1 00:00:00,642 --> 00:00:01,562 One steak sandwich 2 00:00:01,563 --> 00:00:03,611 and a cheeseburger with Muenster cheese. 3 00:00:03,912 --> 00:00:04,921 We're out of Muenster. 4 00:00:04,922 --> 00:00:06,857 Oh, since when? 5 00:00:06,858 --> 00:00:08,250 Well, let's see, the diner opened in '82. 6 00:00:08,251 --> 00:00:10,032 So '82. 7 00:00:11,933 --> 00:00:14,857 Hi, sorry but we're out of Muenster. 8 00:00:14,858 --> 00:00:15,906 Seriously, dude? 9 00:00:15,907 --> 00:00:16,908 I wanted Muenster. 10 00:00:16,909 --> 00:00:19,861 Sorry, we have Cheddar, Swiss or American. 11 00:00:19,862 --> 00:00:21,924 I hate Cheddar and Swiss blows. 12 00:00:21,925 --> 00:00:23,895 Well...Then American? 13 00:00:23,896 --> 00:00:24,898 American cheese? 14 00:00:24,899 --> 00:00:25,942 What am I, at grade school? 15 00:00:26,443 --> 00:00:28,049 Yeah, go to the principal's office. 16 00:00:28,050 --> 00:00:29,938 I can't have another idiot up my ass right now. 17 00:00:29,939 --> 00:00:31,874 It's at capacity. 18 00:00:33,875 --> 00:00:35,882 Max, I got this. 19 00:00:35,883 --> 00:00:38,861 Would you like to see the menu again? 20 00:00:38,862 --> 00:00:40,852 This is crap, okay, I wanted Muenster. 21 00:00:40,853 --> 00:00:42,912 Well, I wanted to be running a Fortune 500 company 22 00:00:42,913 --> 00:00:45,866 instead of waiting on a toxic man-child like yourself. 23 00:00:45,867 --> 00:00:47,932 But, we can't always get what we want. 24 00:00:47,933 --> 00:00:50,861 So, order something else, put it in your pie hole 25 00:00:50,862 --> 00:00:52,349 and get on with your damn life. 26 00:00:53,925 --> 00:00:54,925 Welcome to waitress. 27 00:00:54,926 --> 00:00:57,322 We've been expecting you. 28 00:00:58,712 --> 00:01:00,771 ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ 29 00:01:02,504 --> 00:01:05,504 ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ 30 00:01:11,779 --> 00:01:13,188 Here you go, table ten, Earl. 31 00:01:13,389 --> 00:01:15,628 Have any exciting plans for tomorrow? 32 00:01:15,679 --> 00:01:18,129 Just trying to not die in my sleep, Max. 33 00:01:18,130 --> 00:01:19,267 How about you? 34 00:01:22,662 --> 00:01:23,723 I'm going to visit Caroline's horse. 35 00:01:23,724 --> 00:01:25,686 He was adopted by a rich white lady 36 00:01:25,687 --> 00:01:27,696 who could give him everything we couldn't afford to. 37 00:01:27,697 --> 00:01:29,720 Which is everything. 38 00:01:29,721 --> 00:01:33,582 White people will adopt anything. 39 00:01:34,692 --> 00:01:36,745 I figured out the best way to go see Chestnut. 40 00:01:37,046 --> 00:01:38,044 We take the J train to the 4, 41 00:01:38,045 --> 00:01:39,046 the 4 to Grand Central, 42 00:01:39,047 --> 00:01:40,682 change trains to Riverdale 43 00:01:40,683 --> 00:01:42,671 and walk three blocks to his fancy new stable. 44 00:01:42,672 --> 00:01:45,661 Sounds exotic. Do I need a travel shot? 45 00:01:45,662 --> 00:01:47,683 No, but there's a dicey underpass at Grand Central 46 00:01:47,684 --> 00:01:49,682 where we might get shot. 47 00:01:49,683 --> 00:01:52,649 I am so excited to see my baby again. 48 00:01:52,650 --> 00:01:53,674 Me too. 49 00:01:53,675 --> 00:01:54,694 In the Lifetime movie version, 50 00:01:54,695 --> 00:01:55,704 we get there and Chestnut likes 51 00:01:55,705 --> 00:01:58,695 his new home better and then we cry. 52 00:01:58,696 --> 00:02:00,657 Excuse me, Hi. 53 00:02:00,658 --> 00:02:01,683 Sorry to bother you. 54 00:02:01,684 --> 00:02:03,745 I'm Rhya, I'm a little embarrassed. 55 00:02:03,746 --> 00:02:05,657 I just got my period. 56 00:02:05,658 --> 00:02:08,724 Mazel tov. 57 00:02:08,725 --> 00:02:10,666 Do either of you have a tampon? 58 00:02:10,667 --> 00:02:11,703 Not me. 59 00:02:11,704 --> 00:02:12,742 I just go off into the woods and don't come out 60 00:02:12,743 --> 00:02:14,741 until it's over. 61 00:02:14,742 --> 00:02:17,653 I have one. 62 00:02:17,654 --> 00:02:18,675 I'm so sorry to bother you guys. 63 00:02:18,676 --> 00:02:22,649 No problem, "Sisterhood of the Traveling Panty Shields" 64 00:02:22,650 --> 00:02:23,731 Actually, no, I don't have one. 65 00:02:23,732 --> 00:02:25,677 Here's a quarter, there's a tampon machine 66 00:02:25,678 --> 00:02:26,738 in the ladies' room. Thanks. 67 00:02:28,650 --> 00:02:29,675 Pick up, table six. 68 00:02:29,676 --> 00:02:31,649 I couldn't help overhear. 69 00:02:31,650 --> 00:02:33,650 I have tampon. 70 00:02:38,650 --> 00:02:40,657 Oleg, why do you have a tampon? 71 00:02:40,658 --> 00:02:43,649 Same reason I carry a lighter, even though I don't smoke. 72 00:02:43,650 --> 00:02:46,070 Feels good to be the hero. 73 00:02:46,821 --> 00:02:48,878 Sorry, again, but do you have any more change? 74 00:02:48,879 --> 00:02:50,803 It's 75 cents. 75 00:02:50,804 --> 00:02:51,802 It's a quarter. 76 00:02:51,803 --> 00:02:52,888 75. Says so on the machine. 77 00:02:52,889 --> 00:02:56,888 It better not or I'm about to rage against the machine. 78 00:03:01,496 --> 00:03:03,111 What? 79 00:03:04,812 --> 00:03:07,807 Han, I need to see you in here now. 80 00:03:07,808 --> 00:03:08,875 But that is the ladies' room. 81 00:03:08,876 --> 00:03:09,873 You're fine. 82 00:03:09,874 --> 00:03:10,875 Women bring their little boys 83 00:03:10,876 --> 00:03:14,853 in here all the time. 84 00:03:14,854 --> 00:03:17,803 Everybody decent? 85 00:03:17,804 --> 00:03:18,848 Man in the ladies' room. 86 00:03:18,849 --> 00:03:20,844 I apologize for personal intrusion. 87 00:03:20,845 --> 00:03:21,883 You don't have to cover your eyes. 88 00:03:21,884 --> 00:03:23,895 It's a ladies' room, not a solar eclipse. 89 00:03:23,896 --> 00:03:25,857 Max, why do you want to see me 90 00:03:25,858 --> 00:03:27,819 in this inappropriate meeting place? 91 00:03:27,820 --> 00:03:28,896 This is why. The tampon machine. 92 00:03:28,897 --> 00:03:31,824 Oh, this is not man topic. 93 00:03:31,825 --> 00:03:33,824 I do not wish to discuss time of the month 94 00:03:33,825 --> 00:03:36,828 when ladies must chase the cotton mouse. 95 00:03:36,829 --> 00:03:38,820 Chase the cotton mouse? 96 00:03:38,821 --> 00:03:40,806 Geeze, where'd you get your sex education? 97 00:03:40,807 --> 00:03:41,877 Lambchop's playalong? 98 00:03:41,878 --> 00:03:43,858 Han, you changed the price of tampons? 99 00:03:43,859 --> 00:03:45,858 Yes, this is not appropriate talk. 100 00:03:45,859 --> 00:03:47,870 No, this is not appropriate action. 101 00:03:47,871 --> 00:03:48,888 They've been a quarter forever. 102 00:03:48,889 --> 00:03:50,820 Look how old this machine is. 103 00:03:50,821 --> 00:03:52,878 Harriet Tubman used to get her tampons here. 104 00:03:52,879 --> 00:03:54,832 I'm a businessman. 105 00:03:54,833 --> 00:03:55,871 Emphasis on the man. 106 00:03:55,872 --> 00:03:57,820 I do not belong in here. 107 00:03:57,821 --> 00:03:58,849 Hey, hey! 108 00:03:58,850 --> 00:04:02,811 Don't make me chase you, you little khaki mouse. 109 00:04:02,812 --> 00:04:04,844 Look, han, everyone knows there are certain things 110 00:04:04,845 --> 00:04:05,865 that people need in an emergency 111 00:04:05,866 --> 00:04:07,823 that you never raise the price on. 112 00:04:07,824 --> 00:04:08,836 Things like what? 113 00:04:08,837 --> 00:04:09,850 Off the top of my head, 114 00:04:09,851 --> 00:04:12,895 tampons and 40-ounce beers. 115 00:04:12,896 --> 00:04:14,878 Max, why are you so upset? 116 00:04:14,879 --> 00:04:16,824 It is only two more quarters. 117 00:04:16,825 --> 00:04:18,887 Han, that's a 200% price hike. 118 00:04:18,888 --> 00:04:20,807 That's outrageous. 119 00:04:20,808 --> 00:04:21,831 You're taking advantage of women. 120 00:04:21,832 --> 00:04:23,815 If men were the ones who got periods, 121 00:04:23,816 --> 00:04:24,862 tampons would be thrown free 122 00:04:24,863 --> 00:04:27,816 from floats like Mardi Gras beads. 123 00:04:27,817 --> 00:04:29,828 I went to Mardi Gras once... I was 11. 124 00:04:29,829 --> 00:04:30,892 My mom and her new boyfriend wanted to go, 125 00:04:30,893 --> 00:04:34,811 and they needed a designated driver. 126 00:04:34,812 --> 00:04:36,811 Earl, I need a man's opinion. 127 00:04:36,812 --> 00:04:38,807 Is it my right to raise the price 128 00:04:38,808 --> 00:04:39,865 of any product in my diner? 129 00:04:39,866 --> 00:04:40,896 What product are we talking about? 130 00:04:40,897 --> 00:04:42,803 Tampons. 131 00:04:42,804 --> 00:04:44,857 Oh, brother. 132 00:04:44,858 --> 00:04:47,882 Uh, you gotta just relax and butt out. 133 00:04:47,883 --> 00:04:48,891 Trust me. 134 00:04:48,892 --> 00:04:51,803 I been in this situation a long time. 135 00:04:51,804 --> 00:04:52,825 Remember Aunt Flo? 136 00:04:52,826 --> 00:04:55,841 That was my aunt. 137 00:04:55,842 --> 00:04:57,802 Han, just because you can take advantage 138 00:04:57,803 --> 00:04:59,808 of a business situation, doesn't mean you should. 139 00:04:59,809 --> 00:05:01,807 It is law of supply and demand. 140 00:05:01,808 --> 00:05:04,807 Fine, then I demand you roll back the price on the supply. 141 00:05:04,808 --> 00:05:06,811 Come on han, don't be so 1% about it. 142 00:05:06,812 --> 00:05:07,892 You think occupy Wall Street was a big deal? 143 00:05:07,893 --> 00:05:11,807 Wait till you see occupy tampon. 144 00:05:11,808 --> 00:05:12,892 We only protest once a month, 145 00:05:12,893 --> 00:05:15,892 but it's an intense five to seven days. 146 00:05:21,133 --> 00:05:22,156 Got it. Found the milk. 147 00:05:22,157 --> 00:05:24,138 And I found it even faster than the butter. 148 00:05:24,139 --> 00:05:27,107 You know they're not hiding it from you. 149 00:05:27,108 --> 00:05:29,196 It's a grocery store, not a sorority scavenger hunt. 150 00:05:29,197 --> 00:05:32,132 Grocery shopping is so fun. 151 00:05:32,133 --> 00:05:33,167 When I was little, I always wondered 152 00:05:33,168 --> 00:05:36,167 where this stuff came from. 153 00:05:39,146 --> 00:05:40,182 What's that? 154 00:05:40,183 --> 00:05:41,183 Birthday card for my mom. 155 00:05:41,184 --> 00:05:45,116 Aww, let me see. 156 00:05:45,117 --> 00:05:46,136 "Get better soon"? 157 00:05:46,137 --> 00:05:47,194 I thought you said it was a birthday card. 158 00:05:47,195 --> 00:05:49,158 It is, that's the only one that seemed 159 00:05:49,159 --> 00:05:51,161 appropriate for our relationship. 160 00:05:51,162 --> 00:05:53,117 Do you really want your mom to get 161 00:05:53,118 --> 00:05:55,149 a get well card on her birthday? 162 00:05:55,150 --> 00:05:57,179 Okay...Here's one with a strawberry, that's fine. 163 00:05:57,180 --> 00:06:01,099 It's really about the 50 bucks inside anyway. 164 00:06:01,100 --> 00:06:02,133 That makes me sad. 165 00:06:02,134 --> 00:06:06,141 Sad? I can fix that. 166 00:06:06,142 --> 00:06:08,112 Have a treat, it'll perk you right back up. 167 00:06:08,113 --> 00:06:10,166 Max, you just stabbed a bag of candy. 168 00:06:10,167 --> 00:06:11,179 That's okay, they'll just think a gang 169 00:06:11,180 --> 00:06:13,182 came through and did it. 170 00:06:13,183 --> 00:06:14,188 A candy gang? 171 00:06:14,189 --> 00:06:18,161 What, like the sour patch kids? 172 00:06:18,162 --> 00:06:20,182 Just step away and pretend you didn't do it. 173 00:06:20,183 --> 00:06:24,124 That's what you do. 174 00:06:24,125 --> 00:06:25,194 We just need to grab ten boxes 175 00:06:25,195 --> 00:06:27,160 of Duncan Hines cake mix and we're done. 176 00:06:27,161 --> 00:06:28,192 Why would we need to do that? 177 00:06:28,193 --> 00:06:31,103 Why do you think? To make the cupcakes. 178 00:06:31,104 --> 00:06:33,145 I thought the cupcakes were homemade. 179 00:06:33,146 --> 00:06:37,161 They are, I make them in my home. 180 00:06:37,162 --> 00:06:40,132 You've been using a boxed cake mix? 181 00:06:40,133 --> 00:06:42,149 Relax, I only use it when I'm tired. 182 00:06:42,150 --> 00:06:44,160 And I add a secret ingredient of my own to the mix 183 00:06:44,161 --> 00:06:45,179 that makes them irresistible. 184 00:06:45,180 --> 00:06:48,157 So you have no shame using the store-bought mix? 185 00:06:48,158 --> 00:06:52,099 I've no shame about anything. Shame is overrated like Ke$ha. 186 00:06:52,100 --> 00:06:56,107 In fact, they should rename shame "keshame" 187 00:06:56,108 --> 00:07:02,178 I just bought a Ke$ha album, I'm so keshamed. 188 00:07:02,179 --> 00:07:04,152 Shouldn't there be someone to do this for us? 189 00:07:04,153 --> 00:07:05,156 Oh, he's probably in the aisle 190 00:07:05,157 --> 00:07:06,179 cleaning up after the candy gang. 191 00:07:06,180 --> 00:07:09,107 There was no candy gang in here tonight. 192 00:07:09,108 --> 00:07:13,195 That was a sneaky customer, now wasn't it? 193 00:07:13,196 --> 00:07:15,103 Hey, look. 194 00:07:15,104 --> 00:07:17,099 For Chestnut, I can't wait. 195 00:07:17,100 --> 00:07:18,183 I got him the kind with tops on them, like Bugs Bunny. 196 00:07:18,184 --> 00:07:21,120 He'll be so excited when he sees the two of us tomorrow. 197 00:07:21,121 --> 00:07:22,141 I know. 198 00:07:22,142 --> 00:07:25,116 I was talking about me and the carrots. 199 00:07:25,117 --> 00:07:28,195 All right now, your total is $70.49. 200 00:07:28,196 --> 00:07:30,191 Wow, that seems like a lot. 201 00:07:30,192 --> 00:07:34,099 I don't make the prices, now do I? 202 00:07:34,100 --> 00:07:36,157 No, I was just commenting. 203 00:07:36,158 --> 00:07:41,132 Well, it's not CNN, now is it? 204 00:07:41,133 --> 00:07:44,161 - Here, give her the coupons. - The coupons? 205 00:07:44,162 --> 00:07:46,116 Yeah, here. 206 00:07:46,117 --> 00:07:49,128 Max, you use coupons? 207 00:07:49,129 --> 00:07:51,170 I had no idea. 208 00:07:51,171 --> 00:07:56,157 You're looking at me like I'm on To Catch a Predator. 209 00:07:56,158 --> 00:07:59,103 We don't need to use those, I have my tip money right here. 210 00:07:59,104 --> 00:08:01,128 What are you talking about, I have coupons. 211 00:08:01,129 --> 00:08:03,129 Here, take them. 212 00:08:06,179 --> 00:08:08,157 I...I have... 213 00:08:08,158 --> 00:08:10,107 I can't, I don't want to. 214 00:08:10,108 --> 00:08:11,188 I've fallen so far, I can't fall any further. 215 00:08:11,189 --> 00:08:14,116 Don't make me. 216 00:08:14,117 --> 00:08:17,145 There's no need to go down a keshame spiral. 217 00:08:17,146 --> 00:08:18,192 Hi, she has coupons. 218 00:08:18,193 --> 00:08:21,124 Oh, now you tell me you have coupons? 219 00:08:21,125 --> 00:08:23,170 Should have told me before, now shouldn't ya? 220 00:08:23,171 --> 00:08:25,178 I didn't wanna tell you at all, she made me. 221 00:08:25,179 --> 00:08:28,187 Now didn't ya? 222 00:08:28,188 --> 00:08:30,191 Look, it's not a big deal. 223 00:08:30,192 --> 00:08:31,188 Lots of people use coupons. 224 00:08:31,189 --> 00:08:33,120 Coupons are for... 225 00:08:33,121 --> 00:08:34,192 poor people, yes. 226 00:08:34,193 --> 00:08:35,190 Like us. 227 00:08:35,191 --> 00:08:37,102 People who stand at the cash register 228 00:08:37,103 --> 00:08:38,146 and say things like, 229 00:08:38,147 --> 00:08:41,120 "Wow, $70? That seems like a lot." 230 00:08:41,121 --> 00:08:44,166 Your new total is $12.70. 231 00:08:44,167 --> 00:08:47,157 Wait, it just went from $70 to $12? 232 00:08:47,158 --> 00:08:48,162 Just like that? 233 00:08:48,163 --> 00:08:50,153 The same food for less money? 234 00:08:50,154 --> 00:08:52,161 The exact same food? 235 00:08:52,162 --> 00:08:54,099 How is that even possible? 236 00:08:54,100 --> 00:08:57,174 You used coupons, now didn't ya. 237 00:08:57,175 --> 00:09:00,175 Max, coupons are genius. 238 00:09:04,196 --> 00:09:06,157 I'm late, I know. 239 00:09:06,158 --> 00:09:08,106 I just got a text from Chestnut. 240 00:09:08,107 --> 00:09:09,108 "Where are you? 241 00:09:09,109 --> 00:09:11,107 I'm wearing my best suit." 242 00:09:11,108 --> 00:09:13,196 He spelled suit with a four, but that's pretty good for a horse. 243 00:09:13,197 --> 00:09:15,191 I have a good reason. 244 00:09:15,192 --> 00:09:18,120 15 chicken pot pies. 245 00:09:18,121 --> 00:09:20,120 Regular price: $1.47. 246 00:09:20,121 --> 00:09:21,196 Coupon price: Free! 247 00:09:21,197 --> 00:09:23,166 'Cause I bought 15 and used 248 00:09:23,167 --> 00:09:25,119 the double coupon in-store sale combo. 249 00:09:25,120 --> 00:09:27,115 Listen to me with the lingo already. 250 00:09:27,116 --> 00:09:29,188 Reminds me of my first day interning on Wall Street. 251 00:09:29,189 --> 00:09:31,182 Chicken pot pies? 252 00:09:31,183 --> 00:09:33,157 You don't even like them. 253 00:09:33,158 --> 00:09:35,098 What does it matter if I like them or not? 254 00:09:35,099 --> 00:09:36,098 They were free. 255 00:09:36,099 --> 00:09:37,098 It's free money. 256 00:09:37,099 --> 00:09:38,110 Who doesn't like free money? 257 00:09:38,111 --> 00:09:39,140 I don't know about free money, 258 00:09:39,141 --> 00:09:40,154 but this is like watching someone 259 00:09:40,155 --> 00:09:43,120 free base for the first time. 260 00:09:43,121 --> 00:09:44,156 Chestnut's fine. 261 00:09:44,157 --> 00:09:45,196 It's not a big deal. 262 00:09:45,197 --> 00:09:48,195 Ooh, oh, I just got another text from Chestnut. 263 00:09:48,196 --> 00:09:52,128 "I'm so lonely, I just tried smoking." 264 00:09:52,129 --> 00:09:53,196 We can go tomorrow. 265 00:09:53,197 --> 00:09:55,157 In the Lifetime movie version, 266 00:09:55,158 --> 00:09:57,162 we just missed the day we were appointed by the court, 267 00:09:57,163 --> 00:10:00,099 and Chestnut's new parents move him out of town. 268 00:10:00,100 --> 00:10:01,191 And we cry. 269 00:10:01,192 --> 00:10:03,195 I get it, it's just that after last night, 270 00:10:03,196 --> 00:10:06,145 I woke up fascinated by the concept of coupons. 271 00:10:06,146 --> 00:10:07,183 So I did some research. 272 00:10:07,184 --> 00:10:09,099 I found this woman online 273 00:10:09,100 --> 00:10:11,161 who calls herself the Williamsburg Coupon Queen. 274 00:10:11,162 --> 00:10:13,111 Only she calls them "cue-pons." 275 00:10:13,112 --> 00:10:14,165 Is that the correct way to pronounce it? 276 00:10:14,166 --> 00:10:15,183 Eh, I'm gonna go with her way 277 00:10:15,184 --> 00:10:19,111 after all, she is the queen. 278 00:10:19,112 --> 00:10:20,167 Canned pumpkin? 279 00:10:20,168 --> 00:10:23,174 Ten cans, double coupon, five cents each. 280 00:10:23,175 --> 00:10:25,162 Great, 'cause I'm always lying in bed at night 281 00:10:25,163 --> 00:10:28,128 thinking I wish I could crack open a can of pumpkin. 282 00:10:28,129 --> 00:10:31,099 Oh, and I found a coupon for you to send your mom an 283 00:10:31,100 --> 00:10:32,154 edible arrangement for her birthday. 284 00:10:32,155 --> 00:10:36,153 A pretty pineapple daisy says so much more than cash in a card. 285 00:10:36,154 --> 00:10:40,099 And it's for 40% off the regular price. 286 00:10:40,100 --> 00:10:43,191 That's perfect because my mom was 40% off a regular mom. 287 00:10:43,192 --> 00:10:46,195 And Max, I do have something else for you in this bag. 288 00:10:46,196 --> 00:10:49,132 Something that'll make you very happy. 289 00:10:49,133 --> 00:10:52,124 Canned yams for when I get tired of canned pumpkin? 290 00:10:52,125 --> 00:10:56,195 Better, look. 291 00:10:56,196 --> 00:10:58,195 Look out, Han Lee. 292 00:10:58,196 --> 00:11:01,196 I'm about to get my tamp on. 293 00:11:06,150 --> 00:11:08,195 Well well, if it isn't everything that's wrong 294 00:11:08,196 --> 00:11:12,196 with the current economy, in a boys' v-neck sweater. 295 00:11:14,183 --> 00:11:16,191 Oh, what do you think you are doing? 296 00:11:16,192 --> 00:11:20,192 Oh, just putting straws in the container... 297 00:11:22,133 --> 00:11:26,178 In case, uh... 298 00:11:26,179 --> 00:11:29,107 Just in case a woman might suddenly need a straw 299 00:11:29,108 --> 00:11:31,132 and not have 75 cents. 300 00:11:31,133 --> 00:11:32,196 Those are not straws. 301 00:11:32,197 --> 00:11:34,149 They do not belong in public. 302 00:11:34,150 --> 00:11:36,107 Didn't your mother ever teach you 303 00:11:36,108 --> 00:11:39,178 that is secret, no-no private lady thing? 304 00:11:39,179 --> 00:11:41,187 You can't even say the name. 305 00:11:41,188 --> 00:11:43,142 Come on Wall Street, if you can sell it, 306 00:11:43,143 --> 00:11:46,153 you should be able to bring yourself to say it. 307 00:11:46,154 --> 00:11:48,100 I will never speak of it. 308 00:11:49,108 --> 00:11:51,116 Just say it. Tampon, tampon, tampon. 309 00:11:51,117 --> 00:11:53,116 What's the big deal? 310 00:11:53,117 --> 00:11:55,178 In Ukraine, there are pop songs about it. 311 00:11:55,179 --> 00:11:57,196 She's so pretty, she's so grouchy. 312 00:12:07,138 --> 00:12:09,131 That is inappropriate counter display. 313 00:12:09,132 --> 00:12:10,136 You take it down. 314 00:12:10,137 --> 00:12:11,188 You take down the price and I will. 315 00:12:11,189 --> 00:12:13,137 No, it is free market. 316 00:12:13,138 --> 00:12:14,138 I charge what I want. 317 00:12:14,139 --> 00:12:16,161 I am the boss. 318 00:12:16,162 --> 00:12:19,182 Max, someone left a stack of newspapers filled with cue-pons, 319 00:12:19,183 --> 00:12:22,149 and look, a double for Duncan Hines. 320 00:12:22,150 --> 00:12:23,192 Could this day get any better? 321 00:12:23,193 --> 00:12:26,120 Oh, and tables four, seven and eight want their checks. 322 00:12:26,121 --> 00:12:27,120 Okay. 323 00:12:27,121 --> 00:12:30,121 Have 'em ready right here. 324 00:12:33,146 --> 00:12:36,128 Max, no, that is private! 325 00:12:36,129 --> 00:12:37,173 Here's your check. 326 00:12:37,174 --> 00:12:38,196 And a little something extra, 327 00:12:38,197 --> 00:12:42,178 compliments of women without three quarters everywhere. 328 00:12:42,179 --> 00:12:44,149 Thank you very much. 329 00:12:44,150 --> 00:12:45,158 I don't know about your flow, 330 00:12:45,159 --> 00:12:48,158 so I gave you a regular and a super. 331 00:12:55,117 --> 00:12:56,192 Max, have you no shame? 332 00:12:56,193 --> 00:12:57,182 Nope. 333 00:12:57,183 --> 00:12:59,187 Ladies, at that time of the month, 334 00:12:59,188 --> 00:13:01,121 I invite you to think of this man. 335 00:13:01,122 --> 00:13:03,149 This man, Han Lee, right over here. 336 00:13:03,150 --> 00:13:07,150 The man who thinks your menses should be more expenses. 337 00:13:09,154 --> 00:13:10,196 Okay, okay, I will lower the price 338 00:13:10,197 --> 00:13:12,116 back to a quarter. 339 00:13:12,117 --> 00:13:14,157 And that is end of discussion, period. 340 00:13:14,158 --> 00:13:17,178 Oh. 341 00:13:17,179 --> 00:13:18,679 Tampons for everyone. 342 00:13:23,121 --> 00:13:27,121 Max, you are the Norma Rae of feminine hygiene. 343 00:13:43,038 --> 00:13:45,016 It's so windy. 344 00:13:45,017 --> 00:13:48,020 Choosing coupon shopping over going to see your son again? 345 00:13:48,021 --> 00:13:49,991 That's a keshame. 346 00:13:49,992 --> 00:13:51,015 In the Lifetime movie version, 347 00:13:51,016 --> 00:13:53,027 this is where they take you away as an unfit mother. 348 00:13:53,028 --> 00:13:54,029 And I don't cry. 349 00:13:54,030 --> 00:13:55,991 I'm sorry, but I just saw 350 00:13:55,992 --> 00:13:58,007 that all these cake mix cue-pons expire today. 351 00:13:58,008 --> 00:13:59,015 I'll be real quick. 352 00:13:59,016 --> 00:14:00,036 Ten minutes, in and out. 353 00:14:00,037 --> 00:14:01,981 If I had a cue-pon for every time 354 00:14:01,982 --> 00:14:02,990 I heard that from a guy. 355 00:14:02,991 --> 00:14:04,969 Here, start going through these papers 356 00:14:04,970 --> 00:14:06,950 and look for the cake mix double cue-pon. 357 00:14:06,951 --> 00:14:08,974 If I combine these with the in-store bonus, 358 00:14:08,975 --> 00:14:11,949 not only will we get the lower cue-pon mix price, 359 00:14:11,950 --> 00:14:14,962 but they will actually give us $23 back! 360 00:14:16,008 --> 00:14:19,003 I'll give you $24 to stop saying cue-pon. 361 00:14:19,004 --> 00:14:21,974 Come on, start pulling out the ones for the cake mix. 362 00:14:21,975 --> 00:14:27,007 It'll be a breeze. 363 00:14:27,008 --> 00:14:28,970 No, that was a breeze. 364 00:14:28,971 --> 00:14:30,978 My cue-pons! 365 00:14:30,979 --> 00:14:33,008 The fact that you're more worried about your coupons 366 00:14:33,009 --> 00:14:37,008 than your hair shows how far you've fallen. 367 00:14:40,958 --> 00:14:42,012 Oh, my God, I can't believe it. 368 00:14:42,013 --> 00:14:44,974 Max, it's the Williamsburg cue-pon queen. 369 00:14:44,975 --> 00:14:46,978 Where'd she leave her crown, in the minivan? 370 00:14:46,979 --> 00:14:49,027 This is so exciting. I have to go pay my respects. 371 00:14:49,028 --> 00:14:50,036 We don't have time for this. 372 00:14:50,037 --> 00:14:51,979 Just throw the cake mix into the cart 373 00:14:51,980 --> 00:14:55,991 or we'll miss the train. 374 00:14:55,992 --> 00:14:57,982 There, calm down, have a treat. 375 00:14:57,983 --> 00:15:00,961 I'll be right back. 376 00:15:00,962 --> 00:15:02,038 Excuse me, your highness, 377 00:15:02,039 --> 00:15:04,037 but aren't you the cue-pon queen? 378 00:15:04,038 --> 00:15:05,037 Mm-hmm. 379 00:15:05,038 --> 00:15:06,999 I'm Caroline. 380 00:15:07,000 --> 00:15:08,033 Freddie, and I can't talk right now 381 00:15:08,034 --> 00:15:09,982 because if I lose my place... 382 00:15:09,983 --> 00:15:11,029 - you'll lose your mind! - I'm gonna lose...My...Mind... 383 00:15:11,030 --> 00:15:13,961 I know. You say that on your show. 384 00:15:13,962 --> 00:15:15,998 I won't bother you, but I think you'll be excited 385 00:15:15,999 --> 00:15:16,996 when I tell you that it's only my second day 386 00:15:16,997 --> 00:15:18,982 and I already learned 387 00:15:18,983 --> 00:15:20,952 how to make money on the purchase of cake mix. 388 00:15:20,953 --> 00:15:22,962 All I have to do is buy 40 boxes and we get the... 389 00:15:22,963 --> 00:15:24,995 store bonus, yeah. 390 00:15:24,996 --> 00:15:29,987 Cake mix... That's a rare cue-pon. 391 00:15:29,988 --> 00:15:30,986 Where'd you find it? 392 00:15:30,987 --> 00:15:31,998 Yesterday's circulars. 393 00:15:31,999 --> 00:15:33,000 Didn't you see it? 394 00:15:33,001 --> 00:15:34,995 I missed it. 395 00:15:34,996 --> 00:15:39,999 Go to the truck and get the stockpile of circulars. 396 00:15:40,000 --> 00:15:42,037 Look at him go. 397 00:15:42,038 --> 00:15:44,966 You're sweeping the shelves. 398 00:15:44,967 --> 00:15:47,033 On your show, you said sweeping the shelves was out of line. 399 00:15:47,034 --> 00:15:49,032 Max! 400 00:15:49,033 --> 00:15:51,007 These are mine, I was here first. 401 00:15:51,008 --> 00:15:53,007 I think she's probably gonna be here last, 402 00:15:53,008 --> 00:15:54,949 so let's go, we don't need these. 403 00:15:54,950 --> 00:15:56,006 We do, if we don't get 40 boxes, 404 00:15:56,007 --> 00:15:57,046 they won't be free. 405 00:15:57,047 --> 00:16:00,046 I've met actual queens and this isn't royal behavior. 406 00:16:03,004 --> 00:16:06,949 Max, she just body-checked me. 407 00:16:06,950 --> 00:16:09,038 Push me again and I will report you to the American embassy. 408 00:16:09,039 --> 00:16:12,038 Max, get in here. 409 00:16:14,992 --> 00:16:18,974 Oh, we got a problem? 410 00:16:18,975 --> 00:16:21,028 Oh, we got a problem. 411 00:16:21,029 --> 00:16:24,029 Oh, hell no! 412 00:16:31,046 --> 00:16:32,978 What do we do? 413 00:16:32,979 --> 00:16:34,987 You step away and pretend you didn't do it. 414 00:16:34,988 --> 00:16:38,957 That's what you do. 415 00:16:38,958 --> 00:16:39,987 24, 25... 416 00:16:39,988 --> 00:16:42,003 you're making me wait, now aren't ya? 417 00:16:42,004 --> 00:16:42,988 Just till I get to 40. 418 00:16:44,012 --> 00:16:45,987 26, 27, 28. 419 00:16:45,988 --> 00:16:48,974 Come on, I'll buy it for you. 420 00:16:48,975 --> 00:16:50,008 Come on, take up the bitch on his offer 421 00:16:50,009 --> 00:16:51,974 and let's go see Chestnut. 422 00:16:51,975 --> 00:16:53,006 Max, shh, I'm counting. 423 00:16:53,007 --> 00:16:55,042 If we don't have the exact right mix-to-coupon ratio 424 00:16:55,043 --> 00:16:56,999 we won't get our free money. 425 00:16:57,000 --> 00:16:58,033 Okay, where was I? 426 00:16:58,034 --> 00:16:59,978 Amateur. 427 00:16:59,979 --> 00:17:01,046 Real mature, your highness. 428 00:17:01,047 --> 00:17:03,961 We have places to go. 429 00:17:03,962 --> 00:17:04,961 Okay, 40. 430 00:17:04,962 --> 00:17:06,970 Take it away, Tanya. 431 00:17:06,971 --> 00:17:07,998 Wait, what is this? 432 00:17:07,999 --> 00:17:09,986 This isn't Duncan Hines, it's Pillsbury. 433 00:17:09,987 --> 00:17:10,988 Where did this come from? 434 00:17:10,989 --> 00:17:11,986 I put it in. 435 00:17:11,987 --> 00:17:12,992 You can't do that. 436 00:17:12,993 --> 00:17:14,974 It has to be all Duncan Hines. 437 00:17:14,975 --> 00:17:15,986 I needed Pillsbury. 438 00:17:15,987 --> 00:17:16,986 Well, you can't have it. 439 00:17:16,987 --> 00:17:17,986 - I need it! - Why? 440 00:17:17,987 --> 00:17:19,021 - I need it! - Why? 441 00:17:19,022 --> 00:17:21,974 That's the secret ingredient. 442 00:17:21,975 --> 00:17:23,995 I throw a spoon of Pillsbury 443 00:17:23,996 --> 00:17:25,038 in the Duncan Hines. 444 00:17:25,039 --> 00:17:26,961 Pillsbury? 445 00:17:26,962 --> 00:17:27,988 That's what makes it you? 446 00:17:27,989 --> 00:17:31,003 That's what makes it more delicious. 447 00:17:31,004 --> 00:17:32,978 Tanya, stop, flag on the play. 448 00:17:32,979 --> 00:17:34,036 Here, take this back 449 00:17:34,037 --> 00:17:35,040 and get me another. 450 00:17:35,041 --> 00:17:36,952 You know what, I'm just gonna go 451 00:17:36,953 --> 00:17:37,986 see Chestnut while I still have time. 452 00:17:37,987 --> 00:17:39,960 No, Max, please take this back and get me another one. 453 00:17:39,961 --> 00:17:40,996 You're the one who wanted to use 454 00:17:40,997 --> 00:17:43,957 the store-bought mix instead of making your own from scratch. 455 00:17:43,958 --> 00:17:45,038 So go back and get me another mix. 456 00:17:45,039 --> 00:17:47,966 I used the mix because I don't know how to make my own. 457 00:17:47,967 --> 00:17:48,969 No one ever taught me. 458 00:17:48,970 --> 00:17:50,006 No one taught me how to bake. 459 00:17:50,007 --> 00:17:51,965 No one taught me how to use tampons. 460 00:17:51,966 --> 00:17:52,996 No one taught me anything. 461 00:17:52,997 --> 00:17:55,949 You still think I should send my mom a better gift? 462 00:17:55,950 --> 00:17:59,957 And no one taught you how to check out, either. 463 00:17:59,958 --> 00:18:01,966 I'm going. 464 00:18:01,967 --> 00:18:02,999 Max. 465 00:18:03,000 --> 00:18:04,986 You need to get another mix, now don't ya? 466 00:18:04,987 --> 00:18:06,971 I'll go get it, won't take a minute. 467 00:18:08,008 --> 00:18:12,008 Who's the queen now? 468 00:18:15,158 --> 00:18:17,124 Hey, my dude. 469 00:18:17,125 --> 00:18:19,191 Look at you and your fancy coat. 470 00:18:19,192 --> 00:18:22,174 Retirement looks good on you. 471 00:18:22,175 --> 00:18:24,141 Told you I'd come by to see you. 472 00:18:24,142 --> 00:18:25,196 Hooked you up with some carrots. 473 00:18:25,197 --> 00:18:30,153 Bugs Bunny status, like I know you like. 474 00:18:30,154 --> 00:18:32,191 I, uh, I don't know if you got my text. 475 00:18:32,192 --> 00:18:36,124 Probably not a great signal in here, but... 476 00:18:36,125 --> 00:18:37,183 Your mom might be a little late. 477 00:18:37,184 --> 00:18:41,170 She's coming though 'cause I know she's dying to see you. 478 00:18:41,171 --> 00:18:42,179 All right, man, who am I kidding? 479 00:18:42,180 --> 00:18:45,141 She's not coming. 480 00:18:45,142 --> 00:18:46,146 I know that's hard to hear, 481 00:18:46,147 --> 00:18:48,153 and trust me, mothers not showing up, 482 00:18:48,154 --> 00:18:49,154 I've been there. 483 00:18:49,155 --> 00:18:51,178 But, I know wherever she is, 484 00:18:51,179 --> 00:18:54,132 she is thinking of you. 485 00:18:54,133 --> 00:18:55,138 Okay, that's not true either. 486 00:18:55,139 --> 00:18:57,149 Here's the thing. 487 00:18:57,150 --> 00:18:59,099 Your mom is a flake. 488 00:18:59,100 --> 00:19:00,125 And you got two options, 489 00:19:00,126 --> 00:19:02,149 you can sit around feeling sorry for yourself 490 00:19:02,150 --> 00:19:05,099 or you can say, "Hey, my mom's not here." 491 00:19:05,100 --> 00:19:07,157 "I can watch TV all day and then go kick in 492 00:19:07,158 --> 00:19:10,145 a neighbor's window because I feel like it." 493 00:19:10,146 --> 00:19:11,157 Hey. 494 00:19:11,158 --> 00:19:13,099 Hey, look at me. 495 00:19:13,100 --> 00:19:15,141 The fact that she's not here is not your fault. 496 00:19:15,142 --> 00:19:17,149 It's hers. 497 00:19:17,150 --> 00:19:18,171 There, I just saved you, like, 498 00:19:18,172 --> 00:19:21,171 14 inappropriate sexual encounters. 499 00:19:23,500 --> 00:19:24,499 Hi. 500 00:19:24,500 --> 00:19:25,566 Hey. 501 00:19:26,167 --> 00:19:28,174 Hi, Chestnut! 502 00:19:28,175 --> 00:19:30,145 Hi, baby. 503 00:19:30,146 --> 00:19:31,707 Aw... 504 00:19:31,708 --> 00:19:33,149 I missed you. 505 00:19:33,150 --> 00:19:34,807 I missed you so much. 506 00:19:34,808 --> 00:19:36,067 Did you miss me? 507 00:19:36,168 --> 00:19:38,120 So you got all the cake mix? 508 00:19:38,121 --> 00:19:40,161 Yes, plus the $23. 509 00:19:40,162 --> 00:19:42,174 And I got you your Pillsbury as well. 510 00:19:42,175 --> 00:19:44,145 Paid full price... it killed me. 511 00:19:44,146 --> 00:19:46,166 You are a freak with the coupons. 512 00:19:46,167 --> 00:19:47,174 I know. 513 00:19:47,175 --> 00:19:49,149 I don't know what came over me. 514 00:19:49,150 --> 00:19:51,104 When I found a way to make free money 515 00:19:51,105 --> 00:19:53,141 I forgot about everyone else. 516 00:19:53,142 --> 00:19:54,170 Oh, my God. 517 00:19:54,171 --> 00:19:56,132 Like my father. 518 00:19:56,133 --> 00:19:58,149 Max, I have Ponzi DNA. 519 00:19:58,150 --> 00:20:02,153 Yeah, cou-Ponzi DNA. 520 00:20:02,154 --> 00:20:04,196 Must have been hard learning to do everything on your own. 521 00:20:04,197 --> 00:20:07,107 I mean, I don't know how to do any of that stuff either, 522 00:20:07,108 --> 00:20:08,175 but, I had a staff of 20. 523 00:20:08,176 --> 00:20:12,145 Yeah, I got staph at 20. 524 00:20:12,146 --> 00:20:15,132 You know, you may think your secret ingredient 525 00:20:15,133 --> 00:20:17,137 is a spoonful of Pillsbury, 526 00:20:17,138 --> 00:20:18,153 but it's not. 527 00:20:18,154 --> 00:20:19,166 It's you. 528 00:20:19,167 --> 00:20:21,119 It's everything you've been through 529 00:20:21,120 --> 00:20:22,146 that makes you who you are. 530 00:20:22,147 --> 00:20:24,182 Someone who fights for a box of tampons 531 00:20:24,183 --> 00:20:26,157 and fights for a horse's feelings 532 00:20:26,158 --> 00:20:28,174 and even fights for a box of cake mix 533 00:20:28,175 --> 00:20:33,103 when a friend in the middle of a cue-Ponzi panic, asks her to. 534 00:20:33,104 --> 00:20:35,107 This is the part in the lifetime movie version 535 00:20:35,108 --> 00:20:38,178 where I get up to pee. 536 00:20:38,179 --> 00:20:40,104 I don't know who you're kidding. 537 00:20:40,105 --> 00:20:42,153 You watch the entire movie and then you cry. 538 00:20:42,154 --> 00:20:43,175 Listen to her, Chestnut. 539 00:20:43,176 --> 00:20:46,120 She thinks she has me all figured out. 540 00:20:46,121 --> 00:20:48,142 What she doesn't know is that when it comes to the cupcakes, 541 00:20:48,143 --> 00:20:51,145 I have another secret, secret ingredient. 542 00:20:51,146 --> 00:20:53,133 Oh, don't tell me it's a pinch of Betty Crocker. 543 00:20:53,134 --> 00:20:57,103 I can't tell you. It's a secret ingredient. 544 00:20:57,104 --> 00:21:00,099 Okay, it's chocolate methamphetamine. 545 00:21:00,100 --> 00:21:01,107 No, it's true. 546 00:21:01,108 --> 00:21:02,106 Our slogan should be: 547 00:21:02,107 --> 00:21:03,108 They're so good, 548 00:21:03,109 --> 00:21:05,108 you'll rob your grandmother.