1 00:00:14,810 --> 00:00:17,380 Not content with an atlas of Patagonia, 2 00:00:17,380 --> 00:00:20,800 he then proceeded to devour a first edition Gatsby. 3 00:00:20,800 --> 00:00:23,170 You want him to stop eating your books, 4 00:00:23,220 --> 00:00:25,290 stop buying 'em leather-bound. 5 00:00:27,000 --> 00:00:28,040 I'll buy you a new one. 6 00:00:28,040 --> 00:00:29,000 I don't believe I pay you enough 7 00:00:29,010 --> 00:00:30,990 to replace it, Mr. Reese, and you're missing the point. 8 00:00:30,990 --> 00:00:34,400 Some things simply cannot be replaced. 9 00:00:36,920 --> 00:00:38,170 Coffee. 10 00:00:38,680 --> 00:00:40,180 Finch, they didn't have your Sencha thing, 11 00:00:40,180 --> 00:00:41,670 so I got you Mint Medley. 12 00:00:41,680 --> 00:00:43,630 Oh, I'll go without then, thank you. 13 00:00:43,660 --> 00:00:47,750 Hydrating on a stakeout is a double-edged sword anyway. 14 00:00:48,020 --> 00:00:50,030 You forget your water bottle, Finch? 15 00:00:54,510 --> 00:00:56,020 Okay, here he is. 16 00:00:56,020 --> 00:00:57,410 Evening, Benny. 17 00:00:58,460 --> 00:00:59,760 Why are we watching him again? 18 00:00:59,760 --> 00:01:02,110 We have credible information that Mr. Belasco 19 00:01:02,120 --> 00:01:04,320 has run afoul of HR. 20 00:01:04,330 --> 00:01:06,800 A member of that organization may try to kill him, 21 00:01:07,510 --> 00:01:09,340 or he may try to kill one of them, I suppose, 22 00:01:09,340 --> 00:01:10,900 but it seems unlikely. 23 00:01:11,050 --> 00:01:12,760 Credible information, huh? 24 00:01:13,250 --> 00:01:16,090 I trust that the two of you have this covered. 25 00:01:16,090 --> 00:01:17,330 Yeah, we just got to wait here 26 00:01:17,330 --> 00:01:20,070 to see which dirty cop shows up to kill Benny. 27 00:01:20,070 --> 00:01:21,670 Then we'll save his life. 28 00:01:21,730 --> 00:01:23,650 You make our work sound so simple. 29 00:01:23,740 --> 00:01:25,850 It must be. You're leaving us. 30 00:01:25,850 --> 00:01:27,030 You brought home a beast. 31 00:01:27,030 --> 00:01:29,170 I have to walk it and water it 32 00:01:29,170 --> 00:01:32,680 and feed it, lest it consume any more of my books. 33 00:01:33,840 --> 00:01:36,100 Mr. Reese. Detective. 34 00:01:47,530 --> 00:01:48,610 Uh-uh, no. 35 00:01:48,610 --> 00:01:50,710 Come on, this is a classic. 36 00:01:50,710 --> 00:01:53,410 Classic rock puts me to sleep. 37 00:02:04,290 --> 00:02:06,470 Still trying to get used to this. 38 00:02:07,880 --> 00:02:10,210 - Being early. - Early? 39 00:02:10,210 --> 00:02:12,250 I'm homicide, John. 40 00:02:12,660 --> 00:02:14,860 Usually if you're spending time with me, 41 00:02:14,860 --> 00:02:16,840 it's because you're already dead. 42 00:02:18,680 --> 00:02:19,980 Just look at him, 43 00:02:20,040 --> 00:02:21,910 just walking around. 44 00:02:22,040 --> 00:02:24,160 Don't even know what's coming for him. 45 00:02:24,230 --> 00:02:25,470 He ought to, 46 00:02:26,450 --> 00:02:29,060 stealing from a bunch of corrupt cops. 47 00:02:29,070 --> 00:02:33,080 Nah, I've seen a lot of dead bodies. 48 00:02:33,850 --> 00:02:35,620 You know what they all had in common? 49 00:02:36,250 --> 00:02:39,000 Not one of them looked like they saw it coming. 50 00:02:48,550 --> 00:02:49,920 Hey, Wonder Boy. 51 00:02:51,880 --> 00:02:53,710 Time to pretend to be a detective again. 52 00:02:54,470 --> 00:02:56,190 Two Brotherhood guys shot dead. 53 00:02:58,230 --> 00:02:59,860 I'm not answering any questions. 54 00:02:59,860 --> 00:03:01,730 Elias's guy-- sole survivor. 55 00:03:01,730 --> 00:03:02,990 His name's Carlo. 56 00:03:05,320 --> 00:03:06,810 See what I can find out. 57 00:03:08,370 --> 00:03:10,380 Finch, I got two dead Brotherhood guys 58 00:03:10,380 --> 00:03:11,970 whose numbers never came up. 59 00:03:12,540 --> 00:03:14,440 This some kind of glitch in the Machine? 60 00:03:14,440 --> 00:03:15,620 I certainly hope not. 61 00:03:15,620 --> 00:03:17,470 Perhaps this is a crime of opportunity. 62 00:03:17,470 --> 00:03:19,490 The Machine only sees premeditation. 63 00:03:19,490 --> 00:03:20,890 Could be Elias ordered the shooting 64 00:03:20,890 --> 00:03:22,660 in retaliation against Dominic 65 00:03:22,660 --> 00:03:24,330 for disappearing three of his men. 66 00:03:24,330 --> 00:03:26,440 And we've just received a new number 67 00:03:26,440 --> 00:03:29,050 unrelated to Dominic or Elias. 68 00:03:30,160 --> 00:03:32,440 Chase Patterson, 25, 69 00:03:32,580 --> 00:03:35,220 his family slain in 2008. 70 00:03:35,230 --> 00:03:37,250 Chase was a prime suspect at the time. 71 00:03:37,250 --> 00:03:38,440 Was he ever convicted? 72 00:03:38,440 --> 00:03:41,790 No, before he could be charged or arrested, 73 00:03:41,790 --> 00:03:44,200 Mr. Patterson fled the country. 74 00:03:44,480 --> 00:03:46,030 He's just returned to New York City 75 00:03:46,030 --> 00:03:48,030 after seven years in Paris. 76 00:03:48,030 --> 00:03:50,840 You and Fusco stay on Dominic and Elias. 77 00:03:50,840 --> 00:03:53,170 I can handle one murderer on my own. 78 00:03:53,170 --> 00:03:54,570 Alleged murderer. 79 00:03:54,570 --> 00:03:57,230 Maybe Chase's case file can help clear that up. 80 00:03:57,240 --> 00:03:59,440 I'll go down to evidence and take a look. 81 00:04:08,360 --> 00:04:10,030 Congratulations? 82 00:04:10,360 --> 00:04:13,580 Don't go buying me that blender just yet, Harry. 83 00:04:13,780 --> 00:04:15,900 With Samaritan hunting down the Machine, 84 00:04:15,910 --> 00:04:18,890 I figured we should start our own search for her. 85 00:04:18,890 --> 00:04:20,340 I tried to get close to someone 86 00:04:20,340 --> 00:04:22,960 I thought had inside information. 87 00:04:23,530 --> 00:04:25,390 It ended badly. 88 00:04:25,510 --> 00:04:28,200 Not only am I still on the market, 89 00:04:28,200 --> 00:04:31,240 but we have no leads to help us find her. 90 00:04:32,010 --> 00:04:34,590 Ms. Groves, how would you like to try your hand 91 00:04:34,600 --> 00:04:35,790 at stopping a gang war? 92 00:04:35,790 --> 00:04:36,790 It would involve determining 93 00:04:36,790 --> 00:04:39,370 whether the Machine is functioning properly. 94 00:04:41,070 --> 00:04:42,640 When do we start? 95 00:04:47,910 --> 00:04:49,160 Must be some kind of mistake. 96 00:04:49,160 --> 00:04:50,830 I just wanted the Patterson case file. 97 00:04:50,830 --> 00:04:52,470 Wasn't in its proper place. 98 00:04:52,470 --> 00:04:54,900 Found it in the primary detective's effects. 99 00:04:54,900 --> 00:04:55,800 Effects? 100 00:04:55,800 --> 00:04:57,650 Detective's things are evidence now. 101 00:04:57,650 --> 00:05:00,350 Evidence? Why? 102 00:05:00,350 --> 00:05:01,850 She was murdered. 103 00:05:21,970 --> 00:05:23,220 You're cold? 104 00:05:23,220 --> 00:05:25,010 Oh, no, I'm good. 105 00:05:27,390 --> 00:05:29,430 You know what's worse than a stakeout? 106 00:05:29,480 --> 00:05:31,910 Going back to the precinct at 5:00 AM 107 00:05:31,910 --> 00:05:34,970 doing three hours of paperwork about a stakeout. 108 00:05:34,980 --> 00:05:36,610 There's no paperwork when you're working 109 00:05:36,610 --> 00:05:38,380 with me and Finch. 110 00:05:39,590 --> 00:05:42,880 Good thing. The stunts you pull... 111 00:05:46,270 --> 00:05:48,400 Military wasn't much better. 112 00:05:49,210 --> 00:05:51,980 Lots of red tape to go around there too. 113 00:05:51,980 --> 00:05:54,300 Never cared much for red tape. 114 00:05:54,300 --> 00:05:56,510 My time wasn't like yours, though. 115 00:05:57,330 --> 00:05:59,660 You were an officer. I was a grunt. 116 00:05:59,690 --> 00:06:01,810 Wasn't really good at anything, 117 00:06:02,450 --> 00:06:04,110 not at first. 118 00:06:04,720 --> 00:06:08,200 But later, what were you good at then? 119 00:06:08,280 --> 00:06:09,910 Taking orders. 120 00:06:11,240 --> 00:06:13,310 Got a little too good at that. 121 00:06:21,760 --> 00:06:23,980 You ever think about the future, 122 00:06:24,710 --> 00:06:26,240 doing something else? 123 00:06:26,240 --> 00:06:27,710 Sure. 124 00:06:30,400 --> 00:06:33,150 Some days, I see so much death, 125 00:06:34,220 --> 00:06:36,900 I just think about putting in my 20 126 00:06:36,920 --> 00:06:38,430 and getting out. 127 00:06:38,430 --> 00:06:39,650 Where would you go? 128 00:06:39,650 --> 00:06:41,240 A beach. 129 00:06:42,090 --> 00:06:45,270 Yeah, somewhere where there's no blood. 130 00:06:45,270 --> 00:06:47,230 No showing up on somebody's doorstep 131 00:06:47,230 --> 00:06:50,830 with news that you know is gonna ruin their life. 132 00:06:51,240 --> 00:06:55,440 Just me and a whole lot of sunshine. 133 00:06:55,690 --> 00:06:57,440 So what's stopping you? 134 00:06:57,440 --> 00:07:00,020 Two hours on the beach, and I lose my mind. 135 00:07:00,440 --> 00:07:04,300 That, and I could never take Taylor out of school. 136 00:07:04,570 --> 00:07:05,800 He's doing good, you know? 137 00:07:05,800 --> 00:07:11,390 He's making decent grades, decent friends, 138 00:07:11,820 --> 00:07:15,730 and Taylor is very proud of his mom. 139 00:07:16,480 --> 00:07:17,930 I'll bet he is. 140 00:08:15,400 --> 00:08:18,030 Hey, partner, what you working on? 141 00:08:18,030 --> 00:08:21,490 It's just a cold case. Nothing urgent. 142 00:08:21,910 --> 00:08:23,550 Glasses and Cocoa Puffs are gonna pay a visit 143 00:08:23,550 --> 00:08:25,460 to Elias' guy Carlo. 144 00:08:25,510 --> 00:08:27,630 Maybe I should stay here and help with this case. 145 00:08:27,990 --> 00:08:30,110 You're not exactly employee of the month. 146 00:08:30,750 --> 00:08:32,350 You saying I'm a bad cop? 147 00:08:32,350 --> 00:08:34,270 I'm saying you're a terrible cop. 148 00:08:39,840 --> 00:08:41,310 Everything okay with you? 149 00:08:41,310 --> 00:08:44,890 Go help Finch. I got things covered. 150 00:08:57,550 --> 00:08:58,840 Caught a big one. 151 00:08:58,840 --> 00:09:00,420 Home invasion, Park Avenue. 152 00:09:00,420 --> 00:09:02,360 Quadruple homicide. 153 00:09:02,360 --> 00:09:03,740 I'll show you how it's done. 154 00:09:04,290 --> 00:09:07,510 You're the rook. You keep the file. 155 00:09:11,830 --> 00:09:13,280 Pattersons got a lot of dough, 156 00:09:13,280 --> 00:09:14,820 which means they got a lot of lawyers too. 157 00:09:14,820 --> 00:09:15,650 You get what I'm saying? 158 00:09:15,650 --> 00:09:16,780 Yeah, we do this by the book. 159 00:09:16,780 --> 00:09:18,700 Exactly, and I'll do all the talking. 160 00:09:21,180 --> 00:09:22,670 I'm sorry, sir, but Mr. Patterson 161 00:09:22,670 --> 00:09:24,400 requested not to be disturbed. 162 00:09:24,790 --> 00:09:26,000 It's Detective. 163 00:09:26,760 --> 00:09:29,060 Need to take a quick look around this place. 164 00:09:29,170 --> 00:09:32,790 Chase--Mr. Patterson's been staying in a different apartment 165 00:09:32,790 --> 00:09:34,430 in the building since he got back, 166 00:09:34,430 --> 00:09:37,550 just until he sells the penthouse where it happened. 167 00:09:38,640 --> 00:09:40,900 Tell you what, I'll call the building manager, 168 00:09:40,900 --> 00:09:42,380 see if he can show you around. 169 00:09:50,010 --> 00:09:51,890 All right, so we have four victims. 170 00:09:51,890 --> 00:09:54,640 Mom, dad, two of their grown kids. 171 00:09:54,640 --> 00:09:57,240 I found them here this morning tied up, 172 00:09:57,240 --> 00:09:58,450 throats slit. 173 00:10:00,250 --> 00:10:02,000 Do we buy this home invasion 174 00:10:02,010 --> 00:10:04,480 in a doorman building on Park Avenue? 175 00:10:04,480 --> 00:10:06,060 Could be an inside job. 176 00:10:06,760 --> 00:10:09,410 You said two of their grown kids. 177 00:10:09,410 --> 00:10:10,690 Is there another? 178 00:10:10,870 --> 00:10:13,910 Chase Patterson, 18, only son. 179 00:10:13,910 --> 00:10:15,510 Got kicked out of bordering school last year 180 00:10:15,510 --> 00:10:18,440 because they found drug paraphernalia in his dorm. 181 00:10:18,820 --> 00:10:20,300 He's the one who found them. 182 00:10:30,540 --> 00:10:32,620 You looking for something specific, Detective? 183 00:10:35,620 --> 00:10:36,960 It's just a busy day. 184 00:10:40,560 --> 00:10:42,430 And you were all present last night. 185 00:10:42,440 --> 00:10:44,140 We left after dinner was served. 186 00:10:44,640 --> 00:10:47,090 And the youngest kid, Chase, never showed. 187 00:10:47,090 --> 00:10:48,220 That's right. 188 00:10:48,750 --> 00:10:50,360 Did he get along with his parents? 189 00:10:54,260 --> 00:10:55,640 There was friction there. 190 00:10:56,270 --> 00:10:58,500 So Chase and his parents fought. 191 00:11:00,120 --> 00:11:01,260 Constantly. 192 00:11:02,110 --> 00:11:03,430 But you didn't hear anything 193 00:11:03,430 --> 00:11:04,710 the night of the murders? 194 00:11:05,000 --> 00:11:06,190 Nothing. 195 00:11:08,450 --> 00:11:09,670 You know what this is? 196 00:11:10,240 --> 00:11:11,420 You got me. 197 00:11:11,470 --> 00:11:12,730 Pure jade. 198 00:11:13,050 --> 00:11:15,880 Easy to carry, easy to pawn 199 00:11:15,880 --> 00:11:18,000 for a good 20 grand. 200 00:11:18,070 --> 00:11:20,090 So if Chase killed his family 201 00:11:20,580 --> 00:11:23,020 and stole their things for drug money, 202 00:11:23,590 --> 00:11:25,250 why leave this behind? 203 00:11:26,920 --> 00:11:28,370 Why don't you ask him? 204 00:11:31,030 --> 00:11:32,460 What happened, Chase? 205 00:11:32,910 --> 00:11:34,390 I went out for the night. 206 00:11:35,490 --> 00:11:37,710 I didn't want to wake anyone when I came home. 207 00:11:38,390 --> 00:11:39,690 What did you see? 208 00:11:40,520 --> 00:11:43,690 Tessa, then my other sister, 209 00:11:44,410 --> 00:11:47,140 and my parents all tied up in a row. 210 00:11:47,230 --> 00:11:49,030 Someone had cut their throats. 211 00:11:53,360 --> 00:11:55,510 So why was your whole family home that night? 212 00:11:55,700 --> 00:11:57,880 We had dinner there every Sunday. 213 00:11:58,370 --> 00:11:59,590 Then where were you? 214 00:12:01,580 --> 00:12:04,100 Come on, Chase, what aren't you telling me? 215 00:12:04,240 --> 00:12:05,460 Nothing. 216 00:12:05,580 --> 00:12:07,220 I've already told my side. 217 00:12:07,690 --> 00:12:09,620 So why are you hiding it now? 218 00:12:11,190 --> 00:12:12,840 I'm not hiding it. 219 00:12:13,900 --> 00:12:15,060 I told her. 220 00:12:16,770 --> 00:12:18,890 - Her? - The detective. 221 00:12:20,640 --> 00:12:23,010 Carter, that was her name, right? 222 00:12:23,540 --> 00:12:25,260 I gave her my alibi. 223 00:12:26,520 --> 00:12:29,820 Now, tell me, Chase, where were you last night? 224 00:12:30,190 --> 00:12:32,510 At our cabin in the Catskills. 225 00:12:32,950 --> 00:12:34,110 Doing what? 226 00:12:38,360 --> 00:12:39,670 Relapsing. 227 00:12:44,440 --> 00:12:48,080 Before last night, I had been clean for six months. 228 00:12:48,420 --> 00:12:49,910 Your parents believe that? 229 00:12:52,520 --> 00:12:54,350 After my last relapse, 230 00:12:54,550 --> 00:12:56,740 my mom found me unresponsive 231 00:12:56,970 --> 00:12:58,330 in my bedroom. 232 00:12:59,880 --> 00:13:02,110 She told me she held my hand 233 00:13:02,850 --> 00:13:05,410 all the way from home to the hospital. 234 00:13:05,850 --> 00:13:08,830 Didn't let it go until I woke up. 235 00:13:10,000 --> 00:13:12,130 That sounds about right for a mom. 236 00:13:12,560 --> 00:13:14,160 I had to go to rehab. 237 00:13:15,520 --> 00:13:16,670 Every day, 238 00:13:16,860 --> 00:13:20,980 my mom would walk me to meetings. 239 00:13:21,920 --> 00:13:26,130 I told her, "You're treating me like a child." 240 00:13:27,710 --> 00:13:29,790 And what did she have to say about that? 241 00:13:32,780 --> 00:13:34,270 That I was a child, 242 00:13:37,170 --> 00:13:38,430 her child. 243 00:13:41,140 --> 00:13:44,580 When I went home this morning, 244 00:13:45,080 --> 00:13:47,240 I was going to ask her to forgive me, 245 00:13:47,740 --> 00:13:48,890 and then 246 00:13:51,500 --> 00:13:52,760 she was gone. 247 00:13:56,400 --> 00:13:57,830 They were all gone. 248 00:14:02,350 --> 00:14:03,750 Okay, Chase, you didn't do it. 249 00:14:03,750 --> 00:14:04,730 Who did? 250 00:14:09,140 --> 00:14:10,240 Tell me. 251 00:14:14,610 --> 00:14:16,730 Either charge me or release me. 252 00:14:20,100 --> 00:14:23,550 Some junkie kid kills his entire family for drug money. 253 00:14:23,550 --> 00:14:24,750 Then he sneaks off to a cabin 254 00:14:24,750 --> 00:14:26,720 so no one can corroborate his alibi. 255 00:14:26,790 --> 00:14:27,770 Come on, you said it yourself. 256 00:14:27,770 --> 00:14:29,360 When was the last time you heard of a home invasion 257 00:14:29,360 --> 00:14:31,570 in a doorman building on Park Avenue? 258 00:14:32,150 --> 00:14:33,880 Why don't you want to arrest him? 259 00:14:34,380 --> 00:14:36,250 I looked into his eyes. 260 00:14:37,470 --> 00:14:38,850 He's damaged, 261 00:14:39,210 --> 00:14:40,970 but there is no way in hell 262 00:14:40,980 --> 00:14:42,830 he slit his mother's throat. 263 00:14:47,010 --> 00:14:48,040 Terney. 264 00:14:49,310 --> 00:14:50,390 Thank you. 265 00:14:52,530 --> 00:14:56,100 The murderer's DNA came back a familial match. 266 00:14:58,880 --> 00:14:59,970 I'm going to the cabin, 267 00:14:59,970 --> 00:15:02,000 see if I can corroborate his story. 268 00:15:09,810 --> 00:15:12,820 - Thank you, Carlo. - Keep that psycho away from me. 269 00:15:12,820 --> 00:15:15,530 Hey, Harold, did you talk with Elias' guy, Carlo? 270 00:15:15,540 --> 00:15:17,910 Ms. Groves just finished questioning him. 271 00:15:17,910 --> 00:15:19,760 It appears that Carlo went to the deli 272 00:15:19,770 --> 00:15:21,250 to cash in a free sandwich coupon. 273 00:15:21,250 --> 00:15:22,770 While he was waiting for it, 274 00:15:22,790 --> 00:15:23,890 Dominic's men entered 275 00:15:23,890 --> 00:15:25,850 and headed for the chips and dip. 276 00:15:25,850 --> 00:15:27,420 Should've had a picnic. 277 00:15:27,640 --> 00:15:30,060 It does appear that this was a crime of opportunity, 278 00:15:30,060 --> 00:15:31,300 which means that the Machine 279 00:15:31,300 --> 00:15:33,660 is indeed functioning as intended. 280 00:15:33,660 --> 00:15:35,080 Have you determined whether Mr. Patterson 281 00:15:35,080 --> 00:15:36,890 is a victim or a perpetrator? 282 00:15:36,890 --> 00:15:40,040 Not yet, but I'm following him. 283 00:15:40,100 --> 00:15:41,200 I'll meet you. 284 00:15:41,200 --> 00:15:43,440 You're trying to stop a gang war, remember? 285 00:16:11,230 --> 00:16:15,110 So now that you know all of my retirement plans, 286 00:16:15,470 --> 00:16:17,070 what has the man in the suit 287 00:16:17,070 --> 00:16:19,280 got planned after he hangs up the suit? 288 00:16:21,100 --> 00:16:22,870 I haven't given it much thought. 289 00:16:23,820 --> 00:16:24,960 Don't play with me, John. 290 00:16:24,960 --> 00:16:27,040 I just cleaned my service weapon. 291 00:16:27,360 --> 00:16:28,740 Now, spill. 292 00:16:33,300 --> 00:16:35,610 There is no after for people like us. 293 00:16:40,590 --> 00:16:41,530 No beach for you 294 00:16:41,530 --> 00:16:44,180 and no retirement for me. 295 00:16:46,710 --> 00:16:48,470 We don't do fairy tales. 296 00:16:52,180 --> 00:16:53,450 That's how we're built. 297 00:16:53,670 --> 00:16:55,350 You don't really believe that. 298 00:16:57,710 --> 00:16:58,970 Tell me something. 299 00:17:00,500 --> 00:17:02,480 How'd you wind up here in the first place? 300 00:17:02,710 --> 00:17:04,570 I'm pretty sure you drove us here. 301 00:17:04,570 --> 00:17:09,020 No, here, in this car, drinking cold coffee, 302 00:17:09,300 --> 00:17:11,840 stalking a bar owner in the middle of the night. 303 00:17:12,520 --> 00:17:14,080 Well, where else should I be? 304 00:17:14,390 --> 00:17:15,090 You went to law school. 305 00:17:15,090 --> 00:17:17,170 How about a corner office downtown? 306 00:17:17,310 --> 00:17:19,540 Thank you for proving my point. 307 00:17:20,130 --> 00:17:22,410 I started off on one path, 308 00:17:22,590 --> 00:17:23,930 but I changed, 309 00:17:23,930 --> 00:17:26,320 because that wasn't the end game for me, John. 310 00:17:26,750 --> 00:17:28,140 You can change too. 311 00:17:33,360 --> 00:17:35,050 No one changes, Carter. 312 00:17:35,110 --> 00:17:38,170 You're here because this is where you were always headed. 313 00:17:39,410 --> 00:17:42,660 "No one changes," says the man 314 00:17:42,660 --> 00:17:45,310 who was a hobo the first night I met him. 315 00:17:45,770 --> 00:17:47,050 You might not have changed, 316 00:17:47,050 --> 00:17:48,910 but your wardrobe has. 317 00:17:49,280 --> 00:17:51,470 So whatever path you were on, 318 00:17:52,100 --> 00:17:53,580 you took a detour. 319 00:17:56,240 --> 00:18:00,450 Yeah, but I'll get where I'm going soon enough. 320 00:18:01,830 --> 00:18:03,100 And what does that mean? 321 00:18:07,930 --> 00:18:09,140 Hey, good news. 322 00:18:09,550 --> 00:18:11,280 Glasses told me to bring you dinner. 323 00:18:13,130 --> 00:18:14,460 Am I interrupting something? 324 00:18:16,210 --> 00:18:18,920 No, but hot dogs aren't dinner, Fusco, 325 00:18:19,000 --> 00:18:20,370 not for normal people. 326 00:18:21,060 --> 00:18:22,760 Guess it's the thought that counts. 327 00:18:24,640 --> 00:18:26,010 You don't want my help? No problem. 328 00:18:26,010 --> 00:18:27,520 I got better places to be. 329 00:18:27,620 --> 00:18:28,930 Good luck with this one. 330 00:18:35,080 --> 00:18:36,610 What did you mean, John? 331 00:18:37,220 --> 00:18:39,300 I just meant things tend to work out 332 00:18:39,310 --> 00:18:40,960 the way they're supposed to. 333 00:18:43,990 --> 00:18:47,920 All right. Whatever you like. 334 00:18:49,460 --> 00:18:50,700 And what does that mean? 335 00:18:50,750 --> 00:18:53,540 It means there are two kinds of friends, 336 00:18:54,240 --> 00:18:56,280 ones you talk about the game with 337 00:18:56,390 --> 00:18:58,180 and ones you share your life with-- 338 00:18:58,180 --> 00:18:59,580 the real stories. 339 00:19:00,240 --> 00:19:02,380 Up to you which one you want me to be. 340 00:19:04,390 --> 00:19:06,100 But you need to decide, 341 00:19:06,600 --> 00:19:10,670 because, for a spy, lying isn't your strong suit. 342 00:20:05,000 --> 00:20:06,140 Someone here? 343 00:20:07,420 --> 00:20:08,590 Chase. 344 00:20:12,910 --> 00:20:14,480 I just came here to talk. 345 00:20:21,590 --> 00:20:23,650 Why don't you come out where I can see you? 346 00:20:37,830 --> 00:20:39,710 - Carter. - Better get back here. 347 00:20:39,710 --> 00:20:41,430 I can't. I think Chase was here. 348 00:20:41,430 --> 00:20:42,910 Not unless you're at JFK. 349 00:20:42,910 --> 00:20:44,960 The kid took off on a flight to Paris 350 00:20:44,960 --> 00:20:46,360 an hour ago. 351 00:20:46,530 --> 00:20:47,600 And we caught a new one. 352 00:20:47,600 --> 00:20:50,080 Domestic gone wrong, Lower East Side. 353 00:20:50,110 --> 00:20:51,470 No, what about the Pattersons? 354 00:20:51,470 --> 00:20:53,300 I'm sorry, Carter. You're breaking up. 355 00:21:07,000 --> 00:21:08,160 Detective. 356 00:21:10,050 --> 00:21:12,280 It isn't wise to sneak up on people. 357 00:21:12,280 --> 00:21:15,630 I wasn't sneaking. This is my place. 358 00:21:15,740 --> 00:21:17,460 But those drugs aren't mine. 359 00:21:18,050 --> 00:21:19,020 What do you mean? 360 00:21:19,020 --> 00:21:21,140 I mean someone must've put them there. 361 00:21:22,690 --> 00:21:25,070 Someone? Who? 362 00:21:48,100 --> 00:21:50,870 Phil, what's going on? 363 00:21:51,360 --> 00:21:53,750 It's Gil, not Phil, 364 00:21:54,220 --> 00:21:56,760 and that's the last time you're gonna make that mistake, 365 00:21:57,660 --> 00:21:58,800 brother. 366 00:22:00,580 --> 00:22:01,280 Brother? 367 00:22:01,280 --> 00:22:03,450 Not that I'm proud to call a drug addict loser 368 00:22:03,450 --> 00:22:04,780 my brother. 369 00:22:04,810 --> 00:22:06,790 Probably got that from your mother's side. 370 00:22:07,080 --> 00:22:08,070 You're saying my father-- 371 00:22:08,080 --> 00:22:09,430 Our father! 372 00:22:10,810 --> 00:22:12,370 He knew my mom in high school. 373 00:22:12,370 --> 00:22:14,840 He was real nice to her till he knocked her up. 374 00:22:15,020 --> 00:22:17,770 That's who our father was. 375 00:22:18,650 --> 00:22:20,800 And because of that, you killed him 376 00:22:21,110 --> 00:22:23,440 and my entire family. 377 00:22:23,440 --> 00:22:24,920 What about my family? 378 00:22:26,410 --> 00:22:29,760 When my mom died, I had nobody, 379 00:22:30,750 --> 00:22:32,410 so I tracked my father down, 380 00:22:33,460 --> 00:22:34,930 but he had a new family, 381 00:22:35,450 --> 00:22:38,240 and he tried paying me to go away. 382 00:22:39,920 --> 00:22:43,020 Any father who would give up his son twice 383 00:22:44,470 --> 00:22:47,670 doesn't deserve to have a family. 384 00:22:48,590 --> 00:22:50,160 Why not kill me too? 385 00:22:50,620 --> 00:22:52,260 Oh, I planned to, 386 00:22:52,630 --> 00:22:54,540 but you went away. 387 00:22:55,640 --> 00:22:59,650 And I had to bide my time for seven years, 388 00:23:01,150 --> 00:23:03,230 and now I get to watch you kill yourself. 389 00:23:05,310 --> 00:23:06,260 Sit. 390 00:23:12,760 --> 00:23:13,960 Pick up the pills. 391 00:23:18,380 --> 00:23:19,490 Swallow them. 392 00:23:33,230 --> 00:23:35,430 I give you about eight hours to live. 393 00:23:37,060 --> 00:23:38,490 There's no need to be scared. 394 00:23:39,780 --> 00:23:41,230 I'll be sitting right here with you. 395 00:23:42,640 --> 00:23:46,030 I'll be watching every minute of your death. 396 00:23:52,540 --> 00:23:53,820 Detective. 397 00:23:54,160 --> 00:23:56,060 You cops sure have a knack 398 00:23:56,480 --> 00:23:58,450 for showing up at the wrong time. 399 00:24:00,000 --> 00:24:03,680 Your colleague, that lady detective, 400 00:24:03,830 --> 00:24:05,530 she interrupted me too. 401 00:24:06,860 --> 00:24:09,570 Back then, I was too scared to kill a cop. 402 00:24:10,430 --> 00:24:13,660 You know, she got shot last year anyway? 403 00:24:13,810 --> 00:24:14,950 Goes to show, I should've killed her 404 00:24:14,950 --> 00:24:16,420 when I had the chance. 405 00:24:16,610 --> 00:24:21,010 When your number's up-- well, you know the saying. 406 00:24:42,980 --> 00:24:44,780 Can't dig a hole without a shovel. 407 00:24:45,160 --> 00:24:46,610 Don't you go anywhere. 408 00:25:23,770 --> 00:25:26,640 You're not cold? I'm freezing here. 409 00:25:27,510 --> 00:25:29,690 So we're talking about the weather now? 410 00:25:31,920 --> 00:25:35,560 Fine, what do you want to talk about, Carter? 411 00:25:35,560 --> 00:25:37,830 It's not what I want to talk about. 412 00:25:37,860 --> 00:25:41,430 It's what I'm willing to talk about if you want to. 413 00:25:48,620 --> 00:25:49,860 The night we met, 414 00:25:50,140 --> 00:25:53,910 transit picked you up on the J train at Canal. 415 00:25:53,910 --> 00:25:57,240 So maybe you were going 416 00:25:57,240 --> 00:25:59,910 to pay a traffic ticket at 3:00 AM, 417 00:26:00,740 --> 00:26:04,000 or maybe you were going to take a walk 418 00:26:04,000 --> 00:26:05,740 on the Brooklyn Bridge. 419 00:26:06,830 --> 00:26:08,920 Is that the path you were talking about? 420 00:26:28,190 --> 00:26:29,590 Her name was Jessica, 421 00:26:30,450 --> 00:26:32,380 although I think you already know that. 422 00:26:34,620 --> 00:26:35,890 She liked the rain, 423 00:26:37,730 --> 00:26:38,890 sleeping in. 424 00:26:41,130 --> 00:26:43,120 She told really bad jokes 425 00:26:44,630 --> 00:26:47,350 and called me out when I pretended to enjoy them. 426 00:26:49,830 --> 00:26:51,050 And her laugh-- 427 00:26:54,390 --> 00:26:55,940 God, I loved her laugh. 428 00:26:59,300 --> 00:27:02,070 You can't blame yourself for what happened to her, John. 429 00:27:02,470 --> 00:27:05,000 It's not a question of blame. It's a fact. 430 00:27:07,130 --> 00:27:09,300 She needed me, and I left her behind. 431 00:27:09,980 --> 00:27:11,150 Can I ask why? 432 00:27:15,160 --> 00:27:17,570 I thought I wasn't gonna make it back alive. 433 00:27:18,190 --> 00:27:20,000 She deserved a better life 434 00:27:20,010 --> 00:27:22,700 than waiting to become a widow. 435 00:27:24,080 --> 00:27:25,830 She deserved happiness. 436 00:27:30,550 --> 00:27:32,580 Not quite how it worked out, though. 437 00:27:33,670 --> 00:27:34,980 Sorry, John. 438 00:27:40,310 --> 00:27:41,740 But I'm not buying it. 439 00:27:43,860 --> 00:27:45,900 You may be able to fool your police shrink 440 00:27:45,900 --> 00:27:49,070 with that version, maybe even yourself. 441 00:27:51,730 --> 00:27:52,800 But not you, huh? 442 00:27:52,800 --> 00:27:55,970 No, you're forgetting, I was over there too. 443 00:27:57,230 --> 00:27:58,980 You'd already been deployed once 444 00:27:58,980 --> 00:28:00,370 when you broke things off. 445 00:28:00,370 --> 00:28:03,670 Hell, you were already active military when you met, 446 00:28:03,670 --> 00:28:06,240 so you want to tell me what really happened? 447 00:28:06,240 --> 00:28:07,270 What does it matter now? 448 00:28:07,270 --> 00:28:10,030 It matters because I'm afraid you're gonna use 449 00:28:10,030 --> 00:28:12,120 this poor woman to shut everybody out 450 00:28:12,120 --> 00:28:13,710 right until the bitter end, 451 00:28:14,420 --> 00:28:15,830 because whatever it is you're not telling me, 452 00:28:15,830 --> 00:28:18,350 that's the real reason why you're alone, John. 453 00:28:20,030 --> 00:28:24,450 And because time is running out. 454 00:28:24,450 --> 00:28:25,650 Time? 455 00:28:28,030 --> 00:28:30,410 Hell, we got all the time in the world. 456 00:28:30,500 --> 00:28:32,110 Benny's asleep. 457 00:28:32,110 --> 00:28:34,210 Be hours before Finch brings us breakfast. 458 00:28:34,210 --> 00:28:36,750 No, listen to me, John. 459 00:28:36,750 --> 00:28:39,450 Your time is running out. 460 00:28:44,170 --> 00:28:46,300 You're dying, John. 461 00:28:47,800 --> 00:28:49,080 What? 462 00:29:18,100 --> 00:29:19,840 I don't understand. 463 00:29:19,970 --> 00:29:21,740 You got him, John, 464 00:29:22,050 --> 00:29:24,690 the monster that killed Chase's family, 465 00:29:26,050 --> 00:29:27,900 and he got you pretty good too. 466 00:29:27,900 --> 00:29:30,140 You managed to get to Chase's car. 467 00:29:30,140 --> 00:29:33,160 You need to get help, and if you don't, 468 00:29:33,160 --> 00:29:36,280 you're going to die, and so is Chase. 469 00:29:42,560 --> 00:29:44,130 I lost some blood, but I don't think 470 00:29:44,130 --> 00:29:46,280 I'll bleed out before they get here. 471 00:29:46,530 --> 00:29:48,280 Before who gets here? 472 00:29:48,940 --> 00:29:52,750 Fusco, Finch, maybe Root. 473 00:29:52,940 --> 00:29:54,520 You forgetting? 474 00:29:54,630 --> 00:29:56,870 You didn't tell anybody you were coming up here. 475 00:29:57,520 --> 00:29:58,890 True to form, 476 00:29:58,890 --> 00:30:00,470 you didn't reach out, 477 00:30:01,790 --> 00:30:04,200 so I'm afraid, John, it's just me and you. 478 00:30:04,640 --> 00:30:06,020 But you're right. 479 00:30:06,020 --> 00:30:08,770 You probably won't bleed to death. 480 00:30:09,610 --> 00:30:12,250 It's the cold that'll kill you first, 481 00:30:12,470 --> 00:30:14,430 unless you do something about it. 482 00:30:15,740 --> 00:30:18,030 You need to get those keys, John. 483 00:30:21,920 --> 00:30:23,300 Hey, Glasses. 484 00:30:23,740 --> 00:30:25,500 That info from Carlo lead to anything? 485 00:30:25,500 --> 00:30:28,150 Sadly, no, and I've been trying unsuccessfully 486 00:30:28,150 --> 00:30:29,920 to reach Mr. Reese. 487 00:30:29,920 --> 00:30:31,240 Yeah, well, good luck. 488 00:30:31,240 --> 00:30:32,950 I haven't seen or heard from the coiffed Columbo 489 00:30:32,950 --> 00:30:34,050 since this morning. 490 00:30:34,050 --> 00:30:34,960 Really? 491 00:30:34,960 --> 00:30:36,500 Why, something got you worried? 492 00:30:36,500 --> 00:30:38,310 Nothing in particular. 493 00:30:38,560 --> 00:30:40,230 Where was he last time you guys talked? 494 00:30:40,240 --> 00:30:42,240 Following Chase Patterson. 495 00:30:42,270 --> 00:30:44,780 Patterson--that's the case Wonder Boy pulled? 496 00:30:44,780 --> 00:30:46,290 I'm afraid so. 497 00:30:46,450 --> 00:30:47,890 Well, if you do hear from him, 498 00:30:47,890 --> 00:30:49,400 will you let me know? 499 00:30:49,680 --> 00:30:51,220 Yeah, sure thing. 500 00:31:01,650 --> 00:31:03,450 You worry too much, Harry. 501 00:31:03,450 --> 00:31:04,680 I'm sure wherever he is, 502 00:31:04,680 --> 00:31:07,020 the big lug can take care of himself. 503 00:31:25,610 --> 00:31:27,260 All right, keep it moving. 504 00:31:27,260 --> 00:31:29,610 You know how this works: you stop, you die. 505 00:31:30,320 --> 00:31:32,330 Come on, you've seen worse than this. 506 00:31:34,910 --> 00:31:37,460 You didn't really survive all of that 507 00:31:37,690 --> 00:31:40,110 to just wind up dying now, 508 00:31:40,110 --> 00:31:43,640 out here, alone, at the hands of a psycho 509 00:31:43,640 --> 00:31:45,700 who got off one lucky shot. 510 00:31:48,140 --> 00:31:49,940 I didn't think so. 511 00:31:59,650 --> 00:32:00,560 Attaboy, John. 512 00:32:00,560 --> 00:32:02,140 I knew you could do it. 513 00:32:04,200 --> 00:32:06,010 You sure you were an interrogator, 514 00:32:06,010 --> 00:32:07,820 not a drill sergeant? 515 00:32:07,830 --> 00:32:09,990 I thought you liked following orders. 516 00:32:10,960 --> 00:32:12,850 Now, you think you can make it back? 517 00:32:24,790 --> 00:32:26,670 Gonna bleed to death. 518 00:32:27,530 --> 00:32:30,570 Least I'm gonna listen to some good music. 519 00:32:30,580 --> 00:32:32,740 At least we can agree on this one. 520 00:32:38,320 --> 00:32:39,880 I missed you. 521 00:32:41,460 --> 00:32:42,940 That's good. 522 00:32:43,470 --> 00:32:45,770 Being missed means you meant something to people 523 00:32:45,770 --> 00:32:47,350 while you were here. 524 00:32:49,290 --> 00:32:50,610 So... 525 00:32:51,550 --> 00:32:53,180 You're a cop now? 526 00:32:53,800 --> 00:32:56,000 - Not a real one. - No? 527 00:32:56,150 --> 00:32:58,240 Well, that shield looks pretty real. 528 00:32:58,460 --> 00:33:00,820 And so does the dead bad guy in the snow. 529 00:33:01,540 --> 00:33:06,030 Even got you a partner. Poor Fusco. 530 00:33:15,960 --> 00:33:24,860 {\an9}*At midnight they will all be singing Auld Lang Syne* 531 00:33:18,860 --> 00:33:19,920 Wait. 532 00:33:21,480 --> 00:33:23,100 What are we still doing here? 533 00:33:23,660 --> 00:33:25,140 I can drive us back. 534 00:33:25,460 --> 00:33:26,990 John, listen to me. 535 00:33:26,990 --> 00:33:28,360 There's something wrong with this heater. 536 00:33:28,360 --> 00:33:30,560 - No, there's not. - I'm burning up in here. 537 00:33:30,560 --> 00:33:32,420 Why can I see your breath? 538 00:33:33,780 --> 00:33:37,540 It's not too hot. It's too cold. 539 00:33:42,310 --> 00:33:43,800 Engine won't start. 540 00:33:45,300 --> 00:33:47,370 Cars don't like the cold. 541 00:33:52,610 --> 00:33:53,780 Come on, John. 542 00:33:53,780 --> 00:33:55,220 You know this. 543 00:33:56,170 --> 00:33:59,410 The heat you're feeling is a hallucination, 544 00:33:59,930 --> 00:34:02,360 the last symptom of hypothermia. 545 00:34:03,270 --> 00:34:05,060 You're freezing to death, John. 546 00:34:18,180 --> 00:34:21,090 John. John! 547 00:34:23,210 --> 00:34:25,870 You got to stay awake. Concentrate. 548 00:34:28,040 --> 00:34:29,320 Where are you going? 549 00:34:30,970 --> 00:34:33,930 The highway. I can flag down a car. 550 00:34:34,090 --> 00:34:37,320 That's the hypothermia talking. You're confused. 551 00:34:37,320 --> 00:34:40,230 I'm not. Look, here comes one. 552 00:34:41,220 --> 00:34:44,380 Step out of this car, and you die. 553 00:34:47,210 --> 00:34:48,390 But the light. 554 00:34:50,000 --> 00:34:53,740 That's not headlights. That's the moon. 555 00:34:55,770 --> 00:34:56,900 The moon? 556 00:34:57,490 --> 00:34:59,130 The storm passed. 557 00:35:10,650 --> 00:35:11,920 No one's coming. 558 00:35:18,760 --> 00:35:21,340 He's really got you worried, doesn't he, Harry? 559 00:35:23,360 --> 00:35:25,670 John has always maintained a certain distance, 560 00:35:25,670 --> 00:35:28,350 but this is not like him. 561 00:35:28,500 --> 00:35:30,080 So have you found anything? 562 00:35:31,620 --> 00:35:33,280 I managed to isolate the location 563 00:35:33,280 --> 00:35:36,210 of his phone's last connection to our mesh network. 564 00:35:36,210 --> 00:35:39,110 Unfortunately the signal was lost soon after, 565 00:35:39,130 --> 00:35:42,570 and I have no other means of determining his location. 566 00:35:47,940 --> 00:35:49,280 I'm sorry, Harry. 567 00:36:00,820 --> 00:36:02,200 Beautiful, isn't it? 568 00:36:05,210 --> 00:36:09,220 No noise, no people. 569 00:36:10,680 --> 00:36:11,840 Nothing. 570 00:36:15,740 --> 00:36:17,230 May as well tell me 571 00:36:17,930 --> 00:36:19,660 why you really left her behind. 572 00:36:19,660 --> 00:36:23,340 No point taking secrets where you're going. 573 00:36:23,370 --> 00:36:24,570 Trust me. 574 00:36:31,940 --> 00:36:33,160 First tour-- 575 00:36:36,570 --> 00:36:38,160 we were outside of Herat, 576 00:36:41,540 --> 00:36:43,730 making our way through the mountains at night. 577 00:36:46,820 --> 00:36:48,110 We heard shooting. 578 00:36:50,820 --> 00:36:52,110 Group of Rangers 579 00:36:53,430 --> 00:36:55,760 stumbled into the Taliban in the dark. 580 00:36:57,840 --> 00:37:00,100 And by the time we got there, they were all dead. 581 00:37:03,200 --> 00:37:04,320 Both sides. 582 00:37:05,690 --> 00:37:07,380 Just one of those things. 583 00:37:08,280 --> 00:37:10,750 We had to be over the mountains by sunrise, 584 00:37:12,560 --> 00:37:14,740 so we searched them, took their tags, 585 00:37:14,740 --> 00:37:15,830 their water, their ammunition, 586 00:37:15,830 --> 00:37:17,400 and we just kept moving. 587 00:37:18,180 --> 00:37:19,720 And I noticed something. 588 00:37:23,480 --> 00:37:25,210 They all had a picture: 589 00:37:28,550 --> 00:37:30,730 girlfriend, wife, kid. 590 00:37:33,830 --> 00:37:35,520 After a while, I realized 591 00:37:37,780 --> 00:37:41,280 everybody I found, on either side, had a picture. 592 00:37:42,170 --> 00:37:43,930 They were fighting for something. 593 00:37:43,930 --> 00:37:45,760 They were dying for something. 594 00:37:52,020 --> 00:37:53,570 I figured maybe if I didn't have a picture 595 00:37:53,570 --> 00:37:55,220 to carry around with me 596 00:37:58,120 --> 00:37:59,850 I'd be better at my job, 597 00:38:03,250 --> 00:38:04,850 so when I got back, 598 00:38:08,410 --> 00:38:10,420 I broke things off with Jessica. 599 00:38:13,440 --> 00:38:14,890 Maybe you're right, then. 600 00:38:17,740 --> 00:38:21,020 Maybe this is the path you've been on all along, 601 00:38:21,120 --> 00:38:24,020 path that led you right here. 602 00:38:25,250 --> 00:38:28,630 Don't reach out to anyone, shut everybody out. 603 00:38:30,890 --> 00:38:33,530 - Not everyone. - What? 604 00:38:35,040 --> 00:38:36,480 I didn't shut you out. 605 00:38:39,560 --> 00:38:40,880 We had a connection. 606 00:38:41,910 --> 00:38:45,690 I could talk with you about important things, 607 00:38:45,700 --> 00:38:49,910 the things that really mattered. 608 00:38:52,780 --> 00:38:53,950 But, John, 609 00:38:55,780 --> 00:38:57,190 you never did. 610 00:39:00,390 --> 00:39:03,300 What? Of course I did. 611 00:39:05,540 --> 00:39:09,650 That night we were staking out the bar. 612 00:39:10,640 --> 00:39:12,890 - We talked. - Yes, we talked about music. 613 00:39:12,890 --> 00:39:15,060 - Our jobs. - And Jessica. 614 00:39:15,070 --> 00:39:16,260 No, John. 615 00:39:16,260 --> 00:39:18,130 Yes, I told you about her, 616 00:39:18,140 --> 00:39:20,530 how she liked the rain and sleeping in. 617 00:39:20,780 --> 00:39:23,270 I wish we'd had that conversation, 618 00:39:23,340 --> 00:39:25,060 but we never did. 619 00:39:28,110 --> 00:39:29,380 Here, this picture. 620 00:39:30,300 --> 00:39:31,230 Remember? 621 00:39:31,460 --> 00:39:33,920 You kept this, and you gave it to me 622 00:39:33,920 --> 00:39:35,990 when we talked about her that night. 623 00:39:36,150 --> 00:39:38,990 I kept the photo, but I never gave it to you. 624 00:39:41,290 --> 00:39:43,940 You were talking about a path you were on. 625 00:39:43,940 --> 00:39:46,110 I asked if you wanted to talk about it, 626 00:39:46,120 --> 00:39:47,430 and you didn't. 627 00:39:49,530 --> 00:39:50,720 - I did. - No. 628 00:39:50,720 --> 00:39:52,370 You cracked a couple jokes. 629 00:39:52,370 --> 00:39:53,540 Then you turned the radio up, 630 00:39:53,540 --> 00:39:54,480 and that was it. 631 00:39:54,480 --> 00:39:56,410 We never got to Jessica. 632 00:40:00,640 --> 00:40:02,370 I kept that photo 633 00:40:04,400 --> 00:40:06,620 to give to you at the right moment, 634 00:40:07,170 --> 00:40:10,280 when you were willing to share that part of yourself with me, 635 00:40:11,810 --> 00:40:13,850 but you never were, John. 636 00:40:19,300 --> 00:40:20,640 It's like you said. 637 00:40:21,010 --> 00:40:23,840 You're here because you were always headed here. 638 00:40:26,310 --> 00:40:30,520 I wanted to talk to you about her. 639 00:40:34,360 --> 00:40:36,050 I just wish we had more time. 640 00:40:36,060 --> 00:40:40,430 Yeah, well, that's something we never get enough of. 641 00:40:46,460 --> 00:40:47,440 You're right. 642 00:40:50,940 --> 00:40:52,530 I don't let people in. 643 00:40:54,240 --> 00:40:56,790 That's not why I didn't tell anyone about the case. 644 00:40:59,870 --> 00:41:02,080 I wanted to close this one myself. 645 00:41:02,790 --> 00:41:04,360 - Just me. - Why? 646 00:41:07,500 --> 00:41:09,850 It was a chance to be close to you again. 647 00:41:17,340 --> 00:41:21,750 And I didn't want to share that with anyone else. 648 00:41:28,560 --> 00:41:30,800 There's another reason why I kept that photo. 649 00:41:31,950 --> 00:41:34,360 It was a side of you I hadn't seen. 650 00:41:37,980 --> 00:41:41,690 Happy, hopeful. 651 00:41:43,360 --> 00:41:44,670 In love. 652 00:41:45,680 --> 00:41:47,370 You can feel that way again, John. 653 00:41:47,370 --> 00:41:49,040 You just got to hold on. 654 00:41:50,290 --> 00:41:53,980 There are people who care about you, 655 00:41:54,700 --> 00:41:56,020 who can love you. 656 00:41:57,130 --> 00:41:58,560 Just got to let them in. 657 00:41:59,710 --> 00:42:01,800 It's like what you told me before: 658 00:42:02,550 --> 00:42:04,340 whether I liked it or not, 659 00:42:05,770 --> 00:42:07,160 I wasn't alone. 660 00:42:09,080 --> 00:42:10,320 Neither are you. 661 00:42:20,000 --> 00:42:23,310 Will you stay with me just for a little bit? 662 00:42:23,310 --> 00:42:26,250 Yes, of course. 663 00:42:27,310 --> 00:42:28,890 Just hold on, John. 664 00:42:38,130 --> 00:42:42,050 I love the days we spent 665 00:42:43,110 --> 00:42:45,990 Together 666 00:42:48,300 --> 00:42:52,940 Before the old year lost 667 00:42:53,090 --> 00:42:57,340 Its shine 668 00:42:58,100 --> 00:43:01,940 I'll keep that memory locked 669 00:43:02,790 --> 00:43:06,160 Within my heart 670 00:43:05,470 --> 00:43:06,580 Hey, Joss. 671 00:43:08,800 --> 00:43:09,760 We made it. 672 00:43:08,120 --> 00:43:11,460 That happy new year 673 00:43:12,250 --> 00:43:14,320 You 674 00:43:14,870 --> 00:43:20,240 Were mine