1 00:00:54,930 --> 00:00:55,888 Fascinating. 2 00:00:55,973 --> 00:01:01,269 A group of Padawans returns from a field trip to the Outer Rim Territories, 3 00:01:01,603 --> 00:01:05,606 but their real adventure is about to begin. 4 00:01:23,459 --> 00:01:24,917 Check it out! 5 00:01:26,253 --> 00:01:27,420 Look what I can do! 6 00:01:28,338 --> 00:01:31,132 One more visit we have, my young Padawans, 7 00:01:31,258 --> 00:01:33,092 and most important it is. 8 00:01:33,177 --> 00:01:35,803 A tour of the Galactic Senate. 9 00:01:36,847 --> 00:01:40,099 -But we want excitement! -But you will have excitement. 10 00:01:40,184 --> 00:01:43,853 The thrill of watching as a gas mine treaty is negotiated. 11 00:01:45,481 --> 00:01:47,857 Master Yoda, is something wrong? 12 00:01:47,983 --> 00:01:49,859 Leave you, I must. 13 00:01:49,985 --> 00:01:52,820 A grave threat to the Republic, I fear. 14 00:01:52,988 --> 00:01:56,282 Fun have! In your care now these Padawans are, 3-POC. 15 00:01:56,366 --> 00:01:59,327 -Where are you going? You can't leave us! -Peace out. 16 00:01:59,495 --> 00:02:03,498 Taking care of younglings is just not in my programming. 17 00:02:05,167 --> 00:02:08,002 Welcome, Jedi of tomorrow! 18 00:02:08,086 --> 00:02:13,341 We are your tour guides. I am C-3PO, and this is my counterpart, R2-D2. 19 00:02:13,717 --> 00:02:17,929 Now, I can tell that you are all most polite and very well behaved. 20 00:02:18,013 --> 00:02:21,641 Now, now. You should always be respectful to a droid, 21 00:02:21,725 --> 00:02:25,645 especially one like myself, who does not like to float 22 00:02:25,729 --> 00:02:28,606 or to spin! 23 00:02:34,363 --> 00:02:38,533 Just my destiny again. Made to serve, made to suffer. 24 00:02:38,617 --> 00:02:40,076 Too much excitement. 25 00:02:40,369 --> 00:02:43,120 -Come along, please. -Major headache. 26 00:02:43,205 --> 00:02:45,414 Well, I suppose it could be worse. 27 00:02:53,882 --> 00:02:56,884 Hey, this sure beats that orphanage. 28 00:02:57,427 --> 00:03:00,471 Miney... I wonder if that has jelly in the middle. 29 00:03:00,639 --> 00:03:02,139 Only one way to find out. 30 00:03:02,266 --> 00:03:04,308 Hey, you! What are you doing there? 31 00:03:04,393 --> 00:03:06,060 This is a restricted area. 32 00:03:07,104 --> 00:03:09,230 -A mouse! Where'd it go? Where'd it go? -Later, man. 33 00:03:09,314 --> 00:03:11,065 -Hey, someone stop that kid! -Get him! 34 00:03:11,233 --> 00:03:12,733 The Galactic Senate, 35 00:03:12,818 --> 00:03:14,569 also referred to as the Republic... 36 00:03:15,737 --> 00:03:18,573 Cool. All right. I'll have one of those, one of those. 37 00:03:19,658 --> 00:03:22,410 That should just about do me. All right. 38 00:03:22,995 --> 00:03:26,455 -Hey, hey, where we going? -Galactic Senate. 39 00:03:26,915 --> 00:03:29,000 -Where did that kid go? -Awesome. 40 00:03:29,084 --> 00:03:30,167 This is your fault. 41 00:03:33,922 --> 00:03:37,758 I have stolen the Republic's secret battle plans, 42 00:03:37,843 --> 00:03:40,344 and the bomb is almost in place. 43 00:03:40,429 --> 00:03:43,264 You have done well, Asajj Ventress. 44 00:03:43,640 --> 00:03:49,604 When the device detonates, that is the signal for the fleet to attack. 45 00:03:49,771 --> 00:03:51,022 Yes, Master. 46 00:03:51,106 --> 00:03:55,776 And then total victory will be ours! 47 00:04:05,287 --> 00:04:06,287 What's he doing here? 48 00:04:06,455 --> 00:04:07,496 Cut! 49 00:04:07,623 --> 00:04:10,541 Darth, you're not in this scene. Darth, look at me. 50 00:04:11,627 --> 00:04:13,294 -I'm not? -Nope. 51 00:04:13,879 --> 00:04:17,089 See that? No, do you see your... Right. Exactly. 52 00:04:17,174 --> 00:04:18,299 Right. Good, good. 53 00:04:18,383 --> 00:04:19,675 Darth, do you want a donut? 54 00:04:19,801 --> 00:04:20,801 Somebody get Darth a donut. 55 00:04:21,470 --> 00:04:23,888 -Darlings, l can't work like this. -Anyhoo... 56 00:04:24,640 --> 00:04:28,309 Very soon now, the Chancellor will arrive to begin the session. 57 00:04:28,393 --> 00:04:29,685 Isn't it thrilling? 58 00:04:30,312 --> 00:04:31,979 I said, "Isn't it thrilling?" 59 00:04:33,690 --> 00:04:38,235 His Excellency, Chancellor Palpatine. 60 00:04:38,654 --> 00:04:40,529 That's not the Chancellor, it's a Sith Lord! 61 00:04:41,531 --> 00:04:43,824 Oops, sorry. Hold on. 62 00:04:53,001 --> 00:04:56,379 Senator Yaun of Bureaucratosis, you have the floor. 63 00:04:59,341 --> 00:05:01,842 Yes! What glorious loquacity. 64 00:05:02,386 --> 00:05:04,971 Wait, I don't remember you from the Jedi Temple. 65 00:05:05,055 --> 00:05:07,264 Yes, you do. 66 00:05:07,933 --> 00:05:10,476 Jedi mind tricks don't work on Jedis. 67 00:05:10,560 --> 00:05:12,395 -I knew that. -Hey, did you see that kid? 68 00:05:13,188 --> 00:05:14,397 Where'd that kid go? 69 00:05:14,898 --> 00:05:16,357 Time to be inconspicuous. 70 00:05:17,693 --> 00:05:18,734 Hey, watch it! 71 00:05:18,902 --> 00:05:20,987 Ian, kindly stop that at once. 72 00:05:21,071 --> 00:05:22,530 -Just give me a minute. -Who's Ian? 73 00:05:22,614 --> 00:05:24,865 Keep your metal pants on, I'll fix it. 74 00:05:27,703 --> 00:05:28,744 Oh, my! 75 00:05:34,376 --> 00:05:39,547 Delegates, such behavior is simply not protocol. 76 00:05:42,884 --> 00:05:45,553 -Oh, my. -Marvelous. 77 00:05:49,933 --> 00:05:52,059 A disturbance I feel in the Force. 78 00:05:52,394 --> 00:05:54,562 Mistaken I hope my feelings are. 79 00:05:56,773 --> 00:05:59,108 Tired of being right all the time, I am. 80 00:06:01,570 --> 00:06:02,611 Great. 81 00:06:03,405 --> 00:06:04,780 Give it your best shot. 82 00:06:12,539 --> 00:06:14,623 Surrender, Jedi. 83 00:06:15,083 --> 00:06:17,084 -Negotiate that! -Bring it on! 84 00:06:21,089 --> 00:06:23,299 Watch meesa ears! Watch out, watch out! 85 00:06:25,594 --> 00:06:27,762 Meesa one lucky Gungan! 86 00:06:27,971 --> 00:06:29,472 Meesa hit! 87 00:06:32,476 --> 00:06:35,102 Poor Jar Jar. Oh, well. 88 00:06:35,228 --> 00:06:38,314 Padawans, please follow me out of here immediately, 89 00:06:38,440 --> 00:06:39,940 and don't panic! 90 00:06:49,659 --> 00:06:53,829 My stars! To the bus, and no delay! 91 00:06:55,582 --> 00:07:01,420 Totally awesome! 92 00:07:07,135 --> 00:07:08,594 Man, that was close. 93 00:07:11,807 --> 00:07:14,016 Take that disk to the staging base. 94 00:07:14,518 --> 00:07:17,061 Use my ship at the left docking bay. 95 00:07:17,145 --> 00:07:18,187 Roger, roger. 96 00:07:18,480 --> 00:07:20,856 -Your other left. -Roger, roger. 97 00:07:26,822 --> 00:07:27,863 Get me out of here. 98 00:07:30,867 --> 00:07:32,743 Secret battle plans, that droid has. 99 00:07:32,828 --> 00:07:33,994 I'm on it, bro. 100 00:07:39,000 --> 00:07:40,709 Oh, my gosh. I'm gonna pass out. 101 00:07:41,211 --> 00:07:42,294 Excuse me, sorry. 102 00:07:42,379 --> 00:07:44,130 But where is the driver? 103 00:07:46,633 --> 00:07:48,175 Wait, come back. 104 00:07:48,468 --> 00:07:52,972 I can't fly this thing. I'm a protocol droid, not a pilot! 105 00:07:53,390 --> 00:07:54,640 Artoo, stop that! 106 00:07:54,724 --> 00:07:59,353 The chances of surviving this flight are approximately 650 million to one. 107 00:08:00,230 --> 00:08:02,398 Must get plans to staging base. 108 00:08:09,030 --> 00:08:11,866 -Follow him, we must. -I'm all over it, like green on beans. 109 00:08:15,370 --> 00:08:16,620 That wasn't so hard. 110 00:08:16,705 --> 00:08:19,707 I do believe I could get the hang of this pilot thing. 111 00:08:20,709 --> 00:08:22,251 Oh, dear. 112 00:08:22,878 --> 00:08:26,755 I suppose I had better exchange insurance information with him. 113 00:08:28,425 --> 00:08:31,385 Or not. Artoo, get us out of here! 114 00:08:34,931 --> 00:08:37,933 -That is so cool! -No, not cool. 115 00:08:38,059 --> 00:08:42,438 Now kindly take your seats. There's nothing to see here. Nothing. 116 00:08:50,864 --> 00:08:51,989 Holy spaceships! 117 00:08:52,073 --> 00:08:53,908 Anakin Skywalker. 118 00:08:55,785 --> 00:08:57,620 -Hey, kids. -Hello, children. 119 00:08:58,747 --> 00:08:59,955 Awesome! 120 00:09:06,296 --> 00:09:08,714 -I'm watching you, baby. -When ready, fire. 121 00:09:08,882 --> 00:09:10,466 -Hey, how's it going? -What? 122 00:09:13,428 --> 00:09:16,931 General Kenobi, preparing to make the jump to light speed in three, two... 123 00:09:17,891 --> 00:09:20,726 Quickly, children. Fasten your lap restraints! 124 00:09:25,899 --> 00:09:29,276 Make the jump to light speed, about to, it is. Track it, we must. 125 00:09:29,402 --> 00:09:31,153 Bingo! Locked on, bro. 126 00:09:47,337 --> 00:09:48,963 Let's do that again. 127 00:09:49,798 --> 00:09:52,800 We are not going again. We are going straight back to... 128 00:09:53,343 --> 00:09:54,843 I'm going to be sick. 129 00:09:57,973 --> 00:09:59,431 Didn't know I could be sick. 130 00:10:02,352 --> 00:10:03,435 Look out! 131 00:10:09,526 --> 00:10:10,609 Hey. 132 00:10:11,486 --> 00:10:13,612 Must get to staging base. 133 00:10:15,198 --> 00:10:16,991 To recover the battle plans, 134 00:10:17,117 --> 00:10:18,993 track that droid through the snow, we must. 135 00:10:19,119 --> 00:10:21,453 -I have a bad feeling about this. -I was gonna say that. 136 00:10:21,538 --> 00:10:22,830 -Well, I said it first. -I thought it first. 137 00:10:22,956 --> 00:10:25,291 Matters not first said who it! 138 00:10:26,459 --> 00:10:28,836 Sorry. One of those days, it has been. 139 00:10:29,170 --> 00:10:32,214 Tracked the battle droid to Hoth, I have. Pursue him, l will. 140 00:10:32,382 --> 00:10:34,258 You must not fail, Master Yoda. 141 00:10:34,342 --> 00:10:36,760 Fail, l shall not. Never give up, will l... 142 00:10:36,845 --> 00:10:39,054 -This show's boring. What else is on? -Touch that button, do not. 143 00:10:39,472 --> 00:10:41,765 Up next, Keeping up with the Calrissians. 144 00:10:42,976 --> 00:10:45,978 ...it dices. Finally the power of the Jedi is in your hands. 145 00:10:47,981 --> 00:10:50,232 -That was fantastic! -That was rubbish. 146 00:10:54,487 --> 00:10:55,529 Jedi Master, out. 147 00:10:55,989 --> 00:10:59,158 Alone, leave me. No time for stowaways, have I. A ruffian, you are. 148 00:10:59,242 --> 00:11:01,827 At least know how to talk normal, I do. 149 00:11:02,704 --> 00:11:03,704 Yeah, now you're talking. 150 00:11:03,830 --> 00:11:05,372 Find the battle droid, Cody and I will. 151 00:11:05,498 --> 00:11:08,042 -But... But... -Stay here, you will. Speak to me no more. 152 00:11:08,168 --> 00:11:09,376 -But... -No more! 153 00:11:10,211 --> 00:11:12,546 I can see my house from here! 154 00:11:13,548 --> 00:11:15,549 I tried to tell you, Yoyo. 155 00:11:17,719 --> 00:11:19,553 This is so not on the itinerary. 156 00:11:20,263 --> 00:11:22,890 Well, this is a minor setback. 157 00:11:23,183 --> 00:11:27,561 But don't be afraid. I'm not afraid. I'm not at all afraid. 158 00:11:27,687 --> 00:11:29,813 Because I am in charge. 159 00:11:29,898 --> 00:11:31,023 Not now, Artoo. 160 00:11:31,107 --> 00:11:33,150 And I shall find a way. 161 00:11:33,234 --> 00:11:35,194 -I said, not now. -Utinni! 162 00:11:35,779 --> 00:11:39,698 Look at our ship! R2-D2, how could you let this happen? 163 00:11:40,784 --> 00:11:44,370 Build another ship? How exactly do you suggest we do that? 164 00:11:45,038 --> 00:11:47,539 But this is just pictures. Where are the words? 165 00:11:47,874 --> 00:11:51,877 I may be fluent in over six million forms of communication, but this is impossible. 166 00:11:53,421 --> 00:11:56,131 I'm afraid we're stranded. 167 00:12:09,979 --> 00:12:12,940 Hey, come on. Hey, aren't you cold wearing just that cloak? 168 00:12:13,066 --> 00:12:14,149 You got any underwear on under there? 169 00:12:14,275 --> 00:12:16,235 Do to deserve this, what did I? 170 00:12:16,319 --> 00:12:18,654 You know your ears are like super hairy, right? 171 00:12:18,780 --> 00:12:20,364 Get worse, how can this? 172 00:12:20,448 --> 00:12:22,366 So, Master Yoda, we meet again. 173 00:12:22,450 --> 00:12:24,785 Oh, for the... Darth! Darth! 174 00:12:24,994 --> 00:12:26,412 Darth, would you come here for a second? 175 00:12:26,496 --> 00:12:28,122 Hi. You're not in this scene either. 176 00:12:28,248 --> 00:12:30,207 But imagine the audience's surprise 177 00:12:30,291 --> 00:12:32,126 when my lightsaber comes right off the screen 178 00:12:32,252 --> 00:12:33,836 -and into their faces. -This one isn't in 3-D. 179 00:12:33,962 --> 00:12:34,962 Right into their faces. 180 00:12:35,088 --> 00:12:37,131 -You know what I mean? -Get off my set. 181 00:12:37,674 --> 00:12:39,133 Sorry, George. 182 00:12:51,980 --> 00:12:54,273 We're bound to find someone here who will take you home. 183 00:12:54,357 --> 00:12:58,444 Follow me and stick together. And pay attention at all times... 184 00:12:58,695 --> 00:13:00,154 Look, a podracer. 185 00:13:03,199 --> 00:13:04,283 Hello? 186 00:13:05,160 --> 00:13:06,326 Road hog! 187 00:13:06,661 --> 00:13:08,996 This is the best field trip I've ever been on. 188 00:13:09,497 --> 00:13:10,664 You younglings wait out here 189 00:13:10,790 --> 00:13:13,500 while Artoo and I find a pilot to fly us out of here. 190 00:13:18,214 --> 00:13:19,715 And don't touch anything. 191 00:13:19,883 --> 00:13:24,011 You must have something you can amuse yourselves with for a few moments? 192 00:13:28,892 --> 00:13:30,434 That is not quite what I meant. 193 00:13:30,518 --> 00:13:33,729 Sometimes I wonder why I bother. Come along, Artoo. 194 00:13:34,397 --> 00:13:36,356 What are you talking about? 195 00:13:36,858 --> 00:13:39,193 Hey! We don't serve their kind here. 196 00:13:39,694 --> 00:13:40,903 -What? -Your droids. 197 00:13:41,029 --> 00:13:42,321 They'll have to wait outside. 198 00:13:42,405 --> 00:13:46,366 I remember. Most insensitive. But what do we do now? 199 00:13:48,077 --> 00:13:49,578 I was just going to suggest that. 200 00:13:49,913 --> 00:13:51,413 Well, I was. 201 00:14:03,927 --> 00:14:08,555 Good heavens, a droid! Get out, you mechanical monstrosity. 202 00:14:08,723 --> 00:14:10,974 Us non-droids don't want you here. 203 00:14:16,940 --> 00:14:19,149 Thanks, fellow non-droid. 204 00:14:19,234 --> 00:14:20,817 You can call me... 205 00:14:21,778 --> 00:14:25,364 ...Seeth Bemos, Oipel of Ekul. 206 00:14:25,448 --> 00:14:28,408 And I want a ride off this pile of... 207 00:14:33,414 --> 00:14:35,499 -Thanks, matey. -No problem. 208 00:14:36,793 --> 00:14:37,834 My hair! 209 00:14:37,919 --> 00:14:40,921 You, you're late. Get in here. 210 00:14:41,756 --> 00:14:43,257 -Sure, why not? -Okay. 211 00:14:47,262 --> 00:14:50,764 To keep warm, stick our heads in this animal's guts, will we. 212 00:14:51,099 --> 00:14:54,685 Gross. And I thought they smelled bad on the outside. 213 00:14:55,478 --> 00:14:57,646 Your head, his guts. Do. 214 00:14:58,648 --> 00:15:00,148 This one's taken. 215 00:15:00,650 --> 00:15:01,692 What the... 216 00:15:04,529 --> 00:15:06,989 "Secret battle plans." That was easy. 217 00:15:07,949 --> 00:15:10,492 Great is the power of the Force. 218 00:15:10,952 --> 00:15:13,996 It allows me to feel what cannot be seen, 219 00:15:14,789 --> 00:15:19,793 see what is yet to be, and hear what cannot be heard... 220 00:15:21,337 --> 00:15:22,629 My big mouth and me. 221 00:15:24,507 --> 00:15:29,136 My ship is at docking bay 49. I'll take your party to Coruscant. 222 00:15:29,470 --> 00:15:32,139 Wonderful. I shall inform the younglings. 223 00:15:32,890 --> 00:15:34,016 Oh, my goodness! 224 00:15:34,142 --> 00:15:35,809 Check me out. Yeah, baby. 225 00:15:36,477 --> 00:15:37,811 Hi, Mr. Three-Pee. 226 00:15:38,021 --> 00:15:40,480 Great Bantha Breath, what are you doing? 227 00:15:42,233 --> 00:15:44,860 That's a droid. We don't serve your kind. 228 00:15:44,986 --> 00:15:48,030 Oh, my. We'll just be on our way. 229 00:15:52,994 --> 00:15:54,077 Oh, my. 230 00:15:54,704 --> 00:15:56,663 I'm terribly sorry, Master Jabba. 231 00:15:56,831 --> 00:16:00,083 Allow me to remove the debris from your bigness. 232 00:16:00,209 --> 00:16:04,338 NO-ONE INSULTS JABBA THE HUTT! YOU AND YOUR METAL FRIEND WILL PAY TODAY 233 00:16:05,840 --> 00:16:09,092 Oh, my. This doesn't look good at all. 234 00:16:17,352 --> 00:16:19,978 Impressed I am with your courage, young one. 235 00:16:20,063 --> 00:16:21,355 Very brave are... 236 00:16:25,693 --> 00:16:27,069 Hold on, Nelly! 237 00:16:32,367 --> 00:16:33,367 Hop on! 238 00:16:33,451 --> 00:16:34,493 Do that, how did you? 239 00:16:34,577 --> 00:16:37,037 I know a thing or two about wiring. 240 00:16:44,253 --> 00:16:48,382 Oh, man. The ship is broken. What do we do? 241 00:17:13,116 --> 00:17:14,324 To the ship. 242 00:17:16,994 --> 00:17:18,662 Reach the pedals, my legs cannot. 243 00:17:18,746 --> 00:17:21,498 My legs reach just fine. How hard can this be? 244 00:17:35,596 --> 00:17:40,976 Today, two droids will pay for insulting the mighty Jabba, 245 00:17:41,352 --> 00:17:44,855 by fighting each other to the death. 246 00:17:45,523 --> 00:17:48,108 To be accurate, droids can't actually die. 247 00:17:49,110 --> 00:17:51,778 Melted down, deactivated perhaps, but not... 248 00:17:52,613 --> 00:17:55,449 No, I couldn't fight my best friend. 249 00:17:56,617 --> 00:17:59,453 You’ve just been waiting for the chance to do this, haven't you? 250 00:17:59,620 --> 00:18:01,204 Artoo, Artoo, don't you dare... 251 00:18:06,169 --> 00:18:09,880 A good pilot you are. Sorry for how I treated you, I am. 252 00:18:10,173 --> 00:18:12,966 -Respect you now, I do. -I know. 253 00:18:14,302 --> 00:18:16,470 Say the same to me, you could. 254 00:18:17,138 --> 00:18:18,847 You're all right, I guess. 255 00:18:19,056 --> 00:18:20,807 For a little green dinosaur. 256 00:18:22,143 --> 00:18:24,811 Master Yoda, the younglings are on Tatooine. 257 00:18:24,979 --> 00:18:28,231 They are in danger. Jabba the Hutt is holding them hostage. 258 00:18:28,649 --> 00:18:32,235 He has them captive. You must hurry. Oh, my gosh. 259 00:18:32,403 --> 00:18:34,154 Then rescue them, we will. 260 00:18:34,238 --> 00:18:35,322 All right! 261 00:18:42,163 --> 00:18:44,039 Stop, stop, stop! That hurt. 262 00:18:46,334 --> 00:18:50,420 I'm so sorry. I've doomed us all. I am a failure. 263 00:18:50,505 --> 00:18:52,881 Don't say that, Threepio. You're not a failure. 264 00:18:53,174 --> 00:18:56,092 -I'm not? -You kept us safe today. 265 00:18:58,846 --> 00:19:00,514 You're very brave. 266 00:19:01,182 --> 00:19:03,517 I am very brave. 267 00:19:03,684 --> 00:19:08,313 You are a great hero and will lead us to victory. 268 00:19:08,397 --> 00:19:11,441 I will lead us to victory. 269 00:19:11,526 --> 00:19:13,193 You will break those pillars with your weapon. 270 00:19:13,277 --> 00:19:14,361 I will... 271 00:19:14,862 --> 00:19:15,904 Right. 272 00:19:23,371 --> 00:19:25,038 Excellent! 273 00:19:26,707 --> 00:19:29,543 Say hello to my metal friend. 274 00:19:39,554 --> 00:19:40,762 No, no, no! 275 00:19:46,561 --> 00:19:49,771 Help! Help me! Help! 276 00:19:53,985 --> 00:19:56,778 Oh, my goodness. I am a hero. 277 00:20:07,248 --> 00:20:09,791 That is awesome! 278 00:20:23,180 --> 00:20:25,140 -My hair! -That's the coolest thing I've ever seen! 279 00:20:25,266 --> 00:20:26,975 I am a hero. 280 00:20:27,101 --> 00:20:30,604 I only wish Master Yoda could see me now. 281 00:20:31,105 --> 00:20:33,773 See you, I could, if sitting on me, you were not. 282 00:20:34,984 --> 00:20:36,651 Frightfully sorry, sir. 283 00:20:45,119 --> 00:20:46,119 Awesome! 284 00:20:56,005 --> 00:20:59,966 Much heroism in your future have you, young Ian. 285 00:21:00,593 --> 00:21:02,594 But my name's not Ian. 286 00:21:02,678 --> 00:21:05,639 I'm Han. Han Solo. 287 00:21:05,723 --> 00:21:07,849 A pleasure to meet you, Master Solo. 288 00:21:07,934 --> 00:21:09,643 Yeah, whatever, Goldiepants. 289 00:21:09,769 --> 00:21:12,979 Really, I'm glad we'll never see him again, Artoo. 290 00:21:15,107 --> 00:21:16,399 Thank you, thank you. 291 00:21:16,484 --> 00:21:18,818 -How's it going? -Impressive! 292 00:21:19,111 --> 00:21:21,154 It's just what I do, just what I do. 293 00:21:21,530 --> 00:21:23,990 I can't even say it, it's so awesome. 294 00:21:25,868 --> 00:21:28,036 Darth, there are other people that fit the suit, 295 00:21:28,162 --> 00:21:29,621 -you know what I'm saying? -No, right, sorry. 296 00:21:29,705 --> 00:21:30,956 It's a wrap! 297 00:21:32,988 --> 00:21:42,988 Rip By Senseman