1 00:00:00,694 --> 00:00:03,017 (THUNDER RUMBLING) 2 00:00:50,662 --> 00:00:52,604 (THUNDER CRACKS) 3 00:00:52,704 --> 00:00:55,627 HANNAH: Everyone was warned, but no one listened. 4 00:00:58,630 --> 00:01:00,812 A rise in temperature, 5 00:01:00,912 --> 00:01:02,974 ocean patterns changed 6 00:01:03,074 --> 00:01:05,076 and ice caps melted. 7 00:01:06,277 --> 00:01:09,180 They called it extreme weather. 8 00:01:09,280 --> 00:01:11,322 They didn't know what "extreme" was. 9 00:01:13,764 --> 00:01:15,466 In the year of 2019, 10 00:01:15,566 --> 00:01:17,228 hurricanes, 11 00:01:17,328 --> 00:01:18,789 tornadoes, 12 00:01:18,889 --> 00:01:20,591 floods 13 00:01:20,691 --> 00:01:22,633 and droughts 14 00:01:22,733 --> 00:01:25,936 unleashed a wave of destruction upon our planet. 15 00:01:27,377 --> 00:01:29,239 We didn't just lose towns 16 00:01:29,339 --> 00:01:31,341 or beachfronts. 17 00:01:32,182 --> 00:01:34,924 We lost entire cities. 18 00:01:35,024 --> 00:01:37,707 The East River swallowed Lower Manhattan. 19 00:01:39,869 --> 00:01:42,692 A heat wave killed two million people in Madrid 20 00:01:42,792 --> 00:01:44,794 in just one day. 21 00:01:45,434 --> 00:01:47,016 But in that moment, 22 00:01:47,116 --> 00:01:49,859 facing our own extinction, 23 00:01:49,959 --> 00:01:52,301 it became clear that no single nation 24 00:01:52,401 --> 00:01:54,403 could solve this problem alone. 25 00:01:57,526 --> 00:01:59,528 The world came together as one, 26 00:02:00,168 --> 00:02:02,170 and we fought back. 27 00:02:02,931 --> 00:02:05,874 Scientists from 17 countries, 28 00:02:05,974 --> 00:02:07,996 led by the U.S. and China, 29 00:02:08,096 --> 00:02:10,599 worked tirelessly. 30 00:02:10,699 --> 00:02:13,061 Not as representatives of their nations, 31 00:02:14,983 --> 00:02:16,985 but of humanity. 32 00:02:18,146 --> 00:02:20,728 They found a way to neutralise the storms 33 00:02:20,828 --> 00:02:22,770 with a net of thousands of satellites 34 00:02:22,870 --> 00:02:24,532 each deploying countermeasures 35 00:02:24,632 --> 00:02:27,415 designed to impact the basic elements of weather, 36 00:02:27,515 --> 00:02:30,538 heat, pressure and water, 37 00:02:30,638 --> 00:02:35,502 all overseen by the International Space Station. 38 00:02:35,602 --> 00:02:38,065 They gave the satellite net a technical name, 39 00:02:38,165 --> 00:02:40,827 but we all came to call it Dutch Boy 40 00:02:40,927 --> 00:02:42,509 after the story of the child 41 00:02:42,609 --> 00:02:44,611 who plugged a dam with his finger. 42 00:02:49,656 --> 00:02:51,858 (EXPLOSIONS) 43 00:02:53,700 --> 00:02:56,202 This is what saved us all. 44 00:02:56,302 --> 00:02:59,065 And it was built by a team led by one man... 45 00:03:01,187 --> 00:03:03,189 my father. 46 00:03:14,600 --> 00:03:16,602 -Thank you. -Keep the change. 47 00:03:18,804 --> 00:03:20,265 Uh, Jake Lawson. I have a Senate... 48 00:03:20,365 --> 00:03:21,546 Senate hearing in room 12. 49 00:03:21,646 --> 00:03:22,627 Yeah. 50 00:03:22,727 --> 00:03:24,069 Lawson? 51 00:03:24,169 --> 00:03:25,951 -You're the Dutch Boy guy, right? -Yeah. 52 00:03:26,051 --> 00:03:27,312 Man, I need to shake your hand. 53 00:03:27,412 --> 00:03:28,953 Oh, okay. 54 00:03:29,053 --> 00:03:30,795 Tornado? Zap! 55 00:03:30,895 --> 00:03:32,917 Blizzard? Zap! 56 00:03:33,017 --> 00:03:34,919 Monsoon? 57 00:03:35,019 --> 00:03:36,521 -Zap? -Zap! 58 00:03:36,621 --> 00:03:39,043 Everybody down here owes you, Jake Lawson. 59 00:03:39,143 --> 00:03:41,706 If you need anything, you just ask. 60 00:03:44,989 --> 00:03:47,311 -(INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) -(CAMERAS CLICKING) 61 00:03:51,515 --> 00:03:53,297 (GAVEL BANGING) 62 00:03:53,397 --> 00:03:55,138 SENATOR CROSS: The Senate Committee 63 00:03:55,238 --> 00:03:57,861 assigned to oversee Dutch Boy 64 00:03:57,961 --> 00:04:00,343 will now hear from Jacob Lawson, 65 00:04:00,443 --> 00:04:03,587 Climate ISS Chief Operations Coordinator. 66 00:04:03,687 --> 00:04:07,911 May the record reflect that he was nearly one hour late. 67 00:04:08,011 --> 00:04:10,153 Yeah, sorry about that. Uh... 68 00:04:10,253 --> 00:04:11,794 (CLEARS THROAT) I literally had to fly in 69 00:04:11,894 --> 00:04:12,996 from outer space. 70 00:04:13,096 --> 00:04:14,317 (AUDIENCE LAUGHING) 71 00:04:14,417 --> 00:04:16,078 (SIGHS) Here we go. 72 00:04:16,178 --> 00:04:19,962 Mr. Lawson, we find ourselves heading toward a crossroads. 73 00:04:20,062 --> 00:04:23,085 As you know, as per UN Resolution 28-14, 74 00:04:23,185 --> 00:04:24,446 the United States will be 75 00:04:24,546 --> 00:04:26,889 handing over control of Dutch Boy 76 00:04:26,989 --> 00:04:30,292 to an International Oversight Committee in three years. 77 00:04:30,392 --> 00:04:33,455 This in spite of the fact that we actually built the thing. 78 00:04:33,555 --> 00:04:34,896 Uh, excuse me, Senator. 79 00:04:34,996 --> 00:04:36,738 (STAMMERS) I don't wanna slow things down. 80 00:04:36,838 --> 00:04:39,501 Uh, you said "we" built it? 81 00:04:39,601 --> 00:04:41,943 Yes, indeed, I did. 82 00:04:42,043 --> 00:04:43,625 Because I know what I did. 83 00:04:43,725 --> 00:04:46,027 I'm the guy that led the team that built the station. 84 00:04:46,127 --> 00:04:48,389 I was up there with an international crew 85 00:04:48,489 --> 00:04:50,431 of 600 people, not just Americans. 86 00:04:50,531 --> 00:04:55,516 And I know all of their faces, but I don't remember yours. 87 00:04:55,616 --> 00:04:59,960 We had a plumber up there. He looked a little like you. 88 00:05:00,060 --> 00:05:03,043 -(AUDIENCE CHUCKLING) -Very clever, Mr. Lawson. 89 00:05:03,143 --> 00:05:04,725 Yes, Dutch Boy was 90 00:05:04,825 --> 00:05:06,326 an international effort and, yes, 91 00:05:06,426 --> 00:05:08,288 -it may, one day, very well... -(CELL PHONE VIBRATES) 92 00:05:08,388 --> 00:05:10,050 ...belong to the world. 93 00:05:10,150 --> 00:05:13,253 But until it does, we have authority over its operation 94 00:05:13,353 --> 00:05:15,655 and we have authority over you! 95 00:05:15,755 --> 00:05:18,178 And you have been flouting that authority. 96 00:05:18,278 --> 00:05:21,141 I have report after report here. 97 00:05:21,241 --> 00:05:23,343 Failure to follow procedures, 98 00:05:23,443 --> 00:05:25,985 numerous violations of the chain of command. 99 00:05:26,085 --> 00:05:28,307 And then, there was the incident where 100 00:05:28,407 --> 00:05:31,951 you punched a federal inspector in the face. 101 00:05:32,051 --> 00:05:33,993 Well, your federal inspector doesn't know 102 00:05:34,093 --> 00:05:35,715 that a capacitor holds a charge 103 00:05:35,815 --> 00:05:37,116 even when it's disconnected. 104 00:05:37,216 --> 00:05:38,557 He was grabbing for the damn thing. 105 00:05:38,657 --> 00:05:40,159 I saved his life! 106 00:05:40,259 --> 00:05:43,642 You can make all the excuses you want, Mr. Lawson, 107 00:05:43,742 --> 00:05:46,044 but there's one thing you cannot defend. 108 00:05:46,144 --> 00:05:47,366 And that would be the day 109 00:05:47,466 --> 00:05:49,688 you brought Dutch Boy online... 110 00:05:49,788 --> 00:05:52,451 ...and operational without our consent! 111 00:05:52,551 --> 00:05:54,292 And what would that have taken, Senator? 112 00:05:54,392 --> 00:05:55,974 There were a series of storms 113 00:05:56,074 --> 00:05:58,456 building in Southeast Asia and the North Atlantic 114 00:05:58,556 --> 00:06:01,779 that would have killed tens of thousands of people. 115 00:06:01,879 --> 00:06:03,261 Dutch Boy was ready. 116 00:06:03,361 --> 00:06:05,863 We went green. It works. You're welcome. 117 00:06:05,963 --> 00:06:09,427 Mr. Lawson, if you continue to defy our authority... 118 00:06:09,527 --> 00:06:13,150 ...Dutch Boy will go on without you! 119 00:06:13,250 --> 00:06:16,293 Am I making myself clear? 120 00:06:23,140 --> 00:06:24,521 Yes. 121 00:06:24,621 --> 00:06:27,404 Good. Oh, and one more thing. 122 00:06:27,504 --> 00:06:29,046 To ensure compliance, 123 00:06:29,146 --> 00:06:31,888 this committee will be sending up new support staff. 124 00:06:31,988 --> 00:06:33,490 Naturally, when they get up there, 125 00:06:33,590 --> 00:06:36,813 you'll have to send some of your people home. 126 00:06:36,913 --> 00:06:38,495 We'll leave those choices up to you. 127 00:06:38,595 --> 00:06:40,817 Senator, respectfully, 128 00:06:40,917 --> 00:06:42,699 my crew didn't do anything wrong. 129 00:06:42,799 --> 00:06:45,021 Excuse me, I'm not asking for your input. 130 00:06:45,121 --> 00:06:48,384 These people left their homes and their families 131 00:06:48,484 --> 00:06:49,945 and risked their lives to save this planet. 132 00:06:50,045 --> 00:06:51,547 -This hearing is adjourned. -(GAVEL BANGS) 133 00:06:51,647 --> 00:06:53,389 I'm not cutting a single one of those people loose! 134 00:06:53,489 --> 00:06:55,070 Excuse me? 135 00:06:55,170 --> 00:06:57,232 People like you need people like me. You know why? 136 00:06:57,332 --> 00:07:00,195 So you can take credit for everything we accomplish. 137 00:07:00,295 --> 00:07:01,637 So you can go to 138 00:07:01,737 --> 00:07:03,118 your constituents and your cronies... 139 00:07:03,218 --> 00:07:04,680 SENATOR CROSS: This meeting is adjourned. 140 00:07:04,780 --> 00:07:06,722 ...and your mistresses and puff out your chest 141 00:07:06,822 --> 00:07:08,763 -and say, "Hey, look at me!" -Sit down, please! 142 00:07:08,863 --> 00:07:10,685 -Well, I'm looking, Senator. -Excuse me. 143 00:07:10,785 --> 00:07:12,367 -JAKE: We're all looking. -This meeting is adjourned. 144 00:07:12,467 --> 00:07:14,969 This meeting is adjourned! Thank you. 145 00:07:15,069 --> 00:07:17,071 (GAVEL BANGS) 146 00:07:21,275 --> 00:07:23,277 Well, that was going well, huh? 147 00:07:23,598 --> 00:07:25,059 Up to a point. 148 00:07:25,159 --> 00:07:27,902 No, Jake, that didn't go well at any point. 149 00:07:28,002 --> 00:07:30,064 But, hey, what are you good at, little brother, huh? 150 00:07:30,164 --> 00:07:32,186 Like working the angles, smoothing ruffled feathers? 151 00:07:32,286 --> 00:07:33,667 You can fix it. You always do. 152 00:07:33,767 --> 00:07:35,829 It's like a talent. 153 00:07:35,929 --> 00:07:37,931 It is a talent. 154 00:07:38,572 --> 00:07:40,554 Of a sort. 155 00:07:40,654 --> 00:07:43,276 (SIGHS) I wish I could help you. I really do. 156 00:07:43,376 --> 00:07:44,878 But it's not that simple, 157 00:07:44,978 --> 00:07:46,920 not this time. 158 00:07:47,020 --> 00:07:49,202 Why not? 159 00:07:49,302 --> 00:07:51,765 Well, as of last week, 160 00:07:51,865 --> 00:07:54,247 they have put me in charge of Dutch Boy. 161 00:07:54,347 --> 00:07:57,490 (CHUCKLES) Well, that's great! 162 00:07:57,590 --> 00:08:00,133 That's great! You kidding me? 163 00:08:00,233 --> 00:08:02,234 (SIGHS) 164 00:08:06,358 --> 00:08:08,360 You're kidding me. 165 00:08:09,962 --> 00:08:12,584 Look, what do you want me to do? Huh? 166 00:08:12,684 --> 00:08:14,026 You leave me no choice. 167 00:08:14,126 --> 00:08:16,648 I told you this had to go well, and it didn't. 168 00:08:17,809 --> 00:08:19,191 (BREATHES HEAVILY) 169 00:08:19,291 --> 00:08:21,653 I'm sorry, Jake. 170 00:08:25,056 --> 00:08:27,058 You're fired. 171 00:08:49,960 --> 00:08:52,723 Jesus. It's over 120 in this mother. 172 00:09:31,960 --> 00:09:33,962 COLLNER: Fan out. 173 00:09:40,528 --> 00:09:42,530 (ICE CRACKLING) 174 00:09:50,658 --> 00:09:52,660 (GASPS) 175 00:09:59,106 --> 00:10:01,869 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 176 00:10:08,835 --> 00:10:10,297 Hi, Agent Wilson. 177 00:10:10,397 --> 00:10:12,399 Assistant Secretary Lawson. 178 00:10:12,999 --> 00:10:14,901 Oh, you look nice today. 179 00:10:15,001 --> 00:10:17,384 I'm wearing the same thing I always wear. 180 00:10:17,484 --> 00:10:19,486 Exactly. 181 00:10:19,966 --> 00:10:23,149 Have you seen I, uh, well, got on a new tie? 182 00:10:23,249 --> 00:10:24,791 I observed. 183 00:10:24,891 --> 00:10:28,194 We're trained to notice any disturbing details. 184 00:10:28,294 --> 00:10:30,436 (MAX CHUCKLES) 185 00:10:30,536 --> 00:10:33,439 -Sarah, come on. -Assistant Secretary Lawson, 186 00:10:33,539 --> 00:10:35,161 I'm not permitted to engage 187 00:10:35,261 --> 00:10:38,524 in casual conversation while I'm at a post. 188 00:10:38,624 --> 00:10:40,286 We are being watched. 189 00:10:40,386 --> 00:10:42,848 We're always being watched. 190 00:10:42,948 --> 00:10:44,089 Well, if we're always being watched, 191 00:10:44,189 --> 00:10:45,571 then what's the point of hiding anything? 192 00:10:45,671 --> 00:10:46,732 You're interfering with my duties. 193 00:10:46,832 --> 00:10:48,213 I'd rather not shoot you. 194 00:10:48,313 --> 00:10:49,534 (CHUCKLES) 195 00:10:49,634 --> 00:10:50,655 Well, it would be an honor to be 196 00:10:50,755 --> 00:10:52,757 the first person that you kill. 197 00:10:53,918 --> 00:10:56,261 -(CELL PHONE BUZZING) -Hang on. 198 00:10:56,361 --> 00:10:57,782 SARAH: What is it? 199 00:10:57,882 --> 00:11:00,185 Uh, the president's called a security briefing. 200 00:11:00,285 --> 00:11:05,149 It was not on the schedule, so I guess I'm now on duty. 201 00:11:05,249 --> 00:11:07,371 I like the tie. Home by 7:00. Love you. 202 00:11:09,974 --> 00:11:11,035 I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. 203 00:11:11,135 --> 00:11:13,137 I didn't say anything. 204 00:11:13,497 --> 00:11:15,199 Move along, sir. 205 00:11:15,299 --> 00:11:17,301 Yes, ma'am. 206 00:11:18,382 --> 00:11:19,803 PRESIDENT: What the hell happened here? 207 00:11:19,903 --> 00:11:21,104 MONTGRAFF: One of our thermospheric satellites 208 00:11:21,185 --> 00:11:22,846 malfunctioned over Afghanistan. 209 00:11:22,946 --> 00:11:25,128 A UN recon team found it, Mr. President. 210 00:11:25,228 --> 00:11:27,290 And the members of the Climate Council, they're aware? 211 00:11:27,390 --> 00:11:29,533 Yes, and they've all agreed to keep the incident discreet. 212 00:11:29,633 --> 00:11:30,934 But with this many people in the loop, 213 00:11:31,034 --> 00:11:32,335 I'm not sure how long it's gonna keep. 214 00:11:32,435 --> 00:11:33,857 And we're sure this was caused by Dutch Boy? 215 00:11:33,957 --> 00:11:35,058 Absolutely. 216 00:11:35,158 --> 00:11:36,339 Can we assume that this is 217 00:11:36,439 --> 00:11:38,461 an isolated incident? Dr. Quigley? 218 00:11:38,561 --> 00:11:40,263 We're fairly certain, yes. 219 00:11:40,363 --> 00:11:42,465 It's great to know that you're "fairly certain." 220 00:11:42,565 --> 00:11:44,067 This is a serious malfunction. 221 00:11:44,167 --> 00:11:45,628 So your proposal is what? 222 00:11:45,728 --> 00:11:47,870 Simple. We shut down all Central Asian satellites 223 00:11:47,970 --> 00:11:49,151 until we know what went wrong. 224 00:11:49,251 --> 00:11:50,673 -Are you serious? -Yes, I'm serious. 225 00:11:50,773 --> 00:11:52,234 Do you know how difficult it was to get every one 226 00:11:52,334 --> 00:11:53,676 of these nations online for this? 227 00:11:53,776 --> 00:11:55,077 PRESIDENT: We have worked extremely hard 228 00:11:55,177 --> 00:11:56,759 to assure these nations 229 00:11:56,859 --> 00:11:58,801 that this system will protect them, and it has. 230 00:11:58,901 --> 00:12:00,843 And let's not forget, people, it's an election year. 231 00:12:00,943 --> 00:12:02,284 We shut Dutch Boy down, 232 00:12:02,384 --> 00:12:03,345 the press is gonna jump all over this. 233 00:12:03,425 --> 00:12:04,486 DR. JENNINGS: Oh, my God! 234 00:12:04,586 --> 00:12:06,688 300 people died in that village. 235 00:12:06,788 --> 00:12:08,290 (SCOFFS) I mean, who gives a damn 236 00:12:08,390 --> 00:12:09,971 about the politics of it all? 237 00:12:10,071 --> 00:12:12,614 Look, we cost those people their lives. 238 00:12:12,714 --> 00:12:15,216 The only thing we should be concerned about here is how to fix it 239 00:12:15,316 --> 00:12:17,859 and making sure it never happens again. 240 00:12:17,959 --> 00:12:19,961 And how do you propose we do that? 241 00:12:22,283 --> 00:12:23,824 (SIGHING) 242 00:12:23,924 --> 00:12:26,787 We can't do anything. 243 00:12:26,887 --> 00:12:29,670 What I mean is, the problem is not gonna be solved in this room 244 00:12:29,770 --> 00:12:31,992 and, well, certainly not by us. 245 00:12:32,092 --> 00:12:33,954 No, no, we need an international team 246 00:12:34,054 --> 00:12:35,796 on the station itself. 247 00:12:35,896 --> 00:12:37,197 You know, not suits. 248 00:12:37,297 --> 00:12:38,919 Engineers, coders, builders, 249 00:12:39,019 --> 00:12:41,241 doing a comprehensive systems check, 250 00:12:41,341 --> 00:12:43,203 no matter the cost, no matter the politics 251 00:12:43,303 --> 00:12:45,986 and we need 'em up there now. 252 00:12:48,308 --> 00:12:51,010 We are set to transfer full authority for Dutch Boy 253 00:12:51,110 --> 00:12:53,773 to the international community in two weeks. 254 00:12:53,873 --> 00:12:56,776 I will not be the president that hands over damaged goods. 255 00:12:56,876 --> 00:12:58,418 Not now, not ever. 256 00:12:58,518 --> 00:13:00,820 So we are gonna handle this problem 257 00:13:00,920 --> 00:13:03,022 and its solution in-house 258 00:13:03,122 --> 00:13:05,705 and we are gonna send up one man. 259 00:13:05,805 --> 00:13:07,626 One of our own, 260 00:13:07,726 --> 00:13:10,929 who reports only to us and that we can control. 261 00:13:12,571 --> 00:13:14,573 Understood? 262 00:13:15,454 --> 00:13:17,456 So find me that someone. 263 00:13:18,577 --> 00:13:20,579 Now. 264 00:13:20,899 --> 00:13:22,561 Yes, sir. 265 00:13:22,661 --> 00:13:24,402 Look, I know you're not gonna like it, but as I see it, 266 00:13:24,502 --> 00:13:26,084 there's only one person to go after for this. 267 00:13:26,184 --> 00:13:27,605 Your brother, Jake. 268 00:13:27,705 --> 00:13:28,807 Come on, not Jake. 269 00:13:28,907 --> 00:13:30,528 Seventeen countries, hmm? 270 00:13:30,628 --> 00:13:32,090 Seventeen countries had teams 271 00:13:32,190 --> 00:13:33,731 working on Dutch Boy. They all reported to him. 272 00:13:33,831 --> 00:13:35,833 Nobody knows what's under the hood better than him. 273 00:13:37,154 --> 00:13:39,337 Come on. Can we weigh other options? 274 00:13:39,437 --> 00:13:41,058 Max, how long have you known me? 275 00:13:41,158 --> 00:13:42,580 (CHUCKLES) 276 00:13:42,680 --> 00:13:44,001 Ever since I was transferred to the State Department. 277 00:13:44,081 --> 00:13:45,943 That's right. I handpicked you. 278 00:13:46,043 --> 00:13:49,186 I believed in you. You're smart. 279 00:13:49,286 --> 00:13:51,368 And I was right about you. 280 00:13:52,769 --> 00:13:54,771 I'm right about Jake. 281 00:13:55,772 --> 00:13:57,774 If this is gonna be a problem... 282 00:13:58,175 --> 00:13:59,756 No, sir. 283 00:13:59,856 --> 00:14:01,858 Good. 284 00:14:19,315 --> 00:14:22,898 WOMAN 1: Afghan satellite zero-niner-six inbound. 285 00:14:22,998 --> 00:14:26,422 All crews prepare for incoming Afghanistan satellite. 286 00:14:26,522 --> 00:14:28,524 WOMAN 2: Replacement satellite standing by. 287 00:14:55,069 --> 00:14:57,371 HERNANDEZ: Afghan sat is locked in. 288 00:14:57,471 --> 00:14:59,253 Replacement cleared for launch. 289 00:14:59,353 --> 00:15:01,355 (ALARMS BLARING) 290 00:15:03,717 --> 00:15:05,719 MAN: And away on sat 5-A. 291 00:15:09,242 --> 00:15:11,625 AUTOMATED VOICE: Airlock doors secured. 292 00:15:11,725 --> 00:15:14,508 I want a full dissection of all components. 293 00:15:14,608 --> 00:15:16,609 Priority one. 294 00:15:18,531 --> 00:15:20,894 MAN: Afghan satellite dissection commencing. 295 00:15:27,500 --> 00:15:28,881 I will take care of this. 296 00:15:28,981 --> 00:15:30,483 Make sure they depressurize the fuel intake. 297 00:15:30,583 --> 00:15:32,585 Yeah, we got it, man. 298 00:15:34,427 --> 00:15:36,328 (WHIRRS) 299 00:15:36,428 --> 00:15:38,430 (BEEPS) 300 00:15:49,321 --> 00:15:51,443 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 301 00:15:53,365 --> 00:15:56,227 Makmoud. Oi, Makmoud! 302 00:15:56,327 --> 00:15:58,950 I'm about to obliterate your top score here, pal. 303 00:15:59,050 --> 00:16:00,351 I have to do some reprogramming. 304 00:16:00,451 --> 00:16:02,634 Oh, come on! 305 00:16:02,734 --> 00:16:04,936 He's got no pride of ownership, that lad. 306 00:16:11,662 --> 00:16:13,664 (BEEPING) 307 00:16:30,320 --> 00:16:32,342 (LAUGHTER) 308 00:16:32,442 --> 00:16:34,444 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 309 00:16:36,366 --> 00:16:38,388 -(BUZZER BLARES) -(GASPS) 310 00:16:38,488 --> 00:16:40,510 AUTOMATED VOICE: Please stand clear of the doors. 311 00:16:40,610 --> 00:16:42,912 Please stand clear of the doors. 312 00:16:43,012 --> 00:16:45,334 (SCREAMING) 313 00:17:12,841 --> 00:17:14,903 Uncle Max? 314 00:17:15,003 --> 00:17:17,905 Hey! What you doing up there? 315 00:17:18,005 --> 00:17:19,627 What is that? A solar generator? 316 00:17:19,727 --> 00:17:22,110 Dual access sun-tracking solar generator. 317 00:17:22,210 --> 00:17:23,591 Replacing the power converter. 318 00:17:23,691 --> 00:17:25,152 Oh, God! (CHUCKLES) 319 00:17:25,252 --> 00:17:27,355 You're getting more like your dad every day. 320 00:17:27,455 --> 00:17:29,116 Hey, where'd he find that? 321 00:17:29,216 --> 00:17:30,918 Are you seriously asking that question? 322 00:17:31,018 --> 00:17:32,159 MAX: Oh, of course. 323 00:17:32,259 --> 00:17:34,261 He made it, right? Here. Come here, you. 324 00:17:34,862 --> 00:17:37,044 (GRUNTS AND LAUGHS) 325 00:17:37,144 --> 00:17:39,326 MAX: Ah, it's good to see you! 326 00:17:39,426 --> 00:17:40,767 How you doing? You okay? 327 00:17:40,867 --> 00:17:41,888 I'm really great. 328 00:17:41,988 --> 00:17:43,290 Okay, what's going on here? 329 00:17:43,390 --> 00:17:44,611 All right, this is freaking me out. 330 00:17:44,711 --> 00:17:46,172 You're supposed to be nine years old. 331 00:17:46,272 --> 00:17:47,534 Thirteen. 332 00:17:47,634 --> 00:17:49,376 You were supposed to be a part of my life, 333 00:17:49,476 --> 00:17:51,538 but shit happens. 334 00:17:51,638 --> 00:17:53,640 Ouch. 335 00:17:54,320 --> 00:17:57,303 So what's going on here? You living with him now? 336 00:17:57,403 --> 00:17:58,865 He gets me two weekends a month. 337 00:17:58,965 --> 00:18:02,108 Oh, good. Ah, well, how's your mum? 338 00:18:02,208 --> 00:18:04,230 Hmm, justifiably pissed. 339 00:18:04,330 --> 00:18:05,991 I bet. (CHUCKLES) 340 00:18:06,091 --> 00:18:08,093 JAKE: Hannah, it's time. 341 00:18:09,655 --> 00:18:11,657 What's up, Jake? 342 00:18:14,540 --> 00:18:17,643 Hannah, I thought I told you not to talk to strangers. 343 00:18:17,743 --> 00:18:19,524 (SIGHS) Come on. Don't listen to him. 344 00:18:19,624 --> 00:18:21,526 Your Dad and I were your age, 345 00:18:21,626 --> 00:18:24,289 we were so close we had our own secret code. 346 00:18:24,389 --> 00:18:25,971 -That's true. -JAKE: Really? 347 00:18:26,071 --> 00:18:28,072 I don't remember that. 348 00:18:28,513 --> 00:18:29,734 Yeah, you do. 349 00:18:29,834 --> 00:18:31,836 No, I don't. 350 00:18:33,237 --> 00:18:35,099 Well, it was nice seeing you. 351 00:18:35,199 --> 00:18:37,682 Hey, look, you take care. 352 00:18:48,972 --> 00:18:50,634 What's with all the car parts? 353 00:18:50,734 --> 00:18:52,196 I build electric motors 354 00:18:52,296 --> 00:18:54,418 for the retirees down in Vero Beach. 355 00:18:55,298 --> 00:18:57,240 Keeps me busy. 356 00:18:57,340 --> 00:18:59,342 Seems hardly worth your talent. 357 00:19:00,303 --> 00:19:01,404 Kidding? 358 00:19:01,504 --> 00:19:03,506 Having the time of my life. 359 00:19:05,188 --> 00:19:07,190 It's a little early, don't you think? 360 00:19:07,590 --> 00:19:09,092 (GRUNTS) 361 00:19:09,192 --> 00:19:11,694 I got fired by my own brother. 362 00:19:11,794 --> 00:19:14,257 Then I lost my family, 363 00:19:14,357 --> 00:19:15,818 my house, my dog, 364 00:19:15,918 --> 00:19:19,221 so happy hour starts around 11:00 out here. 365 00:19:19,321 --> 00:19:21,403 Okay, saw your niece, you don't want a beer. 366 00:19:22,244 --> 00:19:24,246 Road's that way. 367 00:19:26,368 --> 00:19:28,370 There's something wrong with Dutch Boy. 368 00:19:29,531 --> 00:19:30,953 JAKE: No, there isn't. 369 00:19:31,053 --> 00:19:32,234 Well, an entire village of 370 00:19:32,334 --> 00:19:34,336 dead Afghans may disagree with you. 371 00:19:35,537 --> 00:19:37,119 Yeah. 372 00:19:37,219 --> 00:19:40,201 And then yesterday, an airlock just opened by itself. 373 00:19:40,301 --> 00:19:42,484 We lost one of our crew. 374 00:19:42,584 --> 00:19:44,325 Dutch Boy is not my problem any more. 375 00:19:44,425 --> 00:19:46,568 That I am calling bullshit on. 376 00:19:46,668 --> 00:19:47,809 'Cause other than your daughter 377 00:19:47,909 --> 00:19:49,731 and your precious soccer club, 378 00:19:49,831 --> 00:19:52,373 Dutch Boy was all you ever gave a damn about. 379 00:19:52,473 --> 00:19:54,375 Oh, yeah, once. 380 00:19:54,475 --> 00:19:55,936 Yeah, but you took care of that. 381 00:19:56,036 --> 00:19:57,378 You don't care? 382 00:19:57,478 --> 00:19:59,480 No? 383 00:20:01,001 --> 00:20:03,784 Well, then, what are you doing living out here, hmm? 384 00:20:03,884 --> 00:20:06,166 (DEEP RUMBLING) 385 00:20:13,773 --> 00:20:16,276 Look, I know you think I'm a weasel, 386 00:20:16,376 --> 00:20:17,637 someone who just moves 387 00:20:17,737 --> 00:20:19,359 pieces around a chessboard for a living. 388 00:20:19,459 --> 00:20:21,921 Well, guess what, yeah. Yeah, I am. 389 00:20:22,021 --> 00:20:24,724 But that is how you get 17 countries 390 00:20:24,824 --> 00:20:27,206 to agree to build a space station. 391 00:20:27,306 --> 00:20:29,849 Now, you build things, right? 392 00:20:29,949 --> 00:20:32,091 And there is something wrong with the thing that you built 393 00:20:32,191 --> 00:20:34,213 and people are dying. 394 00:20:34,313 --> 00:20:36,335 If you really think you're the best, 395 00:20:36,435 --> 00:20:38,817 which I know that you do, 396 00:20:38,917 --> 00:20:42,281 then how the hell can you stand there and say no? 397 00:20:44,723 --> 00:20:47,125 I'll be taking orders from someone, I suppose. 398 00:20:47,766 --> 00:20:49,768 Yeah. 399 00:20:50,609 --> 00:20:52,611 So what? Is that a yes? 400 00:20:54,172 --> 00:20:56,775 Long as it's not you, yeah. 401 00:21:16,674 --> 00:21:18,675 (TYPING) 402 00:21:25,522 --> 00:21:27,104 (DIALING) 403 00:21:27,204 --> 00:21:28,585 (LINE RINGING) 404 00:21:28,685 --> 00:21:30,987 Hey, this is Max. Leave a message. 405 00:21:31,087 --> 00:21:33,730 -(INDISTINCT CHATTER) -(HORN HONKING) 406 00:21:34,771 --> 00:21:36,773 (SIGHS) 407 00:21:42,899 --> 00:21:44,901 (SPEAKS CANTONESE) 408 00:21:52,588 --> 00:21:54,590 You got any room in there for me? 409 00:22:19,774 --> 00:22:21,776 (LOUD RUMBLING) 410 00:22:34,067 --> 00:22:36,510 (PEOPLE SCREAMING) 411 00:22:47,280 --> 00:22:49,322 (ALL SCREAMING) 412 00:22:54,927 --> 00:22:56,929 (TIRES SCREECHING) 413 00:23:45,536 --> 00:23:47,538 (HORNS HONKING) 414 00:23:48,899 --> 00:23:50,901 (GASPING) 415 00:23:55,425 --> 00:23:57,427 -(GASPS) -(BRAKES SCREECHING) 416 00:24:03,113 --> 00:24:04,894 (PANTING) 417 00:24:04,994 --> 00:24:07,477 (BEEPING) 418 00:24:13,002 --> 00:24:15,004 (SIREN WAILING) 419 00:24:34,422 --> 00:24:35,844 (STRAINING) Okay. 420 00:24:35,944 --> 00:24:37,445 I think this is everything. 421 00:24:37,545 --> 00:24:40,849 I made you a packed lunch as well. 422 00:24:40,949 --> 00:24:43,571 Did you hear about the gas main explosions in Hong Kong? 423 00:24:43,671 --> 00:24:45,373 Yeah, it just hit the news. 424 00:24:45,473 --> 00:24:46,894 It's terrible. 425 00:24:46,994 --> 00:24:49,177 Was it anything like what happened in Afghanistan? 426 00:24:49,277 --> 00:24:51,359 No, nothing happened in Afghanistan. 427 00:24:52,920 --> 00:24:54,462 Are you going back up to space? 428 00:24:54,562 --> 00:24:56,263 -No. -Yes, you are! 429 00:24:56,363 --> 00:24:58,105 You're leaving today to fix Dutch Boy. 430 00:24:58,205 --> 00:25:00,988 (SCOFFS) What did I tell you about eavesdropping? 431 00:25:01,088 --> 00:25:03,030 You've never told me anything about eavesdropping. 432 00:25:03,130 --> 00:25:04,832 You don't really do much parenting. 433 00:25:04,932 --> 00:25:06,954 (SIGHS) 434 00:25:07,054 --> 00:25:08,675 How do you know it's safe? 435 00:25:08,775 --> 00:25:11,078 Of course it's safe. I've been up there a hundred times. 436 00:25:11,178 --> 00:25:14,000 Don't treat me like I'm a child. Someone died! 437 00:25:14,100 --> 00:25:15,602 -It was an accident. -Someone got sucked out! 438 00:25:15,702 --> 00:25:17,964 It was an accident. 439 00:25:18,064 --> 00:25:20,046 See, that's what I'm going up there to fix, okay? 440 00:25:20,146 --> 00:25:22,148 You don't have to worry. 441 00:25:22,909 --> 00:25:24,450 Hey, think of it like I'm going 442 00:25:24,550 --> 00:25:26,552 on a vacation for a week or two. 443 00:25:27,713 --> 00:25:30,096 To a place 250 miles straight up 444 00:25:30,196 --> 00:25:32,198 and negative 450 degrees? 445 00:25:32,918 --> 00:25:35,061 Some holiday. 446 00:25:35,161 --> 00:25:37,062 Yeah, you got a point. 447 00:25:37,162 --> 00:25:40,185 -(JAKE SIGHS) -Why'd Uncle Max fire you? 448 00:25:40,285 --> 00:25:41,306 Unbelievable! 449 00:25:41,406 --> 00:25:42,508 Did you do something wrong? 450 00:25:42,608 --> 00:25:45,070 No, look, your Uncle Max and me... 451 00:25:45,170 --> 00:25:47,472 It's not just about the one job. 452 00:25:47,572 --> 00:25:48,674 You know, sometimes, 453 00:25:48,774 --> 00:25:51,356 younger brothers resent being younger. 454 00:25:51,456 --> 00:25:53,398 So they get bossy. They think they know everything. 455 00:25:53,498 --> 00:25:55,240 They tell you how to act, how to talk 456 00:25:55,340 --> 00:25:57,402 and after a couple decades, 457 00:25:57,502 --> 00:25:59,003 you just get tired of listening to it. 458 00:25:59,103 --> 00:26:01,105 Maybe you should listen. 459 00:26:02,467 --> 00:26:04,469 -(HORN HONKS) -(HANNAH SIGHS) 460 00:26:06,030 --> 00:26:07,251 My lift is here. 461 00:26:07,351 --> 00:26:08,813 -Gotta go. -What? 462 00:26:08,913 --> 00:26:10,214 Wait, I thought I was taking you to the airport. 463 00:26:10,314 --> 00:26:12,696 You really wanna see Mum? Great! 464 00:26:12,796 --> 00:26:15,339 We can all fly home to Atlanta together. 465 00:26:15,439 --> 00:26:16,780 Got it covered. 466 00:26:16,880 --> 00:26:18,702 Quit acting like you're mad. 467 00:26:18,802 --> 00:26:21,024 Hannah, what do you want from me? 468 00:26:21,124 --> 00:26:24,348 I want you to come back alive. 469 00:26:24,448 --> 00:26:26,810 (TEARFULLY) And you're not exactly the reliable type. 470 00:26:31,214 --> 00:26:33,216 Hey. 471 00:26:35,578 --> 00:26:37,580 (SOBBING) 472 00:26:40,783 --> 00:26:43,626 I know I haven't always kept good on my promises, 473 00:26:44,707 --> 00:26:46,709 but I'm coming back. 474 00:26:47,630 --> 00:26:49,632 -I... -Promise. 475 00:26:50,673 --> 00:26:53,035 -I promise. -(EXHALES DEEPLY) 476 00:26:54,356 --> 00:26:56,358 Come here. 477 00:26:58,760 --> 00:27:00,762 I'll be back soon, okay? 478 00:27:21,062 --> 00:27:24,085 MALE NASA ANNOUNCER: OV-104 is now at T-minus one hour 479 00:27:24,185 --> 00:27:26,187 and ready for boarding. 480 00:27:31,672 --> 00:27:33,534 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 481 00:27:33,634 --> 00:27:35,756 We're at T-minus one minute and counting. 482 00:27:38,438 --> 00:27:40,440 Have a safe trip, sir. 483 00:28:10,389 --> 00:28:12,951 AUTOMATED VOICE: Booster rocket separation confirmed. 484 00:28:28,006 --> 00:28:30,428 Hate to interrupt, Major Tom, 485 00:28:30,528 --> 00:28:31,789 but in a few seconds, 486 00:28:31,889 --> 00:28:33,591 you should be able to see the net. 487 00:28:33,691 --> 00:28:35,693 How's it feel to be back home? 488 00:29:37,112 --> 00:29:40,155 (INDISTINCT ANNOUNCEMENTS OVER SPEAKERS) 489 00:29:52,446 --> 00:29:54,448 Look at you, girl. 490 00:29:54,969 --> 00:29:56,971 Livin' and breathin'. 491 00:30:02,016 --> 00:30:04,318 -Mr. Lawson. -Hey. 492 00:30:04,418 --> 00:30:05,639 Ute Fassbinder. 493 00:30:05,739 --> 00:30:06,920 Nice to meet you. 494 00:30:07,020 --> 00:30:08,682 JAKE: Yeah, I remember you. 495 00:30:08,782 --> 00:30:10,123 Yeah, you were the German scientist. 496 00:30:10,223 --> 00:30:11,605 You were here when I was here. 497 00:30:11,705 --> 00:30:12,766 Thermospherics, right? 498 00:30:12,866 --> 00:30:14,568 UTE: Yeah. 499 00:30:14,668 --> 00:30:16,930 The containment shell needs a fresh coat of sealant 500 00:30:17,030 --> 00:30:20,133 where the APT ducts push through the channel housing. 501 00:30:20,233 --> 00:30:22,015 Not good. That's wrong. 502 00:30:22,115 --> 00:30:23,256 And you hear that? 503 00:30:23,356 --> 00:30:25,138 -I'm sorry. -Shh. Listen. 504 00:30:25,238 --> 00:30:26,939 That wobbly hum? 505 00:30:27,039 --> 00:30:29,542 That's a bad step-down transformer. 506 00:30:29,642 --> 00:30:31,584 All these things, they have to be watched, cared for. 507 00:30:31,684 --> 00:30:32,985 Mr. Lawson. 508 00:30:33,085 --> 00:30:34,507 No, I know, I know. It's not your fault, 509 00:30:34,607 --> 00:30:36,829 but when I left, everything here was perfect. 510 00:30:36,929 --> 00:30:39,271 So, maybe I need to speak to your Chief Scientist 511 00:30:39,371 --> 00:30:41,393 about the fine art of giving a shit. 512 00:30:41,493 --> 00:30:44,016 I'm the Chief Scientist. I've been promoted a year ago. 513 00:30:45,937 --> 00:30:48,560 Right, congratulations. 514 00:30:48,660 --> 00:30:51,283 One of our crew died this week, Mr. Lawson. 515 00:30:51,383 --> 00:30:53,385 Sorry about the transformer. 516 00:30:54,586 --> 00:30:56,588 Let me introduce you to your team. 517 00:31:01,352 --> 00:31:03,654 Oh, of course, an American. 518 00:31:03,754 --> 00:31:05,736 Actually, my brother and I were born in the UK, 519 00:31:05,836 --> 00:31:06,978 but thank you. 520 00:31:07,078 --> 00:31:08,299 Yeah, but you've got the old 521 00:31:08,399 --> 00:31:09,820 Stars and Stripes on your arm there 522 00:31:09,920 --> 00:31:11,662 and a cowboy look in your eye. (CHUCKLES) 523 00:31:11,762 --> 00:31:12,903 -(SHUSHES) -Oh, no offense. 524 00:31:13,003 --> 00:31:14,265 This is just a serious situation 525 00:31:14,365 --> 00:31:16,186 and the last thing we need is some 526 00:31:16,286 --> 00:31:17,908 Washington stooge to come and supervise us. 527 00:31:18,008 --> 00:31:19,870 Do we, lads? 528 00:31:19,970 --> 00:31:21,351 Well, you got one, 529 00:31:21,451 --> 00:31:23,634 so how about we start with names and positions? 530 00:31:23,734 --> 00:31:25,155 UTE: Mmm-hmm. 531 00:31:25,255 --> 00:31:27,397 Adisa, structural. 532 00:31:27,497 --> 00:31:29,639 Duncan Taylor, systems and OS analyst 533 00:31:29,739 --> 00:31:31,481 and loyal British subject. 534 00:31:31,581 --> 00:31:33,703 Hernandez, robotics. 535 00:31:35,225 --> 00:31:37,226 Dussette. 536 00:31:37,947 --> 00:31:39,949 Satcom and security. 537 00:31:40,630 --> 00:31:43,092 And you are? 538 00:31:43,192 --> 00:31:45,194 This is Mr. Jake Lawson. 539 00:31:46,635 --> 00:31:50,019 You're Jake Lawson? The Jake Lawson? 540 00:31:50,119 --> 00:31:53,983 You look much older than I would've thought. 541 00:31:54,083 --> 00:31:55,984 (STAMMERS) I mean, you look good, 542 00:31:56,084 --> 00:31:58,187 but your physical appearance is not... 543 00:31:58,287 --> 00:32:00,068 Does not match the amount of time 544 00:32:00,168 --> 00:32:02,891 that has elapsed in your life. 545 00:32:06,014 --> 00:32:08,016 Am I getting fired? 546 00:32:08,777 --> 00:32:11,920 (SIGHS) Okay, we don't have a lot of time. 547 00:32:12,020 --> 00:32:14,522 So we have three situations to examine. 548 00:32:14,622 --> 00:32:17,085 Afghanistan, the scientist that died here, 549 00:32:17,185 --> 00:32:19,047 and the new incident in Hong Kong. 550 00:32:19,147 --> 00:32:21,849 Hong Kong? No, that was a gas main explosion. 551 00:32:21,949 --> 00:32:23,451 We all watched that on the telly. 552 00:32:23,551 --> 00:32:26,093 All right, okay. You just keep believing that. 553 00:32:26,193 --> 00:32:27,535 I, on the other hand, 554 00:32:27,635 --> 00:32:29,497 have a mystery that I'd like to solve 555 00:32:29,597 --> 00:32:30,618 and prevent more deaths, 556 00:32:30,718 --> 00:32:32,719 so feel free to join me. 557 00:32:38,165 --> 00:32:40,167 Or not. 558 00:32:43,089 --> 00:32:44,391 MAX: All right, quick question. 559 00:32:44,491 --> 00:32:45,912 Okay, active shooter, 560 00:32:46,012 --> 00:32:49,075 the president and I are both in the line of fire. 561 00:32:49,175 --> 00:32:51,077 Who do you save first? Me... 562 00:32:51,177 --> 00:32:52,238 The president. 563 00:32:52,338 --> 00:32:53,720 Oh, come on. 564 00:32:53,820 --> 00:32:54,861 You could take a second just to think about that. 565 00:32:54,941 --> 00:32:56,042 Sorry, baby. 566 00:32:56,142 --> 00:32:57,844 Job comes first, same with you. 567 00:32:57,944 --> 00:32:59,525 No, that's not true. 568 00:32:59,625 --> 00:33:01,647 No, I have priorities and you... 569 00:33:01,747 --> 00:33:03,749 (CHUCKLING) You are my priority. 570 00:33:04,630 --> 00:33:05,851 Come on, let's do it. 571 00:33:05,951 --> 00:33:06,972 I kinda want to, 572 00:33:07,072 --> 00:33:10,496 but, um, you just keep talking. 573 00:33:10,596 --> 00:33:13,418 I mean, why do we always have to be sneaking around? 574 00:33:13,518 --> 00:33:16,641 Hmm? Come on, let's do it. Let's get married. 575 00:33:17,442 --> 00:33:18,663 We can't. 576 00:33:18,763 --> 00:33:21,726 -(SIGHS) -It's against the rules. 577 00:33:22,607 --> 00:33:24,609 One day, baby. 578 00:33:27,772 --> 00:33:30,355 (PHONE RINGING) 579 00:33:30,455 --> 00:33:33,638 -Mmm. You're gonna get that. -(BOTH CHUCKLE) 580 00:33:33,738 --> 00:33:35,640 Because your job comes first. 581 00:33:35,740 --> 00:33:36,841 No... 582 00:33:36,941 --> 00:33:38,603 I'm gonna get it 'cause 583 00:33:38,703 --> 00:33:40,704 I don't want it to interfere with this. 584 00:33:41,625 --> 00:33:43,007 See? 585 00:33:43,107 --> 00:33:45,309 Now I might just not save you. 586 00:33:46,390 --> 00:33:47,571 Yeah, hello? 587 00:33:47,671 --> 00:33:49,053 Max, it's Cheng. 588 00:33:49,153 --> 00:33:52,015 Cheng, God, tell me you're not in Hong Kong. 589 00:33:52,115 --> 00:33:53,497 -Cheng? -CHENG: Last night, 590 00:33:53,597 --> 00:33:54,818 I was right in the middle of it. 591 00:33:54,918 --> 00:33:56,740 It was horrible. That's why I'm calling. 592 00:33:56,840 --> 00:33:58,341 Phone service just came back on. 593 00:33:58,441 --> 00:33:59,823 Yeah, well, you're lucky to be alive. 594 00:33:59,923 --> 00:34:01,064 MAX: I mean, those gas pipes? 595 00:34:01,164 --> 00:34:02,826 I'm not so sure that was the cause. 596 00:34:02,926 --> 00:34:04,788 What do you mean? I don't follow. 597 00:34:04,888 --> 00:34:06,469 (PHONE BEEPS) 598 00:34:06,569 --> 00:34:08,031 CHENG: It was abnormally hot before the pipes blew. 599 00:34:08,131 --> 00:34:09,912 The satellite sensor should've recorded it, right? 600 00:34:10,012 --> 00:34:11,474 I've checked over a dozen times but I can't 601 00:34:11,574 --> 00:34:13,596 get access to Dutch Boy's Hong Kong satellite. 602 00:34:13,696 --> 00:34:15,037 My access has been blocked. 603 00:34:15,137 --> 00:34:16,879 Check your HoloFrame. 604 00:34:16,979 --> 00:34:19,041 MAX: I don't understand. We both have clearance. 605 00:34:19,141 --> 00:34:21,123 CHENG: Exactly. 606 00:34:21,223 --> 00:34:23,125 And the only people that have the authority to block it 607 00:34:23,225 --> 00:34:24,607 are in the building you work in. 608 00:34:24,707 --> 00:34:26,969 Wait. What do you mean? 609 00:34:27,069 --> 00:34:29,171 If someone is covering up a system defect, 610 00:34:29,271 --> 00:34:31,893 there's potential for critical failure on a global scale. 611 00:34:31,993 --> 00:34:33,975 If Dutch Boy has a catastrophic failure, 612 00:34:34,075 --> 00:34:35,417 it can create something far worse 613 00:34:35,517 --> 00:34:36,898 than the very thing we're trying to prevent, 614 00:34:36,998 --> 00:34:38,580 what we call a geostorm. 615 00:34:38,680 --> 00:34:41,903 (STAMMERS) What? Slow down, Cheng, all right? A what? 616 00:34:42,003 --> 00:34:43,264 A geostorm. 617 00:34:43,364 --> 00:34:45,226 Simultaneous catastrophic weather events 618 00:34:45,326 --> 00:34:46,948 triggered all over the globe. 619 00:34:47,048 --> 00:34:48,750 Once they pass a minimum threshold, 620 00:34:48,850 --> 00:34:50,511 the storms will start causing new storms 621 00:34:50,611 --> 00:34:53,234 like a chain reaction, until they merge together. 622 00:34:53,334 --> 00:34:55,076 It's gotta be a glitch. 623 00:34:55,176 --> 00:34:56,877 I'll give you a call when I know something. 624 00:34:56,977 --> 00:34:58,979 All right. Thanks. 625 00:35:02,743 --> 00:35:04,044 MALE REPORTER: These pipes had not been 626 00:35:04,144 --> 00:35:06,907 well maintained or upgraded in years. 627 00:35:08,548 --> 00:35:10,170 MAX: Cheng thinks Hong Kong has something to do 628 00:35:10,270 --> 00:35:11,611 with Dutch Boy. 629 00:35:11,711 --> 00:35:13,974 You know, he's implying some kind of cover-up. 630 00:35:14,074 --> 00:35:15,495 I just got a text 631 00:35:15,595 --> 00:35:17,177 and POTUS called a last-minute press briefing. 632 00:35:17,277 --> 00:35:19,139 (SIGHS) What, you can't stay? 633 00:35:19,239 --> 00:35:21,261 Oh, when duty calls, duty calls. 634 00:35:21,361 --> 00:35:24,143 "Neither rain nor snow nor gloom of night," right? 635 00:35:24,243 --> 00:35:25,945 Honey, that's the Postal Service. 636 00:35:26,045 --> 00:35:28,868 We're the Secret Service. (WHISPERS) Secret Service. 637 00:35:28,968 --> 00:35:31,130 (WHISPERS) Oh, there's a difference? Really? 638 00:35:32,371 --> 00:35:34,373 I didn't know that. 639 00:35:35,014 --> 00:35:37,296 (KEYBOARD CLACKING) 640 00:35:59,958 --> 00:36:01,959 (MAN SPEAKS OTHER LANGUAGE) 641 00:36:18,295 --> 00:36:20,377 RICO: Grab his laptop. Let's go. 642 00:36:22,699 --> 00:36:24,321 So the satellite that went rogue 643 00:36:24,421 --> 00:36:27,003 over Afghanistan, what type was that? 644 00:36:27,103 --> 00:36:31,107 That's my fave, actually. I call it a "rock 'n' roller." 645 00:36:32,068 --> 00:36:33,690 JAKE: Oh, the SR-22. 646 00:36:33,790 --> 00:36:35,211 Uses sonic waves to slow 647 00:36:35,311 --> 00:36:37,894 molecular movement causing cooling, 648 00:36:37,994 --> 00:36:40,016 but, in that case, freezing. Why? 649 00:36:40,116 --> 00:36:41,377 HERNANDEZ: We don't know. 650 00:36:41,477 --> 00:36:42,979 We checked the satellite's hard drives, 651 00:36:43,079 --> 00:36:45,141 but the logs were wiped clean by the malfunction. 652 00:36:45,241 --> 00:36:46,502 All right. Let's pull up 653 00:36:46,602 --> 00:36:48,384 every "rock 'n' roller" satellite we have 654 00:36:48,484 --> 00:36:51,667 to see if we can find any corruption in their logs. 655 00:36:51,767 --> 00:36:53,629 Pull up every "rock 'n' roller" in the net. 656 00:36:53,729 --> 00:36:55,911 There's gotta be more than a thousand of them. 657 00:36:56,011 --> 00:36:58,834 Uh, 1,270, to be exact. 658 00:36:58,934 --> 00:37:01,637 And we're gonna scan each and every one of 'em. 659 00:37:01,737 --> 00:37:03,738 (SIRENS WAILING) 660 00:37:04,860 --> 00:37:07,142 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 661 00:37:09,744 --> 00:37:11,746 Dana. Hey. 662 00:37:13,268 --> 00:37:14,809 -Hey. What are you doing here? -(SCOFFS) 663 00:37:14,909 --> 00:37:16,291 What do you mean, "What am I doing here"? 664 00:37:16,391 --> 00:37:19,093 I work here. I'm your boss. 665 00:37:19,193 --> 00:37:20,935 Yeah, but what are you doing down from Mount Olympus 666 00:37:21,035 --> 00:37:23,377 and visiting me in Millennial Village? 667 00:37:23,477 --> 00:37:26,981 Well, I have a bit of a favor to ask you. 668 00:37:27,081 --> 00:37:28,502 You're the best at what you do. 669 00:37:28,602 --> 00:37:30,684 (WHISPERS) But I need you to keep this between us. 670 00:37:31,645 --> 00:37:33,647 Okay. 671 00:37:34,288 --> 00:37:36,670 I have a problem with my HoloFrame. 672 00:37:36,770 --> 00:37:38,632 Do I look like a Genius Bar to you? 673 00:37:38,732 --> 00:37:41,314 I'm sorry. I'm sitting here defending the free world 674 00:37:41,414 --> 00:37:43,276 against state operators and cyberterrorists 675 00:37:43,376 --> 00:37:45,839 but Grandpa needs help fixing his phone. 676 00:37:45,939 --> 00:37:47,440 No, but I have a problem trying to get through 677 00:37:47,540 --> 00:37:50,123 to satellite G-22 over Hong Kong. 678 00:37:50,223 --> 00:37:52,005 So a satellite has a bad comm. That happens. 679 00:37:52,105 --> 00:37:54,827 No. No, not a satellite. 680 00:37:56,149 --> 00:37:57,970 All of them. 681 00:37:58,070 --> 00:38:00,072 Oh. 682 00:38:01,554 --> 00:38:03,416 I am mildly intrigued. Stay. 683 00:38:03,516 --> 00:38:05,517 MAX: Mmm-hmm. 684 00:38:07,359 --> 00:38:09,361 DANA: (SIGHS) Okay. 685 00:38:11,523 --> 00:38:15,867 It looks like vanilla line disruption, 686 00:38:15,967 --> 00:38:17,109 bad server relay, 687 00:38:17,209 --> 00:38:19,111 or trunk failure, or something. 688 00:38:19,211 --> 00:38:21,112 Are you still dating that Secret Service chick? 689 00:38:21,212 --> 00:38:23,294 What? No. 690 00:38:24,335 --> 00:38:26,337 No, I'm not dating anyone. 691 00:38:27,138 --> 00:38:29,140 Mmm-hmm. 692 00:38:30,501 --> 00:38:32,844 DANA: Wait, look. Oh, my God. 693 00:38:32,944 --> 00:38:34,285 Someone wanted to block your access 694 00:38:34,385 --> 00:38:36,387 without you knowing that it was intentional. 695 00:38:37,108 --> 00:38:38,569 But this... 696 00:38:38,669 --> 00:38:42,733 This is very intentional, and it's very clever. 697 00:38:42,833 --> 00:38:44,255 And I know what you're gonna say. 698 00:38:44,355 --> 00:38:46,377 You're gonna say, "Tell no one." And I won't. 699 00:38:46,477 --> 00:38:47,578 But I didn't sign up to work here 700 00:38:47,678 --> 00:38:49,139 so I could cubicle-squat 24/7. 701 00:38:49,239 --> 00:38:52,302 So whatever is going on, I want in on the action. 702 00:38:52,402 --> 00:38:55,706 Well, let's hope there isn't any action. 703 00:38:55,806 --> 00:38:57,747 (WHISPERS) And yeah, 704 00:38:57,847 --> 00:38:59,849 tell no one. 705 00:39:03,653 --> 00:39:05,835 MICKEY: Miss Fassbinder, we've just been given 706 00:39:05,935 --> 00:39:08,117 a priority communication request. 707 00:39:08,217 --> 00:39:09,399 From Climate Command? 708 00:39:09,499 --> 00:39:11,501 The White House. 709 00:39:19,869 --> 00:39:21,090 All right. So who are the yahoos 710 00:39:21,190 --> 00:39:22,531 in Washington we gotta deal with on this? 711 00:39:22,631 --> 00:39:24,633 I guess I would be the head yahoo. 712 00:39:29,998 --> 00:39:31,660 Hello, guys. 713 00:39:31,760 --> 00:39:34,783 Max tells me you don't have a high opinion of politicians. 714 00:39:34,883 --> 00:39:36,665 I didn't say that. 715 00:39:36,765 --> 00:39:37,866 Well, neither do I. 716 00:39:37,966 --> 00:39:39,387 We went through hell 717 00:39:39,487 --> 00:39:41,029 getting the world on board for this program. 718 00:39:41,129 --> 00:39:44,312 We've come too far for it to fail. 719 00:39:44,412 --> 00:39:47,675 You and I both understand why we cannot let that happen. 720 00:39:47,775 --> 00:39:49,437 Yes, sir. 721 00:39:49,537 --> 00:39:51,799 So if I find anything, I'll report to you right away. 722 00:39:51,899 --> 00:39:54,762 Actually, you'll be reporting to Max here. 723 00:39:54,862 --> 00:39:56,003 Good luck. 724 00:39:56,103 --> 00:39:57,965 Have at it. 725 00:39:58,065 --> 00:40:00,067 Thank you, sir. 726 00:40:01,909 --> 00:40:03,170 I'll leave you two alone. 727 00:40:03,270 --> 00:40:05,292 And if you need me, I'm in my office. 728 00:40:05,392 --> 00:40:07,394 JAKE: Thank you. 729 00:40:07,954 --> 00:40:09,956 -I'll be reporting to you? -(DOOR CLOSES) 730 00:40:10,837 --> 00:40:11,978 You lied to me. 731 00:40:12,078 --> 00:40:13,460 Again. 732 00:40:13,560 --> 00:40:17,023 No, I just didn't answer your ridiculous demand. 733 00:40:17,123 --> 00:40:18,545 How do I switch this thing off? 734 00:40:18,645 --> 00:40:20,346 There's something you need to know. 735 00:40:20,446 --> 00:40:21,988 We've been having issues down here 736 00:40:22,088 --> 00:40:24,911 accessing the Dutch Boy satcom. 737 00:40:25,011 --> 00:40:27,874 We have reason to believe that it... 738 00:40:27,974 --> 00:40:29,976 (SIGHS) Well, it may not be accidental. 739 00:40:31,217 --> 00:40:32,718 Might not be accidental? 740 00:40:32,818 --> 00:40:34,039 Oh, well, I've been trying to access 741 00:40:34,139 --> 00:40:35,721 the Hong Kong satellite. 742 00:40:35,821 --> 00:40:38,724 I knew it. I knew it! 743 00:40:38,824 --> 00:40:40,085 You think it's possible? 744 00:40:40,185 --> 00:40:43,288 Yeah. It's possible. 745 00:40:43,388 --> 00:40:44,570 But even if you could access 746 00:40:44,670 --> 00:40:46,251 the Hong Kong satellite remotely, 747 00:40:46,351 --> 00:40:48,413 you're not gonna get the logs you need. 748 00:40:48,513 --> 00:40:50,375 No. We gotta pull that information 749 00:40:50,475 --> 00:40:52,817 from the actual satellite up here. 750 00:40:52,917 --> 00:40:55,060 Okay. I can authorize that. 751 00:40:55,160 --> 00:40:57,302 I don't need your authorisation for anything. 752 00:40:57,402 --> 00:40:59,304 I'm sure that's really scary for you, 753 00:40:59,404 --> 00:41:01,225 but how about you just count on me 754 00:41:01,325 --> 00:41:03,347 to do my job, and say thank you? 755 00:41:03,447 --> 00:41:05,429 Oh, count on you. 756 00:41:05,529 --> 00:41:07,271 Remember the first time I had to bail you out? 757 00:41:07,371 --> 00:41:09,233 Oh, God. Jesus Christ! 758 00:41:09,333 --> 00:41:11,916 Yeah, it was just one week after Mum and Dad died. 759 00:41:12,016 --> 00:41:13,717 You got arrested for fighting, hmm? 760 00:41:13,817 --> 00:41:15,199 That's when I realised 761 00:41:15,299 --> 00:41:16,880 that despite everything I was going through, 762 00:41:16,980 --> 00:41:19,503 I was gonna have to be responsible for you. 763 00:41:21,144 --> 00:41:23,527 All right, you know what? Fine. It is what it is. 764 00:41:23,627 --> 00:41:26,129 I guess I got no choice but to count on you. 765 00:41:26,229 --> 00:41:29,893 But if you ever authorize anything without my approval, 766 00:41:29,993 --> 00:41:31,995 you'll be on the next shuttle home. 767 00:41:37,640 --> 00:41:39,642 AUTOMATED VOICE: Transmission ended. 768 00:41:44,086 --> 00:41:48,330 WOMAN: Hong Kong satellite 022 inbound for examination. 769 00:41:53,375 --> 00:41:54,677 JAKE: All right. (GRUNTS) 770 00:41:54,777 --> 00:41:56,078 Let's take this thing apart 771 00:41:56,178 --> 00:41:57,439 and find out what happened in Hong Kong. 772 00:41:57,539 --> 00:41:59,541 Bring it down. 773 00:42:00,022 --> 00:42:01,563 It should have come down by now. 774 00:42:01,663 --> 00:42:03,245 (REMOTE WHIRRING) 775 00:42:03,345 --> 00:42:05,207 -(CLANKS) -UTE: What is that? 776 00:42:05,307 --> 00:42:07,309 I have no idea. 777 00:42:08,029 --> 00:42:09,571 (CLANKING) 778 00:42:09,671 --> 00:42:11,453 -All right, shut it down. -It's not responding. 779 00:42:11,553 --> 00:42:13,454 DUNCAN: Jesus, Hernandez! 780 00:42:13,554 --> 00:42:15,556 Get down! 781 00:42:16,077 --> 00:42:17,699 (GRUNTING) 782 00:42:17,799 --> 00:42:19,800 Get out of here! Go! 783 00:42:21,522 --> 00:42:23,524 Somebody, open this door, now! 784 00:42:26,407 --> 00:42:27,428 Watch out! 785 00:42:27,528 --> 00:42:29,530 Shit! 786 00:42:34,254 --> 00:42:36,256 (METAL CLANKING) 787 00:42:42,742 --> 00:42:43,964 (ALARM BLARES) 788 00:42:44,064 --> 00:42:46,266 (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) 789 00:42:47,587 --> 00:42:48,728 JAKE: All right, let's pick up 790 00:42:48,828 --> 00:42:49,929 every single piece of this thing 791 00:42:50,029 --> 00:42:52,512 and get it down to manufacturing. 792 00:43:05,364 --> 00:43:07,366 (JAKE SIGHS) 793 00:43:08,047 --> 00:43:09,348 JAKE: Do you think we can retrieve the logs 794 00:43:09,448 --> 00:43:11,029 from the hard drives? 795 00:43:11,129 --> 00:43:12,411 DUNCAN: Well, the accident created an electrical short 796 00:43:12,491 --> 00:43:13,712 and fried all the drives. 797 00:43:13,812 --> 00:43:15,474 I mean, look at it. It's toast. 798 00:43:15,574 --> 00:43:16,915 JAKE: So we've lost all the drives 799 00:43:17,015 --> 00:43:19,017 with possible corruption? 800 00:43:19,337 --> 00:43:20,879 Not all of them. 801 00:43:20,979 --> 00:43:22,280 UTE: What do you mean? 802 00:43:22,380 --> 00:43:23,722 I was reviewing your video 803 00:43:23,822 --> 00:43:26,184 of the accident that killed Makmoud. 804 00:43:29,027 --> 00:43:31,849 Each of the panels that blew has a drive inside. 805 00:43:31,949 --> 00:43:34,172 (MAKMOUD SCREAMING) 806 00:43:34,272 --> 00:43:37,755 And one of them got stuck in the communication tower. 807 00:43:44,121 --> 00:43:46,704 It looks like the seal locks are still intact. 808 00:43:46,804 --> 00:43:50,387 If we're lucky, the corrupted drive will still be inside. 809 00:43:50,487 --> 00:43:52,349 We gotta get that panel back. 810 00:43:52,449 --> 00:43:54,451 (CELL PHONE RINGING) 811 00:43:57,053 --> 00:43:58,235 Yeah, hello? 812 00:43:58,335 --> 00:44:00,597 I just got into DC. We have to meet. 813 00:44:00,697 --> 00:44:02,278 I figured it all out. 814 00:44:02,378 --> 00:44:04,400 Meet me at 10:00 at the place across the square 815 00:44:04,500 --> 00:44:05,642 where we used to have lunch. 816 00:44:05,742 --> 00:44:06,843 Back in college. 817 00:44:06,943 --> 00:44:08,945 All right. Yeah, I'll be there. 818 00:44:09,986 --> 00:44:11,768 (PHONE BEEPS) 819 00:44:11,868 --> 00:44:13,869 MAN: (ON SPEAKERS) Ready to decompress. 820 00:44:22,518 --> 00:44:24,460 All right. Door's open, kids. 821 00:44:24,560 --> 00:44:27,102 You're clear to exit. 822 00:44:27,202 --> 00:44:30,305 UTE: Step across the gravity threshold and follow me. 823 00:44:30,405 --> 00:44:33,128 Let's just get the panel, see what's on those drives. 824 00:44:36,411 --> 00:44:38,413 (EXHALES) Okay. 825 00:44:50,264 --> 00:44:52,266 UTE: There's the panel. 826 00:44:58,592 --> 00:45:00,594 JAKE: Wait. Hold up. 827 00:45:01,755 --> 00:45:02,896 We designed the tower 828 00:45:02,996 --> 00:45:05,219 to have emergency de-rig ports, 829 00:45:05,319 --> 00:45:07,601 so the bars can be moved easily. 830 00:45:08,321 --> 00:45:10,323 (GRUNTS) 831 00:45:18,611 --> 00:45:20,273 UTE: Control, the panel is secured. 832 00:45:20,373 --> 00:45:21,474 WOMAN: Roger that. 833 00:45:21,574 --> 00:45:23,916 Come back now, kids. Come back. 834 00:45:24,016 --> 00:45:26,018 UTE: We're on our way back. 835 00:45:32,865 --> 00:45:34,286 (UTE GRUNTS) 836 00:45:34,386 --> 00:45:36,128 UTE: Jake, what's happening? 837 00:45:36,228 --> 00:45:38,230 JAKE: (GRUNTS) I don't know! I don't know! 838 00:45:39,191 --> 00:45:41,193 (JAKE GRUNTING) 839 00:45:42,154 --> 00:45:44,176 UTE: Jake? Jake! 840 00:45:44,276 --> 00:45:46,338 JAKE: I can't control the damn suit! 841 00:45:46,438 --> 00:45:47,699 What's going on? What's going on? 842 00:45:47,799 --> 00:45:49,301 WOMAN: His suit is malfunctioning. 843 00:45:49,401 --> 00:45:51,062 -Jake, do you read me? -Duncan, tell him to cut it. 844 00:45:51,162 --> 00:45:52,944 Jake, cut off the fuel intake. 845 00:45:53,044 --> 00:45:54,586 JAKE: It's not responding! 846 00:45:54,686 --> 00:45:56,688 (GRUNTING) 847 00:45:57,048 --> 00:45:59,090 (GROANING) 848 00:46:07,418 --> 00:46:08,559 Hang on, Jake. 849 00:46:08,659 --> 00:46:10,661 (GROANING) 850 00:46:12,863 --> 00:46:15,486 JAKE: I can't hold it. (GROANING) 851 00:46:15,586 --> 00:46:17,848 Eject the pack. Eject the pack! 852 00:46:17,948 --> 00:46:19,950 (GROANING) 853 00:46:30,280 --> 00:46:32,662 Oh, Christ. We're gonna lose him. We're gonna lose him! 854 00:46:32,762 --> 00:46:34,764 (GRUNTING) 855 00:46:39,609 --> 00:46:41,611 -(GASPING) -(ALARMS BLARING) 856 00:46:43,973 --> 00:46:45,975 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 857 00:46:50,859 --> 00:46:52,861 Are you all right? 858 00:46:53,182 --> 00:46:55,184 Yeah. 859 00:46:57,266 --> 00:46:58,727 You got the drive? 860 00:46:58,827 --> 00:47:00,829 I grabbed it when I freed the panel. 861 00:47:06,114 --> 00:47:09,177 You smashed up a dozen comm links, TCAS sensors... 862 00:47:09,277 --> 00:47:11,179 (SPEAKS SPANISH) 863 00:47:11,279 --> 00:47:13,301 I'm fine, thank you very much. 864 00:47:13,401 --> 00:47:14,702 What happened out there? 865 00:47:14,802 --> 00:47:16,424 Propulsion throttle locked up. 866 00:47:16,524 --> 00:47:19,947 And you lost the door panel, which means no drive codes. 867 00:47:20,047 --> 00:47:22,049 Back to square one. 868 00:47:23,290 --> 00:47:25,292 (SIGHS) Great. 869 00:47:27,735 --> 00:47:29,557 Why didn't you tell them about the drive? 870 00:47:29,657 --> 00:47:31,919 Because someone just tried to kill me. 871 00:47:32,019 --> 00:47:33,640 I know my crew. I trust them. 872 00:47:33,740 --> 00:47:35,442 You think you know them. 873 00:47:35,542 --> 00:47:38,065 But someone doesn't want us to see what's on this drive. 874 00:47:40,066 --> 00:47:42,489 UTE: Jake, there's no corruption here at all. 875 00:47:42,589 --> 00:47:44,010 The doors weren't accidentally blown off. 876 00:47:44,110 --> 00:47:45,452 They were programmed to. 877 00:47:45,552 --> 00:47:47,774 -This wasn't a malfunction. -JAKE: No. 878 00:47:47,874 --> 00:47:49,896 Someone intentionally killed Makmoud. 879 00:47:49,996 --> 00:47:51,658 No doubt the same person that tampered 880 00:47:51,758 --> 00:47:53,459 with the Hong Kong satellite. 881 00:47:53,559 --> 00:47:55,822 The user logins have been wiped clean. 882 00:47:55,922 --> 00:47:58,064 We have no digital fingerprints. 883 00:47:58,164 --> 00:48:01,747 No. That's what they think. 884 00:48:01,847 --> 00:48:04,870 Login records are synced back to the mainframe. 885 00:48:04,970 --> 00:48:06,111 UTE: Yeah, but that's the problem. 886 00:48:06,211 --> 00:48:07,112 If they're deleted in one place, 887 00:48:07,212 --> 00:48:08,314 they're deleted everywhere. 888 00:48:08,414 --> 00:48:09,875 No, everywhere they know about. 889 00:48:09,975 --> 00:48:11,116 When we built Dutch Boy, 890 00:48:11,216 --> 00:48:12,798 we put in a locked-off library. 891 00:48:12,898 --> 00:48:15,801 Something that would track and archive everything. 892 00:48:15,901 --> 00:48:19,945 Our saboteur's login info is gonna be in there. 893 00:48:22,987 --> 00:48:24,289 Nope. 894 00:48:24,389 --> 00:48:26,391 -(BEEPS) -UTE: You've been locked out. 895 00:48:29,193 --> 00:48:31,195 JAKE: But by who? 896 00:48:37,001 --> 00:48:38,703 The virtual conference room. 897 00:48:38,803 --> 00:48:40,825 How many have access to those transmissions? 898 00:48:40,925 --> 00:48:43,427 Anyone with level three access and above. 899 00:48:43,527 --> 00:48:45,709 Dozens of people. 900 00:48:45,809 --> 00:48:47,811 (DISTANT TRAFFIC SOUNDS) 901 00:48:48,452 --> 00:48:50,274 SARAH: Max. 902 00:48:50,374 --> 00:48:52,596 -Max. -What? 903 00:48:52,696 --> 00:48:55,479 Relax. He'll be here soon. 904 00:48:55,579 --> 00:48:57,561 What, really? I seem nervous? 905 00:48:57,661 --> 00:48:59,082 Just a little. 906 00:48:59,182 --> 00:49:01,184 (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) 907 00:49:01,785 --> 00:49:03,126 He's here. 908 00:49:03,226 --> 00:49:05,228 He's here? 909 00:49:10,953 --> 00:49:11,974 (GRUNTS) 910 00:49:12,074 --> 00:49:14,257 -(GROANS) -(TIRES SCREECH) 911 00:49:14,357 --> 00:49:16,779 -(SCREAMS) No! No! -(PHONE BEEPS) 912 00:49:16,879 --> 00:49:19,462 Cheng! My God! No! 913 00:49:19,562 --> 00:49:20,783 This is Agent Wilson. 914 00:49:20,883 --> 00:49:22,665 Yes, I need an ambulance right now. 915 00:49:22,765 --> 00:49:24,386 -Dupont Circle. -CHENG: Max... 916 00:49:24,486 --> 00:49:26,428 WOMAN: Agent Wilson, I have dispatched the ambulance. 917 00:49:26,528 --> 00:49:28,530 (TIRES SCREECHING) 918 00:49:32,094 --> 00:49:34,095 -(HORN HONKS) -(GRUNTS) 919 00:49:38,860 --> 00:49:40,862 (EXHALES) 920 00:49:41,182 --> 00:49:42,684 MAX: You got me. You got me. 921 00:49:42,784 --> 00:49:44,646 (BREATHING HEAVILY) I'm here. Look at me. Look at me. 922 00:49:44,746 --> 00:49:48,049 Zeus. Zeus. 923 00:49:48,149 --> 00:49:50,151 What? 924 00:49:59,840 --> 00:50:01,902 AUTOMATED VOICE: Virtual conference initiating. 925 00:50:02,002 --> 00:50:04,705 Max? You okay? 926 00:50:04,805 --> 00:50:07,427 (PANTING) They said it was urgent. What is it? 927 00:50:07,527 --> 00:50:09,589 Yeah. Um... 928 00:50:09,689 --> 00:50:13,393 I wanted to (INHALES DEEPLY) apologise. 929 00:50:13,493 --> 00:50:14,794 apologise? 930 00:50:14,894 --> 00:50:16,796 (PANTING) 931 00:50:16,896 --> 00:50:19,159 If you had any idea what I just walked away from... 932 00:50:19,259 --> 00:50:22,842 You're gonna drag me up here just to apologise? 933 00:50:22,942 --> 00:50:24,484 (SIGHS) All right. Fine. 934 00:50:24,584 --> 00:50:26,606 Uh, apology accepted. 935 00:50:26,706 --> 00:50:29,328 Hey, Max, we don't walk out on each other. 936 00:50:29,428 --> 00:50:32,391 That's the unspoken code between brothers. 937 00:50:42,801 --> 00:50:45,223 You remember that day Dad took us fishing? 938 00:50:45,323 --> 00:50:48,246 Yeah, he dropped his cell phone in Key Biscayne. 939 00:50:50,448 --> 00:50:53,131 Proof the Lawsons aren't fishermen. 940 00:50:54,212 --> 00:50:55,754 (CHUCKLES) Four hours, 941 00:50:55,854 --> 00:50:58,016 the three of us didn't catch a thing. 942 00:50:59,857 --> 00:51:03,261 I tried to sabotage Dad's reel so we could leave. 943 00:51:04,822 --> 00:51:08,286 That pin at the highest part of the spool, 944 00:51:08,386 --> 00:51:12,329 pulled it so the level mechanism would pop out. 945 00:51:12,429 --> 00:51:14,331 Of course, Dad was a government spy 946 00:51:14,431 --> 00:51:16,673 his whole life, caught me red-handed. 947 00:51:18,916 --> 00:51:20,217 "Trust me," he said. 948 00:51:20,317 --> 00:51:23,560 "I get it. No one likes to fail. 949 00:51:25,242 --> 00:51:28,845 "But I'd rather not catch fish with my family 950 00:51:29,886 --> 00:51:31,888 "than catch 20 fish alone." 951 00:51:32,569 --> 00:51:33,830 (SCOFFS) 952 00:51:33,930 --> 00:51:36,653 I didn't even understand what he meant back then. 953 00:51:40,136 --> 00:51:42,138 But I do now. 954 00:51:43,139 --> 00:51:45,161 Take care, Max. 955 00:51:45,261 --> 00:51:47,263 End transmission. 956 00:51:48,304 --> 00:51:50,306 AUTOMATED VOICE: Transmission ended. 957 00:51:53,669 --> 00:51:55,671 What was all that? 958 00:51:56,752 --> 00:51:58,574 That was the first decent conversation 959 00:51:58,674 --> 00:52:00,675 we've had in years. 960 00:52:11,045 --> 00:52:12,507 -Hey. -(GASPS) Oh, my God! 961 00:52:12,607 --> 00:52:14,389 -(MUSIC PLAYING ON HEADPHONES) -Would you relax? 962 00:52:14,489 --> 00:52:15,630 What? 963 00:52:15,730 --> 00:52:16,911 Do you have a moment? 964 00:52:17,011 --> 00:52:18,953 Yes! I do. I got your message. 965 00:52:19,053 --> 00:52:20,474 Jesus. 966 00:52:20,574 --> 00:52:21,756 What happened? 967 00:52:21,856 --> 00:52:23,197 Did Secret Service Barbie dump you? 968 00:52:23,297 --> 00:52:25,199 I need to show you something. 969 00:52:25,299 --> 00:52:27,041 (CLICKS) 970 00:52:27,141 --> 00:52:29,403 MAX: Take a look at this. 971 00:52:29,503 --> 00:52:32,286 You remember that day Dad took us fishing? 972 00:52:32,386 --> 00:52:35,108 He dropped his cell phone in Key Biscayne. 973 00:52:36,750 --> 00:52:38,692 (SCOFFS) 974 00:52:38,792 --> 00:52:41,895 Our dad never took us fishing. 975 00:52:41,995 --> 00:52:43,997 Oh. 976 00:52:44,317 --> 00:52:46,319 That's sad. 977 00:52:47,360 --> 00:52:48,661 Oh, I'm sorry. 978 00:52:48,761 --> 00:52:49,742 I'm not good at the, like, 979 00:52:49,842 --> 00:52:51,104 "Talk about your daddy issues" 980 00:52:51,204 --> 00:52:52,545 kind of friend thing. I just... 981 00:52:52,645 --> 00:52:55,588 What? No, no, no... 982 00:52:55,688 --> 00:52:57,690 It's a code. 983 00:52:59,492 --> 00:53:02,715 "He dropped his cell phone in Key Biscayne." 984 00:53:02,815 --> 00:53:04,817 His cell phone number is the key. 985 00:53:06,859 --> 00:53:08,200 Take a look at the digits. 986 00:53:08,300 --> 00:53:09,641 Okay, you got your first number, 987 00:53:09,741 --> 00:53:11,083 that's your first word. 988 00:53:11,183 --> 00:53:13,325 Second number, nine, you move on nine words. 989 00:53:13,425 --> 00:53:14,406 That's your second word. 990 00:53:14,506 --> 00:53:15,647 Third number, nine again. 991 00:53:15,747 --> 00:53:17,049 Another nine, you move on. 992 00:53:17,149 --> 00:53:18,450 Then nine, then two, then nine, then five, 993 00:53:18,550 --> 00:53:19,891 and so on and so on until you get 994 00:53:19,991 --> 00:53:21,973 an entirely different message. 995 00:53:22,073 --> 00:53:24,596 So, who came up with this encryption, a 12-year-old? 996 00:53:25,396 --> 00:53:27,939 No. I was 13. 997 00:53:28,039 --> 00:53:29,420 Oh. 998 00:53:29,520 --> 00:53:31,182 Okay. (SIGHS) 999 00:53:31,282 --> 00:53:33,825 So, one-nine-nine-nine, 1000 00:53:33,925 --> 00:53:36,227 two-nine-five-five, 1001 00:53:36,327 --> 00:53:39,170 eight-seven-one and go. 1002 00:53:41,212 --> 00:53:42,793 Proof of sabotage 1003 00:53:42,893 --> 00:53:44,955 at the highest level of government. 1004 00:53:45,055 --> 00:53:47,057 Trust no one. 1005 00:53:52,502 --> 00:53:54,504 Well, you said you were looking for action. 1006 00:53:55,665 --> 00:53:58,969 (SIGHS) Yeah, but I mean, holy shit. 1007 00:53:59,069 --> 00:54:00,170 (EXHALES DEEPLY) 1008 00:54:00,270 --> 00:54:01,451 If you don't wanna take this 1009 00:54:01,551 --> 00:54:02,492 any further, I totally understand. 1010 00:54:02,592 --> 00:54:04,834 Oh, no. I do, I do. I just... 1011 00:54:06,636 --> 00:54:08,298 I do and I don't. 1012 00:54:08,398 --> 00:54:09,739 Kinda like going on a roller coaster 1013 00:54:09,839 --> 00:54:11,841 or eating Chipotle. 1014 00:54:13,522 --> 00:54:14,784 What's our next move? 1015 00:54:14,884 --> 00:54:16,906 Okay. I need you to find anything you can 1016 00:54:17,006 --> 00:54:19,088 on a file named "Project Zeus." 1017 00:54:20,089 --> 00:54:21,630 (CHUCKLES) 1018 00:54:21,730 --> 00:54:23,032 "Project Zeus"? 1019 00:54:23,132 --> 00:54:25,134 Yeah. 1020 00:54:25,534 --> 00:54:27,075 Okay. Looks like we have ourselves 1021 00:54:27,175 --> 00:54:28,277 a bro-spiracy theory. 1022 00:54:28,377 --> 00:54:30,118 (SCOFFS) Just run the damn search. 1023 00:54:30,218 --> 00:54:32,080 DANA: Um... 1024 00:54:32,180 --> 00:54:34,683 I am getting a hit. Um... 1025 00:54:34,783 --> 00:54:36,124 But it looks like it's double encrypted. 1026 00:54:36,224 --> 00:54:37,365 It's a little OCD. 1027 00:54:37,465 --> 00:54:39,007 Can you break it? 1028 00:54:39,107 --> 00:54:41,489 Yeah, I could, but, 1029 00:54:41,589 --> 00:54:43,491 ah, I can't do it from here. 1030 00:54:43,591 --> 00:54:45,053 The file's under a White House security network, 1031 00:54:45,153 --> 00:54:46,374 and it's just not hackable. 1032 00:54:46,474 --> 00:54:47,775 I'd have to log in, and I don't have 1033 00:54:47,875 --> 00:54:51,379 -the credentials for it. -Shit. Neither do I. 1034 00:54:51,479 --> 00:54:53,801 (STUTTERS) I don't know anyone who does. 1035 00:54:55,082 --> 00:54:56,744 Yeah, you do. 1036 00:54:56,844 --> 00:54:58,846 (KEYS RATTLING) 1037 00:55:02,970 --> 00:55:04,972 (GLASS SHATTERS) 1038 00:55:06,653 --> 00:55:08,655 Max? 1039 00:55:17,343 --> 00:55:19,345 (CLATTERING) 1040 00:55:21,708 --> 00:55:22,689 Freeze. 1041 00:55:22,789 --> 00:55:24,250 -Oh! Holy shit! -(CLATTERS) 1042 00:55:24,350 --> 00:55:26,352 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Honey, relax! 1043 00:55:27,153 --> 00:55:28,694 Who is this girl in our house? 1044 00:55:28,794 --> 00:55:30,496 I can explain everything. 1045 00:55:30,596 --> 00:55:32,258 Mmm. That sounds really pervy. 1046 00:55:32,358 --> 00:55:33,779 -Shut up. -Okay, I'm sorry. I will. 1047 00:55:33,879 --> 00:55:37,102 I broke one of your wine glasses. (STAMMERS) 1048 00:55:37,202 --> 00:55:38,984 It just fell and I promise I'm gonna reimburse you. 1049 00:55:39,084 --> 00:55:40,986 I have the money. I'm sorry. 1050 00:55:41,086 --> 00:55:42,427 Talk. 1051 00:55:42,527 --> 00:55:45,751 This is Dana. She works with me in State. 1052 00:55:45,851 --> 00:55:47,913 Now, I asked her here because I need her help 1053 00:55:48,013 --> 00:55:50,695 and, uh, as it turns out, I need your help, too. 1054 00:55:52,017 --> 00:55:54,018 (WHISPERS) She's hot! 1055 00:55:55,019 --> 00:55:56,361 (SIGHS) 1056 00:55:56,461 --> 00:55:58,323 MAX: I know how much your job means to you. 1057 00:55:58,423 --> 00:55:59,724 I took an oath, Max. 1058 00:55:59,824 --> 00:56:01,165 We have rules. 1059 00:56:01,265 --> 00:56:02,447 Technically, you're not supposed to be 1060 00:56:02,547 --> 00:56:04,609 -sleeping together either... -Dana. 1061 00:56:04,709 --> 00:56:07,251 You're asking me to commit a crime. 1062 00:56:07,351 --> 00:56:09,493 You're soliciting a Secret Service agent 1063 00:56:09,593 --> 00:56:11,535 to break into the White House server 1064 00:56:11,635 --> 00:56:13,657 and illegally obtain files. 1065 00:56:13,757 --> 00:56:15,339 And you thought I would say yes! 1066 00:56:15,439 --> 00:56:16,780 I still think you're gonna say yes. 1067 00:56:16,880 --> 00:56:18,102 Why? 1068 00:56:18,202 --> 00:56:19,863 Because I'm the one who's asking you. 1069 00:56:19,963 --> 00:56:21,945 And if I'm asking you, 1070 00:56:22,045 --> 00:56:24,307 well, then it must be important. 1071 00:56:24,407 --> 00:56:27,310 And you know that it's bigger than you and me. 1072 00:56:27,410 --> 00:56:28,471 "You and I." 1073 00:56:28,571 --> 00:56:30,573 BOTH: Shut up. 1074 00:56:35,298 --> 00:56:37,300 Sarah, please. 1075 00:56:38,381 --> 00:56:40,563 One time. 1076 00:56:40,663 --> 00:56:43,286 We need to play back the security cameras 1077 00:56:43,386 --> 00:56:45,288 without alerting anyone. 1078 00:56:45,388 --> 00:56:46,649 Someone killed Makmoud. 1079 00:56:46,749 --> 00:56:48,851 We find out why, we know who's behind this. 1080 00:56:48,951 --> 00:56:50,212 But you can't access the cameras 1081 00:56:50,312 --> 00:56:51,774 without it being logged in. 1082 00:56:51,874 --> 00:56:53,856 That's why we're going to the back-up server room. 1083 00:56:53,956 --> 00:56:55,417 -You see? -(BEEPING) 1084 00:56:55,517 --> 00:56:57,519 It comes in handy that I built the place. 1085 00:56:59,081 --> 00:57:02,524 Yes, but I live here. 1086 00:57:03,285 --> 00:57:05,287 (BEEPING) 1087 00:57:10,572 --> 00:57:12,573 Show off. 1088 00:57:18,459 --> 00:57:20,841 Makmoud was prepping diagnostics on the Afghan sat 1089 00:57:20,941 --> 00:57:22,943 while we launched a replacement. 1090 00:57:27,428 --> 00:57:28,729 JAKE: Son of a bitch. 1091 00:57:28,829 --> 00:57:31,251 He pulled something off the sat. 1092 00:57:31,351 --> 00:57:32,813 Poor bastard figured it out 1093 00:57:32,913 --> 00:57:34,915 and they killed him to make sure no one else did. 1094 00:57:36,476 --> 00:57:38,518 UTE: There are no cameras allowed in the locker rooms. 1095 00:57:40,760 --> 00:57:42,762 Then let's go take a look for ourselves. 1096 00:57:53,573 --> 00:57:55,575 181. 1097 00:57:57,016 --> 00:57:59,018 181. 1098 00:57:59,418 --> 00:58:01,420 What's the code? 1099 00:58:01,821 --> 00:58:03,442 Seven, six, three, six, three. 1100 00:58:03,542 --> 00:58:05,544 (BEEPING) 1101 00:58:12,631 --> 00:58:13,892 DUSSETTE: What do you think you're doing? 1102 00:58:13,992 --> 00:58:15,994 (COCKS GUN) 1103 00:58:19,117 --> 00:58:21,199 You know what happened to me out there wasn't an accident. 1104 00:58:22,080 --> 00:58:23,902 And whoever did that 1105 00:58:24,002 --> 00:58:25,143 killed Makmoud. 1106 00:58:25,243 --> 00:58:27,465 And what makes you think it is not me? 1107 00:58:27,565 --> 00:58:29,887 Because if it was you, I'd be dead already. 1108 00:58:33,171 --> 00:58:35,313 Dussette, lower your gun. 1109 00:58:35,413 --> 00:58:37,555 (GUN CLICKS) 1110 00:58:37,655 --> 00:58:38,716 Whatever you're looking for, 1111 00:58:38,816 --> 00:58:40,838 it is not in this locker. 1112 00:58:40,938 --> 00:58:43,480 I was here when Makmoud came in. 1113 00:58:43,580 --> 00:58:45,582 He put his stuff in an empty one. 1114 00:58:46,263 --> 00:58:47,925 Why didn't you tell me? 1115 00:58:48,025 --> 00:58:50,727 You watched the same security footage as I did. 1116 00:58:50,827 --> 00:58:52,329 I was just waiting to see who was gonna come 1117 00:58:52,429 --> 00:58:54,531 and look for Makmoud's stuff. 1118 00:58:54,631 --> 00:58:56,633 It's in here. 1119 00:58:59,235 --> 00:59:00,617 UTE: Two, six, six, five, three. 1120 00:59:00,717 --> 00:59:02,419 -(BEEPING) -(MUTTERS) 1121 00:59:02,519 --> 00:59:04,520 -(BEEPS) -(LOCKER UNLOCKS) 1122 00:59:11,968 --> 00:59:13,789 Bingo. 1123 00:59:13,889 --> 00:59:15,071 This is everything he copied 1124 00:59:15,171 --> 00:59:17,173 off the satellite onto his HoloFrame. 1125 00:59:19,255 --> 00:59:21,156 JAKE: That's a virus. 1126 00:59:21,256 --> 00:59:22,878 That wasn't generated by the satellite's 1127 00:59:22,978 --> 00:59:24,039 onboard computer. 1128 00:59:24,139 --> 00:59:25,961 Because they were planted. 1129 00:59:26,061 --> 00:59:27,763 Makmoud found the virus and got killed 1130 00:59:27,863 --> 00:59:29,805 before he could tell anyone. 1131 00:59:29,905 --> 00:59:32,247 DANA: Oh, I got it. All right, here we go. 1132 00:59:32,347 --> 00:59:33,648 (TYPING) 1133 00:59:33,748 --> 00:59:35,750 Project Zeus. 1134 00:59:36,471 --> 00:59:38,853 There are tens of thousands of storm simulations in here 1135 00:59:38,953 --> 00:59:40,815 and each one is starting in a different place. 1136 00:59:40,915 --> 00:59:43,017 MAX: They all end the same way. 1137 00:59:43,117 --> 00:59:44,739 A geostorm. 1138 00:59:44,839 --> 00:59:48,262 I mean, unlike anything we've ever seen. 1139 00:59:48,362 --> 00:59:50,625 Dana, can you show us just, uh, the simulation 1140 00:59:50,725 --> 00:59:51,986 that begins in Afghanistan? 1141 00:59:52,086 --> 00:59:53,267 Yeah, sure. 1142 00:59:53,367 --> 00:59:55,369 (TYPING) 1143 00:59:55,970 --> 00:59:58,072 MAX: Okay, now filter those, 1144 00:59:58,172 --> 01:00:00,954 so that the second malfunction's over Hong Kong. 1145 01:00:01,054 --> 01:00:02,356 Where are you going with this? 1146 01:00:02,456 --> 01:00:03,917 (SIGHS) What if Cheng realised 1147 01:00:04,017 --> 01:00:06,680 that someone was following one of his scenarios? 1148 01:00:06,780 --> 01:00:08,001 You know, making it look like 1149 01:00:08,101 --> 01:00:09,523 a predicted pattern of malfunction, 1150 01:00:09,623 --> 01:00:12,285 disguising a crime like a series of accidents. 1151 01:00:12,385 --> 01:00:13,767 It might actually be a series of accidents. 1152 01:00:13,867 --> 01:00:15,869 If it were, they wouldn't have killed him. 1153 01:00:17,150 --> 01:00:19,712 Someone has weaponised Dutch Boy. 1154 01:00:22,435 --> 01:00:24,417 AUTOMATED VOICE: Virtual conference initiating. 1155 01:00:24,517 --> 01:00:26,219 Hey. (PANTING) 1156 01:00:26,319 --> 01:00:27,380 JAKE: New face? 1157 01:00:27,480 --> 01:00:29,181 Yeah. A friend. 1158 01:00:29,281 --> 01:00:31,384 Uh, she's keeping things off the monitor channels, 1159 01:00:31,484 --> 01:00:33,025 so we're good. 1160 01:00:33,125 --> 01:00:35,467 -So you got my message? -Yeah, I got your message. 1161 01:00:35,567 --> 01:00:38,510 It's, uh, worse than we thought. 1162 01:00:38,610 --> 01:00:42,354 Whoever's doing this is using Dutch Boy to target cities. 1163 01:00:42,454 --> 01:00:45,357 Yeah, they're disguising their moves as malfunctions. 1164 01:00:45,457 --> 01:00:47,439 They already killed the man who found out about this 1165 01:00:47,539 --> 01:00:49,201 and I don't think they're done. 1166 01:00:49,301 --> 01:00:51,283 Yeah. 1167 01:00:51,383 --> 01:00:53,965 This was my life's work, Max. 1168 01:00:54,065 --> 01:00:56,327 (SIGHS) You know, they said it was impossible, 1169 01:00:56,427 --> 01:00:57,488 but we pulled it off. 1170 01:00:57,588 --> 01:00:58,730 And it worked 1171 01:00:58,830 --> 01:01:00,291 perfectly, without fail, 1172 01:01:00,391 --> 01:01:02,013 day after day, year after year. 1173 01:01:02,113 --> 01:01:04,115 So what do people do with it? 1174 01:01:06,157 --> 01:01:07,738 Turn it into a gun. 1175 01:01:07,838 --> 01:01:09,220 I know. 1176 01:01:09,320 --> 01:01:11,622 I know. It's not too late. We can fix this 1177 01:01:11,722 --> 01:01:12,783 before it happens again, 1178 01:01:12,883 --> 01:01:14,345 but I can't do it on my own. 1179 01:01:14,445 --> 01:01:15,906 I need you. I need you to tell me, 1180 01:01:16,006 --> 01:01:17,227 how are they controlling Dutch Boy? 1181 01:01:17,327 --> 01:01:18,348 I know how they're controlling it. 1182 01:01:18,448 --> 01:01:19,429 MAX: How? 1183 01:01:19,529 --> 01:01:20,911 A virus. 1184 01:01:21,011 --> 01:01:22,633 Well, can you stop it? 1185 01:01:22,733 --> 01:01:23,914 JAKE: There's only one way. 1186 01:01:24,014 --> 01:01:27,277 We can shut down Dutch Boy temporarily. 1187 01:01:27,377 --> 01:01:29,399 The reboot will flush out the system, 1188 01:01:29,499 --> 01:01:30,920 kill the virus, and revert back 1189 01:01:31,020 --> 01:01:32,882 to the fail-safe OS. 1190 01:01:32,982 --> 01:01:36,246 Okay. Let's do it. 1191 01:01:36,346 --> 01:01:37,687 I'm authorising. 1192 01:01:37,787 --> 01:01:38,888 Yeah, I think we've established that 1193 01:01:38,988 --> 01:01:41,010 I don't really wait for that. 1194 01:01:41,110 --> 01:01:42,572 This isn't a Chromebook. 1195 01:01:42,672 --> 01:01:43,873 You don't just put your finger on the power button. 1196 01:01:43,953 --> 01:01:45,955 You need the kill codes. 1197 01:01:46,916 --> 01:01:49,778 And the only one who has those is the president. 1198 01:01:49,878 --> 01:01:50,940 So let's just go to the president 1199 01:01:51,040 --> 01:01:52,061 and tell him what we know. 1200 01:01:52,161 --> 01:01:55,624 No. You can't go to Palma. 1201 01:01:55,724 --> 01:01:57,906 We need way more proof than I have. 1202 01:01:58,006 --> 01:01:59,468 We're talking about shutting down Dutch Boy. 1203 01:01:59,568 --> 01:02:00,669 I mean, even for an hour, 1204 01:02:00,769 --> 01:02:02,190 that puts the whole planet at risk. 1205 01:02:02,290 --> 01:02:04,432 No, I don't think you understand. 1206 01:02:04,532 --> 01:02:06,755 Someone sealed off the backdoor into the system. 1207 01:02:06,855 --> 01:02:10,198 A backdoor almost no one knew existed. 1208 01:02:10,298 --> 01:02:11,800 But the president did. 1209 01:02:11,900 --> 01:02:15,883 No. Jake, come on. What? Are you out of your mind? 1210 01:02:15,983 --> 01:02:18,966 Not saying it's him. I'm saying, "What if?" 1211 01:02:19,066 --> 01:02:22,169 Who else has the resources to pull this off? 1212 01:02:22,269 --> 01:02:25,453 Murder, cover-up, and a virus that can only be stopped 1213 01:02:25,553 --> 01:02:27,214 with the codes in his pocket. 1214 01:02:27,314 --> 01:02:29,777 Why? Huh? Tell me, why? Why would he do that? 1215 01:02:29,877 --> 01:02:31,378 We're two weeks away 1216 01:02:31,478 --> 01:02:33,500 from transferring Dutch Boy to the rest of the world. 1217 01:02:33,600 --> 01:02:36,263 Two weeks away from losing autonomous control. 1218 01:02:36,363 --> 01:02:37,584 Now, he talks a good game, 1219 01:02:37,684 --> 01:02:39,686 but he's never gonna let it happen. 1220 01:02:40,327 --> 01:02:41,828 A series of disasters, 1221 01:02:41,928 --> 01:02:43,790 an international crew to take the fall 1222 01:02:43,890 --> 01:02:45,191 and he'll have to cancel the handoff. 1223 01:02:45,291 --> 01:02:47,293 And who would blame him? 1224 01:02:48,735 --> 01:02:51,858 All right. You stay on top of your satellites. 1225 01:02:53,699 --> 01:02:56,562 Max. Hey, Max, don't do anything stupid. 1226 01:02:56,662 --> 01:02:57,964 Let's go. 1227 01:02:58,064 --> 01:03:00,066 JAKE: They already tried to kill me once. 1228 01:03:01,307 --> 01:03:02,688 Max! 1229 01:03:02,788 --> 01:03:04,790 AUTOMATED VOICE: Transmission ended. 1230 01:03:11,036 --> 01:03:12,898 MAN: President Palma, a couple questions, please, sir. 1231 01:03:12,998 --> 01:03:14,299 Thoughts before you head to 1232 01:03:14,399 --> 01:03:15,981 the national convention in Orlando, sir? 1233 01:03:16,081 --> 01:03:17,863 Mr. President, do you care to make a statement? 1234 01:03:17,963 --> 01:03:19,424 WOMAN: Mr. President, a moment before you head to Orlando? 1235 01:03:19,524 --> 01:03:21,186 PRESIDENT: My friends from Washington, D.C... 1236 01:03:21,286 --> 01:03:22,867 I could never get on a plane 1237 01:03:22,967 --> 01:03:25,450 without first saying hello to you. It's impossible. 1238 01:03:28,653 --> 01:03:30,895 -(PANTING) -What are you doing here? 1239 01:03:33,257 --> 01:03:35,239 -Are you insane? -Sarah, look. 1240 01:03:35,339 --> 01:03:38,683 Jake needs us to steal the kill codes from Palma. 1241 01:03:38,783 --> 01:03:40,124 Us? 1242 01:03:40,224 --> 01:03:41,365 You're asking me to help you 1243 01:03:41,465 --> 01:03:42,846 on the word of your asshole brother, 1244 01:03:42,946 --> 01:03:44,408 who you haven't even spoken to for three years. 1245 01:03:44,508 --> 01:03:47,611 Yeah. Think about it. Afghanistan, Hong Kong, 1246 01:03:47,711 --> 01:03:49,973 Cheng, the crazy sim shit, 1247 01:03:50,073 --> 01:03:52,936 the death on the space station. Come on. 1248 01:03:53,036 --> 01:03:54,378 Look, you gotta trust me on this, all right? 1249 01:03:54,478 --> 01:03:56,479 I'm not kidding around here. 1250 01:03:56,880 --> 01:03:58,702 -Okay. -Look. 1251 01:03:58,802 --> 01:04:01,684 The codes are on Palma's HoloFrame. 1252 01:04:03,166 --> 01:04:04,267 We can't do it on the plane. 1253 01:04:04,367 --> 01:04:05,388 Why not? 1254 01:04:05,488 --> 01:04:07,150 Too many eyes. He's never alone. 1255 01:04:07,250 --> 01:04:09,912 All right, then what's the play? 1256 01:04:10,012 --> 01:04:11,794 Palma wants some private time to shower 1257 01:04:11,894 --> 01:04:14,757 and make calls before the after-parties. 1258 01:04:14,857 --> 01:04:16,238 You follow. I'll get you inside. 1259 01:04:16,338 --> 01:04:18,080 I can steal the codes while he's in the shower. 1260 01:04:18,180 --> 01:04:20,182 -That's the idea. -Yes, it is. 1261 01:04:22,224 --> 01:04:23,926 (SIGHS) 1262 01:04:24,026 --> 01:04:25,607 AUTOMATED VOICE: Warning. MAN: Out of the way. 1263 01:04:25,707 --> 01:04:27,369 AUTOMATED VOICE: All satellite communication offline. 1264 01:04:27,469 --> 01:04:28,610 (ALARM BLARING) 1265 01:04:28,710 --> 01:04:30,692 All satellite communication offline. 1266 01:04:30,792 --> 01:04:32,894 All crew report to stations immediately. 1267 01:04:32,994 --> 01:04:34,576 Oh, my God. 1268 01:04:34,676 --> 01:04:37,258 We have nearly 200 satellites reporting malfunctions, 1269 01:04:37,358 --> 01:04:40,061 most of them nearing critical. 1270 01:04:40,161 --> 01:04:43,244 Pull up the satellite closest to critical overload. 1271 01:04:45,847 --> 01:04:48,249 MICKEY: We've lost all control of the Tokyo satellite. 1272 01:04:57,017 --> 01:04:59,019 (ALL CLAMORING) 1273 01:05:00,661 --> 01:05:02,082 (GROANS) 1274 01:05:02,182 --> 01:05:04,084 (GROANS) 1275 01:05:04,184 --> 01:05:05,846 (GROANS) 1276 01:05:05,946 --> 01:05:07,948 (WOMAN SCREAMS) 1277 01:05:10,030 --> 01:05:11,571 DEKKOM: Max. 1278 01:05:11,671 --> 01:05:13,133 Oh. (SIGHS) 1279 01:05:13,233 --> 01:05:14,774 I didn't know you were coming to the convention. 1280 01:05:14,874 --> 01:05:17,577 Uh, yeah. You know, my dad lives in Florida 1281 01:05:17,677 --> 01:05:19,779 so, uh, I promised I'd get him into the convention. 1282 01:05:19,879 --> 01:05:21,341 We need every vote, right? 1283 01:05:21,441 --> 01:05:22,782 Yeah, well, bring him to the green room. 1284 01:05:22,882 --> 01:05:24,263 We'll do a little photo op. 1285 01:05:24,363 --> 01:05:26,546 Oh, that's very kind of you, sir. Thank you. 1286 01:05:26,646 --> 01:05:28,647 (TIRES SCREECHING) 1287 01:05:29,929 --> 01:05:31,931 (PEOPLE CLAMORING) 1288 01:05:32,651 --> 01:05:34,653 (WOMAN SCREAMING) 1289 01:05:37,976 --> 01:05:40,399 We've got reports of extreme weather anomalies building 1290 01:05:40,499 --> 01:05:42,921 over Brazil, Mexico, Bucharest, and Belgrade. 1291 01:05:43,021 --> 01:05:44,483 There's over a thousand storm warnings 1292 01:05:44,583 --> 01:05:46,585 issued around the world. 1293 01:06:10,047 --> 01:06:12,049 (ALL CLAMORING) 1294 01:06:15,492 --> 01:06:17,034 (ALARM BLARING) 1295 01:06:17,134 --> 01:06:19,636 AUTOMATED VOICE: Rio de Janeiro satellite critical. 1296 01:06:19,736 --> 01:06:21,818 Retrieval routine offline. 1297 01:06:28,264 --> 01:06:30,166 Chart a new course! 1298 01:06:30,266 --> 01:06:32,569 Get us close to the nearest satellites going critical. 1299 01:06:32,669 --> 01:06:33,810 What are you trying to do? 1300 01:06:33,910 --> 01:06:35,772 We're gonna launch the replacements. 1301 01:06:35,872 --> 01:06:38,534 As many as we can, as fast as we can. 1302 01:06:38,634 --> 01:06:40,536 We have to retrieve the other satellites first. 1303 01:06:40,636 --> 01:06:42,378 Or the replacements will crash into them. 1304 01:06:42,478 --> 01:06:43,819 They're programmed to arrive 1305 01:06:43,919 --> 01:06:45,341 in the exact same destination. 1306 01:06:45,441 --> 01:06:47,343 And they'll knock out the infected satellites. 1307 01:06:47,443 --> 01:06:49,024 -Yeah. -Of course! 1308 01:06:49,124 --> 01:06:50,586 MAN: (ON SPEAKERS) All crews report to stations 1309 01:06:50,686 --> 01:06:52,828 for Rio satellite replacement. 1310 01:06:52,928 --> 01:06:56,331 (ALARM BLARING) 1311 01:07:03,818 --> 01:07:05,940 (CROWD SCREAMING) 1312 01:07:11,025 --> 01:07:12,927 (GASPING) 1313 01:07:13,027 --> 01:07:14,809 AUTOMATED VOICE: Go for launch. 1314 01:07:14,909 --> 01:07:16,911 Away she goes. 1315 01:07:17,632 --> 01:07:19,874 MAN: Satellite replacement for Rio on its way. 1316 01:07:27,481 --> 01:07:29,843 -(CROWD SCREAMING) -(PANTING) 1317 01:07:34,608 --> 01:07:37,431 AUTOMATED VOICE: Warning. Satellite on collision course. 1318 01:07:37,531 --> 01:07:38,792 Disable the retro-boosters. 1319 01:07:38,892 --> 01:07:40,894 Don't let it slow down. 1320 01:07:42,455 --> 01:07:44,457 (PANTING) 1321 01:07:58,991 --> 01:08:00,993 (GASPING) 1322 01:08:05,918 --> 01:08:07,459 (ALL CHEERING) 1323 01:08:07,559 --> 01:08:09,541 Load 'em up and keep 'em coming! 1324 01:08:09,641 --> 01:08:12,905 AUTOMATED VOICE: Warning. Geostorm alert. 1325 01:08:13,005 --> 01:08:15,006 (ALARM BLARING) 1326 01:08:19,251 --> 01:08:22,574 Time to geostorm, one hour, thirty minutes. 1327 01:08:23,895 --> 01:08:27,719 CROWD: Four more years! Four more years! 1328 01:08:27,819 --> 01:08:30,201 Thank you. As you know, the environment 1329 01:08:30,301 --> 01:08:33,204 was my late wife's great passion and purpose. 1330 01:08:33,304 --> 01:08:35,206 And I know that she would be extremely proud... 1331 01:08:35,306 --> 01:08:36,687 REPORTER: (ON TV) Caused by the worst hailstorm 1332 01:08:36,787 --> 01:08:38,769 in recorded history. There has been another 1333 01:08:38,869 --> 01:08:41,572 extreme weather event, this time in Rio de Janeiro. 1334 01:08:41,672 --> 01:08:44,695 An offshore cold front moved rapidly across land, 1335 01:08:44,795 --> 01:08:47,217 plunging the city into dangerously low temperatures. 1336 01:08:47,317 --> 01:08:49,379 There are reports of numerous casualties, 1337 01:08:49,479 --> 01:08:51,541 but we don't know how many at this time. 1338 01:08:51,641 --> 01:08:52,983 We're also hearing that a cargo plane 1339 01:08:53,083 --> 01:08:54,945 may have crashed in the city itself, 1340 01:08:55,045 --> 01:08:57,147 possibly related to the freezing cold. 1341 01:08:57,247 --> 01:08:59,509 Tokyo and now Rio are the first catastrophic 1342 01:08:59,609 --> 01:09:01,951 weather events since the launch of Dutch Boy. 1343 01:09:02,051 --> 01:09:03,793 Stay tuned after the break, when we'll be joined 1344 01:09:03,893 --> 01:09:05,895 by our reporter Sally Jones. 1345 01:09:09,499 --> 01:09:10,560 MAX: Oh, God. 1346 01:09:10,660 --> 01:09:12,662 DEKKOM: Hey, Max! 1347 01:09:16,065 --> 01:09:18,647 -Where's your daddy? -Oh. (CHUCKLES) 1348 01:09:18,747 --> 01:09:20,089 You know what? 1349 01:09:20,189 --> 01:09:21,290 He got so caught up in all the excitement. 1350 01:09:21,390 --> 01:09:23,732 I recruited you for this position. 1351 01:09:23,832 --> 01:09:25,414 I know everything about you. 1352 01:09:25,514 --> 01:09:27,256 Your brother, and your mother's death, 1353 01:09:27,356 --> 01:09:29,658 your father's death, everything. 1354 01:09:29,758 --> 01:09:31,860 Why'd you lie to me? Hmm? 1355 01:09:31,960 --> 01:09:33,962 Why'd you insist on making this trip? 1356 01:09:34,723 --> 01:09:35,984 Tell me what's wrong. 1357 01:09:36,084 --> 01:09:38,206 Maybe I can help you, maybe I can't. 1358 01:09:39,407 --> 01:09:40,628 All right, look. 1359 01:09:40,728 --> 01:09:42,870 I gotta tell you something. Come here. 1360 01:09:42,970 --> 01:09:45,953 (PANTING) 1361 01:09:46,053 --> 01:09:48,676 We are 90 minutes away from a global storm 1362 01:09:48,776 --> 01:09:50,598 we won't recover from. 1363 01:09:50,698 --> 01:09:52,600 And I need the president's kill codes. 1364 01:09:52,700 --> 01:09:54,201 (CHUCKLES) 1365 01:09:54,301 --> 01:09:55,483 Come again? 1366 01:09:55,583 --> 01:09:57,284 We gotta shut Dutch Boy down, now. 1367 01:09:57,384 --> 01:09:58,606 You're serious. 1368 01:09:58,706 --> 01:09:59,847 You say you hired me 1369 01:09:59,947 --> 01:10:01,488 because you believe in me, right? 1370 01:10:01,588 --> 01:10:04,151 All right, well, I need you to believe in me now. 1371 01:10:08,435 --> 01:10:10,777 Well, we've gotta brief the president. Get to Cape Canaveral. 1372 01:10:10,877 --> 01:10:13,420 No, no, no. We can't do that, sir. 1373 01:10:13,520 --> 01:10:14,781 Why not? 1374 01:10:14,881 --> 01:10:16,583 I believe he's the one who initiated it. 1375 01:10:16,683 --> 01:10:18,625 United we stand. 1376 01:10:18,725 --> 01:10:20,867 United we can. 1377 01:10:20,967 --> 01:10:22,869 CROWD: (CHANTING) Four more years! 1378 01:10:22,969 --> 01:10:24,510 Four more years! 1379 01:10:24,610 --> 01:10:26,112 You better be goddamn sure of yourself, 1380 01:10:26,212 --> 01:10:27,914 making accusations like that. 1381 01:10:28,014 --> 01:10:29,555 With all due respect, we don't have time to argue about this. 1382 01:10:29,655 --> 01:10:30,836 Palma and I go way back. 1383 01:10:30,936 --> 01:10:32,118 Why would he do that? That's insane. 1384 01:10:32,218 --> 01:10:33,559 Yeah, well, he's doing it. 1385 01:10:33,659 --> 01:10:35,040 What's your proof? 1386 01:10:35,140 --> 01:10:37,603 Yeah, I got proof. Dozens of files, all right? 1387 01:10:37,703 --> 01:10:39,705 In Project Zeus. It's all there. 1388 01:10:42,067 --> 01:10:44,569 Well, we can't get the kill codes from the president. 1389 01:10:44,669 --> 01:10:45,931 Why not? 1390 01:10:46,031 --> 01:10:48,373 Because the president is the kill codes. 1391 01:10:48,473 --> 01:10:51,916 Biometrics. Ten fingerprints, two retina scans. 1392 01:10:52,877 --> 01:10:55,220 Well, what do we do? 1393 01:10:55,320 --> 01:10:58,703 I'll have to reason with him. We'll have to reason with him. 1394 01:10:58,803 --> 01:11:00,745 MICKEY: Satellites are going critical over Florida. 1395 01:11:00,845 --> 01:11:02,707 JAKE: Load a replacement sat, now. 1396 01:11:02,807 --> 01:11:04,108 (ALARM BLARING) 1397 01:11:04,208 --> 01:11:05,469 AUTOMATED VOICE: Station self-destruct 1398 01:11:05,569 --> 01:11:07,571 sequence initiated. 1399 01:11:11,695 --> 01:11:13,697 Phase one commencing now. 1400 01:11:14,738 --> 01:11:16,080 Okay. Shut that down! 1401 01:11:16,180 --> 01:11:17,841 MICKEY: I can't. I'm locked out. 1402 01:11:17,941 --> 01:11:19,203 We built in backdoor overrides. 1403 01:11:19,303 --> 01:11:21,044 Yeah, I'm trying them. 1404 01:11:21,144 --> 01:11:22,566 If we lose the station, 1405 01:11:22,666 --> 01:11:24,668 we won't be able to control the satellites. 1406 01:11:25,108 --> 01:11:26,930 Self-destruct? 1407 01:11:27,030 --> 01:11:28,772 Why would you build that into the station? 1408 01:11:28,872 --> 01:11:31,494 In case it fell to Earth. 1409 01:11:31,594 --> 01:11:33,056 Where's Duncan? 1410 01:11:33,156 --> 01:11:34,617 He's the only one with enough programming expertise 1411 01:11:34,717 --> 01:11:36,719 to override the commands. 1412 01:11:37,480 --> 01:11:39,482 Duncan. 1413 01:11:39,842 --> 01:11:41,844 -(EXPLOSION) -(RUMBLING) 1414 01:11:44,647 --> 01:11:45,948 (ALL SCREAMING) 1415 01:11:46,048 --> 01:11:48,070 That's the fuel tanks. They're the first to go. 1416 01:11:48,170 --> 01:11:50,593 Then section by section until command and retrieval. 1417 01:11:50,693 --> 01:11:52,715 Okay, everybody, get to the shuttles! 1418 01:11:52,815 --> 01:11:54,236 Evacuate! 1419 01:11:54,336 --> 01:11:56,858 Come on, we gotta hurry! Go, go, go! 1420 01:12:01,303 --> 01:12:03,205 Jake, what are you still doing here? 1421 01:12:03,305 --> 01:12:05,126 (GROANS) 1422 01:12:05,226 --> 01:12:06,888 That felt good. 1423 01:12:06,988 --> 01:12:08,730 Been wanting to do that since I first met you. 1424 01:12:08,830 --> 01:12:09,971 Have you gone mad? 1425 01:12:10,071 --> 01:12:12,053 -Yeah, pretty much. -(GROANS) 1426 01:12:12,153 --> 01:12:13,775 The virus. 1427 01:12:13,875 --> 01:12:15,877 You're the only one that could have put it in the system. 1428 01:12:16,477 --> 01:12:17,738 You're the only one 1429 01:12:17,838 --> 01:12:19,840 who could've sealed off the backdoor. 1430 01:12:20,961 --> 01:12:23,003 The only one that could've helped to pull this off. 1431 01:12:25,566 --> 01:12:26,907 I need the overrides 1432 01:12:27,007 --> 01:12:28,989 for the self-destruct to the station, now! 1433 01:12:29,089 --> 01:12:30,391 DUNCAN: I mean, what for? 1434 01:12:30,491 --> 01:12:32,492 I'm not gonna be here when it blows. 1435 01:12:33,333 --> 01:12:35,335 But you will. 1436 01:12:37,497 --> 01:12:39,199 Come on, man. Why'd you do it? 1437 01:12:39,299 --> 01:12:42,883 Well, you know what us lowly scientists get paid? 1438 01:12:42,983 --> 01:12:45,525 Take that times a thousand. 1439 01:12:45,625 --> 01:12:46,766 What difference is it gonna make? 1440 01:12:46,866 --> 01:12:48,007 If you don't stop, there's not 1441 01:12:48,107 --> 01:12:49,449 gonna be a planet to spend it on. 1442 01:12:49,549 --> 01:12:52,251 Please. We're gonna keep all the best bits. 1443 01:12:52,351 --> 01:12:54,053 Aren't you a little bit curious 1444 01:12:54,153 --> 01:12:56,976 to watch the world burn? 1445 01:12:57,076 --> 01:13:00,119 No. 'Cause millions of people are gonna die. 1446 01:13:01,560 --> 01:13:03,562 And one of them's my daughter. 1447 01:13:06,445 --> 01:13:08,447 (BOTH GRUNTING) 1448 01:13:09,528 --> 01:13:11,530 (YELLS) 1449 01:13:19,377 --> 01:13:21,379 (BOTH STRAINING) 1450 01:13:24,662 --> 01:13:26,664 (GLASS CRACKING) 1451 01:13:32,430 --> 01:13:34,432 Oh, shit. 1452 01:13:40,758 --> 01:13:42,760 (THUNDER RUMBLING) 1453 01:13:44,161 --> 01:13:46,383 Holding room for the president down on the left. 1454 01:13:46,483 --> 01:13:48,485 We'll confront him there. 1455 01:13:49,566 --> 01:13:51,228 Project Zeus. 1456 01:13:51,328 --> 01:13:53,330 Did Cheng tell you anything else? 1457 01:13:55,892 --> 01:13:57,314 Cheng? 1458 01:13:57,414 --> 01:13:59,416 (DOOR BEEPS) 1459 01:14:06,102 --> 01:14:07,223 MILLER: (ON SCREEN) But this president knows 1460 01:14:07,303 --> 01:14:08,564 that hope is not a plan. 1461 01:14:08,664 --> 01:14:10,006 This president knows 1462 01:14:10,106 --> 01:14:11,767 that despite how far we've come, 1463 01:14:11,867 --> 01:14:13,909 there is much more work ahead. 1464 01:14:15,791 --> 01:14:17,793 Working to save our planet 1465 01:14:18,554 --> 01:14:19,895 is my first priority 1466 01:14:19,995 --> 01:14:22,858 -as vice president. -(APPLAUSE) 1467 01:14:22,958 --> 01:14:25,621 This is but a stepping stone to the success 1468 01:14:25,721 --> 01:14:28,223 and greatness that can and will be 1469 01:14:28,323 --> 01:14:29,905 the future of our society. 1470 01:14:30,005 --> 01:14:31,266 Excuse me. 1471 01:14:31,366 --> 01:14:32,287 MILLER: That's why I'm here tonight 1472 01:14:32,367 --> 01:14:33,829 with the Speaker of the House, 1473 01:14:33,929 --> 01:14:35,350 the Senate pro tempore, 1474 01:14:35,450 --> 01:14:37,992 and President Palma's whole cabinet. 1475 01:14:38,092 --> 01:14:39,874 We all stand united in support... 1476 01:14:39,974 --> 01:14:41,396 Palma doesn't leave the building. 1477 01:14:41,496 --> 01:14:43,498 -Yes, sir. -Let's go. 1478 01:14:47,381 --> 01:14:48,442 Where have you been? 1479 01:14:48,542 --> 01:14:50,364 Come here. 1480 01:14:50,464 --> 01:14:52,446 It's not the president, all right? It's Dekkom. 1481 01:14:52,546 --> 01:14:54,568 Dekkom? How do you know? 1482 01:14:54,668 --> 01:14:56,931 Because he just tried to kill me. That's how I know. 1483 01:14:57,031 --> 01:15:00,534 Look, the sim shows Orlando is the next city to be hit. 1484 01:15:00,634 --> 01:15:02,856 Here? Why would he do that? 1485 01:15:02,956 --> 01:15:04,858 Because Dekkom wants Palma trapped here, all right? 1486 01:15:04,958 --> 01:15:08,161 And everyone else who's next in line for the presidency. 1487 01:15:10,123 --> 01:15:12,145 Are we still stealing the codes? 1488 01:15:12,245 --> 01:15:14,027 The president is the kill codes, 1489 01:15:14,127 --> 01:15:15,508 all right? They're biometric. 1490 01:15:15,608 --> 01:15:17,831 If Palma dies, Dutch Boy can't be stopped. 1491 01:15:17,931 --> 01:15:19,072 Sure, kidnap the president. 1492 01:15:19,172 --> 01:15:20,513 That sounds like the reasonable move. 1493 01:15:20,613 --> 01:15:22,755 Yeah, well it's the only move we've got. 1494 01:15:22,855 --> 01:15:24,917 Unless you wanna steal his fingers and his eyes. 1495 01:15:25,017 --> 01:15:27,019 Huh? 1496 01:15:31,423 --> 01:15:33,205 We go now. 1497 01:15:33,305 --> 01:15:35,307 You get us a car. 1498 01:15:35,668 --> 01:15:37,369 I'll get us a president. 1499 01:15:37,469 --> 01:15:38,650 All right, good. 1500 01:15:38,750 --> 01:15:40,212 MILLER: The program did not gain 1501 01:15:40,312 --> 01:15:43,375 the immense international support that it... 1502 01:15:43,475 --> 01:15:45,497 Gunman spotted. POTUS is compromised. 1503 01:15:45,597 --> 01:15:47,799 Evac to secure location Alpha. 1504 01:15:49,321 --> 01:15:50,622 AGENT: Get him out, get him out! 1505 01:15:50,722 --> 01:15:52,804 (PEOPLE CLAMORING) 1506 01:15:58,810 --> 01:16:00,812 AGENT: Go, go, go. 1507 01:16:02,773 --> 01:16:04,035 (RUMBLING) 1508 01:16:04,135 --> 01:16:06,137 (ALARM BLARING) 1509 01:16:09,620 --> 01:16:11,322 Secret Service! Get back! Get back! 1510 01:16:11,422 --> 01:16:12,563 You got a twenty on the shooters? 1511 01:16:12,663 --> 01:16:13,644 Front mezzanine by exit two-one-two! 1512 01:16:13,744 --> 01:16:15,245 Two men with automatics! 1513 01:16:15,345 --> 01:16:16,927 -I'm on it! You get POTUS! -You two, 1514 01:16:17,027 --> 01:16:18,849 secure this entrance! No one comes down this hallway! 1515 01:16:18,949 --> 01:16:20,931 Nobody gets through! Hard room, Lammy. 1516 01:16:21,031 --> 01:16:22,092 -Got it! -SARAH: You two, 1517 01:16:22,192 --> 01:16:24,194 clear the emergency exit now! 1518 01:16:29,279 --> 01:16:31,141 (GRUNTS) 1519 01:16:31,241 --> 01:16:32,942 I'm sorry, Mr. President. 1520 01:16:33,042 --> 01:16:35,044 You need to come with me. 1521 01:16:37,286 --> 01:16:39,388 SECURITY GUARD: This exit is off limits! 1522 01:16:39,488 --> 01:16:41,490 WOMAN: (ON PA) Please remain calm. 1523 01:16:43,733 --> 01:16:45,634 SARAH: Seriously? A self-driving cab? 1524 01:16:45,734 --> 01:16:47,917 Dana jacked it remotely. It was all I could get. 1525 01:16:48,017 --> 01:16:49,158 What the hell's going on here, Lawson? 1526 01:16:49,258 --> 01:16:50,439 Please, sir. Look, I'll explain 1527 01:16:50,539 --> 01:16:51,920 everything in the car. 1528 01:16:52,020 --> 01:16:54,223 Please, sir! We don't have much time! 1529 01:16:59,387 --> 01:17:01,389 (GUNSHOTS) 1530 01:17:04,432 --> 01:17:06,714 (TIRES SCREECHING) 1531 01:17:10,838 --> 01:17:12,500 Keep moving! Get to the shuttles! 1532 01:17:12,600 --> 01:17:13,821 (CLAMORING) 1533 01:17:13,921 --> 01:17:15,063 Keep going! 1534 01:17:15,163 --> 01:17:17,145 Quick! 1535 01:17:17,245 --> 01:17:21,309 AUTOMATED VOICE: Time to geostorm, 55 minutes. 1536 01:17:21,409 --> 01:17:23,410 (WHIRRING) 1537 01:17:36,183 --> 01:17:38,185 (PANICKED SCREAMING) 1538 01:17:40,387 --> 01:17:41,728 Sir, I can barely hear you. 1539 01:17:41,828 --> 01:17:43,570 The storm is causing too much static. 1540 01:17:43,670 --> 01:17:45,251 DEKKOM: The Secret Service will be 1541 01:17:45,351 --> 01:17:47,253 homing in on the beacon on the president's HoloFrame. 1542 01:17:47,353 --> 01:17:49,135 You have got to get to him before they do. 1543 01:17:49,235 --> 01:17:52,498 Under no circumstances can he make it out of Orlando. 1544 01:17:52,598 --> 01:17:55,181 Our man on the space station did his job. 1545 01:17:55,281 --> 01:17:57,563 -Now you do yours. -Copy that. Got it. 1546 01:18:03,088 --> 01:18:04,270 Dekkom? 1547 01:18:04,370 --> 01:18:06,071 MAX: It's the perfect weapon, sir. 1548 01:18:06,171 --> 01:18:07,873 All right, Dekkom is trying to change the map of the world. 1549 01:18:07,973 --> 01:18:09,635 And what? Blame it on a computer glitch? 1550 01:18:09,735 --> 01:18:12,317 Yeah, well, that and a dead president. 1551 01:18:12,417 --> 01:18:14,800 He'll take office after wiping out everyone 1552 01:18:14,900 --> 01:18:16,601 in the line of succession. 1553 01:18:16,701 --> 01:18:18,363 (THUNDERCLAP) 1554 01:18:18,463 --> 01:18:20,465 (PEOPLE SCREAMING) 1555 01:18:26,711 --> 01:18:28,713 PRESIDENT: Dear God. 1556 01:18:41,845 --> 01:18:43,847 (WOMAN SCREAMING) 1557 01:18:48,492 --> 01:18:49,673 Get to cover! Under the bridge. 1558 01:18:49,773 --> 01:18:51,775 Sir. 1559 01:18:53,897 --> 01:18:55,899 (TIRES SCREECHING) 1560 01:19:04,147 --> 01:19:06,149 (PEOPLE SCREAMING) 1561 01:19:07,390 --> 01:19:09,392 -(BARKING) -(BOY SHOUTING) 1562 01:19:16,478 --> 01:19:17,940 (SPEAKING RUSSIAN) 1563 01:19:18,040 --> 01:19:20,042 (PHONE CAMERA CLICKS) 1564 01:19:23,605 --> 01:19:25,607 (PEOPLE SCREAMING) 1565 01:19:32,294 --> 01:19:34,796 You are implicating the Secretary of State in this. 1566 01:19:34,896 --> 01:19:36,277 Do you realise you're committing... 1567 01:19:36,377 --> 01:19:38,159 Treason. Oh, yeah. I kidnapped the president. 1568 01:19:38,259 --> 01:19:39,481 I've stolen state secrets. 1569 01:19:39,581 --> 01:19:41,582 Anything I'm forgetting, honey? 1570 01:19:42,423 --> 01:19:43,965 Honey? 1571 01:19:44,065 --> 01:19:45,406 Guilty. 1572 01:19:45,506 --> 01:19:47,048 It took years for Dekkom to plan this, sir. 1573 01:19:47,148 --> 01:19:48,970 A president's schedule always changes last minute. 1574 01:19:49,070 --> 01:19:50,091 This is the one day and date 1575 01:19:50,191 --> 01:19:51,332 he could be sure wouldn't move. 1576 01:19:51,432 --> 01:19:52,773 Having my brother and I lead 1577 01:19:52,873 --> 01:19:54,975 the investigation was a setup from the start. 1578 01:19:55,075 --> 01:19:56,217 Think about it. 1579 01:19:56,317 --> 01:19:58,318 He hired us to fail. 1580 01:19:59,119 --> 01:20:01,121 -(GLASS SHATTERS) -Get down! 1581 01:20:29,468 --> 01:20:31,470 (METAL CREAKING) 1582 01:20:47,886 --> 01:20:49,467 All right, it's saying we're back in the clear, 1583 01:20:49,567 --> 01:20:51,569 where the four meets the 91! 1584 01:20:54,812 --> 01:20:57,115 Just gotta take care of a little problem first. 1585 01:20:57,215 --> 01:20:59,217 (TIRES SCREECHING) 1586 01:21:10,828 --> 01:21:12,610 Hold on! 1587 01:21:12,710 --> 01:21:14,711 -(TIRES SCREECHING) -MAX: No! 1588 01:21:19,596 --> 01:21:21,598 Marry her. 1589 01:21:36,612 --> 01:21:38,614 (BRAKES SQUEALING) 1590 01:21:40,096 --> 01:21:42,098 (GROANING) 1591 01:21:54,590 --> 01:21:56,591 (THUNDER RUMBLING) 1592 01:21:58,433 --> 01:21:59,815 WOMAN: No. We're fine here. 1593 01:21:59,915 --> 01:22:01,376 REPORTER: (ON TV) A lightning storm in Orlando 1594 01:22:01,476 --> 01:22:04,219 has caused a horrific explosion at the DNC. 1595 01:22:04,319 --> 01:22:05,820 There is no official word 1596 01:22:05,920 --> 01:22:07,262 on the whereabouts of the president... 1597 01:22:07,362 --> 01:22:10,305 I don't know. I don't know. 1598 01:22:10,405 --> 01:22:12,186 I just can't get in touch with Jake. 1599 01:22:12,286 --> 01:22:14,028 REPORTER: And we have reports now of explosions 1600 01:22:14,128 --> 01:22:16,070 on the space station. 1601 01:22:16,170 --> 01:22:17,552 Honey, the Orlando storm 1602 01:22:17,652 --> 01:22:19,473 is getting really close to your dad's place. 1603 01:22:19,573 --> 01:22:23,357 I can't get through to him. Has he texted you? 1604 01:22:23,457 --> 01:22:25,459 He's not there. 1605 01:22:26,420 --> 01:22:28,422 He's there. 1606 01:22:29,303 --> 01:22:31,825 REPORTER: ...of a major issue on the space station. 1607 01:22:36,470 --> 01:22:38,772 AUTOMATED VOICE: Attention all crews. 1608 01:22:38,872 --> 01:22:40,814 Now loading final shuttle. 1609 01:22:40,914 --> 01:22:42,916 (PEOPLE CLAMORING) 1610 01:22:46,799 --> 01:22:48,621 Please board your designated 1611 01:22:48,721 --> 01:22:50,743 evacuation shuttles immediately. 1612 01:22:50,843 --> 01:22:54,147 Shuttle launch sequence initiated. 1613 01:22:54,247 --> 01:22:55,828 Jake. 1614 01:22:55,928 --> 01:22:58,190 -I'm not coming. -What? 1615 01:22:58,290 --> 01:23:00,112 When my brother gets those kill codes, 1616 01:23:00,212 --> 01:23:01,594 someone has to be here to execute the program. 1617 01:23:01,694 --> 01:23:03,035 No. We need to go. 1618 01:23:03,135 --> 01:23:04,717 We haven't heard from him in hours. 1619 01:23:04,817 --> 01:23:06,238 I trust him. 1620 01:23:06,338 --> 01:23:08,961 You know the reboot has to be done manually. 1621 01:23:09,061 --> 01:23:10,402 Then I stay. I'm the commander. 1622 01:23:10,502 --> 01:23:12,284 No. 1623 01:23:12,384 --> 01:23:14,686 I'm the only one my brother will trust with the codes, 1624 01:23:14,786 --> 01:23:17,309 so I need your HoloFrame. 1625 01:23:21,953 --> 01:23:24,716 You have to insert it manually at the core of the mainframe. 1626 01:23:26,718 --> 01:23:28,459 You can find it, yes? 1627 01:23:28,559 --> 01:23:30,561 -Yes. -Good. 1628 01:23:33,564 --> 01:23:35,566 Goodbye, Ute. 1629 01:23:36,527 --> 01:23:38,529 Auf Wiedersehen, Jake. 1630 01:23:44,254 --> 01:23:46,256 (THUNDER CRASHING) 1631 01:23:47,938 --> 01:23:49,600 DEKKOM: Pull over here. 1632 01:23:49,700 --> 01:23:50,921 The president's beacon shows him 1633 01:23:51,021 --> 01:23:53,023 heading right towards us. 1634 01:23:56,386 --> 01:23:58,208 DIXON: You really wanna drive back into that? 1635 01:23:58,308 --> 01:24:02,692 Yeah, right after it passes, I'll be the sole survivor, 1636 01:24:02,792 --> 01:24:04,254 ready to be sworn in as 1637 01:24:04,354 --> 01:24:06,355 the next President of the United States. 1638 01:24:13,282 --> 01:24:15,284 (TIRES SCREECHING) 1639 01:24:17,686 --> 01:24:19,688 Here they come. 1640 01:24:26,014 --> 01:24:28,016 Fire. 1641 01:24:51,959 --> 01:24:53,621 (GRUNTS) 1642 01:24:53,721 --> 01:24:54,902 You thought the president was 1643 01:24:55,002 --> 01:24:57,004 the only one who could be tracked? 1644 01:25:05,412 --> 01:25:07,634 -How in hell did you... -PRESIDENT: How? 1645 01:25:07,734 --> 01:25:08,915 Because I'm the goddamn 1646 01:25:09,015 --> 01:25:11,077 President of the United States of America. 1647 01:25:11,177 --> 01:25:13,400 You're done, Leonard. 1648 01:25:13,500 --> 01:25:15,502 (SIRENS WAILING) 1649 01:25:18,905 --> 01:25:20,647 He's all yours. 1650 01:25:20,747 --> 01:25:22,748 (TIRES SCREECHING) 1651 01:25:25,311 --> 01:25:26,692 Wait, wait! Wait a minute. 1652 01:25:26,792 --> 01:25:28,814 I've given you an opportunity, Mr. President. 1653 01:25:28,914 --> 01:25:30,416 You should take it. 1654 01:25:30,516 --> 01:25:32,518 An opportunity? Let him go! 1655 01:25:33,279 --> 01:25:34,540 It's genocide, Leonard! 1656 01:25:34,640 --> 01:25:37,302 You say genocide, I say preemptive strike. 1657 01:25:37,402 --> 01:25:39,064 You've lost your mind! 1658 01:25:39,164 --> 01:25:42,267 Tomorrow the sun will rise. All our enemies will be gone. 1659 01:25:42,367 --> 01:25:44,569 Wiped away as if by the hand of God. 1660 01:25:46,731 --> 01:25:48,073 Why would you do this? 1661 01:25:48,173 --> 01:25:50,115 Because no one else would. 1662 01:25:50,215 --> 01:25:52,437 I'm turning the clock back to 1945, 1663 01:25:52,537 --> 01:25:54,879 when America was a shining city on a hill, 1664 01:25:54,979 --> 01:25:57,001 not just a bank disguised as a country. 1665 01:25:57,101 --> 01:25:58,523 By playing God? 1666 01:25:58,623 --> 01:26:01,165 What the hell is Dutch Boy if not playing God? 1667 01:26:01,265 --> 01:26:03,007 Ask Max. He knows. 1668 01:26:03,107 --> 01:26:05,049 Science is all about playing God. 1669 01:26:05,149 --> 01:26:08,252 Sometimes God doesn't play so nice. 1670 01:26:08,352 --> 01:26:10,414 Yeah, well, you know what my brother would say? 1671 01:26:10,514 --> 01:26:12,516 What? 1672 01:26:18,282 --> 01:26:20,283 Get him outta here! 1673 01:26:21,845 --> 01:26:23,847 PRESIDENT: Let's go, Lawson! 1674 01:26:25,168 --> 01:26:27,170 That's my fiancé. 1675 01:26:34,657 --> 01:26:36,659 (LOW RUMBLING) 1676 01:26:38,100 --> 01:26:40,102 (URGING HORSE) 1677 01:27:01,723 --> 01:27:03,725 (PEOPLE SCREAMING) 1678 01:27:13,815 --> 01:27:15,816 (THUNDER RUMBLING) 1679 01:27:20,741 --> 01:27:22,963 (SIRENS WAILING) 1680 01:27:23,063 --> 01:27:25,266 MAN: Get the president to cover! Hurry! 1681 01:27:26,106 --> 01:27:28,108 (ALARM BLARING) 1682 01:27:32,673 --> 01:27:34,174 Mr. President. 1683 01:27:34,274 --> 01:27:35,936 We got the kill codes. 1684 01:27:36,036 --> 01:27:37,818 You'll have to hurry. The station is in full shutdown. 1685 01:27:37,918 --> 01:27:39,059 What about the crew? 1686 01:27:39,159 --> 01:27:40,180 Safe. 1687 01:27:40,280 --> 01:27:42,222 But Jake decided to stay. 1688 01:27:42,322 --> 01:27:45,385 To reboot the satellites. 1689 01:27:45,485 --> 01:27:47,487 Your brother is waiting for you. 1690 01:27:48,408 --> 01:27:50,069 Come on. 1691 01:27:50,169 --> 01:27:52,672 (ALARM BLARING) 1692 01:27:52,772 --> 01:27:54,514 AUTOMATED VOICE: Virtual conference initiating. 1693 01:27:54,614 --> 01:27:56,615 Hey. 1694 01:27:58,097 --> 01:27:59,638 MAX: Jake. 1695 01:27:59,738 --> 01:28:01,760 Jake, it was Dekkom. 1696 01:28:01,860 --> 01:28:03,862 Well, I did say I might be wrong. 1697 01:28:04,343 --> 01:28:06,345 Mr. President. 1698 01:28:07,706 --> 01:28:09,648 -How's Hannah? -Oh, she's good. She's safe. 1699 01:28:09,748 --> 01:28:11,730 Atlanta wasn't hit. 1700 01:28:11,830 --> 01:28:13,832 Thank God. 1701 01:28:14,312 --> 01:28:15,654 AUTOMATED VOICE: Identity verified. 1702 01:28:15,754 --> 01:28:17,455 Shutdown protocol transfer initiating. 1703 01:28:17,555 --> 01:28:19,978 It's gonna take 60 seconds to upload. 1704 01:28:20,078 --> 01:28:21,619 How long till the self-destruct? 1705 01:28:21,719 --> 01:28:23,942 Eight minutes, give or take. 1706 01:28:24,042 --> 01:28:26,104 Mr. Lawson, 1707 01:28:26,204 --> 01:28:28,366 we thank you for your sacrifice. 1708 01:28:35,373 --> 01:28:37,314 Wait. What the hell's going on? 1709 01:28:37,414 --> 01:28:38,996 You've done your part, Max. 1710 01:28:39,096 --> 01:28:40,397 Jake, what is going on? 1711 01:28:40,497 --> 01:28:42,499 Now it's time for me to do mine. 1712 01:28:44,301 --> 01:28:45,803 No, no, no. 1713 01:28:45,903 --> 01:28:48,305 The kill codes don't stop the self-destruct, do they? 1714 01:28:49,866 --> 01:28:51,868 Do they? 1715 01:28:52,469 --> 01:28:54,771 No, only the geostorm. 1716 01:28:54,871 --> 01:28:57,193 The station self-destruct can't be reversed. 1717 01:28:58,835 --> 01:29:01,978 Come on, come on. There must be a way, huh? 1718 01:29:02,078 --> 01:29:03,259 Come on. It's all my fault. 1719 01:29:03,359 --> 01:29:04,260 I'm the one who put you up there! 1720 01:29:04,360 --> 01:29:06,783 Hey, it's okay. 1721 01:29:06,883 --> 01:29:09,325 I wanted to go. It was my choice. 1722 01:29:11,767 --> 01:29:13,389 God knows 1723 01:29:13,489 --> 01:29:15,491 I haven't always made the right ones. 1724 01:29:17,853 --> 01:29:19,855 You know, you were right, little brother. 1725 01:29:22,698 --> 01:29:24,700 I was supposed to look after you. 1726 01:29:27,743 --> 01:29:29,744 But you looked after me. 1727 01:29:34,109 --> 01:29:36,251 Can you forgive me? 1728 01:29:36,351 --> 01:29:38,353 Yeah, always. 1729 01:29:40,114 --> 01:29:42,116 Look after my little girl. 1730 01:29:43,398 --> 01:29:45,540 Stay in her life. 1731 01:29:45,640 --> 01:29:47,642 I will. 1732 01:29:49,964 --> 01:29:52,146 We should've done this a long time ago, huh? 1733 01:29:52,246 --> 01:29:54,248 Yeah. 1734 01:29:55,049 --> 01:29:57,051 You're a good man, Jake. 1735 01:29:58,011 --> 01:30:00,013 I'll see you, kiddo. 1736 01:30:01,174 --> 01:30:02,636 AUTOMATED VOICE: Transfer complete. 1737 01:30:02,736 --> 01:30:04,738 (RUMBLING) 1738 01:30:07,581 --> 01:30:08,962 (GRUNTING) 1739 01:30:09,062 --> 01:30:10,644 AUTOMATED VOICE: Time to geostorm, 1740 01:30:10,744 --> 01:30:13,847 5 minutes, 51 seconds. 1741 01:30:13,947 --> 01:30:15,949 (ALARM BLARING) 1742 01:30:17,350 --> 01:30:19,332 (YELLING) 1743 01:30:19,432 --> 01:30:21,434 (GRUNTS) 1744 01:30:34,727 --> 01:30:36,268 (GASPS) 1745 01:30:36,368 --> 01:30:39,051 AUTOMATED VOICE: Warning. Core rotation has terminated. 1746 01:30:41,773 --> 01:30:44,116 REPORTER: (ON TV) We don't know what's happening up there. 1747 01:30:44,216 --> 01:30:45,797 We just know the station has suffered 1748 01:30:45,897 --> 01:30:48,560 a devastating accident of some kind. 1749 01:30:48,660 --> 01:30:49,961 We're being told now 1750 01:30:50,061 --> 01:30:52,063 it is beyond repair or salvation. 1751 01:30:52,864 --> 01:30:54,045 Honey. 1752 01:30:54,145 --> 01:30:56,147 He's coming back. 1753 01:30:56,587 --> 01:30:58,169 He promised me. 1754 01:30:58,269 --> 01:31:01,652 We will keep you updated with any new developments. 1755 01:31:01,752 --> 01:31:03,754 -(ALARM BLARING) -(PANTING) 1756 01:31:13,404 --> 01:31:15,405 (PANICKED CLAMORING) 1757 01:31:22,052 --> 01:31:25,215 AUTOMATED VOICE: Self-destruct entering phase four. 1758 01:31:36,305 --> 01:31:38,287 (GRUNTS) 1759 01:31:38,387 --> 01:31:40,209 (BEEPING) 1760 01:31:40,309 --> 01:31:42,311 Code invalid. 1761 01:31:43,192 --> 01:31:45,014 (BREATHING HEAVILY) 1762 01:31:45,114 --> 01:31:47,116 Code invalid. 1763 01:31:47,716 --> 01:31:49,718 UTE: Need a hand? 1764 01:31:53,882 --> 01:31:55,544 Wrong door. 1765 01:31:55,644 --> 01:31:57,646 (BEEPS) 1766 01:31:59,287 --> 01:32:00,669 What're you doing here? 1767 01:32:00,769 --> 01:32:02,851 I told you. I live here. 1768 01:32:06,014 --> 01:32:08,016 (PEOPLE CLAMORING) 1769 01:32:15,743 --> 01:32:17,124 AUTOMATED VOICE: Time to geostorm, 1770 01:32:17,224 --> 01:32:19,226 1 minute, 40 seconds. 1771 01:32:20,548 --> 01:32:22,550 (ALARM BLARING) 1772 01:32:32,479 --> 01:32:34,481 AUTOMATED VOICE: Uploading kill codes. 1773 01:32:35,762 --> 01:32:37,764 (CAR ALARMS SOUNDING) 1774 01:32:42,128 --> 01:32:44,130 (RUMBLING) 1775 01:32:46,893 --> 01:32:48,895 (ALL SHOUTING) 1776 01:32:51,417 --> 01:32:53,980 AUTOMATED VOICE: Satellite shutdown in process. 1777 01:32:57,183 --> 01:32:58,484 JAKE: When the last satellite 1778 01:32:58,584 --> 01:33:00,246 cycles down, let me know. 1779 01:33:00,346 --> 01:33:03,369 I'll manually reboot the entire system. 1780 01:33:03,469 --> 01:33:04,810 That should flush out the virus. 1781 01:33:04,910 --> 01:33:06,912 UTE: Okay. 1782 01:33:12,958 --> 01:33:14,960 (YELLING INDISTINCTLY) 1783 01:33:25,530 --> 01:33:27,532 (RUMBLING) 1784 01:33:29,053 --> 01:33:31,055 Five to go. 1785 01:33:35,900 --> 01:33:36,841 Three. 1786 01:33:36,941 --> 01:33:38,943 -Come on, baby. -Two. 1787 01:33:40,464 --> 01:33:42,466 And one. 1788 01:33:44,067 --> 01:33:46,069 AUTOMATED VOICE: Manual reboot activated. 1789 01:33:46,390 --> 01:33:48,392 (POWER SHUTTING DOWN) 1790 01:33:56,519 --> 01:33:58,521 (PEOPLE CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY) 1791 01:34:04,647 --> 01:34:06,649 (ALL CHEERING) 1792 01:34:07,730 --> 01:34:09,632 AUTOMATED VOICE: Status: rebooting. 1793 01:34:09,732 --> 01:34:13,235 UTE: The net is back up. The virus is gone. 1794 01:34:13,335 --> 01:34:16,519 Transferring control of the net back to NASA. 1795 01:34:16,619 --> 01:34:18,620 (EXCITED CONVERSATIONS) 1796 01:34:21,703 --> 01:34:23,705 (BOTH GRUNT) 1797 01:34:30,071 --> 01:34:32,073 Jake! 1798 01:34:40,321 --> 01:34:41,542 I've got you! 1799 01:34:41,642 --> 01:34:42,944 AUTOMATED VOICE: Warning. 1800 01:34:43,044 --> 01:34:45,526 Self-destruct entering final stage. 1801 01:34:53,934 --> 01:34:55,936 Best seat in the house. 1802 01:35:05,465 --> 01:35:07,467 Ute, 1803 01:35:09,109 --> 01:35:11,111 do you believe in a Hail Mary? 1804 01:35:12,712 --> 01:35:15,195 Follow me. We gotta get to the satellite. 1805 01:35:42,421 --> 01:35:44,422 (GRUNTS) 1806 01:35:54,552 --> 01:35:56,554 JAKE: I've got you. 1807 01:36:00,838 --> 01:36:02,660 We've gotta get away as far as we can 1808 01:36:02,760 --> 01:36:05,343 before the final detonation. 1809 01:36:05,443 --> 01:36:07,444 AUTOMATED VOICE: Dock releasing. 1810 01:36:18,295 --> 01:36:20,297 (STATIC BLARING) 1811 01:36:46,081 --> 01:36:47,663 REPORTER: (ON TV) And it appears 1812 01:36:47,763 --> 01:36:49,865 we have lost the space station. 1813 01:36:49,965 --> 01:36:53,208 A tragic ending for the two heroes still aboard. 1814 01:37:01,856 --> 01:37:03,858 (BEEPING) 1815 01:37:08,263 --> 01:37:10,264 Hey, Max, take a look. 1816 01:37:12,987 --> 01:37:15,369 I'm picking up exhaust flares 1817 01:37:15,469 --> 01:37:18,793 and they're pulsing in a Mayday pattern. 1818 01:37:27,121 --> 01:37:29,323 See if we can turn one of the shuttles around. 1819 01:37:39,412 --> 01:37:41,414 JAKE: Hopefully, someone sees this. 1820 01:37:45,538 --> 01:37:47,540 Fingers crossed. 1821 01:37:51,464 --> 01:37:53,466 (SIGHS) 1822 01:38:03,595 --> 01:38:05,597 (RUMBLING) 1823 01:38:10,842 --> 01:38:12,844 (WHIRRING) 1824 01:38:18,009 --> 01:38:19,591 (LAUGHS) 1825 01:38:19,691 --> 01:38:22,514 Hernandez, you son of a bitch! 1826 01:38:22,614 --> 01:38:24,556 Thank the Mexican. 1827 01:38:24,656 --> 01:38:26,657 (LAUGHS) 1828 01:38:32,743 --> 01:38:34,745 (ALL CHEERING) 1829 01:38:42,272 --> 01:38:44,655 Yes! Come here. Yes! 1830 01:38:44,755 --> 01:38:46,757 (EXCLAIMS IN TRIUMPH) 1831 01:39:02,812 --> 01:39:04,814 (SHOUTING) 1832 01:39:05,735 --> 01:39:07,597 (DOG BARKING) 1833 01:39:07,697 --> 01:39:09,699 (BOY SPEAKING HINDI) 1834 01:39:16,946 --> 01:39:18,847 REPORTER: (ON TV) A miracle indeed. 1835 01:39:18,947 --> 01:39:20,689 The shuttle you see is bringing home 1836 01:39:20,789 --> 01:39:22,571 all the ISS crew members 1837 01:39:22,671 --> 01:39:24,373 who remained on the station. 1838 01:39:24,473 --> 01:39:26,214 (BOTH CHUCKLING) 1839 01:39:26,314 --> 01:39:28,356 -(ALL CHEERING) -(SIRENS WAILING) 1840 01:39:38,967 --> 01:39:43,031 Hi, Jake. I'm Sarah, Max's fiancée. 1841 01:39:43,131 --> 01:39:44,792 Oh, welcome to the family. 1842 01:39:44,892 --> 01:39:47,875 Well done, well done, both of you. 1843 01:39:47,975 --> 01:39:49,837 Sorry I doubted you, Mr. President. 1844 01:39:49,937 --> 01:39:52,840 Yeah, well, you were wrong, Jake, again. 1845 01:39:52,940 --> 01:39:55,202 Well, how many times do I have to tell you? 1846 01:39:55,302 --> 01:39:57,304 Never listen to me. 1847 01:40:02,469 --> 01:40:04,471 (LAUGHS) 1848 01:40:05,312 --> 01:40:06,973 God, it's good to have you back, man. 1849 01:40:07,073 --> 01:40:09,075 Good to be back. 1850 01:40:34,139 --> 01:40:36,181 MAX: It's a nice place you got here, Jake. 1851 01:40:36,982 --> 01:40:38,984 JAKE: Thank you. 1852 01:40:39,344 --> 01:40:41,446 So when you heading back up? 1853 01:40:41,546 --> 01:40:43,689 -(SIGHS) In a week. -Yeah? 1854 01:40:43,789 --> 01:40:45,790 Yeah, a lot of work left. 1855 01:40:46,952 --> 01:40:48,953 But I'll be back. 1856 01:40:50,235 --> 01:40:52,237 I know. 1857 01:40:54,319 --> 01:40:56,320 (DUCKS QUACKING) 1858 01:41:01,285 --> 01:41:02,346 This sucks. 1859 01:41:02,446 --> 01:41:03,948 Yeah, seriously, this is so boring. 1860 01:41:04,048 --> 01:41:05,589 You know what? I can't do this for another second. 1861 01:41:05,689 --> 01:41:07,391 Now, why'd you make us do this in the first place? 1862 01:41:07,491 --> 01:41:09,353 I don't know. I was trying to relive a moment. 1863 01:41:09,453 --> 01:41:11,235 MAX: A moment? What moment? 1864 01:41:11,335 --> 01:41:12,596 We never went fishing with Dad. 1865 01:41:12,696 --> 01:41:14,118 You made that whole story up. 1866 01:41:14,218 --> 01:41:15,959 JAKE: Yeah, but that was a good story, though, huh? 1867 01:41:16,059 --> 01:41:17,721 I mean, you gotta give me that. 1868 01:41:17,821 --> 01:41:19,283 I mean, it had a moral and everything. 1869 01:41:19,383 --> 01:41:21,384 MAX: (LAUGHS) Moral? What moral? 1870 01:41:25,428 --> 01:41:27,290 HANNAH: You can't undo the past. 1871 01:41:27,390 --> 01:41:29,853 All you can do is face what's ahead. 1872 01:41:29,953 --> 01:41:31,534 NASA maintained the satellites 1873 01:41:31,634 --> 01:41:33,977 while we rebuilt the space station. 1874 01:41:34,077 --> 01:41:36,579 We made it safer, made it stronger. 1875 01:41:36,679 --> 01:41:39,101 It belongs to all of us now. 1876 01:41:39,201 --> 01:41:42,064 One planet, one people. 1877 01:41:42,164 --> 01:41:43,826 And as long as we remember 1878 01:41:43,926 --> 01:41:47,329 that we share one future, we will survive.