1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,720 Subs created by: David Coleman. 2 00:00:07,352 --> 00:00:08,521 He's dead. 3 00:00:08,522 --> 00:00:11,961 I didn't have a choice. He shot at me. I had to return fire. 4 00:00:11,962 --> 00:00:12,855 Kate, you're hit. 5 00:00:12,856 --> 00:00:17,176 No, no. I'm fine. I have my vest on. 6 00:00:17,805 --> 00:00:20,244 - Where is she? - Who? 7 00:00:20,245 --> 00:00:23,647 The woman who Rickford was raping. Where is she? 8 00:00:23,648 --> 00:00:25,988 I don't... 9 00:00:26,294 --> 00:00:28,852 There's some stairs here. Maybe she ran down. 10 00:00:28,853 --> 00:00:32,513 Let's get some air. Come on. 11 00:00:34,159 --> 00:00:37,328 Just... just take a deep breath. 12 00:00:37,329 --> 00:00:39,564 CPD is on the way. 13 00:00:39,565 --> 00:00:41,632 911 already got four calls. 14 00:00:41,633 --> 00:00:44,054 Well, what they hell are the two of you doing here anyway? 15 00:00:44,055 --> 00:00:46,129 We hadn't heard from you, Kate. We were worried. 16 00:00:46,130 --> 00:00:48,420 The question is why are you here? 17 00:00:48,421 --> 00:00:50,549 I've been following Rickford for the past few days. 18 00:00:50,550 --> 00:00:52,265 Jesus, Kate. 19 00:00:52,266 --> 00:00:55,113 They already took your gun and badge for harassing this guy. 20 00:00:55,114 --> 00:00:57,196 Well, I couldn't just let it go. 21 00:00:57,197 --> 00:01:01,266 I knew that sooner or later he was gonna attack another woman, and I was right. 22 00:01:01,267 --> 00:01:05,514 Tonight he went to a bar. He was hitting on this girl. 23 00:01:05,515 --> 00:01:10,495 I saw him. He slipped something into her drink. 24 00:01:11,956 --> 00:01:16,560 She didn't want to get into his car, but she was too wasted to resist. 25 00:01:16,561 --> 00:01:19,861 So I followed them here. 26 00:01:23,219 --> 00:01:27,357 I saw him through the window. He was getting rough with her. 27 00:01:27,358 --> 00:01:31,498 She screamed. I had to go in there. 28 00:01:34,462 --> 00:01:36,322 FBI! 29 00:01:45,685 --> 00:01:49,945 But it was like he was ready for me. 30 00:02:01,043 --> 00:02:05,212 - It was a clean shoot. - Okay, I get that. 31 00:02:05,213 --> 00:02:07,118 But you're gonna have a lot of explaining to do. 32 00:02:07,119 --> 00:02:09,442 Yeah, like why you were following him in the first place. 33 00:02:09,443 --> 00:02:11,037 And why you're wearing body armor. 34 00:02:11,038 --> 00:02:13,471 He's a trained soldier, and I don't have any backup. 35 00:02:13,472 --> 00:02:17,792 You're damn right I'm wearing a vest. 36 00:02:18,678 --> 00:02:24,578 As soon as we find that woman, she's gonna confirm my story. 37 00:02:27,550 --> 00:02:32,350 In the meantime, you're gonna need a lawyer. 38 00:02:37,967 --> 00:02:40,252 Katie. Honey, you okay? 39 00:02:40,253 --> 00:02:42,893 I'm fine, dad. 40 00:02:43,613 --> 00:02:45,470 What happens now? 41 00:02:45,471 --> 00:02:49,972 Well, they, uh... they investigate, try to find the eyewitness, I go to therapy. 42 00:02:49,973 --> 00:02:53,145 Standard operating procedure after an officer-involved shooting. 43 00:02:53,146 --> 00:02:54,444 Yeah, it's a waste of time. 44 00:02:54,445 --> 00:02:57,716 Never met a CPD headshrinker who knew his ass from his elbow. 45 00:02:57,717 --> 00:03:00,515 Therapy can be very effective after a traumatic event. 46 00:03:00,516 --> 00:03:03,388 I'm not traumatized. I'm fine. 47 00:03:03,389 --> 00:03:05,023 Don't worry about it, kiddo. 48 00:03:05,024 --> 00:03:08,504 Everything's gonna be okay. 49 00:03:11,222 --> 00:03:14,021 Let me guess... you don't need treatment? 50 00:03:14,022 --> 00:03:15,763 Yeah, what I need is to get back to work, 51 00:03:15,764 --> 00:03:18,653 so if you could just sign the forms saying that I am fit for duty. 52 00:03:18,654 --> 00:03:19,646 That'd be great. 53 00:03:19,647 --> 00:03:23,200 As I understand it, you don't have a job to get back to. 54 00:03:23,201 --> 00:03:24,931 So you're not gonna sign it? 55 00:03:24,932 --> 00:03:28,190 You're welcome to stare at the walls for the next 45 minutes. 56 00:03:28,191 --> 00:03:30,480 I've got e-mails to answer. 57 00:03:30,481 --> 00:03:33,145 But that won't get you your gun and badge back. 58 00:03:33,146 --> 00:03:35,787 Okay. What do you want me to say? 59 00:03:35,788 --> 00:03:39,134 You killed a man. How does that make you feel? 60 00:03:39,135 --> 00:03:43,373 Well, I killed a rapist and a murderer. 61 00:03:43,374 --> 00:03:44,943 I feel great. 62 00:03:44,944 --> 00:03:46,379 I heard the news about Kate. 63 00:03:46,380 --> 00:03:48,459 - How is she holding up? - Oh, how do you think? 64 00:03:48,460 --> 00:03:50,620 I mean, she almost got killed, and now the FBI gestapo 65 00:03:50,621 --> 00:03:51,978 is treating her like a criminal. 66 00:03:51,979 --> 00:03:53,314 Instead of being there for her, 67 00:03:53,315 --> 00:03:55,607 I've got to spoon-feed neuro 101 to a bunch of freshmen. 68 00:03:55,608 --> 00:03:57,526 Look, Daniel, I know how much Kate means to you 69 00:03:57,527 --> 00:03:59,505 and I know that she could use your help right now, 70 00:03:59,506 --> 00:04:02,680 so whatever time you need, you just take it. 71 00:04:02,681 --> 00:04:05,016 - Thanks, Paul. - Yeah. 72 00:04:05,017 --> 00:04:07,386 In the meantime, how's it going with the lovely Miranda? 73 00:04:07,387 --> 00:04:09,534 - It isn't. - What do you mean? 74 00:04:09,535 --> 00:04:13,392 Oh, come on. You can't just rekindle a decades-old romance. 75 00:04:13,393 --> 00:04:15,239 Whoa, wait a minute here. 76 00:04:15,240 --> 00:04:18,027 I don't know what this is about, but don't be an idiot. 77 00:04:18,028 --> 00:04:23,788 Most of us never get a second chance with our first love. 78 00:04:25,719 --> 00:04:27,450 - Donnie Ryan? - Yeah. 79 00:04:27,451 --> 00:04:29,648 Just wanted to introduce myself. Todd Erlich. 80 00:04:29,649 --> 00:04:32,256 I'm an A.U.S.A. from the New York office. 81 00:04:32,257 --> 00:04:34,679 You're handling the investigation into Kate's shooting. 82 00:04:34,680 --> 00:04:37,659 They wanted an outsider... avoid any conflict of interest. 83 00:04:37,660 --> 00:04:40,343 Sure. They got you here awful fast. 84 00:04:40,344 --> 00:04:42,410 Congressman Rickford must have pulled some strings. 85 00:04:42,411 --> 00:04:45,384 He won't influence my findings. Agent Moretti will get a fair shake. 86 00:04:45,385 --> 00:04:47,826 Hell, I'm glad this is being fast-tracked. 87 00:04:47,827 --> 00:04:49,357 The sooner she's cleared, the better. 88 00:04:49,358 --> 00:04:51,563 Yeah, that's actually why I stopped by. 89 00:04:51,564 --> 00:04:53,966 I wanted to bring you up to speed. 90 00:04:53,967 --> 00:04:59,338 There was a 911 call from Rickford's house right before the shooting. 91 00:04:59,339 --> 00:05:01,039 911. What's your emergency? 92 00:05:01,040 --> 00:05:02,749 There's a crazy woman stalking me. 93 00:05:02,750 --> 00:05:05,622 She just broke into my house. Please send help. 94 00:05:05,623 --> 00:05:08,664 I think she's got a gun. She's gonna kill me. 95 00:05:08,665 --> 00:05:10,849 This doesn't exactly help your ex's case. 96 00:05:10,850 --> 00:05:13,188 Rickford knew he was about to get caught raping a woman, 97 00:05:13,189 --> 00:05:16,774 so he made that bogus 911 call to cover his ass. 98 00:05:16,775 --> 00:05:18,642 You find the woman he was trying to rape, 99 00:05:18,643 --> 00:05:20,587 and she'll tell you that call was a load of crap. 100 00:05:20,588 --> 00:05:22,227 She came forward this morning. 101 00:05:22,228 --> 00:05:24,651 Her name is Wendy Burrell. I'm about to go interview her. 102 00:05:24,652 --> 00:05:26,891 Great. I'll sit in. 103 00:05:26,892 --> 00:05:28,760 Look, I get it. If I were in your shoes, 104 00:05:28,761 --> 00:05:31,076 I'd have wormed my way into the case any way I could. 105 00:05:31,077 --> 00:05:33,361 So, as a professional courtesy, I'm giving you a heads-up, 106 00:05:33,362 --> 00:05:35,290 but you know I can't let you talk to the witness. 107 00:05:35,291 --> 00:05:40,871 But as a professional courtesy, you could let me listen. 108 00:05:41,247 --> 00:05:43,730 I'm designing a media room for this finance guy and he 109 00:05:43,731 --> 00:05:46,218 wants to see some leather swatches for a sectional. 110 00:05:46,219 --> 00:05:49,791 So, I was waiting at the bar when he texted and blew me of. 111 00:05:49,792 --> 00:05:52,891 Then this cute guy comes up and offers to buy me a drink. 112 00:05:52,892 --> 00:05:54,726 - Blake Rickford? - Mm-hmm. 113 00:05:54,727 --> 00:05:58,395 Did you feel, um... I don't know... unusual in any way? 114 00:05:58,396 --> 00:05:59,621 Um, what do you mean? 115 00:05:59,622 --> 00:06:02,867 Well, there was a witness at the bar that said that you might have been drugged. 116 00:06:02,868 --> 00:06:04,503 No way. 117 00:06:04,504 --> 00:06:08,061 I skipped lunch, so I got buzzed pretty quick but... 118 00:06:08,062 --> 00:06:12,810 I wasn't so drunk I didn't know what I was doing, if that's why you're asking. 119 00:06:12,811 --> 00:06:16,189 Whose idea was it to go back to his place? 120 00:06:16,190 --> 00:06:18,110 Mine. 121 00:06:18,396 --> 00:06:22,421 I was gonna follow him, but he convinced me I was in no shape to drive. 122 00:06:22,422 --> 00:06:23,888 He was a gentleman. 123 00:06:23,889 --> 00:06:26,002 Promised to bring me back to my car in the morning. 124 00:06:26,003 --> 00:06:29,483 What happened at his place? 125 00:06:30,111 --> 00:06:34,469 I don't usually do it on the first date, but I thought he was a catch. 126 00:06:34,470 --> 00:06:37,179 - So, it was consensual? - Totally. 127 00:06:37,180 --> 00:06:39,487 - Did he hurt you in any way? - No. 128 00:06:39,488 --> 00:06:42,099 I mean, he threw me on the bed, but that was hot. 129 00:06:42,100 --> 00:06:44,740 Did you scream? 130 00:06:46,134 --> 00:06:50,514 Well, maybe I squealed. It was exciting. 131 00:06:51,451 --> 00:06:54,463 Until I heard someone breaking in. 132 00:06:54,464 --> 00:06:56,743 He tells me he's got a stalker. 133 00:06:56,744 --> 00:06:59,257 Could have mentioned that before I went home with him, right? 134 00:06:59,258 --> 00:07:04,358 He grabs a gun from the nightstand, and I freak. 135 00:07:05,067 --> 00:07:09,033 I went down the back stairs, and I just kept running. 136 00:07:09,034 --> 00:07:12,994 Thank you very much, Miss Burrell. 137 00:07:17,241 --> 00:07:19,325 I am really sorry, Ryan. 138 00:07:19,326 --> 00:07:20,996 I was hoping it wouldn't go this way but, 139 00:07:20,997 --> 00:07:23,946 I'm swearing out a warrant for Moretti's arrest... 140 00:07:23,947 --> 00:07:26,287 For murder. 141 00:07:35,633 --> 00:07:38,835 The United States vs. Katherine Rose Moretti. 142 00:07:38,836 --> 00:07:41,723 Counselors, your appearances, please. 143 00:07:41,724 --> 00:07:44,179 A.U.S.A. Todd Erlich for the government, your honor. 144 00:07:44,180 --> 00:07:46,935 Donald Ryan for the defense, your honor. 145 00:07:46,936 --> 00:07:48,753 If I'm not mistaken, Mr. Ryan, 146 00:07:48,754 --> 00:07:50,774 you're an assistant United States attorney. 147 00:07:50,775 --> 00:07:53,209 I was. I just resigned. 148 00:07:53,210 --> 00:07:54,651 Donnie, what the hell are you doing? 149 00:07:54,652 --> 00:07:59,255 Come on, Kate. Who could defend you better than me? 150 00:07:59,256 --> 00:08:01,324 Thanks. Don't worry. You'll still get your check. 151 00:08:01,325 --> 00:08:03,197 Let's proceed. 152 00:08:03,198 --> 00:08:05,892 The defendant is charged with murder in the second degree. 153 00:08:05,893 --> 00:08:08,796 - How do you plead? - Not guilty, your honor. 154 00:08:08,797 --> 00:08:11,578 - I'll hear the government on bail. - We ask for remand. 155 00:08:11,579 --> 00:08:13,328 My client's not a flight risk. 156 00:08:13,329 --> 00:08:15,315 She's a decorated law-enforcement officer 157 00:08:15,316 --> 00:08:17,587 who welcomes the chance to clear her good name. 158 00:08:17,588 --> 00:08:20,086 We ask you to release Agent Moretti on her own recognizance. 159 00:08:20,087 --> 00:08:24,173 Ms. Moretti was suspended from the FBI for harassing the deceased. 160 00:08:24,174 --> 00:08:28,314 She forfeited her good name when she went rogue and killed a man. 161 00:08:28,315 --> 00:08:30,200 What do you say I split the baby 162 00:08:30,201 --> 00:08:33,039 and order the defendant released on house arrest? 163 00:08:33,040 --> 00:08:35,462 You will wear an electronic monitoring device, 164 00:08:35,463 --> 00:08:41,363 and you can only leave home to go to therapy or to your attorney's office. 165 00:08:47,304 --> 00:08:50,123 Your crazy ex-wife going down. 166 00:08:50,124 --> 00:08:55,164 You be careful. She'll bring you down with her. 167 00:08:57,948 --> 00:09:01,072 Well, the good news is if I can't hit the Billy Goat for burgers and fries, 168 00:09:01,073 --> 00:09:02,628 I'll probably lose 10 pounds. 169 00:09:02,629 --> 00:09:04,253 Not to mention your high Cholesterol. 170 00:09:04,254 --> 00:09:06,306 Should have slapped one of those on you years ago. 171 00:09:06,307 --> 00:09:08,227 Ryan. 172 00:09:08,626 --> 00:09:10,948 I got to admit, it's a pretty ballsy move. 173 00:09:10,949 --> 00:09:13,778 - What do you want, Erlich? - Plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter. 174 00:09:13,779 --> 00:09:15,655 You'll serve 3 to 5. Otherwise, we go to trial. 175 00:09:15,656 --> 00:09:17,550 You have till Friday to decide. 176 00:09:17,551 --> 00:09:21,631 I don't need till Friday. No deal. 177 00:09:26,644 --> 00:09:28,790 So, this is the man cave? 178 00:09:28,791 --> 00:09:30,796 Uh, not anymore. 179 00:09:30,797 --> 00:09:35,061 Welcome to the law offices of Donald Ryan, esquire. 180 00:09:35,062 --> 00:09:37,822 Please, sit down. 181 00:09:41,525 --> 00:09:45,062 All right. Let's talk strategy. 182 00:09:45,063 --> 00:09:46,401 I got a strategy. 183 00:09:46,402 --> 00:09:48,900 I tell the truth. The murder charge is bullshit. 184 00:09:48,901 --> 00:09:51,485 It's trumped up under pressure from Congressman Rickford. 185 00:09:51,486 --> 00:09:54,255 I saved that woman from being raped. 186 00:09:54,256 --> 00:09:56,982 - That's not what Wendy Burrell says. - Yeah, well, she's lying. 187 00:09:56,983 --> 00:09:59,990 Interior decorator, no record, a nice girl with no 188 00:09:59,991 --> 00:10:02,103 connection to Blake Rickford before that night. 189 00:10:02,104 --> 00:10:03,284 Why would she lie? 190 00:10:03,285 --> 00:10:06,519 Rape is a traumatic event. People react to it in different ways. 191 00:10:06,520 --> 00:10:08,637 She's a strong, independent woman. 192 00:10:08,638 --> 00:10:11,729 Maybe she didn't want to be seen as a victim. 193 00:10:11,730 --> 00:10:13,967 Look, I know what I saw. 194 00:10:13,968 --> 00:10:16,693 Actually, maybe you don't. 195 00:10:16,694 --> 00:10:19,718 Your perception of what happened may have been distorted. 196 00:10:19,719 --> 00:10:23,429 Uh, spacial and temporal confusion is... is common in officer-involved shootings. 197 00:10:23,430 --> 00:10:25,230 Okay, hey. Break it down for us. 198 00:10:25,231 --> 00:10:28,083 After killing a suspect, cops often report 199 00:10:28,084 --> 00:10:31,061 time lines and geography that proves totally wrong. 200 00:10:31,062 --> 00:10:33,324 A distance of 5 feet is described as 50. 201 00:10:33,325 --> 00:10:35,884 I don't need a Neuroscientist to prove that cops lie. 202 00:10:35,885 --> 00:10:37,414 It's not about lying. 203 00:10:37,415 --> 00:10:38,769 The stress of the situation 204 00:10:38,770 --> 00:10:41,247 may have caused Kate to remember events not as they happened. 205 00:10:41,248 --> 00:10:43,018 But in a way that fits with her preconceived 206 00:10:43,019 --> 00:10:44,588 notion that Rickford is a rapist. 207 00:10:44,589 --> 00:10:46,373 Great. That I can use. 208 00:10:46,374 --> 00:10:49,381 How? He's basically saying that I'm guilty and crazy. 209 00:10:49,382 --> 00:10:53,059 No, he's saying Wendy's testimony doesn't even matter. 210 00:10:53,060 --> 00:10:57,119 If you had a reasonable belief that Rickford was raping a woman, 211 00:10:57,120 --> 00:11:01,306 you may have been wrong, but you wouldn't be criminally liable. 212 00:11:01,307 --> 00:11:03,322 That's good. It's very good. 213 00:11:03,323 --> 00:11:06,927 But first we'd have to prove that Rickford was a rapist. 214 00:11:06,928 --> 00:11:09,880 We have Kendra Murphy. Maybe he raped other soldiers. 215 00:11:09,881 --> 00:11:12,448 I mean, a guy like that doesn't have just one victim. 216 00:11:12,449 --> 00:11:15,143 Anything that happened in Afghanistan is outside our jurisdiction. 217 00:11:15,144 --> 00:11:16,719 That's a prosecutor's problem. 218 00:11:16,720 --> 00:11:18,712 I'm a fully fledged member of the defense bar 219 00:11:18,713 --> 00:11:21,316 trying to dirty up a homicide victim any way I can. 220 00:11:21,317 --> 00:11:23,789 That's kind of sick. 221 00:11:23,790 --> 00:11:26,130 I like it. 222 00:11:27,580 --> 00:11:31,225 I will talk to every soldier who served alongside Rickford in the guard. 223 00:11:31,226 --> 00:11:35,042 Daniel, get me all the research you can on this "perception distortion" thing. 224 00:11:35,043 --> 00:11:36,423 What do I do? 225 00:11:36,424 --> 00:11:38,008 Um... 226 00:11:38,009 --> 00:11:41,003 Make a file of everything you can remember about the night of the shooting. 227 00:11:41,004 --> 00:11:43,710 So, basically sit around and do nothing. 228 00:11:43,711 --> 00:11:49,611 Well, thanks to the fashion accessory there, you don't have much of a choice. 229 00:11:51,695 --> 00:11:54,694 Hey. There's my girl. 230 00:11:54,695 --> 00:11:55,985 Dad, what are you doing here? 231 00:11:55,986 --> 00:11:58,879 Oh, you can't go out, so I thought we'd have a movie night. 232 00:11:58,880 --> 00:12:03,231 I got your favorites... "French Connection" uh, "Taking of Pelham one two three". 233 00:12:03,232 --> 00:12:04,625 Okay, those are your favorites. 234 00:12:04,626 --> 00:12:07,054 The original... not that God-awful remake. 235 00:12:07,055 --> 00:12:10,519 Movie night is a great idea. I just can't right now. 236 00:12:10,520 --> 00:12:14,497 I have so much work to do, and Donnie needs me to write up this report. Um... 237 00:12:14,498 --> 00:12:16,962 How about tomorrow night? 238 00:12:16,963 --> 00:12:18,883 Sure. 239 00:12:20,651 --> 00:12:26,551 I, uh, wish there was something I could do besides bring you dumb movies. 240 00:12:26,670 --> 00:12:30,702 You are my little girl. It's my job to protect you. 241 00:12:30,703 --> 00:12:32,329 You're doing just fine. 242 00:12:32,330 --> 00:12:35,683 Yeah. Well, you call me if you need anything. 243 00:12:35,684 --> 00:12:39,764 - Love you, kiddo. - Love you, dad. 244 00:13:11,864 --> 00:13:14,384 Hey, Rickford. 245 00:13:18,409 --> 00:13:20,362 Whoa, whoa, please. 246 00:13:20,363 --> 00:13:24,203 Please, don't... don't kill me. 247 00:13:27,919 --> 00:13:31,056 I know what I saw that night. This whole thing is bullshit. 248 00:13:31,057 --> 00:13:32,637 - You sound angry. - You think? 249 00:13:32,638 --> 00:13:36,711 I stopped a scumbag from raping a woman. And what do I get? 250 00:13:36,712 --> 00:13:38,094 Arrested. 251 00:13:38,095 --> 00:13:42,174 Dragged into court, and locked up in my apartment. 252 00:13:42,175 --> 00:13:45,853 The icing on the freaking cake is that Daniel Pierce, 253 00:13:45,854 --> 00:13:49,512 who I have believed every time he had some crazy theory, 254 00:13:49,513 --> 00:13:52,197 who I have followed out onto more limbs than I can even count, 255 00:13:52,198 --> 00:13:54,382 thinks that I imagined the whole thing. 256 00:13:54,383 --> 00:13:57,947 So, yeah, I'm a little bit pissed. 257 00:13:57,948 --> 00:14:02,328 You've been dreaming about the shooting. 258 00:14:02,636 --> 00:14:03,673 How did you know? 259 00:14:03,674 --> 00:14:06,069 Well, you're not the first cop I've ever treated. 260 00:14:06,070 --> 00:14:08,890 Tell me about it. 261 00:14:12,928 --> 00:14:17,964 I dreamt that I killed him in cold blood and that he... 262 00:14:17,965 --> 00:14:20,489 He begged for his life. 263 00:14:20,490 --> 00:14:26,010 Your file says you returned fire after he shot at you. 264 00:14:26,636 --> 00:14:30,847 I've been going over it and over it in my mind, and, uh... 265 00:14:30,848 --> 00:14:33,848 And now I'm just... 266 00:14:34,306 --> 00:14:37,120 I'm questioning everything I saw. 267 00:14:37,121 --> 00:14:39,795 I mean, I saw him stirring her drink. 268 00:14:39,796 --> 00:14:42,732 But this guy was hitting on me, so I guess... 269 00:14:42,733 --> 00:14:46,167 I never actually saw him put anything in it. 270 00:14:46,168 --> 00:14:49,082 Maybe he didn't drug her. 271 00:14:49,083 --> 00:14:51,848 Maybe she did want to go with him. 272 00:14:51,849 --> 00:14:57,749 I forgot that I was distracted for a second by a phone call. 273 00:15:00,303 --> 00:15:03,543 Maybe she was into him. 274 00:15:05,753 --> 00:15:11,333 Maybe he was afraid of me when I burst into that room. 275 00:15:13,190 --> 00:15:16,769 I was just so sure that he was attacking Wendy. 276 00:15:16,770 --> 00:15:19,562 - Why? - Because I know that he raped Kendra. 277 00:15:19,563 --> 00:15:23,650 Kendra is a sick woman with a severe Neurological illness. 278 00:15:23,651 --> 00:15:27,431 Can you really trust her story? 279 00:15:32,861 --> 00:15:35,741 So, I was wrong... 280 00:15:37,737 --> 00:15:40,437 About everything? 281 00:15:41,192 --> 00:15:44,012 What if you were? 282 00:15:44,769 --> 00:15:48,849 Then I killed a man for no reason. 283 00:16:03,428 --> 00:16:06,390 What do you want, Daniel? 284 00:16:06,391 --> 00:16:09,331 - To tell you the truth. - About what? 285 00:16:09,332 --> 00:16:12,106 Why I broke up with you all those years ago. 286 00:16:12,107 --> 00:16:14,687 I'm listening. 287 00:16:16,053 --> 00:16:21,891 When you went back to your folks' place to talk about Vienna, I was miserable. 288 00:16:21,892 --> 00:16:24,648 Couldn't eat, couldn't sleep. 289 00:16:24,649 --> 00:16:29,089 Paul convinced me to go on a road trip. 290 00:16:30,234 --> 00:16:36,134 And we went to spring fling at Michigan, ended up at a party... 291 00:16:37,114 --> 00:16:40,174 And I met this girl. 292 00:16:40,498 --> 00:16:44,638 We liked the same books, same bands. 293 00:16:44,719 --> 00:16:48,871 And in 20 minutes, we were finishing each other's sentences. 294 00:16:48,872 --> 00:16:53,521 And I thought you were so noble breaking up with me so I'd go to Vienna. 295 00:16:53,522 --> 00:16:58,862 I should have known you'd dump me for another girl. 296 00:17:01,329 --> 00:17:03,506 - It's not that simple. - Really, I don't need to know. 297 00:17:03,507 --> 00:17:05,967 Yes, you do. 298 00:17:06,284 --> 00:17:09,284 Her name is Natalie. 299 00:17:10,766 --> 00:17:13,079 We're still together. 300 00:17:13,080 --> 00:17:16,186 - You're married? - No. 301 00:17:16,187 --> 00:17:17,946 I'm schizophrenic. 302 00:17:17,947 --> 00:17:20,206 I know, Daniel. And I understand. 303 00:17:20,207 --> 00:17:23,677 No, you don't. Not everything. 304 00:17:23,678 --> 00:17:28,298 Natalie and I, we're, she... she's not... 305 00:17:30,400 --> 00:17:33,100 She's not real. 306 00:17:36,763 --> 00:17:39,092 Natalie's a hallucination. 307 00:17:39,093 --> 00:17:43,833 I left you for a woman that doesn't exist. 308 00:17:45,349 --> 00:17:49,609 I was crazy then, and I'm crazy now. 309 00:17:50,400 --> 00:17:54,660 And that's why we can't be together. 310 00:17:59,800 --> 00:18:02,578 So, what will you do if you don't get your job back? 311 00:18:02,579 --> 00:18:05,630 Oh, you mean if I don't go to prison? 312 00:18:05,631 --> 00:18:09,951 Try answering without a snappy comeback. 313 00:18:11,484 --> 00:18:14,148 When I was 7, my mom died. 314 00:18:14,149 --> 00:18:15,712 My dad was working homicide. 315 00:18:15,713 --> 00:18:18,986 Crazy, crazy hours. He was never, ever home. 316 00:18:18,987 --> 00:18:21,778 So, my Aunt Claire actually offered to take me in, 317 00:18:21,779 --> 00:18:25,622 but my dad said no, that it would kill him to lose me, too. 318 00:18:25,623 --> 00:18:28,262 So, how did he manage it? 319 00:18:28,263 --> 00:18:30,752 The school bus would drop me off at the precinct. 320 00:18:30,753 --> 00:18:33,063 I'd do my homework in the bullpen. 321 00:18:33,064 --> 00:18:35,758 - And that was okay with you? - It was better than okay. 322 00:18:35,759 --> 00:18:39,206 I mean, all the other girls, they had to go to ballet or gymnastics. 323 00:18:39,207 --> 00:18:42,667 I got to watch real live interrogations... 324 00:18:42,668 --> 00:18:47,228 Better than anything you could see on TV. 325 00:18:47,231 --> 00:18:52,691 I've worked my entire life to get where I've gotten. 326 00:18:55,013 --> 00:18:56,933 So... 327 00:18:57,015 --> 00:19:01,155 If I can't be a cop anymore, um... 328 00:19:03,529 --> 00:19:06,829 I don't know who I am. 329 00:19:08,232 --> 00:19:10,155 I'm sorry Rickford's dead. 330 00:19:10,156 --> 00:19:12,827 But he was the kind of dirt bag that gives the military a bad name. 331 00:19:12,828 --> 00:19:13,899 How so? 332 00:19:13,900 --> 00:19:17,039 He blew off weekend training, shirked duty on base. 333 00:19:17,040 --> 00:19:20,509 He was always making crude jokes, couldn't look at me above the neck. 334 00:19:20,510 --> 00:19:21,609 He do more than look? 335 00:19:21,610 --> 00:19:24,147 If you're asking if he raped me, the answer is no, Sir. 336 00:19:24,148 --> 00:19:28,128 But once he grabbed my ass in the chow line, and the look on his face... 337 00:19:28,129 --> 00:19:30,141 Made me want to sleep with my weapon for a week. 338 00:19:30,142 --> 00:19:33,158 - He give anyone else a hard time? - Just about every woman on the base. 339 00:19:33,159 --> 00:19:36,839 We leave our families, our jobs, our lives to serve. 340 00:19:36,840 --> 00:19:38,761 We had enough trouble with the Taliban. 341 00:19:38,762 --> 00:19:40,594 We didn't need jerks like him hassling women. 342 00:19:40,595 --> 00:19:42,965 Did he hassle anyone specific? 343 00:19:42,966 --> 00:19:45,151 Gabrielle Blair hated his guts. 344 00:19:45,152 --> 00:19:51,052 Maybe he tried something on her, but she's not gonna talk to you. 345 00:19:51,759 --> 00:19:54,543 Gabrielle was two weeks from coming home 346 00:19:54,544 --> 00:19:57,847 when her convoy was attacked in the Qalat Valley. 347 00:19:57,848 --> 00:20:00,807 The spinal-cord injury left her quadriplegic. 348 00:20:00,808 --> 00:20:04,754 - That shouldn't affect her speech. - The V.A. Doc says it's psychological... 349 00:20:04,755 --> 00:20:09,290 That she's been traumatized by what's happened to her, like shell shock. 350 00:20:09,291 --> 00:20:12,866 She just sits all day long, staring at the garden. 351 00:20:12,867 --> 00:20:15,807 PTSD and depression. 352 00:20:16,168 --> 00:20:20,728 It's possible that's causing her silence. 353 00:20:23,907 --> 00:20:27,087 But I don't think so. 354 00:20:27,454 --> 00:20:29,022 Gabrielle? 355 00:20:29,023 --> 00:20:31,110 My name's Dr. Daniel Pierce. 356 00:20:31,111 --> 00:20:33,933 Can you understand me? 357 00:20:33,934 --> 00:20:36,308 - I told you. - Is your sister right handed? 358 00:20:36,309 --> 00:20:40,506 Yes, but what does that have to do with anything? 359 00:20:40,507 --> 00:20:42,710 I want to talk about Blake Rickford. 360 00:20:42,711 --> 00:20:44,327 I think he was a bad guy. 361 00:20:44,328 --> 00:20:48,536 I have a lot of questions about him, maybe you have the answers. 362 00:20:48,537 --> 00:20:51,658 I know you can't talk. 363 00:20:51,659 --> 00:20:53,929 But maybe you can sing. 364 00:20:53,930 --> 00:20:56,516 Sing? What is he talking about? 365 00:20:56,517 --> 00:20:58,545 I think you were misdiagnosed. 366 00:20:58,546 --> 00:21:00,755 You may have something called Broca's Aphasia. 367 00:21:00,756 --> 00:21:03,016 The droop on the left side of your face tells me that 368 00:21:03,017 --> 00:21:05,598 the left hemisphere of your brain has been injured. 369 00:21:05,599 --> 00:21:09,134 That's the side that we... we use to speak or to write. 370 00:21:09,135 --> 00:21:14,235 But singing, that's the right side of our brain. 371 00:21:14,701 --> 00:21:18,297 You know the song "Clementine"? 372 00:21:18,298 --> 00:21:20,526 ♪Oh, my darling, oh, my darling. 373 00:21:20,527 --> 00:21:22,814 ♪Oh, my darling, Clementine. 374 00:21:22,815 --> 00:21:26,655 Use that melody and sing to me. 375 00:21:29,029 --> 00:21:31,969 ♪Oh, my darling... 376 00:21:33,627 --> 00:21:36,687 ♪Come on, darling... 377 00:21:37,921 --> 00:21:41,341 ♪What's your name, dear? 378 00:21:42,773 --> 00:21:45,173 ♪Gabrielle. 379 00:21:57,008 --> 00:21:59,208 You're doing great Gabrielle. 380 00:21:59,209 --> 00:22:01,188 Here's where I need help. 381 00:22:01,189 --> 00:22:02,952 ♪You had a problem... 382 00:22:02,953 --> 00:22:05,225 ♪With Blake Rickford. 383 00:22:05,226 --> 00:22:07,866 ♪What was it? 384 00:22:12,200 --> 00:22:14,880 Did he rape you? 385 00:22:14,881 --> 00:22:17,701 ♪No, he didn't. 386 00:22:19,880 --> 00:22:22,626 ♪Wait, there's more. 387 00:22:22,627 --> 00:22:25,111 ♪It was a convoy... 388 00:22:25,112 --> 00:22:27,812 ♪On a mission. 389 00:22:28,438 --> 00:22:31,978 ♪I was driving the Humvee. 390 00:22:32,028 --> 00:22:35,836 ♪Kendra was there and the C.O. 391 00:22:35,837 --> 00:22:39,977 ♪And Blake Rickford was there, too. 392 00:22:45,818 --> 00:22:49,358 ♪Taliban shot our gunner... 393 00:22:56,558 --> 00:23:01,141 - I think he's dead, Sir! - Rickford, take over the 240. 394 00:23:01,142 --> 00:23:03,522 Sergeant, get up there! 395 00:23:03,523 --> 00:23:05,028 I got it, Sir. 396 00:23:05,029 --> 00:23:08,509 ♪And Kendra, she went up. 397 00:23:09,738 --> 00:23:15,638 Rickford, get your ass out of this vehicle and return fire, now! 398 00:23:19,080 --> 00:23:20,934 Troops in contact! Troops in contact! 399 00:23:20,935 --> 00:23:24,595 Request immediate fire mission. 400 00:23:24,884 --> 00:23:27,777 Fire one H.E. Round at grid Echo Gulf 30262640. 401 00:23:27,778 --> 00:23:30,760 Fire one H.E. Round at grid Echo Gulf 30262640. 402 00:23:30,761 --> 00:23:32,432 I'll adjust, over. 403 00:23:32,433 --> 00:23:34,312 Wait. No! 404 00:23:34,313 --> 00:23:37,793 ♪The C.O. made an error. 405 00:23:38,332 --> 00:23:41,992 ♪Called in wrong coordinates. 406 00:23:49,196 --> 00:23:52,256 It was friendly fire. 407 00:23:53,628 --> 00:23:57,251 So, the C.O. and you, you were the only ones in the Humvee? 408 00:23:57,252 --> 00:23:59,720 Did anyone else know? 409 00:23:59,721 --> 00:24:02,713 ♪I got out to call for help. 410 00:24:02,714 --> 00:24:05,660 The C.O. screwed up. Called in a strike on our position. 411 00:24:05,661 --> 00:24:07,304 He did what? 412 00:24:07,305 --> 00:24:10,731 ♪I got mad and yelled at Blake. 413 00:24:10,732 --> 00:24:12,724 You heard me! Stand up, Rickford! 414 00:24:12,725 --> 00:24:16,685 Get off your ass and return fire! 415 00:24:22,811 --> 00:24:27,431 Thank you, Gabrielle. You did a great job. 416 00:24:29,594 --> 00:24:31,417 So, she tells Rickford about the friendly fire 417 00:24:31,418 --> 00:24:33,350 and his cowardice nearly gets her killed. 418 00:24:33,351 --> 00:24:37,325 Great. So, we've got more proof Rickford was a useless waste. 419 00:24:37,326 --> 00:24:39,994 But we're still no closer to saving Kate. 420 00:24:39,995 --> 00:24:42,679 Forget that lily-livered coward. 421 00:24:42,680 --> 00:24:46,233 The real villain here is that damn incompetent C.O. 422 00:24:46,234 --> 00:24:49,370 That bastard killed his own men. 423 00:24:49,371 --> 00:24:51,291 What? 424 00:24:51,951 --> 00:24:54,274 What can I do for you gentlemen? 425 00:24:54,275 --> 00:24:56,693 When I was here a few days ago with Agent Moretti, 426 00:24:56,694 --> 00:25:00,247 you told us you had investigated the rape of a soldier in your unit... 427 00:25:00,248 --> 00:25:02,902 - Kendra Murphy. - As I said, it was unsubstantiated. 428 00:25:02,903 --> 00:25:05,330 We know Blake Rickford raped her. 429 00:25:05,331 --> 00:25:06,888 And we know you covered it up. 430 00:25:06,889 --> 00:25:10,591 - What? That's an outrageous lie. - Gabrielle Blair was misdiagnosed. 431 00:25:10,592 --> 00:25:13,366 Turns out she can talk after all. 432 00:25:13,367 --> 00:25:14,686 You're going down. 433 00:25:14,687 --> 00:25:19,892 Tell us the truth and we might be able to make things a little easier on you. 434 00:25:19,893 --> 00:25:23,313 The whole story this time. 435 00:25:24,392 --> 00:25:28,696 A few days after Qalat Valley, Kendra reported she'd been raped by Rickford. 436 00:25:28,697 --> 00:25:31,070 I have to ask. Are you sure? 437 00:25:31,071 --> 00:25:35,382 When someone slaps me across the face and forces my knees apart... 438 00:25:35,383 --> 00:25:38,899 I'm pretty sure that's rape... 439 00:25:38,900 --> 00:25:39,790 Sir. 440 00:25:39,791 --> 00:25:42,426 I opened an investigation, starting with McPhee and Hicks, 441 00:25:42,427 --> 00:25:45,644 the soldiers who Kendra claimed knew about the assault. 442 00:25:45,645 --> 00:25:47,294 Both said it never happened. 443 00:25:47,295 --> 00:25:49,143 - And you believe them? - Hell no. 444 00:25:49,144 --> 00:25:51,681 McPhee, Hicks, and Rickford were the three amigos. 445 00:25:51,682 --> 00:25:54,122 I knew they'd lie for him. I hauled Rickford in. 446 00:25:54,123 --> 00:25:57,061 I'm gonna court-martial the three of you, see you get sent to Leavenworth. 447 00:25:57,062 --> 00:25:59,911 I don't think so. 448 00:25:59,912 --> 00:26:02,577 I don't care that your daddy's on the armed services committee. 449 00:26:02,578 --> 00:26:05,963 You're still a coward and a rapist. 450 00:26:05,964 --> 00:26:07,684 And you're a murderer. 451 00:26:07,685 --> 00:26:11,986 You go after me, and I'll tell everyone what really happened at Qalat Valley. 452 00:26:11,987 --> 00:26:15,100 How you shelled your own position. 453 00:26:15,101 --> 00:26:19,661 Killed three men, and then lied about it. 454 00:26:21,463 --> 00:26:25,499 So you sold Kendra out to save your own ass. 455 00:26:25,500 --> 00:26:29,739 You'll testify at Agent Moretti's trial, tell the jury she was right... 456 00:26:29,740 --> 00:26:32,728 Blake Rickford was a rapist and you covered it up. 457 00:26:32,729 --> 00:26:36,100 What I did was inexcusable. 458 00:26:36,101 --> 00:26:38,864 War poisons men's souls. 459 00:26:38,865 --> 00:26:42,373 Greatest war movie ever made. 460 00:26:42,374 --> 00:26:44,596 Yes, yes. It's a quote. 461 00:26:44,597 --> 00:26:46,218 From "The Thin Red Line". 462 00:26:46,219 --> 00:26:50,110 "War poisons men's souls and turns them into dogs". 463 00:26:50,111 --> 00:26:54,057 I told you he killed his own men. 464 00:26:54,058 --> 00:26:56,344 I should have seen it sooner. 465 00:26:56,345 --> 00:26:58,238 Seen what? 466 00:26:58,239 --> 00:26:59,799 Two witnesses to the rape... 467 00:26:59,800 --> 00:27:01,652 One gets murdered, the other commits suicide 468 00:27:01,653 --> 00:27:04,211 then leaves a note admitting to killing the first one. 469 00:27:04,212 --> 00:27:07,163 But Hicks didn't leave that Internet post. 470 00:27:07,164 --> 00:27:08,572 You did. 471 00:27:08,573 --> 00:27:11,378 - What? No. - You used the same quote, Captain. 472 00:27:11,379 --> 00:27:13,932 "War poisons men's souls". 473 00:27:13,933 --> 00:27:15,063 What did you tell yourself? 474 00:27:15,064 --> 00:27:18,380 Hicks is a junkie. It's only a matter of time before he O.D.'s anyway. 475 00:27:18,381 --> 00:27:19,707 Might as well help him along. 476 00:27:19,708 --> 00:27:21,177 - I didn't... - It's over. 477 00:27:21,178 --> 00:27:24,117 You'll face a military tribunal for the friendly fire and the cover-up... 478 00:27:24,118 --> 00:27:26,193 Probably spend the rest of your life in Leavenworth. 479 00:27:26,194 --> 00:27:30,397 Two more murders don't make a difference. 480 00:27:30,398 --> 00:27:33,518 Tell us what happened. 481 00:27:34,607 --> 00:27:39,527 Hicks was already out of it when I got there. 482 00:27:51,953 --> 00:27:57,653 I guess I just convinced myself he'd be better off dead. 483 00:27:59,834 --> 00:28:03,979 I mean, his life had already become such a waste. 484 00:28:03,980 --> 00:28:05,981 And that makes killing him okay? 485 00:28:05,982 --> 00:28:08,177 Sure, it had to be done. You needed a fall guy. 486 00:28:08,178 --> 00:28:10,442 You'd already killed Larry McPhee. 487 00:28:10,443 --> 00:28:12,899 He told Hicks he was gonna blow the whistle on the rape. 488 00:28:12,900 --> 00:28:15,956 Hicks obviously told you, and you knew it was all gonna come out... 489 00:28:15,957 --> 00:28:17,777 The friendly fire, the cover-up. 490 00:28:17,778 --> 00:28:19,977 You had to stop him before he went to Kendra. 491 00:28:19,978 --> 00:28:21,931 No, I just went there to talk to him. 492 00:28:21,932 --> 00:28:23,744 I got to tell her the truth, Sir. 493 00:28:23,745 --> 00:28:25,225 She deserves better than she got. 494 00:28:25,226 --> 00:28:27,891 McPhee, don't do this. 495 00:28:27,892 --> 00:28:29,752 Hey. 496 00:28:34,384 --> 00:28:39,244 I didn't want to do it. He wouldn't listen. 497 00:28:46,868 --> 00:28:50,971 And then you not only take out Hicks, you frame him for Larry's murder. 498 00:28:50,972 --> 00:28:53,413 It wasn't my idea. 499 00:28:53,414 --> 00:28:56,789 Rickford said if I didn't shut them up, he'd destroy me. 500 00:28:56,790 --> 00:29:00,362 Blake Rickford told you to kill them? 501 00:29:00,363 --> 00:29:02,643 Not Blake. 502 00:29:15,082 --> 00:29:16,947 What the hell's going on here? 503 00:29:16,948 --> 00:29:20,616 Just giving you a little heads-up, Congressman. 504 00:29:20,617 --> 00:29:23,757 Brock Alecksen just gave a sworn statement to the U.S. Attorney 505 00:29:23,758 --> 00:29:28,057 saying that you blackmailed him into killing Larry McPhee and Anthony Hicks. 506 00:29:28,058 --> 00:29:29,825 - That's ridiculous. - Come on. 507 00:29:29,826 --> 00:29:33,416 When Blake heard that McPhee was gonna come clean, he came running straight for daddy, 508 00:29:33,417 --> 00:29:35,264 told you all about the friendly fire. 509 00:29:35,265 --> 00:29:38,165 Then you told Alecksen if he didn't fix the problem, you'd ruin him. 510 00:29:38,166 --> 00:29:39,513 I never told him to kill anybody. 511 00:29:39,514 --> 00:29:41,470 Well, you might not have used the word "murder," 512 00:29:41,471 --> 00:29:43,153 but you'll be charged as a co-conspirator. 513 00:29:43,154 --> 00:29:46,833 Based on the dubious testimony of a confessed killer? 514 00:29:46,834 --> 00:29:48,244 I don't think so. 515 00:29:48,245 --> 00:29:50,223 I'm a United States Congressman. 516 00:29:50,224 --> 00:29:53,649 Even if these charges don't stick, your political career is over. 517 00:29:53,650 --> 00:29:55,261 Press will eat you alive. 518 00:29:55,262 --> 00:29:57,469 Hey, remember what you said to me in court? 519 00:29:57,470 --> 00:30:00,489 Well, it turns out my ex-wife didn't screw up my life. 520 00:30:00,490 --> 00:30:03,259 But your precious son sure screwed up yours. 521 00:30:03,260 --> 00:30:05,138 My son was an idiot. 522 00:30:05,139 --> 00:30:10,774 Every crazy idea he had, every hair-brained scheme that he tried, he screwed up. 523 00:30:10,775 --> 00:30:14,984 Expelled from three prep schools, fired from countless jobs, hookers, strip clubs. 524 00:30:14,985 --> 00:30:17,273 He couldn't even keep his hands off the ladies 525 00:30:17,274 --> 00:30:20,478 when he knew that the FBI was following him. 526 00:30:20,479 --> 00:30:22,244 I forced him to enlist. 527 00:30:22,245 --> 00:30:25,685 Thought maybe military discipline would straighten his sorry ass out. 528 00:30:25,686 --> 00:30:27,938 But deep down... 529 00:30:27,939 --> 00:30:30,180 I hoped he'd come home in a box. 530 00:30:30,181 --> 00:30:33,255 And when he finally got himself killed, I wasn't sad. 531 00:30:33,256 --> 00:30:35,242 I was relieved. 532 00:30:35,243 --> 00:30:37,269 Done with cleaning up his messes. 533 00:30:37,270 --> 00:30:39,610 I'm not going down for his mistakes. 534 00:30:39,611 --> 00:30:43,691 Now get the hell out of my office. 535 00:30:44,744 --> 00:30:46,783 The C.O. will testify for you. 536 00:30:46,784 --> 00:30:49,810 We can finally prove that Blake Rickford raped Kendra. 537 00:30:49,811 --> 00:30:51,479 It's too late. 538 00:30:51,480 --> 00:30:54,213 If I take this to trial, the prosecutor will destroy me. 539 00:30:54,214 --> 00:30:56,248 They'll just say that I was obsessed with Rickford. 540 00:30:56,249 --> 00:30:58,466 That's their side of the story. You have to tell yours. 541 00:30:58,467 --> 00:30:59,542 What's to tell? 542 00:30:59,543 --> 00:31:02,096 I thought that he was raping a woman, but he wasn't. 543 00:31:02,097 --> 00:31:05,078 He wasn't a murderer, either. 544 00:31:05,079 --> 00:31:09,417 And I was wrong, and I have to pay for what I did. 545 00:31:09,418 --> 00:31:11,939 - Kate... - Call Erlich. Tell him I'll take the deal. 546 00:31:11,940 --> 00:31:14,007 No. We're gonna fight this. 547 00:31:14,008 --> 00:31:17,128 Donnie, make the call. 548 00:31:28,815 --> 00:31:30,915 Lewicki! 549 00:31:31,719 --> 00:31:33,879 Lewick... 550 00:31:39,927 --> 00:31:41,529 Miranda, it's not a good time. 551 00:31:41,530 --> 00:31:43,265 I want to meet her. 552 00:31:43,266 --> 00:31:44,737 Who? 553 00:31:44,738 --> 00:31:46,265 Natalie. 554 00:31:46,266 --> 00:31:47,873 I told you she's not real. 555 00:31:47,874 --> 00:31:49,753 Well, she's real to you. 556 00:31:49,754 --> 00:31:51,278 What? Are you afraid I won't like her? 557 00:31:51,279 --> 00:31:54,819 - Or that she won't like me? - No... of course she'd like you. 558 00:31:54,820 --> 00:31:56,857 - Then introduce me. - It doesn't work like that. 559 00:31:56,858 --> 00:31:59,278 I can't just summon her. 560 00:31:59,279 --> 00:32:03,659 What's with you and these loopy broads? 561 00:32:05,000 --> 00:32:08,358 She wants to meet your imaginary girlfriend. 562 00:32:08,359 --> 00:32:11,658 Talk about a hair-brained scheme. 563 00:32:11,659 --> 00:32:13,339 Hair-brained scheme... 564 00:32:13,340 --> 00:32:15,369 Is she talking to you right now? 565 00:32:15,370 --> 00:32:17,170 No. 566 00:32:18,851 --> 00:32:23,136 Like his daddy said, that boy Rickford sure had a lot of bad ideas. 567 00:32:23,137 --> 00:32:26,166 But picking up that girl when he knew that that 568 00:32:26,167 --> 00:32:28,936 little pistol Kate Moretti was following him. 569 00:32:28,937 --> 00:32:31,610 That was the most hair-brained of all. 570 00:32:31,611 --> 00:32:35,434 - Daniel. - Could I get a ride downtown? 571 00:32:35,435 --> 00:32:37,000 Ms. Moretti. 572 00:32:37,001 --> 00:32:39,578 It is my understanding that you wish to change your plea? 573 00:32:39,579 --> 00:32:41,142 Yes, your honor. 574 00:32:41,143 --> 00:32:43,782 Stop! I'm sorry, your honor. Kate, don't do this. 575 00:32:43,783 --> 00:32:44,755 Daniel, please. 576 00:32:44,756 --> 00:32:46,517 Your perception was wrong that night. 577 00:32:46,518 --> 00:32:48,751 Blake Rickford was not gonna commit a rape. 578 00:32:48,752 --> 00:32:50,852 Yes, I know. That's why I'm standing here. 579 00:32:50,853 --> 00:32:53,941 - He was gonna commit a murder. - Whose? 580 00:32:53,942 --> 00:32:55,922 Yours. 581 00:32:59,228 --> 00:33:01,869 The Congressman said his son couldn't keep his hands off women 582 00:33:01,870 --> 00:33:04,951 even though he knew the FBI was following him. 583 00:33:04,952 --> 00:33:06,159 He made you, Kate. 584 00:33:06,160 --> 00:33:08,352 I don't know, Daniel. I'm pretty good at surveillance. 585 00:33:08,353 --> 00:33:12,052 Well, you did tell Rickford you'd be watching his every move. 586 00:33:12,053 --> 00:33:14,507 Okay, say it's possible. What difference does it make? 587 00:33:14,508 --> 00:33:16,154 That's the wrong question. Wrong question. 588 00:33:16,155 --> 00:33:17,967 The right question is why would Rickford rape 589 00:33:17,968 --> 00:33:20,844 a woman if he knew you were watching him? 590 00:33:20,845 --> 00:33:22,843 - He wouldn't. - Exactly. Exactly. 591 00:33:22,844 --> 00:33:25,775 The whole thing was an act to lure you in and kill you. 592 00:33:25,776 --> 00:33:27,534 I don't know, Daniel. It sounds pretty nuts. 593 00:33:27,535 --> 00:33:29,858 Well, the Congressman also said that Blake was 594 00:33:29,859 --> 00:33:31,715 constantly coming up with hair-brained schemes. 595 00:33:31,716 --> 00:33:32,992 That makes sense. 596 00:33:32,993 --> 00:33:34,732 You swore to make his life hell. 597 00:33:34,733 --> 00:33:36,963 He knew you'd prove the rape no matter how long it took, 598 00:33:36,964 --> 00:33:39,239 so he had to try and get rid of you. 599 00:33:39,240 --> 00:33:44,040 Okay, say you're right. How do we prove it? 600 00:33:49,985 --> 00:33:53,414 You must be Donnie. I'm Candy. 601 00:33:53,415 --> 00:33:56,964 I think I've got a cavity already. 602 00:33:56,965 --> 00:33:59,665 Please, come in. 603 00:34:05,695 --> 00:34:07,795 $5,000. 604 00:34:10,012 --> 00:34:14,632 Don't worry, baby. I'm worth every penny. 605 00:34:18,064 --> 00:34:20,776 Since this is our first time... 606 00:34:20,777 --> 00:34:23,170 I'd like to know what you like. 607 00:34:23,171 --> 00:34:26,891 Actually, I just want to talk. 608 00:34:28,050 --> 00:34:30,030 Wendy. 609 00:34:31,701 --> 00:34:33,974 - That's not my name. - Sure, it is. 610 00:34:33,975 --> 00:34:36,324 I watched you give a sworn statement to the U.S. Attorney 611 00:34:36,325 --> 00:34:38,533 about the night Blake Rickford died. 612 00:34:38,534 --> 00:34:40,856 I'm representing the woman accused of killing him. 613 00:34:40,857 --> 00:34:42,233 I'm out of here. 614 00:34:42,234 --> 00:34:44,641 I had you followed. 615 00:34:44,642 --> 00:34:46,466 You have quite a social life. 616 00:34:46,467 --> 00:34:49,009 On Tuesday, you were with Alderman Lomax. 617 00:34:49,010 --> 00:34:52,070 I asked him about you, and since he really wanted 618 00:34:52,071 --> 00:34:55,415 his liaisons with a call girl kept private. 619 00:34:55,416 --> 00:35:01,316 He gave up your super-secret phone number, which I'm told is very hard to come by. 620 00:35:02,555 --> 00:35:06,255 You paid taxes on 60k a year from your phony decorating job, 621 00:35:06,256 --> 00:35:11,606 but I'm betting the real money is under a Swiss mattress or in the Caymans. 622 00:35:11,607 --> 00:35:16,527 The government will take it all... every penny. 623 00:35:16,546 --> 00:35:22,446 But if you help me, I'll talk to the U.S. Attorney about getting you immunity. 624 00:35:28,868 --> 00:35:32,395 Blake Rickford hired me to meet him at the bar that night. 625 00:35:32,396 --> 00:35:35,136 He said he liked tipsy women. 626 00:35:35,137 --> 00:35:38,677 So I pretended I was drunk. 627 00:35:40,682 --> 00:35:44,885 He was a little rough, but I just thought that was a part of his act. 628 00:35:44,886 --> 00:35:48,158 In the car, he kept on looking in the rear view mirror. 629 00:35:48,159 --> 00:35:53,724 But at his place, he insisted that we make out in front of his window. 630 00:35:53,725 --> 00:35:57,059 Like he wanted someone to see us. 631 00:35:57,060 --> 00:36:01,440 He told me to scream... So I did. 632 00:36:06,040 --> 00:36:09,376 I thought it was just a game. 633 00:36:09,377 --> 00:36:12,758 But when we heard someone breaking in, he didn't seem worried. 634 00:36:12,759 --> 00:36:15,832 Like he knew what was gonna happen. 635 00:36:15,833 --> 00:36:18,032 He sounded afraid, but he was calm. 636 00:36:18,033 --> 00:36:22,310 There's a crazy woman stalking me. She just broke into my house. Please send help. 637 00:36:22,311 --> 00:36:25,818 I think she's got a gun. She's gonna kill me. 638 00:36:25,819 --> 00:36:30,367 He grabbed his gun right there, like he was ready for it. 639 00:36:30,368 --> 00:36:36,268 I didn't know what was going down, but I just knew I didn't want any part of it. 640 00:36:37,336 --> 00:36:40,361 So I got the hell out of there. 641 00:36:40,362 --> 00:36:41,961 Until the next day. 642 00:36:41,962 --> 00:36:46,773 When it was all over the news that an FBI Agent had gunned down a Congressman's son. 643 00:36:46,774 --> 00:36:48,616 You saw dollar signs. 644 00:36:48,617 --> 00:36:50,667 I went and saw the Congressman. 645 00:36:50,668 --> 00:36:54,182 He gave me 200 grand to tell the FBI a Fairy Tale 646 00:36:54,183 --> 00:36:58,710 about my perfect date with his perfect son. 647 00:36:58,711 --> 00:37:01,110 And they bought it. 648 00:37:01,111 --> 00:37:03,253 Cannot believe she snowed us. 649 00:37:03,254 --> 00:37:06,794 Well, she's very persuasive. 650 00:37:07,158 --> 00:37:10,614 Now, about that murder charge. 651 00:37:10,615 --> 00:37:15,715 Case dismissed. Agent Moretti, you're free to go. 652 00:37:17,804 --> 00:37:19,844 Daniel. 653 00:37:21,414 --> 00:37:23,987 You never stopped believing in me. 654 00:37:23,988 --> 00:37:27,288 Just returning the favor. 655 00:37:31,774 --> 00:37:34,605 It was a hell of a job... 656 00:37:34,606 --> 00:37:37,714 For a pinko liberal college Professor. 657 00:37:37,715 --> 00:37:41,195 Thank you for your service. 658 00:37:49,080 --> 00:37:51,620 I'm certifying you fit for duty. 659 00:37:51,621 --> 00:37:54,921 No more therapy required. 660 00:37:54,943 --> 00:37:56,364 Thank you. 661 00:37:56,365 --> 00:37:58,885 Goodbye, Kate. 662 00:38:01,791 --> 00:38:04,227 So, I'll see you next week? 663 00:38:04,228 --> 00:38:06,988 Monday at 10:00. 664 00:38:11,838 --> 00:38:15,168 It's kind of like a séance. 665 00:38:15,169 --> 00:38:18,349 It's a little awkward. 666 00:38:21,053 --> 00:38:23,803 - Is she here? - Yep. Yep. 667 00:38:23,804 --> 00:38:27,644 Don't worry. I'm okay with it. 668 00:38:28,503 --> 00:38:32,703 I'm gonna give you two some privacy. 669 00:38:33,307 --> 00:38:36,847 - Well, is... - She's gone. 670 00:38:46,417 --> 00:38:48,642 - Hey. - Hey. 671 00:38:48,643 --> 00:38:51,557 Thought you might be in the mood for some Hop Li. 672 00:38:51,558 --> 00:38:52,798 Brought you some egg rolls. 673 00:38:52,799 --> 00:38:56,210 Looks like enough to feed an Army. Do you want to join me? 674 00:38:56,211 --> 00:38:58,414 Nah, I got to be up early. 675 00:38:58,415 --> 00:39:00,855 But you've exonerated your one and only client. 676 00:39:00,856 --> 00:39:03,964 What are you gonna do now? Chase ambulances? 677 00:39:03,965 --> 00:39:06,060 Actually, I got my old job back. 678 00:39:06,061 --> 00:39:07,466 And I got a bonus. 679 00:39:07,467 --> 00:39:11,302 I'm prosecuting Congressman Rickford. 680 00:39:11,303 --> 00:39:14,843 That's better than a raise. 681 00:39:19,875 --> 00:39:23,482 Do you want to know what the worst part of this whole thing was? 682 00:39:23,483 --> 00:39:28,883 Was realizing that I have no life outside of my job. 683 00:39:33,100 --> 00:39:36,040 I got to fix that. 684 00:39:55,780 --> 00:39:58,240 I should go. 685 00:39:58,524 --> 00:40:01,464 But you could stay. 686 00:40:01,719 --> 00:40:03,639 Kate. 687 00:40:04,724 --> 00:40:09,764 I want to stay more than anything in the world. 688 00:40:10,712 --> 00:40:13,784 But I screwed us up once. 689 00:40:13,785 --> 00:40:17,309 And if you give me another chance... 690 00:40:17,310 --> 00:40:19,610 I'm gonna do it right this time. 691 00:40:19,611 --> 00:40:22,791 But Donnie, it's okay. 692 00:40:22,998 --> 00:40:25,266 You've been through a lot and... 693 00:40:25,267 --> 00:40:28,927 And you're feeling vulnerable. 694 00:40:28,940 --> 00:40:31,746 So, as much as I want to sweep you off your feet right now 695 00:40:31,747 --> 00:40:35,707 and carry you into that bedroom... 696 00:40:35,896 --> 00:40:38,656 I'm gonna leave. 697 00:40:55,670 --> 00:40:59,306 "There are no second acts in American lives". 698 00:40:59,307 --> 00:41:00,284 Who said it? 699 00:41:00,285 --> 00:41:02,252 - Fitzgerald. - Yes. 700 00:41:02,253 --> 00:41:05,725 But F. Scott should have brushed up on his Neuroscience. 701 00:41:05,726 --> 00:41:10,224 Because there can be a second act for the brain. 702 00:41:10,225 --> 00:41:12,517 Devastated by injury, 703 00:41:12,518 --> 00:41:16,924 the brains of ordinary people can develop amazing new skills... 704 00:41:16,925 --> 00:41:22,184 A second act, if you will, known as acquired savant syndrome. 705 00:41:22,185 --> 00:41:25,103 A high-school dropout is savagely attacked. 706 00:41:25,104 --> 00:41:31,004 He awakens able to draw mathematically accurate fractals by hand. 707 00:41:31,315 --> 00:41:36,533 After a stroke, a doctor with no previous interest in art becomes a gifted painter. 708 00:41:36,534 --> 00:41:40,578 Whose work adorns gallery walls and magazine pages. 709 00:41:40,579 --> 00:41:44,224 So if our brains can have a second act... 710 00:41:44,225 --> 00:41:47,105 Why not our lives? 711 00:41:49,979 --> 00:41:53,459 Broken lives can be healed. 712 00:41:56,437 --> 00:41:59,917 Justice can finally prevail. 713 00:42:03,481 --> 00:42:07,081 Damaged relationships repaired. 714 00:42:08,889 --> 00:42:11,949 Sins can be forgiven. 715 00:42:15,323 --> 00:42:18,443 Wrongs can be righted. 716 00:42:19,849 --> 00:42:24,142 In our lives, as in our brains, we all deserve... 717 00:42:24,143 --> 00:42:26,843 A second chance. 718 00:42:30,865 --> 00:42:34,670 You just have to be brave enough to seize it. 719 00:42:34,671 --> 00:42:40,571 Sync & corrections by P2Pfiend. 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