 00:35:11,166 And then she text messages me. 666 00:35:11,166 --> 00:35:15,166 And it says, "Pat please tell me it's not true, please tell me it's not true. 667 00:35:15,166 --> 00:35:18,300 Oh, my God. I have to get Sal from school please tell me it's not true. Call me." 668 00:35:18,367 --> 00:35:20,300 Then she sent me the same message again. 669 00:35:20,300 --> 00:35:24,467 [narrator] What Valerie doesn't know is that her house is surrounded by FBI agents. 670 00:35:24,467 --> 00:35:25,000 [narrator] What Valerie doesn't know is that her house is surrounded by FBI agents. 671 00:35:26,166 --> 00:35:29,000 {\an8}Valerie being an active duty police officer, 672 00:35:29,000 --> 00:35:31,166 {\an8}there's definitely a probability 673 00:35:31,166 --> 00:35:33,200 {\an8}that she would have a firearm in the house, 674 00:35:33,266 --> 00:35:34,567 have access to it. 675 00:35:34,567 --> 00:35:37,500 And the law enforcements decided, you know, 676 00:35:37,567 --> 00:35:39,567 let's quickly take this down. 677 00:35:42,100 --> 00:35:46,100 [narrator] Moments later, Valerie's door is broken down 678 00:35:47,667 --> 00:35:49,266 and she's taken into custody. 679 00:35:50,467 --> 00:35:52,767 {\an8}I found out she was arrested when they were guarding me 680 00:35:52,767 --> 00:35:53,967 {\an8}'cause they wouldn't release me until 681 00:35:53,967 --> 00:35:54,467 {\an8}they found out that she was picked up and in custody. 682 00:35:54,467 --> 00:35:55,000 {\an8}they found out that she was picked up and in custody. 683 00:36:00,400 --> 00:36:03,266 When I finally got back to the house and I saw my son... 684 00:36:06,600 --> 00:36:08,400 And I saw my son there... 685 00:36:11,100 --> 00:36:14,166 I finally felt like he was safe. 686 00:36:14,166 --> 00:36:16,200 He was good. He was finally where he should have been. 687 00:36:16,266 --> 00:36:17,100 He was with me. 688 00:36:18,967 --> 00:36:20,100 He was home. 689 00:36:25,467 --> 00:36:28,600 Like every time I saw her in the news or whatever, 690 00:36:29,800 --> 00:36:35,166 {\an8}I always say, "How was this person in my family?" 691 00:36:35,166 --> 00:36:38,700 And how did she take my brother's last name? 692 00:36:38,767 --> 00:36:40,667 Our last name. Like, what? 693 00:36:40,667 --> 00:36:42,667 It's... wild. 694 00:36:47,166 --> 00:36:52,000 [narrator] Four weeks later, Valerie and Isaiah face off in court. 695 00:36:55,066 --> 00:36:58,266 [Isaiah] As she screamed out, "Isaiah, you know me. I wouldn't do this." 696 00:36:58,266 --> 00:36:59,467 I never looked her in the eyes. 697 00:36:59,467 --> 00:37:01,567 I didn't even look at her or anybody in her family. 698 00:37:03,767 --> 00:37:05,467 I had no care to. 699 00:37:06,700 --> 00:37:08,867 I didn't even want to be in the same room as her. 700 00:37:13,867 --> 00:37:17,300 [narrator] Valerie had told Isaiah she was getting ready to settle, 701 00:37:17,367 --> 00:37:20,000 but now the divorce is put on hold. 702 00:37:21,300 --> 00:37:22,934 [Isaiah] The day when the FBI came, 703 00:37:22,934 --> 00:37:24,467 a week later we were supposed to sign the papers and be done and be divorced. 704 00:37:24,467 --> 00:37:25,000 a week later we were supposed to sign the papers and be done and be divorced. 705 00:37:26,066 --> 00:37:27,900 The judge was like, "Well, now what do we do?" 706 00:37:27,967 --> 00:37:30,266 We couldn't proceed and finalize everything 707 00:37:30,266 --> 00:37:32,500 because, now, her actions 708 00:37:32,567 --> 00:37:35,967 caused, I believe it's called "Egregious fault" 709 00:37:35,967 --> 00:37:39,667 where the severity of what she did 710 00:37:39,667 --> 00:37:42,367 causes me to be entitled to even more. 711 00:37:42,367 --> 00:37:46,467 And now they want me to wait until she gets out of jail 712 00:37:47,066 --> 00:37:48,667 to finalize my divorce. 713 00:37:50,600 --> 00:37:53,600 She was planning to not... for me not to be there, 714 00:37:54,567 --> 00:37:55,000 for me to never even make it to have... 715 00:37:57,767 --> 00:37:59,066 to get anything from her. 716 00:38:02,567 --> 00:38:06,700 Valerie received Officer of the Month award multiple times. 717 00:38:06,767 --> 00:38:08,867 She had caught an armed robber. 718 00:38:08,867 --> 00:38:11,300 All great things I'm sure the community appreciated. 719 00:38:11,367 --> 00:38:15,000 A person like me who's been in law enforcement for 19 years... 720 00:38:16,100 --> 00:38:18,100 can't fathom why someone 721 00:38:18,100 --> 00:38:20,066 with such a good career for themselves 722 00:38:20,066 --> 00:38:23,066 going and moving in the fast path in the NYPD 723 00:38:23,066 --> 00:38:24,467 would even consider going down this road. 724 00:38:24,467 --> 00:38:25,000 would even consider going down this road. 725 00:38:26,867 --> 00:38:31,367 The charges were conspiracy to commit murder on Isaiah, 726 00:38:31,367 --> 00:38:34,300 conspiracy to commit murder on John DiRubba's daughter, 727 00:38:34,367 --> 00:38:35,567 which is a teenage daughter. 728 00:38:35,567 --> 00:38:36,667 Tampering with evidence. 729 00:38:36,667 --> 00:38:39,567 That carries 20 as well so that's like 40 years. 730 00:38:39,567 --> 00:38:42,100 [Isaiah] The DA, when I met with the district attorney 731 00:38:42,100 --> 00:38:44,166 and everybody, prosecutors, 732 00:38:45,266 --> 00:38:47,066 they told me, "We don't offer deals. 733 00:38:47,066 --> 00:38:50,000 This is an ironclad case. This is in the bag." 734 00:38:51,000 --> 00:38:53,266 Months go by. We're going to court. 735 00:38:53,900 --> 00:38:54,467 Right? For the divorce. 736 00:38:54,467 --> 00:38:55,000 Right? For the divorce. 737 00:38:56,100 --> 00:38:57,000 And... 738 00:38:57,900 --> 00:39:00,066 her criminal attorney slips and says, 739 00:39:00,066 --> 00:39:01,600 "Oh, they're offering her a deal." 740 00:39:02,767 --> 00:39:06,800 So, my matrimonial attorney was like, 741 00:39:06,867 --> 00:39:08,767 "What are you talking about?" 742 00:39:08,767 --> 00:39:11,567 [narrator] Valerie claims she never paid for a hitman 743 00:39:11,567 --> 00:39:16,100 and the $7,000 she gave John was just a loan to buy gold. 744 00:39:16,166 --> 00:39:19,000 And despite the success of the sting operation, 745 00:39:19,000 --> 00:39:21,667 the prosecution has no physical evidence 746 00:39:21,667 --> 00:39:22,867 to dispute this. 747 00:39:23,467 --> 00:39:24,467 Not being able to verify 748 00:39:24,467 --> 00:39:25,000 Not being able to verify 749 00:39:25,467 --> 00:39:27,467 that that money was ever exchanged 750 00:39:27,467 --> 00:39:28,400 is a problem. 751 00:39:28,467 --> 00:39:30,066 You want to be able to say, 752 00:39:30,066 --> 00:39:33,600 "Okay, on bank records on such-and-such date 753 00:39:33,667 --> 00:39:37,467 $7,000 were, was taken out," or even half of that. 754 00:39:37,467 --> 00:39:39,567 [narrator] Fearing there's not enough evidence to prove 755 00:39:39,567 --> 00:39:44,000 conspiracy to commit murder, the DA chooses to settle. 756 00:39:44,000 --> 00:39:48,567 Valerie took a plea deal for tampering with evidence. 757 00:39:48,567 --> 00:39:52,400 And the charges of murder for hire were dismissed. 758 00:39:54,266 --> 00:39:54,467 So, I'm like, "Well, what do you mean? 759 00:39:54,467 --> 00:39:55,000 So, I'm like, "Well, what do you mean? 760 00:39:55,500 --> 00:39:57,800 I thought you told me that you had everything squared off. 761 00:39:57,867 --> 00:40:00,266 Everything was set. Like, I had nothing to worry about. 762 00:40:00,266 --> 00:40:01,600 I don't want that. 763 00:40:03,166 --> 00:40:05,400 Prosecutors asked for 60 months. 764 00:40:05,467 --> 00:40:09,367 The judge, uh, gave Valerie 48 months. 765 00:40:09,367 --> 00:40:10,967 {\an8}It's crazy. 766 00:40:10,967 --> 00:40:12,900 {\an8}You tried to kill my son. 767 00:40:12,967 --> 00:40:15,767 {\an8}You tried to kill somebody else's child. 768 00:40:15,767 --> 00:40:18,767 You know, how could you just be in there for 48 months. 769 00:40:18,767 --> 00:40:20,700 That's ridiculous. 770 00:40:20,767 --> 00:40:22,100 [Patrick] We don't know all the evidence 771 00:40:22,166 --> 00:40:24,467 that the FBI had, but obviously the judge does. 772 00:40:24,467 --> 00:40:25,000 And the judge said to her, 773 00:40:26,767 --> 00:40:28,000 "There is no doubt in my mind, 774 00:40:28,000 --> 00:40:29,467 you would have saw this through." 775 00:40:29,467 --> 00:40:31,266 And, I'll never forget this. 776 00:40:31,266 --> 00:40:33,567 The US attorney turns around and goes, 777 00:40:33,567 --> 00:40:35,767 "Your Honor, we offered five years." 778 00:40:35,767 --> 00:40:41,166 The judge looks at the US attorney and goes, 779 00:40:41,166 --> 00:40:44,767 "You took this plea. I don't know why you took it. 780 00:40:44,767 --> 00:40:47,066 If you had taken this in a different direction, 781 00:40:47,066 --> 00:40:48,867 it would have been a totally different outcome. 782 00:40:50,266 --> 00:40:53,000 As far as I'm concerned, the US attorney's office 783 00:40:53,000 --> 00:40:54,467 really screwed me and my family. 784 00:40:54,467 --> 00:40:55,000 really screwed me and my family. 785 00:40:55,767 --> 00:40:58,367 And Isaiah, being the victim. 786 00:40:58,367 --> 00:41:00,467 I feel like they didn't even take into account 787 00:41:00,467 --> 00:41:02,367 the victims in this. 788 00:41:02,367 --> 00:41:06,367 There's nobody else that's gonna suffer but me and John's daughter. 789 00:41:06,367 --> 00:41:09,400 We have to worry every day when she gets out. 790 00:41:12,266 --> 00:41:14,000 [Maryann] I don't think Isaiah feels like he's safe. 791 00:41:14,000 --> 00:41:15,767 I don't think Isaiah will ever feel like he's safe. 792 00:41:15,767 --> 00:41:17,000 I feel like for the rest of his life 793 00:41:17,066 --> 00:41:20,266 he's always gonna feel that way. 794 00:41:20,266 --> 00:41:22,867 [narrator] And the lasting effects of Valerie's crime 795 00:41:22,867 --> 00:41:24,467 extend beyond Isaiah to his children. 796 00:41:24,467 --> 00:41:25,000 extend beyond Isaiah to his children. 797 00:41:27,300 --> 00:41:29,767 [Patrick] Sofia is with her dad. 798 00:41:29,767 --> 00:41:32,767 They didn't want Sal or Sophia seeing each other at all. 799 00:41:32,767 --> 00:41:34,867 {\an8}Because Sal being so young, 800 00:41:34,867 --> 00:41:37,767 {\an8}you know, they didn't want to, you know, have him really 801 00:41:37,767 --> 00:41:39,367 {\an8}find out too much of what's going on. 802 00:41:41,567 --> 00:41:43,767 {\an8}[Isaiah] Right now it's just a waiting game. 803 00:41:43,767 --> 00:41:46,400 {\an8}You know? I just have to wait and see. 804 00:41:46,467 --> 00:41:48,967 {\an8}When she gets out and finalizes divorce 805 00:41:48,967 --> 00:41:52,900 {\an8}and hopefully be able to move on with my son. 806 00:41:54,767 --> 00:41:55,000 {\an8}And give him the life that he should have always had.