1 00:00:01,163 --> 00:00:02,833 Previously on Arctic Air. 2 00:00:02,833 --> 00:00:03,953 Constable Gallagher. 3 00:00:03,953 --> 00:00:05,113 Blake Laviolette. 4 00:00:05,113 --> 00:00:07,843 Blake. 5 00:00:07,843 --> 00:00:09,733 Blake saved my life, he's a good guy. 6 00:00:09,733 --> 00:00:10,683 Yeah, he is. 7 00:00:10,683 --> 00:00:12,683 The only difference between you and me is luck. 8 00:00:12,683 --> 00:00:14,373 You really hate me that much? 9 00:00:14,373 --> 00:00:15,503 Choke on it. 10 00:00:15,503 --> 00:00:17,183 Bobby Martin's a dead man. 11 00:00:17,183 --> 00:00:18,953 You're not like your brother. 12 00:00:18,953 --> 00:00:19,793 Every time I see him, 13 00:00:19,793 --> 00:00:22,126 it looks like he wants to rip off my head. 14 00:00:25,603 --> 00:00:27,226 Why didn't you invite me? 15 00:00:28,423 --> 00:00:29,603 You were there on police duty, 16 00:00:29,603 --> 00:00:32,713 I didn't think you wanted to blur the lines. 17 00:00:32,713 --> 00:00:34,013 A cop's still gotta eat. 18 00:00:35,283 --> 00:00:37,643 What if somebody rolled a joint after dinner? 19 00:00:37,643 --> 00:00:38,843 Not saying that that happened, 20 00:00:38,843 --> 00:00:40,853 but you know, could get awkward. 21 00:00:40,853 --> 00:00:43,313 I'm supposed to build relationships in the communities. 22 00:00:43,313 --> 00:00:45,793 If you took me along when you went to your friend's houses- 23 00:00:45,793 --> 00:00:46,626 Okay. 24 00:00:46,626 --> 00:00:49,093 Next time I get invited for caribou pie, you'll be my date. 25 00:00:49,093 --> 00:00:50,073 Happy? 26 00:00:50,073 --> 00:00:52,283 I'm a lot of fun in social situations. 27 00:00:52,283 --> 00:00:53,233 I'm sure you are. 28 00:00:55,393 --> 00:00:56,643 Dinner's on me tonight. 29 00:00:58,443 --> 00:00:59,313 You can decide for yourself. 30 00:00:59,313 --> 00:01:01,613 if I'd embarrass you in front of your friends. 31 00:01:02,743 --> 00:01:04,653 I never said you'd embarrass me. 32 00:01:04,653 --> 00:01:06,093 Blake this is Krista, do you read? 33 00:01:06,093 --> 00:01:07,693 Copy Krista, go ahead. 34 00:01:07,693 --> 00:01:09,018 Where are you? 35 00:01:09,018 --> 00:01:11,343 About 15 minutes south of Wrigley. 36 00:01:11,343 --> 00:01:14,043 Divert southwest to Collins Bay. 37 00:01:14,043 --> 00:01:15,443 Sergeant Lauderhill just called 38 00:01:15,443 --> 00:01:16,413 and there's been a death up there. 39 00:01:16,413 --> 00:01:17,483 He needs an officer on the scene, 40 00:01:17,483 --> 00:01:18,983 Lindsay's the closest. 41 00:01:18,983 --> 00:01:19,816 Death? 42 00:01:19,816 --> 00:01:20,710 Who? 43 00:01:20,710 --> 00:01:23,333 It was an accident, that's all he'd tell me. 44 00:01:23,333 --> 00:01:25,673 Roger that, we can be there in 45. 45 00:01:25,673 --> 00:01:26,983 Copy. 46 00:01:26,983 --> 00:01:28,793 Well, you're off the hook tonight. 47 00:01:28,793 --> 00:01:30,583 Can't even buy me a drink. 48 00:01:30,583 --> 00:01:31,706 Collins Bay is dry. 49 00:01:44,704 --> 00:01:45,969 Constable Gallagher. 50 00:01:45,969 --> 00:01:47,039 What's your name? 51 00:01:47,039 --> 00:01:47,872 Ben. 52 00:01:49,222 --> 00:01:50,783 We were told not to move the body. 53 00:01:50,783 --> 00:01:52,453 So a bunch of us have been keeping the dogs away 54 00:01:52,453 --> 00:01:53,723 'til you got here. 55 00:01:53,723 --> 00:01:55,433 Appreciate that, Ben. 56 00:01:55,433 --> 00:01:57,263 So what happened here? 57 00:01:57,263 --> 00:01:58,613 Guess she froze to death. 58 00:02:02,783 --> 00:02:03,883 That's Desi Clement. 59 00:02:05,353 --> 00:02:06,186 You knew her? 60 00:02:06,186 --> 00:02:07,453 Flew her down to YK once. 61 00:02:07,453 --> 00:02:11,217 But Bobby, she was like his little sister. 62 00:02:44,933 --> 00:02:46,180 Who found her? 63 00:02:46,180 --> 00:02:48,113 Her neighbor Francine. 64 00:02:48,113 --> 00:02:50,713 Came out this morning and saw her lying there. 65 00:02:50,713 --> 00:02:52,036 Real shock for all of us. 66 00:02:53,313 --> 00:02:54,653 She's a nice girl. 67 00:02:54,653 --> 00:02:56,817 What was Desi doing last night? 68 00:02:56,817 --> 00:02:58,906 I don't know, that's her house right there. 69 00:03:00,533 --> 00:03:02,253 I can smell booze on her. 70 00:03:02,253 --> 00:03:03,603 Probably drinking. 71 00:03:04,723 --> 00:03:06,103 Passed out. 72 00:03:06,103 --> 00:03:08,133 It was pretty cold last night. 73 00:03:08,133 --> 00:03:09,806 I thought your community was dry. 74 00:03:11,093 --> 00:03:13,763 Doesn't stop the stuff from getting in. 75 00:03:13,763 --> 00:03:14,613 Yeah. 76 00:03:15,583 --> 00:03:16,740 What are you gonna do with her? 77 00:03:17,573 --> 00:03:20,093 Let's take her down the coroner in YK, 78 00:03:20,093 --> 00:03:22,093 he'll determine official cause of death. 79 00:03:23,013 --> 00:03:24,443 Let's get her in the shed, 80 00:03:24,443 --> 00:03:26,466 keep her frozen until we're ready to fly. 81 00:03:33,043 --> 00:03:35,280 Should be able to fly her down tomorrow. 82 00:03:44,693 --> 00:03:45,943 Can you go find Francine? 83 00:03:50,053 --> 00:03:51,553 It okay if I call Bobby now? 84 00:03:52,443 --> 00:03:53,276 Sure. 85 00:03:55,648 --> 00:03:56,948 I need to take statements. 86 00:04:10,013 --> 00:04:11,763 But if I leave my equipment up there over the winter, 87 00:04:11,763 --> 00:04:13,753 it's gonna be nothing but a pile of rust come breakup. 88 00:04:13,753 --> 00:04:15,653 And we'd love to take your money Russell, 89 00:04:15,653 --> 00:04:17,523 but for what it's gonna cost to bring it down. 90 00:04:17,523 --> 00:04:19,353 You're better off paying for storage. 91 00:04:19,353 --> 00:04:20,186 Yeah, but where? 92 00:04:20,186 --> 00:04:21,743 There's nothing up there, except the lodge we just built. 93 00:04:21,743 --> 00:04:23,193 Like, I need my stuff down here 94 00:04:23,193 --> 00:04:24,453 in case another job comes up. 95 00:04:24,453 --> 00:04:26,533 Okay, but it's not gonna be cheap. 96 00:04:26,533 --> 00:04:27,980 Hey man, whatever you can do for me, you know. 97 00:04:27,980 --> 00:04:30,103 You can probably tack your gear on another flight. 98 00:04:30,103 --> 00:04:31,891 Ah, that'd be awesome. 99 00:04:33,693 --> 00:04:34,993 I should take this. 100 00:04:34,993 --> 00:04:36,465 Yeah, take it easy all right. 101 00:04:38,063 --> 00:04:39,013 Blake, what's up? 102 00:04:44,653 --> 00:04:47,223 I'm sorry Bobby, I know she was like family. 103 00:04:47,223 --> 00:04:51,163 Yeah, my dad pulled her out from foster care 104 00:04:51,163 --> 00:04:54,016 and she lived with us for two years. 105 00:04:55,113 --> 00:04:55,946 Awful, what happened. 106 00:04:55,946 --> 00:04:58,353 This is just a really sad situation. 107 00:04:58,353 --> 00:05:00,226 I appreciate you calling. 108 00:05:01,603 --> 00:05:03,416 I'll break the news to my sister. 109 00:05:17,433 --> 00:05:19,436 She was so happy with Sam. 110 00:05:21,123 --> 00:05:22,696 Selling her bead work. 111 00:05:24,293 --> 00:05:26,653 Things were finally turning around for her. 112 00:05:26,653 --> 00:05:28,566 Sober over a year. 113 00:05:29,893 --> 00:05:33,183 And she told me that moving to Collins Bay 114 00:05:33,183 --> 00:05:34,946 saved her life Bobby. 115 00:05:36,550 --> 00:05:39,896 Then the booze always finds its way back in again. 116 00:05:41,333 --> 00:05:44,231 You know, we don't even know how she got it. 117 00:05:44,231 --> 00:05:45,513 You know, maybe she brought it back 118 00:05:45,513 --> 00:05:47,403 the last time she was in the city. 119 00:05:47,403 --> 00:05:51,663 Come on Bobby, she's been in Collins Bay for months. 120 00:05:51,663 --> 00:05:54,156 Somebody had to have sold it to her. 121 00:05:56,053 --> 00:05:58,056 Nobody's gonna do anything about it. 122 00:06:00,636 --> 00:06:01,936 Well, our sister's dead. 123 00:06:03,983 --> 00:06:05,608 Somebody's gotta be held accountable. 124 00:06:19,760 --> 00:06:20,916 I'm sorry. 125 00:06:22,303 --> 00:06:23,753 If there's anything I can do. 126 00:06:26,912 --> 00:06:28,843 I thought you'd be with the others at Desi's. 127 00:06:28,843 --> 00:06:30,426 I don't wanna see her like that. 128 00:06:32,593 --> 00:06:33,753 What about your friends, your family? 129 00:06:33,753 --> 00:06:34,973 You shouldn't be alone. 130 00:06:34,973 --> 00:06:36,916 Don't wanna talk to anybody right now. 131 00:06:39,543 --> 00:06:42,113 I just came by to tell you, 132 00:06:42,113 --> 00:06:43,343 I didn't know Desi that well, 133 00:06:43,343 --> 00:06:45,793 but I know how much she meant to you and- 134 00:06:45,793 --> 00:06:46,626 We broke up. 135 00:06:46,626 --> 00:06:47,459 When? 136 00:06:47,459 --> 00:06:48,296 Three weeks ago. 137 00:06:52,117 --> 00:06:53,453 Man. 138 00:06:53,453 --> 00:06:55,703 She started drinking again. 139 00:06:55,703 --> 00:06:57,483 Clean 18 months 140 00:06:59,023 --> 00:06:59,856 and then 141 00:07:02,313 --> 00:07:03,673 I know you helped her get sober. 142 00:07:03,673 --> 00:07:04,506 Yeah. 143 00:07:06,843 --> 00:07:08,066 But she was my rock. 144 00:07:11,253 --> 00:07:13,053 Brought her here to start a new life 145 00:07:14,483 --> 00:07:17,566 and it was better. 146 00:07:29,783 --> 00:07:30,953 Constable Gallagher's here. 147 00:07:30,953 --> 00:07:32,693 She'll wanna talk to you. 148 00:07:32,693 --> 00:07:33,526 Why? 149 00:07:34,473 --> 00:07:35,393 She's just getting the info 150 00:07:35,393 --> 00:07:36,943 she needs to complete a report. 151 00:07:37,803 --> 00:07:39,923 But she doesn't know me and Desi broke up. 152 00:07:39,923 --> 00:07:40,893 I'm sure she'll hear about it. 153 00:07:40,893 --> 00:07:42,093 Why? 154 00:07:42,093 --> 00:07:43,026 Just sounds bad. 155 00:07:44,123 --> 00:07:45,533 Sam, nobody's saying this is anything 156 00:07:45,533 --> 00:07:47,523 but a terrible accident. 157 00:07:47,523 --> 00:07:52,523 It's just, talking to cops never goes well for Indians. 158 00:07:56,793 --> 00:07:57,693 Thanks for coming, 159 00:07:58,843 --> 00:07:59,676 means a lot. 160 00:08:24,873 --> 00:08:26,063 ] Did Desi have a lot of arguments 161 00:08:26,063 --> 00:08:27,133 in the middle of the night? 162 00:08:27,133 --> 00:08:28,513 No. 163 00:08:28,513 --> 00:08:30,253 You didn't think that was strange enough to get out of bed 164 00:08:30,253 --> 00:08:31,733 and take a look out the window? 165 00:08:31,733 --> 00:08:33,453 None of my business. 166 00:08:33,453 --> 00:08:35,123 Did you recognize the man's voice? 167 00:08:35,123 --> 00:08:36,413 I already told you. 168 00:08:36,413 --> 00:08:37,733 No. 169 00:08:37,733 --> 00:08:39,213 All right. 170 00:08:39,213 --> 00:08:40,813 Thanks Francine. 171 00:08:40,813 --> 00:08:43,036 I've got your number if I have any more questions. 172 00:08:49,903 --> 00:08:52,393 She heard Desi arguing with a guy last night? 173 00:08:52,393 --> 00:08:53,243 Yeah. 174 00:08:55,133 --> 00:08:55,966 What? 175 00:08:57,353 --> 00:09:00,706 I just talked to Sam, Desi's ex-boyfriend. 176 00:09:02,563 --> 00:09:04,113 I'm not asking you to shut down 177 00:09:04,113 --> 00:09:05,776 every bootlegger in the north. 178 00:09:05,776 --> 00:09:07,663 I'm asking you to find the person 179 00:09:07,663 --> 00:09:09,795 who brought the booze into Collins Bay. 180 00:09:09,795 --> 00:09:12,115 You know how much a bottle of whiskey goes for up there? 181 00:09:12,115 --> 00:09:13,033 A couple hundred bucks. 182 00:09:13,033 --> 00:09:13,933 That's right. 183 00:09:13,933 --> 00:09:16,353 And the penalty's a $50 fine. 184 00:09:16,353 --> 00:09:19,313 Our priority has to be enforcing territorial laws. 185 00:09:19,313 --> 00:09:22,403 What you're talking about is a local bylaw infringement. 186 00:09:22,403 --> 00:09:24,903 It's the folks at Collins Bay who voted to go dry. 187 00:09:26,234 --> 00:09:27,723 And you need to respect that. 188 00:09:27,723 --> 00:09:29,453 Look, Desi moved to Collins Bay 189 00:09:29,453 --> 00:09:32,763 because it was supposed to be a safe place to recover. 190 00:09:32,763 --> 00:09:34,166 I'm sorry for your loss. 191 00:09:35,393 --> 00:09:36,713 And I appreciate you taking the time 192 00:09:36,713 --> 00:09:38,987 to voice your concerns, Mr. Martin. 193 00:09:49,823 --> 00:09:52,353 I mean, his girlfriend froze to death. 194 00:09:52,353 --> 00:09:53,813 Ex-girlfriend. 195 00:09:53,813 --> 00:09:55,263 So anyone would act weird, right? 196 00:09:55,263 --> 00:09:56,096 Hey, it's Gallagher. 197 00:09:56,096 --> 00:09:57,593 I need you to run a name for me. 198 00:09:57,593 --> 00:09:58,976 Sam Gordon. 199 00:10:05,253 --> 00:10:07,213 Send me the details. 200 00:10:07,213 --> 00:10:08,986 Yeah, thanks. 201 00:10:12,218 --> 00:10:13,453 Your buddy Sam has a record. 202 00:10:13,453 --> 00:10:14,286 For what? 203 00:10:14,286 --> 00:10:16,040 Aggravated assault. 204 00:10:25,253 --> 00:10:26,840 His gun's gone, it was over here. 205 00:10:28,353 --> 00:10:29,741 He's pulled a runner. 206 00:10:32,193 --> 00:10:33,713 Sir, it's Gallagher. 207 00:10:33,713 --> 00:10:35,263 Yeah, the death in Collins Bay, 208 00:10:36,473 --> 00:10:38,636 it's starting to look like a possible homicide. 209 00:10:44,353 --> 00:10:45,466 Where would Sam go? 210 00:10:46,983 --> 00:10:47,943 I don't know. 211 00:10:47,943 --> 00:10:49,123 Everyone here's got quads. 212 00:10:49,123 --> 00:10:50,103 He could be anywhere. 213 00:10:50,103 --> 00:10:51,873 Sam's a trapper right? 214 00:10:51,873 --> 00:10:53,954 How far does his line run? 215 00:10:53,954 --> 00:10:56,233 60, 80 K, maybe a hundred. 216 00:10:56,233 --> 00:10:57,703 North of here? 217 00:11:00,183 --> 00:11:01,473 South? 218 00:11:01,473 --> 00:11:02,743 He's my friend. 219 00:11:02,743 --> 00:11:05,093 I'm just trying to get his side of the story. 220 00:11:06,283 --> 00:11:07,463 North. 221 00:11:07,463 --> 00:11:09,163 How wide of a stretch does it cover? 222 00:11:09,163 --> 00:11:10,843 25, maybe 30 K. 223 00:11:10,843 --> 00:11:12,283 His dad left him a good line. 224 00:11:12,283 --> 00:11:13,856 Does he have a cabin up there? 225 00:11:14,773 --> 00:11:16,593 3000 square kilometers of bush, 226 00:11:16,593 --> 00:11:18,143 he's gotta have a cabin. 227 00:11:18,143 --> 00:11:19,293 Can you find me a quad? 228 00:11:20,413 --> 00:11:21,246 Thanks. 229 00:11:23,023 --> 00:11:23,856 I'm going with you. 230 00:11:23,856 --> 00:11:26,503 Look, he's armed and potentially dangerous. 231 00:11:26,503 --> 00:11:27,773 I can't ask you- - You didn't ask, 232 00:11:27,773 --> 00:11:29,243 I volunteered. 233 00:11:29,243 --> 00:11:31,580 Look, I know him. 234 00:11:31,580 --> 00:11:32,483 Let me find him. 235 00:11:32,483 --> 00:11:34,103 Maybe I can help. 236 00:11:34,103 --> 00:11:34,936 Okay. 237 00:11:34,936 --> 00:11:36,863 But you're not a cop and you don't have a gun. 238 00:11:36,863 --> 00:11:41,003 So ground rules, you drive, I cover you. 239 00:11:41,003 --> 00:11:42,263 But if we run into any trouble, 240 00:11:42,263 --> 00:11:44,866 you stay the hell back and let me handle it. 241 00:11:46,203 --> 00:11:47,036 Of course. 242 00:11:52,283 --> 00:11:54,193 Well, the cops aren't do a damn thing. 243 00:11:55,653 --> 00:11:57,053 Collins Bay has no road access. 244 00:11:57,053 --> 00:11:59,393 The only way to get booze in there is by plane. 245 00:11:59,393 --> 00:12:01,443 We gotta find the pilot who flew it in. 246 00:12:01,443 --> 00:12:03,443 - And then what? 247 00:12:03,443 --> 00:12:04,863 Ring his frigging neck. 248 00:12:04,863 --> 00:12:05,783 How do you know it's a him? 249 00:12:05,783 --> 00:12:08,493 There are about 20 female pilots in town 250 00:12:08,493 --> 00:12:10,283 and none of them would be this boneheaded. 251 00:12:10,283 --> 00:12:11,963 Do you really think this is just stupidity? 252 00:12:11,963 --> 00:12:14,393 Some idiot pilot left a bottle in his plane. 253 00:12:14,393 --> 00:12:16,393 It's way more likely it was somebody selling it. 254 00:12:16,393 --> 00:12:17,653 Well, let's start by finding out 255 00:12:17,653 --> 00:12:20,293 who logged flights to Collins Bay in the last two weeks. 256 00:12:20,293 --> 00:12:23,243 Murray Carter's up there all the time and he's in town. 257 00:12:23,243 --> 00:12:24,873 I saw him at the coffee shop this morning. 258 00:12:24,873 --> 00:12:26,823 All right I'll take a run to his hanger, 259 00:12:26,823 --> 00:12:28,046 ask him if he's seen anything. 260 00:12:28,046 --> 00:12:29,893 Yeah look out, he's still sore at your dad 261 00:12:29,893 --> 00:12:31,656 and I for firing him in '91. 262 00:12:38,053 --> 00:12:38,886 Murray. 263 00:12:40,003 --> 00:12:41,543 Ivarson send you? 264 00:12:41,543 --> 00:12:43,533 Heard you were short on pilots. 265 00:12:43,533 --> 00:12:45,153 That's not why I'm here. 266 00:12:45,153 --> 00:12:47,073 Actually, I was just wondering 267 00:12:47,073 --> 00:12:49,103 if you were in Collin's Bay recently? 268 00:12:49,103 --> 00:12:49,943 Why? 269 00:12:49,943 --> 00:12:51,833 Somebody flew booze in there. 270 00:12:51,833 --> 00:12:52,743 So? 271 00:12:52,743 --> 00:12:53,953 Where were you last night? 272 00:12:53,953 --> 00:12:54,786 I was in Tuk. 273 00:12:55,683 --> 00:12:58,296 You can ask Laird, he saw me come in this morning. 274 00:13:00,833 --> 00:13:02,036 Thanks for your time. 275 00:13:08,903 --> 00:13:10,533 Hi, Bobby Martin. 276 00:13:10,533 --> 00:13:11,913 Laird Buchanan. 277 00:13:11,913 --> 00:13:13,153 So I gotta ask. 278 00:13:13,153 --> 00:13:14,323 Nah, nah, nah. 279 00:13:14,323 --> 00:13:16,343 Murray's an idiot, but there's no way he's running booze. 280 00:13:16,343 --> 00:13:17,176 He was in Tuk. 281 00:13:18,033 --> 00:13:19,023 You're a pilot? 282 00:13:19,023 --> 00:13:21,393 You ever fly to Collins Bay? 283 00:13:21,393 --> 00:13:23,543 No, mostly do Hay River, 284 00:13:23,543 --> 00:13:26,303 but a few weeks ago buddy of mine 285 00:13:26,303 --> 00:13:28,883 saw a pilot unloading some boxes. 286 00:13:28,883 --> 00:13:30,763 It was sometime after midnight. 287 00:13:30,763 --> 00:13:31,866 In Collins bay? 288 00:13:33,303 --> 00:13:34,863 Who's the pilot? 289 00:13:34,863 --> 00:13:36,303 No idea. 290 00:13:36,303 --> 00:13:39,133 But apparently he's got a 150, real beauty. 291 00:13:39,133 --> 00:13:41,276 Don't suppose you got her call letters? 292 00:13:42,784 --> 00:13:44,196 I think it was blue and white. 293 00:13:45,633 --> 00:13:46,466 Thanks. 294 00:13:59,033 --> 00:14:01,406 Two sets of tracks, which ones do you wanna follow? 295 00:14:03,683 --> 00:14:06,023 Looks like the same tread pattern on both. 296 00:14:06,023 --> 00:14:06,983 We don't even know if the tracks 297 00:14:06,983 --> 00:14:08,033 we've been following are Sam's, 298 00:14:08,033 --> 00:14:09,173 could be anybody's. 299 00:14:09,173 --> 00:14:10,523 It's a strange way to go. 300 00:14:11,633 --> 00:14:13,678 Unless you're trying to disappear. 301 00:14:13,678 --> 00:14:14,511 Maybe. 302 00:14:16,043 --> 00:14:17,363 It's worth a shot. 303 00:14:17,363 --> 00:14:18,966 Let's try it. 304 00:14:27,973 --> 00:14:30,963 How many more pilots logged flights into Collins Bay? 305 00:14:30,963 --> 00:14:33,033 I found another three we should track down. 306 00:14:33,033 --> 00:14:34,533 I just got off the phone with Gail Marchand. 307 00:14:34,533 --> 00:14:36,714 She flew some American hunters in there last week. 308 00:14:36,714 --> 00:14:38,003 Any booze? 309 00:14:38,003 --> 00:14:39,643 She got into an argument with them. 310 00:14:39,643 --> 00:14:41,093 They didn't understand why she wouldn't let them 311 00:14:41,093 --> 00:14:42,006 bring beer on board. 312 00:14:42,006 --> 00:14:43,673 They never do. 313 00:14:43,673 --> 00:14:46,383 She swears she left it on the tarmac in YK. 314 00:14:46,383 --> 00:14:48,093 I'm gonna double check her story. 315 00:14:48,093 --> 00:14:49,726 How's it going with you? 316 00:14:49,726 --> 00:14:51,833 I struck out with the commercial outfits. 317 00:14:51,833 --> 00:14:53,643 If their pilots are flying into Collins Bay, 318 00:14:53,643 --> 00:14:55,853 it's on their own time with their own planes. 319 00:14:55,853 --> 00:14:57,983 We're probably looking at an independent. 320 00:14:57,983 --> 00:14:59,983 Any leads on that 150 Bobby called in? 321 00:14:59,983 --> 00:15:00,836 No, not yet. 322 00:15:01,693 --> 00:15:03,233 Maybe I'll take a box of donuts 323 00:15:03,233 --> 00:15:05,093 over to Gordon up at transport. 324 00:15:05,093 --> 00:15:08,483 His office has a file on every aircraft in the Territories. 325 00:15:08,483 --> 00:15:10,033 He'll be thrilled to see you. 326 00:15:11,123 --> 00:15:14,998 Wait, look who flew into Collins Bay yesterday. 327 00:15:28,870 --> 00:15:29,703 Anything? 328 00:15:30,536 --> 00:15:32,695 He could be anywhere by now. 329 00:15:32,695 --> 00:15:34,643 You wanna go back, follow the other set of tracks? 330 00:15:34,643 --> 00:15:37,983 Even if they're his, he'd have a huge lead by now. 331 00:15:37,983 --> 00:15:39,153 He could be ahead of us. 332 00:15:39,153 --> 00:15:40,846 We don't know for sure this is the wrong trail. 333 00:15:41,679 --> 00:15:42,613 I'm calling for backup, 334 00:15:42,613 --> 00:15:45,063 but we need to find him before we lose the light. 335 00:15:46,173 --> 00:15:47,423 I need a bird's eye view. 336 00:15:48,663 --> 00:15:49,863 Hey Bobby, 337 00:15:49,863 --> 00:15:51,083 that pilot who gave you the tip 338 00:15:51,083 --> 00:15:52,743 about the blue and white 150, 339 00:15:52,743 --> 00:15:54,383 what was his name? 340 00:15:54,383 --> 00:15:55,216 Laird Buchanan. 341 00:15:55,216 --> 00:15:56,403 According to the flight logs, 342 00:15:56,403 --> 00:15:58,153 he flew into Collins Bay yesterday. 343 00:15:59,886 --> 00:16:00,719 He lied to me. 344 00:16:00,719 --> 00:16:03,193 And we called the strip manager to confirm. 345 00:16:03,193 --> 00:16:04,933 He said that Laird's plane was already gone 346 00:16:04,933 --> 00:16:06,733 when he showed up for work this morning. 347 00:16:06,733 --> 00:16:07,583 Thanks. 348 00:16:09,383 --> 00:16:10,883 Hey. 349 00:16:10,883 --> 00:16:11,913 Where's Laird? 350 00:16:11,913 --> 00:16:12,746 Left. 351 00:16:12,746 --> 00:16:13,583 Where'd he go? 352 00:16:13,583 --> 00:16:14,703 What am I, his babysitter? 353 00:16:14,703 --> 00:16:16,443 He took off right after you did. 354 00:16:16,443 --> 00:16:18,280 He told me that he doesn't fly into Collins Bay 355 00:16:18,280 --> 00:16:20,303 and I got proof he was there last night. 356 00:16:20,303 --> 00:16:21,250 - So? - Why'd he lie to me? 357 00:16:21,250 --> 00:16:22,473 How the hell would I know? 358 00:16:22,473 --> 00:16:24,153 I think he's flying booze in there 359 00:16:24,153 --> 00:16:25,851 and I'm guessing you're his partner. 360 00:16:25,851 --> 00:16:26,850 - What, are you kidding me? 361 00:16:26,850 --> 00:16:29,823 You think I'd risk my license, my business like that? 362 00:16:29,823 --> 00:16:31,503 But you knew Laird was bootleg? 363 00:16:31,503 --> 00:16:33,623 Nah, I barely know the guy. 364 00:16:33,623 --> 00:16:35,323 I just sublet hanger space to him. 365 00:16:37,733 --> 00:16:39,896 Well, do you have a number or an address? 366 00:16:41,316 --> 00:16:43,816 I think I might have his cell written somewhere. 367 00:16:54,243 --> 00:16:56,406 Hey, I need a favor. 368 00:16:59,151 --> 00:17:00,933 And here I thought you were giving a break on our cargo 369 00:17:00,933 --> 00:17:01,766 'cause we're buds. 370 00:17:01,766 --> 00:17:02,599 No. 371 00:17:02,599 --> 00:17:03,703 Look, I'm looking for a pilot 372 00:17:03,703 --> 00:17:06,013 who might have flown booze into Collins Bay. 373 00:17:06,013 --> 00:17:07,526 His name is Laird Buchanan. 374 00:17:08,603 --> 00:17:09,703 Okay. 375 00:17:09,703 --> 00:17:12,661 He lied to me outright, but we know he was up there. 376 00:17:13,730 --> 00:17:15,421 Are you a bush pilot cop now? 377 00:17:18,003 --> 00:17:19,603 You know my little sister got drunk 378 00:17:19,603 --> 00:17:21,516 and died in Collins Bay last night. 379 00:17:24,583 --> 00:17:25,416 Sorry. 380 00:17:25,416 --> 00:17:27,586 Look, I need to know if Laird's a bootlegger. 381 00:17:30,313 --> 00:17:31,693 Come on, if you know anything- 382 00:17:31,693 --> 00:17:33,633 Last I heard, Laird was working for Bruce. 383 00:17:33,633 --> 00:17:34,506 Bruce Ward? 384 00:17:36,563 --> 00:17:37,623 I heard he was running booze, 385 00:17:37,623 --> 00:17:39,773 but I don't know if he was in Collin's Bay. 386 00:17:39,773 --> 00:17:42,443 So listen, you didn't hear that from me, all right. 387 00:17:42,443 --> 00:17:43,373 I don't need the blowback. 388 00:17:43,373 --> 00:17:44,986 Yeah, not a word. 389 00:17:47,543 --> 00:17:48,513 Unbelievable, huh? 390 00:17:48,513 --> 00:17:51,443 You got a lot of balls showing your face around here Martin. 391 00:17:51,443 --> 00:17:52,916 Stay away from me, Kimbo. 392 00:17:58,791 --> 00:18:01,113 What the hell's he doing in here Russell? 393 00:18:01,113 --> 00:18:03,563 He's bringing my gear down for me, okay. 394 00:18:03,563 --> 00:18:04,490 Just chill. 395 00:18:08,263 --> 00:18:10,063 Biggest moose he ever got. 396 00:18:11,533 --> 00:18:13,173 No bullet holes, 397 00:18:13,173 --> 00:18:14,736 hit him between the eyes. 398 00:18:16,273 --> 00:18:17,106 How much? 399 00:18:17,106 --> 00:18:17,939 Five grand. 400 00:18:18,813 --> 00:18:20,526 It's a good deal, Bruce. 401 00:18:22,167 --> 00:18:23,736 This is how you treat your own. 402 00:18:25,713 --> 00:18:27,956 Trying to scam me like I'm some city Indian? 403 00:18:29,850 --> 00:18:30,866 $2500. 404 00:18:31,993 --> 00:18:33,393 You got a problem with that? 405 00:18:41,383 --> 00:18:43,067 Bruce. 406 00:18:45,243 --> 00:18:47,763 Somebody's flying booze into Collins Bay. 407 00:18:47,763 --> 00:18:49,381 Yeah, so? 408 00:18:49,381 --> 00:18:51,243 It needs to end now. 409 00:18:51,243 --> 00:18:53,293 I don't got time for this crap. 410 00:18:53,293 --> 00:18:55,613 I know Laird Buchanan works for you. 411 00:18:55,613 --> 00:18:56,446 - 412 00:18:56,446 --> 00:18:57,279 Get the hell off of me. 413 00:18:57,279 --> 00:18:58,873 You sent him up there with booze. 414 00:18:58,873 --> 00:19:01,663 Even if I was bootlegging, which I'm not, 415 00:19:01,663 --> 00:19:03,303 you think I'd hire that screw up? 416 00:19:03,303 --> 00:19:06,186 I fired him from a warehouse job six months ago. 417 00:19:07,023 --> 00:19:09,933 You stop now. 418 00:19:09,933 --> 00:19:12,213 Or I'll shut down Ward Trucking. 419 00:19:12,213 --> 00:19:13,647 Yeah right. 420 00:19:13,647 --> 00:19:15,193 How you gonna do that Wonder Boy? 421 00:19:15,193 --> 00:19:16,366 Piece by piece. 422 00:19:18,633 --> 00:19:22,433 Bobby Martin, on a quest to save his people. 423 00:19:22,433 --> 00:19:24,223 My heart soars. 424 00:19:24,223 --> 00:19:26,953 This one of your sister's latest crusades? 425 00:19:26,953 --> 00:19:28,136 Desi is dead. 426 00:19:34,807 --> 00:19:36,140 What happened? 427 00:19:37,193 --> 00:19:39,036 She passed out and froze. 428 00:19:39,983 --> 00:19:41,646 So she drank herself to death. 429 00:19:42,513 --> 00:19:43,893 No surprise there. 430 00:19:43,893 --> 00:19:45,773 You went out with her. 431 00:19:45,773 --> 00:19:47,023 Yeah, in high school. 432 00:19:47,023 --> 00:19:48,723 So she means nothing to you now. 433 00:19:50,120 --> 00:19:53,113 What do you want, a freaking eulogy? 434 00:19:53,113 --> 00:19:54,793 Desi was weak, 435 00:19:54,793 --> 00:19:57,093 like all the others who can't get it together. 436 00:20:08,359 --> 00:20:10,553 I could call my contact at city hall. 437 00:20:10,553 --> 00:20:14,063 She'll make it hell for Bruce when his permits come up. 438 00:20:14,063 --> 00:20:15,893 Going after his company's not gonna stop him, 439 00:20:15,893 --> 00:20:17,513 we have to hit him where it hurts. 440 00:20:17,513 --> 00:20:19,526 Money, that's all he cares about. 441 00:20:21,573 --> 00:20:22,933 And his grandmother. 442 00:20:22,933 --> 00:20:23,766 Deanna- 443 00:20:23,766 --> 00:20:25,343 Dorothy's luncheon today is at the hall. 444 00:20:25,343 --> 00:20:27,483 She's being honored for her work in the community. 445 00:20:27,483 --> 00:20:29,603 My cousin and I are going. 446 00:20:29,603 --> 00:20:31,303 All her family and friends are gonna be there. 447 00:20:31,303 --> 00:20:33,463 That's why Bruce was buying the moose hide. 448 00:20:33,463 --> 00:20:35,494 He adores her Bobby. 449 00:20:36,327 --> 00:20:39,853 She's the one person in this world that he cares about. 450 00:20:39,853 --> 00:20:41,903 You can't do that. 451 00:20:41,903 --> 00:20:43,943 You don't turn family against each other. 452 00:20:43,943 --> 00:20:45,933 And today of all days? 453 00:20:45,933 --> 00:20:47,583 A few months ago, 454 00:20:47,583 --> 00:20:49,903 I still believed that Bruce had some good in him. 455 00:20:49,903 --> 00:20:51,393 But this? 456 00:20:51,393 --> 00:20:53,476 He has to be stopped. 457 00:20:54,363 --> 00:20:58,002 Bruce Ward is not the source of all evil in this world. 458 00:20:58,002 --> 00:21:00,333 He sent up the booze that killed Desi. 459 00:21:00,333 --> 00:21:01,166 That's enough. 460 00:21:01,166 --> 00:21:03,046 Who told you Bruce is behind all this? 461 00:21:03,046 --> 00:21:04,023 A friend. 462 00:21:04,023 --> 00:21:05,963 How reliable is this friend? 463 00:21:05,963 --> 00:21:07,043 Does he have proof? 464 00:21:07,043 --> 00:21:08,223 Why are you defending him? 465 00:21:08,223 --> 00:21:09,093 I'm not. 466 00:21:09,093 --> 00:21:11,483 But you have tunnel vision when it comes to this guy. 467 00:21:11,483 --> 00:21:12,813 He burned down a chief's house 468 00:21:12,813 --> 00:21:14,223 and he tried to run me off the road. 469 00:21:14,223 --> 00:21:16,836 You are talking about ripping his family apart. 470 00:21:17,763 --> 00:21:19,243 If that's what it takes. 471 00:21:19,243 --> 00:21:21,463 Bobby, what do you wanna do here, 472 00:21:21,463 --> 00:21:24,383 stop him from bootlegging or destroy him personally? 473 00:21:24,383 --> 00:21:25,653 This is not personal. 474 00:21:25,653 --> 00:21:27,133 It's about stopping a criminal. 475 00:21:27,133 --> 00:21:29,383 And we should have done that a long time ago. 476 00:21:37,160 --> 00:21:38,743 Did you talk to him? 477 00:21:38,743 --> 00:21:41,393 He didn't care Desi Clement was dead. 478 00:21:41,393 --> 00:21:43,376 Said she brought it on to herself. 479 00:21:50,833 --> 00:21:52,746 I'm sorry about your little sister. 480 00:21:58,980 --> 00:22:00,140 I know it isn't 481 00:22:00,140 --> 00:22:02,553 and I mean no disrespect. 482 00:22:02,553 --> 00:22:05,283 But for years he's been hurting more and more people. 483 00:22:05,283 --> 00:22:10,214 And for me, for us, this is the last straw. 484 00:22:12,743 --> 00:22:17,743 You've lost your parents and a daughter to drinking. 485 00:22:19,253 --> 00:22:20,976 Bruce lost his mother. 486 00:22:22,053 --> 00:22:24,783 You've always been there for him when nobody else was 487 00:22:28,343 --> 00:22:29,840 He'll listen to you. 488 00:22:33,170 --> 00:22:35,846 You and Bruce were little devils growing up. 489 00:22:37,933 --> 00:22:38,766 We were. 490 00:22:38,766 --> 00:22:41,133 I never could tell who was the worst. 491 00:22:41,133 --> 00:22:42,186 Probably me. 492 00:22:43,773 --> 00:22:47,356 Well, you made your choices. 493 00:22:49,708 --> 00:22:51,696 And you learned from your mistakes. 494 00:22:56,613 --> 00:22:58,530 My grandson has to make his. 495 00:23:07,823 --> 00:23:10,716 Excuse me, I've got to get ready. 496 00:23:12,833 --> 00:23:15,906 When your grandson shows up today with a gift for you, 497 00:23:17,593 --> 00:23:19,474 remember who he hurt to pay for it. 498 00:23:32,210 --> 00:23:33,043 How are you? 499 00:23:33,043 --> 00:23:36,091 Would you look at all this food. 500 00:23:36,091 --> 00:23:37,916 Congratulations. 501 00:23:37,916 --> 00:23:39,243 I feel silly. 502 00:23:39,243 --> 00:23:41,483 Me at the center of all this fuss. 503 00:23:41,483 --> 00:23:44,333 You've done so much for all of us and we're grateful. 504 00:23:44,333 --> 00:23:46,063 Denise brought her smoked char. 505 00:23:46,063 --> 00:23:48,203 Better get some before it's gone. 506 00:23:48,203 --> 00:23:49,406 I'm gonna put this way. 507 00:23:52,466 --> 00:23:53,299 Setsi. 508 00:24:00,456 --> 00:24:02,233 And this is for you. 509 00:24:02,233 --> 00:24:03,693 Not a scratch on it. 510 00:24:03,693 --> 00:24:05,923 Jimmy Football, he killed it. 511 00:24:05,923 --> 00:24:08,493 Adele Keenowosae, she tanned it 512 00:24:08,493 --> 00:24:11,193 and said it was the nicest moose hide she'd ever seen. 513 00:24:12,283 --> 00:24:14,393 It looks very expensive. 514 00:24:14,393 --> 00:24:15,406 You deserve it. 515 00:24:17,213 --> 00:24:18,436 How can you afford it? 516 00:24:19,903 --> 00:24:21,413 Company's been doing good. 517 00:24:21,413 --> 00:24:23,294 Desi Clement is dead. 518 00:24:23,294 --> 00:24:24,627 Oh no. 519 00:24:26,506 --> 00:24:27,363 I heard. 520 00:24:27,363 --> 00:24:30,300 Did you sell booze to Collins Bay? 521 00:24:31,133 --> 00:24:31,966 No. 522 00:24:33,253 --> 00:24:34,356 Who told you that? 523 00:24:35,223 --> 00:24:36,756 Look me in the eye Bruce. 524 00:24:37,762 --> 00:24:40,003 Awful, just awful. 525 00:24:40,003 --> 00:24:43,096 Have you been selling alcohol into dry communities? 526 00:24:44,013 --> 00:24:45,703 Can we talk about this later? 527 00:24:48,963 --> 00:24:50,950 I have nothing more to say to you. 528 00:25:09,421 --> 00:25:10,353 Bobby Martin did this? 529 00:25:10,353 --> 00:25:11,966 He went to my family? 530 00:25:25,954 --> 00:25:27,133 You got what you wanted. 531 00:25:27,133 --> 00:25:29,253 Dorothy, disowned Bruce in front of everyone. 532 00:25:29,253 --> 00:25:30,813 I'm not the bad guy here. 533 00:25:30,813 --> 00:25:33,063 We are here to honor an elder Bobby. 534 00:25:33,063 --> 00:25:35,763 It should have been a great day for her, for all of us. 535 00:25:35,763 --> 00:25:37,013 I'm sorry it came to that, 536 00:25:37,013 --> 00:25:39,433 but Bruce put her in that situation, not me. 537 00:25:39,433 --> 00:25:41,276 You knew what would happen. 538 00:25:43,413 --> 00:25:45,803 If you had seen his face, 539 00:25:45,803 --> 00:25:47,003 he was crushed. 540 00:25:47,003 --> 00:25:48,086 Desi's dead. 541 00:25:49,023 --> 00:25:51,613 I'm supposed to care that Bruce's feelings were hurt? 542 00:25:51,613 --> 00:25:53,503 Don't kid yourself this isn't personal. 543 00:25:53,503 --> 00:25:55,753 'Cause he certainly took it that way. 544 00:25:55,753 --> 00:25:56,903 Better watch your back. 545 00:26:08,268 --> 00:26:10,833 Blake, this is Krista, do you read? 546 00:26:10,833 --> 00:26:12,673 Loud and clear Krista, go ahead. 547 00:26:12,673 --> 00:26:14,323 I've got three officers here with me, 548 00:26:14,323 --> 00:26:15,423 they'd like an update. 549 00:26:15,423 --> 00:26:17,163 I'm not sure how much they told you. 550 00:26:17,163 --> 00:26:19,033 That Lindsay's tracking a person of interest 551 00:26:19,033 --> 00:26:20,203 in a possible homicide. 552 00:26:20,203 --> 00:26:22,213 Yeah, it's the victim's ex-boyfriend. 553 00:26:22,213 --> 00:26:24,537 We're about 15 minutes northwest of Collins Bay, 554 00:26:24,537 --> 00:26:25,613 still looking for his cabin. 555 00:26:25,613 --> 00:26:27,393 Tell them the suspect may be holed up there, 556 00:26:27,393 --> 00:26:29,183 but we don't know for sure. 557 00:26:29,183 --> 00:26:30,363 Copy that. 558 00:26:30,363 --> 00:26:31,293 How far away are you? 559 00:26:31,293 --> 00:26:34,453 Mm, about 45 minutes to an hour, depending on headwinds. 560 00:26:34,453 --> 00:26:35,953 Great, see you soon. 561 00:26:37,823 --> 00:26:39,006 There, what's that? 562 00:26:41,604 --> 00:26:42,826 Could be his cabin. 563 00:26:44,353 --> 00:26:45,403 Let's check it out. 564 00:27:09,726 --> 00:27:11,263 He's not here. 565 00:27:11,263 --> 00:27:14,005 But he was, I can still smell his cigarette. 566 00:27:14,005 --> 00:27:15,433 What do you wanna do? 567 00:27:15,433 --> 00:27:18,197 Call Krista, give them our coordinates. 568 00:27:18,197 --> 00:27:19,947 Tell them the suspects on foot now. 569 00:27:34,673 --> 00:27:36,093 There's Blake's plane. 570 00:27:36,093 --> 00:27:36,926 It'll be tight, 571 00:27:36,926 --> 00:27:39,162 but I think I can touch down beside him. 572 00:27:39,162 --> 00:27:41,063 If we want to cut off the suspect's escape route, 573 00:27:41,063 --> 00:27:44,526 we need to land on the opposite side of this ridge. 574 00:27:45,523 --> 00:27:47,953 That's a lot easier said than done. 575 00:27:47,953 --> 00:27:49,553 Thought you were a bush pilot? 576 00:27:52,133 --> 00:27:53,133 Let's have a look. 577 00:28:52,105 --> 00:28:54,073 I think he faked us out. 578 00:28:54,073 --> 00:28:55,133 Led us on a false trail. 579 00:28:55,133 --> 00:28:57,183 That means he's close. 580 00:28:57,183 --> 00:28:58,953 And he knows we're here. 581 00:28:58,953 --> 00:28:59,986 Stay alert. 582 00:29:14,966 --> 00:29:16,692 - Stay with the plane. 583 00:29:28,122 --> 00:29:29,183 Yeah, we put down just east of the ridge. 584 00:29:29,183 --> 00:29:30,583 That must have been a hell of a landing. 585 00:29:30,583 --> 00:29:31,993 Are you all right? 586 00:29:31,993 --> 00:29:33,093 Yeah, how about you? 587 00:29:35,166 --> 00:29:37,163 We're in the bush, just east of the coordinates 588 00:29:37,163 --> 00:29:38,733 we gave you. 589 00:29:38,733 --> 00:29:40,013 What do you mean we? 590 00:29:40,013 --> 00:29:41,413 You're not a cop. 591 00:29:41,413 --> 00:29:43,353 Blake, you need to stay out of this. 592 00:29:43,353 --> 00:29:44,823 The cops are headed your way. 593 00:29:44,823 --> 00:29:45,693 Good to hear, thanks. 594 00:29:45,693 --> 00:29:47,073 No I'm serious. 595 00:29:47,073 --> 00:29:48,232 Let them handle it. 596 00:29:48,232 --> 00:29:49,683 - Hang up. 597 00:29:49,683 --> 00:29:50,573 Do it now. 598 00:29:50,573 --> 00:29:52,423 - Just relax. - Krista? 599 00:29:52,423 --> 00:29:53,305 Krista. 600 00:29:57,043 --> 00:29:57,876 Get me outta here. 601 00:29:57,876 --> 00:29:59,113 Okay, you don't wanna do this. 602 00:29:59,113 --> 00:30:00,043 Now. 603 00:30:00,043 --> 00:30:00,876 Where do you wanna go? 604 00:30:00,876 --> 00:30:02,176 I don't know. 605 00:30:03,061 --> 00:30:04,803 Over the border, Alaska. 606 00:30:04,803 --> 00:30:06,773 Everybody's gonna be looking for this plane. 607 00:30:06,773 --> 00:30:08,133 - Just start it. - Okay, okay. 608 00:30:08,133 --> 00:30:09,676 Easy, easy. 609 00:30:10,583 --> 00:30:13,266 If you shoot me, we're not going anywhere. 610 00:30:15,073 --> 00:30:16,987 I have to do my pre-flight check. 611 00:30:16,987 --> 00:30:17,873 You just landed. 612 00:30:17,873 --> 00:30:18,783 The plane's fine. 613 00:30:18,783 --> 00:30:19,977 Let's go. 614 00:30:22,373 --> 00:30:23,206 What did you do? 615 00:30:24,923 --> 00:30:25,783 Nothing. 616 00:30:25,783 --> 00:30:27,053 The battery's overheated. 617 00:30:27,053 --> 00:30:28,643 - Fix it. - I can't, I can't. 618 00:30:28,643 --> 00:30:30,216 It needs to cool down. 619 00:30:32,143 --> 00:30:33,903 How long is that gonna take? 620 00:30:33,903 --> 00:30:36,203 I don't know, a couple minutes maybe. 621 00:30:36,203 --> 00:30:37,503 We gotta go, 622 00:30:37,503 --> 00:30:39,627 the cops will be coming back. 623 00:30:39,627 --> 00:30:41,313 What do they think you did? 624 00:30:41,313 --> 00:30:43,113 They think like killed her, 625 00:30:43,113 --> 00:30:43,992 Desi. 626 00:30:47,153 --> 00:30:48,972 The plane's still there. 627 00:30:48,972 --> 00:30:51,522 We don't have a visual on the suspect or the pilot. 628 00:30:52,873 --> 00:30:54,484 Copy that. 629 00:30:54,484 --> 00:30:55,384 We're standing by. 630 00:30:56,793 --> 00:30:58,043 Back-ups moving this way. 631 00:30:59,693 --> 00:31:00,683 Wait. 632 00:31:00,683 --> 00:31:01,803 We don't know what we're dealing with. 633 00:31:01,803 --> 00:31:03,273 He's got Krista. 634 00:31:03,273 --> 00:31:04,923 We don't even know if they're in that plane. 635 00:31:04,923 --> 00:31:06,263 They could be anywhere. 636 00:31:06,263 --> 00:31:07,096 Let me check it out. 637 00:31:07,096 --> 00:31:08,243 If Sam's in there, he knows me. 638 00:31:08,243 --> 00:31:09,953 If you take one step towards that plane, 639 00:31:09,953 --> 00:31:11,356 I will cuff you to a tree. 640 00:31:13,824 --> 00:31:15,616 We won't let anything happen to Krista. 641 00:31:28,433 --> 00:31:29,433 You went to Setsi. 642 00:31:31,476 --> 00:31:34,926 I told you to stop bootlegging and you blew me off. 643 00:31:36,333 --> 00:31:37,166 When we were kids, 644 00:31:37,166 --> 00:31:40,793 I used to show up at your place every night around dinner. 645 00:31:40,793 --> 00:31:41,626 Remember that? 646 00:31:42,503 --> 00:31:43,853 Yeah. 647 00:31:43,853 --> 00:31:46,173 You ever figure that one out Martin? 648 00:31:46,173 --> 00:31:47,653 My mom was dead, 649 00:31:47,653 --> 00:31:48,736 dad was in jail. 650 00:31:49,723 --> 00:31:52,503 Who do you think was making dinner at my house? 651 00:31:52,503 --> 00:31:53,336 Nobody. 652 00:31:54,813 --> 00:31:57,986 Until Setsi moved from Deline to look after me. 653 00:31:58,963 --> 00:32:00,813 I'd be dead if it wasn't for her. 654 00:32:00,813 --> 00:32:03,543 And do you know what alcoholism did to her? 655 00:32:03,543 --> 00:32:04,556 To your family? 656 00:32:05,674 --> 00:32:07,910 How could you go selling booze to Collins Bay? 657 00:32:07,910 --> 00:32:08,936 I lost everyone. 658 00:32:09,853 --> 00:32:13,013 My parents, Uncle Zach. 659 00:32:13,013 --> 00:32:14,646 Now you take the only family I've got. 660 00:32:14,646 --> 00:32:15,986 You can stop. 661 00:32:17,083 --> 00:32:18,833 You can make this right. 662 00:32:18,833 --> 00:32:20,283 You crossed the line Bobby. 663 00:32:22,076 --> 00:32:23,426 You went after my family. 664 00:32:25,003 --> 00:32:27,703 You just remember that when somebody goes after yours. 665 00:32:30,033 --> 00:32:31,776 What happened last night? 666 00:32:34,640 --> 00:32:36,623 I went over to her place, 667 00:32:36,623 --> 00:32:37,546 just to talk. 668 00:32:38,673 --> 00:32:40,846 She was drinking with her new boyfriend. 669 00:32:43,733 --> 00:32:44,833 She was doing so good. 670 00:32:48,523 --> 00:32:50,856 But soon as he started bringing in the whiskey, 671 00:32:51,773 --> 00:32:53,713 It's nothing I could do. 672 00:32:53,713 --> 00:32:56,733 She left you for the guy flying in the booze. 673 00:32:56,733 --> 00:32:59,570 White guy, from the city. 674 00:32:59,570 --> 00:33:00,820 Who? 675 00:33:01,833 --> 00:33:03,183 Laird something. 676 00:33:03,183 --> 00:33:04,693 Laird Buchanan. 677 00:33:04,693 --> 00:33:05,526 Yeah. 678 00:33:06,843 --> 00:33:09,003 I kept begging her to leave him. 679 00:33:09,003 --> 00:33:10,776 But last night he threw me out. 680 00:33:11,623 --> 00:33:13,873 She told me she never wanted to see me again. 681 00:33:18,413 --> 00:33:20,943 So Laird might have been the person to see her alive. 682 00:33:20,943 --> 00:33:22,803 Did you tell the cops what you know about him? 683 00:33:22,803 --> 00:33:23,636 Why? 684 00:33:23,636 --> 00:33:24,890 I have a record and my girlfriend's dead. 685 00:33:24,890 --> 00:33:26,283 But he could have killed her. 686 00:33:26,283 --> 00:33:27,533 Don't you wanna clear your name? 687 00:33:27,533 --> 00:33:28,793 Cops won't listen to me. 688 00:33:28,793 --> 00:33:30,653 The investigating officer, Lindsay Gallagher, 689 00:33:30,653 --> 00:33:31,486 she is a friend. 690 00:33:31,486 --> 00:33:32,319 I can talk to her. 691 00:33:32,319 --> 00:33:33,526 And even if the cops did believe me, 692 00:33:34,493 --> 00:33:36,403 I'd have Kimbo Comstock after me. 693 00:33:36,403 --> 00:33:37,236 Why? 694 00:33:37,236 --> 00:33:40,413 If I ratted it out his pilot, Kimbo would kill me. 695 00:33:40,413 --> 00:33:42,958 Laird works for Kimbo Comstock? 696 00:33:47,653 --> 00:33:50,873 We had a fight, things got rough. 697 00:33:50,873 --> 00:33:51,823 Did you kill her? 698 00:33:51,823 --> 00:33:52,871 I didn't mean to. 699 00:33:52,871 --> 00:33:53,704 Shh. 700 00:33:55,646 --> 00:33:57,053 I pushed her, she fell, 701 00:33:57,053 --> 00:33:58,273 she didn't get up. 702 00:33:58,273 --> 00:33:59,106 Did anybody see you? 703 00:33:59,106 --> 00:34:00,643 No. 704 00:34:00,643 --> 00:34:01,873 I was real careful, I swear. 705 00:34:01,873 --> 00:34:03,873 But what did you do with the body? 706 00:34:03,873 --> 00:34:04,706 Nothing. 707 00:34:06,483 --> 00:34:07,576 I left her there. 708 00:34:08,786 --> 00:34:11,310 Looks like an accident, like she froze death, right? 709 00:34:12,223 --> 00:34:14,103 I told you never to come in here. 710 00:34:14,103 --> 00:34:15,793 I said no connection between us. 711 00:34:15,793 --> 00:34:16,718 None. 712 00:34:22,013 --> 00:34:23,310 Did the cops talk to you? 713 00:34:24,336 --> 00:34:25,522 - No. - Good. 714 00:34:25,522 --> 00:34:26,355 Okay. 715 00:34:28,090 --> 00:34:30,273 But Bobby Martin came by the hangar this morning, 716 00:34:30,273 --> 00:34:31,603 asking how the booze got up there. 717 00:34:33,663 --> 00:34:35,283 What did you tell him? 718 00:34:35,283 --> 00:34:37,806 I made up a story to throw him off the trail. 719 00:34:39,293 --> 00:34:41,313 He doesn't know it was me 720 00:34:41,313 --> 00:34:43,476 and there's no way it could lead back to you. 721 00:34:44,333 --> 00:34:47,733 If the cops grab me, I'll keep my mouth shut. 722 00:34:47,733 --> 00:34:49,723 You don't have to worry about that. 723 00:34:49,723 --> 00:34:50,556 Okay. 724 00:34:54,563 --> 00:34:56,176 Kimbo, thank you. 725 00:34:57,163 --> 00:35:00,256 It was an accident, it will never happen again. 726 00:35:01,373 --> 00:35:02,586 Just relax Laird. 727 00:35:04,373 --> 00:35:05,991 We're gonna make this all go away. 728 00:35:15,993 --> 00:35:18,753 So you'd rather go to jail and let Desi's killer go free? 729 00:35:18,753 --> 00:35:20,323 You don't know what Kimbo's like. 730 00:35:20,323 --> 00:35:22,123 Cops wouldn't be able to protect me. 731 00:35:22,963 --> 00:35:24,650 Are you sure Laird works for Kimbo? 732 00:35:24,650 --> 00:35:26,126 That's what he told Desi. 733 00:35:27,103 --> 00:35:29,083 Kimbo is just one guy. 734 00:35:29,083 --> 00:35:29,963 Give yourself up. 735 00:35:29,963 --> 00:35:31,773 Tell the cops everything you know. 736 00:35:31,773 --> 00:35:32,913 They won't let him near you. 737 00:35:32,913 --> 00:35:34,963 My word against a couple of white guys. 738 00:35:36,946 --> 00:35:39,143 It's the difference between being a cooperative witness 739 00:35:39,143 --> 00:35:40,043 and a fugitive. 740 00:35:43,503 --> 00:35:44,480 We can clear your name up, 741 00:35:44,480 --> 00:35:46,683 but you're gonna have to trust me. 742 00:35:46,683 --> 00:35:48,053 Sam Gordon, drop your weapon 743 00:35:48,053 --> 00:35:50,113 and step out of the plane slowly. 744 00:35:50,113 --> 00:35:51,553 Sam, please. 745 00:35:51,553 --> 00:35:53,900 Step out of the plane with your hands where I can see them 746 00:35:53,900 --> 00:35:55,593 You're the same as all the others. 747 00:35:55,593 --> 00:35:57,283 - No. - In the air now. 748 00:35:57,283 --> 00:35:58,116 Sam. 749 00:35:58,116 --> 00:35:59,233 Or I'll kill us both. 750 00:36:00,143 --> 00:36:01,463 Sam. 751 00:36:01,463 --> 00:36:03,985 That's Krista Ivarson in there with you. 752 00:36:03,985 --> 00:36:05,583 She's a good person. 753 00:36:05,583 --> 00:36:07,933 She's got a family in Yellowknife who love her. 754 00:36:08,773 --> 00:36:10,826 They wanna see her come home safe, Sam. 755 00:36:12,413 --> 00:36:14,558 We don't want anyone else getting hurt. 756 00:36:14,558 --> 00:36:15,449 Go. 757 00:36:17,763 --> 00:36:20,023 Blake, get out of there now. 758 00:36:20,023 --> 00:36:20,856 Sam, let her go. 759 00:36:20,856 --> 00:36:21,689 Get out of the way. 760 00:36:21,689 --> 00:36:23,003 You're not taking Krista. 761 00:36:24,019 --> 00:36:25,920 You want a pilot, you take me. 762 00:36:25,920 --> 00:36:27,266 Move or I'll shoot. 763 00:36:29,239 --> 00:36:31,243 I saw you and Desi together on that flight we took, 764 00:36:31,243 --> 00:36:32,843 I know how much you loved her. 765 00:36:32,843 --> 00:36:35,503 Whatever happened, I know you never meant to hurt her. 766 00:36:35,503 --> 00:36:36,366 Drop your gun. 767 00:36:37,343 --> 00:36:38,176 Sam? 768 00:36:39,908 --> 00:36:40,783 I don't if you killed her. 769 00:36:40,783 --> 00:36:42,403 He didn't. 770 00:36:42,403 --> 00:36:43,436 He's innocent. 771 00:36:44,793 --> 00:36:46,743 Then I believe you. 772 00:36:46,743 --> 00:36:48,473 I won't let you go down for something you didn't do. 773 00:37:05,063 --> 00:37:05,896 It's okay. 774 00:37:18,593 --> 00:37:19,623 You okay? 775 00:37:19,623 --> 00:37:20,773 - Yeah. 776 00:37:31,343 --> 00:37:34,253 Just hang out here with Mel 'til I get back, okay? 777 00:37:34,253 --> 00:37:35,163 Where are you going? 778 00:37:35,163 --> 00:37:36,326 I'll be back soon. 779 00:37:38,346 --> 00:37:40,513 Mel, I need you to keep Connor safe. 780 00:37:40,513 --> 00:37:41,553 From what, where are you going? 781 00:37:41,553 --> 00:37:42,843 To deal with Bruce Ward. 782 00:37:42,843 --> 00:37:43,746 Deal with, what does that mean? 783 00:37:43,746 --> 00:37:44,783 What the hell's going on? 784 00:37:44,783 --> 00:37:45,616 He threatened my family. 785 00:37:45,616 --> 00:37:47,343 Well then you call the cops. 786 00:37:47,343 --> 00:37:48,176 No. 787 00:37:48,176 --> 00:37:49,523 I'm not gonna let him hurt Connor. 788 00:37:49,523 --> 00:37:50,573 Hey, hey, hey, no. 789 00:37:50,573 --> 00:37:51,741 You're upset, I get that. 790 00:37:51,741 --> 00:37:53,093 But you're not thinking straight. 791 00:37:53,093 --> 00:37:53,926 Don't wanna do anything stupid. 792 00:37:53,926 --> 00:37:54,759 - Bobby. 793 00:37:54,759 --> 00:37:55,863 Krista, she wants to talk to you. 794 00:37:55,863 --> 00:37:56,713 Says it's urgent. 795 00:37:58,653 --> 00:37:59,686 Krista, I can't talk right now. 796 00:37:59,686 --> 00:38:01,453 Did you find Laird Buchanan? 797 00:38:01,453 --> 00:38:02,286 No, why? 798 00:38:02,286 --> 00:38:03,553 Well, the cops are looking for him. 799 00:38:03,553 --> 00:38:04,903 He's their prime suspect now. 800 00:38:04,903 --> 00:38:06,273 Suspect, for what? 801 00:38:06,273 --> 00:38:09,363 Desi's death might not have been an accident. 802 00:38:09,363 --> 00:38:11,393 They're treating it as a homicide. 803 00:38:11,393 --> 00:38:13,233 And they think Laird killed her? 804 00:38:13,233 --> 00:38:14,133 Why? 805 00:38:15,313 --> 00:38:17,943 He and Desi were seeing each other. 806 00:38:17,943 --> 00:38:21,183 Laird flew in some booze last night for Kimbo Comstock. 807 00:38:21,183 --> 00:38:22,553 And somebody heard them arguing. 808 00:38:22,553 --> 00:38:23,866 Wait, Kimbo? 809 00:38:24,893 --> 00:38:26,166 Laird worked for Kimbo. 810 00:38:27,073 --> 00:38:27,906 Yeah. 811 00:38:30,863 --> 00:38:32,163 If Sam's telling the truth, 812 00:38:32,163 --> 00:38:34,173 I'll do everything I can to clear his name. 813 00:38:34,173 --> 00:38:36,413 Then I'll make sure that everybody knows that. 814 00:38:36,413 --> 00:38:37,246 Next time we fly up, 815 00:38:37,246 --> 00:38:38,767 they'll be inviting you for caribou pie. 816 00:38:38,767 --> 00:38:40,445 - Yeah, right. 817 00:38:41,583 --> 00:38:43,219 You'd make a hell of a cop, Blake. 818 00:38:44,133 --> 00:38:45,483 I'd take you for a partner. 819 00:38:47,043 --> 00:38:47,876 Thanks. 820 00:38:53,123 --> 00:38:54,818 I should check on Krista. 821 00:38:54,818 --> 00:38:55,651 Yeah. 822 00:39:03,393 --> 00:39:04,315 - Hey. - Where the hell 823 00:39:04,315 --> 00:39:05,216 have you been? 824 00:39:05,216 --> 00:39:06,240 Listen, Russell. 825 00:39:10,006 --> 00:39:11,813 When Bobby Martin was here this morning, 826 00:39:11,813 --> 00:39:13,863 did he ask you who was running booze into Collins Bay? 827 00:39:13,863 --> 00:39:15,323 - Yeah. - What'd you tell him? 828 00:39:15,323 --> 00:39:18,323 Nothing, he was already on to one of Bruce's guys. 829 00:39:18,323 --> 00:39:19,553 Laird Buchanan? 830 00:39:19,553 --> 00:39:20,613 Yeah. 831 00:39:20,613 --> 00:39:21,446 Why? 832 00:39:21,446 --> 00:39:23,253 Laird was working for me. 833 00:39:23,253 --> 00:39:24,733 What? 834 00:39:26,973 --> 00:39:28,573 You're bootlegging now? 835 00:39:28,573 --> 00:39:30,143 I'm making good coin Russell. 836 00:39:30,143 --> 00:39:30,976 You idiot. 837 00:39:30,976 --> 00:39:32,903 Collins Bay is crawling with cops. 838 00:39:32,903 --> 00:39:34,193 You heard about the dead woman? 839 00:39:34,193 --> 00:39:35,443 Yeah, I heard about it. 840 00:39:38,093 --> 00:39:39,724 Did Laird kill her? 841 00:39:51,023 --> 00:39:53,673 How long you think it's gonna be before the cops pick him up 842 00:39:53,673 --> 00:39:55,553 and he sells you out? 843 00:39:55,553 --> 00:39:56,386 He's in my truck. 844 00:39:56,386 --> 00:39:57,893 He's not gonna say anything. 845 00:39:57,893 --> 00:40:00,403 If he's facing a murder rap, he's gonna talk. 846 00:40:00,403 --> 00:40:01,803 And the first two words out of his mouth 847 00:40:01,803 --> 00:40:03,473 are gonna be Kimbo Comstock. 848 00:40:03,473 --> 00:40:04,523 You didn't hear me, 849 00:40:05,833 --> 00:40:07,958 he's in my truck. 850 00:40:10,513 --> 00:40:11,893 Holy shit Kimbo. 851 00:40:11,893 --> 00:40:12,726 What the hell did you- 852 00:40:12,726 --> 00:40:13,646 It had to be done. 853 00:40:14,573 --> 00:40:16,523 Okay, you are outta your mind. 854 00:40:16,523 --> 00:40:18,373 Hey, he killed a woman remember? 855 00:40:18,373 --> 00:40:20,343 Kimbo, I have two kids. 856 00:40:20,343 --> 00:40:22,103 I can't be involved in this. 857 00:40:22,103 --> 00:40:23,539 Just help me get rid of him. 858 00:40:24,383 --> 00:40:25,753 No. 859 00:40:25,753 --> 00:40:28,223 This is your problem, not mine. 860 00:40:28,223 --> 00:40:29,523 You can't jam on me now, 861 00:40:31,093 --> 00:40:31,935 we're family. 862 00:40:37,393 --> 00:40:38,843 Let me talk to him. 863 00:40:39,713 --> 00:40:41,683 Bruce, you're gonna want to hear this. 864 00:40:41,683 --> 00:40:43,573 Nothing I want to hear from you. 865 00:40:49,063 --> 00:40:50,763 Desi was murdered 866 00:40:50,763 --> 00:40:52,933 and I know you had nothing to do with it. 867 00:40:52,933 --> 00:40:54,606 Or the booze in Collins Bay. 868 00:40:55,913 --> 00:40:58,273 Look, I've wanted to kill you for threatening my son. 869 00:40:58,273 --> 00:40:59,443 So do it. 870 00:40:59,443 --> 00:41:01,223 Leave my family out of it and man up. 871 00:41:01,223 --> 00:41:02,543 I'm not that guy. 872 00:41:02,543 --> 00:41:03,494 Never were. 873 00:41:06,563 --> 00:41:10,703 I hate what this thing between us is doing to us, 874 00:41:10,703 --> 00:41:11,863 to the people we love. 875 00:41:11,863 --> 00:41:13,823 I wanna stop it now. 876 00:41:13,823 --> 00:41:14,656 So what, 877 00:41:15,564 --> 00:41:17,943 we shake hands, go for a beer? 878 00:41:17,943 --> 00:41:19,263 I'll talk to Dorothy. 879 00:41:19,263 --> 00:41:22,083 Let her know I was wrong about Collin's Bay. 880 00:41:22,083 --> 00:41:23,803 You took the only person I had left. 881 00:41:23,803 --> 00:41:24,714 You threatened my son. 882 00:41:30,273 --> 00:41:32,156 You know who the bootleggers are. 883 00:41:33,123 --> 00:41:34,002 We could stop them. 884 00:41:37,713 --> 00:41:39,916 Come on, we were friends once Bruce. 885 00:41:47,553 --> 00:41:48,386 Screw you. 886 00:42:02,938 --> 00:42:05,043 I changed my mind. 887 00:42:05,043 --> 00:42:05,916 Forget the kid, 888 00:42:07,743 --> 00:42:09,214 I want Bobby Martin dead. 889 00:42:16,443 --> 00:42:18,343 Just hurry up and dump it. 890 00:42:19,393 --> 00:42:20,482 This ends here. 891 00:42:23,483 --> 00:42:24,853 After this, you're done. 892 00:42:24,853 --> 00:42:26,253 There's no more bootlegging. 893 00:42:27,393 --> 00:42:29,663 There's no more of this. 894 00:42:29,663 --> 00:42:31,463 One problem, Martin. 895 00:42:31,463 --> 00:42:33,343 No, not this crap anymore. 896 00:42:33,343 --> 00:42:34,973 Kimbo you gotta let it go, man. 897 00:42:34,973 --> 00:42:36,953 Why the hell do you think we're out here? 898 00:42:36,953 --> 00:42:39,163 Martin asking questions, Martin going to the cops. 899 00:42:39,163 --> 00:42:39,996 Yeah, exactly. 900 00:42:39,996 --> 00:42:42,263 And they're gonna be all over you. 901 00:42:42,263 --> 00:42:43,933 You need to lay low. 902 00:42:43,933 --> 00:42:45,948 You should have let me shoot him when I wanted to. 903 00:42:47,153 --> 00:42:48,783 All of this could have been prevented. 904 00:42:48,783 --> 00:42:51,208 Now it's just gonna be even harder to kill him. 905 00:42:59,084 --> 00:43:00,700 Kimbo, 906 00:43:02,243 --> 00:43:03,076 listen to me. 907 00:43:04,981 --> 00:43:05,814 No. 908 00:43:08,533 --> 00:43:10,283 I'm done listening to you, Russell.