1 00:00:00,695 --> 00:00:03,510 ♪ Oh, snap, snap, ♪ 2 00:00:03,543 --> 00:00:05,711 - ♪ Oh, snap, snap. ♪ - Wow... 3 00:00:05,712 --> 00:00:07,344 - That sounds pretty good. - Thank you. 4 00:00:07,347 --> 00:00:11,138 Hey, listen. Schmidt, I've been kinda stuck on this whole career search thing. 5 00:00:11,163 --> 00:00:13,035 - Oh. - You think I'd be good at advertising? 6 00:00:13,036 --> 00:00:16,599 - I mean, that's what you do, right? - Advertising is a dog. Drinking beer. 7 00:00:16,624 --> 00:00:18,624 A fat moron falling down the stairs. 8 00:00:18,625 --> 00:00:21,643 A snot-nosed brat kicking his rapping grandpa in the testicles. 9 00:00:21,668 --> 00:00:24,132 The rapping grandpa kills me, though. 10 00:00:24,157 --> 00:00:27,329 I am in marketing, Winston. The backbone of capitalism. 11 00:00:27,330 --> 00:00:29,829 - Without it, you'd be dead in two days. - I could be good at that. 12 00:00:29,830 --> 00:00:31,928 Probably not, but you can shadow me at work today to find out. 13 00:00:31,955 --> 00:00:35,311 Yeah! Team drug store, back from mission. 14 00:00:35,312 --> 00:00:38,601 - Drug store, right, Coach? - Yeah. Uh, can I have my bag? 15 00:00:38,602 --> 00:00:40,661 - Yeah. Good stuff. Good stuff. - Thanks. 16 00:00:40,662 --> 00:00:42,664 So, same time next week, right? 17 00:00:42,698 --> 00:00:45,582 Team drug store? We'll go again to the drug store? 18 00:00:45,583 --> 00:00:49,278 Team drug store? Ugh! God! What a walnut! 19 00:00:50,504 --> 00:00:54,262 It's been two months we've been living with him, and I have yet to crack him. 20 00:00:54,263 --> 00:00:57,666 It's like we just spent an hour together. It was, like, nothing, no connection. 21 00:00:57,667 --> 00:01:00,250 And don't tell me it's in my mind, because it's not. 22 00:01:00,268 --> 00:01:03,554 We ran into one of his friends, and Coach said the meanest thing about me. 23 00:01:03,588 --> 00:01:06,607 Check these out. Can you believe these are for glaucoma? 24 00:01:06,641 --> 00:01:09,283 She's my buddy's girlfriend. 25 00:01:11,523 --> 00:01:13,574 You are my girlfriend. What's the big deal? 26 00:01:13,575 --> 00:01:15,847 I want him to think of me as his friend. 27 00:01:15,848 --> 00:01:17,760 - Oh, I hear that. - Well, it'll happen if it's meant to. 28 00:01:17,761 --> 00:01:19,123 I need to find a way in. 29 00:01:19,124 --> 00:01:22,283 I found a way to force myself into all of your lives. You just didn't know it. 30 00:01:22,317 --> 00:01:25,878 - Food, clothes, Onesie pajamas. - I like the butt flap. 31 00:01:25,879 --> 00:01:27,483 You really think mine was food? 32 00:01:27,484 --> 00:01:31,342 I can think of five other reasons I wanted to be your friend. 33 00:01:31,343 --> 00:01:32,874 Boob, boob, vagina, butt cheek, butt cheek. 34 00:01:32,875 --> 00:01:33,966 In that order? 35 00:01:33,967 --> 00:01:36,597 Well, I'm not gonna say, "vagina, butt cheek, boob, butt cheek, boob." 36 00:01:36,598 --> 00:01:38,516 - Yeah, but that's the correct... - That's the order, yeah. 37 00:01:38,755 --> 00:01:41,755 Season 3, Episode 12 "Basketsball" 38 00:01:41,906 --> 00:01:44,906 Synced by dcdah & Reef www.addic7ed.com 39 00:01:44,964 --> 00:01:46,641 Look, Nick, I need help. 40 00:01:46,675 --> 00:01:48,943 Like, tell me about Coach. Like, what's up with him? 41 00:01:48,977 --> 00:01:50,673 What does he like? What does he dislike? 42 00:01:50,679 --> 00:01:52,863 Well, Coach 101 is, he's watching basketball. 43 00:01:52,864 --> 00:01:56,354 And that's all he's gonna do from October till June. His team's the Pistons. 44 00:01:57,043 --> 00:01:59,794 I mean, they were great in the '80s, but then we got Jordan. 45 00:01:59,808 --> 00:02:02,287 Then they started getting good. Then we got Thibodeau. 46 00:02:02,291 --> 00:02:04,041 What you gonna do now? And he knows that. 47 00:02:04,076 --> 00:02:06,127 That's genius. Basketball. That's my way in. 48 00:02:06,128 --> 00:02:08,448 Basketball's not your in. You don't know anything about basketball. 49 00:02:08,449 --> 00:02:10,631 - Come on. - You refer to it as "basketsball." 50 00:02:10,666 --> 00:02:12,855 Well, that's the technically-correct term, Nick. 51 00:02:12,856 --> 00:02:15,800 There are two baskets. I'm an English teacher. 52 00:02:15,801 --> 00:02:17,471 Basketball's just the first step. 53 00:02:17,506 --> 00:02:20,272 We sit down, we watch a game. We have a few laughs. 54 00:02:20,309 --> 00:02:24,679 Before you know it, we'll be digging into each other's pasts. 55 00:02:24,713 --> 00:02:26,646 - That's not how it works, though. - Childhoods, Nick. 56 00:02:26,647 --> 00:02:28,175 That's the friendship money shot. 57 00:02:28,176 --> 00:02:31,102 Men watch sports so we don't have to talk about childhood stuff. 58 00:02:31,103 --> 00:02:32,820 - No. - It's a real thing. 59 00:02:32,821 --> 00:02:34,655 And the game doesn't even have deeper meaning. 60 00:02:34,690 --> 00:02:36,274 - Come on. - And there's no layers to it. 61 00:02:36,325 --> 00:02:39,577 If I'm talking about a player overcoming the defense to win, 62 00:02:39,611 --> 00:02:41,845 - ...that's not like I'm overcoming it. - No. Come on. 63 00:02:41,846 --> 00:02:44,170 Not only that. He's a Pistons fan, and I'm a Bulls fan. 64 00:02:44,171 --> 00:02:45,750 Right. I don't understand, no. 65 00:02:45,784 --> 00:02:48,068 - It's rivalries. - Sharks and cats. 66 00:02:48,069 --> 00:02:51,353 - Yankees, Red Sox. - Whales and dolphins. 67 00:02:51,354 --> 00:02:53,015 Pistons fan, Bulls fan. End of discussion. 68 00:02:53,016 --> 00:02:56,043 I get it. Jean Valjean and Javert. 69 00:02:56,044 --> 00:03:00,181 Yeah, definitely. This is like a Jean Vanjer and Vajer situation. 70 00:03:00,215 --> 00:03:03,683 - So, where do you do the marketing? - Oh, Winston, so sweet, so naive. 71 00:03:03,684 --> 00:03:06,103 Where do we do the marketing? We do the marketing everywhere. 72 00:03:06,138 --> 00:03:09,091 Now, you're gonna want to take notes on everything I do, 73 00:03:09,092 --> 00:03:11,442 'cause you're about to see life happen at the speed of business. 74 00:03:11,443 --> 00:03:13,689 - Schmidt. I have a task for you. - Hi, Kim. 75 00:03:13,690 --> 00:03:16,132 We got a new guy, and I want you to show him around. 76 00:03:16,176 --> 00:03:17,940 - Wait. Who's this? - Oh, I'm just shadowing Schmidt. 77 00:03:17,941 --> 00:03:19,603 Called my bluff. Don't care... 78 00:03:19,604 --> 00:03:23,836 - Ed...? Come meet Schmidt. - Okeydokey. 79 00:03:23,878 --> 00:03:26,736 That's the new guy? "New" compared to what, the moon? 80 00:03:26,737 --> 00:03:30,847 Here's what happened. Gwen turned 45, so we had to fire her. 81 00:03:30,848 --> 00:03:34,150 Obviously. So, wait. Gwen's job is available? 82 00:03:34,151 --> 00:03:37,016 Yeah, but then grandma turned around and filed an ageism lawsuit, 83 00:03:37,017 --> 00:03:39,292 so we hired Bran Flakes here to cover our ass. 84 00:03:39,293 --> 00:03:40,688 - Just do it. - All right, I'll do it. 85 00:03:40,689 --> 00:03:42,777 - Well, here I am. - Okay. 86 00:03:42,778 --> 00:03:45,363 I'm Schmidt. I guess they wanted you to learn from the best. 87 00:03:45,364 --> 00:03:48,391 Well, actually, they said your office was closest to the can. 88 00:03:48,392 --> 00:03:51,050 I got a prostate the size of an avacada. 89 00:03:51,051 --> 00:03:54,213 - "Closest to the can." - Do not write that down, Winston! 90 00:03:54,231 --> 00:03:56,182 Is it not closest to the can? 91 00:03:56,216 --> 00:03:58,435 Yes! 92 00:03:58,486 --> 00:04:01,089 Hey. Whoa. 93 00:04:01,090 --> 00:04:03,329 I stay sealed off during basketball season. 94 00:04:03,330 --> 00:04:05,944 Plus, I, uh, dropped some olives under the bed, can't reach 'em. 95 00:04:05,945 --> 00:04:07,876 Oh. I got little pinchers. 96 00:04:08,026 --> 00:04:10,110 Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yoom. 97 00:04:10,111 --> 00:04:12,079 Hey, so... 98 00:04:12,775 --> 00:04:15,814 I was gonna watch the, uh, Pistons of Detroit game. 99 00:04:15,815 --> 00:04:18,788 Don't really have the reach for that. Good thing I got legs. 100 00:04:18,789 --> 00:04:20,523 - Wait. You like the Pistons? - Oh, yeah. Just like you. 101 00:04:20,524 --> 00:04:21,822 Are you serious?! 102 00:04:21,893 --> 00:04:23,821 - Yeah, I'm dead serious. - Aw! 103 00:04:23,847 --> 00:04:26,310 - So, you in? - Be cool to watch it on a big TV. 104 00:04:26,740 --> 00:04:28,707 - I found your olives. - Oh, you did? 105 00:04:28,708 --> 00:04:31,345 - Thought they were gonna be in a jar. - No. 106 00:04:32,448 --> 00:04:34,458 This is a big part of the biz, my man. 107 00:04:34,459 --> 00:04:36,601 Networking, face time, making deals. 108 00:04:36,607 --> 00:04:39,981 Normally, this would have a much sexier, businessman's vibe. 109 00:04:39,982 --> 00:04:43,278 But not when I'm dragging around this old drooling potato. 110 00:04:43,279 --> 00:04:45,945 Potata? Yeah, I can split a baked potata. 111 00:04:45,946 --> 00:04:48,739 What a life you must have lead. Tell us about the street car, will you? 112 00:04:48,740 --> 00:04:50,904 Oh, it was a dynamite way to get around. 113 00:04:50,938 --> 00:04:52,822 - Mm-hmm. - Pasadena to to the beach... 114 00:04:52,823 --> 00:04:54,794 - Hey. - I'll take another one of these. 115 00:04:54,795 --> 00:04:57,169 - Sure. - You know, Cece, I can't help but think 116 00:04:57,170 --> 00:05:01,713 that I am just following another bad lead with this marketing thing. 117 00:05:01,714 --> 00:05:04,332 All I'm doing is taking a bunch of notes for Schmidt. 118 00:05:04,822 --> 00:05:08,078 What's this? "Seems befuddled and totally lucid"? 119 00:05:08,079 --> 00:05:10,948 - "Smells too clean"? - Those were just notes about Ed. 120 00:05:10,949 --> 00:05:14,340 I'll tell you what. That dude is way more interesting than marketing. 121 00:05:14,341 --> 00:05:17,975 If I'm gonna take Gwen's job and become the next CIO of Ass-Strat, 122 00:05:18,009 --> 00:05:20,227 I can't just embrace modernization. 123 00:05:20,239 --> 00:05:22,646 I got to make babies with it. Do you know what I mean? 124 00:05:22,647 --> 00:05:26,316 It's time to unveil my baby. Micro-marketing. 125 00:05:26,350 --> 00:05:30,237 Yeah, we target our messages directly to the individual consumer. 126 00:05:30,288 --> 00:05:32,115 What a good idea. 127 00:05:32,116 --> 00:05:35,839 They're gonna hold a ticker-tape parade for you in the Jewish part of town. 128 00:05:35,840 --> 00:05:37,580 That's right. In the Jewish part of town. 129 00:05:38,830 --> 00:05:41,798 - Mm. - Nothing but net. 130 00:05:41,799 --> 00:05:45,131 Traditionally, "Nothing but net" refers to hitting nothing but inside of the net. 131 00:05:45,136 --> 00:05:47,537 - Oh? - Ah, so, yeah, no. 132 00:05:47,555 --> 00:05:49,844 Oh, time-out. 133 00:05:49,845 --> 00:05:51,207 Butt bump. 134 00:05:51,632 --> 00:05:52,809 What? 135 00:05:52,810 --> 00:05:54,776 - I'm ready. - What? The butt...? Oh. 136 00:05:54,777 --> 00:05:57,524 - Come on. - All right. 137 00:05:57,525 --> 00:06:00,734 - Hey! Hey! What is that? - It's the Pistons butt bump. 138 00:06:00,735 --> 00:06:02,795 I didn't know your girlfriend was a Pistons fan. 139 00:06:02,796 --> 00:06:04,988 That's got to suck for you, man. 140 00:06:05,023 --> 00:06:08,224 But I guess everything sucks for you when you root for the Bulls. 141 00:06:09,410 --> 00:06:11,578 - Butt bump! Ah. - Ah. Ooh. 142 00:06:11,613 --> 00:06:14,991 Oh, cool, cool, cool. So you're a Pistons fan now, Jess? 143 00:06:14,992 --> 00:06:18,035 - Suck it, Bulls! - Yeah. Suck it, Bulls! 144 00:06:18,069 --> 00:06:20,287 The worst team in the League, the Bulls. 145 00:06:20,288 --> 00:06:22,411 Oh, it's the worst team in the League, all right. 146 00:06:22,412 --> 00:06:23,620 Who is the worst team in the League, Jess? 147 00:06:23,646 --> 00:06:25,241 The Bulls. 148 00:06:25,259 --> 00:06:29,011 ♪ The Bulls are the worst team in the League. ♪ 149 00:06:30,598 --> 00:06:32,215 Hey. 150 00:06:32,742 --> 00:06:35,575 So, went really well today. 151 00:06:35,743 --> 00:06:38,447 I think Coach and I are really connecting. 152 00:06:39,140 --> 00:06:41,141 Come on, what is that? 153 00:06:43,438 --> 00:06:45,076 What do you mean? 154 00:06:45,440 --> 00:06:48,909 What? Oh, Coach gave this to me. How cute is this shirt? 155 00:06:48,944 --> 00:06:51,608 Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm gonna need you to get out of my bed. 156 00:06:51,609 --> 00:06:54,720 - Why? Because of the shirt? - 100% because of the shirt. 157 00:06:54,892 --> 00:06:56,891 Oh, my God, you're serious. 158 00:06:56,892 --> 00:06:58,318 I can't have you in my bed in a Pistons shirt. 159 00:06:58,336 --> 00:07:00,061 - Oh, my God! - I need you to get out of the bed. 160 00:07:00,062 --> 00:07:01,193 Jess, I need you to get out of there. 161 00:07:01,194 --> 00:07:03,657 I tried being cool about it, but it's not cool. 162 00:07:03,658 --> 00:07:04,688 - Really? - Really. 163 00:07:04,689 --> 00:07:07,595 Nick, it's just basketball. Why are you taking this personally? 164 00:07:07,629 --> 00:07:10,527 Because it's personal, Jess! That's my team. 165 00:07:10,528 --> 00:07:12,028 It's the city that I'm from. 166 00:07:12,217 --> 00:07:14,468 It's most of my relationship with my dad. 167 00:07:14,502 --> 00:07:15,769 R.I.P., by the way. 168 00:07:15,804 --> 00:07:17,671 Michael Jordan. 169 00:07:17,689 --> 00:07:19,890 The first man that taught me that I could love a man. 170 00:07:19,941 --> 00:07:23,025 And the Pistons are our rivals. They're like in Hamlet... 171 00:07:23,026 --> 00:07:25,579 The McCalls and the... Sh... Hacksperes. 172 00:07:25,763 --> 00:07:29,182 You're my girlfriend now, so... You got to be a Bulls fan. 173 00:07:29,183 --> 00:07:30,580 That's the whole point, Nick. 174 00:07:30,581 --> 00:07:32,369 Coach just thinks of me as your girlfriend, 175 00:07:32,370 --> 00:07:34,440 and I want him to know me for me. 176 00:07:34,441 --> 00:07:35,983 Do you want me to be friends with Coach? 177 00:07:35,984 --> 00:07:37,741 I-I absolutely do. Yes. 178 00:07:37,742 --> 00:07:41,040 So, then, why can't I be a Pistons fan until we become friends, 179 00:07:41,120 --> 00:07:42,555 and then I'll switch to the Bulls? 180 00:07:42,556 --> 00:07:44,056 So every year you can just pick a new team? 181 00:07:44,057 --> 00:07:46,024 You meet a new friend, you're a fan of that? 182 00:07:46,025 --> 00:07:48,723 - I could never trust you. - Can we just have sex now, please? 183 00:07:48,724 --> 00:07:51,309 I'm sorry. You can't be a Pistons fan. I forbid it. 184 00:07:51,310 --> 00:07:55,678 - It has to be this way. - You can't forbid me to do stuff. 185 00:07:55,679 --> 00:07:57,841 That's just not... you... That's not within your power. 186 00:07:57,866 --> 00:07:59,684 - I just did. - The shirt stays! 187 00:07:59,685 --> 00:08:02,251 Jessica, you're leaving me no options here. 188 00:08:02,269 --> 00:08:03,995 I'm gonna have to turn off the tap. 189 00:08:03,996 --> 00:08:06,131 - What tap? - The sex tap. 190 00:08:07,424 --> 00:08:08,742 But I need my vitamin D. 191 00:08:08,743 --> 00:08:11,750 As long as you're wearing that shirt, the tap is off. 192 00:08:11,751 --> 00:08:15,004 - No more... hot water. - All right, fine, then. 193 00:08:15,005 --> 00:08:18,246 My shirt and I will go sleep in my bed. 194 00:08:23,997 --> 00:08:26,159 Oh. What happened to your Pistons jersey? 195 00:08:26,193 --> 00:08:29,920 Did you rip it off and rush in here 'cause she got to have it? 196 00:08:29,921 --> 00:08:32,221 - Look, is this still a thing? - Oh, it's still a thing. 197 00:08:32,222 --> 00:08:34,390 No sex for you as long as you're a Pistons fan. 198 00:08:34,391 --> 00:08:37,353 You can't use sex to manipulate... What are you doing? 199 00:08:37,404 --> 00:08:40,851 Just brushing my dirty teeth. They're filthy. 200 00:08:40,852 --> 00:08:44,080 Nick, do not challenge me to a sex standoff. 201 00:08:44,081 --> 00:08:46,939 I can channel all my sexual energy into knitting. 202 00:08:46,940 --> 00:08:48,321 How do you think I made it through high school? 203 00:08:48,322 --> 00:08:50,333 It's good when you go fast and then slow. 204 00:08:50,367 --> 00:08:52,596 Make the teeth wait for it. 205 00:08:53,106 --> 00:08:54,254 You're on. 206 00:08:57,326 --> 00:09:00,069 - Oh! Yeah! - Oh! Yeah! Turnover! 207 00:09:00,070 --> 00:09:01,893 - Dunk it from the downtown! - Go! Go! Go! 208 00:09:01,894 --> 00:09:04,551 - Pass that pumpkin to Josh Smith. - You better listen to my friend. 209 00:09:04,552 --> 00:09:07,038 She knows exactly what she's talking about! 210 00:09:07,039 --> 00:09:08,718 Did you just call me your friend? 211 00:09:10,054 --> 00:09:11,187 What's up, guys? 212 00:09:11,221 --> 00:09:15,115 Ah, two minutes in, and the Pistons are already down by ten. What a drag. 213 00:09:15,116 --> 00:09:16,824 What the heck are you wearing, dude? 214 00:09:16,825 --> 00:09:18,644 Just my Scottie Pippens. Yeah. 215 00:09:18,645 --> 00:09:21,531 Oh, hey, I'm just checking up on you. You frustrated at all? 216 00:09:21,615 --> 00:09:24,784 - You need your... vitamin D? - No. 217 00:09:27,871 --> 00:09:29,648 Jessica... 218 00:09:29,649 --> 00:09:31,597 - Three-point play! Yes! - Oh, yeah! 219 00:09:31,598 --> 00:09:34,860 - That's what I'm talking about! - We are talking about the same thing... 220 00:09:34,861 --> 00:09:36,354 My friend and I. 221 00:09:37,575 --> 00:09:40,610 Do my berries make you hungry? 222 00:09:43,253 --> 00:09:45,142 Mmm. Refreshing. 223 00:09:45,143 --> 00:09:46,692 Just drink the water, Nick. 224 00:09:47,970 --> 00:09:50,443 - You're turning yourself on now. - I really am, yeah. 225 00:09:51,698 --> 00:09:53,646 Okay, next order of business is... 226 00:09:53,647 --> 00:09:57,390 Kim, if I may, uh, present an idea very quickly to the group. 227 00:09:57,407 --> 00:09:58,965 - While I know... - Micro-marketing. 228 00:09:58,966 --> 00:09:59,968 What? 229 00:09:59,969 --> 00:10:01,796 Has this company ever considered targeting 230 00:10:01,822 --> 00:10:04,223 its message to individual consumers? 231 00:10:04,241 --> 00:10:08,055 Big data's knocking. Let's open the door. Just a thought. 232 00:10:08,056 --> 00:10:10,913 Yeah, interesting. Ed, look into that and present it to the board asap. 233 00:10:10,948 --> 00:10:14,781 Great job. I'd hug you, but you smell like a public library. 234 00:10:14,905 --> 00:10:17,732 - What are you doing? - I may be dirty, but I play old. 235 00:10:17,733 --> 00:10:18,949 You said that wrong. 236 00:10:18,950 --> 00:10:22,328 And yet I got my paw wrapped around your avacadas. 237 00:10:22,329 --> 00:10:24,243 What is with you and avacadas? 238 00:10:24,244 --> 00:10:25,462 Sorry. 239 00:10:26,274 --> 00:10:28,464 You're never gonna believe what Ed just did. 240 00:10:28,515 --> 00:10:30,332 He stabbed you in the back. 241 00:10:30,333 --> 00:10:32,468 Winston, that's exactly what happened. How did you do that? 242 00:10:32,469 --> 00:10:33,719 I figured him out, Schmidt. 243 00:10:33,753 --> 00:10:37,224 That liver spot out-sharked me. Can you believe that? 244 00:10:37,225 --> 00:10:38,808 I'm-I'm a minnow. 245 00:10:38,859 --> 00:10:41,694 Tomorrow, Ed is gonna present my idea to the board, 246 00:10:41,728 --> 00:10:44,030 and then he's gonna get the... get the promotion. 247 00:10:44,064 --> 00:10:46,616 My career is toast. Minnow toast. 248 00:10:46,650 --> 00:10:48,434 Yeah, well, I tip my hat to him. 249 00:10:48,452 --> 00:10:50,620 The minnow tips his tiny hat to the shark, 250 00:10:50,621 --> 00:10:52,613 and then lays down on the toast to be eaten. 251 00:10:52,614 --> 00:10:55,041 There is too much going on in whatever metaphor you're trying. 252 00:10:55,042 --> 00:10:57,243 - Okay? It's too busy. - Somewhat made se... Oh, forget it. 253 00:10:57,277 --> 00:11:00,379 - Ed wins. I'm a mess. - Hell, no, Schmidt. 254 00:11:00,414 --> 00:11:02,465 Justice has to be served, all right? 255 00:11:02,499 --> 00:11:04,417 - Mm-hmm. - Right. Let us stop Ed. 256 00:11:04,451 --> 00:11:07,333 The minnow needs to get up off of... 257 00:11:07,334 --> 00:11:09,355 No, off of the toast mat 258 00:11:09,383 --> 00:11:13,436 and fish-fight his way to the orangutan ball. 259 00:11:15,032 --> 00:11:19,466 I just don't understand why they keep giving these games away! 260 00:11:20,100 --> 00:11:22,985 You know what it was? It was that turnover in the third quarter. 261 00:11:23,020 --> 00:11:24,470 - Right. - Yeah. I'll show you. 262 00:11:24,488 --> 00:11:26,158 I can just take your word for it. 263 00:11:26,159 --> 00:11:28,005 Actually, let's do it from the beginning. 264 00:11:28,020 --> 00:11:31,248 You want to watch the game we just watched all over again? 265 00:11:31,249 --> 00:11:33,116 - Mm-hmm. - With both overtimes? 266 00:11:35,693 --> 00:11:36,930 Great. 267 00:11:45,579 --> 00:11:48,320 - Looking for somebody? - Just doing a bed check. 268 00:11:48,321 --> 00:11:51,305 And you are accounted for, so... 269 00:11:51,465 --> 00:11:54,149 - See you. - So, how's it going? 270 00:11:54,797 --> 00:11:57,108 You guys bonding over basketball, Jess? 271 00:11:57,109 --> 00:12:01,558 We're actually this close to moving past basketball and into real friendship, so... 272 00:12:01,559 --> 00:12:03,000 - Great. - I'm feeling pretty good about it. 273 00:12:03,001 --> 00:12:06,876 After the Pistons lost, did he get really sad and talk to you about it? 274 00:12:06,897 --> 00:12:10,041 About how he felt and you guys became besties after? 275 00:12:10,042 --> 00:12:13,764 Or did that not happen because that's not the way men are? 276 00:12:14,397 --> 00:12:18,023 The Pistons lost, so you must be feeling pretty good. 277 00:12:18,041 --> 00:12:19,567 - Oh, I'm happy, yeah. - Yeah...? 278 00:12:19,568 --> 00:12:21,494 - You're feeling excited? - Mm-hmm. 279 00:12:21,495 --> 00:12:22,962 - Worked up? - Yeah. 280 00:12:23,647 --> 00:12:24,938 Ready to cave? 281 00:12:24,939 --> 00:12:26,882 - Oh, I've never been stronger. - Oh, yeah? 282 00:12:27,088 --> 00:12:30,135 So if I just read you a description of... 283 00:12:30,174 --> 00:12:34,685 Like, what a Piston does, you know, on my phone, it wouldn't affect you at all? 284 00:12:34,686 --> 00:12:36,136 Is that what you're saying? 285 00:12:36,616 --> 00:12:38,844 It's just a rod 286 00:12:38,878 --> 00:12:42,498 that transfers, uh, force 287 00:12:42,549 --> 00:12:43,966 from the crank shaft... 288 00:12:43,991 --> 00:12:47,019 What is this, a seduction class for kindergarteners? 289 00:12:47,053 --> 00:12:49,266 Watch the master work. 290 00:12:55,844 --> 00:12:57,845 How about this? 291 00:13:02,966 --> 00:13:04,695 A little Paula Abdul stuff. 292 00:13:09,692 --> 00:13:10,823 Yeah. 293 00:13:10,824 --> 00:13:12,291 Are we doing this? 294 00:13:12,427 --> 00:13:13,761 - Ha! - What are you doing? 295 00:13:13,762 --> 00:13:16,467 Ball's in my court now, pal. 296 00:13:17,592 --> 00:13:21,100 I'm turning off my tap until you become a Pistons fan. 297 00:13:21,101 --> 00:13:23,309 - Hey, that wasn't part of the deal. - It is now. 298 00:13:31,972 --> 00:13:34,494 I can't figure out my counterstrike, Winston. 299 00:13:34,519 --> 00:13:37,411 The only thing we know about Ed is that he's old and cranky, 300 00:13:37,412 --> 00:13:40,190 and he baffles me because I'm so darn young and pleasant. 301 00:13:40,208 --> 00:13:43,606 We just got to get inside into his old, cranky mind. 302 00:13:43,607 --> 00:13:45,362 We have to find an older, crankier mind. 303 00:13:45,380 --> 00:13:47,441 How are we gonna find an older, crankier mind than Ed? 304 00:13:47,442 --> 00:13:50,225 Hey, where are you guys getting your photos developed these days? 305 00:13:50,247 --> 00:13:53,950 I got these beefcake selfies that I want to dangle in front of Jess, 306 00:13:53,951 --> 00:13:55,668 get her engine revved up. 307 00:13:55,686 --> 00:14:00,340 - Your phone has a camera, Nick. - These are sexy, sensual, private pics. 308 00:14:00,391 --> 00:14:03,259 I don't want them beamed right into Snowden's pocket. 309 00:14:03,308 --> 00:14:06,744 I'm not going through Wikileaks, man. It's not for me. Analog. 310 00:14:06,764 --> 00:14:07,847 It's the only thing you can trust. 311 00:14:07,898 --> 00:14:10,464 You care to elaborate, you know, on this whole analog thing? 312 00:14:10,467 --> 00:14:13,234 No, here's the reality, you never know what's gonna happen with a phone. 313 00:14:13,235 --> 00:14:14,099 Right. 314 00:14:14,125 --> 00:14:15,984 The hinges that hold the flip together, 315 00:14:16,019 --> 00:14:18,284 they get loosened over time when-when they get wet. 316 00:14:18,285 --> 00:14:19,970 And then once you open it, it's easier for people 317 00:14:19,971 --> 00:14:23,250 to go in there and see your passwords and, you know, see your codes. 318 00:14:23,257 --> 00:14:26,178 Once the screen breaks, your information's in the Twitterverse, man. 319 00:14:26,179 --> 00:14:27,893 And it's all out there for everyone to see, 320 00:14:27,912 --> 00:14:30,086 all these little monkey elves, man, all these kids. 321 00:14:30,087 --> 00:14:32,356 That's all they do. Get your information, man. 322 00:14:32,357 --> 00:14:34,891 Bottom line is you can't control your technology. 323 00:14:34,931 --> 00:14:37,282 That's what's going on in Japan with all those robots. 324 00:14:37,329 --> 00:14:39,828 Not for me, man. That's why I trust a hard copy. 325 00:14:39,829 --> 00:14:42,311 - Plain and simple. - Hard copy, Schmidt. 326 00:14:42,345 --> 00:14:43,646 - Nice work. - Thank you. 327 00:14:43,647 --> 00:14:46,990 And, Nick, you know, if you're gonna be taking boudoir shots, please consult me. 328 00:14:46,991 --> 00:14:48,750 - I know. - I have a series of poses 329 00:14:48,751 --> 00:14:51,020 that many people, including myself, find very sexy. 330 00:14:51,046 --> 00:14:53,639 Okay, here's one that I call the half Nelson. 331 00:14:54,076 --> 00:14:57,139 - Yeah, I didn't do that. - This is called a Guy Fieri. 332 00:14:57,218 --> 00:14:58,790 - Just taste the sauces. - Yeah. 333 00:14:58,791 --> 00:15:00,354 Black licorice. 334 00:15:01,694 --> 00:15:03,261 - Yeah. - You're welcome. 335 00:15:04,918 --> 00:15:06,114 Schmidt's dead wrong. 336 00:15:06,115 --> 00:15:08,328 - Oh, yeah? - I got some real hot pics in here. 337 00:15:08,329 --> 00:15:10,175 - I don't care. - There's one of me as a sexy mayor, 338 00:15:10,176 --> 00:15:12,735 looking out the window, deciding the future of my city. 339 00:15:12,736 --> 00:15:16,507 It's got to get her going. Daddy needs his cookie. 340 00:15:17,408 --> 00:15:19,261 Dude, just wear the damn Pistons jersey. 341 00:15:19,262 --> 00:15:21,208 Oh, my God, I've got to end this. 342 00:15:23,052 --> 00:15:25,220 What time is it?! 343 00:15:25,638 --> 00:15:27,222 Game time! 344 00:15:27,257 --> 00:15:29,412 - Yeah! - Yeah! 345 00:15:29,413 --> 00:15:31,317 It's my favorite time. 346 00:15:31,318 --> 00:15:33,302 Other than... medieval time. 347 00:15:33,303 --> 00:15:34,787 All right. 348 00:15:36,053 --> 00:15:37,349 - What the...? - What the...? 349 00:15:37,350 --> 00:15:39,870 - Let me see what's... - Wait, no, I'll do it. It's okay. 350 00:15:41,794 --> 00:15:44,667 No! Oh, my God, a mouse... 351 00:15:44,865 --> 00:15:47,767 Rat or s... Uh, some creature. 352 00:15:47,957 --> 00:15:51,326 - I got to go watch it in my room. - Wait, no, no, no. Coach, Coach, Coach. 353 00:15:51,327 --> 00:15:53,854 Look, since we can't watch the game, why don't we just... 354 00:15:53,855 --> 00:15:56,288 - Have a nice, long chat over coffee? - What? 355 00:15:56,289 --> 00:15:58,903 - You know, just talk, hang out. - What...? 356 00:15:58,904 --> 00:16:01,524 And then coffee turns to dinner, and dinner turns to weekly dinner, 357 00:16:01,541 --> 00:16:04,497 and before you know it, I'm best man at your beach wedding. 358 00:16:04,510 --> 00:16:06,511 Do we have to? 359 00:16:07,657 --> 00:16:09,831 We don't... okay. 360 00:16:14,619 --> 00:16:17,672 - You start. - Me? 361 00:16:19,269 --> 00:16:22,096 Hey, you want to do this over food? 362 00:16:22,097 --> 00:16:23,638 Yes! Yes! 363 00:16:23,639 --> 00:16:26,441 No! No, no, no, no! 364 00:16:26,442 --> 00:16:28,401 No! Come on! 365 00:16:28,402 --> 00:16:31,338 Get your head out of your ass, so you can see where you're going, damn it! 366 00:16:31,339 --> 00:16:32,617 Okay. 367 00:16:32,618 --> 00:16:34,092 - What? - I have to say it. 368 00:16:34,093 --> 00:16:36,344 Coach, I... 369 00:16:36,345 --> 00:16:38,546 I don't like basketball. 370 00:16:38,547 --> 00:16:41,049 - What? - There's, like, no fun parts. 371 00:16:41,291 --> 00:16:42,982 There's no themes. 372 00:16:42,983 --> 00:16:45,708 Men should not be wearing tank tops, ever. 373 00:16:45,745 --> 00:16:48,084 Why were you pretending to like basketball? 374 00:16:48,085 --> 00:16:49,738 'Cause I wanted to be friends with you. 375 00:16:49,739 --> 00:16:53,519 Dude, you're my buddy's girlfriend. We're watching the game. 376 00:16:53,553 --> 00:16:55,526 What's the problem, dude? What else do you want? 377 00:16:55,527 --> 00:16:59,725 No, you're right. I'm just, um... I'm just Nick's girlfriend, so... 378 00:16:59,759 --> 00:17:03,118 - Enjoy the game. Okay. - Where are you going? 379 00:17:03,119 --> 00:17:04,236 I'm just, um... 380 00:17:06,105 --> 00:17:07,873 - Jess... - Where... 381 00:17:08,235 --> 00:17:09,646 Jess! 382 00:17:09,647 --> 00:17:12,098 Ladies, you all look like a hundred bucks. 383 00:17:12,372 --> 00:17:15,908 I hope someone's taking you out for oysters Rockefeller tonight. 384 00:17:15,942 --> 00:17:17,209 Now, before I begin, 385 00:17:17,244 --> 00:17:20,612 my little helper here will distribute some handouts for your reference. 386 00:17:20,630 --> 00:17:22,392 Uh, you know what, Ed? I'm really sorry. 387 00:17:22,393 --> 00:17:24,757 Company printers are on the Fritz, so... 388 00:17:24,758 --> 00:17:28,711 Little helper that I am, I decided to load everything up onto the laptop. 389 00:17:32,125 --> 00:17:33,597 There you go. 390 00:17:35,434 --> 00:17:39,661 Well, I'm sure there's a printer that works. 391 00:17:39,686 --> 00:17:43,078 - I'll just wait for the hard copies. - I broke all the printers. 392 00:17:43,103 --> 00:17:45,637 I'm gonna beat you with an orange in a sock. 393 00:17:45,655 --> 00:17:48,073 Besides, we're talking about technology, aren't we? 394 00:17:48,108 --> 00:17:51,110 Be a little silly to talk about technology without using technology. 395 00:17:51,144 --> 00:17:53,362 - Am I right, Kim? - Use the technology, Ed. 396 00:17:56,783 --> 00:17:59,484 Hup-I-dip-I-dip... 397 00:18:02,956 --> 00:18:04,489 My left arm. 398 00:18:04,507 --> 00:18:05,824 My neck. 399 00:18:07,327 --> 00:18:10,727 You got me this time, Hebrew. But I'll be back. 400 00:18:11,787 --> 00:18:14,666 This is why the cutoff's at 45, ladies. 401 00:18:18,370 --> 00:18:20,222 Oh, okay. Okay. 402 00:18:22,745 --> 00:18:26,572 Jess! You win! I'm all backed up! 403 00:18:26,606 --> 00:18:29,074 I've even been fantasizing about Winston! 404 00:18:29,734 --> 00:18:31,135 Where is she, dude? 405 00:18:32,329 --> 00:18:33,746 Don't do that laugh. 406 00:18:35,448 --> 00:18:38,161 - What are you wearing, dude? - It's for sex. 407 00:18:38,162 --> 00:18:39,792 You like the Pistons. 408 00:18:39,793 --> 00:18:41,994 Why don't you shut up, Coach? 409 00:18:42,672 --> 00:18:45,207 - Where's Jess? - What is up with that girl, dude? 410 00:18:45,258 --> 00:18:47,176 One minute we're watching the game, the next she's, like, 411 00:18:47,210 --> 00:18:49,128 calling me a jerk and storming out of the place. 412 00:18:49,162 --> 00:18:51,931 She just wants to be your friend. Any idiot can see that. 413 00:18:51,965 --> 00:18:54,824 We were being friends. We were watching the game together. 414 00:18:54,832 --> 00:18:57,269 - It was an awesome game. - Okay, maybe she wants more than that. 415 00:18:57,270 --> 00:18:58,523 Like what? 416 00:18:58,524 --> 00:19:00,225 - You want to know a trick? - Absolutely. 417 00:19:00,226 --> 00:19:01,810 This is how you get in with Jess. 418 00:19:01,811 --> 00:19:05,028 You know when you're driving in your car and you have a random thought, like... 419 00:19:05,140 --> 00:19:07,224 "I wonder if seals are friends." 420 00:19:07,314 --> 00:19:08,898 Yeah, or like... 421 00:19:08,949 --> 00:19:11,450 "I really want to text right now, but there's a cop behind me." 422 00:19:11,484 --> 00:19:14,353 - That's not the one I mean. - "Why do T-Rex have little arms?" 423 00:19:14,371 --> 00:19:16,322 Don't finish. Don't f... I know you, don't... 424 00:19:16,356 --> 00:19:18,357 "If they get an itch in their crotch, how do they scratch it?" 425 00:19:18,375 --> 00:19:20,626 I mean more like sweet, kind of emotional stuff. 426 00:19:20,660 --> 00:19:23,747 Like, if you combed, you know, like, a gorilla's hair, would it like it? 427 00:19:23,797 --> 00:19:26,131 Like... I've never seen a baby pigeon before. 428 00:19:26,166 --> 00:19:27,416 Exactly! 429 00:19:27,467 --> 00:19:29,969 Tell that to her and you get a friend for life. 430 00:19:31,638 --> 00:19:33,872 Now, excuse me. Sex awaits. 431 00:19:34,176 --> 00:19:38,394 Hey, Jess! You win! I want to take you! 432 00:19:38,428 --> 00:19:40,045 Respectfully! 433 00:19:46,692 --> 00:19:48,442 - Come here. - Take that Jersey off. 434 00:19:48,443 --> 00:19:50,071 Actually, leave it on. 435 00:19:55,061 --> 00:19:57,097 - To Winston. - Hear, hear. 436 00:19:57,098 --> 00:19:59,825 As a thank-you, I'd like... I'd like to get you a job at Ass-Strat. 437 00:19:59,833 --> 00:20:01,506 I'll make you a real Ass man. 438 00:20:03,023 --> 00:20:04,388 I don't know, man. 439 00:20:04,454 --> 00:20:07,456 I kind of liked the part where we just get to analyze evidence, you know. 440 00:20:07,507 --> 00:20:11,025 Connect the dots a little bit, yeah. Live inside of someone else's mind. 441 00:20:11,026 --> 00:20:13,262 - Spoken like a true marketing analyst. - I don't know. 442 00:20:13,263 --> 00:20:15,399 You know, I kind of want to be free of a desk as well. 443 00:20:15,400 --> 00:20:16,515 Well... roam the streets a little bit. 444 00:20:16,549 --> 00:20:18,842 Just sniff out clues. Let me ask you something. 445 00:20:18,843 --> 00:20:22,282 - You guys get donuts in the morning? - You ever thought of being a cop? 446 00:20:22,530 --> 00:20:25,057 - Winston, I think you'd be great. - I can see it. 447 00:20:25,091 --> 00:20:27,259 You know, it's funny. I was thinking the exact same thing. 448 00:20:27,277 --> 00:20:29,677 You've already got high cholesterol and weird people skills. 449 00:20:29,678 --> 00:20:32,210 - "Officer Bishop." - I like the way that sounds. 450 00:20:32,211 --> 00:20:34,817 It would be nice to retroactively justify that mustache. 451 00:20:34,868 --> 00:20:36,717 It's a hell of a mustache. 452 00:20:38,069 --> 00:20:40,415 What does that mean? That was from a movie. 453 00:20:40,440 --> 00:20:42,157 - Training Day's my favorite movie. - I understand that, 454 00:20:42,208 --> 00:20:43,608 but you understand that's not what being a cop is. 455 00:20:43,626 --> 00:20:45,744 I want to drop fools! Huh? That's what you're telling me? 456 00:20:45,778 --> 00:20:47,713 If you think this means you can start yelling at me... 457 00:20:47,747 --> 00:20:49,747 You damn right, sucker! That's what that means. 458 00:20:49,749 --> 00:20:50,916 Oh, I apologize about that. 459 00:20:51,851 --> 00:20:52,951 Jess? 460 00:20:53,797 --> 00:20:55,787 ♪ Jessica Day-hey-ey. 461 00:20:55,805 --> 00:20:59,558 I just want to say that, um, I would love to be your friend. 462 00:20:59,592 --> 00:21:01,626 Look, I know I'm crazy about the Pistons, 463 00:21:01,644 --> 00:21:05,347 but it's just because Detroit was the city I lived in the longest as a kid. 464 00:21:05,398 --> 00:21:08,350 Yes. I lived in, like, six different states by the time I was ten. 465 00:21:08,401 --> 00:21:11,615 At a certain point, I just... Stopped trying to make friends. 466 00:21:13,639 --> 00:21:16,525 Got real comfy on that. 467 00:21:16,576 --> 00:21:17,860 Really? 468 00:21:17,911 --> 00:21:21,480 Lot easier saying bye to your buddy's girlfriend than it is your friend. 469 00:21:21,498 --> 00:21:25,760 Well, I'm not gonna be saying good-bye to you anytime soon. 470 00:21:26,214 --> 00:21:27,562 Except for right now. 471 00:21:28,671 --> 00:21:30,984 You want to do a butt bump? 472 00:21:31,291 --> 00:21:32,657 Butt... 473 00:21:32,675 --> 00:21:34,376 Ah, you're probably doing your own butt bumps. 474 00:21:34,427 --> 00:21:37,304 Cool. I know you guys are already done. 475 00:21:37,430 --> 00:21:40,430 Synced by dcdah & Reef www.addic7ed.com