1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,720 Subs created by: David Coleman. 2 00:00:07,229 --> 00:00:10,586 The good doctor has just performed a Hemispherectomy. 3 00:00:10,587 --> 00:00:12,791 To remove the diseased half of the brain. 4 00:00:12,792 --> 00:00:17,135 This is Johnny's left hemisphere, the side that contains his language center. 5 00:00:17,136 --> 00:00:20,924 It's also the half of his brain we had to take out. 6 00:00:20,925 --> 00:00:24,917 Amazingly, speech and other functions once controlled by the left hemisphere, 7 00:00:24,918 --> 00:00:27,567 will eventually develop in the right. 8 00:00:27,568 --> 00:00:30,108 Hemispherectomies not only save lives. 9 00:00:30,109 --> 00:00:34,560 They also show us that to be fully human only takes half a brain. 10 00:00:34,561 --> 00:00:37,642 Which some of you demonstrate on a daily basis. 11 00:00:37,643 --> 00:00:39,012 As for the rest of you, 12 00:00:39,013 --> 00:00:42,919 does that mean you have a lot more brain power than you really need? 13 00:00:42,920 --> 00:00:48,820 Or does it mean that you have vast amounts of unrealized potential? 14 00:00:53,126 --> 00:00:55,495 Tell me you're not wearing that ratty coat and scarf. 15 00:00:55,496 --> 00:00:56,462 Why wouldn't I? 16 00:00:56,463 --> 00:00:58,511 Well, for one thing, it's 60 degrees out. 17 00:00:58,512 --> 00:01:00,306 That's got nothing to do with it. 18 00:01:00,307 --> 00:01:03,571 More importantly, there are gonna be a lot of deep pockets at this event tonight, 19 00:01:03,572 --> 00:01:06,782 Daniel, and, you know, faculty endowments don't fund themselves. 20 00:01:06,783 --> 00:01:10,415 It's a fundraiser for Parkinson's research, not your own personal slush fund. 21 00:01:10,416 --> 00:01:12,856 If somebody's gonna write one check, maybe they'll write two. 22 00:01:12,857 --> 00:01:15,496 - Unbelievable. - Well, would it kill you to wear a tie? 23 00:01:15,497 --> 00:01:18,556 What, and cut off the oxygen to my brain just to kiss up to some fat cats? 24 00:01:18,557 --> 00:01:22,227 - No, thank you. - Hey, people, get a room. 25 00:01:22,228 --> 00:01:24,319 Lewicki? 26 00:01:24,320 --> 00:01:27,069 - Hey, Doc, uh... - Shouldn't you be grading midterms? 27 00:01:27,070 --> 00:01:30,997 Uh, I was just... taking a little break. 28 00:01:30,998 --> 00:01:32,804 This is Eva. 29 00:01:32,805 --> 00:01:34,839 So, you're Dr. Pierce. 30 00:01:34,840 --> 00:01:36,610 From what Max told me, I thought you'd be... 31 00:01:36,611 --> 00:01:39,419 - Better dressed? - Older. 32 00:01:39,420 --> 00:01:43,185 Doc, I was hoping you could talk to Eva about the extension school. 33 00:01:43,186 --> 00:01:44,815 As riveting as that sounds, 34 00:01:44,816 --> 00:01:49,169 Dean Haley and I are on our way to hear one of the greatest violinists in the world. 35 00:01:49,170 --> 00:01:51,810 Can't be late. 36 00:01:54,027 --> 00:01:55,460 [Chuckles] 37 00:01:55,461 --> 00:01:59,241 [Mid-tempo violin music playing] 38 00:02:11,007 --> 00:02:13,784 [Off-key notes play] 39 00:02:13,785 --> 00:02:16,665 [Audience murmuring] 40 00:02:20,216 --> 00:02:22,316 [Grunts] 41 00:02:23,823 --> 00:02:25,597 [Grunting] 42 00:02:25,598 --> 00:02:29,018 Somebody call an ambulance. 43 00:02:35,122 --> 00:02:37,048 [Groans] [Device beeps] 44 00:02:37,049 --> 00:02:39,190 [Panting] 45 00:02:39,191 --> 00:02:41,291 Breathe. 46 00:02:47,651 --> 00:02:50,258 - Paul: Daniel, what happened to him? - I'm not sure. 47 00:02:50,259 --> 00:02:52,555 It could have been side effects from his DBS. 48 00:02:52,556 --> 00:02:54,809 - DBS? - Deep brain stimulator. 49 00:02:54,810 --> 00:02:58,853 He has electrodes implanted in his brain to help relieve his Parkinson's symptoms. 50 00:02:58,854 --> 00:03:01,766 It's powered by a battery pack in his chest, I turned it off. 51 00:03:01,767 --> 00:03:06,156 - Parkinson's? He's so young. - I know. 10% of the cases are under 40. 52 00:03:06,157 --> 00:03:07,569 And how did you know about that... 53 00:03:07,570 --> 00:03:10,668 Well, there was an article in the arts section about Sario a few months ago. 54 00:03:10,669 --> 00:03:12,467 He had to retire because of his Parkinson's, 55 00:03:12,468 --> 00:03:14,740 and then once his DBS was implanted, he could play again. 56 00:03:14,741 --> 00:03:16,172 - Wow. - Sario: My violin. 57 00:03:16,173 --> 00:03:19,108 - My violin! Where is my violin? - I'll make sure it's all right. 58 00:03:19,109 --> 00:03:20,725 [Breathing heavily] 59 00:03:20,726 --> 00:03:22,446 Please come to the hospital with me. 60 00:03:22,447 --> 00:03:24,348 I think it's best we call your own doctor. 61 00:03:24,349 --> 00:03:26,598 I want for you to tell him what happened. 62 00:03:26,599 --> 00:03:28,473 All right. 63 00:03:28,474 --> 00:03:31,554 - The settings are much too high. - How could that happen? 64 00:03:31,555 --> 00:03:32,415 I don't know. 65 00:03:32,416 --> 00:03:35,231 But it's a good thing you were there, or it might have been much worse. 66 00:03:35,232 --> 00:03:40,013 Dr. Vetter, you know, tomorrow night, I gonna play with the symphony, so... 67 00:03:40,014 --> 00:03:42,431 I need you to turn my DBS back on. 68 00:03:42,432 --> 00:03:45,516 - I don't think we can take that risk. - No, I don't care. 69 00:03:45,517 --> 00:03:48,029 If my hands don't stop shaking, how can I play? 70 00:03:48,030 --> 00:03:50,714 - Tess: I came as soon as I heard. - Hang on a minute, Tess. 71 00:03:50,715 --> 00:03:56,056 Uh, Tess Williams from Oscidyne, the company that makes Sario's DBS. 72 00:03:56,057 --> 00:04:01,394 Let me tell her what's going on, then we'll talk about how to get you performing again. 73 00:04:01,395 --> 00:04:02,342 His levels surge. 74 00:04:02,343 --> 00:04:06,170 It's just like the cases I told you about at the conference in Miami. 75 00:04:06,171 --> 00:04:08,262 What, there were other incidents like Sario's? 76 00:04:08,263 --> 00:04:09,384 I'm sorry. Who are you? 77 00:04:09,385 --> 00:04:12,735 Tess Williams, Dr. Daniel Pierce, the man who saved Sario's life. 78 00:04:12,736 --> 00:04:15,105 Dr. Vetter: Over the past few months, eight patients fitted 79 00:04:15,106 --> 00:04:17,701 with the Oscidyne 5.0 model have reported malfunctions. 80 00:04:17,702 --> 00:04:19,066 These people had seizures, too? 81 00:04:19,067 --> 00:04:23,036 Some did. Others locked up or couldn't speak, luckily, nobody died. 82 00:04:23,037 --> 00:04:27,066 - Well, obviously, the 5.0 is flawed. - Well, actually, it's not obvious at all. 83 00:04:27,067 --> 00:04:29,793 Our technicians haven't found any problems with the recovered unit. 84 00:04:29,794 --> 00:04:34,219 Of course they haven't. Your company pays their salaries. 85 00:04:34,220 --> 00:04:37,405 Our position is that the 5.0 is functioning properly. 86 00:04:37,406 --> 00:04:40,978 If it's functioning properly, why is Sario lying in that bed? 87 00:04:40,979 --> 00:04:43,991 I know you're in a tough spot, Tess, but I am taking Sario's device out. 88 00:04:43,992 --> 00:04:46,217 And I'm gonna recommend that all my patients 89 00:04:46,218 --> 00:04:48,236 fitted with these units have them removed. 90 00:04:48,237 --> 00:04:50,451 Oscidyne needs to cover the costs. 91 00:04:50,452 --> 00:04:52,802 I'm sorry, Randall. I don't see that happening. 92 00:04:52,803 --> 00:04:54,777 Dr. Vetter: And what if one of my other patients, 93 00:04:54,778 --> 00:04:58,035 or, God forbid, my wife, ends up in the hospital? 94 00:04:58,036 --> 00:05:00,255 - I'm taking them out. - I'm sorry, your wife? 95 00:05:00,256 --> 00:05:01,976 She has DBS for Essential Tremor. 96 00:05:01,977 --> 00:05:07,362 And how is she gonna feel when you remove her unit and her hands start shaking again? 97 00:05:07,363 --> 00:05:12,403 She'll be upset, but at least she'll be alive. 98 00:05:13,563 --> 00:05:15,603 [Sighs] 99 00:05:15,895 --> 00:05:20,232 Woman: Introducing Oscidyne's revolutionary DBS 5.0. 100 00:05:20,233 --> 00:05:24,193 The most advanced and affordable deep brain stimulator on the market. 101 00:05:24,194 --> 00:05:27,655 The battery pack and computer-controlled stimulator are implanted 102 00:05:27,656 --> 00:05:29,760 in a minimally invasive procedure. 103 00:05:29,761 --> 00:05:33,816 Insulated tungsten extension wires travel from the stimulator to the electrodes, 104 00:05:33,817 --> 00:05:38,209 which target specific regions of the brain depending on the diagnosis and symptoms. 105 00:05:38,210 --> 00:05:43,445 Today, the 5.0 treats Parkinson's, Dystonia, Essential Tremor, and Tourette's. 106 00:05:43,446 --> 00:05:47,991 Our next-generation DBS will treat Alzheimer's, obesity, and more. 107 00:05:47,992 --> 00:05:50,351 [Scoffs] Are you... are you listening to this? 108 00:05:50,352 --> 00:05:52,964 Obesity. I mean, if people are fat, they should stop 109 00:05:52,965 --> 00:05:55,274 stuffing their faces with cheeseburgers and cupcakes. 110 00:05:55,275 --> 00:05:58,139 - Not get brain surgery. - What, so, it doesn't work? 111 00:05:58,140 --> 00:05:58,732 It [Sighs] 112 00:05:58,733 --> 00:06:02,906 It's a miracle for some people, but Oscidyne's model is clearly defective. 113 00:06:02,907 --> 00:06:06,062 And they're making these wildly exaggerated claims to line their pockets 114 00:06:06,063 --> 00:06:07,946 at the expense of vulnerable patients. 115 00:06:07,947 --> 00:06:09,761 Okay, so, what exactly do you want me to do? 116 00:06:09,762 --> 00:06:11,425 Help me investigate Oscidyne. 117 00:06:11,426 --> 00:06:13,913 If anything, this sounds like a product-liability issue. 118 00:06:13,914 --> 00:06:14,981 You should go to the FDA. 119 00:06:14,982 --> 00:06:16,983 Oh, the agency that's already approved the device? 120 00:06:16,984 --> 00:06:18,663 Yeah, I'm sure they'll get right on it. 121 00:06:18,664 --> 00:06:20,589 Donnie: He's right. 122 00:06:20,590 --> 00:06:23,985 We all know the FDA is in bed with the Biotech industry. 123 00:06:23,986 --> 00:06:26,421 [Strained] We're reopening the Chan case. 124 00:06:26,422 --> 00:06:29,565 - Oh, no. - I need you to do new interviews. 125 00:06:29,566 --> 00:06:33,479 Well, Daniel, as you can see, now I can't help you even if I wanted to. 126 00:06:33,480 --> 00:06:35,880 Thanks, Don. 127 00:06:40,844 --> 00:06:43,484 [Knock on door] 128 00:06:43,947 --> 00:06:45,614 I think we might have a case. 129 00:06:45,615 --> 00:06:48,951 - We? What... what are you talking about? - I did some digging. 130 00:06:48,952 --> 00:06:52,168 Oscidyne is leveraged up to their electrodes. 131 00:06:52,169 --> 00:06:56,859 If they admit this DBS thing is defective, it could bankrupt them. 132 00:06:56,860 --> 00:06:58,213 You think there's a cover-up? 133 00:06:58,214 --> 00:07:00,195 Not easy to prove, but I'm willing to try. 134 00:07:00,196 --> 00:07:02,939 - [Chuckles] What's... what's your angle? - I don't have an angle. 135 00:07:02,940 --> 00:07:06,172 - It's my job to protect the public. - So, why do you need me? 136 00:07:06,173 --> 00:07:09,038 I have a law degree, not a PHD in brain science. 137 00:07:09,039 --> 00:07:11,133 I go down there on my own, their experts will try and 138 00:07:11,134 --> 00:07:14,443 snow me with a bunch of Neurological mumbo-jumbo. 139 00:07:14,444 --> 00:07:17,372 I already called the doctor who filed the complaint... Vetter. 140 00:07:17,373 --> 00:07:19,149 We need to get his statement on the record. 141 00:07:19,150 --> 00:07:21,151 He said he'll meet us at his house in an hour. 142 00:07:21,152 --> 00:07:24,068 - Let's do this, partner. - [Laughs nervously] Just wait, wait, wait. 143 00:07:24,069 --> 00:07:27,084 In the short, unpleasant time that I have known you, 144 00:07:27,085 --> 00:07:31,017 you've humiliated me on the witness stand, kicked me off an investigation. 145 00:07:31,018 --> 00:07:34,139 Undermined my friendship with your ex-wife, and now, suddenly, we're partners? 146 00:07:34,140 --> 00:07:38,226 Okay. I get it. We both know there's an elephant in the room. Let's clear the air. 147 00:07:38,227 --> 00:07:40,588 If you think that you and I are gonna talk about Kate again. 148 00:07:40,589 --> 00:07:44,073 Whoa, buddy... I'm talking baseball. 149 00:07:44,074 --> 00:07:45,208 What? 150 00:07:45,209 --> 00:07:51,109 You like the Cubbies, and I'm a White Sox guy, so we'll just talk about the Bulls. 151 00:07:53,962 --> 00:07:58,282 Sure thing, Donnie. Let's go get them. 152 00:08:06,263 --> 00:08:09,064 Ryan, assistant U.S. Attorney. What's going on? 153 00:08:09,065 --> 00:08:11,703 - It's real messy inside. - What the hell happened? 154 00:08:11,704 --> 00:08:14,274 Two victims, one's dead... a doctor. 155 00:08:14,275 --> 00:08:17,875 Somebody smashed his head in. 156 00:08:21,617 --> 00:08:23,724 So whoever you need to talk to to get me that, okay? 157 00:08:23,725 --> 00:08:25,768 I got your message. What's going on? 158 00:08:25,769 --> 00:08:29,315 Dog-walker called in a 911 at 8:52 A.M. 159 00:08:29,316 --> 00:08:31,901 Police came in and found Dr. Vetter and his wife 160 00:08:31,902 --> 00:08:33,825 on the floor, both with massive head wounds. 161 00:08:33,826 --> 00:08:36,691 He was already dead. She was alive... barely. 162 00:08:36,692 --> 00:08:39,227 - Do the cops have a theory? - Home invasion that went wrong. 163 00:08:39,228 --> 00:08:41,974 Sure. At the same time that Vetter starts to complain about the 5.0, 164 00:08:41,975 --> 00:08:44,404 he's killed in a robbery where apparently nothing was stolen. 165 00:08:44,405 --> 00:08:49,719 What makes more sense is Oscidyne sent somebody over here to shut him up. 166 00:08:49,720 --> 00:08:52,605 Okay, what the hell are the two of you doing here, anyway? 167 00:08:52,606 --> 00:08:56,203 We're working the product-liability case that you turned down yesterday. 168 00:08:56,204 --> 00:08:58,411 Oh. Together? 169 00:08:58,412 --> 00:09:00,888 What? Were we supposed to ask your permission first? 170 00:09:00,889 --> 00:09:06,789 We should go to the hospital, see what the wife can tell us. 171 00:09:11,052 --> 00:09:13,555 Yeah, I understand. Thank you. 172 00:09:13,556 --> 00:09:16,256 [Monitor beeping] 173 00:09:16,955 --> 00:09:18,007 [Sighs] 174 00:09:18,008 --> 00:09:20,501 Her eyes are open, but she's unresponsive. 175 00:09:20,502 --> 00:09:21,735 What, so, she's in a coma? 176 00:09:21,736 --> 00:09:25,005 No, not exactly. It's what's known as a minimally conscious state. 177 00:09:25,006 --> 00:09:28,247 - Well, is she gonna wake up? - There's not much the doctors can do. 178 00:09:28,248 --> 00:09:30,275 [Sighs] 179 00:09:30,276 --> 00:09:35,608 Ian. Hi. Uh, Agent Moretti. I'm with the FBI. Listen... 180 00:09:35,609 --> 00:09:39,618 Can you think of any reason that someone might have wanted to hurt your parents? 181 00:09:39,619 --> 00:09:40,987 No. 182 00:09:40,988 --> 00:09:43,859 My dad spent his whole life helping sick people, 183 00:09:43,860 --> 00:09:47,521 and my mom bakes birthday cakes for the guys who pick up our trash. 184 00:09:47,522 --> 00:09:50,455 And this is what they get. 185 00:09:50,456 --> 00:09:52,287 - I'm very sorry. - Is that all? 186 00:09:52,288 --> 00:09:54,560 Because I need to go call my aunt. 187 00:09:54,561 --> 00:09:56,601 Please. 188 00:09:56,638 --> 00:09:57,804 [Sighs] 189 00:09:57,805 --> 00:10:01,056 Look, I'll coordinate with the local cops, but we don't have much. 190 00:10:01,057 --> 00:10:03,572 I mean, no weapon, no witnesses, no prints. 191 00:10:03,573 --> 00:10:05,992 We still have a product-liability case. 192 00:10:05,993 --> 00:10:09,240 We start digging around, we might be able to nail these bastards for murder, too. 193 00:10:09,241 --> 00:10:12,219 - Let's go. - Okay, give me a minute. 194 00:10:12,220 --> 00:10:14,848 - What's going on here? - What do you mean? 195 00:10:14,849 --> 00:10:18,852 Every time I try to bring Daniel in on a case, you say that we don't need him. 196 00:10:18,853 --> 00:10:21,394 Now the two of you are running around like Starsky and Hutch? 197 00:10:21,395 --> 00:10:24,814 Oscidyne makes brain devices. Who would you get to help you? 198 00:10:24,815 --> 00:10:26,951 Oh, cut the crap, Donnie. 199 00:10:26,952 --> 00:10:28,824 Ever since you got back from D.C., 200 00:10:28,825 --> 00:10:32,090 you have been trying to drive a wedge between me and Daniel, now... 201 00:10:32,091 --> 00:10:35,157 I don't know if this is part of some grand plan you might 202 00:10:35,158 --> 00:10:37,928 have to get us back together, but it's not gonna work. 203 00:10:37,929 --> 00:10:40,914 - You have a hell of an imagination. - Then what is it? 204 00:10:40,915 --> 00:10:43,183 You want your name in the paper? What's your angle? 205 00:10:43,184 --> 00:10:45,519 [Sighs] Why does everyone think I have an angle? 206 00:10:45,520 --> 00:10:48,640 Because you always do? 207 00:10:49,387 --> 00:10:51,793 There is nothing wrong with the 5.0. 208 00:10:51,794 --> 00:10:54,699 Then how do you explain nine failed units? 209 00:10:54,700 --> 00:10:57,765 We've sold almost 500 of them. That's less than 2%. 210 00:10:57,766 --> 00:10:59,964 I will tell you the same thing we told the FDA... 211 00:10:59,965 --> 00:11:02,825 We have double-checked our production and distribution protocols, 212 00:11:02,826 --> 00:11:04,349 and we didn't find a single problem. 213 00:11:04,350 --> 00:11:08,008 Did someone from this company attack Dr. Vetter and his wife? 214 00:11:08,009 --> 00:11:09,743 You're on a fishing expedition. 215 00:11:09,744 --> 00:11:11,984 Unless you've got a warrant, this conversation is over. 216 00:11:11,985 --> 00:11:13,560 Actually, we're just getting started. 217 00:11:13,561 --> 00:11:16,070 The government's position is that if you cannot 218 00:11:16,071 --> 00:11:18,479 provide an explanation for these problems... 219 00:11:18,480 --> 00:11:21,898 We're going to seek an injunction to stop all sales of the 5.0. 220 00:11:21,899 --> 00:11:24,090 Good luck getting a Judge to sign off on that. 221 00:11:24,091 --> 00:11:27,025 Well, if I can't, I guess I'll just have to convene a press conference 222 00:11:27,026 --> 00:11:29,328 and explain to the public how Oscidyne is impeding 223 00:11:29,329 --> 00:11:31,527 a federal investigation into one of its products. 224 00:11:31,528 --> 00:11:35,392 I'm sure Sario Donati would have something to day about that. 225 00:11:35,393 --> 00:11:40,262 Wonder what that would do to your stock price. 226 00:11:40,263 --> 00:11:43,243 There is one possibility for the failures. 227 00:11:43,244 --> 00:11:45,312 And what would that be, Mr. Singh? 228 00:11:45,313 --> 00:11:48,850 It's Dr. Singh. I hold a PHD in biomedical engineering. 229 00:11:48,851 --> 00:11:54,751 And I'm A.U.S.A. Ryan, Magna cum laude in not wasting my time on bullshit. 230 00:11:55,702 --> 00:11:58,734 There aren't a lot of doctors who know how to use this technology. 231 00:11:58,735 --> 00:12:01,437 So I designed the 5.0 for patients who would otherwise 232 00:12:01,438 --> 00:12:04,340 have to drive hours for routine programming. 233 00:12:04,341 --> 00:12:08,581 Now they can use wireless technology to link their units to their home computers. 234 00:12:08,582 --> 00:12:12,681 Their doctors can go online and make adjustments to the DBS remotely. 235 00:12:12,682 --> 00:12:15,162 So, if someone could find out the patient's access codes, 236 00:12:15,163 --> 00:12:17,110 they could tamper with the settings. 237 00:12:17,111 --> 00:12:19,167 - It is possible. - And why would anyone do that? 238 00:12:19,168 --> 00:12:23,042 There was a neurosurgeon who worked for us as a consultant. 239 00:12:23,043 --> 00:12:26,953 About a year ago, he quit and went back to academia. 240 00:12:26,954 --> 00:12:30,128 Not long after that, our biggest competitor, Medivolt, 241 00:12:30,129 --> 00:12:35,362 funded his clinical trial to the tune of $4 million. 242 00:12:35,363 --> 00:12:38,256 You think I'm some sort of corporate spy? 243 00:12:38,257 --> 00:12:41,602 That's ridiculous. Where are you getting this? 244 00:12:41,603 --> 00:12:44,478 Oh, wait, don't tell me... Arthur Singh. 245 00:12:44,479 --> 00:12:45,925 [Laughs] 246 00:12:45,926 --> 00:12:48,790 That guy. He's a complete egomaniac. 247 00:12:48,791 --> 00:12:52,410 He is blaming me because he'd never admit to a flaw in his design, 248 00:12:52,411 --> 00:12:55,002 but his sabotage theory doesn't even work. 249 00:12:55,003 --> 00:12:56,837 It seems pretty simple to me. 250 00:12:56,838 --> 00:13:00,184 If Medivolt had the access codes, they could zap Oscidyne patients. 251 00:13:00,185 --> 00:13:01,588 It's not that easy. 252 00:13:01,589 --> 00:13:06,321 The patient needs to be within about 50 feet of a computer with the 5.0 software. 253 00:13:06,322 --> 00:13:08,804 That's the only way anyone could change the settings. 254 00:13:08,805 --> 00:13:13,673 When Sario had his seizure, he was nowhere near his computer. 255 00:13:13,674 --> 00:13:16,968 - Thank you for your time, Dr. Bowen. - Do you have a minute? 256 00:13:16,969 --> 00:13:18,594 It's a professional matter. 257 00:13:18,595 --> 00:13:22,263 Go ahead. I got to make a phone call. 258 00:13:22,264 --> 00:13:23,797 Uh... 259 00:13:23,798 --> 00:13:25,299 I read all your books. 260 00:13:25,300 --> 00:13:28,190 Most great thinkers aren't usually such good writers. 261 00:13:28,191 --> 00:13:30,498 - Hardly seems fair. - What can I do for you? 262 00:13:30,499 --> 00:13:34,023 I've been doing some interesting work using DBS to treat depression. 263 00:13:34,024 --> 00:13:35,794 I'm gonna apply it to my next clinical trial, 264 00:13:35,795 --> 00:13:39,062 which will test DBS as a treatment for Schizophrenia. 265 00:13:39,063 --> 00:13:40,101 [Chuckles] 266 00:13:40,102 --> 00:13:42,179 - That won't work. - Actually... 267 00:13:42,180 --> 00:13:44,028 We've had a lot of success in animal trials. 268 00:13:44,029 --> 00:13:47,725 Just because you've been experimenting with Dopaminergic Transmission in mice 269 00:13:47,726 --> 00:13:49,382 doesn't mean it's gonna work on people. 270 00:13:49,383 --> 00:13:51,541 Unless we try, we'll never know. 271 00:13:51,542 --> 00:13:54,096 I would like you to be a consultant for my study. 272 00:13:54,097 --> 00:13:56,467 I only consult on independently financed studies, 273 00:13:56,468 --> 00:13:58,590 not corporate-sponsored money grabs. 274 00:13:58,591 --> 00:14:01,573 Big ideas need big money. 275 00:14:01,574 --> 00:14:06,631 I'm hoping your involvement will convince Medivolt to do another round of funding. 276 00:14:06,632 --> 00:14:08,792 Read it. 277 00:14:11,291 --> 00:14:17,191 Kate: Check this out. This is security footage from Dr. Vetter's garage. 278 00:14:23,790 --> 00:14:29,010 His name is Dr. Arthur Singh, engineer at Oscidyne. 279 00:14:29,264 --> 00:14:33,164 And maybe he engineered a murder. 280 00:14:38,168 --> 00:14:40,274 Singh: Go to hell. I didn't kill anyone. 281 00:14:40,275 --> 00:14:44,120 Kate: But you did assault Dr. Vetter in his garage yesterday. 282 00:14:44,121 --> 00:14:46,356 He filed a complaint with the FDA. 283 00:14:46,357 --> 00:14:48,358 It was my right to tell him he was mistaken. 284 00:14:48,359 --> 00:14:50,621 You ever hear of the phone, Artie? 285 00:14:50,622 --> 00:14:53,496 I spent three years, night and day, working on the 5.0. 286 00:14:53,497 --> 00:14:55,565 I was simply defending my creation. 287 00:14:55,566 --> 00:14:57,293 Pretty good liar, aren't you? 288 00:14:57,294 --> 00:14:58,669 I haven't lied about anything. 289 00:14:58,670 --> 00:15:01,786 What about your criminal record in India? 290 00:15:01,787 --> 00:15:04,548 Got this from my friends over at I.C.E. 291 00:15:04,549 --> 00:15:07,009 They discovered that you'd been charged with assault 292 00:15:07,010 --> 00:15:09,336 for bashing a coworker over the head. 293 00:15:09,337 --> 00:15:11,327 And they realized those charges were trumped up. 294 00:15:11,328 --> 00:15:13,343 Otherwise, they never would have approved my visa. 295 00:15:13,344 --> 00:15:16,667 Okay, so, I.C.E. gave you a pass, but not me. 296 00:15:16,668 --> 00:15:19,503 This is outrageous. You have absolutely nothing on me. 297 00:15:19,504 --> 00:15:22,199 Where were you this morning between 6:00 and 9:00? 298 00:15:22,200 --> 00:15:24,209 Home... asleep. 299 00:15:24,210 --> 00:15:27,150 [Door opens] [Sighs] 300 00:15:28,476 --> 00:15:29,714 The guy's guilty. 301 00:15:29,715 --> 00:15:32,951 The only question is, did he act alone, or did he hire someone else to do it? 302 00:15:32,952 --> 00:15:35,648 I understand why he'd want to get rid of Vetter, but why the wife? 303 00:15:35,649 --> 00:15:37,555 - She was a witness. - Yeah, maybe. 304 00:15:37,556 --> 00:15:40,650 But we don't have anything to hold Singh on, we got to cut him loose. 305 00:15:40,651 --> 00:15:41,990 No way. 306 00:15:41,991 --> 00:15:44,046 An Indian national? The guy's a flight risk. 307 00:15:44,047 --> 00:15:46,630 - I'll get a material witness warrant. - Are you kidding me? 308 00:15:46,631 --> 00:15:48,922 Whenever I ask you for one of those, you tell me I 309 00:15:48,923 --> 00:15:51,202 have to work the case until there's an actual charge. 310 00:15:51,203 --> 00:15:52,283 Why is it okay now? 311 00:15:52,284 --> 00:15:58,184 Because his story is weak, he's got no alibi, and on top of that, he's a dick. 312 00:16:02,772 --> 00:16:04,963 Dr. Bowen is trying to help people. 313 00:16:04,964 --> 00:16:07,618 Why can't you be more open-minded about his DBS trial? 314 00:16:07,619 --> 00:16:11,844 Because his trial is underwritten by a soulless, profit-driven corporation. 315 00:16:11,845 --> 00:16:14,253 Remember the study that compared corporations to psychopaths? 316 00:16:14,254 --> 00:16:16,394 He said some of them behaved identically. 317 00:16:16,395 --> 00:16:17,428 Exactly. 318 00:16:17,429 --> 00:16:20,356 Well, unless you're suggesting that I go to work with a psychopath. 319 00:16:20,357 --> 00:16:24,403 Oh, Daniel, get off your high horse. 320 00:16:24,404 --> 00:16:26,724 What are you really worried about... 321 00:16:26,725 --> 00:16:29,683 Corporate-funded research or that this study could lead to a cure, 322 00:16:29,684 --> 00:16:31,728 and then you wouldn't have an excuse for being sick? 323 00:16:31,729 --> 00:16:34,234 That is preposterous. And you know what? Even if it did work, 324 00:16:34,235 --> 00:16:37,058 no one is putting electrodes in my brain. 325 00:16:37,059 --> 00:16:40,121 Max: Hey, Doc. You got a minute? 326 00:16:40,122 --> 00:16:45,189 I thought this might be a good time for you to get to know Eva a little bit. 327 00:16:45,190 --> 00:16:47,128 Nice to meet you... again. 328 00:16:47,129 --> 00:16:49,760 Doc, Eva's got an amazing story. 329 00:16:49,761 --> 00:16:52,340 She moved here from Brazil with her family. 330 00:16:52,341 --> 00:16:54,598 She was 11, and she had never spoken English before. 331 00:16:54,599 --> 00:16:58,403 But by the time she graduated high school, she was at the top of her class. 332 00:16:58,404 --> 00:17:00,525 Now she runs her own salon. 333 00:17:00,526 --> 00:17:03,760 I think all that Eva needs now is a degree from the extension program, 334 00:17:03,761 --> 00:17:05,947 and she's a perfect candidate for a scholarship. 335 00:17:05,948 --> 00:17:06,896 [Sighs] 336 00:17:06,897 --> 00:17:09,580 What are you interested in studying? 337 00:17:09,581 --> 00:17:11,549 I didn't think this was gonna be an interview. 338 00:17:11,550 --> 00:17:14,597 Oh, well, since Dr. Pierce is so busy, I figured that this... 339 00:17:14,598 --> 00:17:16,543 I really appreciate your time, Dr. Pierce. 340 00:17:16,544 --> 00:17:19,140 Please stop by the salon some day. I'll give you a free haircut. 341 00:17:19,141 --> 00:17:21,125 Oh, no, no, no. I don't do salons. 342 00:17:21,126 --> 00:17:24,072 You know, the toxic chemicals and the hair dyes 343 00:17:24,073 --> 00:17:28,097 and those combs in the strange blue fluid. 344 00:17:28,098 --> 00:17:30,558 Okay. Well... 345 00:17:31,024 --> 00:17:33,484 I better go. 346 00:17:33,613 --> 00:17:35,739 Thanks a lot, Doc. 347 00:17:35,740 --> 00:17:39,880 Well, that wasn't very nice, Daniel. 348 00:17:40,353 --> 00:17:44,115 - Who are you? - Geez, I thought you'd recognize me. 349 00:17:44,116 --> 00:17:46,336 I'm Dan. 350 00:17:46,837 --> 00:17:48,817 Great. 351 00:17:49,179 --> 00:17:52,165 - I'm hallucinating myself. - Oh, I'm not exactly you. 352 00:17:52,166 --> 00:17:55,100 - What do you mean? - For starters, I'm happy... 353 00:17:55,101 --> 00:17:58,489 Comfortable in my own skin, considerate, open-minded. 354 00:17:58,490 --> 00:18:00,865 I am very open-minded. 355 00:18:00,866 --> 00:18:03,612 Please. I know you. 356 00:18:03,613 --> 00:18:05,296 I used to be you... 357 00:18:05,297 --> 00:18:10,641 Buried in headphones half the day, obsessed with puzzles, paranoid... 358 00:18:10,642 --> 00:18:12,526 Alone. 359 00:18:12,527 --> 00:18:16,187 But this... changed everything. 360 00:18:16,894 --> 00:18:18,180 What are you doing? 361 00:18:18,181 --> 00:18:22,261 I told you... I have an open mind. 362 00:18:23,088 --> 00:18:25,390 The future is now, my friend. 363 00:18:25,391 --> 00:18:28,493 No more hallucinations. No more delusions. 364 00:18:28,494 --> 00:18:30,467 Oh, what the hell are you talking about? 365 00:18:30,468 --> 00:18:33,031 Treating Schizophrenia with DBS is just a theory. 366 00:18:33,032 --> 00:18:35,490 You are not real, and neither is your brain implant. 367 00:18:35,491 --> 00:18:36,600 Oh, you got me there. 368 00:18:36,601 --> 00:18:41,851 My DBS is just a hallucination, but Susan Vetter's... 369 00:18:41,852 --> 00:18:44,012 Is real. 370 00:18:44,201 --> 00:18:45,893 So what? 371 00:18:45,894 --> 00:18:48,834 So you can use it. 372 00:18:49,720 --> 00:18:52,780 I could wake her up. 373 00:18:58,995 --> 00:19:00,341 We're lucky. 374 00:19:00,342 --> 00:19:03,346 Susan Vetter is in a minimally conscious state, not a coma. 375 00:19:03,347 --> 00:19:08,281 And because she has Essential Tremor, her DBS electrodes are in the Subthalamic area. 376 00:19:08,282 --> 00:19:10,107 If you could retreat them to the thalamus... 377 00:19:10,108 --> 00:19:12,446 - We may be able to jolt her awake. - Exactly. 378 00:19:12,447 --> 00:19:14,223 That's brilliant, Pierce. 379 00:19:14,224 --> 00:19:17,437 But as far as I know, it's never been done before. 380 00:19:17,438 --> 00:19:19,226 I'm gonna need you there. 381 00:19:19,227 --> 00:19:22,285 - Oh, I don't do operating rooms. - I know about your diagnosis. 382 00:19:22,286 --> 00:19:24,689 It's one of the reasons I asked you to help me with my study. 383 00:19:24,690 --> 00:19:28,774 - Then you know why I can't be there. - I am not asking you to hold a scalpel. 384 00:19:28,775 --> 00:19:34,675 But I need you to watch the monitor, help me target the right area of the brain. 385 00:19:35,925 --> 00:19:39,879 I can't always be confident in what I'm seeing. 386 00:19:39,880 --> 00:19:43,515 Has your illness stopped you from being an effective teacher or 387 00:19:43,516 --> 00:19:47,416 helping the FBI or writing books? 388 00:19:47,522 --> 00:19:49,562 [Sighs] 389 00:19:49,851 --> 00:19:55,371 We're gonna need her son's permission for the surgery. 390 00:19:59,042 --> 00:20:00,207 I don't know. 391 00:20:00,208 --> 00:20:02,869 Can't we wait and see if she'll wake up on her own? 392 00:20:02,870 --> 00:20:05,539 You mother's brain activity is steadily declining. 393 00:20:05,540 --> 00:20:08,735 This may be the best chance we have to revive her. 394 00:20:08,736 --> 00:20:09,737 What are you doing here? 395 00:20:09,738 --> 00:20:12,724 Ian, I'm Tess Williams. I work with Oscidyne. 396 00:20:12,725 --> 00:20:15,994 The hospital alerted us to Dr. Bowen's risky proposal. 397 00:20:15,995 --> 00:20:21,748 Now, do you understand that this is not an FDA-approved usage? 398 00:20:21,749 --> 00:20:22,801 You didn't tell me that. 399 00:20:22,802 --> 00:20:26,343 We would be operating under an emergency exemption to FDA rules. 400 00:20:26,344 --> 00:20:29,107 - It's not uncommon. - It doesn't make it less risky. 401 00:20:29,108 --> 00:20:31,264 It's my legal obligation to tell you that Oscidyne 402 00:20:31,265 --> 00:20:32,806 can't be held liable for the outcome. 403 00:20:32,807 --> 00:20:37,393 This is not about liability. This is about a woman's life. 404 00:20:37,394 --> 00:20:39,854 Look at her. 405 00:20:40,914 --> 00:20:43,198 If that was your mother, what would you do? 406 00:20:43,199 --> 00:20:46,954 I'd want to know all the facts before I made any decision. 407 00:20:46,955 --> 00:20:49,291 Here's my card. Okay? 408 00:20:49,292 --> 00:20:52,412 Feel free to call me. 409 00:21:05,193 --> 00:21:07,533 Go for it. 410 00:21:14,001 --> 00:21:15,969 How we doing, Dr. Pierce? 411 00:21:15,970 --> 00:21:17,783 [Sighs] W-we're close. 412 00:21:17,784 --> 00:21:20,486 One millimeter higher. 413 00:21:20,487 --> 00:21:22,929 Stop there. [Sighs] 414 00:21:22,930 --> 00:21:25,345 I think... I think that's your best bet. 415 00:21:25,346 --> 00:21:27,626 Controller. 416 00:21:29,397 --> 00:21:31,251 Come on, Susan. 417 00:21:31,252 --> 00:21:33,412 Wake up. 418 00:21:33,510 --> 00:21:35,670 [Beeping] 419 00:21:36,377 --> 00:21:40,217 Let's try a higher pulse width. 420 00:21:41,811 --> 00:21:44,205 It's not working, huh? 421 00:21:44,206 --> 00:21:46,353 - Go away. - Her E.E.G. is dropping. 422 00:21:46,354 --> 00:21:49,400 Maybe you should let me handle this. I mean, I'm not sick. 423 00:21:49,401 --> 00:21:51,199 Hey, this whole thing was your idea! 424 00:21:51,200 --> 00:21:53,093 - What? - Nothing. 425 00:21:53,094 --> 00:21:55,303 You okay? 426 00:21:55,304 --> 00:21:58,098 Dan: No, he's not. He's an untreated schizophrenic. 427 00:21:58,099 --> 00:22:00,800 And what's worse, he's incompetent. 428 00:22:00,801 --> 00:22:03,903 We're losing her. We need to end the surgery. 429 00:22:03,904 --> 00:22:06,257 Come on, pal. You can do this. 430 00:22:06,258 --> 00:22:08,953 No, no, wait, wait. Uh... 431 00:22:08,954 --> 00:22:10,284 Try one more placement. 432 00:22:10,285 --> 00:22:14,265 One millimeter higher to the Thalamic Reticular Nucleus. 433 00:22:14,266 --> 00:22:16,426 [Beeping] 434 00:22:17,276 --> 00:22:18,639 [Breathing deeply] 435 00:22:18,640 --> 00:22:19,971 Her eyes are moving. 436 00:22:19,972 --> 00:22:23,872 Increase pulse train to 30 hertz. 437 00:22:24,711 --> 00:22:27,610 Susan, can you hear me? 438 00:22:27,611 --> 00:22:29,471 Yes. 439 00:22:31,259 --> 00:22:33,539 Well done. 440 00:22:33,663 --> 00:22:36,123 Dan: Attaboy. 441 00:22:41,864 --> 00:22:44,392 Can you tell me your name and your date of birth? 442 00:22:44,393 --> 00:22:45,994 Susan Evelyn Vetter. 443 00:22:45,995 --> 00:22:48,162 April 5, 1971. 444 00:22:48,163 --> 00:22:49,225 Your current address? 445 00:22:49,226 --> 00:22:52,417 183 Kirtland street, Arden, Illinois. 446 00:22:52,418 --> 00:22:57,189 What is the last thing you remember before waking up in the hospital? 447 00:22:57,190 --> 00:22:59,693 I was at home in my kitchen. 448 00:22:59,694 --> 00:23:01,360 Okay. 449 00:23:01,361 --> 00:23:03,377 This might be hard for you, but... 450 00:23:03,378 --> 00:23:08,171 I need you to tell me what happened in your house that morning. 451 00:23:08,172 --> 00:23:11,189 Randall had just left for work. 452 00:23:11,190 --> 00:23:15,990 I was at the sink washing the dishes when... 453 00:23:16,690 --> 00:23:20,722 Oh, for some reason, my tremor started to get worse. 454 00:23:20,723 --> 00:23:22,714 [Plate shatters] 455 00:23:22,715 --> 00:23:24,679 [Cup shatters] 456 00:23:24,680 --> 00:23:28,640 It felt like my DBS was back on. 457 00:23:28,812 --> 00:23:30,749 But that didn't... it didn't make any sense. 458 00:23:30,750 --> 00:23:32,898 My husband had turned it off the night before. 459 00:23:32,899 --> 00:23:34,722 Because of what happened to Sario? 460 00:23:34,723 --> 00:23:35,741 Yeah. 461 00:23:35,742 --> 00:23:38,029 I started to feel really... 462 00:23:38,030 --> 00:23:43,610 Angry that Randall had made some kind of mistake, and... 463 00:23:44,152 --> 00:23:48,556 And then, he, uh... he walked back into the kitchen. 464 00:23:48,557 --> 00:23:50,037 [Susan stammering] 465 00:23:50,038 --> 00:23:52,281 I thought you turned my DBS off. 466 00:23:52,282 --> 00:23:54,992 - Susan, calm down. - Don't tell me to calm... 467 00:23:54,993 --> 00:23:56,913 Down! 468 00:23:57,760 --> 00:24:03,479 After that, I don't remember anything. I must have blacked out. 469 00:24:03,480 --> 00:24:06,240 Where is Randall? 470 00:24:06,979 --> 00:24:09,739 Is he all right? 471 00:24:09,832 --> 00:24:12,652 I'm sorry, Susan. 472 00:24:13,307 --> 00:24:15,707 Oh, my God. 473 00:24:16,955 --> 00:24:20,135 Did I kill my husband? 474 00:24:21,917 --> 00:24:24,317 Oh, my God. 475 00:24:24,389 --> 00:24:26,549 [Sobbing] 476 00:24:32,081 --> 00:24:34,082 His wife killed him? 477 00:24:34,083 --> 00:24:35,583 That doesn't make any sense. 478 00:24:35,584 --> 00:24:37,679 She was almost dead by the time the cops got there. 479 00:24:37,680 --> 00:24:40,821 But before she collapsed, she was in a highly agitated state. 480 00:24:40,822 --> 00:24:43,591 So, first, she shoves her husband, and then she has the seizure. 481 00:24:43,592 --> 00:24:46,203 Whoa, whoa, wait. You said that Sario was in a highly 482 00:24:46,204 --> 00:24:48,187 agitated state before his seizure, too, right? 483 00:24:48,188 --> 00:24:52,594 Right, right. So, I'm guessing that Susan's DBS levels surged just like Sario's. 484 00:24:52,595 --> 00:24:54,714 Another nail in Oscidyne's coffin. 485 00:24:54,715 --> 00:24:58,172 When Susan got to the hospital, her DBS was off. 486 00:24:58,173 --> 00:25:01,460 So, maybe it... it was sabotage like Singh suggested. 487 00:25:01,461 --> 00:25:03,916 Hang on a second. You're saying that somebody jacked 488 00:25:03,917 --> 00:25:07,106 up her DBS levels and then turned it back off? 489 00:25:07,107 --> 00:25:09,843 - Why would anyone do that? - I don't know, but... 490 00:25:09,844 --> 00:25:13,955 To do it, they'd have to know her wireless code, and they would have to be close by. 491 00:25:13,956 --> 00:25:16,493 Look, I know it sounds crazy, but Vetter 492 00:25:16,494 --> 00:25:19,060 was right there, and he definitely had her code. 493 00:25:19,061 --> 00:25:21,620 Of course. The dead guy did it. 494 00:25:21,621 --> 00:25:23,523 Well, excuse me, but in my experience, 495 00:25:23,524 --> 00:25:26,236 the husband's usually the killer, not the big Biotech firm. 496 00:25:26,237 --> 00:25:31,788 Really? Then explain how he turned off her DBS after he was dead. 497 00:25:31,789 --> 00:25:35,071 Maybe he zapped her, but then he talked to you on the phone, 498 00:25:35,072 --> 00:25:38,066 changed his mind, went back in the house, turned her DBS off. 499 00:25:38,067 --> 00:25:41,160 But by then, it was too late. She was already in a rage. 500 00:25:41,161 --> 00:25:41,988 It makes sense. 501 00:25:41,989 --> 00:25:43,694 I mean, a guy wants to kill his wife, 502 00:25:43,695 --> 00:25:45,894 he knows he can do it by maxing out her DBS level. 503 00:25:45,895 --> 00:25:49,868 And... and he knows about the series of malfunctions with her model. 504 00:25:49,869 --> 00:25:51,500 It's a perfect cover. 505 00:25:51,501 --> 00:25:54,904 So, when she dies, he claims it was just another defective device. 506 00:25:54,905 --> 00:25:58,785 It's sick, but it's kind of brilliant. 507 00:25:58,786 --> 00:26:04,686 Whatever happened, Susan admitted that she pushed him, so you got to cut Singh loose. 508 00:26:06,290 --> 00:26:09,421 Well, we're still going after Oscidyne for the eight other failures. 509 00:26:09,422 --> 00:26:11,762 Damn right. 510 00:26:13,449 --> 00:26:17,069 So what now? [Sighs] We can't get a confession out of a dead man. 511 00:26:17,070 --> 00:26:19,559 Well, we can still prove that the DBS was manipulated. 512 00:26:19,560 --> 00:26:21,237 I'll get Fleckner in cyber on it. 513 00:26:21,238 --> 00:26:25,726 In the meantime, let's try to establish a motive. 514 00:26:25,727 --> 00:26:28,344 Tell me about your parents' relationship. 515 00:26:28,345 --> 00:26:30,147 You're asking me that now? 516 00:26:30,148 --> 00:26:34,735 Listen, Ian, your mother has admitted to killing your father. 517 00:26:34,736 --> 00:26:38,295 You're seriously telling me she could go to jail? 518 00:26:38,296 --> 00:26:40,487 Listen, even if she didn't mean to do it, 519 00:26:40,488 --> 00:26:45,348 she could still be facing manslaughter charges. 520 00:26:46,648 --> 00:26:51,450 - Their marriage wasn't perfect. - Not perfect how? 521 00:26:51,451 --> 00:26:56,624 When my mom's tremors got bad, my dad got a, uh... a wandering eye. 522 00:26:56,625 --> 00:26:58,326 You mean a girlfriend? 523 00:26:58,327 --> 00:27:03,608 Mom thought he was having an affair with his secretary. 524 00:27:03,609 --> 00:27:07,019 Gabby: That's ridiculous. I mean, he flirted a little bit. 525 00:27:07,020 --> 00:27:12,786 We had drinks after work a few times, but I never slept with him. 526 00:27:12,787 --> 00:27:14,348 - Fleckner. - Pierce. 527 00:27:14,349 --> 00:27:17,983 Gabby: But to tell you the truth, I thought he was having an affair, too. 528 00:27:17,984 --> 00:27:20,852 Sometimes he would speak on the phone in whispers, 529 00:27:20,853 --> 00:27:24,133 and other times, he'd disappear for hours at lunch. 530 00:27:24,134 --> 00:27:27,614 Moretti's wasting her time. 531 00:27:27,722 --> 00:27:29,848 [Door opens] 532 00:27:29,849 --> 00:27:31,392 I found something. 533 00:27:31,393 --> 00:27:32,920 Daniel: A cellphone? 534 00:27:32,921 --> 00:27:34,269 An MP3 player. 535 00:27:34,270 --> 00:27:37,030 It doesn't make phone calls, but it does just about everything else. 536 00:27:37,031 --> 00:27:39,141 The cops bagged it from the kitchen counter. 537 00:27:39,142 --> 00:27:42,053 This is the Oscidyne 5.0 software. 538 00:27:42,054 --> 00:27:44,909 It was the last program run on the device, and... 539 00:27:44,910 --> 00:27:48,509 It was synced with Susan Vetter's DBS access code. 540 00:27:48,510 --> 00:27:49,284 Great. 541 00:27:49,285 --> 00:27:51,384 Now they can use cellphones to tap into our brains. 542 00:27:51,385 --> 00:27:56,305 Yeah, it's pretty cool, right? Check this out. 543 00:27:56,605 --> 00:28:00,081 I scanned the MP3's memory card and found the sync codes 544 00:28:00,082 --> 00:28:03,150 for every one of the failures you guys have been investigating. 545 00:28:03,151 --> 00:28:04,461 And guess what... 546 00:28:04,462 --> 00:28:06,077 They were all intentional. 547 00:28:06,078 --> 00:28:09,910 Somebody's been using this puppy to travel around the country zapping people's brains. 548 00:28:09,911 --> 00:28:12,350 - So, there were never any malfunctions? - Nope. 549 00:28:12,351 --> 00:28:14,581 Looks like Vetter did them all to make his wife's murder 550 00:28:14,582 --> 00:28:16,430 look like part of a series of product failures. 551 00:28:16,431 --> 00:28:18,638 Kate: Well, I'll check his travel records, but if we can 552 00:28:18,639 --> 00:28:21,185 put him at any of these locations, we've got our guy. 553 00:28:21,186 --> 00:28:23,188 Are you kidding me? 554 00:28:23,189 --> 00:28:27,048 This whole thing was just a run-of-the-mill, domestic-murder plot? 555 00:28:27,049 --> 00:28:27,953 [Chuckles] 556 00:28:27,954 --> 00:28:32,340 Poor Donnie. Not gonna get his name in the paper. 557 00:28:32,341 --> 00:28:36,181 That's not what this was about. 558 00:28:40,059 --> 00:28:43,108 TV announcer: We'll be right back with our half-time analysis right after... 559 00:28:43,109 --> 00:28:45,886 You couldn't have gotten one lousy haircut? 560 00:28:45,887 --> 00:28:46,971 Excuse me? 561 00:28:46,972 --> 00:28:49,306 Eva just broke up with me... by text. 562 00:28:49,307 --> 00:28:51,034 What, you're blaming me? 563 00:28:51,035 --> 00:28:52,761 No, I'm not blaming you. [Sighs] 564 00:28:52,762 --> 00:28:55,256 - I just wish I knew what I did wrong. - Well, that's obvious. 565 00:28:55,257 --> 00:28:58,222 You pushed her too hard on the whole extension-school thing. 566 00:28:58,223 --> 00:29:00,722 You probably made her feel like she's not smart enough for you. 567 00:29:00,723 --> 00:29:03,363 [Doorbell rings] 568 00:29:05,304 --> 00:29:09,307 Of course, Doc. I'd love to get it. Be happy to. 569 00:29:09,308 --> 00:29:11,207 [Man speaking indistinctly on TV] 570 00:29:11,208 --> 00:29:12,461 [Door opens] 571 00:29:12,462 --> 00:29:13,597 [Sighs] 572 00:29:13,598 --> 00:29:14,892 Oh. 573 00:29:14,893 --> 00:29:17,750 Max: Hey, uh... Doc? 574 00:29:17,751 --> 00:29:20,605 Oh, it's all right. It's all right, Lewicki. 575 00:29:20,606 --> 00:29:22,772 Oh, you're watching the Bulls. 576 00:29:22,773 --> 00:29:23,981 Who's winning? 577 00:29:23,982 --> 00:29:28,646 - Clippers are up by 10 at the half. - [Sighs] Bastards. 578 00:29:28,647 --> 00:29:31,950 Mnh-mnh. W-what are you doing here, Donnie? 579 00:29:31,951 --> 00:29:35,654 You're the brain expert. Read my mind. 580 00:29:35,655 --> 00:29:37,238 Fortunately, I can't. 581 00:29:37,239 --> 00:29:39,315 Okay, I'll tell you. 582 00:29:39,316 --> 00:29:41,351 I'm bummed. [Sighs] 583 00:29:41,352 --> 00:29:44,165 I wanted the DBS thing to be defective. 584 00:29:44,166 --> 00:29:46,473 You wanted it. Why? 585 00:29:46,474 --> 00:29:48,455 - You ever hear of Lexomycin? - Yeah. 586 00:29:48,456 --> 00:29:50,854 It was an antibiotic linked to heart problems. 587 00:29:50,855 --> 00:29:52,120 Bingo. 588 00:29:52,121 --> 00:29:54,715 Well, when I first started at the D.O.J., 589 00:29:54,716 --> 00:29:58,883 my job was to pick which cases to pass up to my boss. 590 00:29:58,884 --> 00:30:01,398 And one day, Lexomycin landed on my desk. 591 00:30:01,399 --> 00:30:03,398 - And you know what I did? - What? 592 00:30:03,399 --> 00:30:05,056 Nothing. 593 00:30:05,057 --> 00:30:09,735 I thought it looked lame, and I wanted to look cool, so... 594 00:30:09,736 --> 00:30:13,285 I gave my boss this organized-crime thing instead. 595 00:30:13,286 --> 00:30:18,347 I mean, what's sexier than taking down Vincent Capece, right? 596 00:30:18,348 --> 00:30:21,145 You know what happened with Lexomycin? 597 00:30:21,146 --> 00:30:23,614 - 40 people died. - 47 people died. 598 00:30:23,615 --> 00:30:27,432 - And you think that's your fault? - I know it's not all my fault. 599 00:30:27,433 --> 00:30:32,372 The FDA should have stopped it sooner, and the asshole manufacturer should have... 600 00:30:32,373 --> 00:30:34,977 Tested it better, but I should have done something. 601 00:30:34,978 --> 00:30:37,709 So, Lexomycin's why you took on Oscidyne. 602 00:30:37,710 --> 00:30:39,066 See? 603 00:30:39,067 --> 00:30:41,611 You can read my mind. 604 00:30:41,612 --> 00:30:45,562 It's just like Kate said. I always have an angle. 605 00:30:45,563 --> 00:30:50,412 Right? But I didn't want my name in the paper. 606 00:30:50,413 --> 00:30:52,753 I wanted... 607 00:30:53,594 --> 00:30:54,954 [Sighs] 608 00:30:54,955 --> 00:30:56,405 I don't know. 609 00:30:56,406 --> 00:30:58,686 Redemption? 610 00:30:59,732 --> 00:31:01,652 Yeah. 611 00:31:04,170 --> 00:31:07,641 I'm always looking out for number one. 612 00:31:07,642 --> 00:31:10,775 And it always ends up screwing up other people. 613 00:31:10,776 --> 00:31:14,442 That's what I did with Lexomycin. 614 00:31:14,443 --> 00:31:18,014 And that's what I did with my marriage. 615 00:31:18,015 --> 00:31:20,661 It sounds dumb, but... 616 00:31:20,662 --> 00:31:26,562 I thought that taking on Oscidyne would prove to Kate that I changed. 617 00:31:27,627 --> 00:31:33,027 I just wanted to be the guy she thought she married. 618 00:31:33,273 --> 00:31:35,853 Uh... Donnie... 619 00:31:37,367 --> 00:31:40,043 Maybe I should get... 620 00:31:40,044 --> 00:31:43,884 One of those DBS thingies and... 621 00:31:43,979 --> 00:31:48,647 It could zap me every time I'm about to do something... 622 00:31:48,648 --> 00:31:50,114 Stupid. 623 00:31:50,115 --> 00:31:51,383 Donnie, are... 624 00:31:51,384 --> 00:31:54,519 At least Donnie's trying to become his better self. 625 00:31:54,520 --> 00:31:56,855 Why can't you do that, Daniel? I did. 626 00:31:56,856 --> 00:32:01,092 This is ridiculous! I can't just get a DBS and suddenly be cured. 627 00:32:01,093 --> 00:32:03,428 But you could do a lot of other things. 628 00:32:03,429 --> 00:32:07,003 There are new-generation anti-psychotics, and you won't use those, either. 629 00:32:07,004 --> 00:32:10,386 You won't even go to therapy, which is a damn shame. 630 00:32:10,387 --> 00:32:13,472 Because you could have so much more in your life. 631 00:32:13,473 --> 00:32:16,774 You could have what I have... 632 00:32:16,775 --> 00:32:19,055 My family. 633 00:32:21,750 --> 00:32:24,085 Beautiful, aren't they? 634 00:32:24,086 --> 00:32:26,118 You could have this, too... 635 00:32:26,119 --> 00:32:28,754 If you'd just take care of yourself. 636 00:32:28,755 --> 00:32:31,923 I don't want to look at that. 637 00:32:31,924 --> 00:32:33,525 I don't blame you. 638 00:32:33,526 --> 00:32:35,413 It must make you feel awful lonely. 639 00:32:35,414 --> 00:32:39,974 But ask yourself, who else couldn't look? 640 00:32:40,524 --> 00:32:42,885 What do you mean? Put that away. 641 00:32:42,886 --> 00:32:47,100 You've been trying to figure out who turned off Susan Vetter's DBS. 642 00:32:47,101 --> 00:32:51,001 But you already know, don't you? 643 00:33:01,202 --> 00:33:03,247 Susan Vetter... 644 00:33:03,248 --> 00:33:06,549 Was treated for seizures and multiple lacerations, 645 00:33:06,550 --> 00:33:09,316 all caused by blunt-force trauma to the back of the head. 646 00:33:09,317 --> 00:33:10,721 Donnie: Now you think she did it? 647 00:33:10,722 --> 00:33:14,591 When we were in the hospital, Tess didn't look at Susan... not once. 648 00:33:14,592 --> 00:33:16,367 So what? I didn't want to look at her either. 649 00:33:16,368 --> 00:33:18,805 No, but if I pointed at her, you would have. 650 00:33:18,806 --> 00:33:22,614 Tess didn't. It was too hard for her to look at the woman she tried to kill. 651 00:33:22,615 --> 00:33:25,528 We're gonna need way more than that to get a jury past reasonable doubt. 652 00:33:25,529 --> 00:33:28,229 Well, there is more. Vetter said he saw Tess in Miami. 653 00:33:28,230 --> 00:33:30,400 - I think they were having an affair. - Circumstantial. 654 00:33:30,401 --> 00:33:32,218 Which is why we need a confession. 655 00:33:32,219 --> 00:33:34,031 And how are you gonna get that? 656 00:33:34,032 --> 00:33:35,771 Watch. 657 00:33:35,772 --> 00:33:38,274 Have you ever seen these before, Tess? 658 00:33:38,275 --> 00:33:39,315 - [Sighs] - Look. 659 00:33:39,316 --> 00:33:45,196 - Put them away, please. - Not until you answer my questions. 660 00:33:49,608 --> 00:33:53,028 What do you want to know? 661 00:33:55,605 --> 00:33:57,093 - Sorry. - You remember Dr. Pierce. 662 00:33:57,094 --> 00:34:00,910 Daniel: Yes. Tess and I have met. 663 00:34:00,911 --> 00:34:03,131 Oh... my. 664 00:34:05,366 --> 00:34:08,916 It's terrible what happened to Randall Vetter. 665 00:34:08,917 --> 00:34:10,709 I'm sure you were pretty broken up about it. 666 00:34:10,710 --> 00:34:12,468 He was a wonderful man. 667 00:34:12,469 --> 00:34:14,247 I liked him. 668 00:34:14,248 --> 00:34:17,639 - You loved him, didn't you? - What? 669 00:34:17,640 --> 00:34:19,398 - No, he... - It's okay. 670 00:34:19,399 --> 00:34:23,169 It must be so hard to be the other woman. 671 00:34:23,170 --> 00:34:24,805 The family gets all the sympathy. 672 00:34:24,806 --> 00:34:28,706 Nobody thinks about how you feel. 673 00:34:28,975 --> 00:34:31,096 If you don't mind my asking... 674 00:34:31,097 --> 00:34:33,369 How did it start? 675 00:34:33,370 --> 00:34:38,708 I met him three years ago, right after I got hired by Oscidyne. 676 00:34:38,709 --> 00:34:40,984 He was kind... 677 00:34:40,985 --> 00:34:45,190 And patient. I'd never met a man like him. 678 00:34:45,191 --> 00:34:47,374 And we both felt something. 679 00:34:47,375 --> 00:34:48,938 Then you slept together? 680 00:34:48,939 --> 00:34:51,714 No. Randall wasn't like that. 681 00:34:51,715 --> 00:34:56,299 But after a while, his wife Susan's tremors got really bad. 682 00:34:56,300 --> 00:34:59,603 He still loved her, but he wasn't attracted to her anymore. 683 00:34:59,604 --> 00:35:01,307 That's when we started seeing each other. 684 00:35:01,308 --> 00:35:04,633 But then Susan got DBS, and her tremors went away. 685 00:35:04,634 --> 00:35:06,510 Did that change things? 686 00:35:06,511 --> 00:35:07,526 Yes. 687 00:35:07,527 --> 00:35:10,411 Randall started spending more time at home. 688 00:35:10,412 --> 00:35:12,350 That must have hurt. 689 00:35:12,351 --> 00:35:13,997 It did. 690 00:35:13,998 --> 00:35:17,111 And that's when you decided to do something about Susan Vetter. 691 00:35:17,112 --> 00:35:20,148 Daniel: With Susan gone, you and Randall could have a real life together... 692 00:35:20,149 --> 00:35:21,419 Marriage, maybe children. 693 00:35:21,420 --> 00:35:23,482 Her DBS was the perfect way to get rid of her. 694 00:35:23,483 --> 00:35:24,346 No. 695 00:35:24,347 --> 00:35:26,463 But you didn't want Randall to suspect anything, 696 00:35:26,464 --> 00:35:30,101 so you came up with a plan to make it look like Susan's unit was defective. 697 00:35:30,102 --> 00:35:34,623 And because of your job, you had the patients' access codes. 698 00:35:34,624 --> 00:35:37,463 Tess, we found your MP3. 699 00:35:37,464 --> 00:35:41,424 Your fingerprints are all over it. 700 00:35:44,626 --> 00:35:46,666 [Sighs] 701 00:35:48,743 --> 00:35:53,259 I only raised their settings a few levels. 702 00:35:53,260 --> 00:35:55,511 Just enough so they'd have side effects. 703 00:35:55,512 --> 00:35:58,546 But then you made the mistake of targeting Sario. 704 00:35:58,547 --> 00:36:02,327 [Mid-tempo violin music playing] 705 00:36:05,500 --> 00:36:06,512 [Off-key notes play] 706 00:36:06,513 --> 00:36:09,038 [Grunting] [Audience gasps] 707 00:36:09,039 --> 00:36:11,000 Daniel: You never thought your attack on him would 708 00:36:11,001 --> 00:36:13,403 make the doctor want to take out Susan's DBS, too. 709 00:36:13,404 --> 00:36:19,304 Kate: You had to act because you weren't gonna get another chance to kill her. 710 00:36:20,719 --> 00:36:24,799 [Car door closes, engine turns over] 711 00:36:29,012 --> 00:36:32,503 Tess: I had to get close enough to connect with her unit. 712 00:36:32,504 --> 00:36:38,404 Once I did, I turned her DBS back on, and I started to raise the levels. 713 00:36:38,696 --> 00:36:40,400 I was almost finished. 714 00:36:40,401 --> 00:36:42,713 [Glass shatters] 715 00:36:42,714 --> 00:36:45,347 But then Randall came back. 716 00:36:45,348 --> 00:36:48,625 - He wasn't supposed to be there. - I thought you turned my DBS off. 717 00:36:48,626 --> 00:36:51,755 - Susan, calm down. - Don't tell me to calm down! 718 00:36:51,756 --> 00:36:53,736 [Thud] 719 00:36:54,659 --> 00:36:55,907 [Grunts] 720 00:36:55,908 --> 00:36:58,629 But I had to see if Randall was hurt. 721 00:36:58,630 --> 00:37:02,666 At first, I saw Susan. It was horrible. 722 00:37:02,667 --> 00:37:05,907 And then I saw Randall. 723 00:37:17,415 --> 00:37:21,975 [Crying] I just wanted Randall for myself. 724 00:37:27,273 --> 00:37:30,205 I forgot to tell you... you're out of O.J. sorry. 725 00:37:30,206 --> 00:37:33,530 Well, you probably needed it after last night. 726 00:37:33,531 --> 00:37:34,998 Yeah. [Sighs] 727 00:37:34,999 --> 00:37:38,101 I shouldn't have barged in on you like that. 728 00:37:38,102 --> 00:37:42,722 Thanks for not throwing me out on my ass. 729 00:37:43,473 --> 00:37:45,374 Do me a favor? 730 00:37:45,375 --> 00:37:48,044 Don't tell Kate. 731 00:37:48,045 --> 00:37:50,057 I won't. 732 00:37:50,058 --> 00:37:52,818 Maybe you should. 733 00:37:52,951 --> 00:37:53,917 [Sighs] 734 00:37:53,918 --> 00:37:55,963 So, who won the game, anyway? 735 00:37:55,964 --> 00:37:58,064 We did. 736 00:37:58,432 --> 00:38:00,712 Da' Bulls. 737 00:38:07,200 --> 00:38:10,273 Daniel Pierce bumping fists. 738 00:38:10,274 --> 00:38:11,732 Really? 739 00:38:11,733 --> 00:38:15,255 Just be careful you don't pick up any of his other juvenile habits, okay? 740 00:38:15,256 --> 00:38:17,013 He's not that bad. 741 00:38:17,014 --> 00:38:21,154 Maybe you should cut him some slack. 742 00:38:25,938 --> 00:38:27,781 Hey. 743 00:38:27,782 --> 00:38:30,602 Thanks for coming. 744 00:38:31,063 --> 00:38:32,799 I don't know what else there is to say. 745 00:38:32,800 --> 00:38:35,067 You don't have to say anything. 746 00:38:35,068 --> 00:38:39,448 Look, I know why you broke up with me. 747 00:38:41,391 --> 00:38:43,503 You thought I was... [sighs] 748 00:38:43,504 --> 00:38:46,062 Judging you because you don't have a college degree. 749 00:38:46,063 --> 00:38:48,781 You made such a big deal about the scholarship. 750 00:38:48,782 --> 00:38:52,751 I mean, how was I supposed to feel? 751 00:38:52,752 --> 00:38:55,086 When I was in high school... 752 00:38:55,087 --> 00:38:56,984 I felt like I didn't measure up. 753 00:38:56,985 --> 00:39:01,401 I was a skinny, adopted kid who sucked at sports. 754 00:39:01,402 --> 00:39:04,707 And I had a last name that ends with icky. 755 00:39:04,708 --> 00:39:07,726 But going to college, getting a scholarship, 756 00:39:07,727 --> 00:39:10,794 those things made me feel better about myself. 757 00:39:10,795 --> 00:39:14,461 So, because you were insecure, you think I am, too? 758 00:39:14,462 --> 00:39:17,331 I just wanted to help you. 759 00:39:17,332 --> 00:39:22,070 How about next time, you ask me what I want? 760 00:39:22,071 --> 00:39:24,351 Next time? 761 00:39:37,987 --> 00:39:39,850 - Okay, want to do this? - You ready? 762 00:39:39,851 --> 00:39:42,191 Let's try. 763 00:40:01,644 --> 00:40:04,644 [Off-key notes play] 764 00:40:12,304 --> 00:40:15,564 Let me try a lower pulse width. [Beeping] 765 00:40:15,565 --> 00:40:17,965 [Note plays] 766 00:40:20,021 --> 00:40:22,541 [Melody plays] 767 00:40:34,389 --> 00:40:39,134 Daniel: Why are humans constantly striving for improvement? 768 00:40:39,135 --> 00:40:42,829 Much of our ambition is driven by our large Prefrontal Cortex. 769 00:40:42,830 --> 00:40:46,614 Which is why we're in this classroom and not in the jungle eating bananas. 770 00:40:46,615 --> 00:40:48,056 [Laughter] 771 00:40:48,057 --> 00:40:50,852 Every day, we dream about new technological advancements... 772 00:40:50,853 --> 00:40:55,947 Upgraded cellphones, faster computers, new medical techniques. 773 00:40:55,948 --> 00:41:00,448 Science seems to have unlimited potential. 774 00:41:01,621 --> 00:41:06,518 And many of these advancements really do make our lives better. 775 00:41:06,519 --> 00:41:08,890 But sometimes I think... 776 00:41:08,891 --> 00:41:11,660 In our striving for improvement, 777 00:41:11,661 --> 00:41:15,208 we lose sight of something just as important. 778 00:41:15,209 --> 00:41:21,109 Maybe we should try to accept what's already pretty good about ourselves. 779 00:41:24,711 --> 00:41:28,089 And not everything needs fixing. 780 00:41:28,090 --> 00:41:31,990 Mozart's music is 200 years old. 781 00:41:32,828 --> 00:41:35,676 It doesn't require any upgrade. 782 00:41:35,677 --> 00:41:38,400 It's perfect just the way it is. 783 00:41:38,401 --> 00:41:40,718 [Song ends] 784 00:41:40,719 --> 00:41:46,619 Sync & corrections by P2Pfiend. 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