1 00:00:01,918 --> 00:00:04,837 This is it, dudes. My favorite place in Gravity Falls. 2 00:00:05,004 --> 00:00:07,465 Everything I know, I learned right here. 3 00:00:07,673 --> 00:00:09,717 A frog taught me how to cross the street. 4 00:00:09,884 --> 00:00:12,678 When my house was haunted, I learned how to eat ghosts. 5 00:00:12,887 --> 00:00:15,473 - And this thing taught me how to dance. - Whoo-hoo-hoo! 6 00:00:15,640 --> 00:00:18,059 I've been jiggin' for seven days straight! 7 00:00:18,267 --> 00:00:19,560 Uh, Soos? 8 00:00:22,021 --> 00:00:23,314 Let him have this. 9 00:00:23,481 --> 00:00:24,565 What? 10 00:00:34,617 --> 00:00:36,452 Ah! Oh! Watch out! 11 00:00:36,786 --> 00:00:38,704 Whoa! Ooh! Cut scene! 12 00:00:45,878 --> 00:00:46,879 Kick butt! 13 00:00:47,088 --> 00:00:48,881 Yeah, yeah, yeah! Go, go! 14 00:00:50,258 --> 00:00:51,926 Fly! Kick! Punch! 15 00:00:57,723 --> 00:00:59,016 What? You cheated. 16 00:00:59,308 --> 00:01:00,518 You take that back! 17 00:01:01,435 --> 00:01:02,436 Round two! 18 00:01:02,645 --> 00:01:03,771 I'm gonna punch the ref. 19 00:01:05,064 --> 00:01:06,357 Let's gang up on him. 20 00:01:12,405 --> 00:01:14,156 Wendy! What's up, babe? 21 00:01:14,365 --> 00:01:18,286 Yeah, just puttin' up some fliers for my band. I'm lead guitar. No biggie. 22 00:01:18,494 --> 00:01:20,037 Are you wearing mascara? 23 00:01:21,581 --> 00:01:23,708 Uh, it's eye paint for men! 24 00:01:23,916 --> 00:01:26,544 Hey, Robbie. Dipper was just showing me this great game. 25 00:01:26,752 --> 00:01:27,920 Ah, yeah, sweet, sweet. 26 00:01:28,129 --> 00:01:30,923 Hey, how's about you sit this one out, 'kay, champ? 27 00:01:31,132 --> 00:01:32,967 But we just started this round. 28 00:01:33,676 --> 00:01:36,429 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, relax, man. I'm just trying to spend 29 00:01:36,637 --> 00:01:38,806 a little time with my girlfriend, all right? 30 00:01:39,098 --> 00:01:40,182 It'll just be one round. 31 00:01:42,560 --> 00:01:44,520 So, hey, I'm going camping tomorrow with my dad, 32 00:01:44,729 --> 00:01:45,730 so I won't be around. 33 00:01:45,938 --> 00:01:47,440 Oh, cool, cool. Watch out! 34 00:01:52,069 --> 00:01:54,614 Opponent sighted. Fight! 35 00:02:38,866 --> 00:02:40,159 King me! 36 00:02:41,661 --> 00:02:43,037 - Come on! - It's not fair! 37 00:02:43,204 --> 00:02:44,997 She doesn't even know what we're playing! 38 00:02:45,164 --> 00:02:46,082 Go Fish? 39 00:02:49,043 --> 00:02:52,797 Dude, I think I'm picking up a radio station inside my head. 40 00:02:53,005 --> 00:02:55,633 Try blinking to see if you can change the channel! 41 00:02:57,677 --> 00:02:59,011 Wendy! 42 00:02:59,220 --> 00:03:01,263 - Sounds like Robbie. - Robbie? 43 00:03:01,472 --> 00:03:04,934 Is he that jerky twerp I see making goo-goo eyes at Wendy all the time? 44 00:03:05,142 --> 00:03:06,268 He called me "Big Dude" once. 45 00:03:06,477 --> 00:03:09,063 I mean, I know I'm a big dude, but it kinda hurt. 46 00:03:09,271 --> 00:03:11,565 Should I sic Waddles on him again? 47 00:03:11,774 --> 00:03:13,442 Whoa, easy, tiger. 48 00:03:14,318 --> 00:03:15,569 I'll handle it. 49 00:03:15,861 --> 00:03:17,697 Whoa! 50 00:03:17,905 --> 00:03:18,906 Conflict! 51 00:03:19,115 --> 00:03:22,076 Wendy, Wendy, Wendy 52 00:03:22,243 --> 00:03:25,037 Wendy! Come on out, girl! Come on down! 53 00:03:25,246 --> 00:03:27,331 - You realize she's not here, right? - Pshh. 54 00:03:27,540 --> 00:03:29,917 Yes. What? 55 00:03:30,084 --> 00:03:32,002 She's out camping with her family today. 56 00:03:32,211 --> 00:03:34,547 Maybe if you listened to her, for once, you'd know that. 57 00:03:34,755 --> 00:03:35,756 What was that? 58 00:03:35,965 --> 00:03:37,049 I just said she's not here. 59 00:03:37,258 --> 00:03:41,011 No, no, no! You wanna get into it, huh? Let's get into it, kid! 60 00:03:41,220 --> 00:03:42,513 You think I don't know what's been going on, huh? 61 00:03:42,680 --> 00:03:44,640 It's obvious you've got a thing for my girlfriend. 62 00:03:44,849 --> 00:03:46,100 Don't you? Don't you! 63 00:03:46,308 --> 00:03:48,978 What? No! Come on, man! 64 00:03:49,186 --> 00:03:51,647 Yeah, I'm sure she's just dying to ask out a 12-year-old kid 65 00:03:51,856 --> 00:03:53,774 who wears the exact same shorts every day. 66 00:03:53,983 --> 00:03:56,360 Hey, here's an idea. Why don't I call her right now 67 00:03:56,569 --> 00:03:58,070 and see if she wants to go out on a date with you? 68 00:03:58,279 --> 00:04:00,406 Hey, look, don't... You don't have to... 69 00:04:00,614 --> 00:04:04,076 "Uh! Don't! Please, man!" What are you gonna do? Huh? Huh? 70 00:04:04,243 --> 00:04:05,786 Uh, what? What? 71 00:04:05,995 --> 00:04:06,954 Hello? 72 00:04:09,290 --> 00:04:10,916 My phone! 73 00:04:11,083 --> 00:04:11,959 I'll buy you a new one. 74 00:04:12,168 --> 00:04:14,795 Oh, no, you're not getting off that easy. 75 00:04:14,962 --> 00:04:18,299 Hey! I know a fight when I see one! Stay right there! 76 00:04:20,217 --> 00:04:25,139 You, me, Circle Park, 3:00. We finish this. 77 00:04:26,807 --> 00:04:30,394 Aw, he's gone? I was just gonna call the boys over to place a few bets. 78 00:04:32,021 --> 00:04:33,939 The smart money's on Skinny-Jeans. 79 00:04:34,148 --> 00:04:36,400 What was I thinking? I can't fight! 80 00:04:36,609 --> 00:04:39,653 I've never been in a fight before! Look at these noodle arms! 81 00:04:39,862 --> 00:04:42,782 Just bonk him over the head! It's nature's snooze button. 82 00:04:42,990 --> 00:04:43,908 Boys! 83 00:04:44,116 --> 00:04:47,912 Why can't you learn to hate each other in secret? Like girls do. 84 00:04:48,078 --> 00:04:52,124 Sure, listen to your sister. Maybe you can share dresses, too. 85 00:04:52,958 --> 00:04:54,043 Boom! 86 00:04:54,251 --> 00:04:57,171 Maybe he'll just forget about it. Maybe it'll all blow over. 87 00:04:57,379 --> 00:04:59,298 I don't know, Dipper, teenagers are dangerous. 88 00:04:59,507 --> 00:05:02,343 Those hormones turn them into, like, killing machines. 89 00:05:02,551 --> 00:05:03,803 - Really? - Oh, yeah, dude. 90 00:05:04,011 --> 00:05:05,763 My cousin Reggie got in a fight with a teen once. 91 00:05:05,971 --> 00:05:08,516 The guy broke, like, all his arms, all his legs, 92 00:05:08,682 --> 00:05:10,476 and I think killed him or something, I don't know. 93 00:05:10,643 --> 00:05:12,102 Me and Reggie were just talking about it. 94 00:05:14,313 --> 00:05:17,191 I can't stay here. What if Robbie comes back? I gotta hide! 95 00:05:17,358 --> 00:05:19,527 Look, kid, you got yourself a choice here. 96 00:05:19,735 --> 00:05:23,614 You can either go face him like a man, or you can hide indoors like a wimp. 97 00:05:23,823 --> 00:05:24,949 What'll it be? 98 00:05:28,911 --> 00:05:30,162 Wimp it is! 99 00:05:30,371 --> 00:05:32,957 Come on, Soos, Robbie's, like, twice my size! 100 00:05:33,123 --> 00:05:35,209 I mean, what would getting myself killed accomplish? 101 00:05:35,417 --> 00:05:37,628 I just need to hide here until 3:00 passes. 102 00:05:39,255 --> 00:05:40,548 This day will never end! 103 00:05:40,756 --> 00:05:43,217 Relax, Dipper. Just try not to think about Robbie. 104 00:05:48,430 --> 00:05:52,268 Girl! Why you ackin' so cray-cray? 105 00:05:52,476 --> 00:05:54,228 Why You Ackin' So Cray-Cray? 106 00:05:54,436 --> 00:05:55,813 will be back in a moment. 107 00:05:56,021 --> 00:05:59,358 Poor Dipper. Hiding from Robbie. 108 00:05:59,567 --> 00:06:01,318 Unable to face his fears! 109 00:06:01,986 --> 00:06:05,114 Fears are for chumps! That's why I don't have any. 110 00:06:06,740 --> 00:06:08,117 You want me to go get a ladder? 111 00:06:08,284 --> 00:06:09,660 - We don't have one. - What? 112 00:06:09,869 --> 00:06:12,246 You know, studies show that keeping a ladder inside the house 113 00:06:12,454 --> 00:06:16,000 is more dangerous than a loaded gun. That's why I own 10 guns. 114 00:06:16,208 --> 00:06:18,669 In case some maniac tries to sneak in a ladder. 115 00:06:18,878 --> 00:06:22,423 Grunkle Stan, why you ackin' so cray-cray? 116 00:06:22,631 --> 00:06:25,885 You're the one who's ackin' cray-cray! I gotta go now. 117 00:06:26,093 --> 00:06:29,388 Why would Grunkle Stan be so weirded out by ladders? 118 00:06:29,805 --> 00:06:31,181 Of course! 119 00:06:31,473 --> 00:06:34,518 I think he has a secret fear of heights! 120 00:06:34,727 --> 00:06:38,397 We'll have to test him to be sure. Or we could leave well enough alone. 121 00:06:39,398 --> 00:06:40,441 Nah! 122 00:06:45,321 --> 00:06:48,699 Man, I wonder what it would be like to go inside a video game for real. 123 00:06:52,870 --> 00:06:54,747 I should have thought of this years ago! 124 00:06:57,958 --> 00:07:00,169 Stupid Robbie. Such a jerk! 125 00:07:15,726 --> 00:07:18,646 That's easy for you to say. You have more than one life. 126 00:07:21,815 --> 00:07:24,360 I wish one of these guys could fight Robbie for me. 127 00:07:28,781 --> 00:07:29,740 Huh? 128 00:07:32,785 --> 00:07:37,331 "To unleash ultimate power"? I do like things that are ultimate. 129 00:07:38,874 --> 00:07:41,502 Back, back, hold, forward, back, forward, down, 130 00:07:41,710 --> 00:07:44,380 hold, quarter circle forward, triple punch! 131 00:07:46,799 --> 00:07:47,967 I guess it didn't work. 132 00:07:49,802 --> 00:07:51,470 Uh, Soos? 133 00:07:52,805 --> 00:07:55,099 Select your character! 134 00:07:55,724 --> 00:07:56,850 Uh... 135 00:07:57,142 --> 00:07:58,394 Rumble McSkirmish? 136 00:08:01,146 --> 00:08:03,941 Feet-feet-feet-spinning-kick! 137 00:08:09,071 --> 00:08:10,364 You're real? 138 00:08:11,865 --> 00:08:13,158 High five! 139 00:08:13,409 --> 00:08:15,661 Ow! Your pixels are really sharp! 140 00:08:18,330 --> 00:08:22,001 Greetings, child-boy! I am Rumble McSkirmish, from the USA. 141 00:08:23,335 --> 00:08:24,753 - Kick! - Ow! 142 00:08:24,920 --> 00:08:26,422 Cool! 143 00:08:26,880 --> 00:08:29,425 Change machine! Change me into a powerful wolf! 144 00:08:31,760 --> 00:08:34,805 With Rumble around, Robbie will be so scared I won't even need to fight him! 145 00:08:35,014 --> 00:08:38,225 I've got the world's greatest fighter to be my bodyguard! 146 00:08:38,559 --> 00:08:39,893 I need power-ups! 147 00:08:40,102 --> 00:08:42,187 This is so amazing! I gotta show Soos. 148 00:08:43,480 --> 00:08:44,481 Soos? 149 00:08:46,191 --> 00:08:48,360 - Aah! - Help! I'm trapped in the game! 150 00:08:48,569 --> 00:08:51,447 It was cool in theory but in practice it was really boring. 151 00:08:52,948 --> 00:08:54,992 It's not just a game anymore. 152 00:08:55,159 --> 00:08:56,452 All right, Waddles, 153 00:08:56,660 --> 00:09:00,456 it's time to begin Operation Get-Stan-Over-His-Fear-Of-Heights! 154 00:09:01,832 --> 00:09:03,459 I came up with that name. 155 00:09:03,667 --> 00:09:05,836 - Huh? - Happy Great Uncle's Day! 156 00:09:06,045 --> 00:09:07,421 There's a Great Uncle's Day? 157 00:09:08,005 --> 00:09:10,340 Of course it's not a day I made up! 158 00:09:10,758 --> 00:09:13,177 High heels? You shouldn't have! 159 00:09:13,385 --> 00:09:15,471 Seriously. What? What is this? 160 00:09:15,637 --> 00:09:19,224 What's wrong? Are you saying these heels are too high? 161 00:09:19,433 --> 00:09:22,394 Do they make you uncomfortable? Hmm? 162 00:09:22,561 --> 00:09:23,604 - Maybe. - Admit it! 163 00:09:23,812 --> 00:09:25,397 Admit you have a fear of heights! 164 00:09:25,606 --> 00:09:27,316 What? That's why you bought me these? 165 00:09:27,483 --> 00:09:31,695 You should be ashamed of yourself! And on Great Uncle's day, no less. 166 00:09:32,446 --> 00:09:35,449 But no, I don't have a fear of heights. 167 00:09:35,783 --> 00:09:39,036 We now return to World's Most Terrifying Skydiving! 168 00:09:39,495 --> 00:09:41,413 Turn it off! 169 00:09:43,999 --> 00:09:47,711 So I have a fear of heights. Is that really so cray-cray? 170 00:09:50,422 --> 00:09:53,008 Well, we don't have any traditional power-ups, 171 00:09:53,217 --> 00:09:57,596 turkey legs, pizza boxes, or gold rings. How about half a taco? 172 00:09:57,805 --> 00:09:59,473 Place it on the floor! 173 00:10:05,312 --> 00:10:06,271 I wish I could do that. 174 00:10:06,522 --> 00:10:08,607 Now I must defeat the world's greatest Fight Fighters! 175 00:10:08,816 --> 00:10:10,484 Take me to the Soviet Union! 176 00:10:10,692 --> 00:10:12,986 That's gonna be tough, for a number of reasons. 177 00:10:13,195 --> 00:10:15,489 But I do know a fighter here in Gravity Falls. 178 00:10:16,448 --> 00:10:17,908 Maximum power? 179 00:10:18,117 --> 00:10:20,786 His name is Robbie V, and he's kind of like my arch enemy. 180 00:10:21,537 --> 00:10:23,497 Did he kill your father? 181 00:10:23,705 --> 00:10:25,290 Well, he's dating the girl I like. 182 00:10:25,499 --> 00:10:28,418 And he posts a really annoying amount of status updates. 183 00:10:28,627 --> 00:10:31,547 And then he killed your father? 184 00:10:31,922 --> 00:10:35,217 Sure. Anyway, I was hoping you could, you know, scare him off for me, 185 00:10:35,425 --> 00:10:36,510 so I don't have to fight the guy? 186 00:10:37,719 --> 00:10:39,596 Your question makes my shoulders bounce! 187 00:10:39,763 --> 00:10:41,431 Fireball! Uppercut! 188 00:10:41,598 --> 00:10:44,309 Downercut! Bowl of punch! 189 00:10:44,518 --> 00:10:45,894 So you'll protect me from Robbie? 190 00:10:46,103 --> 00:10:47,729 Challenge accepted! Press start! 191 00:10:52,317 --> 00:10:55,571 Uh-oh. I think I hear my uncle! Stay perfectly still! 192 00:10:57,614 --> 00:10:58,866 I said stay still! 193 00:10:59,074 --> 00:11:00,993 This is as still as I can stay! 194 00:11:01,827 --> 00:11:03,579 How am I gonna get Grunkle Stan 195 00:11:03,787 --> 00:11:05,581 over his fear of heights? 196 00:11:05,789 --> 00:11:08,542 Hey, Mabel! Have you met Rumble yet? He's my new bodyguard! 197 00:11:08,750 --> 00:11:10,586 The child gave me a taco! 198 00:11:10,794 --> 00:11:14,965 Wow! He's got a crazy voice! Here, say these words! 199 00:11:16,091 --> 00:11:21,054 "Effervescent! Apple fritter! Riboflavin!" 200 00:11:21,305 --> 00:11:23,557 Mabel, he's not a toy, he's a fighting machine. 201 00:11:23,724 --> 00:11:25,475 I'm going to get him to defend me from Robbie. 202 00:11:25,642 --> 00:11:28,270 - Isn't that kinda like cheating? - I guess so. 203 00:11:29,229 --> 00:11:30,272 Well, I'll see you after the fight! 204 00:11:30,439 --> 00:11:32,399 "Poop! Poop and butts!"” 205 00:11:33,734 --> 00:11:35,569 Tell me my opponent's special moves! 206 00:11:35,777 --> 00:11:38,572 Don't worry. As soon as he sees you, he's gonna wet his pants. 207 00:11:38,780 --> 00:11:41,241 His wet pants will be no match for this! 208 00:11:42,242 --> 00:11:43,577 Whoa! Where'd that come from? 209 00:11:43,785 --> 00:11:45,204 I punched an oil drum! 210 00:11:45,412 --> 00:11:47,998 Trust me, you won't need that. Just give him a good scare. 211 00:11:48,207 --> 00:11:50,918 Yes! With this! 212 00:11:51,627 --> 00:11:54,463 This street has really dangerous litter. 213 00:11:56,798 --> 00:11:58,383 Hey, Grunkle Stan! 214 00:11:58,592 --> 00:12:00,677 How would you like to go take a walk, 215 00:12:00,844 --> 00:12:03,805 nowhere in particular, while wearing a blindfold? 216 00:12:04,223 --> 00:12:06,558 Eh! Beats just sitting around being old. 217 00:12:07,226 --> 00:12:08,477 Wait a minute, 218 00:12:08,685 --> 00:12:11,480 you're not planning on taking me somewhere super high up, are you? 219 00:12:11,688 --> 00:12:14,566 Grunkle Stan! I would never! 220 00:12:15,776 --> 00:12:16,735 Scouts' honor! 221 00:12:17,152 --> 00:12:18,737 All right, let's go. 222 00:12:29,081 --> 00:12:31,792 Well, well, well, look who decided to show up. 223 00:12:31,959 --> 00:12:35,629 I thought you'd chicken out. You ready to settle this like men? 224 00:12:35,837 --> 00:12:37,547 Look, dude, I don't think you want to fight me. 225 00:12:37,756 --> 00:12:40,550 Let's just call this thing off before someone gets hurt! 226 00:12:40,759 --> 00:12:43,011 You scared? Huh? Is that it? 227 00:12:43,220 --> 00:12:45,264 Okay, dude, you asked for it. 228 00:12:47,182 --> 00:12:50,060 Who's your friend? And why is he blurry? 229 00:12:50,269 --> 00:12:52,980 This happens to be the greatest warrior that ever lived. 230 00:12:53,188 --> 00:12:56,233 Yeah, right! Hey, Eyepatch! What did the kid promise you? 231 00:12:56,400 --> 00:12:58,026 More tape for your forearms? 232 00:12:59,278 --> 00:13:02,114 How can you laugh when you killed this boy's father? 233 00:13:02,281 --> 00:13:03,240 Wait, what? 234 00:13:03,448 --> 00:13:06,827 I'm giving you one last chance, back down or this guy's gonna go nuts. 235 00:13:07,035 --> 00:13:08,870 How about you back down, kid? 236 00:13:09,079 --> 00:13:12,124 You asked for it. Rumble, go! 237 00:13:13,417 --> 00:13:15,377 What the... 238 00:13:15,585 --> 00:13:17,462 Whoa, whoa, whoa. What is happening? 239 00:13:17,671 --> 00:13:20,257 I didn't wanna have to do this, man, but you gave me no choice. 240 00:13:20,465 --> 00:13:21,842 Maybe now you won't mess with me... 241 00:13:23,302 --> 00:13:26,054 Whoa! Rumble, you can stop! I think Robbie's had enough! 242 00:13:26,847 --> 00:13:28,640 Rumble, throw! 243 00:13:29,349 --> 00:13:31,018 Stop! I said stop! 244 00:13:32,519 --> 00:13:34,563 What the... That guy's crazy! 245 00:13:34,771 --> 00:13:36,440 Fireball! 246 00:13:38,775 --> 00:13:39,985 What the heck was that? 247 00:13:40,193 --> 00:13:42,612 You were only supposed to scare him! You almost killed him! 248 00:13:42,821 --> 00:13:47,159 I will not rest until the man who dishonored you is destroyed! 249 00:13:50,495 --> 00:13:51,455 Punch! 250 00:13:52,039 --> 00:13:53,123 This isn't good. 251 00:13:55,959 --> 00:13:57,961 Something told me this would be his first stop. 252 00:14:03,508 --> 00:14:05,177 Aah! Chill out, man! 253 00:14:05,844 --> 00:14:08,305 Please, Rumble, you gotta stop! 254 00:14:15,020 --> 00:14:16,146 Rumble, wait! 255 00:14:19,107 --> 00:14:20,609 Punch, punch, punch! 256 00:14:23,904 --> 00:14:25,989 You don't have to do this! 257 00:14:26,198 --> 00:14:29,951 At least pace yourself! You might get a cramp! 258 00:14:31,411 --> 00:14:32,621 I love you, Dad. 259 00:14:36,583 --> 00:14:37,501 What! 260 00:14:43,006 --> 00:14:44,716 We'll just buy another one! 261 00:14:44,883 --> 00:14:46,218 I love being rich! 262 00:14:48,762 --> 00:14:51,139 All you can eat! 263 00:14:55,685 --> 00:14:57,145 - Hi, dude. - Soos! 264 00:14:57,354 --> 00:14:59,523 - Where have you been? - Uh. Long story, man. 265 00:14:59,731 --> 00:15:02,859 Dude, did you see that video game guy destroying everything in sight? 266 00:15:03,068 --> 00:15:03,985 It was crazy! 267 00:15:04,194 --> 00:15:07,697 Yeah, I kinda sorta brought him to life to be my bodyguard. 268 00:15:07,906 --> 00:15:10,659 But now I have to stop him before he kills Robbie! 269 00:15:11,284 --> 00:15:13,662 You need an amiable sidekick with a pickup truck? 270 00:15:13,870 --> 00:15:14,871 You know I do! 271 00:15:20,210 --> 00:15:22,796 Take off your blindfold now! 272 00:15:26,758 --> 00:15:28,927 Yeah, that's pretty much what I was expecting. 273 00:15:29,136 --> 00:15:32,764 You're doing better than I thought! Now let go of the handrail. 274 00:15:32,973 --> 00:15:34,433 Nope! 275 00:15:34,599 --> 00:15:37,352 Hey, do you smell anger? And hormones? 276 00:15:39,062 --> 00:15:40,564 Finally, I'm safe! 277 00:15:40,772 --> 00:15:43,191 Hey, Robbie! Get your own water tower! 278 00:15:43,442 --> 00:15:45,527 Shh! Keep it down! He'll find us! 279 00:15:45,735 --> 00:15:47,154 Challenger sighted! 280 00:15:50,323 --> 00:15:52,033 Time to save the day, dude. 281 00:15:53,160 --> 00:15:55,787 You can hide, but you cannot hide! 282 00:15:55,996 --> 00:15:58,957 Rumble! This has to stop! Please, listen to me! 283 00:15:59,958 --> 00:16:01,668 Kick! 284 00:16:01,877 --> 00:16:03,670 - What was that? - Oh, boy! 285 00:16:05,255 --> 00:16:06,590 We're safe, right? 286 00:16:06,798 --> 00:16:10,302 Of course not! This thing is on stilts! High, high up! 287 00:16:17,809 --> 00:16:19,436 No, no, no! Don't! Don't finish me! 288 00:16:23,190 --> 00:16:24,566 Rumble! 289 00:16:27,235 --> 00:16:29,196 Rumble, I have something to tell you. 290 00:16:29,362 --> 00:16:32,449 Robbie, Robbie didn't kill my father. 291 00:16:32,949 --> 00:16:34,284 Then who did? 292 00:16:34,493 --> 00:16:37,204 What? No one did. I lied to you. 293 00:16:37,496 --> 00:16:41,291 Huh! Then you're actually a bad guy! 294 00:16:41,958 --> 00:16:43,293 I guess I kinda am. 295 00:16:46,838 --> 00:16:51,885 My entire journey, a lie. My honor has been insulted. 296 00:16:52,093 --> 00:16:55,555 Sensei warned me not to join the path of evil. 297 00:16:55,722 --> 00:16:58,808 The boy has led me astray from my teachings. 298 00:16:59,017 --> 00:17:04,564 If Robbie V is not the last stage, then it must be you! 299 00:17:07,108 --> 00:17:09,319 Dude! Don't fight him, man! 300 00:17:09,528 --> 00:17:12,155 That guy's got, like, a black-belt wrapped around his black-belt. 301 00:17:12,322 --> 00:17:13,990 - You could get killed! - I have to. 302 00:17:14,199 --> 00:17:17,244 I started all this, and I've got to at least try to stop it. 303 00:17:17,452 --> 00:17:19,120 You sure you wouldn't rather hide like a wimp? 304 00:17:21,581 --> 00:17:22,916 Fight like a man it is. 305 00:17:40,100 --> 00:17:42,519 Fireball throw, lightning ball throw, fire! 306 00:17:47,983 --> 00:17:50,443 You fight like a girl who is also a baby! 307 00:17:57,951 --> 00:17:58,994 Ooh! 308 00:18:04,040 --> 00:18:05,292 Oh, no. 309 00:18:09,045 --> 00:18:10,046 It was worth a shot. 310 00:18:16,761 --> 00:18:19,556 No! I have no "looking up" animation! 311 00:18:27,022 --> 00:18:29,107 What should I do? Roll him up and put him on my wall? 312 00:18:29,316 --> 00:18:31,109 Dude, we should rock-paper-scissors for him. 313 00:18:31,318 --> 00:18:35,322 Fist punch rain! 314 00:18:42,871 --> 00:18:45,248 Never underestimate that I have punches! 315 00:19:10,565 --> 00:19:13,652 You, sir, truly are, the champion of champions. 316 00:19:18,323 --> 00:19:19,949 Winners don't lose! 317 00:19:20,241 --> 00:19:22,243 I wouldn't be too sure about that, man. 318 00:19:24,120 --> 00:19:28,625 What? No! No! No! 319 00:19:29,668 --> 00:19:32,003 Game over, old friend. 320 00:19:38,510 --> 00:19:39,469 Nice one, dude. 321 00:19:41,346 --> 00:19:42,681 I'm sorry, Grunkle Stan! 322 00:19:42,889 --> 00:19:46,393 I thought this would help but I was wrong! So wrong! 323 00:19:46,559 --> 00:19:48,436 I survived! 324 00:19:49,187 --> 00:19:50,855 I survived and I feel great! 325 00:19:51,064 --> 00:19:53,733 Wait, let me do a cocky dance, just to be sure. 326 00:19:57,070 --> 00:19:58,196 Deal with it world! 327 00:19:58,363 --> 00:20:01,616 Stan Pines has cured his fear of heights! 328 00:20:01,825 --> 00:20:03,076 - You coming, kid? - Mmm-mmm. 329 00:20:03,284 --> 00:20:06,162 Hey, what's the matter, you got a fear of heights now? 330 00:20:07,205 --> 00:20:08,164 Uh-oh! 331 00:20:08,748 --> 00:20:10,667 Whoa! 332 00:20:11,000 --> 00:20:13,420 What? Who was that guy? 333 00:20:13,628 --> 00:20:15,130 Why is it that whenever you're around 334 00:20:15,338 --> 00:20:17,382 there's always ghosts, or monsters, or whatever? 335 00:20:17,590 --> 00:20:18,633 I don't know, man. 336 00:20:18,800 --> 00:20:21,886 That guy almost broke my neck! You know how mad I am right now? 337 00:20:22,095 --> 00:20:24,806 So I guess you and I have to fight now? Huh? 338 00:20:25,181 --> 00:20:28,476 Go ahead, man. Do your worst. I just want to get this over with. 339 00:20:29,060 --> 00:20:31,646 Oh, man, I am so gonna enjoy this. 340 00:20:33,982 --> 00:20:37,026 - Aren't you gonna run? - Nope. 341 00:20:37,444 --> 00:20:38,528 Are you sure? 342 00:20:42,532 --> 00:20:44,701 It's not even worth it! 343 00:20:44,909 --> 00:20:46,494 I play lead guitar so I gotta save my hands. 344 00:20:46,703 --> 00:20:49,038 Hey, guys. I heard some crazy screaming out here. 345 00:20:49,247 --> 00:20:50,623 - Wendy? - You're back! 346 00:20:50,832 --> 00:20:52,250 Yeah, man. Whoa! 347 00:20:52,459 --> 00:20:55,170 What the heck happened here? Freak tornado or something? 348 00:20:58,173 --> 00:20:59,674 And why are your faces all jacked up? 349 00:20:59,841 --> 00:21:03,386 You guys weren't fighting each other, were you? I hate it when guys fight! 350 00:21:03,887 --> 00:21:05,388 No. Fighting? Never! 351 00:21:05,597 --> 00:21:06,556 No. Why would we? 352 00:21:06,765 --> 00:21:09,517 Yeah, we actually fell down trying to stop two other guys 353 00:21:09,684 --> 00:21:11,144 from fighting each other. 354 00:21:12,896 --> 00:21:16,107 Cool. It really makes me happy to see my two boys hanging out. 355 00:21:16,316 --> 00:21:18,443 I got some unpacking to do. I'll text you guys later. 356 00:21:21,613 --> 00:21:22,572 Phew! 357 00:21:22,781 --> 00:21:25,366 Did you hear that? She called me one of her two "boys." 358 00:21:25,575 --> 00:21:27,160 She was looking at me, though. 359 00:21:27,368 --> 00:21:30,705 Look, Robbie, if we stay at each other's throats, we'll both lose Wendy. 360 00:21:30,914 --> 00:21:32,791 We need to make a cold war pact. 361 00:21:32,957 --> 00:21:34,542 Okay. What's that? 362 00:21:34,751 --> 00:21:37,086 We need to learn to just hate each other in silence. 363 00:21:37,295 --> 00:21:40,006 You mean, like, what girls do? 364 00:21:40,215 --> 00:21:42,300 Yeah, exactly. "What girls do." 365 00:21:43,802 --> 00:21:47,472 So then I told Thompson, "Hey, save some for the rest of us!" 366 00:21:48,723 --> 00:21:50,558 - Good one, Wendy! Yeah. - Good one, Wendy! That's great. 367 00:21:50,767 --> 00:21:52,519 Oh, man! Just a second. 368 00:21:57,273 --> 00:21:58,316 So as I was saying... 369 00:21:58,483 --> 00:22:00,693 Oh, yeah, no, you're the best! Yeah. 370 00:22:00,902 --> 00:22:01,903 - So fun, yeah. - You know you're great. 371 00:22:02,111 --> 00:22:03,488 Everybody's friends! We're all friends! 372 00:22:08,117 --> 00:22:10,537 I'm Dipper. I have shorts and determination! 373 00:22:10,745 --> 00:22:13,122 It's me, Mabel. 374 00:22:13,331 --> 00:22:15,708 I'm slower, but I jump higher. 375 00:22:16,501 --> 00:22:17,710 Pick me, or whatever. 376 00:22:21,464 --> 00:22:23,007 Oh! 377 00:22:23,258 --> 00:22:25,218 Alas, t'was naught but a dream. 378 00:22:30,056 --> 00:22:31,266 Eating my friends.