1 00:00:01,653 --> 00:00:02,915 How y'doin? 2 00:00:02,915 --> 00:00:04,395 I'm Jimmy Falcone, former goodfella 3 00:00:04,395 --> 00:00:06,745 currently freezin' his ass off in Canada. 4 00:00:06,745 --> 00:00:09,313 Back in the old life I never saw snow... 5 00:00:09,313 --> 00:00:10,531 And I don't mean drugs. 6 00:00:10,531 --> 00:00:12,620 I delegated that to Big Blow Belucci. 7 00:00:12,620 --> 00:00:14,187 I'm talkin' real snow... 8 00:00:14,187 --> 00:00:15,928 Jimmy complained about the cold. 9 00:00:15,928 --> 00:00:17,625 I want youse guys to make it summer around here. 10 00:00:17,625 --> 00:00:22,108 [whirring] 11 00:00:23,631 --> 00:00:25,981 Thought it was callin' for a huge snow storm. 12 00:00:25,981 --> 00:00:27,940 Not that I'm complainin'! 13 00:00:27,940 --> 00:00:28,680 [sigh] 14 00:00:28,680 --> 00:00:30,899 It worked. 15 00:00:30,899 --> 00:00:33,293 From now on, it's gonna be summer all the time! 16 00:00:33,293 --> 00:00:34,773 Except Christmas. I like a white Christmas. 17 00:00:34,773 --> 00:00:37,384 But warm, capisce? 18 00:00:40,344 --> 00:00:41,954 I love New York in November. 19 00:00:41,954 --> 00:00:43,651 Hey look, Dolphins! 20 00:00:43,651 --> 00:00:44,696 [honking, screeching] 21 00:00:44,696 --> 00:00:45,871 Ahh! 22 00:00:47,177 --> 00:00:48,656 [rattling] 23 00:00:50,354 --> 00:00:51,790 Palm trees in New York... 24 00:00:51,790 --> 00:00:55,446 If global warmin' means the end of the world, so be it! 25 00:00:57,143 --> 00:00:59,754 Hey Rocco! That counts as a break![groan] 26 00:00:59,754 --> 00:01:03,802 Now I live in Regina where global warmin' ain't hit yet. 27 00:01:03,802 --> 00:01:06,152 It snows all the freakin' time here. 28 00:01:06,152 --> 00:01:07,806 I mean it never stops. 29 00:01:07,806 --> 00:01:09,982 Don't worry, Jimmy. I got your back. 30 00:01:09,982 --> 00:01:12,071 [loud gunfire] 31 00:01:12,071 --> 00:01:14,291 Cheech! What the hell ya doin'? 32 00:01:14,291 --> 00:01:15,901 There's too many snowflakes! 33 00:01:15,901 --> 00:01:17,032 I can't get 'em all! 34 00:01:17,032 --> 00:01:20,079 Tell Ma I went down fightin'! 35 00:01:21,559 --> 00:01:24,518 If you think I can even remember what summer feels like... 36 00:01:24,518 --> 00:01:26,825 Fugget about it! 37 00:01:26,825 --> 00:01:28,218 ♪ Let me tell you something ♪ 38 00:01:28,218 --> 00:01:30,002 ♪ 'bout a friend or ours named Jimmy ♪ 39 00:01:30,002 --> 00:01:33,048 ♪ made the Wiseguy and the Capo with Gambini ♪ 40 00:01:33,048 --> 00:01:35,877 ♪ When he found out they'd be whacking Uncle Cheech ♪ 41 00:01:35,877 --> 00:01:37,052 ♪ He take the boss, 42 00:01:37,052 --> 00:01:39,054 ♪ He threw him from the 19th floor suite ♪ 43 00:01:39,054 --> 00:01:42,449 ♪ Wasn't much long 'til the mob wants him dead ♪ 44 00:01:42,449 --> 00:01:45,191 ♪ So Jimmy had no choice but to talk to all the Feds ♪ 45 00:01:45,191 --> 00:01:48,281 ♪ the Feds say they have to take and use him as a pawn ♪ 46 00:01:48,281 --> 00:01:50,849 ♪ So he ratted out his friends and moved to Saskatchewan ♪ 47 00:01:50,849 --> 00:01:52,285 ♪ Fugget about it 48 00:01:52,285 --> 00:01:52,851 ♪ Fugget about it 49 00:01:52,851 --> 00:01:55,027 ♪ Fugget about it 50 00:01:55,027 --> 00:01:56,289 Oh! Fugget about it! 51 00:01:59,466 --> 00:02:00,380 [glass breaks] COOKIE: You two-timin' son of a bitch! 52 00:02:02,948 --> 00:02:04,384 What's her name! 53 00:02:04,384 --> 00:02:06,778 I dunno what you're talkin' about! 54 00:02:06,778 --> 00:02:09,172 [grunting] 55 00:02:11,130 --> 00:02:12,349 Hey! 56 00:02:12,349 --> 00:02:13,741 Hoh! You been workin' out? 57 00:02:13,741 --> 00:02:15,178 Whoa! 58 00:02:15,178 --> 00:02:17,441 Say hello to the Devil when ya meet him, 59 00:02:17,441 --> 00:02:19,704 ya two-timin' greaseball! 60 00:02:21,184 --> 00:02:23,316 I just took the last soda. 61 00:02:24,752 --> 00:02:26,667 Jimmy! Cookie! For God's sake! 62 00:02:26,667 --> 00:02:28,147 The entire neighborhood can hear this hullaballoo! 63 00:02:28,147 --> 00:02:29,670 Jimmy's cheatin' on me, McCool! 64 00:02:29,670 --> 00:02:31,194 Lemme shoot him! 65 00:02:31,194 --> 00:02:33,674 Cookie, I surveil Jimmy regularly 66 00:02:33,674 --> 00:02:35,850 and I can assure you he's doing nothing of the sort. 67 00:02:35,850 --> 00:02:37,417 Though he did glance at a copy of 68 00:02:37,417 --> 00:02:39,158 "Jugg Lovers Quarterly" at the gas station. 69 00:02:39,158 --> 00:02:40,464 Shame shame. 70 00:02:40,464 --> 00:02:41,726 The feds won't forward my subscription! 71 00:02:41,726 --> 00:02:44,468 Don't you see? 72 00:02:44,468 --> 00:02:47,035 Cookie's busy with the kids, you're busy with your job. 73 00:02:47,035 --> 00:02:47,862 When's the last time you two spent 74 00:02:47,862 --> 00:02:50,865 some quality time together? 75 00:02:50,865 --> 00:02:52,998 Does drunk, angry sex at three a.m. count as quality? 76 00:02:52,998 --> 00:02:55,522 It barely even counts as sex. 77 00:02:55,522 --> 00:02:58,133 Heed my words. 78 00:02:58,133 --> 00:03:01,615 Quality time is the key to a happy marriage! 79 00:03:01,615 --> 00:03:05,315 This from a bachelor whose best friend is a [beep] horse. 80 00:03:05,315 --> 00:03:07,621 Cook, why would you think I'm cheatin' on ya? 81 00:03:07,621 --> 00:03:10,407 Because ya snuck out last night. 82 00:03:10,407 --> 00:03:12,583 I woulda chased ya, but the Ambien was kickin' in. 83 00:03:12,583 --> 00:03:14,280 I swear on the soul of my mother, 84 00:03:14,280 --> 00:03:16,369 that wasn't me.Then who was it? 85 00:03:16,369 --> 00:03:18,328 I dunno, but we're gonna find out. 86 00:03:18,328 --> 00:03:20,199 Wanna grill the kids? I'll get the waterboard... 87 00:03:20,199 --> 00:03:21,592 Nah, we gotta catch 'em in the act. 88 00:03:21,592 --> 00:03:23,158 Like when Gina stole money from my wallet. 89 00:03:23,158 --> 00:03:25,465 She won't be doin' that again. 90 00:03:29,513 --> 00:03:30,253 [grunting] 91 00:03:30,253 --> 00:03:33,038 Look at you slavin' away. 92 00:03:33,038 --> 00:03:34,866 How much is Dad payin' ya for this? 93 00:03:34,866 --> 00:03:36,128 Five bucks.Five bucks? 94 00:03:36,128 --> 00:03:38,130 You're gettin' screwed by the man. 95 00:03:38,130 --> 00:03:40,306 He's inside, nice and warm, 96 00:03:40,306 --> 00:03:43,004 and you're out here freezin' your ass off 97 00:03:43,004 --> 00:03:44,745 for no money like a sucker. 98 00:03:44,745 --> 00:03:46,007 I like helping out. 99 00:03:46,007 --> 00:03:47,487 You're gettin' exploited! 100 00:03:47,487 --> 00:03:49,794 And so are all these other kids. 101 00:03:49,794 --> 00:03:52,927 Sounds like you're developing a social conscience, Gina. 102 00:03:52,927 --> 00:03:54,625 Yeah, I dunno what that is. 103 00:03:54,625 --> 00:03:56,975 But I'll tell ya, if anyone's doin' 104 00:03:56,975 --> 00:03:59,151 any exploitin' around here, it's me! 105 00:04:02,720 --> 00:04:08,856 [♪♪] 106 00:04:08,856 --> 00:04:11,424 So it's Cheech sneakin' around. 107 00:04:11,424 --> 00:04:12,425 Sorry I punched ya in the face, Jimmy. 108 00:04:12,425 --> 00:04:15,907 I don't remember that.You were sleepin'. 109 00:04:15,907 --> 00:04:17,822 That explains the loose tooth. 110 00:04:17,822 --> 00:04:19,650 Lookit Cheech's clothes. 111 00:04:19,650 --> 00:04:22,914 In the ol' days he only ever dressed up to pull a job. 112 00:04:22,914 --> 00:04:25,046 That knucklehead's gonna get us all in trouble. 113 00:04:25,046 --> 00:04:26,744 We better follow him. 114 00:04:26,744 --> 00:04:29,007 How we supposed to do that if he's got the car? 115 00:04:30,835 --> 00:04:32,489 I know we're probably followin' Cheech 116 00:04:32,489 --> 00:04:35,405 on some depraved crime spree, but this is fun! 117 00:04:35,405 --> 00:04:38,146 This is what McCool was talkin' about! 118 00:04:38,146 --> 00:04:41,759 I got a bicycle seat up my ass, how exactly is this fun? 119 00:04:41,759 --> 00:04:43,064 Why didn't ya just take Petey's bike? 120 00:04:43,064 --> 00:04:45,589 I thought this was Petey's bike. 121 00:04:49,114 --> 00:04:50,681 It's worse than we thought. 122 00:04:50,681 --> 00:04:52,900 Cheech is goin' into a crack den! 123 00:04:52,900 --> 00:04:55,729 Nah, nobody dresses up for a crack den. 124 00:04:55,729 --> 00:04:57,557 [sirens]It's probably just a whorehouse. 125 00:05:00,647 --> 00:05:02,257 We gotta get Cheech outta there before he gets pinched. 126 00:05:02,257 --> 00:05:04,825 Let's do this nice and quiet... 127 00:05:04,825 --> 00:05:08,481 [loud clatter] 128 00:05:08,481 --> 00:05:09,613 Ah screw it, let's just do it loud and mean... 129 00:05:09,613 --> 00:05:11,615 Ahh! 130 00:05:13,225 --> 00:05:16,054 Jimmy! What are you doin' here? 131 00:05:16,054 --> 00:05:17,969 Me? What about you? 132 00:05:17,969 --> 00:05:20,145 You're sneakin' around for a dance class? 133 00:05:20,145 --> 00:05:21,625 Why didn't ya just tell me? 134 00:05:21,625 --> 00:05:22,843 No offense, Jimmy. 135 00:05:22,843 --> 00:05:25,193 But I got a life outside you, ya know! 136 00:05:25,193 --> 00:05:27,544 This looks like fun! 137 00:05:27,544 --> 00:05:30,155 Jimmy, maybe ballroom dancin' is just what we need 138 00:05:30,155 --> 00:05:31,112 to spend some quality time together. 139 00:05:31,112 --> 00:05:33,680 Why not? Beat's ridin' bikes. 140 00:05:34,899 --> 00:05:37,467 May I have this dance? 141 00:05:37,467 --> 00:05:40,295 No, no, no, you cannot dance together! 142 00:05:40,295 --> 00:05:42,515 Your bodies are, how you say? 143 00:05:42,515 --> 00:05:44,082 Incompatible. 144 00:05:44,082 --> 00:05:45,170 You are built like pickle barrel 145 00:05:45,170 --> 00:05:47,955 and you are bag of oatmeal. 146 00:05:47,955 --> 00:05:48,913 Hey! 147 00:05:48,913 --> 00:05:51,089 You more suited to Juan Carlos. 148 00:05:51,089 --> 00:05:52,656 Nice to meet ya, Juan Carlos. 149 00:05:52,656 --> 00:05:54,266 [laughs] 150 00:05:54,266 --> 00:05:57,704 Ooh, someone's a smooth talker! 151 00:05:57,704 --> 00:05:58,879 [chuckles] 152 00:05:58,879 --> 00:06:00,533 You, what is name? 153 00:06:00,533 --> 00:06:01,926 Name is Jimmy. 154 00:06:01,926 --> 00:06:04,972 I Svetanka. Now dance me! 155 00:06:04,972 --> 00:06:06,713 Dance me... long and hard. 156 00:06:06,713 --> 00:06:09,890 [growls] 157 00:06:09,890 --> 00:06:10,761 Please don't hurt me. 158 00:06:14,591 --> 00:06:17,376 So Gina, what is this "union" of yours going to do for us? 159 00:06:19,378 --> 00:06:22,207 Suppose ya hurt yourself shovellin' huh? 160 00:06:22,207 --> 00:06:23,861 Who looks after ya? 161 00:06:23,861 --> 00:06:26,646 If your shovel breaks, who buys ya a new one? 162 00:06:26,646 --> 00:06:28,082 Our parents? 163 00:06:28,082 --> 00:06:29,649 They're the ones who sent ya out 164 00:06:29,649 --> 00:06:31,390 in minus twenty weather in the first place. 165 00:06:31,390 --> 00:06:34,001 Them grown-ups are playin' ya for stooges! 166 00:06:34,001 --> 00:06:35,829 Yeah! I shovelled Mrs. Wilson's place 167 00:06:35,829 --> 00:06:37,570 and she didn't pay! 168 00:06:37,570 --> 00:06:41,095 Sign up with the Brotherhood of Snow Shovellin' Youth 169 00:06:41,095 --> 00:06:42,096 and she'll definitely pay. 170 00:06:42,096 --> 00:06:45,970 They'll all pay! Who's with me? 171 00:06:45,970 --> 00:06:48,581 [chanting] Union! Union! Union! 172 00:06:48,581 --> 00:06:50,104 Jackets are mandatory for members. 173 00:06:50,104 --> 00:06:51,976 Fifty bucks a pop.What? 174 00:06:51,976 --> 00:06:53,194 Fifty bucks? 175 00:06:53,194 --> 00:06:55,806 Gina are you serious about organized labour 176 00:06:55,806 --> 00:06:57,460 or is this just a cash-grab? 177 00:06:57,460 --> 00:06:58,461 Don't worry, Petey. 178 00:06:58,461 --> 00:07:00,767 The jacket money comes outta wages. 179 00:07:00,767 --> 00:07:02,508 Ya won't even notice. 180 00:07:02,508 --> 00:07:04,858 And if I hear any more of that scab talk, 181 00:07:04,858 --> 00:07:06,338 I'll cut your [beep] eyes out. 182 00:07:10,821 --> 00:07:12,126 That was freakin' amazing! 183 00:07:12,126 --> 00:07:14,825 It was like I was on that show, 184 00:07:14,825 --> 00:07:16,435 "Dancin' with the People Who Used to be Stars". 185 00:07:16,435 --> 00:07:20,787 With Juan Carlos, I was dancin' on a cloud... 186 00:07:20,787 --> 00:07:22,528 of tacos and vending machine cologne. 187 00:07:22,528 --> 00:07:25,575 McCool was right about us spendin' time together. 188 00:07:25,575 --> 00:07:27,794 Except we didn't really spend any time together. 189 00:07:27,794 --> 00:07:29,187 Because our bodies are... 190 00:07:29,187 --> 00:07:31,450 "How you say? Incompatible." 191 00:07:31,450 --> 00:07:33,583 Ah, she don't know what she's talkin' about. 192 00:07:33,583 --> 00:07:35,236 I'll prove it to ya. 193 00:07:35,236 --> 00:07:37,195 [♪♪] 194 00:07:37,195 --> 00:07:39,023 Ow! 195 00:07:39,023 --> 00:07:40,241 [loud thumps] 196 00:07:40,241 --> 00:07:41,242 Jesus, when's the last time we danced? 197 00:07:43,288 --> 00:07:45,246 Sorry...No problem... 198 00:07:45,246 --> 00:07:46,813 [loud crash]Lemme think, was it at our wedding? 199 00:07:47,814 --> 00:07:49,424 Ow!Oops. 200 00:07:49,424 --> 00:07:51,514 Nah, I got nabbed for that diamond ring robbery 201 00:07:51,514 --> 00:07:53,733 before our first dance, remember? 202 00:07:53,733 --> 00:07:54,734 Ah!My bad... 203 00:07:54,734 --> 00:07:57,476 Did you guys get electrocuted or somethin'? 204 00:07:57,476 --> 00:08:00,087 Maybe ballroom dancin' ain't our thing? 205 00:08:00,087 --> 00:08:01,872 Well, if we can't dance together, 206 00:08:01,872 --> 00:08:03,221 there's no point doin' it at all. 207 00:08:03,221 --> 00:08:05,745 I agree. Ballroom dancin' is out. 208 00:08:05,745 --> 00:08:07,834 Good call, you looked like a coupla seagulls 209 00:08:07,834 --> 00:08:08,226 fightin' over a french fry. 210 00:08:12,839 --> 00:08:16,234 [humming theme song] 211 00:08:16,234 --> 00:08:18,410 Ah!I need you ride me, Yimmy. 212 00:08:18,410 --> 00:08:19,237 Ride me right now! 213 00:08:19,237 --> 00:08:21,239 Svetanka, no! I'm married. 214 00:08:21,239 --> 00:08:24,634 Ride me to dance studio! I am late! 215 00:08:24,634 --> 00:08:26,679 Oh, ya mean drive ya! Sure. 216 00:08:28,333 --> 00:08:30,683 Ya know, every time you talk, it sounds like a come-on. 217 00:08:30,683 --> 00:08:32,903 Is Svetanka's accent. 218 00:08:32,903 --> 00:08:35,470 You know, Yimmy, dancing with you last night 219 00:08:35,470 --> 00:08:37,777 made me so wet. 220 00:08:37,777 --> 00:08:39,997 Okay, you should really stop talkin' now. 221 00:08:39,997 --> 00:08:41,259 What? You are sweaty man. 222 00:08:43,522 --> 00:08:45,437 Come in for one dance? 223 00:08:45,437 --> 00:08:47,700 I don't think my wife would like that. 224 00:08:47,700 --> 00:08:49,746 You know you want to. 225 00:08:49,746 --> 00:08:52,313 We keep forbidden dance a secret. 226 00:08:52,313 --> 00:08:54,185 Come, Yimmy. 227 00:08:54,185 --> 00:08:55,795 Again with the sexy talk! 228 00:08:59,277 --> 00:09:00,408 Jimmy? 229 00:09:00,408 --> 00:09:02,628 Care to tell me what you're doin' here? 230 00:09:02,628 --> 00:09:04,543 Ah! 231 00:09:04,543 --> 00:09:06,937 You're sneakin' around behind my back, ain't ya? 232 00:09:06,937 --> 00:09:07,938 What're ya flippin' out for? 233 00:09:07,938 --> 00:09:10,897 I just came for a quickie with Sweatanka. 234 00:09:10,897 --> 00:09:12,682 Dance! Quickie dance! 235 00:09:12,682 --> 00:09:16,163 I thought we agreed ballroom dancin' wasn't for us. 236 00:09:16,163 --> 00:09:18,905 Says the broad who's standin' in a dance studio! 237 00:09:18,905 --> 00:09:21,952 I had to double Cheech down here on Petey's bike. 238 00:09:21,952 --> 00:09:23,693 I popped in to use the washroom. 239 00:09:23,693 --> 00:09:24,955 Ya know what? 240 00:09:24,955 --> 00:09:26,521 Juan Carlos asked me to be his partner 241 00:09:26,521 --> 00:09:27,958 for the Golden Ballies... 242 00:09:27,958 --> 00:09:30,613 You ain't touchin' no one else's golden ballies! 243 00:09:30,613 --> 00:09:33,093 It's a dance contest, you moron! 244 00:09:33,093 --> 00:09:34,573 Ha ha-ha! 245 00:09:34,573 --> 00:09:35,922 Oh yeah? Well... 246 00:09:35,922 --> 00:09:37,663 I'm gonna enter, too.. 247 00:09:37,663 --> 00:09:39,622 I just need to find me a -Dance partner? 248 00:09:40,144 --> 00:09:41,580 That's right! 249 00:09:41,580 --> 00:09:45,279 I'm gonna win them golden balls with Sweatnka here! 250 00:09:45,279 --> 00:09:47,760 Oh Jimmy, it is so on! 251 00:09:47,760 --> 00:09:50,154 It couldn't be on-er! 252 00:09:50,154 --> 00:09:51,546 Jimmy, can I get a ride home? 253 00:09:51,546 --> 00:09:53,548 Cookie broke Petey's bike! 254 00:09:53,548 --> 00:09:53,897 [bell rings] 255 00:09:53,897 --> 00:09:55,681 Ha ha-ha! 256 00:10:01,165 --> 00:10:02,340 Where do ya think you're goin'? 257 00:10:02,340 --> 00:10:03,733 I got rehearsal. 258 00:10:03,733 --> 00:10:04,559 These tap shoes ain't gonna tap themselves. 259 00:10:04,559 --> 00:10:06,387 Well, I got rehearsal too, Mister. 260 00:10:06,387 --> 00:10:09,434 Who's gonna stay home and watch Gina? 261 00:10:09,434 --> 00:10:11,305 Gina? She ain't even home! 262 00:10:11,305 --> 00:10:13,003 I ain't seen her in days. 263 00:10:13,003 --> 00:10:14,352 In that case... dibs on the car! 264 00:10:16,615 --> 00:10:18,182 I got no time for this! 265 00:10:18,182 --> 00:10:21,141 I gotta pick up sequins for my fancy pants. 266 00:10:21,141 --> 00:10:22,142 Wait, I just heard that. 267 00:10:22,142 --> 00:10:24,188 Catch ya later, sucka! 268 00:10:24,188 --> 00:10:28,583 You... come back... here.... 269 00:10:28,583 --> 00:10:29,976 [sigh] 270 00:10:29,976 --> 00:10:32,762 Oh man, all this dancin' has really... 271 00:10:32,762 --> 00:10:33,458 [clears phlegm] 272 00:10:33,458 --> 00:10:36,417 ...whipped me into shape. 273 00:10:36,417 --> 00:10:36,940 [doorbell] 274 00:10:36,940 --> 00:10:39,290 How'ya doin'? 275 00:10:39,290 --> 00:10:42,597 I'm Gina, Business Agent of BOSSY Local One. 276 00:10:42,597 --> 00:10:45,383 My comrade here says he performed 277 00:10:45,383 --> 00:10:48,125 snow-related labour for you and ya didn't pay. 278 00:10:48,125 --> 00:10:49,561 What gives? 279 00:10:49,561 --> 00:10:52,564 I didn't know he was doing it. 280 00:10:52,564 --> 00:10:54,261 Didn't know? What are ya, blind? 281 00:10:54,261 --> 00:10:56,220 Legally, yes. 282 00:10:56,220 --> 00:10:57,395 Can ya see good enough to fish 283 00:10:57,395 --> 00:10:58,135 a freakin' fifty outta your purse? 284 00:10:58,135 --> 00:11:00,528 I'm on a fixed income -- 285 00:11:00,528 --> 00:11:03,357 Yeah, yeah. Things are tough all over. 286 00:11:03,357 --> 00:11:04,663 Now make with the money. 287 00:11:04,663 --> 00:11:06,447 In my day, we didn't - 288 00:11:06,447 --> 00:11:07,884 Well your day's done, Stegosaurus. 289 00:11:07,884 --> 00:11:10,016 [whistles] 290 00:11:10,016 --> 00:11:11,191 Giv'er the snow job, boys! 291 00:11:14,412 --> 00:11:15,543 Ya want it cleared? 292 00:11:15,543 --> 00:11:17,110 That's another fifty bucks! 293 00:11:17,110 --> 00:11:18,546 Heheh. 294 00:11:22,289 --> 00:11:23,943 Ow! Ouch! 295 00:11:23,943 --> 00:11:26,424 I don't know how dancers sew on these sequins, 296 00:11:26,424 --> 00:11:29,427 By usin' a double top-stitch. 297 00:11:29,427 --> 00:11:29,993 How many times I gotta tell ya? 298 00:11:29,993 --> 00:11:31,864 Aw, I can't focus! 299 00:11:31,864 --> 00:11:35,433 Cookie's so competitive about this dance contest. 300 00:11:35,433 --> 00:11:36,869 She's drivin' me crazy! 301 00:11:36,869 --> 00:11:37,957 You want me to pull a Tonya Harding? 302 00:11:37,957 --> 00:11:38,958 Take out her knee? 303 00:11:38,958 --> 00:11:42,396 Say the word, she'll never walk again. 304 00:11:42,396 --> 00:11:43,441 That's my wife you're talkin' about! 305 00:11:43,441 --> 00:11:45,835 Besides, I'm way ahead of ya. 306 00:11:45,835 --> 00:11:47,488 I slashed her tires so she can't get to rehearsal. 307 00:11:49,839 --> 00:11:51,057 Isn't that your car, Jimmy? 308 00:11:52,798 --> 00:11:56,410 Yeah, but it's also her car. 309 00:11:56,410 --> 00:11:58,195 That's why you're the boss, Jimmy. 310 00:11:58,195 --> 00:11:59,979 Always thinkin'. 311 00:11:59,979 --> 00:12:02,373 Now gimme some change for the bus? 312 00:12:02,373 --> 00:12:05,855 Ugh. I entered this contest to stick it to your father, 313 00:12:05,855 --> 00:12:08,727 but he's really givin' me a run for my money... 314 00:12:08,727 --> 00:12:10,685 Ya really wanna win? You're gonna need an edge... 315 00:12:11,948 --> 00:12:14,254 [gasp] Theresa Maria Falcone! 316 00:12:14,254 --> 00:12:16,039 This is just lewd, crass and... 317 00:12:16,039 --> 00:12:19,129 Totally hot! 318 00:12:19,129 --> 00:12:20,347 Nice work. 319 00:12:20,347 --> 00:12:21,392 Ha ha-ha! 320 00:12:23,133 --> 00:12:24,308 This shouldn't bother me 321 00:12:24,308 --> 00:12:25,744 'cause I grew up around Italians, 322 00:12:25,744 --> 00:12:29,052 but your dance partner is really greasy. 323 00:12:29,052 --> 00:12:31,881 He drinks olive oil. Says it keeps him young. 324 00:12:31,881 --> 00:12:33,447 He's actually seventy-two. 325 00:12:35,710 --> 00:12:37,234 Ha ha-ha! 326 00:12:41,673 --> 00:12:43,893 Hoh! I ain't payin' you jagoffs 327 00:12:43,893 --> 00:12:45,111 to stand around gawkin! 328 00:12:45,111 --> 00:12:46,504 Get back to work! 329 00:12:46,504 --> 00:12:47,722 Gina, I've been elected Shop Steward, 330 00:12:47,722 --> 00:12:50,987 and as such, must tell you the BOSSY membership 331 00:12:50,987 --> 00:12:52,945 feels they're not getting a fair shake. 332 00:12:52,945 --> 00:12:55,078 That's crazy. I'm payin' five bucks a house. 333 00:12:55,078 --> 00:12:56,862 It's market rate. 334 00:12:56,862 --> 00:12:59,169 But you're charging our customers fifty! 335 00:12:59,169 --> 00:13:00,997 What happens to the other forty-five? 336 00:13:00,997 --> 00:13:03,913 Ya think them fancy jackets pay for themselves? 337 00:13:03,913 --> 00:13:05,305 Theresa bought them. 338 00:13:05,305 --> 00:13:05,915 And you still haven't paid her back! 339 00:13:05,915 --> 00:13:08,831 I got a... uh... 340 00:13:08,831 --> 00:13:11,268 ...health and retirement plan to pay for. 341 00:13:11,268 --> 00:13:12,791 Them things don't come cheap. 342 00:13:12,791 --> 00:13:16,055 You know what else don't come cheap? Us! 343 00:13:16,055 --> 00:13:18,579 On behalf of the members of BOSSY Local One, 344 00:13:18,579 --> 00:13:19,754 I hereby declare a strike! 345 00:13:19,754 --> 00:13:21,844 [cheering] 346 00:13:21,844 --> 00:13:24,107 [whispering] 347 00:13:24,107 --> 00:13:25,369 ...just as soon as Brother Oliver has his potty break. 348 00:13:29,721 --> 00:13:31,854 Whoa, look at the balls on this room! 349 00:13:33,203 --> 00:13:34,552 I suddenly feel inadequate. 350 00:13:34,552 --> 00:13:36,684 I feel nervous. You nervous, Juan Carlos? 351 00:13:36,684 --> 00:13:39,209 [laughs] 352 00:13:39,209 --> 00:13:42,038 Do you even speak English? 353 00:13:42,038 --> 00:13:44,040 [laughs] 354 00:13:44,040 --> 00:13:45,998 Hey Cook. Geez, ya look great! 355 00:13:45,998 --> 00:13:48,348 Just like them old-timey prostitutes. 356 00:13:48,348 --> 00:13:51,047 Aw, Jimmy thanks. Look at you. 357 00:13:51,047 --> 00:13:54,354 That costume makes me wanna say... 'Ole'! 358 00:13:54,354 --> 00:13:55,921 Yimmy, why you talk to old hoor? 359 00:13:55,921 --> 00:13:57,183 [quiet grunt] 360 00:13:57,183 --> 00:14:00,404 Oh, sorry. Old hoor is Cookie! 361 00:14:00,404 --> 00:14:01,796 Don't listen to her. 362 00:14:01,796 --> 00:14:03,842 I just wanted to wish ya luck in the contest. 363 00:14:03,842 --> 00:14:05,888 And sorry I sawed the heels off your dancin' shoes. 364 00:14:05,888 --> 00:14:08,281 Thanks babe. 365 00:14:08,281 --> 00:14:10,283 And I'm sorry I put horse laxative in your dinner. 366 00:14:10,283 --> 00:14:12,416 When'd ya do that?[loud gurgling] 367 00:14:12,416 --> 00:14:14,070 I gotta go! 368 00:14:14,070 --> 00:14:18,552 ♪ [upbeat jazz music] 369 00:14:18,552 --> 00:14:20,032 [applause] 370 00:14:20,032 --> 00:14:24,689 ♪ [tango music] 371 00:14:24,689 --> 00:14:26,517 [applause] 372 00:14:26,517 --> 00:14:32,784 ♪ [electronic music] 373 00:14:32,784 --> 00:14:35,308 [loud cheering] 374 00:14:35,308 --> 00:14:36,614 I won! I won! 375 00:14:36,614 --> 00:14:39,182 [loud crash]In your [beep] face, Jimmy! 376 00:14:39,182 --> 00:14:42,011 Way to go, Cheech! 377 00:14:42,011 --> 00:14:43,273 Wait, what'd he say? 378 00:14:43,273 --> 00:14:46,102 Yimmy! We won second place! 379 00:14:48,582 --> 00:14:51,977 Hey, get your Chernobyl-lickin' tongue outta my husband's mouth. 380 00:14:53,936 --> 00:14:55,938 Is that what I think it is? 381 00:14:57,287 --> 00:14:59,767 It's these pants! They make me look huge! 382 00:14:59,767 --> 00:15:01,552 And like I'm pointin' up! 383 00:15:04,729 --> 00:15:06,165 Listen, Slut-tanka. 384 00:15:06,165 --> 00:15:07,950 You boinkin' my husband?Dah. 385 00:15:07,950 --> 00:15:10,126 Hoh! "Dah" means yes! 386 00:15:10,126 --> 00:15:11,954 What's the Ruskie word for 'no'? 387 00:15:11,954 --> 00:15:12,998 "Nyet". 388 00:15:12,998 --> 00:15:15,435 That's it, I haven't boinked her. Nyet! 389 00:15:15,435 --> 00:15:17,611 Ya haven't boinked her yet? 390 00:15:17,611 --> 00:15:19,700 Well have fun with your Russian floozy, ya pig! 391 00:15:19,700 --> 00:15:22,268 What's wrong with you? You're gonna get me killed. 392 00:15:22,268 --> 00:15:26,881 Oh, you die for me? So romantic... 393 00:15:26,881 --> 00:15:29,145 No, I die because of you! 394 00:15:29,145 --> 00:15:31,669 You and I got no future, y'understand? 395 00:15:31,669 --> 00:15:33,758 Forget future. Taste present! 396 00:15:35,542 --> 00:15:36,979 BLECH... 397 00:15:36,979 --> 00:15:39,459 Present taste like vodka and lip gloss. 398 00:15:39,459 --> 00:15:42,071 Look, get it through your skull, I ain't interested. 399 00:15:42,071 --> 00:15:44,725 Svetanka no believe you. 400 00:15:44,725 --> 00:15:46,249 Alright then... I'm gay! 401 00:15:46,249 --> 00:15:48,033 Ooh! Is hot. 402 00:15:48,033 --> 00:15:49,948 I bring man to bedroom for Yimmy. 403 00:15:49,948 --> 00:15:52,820 How about Juan Carlos?[laughs] 404 00:15:52,820 --> 00:15:53,691 I watch. 405 00:15:53,691 --> 00:15:55,388 Yeah, my answer to that is... 406 00:15:58,261 --> 00:16:00,872 Hell no, we won't blow snow! 407 00:16:00,872 --> 00:16:03,309 Hell no, we won't blow snow! 408 00:16:03,309 --> 00:16:04,745 Would you guys just get outta here? 409 00:16:04,745 --> 00:16:06,225 I don't need this crap! 410 00:16:06,225 --> 00:16:08,227 We are not leaving until our demands are met! 411 00:16:08,227 --> 00:16:11,491 Fine, let's just settle this thing. 412 00:16:11,491 --> 00:16:12,666 You're willing to negotiate? 413 00:16:12,666 --> 00:16:15,930 Wow, I thought you'd just hire a bunch of scabs 414 00:16:15,930 --> 00:16:17,541 from the hobo jungle. 415 00:16:17,541 --> 00:16:19,586 I tried that. Didn't turn out so good... 416 00:16:22,894 --> 00:16:24,678 It's cold. 417 00:16:24,678 --> 00:16:26,115 You wanna have sex? 418 00:16:28,726 --> 00:16:31,294 [chanting continues] 419 00:16:31,294 --> 00:16:33,600 So there it is. 420 00:16:33,600 --> 00:16:36,299 I accounted for every day, right down to the minute. 421 00:16:36,299 --> 00:16:37,561 You tell me, 422 00:16:37,561 --> 00:16:40,651 when could I have possibly slept with Svetanka? 423 00:16:40,651 --> 00:16:42,566 I know what I saw, "Yimmy"! 424 00:16:42,566 --> 00:16:45,090 Okay, fine! Ya got me. 425 00:16:45,090 --> 00:16:47,484 I been ridin' her like a freakin' tilt-a-whirl. 426 00:16:47,484 --> 00:16:50,095 I knew it -- Wait a second... 427 00:16:50,095 --> 00:16:51,401 You'd never admit to somethin' like that 428 00:16:51,401 --> 00:16:52,880 unless you're lyin'. 429 00:16:52,880 --> 00:16:55,492 And if you're lyin', it means you didn't do it! 430 00:16:55,492 --> 00:16:57,233 Aw, c'mere ya big lug! 431 00:16:57,798 --> 00:16:59,365 It's official. 432 00:16:59,365 --> 00:17:02,542 I will never understand women. 433 00:17:02,542 --> 00:17:03,804 [cackles] 434 00:17:03,804 --> 00:17:05,545 [knocking] 435 00:17:07,591 --> 00:17:12,117 "I vant you." Signed, Svetanka Gabba... 436 00:17:12,117 --> 00:17:14,598 danova... illyanna... vitch. 437 00:17:14,598 --> 00:17:16,034 Who was that? 438 00:17:16,034 --> 00:17:16,948 [gasp] Is that for me? 439 00:17:16,948 --> 00:17:19,168 You big sweetheart! 440 00:17:20,734 --> 00:17:24,260 Let's do that! Right now! 441 00:17:24,260 --> 00:17:25,826 [whispers] Bring the bear. 442 00:17:25,826 --> 00:17:28,090 ALL: Hell no! We won't blow snow! 443 00:17:31,223 --> 00:17:31,484 Ah! 444 00:17:33,791 --> 00:17:35,793 What the hell are you doin' out there, ya whacko? 445 00:17:35,793 --> 00:17:38,578 No more wait. Is time for sexy. 446 00:17:38,578 --> 00:17:39,884 [growls] 447 00:17:39,884 --> 00:17:41,538 [shudders] 448 00:17:41,538 --> 00:17:45,107 I told ya before, I don't fool around on my wife. Ever. 449 00:17:45,107 --> 00:17:47,587 Maybe this change your mind? 450 00:17:47,587 --> 00:17:49,111 Hoh! Sweatanka - 451 00:17:49,111 --> 00:17:51,504 For the last time, get outta here! 452 00:17:51,504 --> 00:17:53,289 [squeaking] 453 00:17:53,289 --> 00:17:55,595 And take your two perky friends with ya! 454 00:17:55,595 --> 00:17:56,683 [squeaking] 455 00:17:59,686 --> 00:18:01,732 If Cookie finds out this broad's stalkin' me, 456 00:18:01,732 --> 00:18:03,429 she's gonna go ballistic! 457 00:18:03,429 --> 00:18:06,171 She'll kill Svetanka, I'll be next, 458 00:18:06,171 --> 00:18:08,913 and a coupla the kids might get clipped in the cross-fire. 459 00:18:08,913 --> 00:18:10,262 It'll be a bloodbath! 460 00:18:10,262 --> 00:18:12,264 But surely she won't blame you! 461 00:18:12,264 --> 00:18:13,961 You're an innocent victim here. 462 00:18:13,961 --> 00:18:15,963 Clearly you never been married. 463 00:18:15,963 --> 00:18:17,443 And don't call me a 'victim'. 464 00:18:17,443 --> 00:18:19,184 It makes me sound like a candyass. 465 00:18:19,184 --> 00:18:20,838 Jimmy, don't you see? 466 00:18:20,838 --> 00:18:23,188 You're keeping a secret from your wife. 467 00:18:23,188 --> 00:18:25,321 That's just as bad as cheating. 468 00:18:25,321 --> 00:18:26,496 Again, clearly, you've never been married. 469 00:18:26,496 --> 00:18:29,412 Cookie's your partner for life. 470 00:18:29,412 --> 00:18:31,762 Are you gonna start with that quality time crap again, 471 00:18:31,762 --> 00:18:33,981 'cause that's what got me into this [beep]-show. 472 00:18:33,981 --> 00:18:34,634 I know this is highly implausible 473 00:18:34,634 --> 00:18:36,636 considering your background, 474 00:18:36,636 --> 00:18:39,813 but I think you should tell the truth. 475 00:18:39,813 --> 00:18:41,728 Ya think? 476 00:18:41,728 --> 00:18:44,818 Alright, today's as good a day to die as any. 477 00:18:44,818 --> 00:18:47,908 But just to be safe, I'll take Svetanka 478 00:18:47,908 --> 00:18:49,040 into protective custody in the morning. 479 00:18:49,040 --> 00:18:51,651 For Canada! 480 00:18:51,651 --> 00:18:53,218 Where most men would pay to be stalked 481 00:18:53,218 --> 00:18:55,133 by hot Russian girls! 482 00:18:55,133 --> 00:18:57,353 [sonic boom] 483 00:18:57,353 --> 00:18:58,963 ALL: Hell no! We won't blow snow! 484 00:18:58,963 --> 00:19:01,357 Where you been? 485 00:19:01,357 --> 00:19:02,706 Seein' McCool. 486 00:19:02,706 --> 00:19:03,707 Don't worry, he'll corroborate. 487 00:19:03,707 --> 00:19:06,057 Look, you and me gotta talk.What's up? 488 00:19:06,057 --> 00:19:08,233 Ya know Sweatanka? 489 00:19:08,233 --> 00:19:10,801 Yeah, what about her? 490 00:19:10,801 --> 00:19:11,280 She's been stalkin' me. 491 00:19:11,280 --> 00:19:12,063 [steam whistling] 492 00:19:12,063 --> 00:19:14,892 Here we go... 493 00:19:14,892 --> 00:19:16,589 Oh boy... Thanks for the crappy advice, McCool... 494 00:19:18,287 --> 00:19:19,592 [sigh] 495 00:19:19,592 --> 00:19:21,246 Well, I can't say I blame her. 496 00:19:21,246 --> 00:19:23,422 You're not mad? 497 00:19:23,422 --> 00:19:26,077 Oh, I'm gonna slice her up later, but I ain't mad at you. 498 00:19:26,077 --> 00:19:27,339 You didn't do nothin'. 499 00:19:27,339 --> 00:19:29,472 [clatter]What was that? 500 00:19:31,343 --> 00:19:32,431 Whoa, this is just like that movie 501 00:19:32,431 --> 00:19:34,868 where the crazy stalker broad cooks the rabbit. 502 00:19:34,868 --> 00:19:37,175 Oh God, ya think she's in the house? 503 00:19:37,175 --> 00:19:38,655 Hell, I bet she's right behind us. 504 00:19:38,655 --> 00:19:39,960 Ah! 505 00:19:39,960 --> 00:19:41,266 Wha? I'm makin' beans. 506 00:19:41,266 --> 00:19:44,400 ♪ [tense music] 507 00:19:44,400 --> 00:19:48,578 Ugh. Won't you budge on anything? 508 00:19:48,578 --> 00:19:51,711 Hey, hey, hey, I gave you a two percent wage increase 509 00:19:51,711 --> 00:19:53,887 over ten years, didn't I? 510 00:19:53,887 --> 00:19:55,889 What's takin' so long? 511 00:19:55,889 --> 00:19:57,500 Those kids are still on the picket line. 512 00:19:57,500 --> 00:19:59,763 Mary's got frostbite, Oliver's cryin' for his blankie, 513 00:19:59,763 --> 00:20:01,939 and I don't even know why I'm still there! 514 00:20:01,939 --> 00:20:05,464 Know what? Runnin' a union is too much hassle. 515 00:20:05,464 --> 00:20:06,552 I'm out! 516 00:20:06,552 --> 00:20:07,771 Oh no you're not! 517 00:20:07,771 --> 00:20:10,077 You have a responsibility to those kids. 518 00:20:10,077 --> 00:20:12,602 Don't make me sic the Labour Board on you. 519 00:20:12,602 --> 00:20:14,212 Grow up, Petey. I already paid 'em off. 520 00:20:14,212 --> 00:20:15,431 Speakin'a which... 521 00:20:17,433 --> 00:20:18,869 What's this? 522 00:20:18,869 --> 00:20:21,654 You and Theresa's cut of the money I made off this scam. 523 00:20:21,654 --> 00:20:22,307 Count me in! 524 00:20:22,307 --> 00:20:24,962 Um... I don't know... 525 00:20:24,962 --> 00:20:26,268 I don't think I can... 526 00:20:28,052 --> 00:20:29,401 And I just sold out. 527 00:20:29,401 --> 00:20:32,230 Hey! Petey broke his cherry! 528 00:20:35,320 --> 00:20:38,584 If Svetanka can't have Jimmy, no one can! 529 00:20:38,584 --> 00:20:40,934 I never understood that about stalkers. 530 00:20:40,934 --> 00:20:42,153 Ya love the guy, so why kill him? 531 00:20:42,153 --> 00:20:43,415 It's stupid. 532 00:20:43,415 --> 00:20:45,983 So... I kill you first? 533 00:20:45,983 --> 00:20:48,202 Did I say 'stupid'? Let me re-phrase that... 534 00:20:48,202 --> 00:20:49,595 Svetanka, you're never gonna have me, 535 00:20:49,595 --> 00:20:51,205 so ya might as well just kill us. 536 00:20:51,205 --> 00:20:53,338 [cocks gun] 537 00:20:53,338 --> 00:20:54,731 But before you do, 538 00:20:54,731 --> 00:20:56,820 can I have one last dance with my wife? 539 00:20:56,820 --> 00:21:01,085 Dah. One more time you flop around like puppets, 540 00:21:01,085 --> 00:21:02,608 then I shoot you. 541 00:21:02,608 --> 00:21:06,917 ♪ [tango music] 542 00:21:06,917 --> 00:21:08,353 [loud crash] 543 00:21:08,353 --> 00:21:10,050 [laughs] 544 00:21:10,050 --> 00:21:13,706 You look like circus bear boxing a kangaroo! 545 00:21:13,706 --> 00:21:15,447 [laughs] 546 00:21:19,625 --> 00:21:21,540 Now THAT's what I call dancin'! 547 00:21:21,540 --> 00:21:22,236 Jimmy, you're a genius! 548 00:21:22,236 --> 00:21:24,151 Well, I got my moments. 549 00:21:24,151 --> 00:21:25,283 [screams] 550 00:21:25,283 --> 00:21:27,372 Jimmy look out! 551 00:21:28,852 --> 00:21:30,506 JIMMY: Gina! Good job. 552 00:21:30,506 --> 00:21:32,551 Beans! 553 00:21:33,987 --> 00:21:34,553 Why'd you hit Cheech? 554 00:21:34,553 --> 00:21:37,121 Eh, I was on a roll... 555 00:21:37,121 --> 00:21:39,210 Pop, you get the quicklime. I'll chop her up. 556 00:21:39,210 --> 00:21:41,995 See? Isn't this nice? 557 00:21:41,995 --> 00:21:43,910 We're doin' stuff together... 558 00:21:43,910 --> 00:21:45,303 It's quality time... 559 00:21:45,303 --> 00:21:47,174 Just like McCool said. 560 00:21:49,307 --> 00:21:51,222 Good news Jimmy, Svetanka's visa has expired! 561 00:21:51,222 --> 00:21:53,355 We can deport... 562 00:21:55,313 --> 00:21:57,097 Oh God... Is she dead? 563 00:21:57,097 --> 00:21:58,142 Nah, but give us five minutes. 564 00:21:58,142 --> 00:22:00,362 [laughter]