1 00:01:04,656 --> 00:01:08,702 Police Constable Nicholas Angel. Born and schooled in London. 2 00:01:08,785 --> 00:01:14,583 Graduated Canterbury University in 1993 with a double first in politics and sociology. 3 00:01:14,666 --> 00:01:17,043 Attended Hendon College of Police Training. 4 00:01:18,336 --> 00:01:21,006 Displayed great aptitude in field exercises. 5 00:01:23,467 --> 00:01:26,178 Notably, urban pacification and riot control. 6 00:01:26,720 --> 00:01:27,846 Back off! 7 00:01:27,929 --> 00:01:32,184 Academically excelled in theoretical course work and final year examinations. 8 00:01:32,601 --> 00:01:34,603 Received the Baton of Honor. 9 00:01:34,686 --> 00:01:38,732 Graduated with distinction into the Metropolitan Police Service. 10 00:01:39,191 --> 00:01:42,861 Quickly established an effectiveness and popularity within the community. 11 00:01:43,236 --> 00:01:44,404 Use your brain. 12 00:01:44,821 --> 00:01:47,866 Proceeded to improve skill base with courses in advanced driving 13 00:01:49,618 --> 00:01:51,912 and advanced cycling. 14 00:01:53,079 --> 00:01:56,708 Became heavily involved in a number of extra vocational activities. 15 00:01:56,791 --> 00:01:59,794 To this day holds the Met record for the 100 meter dash. 16 00:02:00,712 --> 00:02:05,759 In 2001 began active duty with the renowned SO 19 armed response unit. 17 00:02:05,884 --> 00:02:10,222 Received a bravery award for efforts in the resolution of Operation Crackdown. 18 00:02:10,722 --> 00:02:14,267 In the last 12 months has received nine special commendations. 19 00:02:14,476 --> 00:02:17,521 Achieved the highest arrest record for any officer in the Met. 20 00:02:17,604 --> 00:02:20,190 And sustained three injuries in the line of duty. 21 00:02:20,273 --> 00:02:25,111 Most recently in December when wounded by a man dressed as Father Christmas. 22 00:02:31,952 --> 00:02:32,994 - Hello, Nicholas. - Hello, Sergeant. 23 00:02:33,036 --> 00:02:34,037 - How's the hand? - Still a bit stiff. 24 00:02:34,079 --> 00:02:35,080 It can get awfully hairy out there. 25 00:02:35,831 --> 00:02:39,459 I'm surprised you weren't snapped up sooner for a nice desk job. That's what I did. 26 00:02:39,543 --> 00:02:41,837 I prefer to think my office is out on the street. 27 00:02:41,920 --> 00:02:43,463 Indeed, you do. 28 00:02:43,755 --> 00:02:48,218 Your arrest record is 400% higher than any other officer. 29 00:02:48,301 --> 00:02:52,931 Which is why it's high time that such skills were put to better use. 30 00:02:54,850 --> 00:02:57,269 - We're making you Sergeant. - I see. 31 00:02:58,061 --> 00:02:59,855 In Sandford, Gloucestershire. 32 00:02:59,938 --> 00:03:02,607 - In where, sorry? - In Sandford, Gloucestershire. 33 00:03:02,691 --> 00:03:05,777 - That's in the country. - Yes, lovely. 34 00:03:06,611 --> 00:03:08,446 Isn't there a Sergeant's position here in London? 35 00:03:08,530 --> 00:03:09,739 No. 36 00:03:09,823 --> 00:03:12,117 - Can I remain here as a PC? - No. 37 00:03:12,200 --> 00:03:14,619 - Do I have any choice in this? - No. 38 00:03:15,704 --> 00:03:17,455 Sergeant, I kind of like it here. 39 00:03:17,539 --> 00:03:19,666 Well, you've always wanted to transfer to the country. 40 00:03:19,749 --> 00:03:22,460 - In 20 years or so, yes. - Well done, you. 41 00:03:22,961 --> 00:03:24,671 Hang on, I don't remember telling you that. 42 00:03:24,754 --> 00:03:26,840 Yes, you did. You said, 43 00:03:26,923 --> 00:03:29,926 "I'd love to settle down in the country sometime, Janine." 44 00:03:31,303 --> 00:03:32,971 I'd like to talk to the Inspector. 45 00:03:33,054 --> 00:03:35,015 You can speak to the Inspector, but I can promise you 46 00:03:35,098 --> 00:03:38,059 he will tell you exactly the same thing as I have. 47 00:03:39,769 --> 00:03:43,231 - Hello, Nicholas. How's the hand? - It's still a bit stiff. 48 00:03:43,315 --> 00:03:45,734 - And how are things at home? - I'm sorry, sir? 49 00:03:45,817 --> 00:03:47,319 How's Janine? 50 00:03:48,987 --> 00:03:50,780 We're no longer together, sir. 51 00:03:50,864 --> 00:03:53,783 - Right. Then where are you living? - He's staying at the Section House, sir. 52 00:03:53,867 --> 00:03:56,828 - With the recruits? - Yes, he's living out of cardboard boxes. 53 00:03:56,912 --> 00:03:58,788 Well, then, you're packed already. 54 00:03:58,872 --> 00:04:01,833 Nicholas, we're offering you a smashing position with a delightful cottage, 55 00:04:01,917 --> 00:04:05,337 in a lovely little place that I think has won Village of the Year 56 00:04:05,378 --> 00:04:08,757 I don't know how many times. It'll be good for you. 57 00:04:08,965 --> 00:04:12,427 - I don't really know what to say. - Yes? 58 00:04:12,719 --> 00:04:14,304 Yes, thank you. 59 00:04:16,890 --> 00:04:18,683 No, I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to... 60 00:04:18,767 --> 00:04:21,686 - You want to take this higher? - Yes, yes, I do. 61 00:04:21,770 --> 00:04:23,688 You want me to bother the Chief Inspector with this? 62 00:04:23,772 --> 00:04:24,856 Yes. 63 00:04:24,940 --> 00:04:27,984 You want me to get the Chief Inspector to come all the way down here? 64 00:04:28,068 --> 00:04:30,654 - Yes, I do. - Okay. 65 00:04:31,571 --> 00:04:32,781 Kenneth! 66 00:04:33,281 --> 00:04:36,618 - Hello, Nicholas. How's the hand? - Still a bit stiff. 67 00:04:36,993 --> 00:04:38,662 - Chief Inspector... - Keep your seat. 68 00:04:38,745 --> 00:04:40,956 Now, I know what you're going to say, 69 00:04:41,039 --> 00:04:44,334 but the fact is, you've been making us all look bad. 70 00:04:44,417 --> 00:04:45,502 I'm sorry, sir? 71 00:04:45,585 --> 00:04:47,045 Of course we all appreciate your efforts, 72 00:04:47,128 --> 00:04:49,714 but you've been rather letting the side down. 73 00:04:49,798 --> 00:04:51,758 It's all about being a team player, Nicholas. 74 00:04:51,842 --> 00:04:53,844 You can't be the Sheriff of London. 75 00:04:53,927 --> 00:04:55,720 If we let you carry on running round town, 76 00:04:55,804 --> 00:04:59,641 you'll continue to be exceptional and we can't have that. 77 00:04:59,724 --> 00:05:02,102 You'll put us all out of a job. 78 00:05:02,477 --> 00:05:04,187 With respect, sir. 79 00:05:04,271 --> 00:05:09,609 - You can't just make people disappear. - Yes, I can. I'm the Chief Inspector. 80 00:05:10,318 --> 00:05:14,906 Well, however you spin this, there's one thing you haven't taken into account. 81 00:05:15,031 --> 00:05:17,534 And that's what the "team" is gonna make of this. 82 00:05:33,049 --> 00:05:35,051 - Hello? - Janine, it's me. 83 00:05:35,135 --> 00:05:37,179 I know. I'm at work. 84 00:05:37,262 --> 00:05:39,181 I know, I'm outside. 85 00:05:40,974 --> 00:05:42,726 What's the situation? 86 00:05:42,809 --> 00:05:45,896 You know the situation. We've been over this. 87 00:05:45,979 --> 00:05:47,397 No, I... I meant here. 88 00:05:47,481 --> 00:05:50,108 Two people involved, distinct signs of a struggle. 89 00:05:50,192 --> 00:05:51,401 Complete mess. 90 00:05:51,485 --> 00:05:54,571 - You are talking about here? - Nicholas, what do you want? 91 00:05:54,654 --> 00:05:58,825 Well, I have something important to tell you and I didn't wanna do it over the phone. 92 00:06:00,994 --> 00:06:03,830 Janine, I've been transferred. I'm moving away for a while. 93 00:06:03,997 --> 00:06:05,081 I'm not Janine. 94 00:06:06,500 --> 00:06:09,044 Janine, I've been transferred. I'm moving away for a while. 95 00:06:09,127 --> 00:06:10,879 I know. Bob told me. 96 00:06:10,962 --> 00:06:12,130 Hello, there. 97 00:06:12,214 --> 00:06:14,299 Well, I wanted to tell you in person. 98 00:06:14,382 --> 00:06:16,510 And there's no reason we can't be civil with each other. 99 00:06:16,593 --> 00:06:18,428 It's not that long ago we were talking about getting married. 100 00:06:18,512 --> 00:06:21,431 Yes, but you were already married to the force, weren't you? 101 00:06:21,515 --> 00:06:23,308 We're actually supposed to call it "the service" now. 102 00:06:23,391 --> 00:06:26,102 Official vocab guidelines state that "force" is too aggressive. 103 00:06:26,186 --> 00:06:27,979 See. It's only ever about the job. 104 00:06:28,063 --> 00:06:30,273 - It's all you care about. - That's not true. 105 00:06:30,357 --> 00:06:33,276 No, you're right, you do have that rubber plant. 106 00:06:33,360 --> 00:06:37,113 - It's a Japanese Peace Lily. - You just can't switch off, Nicholas. 107 00:06:37,864 --> 00:06:43,036 And until you find a person you care about more than your job, you never will. 108 00:06:43,954 --> 00:06:47,082 Besides, you were the one who suggested we take a break. 109 00:06:47,165 --> 00:06:51,169 Yes, well, guilty people often make the first move. 110 00:06:52,337 --> 00:06:54,381 Actually, there's something I need to tell you. 111 00:06:54,464 --> 00:06:56,925 - You're seeing someone else. - Yes. How did you... 112 00:06:57,008 --> 00:06:59,010 - Is it Bob? - No. 113 00:06:59,094 --> 00:07:02,597 Does Bob look like the kind of person I'd go out with? 114 00:07:02,681 --> 00:07:04,182 It's Dave. 115 00:07:04,266 --> 00:07:05,725 Hello, there. 116 00:07:06,643 --> 00:07:08,103 I see. 117 00:07:09,146 --> 00:07:10,647 Oh, Nicholas. 118 00:07:10,897 --> 00:07:13,525 You do realize that window was broken from the inside? 119 00:07:21,408 --> 00:07:22,868 Hello there, Nicholas, Frank Butterman here, your new Inspector. 120 00:07:22,951 --> 00:07:26,163 I'm just calling with details of your accommodation. 121 00:07:26,246 --> 00:07:29,332 We've got you a lovely little cottage on Spencer Hill. 122 00:07:29,916 --> 00:07:32,335 Look forward to meeting you anon. Cheerio. 123 00:07:33,503 --> 00:07:36,631 Nicholas, Frank again. One other thing about your cottage. 124 00:07:36,965 --> 00:07:38,091 It's not ready. 125 00:08:19,591 --> 00:08:23,261 It would appear the heavens have opened. 126 00:08:30,352 --> 00:08:34,356 - I was hoping to check in. - Check in? 127 00:08:34,856 --> 00:08:37,192 But you've always been here. 128 00:08:37,567 --> 00:08:41,530 - Excuse me? - Oh, I'm sorry. 129 00:08:41,613 --> 00:08:43,365 I thought you were my husband. 130 00:08:43,448 --> 00:08:46,159 - You must be Sergeant Angel. - Yes, I am. 131 00:08:46,243 --> 00:08:49,538 I'm Joyce Cooper. I trust you had a pleasant trip. Fascist. 132 00:08:50,038 --> 00:08:51,373 I beg your pardon? 133 00:08:51,456 --> 00:08:56,711 "System of Government characterized by extreme dictatorship." Seven across. 134 00:08:57,170 --> 00:09:01,716 - Oh, I see. It's "fascism." - Fascism. Wonderful. 135 00:09:01,967 --> 00:09:06,388 Now, we've put you in the Castle Suite. Bernard will escort you up there. 136 00:09:07,722 --> 00:09:11,768 Well, actually, I could probably make my own way up. Hag. 137 00:09:12,227 --> 00:09:14,020 I beg your pardon? 138 00:09:14,104 --> 00:09:17,899 "Evil old woman considered frightful or ugly." It's 12 down. 139 00:09:18,150 --> 00:09:20,652 Oh, bless you. 140 00:10:06,156 --> 00:10:09,784 - Pint of lager, please, Mary. - Right you are, my love. 141 00:10:10,285 --> 00:10:12,037 Yes, sir, what can I get you? 142 00:10:12,120 --> 00:10:17,042 Could I have a glass of the cranberry juice, please? 143 00:10:17,125 --> 00:10:18,418 Certainly. 144 00:10:18,502 --> 00:10:21,963 Now, you wouldn't, by any chance, be the new policeman? 145 00:10:22,047 --> 00:10:24,090 Police officer, yes. I'm Nicholas Angel. 146 00:10:24,174 --> 00:10:27,052 - I'm Roy Porter. This is my wife Mary. - Mary. 147 00:10:27,594 --> 00:10:28,845 Welcome to Sandford. 148 00:10:28,929 --> 00:10:30,430 If there's anything you need, just let us know. 149 00:10:30,514 --> 00:10:33,809 Thank you. Could I borrow your newspaper? 150 00:10:33,892 --> 00:10:35,143 It's not ours, love. 151 00:10:35,227 --> 00:10:37,813 We're not big fans of the local fish wrapper, are we, Mare? 152 00:10:37,896 --> 00:10:41,483 - They listed her age as 55. - When I'm actually 53. 153 00:10:41,566 --> 00:10:42,818 Fifty-three. 154 00:10:44,277 --> 00:10:47,614 - Pint of lager, please, Mary. - Right you are, my love. 155 00:11:20,480 --> 00:11:22,524 - Excuse me. - What? 156 00:11:22,607 --> 00:11:25,026 - When's your birthday? - Twenty-second of February. 157 00:11:25,110 --> 00:11:27,112 - What year? - Every year. 158 00:11:27,195 --> 00:11:28,321 Get out. 159 00:11:29,489 --> 00:11:34,703 - When's your birthday? - Eighth of May, 1969. 160 00:11:34,786 --> 00:11:36,580 - You're 37? - Yeah. 161 00:11:36,663 --> 00:11:37,789 Get out. 162 00:11:37,873 --> 00:11:38,999 When's your birthday? 163 00:11:40,250 --> 00:11:41,376 Out. 164 00:11:41,877 --> 00:11:45,046 - Is there a problem, Officer? - Yes, there is, Mr. Porter. 165 00:11:45,130 --> 00:11:47,924 It would appear a number of your patrons are under age. 166 00:11:48,008 --> 00:11:50,719 Well, a few of them may be a month or two south of proper. 167 00:11:50,802 --> 00:11:53,555 But if they're in here, it stops them getting into trouble out there. 168 00:11:53,638 --> 00:11:55,891 Yeah, the way we see it, it's all for the greater good. 169 00:11:55,974 --> 00:11:57,100 The greater good. 170 00:11:57,184 --> 00:12:01,480 Well, that's as may be, but the law's the law and they'll have to go. 171 00:12:06,610 --> 00:12:09,571 - Another cranberry juice? - I'm fine, thank you. 172 00:12:31,051 --> 00:12:33,970 I hope you're not planning on driving that. 173 00:12:34,179 --> 00:12:35,305 No. 174 00:12:51,154 --> 00:12:54,157 Right. I'm taking you to the station. 175 00:12:55,700 --> 00:12:57,077 Where is it? 176 00:13:03,875 --> 00:13:05,001 What? 177 00:13:15,595 --> 00:13:16,763 Move. 178 00:13:21,351 --> 00:13:23,562 "Nicholas Angel." 179 00:13:24,187 --> 00:13:27,190 - Oh, when did you start? - Tomorrow. 180 00:13:27,649 --> 00:13:30,068 Well, I see you've already arrested the whole village. 181 00:13:30,152 --> 00:13:31,319 Not exactly. 182 00:13:32,154 --> 00:13:35,073 - You in for the night? - Go on, four's free. 183 00:13:35,157 --> 00:13:38,535 - Hey, now, I need to speak to him. - He'll be no use till the morning. 184 00:13:38,618 --> 00:13:39,786 I see. 185 00:13:39,870 --> 00:13:42,873 You really want to process all this lot? 186 00:13:43,748 --> 00:13:46,293 - My pen's running out. - Not a problem. 187 00:14:25,290 --> 00:14:27,042 - Morning, Sergeant. - Morning. 188 00:14:27,125 --> 00:14:28,293 Morning. 189 00:14:29,336 --> 00:14:30,504 Morning, Sergeant. 190 00:14:32,589 --> 00:14:34,466 Morning, Sergeant. 191 00:14:39,513 --> 00:14:41,723 - Lock me up. - I'm sorry? 192 00:14:41,807 --> 00:14:43,934 I'm a slasher and I must be stopped. 193 00:14:44,810 --> 00:14:48,480 - You're a what? - A slasher of prices. 194 00:14:49,981 --> 00:14:54,778 Just kidding. I'm Simon Skinner. I run the local supermarché. 195 00:14:55,028 --> 00:14:58,490 Drop in and see me sometime. My discounts are criminal. 196 00:14:58,865 --> 00:15:00,492 Catch me later! 197 00:15:02,494 --> 00:15:04,788 Morning, Sergeant. 198 00:15:10,293 --> 00:15:12,420 Morning, Sergeant. 199 00:15:16,049 --> 00:15:19,261 Could you tell the Inspector I've arrived, please? 200 00:15:19,553 --> 00:15:20,887 No. 201 00:15:21,471 --> 00:15:22,722 Why? 202 00:15:23,140 --> 00:15:25,142 He's not in yet. 203 00:15:25,433 --> 00:15:27,894 - Well, how's our guest? - Guest? 204 00:15:27,978 --> 00:15:32,607 - The inebriate in cell four. - I don't know. Nobody tells me nothing. 205 00:15:38,071 --> 00:15:39,906 Can I get cell four open, please? 206 00:15:39,990 --> 00:15:42,075 Danny, can you open four? 207 00:15:44,619 --> 00:15:49,082 - He's gone. - Oh, my God. Who's gone? 208 00:15:52,085 --> 00:15:56,256 - Why are you dressed like a police officer? - Because I am one. 209 00:15:57,132 --> 00:15:59,551 Sergeant Angel, at last. Frank Butterman. 210 00:16:00,719 --> 00:16:03,805 - I see you've already met my boy. - Yes. 211 00:16:05,765 --> 00:16:09,060 Do forgive me. I'm something of a Wild West nut. 212 00:16:09,144 --> 00:16:13,482 Speaking of which, that was a fair few outlaws you rounded up last night. 213 00:16:13,648 --> 00:16:15,233 Thank you, sir. 214 00:16:15,317 --> 00:16:20,238 I admire your enthusiasm and far be it from me to stifle your flair, 215 00:16:20,322 --> 00:16:23,033 but this isn't London. Oh, yes, please, Danny. 216 00:16:23,116 --> 00:16:24,242 With respect, sir, 217 00:16:24,326 --> 00:16:27,579 geographical location shouldn't factor in the application of the law. 218 00:16:27,662 --> 00:16:28,955 No, thanks. 219 00:16:29,039 --> 00:16:32,959 Statistically, Sandford is the safest village in the country. 220 00:16:33,043 --> 00:16:35,253 But that doesn't mean it requires anything less 221 00:16:35,337 --> 00:16:37,798 than a careful and considered approach. 222 00:16:37,881 --> 00:16:40,801 There's a reason we accommodate a few of the younglings at the pub. 223 00:16:40,884 --> 00:16:44,387 - The greater good? - The greater good. Precisely. 224 00:16:44,471 --> 00:16:48,767 Your predecessor assumed that rural policing was easy. 225 00:16:49,601 --> 00:16:51,603 Ended up having a nervous breakdown. 226 00:16:51,686 --> 00:16:55,816 And Sergeant Popwell was an exceptional officer, truly exceptional. 227 00:16:56,608 --> 00:16:58,610 And he had one thing you haven't got. 228 00:16:58,693 --> 00:17:01,613 - What's that, sir? - A great big bushy beard. 229 00:17:01,696 --> 00:17:03,782 Come on, let's have a mosey around. 230 00:17:06,076 --> 00:17:07,452 Locker room. 231 00:17:08,829 --> 00:17:10,330 Riot room. 232 00:17:12,541 --> 00:17:14,000 Evidence room. 233 00:17:16,920 --> 00:17:21,007 Now, how about a trip to the Andes? 234 00:17:21,091 --> 00:17:24,928 Detective Sergeant Wainwright and Detective Constable Cartwright. 235 00:17:26,388 --> 00:17:27,931 Don't get up. 236 00:17:29,141 --> 00:17:31,810 I expect you're wondering why we call them the Andes. 237 00:17:31,893 --> 00:17:35,564 - They're both called Andrew? - They said you were good. 238 00:17:35,647 --> 00:17:38,316 Also, because talking to them is an uphill struggle, isn't it, Dad? 239 00:17:38,733 --> 00:17:40,735 - Fuck off! - Thank you, Danny. 240 00:17:46,825 --> 00:17:49,911 And this is where it all happens. 241 00:17:51,413 --> 00:17:53,582 That is Sergeant Tony Fisher. 242 00:17:53,665 --> 00:17:54,958 PC Bob Walker. 243 00:17:56,418 --> 00:17:57,752 And that is Saxon. 244 00:17:58,295 --> 00:18:02,507 And this is one Doris Thatcher. 245 00:18:02,591 --> 00:18:04,676 - She's our only policewoman. - She's not a policewoman. 246 00:18:04,759 --> 00:18:06,970 - Yeah, she is. I've seen her bra. - She's a police officer. 247 00:18:07,053 --> 00:18:08,513 Being a woman has nothing to do with it. 248 00:18:08,597 --> 00:18:10,682 Oh, I don't know. Comes in handy every so often. 249 00:18:11,016 --> 00:18:14,519 I could've given you the tour. I've been round the station a few times. 250 00:18:14,811 --> 00:18:16,313 And what's upstairs? 251 00:18:18,064 --> 00:18:20,650 Well, well, well, I see we have visitors. 252 00:18:20,734 --> 00:18:23,028 Nicholas, this is Tom Weaver. 253 00:18:23,403 --> 00:18:26,823 Civilian liaison with the Neighborhood Watch Alliance. 254 00:18:26,907 --> 00:18:30,035 You'll find that we run a very tight ship here. 255 00:18:31,495 --> 00:18:36,791 From this command center I can see what the whole village is up to. 256 00:18:37,959 --> 00:18:41,421 I must say I was rather admiring your handiwork last night. 257 00:18:41,505 --> 00:18:44,090 It's a pity you didn't do the same to those bloody hoodies. 258 00:18:44,174 --> 00:18:46,802 Hanging around. Loitering. Sitting. 259 00:18:46,885 --> 00:18:49,304 Actually, I did notice some minor graffiti on the fountain. 260 00:18:49,387 --> 00:18:51,723 Graffiti? They've gotta be dealt with, Frank. 261 00:18:51,807 --> 00:18:54,059 They're nippers, Tom. They'll come round. 262 00:18:54,142 --> 00:18:55,393 Which reminds me, 263 00:18:55,477 --> 00:18:58,814 our friend, The Living Statue, was here on Saturday. 264 00:18:58,897 --> 00:19:03,944 11:00, 12:00, 1:00, 2:00. 265 00:19:04,027 --> 00:19:06,863 If we don't come down hard on these clowns, 266 00:19:06,947 --> 00:19:11,201 - we are gonna be up to our balls in jugglers. - We'll get right onto it, Tom. 267 00:19:13,495 --> 00:19:15,872 We like to let them think they run the place. 268 00:19:15,956 --> 00:19:17,707 Well, that's that. 269 00:19:17,791 --> 00:19:20,210 Unless there's anything you're unclear about? 270 00:19:20,293 --> 00:19:23,505 Yes, sir. Why is everybody eating chocolate cake? 271 00:19:23,588 --> 00:19:27,843 The Black Forest gateau is on Danny. As punishment for his little indiscretion. 272 00:19:27,926 --> 00:19:29,010 His... 273 00:19:29,094 --> 00:19:32,430 Sir, I don't think driving under the influence can be called a "little indiscretion." 274 00:19:32,514 --> 00:19:35,684 No, the gateau is for misplacing his helmet the other week. 275 00:19:35,767 --> 00:19:39,729 Last night's incident will require something rather more serious. 276 00:19:39,813 --> 00:19:42,107 - Good. - Do you like ice-cream? 277 00:19:42,190 --> 00:19:43,942 I'm sorry, sir, I don't follow. 278 00:19:44,025 --> 00:19:47,779 Let's just say that we won't be short of Chunky Monkey for the next month. 279 00:19:48,446 --> 00:19:49,614 Dad. 280 00:19:49,698 --> 00:19:53,493 Now, since it's your first day and it's 11:30, I'd say that's lunch. 281 00:19:59,791 --> 00:20:04,421 So, what made you choose Sandford then, Sergeant Angel? 282 00:20:04,504 --> 00:20:06,131 It wasn't actually my choice. 283 00:20:06,214 --> 00:20:10,385 Oh, right, right, wasn't your choice to come down here and tell me how to do my job. 284 00:20:10,469 --> 00:20:11,678 Our jobs. 285 00:20:13,722 --> 00:20:14,806 Yeah. 286 00:20:15,765 --> 00:20:18,685 Look, I can assure you it wasn't my intention to upset the apple cart. 287 00:20:18,768 --> 00:20:22,022 Yeah, 'cause we all sell apples round here, don't we? 288 00:20:22,105 --> 00:20:24,941 - Your dad sells apples, Andy. - And raspberries. 289 00:20:25,025 --> 00:20:27,611 I bet you can't wait to jump into Sergeant Popwell's grave. 290 00:20:27,694 --> 00:20:29,863 I'm not jumping into anyone's grave. 291 00:20:31,156 --> 00:20:34,493 - You got a mustache. - I know. 292 00:20:35,160 --> 00:20:38,330 - Why have you got your stab vest on? - It's a requirement. 293 00:20:38,413 --> 00:20:42,667 In the city maybe. Nobody's gonna stab you in here, Sergeant. 294 00:20:42,959 --> 00:20:44,961 Not a member of the public anyhow. 295 00:20:47,047 --> 00:20:49,800 - Have you been stabbed, Sergeant Fisher? - No. 296 00:20:49,883 --> 00:20:51,301 Well, I have. 297 00:20:51,384 --> 00:20:53,970 And I can assure you it is not in the least bit amusing. 298 00:20:55,639 --> 00:20:58,183 Have you seen a lot of action, Sergeant Angel? 299 00:20:58,266 --> 00:21:00,185 I've experienced my fair share, yes. 300 00:21:00,268 --> 00:21:02,771 - Did you cook any fools? - Excuse me? 301 00:21:02,854 --> 00:21:04,105 Did you shoot anybody? 302 00:21:04,189 --> 00:21:07,526 He shot a crack head with a Kalashnikov. 303 00:21:08,068 --> 00:21:11,822 - Where did you get that? - The offender had the Kalashnikov. 304 00:21:11,905 --> 00:21:12,989 Where'd he get that? 305 00:21:13,073 --> 00:21:16,284 You do know there are more guns in the country than there are in the city? 306 00:21:16,368 --> 00:21:19,412 Everybody and their mums is packing round here. 307 00:21:20,163 --> 00:21:22,207 - Like who? - Farmers. 308 00:21:22,290 --> 00:21:24,793 - Who else? - Farmers's mums. 309 00:21:29,089 --> 00:21:31,883 What's it like being stabbed? 310 00:21:32,509 --> 00:21:35,846 It was the single most painful experience of my life. 311 00:21:35,929 --> 00:21:38,306 What was the second most painful? 312 00:21:44,771 --> 00:21:45,814 You ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air? 313 00:21:45,856 --> 00:21:46,857 No. 314 00:21:46,898 --> 00:21:47,899 You ever fired one gun whilst jumping through the air? 315 00:21:47,941 --> 00:21:48,942 No. 316 00:21:48,984 --> 00:21:49,985 - Ever been in a high speed pursuit? - Yes, I have. 317 00:21:50,026 --> 00:21:51,027 You ever fired a gun whilst in a high speed pursuit? 318 00:21:51,069 --> 00:21:52,821 No. 319 00:21:53,321 --> 00:21:57,617 Annette, that Sergeant Angel's coming into your shop. 320 00:21:57,701 --> 00:21:59,369 Get a look at his arse. 321 00:22:00,036 --> 00:22:02,247 - What about Lethal Weapon? - No. 322 00:22:02,330 --> 00:22:04,332 - You've seen Die Hard, though? - No. 323 00:22:04,416 --> 00:22:06,042 - Bad Boys II? - No. 324 00:22:06,126 --> 00:22:07,836 You ain't seen Bad Boys II? 325 00:22:11,840 --> 00:22:13,717 - Hell of a day, huh? - Yeah. 326 00:22:13,800 --> 00:22:15,385 - Same again tomorrow? - Yeah. 327 00:22:21,183 --> 00:22:24,436 Amanda Paver, headmistress of Sandford Primary. 328 00:22:24,519 --> 00:22:25,937 How do you do, Sergeant? 329 00:22:26,021 --> 00:22:30,859 - Simon Skinner, I believe you've met. - Oh, we're already firm friends. 330 00:22:30,942 --> 00:22:32,944 Oh, please, please, come with me, will you? 331 00:22:33,028 --> 00:22:34,905 This is Leslie Tiller, 332 00:22:35,197 --> 00:22:39,326 whose horticultural expertise has helped put Sandford on the map. 333 00:22:39,576 --> 00:22:41,912 - She's ever so good. - Oh, go on. 334 00:22:41,995 --> 00:22:44,414 This is James Reaper, who owns Brannigan Farm. 335 00:22:44,498 --> 00:22:46,208 I hear you're quite the marksman. 336 00:22:46,291 --> 00:22:48,752 Perhaps you might like to join us for a shoot one day. 337 00:22:48,835 --> 00:22:51,379 Well, I haven't held a firearm for over two years, Mr. Reaper. 338 00:22:51,463 --> 00:22:53,089 I'd quite like to keep it that way. 339 00:22:53,173 --> 00:22:54,925 You will be popular with the local birds. 340 00:22:55,467 --> 00:22:56,718 Birds. 341 00:22:57,469 --> 00:23:00,013 Nicholas, hello. Reverend Shooter. 342 00:23:00,472 --> 00:23:03,767 I want to ask you, would you read a homily at Sunday Service? 343 00:23:03,850 --> 00:23:05,936 That might be a little hypocritical of me, Reverend. 344 00:23:06,019 --> 00:23:08,271 Oh, you're an atheist? 345 00:23:08,355 --> 00:23:09,815 No, I'm... I'm... 346 00:23:09,898 --> 00:23:12,943 I'm open to the concept of religion, I'm just not entirely convinced by it. 347 00:23:13,026 --> 00:23:15,654 - You're an agnostic? - I think I have a cream for that. 348 00:23:17,823 --> 00:23:20,951 Robin Hatcher, our resident sawbones. 349 00:23:21,034 --> 00:23:23,954 Hopefully we won't see too much of each other over the coming months. 350 00:23:24,830 --> 00:23:26,790 Well, all that remains is to welcome you 351 00:23:26,873 --> 00:23:31,461 to the weekly meeting of the Neighborhood Watch Alliance. 352 00:23:33,922 --> 00:23:36,883 Now, quick announcement before we begin. 353 00:23:37,259 --> 00:23:40,679 Janet Barker has just given birth to twins. 354 00:23:41,012 --> 00:23:43,056 So, congratulations to her. 355 00:23:43,140 --> 00:23:45,433 - Tom? - Thanks, Joyce. 356 00:23:46,017 --> 00:23:47,102 Now. 357 00:23:47,853 --> 00:23:52,816 I am sure that all of you will have noticed the return of a blight to our streets. 358 00:23:52,899 --> 00:23:57,237 It's made all the more disturbing as the Village of the Year contest looms. 359 00:23:57,988 --> 00:24:03,118 I refer, of course, to the extremely irritating Living Statue. 360 00:24:08,456 --> 00:24:11,793 Police work is as much about preventing crime 361 00:24:11,877 --> 00:24:13,712 as it is about fighting crime. 362 00:24:13,795 --> 00:24:17,299 Most importantly, it is about procedural correctness 363 00:24:17,382 --> 00:24:20,802 in the execution of unquestionable moral authority. 364 00:24:21,928 --> 00:24:23,305 Any questions? 365 00:24:25,640 --> 00:24:26,892 Yes. 366 00:24:26,975 --> 00:24:29,686 Is it true that there is a place in a man's head 367 00:24:29,769 --> 00:24:31,897 that if you shoot it, it will blow up? 368 00:24:35,817 --> 00:24:37,277 Hi, hi, Tim Messenger. 369 00:24:37,360 --> 00:24:39,654 Can I get a quick shot for the Sandford Citizen? 370 00:24:39,738 --> 00:24:40,906 Okay. 371 00:24:40,989 --> 00:24:43,116 How about you put the teacher in handcuffs? 372 00:24:43,200 --> 00:24:44,701 I don't think that gives off the right signals. 373 00:24:44,784 --> 00:24:46,661 Too cheesy-pie. Okay. Gotcha. 374 00:24:47,078 --> 00:24:49,164 - Give the little blonde kid your hat. - I'd rather not. 375 00:24:49,539 --> 00:24:51,541 - Wave your hitting stick about. - No. 376 00:24:51,625 --> 00:24:52,876 Righty-ho-ho. 377 00:24:57,380 --> 00:25:00,383 Oh, can I have your autograph, please? 378 00:25:02,385 --> 00:25:05,430 - For the breakfast. - Oh, sorry. 379 00:25:10,393 --> 00:25:12,562 Hey, that weren't me. 380 00:25:13,814 --> 00:25:16,399 - Morning, Angle. - Good morning, Angle. 381 00:25:16,900 --> 00:25:18,735 - Morning, Angle. - Morning, Angle. 382 00:25:18,819 --> 00:25:21,321 - Sergeant Angel. - Morning. The swan's escaped. 383 00:25:21,404 --> 00:25:22,864 - The swan's escaped? - Yeah. 384 00:25:22,948 --> 00:25:25,158 Right. And where has the swan escaped from exactly? 385 00:25:25,242 --> 00:25:27,160 - The castle. - Oh, yeah? And who might you be? 386 00:25:27,244 --> 00:25:30,580 Mr. Staker. Yeah, Mr. Peter Ian Staker. 387 00:25:30,664 --> 00:25:33,750 P.I. Staker. Right. Piss taker. Come on! 388 00:25:33,917 --> 00:25:37,754 Yes, Mr. Staker. We'll do everything we can. Can you describe it to me? 389 00:25:37,838 --> 00:25:39,714 It's about two foot tall. 390 00:25:39,798 --> 00:25:42,259 - Long slender neck. - Yeah. 391 00:25:42,342 --> 00:25:45,220 - Kind of orange and black bill. - Anything else? 392 00:25:46,263 --> 00:25:47,722 Well, it's a swan. 393 00:25:55,689 --> 00:25:57,023 That's just gonna scare it. 394 00:26:02,404 --> 00:26:07,200 - No luck catching them swans then? - It's just the one swan, actually. 395 00:26:09,953 --> 00:26:13,582 - Want anything from the shop? - You've just been to the shop. 396 00:26:14,166 --> 00:26:15,709 I was thinking of a different shop. 397 00:26:15,792 --> 00:26:18,378 Constable Butterman, this is not the time for personal errands. 398 00:26:18,462 --> 00:26:22,090 - Well, there's nothing going on, is there? - There is always something going on. 399 00:26:22,174 --> 00:26:26,094 You have to look closer, all right? What about this guy? 400 00:26:26,845 --> 00:26:28,138 - Mr. Treacher? - Yeah. 401 00:26:28,221 --> 00:26:30,307 Why has he got that big coat on? 402 00:26:30,390 --> 00:26:34,227 He can't be cold. Why the extra layer? Maybe he's trying to hide something. 403 00:26:34,811 --> 00:26:36,271 Mr. Treacher? 404 00:26:37,230 --> 00:26:38,565 Okay. What about this guy? 405 00:26:38,648 --> 00:26:41,109 Ask yourself, why has he got his hat pulled down like that? 406 00:26:41,193 --> 00:26:44,488 - He's fuck ugly. - Or he doesn't want you to see his face. 407 00:26:44,571 --> 00:26:46,615 Because he's fuck ugly. 408 00:26:47,032 --> 00:26:48,783 Okay, what's his story? 409 00:26:48,867 --> 00:26:50,327 - Oh, that's Lurch. - Go on. 410 00:26:50,410 --> 00:26:52,704 - He's a trolley boy at the local supermarket. - Good. 411 00:26:52,787 --> 00:26:54,623 Real name, Michael Armstrong. 412 00:26:54,706 --> 00:26:56,917 - Dad says he's got a child's mind. - Okay. 413 00:26:57,000 --> 00:26:59,127 And lives up Summer Street with his mum and his sister. 414 00:26:59,211 --> 00:27:00,462 And are they as big as he is? 415 00:27:00,545 --> 00:27:03,173 - Who? - The mum and the sister. 416 00:27:03,256 --> 00:27:04,758 Same person. 417 00:27:06,134 --> 00:27:07,511 What shop were you thinking of? 418 00:27:29,491 --> 00:27:32,994 Sergeant Angel to the Manager's office. 419 00:27:33,078 --> 00:27:36,164 Manager's office. Sergeant Angel. 420 00:27:38,875 --> 00:27:43,046 Sergeant Angel. Or is it Angle? 421 00:27:44,756 --> 00:27:47,801 Mr. Skinner, a baby's sicked up in aisle six. 422 00:27:48,677 --> 00:27:51,263 Please excuse me. Michael! 423 00:27:51,346 --> 00:27:52,514 Yarp. 424 00:27:52,597 --> 00:27:56,059 - Child vomit. Aisle six. Mop it up. - Yarp. 425 00:27:56,143 --> 00:27:59,354 - Mr. Skinner, is there a problem? - No, no, no, no. 426 00:27:59,437 --> 00:28:03,692 I simply wanted to say how lovely it is to see you supporting your local store. 427 00:28:03,775 --> 00:28:05,026 Well, that's quite all right. 428 00:28:05,110 --> 00:28:09,364 All too many have defected to the big Megamart in Buford Abbey. 429 00:28:09,447 --> 00:28:13,910 May their heads be struck from their shoulders for such disloyalty. 430 00:28:13,994 --> 00:28:17,038 Yes, well, I am on duty, so if you'll excuse me. 431 00:28:17,122 --> 00:28:20,625 Of course. I simply spied you loitering in organic produce 432 00:28:20,709 --> 00:28:23,336 and assumed you had time on your hands. 433 00:28:26,798 --> 00:28:29,217 Well, maybe I'm not the one you should be keeping an eye on. 434 00:28:29,676 --> 00:28:32,554 That's the Fridge Magnate. His name's George Merchant. 435 00:28:32,637 --> 00:28:36,892 Made a fortune in kitchen goods. Built that monstrosity on Norris Avenue. 436 00:28:37,684 --> 00:28:40,103 Actually, I wasn't talking about him. 437 00:28:40,812 --> 00:28:43,565 I was talking about him. 438 00:28:44,649 --> 00:28:46,109 Excuse me. 439 00:28:51,865 --> 00:28:52,908 Excuse me. 440 00:29:02,793 --> 00:29:05,921 "Meet the cop that can't be stopped." 441 00:29:22,896 --> 00:29:24,189 Tosser! 442 00:29:26,233 --> 00:29:27,776 Trouble in the high street. 443 00:29:27,859 --> 00:29:29,528 Sergeant Angel's having a spot of bother. 444 00:29:29,611 --> 00:29:30,821 Roger that. 445 00:29:41,206 --> 00:29:42,499 Morning, Sergeant. 446 00:29:49,840 --> 00:29:51,091 You mothers. 447 00:29:54,928 --> 00:29:59,599 - Let's cut through here. Head him off. - Through the gardens? 448 00:29:59,683 --> 00:30:02,310 What's the matter, Danny? You never taken a shortcut before. 449 00:30:46,563 --> 00:30:48,315 Hey, give me that! 450 00:30:54,821 --> 00:30:56,823 "You do not have to say anything, however it may harm your defense 451 00:30:56,907 --> 00:30:59,618 "if you fail to mention when questioned something you later rely on in court. 452 00:30:59,701 --> 00:31:01,786 "Anything you do say can be given in evidence." 453 00:31:01,870 --> 00:31:03,538 - Hi, Danny. - All right, Pete? 454 00:31:03,622 --> 00:31:04,748 Do you know this man? 455 00:31:04,831 --> 00:31:06,541 Yeah, he's Auntie Jackie's sister's brother's boy. 456 00:31:06,625 --> 00:31:08,502 And it didn't occur to you to mention this before? 457 00:31:08,585 --> 00:31:11,421 Couldn't see his face, could I? I'm not made of eyes. 458 00:31:22,015 --> 00:31:23,850 Impressive collar. 459 00:31:23,934 --> 00:31:26,478 Shame Mr. Skinner doesn't want to press charges. 460 00:31:26,561 --> 00:31:28,021 What do you mean, he doesn't wanna press charges? 461 00:31:28,104 --> 00:31:31,942 I'm simply suggesting that, you know, Peter be given a second chance 462 00:31:32,025 --> 00:31:34,986 before he becomes just another crime statistic. 463 00:31:35,070 --> 00:31:37,906 I'm sure he's going to learn a valuable lesson. 464 00:31:37,989 --> 00:31:41,701 - Stealing biscuits is wrong? - Correct. 465 00:31:41,785 --> 00:31:42,869 Thanks. 466 00:31:42,953 --> 00:31:45,831 And yet we respond by not taking a single punitive measure? 467 00:31:45,914 --> 00:31:48,875 Well, that's the way the cookie crumbles. 468 00:31:48,959 --> 00:31:50,877 Like the biscuits, isn't it? 469 00:31:50,961 --> 00:31:53,839 - Mr. Skinner... - Is everything all right? 470 00:31:53,964 --> 00:31:58,969 Well, sir, Mr. Skinner feels it would be better not to prosecute an individual 471 00:31:59,052 --> 00:32:01,138 that has committed a blatant offense. 472 00:32:01,221 --> 00:32:02,681 Leave this with me. 473 00:32:02,764 --> 00:32:05,934 I'll make sure everyone gets their just deserts. 474 00:32:06,017 --> 00:32:07,894 Oh, no! 475 00:32:10,730 --> 00:32:12,232 Twenty-seven. 476 00:32:12,315 --> 00:32:15,861 - Have you ever seen Point Break? - No. 477 00:32:15,944 --> 00:32:18,280 Amazing bit in Point Break where they jump over fences. 478 00:32:18,363 --> 00:32:20,282 Is there now? Twenty-nine. 479 00:32:20,365 --> 00:32:23,326 Patrick Swayze's just robbed this bank and Keanu Reeves is chasing him 480 00:32:23,410 --> 00:32:26,329 through people's gardens, and he goes to shoot Swayze but he can't, 481 00:32:26,413 --> 00:32:27,581 'cause he loves him so much, 482 00:32:27,664 --> 00:32:29,833 and he's firing his gun up in the air, he's like... 483 00:32:29,916 --> 00:32:31,334 Forty. 484 00:32:31,418 --> 00:32:33,211 Have you ever fired your gun up in the air and gone... 485 00:32:33,295 --> 00:32:36,631 No, I have not ever fired my gun up in the air and gone... 486 00:32:36,715 --> 00:32:38,175 Thirty. 487 00:32:38,258 --> 00:32:41,970 Sorry, I... I just... I just feel like I'm missing out sometimes. 488 00:32:42,053 --> 00:32:45,056 - I wanna do what you do. - You do, do what I do. 489 00:32:45,140 --> 00:32:46,933 What on earth do you think you're missing out on? 490 00:32:47,017 --> 00:32:50,479 Gun fights. Car chases. Proper action and shit. 491 00:32:50,562 --> 00:32:53,982 Police work is not about proper action or shit. 492 00:32:54,774 --> 00:32:56,193 Twenty-nine. 493 00:32:56,276 --> 00:32:57,611 If you had paid attention to me in school, 494 00:32:57,694 --> 00:33:00,864 you'd understand that it's not all about gun fights and car chases. 495 00:33:02,324 --> 00:33:03,617 Fire up the roof. 496 00:33:08,246 --> 00:33:09,956 That was brilliant. 497 00:33:12,667 --> 00:33:15,170 Was I going a tad fast, Officer? 498 00:33:15,670 --> 00:33:17,756 Yes, you were, Mr. Blower. 499 00:33:17,839 --> 00:33:21,092 Well, now, you see, we are staging a homage 500 00:33:21,176 --> 00:33:25,263 to William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and I'm a little late for the dress rehearsal. 501 00:33:25,347 --> 00:33:28,391 I'm playing the eponymous hero, you see. 502 00:33:28,600 --> 00:33:30,268 Romeo not Juliet. 503 00:33:32,604 --> 00:33:35,357 - What are you writing? - Everything you're saying. 504 00:33:35,440 --> 00:33:36,858 I might need to refer to it later. 505 00:33:36,942 --> 00:33:41,029 Now, Officer, I am a respected solicitor so there's no need to... 506 00:33:41,238 --> 00:33:42,656 Just stop writing, will you? 507 00:33:42,739 --> 00:33:47,953 Look, I'm merely trying to explain why I might have exceeded the speed limit. 508 00:33:48,036 --> 00:33:50,831 You're playing the male lead in a homage to William Shakespeare's 509 00:33:50,914 --> 00:33:53,834 Romeo and Juliet and you're late for the dress rehearsal. 510 00:33:53,917 --> 00:33:56,795 You think this is sufficient reason to travel at 48 in a 30 zone? 511 00:33:56,878 --> 00:33:58,713 - Well, I... - To flout speed limits 512 00:33:58,797 --> 00:34:02,843 - specifically put in place to save lives. - Just, look, this is preposterous. 513 00:34:02,926 --> 00:34:06,721 - "Preposterous." - Look, just stop writing! 514 00:34:06,805 --> 00:34:08,974 "Stop writing." 515 00:34:10,684 --> 00:34:14,729 Look, you're right, I apologize. 516 00:34:16,148 --> 00:34:18,483 - See what I did there? - You hypnotized him. 517 00:34:18,567 --> 00:34:19,985 No, I used this. 518 00:34:20,068 --> 00:34:22,571 This is the most important piece of equipment you will ever own. 519 00:34:22,654 --> 00:34:25,532 This notebook has saved my skin more times than I care to mention. 520 00:34:25,615 --> 00:34:27,159 You should think about using yours more often. 521 00:34:27,242 --> 00:34:29,244 - I do use mine. - Show me. 522 00:34:34,666 --> 00:34:37,794 - That's just extraordinary. - You should see the one on the other side. 523 00:34:43,842 --> 00:34:46,845 - What are you up to tonight? - I have to water my Peace Lily. 524 00:34:46,928 --> 00:34:48,472 Thought you might wanna do something. 525 00:34:48,555 --> 00:34:51,683 - What exactly were you thinking? - Don't know. Pub? 526 00:34:51,850 --> 00:34:55,020 I don't think that's a good idea. Do you? 527 00:34:58,023 --> 00:34:59,524 You two. 528 00:34:59,691 --> 00:35:04,070 A Mr. Blower left you tickets for Romeo and Juliet tonight. 529 00:35:04,154 --> 00:35:05,530 Said it was by way of an apology. 530 00:35:05,614 --> 00:35:07,157 - Yeah? - Yeah. 531 00:35:07,574 --> 00:35:11,620 Well, we can't accept gifts from somebody we've officially rebuked. So... 532 00:35:12,078 --> 00:35:13,288 Yeah. 533 00:35:14,623 --> 00:35:16,208 Nicholas. Glad I caught you. 534 00:35:16,291 --> 00:35:20,045 Wondered if you wouldn't mind representing us at the am drams tonight. 535 00:35:20,128 --> 00:35:23,048 - Yes, sir, of course. - And there's a spare for Danny, too. 536 00:35:23,131 --> 00:35:26,551 Yeah! Hey, come on, it might be fun. 537 00:35:33,141 --> 00:35:34,184 A dateless bargain to engrossing death. 538 00:35:34,226 --> 00:35:36,937 Here's to my love. 539 00:35:43,819 --> 00:35:44,986 Now. 540 00:35:49,783 --> 00:35:53,328 Poison? I'll kiss thy lips. 541 00:35:54,246 --> 00:35:57,332 Happily some poison doth yet hang on them. 542 00:36:05,006 --> 00:36:06,174 Bang! 543 00:36:25,026 --> 00:36:28,280 Sergeant Angel, hi-hi. Quick word for the Sandford Citizen. 544 00:36:28,947 --> 00:36:30,240 It was very enjoyable. 545 00:36:30,323 --> 00:36:32,576 - "Cop Enjoys Watching Young Lovers"? - I don't think so. 546 00:36:32,659 --> 00:36:34,286 "Local Bobby Gives Thumbs Up To Teen Suicide"? 547 00:36:34,369 --> 00:36:35,954 That's just grossly inappropriate. 548 00:36:36,621 --> 00:36:40,041 You will try and spell his name correctly this time, won't you, Timothy? 549 00:36:40,125 --> 00:36:42,586 Absolute tosh, wasn't it? 550 00:36:42,878 --> 00:36:46,965 And annoyingly, the understudies are actually professional actors. 551 00:36:47,132 --> 00:36:49,593 Greg over there was an extra in Straw Dogs 552 00:36:49,676 --> 00:36:51,553 and Sheree portrayed a cadaver in Prime Suspect. 553 00:36:51,636 --> 00:36:53,805 Sergeant Angel, you came? 554 00:36:53,889 --> 00:36:57,267 So thrilled you accepted my invitation. 555 00:36:57,350 --> 00:37:00,312 Well, our Inspector requested we attend. So... 556 00:37:00,395 --> 00:37:05,192 Yeah, we can't accept gifts from someone we've officially rebuked so... 557 00:37:05,275 --> 00:37:06,610 Jog on. 558 00:37:07,277 --> 00:37:10,489 Congratulations to you and to Mrs. Blower. 559 00:37:12,741 --> 00:37:17,537 Oh, this is not my wife. This is Miss Draper. My leading lady. 560 00:37:17,829 --> 00:37:22,334 Eve works in the local council, Sergeant. Quite the lady in the know. 561 00:37:22,375 --> 00:37:25,337 - I am not. - Nonsense. 562 00:37:25,462 --> 00:37:31,134 I'm sure if we bashed your head in, all sorts of secrets would come tumbling out. 563 00:37:33,303 --> 00:37:37,599 Romeo, Romeo, a pint of bitter for Romeo? 564 00:37:37,682 --> 00:37:39,559 Thank you very much for coming, George. Excuse us. 565 00:37:39,643 --> 00:37:41,770 A pleasure, my liege. 566 00:37:41,853 --> 00:37:45,273 - Eve's nice, ain't she? - She certainly has a distinctive laugh. 567 00:37:45,357 --> 00:37:48,777 She was in my year at school. Always had a thing for her. 568 00:37:49,569 --> 00:37:51,530 She clearly has a thing for older men. 569 00:37:52,656 --> 00:37:54,950 What, with Martin Blower? No way! 570 00:37:55,450 --> 00:37:58,120 We just sat through three hours of so-called acting, Constable, 571 00:37:58,203 --> 00:38:00,956 their kiss was the only convincing moment in it. 572 00:38:01,039 --> 00:38:02,707 Hey, now you come to mention it, 573 00:38:02,791 --> 00:38:05,418 I too have reason to believe she favors the older gent. 574 00:38:05,502 --> 00:38:06,628 Really? How so? 575 00:38:06,711 --> 00:38:09,798 Marcus Carter's big brother said he'd fingered her up the duck pond. 576 00:38:13,301 --> 00:38:14,970 Oh, Officers. 577 00:38:15,053 --> 00:38:18,682 Again let me extend my sincere apologies for earlier. 578 00:38:18,765 --> 00:38:22,144 That's quite all right, Mr. Blower. Drive safe. 579 00:38:27,357 --> 00:38:30,527 "Drive safe." Oh, my God. 580 00:38:30,610 --> 00:38:32,988 You know that's the bloke we done for speeding earlier. 581 00:38:33,071 --> 00:38:35,991 Yeah. Hopefully, that's the last we'll see of him. 582 00:38:48,336 --> 00:38:49,671 Who is it? 583 00:38:54,259 --> 00:38:55,385 We haven't got long. 584 00:38:57,345 --> 00:38:58,555 To us. 585 00:39:00,765 --> 00:39:02,017 Who is it? 586 00:39:13,904 --> 00:39:15,238 Yeah? 587 00:39:18,116 --> 00:39:19,951 - ...decaffeinated? - Decaffeinated? 588 00:39:24,539 --> 00:39:27,626 Little Brian Libby found them, out on his paper round. 589 00:39:28,418 --> 00:39:31,254 Oh, he'll be having nightmares for a while. 590 00:39:31,713 --> 00:39:35,634 Must have hit the sign at some speed. Took the whole top off. 591 00:39:35,717 --> 00:39:38,762 - I've had my top off in this lay-by. - Tits. 592 00:39:38,845 --> 00:39:45,393 Most likely lost control, left the road there and then ended up here. 593 00:39:47,062 --> 00:39:51,399 So, what do we reckon? 594 00:39:52,192 --> 00:39:53,652 Sergeant Angel? 595 00:39:54,236 --> 00:39:57,072 Well, we should get a proper cordon off, screen the remains from public view. 596 00:39:57,155 --> 00:39:58,865 Close down the road until the ambulance crew arrives, 597 00:39:58,949 --> 00:40:02,285 whereupon we should open a single lane of traffic and ease congestion. 598 00:40:02,828 --> 00:40:04,162 Very good. 599 00:40:04,830 --> 00:40:05,914 What he said. 600 00:40:11,294 --> 00:40:13,421 - What happened, Danny? - Car accident. 601 00:40:13,505 --> 00:40:15,257 Nasty way to go. 602 00:40:16,091 --> 00:40:18,093 Constable, official vocab guidelines state 603 00:40:18,176 --> 00:40:21,263 we no longer refer to these incidents as "accidents," they're now "collisions." 604 00:40:21,346 --> 00:40:22,430 Right. 605 00:40:22,514 --> 00:40:28,645 "For never was there a story of more woe. Than this of Juliet and her Romeo." 606 00:40:28,937 --> 00:40:32,607 - Excuse me? - Martin and Eve. Such a tragedy. 607 00:40:32,691 --> 00:40:34,276 Mr. Skinner, do you mind telling me 608 00:40:34,359 --> 00:40:36,570 how you know the identity of the persons involved? 609 00:40:36,653 --> 00:40:40,115 You know how it is. News travels fast. 610 00:40:40,323 --> 00:40:44,453 A love struck Romeo sings a streetsus serenade 611 00:40:45,078 --> 00:40:47,456 - What happened, Danny? - Traffic collision. 612 00:40:48,707 --> 00:40:50,625 Hey, why can't we say "accident" again? 613 00:40:50,709 --> 00:40:53,170 Because "accident" implies there's nobody to blame. 614 00:40:54,671 --> 00:40:56,089 Put a sock in it, town mouse. 615 00:40:56,173 --> 00:40:59,926 Yeah, you wanna be a big cop in a small town, fuck off up the model village. 616 00:41:00,010 --> 00:41:02,429 I'm just saying, things aren't always as simple as they look. 617 00:41:02,512 --> 00:41:04,347 Most times they are. 618 00:41:04,431 --> 00:41:07,184 Let's just wait till Doctor Hatcher comes back with something, 619 00:41:07,267 --> 00:41:09,853 before you go jumping the Kalashnikov. 620 00:41:09,936 --> 00:41:13,064 All right, in the meantime, why don't you check out a few of Martin Blower's clients? 621 00:41:13,148 --> 00:41:16,026 Martin Blower represents damn near most of the village. 622 00:41:16,109 --> 00:41:17,652 Did you want us to go through the whole phone book? 623 00:41:17,736 --> 00:41:20,530 Yeah, or put a call into Aaron A. Aaronson, shall we? 624 00:41:20,614 --> 00:41:21,948 Please, don't be childish. 625 00:41:22,032 --> 00:41:23,325 At least consider interviewing the widow. 626 00:41:23,408 --> 00:41:25,494 Martin Blower was clearly having an affair with Eve Draper. 627 00:41:25,577 --> 00:41:28,997 Oh, and how did you establish that? 628 00:41:29,080 --> 00:41:31,833 'Cause we sat through three hours of so-called acting last night, 629 00:41:31,917 --> 00:41:34,336 and the kiss was the only convincing moment in it. 630 00:41:34,419 --> 00:41:36,505 All right, pipe down, big one. 631 00:41:36,588 --> 00:41:39,132 Here, what else you got, Crockett and Tubby? 632 00:41:39,216 --> 00:41:41,635 - Skid marks. - Now who's being childish? 633 00:41:41,718 --> 00:41:43,553 There were no skid marks at the scene. 634 00:41:43,637 --> 00:41:46,598 Doesn't it seem a little strange that Martin Blower would lose control of his car 635 00:41:46,681 --> 00:41:48,600 and not think to apply the brakes? 636 00:41:49,226 --> 00:41:50,519 If there were no skid marks it follows 637 00:41:50,602 --> 00:41:54,523 that for 300 yards both driver and passenger did nothing to prevent their fate. 638 00:41:54,606 --> 00:41:56,608 You don't have to be a detective to work that out! 639 00:41:56,691 --> 00:41:57,859 Yeah. 640 00:41:57,943 --> 00:42:01,029 - Are you causing trouble? - Yes, they are. 641 00:42:01,112 --> 00:42:04,324 Well, a spot of bother up at Ellroy Farm. 642 00:42:04,407 --> 00:42:07,911 Old Arthur Webley's been clipping hedgerows that don't belong to him. 643 00:42:07,994 --> 00:42:09,704 - Yes, sir? - That's it. 644 00:42:10,705 --> 00:42:11,832 Yes, sir. 645 00:42:17,796 --> 00:42:21,133 - Why do we need the dog? - It's not the dog we need. 646 00:42:28,890 --> 00:42:29,975 Right. 647 00:42:30,058 --> 00:42:31,184 What did he say? 648 00:42:37,065 --> 00:42:38,733 - What did he say? - He said, "An 'edge is an 'edge. 649 00:42:38,817 --> 00:42:40,402 "He only chopped it down 'cause it spoilt his view. 650 00:42:40,485 --> 00:42:41,903 "What's Reaper moaning about?" 651 00:42:41,987 --> 00:42:43,071 Right. 652 00:42:43,155 --> 00:42:44,489 Look, I appreciate your position, Mr. Webley, 653 00:42:44,573 --> 00:42:47,742 but you can't go around chopping down other people's hedges without permission. 654 00:42:49,786 --> 00:42:51,121 "Yes, I suppose." 655 00:42:51,204 --> 00:42:52,330 Thank you. 656 00:42:53,081 --> 00:42:54,583 All right. 657 00:42:56,251 --> 00:42:59,087 Mr. Webley, I trust you have a license for that firearm? 658 00:43:01,465 --> 00:43:03,049 He does for this one. 659 00:43:04,801 --> 00:43:06,261 What do you mean by "this one"? 660 00:43:19,858 --> 00:43:22,527 By the power of Grey Skull. 661 00:43:22,611 --> 00:43:24,571 Where on earth did you get these? 662 00:43:24,654 --> 00:43:26,573 - Found them. - He found them! 663 00:43:26,656 --> 00:43:30,243 - And what is this? - Sea mine. 664 00:43:30,327 --> 00:43:31,870 Sea mine. 665 00:43:32,120 --> 00:43:34,664 Well, Mr. Webley, this is an extremely dangerous collection. 666 00:43:34,748 --> 00:43:36,249 It's a wonder nobody's been hurt before. 667 00:43:36,333 --> 00:43:38,335 No, it's just a lot of junk. 668 00:43:50,514 --> 00:43:52,599 Move, move, move! 669 00:44:13,578 --> 00:44:16,456 - You what? - No, apparently it's been deactivated. Over. 670 00:44:16,540 --> 00:44:18,625 That's right, deactivated! 671 00:44:18,708 --> 00:44:20,627 - It's not live. - It looks live. 672 00:44:20,710 --> 00:44:21,795 All right. 673 00:44:44,818 --> 00:44:47,154 That was quite an impressive haul today, Constable Butterman. 674 00:44:47,237 --> 00:44:50,657 Well, you know, I mean, maybe we should do something to celebrate. 675 00:44:50,740 --> 00:44:52,159 Unless you gotta water your Peace Lily. 676 00:44:52,242 --> 00:44:55,662 - What exactly did you have in mind? - I don't know. Pub? 677 00:45:01,334 --> 00:45:02,961 Right you are, my love. 678 00:45:03,044 --> 00:45:05,130 Yes, sirs, what can I get you? 679 00:45:05,213 --> 00:45:06,798 Pint of lager, please, Roy. 680 00:45:06,882 --> 00:45:08,508 And what can I get you that isn't a cranberry juice? 681 00:45:08,592 --> 00:45:11,219 - I don't really wanna get drunk. - You can get a little drunk. 682 00:45:11,303 --> 00:45:14,014 - Okay, I'll have one. - Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. 683 00:45:14,347 --> 00:45:16,349 Mr. Porter, what's your wine selection? 684 00:45:16,433 --> 00:45:21,062 Oh, we got red or white. 685 00:45:22,272 --> 00:45:25,442 - I'll have a pint of lager, please. - Yeah, Roy. 686 00:45:30,489 --> 00:45:34,785 - Any news from earlier? - Yeah. CSI found nothing. 687 00:45:34,868 --> 00:45:39,372 Doctor Hatcher reported no misadventure and Mrs. Blower has four alibis. 688 00:45:39,456 --> 00:45:45,378 Now, come on, Sergeant, it's not your job to investigate this incident, is it? 689 00:45:46,213 --> 00:45:47,339 Is it? 690 00:45:47,464 --> 00:45:49,883 - No, it isn't. - No, it isn't. 691 00:45:52,427 --> 00:45:55,680 - You don't switch off, do you? - You sound like my ex. 692 00:45:56,306 --> 00:45:59,851 - Well, you are always thinking away. - It's what I do. 693 00:45:59,935 --> 00:46:03,355 - Don't get me wrong. I think it's amazing. - Really? 694 00:46:03,438 --> 00:46:06,066 I mean, what made you wanna be a policeman? 695 00:46:06,149 --> 00:46:07,234 Officer. 696 00:46:07,317 --> 00:46:09,903 What made you wanna be a policeman-officer? 697 00:46:12,447 --> 00:46:15,867 I don't remember a time when I didn't wanna be a police officer. 698 00:46:15,951 --> 00:46:19,704 Apart from the summer of 1979 when I wanted to be Kermit the Frog. 699 00:46:20,705 --> 00:46:24,709 It all started with my Uncle Derek. He was a Sergeant in the Met. 700 00:46:24,793 --> 00:46:27,712 He bought me a police pedal car when I was five. 701 00:46:27,796 --> 00:46:29,923 I rode round in it every second I was awake. 702 00:46:30,006 --> 00:46:33,385 Arresting kids twice my size for littering and spitting. 703 00:46:33,468 --> 00:46:36,555 I got beaten up a lot when I was young but it didn't stop me. 704 00:46:36,638 --> 00:46:38,557 I wanted to be like Uncle Derek. 705 00:46:38,640 --> 00:46:39,724 He sounds like a good bloke. 706 00:46:39,808 --> 00:46:42,144 Actually, he was arrested for selling drugs to students. 707 00:46:42,227 --> 00:46:43,353 What a cunt. 708 00:46:43,436 --> 00:46:45,856 Probably bought the pedal car with the proceeds. 709 00:46:45,939 --> 00:46:49,234 Needless to say I never went near it again. I just let it rust. 710 00:46:49,317 --> 00:46:51,361 But I never forgot the clear sense of right and wrong 711 00:46:51,444 --> 00:46:53,446 that I felt at the wheel of that pedal car. 712 00:46:53,530 --> 00:46:56,158 I had to prove to myself that the law could be proper 713 00:46:56,241 --> 00:46:58,618 and righteous and for the good of humankind. 714 00:46:58,702 --> 00:47:02,330 It was from that moment, I was destined to be a police officer. 715 00:47:02,956 --> 00:47:04,958 - Shame. - How so? 716 00:47:05,041 --> 00:47:07,586 I think you would've made a great muppet. 717 00:47:11,214 --> 00:47:14,092 What about you? What made you wanna become a police officer? 718 00:47:14,468 --> 00:47:17,596 I don't know. Dad does it. 719 00:47:17,679 --> 00:47:21,850 I think after my mum died, it's what he wanted, you know, keep me close by. 720 00:47:21,933 --> 00:47:25,937 - Do you mind if I ask how she died? - Traffic collision. 721 00:47:26,730 --> 00:47:28,106 I'm sorry. 722 00:47:29,274 --> 00:47:31,485 Never mind. Hey, watch this. 723 00:47:32,819 --> 00:47:35,238 - Jesus Christ! - Oh, my eye! 724 00:47:36,907 --> 00:47:38,074 Ta-da! 725 00:47:38,158 --> 00:47:39,993 Hey, come on, silly bollocks, get them in. 726 00:47:52,339 --> 00:47:55,133 - 777. - Mr. Skinner. 727 00:47:55,217 --> 00:47:57,803 - You know George Merchant, don't you? - Evening, Officer. 728 00:47:57,886 --> 00:48:00,806 Yes, we were just discussing the accident. 729 00:48:00,889 --> 00:48:04,309 I'd come to know Martin and Eve very well of late. 730 00:48:04,392 --> 00:48:05,936 Such a loss. 731 00:48:06,019 --> 00:48:08,480 What say we drink to their demise? 732 00:48:08,563 --> 00:48:10,106 Shouldn't that be "drink to their memories"? 733 00:48:10,190 --> 00:48:12,442 Of course. Cheers. 734 00:48:12,526 --> 00:48:14,361 I must go to the little boys' room. 735 00:48:15,737 --> 00:48:18,490 - I'm all right! - "Little" being the operative word. 736 00:48:19,074 --> 00:48:21,660 Oh, he'll be in bits tomorrow. 737 00:48:30,460 --> 00:48:33,130 I think somebody needs to go home. 738 00:48:33,213 --> 00:48:37,008 - I'm... I'm not that drunk, sir. - Not you. Him. 739 00:48:39,094 --> 00:48:40,428 What? 740 00:48:41,680 --> 00:48:45,559 Hey, we did get a little drunk. Did you get it? 741 00:48:45,642 --> 00:48:48,353 'Cause he's... He's little and he's drunk. 742 00:48:50,188 --> 00:48:52,107 Oh, good grief. 743 00:48:52,440 --> 00:48:55,402 It's hardly in keeping with the village's rustic esthetic, is it? 744 00:48:57,279 --> 00:48:59,781 - How much do I owe you? - Twenty quid. 745 00:48:59,865 --> 00:49:01,867 There you go. 746 00:49:02,367 --> 00:49:04,578 - And there's your change. - God bless you. 747 00:49:05,245 --> 00:49:06,496 Bye-bye. 748 00:49:09,541 --> 00:49:11,126 I'm all right. 749 00:49:14,379 --> 00:49:16,214 I would not wanna be him in the morning. 750 00:49:27,100 --> 00:49:30,187 Well, this is me. 751 00:49:30,770 --> 00:49:34,524 Well, I shall see you in the morning. 752 00:49:34,608 --> 00:49:37,486 Unless you wanna come in for a cup of coffee? 753 00:49:37,569 --> 00:49:40,238 - I don't drink coffee. - Tea? 754 00:49:40,322 --> 00:49:42,365 No caffeine after midday. 755 00:49:43,116 --> 00:49:44,993 How about another beer? 756 00:49:52,709 --> 00:49:53,877 Oh, dear. 757 00:50:00,217 --> 00:50:03,553 - When did you move in? - About five years ago. 758 00:50:04,763 --> 00:50:07,474 - You should get some house plants. - Oh, yeah, yeah. 759 00:50:07,557 --> 00:50:10,393 Yeah. I've been tending my Peace Lily for about three years now. 760 00:50:11,978 --> 00:50:15,524 It oxygenates the room, helps you think, relieves stress. 761 00:50:15,607 --> 00:50:17,442 Its needs are simple. 762 00:50:21,738 --> 00:50:24,908 Janine used to say I love my Lily more than I loved her. 763 00:50:24,991 --> 00:50:27,244 - Is that why you split up? - What? 764 00:50:28,161 --> 00:50:31,581 - 'Cause you did it with a plant? - No, no, no. 765 00:50:31,665 --> 00:50:35,210 It was more about me being obsessed with the job. 766 00:50:35,502 --> 00:50:37,838 That's good though, right? 767 00:50:38,338 --> 00:50:39,798 Is it though? 768 00:50:39,881 --> 00:50:45,178 I did miss a few dinners. You know, parties, a birthday or two. 769 00:50:45,262 --> 00:50:48,306 - Listen, mate, I... - Her dad's funeral. 770 00:50:49,432 --> 00:50:53,854 - I just wanna be good at what I do. - You are good at what you do. 771 00:50:55,438 --> 00:50:59,776 You've just gotta learn to switch off that big old melon of yours. 772 00:51:01,820 --> 00:51:03,905 That's the whole problem, Danny. 773 00:51:07,284 --> 00:51:09,286 I don't think I know how. 774 00:51:10,203 --> 00:51:12,205 I can show you how. 775 00:51:18,211 --> 00:51:20,881 By the power of Grey Skull. 776 00:51:21,631 --> 00:51:24,050 Point Break or Bad Boys II? 777 00:51:24,134 --> 00:51:25,469 Which one do you think I'll prefer? 778 00:51:25,552 --> 00:51:27,679 No, I mean which one do you wanna watch first? 779 00:51:27,762 --> 00:51:28,972 You are pulling my leg? 780 00:52:10,013 --> 00:52:12,015 What did you think of that? 781 00:52:12,098 --> 00:52:14,893 Well, I won't argue that it was a no holds barred, 782 00:52:14,976 --> 00:52:18,021 adrenalin fueled thrill ride but there's no way you could perpetrate 783 00:52:18,104 --> 00:52:22,359 that amount of carnage and mayhem and not incur a considerable amount of paperwork. 784 00:52:22,442 --> 00:52:23,777 That is nothing, man. 785 00:52:23,860 --> 00:52:25,529 This is about to go off. 786 00:52:41,628 --> 00:52:43,213 This shit just got real. 787 00:52:47,092 --> 00:52:48,844 Nasty way to go. 788 00:52:48,927 --> 00:52:52,931 I think our Mr. Merchant tried to have a little fry up and left the gas on. 789 00:52:54,766 --> 00:52:57,936 Spends his whole life devoted to the refrigerator 790 00:52:58,186 --> 00:53:00,564 then gets killed by an oven. 791 00:53:01,565 --> 00:53:04,860 I told him several times, you shouldn't eat late at night. 792 00:53:04,943 --> 00:53:07,863 Oh, I don't know. I quite like a little midnight gobble. 793 00:53:07,946 --> 00:53:09,156 Cocks. 794 00:53:09,239 --> 00:53:12,909 So, what do we reckon? Angel? 795 00:53:14,244 --> 00:53:15,370 Help me. 796 00:53:15,912 --> 00:53:19,458 Okay, we get a proper cordon up, we let the fire crews finish their stuff, 797 00:53:19,541 --> 00:53:22,294 and then we get forensics in to do a thorough sweep of the house. 798 00:53:22,377 --> 00:53:25,088 Very good. What he said. 799 00:53:25,172 --> 00:53:27,299 Sergeant Angel, hi-hi. A quick word? 800 00:53:27,382 --> 00:53:29,718 Mr. Messenger, a statement will be issued shortly. 801 00:53:29,801 --> 00:53:32,471 Actually, I just wanted to ask, "What's your perfect Sunday?" 802 00:53:32,554 --> 00:53:34,931 I'll deal with the press, Sergeant. 803 00:53:35,015 --> 00:53:39,978 Now, my perfect Sunday is a lovely long lie in... 804 00:53:40,645 --> 00:53:45,275 Fire to destroy all you've done 805 00:53:49,529 --> 00:53:50,781 Like in the films. 806 00:53:51,239 --> 00:53:53,950 Something like, something out of Backdraft. 807 00:53:55,786 --> 00:53:59,080 - What are you thinking? Foul play? - Maybe. 808 00:53:59,539 --> 00:54:03,084 We're just hoping to talk to the last people to see Mr. Merchant alive. 809 00:54:03,502 --> 00:54:08,590 Namely a Sergeant Knickerless Asswipe and a Constable Fanny Batterbum. 810 00:54:08,673 --> 00:54:11,593 - That's us. - Why is this such a big joke to you? 811 00:54:11,676 --> 00:54:13,136 Three people have died in a week. 812 00:54:13,220 --> 00:54:15,847 Oh, come on, Doctor Sherlock, they were accidents. 813 00:54:15,931 --> 00:54:17,432 People have accidents every day. 814 00:54:17,516 --> 00:54:20,435 - The victims knew each other. - Everyone knows everyone round here. 815 00:54:20,519 --> 00:54:23,772 Yeah. If you didn't see anything suspicious, then who did? 816 00:54:29,111 --> 00:54:31,029 It's a bit of a blind spot, I'm afraid. 817 00:54:31,113 --> 00:54:33,365 We just catch the very edge of the explosion. 818 00:54:33,448 --> 00:54:35,283 Nasty way to go. 819 00:54:35,367 --> 00:54:37,953 - There was something took my eye. - Really? What's that? 820 00:54:38,787 --> 00:54:40,997 Sandford's most wanted. 821 00:54:42,874 --> 00:54:45,252 There you go. It was the swan all along. 822 00:54:45,335 --> 00:54:48,630 - This is not funny, Detective! - Oh, give over, Miss Marples. 823 00:54:48,713 --> 00:54:51,133 Yeah, you do your job and we'll do ours, eh? 824 00:54:51,216 --> 00:54:53,468 Yeah. Haven't you got a church fete to look after? 825 00:54:53,552 --> 00:54:55,512 No, I have not! 826 00:54:56,471 --> 00:54:57,639 Actually. 827 00:55:03,645 --> 00:55:04,688 Testing. Testing. 828 00:55:04,729 --> 00:55:05,730 Someone's in for a surprise at 3:00, ladies and gentlemen. 829 00:55:05,772 --> 00:55:07,816 It's the raffle with a very special guest presenter. 830 00:55:07,899 --> 00:55:10,485 Out in the country 831 00:55:10,735 --> 00:55:14,656 Far from all the sorts of noise of the city 832 00:55:14,823 --> 00:55:17,325 There's a village green 833 00:55:17,409 --> 00:55:21,288 It's been a long time since I last set eyes 834 00:55:21,371 --> 00:55:23,498 On the church with a steeple 835 00:55:23,582 --> 00:55:25,792 That's me after a couple of pints. 836 00:55:25,959 --> 00:55:27,335 Splat the rat. 837 00:55:29,963 --> 00:55:31,715 Splat the rat. 838 00:55:33,800 --> 00:55:35,844 Splat the rat. 839 00:55:37,971 --> 00:55:39,514 Shark! 840 00:55:41,349 --> 00:55:43,310 Seen any murderings, Nicholarse? 841 00:55:43,393 --> 00:55:46,021 Come on, boys. Leave Sergeant Angel alone, he's working. 842 00:55:46,104 --> 00:55:49,566 Sorry, Chief, won't waste any more police time. 843 00:55:49,649 --> 00:55:50,859 Have a nice time. 844 00:55:50,942 --> 00:55:53,361 Actually, Nicholas, you might as well take a break. 845 00:55:53,445 --> 00:55:56,239 Hey, great. I've got something to show you. 846 00:56:02,204 --> 00:56:05,165 - This is a rifle range. - You'll be really good at it. 847 00:56:05,248 --> 00:56:07,709 Feeling lucky, Sergeant? 848 00:56:08,543 --> 00:56:13,173 Three cans wins you the squeaky bunny, five cans gets you the floppy lion. 849 00:56:13,256 --> 00:56:18,345 Take out all the little people, you get to waltz off with the cuddly monkey. 850 00:56:19,471 --> 00:56:22,891 I thought I made it clear to you how I feel about firearms. 851 00:56:22,974 --> 00:56:25,310 It's only an air rifle. 852 00:56:25,602 --> 00:56:26,770 Sergeant. 853 00:56:45,413 --> 00:56:47,124 Dear Lord! 854 00:56:48,500 --> 00:56:50,585 That was amazing. 855 00:56:55,048 --> 00:56:57,968 - Thank you, Danny. - I can't believe I shot someone. 856 00:56:58,051 --> 00:57:01,304 - He's a doctor, he can deal with it. - I never shot anyone before. 857 00:57:01,388 --> 00:57:03,598 Danny, believe me, it's not something you ever get used to. 858 00:57:03,682 --> 00:57:05,934 Yeah. Maybe we should go on the bouncy castle. 859 00:57:06,017 --> 00:57:07,102 Take our minds off of it. 860 00:57:07,185 --> 00:57:09,104 - Sergeant Angel, hi-hi. - Mr. Messenger. 861 00:57:09,187 --> 00:57:11,815 I need to talk to you about George Merchant. Alone. 862 00:57:12,274 --> 00:57:14,526 Churchyard. 3:00. 863 00:57:16,194 --> 00:57:17,320 What do you think he wants? 864 00:57:17,404 --> 00:57:20,449 Would Sergeant Angel come to the stage, please? 865 00:57:23,493 --> 00:57:27,456 Here to announce the winners is the newest addition to the Sandford Police Force. 866 00:57:27,539 --> 00:57:28,665 Service. 867 00:57:28,748 --> 00:57:30,500 Sergeant Nicholas Angel. 868 00:57:33,044 --> 00:57:34,337 - Prick. - Wanker. 869 00:57:35,630 --> 00:57:37,799 Hello. Hello. 870 00:57:54,858 --> 00:57:59,488 The first name is Simon Skinner. 871 00:58:02,491 --> 00:58:04,034 He's in the loo. 872 00:58:04,785 --> 00:58:07,162 Too much of Joyce's lemonade, perhaps. 873 00:58:29,518 --> 00:58:31,937 And the next name is... 874 00:58:47,327 --> 00:58:49,663 Tim, your number's up. 875 00:58:58,713 --> 00:59:00,340 Excuse me. Excuse me. 876 00:59:02,843 --> 00:59:04,052 Hi-hi. 877 00:59:08,557 --> 00:59:09,850 Oh, no! 878 00:59:15,188 --> 00:59:18,108 Stand back, stand back! There's been a terrible accident. 879 00:59:18,191 --> 00:59:20,902 - Accident? - Just an accident. 880 00:59:21,528 --> 00:59:24,281 It's all right, it's all right. There's nothing to see. 881 00:59:24,364 --> 00:59:28,201 Come on, everybody. It's all right. It's just an accident. 882 00:59:36,918 --> 00:59:38,545 Nicholas, what is it? 883 00:59:38,628 --> 00:59:42,674 Sir, I think all these deaths are linked. I think Tim Messenger was murdered. 884 00:59:43,091 --> 00:59:46,261 - Who could do something like this? - Maybe it was the swan. 885 00:59:46,344 --> 00:59:49,431 - Apparently, they can break a man's arm. - Or blow up a man's house. 886 00:59:49,514 --> 00:59:52,476 - Listen, you pair of... - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, Nicholas. 887 00:59:52,976 --> 00:59:55,312 Now, let me get this straight. 888 00:59:56,313 --> 01:00:00,317 - Are you saying that this is a crime scene? - Yes, sir, I am. 889 01:00:00,400 --> 01:00:01,777 Very well. 890 01:00:02,319 --> 01:00:03,403 - Detectives. - Sir. 891 01:00:03,487 --> 01:00:05,071 Start interviewing everyone who was at the fete. 892 01:00:05,155 --> 01:00:06,239 Oh, he's got shorts on. 893 01:00:06,323 --> 01:00:07,449 - Sergeant Fisher? - What? 894 01:00:07,532 --> 01:00:08,950 - Secure the area. - What? 895 01:00:09,034 --> 01:00:10,243 - PC Thatcher? - Yes, love? 896 01:00:10,327 --> 01:00:11,953 Get the CSI down here. 897 01:00:12,037 --> 01:00:13,246 PC Walker? 898 01:00:13,330 --> 01:00:15,624 Patrol the churchyard with Saxon. 899 01:00:15,707 --> 01:00:18,919 Nicholas, Danny, you know what to do. 900 01:00:25,217 --> 01:00:27,385 Do you really think this is murder? 901 01:00:27,552 --> 01:00:29,137 I just don't think we should rule it out, that's all. 902 01:00:29,221 --> 01:00:30,722 Yeah. I think you're right. 903 01:00:30,806 --> 01:00:33,058 I think you're talking a load of old shit. 904 01:00:33,767 --> 01:00:37,020 He thinks you're talking a load of shit. Swings and roundabouts, isn't it? 905 01:00:37,354 --> 01:00:38,605 Pain in the arse. 906 01:00:38,855 --> 01:00:40,899 - Did you find anything? - Yeah. 907 01:00:40,982 --> 01:00:42,818 I was extremely shocked when I looked at my watch 908 01:00:42,901 --> 01:00:44,319 and discovered that I should be in the pub. 909 01:00:44,402 --> 01:00:46,696 Did you go to his house? Did you read his articles? 910 01:00:46,780 --> 01:00:50,242 If you wanna wade through every copy of the Sandford bloody Citizen, be our guest. 911 01:00:50,325 --> 01:00:52,244 It's your job, isn't it? Detect! 912 01:00:52,327 --> 01:00:56,581 This ain't the city, Mr. Angel. Not everyone's a murdering psychopath. 913 01:00:56,748 --> 01:01:00,168 It's high time you realized that. You and your monkey. 914 01:01:03,505 --> 01:01:05,465 Did he mean me or that? 915 01:01:07,134 --> 01:01:09,344 Oh, maybe we should go home. 916 01:01:09,553 --> 01:01:12,639 - What do you mean? - Well, there's nothing going on, is there? 917 01:01:12,722 --> 01:01:14,349 Have you listened to anything that I've said? 918 01:01:14,432 --> 01:01:15,559 What do you mean? 919 01:01:15,642 --> 01:01:17,185 Is anything I've told you in the last two weeks 920 01:01:17,269 --> 01:01:19,312 - sunk into that thick skull of yours? - Yeah. 921 01:01:19,396 --> 01:01:21,106 Has it? Like what? 922 01:01:21,648 --> 01:01:23,567 You said I could be an amazing policeman-officer. 923 01:01:23,650 --> 01:01:26,069 There's always something going on, Danny. 924 01:01:26,153 --> 01:01:29,781 And you won't be an amazing police officer until you understand that. 925 01:01:29,865 --> 01:01:32,242 Well, I remembered something else you said and all. 926 01:01:32,325 --> 01:01:33,952 - Oh, did you now? - Yeah. 927 01:01:34,035 --> 01:01:36,329 You don't know how to switch off! 928 01:02:10,530 --> 01:02:11,990 Well, if you wanna wade through every copy 929 01:02:12,073 --> 01:02:14,367 of the Sandford bloody Citizen, be our guest. 930 01:02:51,947 --> 01:02:54,533 - Morning, Constable. - All right? 931 01:02:55,867 --> 01:02:57,786 Thanks for the monkey. 932 01:02:58,620 --> 01:03:01,164 - Yours, isn't it? - I won it for you. 933 01:03:04,793 --> 01:03:06,753 Danny, I think I'm on to something. 934 01:03:06,837 --> 01:03:08,004 - Are you? - Yes. 935 01:03:08,088 --> 01:03:12,425 And I think with a little deliberation we can figure out what links these deaths. 936 01:03:12,884 --> 01:03:16,304 - We? - Come on, partner. Let's go to work. 937 01:03:17,430 --> 01:03:19,349 Oh, oh, Sergeant Angel? 938 01:03:19,432 --> 01:03:24,062 - Someone from London called for you. - Tell them I'll call them back. 939 01:03:24,896 --> 01:03:26,022 - Tim Messenger. - Go. 940 01:03:26,106 --> 01:03:27,941 Editor and journalist at The Sandford Citizen. 941 01:03:28,024 --> 01:03:29,317 - Fondness for puns. - Go on. 942 01:03:29,401 --> 01:03:30,527 - Terrible speller. - Oh, yeah? 943 01:03:30,610 --> 01:03:32,571 Nevertheless had uncovered important information about... 944 01:03:32,654 --> 01:03:34,406 - George Merchant. - Self-made millionaire. 945 01:03:34,364 --> 01:03:36,533 Fancied himself as a property developer. 946 01:03:36,616 --> 01:03:39,369 - Said he had big plans for Sandford. - Pissed on the floor in The Crown. 947 01:03:39,453 --> 01:03:41,621 But more importantly, was a good friend and client of... 948 01:03:41,705 --> 01:03:43,457 - Martin Blower. - Respected solicitor. 949 01:03:43,540 --> 01:03:45,792 - Affirmatron. - Leading light of the local drama society. 950 01:03:45,876 --> 01:03:47,294 - Bad actor. - Undoubtedly. 951 01:03:47,377 --> 01:03:48,920 - Bad driver. - Not necessarily. 952 01:03:49,045 --> 01:03:50,672 - Cheated on his missus. - Most certainly. 953 01:03:50,797 --> 01:03:52,716 - And we both know who with. - Eve Draper. 954 01:03:52,799 --> 01:03:55,635 - Blower's leading lady. Distinctive laugh. - True. 955 01:03:55,719 --> 01:03:57,137 - Favored older men. - Fingered. 956 01:03:57,220 --> 01:03:58,472 - Worked at? - Council. 957 01:03:58,555 --> 01:04:01,266 - More specifically? - Department of Planning and Development. 958 01:04:01,391 --> 01:04:02,976 Where George Merchant secured permission 959 01:04:03,059 --> 01:04:05,437 to build his dubious mansion on Norris Avenue. 960 01:04:05,562 --> 01:04:06,646 So... 961 01:04:06,730 --> 01:04:10,817 Maybe they were all accidents. People have accidents every day. 962 01:04:12,152 --> 01:04:14,654 - What are you two up to? - Nothing. 963 01:04:14,738 --> 01:04:15,864 Well, look sharp. 964 01:04:15,989 --> 01:04:18,700 - There's been reports of a fire in the station. - What? 965 01:04:18,825 --> 01:04:22,454 Happy birthday to you 966 01:04:22,579 --> 01:04:26,750 Happy birthday to you 967 01:04:26,833 --> 01:04:30,504 - Danny, why didn't you say something? - We were working, weren't we? 968 01:04:32,923 --> 01:04:35,967 - Hey, where are you going? - Personal errand. 969 01:04:42,766 --> 01:04:44,184 Hello, Miss Tiller. 970 01:04:44,267 --> 01:04:46,978 I was wondering, do you have any Japanese Peace Lilies? 971 01:04:47,103 --> 01:04:48,480 Of course. 972 01:04:49,272 --> 01:04:51,691 I was just about to pop off, actually. 973 01:04:52,526 --> 01:04:54,820 I can never find my scissors. 974 01:04:55,112 --> 01:04:59,032 - Is this for someone special? - Yes. Yes, it is. 975 01:05:01,451 --> 01:05:06,081 - Are you going somewhere, Miss Tiller? - Yes. I'm moving away. 976 01:05:07,207 --> 01:05:10,377 And why the move, if you don't mind me asking? 977 01:05:10,460 --> 01:05:15,298 - Well, just between you and I... - Yes? 978 01:05:15,549 --> 01:05:18,426 - You know that fella who blew up? - George Merchant. 979 01:05:18,552 --> 01:05:21,680 Well, George Merchant, God rest him, wanted to buy this land, 980 01:05:21,805 --> 01:05:25,350 so he sends round his legal fella, Martin Blower, God rest him, 981 01:05:25,475 --> 01:05:27,561 and I thought I might take them up on it. 982 01:05:27,644 --> 01:05:31,356 I haven't really got that much family round here, save for Cousin Sissy. 983 01:05:31,481 --> 01:05:34,901 So I thought I might take them up on the offer and move to Buford Abbey. 984 01:05:34,985 --> 01:05:36,987 Would you like a card with this? 985 01:05:37,154 --> 01:05:39,448 No, sorry, you were talking about the offer? 986 01:05:39,573 --> 01:05:42,742 Well, it turns out that Martin Blower, God rest him, 987 01:05:42,826 --> 01:05:44,995 knew where the new bypass road is going 988 01:05:45,078 --> 01:05:48,165 because he was knocking off Eve Draper from the council, God rest her, 989 01:05:48,248 --> 01:05:51,960 and then that reporter, God rest him, finds out about the route 990 01:05:52,085 --> 01:05:54,171 and tells me this land's very valuable. 991 01:05:54,254 --> 01:05:58,341 Ten times what George Merchant and Martin Blower, God rest them, offered me. 992 01:05:58,425 --> 01:06:01,428 So, with them having passed on, I decided to sell it on myself 993 01:06:01,511 --> 01:06:04,306 to some folks from the city that Martin, George and Eve, 994 01:06:04,431 --> 01:06:06,433 God rest the lot of them, had been talking to. 995 01:06:06,516 --> 01:06:09,352 Apparently, they want to build a big shopping center or something. 996 01:06:09,436 --> 01:06:12,230 Of course, Cousin Sissy won't be too happy about that, 997 01:06:12,355 --> 01:06:14,399 but as far as I'm concerned, Cousin Sissy can go and fuck... 998 01:06:14,524 --> 01:06:17,110 Would you just excuse me, for just one second? 999 01:06:32,375 --> 01:06:33,543 Stop! 1000 01:06:34,461 --> 01:06:36,046 In the name of the law! 1001 01:07:34,271 --> 01:07:36,231 Hang about, hang about. 1002 01:07:37,107 --> 01:07:39,359 You're saying this wasn't an accident? 1003 01:07:40,694 --> 01:07:42,737 Leslie Tiller was fucking murdered! 1004 01:07:42,863 --> 01:07:44,281 - What, just like Tim Messenger? - Yes! 1005 01:07:44,364 --> 01:07:45,532 - And George Merchant? - Yes! 1006 01:07:45,615 --> 01:07:46,867 - And Eve Draper? - Yes! 1007 01:07:46,950 --> 01:07:48,577 - And Martin Blower? - No, actually. 1008 01:07:48,702 --> 01:07:50,537 - Really? - 'Course he fucking was! 1009 01:07:50,620 --> 01:07:52,539 Thank you, Danny. 1010 01:07:52,622 --> 01:07:55,959 Oh, murder, murder, murder. Change the fucking record. 1011 01:07:56,543 --> 01:07:57,711 Thank you, Andy. 1012 01:07:57,794 --> 01:08:02,048 Come on, Sergeant, you've gotta accept it was just another nasty accident. 1013 01:08:02,132 --> 01:08:03,216 What are you suggesting? 1014 01:08:03,300 --> 01:08:05,802 That Leslie Tiller tripped and fell on her own shears? 1015 01:08:05,886 --> 01:08:08,346 Ben Fletcher fell on his pitchfork the other week. 1016 01:08:08,472 --> 01:08:11,892 Yeah, accidents happen all the time. What makes you think it was murder? 1017 01:08:11,975 --> 01:08:14,936 - Because I was there! - There's a point. 1018 01:08:15,061 --> 01:08:16,396 Why were you there? 1019 01:08:16,480 --> 01:08:20,734 I was buying Constable Butterman a Japanese Peace Lily for his birthday. 1020 01:08:20,817 --> 01:08:23,403 What absolute horseshit. 1021 01:08:23,487 --> 01:08:27,449 I chased a suspect from the scene. Innocent people don't run! 1022 01:08:27,574 --> 01:08:30,619 Here, maybe it was our old friend, the cactus thief. 1023 01:08:30,744 --> 01:08:33,413 Oh, yeah, he was a prickly customer, weren't he? 1024 01:08:34,247 --> 01:08:36,958 Am I going completely mad? 1025 01:08:39,085 --> 01:08:40,754 Maybe you are. 1026 01:08:42,672 --> 01:08:45,425 Maybe you did it. 1027 01:08:45,509 --> 01:08:48,845 Yeah, seeing as how you're such a big fan of murder. 1028 01:08:48,929 --> 01:08:50,347 - What the... - Sergeant Angel? 1029 01:08:50,430 --> 01:08:52,933 Yes! Sir. 1030 01:08:55,519 --> 01:08:58,396 Nicholas, Nicholas, Nicholas. 1031 01:08:58,522 --> 01:09:01,066 What am I going to do with you? 1032 01:09:01,191 --> 01:09:05,695 - Sir, you have to understand... - No, you have to understand. 1033 01:09:06,696 --> 01:09:10,659 The boys here aren't used to the concepts you're bandying about. 1034 01:09:11,284 --> 01:09:13,787 The "M" word, Nicholas. 1035 01:09:13,870 --> 01:09:18,083 There hasn't been a recorded murder in Sandford for 20 years. 1036 01:09:18,208 --> 01:09:20,001 But, sir, I'm certain. 1037 01:09:20,544 --> 01:09:23,755 And what's more, I know who did it. 1038 01:09:29,803 --> 01:09:31,721 Can I see the manager, please? 1039 01:09:37,227 --> 01:09:43,191 Mr. Skinner to the Manager's office. Manager's office. Mr. Skinner. 1040 01:09:43,900 --> 01:09:47,362 Sergeant Angel. And to what do I owe this pleasure? 1041 01:09:47,487 --> 01:09:51,533 Simon Skinner, I'm arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Leslie Tiller. 1042 01:09:51,658 --> 01:09:55,078 Leslie Tiller's dead? How? 1043 01:09:55,245 --> 01:09:57,539 She tripped and fell on her own shears. 1044 01:09:59,166 --> 01:10:02,502 I'm also arresting you on suspicion of the murder of Tim Messenger on May 1st, 1045 01:10:02,586 --> 01:10:04,212 of George Merchant on April 29th 1046 01:10:04,337 --> 01:10:06,882 and of Eve Draper and Martin Blower on April 28th. 1047 01:10:07,007 --> 01:10:10,969 - Why on earth would I do that, Sergeant? - I'm glad you asked. 1048 01:10:12,762 --> 01:10:14,890 My suspicions were first aroused when you appeared 1049 01:10:15,015 --> 01:10:17,767 at the scene of the Blower-Draper death, on the outskirts of Sandford, 1050 01:10:17,851 --> 01:10:21,688 despite the fact you live and work in the center of the village. 1051 01:10:22,939 --> 01:10:27,235 I couldn't help but recall your comments at the theater on the previous evening. 1052 01:10:27,527 --> 01:10:30,447 When you not only indicated an awareness of the couple's affair 1053 01:10:30,530 --> 01:10:32,532 but also inferred that Eve's connections at the council 1054 01:10:32,616 --> 01:10:35,577 might make her privy to important information. 1055 01:10:35,702 --> 01:10:37,954 You even spoke of "bashing her head in." 1056 01:10:38,038 --> 01:10:41,666 Perhaps hoping you might discover the route of the proposed Sandford Bypass. 1057 01:10:41,792 --> 01:10:43,960 You were already suspicious that George Merchant was buying up 1058 01:10:44,085 --> 01:10:46,338 a large area of land on the outskirts of Sandford, 1059 01:10:46,421 --> 01:10:49,382 after an article Tim Messenger wrote in the Sandford Citizen. 1060 01:10:49,508 --> 01:10:53,136 You see, the land Merchant was buying had little value in of itself but, 1061 01:10:53,261 --> 01:10:57,140 if it became accessible by road, it would be a prime location for say, 1062 01:10:57,516 --> 01:10:59,184 a retail park. 1063 01:10:59,267 --> 01:11:01,269 Consumed with concern for your business 1064 01:11:01,353 --> 01:11:03,396 and potential disloyalty from fickle customers, 1065 01:11:03,522 --> 01:11:06,066 you yourself expressed a wish to behead. 1066 01:11:06,608 --> 01:11:09,277 You killed the competition in cold blood. 1067 01:11:09,361 --> 01:11:11,238 Staging the murders as accidents. 1068 01:11:11,363 --> 01:11:14,407 You used a vehicle removal truck to stage the Blower-Draper death 1069 01:11:14,533 --> 01:11:16,409 and incinerated an old man in his own house. 1070 01:11:16,535 --> 01:11:19,704 Covering your tracks with the judicial application of bacon and beans. 1071 01:11:19,788 --> 01:11:22,749 However, there was a loose end. 1072 01:11:23,792 --> 01:11:25,252 Tim Messenger. 1073 01:11:25,377 --> 01:11:27,504 Splattered before he could share with me 1074 01:11:27,629 --> 01:11:30,549 what he told Leslie Tiller that very afternoon. 1075 01:11:30,632 --> 01:11:33,468 The true value of her land. 1076 01:11:33,885 --> 01:11:36,763 Upon discovering she was about to sell up to the developers, 1077 01:11:36,888 --> 01:11:39,683 you brutally murdered her with her own shears. 1078 01:11:39,766 --> 01:11:44,521 And made good your escape utilizing your impressive skills as a fun runner. 1079 01:11:50,986 --> 01:11:54,781 Very entertaining. But I rather think you've been watching too many films. 1080 01:11:56,408 --> 01:11:57,451 He hasn't. 1081 01:11:57,534 --> 01:12:01,288 Why would I kill Leslie? You clearly aren't aware that we're related. 1082 01:12:01,413 --> 01:12:03,957 Oh, but I am, "Cousin Sissy." 1083 01:12:05,500 --> 01:12:09,796 I'm afraid my nickname of Sissy is only a revelation to yourself. 1084 01:12:10,088 --> 01:12:13,467 My teenage years studying ballet are well known. 1085 01:12:13,592 --> 01:12:16,720 - Yeah, Sissy Skinner. - What a Gaylord. 1086 01:12:16,803 --> 01:12:18,346 Thank you, Andrews. 1087 01:12:18,430 --> 01:12:21,808 Now, despite my comments about "beheading" customers, 1088 01:12:21,933 --> 01:12:25,437 I personally relish the competition of another store. 1089 01:12:25,520 --> 01:12:29,149 Anything to energize my workforce. 1090 01:12:30,692 --> 01:12:35,280 And anyway, what makes you think I could dislodge part of the church roof? 1091 01:12:35,363 --> 01:12:37,824 Or for that matter, stage a car crash? 1092 01:12:37,949 --> 01:12:41,286 It's a well known fact that the church roof is in dire need of repair. 1093 01:12:41,369 --> 01:12:43,538 And isn't it true that two of your own employees 1094 01:12:43,622 --> 01:12:46,082 operate the vehicle removal service for the council? 1095 01:12:46,208 --> 01:12:48,543 Sergeant, this is the 21st Century. 1096 01:12:48,627 --> 01:12:51,546 Many people hold down several jobs. 1097 01:12:51,671 --> 01:12:55,342 I myself host a life drawing class at the Village Hall. 1098 01:12:55,425 --> 01:12:58,470 Tina here is a table dancer at Flappers. 1099 01:12:58,804 --> 01:13:02,682 Nevertheless, you could have utilized the vehicle removal truck for your own ends. 1100 01:13:02,808 --> 01:13:04,810 These accusations are quite meaningless, Sergeant, 1101 01:13:04,893 --> 01:13:07,521 unless you can back them up with hard evidence. 1102 01:13:07,646 --> 01:13:10,190 Well, you've got me there. 1103 01:13:10,315 --> 01:13:12,275 I'd need something conclusive. 1104 01:13:12,400 --> 01:13:14,528 Something that placed you at the scene of the crime. 1105 01:13:14,653 --> 01:13:18,657 Perhaps a wound you sustained on a piece of broken glass this very evening. 1106 01:13:20,325 --> 01:13:21,952 This very evening. 1107 01:13:23,245 --> 01:13:26,498 Sergeant, this is beginning to get embarrassing. 1108 01:13:26,623 --> 01:13:29,751 How could I possibly be in several places at once? 1109 01:13:32,087 --> 01:13:36,716 I'm sure the store's security footage will absolve me. 1110 01:13:37,425 --> 01:13:40,095 Do feel free to spool through. 1111 01:13:57,612 --> 01:13:58,655 I can handle this, Danny. 1112 01:13:58,780 --> 01:14:02,033 You might as well go back and just enjoy the rest of your birthday. 1113 01:14:02,117 --> 01:14:04,703 - Did you really get me that plant? - Yes, I did. 1114 01:14:04,786 --> 01:14:08,248 But it's been impounded as evidence. 1115 01:14:08,373 --> 01:14:12,961 Well, I mean, maybe Dad will still let me water it, eh? 1116 01:14:13,044 --> 01:14:14,212 Yeah. 1117 01:14:17,632 --> 01:14:19,050 Sergeant, I wanted you to know that 1118 01:14:19,134 --> 01:14:22,471 if I do indeed now own the land belonging to... 1119 01:14:24,222 --> 01:14:30,061 belonging to Leslie, that I intend to turn it into a memorial garden, in her honor. 1120 01:14:30,145 --> 01:14:34,733 Mr. Skinner, what you do with your land is of no concern of mine, 1121 01:14:37,569 --> 01:14:38,737 so jog on. 1122 01:14:39,654 --> 01:14:44,242 Michael, will you escort the Sergeant off the premises when he's quite finished? 1123 01:14:44,326 --> 01:14:45,869 Yarp. 1124 01:14:49,039 --> 01:14:53,335 I just can't believe Leslie's dead. How did it happen? 1125 01:14:53,418 --> 01:14:55,754 She tripped and fell on her own shears. 1126 01:15:03,929 --> 01:15:06,097 Hey, that weren't me. 1127 01:15:14,189 --> 01:15:15,315 Hey, look. 1128 01:15:15,440 --> 01:15:18,110 Look, Mr. Treacher's got his big coat on again. 1129 01:15:21,822 --> 01:15:26,201 - You want anything from the shop? - Cornetto. 1130 01:15:28,787 --> 01:15:32,958 - No luck catching them killers, then? - It's just the one killer, actually. 1131 01:15:36,378 --> 01:15:39,631 - No luck catching them killers, then? - It's just the one killer, actually. 1132 01:15:39,714 --> 01:15:43,051 - No luck catching them killers, then? - It's just the one killer, actually. 1133 01:15:43,135 --> 01:15:47,139 - No luck catching them killers, then? - It's just the one killer, actually. 1134 01:15:47,222 --> 01:15:50,475 - What's the matter? You got brain-freeze? - No, I got brainwave. 1135 01:15:50,559 --> 01:15:52,853 Get us back to the station, now! 1136 01:15:59,818 --> 01:16:01,528 - It's more than one person. - Come again? 1137 01:16:01,653 --> 01:16:04,489 - It's more than one killer. - It was Skinner a minute ago. 1138 01:16:04,614 --> 01:16:05,657 Yeah, well, maybe it still is. 1139 01:16:05,740 --> 01:16:08,118 You know, maybe he's... Maybe he's not alone. Maybe there are others. 1140 01:16:08,243 --> 01:16:13,373 Nicholas, you're an exceptional officer. But I've seen this before. 1141 01:16:13,832 --> 01:16:16,418 - Sir? - Sergeant Popwell. 1142 01:16:16,501 --> 01:16:19,337 It was exactly the same thing. 1143 01:16:19,421 --> 01:16:23,842 You've come from a city where there's danger round every corner, 1144 01:16:24,342 --> 01:16:26,845 and it's driven you round the bend. 1145 01:16:27,345 --> 01:16:28,638 Yes, sir. 1146 01:16:28,930 --> 01:16:32,350 Do yourself a favor. Sleep on it. 1147 01:16:32,434 --> 01:16:38,190 And if you still feel the same in the morning, I give you my word, I'll get right on to it. 1148 01:16:42,527 --> 01:16:45,447 Hey. Hey, what's happening? What's going on? 1149 01:16:46,114 --> 01:16:50,035 Nothing, nothing. I'm just gonna go back to the hotel. 1150 01:16:50,118 --> 01:16:55,624 - I mean, do you want a lift? - No, no, I could do with a walk. 1151 01:17:59,104 --> 01:18:01,982 Hey, big one, playtime's over. 1152 01:18:06,361 --> 01:18:07,737 Michael? 1153 01:18:08,655 --> 01:18:11,324 Michael? Are you there? 1154 01:18:11,950 --> 01:18:15,996 Michael? Is everything okay? 1155 01:18:18,665 --> 01:18:19,833 Yarp. 1156 01:18:19,958 --> 01:18:22,669 Sergeant Angel's been taken care of? 1157 01:18:22,794 --> 01:18:23,879 Yarp. 1158 01:18:23,962 --> 01:18:26,423 He's not gonna get back up again? 1159 01:18:29,050 --> 01:18:30,343 Narp! 1160 01:18:31,636 --> 01:18:34,181 Good. Proceed to the castle. 1161 01:18:39,436 --> 01:18:41,146 Frank, this shit just got real. 1162 01:18:41,229 --> 01:18:45,025 Skinner just sent someone to kill me, and, now, now he's gone somewhere. 1163 01:18:45,150 --> 01:18:47,694 Up to the... To the castle, I think. I'm gonna... I'm gonna go after him. 1164 01:18:47,819 --> 01:18:50,113 Okay? It's Nicholas, by the way. 1165 01:18:52,240 --> 01:18:56,703 Oh, my God. What happened to your Peace Lily? 1166 01:18:56,995 --> 01:19:00,832 Danny. Danny, just stay here, okay? And watch him, and call your dad. 1167 01:19:00,957 --> 01:19:03,043 - Tell him I was right. - What are you gonna do? 1168 01:19:03,126 --> 01:19:07,756 - I'm gonna bust this thing wide open. - Nicholas, wait. 1169 01:19:07,798 --> 01:19:11,551 - You might need this. - Thanks, partner. 1170 01:19:44,751 --> 01:19:48,171 How could I possibly be in several places at once? 1171 01:19:48,255 --> 01:19:51,424 How could I possibly be in several places at once? 1172 01:19:51,508 --> 01:19:54,803 How could I possibly be in several places at once? 1173 01:19:55,929 --> 01:20:00,058 I just can't believe Leslie's dead. How did it happen? 1174 01:20:00,183 --> 01:20:03,228 You'll find that we run a very tight ship here. 1175 01:20:03,353 --> 01:20:05,147 Who could do something like this? 1176 01:20:05,272 --> 01:20:08,608 Seems like Mr. Merchant tried to have a little fry up and left the gas on. 1177 01:20:08,692 --> 01:20:10,026 Nasty way to go. 1178 01:20:10,152 --> 01:20:11,236 What happened, Danny? 1179 01:20:11,361 --> 01:20:13,155 No luck catching them killers, then? 1180 01:20:13,280 --> 01:20:15,115 No luck catching them killers, then? 1181 01:20:15,198 --> 01:20:17,409 No luck catching them... 1182 01:20:20,871 --> 01:20:23,290 Now, quick announcement before we begin. 1183 01:20:23,373 --> 01:20:27,752 Janet Barker has decided to call her boys Roger and Martin. 1184 01:20:27,878 --> 01:20:33,133 And the christening will be a week on Saturday and we're all invited. 1185 01:20:33,383 --> 01:20:35,719 - Tom. - Thanks, Joyce. 1186 01:20:35,969 --> 01:20:39,055 Now, you'll all be delighted to hear 1187 01:20:39,139 --> 01:20:43,810 that the tenacious Sergeant Angel has been taken care of. 1188 01:20:43,894 --> 01:20:49,483 Joyce will discover the Sergeant lying on the wet floor of his bathroom, 1189 01:20:49,566 --> 01:20:53,820 having slipped and tragically broken his neck. 1190 01:20:53,945 --> 01:20:55,989 So, with the dispatch of the Sergeant, 1191 01:20:56,072 --> 01:21:00,160 we will now be able to concentrate on the eradication of our hoodie infestation. 1192 01:21:00,243 --> 01:21:01,328 Quite right. 1193 01:21:01,411 --> 01:21:04,873 After which, nothing will stand in our way. 1194 01:21:04,998 --> 01:21:07,834 Oh, I beg to differ, Mr. Weaver. 1195 01:21:07,959 --> 01:21:12,172 Well, well, well, I see we have visitors. 1196 01:21:12,506 --> 01:21:15,675 Sergeant Nicholas Angel. Sandford Police Service. 1197 01:21:15,801 --> 01:21:18,512 My, he is tenacious, isn't he? 1198 01:21:18,595 --> 01:21:21,473 I'm arresting you under suspicion of conspiracy to commit murder. 1199 01:21:21,556 --> 01:21:24,351 Oh, come, come, Sergeant. 1200 01:21:24,434 --> 01:21:26,019 You should be ashamed. 1201 01:21:26,103 --> 01:21:29,689 - Calling yourself a community that cares. - Oh, but we do care, Nicholas. 1202 01:21:29,773 --> 01:21:31,525 It's all about the greater good. 1203 01:21:31,608 --> 01:21:33,110 The greater good. 1204 01:21:33,193 --> 01:21:34,694 How can this be for the greater good? 1205 01:21:34,778 --> 01:21:36,321 The greater good. 1206 01:21:36,446 --> 01:21:38,532 You see, as much as I enjoyed your wild theories, Sergeant, 1207 01:21:38,615 --> 01:21:40,325 the truth is far less complex. 1208 01:21:40,450 --> 01:21:45,622 Blower's fate was simply the result of his being an appalling actor. 1209 01:21:47,124 --> 01:21:48,375 Quite appalling. 1210 01:21:48,458 --> 01:21:50,210 You murdered him for that? 1211 01:21:51,294 --> 01:21:53,713 - Well, he murdered Bill Shakespeare. - What? 1212 01:21:53,839 --> 01:21:57,300 The Dramatic Society is an important feather in our cap. 1213 01:21:57,634 --> 01:21:59,094 Couldn't let Blower jeopardize that. 1214 01:21:59,219 --> 01:22:01,429 Not when we had two semi-professionals waiting in the wings. 1215 01:22:01,555 --> 01:22:04,099 Let's not forget that Greg was an extra in Straw Dogs. 1216 01:22:04,224 --> 01:22:06,059 And Sheree played a cadaver in Prime Suspect. 1217 01:22:06,143 --> 01:22:07,561 Yes, I know! 1218 01:22:07,644 --> 01:22:10,272 Martin was less concerned with the reputation of the village 1219 01:22:10,397 --> 01:22:13,567 than he was with his sordid affair with Eve Draper. 1220 01:22:13,692 --> 01:22:15,235 And so Eve deserved to die too? 1221 01:22:15,318 --> 01:22:17,737 Well, she did have a very annoying laugh. 1222 01:22:17,863 --> 01:22:19,072 Annoying. 1223 01:22:19,156 --> 01:22:21,992 - And, and George Merchant? - He had an awful house. 1224 01:22:22,325 --> 01:22:23,368 Awful. 1225 01:22:23,493 --> 01:22:25,120 We begged him in vain to make his residence 1226 01:22:25,203 --> 01:22:27,747 more in keeping with the village's rustic esthetic. 1227 01:22:28,832 --> 01:22:31,418 And what about Tim Messenger? What was his crime? 1228 01:22:31,501 --> 01:22:36,214 Tim Messenger's tenure as editor of the Sandford Citizen has been unbearable. 1229 01:22:36,339 --> 01:22:40,135 Our once great paper had become riddled with tabloid journalism. 1230 01:22:40,260 --> 01:22:42,179 Not to mention persistent errors. 1231 01:22:42,262 --> 01:22:45,515 - He listed her age as 55. - When, actually, I'm 53. 1232 01:22:45,599 --> 01:22:47,100 Fifty-three. 1233 01:22:47,184 --> 01:22:48,852 What, what about Leslie Tiller? One of your own? 1234 01:22:48,935 --> 01:22:51,438 Her horticultural expertise helped put Sandford on the map. 1235 01:22:51,521 --> 01:22:53,565 Oh, she was ever so good. 1236 01:22:53,690 --> 01:22:55,817 Cousin Leslie was a terrible shame. 1237 01:22:56,109 --> 01:22:59,821 But it seemed she was set on moving away. 1238 01:22:59,946 --> 01:23:03,283 We couldn't have her sharing her green fingers with anybody else. 1239 01:23:03,366 --> 01:23:05,327 Not least those heathens at Buford Abbey. 1240 01:23:05,452 --> 01:23:08,121 If we can't have her, no one can. 1241 01:23:08,205 --> 01:23:09,748 How can this be for the greater good? 1242 01:23:09,873 --> 01:23:11,875 - The greater good. - Shut it! 1243 01:23:11,958 --> 01:23:15,128 These people died for no reason. No reason whatsoever! 1244 01:23:15,212 --> 01:23:17,714 Oh, I wouldn't say that. 1245 01:23:19,466 --> 01:23:20,842 Hello, Nicholas. 1246 01:23:21,968 --> 01:23:23,845 I was like you once. 1247 01:23:24,471 --> 01:23:27,891 I believed in the immutable word of the law. 1248 01:23:28,225 --> 01:23:32,020 That is until the night Mrs. Butterman was taken from me. 1249 01:23:32,938 --> 01:23:35,607 You see, no one loved Sandford more than her. 1250 01:23:35,732 --> 01:23:39,694 She was head of the Women's Institute, chair of the floral committee. 1251 01:23:39,778 --> 01:23:41,863 When they started the Village of the Year contest, 1252 01:23:41,988 --> 01:23:45,659 she worked round the clock. I've never seen such dedication. 1253 01:23:47,035 --> 01:23:52,332 On the eve of the adjudicator's arrival, some travelers moved into Callahan Park. 1254 01:23:53,166 --> 01:23:56,670 Before you could say, "Gypsy scum," we were knee-deep in dog muck, 1255 01:23:56,753 --> 01:23:59,089 thieving kids and crusty jugglers. 1256 01:23:59,172 --> 01:24:00,924 Crusty jugglers. 1257 01:24:01,049 --> 01:24:04,094 We lost the title and Irene lost her mind. 1258 01:24:05,095 --> 01:24:09,224 She drove her Datsun Cherry into Sandford Gorge. 1259 01:24:09,349 --> 01:24:14,438 From that moment on, I swore that I would do her proud. 1260 01:24:14,771 --> 01:24:19,276 And whatever the cost, we would make Sandford great again. 1261 01:24:19,609 --> 01:24:21,486 Sir, this doesn't make any sense. 1262 01:24:21,611 --> 01:24:25,449 The adjudicators arrive tomorrow. We had to get everything ready. 1263 01:24:25,574 --> 01:24:28,243 Are you saying this is all about winning the Best Village Award? 1264 01:24:28,368 --> 01:24:32,038 This is the best village, Nicholas. You've seen the people. 1265 01:24:32,122 --> 01:24:36,585 - They're happy, contented. - They're living in a dream world. 1266 01:24:36,710 --> 01:24:39,296 Sergeant Popwell thought much the same as you. 1267 01:24:39,379 --> 01:24:41,423 I'm disappointed you can't see the bigger picture. 1268 01:24:41,548 --> 01:24:43,925 Well, I'm happy to disappoint you, sir. 1269 01:24:44,050 --> 01:24:45,760 And I'm afraid you're gonna have to come with me. 1270 01:24:45,886 --> 01:24:47,929 You are all gonna have to come with me. 1271 01:24:48,013 --> 01:24:52,100 No, Nicholas, I'm afraid it is you 1272 01:24:52,184 --> 01:24:54,936 who is going to have to come with us. 1273 01:25:02,986 --> 01:25:04,571 Danny, no. 1274 01:25:08,992 --> 01:25:10,452 Back off! Back off! 1275 01:25:10,577 --> 01:25:12,788 Or I swear to God, you'll be explaining how Danny tripped over 1276 01:25:12,913 --> 01:25:14,331 and accidentally cut off his own head. 1277 01:25:14,414 --> 01:25:16,583 Come on, Nicholas. You haven't got it in you. 1278 01:25:16,708 --> 01:25:18,001 I mean it! 1279 01:25:21,671 --> 01:25:22,923 Shit! 1280 01:25:37,687 --> 01:25:41,024 Gypsy scum. Travelers. 1281 01:25:41,149 --> 01:25:44,194 Thieving kids. Dog muck. 1282 01:25:46,446 --> 01:25:48,323 Crusty jugglers. 1283 01:25:48,532 --> 01:25:52,119 Crusty jugglers. Crusty jugglers. 1284 01:25:53,036 --> 01:25:54,329 Crusty jugglers. 1285 01:25:54,454 --> 01:25:58,041 There hasn't been a recorded murder in Sandford for 20 years. 1286 01:25:58,125 --> 01:26:01,086 There's a reason we accommodate a few of the younglings at the pub. 1287 01:26:01,211 --> 01:26:03,713 Spot of bother up at Ellroy Farm. 1288 01:26:03,797 --> 01:26:06,591 I'll make sure everyone gets their just deserts. 1289 01:26:11,721 --> 01:26:14,599 If we don't come down hard on these clowns... 1290 01:26:14,724 --> 01:26:16,393 We'll get round to it. 1291 01:26:28,655 --> 01:26:29,823 Danny! 1292 01:27:04,775 --> 01:27:06,109 Ta-da. 1293 01:27:06,359 --> 01:27:09,529 - What are you doing? - Saving your skin. 1294 01:27:11,782 --> 01:27:14,493 - This is murder! - It's not, it's ketchup. 1295 01:27:14,576 --> 01:27:17,329 I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the others. 1296 01:27:17,412 --> 01:27:20,373 - What others? - The others the NWA have murdered. 1297 01:27:20,415 --> 01:27:21,792 - That's not true. - It is! 1298 01:27:21,833 --> 01:27:24,044 Dad just said it was his special club, he... 1299 01:27:24,085 --> 01:27:25,962 I thought it was about rapping people on the knuckles 1300 01:27:26,087 --> 01:27:29,257 - and sending them on their way. - There are skeletons back there! 1301 01:27:29,341 --> 01:27:30,926 I don't know nothing about no skelingtons. 1302 01:27:31,009 --> 01:27:33,261 - What did you think was happening? - Not this! 1303 01:27:33,345 --> 01:27:34,471 It's Frank. 1304 01:27:34,596 --> 01:27:36,765 He's appointed himself judge, jury and executioner. 1305 01:27:36,890 --> 01:27:40,185 - He's not Judge Judy and executioner. - He is! 1306 01:27:40,268 --> 01:27:43,438 - You've gotta help me take him down. - I can't. 1307 01:27:44,523 --> 01:27:47,317 He's my dad. Take my car. 1308 01:27:48,401 --> 01:27:51,363 Go back to London. There's nothing you can do. 1309 01:27:51,488 --> 01:27:52,948 I can come back. 1310 01:27:53,073 --> 01:27:55,158 I can come back, and I can bring the blue fury 1311 01:27:55,283 --> 01:27:57,285 of the Metropolitan Police Service with me. 1312 01:27:57,369 --> 01:28:00,372 They'll make it disappear. Who are they gonna believe? 1313 01:28:00,455 --> 01:28:03,208 My dad, or a loony London police officer. 1314 01:28:03,291 --> 01:28:04,835 But it won't be just me, will it? 1315 01:28:04,960 --> 01:28:08,130 We can do it together. You and me. Partners. 1316 01:28:08,380 --> 01:28:12,134 Forget it, Nicholas. It's Sandford. 1317 01:29:04,269 --> 01:29:05,604 Is that everything? Sir? 1318 01:29:12,110 --> 01:29:15,530 Sir? Sir? 1319 01:29:17,032 --> 01:29:21,244 - Is there anything I can do for you? - No. 1320 01:29:24,456 --> 01:29:26,750 This is something I have to do myself. 1321 01:29:52,442 --> 01:29:56,279 Another beautiful day in God's country. 1322 01:30:03,954 --> 01:30:05,455 Danny? 1323 01:30:14,506 --> 01:30:15,799 It's... 1324 01:30:21,138 --> 01:30:22,222 Mum! 1325 01:30:33,650 --> 01:30:35,068 What you gonna do? 1326 01:30:35,193 --> 01:30:38,238 Just walk in and arrest the whole village? 1327 01:30:40,031 --> 01:30:41,199 Not exactly. 1328 01:31:14,232 --> 01:31:17,444 Oh, Sergeant Angel? Someone from London called for you. 1329 01:31:25,577 --> 01:31:27,829 I'll tell them you'll ring them back. 1330 01:31:30,081 --> 01:31:32,250 - Well, that's funny. - What's that? 1331 01:31:32,751 --> 01:31:35,420 I didn't know we had a mounted division. 1332 01:31:35,504 --> 01:31:37,214 Nobody tells me nothing. 1333 01:31:53,605 --> 01:31:55,398 Wanna do something useful? 1334 01:32:04,866 --> 01:32:09,788 Annette, that Sergeant Angel's back. Check out his horse. 1335 01:32:10,789 --> 01:32:12,707 Roger that! 1336 01:32:14,459 --> 01:32:17,420 - It's... - Angel. 1337 01:33:28,700 --> 01:33:29,868 Morning. 1338 01:34:53,452 --> 01:34:55,370 That's what I'm talking about. 1339 01:35:10,302 --> 01:35:12,471 Still feel like you're missing out? 1340 01:35:39,122 --> 01:35:40,540 Fascist! 1341 01:35:57,140 --> 01:35:58,308 Hag! 1342 01:36:16,827 --> 01:36:20,497 Stop! Stop this, please! 1343 01:36:21,164 --> 01:36:24,543 Let us stop this mindless violence. 1344 01:36:25,836 --> 01:36:27,838 Nicholas, my son. 1345 01:36:29,005 --> 01:36:32,926 You may not be a man of God, but surely you're a man of peace. 1346 01:36:33,009 --> 01:36:38,765 I may not be a man of God, Reverend, but I know right, and I know wrong, 1347 01:36:39,516 --> 01:36:42,060 and I have the good grace to know which is which. 1348 01:36:42,185 --> 01:36:45,188 Oh, fuck off, Grasshopper. 1349 01:36:46,773 --> 01:36:48,233 No! 1350 01:36:49,443 --> 01:36:51,194 Jesus Christ! 1351 01:36:51,695 --> 01:36:53,697 Nicholas! Nicholas! 1352 01:37:00,036 --> 01:37:01,788 I thought you was a goner. 1353 01:37:01,872 --> 01:37:03,582 Drop your weapons! 1354 01:37:04,207 --> 01:37:06,626 - Dr. Hatcher, no! - Shut up, Danny. 1355 01:37:07,627 --> 01:37:11,131 I brought you into this world, I think it's rather fitting 1356 01:37:11,214 --> 01:37:14,050 I should be the one to take you out of it. 1357 01:37:14,384 --> 01:37:18,221 You and your interfering little friend. 1358 01:37:18,722 --> 01:37:19,848 Now... 1359 01:37:24,227 --> 01:37:25,479 drop them. 1360 01:37:41,995 --> 01:37:46,124 - You're a doctor, deal with it. - Yeah, motherfucker. 1361 01:37:46,750 --> 01:37:49,085 - Danny, let's roll. - What you thinking? 1362 01:37:51,087 --> 01:37:52,172 Pub? 1363 01:38:52,315 --> 01:38:54,276 Roy! 1364 01:38:54,985 --> 01:38:58,029 Somebody call the police! 1365 01:38:58,155 --> 01:38:59,281 Freeze! 1366 01:39:02,159 --> 01:39:04,995 Officers, arrest that man. 1367 01:39:05,495 --> 01:39:08,665 - Danny, step away from the Sergeant. - No, Dad. 1368 01:39:09,082 --> 01:39:11,460 Danny, you'll do as you're told. 1369 01:39:11,585 --> 01:39:14,045 I'm not taking orders from you anymore. 1370 01:39:14,171 --> 01:39:17,632 - Officers, arrest these men! - Wait, wait! 1371 01:39:17,757 --> 01:39:18,842 You can arrest us if you like. 1372 01:39:18,925 --> 01:39:21,553 You can throw us in prison and go back to being blind, submissive slaves. 1373 01:39:21,678 --> 01:39:23,472 Or you can be real police officers, 1374 01:39:23,597 --> 01:39:25,766 and help us bring an end to this absurd story. 1375 01:39:25,849 --> 01:39:28,018 What the fuck is he on about? 1376 01:39:28,101 --> 01:39:29,311 Fuck are you on about? 1377 01:39:29,436 --> 01:39:32,022 Have you ever wondered why the crime rate in Sandford is so low? 1378 01:39:32,105 --> 01:39:35,901 - And yet the accident rate, it's so high? - No. Yeah. What? 1379 01:39:36,026 --> 01:39:37,861 You've been brainwashed, Tony. 1380 01:39:37,944 --> 01:39:41,198 Brainwashed into naivety by an old man with a murderous obsession. 1381 01:39:41,281 --> 01:39:46,203 - This is ridiculous. - No, it's not, Dad. It's very unridiculous. 1382 01:39:46,286 --> 01:39:49,331 And it's only now that I'm starting to realize how unridiculous it all is. 1383 01:39:49,456 --> 01:39:50,916 Silence, Danny! 1384 01:39:51,374 --> 01:39:54,169 - Think of your mother. - Mum is dead, Dad. 1385 01:39:55,378 --> 01:39:58,757 For the first time in my life, you know, I'm glad. 1386 01:39:58,882 --> 01:40:01,218 If she could see what you've become, 1387 01:40:01,301 --> 01:40:05,430 I think she'd probably kill herself all over again. 1388 01:40:05,555 --> 01:40:07,099 Sorry, I am completely lost. 1389 01:40:07,224 --> 01:40:08,850 Sandford is a lie, Doris. 1390 01:40:08,975 --> 01:40:12,354 For the last 20 years, the village has been controlled by Frank and the NWA. 1391 01:40:12,479 --> 01:40:14,898 They've lulled everyone into thinking this is a perfect village 1392 01:40:14,981 --> 01:40:17,776 and killed anyone who's threatened to change that. 1393 01:40:25,408 --> 01:40:27,494 I reckon he's got something there. 1394 01:40:28,995 --> 01:40:31,957 He says, "He reckons you got something there." 1395 01:40:32,082 --> 01:40:33,291 I know. 1396 01:40:33,416 --> 01:40:36,628 You're not seriously gonna believe this man, are you? 1397 01:40:36,753 --> 01:40:39,798 Are you? He isn't even from round here. 1398 01:40:43,760 --> 01:40:47,973 Maybe it's time to give it up, sir. 1399 01:40:49,683 --> 01:40:52,227 You incompetent flatfoots! 1400 01:41:01,361 --> 01:41:04,030 Officer Walker, stay here with Saxon and hold everything down. 1401 01:41:04,114 --> 01:41:05,240 Fair enough. 1402 01:41:05,365 --> 01:41:07,367 Officers, let's go. 1403 01:41:08,368 --> 01:41:10,704 - What about Dad? - He'll come round again. 1404 01:41:11,037 --> 01:41:12,831 Want anything from the shop? 1405 01:41:30,640 --> 01:41:31,808 - What you thinking? - Well... 1406 01:41:31,892 --> 01:41:33,894 We should strike now, while we've got the element of surprise. 1407 01:41:33,977 --> 01:41:35,771 Longer we wait, more time they've got to mobilize. 1408 01:41:35,896 --> 01:41:38,648 I say we go in through the front entrance, take the place aisle by aisle. 1409 01:41:38,732 --> 01:41:40,609 They won't be expecting that. 1410 01:41:41,234 --> 01:41:42,903 Very good. What he said. 1411 01:41:45,155 --> 01:41:48,366 My, my. Here come the fuzz. 1412 01:41:50,577 --> 01:41:53,371 - Maybe they're not here. - Wait here. 1413 01:41:53,497 --> 01:41:57,000 - Don't go in on your own. - Don't worry, he knows what he's doing. 1414 01:41:59,920 --> 01:42:01,546 Okay. They're in. 1415 01:42:01,671 --> 01:42:04,758 You deal with the store. I'll deal with the trolley boy. 1416 01:42:14,101 --> 01:42:18,563 No, listen. Wait, wait, wait, Michael, wait, listen to me. Listen, listen. 1417 01:42:18,772 --> 01:42:21,316 Is this what you really, really want? 1418 01:42:21,608 --> 01:42:22,734 Yarp. 1419 01:42:23,110 --> 01:42:24,319 Suit yourself. 1420 01:42:33,036 --> 01:42:34,704 Go, go, go. 1421 01:42:37,124 --> 01:42:39,209 Oh, come on. 1422 01:42:51,555 --> 01:42:53,390 Andy! 1423 01:42:56,143 --> 01:42:59,104 It's all right, Andy. It's just Bolognese! 1424 01:43:59,539 --> 01:44:01,500 - How's Lurch? - He's in the freezer. 1425 01:44:01,625 --> 01:44:03,960 - Did you say, "Cool off"? - No, I didn't say anything, actually. 1426 01:44:04,085 --> 01:44:05,754 Shame. 1427 01:44:05,837 --> 01:44:07,255 There was a bit earlier on that you missed 1428 01:44:07,339 --> 01:44:08,924 when I distracted him with the cuddly monkey. 1429 01:44:09,007 --> 01:44:11,802 And then I said, "Playtime's over," and I hit him with the Peace Lily. 1430 01:44:11,927 --> 01:44:13,970 You're off the fucking chain! 1431 01:44:14,096 --> 01:44:17,557 - What's the situation? - Two blokes and a fuckload of cutlery. 1432 01:44:17,682 --> 01:44:19,059 What do you reckon? 1433 01:44:22,437 --> 01:44:23,605 Idea. 1434 01:44:47,295 --> 01:44:48,797 Good work, everyone. 1435 01:44:58,557 --> 01:45:01,518 - Nice one, Doris. - Nothing like a bit of girl on girl. 1436 01:45:04,229 --> 01:45:06,273 Fruit attack! 1437 01:45:07,065 --> 01:45:09,901 Can you handle this, Sergeant Fisher? We're gonna go after the big boss. 1438 01:45:09,985 --> 01:45:11,903 We're on it, Sergeant. 1439 01:45:12,404 --> 01:45:14,197 - Danny, let's rock. - Angel! 1440 01:45:14,322 --> 01:45:16,032 Don't go being a twat now. 1441 01:45:16,324 --> 01:45:18,577 I wouldn't give you the satisfaction. 1442 01:45:25,834 --> 01:45:27,377 - We should get down there. - How? 1443 01:45:27,502 --> 01:45:29,880 Skip. 1444 01:45:35,844 --> 01:45:38,889 - Head them off? - Fuck, yeah. 1445 01:45:50,192 --> 01:45:53,820 - I'll drive. - Shotgun! Punch that shit! 1446 01:46:37,656 --> 01:46:39,199 Bang! Bang! 1447 01:46:45,163 --> 01:46:46,498 Swan! 1448 01:47:05,934 --> 01:47:07,018 Swan! 1449 01:47:34,546 --> 01:47:38,717 Stay back! Or the ginger nut gets it! 1450 01:47:40,635 --> 01:47:43,221 You little fucker! 1451 01:48:19,007 --> 01:48:23,303 Get out of my village! 1452 01:48:29,267 --> 01:48:31,770 It's not your village anymore. 1453 01:48:48,620 --> 01:48:50,455 - You did good, kid. - Ta. 1454 01:48:50,539 --> 01:48:52,791 - What's your name? - Aaron A. Aaronson. 1455 01:48:53,208 --> 01:48:54,668 Sorry? 1456 01:48:56,628 --> 01:49:03,260 Angel! 1457 01:49:21,153 --> 01:49:22,487 It's over, Danny. 1458 01:49:23,905 --> 01:49:25,073 It's over. 1459 01:49:28,910 --> 01:49:34,166 This really hurts. 1460 01:49:34,249 --> 01:49:39,671 I'm going to need some ice-cream. 1461 01:49:39,755 --> 01:49:42,924 Yeah, well, don't worry. There's plenty of ice-cream at the station. 1462 01:49:43,008 --> 01:49:44,176 Isn't that right, Danny? 1463 01:49:45,427 --> 01:49:46,553 Stay back! 1464 01:49:46,678 --> 01:49:50,098 - Pack it in, Frank, you silly bastard! - Now, now. 1465 01:49:50,432 --> 01:49:52,184 We don't want any more bloodshed. 1466 01:49:52,267 --> 01:49:55,020 Frank, this whole thing started because you lost somebody you loved. 1467 01:49:55,103 --> 01:49:57,022 Don't expect me to believe you'd let it end the same way. 1468 01:49:57,105 --> 01:49:59,649 I'll tell you how this is gonna end! 1469 01:50:42,234 --> 01:50:44,402 I feel like I should say something smart. 1470 01:50:44,486 --> 01:50:47,280 You don't have to say anything at all. 1471 01:50:59,167 --> 01:51:02,587 Satisfactory conclusion to the whole operation. 1472 01:51:02,671 --> 01:51:06,675 Now, my perfect Sunday would begin with... 1473 01:51:12,013 --> 01:51:13,432 What do you say, Nicholas? 1474 01:51:13,515 --> 01:51:15,725 We... We... We have been trying to reach you for days. 1475 01:51:15,851 --> 01:51:18,979 - Yeah, well, I've been kind of busy. - We need you back. 1476 01:51:19,104 --> 01:51:22,899 The figures have gone a little squiffy in your absence, it has to be said. 1477 01:51:23,024 --> 01:51:24,109 Come back to London. 1478 01:51:24,192 --> 01:51:27,446 Sandford's hardly a fitting place for such an exceptional officer. 1479 01:51:27,529 --> 01:51:30,240 Yeah, well, the thing is, sir. 1480 01:51:31,199 --> 01:51:32,951 I kind of like it here. 1481 01:51:33,034 --> 01:51:36,413 Besides, we have to do a considerable amount of paperwork. 1482 01:52:06,818 --> 01:52:07,903 - Fuck's sake, Nick, this is gonna take ages. - Yeah, it's gonna take all night. 1483 01:52:07,903 --> 01:52:08,904 Well, good job we've got the manpower, Andy? 1484 01:52:09,237 --> 01:52:13,492 Well, official vocab guidelines state that we say "staffing," not "manpower," 1485 01:52:13,575 --> 01:52:16,244 'cause "manpower's" a bit sexist. 1486 01:52:18,663 --> 01:52:20,415 You don't mind a bit of manpower do you, Doris? 1487 01:52:20,540 --> 01:52:22,834 Oh, dirty bastard! 1488 01:52:24,628 --> 01:52:25,754 Andy! 1489 01:52:25,879 --> 01:52:27,881 You cheeky fucker! 1490 01:52:36,640 --> 01:52:38,558 You know what you are? 1491 01:52:39,392 --> 01:52:41,061 A bloody busybody! 1492 01:52:46,900 --> 01:52:49,152 No! 1493 01:53:03,667 --> 01:53:04,835 Oh, God, no! 1494 01:53:28,108 --> 01:53:29,359 Danny! 1495 01:53:31,862 --> 01:53:32,988 Danny! 1496 01:53:34,030 --> 01:53:35,198 Oh, God. 1497 01:53:35,282 --> 01:53:36,908 Hold on, Danny, just hold on. 1498 01:53:37,033 --> 01:53:39,744 Hold on, it's gonna be fine. It's gonna be fine. 1499 01:53:40,370 --> 01:53:43,123 Just hang on, hang on! 1500 01:53:43,623 --> 01:53:45,417 Everything's gonna be fine. 1501 01:53:46,710 --> 01:53:48,462 Everything's gonna be fine. 1502 01:53:48,962 --> 01:53:50,756 Everything's gonna be fine. 1503 01:53:51,548 --> 01:53:53,550 Everything's gonna be just fine. 1504 01:54:32,255 --> 01:54:33,298 Hope these are okay. 1505 01:54:36,426 --> 01:54:39,805 Yeah. They're lovely. 1506 01:54:49,356 --> 01:54:52,526 - Any officers near the church? - Go ahead, Doris. 1507 01:54:52,609 --> 01:54:54,319 Chief, we've had a report of some hippy types 1508 01:54:54,444 --> 01:54:56,863 messing with the recycling bins at the supermarket. 1509 01:54:56,947 --> 01:54:58,657 - Leave it with us. - Righto. 1510 01:54:58,782 --> 01:55:02,869 Sergeant Butterman, little hand says it's time to rock and roll. 1511 01:55:03,120 --> 01:55:04,663 Bring the noise.