1 00:00:05,434 --> 00:00:07,431 Accessing archive data... 2 00:00:07,432 --> 00:00:09,121 Beck and Tron's resistance escalates... 3 00:00:09,655 --> 00:00:13,321 When it goes critical, make sure you're far away. 4 00:00:13,356 --> 00:00:16,288 As does Paige's infatuation with Beck's alter ego... 5 00:00:16,322 --> 00:00:17,619 the renegade. 6 00:00:17,653 --> 00:00:22,227 - I'm going to save your life! - It doesn't need saving. 7 00:00:22,261 --> 00:00:25,501 Tesler rewards Paige's hard work with praise. 8 00:00:25,535 --> 00:00:28,171 Wipe that smirk off your face. 9 00:00:28,205 --> 00:00:31,339 If you had done your job, none of this would have been necessary. 10 00:00:31,374 --> 00:00:34,681 - You've been sloppy lately. - Extremely. 11 00:00:38,816 --> 00:00:41,346 Tesler's base. 12 00:00:41,380 --> 00:00:45,513 A heavily guarded, impenetrable fortress of death. 13 00:00:45,547 --> 00:00:47,713 There are over 20,000 soldiers on constant patrol 14 00:00:47,747 --> 00:00:51,481 who will not hesitate to derezz you if they see you. 15 00:00:51,515 --> 00:00:53,782 So make sure they don't see you. 16 00:00:55,685 --> 00:00:58,550 Stealth. Now that I can do. 17 00:00:58,584 --> 00:01:01,483 You'll need to be quick. The data cube we're after 18 00:01:01,518 --> 00:01:03,750 will give us critical advantage over the occupation. 19 00:01:03,784 --> 00:01:07,684 Don't worry. They won't even know I'm there. 20 00:01:46,683 --> 00:01:49,778 Paige, Rox, hurry up. 21 00:01:49,831 --> 00:01:52,545 I wanna commemorate this... our grand opening. 22 00:01:55,512 --> 00:01:57,477 Okay, there! 23 00:01:57,511 --> 00:02:00,242 It's all set! Come on! 24 00:02:00,276 --> 00:02:02,708 Wait, not yet! We forgot the sign! 25 00:02:02,743 --> 00:02:05,575 - Paige, come on! - Okay, okay, okay! 26 00:02:15,309 --> 00:02:19,241 The cube he stole contains all of our security codes. 27 00:02:19,275 --> 00:02:22,573 They can unlock every system on the base! 28 00:02:22,608 --> 00:02:27,340 - He won't get away, sir. - Make sure of it. 29 00:02:46,303 --> 00:02:49,468 A light chopper? You'll never catch me in that. 30 00:02:51,536 --> 00:02:54,467 Light jets, on the other hand... 31 00:02:56,080 --> 00:03:05,576 S01E06 - Isolated 32 00:03:38,117 --> 00:03:39,615 Give up already! 33 00:03:49,878 --> 00:03:51,643 Gotcha! 34 00:03:53,910 --> 00:03:58,574 Malfunction. Malfunction. 35 00:04:01,573 --> 00:04:02,672 Come on! Come on! 36 00:04:04,772 --> 00:04:07,603 Now would be a good time to turn back into a baton! 37 00:04:41,523 --> 00:04:44,688 The end of the renegade. 38 00:04:44,722 --> 00:04:48,653 I wonder how general Tesler will ever be able to thank me. 39 00:04:57,450 --> 00:04:59,715 Pavel, over here! 40 00:04:59,749 --> 00:05:05,346 Ooh, not enough room on this light jet for two. 41 00:05:11,744 --> 00:05:13,709 Pavel! Wait! 42 00:05:13,743 --> 00:05:15,375 Wait! 43 00:05:15,409 --> 00:05:16,741 Hey! Wait up! 44 00:05:16,776 --> 00:05:18,740 Sorry I'm late. I was just... 45 00:05:18,774 --> 00:05:20,407 - Practicing your music. - Practicing your music. 46 00:05:20,441 --> 00:05:21,639 Yeah, we know. 47 00:05:21,674 --> 00:05:25,405 Laugh all you want, but I think I'm actually getting better. 48 00:05:25,439 --> 00:05:28,337 Listen, Paige, you're great medic, but you're not... 49 00:05:28,371 --> 00:05:30,337 ...programmed for music. I know. 50 00:05:30,371 --> 00:05:32,602 You should really just stick to your programming. 51 00:05:32,636 --> 00:05:35,401 Trust us, you'll be better off. 52 00:05:35,436 --> 00:05:38,334 I mean, isn't medicine... 53 00:05:43,633 --> 00:05:45,564 Leave us alone! 54 00:05:54,495 --> 00:05:55,561 Nice. 55 00:06:01,359 --> 00:06:04,323 Nice. 56 00:06:04,357 --> 00:06:07,622 All available medical staff please report to recovery. 57 00:06:07,656 --> 00:06:09,188 Will she be all right? 58 00:06:09,222 --> 00:06:13,186 Some of her wounds were pretty nasty, but... she'll make it. 59 00:06:13,220 --> 00:06:16,286 I guess we made easy targets. 60 00:06:16,320 --> 00:06:22,183 Your code is extremely complex. I've never seen anything like it. 61 00:06:22,218 --> 00:06:24,282 I'll take that as a compliment. 62 00:06:24,317 --> 00:06:28,480 - Times are hard, ever since the war. - Are you soldiers? 63 00:06:28,515 --> 00:06:32,413 Refugees. Our home city became a target of the purge 64 00:06:32,447 --> 00:06:34,479 when some ISOs were discovered there. 65 00:06:34,513 --> 00:06:36,545 We barely made it out alive. 66 00:06:36,579 --> 00:06:40,376 It must have been terrifying having ISOs in your own city. 67 00:06:40,410 --> 00:06:42,541 I've heard they're insane... that they can even 68 00:06:42,576 --> 00:06:45,407 derezz programs with their bare hands. 69 00:06:46,608 --> 00:06:49,672 I'm pretty sure that's just a rumor. 70 00:06:52,538 --> 00:06:56,369 Flynn himself couldn't fix this mess. 71 00:07:01,501 --> 00:07:03,300 Whoa! 72 00:07:27,360 --> 00:07:28,458 Hey! 73 00:07:28,493 --> 00:07:32,424 Huh. You're a hard program to derezz. 74 00:07:32,458 --> 00:07:35,522 But you know what? I like a challenge. 75 00:07:38,156 --> 00:07:41,153 We've got a problem. 76 00:07:42,321 --> 00:07:44,452 You've got a problem. 77 00:07:44,487 --> 00:07:48,284 Hold on! 78 00:07:48,318 --> 00:07:50,216 I've gotta show you something! 79 00:07:50,250 --> 00:07:52,282 You think I'm that gullible? 80 00:08:00,280 --> 00:08:03,078 You probably thought I forgot about this. 81 00:08:07,244 --> 00:08:08,209 Now will you listen? 82 00:08:09,243 --> 00:08:13,074 Will you just stop? Look what's happening. 83 00:08:17,406 --> 00:08:19,271 It's disintegrating. 84 00:08:19,305 --> 00:08:22,337 The shock from my crash destabilized the code of the island. 85 00:08:22,371 --> 00:08:25,069 It's derezzing, and there's no way to stop it. 86 00:08:25,103 --> 00:08:28,467 Pretty soon the whole island is going to fall apart. 87 00:08:28,502 --> 00:08:33,432 - Still wanna keep fighting? - Absolutely. 88 00:08:33,467 --> 00:08:36,432 But I guess it'll have to wait. 89 00:08:38,465 --> 00:08:42,129 No way that'll ever fly again. 90 00:08:42,164 --> 00:08:45,195 It doesn't have to fly, just float. 91 00:08:45,229 --> 00:08:49,026 Look around. There's no armies out here, no soldiers. 92 00:08:49,061 --> 00:08:52,292 Just us. If we wanna live, we have to work together. 93 00:08:52,326 --> 00:08:57,323 I am the army, and I'm getting off this rock... alone. 94 00:09:41,171 --> 00:09:43,169 Still don't think you need my help? 95 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:04,830 The water's going to get even rougher as more of the island breaks up. 96 00:10:04,864 --> 00:10:06,229 I might be able to attach the propulsion unit 97 00:10:06,263 --> 00:10:11,027 from your chopper to my lifeboat, modify it to work in water. 98 00:10:11,262 --> 00:10:14,792 Don't you need to be an engineer to do something like that? 99 00:10:14,827 --> 00:10:18,957 - How hard could it be? - It could be impossible. 100 00:10:18,991 --> 00:10:22,889 Look, I can't do this alone, and neither can you, 101 00:10:22,923 --> 00:10:25,221 and if we don't work fast, we'll drown. 102 00:10:25,255 --> 00:10:28,886 At least I'll have the satisfaction of seeing the end of the renegade. 103 00:10:28,921 --> 00:10:32,151 You really wanna die here? 104 00:10:36,851 --> 00:10:38,949 We can do this. Trust me. 105 00:10:42,148 --> 00:10:45,180 - You're injured. - It's nothing. 106 00:10:48,114 --> 00:10:50,112 Without treatment, you could lose the arm. 107 00:10:50,146 --> 00:10:52,811 I'll need to access your disc. 108 00:10:56,110 --> 00:11:01,009 I'm only doing this because I need your help. 109 00:11:01,042 --> 00:11:03,775 So... we are agreeing to a truce? 110 00:11:03,809 --> 00:11:05,941 A temporary truce. 111 00:11:09,774 --> 00:11:11,905 You're not gonna try to derezz me? 112 00:11:11,939 --> 00:11:17,736 - I have your word as a solder? - You have my word. 113 00:11:22,967 --> 00:11:24,900 Where did you learn how to do that? 114 00:11:24,934 --> 00:11:27,897 All soldiers learn how to treat battle injuries. 115 00:11:27,931 --> 00:11:29,064 It's part of our training. 116 00:11:32,129 --> 00:11:35,826 Huh. Feels good as new. 117 00:11:55,052 --> 00:11:57,150 It's beautiful. 118 00:11:59,049 --> 00:12:01,780 Ah, it's... it's really simple. 119 00:12:01,815 --> 00:12:05,679 It's just something I made up. I wasn't programmed for music. 120 00:12:05,713 --> 00:12:07,778 You could've fooled me. 121 00:12:07,813 --> 00:12:11,010 Well, you're obviously capable of learning things that aren't in your programming. 122 00:12:11,044 --> 00:12:14,742 - Your playing proves it. - It's not very hard. 123 00:12:14,776 --> 00:12:17,640 I'm sure you could learn anything you put your mind to. 124 00:12:17,675 --> 00:12:22,039 Like... how to take someone down in a single move, like you did? 125 00:12:23,071 --> 00:12:24,638 Why not? 126 00:12:24,672 --> 00:12:29,636 The key is to use your opponent's momentum against him. Punch me. 127 00:12:35,003 --> 00:12:38,867 Wow! That's amazing! 128 00:12:39,901 --> 00:12:43,866 Let me show you again. Slowly. Then you can try it. 129 00:12:48,866 --> 00:12:52,063 Oh, no. You're an ISO ! 130 00:12:52,097 --> 00:12:54,962 - Paige... - That's why your code is so complex. 131 00:12:54,996 --> 00:12:56,729 Why didn't you tell me?! 132 00:12:56,762 --> 00:12:58,061 Would you have helped us if I had? 133 00:12:58,095 --> 00:13:00,960 She'll alert the patrols. We can't allow that. 134 00:13:02,693 --> 00:13:05,858 You have to believe me, Paige. We're not dangerous. 135 00:13:05,892 --> 00:13:08,690 We just wanna live in peace. 136 00:13:08,724 --> 00:13:11,523 Everything on the Grid, including you and your friends, 137 00:13:11,557 --> 00:13:14,654 was designed by Flynn, except for us. 138 00:13:14,688 --> 00:13:18,553 We're free. It's the only reason we're being hunted. 139 00:13:19,953 --> 00:13:24,717 Please. Don't say anything to anyone. 140 00:13:24,752 --> 00:13:27,649 I can trust you, can't I? 141 00:13:33,947 --> 00:13:37,776 Something on your mind? You've been awfully quiet. 142 00:13:37,811 --> 00:13:40,510 I'm just tired, that's all. 143 00:13:40,543 --> 00:13:44,541 - How are Quorra and her friend? - They're leaving, thankfully. 144 00:13:44,575 --> 00:13:45,773 I thought you liked them. 145 00:13:45,807 --> 00:13:49,605 I did, too, but... they aren't who I thought they were. 146 00:13:49,640 --> 00:13:51,871 You mean they're not refugees? 147 00:13:51,905 --> 00:13:54,836 Who are they? Why are they hiding? 148 00:13:54,871 --> 00:13:58,602 Look, I can't talk about it. 149 00:13:58,637 --> 00:14:00,902 Paige? Paige? 150 00:14:08,633 --> 00:14:11,597 Aida and I are leaving now. 151 00:14:16,630 --> 00:14:20,827 I'm sorry I won't get to hear you play again. 152 00:14:20,861 --> 00:14:25,659 Attention, programs. An ISO contamination has been reported. 153 00:14:25,693 --> 00:14:27,824 Please prepare discs for scanning. 154 00:14:32,691 --> 00:14:35,721 Attention, programs. An ISO contamination has been reported. 155 00:14:35,755 --> 00:14:38,721 Please prepare discs for scanning. 156 00:14:38,755 --> 00:14:39,886 Sorry, Paige. 157 00:14:39,921 --> 00:14:43,551 Quorra, why? Now she'll never trust ISOs. 158 00:14:43,586 --> 00:14:45,917 Yeah, but at least she'll be alive. 159 00:14:55,446 --> 00:14:58,444 Not bad... if I say so myself. 160 00:14:58,478 --> 00:14:59,777 Assuming it works. 161 00:14:59,811 --> 00:15:03,541 The power pack is drained. It's the only one I have. 162 00:15:03,576 --> 00:15:06,606 My chopper has a full power pack. 163 00:15:11,737 --> 00:15:15,569 Suppose we make it back to Argon together... then what? 164 00:15:15,603 --> 00:15:20,334 You either give yourself up or I derezz you, your choice. 165 00:15:20,368 --> 00:15:21,800 Hmm. Some choice. 166 00:15:21,834 --> 00:15:24,632 Hand me that tail flap. We can use it as a rudder. 167 00:15:24,666 --> 00:15:27,398 What, do I work for you now? 168 00:15:27,432 --> 00:15:30,364 Paige, look out! 169 00:15:31,765 --> 00:15:33,563 Paige! 170 00:15:35,783 --> 00:15:37,259 Paige, hang on! 171 00:15:42,832 --> 00:15:46,429 On your feet, program. 172 00:15:57,525 --> 00:15:59,457 What's going on? 173 00:15:59,491 --> 00:16:01,557 I'm looking for two fugitive ISOs. 174 00:16:02,724 --> 00:16:04,422 You're gonna tell me where they are. 175 00:16:04,457 --> 00:16:07,421 - I don't know. - How did you end up here? 176 00:16:07,455 --> 00:16:10,420 The one called Quorra did this to me. 177 00:16:10,454 --> 00:16:14,353 I gave her medical aid, and this is how she thanked me. 178 00:16:16,519 --> 00:16:19,417 The ISOs are crooked, dangerous creatures. 179 00:16:19,452 --> 00:16:23,417 And it seems we found you just in time. 180 00:16:23,451 --> 00:16:26,615 Unfortunately, we couldn't save the others. 181 00:16:26,650 --> 00:16:30,679 What others? What did they do? 182 00:16:30,714 --> 00:16:34,412 Warning. ISO contamination. 183 00:16:34,446 --> 00:16:38,576 The ISOs derezzed them, took everything of value, then fled. 184 00:16:38,611 --> 00:16:40,775 Warning. ISO contamination. 185 00:16:40,810 --> 00:16:45,307 You were obviously tricked into helping the wrong side in this conflict. 186 00:16:45,342 --> 00:16:47,739 Warning. ISO contamination. 187 00:16:47,773 --> 00:16:49,606 Now that you understand that, 188 00:16:49,640 --> 00:16:51,605 I'm willing to give you a chance to join the right side 189 00:16:51,639 --> 00:16:54,437 and make the ISOs pay for what they've done. 190 00:16:54,471 --> 00:16:57,435 Warning. ISO contamination. 191 00:16:57,470 --> 00:17:00,301 Under my command. 192 00:17:00,335 --> 00:17:03,734 How soon can I start? 193 00:17:08,400 --> 00:17:12,364 What are you doing?! Come back! Ugh! 194 00:17:12,398 --> 00:17:15,330 I should've derezzed him when I had the chance! 195 00:17:21,496 --> 00:17:24,361 Hang on, Paige. 196 00:17:27,461 --> 00:17:30,259 What? Come on. Come on! 197 00:17:51,585 --> 00:17:52,650 There! 198 00:18:34,756 --> 00:18:39,164 I hope some day you realize, I'm one of the good guys. 199 00:18:46,329 --> 00:18:51,225 I told you, Pavel, never underestimate our dear Paige. 200 00:18:51,260 --> 00:18:53,558 We're so glad you're safe. 201 00:18:53,592 --> 00:18:56,590 We? I doubt that. 202 00:18:58,490 --> 00:19:00,355 And after all that, 203 00:19:00,389 --> 00:19:02,521 I didn't even make it back with the data cube. 204 00:19:02,555 --> 00:19:07,453 We'll have other chances to get our hands on Tesler's plans. 205 00:19:07,487 --> 00:19:11,285 But I'm impressed that you risked your life to try to save an enemy. 206 00:19:11,319 --> 00:19:14,117 I thought she was starting to trust me. 207 00:19:14,151 --> 00:19:18,181 - Besides, I gave her my word. - You did the right thing, Beck. 208 00:19:22,547 --> 00:19:26,544 So the renegade's evaded capture again. 209 00:19:26,579 --> 00:19:31,210 Yes. I was a fool to trust him. 210 00:19:31,244 --> 00:19:35,308 He betrayed me. Just like the ISOs. 211 00:19:35,342 --> 00:19:40,373 But thanks to your efforts, he didn't get away with this. 212 00:19:40,408 --> 00:19:43,605 Your training served me well. 213 00:19:43,640 --> 00:19:47,604 On the island, I thought a lot about how I first met you, 214 00:19:47,638 --> 00:19:51,237 how fortunate I am to serve you. 215 00:19:53,337 --> 00:19:56,469 All things considered, you've done well today. 216 00:19:56,503 --> 00:19:58,434 Thank you, sir. 217 00:19:58,469 --> 00:20:01,433 I knew when we first met how capable you are. 218 00:20:01,468 --> 00:20:04,265 Even after the ISOs betrayed you so cruelly, 219 00:20:04,300 --> 00:20:07,231 you showed amazing strength. 220 00:20:07,266 --> 00:20:11,662 I find strength in knowing that you would never betray me, sir. 221 00:20:29,823 --> 00:20:31,966 And you say her name was Quorra? 222 00:20:32,286 --> 00:20:34,286 She and her friend were treated right here. 223 00:20:34,424 --> 00:20:36,257 They just left a few micros ago. 224 00:20:36,737 --> 00:20:38,101 You've done the right thing. 225 00:20:40,312 --> 00:20:42,790 Tear this place apart, erase any trace of their presence, 226 00:20:44,155 --> 00:20:47,129 and round up every program that's been exposed to the ISOs 227 00:20:47,328 --> 00:20:49,323 and have them derezzed immediately. 228 00:20:49,531 --> 00:20:50,589 What?! 229 00:20:50,834 --> 00:20:52,784 Collaborating with traitors must be punished, 230 00:20:53,059 --> 00:20:56,174 as an example to anyone else who might consider helping them. 231 00:20:56,473 --> 00:20:58,161 I'm afraid that includes you. 232 00:20:58,237 --> 00:20:59,641 But we helped you! 233 00:21:03,950 --> 00:21:05,745 - But we helped you! - Please! 234 00:21:13,193 --> 00:21:14,909 I would never betray you, Paige. 235 00:21:16,024 --> 00:21:18,861 I know all to well what you're capable of.