1 00:00:02,877 --> 00:00:06,547 Ladies and gentlemen! We now return to Cash Wheel. 2 00:00:06,756 --> 00:00:09,634 Sponsored by Chipackerz, the chip-flavored crackers! 3 00:00:10,051 --> 00:00:11,886 But they taste just like chips! 4 00:00:15,806 --> 00:00:17,975 Congratulations! You're taking a... 5 00:00:18,226 --> 00:00:19,644 Cash Shower! 6 00:00:23,231 --> 00:00:24,732 I like that guy's style. 7 00:00:25,233 --> 00:00:27,109 Mr. Pines! We got tourists at nine o'clock! 8 00:00:27,318 --> 00:00:28,778 A whole bus-load of them. 9 00:00:31,781 --> 00:00:35,701 Hot tamales, it's a jackpot! Soos, make some new attractions! 10 00:00:36,118 --> 00:00:39,413 You got it, boss! Where's the... 11 00:00:39,789 --> 00:00:42,500 Wendy! Mark up those prices! The higher the better! 12 00:00:43,876 --> 00:00:45,878 Higher! Bleed 'em dry! 13 00:00:46,254 --> 00:00:47,505 Yeesh, Grunkle Stan! 14 00:00:47,838 --> 00:00:50,508 It's like when you look at tourists, all you see are wallets with legs. 15 00:00:50,716 --> 00:00:51,842 That's not true. 16 00:00:53,928 --> 00:00:56,514 Thanks for taking me to the Mystery Shack, Daddy! 17 00:00:56,681 --> 00:00:59,725 Now don't spend yourself all in one place! 18 00:00:59,934 --> 00:01:01,519 I'm feeling car-sick! 19 00:01:05,773 --> 00:01:07,149 Clean-up on the front lawn! 20 00:01:58,367 --> 00:02:01,954 Ladies and gentle tourists, looking around my Mystery Shack, 21 00:02:02,121 --> 00:02:04,373 you will see many wondrous roadside attractions. 22 00:02:04,874 --> 00:02:09,629 Be amazed at the only known photo of a horse riding another horse! 23 00:02:10,588 --> 00:02:12,006 That's... That's pretty good. 24 00:02:12,214 --> 00:02:13,424 - Oh! - Wow! 25 00:02:13,633 --> 00:02:17,011 Be astounded by the horrible pre-teen wolf-boy! 26 00:02:17,303 --> 00:02:21,432 Oh! Oh, look at him! All that hair! His body's changing! Ah! 27 00:02:22,350 --> 00:02:24,060 Grunkle Stan, this is demeaning. 28 00:02:24,477 --> 00:02:27,688 What? I don't know "de meaning" of that word! 29 00:02:30,524 --> 00:02:31,984 If you throw money at him, he dances. 30 00:02:34,070 --> 00:02:35,071 Ow! Hey! 31 00:02:38,949 --> 00:02:39,909 Thank you! 32 00:02:40,284 --> 00:02:42,912 Behold! Mystery Shack bumper stickers! 33 00:02:43,079 --> 00:02:46,874 You can stick 'em on your bumper or over your husband's mouth! 34 00:02:47,041 --> 00:02:49,919 Am I right, ladies? She knows what I'm talkin' about. 35 00:02:51,253 --> 00:02:53,756 You are bad! How much? 36 00:02:53,923 --> 00:02:55,007 Hey! It's on the house. 37 00:02:55,216 --> 00:02:58,052 That's the Mabel difference! Thanks for visiting! 38 00:02:58,344 --> 00:02:59,595 What! 39 00:03:00,805 --> 00:03:02,473 What the heck do you think you're doing? 40 00:03:02,848 --> 00:03:04,517 Business! Ching, ching, ching! 41 00:03:04,684 --> 00:03:07,436 Listen, kid, you don't make money by giving stuff away! 42 00:03:07,645 --> 00:03:09,438 - You're off of register duty! - But... 43 00:03:09,647 --> 00:03:13,401 No buts except yours out the door! Now shut your yap and get to work. 44 00:03:13,609 --> 00:03:16,987 Grunkle Stan, whatever happened to "Please” and "Thank you?" Hmm? 45 00:03:17,863 --> 00:03:18,948 Oh, wait, here they are! 46 00:03:22,702 --> 00:03:25,287 Ugh! "Please" never made me any money, kid. 47 00:03:25,705 --> 00:03:29,041 In fact, just saying the word is giving me a burning sensation. 48 00:03:30,251 --> 00:03:32,670 Grunkle Stan, why do I have to wear this wolf costume? 49 00:03:32,878 --> 00:03:34,839 I think I'm getting hookworm. 50 00:03:35,047 --> 00:03:37,508 Yeah, gluing dog hair to your body will do that. 51 00:03:37,717 --> 00:03:39,885 You have all these dumb, fake exhibits in the Shack. 52 00:03:40,094 --> 00:03:44,140 Meanwhile, I've seen actual amazing things in the forest every day! 53 00:03:44,348 --> 00:03:45,975 What if you hunted down a real attraction, 54 00:03:46,183 --> 00:03:47,810 instead of lying to people for a living? 55 00:03:48,060 --> 00:03:50,062 And you should be nicer to your employees, too! 56 00:03:50,271 --> 00:03:51,147 Yeah! 57 00:03:51,355 --> 00:03:54,233 Look, you guys got a problem with how I run the Shack, 58 00:03:54,400 --> 00:03:56,610 take it up with the complaints department. 59 00:03:56,819 --> 00:03:57,862 Zing! 60 00:03:58,946 --> 00:04:02,032 I am going to write them such a letter. 61 00:04:08,080 --> 00:04:10,875 And don't stop till you've covered that sign with glitter! 62 00:04:11,041 --> 00:04:13,836 Glittery signs attract tourists! Also large birds! 63 00:04:14,044 --> 00:04:15,755 Ahhh! 64 00:04:16,046 --> 00:04:17,882 That's funny. 65 00:04:18,090 --> 00:04:18,966 Okay, is it just me, 66 00:04:19,175 --> 00:04:22,344 or is having Grunkle Stan as a boss seriously the worst? 67 00:04:22,720 --> 00:04:24,889 I know, right? Why do we even put up with it? 68 00:04:25,097 --> 00:04:27,057 I tried to give him a suggestion to improve the Shack once. 69 00:04:27,266 --> 00:04:29,935 I had this idea where I could be, like, the Mystery Shack mascot. 70 00:04:30,144 --> 00:04:31,145 Questiony the Question Mark. 71 00:04:31,353 --> 00:04:34,356 I'd ask people questions, you know, do the question dance. 72 00:04:34,523 --> 00:04:35,524 That sounds amazing! 73 00:04:35,733 --> 00:04:37,067 - Oh, cool! - Yeah, totally! 74 00:04:37,276 --> 00:04:40,070 Yeah, well, Stan said I couldn't handle it. 75 00:04:40,279 --> 00:04:41,530 He said what! 76 00:04:42,948 --> 00:04:46,827 And remember, folks, we put the "Fun" in "No refunds!” 77 00:04:47,369 --> 00:04:48,496 Ha-ha! Suckers. 78 00:04:48,704 --> 00:04:49,830 You! 79 00:04:50,748 --> 00:04:53,626 Grunkle Stan, you've gone too far this time! 80 00:04:53,834 --> 00:04:55,628 Did you seriously tell Soos 81 00:04:55,836 --> 00:04:59,548 not to follow his hopes and dreams because he "Couldn't handle it"? 82 00:04:59,757 --> 00:05:01,550 Look, kid, let me break it down for ya. 83 00:05:01,759 --> 00:05:03,969 Being a boss is about commanding respect. 84 00:05:04,178 --> 00:05:07,556 If you give people everything they ask for, they'll walk all over you. 85 00:05:07,765 --> 00:05:08,641 No way! 86 00:05:08,849 --> 00:05:10,976 I bet you'd make way more money being nice 87 00:05:11,185 --> 00:05:13,938 than being a big, grumpy grump to everyone all the time! 88 00:05:14,146 --> 00:05:16,440 Ha! You think you know more about business than I do? 89 00:05:16,649 --> 00:05:17,942 You think you could wear this hat? 90 00:05:18,150 --> 00:05:21,779 Yeah! 'Cause I'd give people respect! And glittery stickers! 91 00:05:22,988 --> 00:05:26,158 Ha! I'd make more money on vacation than you would running this place. 92 00:05:26,367 --> 00:05:28,077 Then why don't you go on vacation? 93 00:05:28,619 --> 00:05:31,997 Interesting. All right, I'm a wagering man. 94 00:05:32,998 --> 00:05:34,959 Three days, 72 hours. 95 00:05:36,210 --> 00:05:38,796 You run the Shack, and I'll go on vacation. 96 00:05:38,963 --> 00:05:40,089 If you make more money than me, 97 00:05:40,297 --> 00:05:43,008 I guess it means you're right about the way I run my business. 98 00:05:43,217 --> 00:05:48,806 But, if you lose, um, you gotta wear this "Loser" shirt all summer. 99 00:05:49,139 --> 00:05:53,185 Fine! But if I win, I get to be the boss for the rest of the summer. 100 00:05:53,519 --> 00:05:55,479 Plus, you have to sing an apologizing song, 101 00:05:55,688 --> 00:05:57,940 with lyrics by me, Mabel. 102 00:05:58,148 --> 00:06:00,442 Oh-ho! You got yourself a deal, missy! 103 00:06:00,651 --> 00:06:03,070 - No, you got yourself a deal! - Deal! 104 00:06:03,279 --> 00:06:04,113 - Deal! - Deal! 105 00:06:04,280 --> 00:06:05,114 Deal! 106 00:06:06,991 --> 00:06:08,117 Deal. 107 00:06:10,160 --> 00:06:13,914 See you in 72 hours! Ha-ha! We'll see who makes more money. 108 00:06:19,753 --> 00:06:23,090 Mabel, did you just make a bet with a professional con-man? 109 00:06:23,299 --> 00:06:24,049 Oh, come on. 110 00:06:24,258 --> 00:06:27,011 Being a better boss than Stan will be a cinch! 111 00:06:27,219 --> 00:06:29,013 Profit, here we come! 112 00:06:30,598 --> 00:06:31,932 - You broke the jar. - We'll get a new one. 113 00:06:32,141 --> 00:06:33,350 I guess I shouldn't be too worried. 114 00:06:33,559 --> 00:06:36,103 I mean, how much money could Stan even make on vacation? 115 00:06:38,188 --> 00:06:39,064 Can I help you, sir? 116 00:06:39,273 --> 00:06:41,108 I'm here to take all the cash from your wheel. 117 00:06:45,154 --> 00:06:46,572 You wanted to see us, Mr. Pines? 118 00:06:51,285 --> 00:06:53,037 Stan is no longer with us. 119 00:06:53,245 --> 00:06:56,332 He's dead? No! It should have been me! 120 00:06:56,540 --> 00:07:00,419 Whoa! Soos, Stan's not dead. He's on vacation for three days. 121 00:07:00,628 --> 00:07:01,545 We made a bet. 122 00:07:03,005 --> 00:07:04,048 Thank you for that clarification. 123 00:07:04,256 --> 00:07:06,008 Mabel's in charge now! 124 00:07:06,216 --> 00:07:07,843 Are those shoulder pads? 125 00:07:08,052 --> 00:07:09,386 Uh-huh. 126 00:07:09,762 --> 00:07:12,056 It's just one of the many up-to-date managerial tricks 127 00:07:12,264 --> 00:07:15,142 I learned from this book I found propping up the kitchen table. 128 00:07:16,644 --> 00:07:18,520 Why does your mug say "Number two"? 129 00:07:19,021 --> 00:07:22,441 Because the real number one is you. 130 00:07:24,068 --> 00:07:25,069 - I get it! - Morale! 131 00:07:25,277 --> 00:07:26,070 Walk with me. 132 00:07:26,278 --> 00:07:29,490 With me as boss, you're gonna notice a few changes around here. 133 00:07:29,865 --> 00:07:33,494 My job is to help you be your best S.E.L.V.E.S. 134 00:07:38,791 --> 00:07:41,001 Great listening ears so far. 135 00:07:44,213 --> 00:07:45,381 Waddles, hold my calls. 136 00:07:49,301 --> 00:07:51,095 All right, people, now rap with me. 137 00:07:51,303 --> 00:07:54,890 Wendy, how can I make your workspace more Wendy-friendly? 138 00:07:55,182 --> 00:07:58,268 Hmm, well, Stan never lets me hang out with friends at work. 139 00:07:58,477 --> 00:08:01,063 Stan ain't here, sister. Door's open! 140 00:08:01,397 --> 00:08:05,109 - Sweet! - And, Soos! I believe this is yours. 141 00:08:05,359 --> 00:08:06,986 Questiony the Question Mark! 142 00:08:07,194 --> 00:08:10,072 I wish this was an exclamation point to show how excited I am. 143 00:08:10,239 --> 00:08:11,490 As for you, Dipper... 144 00:08:12,658 --> 00:08:15,077 Die, wolf costume! Die! 145 00:08:15,285 --> 00:08:16,495 I want you to head into those woods 146 00:08:16,704 --> 00:08:19,373 and don't come back until you've found an amazing attraction. 147 00:08:19,748 --> 00:08:23,377 Finally! Time to show Stan how a real mystery hunter does it! 148 00:08:27,464 --> 00:08:29,091 Dipper out! Ahhh! 149 00:08:30,134 --> 00:08:33,971 Okay, guys, it's time to prove that nice bosses finish first. 150 00:08:34,179 --> 00:08:35,514 In the next 48 hours, 151 00:08:35,681 --> 00:08:39,393 we're gonna fill up this jar with $600 billion! 152 00:08:39,560 --> 00:08:40,686 Yeah! 153 00:08:40,894 --> 00:08:42,980 Wait, do you know how money works? 154 00:08:43,188 --> 00:08:44,106 Of course. 155 00:08:44,314 --> 00:08:47,276 Waddles, run down to the shop and grab me a latte. 156 00:08:48,569 --> 00:08:49,945 He's a hungry little guy! 157 00:08:52,948 --> 00:08:57,745 Ugh, this line is taking forever! Time to use my old-man powers. 158 00:08:58,495 --> 00:09:00,706 Ahhh! I'm having a heart attack! 159 00:09:01,290 --> 00:09:05,210 And the only cure is to be a contestant on Cash Wheel. 160 00:09:05,419 --> 00:09:07,463 Oh! Someone give me a part! I'm old! 161 00:09:08,172 --> 00:09:09,506 Should we escort him off the lot? 162 00:09:09,715 --> 00:09:11,717 That man is a self-centered attention hog 163 00:09:11,884 --> 00:09:14,011 with no regard for human decency. 164 00:09:14,511 --> 00:09:15,596 Get him on TV! 165 00:09:16,555 --> 00:09:18,849 Whoa! Yeah! Come on, girls 166 00:09:19,058 --> 00:09:21,143 Shoulder pads! 167 00:09:21,351 --> 00:09:22,686 Make that money 168 00:09:23,270 --> 00:09:25,773 Mabel's the boss now 169 00:09:25,981 --> 00:09:28,734 Working girls Show the boys 170 00:09:28,942 --> 00:09:30,069 Make the money 171 00:09:30,277 --> 00:09:33,322 Timecards! Timecards! Timecards! 172 00:09:34,114 --> 00:09:35,365 Boss, boss, boss! 173 00:09:38,368 --> 00:09:40,370 It's beautiful! 174 00:09:44,291 --> 00:09:47,377 Thank you! Oh-ho, see you soon! Tell 'em Mabel sent you! 175 00:09:49,713 --> 00:09:53,383 Mabel, I captured something! This is gonna blow those tourists away! 176 00:09:57,638 --> 00:09:59,848 Marvelous work, valued employee! 177 00:10:01,225 --> 00:10:05,270 Who's that? Is it Questiony the Question Mark? 178 00:10:05,479 --> 00:10:07,815 Uh, I'm starting to have second thoughts about this, Mabel. 179 00:10:08,023 --> 00:10:09,274 I keep forgetting my lines, 180 00:10:09,483 --> 00:10:13,153 and this costume is more revealing than I expected. 181 00:10:13,320 --> 00:10:14,655 Soos, don't give up. 182 00:10:14,863 --> 00:10:16,573 Anything is possible when you, 183 00:10:17,991 --> 00:10:19,660 "Imaginize it." 184 00:10:20,077 --> 00:10:23,413 But I don't know what that means. 185 00:10:26,333 --> 00:10:28,627 Believe in yourself! 186 00:10:29,002 --> 00:10:30,003 But I... 187 00:10:31,713 --> 00:10:33,340 So... So cold. 188 00:10:34,341 --> 00:10:36,802 How's my favorite Wendy? 189 00:10:38,679 --> 00:10:40,889 - Yeah, okay, all right. - Look out! Look out! 190 00:10:41,265 --> 00:10:42,808 Yeah! Keep it going! 191 00:10:44,059 --> 00:10:45,310 Oh, what's this? 192 00:10:46,812 --> 00:10:49,439 Billy! Your face! It's ruined! 193 00:10:49,731 --> 00:10:51,859 I'm so sorry! Please, have a refund. 194 00:10:57,447 --> 00:10:59,658 Wendy, you've got a lot of cleaning up to do. 195 00:11:00,159 --> 00:11:01,368 Please? 196 00:11:01,577 --> 00:11:04,997 Whoa, all this rule stuff's starting to make you sound like Stan. 197 00:11:05,372 --> 00:11:07,624 What? No! I'm nothing like Stan! 198 00:11:08,083 --> 00:11:11,461 In fact, take the rest of the day off? 199 00:11:12,588 --> 00:11:13,505 With full pay? 200 00:11:13,714 --> 00:11:14,756 Of course! 201 00:11:19,011 --> 00:11:21,763 Mabel Pines, you are the best boss ever. 202 00:11:22,931 --> 00:11:24,516 I'm Questiony the Question Mark! 203 00:11:24,683 --> 00:11:25,642 Ahhh! 204 00:11:27,394 --> 00:11:28,729 Oh, dude! It stings so bad! 205 00:11:30,397 --> 00:11:32,524 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to... 206 00:11:32,733 --> 00:11:34,443 Cash Wheel! 207 00:11:35,944 --> 00:11:37,654 Now let's meet those contestants! 208 00:11:38,155 --> 00:11:40,657 I'm Doug, from Fairfield, California! 209 00:11:41,158 --> 00:11:42,618 I'm Donna, from... 210 00:11:42,826 --> 00:11:44,369 I'm Stan! Stan Pines! 211 00:11:45,287 --> 00:11:47,623 Did we already do me? Hello, I'm Stan. 212 00:11:47,998 --> 00:11:51,460 Okay, well. It's gonna be a long night, folks. 213 00:11:53,879 --> 00:11:55,172 It's time to... 214 00:11:57,758 --> 00:12:00,719 It's time to solve that puzzle. Carla! 215 00:12:00,928 --> 00:12:02,596 - Yes, Rich? - Are there any S's? 216 00:12:02,930 --> 00:12:04,473 Actually, it's not your turn yet... 217 00:12:05,641 --> 00:12:06,600 I'm ready to solve. 218 00:12:06,808 --> 00:12:08,060 No, the game hasn't started. 219 00:12:08,268 --> 00:12:10,687 Is it "Shut your yaps"? 220 00:12:17,152 --> 00:12:18,403 Well played! 221 00:12:20,739 --> 00:12:22,658 Cash shower, cash shower, cash shower! 222 00:12:24,618 --> 00:12:25,827 Cash shower! 223 00:12:26,328 --> 00:12:28,330 Yes! 224 00:12:28,538 --> 00:12:30,582 Mr. Pines, no! You don't need to take your clothes off! 225 00:12:30,999 --> 00:12:32,918 No! Go to commercial! Go to commercial! 226 00:12:36,546 --> 00:12:37,923 Ladies and gentlemen! 227 00:12:38,340 --> 00:12:41,301 My name's Honest Dipper, and unlike my cheating uncle, 228 00:12:41,510 --> 00:12:43,512 I have something to show you that isn't a hoax! 229 00:12:43,679 --> 00:12:46,515 It nearly killed me getting him into that cage. Behold! 230 00:12:46,682 --> 00:12:49,434 Part gremlin, part goblin. The gremloblin! 231 00:12:59,027 --> 00:13:00,404 Well, that's fun! 232 00:13:00,612 --> 00:13:03,115 It's fake, honey. You can see the strings! 233 00:13:03,282 --> 00:13:05,409 What? Those aren't strings! That's body hair! 234 00:13:05,617 --> 00:13:08,495 Ah, look at this, dear, the six-pack-a-lope. 235 00:13:08,704 --> 00:13:10,580 Wordplay! 236 00:13:10,831 --> 00:13:12,541 No, everything else here is fake. 237 00:13:12,958 --> 00:13:14,918 This is a real paranormal beast. 238 00:13:15,127 --> 00:13:16,795 Hey, fun fact about this little guy, 239 00:13:16,962 --> 00:13:19,172 if you look into his eyes, you can see your worst nightmare. 240 00:13:25,345 --> 00:13:28,223 Amazing, right? I work for tips. 241 00:13:32,602 --> 00:13:34,563 Thanks again for visiting! 242 00:13:36,857 --> 00:13:39,609 Thanks for shopping with us! I'll get that! 243 00:13:42,112 --> 00:13:43,447 Here ya go! 244 00:13:46,658 --> 00:13:49,494 Sorry! Have a refund! That's the Mabel Difference! 245 00:13:52,247 --> 00:13:55,375 Well, I just made two people go insane. How about you? 246 00:13:55,584 --> 00:13:56,960 I'm so tired. 247 00:13:57,169 --> 00:13:59,463 I gave Wendy the day off, so I had to do her job. 248 00:13:59,671 --> 00:14:02,424 Well, maybe you need to start being a little bit tougher around here? 249 00:14:02,632 --> 00:14:04,676 No way! That's what Stan would do! 250 00:14:04,843 --> 00:14:08,722 I just need to think positive, be friendly, and everything will work out fine! 251 00:14:14,561 --> 00:14:15,437 What? 252 00:14:15,645 --> 00:14:17,481 How did he get out of his locked cage? 253 00:14:17,689 --> 00:14:18,648 Well... 254 00:14:20,359 --> 00:14:21,360 Huh? 255 00:14:24,321 --> 00:14:25,530 You gave him a break? 256 00:14:25,739 --> 00:14:28,158 He's an employee! Sort of. 257 00:14:28,367 --> 00:14:29,868 We gotta round him up! Where's Soos? 258 00:14:30,077 --> 00:14:33,121 He was stressed out, so I told him to take a soothing nature walk! 259 00:14:33,622 --> 00:14:35,582 Hello? Civilization? 260 00:14:39,753 --> 00:14:40,921 Doggie? 261 00:14:45,258 --> 00:14:48,595 Ladies and gentlemen, Stan Pines is poised to become our grand champion. 262 00:14:48,762 --> 00:14:50,597 Anything to say to your fans out there? 263 00:14:50,764 --> 00:14:52,391 See you tomorrow night, Mabel! 264 00:15:15,539 --> 00:15:16,498 What do we do? 265 00:15:16,706 --> 00:15:19,584 He's awarding himself stickers that he didn't even earn! 266 00:15:20,377 --> 00:15:23,797 Uh... Got it! "When fighting a gremloblin, use water... 267 00:15:25,632 --> 00:15:29,636 "...only as a last resort, as water will make him much, much scarier." 268 00:15:29,845 --> 00:15:31,304 Who writes sentences like that! 269 00:15:39,479 --> 00:15:41,481 Don't worry. He's gotta leave eventually. 270 00:15:42,774 --> 00:15:45,360 I'm the singin' salmon Spending all day jammin' 271 00:15:46,778 --> 00:15:49,698 I'm the singin' salmon Spending all day jammin' 272 00:15:51,450 --> 00:15:53,618 I'm the singin' salmon Spending all day jammin' 273 00:15:53,827 --> 00:15:55,412 Ugh! Why doesn't he just leave? 274 00:15:59,583 --> 00:16:01,710 - Our profits! - Mabel! Wait! 275 00:16:01,918 --> 00:16:02,961 Stop! Stop! 276 00:16:03,712 --> 00:16:05,046 Oh! 277 00:16:06,047 --> 00:16:08,717 Don't look into his evil eye. You'll see your worst nightmare! 278 00:16:09,050 --> 00:16:12,471 I wish we had an evil eye to show him. Oh, no! 279 00:16:14,514 --> 00:16:16,057 Wait! Hey, Monster! 280 00:16:16,766 --> 00:16:17,976 Take a look at this! 281 00:16:32,073 --> 00:16:33,992 Well, at least he didn't do that much damage. 282 00:16:37,370 --> 00:16:38,246 Oh, boy. 283 00:16:38,455 --> 00:16:39,664 Dipper! It's the third day! 284 00:16:39,873 --> 00:16:41,917 We've only got seven hours to earn back our profits, 285 00:16:42,125 --> 00:16:44,794 or I've got to wear that loser shirt all summer. 286 00:16:44,961 --> 00:16:47,714 Hey, guys! Am I nuts, or does this place look different? 287 00:16:47,881 --> 00:16:50,550 Wendy! Soos! Am I glad to see you! 288 00:16:50,759 --> 00:16:54,596 We've got a lot of work to do, but if we hurry, we can still beat Stan. 289 00:16:54,804 --> 00:16:59,100 Uh... Yeah, I've got a little headache, so maybe I should, like, not work today. 290 00:16:59,309 --> 00:17:01,061 And I actually just met this pack of wolves, 291 00:17:01,269 --> 00:17:03,605 and I think they're gonna, like, raise me as one of their own. 292 00:17:03,813 --> 00:17:05,232 So I should really be at the den right now. 293 00:17:05,398 --> 00:17:07,692 - But... - But, hey, we'll see you on Monday! 294 00:17:08,276 --> 00:17:10,779 Uh, BT-dubs, is anyone gonna eat these? 295 00:17:14,199 --> 00:17:15,659 Enough! 296 00:17:17,035 --> 00:17:18,119 I have had it! 297 00:17:18,328 --> 00:17:20,372 I fought a monster to save this business, 298 00:17:20,580 --> 00:17:21,998 and this how you repay me? 299 00:17:22,207 --> 00:17:24,876 I'm gonna get an ulcer from your lollygagging! 300 00:17:25,085 --> 00:17:26,044 Lollygagging? 301 00:17:26,253 --> 00:17:28,421 Ulcer? You're acting different. 302 00:17:28,630 --> 00:17:29,756 You shut your yaps! 303 00:17:29,923 --> 00:17:31,967 I've been doing everyone's jobs, 304 00:17:32,175 --> 00:17:34,177 while you bums have been bleeding me dry! 305 00:17:34,386 --> 00:17:35,262 - But... - No buts, 306 00:17:35,470 --> 00:17:39,516 except yours on the floor, cleaning. Now quit loafing and get to work! 307 00:17:39,724 --> 00:17:40,600 Yes, Mabel. 308 00:17:40,809 --> 00:17:42,185 That's "Yes, boss"! 309 00:17:45,438 --> 00:17:47,023 Dipper, what have I become? 310 00:17:47,440 --> 00:17:49,985 What you had to, Mabel. What you had to. 311 00:17:50,694 --> 00:17:53,196 We've got seven hours to turn this around! 312 00:17:53,363 --> 00:17:54,781 Let's go, people! 313 00:17:56,533 --> 00:17:58,535 You landed on Cash Flood! 314 00:18:01,246 --> 00:18:03,081 I'm giving none of this to charity! 315 00:18:03,498 --> 00:18:05,709 And now you can go home a thousand-aire, 316 00:18:05,917 --> 00:18:09,462 or you could risk everything to double your money with a bonus word! 317 00:18:11,423 --> 00:18:12,924 Rich, I'm a simple man. 318 00:18:13,133 --> 00:18:14,467 So I'm going to take my winnings, 319 00:18:14,676 --> 00:18:18,430 pack my bags, and bet them all on the bonus word! 320 00:18:18,638 --> 00:18:20,807 Come on! 321 00:18:23,393 --> 00:18:24,811 Time is money, hard-head! 322 00:18:25,020 --> 00:18:28,023 You got complaints, file 'em with the complaint department! 323 00:18:28,356 --> 00:18:30,275 My back. 324 00:18:31,151 --> 00:18:33,111 Dipper! We got tourists at nine o'clock! 325 00:18:33,278 --> 00:18:35,989 But what do I show them? Real magic just freaks people out! 326 00:18:36,197 --> 00:18:37,949 Figure something out, knucklehead! 327 00:18:39,618 --> 00:18:42,829 Ladies and gentle-tourists! This Shack is filled with wonders 328 00:18:43,038 --> 00:18:44,998 never before seen by human eyes. 329 00:18:45,206 --> 00:18:48,543 Behold! The horrible giant Question Baby! 330 00:18:49,461 --> 00:18:52,756 Am I man? Am I baby? These are legitimate questions. 331 00:18:54,466 --> 00:18:56,009 Have your picture taken with it for a buck... 332 00:18:56,217 --> 00:18:58,470 Uh... Ten bucks! A hundred bucks! 333 00:19:02,057 --> 00:19:03,892 We put the "Fun” in "No refunds"! 334 00:19:05,977 --> 00:19:08,229 - How'd we do? - We filled the whole jar! 335 00:19:11,441 --> 00:19:13,234 Minus the money to replace all the furniture, 336 00:19:13,401 --> 00:19:16,029 supplies to fix the Shack, that leaves us... 337 00:19:17,739 --> 00:19:18,782 $1. 338 00:19:20,533 --> 00:19:22,869 Tick-tock! Time's up, kids. 339 00:19:23,078 --> 00:19:23,953 Oh, no! 340 00:19:24,120 --> 00:19:26,331 Nice to see you learned how to dress while I was gone. 341 00:19:26,915 --> 00:19:28,917 How much did you beat us by? 342 00:19:29,084 --> 00:19:30,877 I won $300,000. 343 00:19:32,712 --> 00:19:33,797 And then... 344 00:19:34,881 --> 00:19:37,425 For a chance to double your cash or lose it all, 345 00:19:37,634 --> 00:19:40,804 what is a six-letter word you use to ask for something politely? 346 00:19:41,012 --> 00:19:43,932 For example, "May I blank have that?" 347 00:19:44,140 --> 00:19:47,894 Do I look like an idiot, folks? The word is "Gimmee", two Es. 348 00:19:49,270 --> 00:19:50,063 Ooh! 349 00:19:50,271 --> 00:19:51,648 You know, because you've gone this far, 350 00:19:51,856 --> 00:19:53,274 we're gonna give you one more chance. 351 00:19:53,441 --> 00:19:55,819 Let's try again. It's a "P" word. 352 00:19:56,027 --> 00:19:58,697 Some might even say it's the "Magic word." 353 00:19:58,905 --> 00:20:00,657 Pabracadabra. Final answer. 354 00:20:00,865 --> 00:20:03,952 I'm sorry, Stan, but the word is... 355 00:20:04,119 --> 00:20:05,161 "Please." 356 00:20:05,537 --> 00:20:07,831 Apparently that word can make you money. 357 00:20:07,997 --> 00:20:12,252 So wait, if you lost everything, then that means, Mabel, you won! 358 00:20:12,585 --> 00:20:14,003 - Whoo! - You did it. 359 00:20:15,004 --> 00:20:16,172 Wait, what did we win again? 360 00:20:16,464 --> 00:20:20,093 Well, according to our bet, I guess Mabel's the new boss? 361 00:20:20,301 --> 00:20:21,219 - No. - No. 362 00:20:21,428 --> 00:20:22,345 - Please don't. - Don't do that. 363 00:20:22,554 --> 00:20:23,430 Huh, what? 364 00:20:23,638 --> 00:20:27,142 Grunkle Stan, I had no idea how hard it was being boss! 365 00:20:27,350 --> 00:20:28,893 This place was coo-coo bananas 366 00:20:29,102 --> 00:20:31,688 until I started barking orders at people like you. 367 00:20:31,896 --> 00:20:33,690 Yeah, well, I gotta admit, 368 00:20:34,357 --> 00:20:36,609 it's kinda nice to be back, ya know? 369 00:20:37,068 --> 00:20:38,945 Okay, okay, that's enough! Get offa me. 370 00:20:39,279 --> 00:20:41,364 And, Soos, Wendy, 371 00:20:41,573 --> 00:20:42,866 get to work! 372 00:20:43,116 --> 00:20:43,992 Ahem. 373 00:20:44,159 --> 00:20:46,536 Please. Still hurts. 374 00:20:46,745 --> 00:20:48,621 Mabel, didn't your agreement say something about 375 00:20:48,830 --> 00:20:51,708 Stan having to do some kind of apology dance if he lost? 376 00:20:51,916 --> 00:20:52,959 No. No, it didn't! 377 00:20:53,168 --> 00:20:55,962 Actually, yeah, I think I have it in my notes here. 378 00:20:56,171 --> 00:20:57,505 No! That never happened! 379 00:20:57,714 --> 00:20:58,798 Ha-ha! I'll get the camera! 380 00:20:59,007 --> 00:21:00,592 All right. Let me just... 381 00:21:01,968 --> 00:21:03,136 Grunkle Stan! 382 00:21:04,763 --> 00:21:05,930 Look, I'm not gonna... 383 00:21:06,139 --> 00:21:07,015 Do it! 384 00:21:08,099 --> 00:21:13,062 I'm Stan, and I was wrong I'm singing the Stan wrong song 385 00:21:13,271 --> 00:21:18,067 I shouldn't have taken that chance Now here's my remorseful dance 386 00:21:18,276 --> 00:21:19,319 Do the kicks! 387 00:21:21,237 --> 00:21:22,530 Jazzier! 388 00:21:23,615 --> 00:21:25,700 Hey! Give me that! 389 00:21:27,368 --> 00:21:28,286 My back. 390 00:21:28,495 --> 00:21:29,662 What do you think? 391 00:21:29,871 --> 00:21:31,498 Take 301