1 00:00:30,466 --> 00:00:33,727 Presented by Showbox / Mediaplex 2 00:00:38,465 --> 00:00:41,330 Produced by TPS Company 3 00:00:46,465 --> 00:00:49,727 Distributed by Showbox / Mediaplex 4 00:01:33,299 --> 00:01:36,560 January 1953 Seoul 5 00:01:39,899 --> 00:01:43,956 SHlN Ha-kyun 6 00:01:45,799 --> 00:01:49,959 KO Soo 7 00:01:51,999 --> 00:01:56,863 We want reunification! No 38th Parallel! 8 00:01:58,865 --> 00:02:01,127 We want reunification! 9 00:02:34,632 --> 00:02:37,598 Panmunjeom 10 00:02:38,932 --> 00:02:43,489 Written by PARK Sang-hyeon 11 00:02:46,332 --> 00:02:50,787 Directed by JANG Hun 12 00:03:04,598 --> 00:03:09,553 Here's the list of POWs we're sending back. 13 00:03:17,999 --> 00:03:23,199 Like this line, the military demarkation line has to be drawn. 14 00:03:23,199 --> 00:03:27,460 One centimeter above, 0.5 km 15 00:03:30,099 --> 00:03:33,360 South took over K hill three days ago. 16 00:03:35,099 --> 00:03:39,724 We have that hill now. 17 00:03:43,965 --> 00:03:46,227 The line is wrong. 18 00:03:57,099 --> 00:03:58,799 If you want to keep arguing about it 19 00:03:58,799 --> 00:04:01,526 Why don't we just go out into the field and check it out for ourselves? 20 00:04:09,765 --> 00:04:10,458 General 21 00:04:12,365 --> 00:04:16,388 Yesterday, K hill was taken by the north. 22 00:04:22,232 --> 00:04:23,993 Here we go again. 23 00:04:24,732 --> 00:04:27,892 Your discharge is upon a truce, right? 24 00:04:28,832 --> 00:04:32,094 It's been dragging for a year and half. 25 00:04:33,032 --> 00:04:34,292 I know. 26 00:04:34,732 --> 00:04:42,188 You'll be transferred to the investigation unit. 27 00:04:42,431 --> 00:04:43,397 What? 28 00:04:44,298 --> 00:04:45,598 No way. 29 00:04:45,598 --> 00:04:49,860 They're shorthanded there. 30 00:04:50,099 --> 00:04:56,598 Busy purging commies and traitors in the South. 31 00:04:56,598 --> 00:05:00,698 A lot of them are falsely accused. 32 00:05:00,698 --> 00:05:03,960 KANG, watch your mouth. 33 00:05:04,198 --> 00:05:07,799 They fed the NK soldiers 34 00:05:07,799 --> 00:05:11,298 cause they were threatened with guns. 35 00:05:11,298 --> 00:05:14,458 And you call them commies? 36 00:05:14,698 --> 00:05:18,565 We can't help it. 37 00:05:18,565 --> 00:05:21,224 They're collateral damage. 38 00:05:21,765 --> 00:05:24,265 Purge pro-Japanese pawns first. 39 00:05:24,265 --> 00:05:25,526 Shut up! 40 00:05:33,465 --> 00:05:36,226 Goddamn it! 41 00:05:37,065 --> 00:05:40,224 This is serious shit. 42 00:05:41,265 --> 00:05:43,129 You're a ClC officer. 43 00:05:46,865 --> 00:05:48,330 What were you thinking? 44 00:05:50,265 --> 00:05:51,697 Am I going to jail? 45 00:05:51,932 --> 00:05:54,193 Why couldn't you hold your tongue? 46 00:05:54,331 --> 00:05:57,593 A breakdown of discipline isn't tolerated at ClC. 47 00:06:01,932 --> 00:06:03,795 You're not going to jail. 48 00:06:06,532 --> 00:06:08,191 Go to the eastern front. 49 00:06:10,732 --> 00:06:12,789 The eastern front? 50 00:06:14,732 --> 00:06:16,288 Investigate this. 51 00:06:18,632 --> 00:06:21,032 "Dear my beloved mom." 52 00:06:21,032 --> 00:06:26,157 "l don't see the truce happening anytime soon." 53 00:06:26,398 --> 00:06:31,660 "We're losing comrades in combats everyday." 54 00:06:32,799 --> 00:06:34,899 This was written by a NK soldier. 55 00:06:34,899 --> 00:06:35,956 Right. 56 00:06:36,598 --> 00:06:40,758 It was delivered to this lady a week ago. 57 00:06:41,698 --> 00:06:44,163 Through our MPS. 58 00:06:46,198 --> 00:06:48,598 How's that possible? 59 00:06:48,598 --> 00:06:50,860 There's a mole. 60 00:06:51,598 --> 00:06:53,899 It was sent from Alligator Company. 61 00:06:53,899 --> 00:06:58,465 Didn't they lose the hill the other day? 62 00:06:58,465 --> 00:06:59,624 Right. 63 00:06:59,765 --> 00:07:03,322 I would recall those bastards and put the screws on them. 64 00:07:03,565 --> 00:07:10,430 But that hill is very important for the talks. 65 00:07:12,865 --> 00:07:17,820 The company captain got killed recently. 66 00:07:18,265 --> 00:07:21,064 He was reported as a KlA. 67 00:07:21,064 --> 00:07:22,621 But you know what? 68 00:07:23,665 --> 00:07:29,620 What killed him is a gun we officers use. 69 00:07:30,632 --> 00:07:32,393 Doesn't it smell? 70 00:07:34,431 --> 00:07:37,693 A new captain is leaving soon. Go with him. 71 00:07:40,431 --> 00:07:41,692 Thanks. 72 00:07:42,131 --> 00:07:44,893 You won't be thankful once you get there. 73 00:07:49,431 --> 00:07:50,488 Wait. 74 00:07:51,431 --> 00:07:53,192 Do you know KlM Su-hyeok? 75 00:07:53,532 --> 00:07:55,431 He was in your platoon. 76 00:07:55,431 --> 00:07:57,897 Yes, we were friends from college. 77 00:07:59,031 --> 00:08:01,131 He went missing in action. 78 00:08:01,131 --> 00:08:02,495 No. 79 00:08:03,899 --> 00:08:06,057 He's in Alligator Company. 80 00:08:08,799 --> 00:08:10,458 He's alive? 81 00:08:16,799 --> 00:08:20,162 Jun 27, 1950 Uijeongbu 82 00:08:24,598 --> 00:08:26,757 - Su-hyeok! - Eun-pyo? 83 00:08:28,298 --> 00:08:29,355 Su-hyeok! 84 00:08:33,799 --> 00:08:36,098 Su-hyeok, are you okay? Look at me. 85 00:08:36,098 --> 00:08:37,826 Don't let me die. 86 00:08:38,565 --> 00:08:40,827 Get up if you wanna live. 87 00:08:48,665 --> 00:08:50,426 Come on, get up. 88 00:09:02,565 --> 00:09:03,622 Sit! 89 00:09:04,665 --> 00:09:05,824 Sir? 90 00:09:12,231 --> 00:09:13,390 Get up. 91 00:09:14,732 --> 00:09:15,992 Get up! 92 00:09:18,431 --> 00:09:19,692 Get up! 93 00:09:22,632 --> 00:09:24,097 Turn around. 94 00:09:25,431 --> 00:09:26,590 Now! 95 00:09:28,632 --> 00:09:29,689 Move it! 96 00:09:42,331 --> 00:09:43,490 Look, dumbasses. 97 00:09:44,298 --> 00:09:47,355 Do you know why you're losing? 98 00:09:48,698 --> 00:09:52,562 Do you know why you keep running? 99 00:09:59,498 --> 00:10:00,555 Let me tell you. 100 00:10:01,698 --> 00:10:04,163 That's because you don't know why you're fighting. 101 00:10:09,598 --> 00:10:12,898 This war will end in a week. 102 00:10:12,898 --> 00:10:16,921 When it does, we'll need you. 103 00:10:17,865 --> 00:10:23,820 Go home and help us later rebuild the nation. 104 00:10:23,964 --> 00:10:27,465 We'll treat the wounded. 105 00:10:27,465 --> 00:10:28,624 You can go. 106 00:10:31,865 --> 00:10:33,831 See you again when we're reunified. 107 00:10:36,565 --> 00:10:38,531 - Eun-pyo? - Su-hyeok! 108 00:10:39,064 --> 00:10:41,928 - Let go! - No! 109 00:10:42,064 --> 00:10:43,265 Just leave. 110 00:10:43,265 --> 00:10:45,731 Eun-pyo? 111 00:10:46,365 --> 00:10:47,831 Su-hyeok! 112 00:11:14,231 --> 00:11:17,031 - Hey, Cruit. - Private NAM Sung-sik! 113 00:11:17,031 --> 00:11:19,331 That's good. Keep it loud. 114 00:11:19,331 --> 00:11:20,990 Sir! Yes, sir! 115 00:11:21,131 --> 00:11:23,097 Do you know where we're going? 116 00:11:24,498 --> 00:11:25,498 Yes, sir. 117 00:11:25,498 --> 00:11:31,698 To the eastern front, sir. 10th Division... 118 00:11:31,698 --> 00:11:34,357 1st Company of 1st Battalion, moron. 119 00:11:35,698 --> 00:11:37,163 How old are you? 120 00:11:37,298 --> 00:11:39,059 17, sir. 121 00:11:39,598 --> 00:11:41,063 17... 122 00:11:43,798 --> 00:11:46,162 17 is an adult. 123 00:11:47,798 --> 00:11:49,662 KANG Eun-pyo, right? 124 00:11:49,898 --> 00:11:50,698 Yes, sir. 125 00:11:50,698 --> 00:11:55,959 Why'd you put in a transfer for the eastern front? 126 00:11:58,265 --> 00:12:00,731 A man of ambition, aren't you? 127 00:12:03,064 --> 00:12:06,622 This war will be over soon. 128 00:12:06,765 --> 00:12:12,322 And those who fought at the front line will rule. 129 00:12:13,565 --> 00:12:16,224 The front line is where soldiers should be. 130 00:12:16,365 --> 00:12:17,921 Right, Private? 131 00:12:19,665 --> 00:12:23,427 Yes, sir! I'm ready to die for our country! 132 00:12:30,931 --> 00:12:33,988 The Eastern Front Camp Cayman 133 00:13:26,498 --> 00:13:29,362 No greetings? 134 00:13:31,298 --> 00:13:34,560 You! Get over here. 135 00:13:34,697 --> 00:13:36,561 - Why? - Why? 136 00:13:37,165 --> 00:13:39,028 - What the... - Who stole my cigarettes? 137 00:13:39,565 --> 00:13:40,723 You bitch! 138 00:13:40,864 --> 00:13:43,465 - What the hell! - Enemy! 139 00:13:43,465 --> 00:13:44,930 Hey! 140 00:13:46,165 --> 00:13:48,631 A POW is on the loose! 141 00:13:49,064 --> 00:13:50,565 Get him! 142 00:13:50,565 --> 00:13:52,531 Yes, sir! 143 00:13:58,465 --> 00:13:59,930 Put it away, bitch. 144 00:14:01,064 --> 00:14:02,621 I'm not a POW. 145 00:14:02,764 --> 00:14:05,526 Why are you wearing an enemy uniform? 146 00:14:05,964 --> 00:14:07,225 Cause I'm cold. 147 00:14:07,664 --> 00:14:09,221 Are you shitting me? 148 00:14:10,632 --> 00:14:13,393 You call yourself a soldier? 149 00:14:13,831 --> 00:14:14,797 Take it off. 150 00:14:15,231 --> 00:14:16,992 Take it off now! 151 00:14:17,931 --> 00:14:20,988 Stop yelling. You're hurting my ears. 152 00:14:21,731 --> 00:14:22,931 What are you doing? 153 00:14:22,931 --> 00:14:26,386 I have it on inside. 154 00:14:26,632 --> 00:14:28,790 I can't believe this. 155 00:14:30,331 --> 00:14:31,490 Who are you? 156 00:14:31,831 --> 00:14:32,990 Who am l? 157 00:14:35,532 --> 00:14:36,690 What's this? 158 00:14:38,532 --> 00:14:42,691 This is ridiculous. Alligator my ass. 159 00:14:43,298 --> 00:14:46,098 Sorry I'm late. 160 00:14:46,098 --> 00:14:48,655 What's up with your accent? 161 00:14:49,298 --> 00:14:51,763 Oh, I'm from the North. 162 00:14:52,098 --> 00:14:55,598 I left home 20 years ago. 163 00:14:55,598 --> 00:14:58,063 So I'm not red at all. 164 00:14:59,598 --> 00:15:00,858 An acting commander? 165 00:15:01,098 --> 00:15:05,053 No, sir. MSG. YANG Hyo-sam. 166 00:15:05,398 --> 00:15:08,558 The acting commander will be here soon. 167 00:15:09,098 --> 00:15:10,697 What are you doing here? 168 00:15:10,697 --> 00:15:11,898 Hi. 169 00:15:11,898 --> 00:15:16,058 Who are these kids? This isn't a playground. 170 00:15:16,964 --> 00:15:18,328 Send them away. 171 00:15:18,964 --> 00:15:21,828 They're war orphans. 172 00:15:22,064 --> 00:15:26,064 We've been looking after them. 173 00:15:26,064 --> 00:15:28,223 Damn, it's a mess here. 174 00:15:34,265 --> 00:15:35,231 Let's go. 175 00:16:09,931 --> 00:16:12,295 What a life. 176 00:16:12,631 --> 00:16:14,097 An alligator? 177 00:16:14,631 --> 00:16:15,892 How old are you? 178 00:16:19,031 --> 00:16:23,554 State your rank and name. 179 00:16:41,298 --> 00:16:42,763 Alkaloid? 180 00:16:44,398 --> 00:16:45,863 Where'd you get this? 181 00:16:47,497 --> 00:16:48,963 What are you? 182 00:16:59,864 --> 00:17:01,228 SHlN ll-young. 183 00:17:03,465 --> 00:17:04,623 A captain? 184 00:17:07,165 --> 00:17:10,528 You're the acting commander? 185 00:17:12,764 --> 00:17:14,627 Respect your superior. 186 00:17:16,365 --> 00:17:18,830 First Lieutenant KANG Eun-pyo. 187 00:17:19,864 --> 00:17:21,023 Aero-K. 188 00:17:22,064 --> 00:17:24,165 We call it Aerok Hill. 189 00:17:24,165 --> 00:17:26,926 2.5 kilometers in radius. 190 00:17:27,564 --> 00:17:32,431 It's a strategic point, covering these two points. 191 00:17:32,431 --> 00:17:36,831 The enemy had it 7 hours ago. 192 00:17:36,831 --> 00:17:38,694 But we took it back on our 6th attack. 193 00:17:38,931 --> 00:17:42,931 Many guys got wounded and tired. 194 00:17:42,931 --> 00:17:48,193 So the regimental commander put us on a break. 195 00:17:48,831 --> 00:17:50,297 Well done. 196 00:17:52,430 --> 00:17:53,487 Listen. 197 00:17:54,931 --> 00:17:59,531 I'm determined to end this battle of attrition. 198 00:17:59,531 --> 00:18:03,259 It won't be as easy as you think. 199 00:18:07,398 --> 00:18:08,364 What? 200 00:18:09,098 --> 00:18:10,064 Sorry, sir. 201 00:18:11,697 --> 00:18:14,198 We'll set up AA guns on the foot of the hill. 202 00:18:14,198 --> 00:18:18,198 Anti-aircraft guns? But they have no air power. 203 00:18:18,198 --> 00:18:20,755 You use them only for fighters? 204 00:18:21,998 --> 00:18:25,597 With AA guns, our defense line here... 205 00:18:25,597 --> 00:18:30,098 What if we lose them to the enemy? 206 00:18:30,098 --> 00:18:31,461 Then we're fucked. 207 00:18:33,497 --> 00:18:34,861 He's right. 208 00:18:35,198 --> 00:18:39,165 We're still here, thanks to USAF air strike. 209 00:18:39,165 --> 00:18:43,064 If they take our AA guns, we can forget the air support. 210 00:18:43,064 --> 00:18:43,927 Look. 211 00:18:45,165 --> 00:18:46,630 We won't lose them. 212 00:18:47,864 --> 00:18:50,421 Set up AA guns right now. 213 00:18:51,365 --> 00:18:52,625 That's not good. 214 00:18:54,464 --> 00:18:55,521 Who are you? 215 00:18:56,764 --> 00:19:00,628 First LT. KlM Su-hyeok. Sorry I'm late. 216 00:19:08,265 --> 00:19:09,423 First Lieutenant? 217 00:19:11,231 --> 00:19:14,831 Not only are you alive, you made First LT from Private. 218 00:19:14,831 --> 00:19:15,731 In 2 years? 219 00:19:15,731 --> 00:19:21,391 Officers die in battle fields, and you get promoted fast. 220 00:19:32,231 --> 00:19:34,389 Hey, you had this? 221 00:19:34,831 --> 00:19:36,797 What, you've lost your faith? 222 00:19:36,931 --> 00:19:39,488 No, I just pray for different things. 223 00:19:39,631 --> 00:19:45,359 I used to ask God to save, but now to kill. 224 00:19:45,597 --> 00:19:46,563 Kill whom? 225 00:19:46,697 --> 00:19:47,856 Anybody. 226 00:19:50,898 --> 00:19:54,557 This won't be over unless one side is gone. 227 00:19:58,497 --> 00:19:59,656 Eun-pyo? 228 00:20:00,597 --> 00:20:03,563 What's a ClC officer doing here? 229 00:20:03,798 --> 00:20:08,163 We have intel about a mole here. 230 00:20:08,297 --> 00:20:09,264 What? 231 00:20:09,998 --> 00:20:12,862 That's bullshit. 232 00:20:14,198 --> 00:20:15,663 I know. 233 00:20:21,265 --> 00:20:26,564 Let's toast to our new captain. 234 00:20:26,564 --> 00:20:29,122 Fill your cups. 235 00:20:29,964 --> 00:20:31,930 Here you go. 236 00:20:36,664 --> 00:20:38,864 What's this? It's water. 237 00:20:38,864 --> 00:20:44,664 It can be either water or booze. 238 00:20:44,664 --> 00:20:47,425 It's all in your head. 239 00:20:49,631 --> 00:20:52,290 Listen up. 240 00:20:53,631 --> 00:20:55,097 Wake him up. 241 00:20:57,031 --> 00:21:01,486 To the regimental commander who put on this party for us. 242 00:21:01,831 --> 00:21:03,296 Let's toast. 243 00:21:03,430 --> 00:21:04,487 Before that... 244 00:21:07,231 --> 00:21:09,890 We lost a lot of men in the last combat. 245 00:21:11,031 --> 00:21:12,792 Let's toast to them first. 246 00:21:12,931 --> 00:21:13,988 Go ahead. 247 00:21:16,230 --> 00:21:20,095 Comrades, good bye. 248 00:21:20,931 --> 00:21:22,487 Good bye! 249 00:21:51,697 --> 00:21:54,254 Sorry about earlier. 250 00:21:55,297 --> 00:21:57,627 You're here to catch a mole? 251 00:22:02,964 --> 00:22:04,930 Pour me a shot. 252 00:22:07,264 --> 00:22:09,230 You look old. 253 00:22:09,364 --> 00:22:11,830 I fought in the Liberation Army. 254 00:22:12,064 --> 00:22:15,518 - Against Japan? - Yes, in Manchuria. 255 00:22:17,464 --> 00:22:21,920 Mt. Hwabaek Battle in 1941. 256 00:22:22,264 --> 00:22:26,664 I got this badge from an interim government. 257 00:22:26,664 --> 00:22:28,323 It was dark at night. 258 00:22:28,564 --> 00:22:33,394 Japs were coming, and we were out of ammo. 259 00:22:33,531 --> 00:22:36,931 We were ready to die. 260 00:22:36,931 --> 00:22:40,631 Where are you going? It is getting exciting. 261 00:22:40,631 --> 00:22:45,931 "The eastern sky lit up with artillery support." 262 00:22:45,931 --> 00:22:48,831 I've heard it so many times I know it by heart. 263 00:22:48,831 --> 00:22:50,490 I'm sick of it. 264 00:22:50,731 --> 00:22:52,788 What the... 265 00:22:52,931 --> 00:22:54,692 Smarter than you look. 266 00:22:55,330 --> 00:22:56,831 With artillery support... 267 00:22:56,831 --> 00:22:58,592 No, he's not smart. 268 00:23:00,631 --> 00:23:02,430 He'd be stupid not to know it by now. 269 00:23:02,430 --> 00:23:05,056 Enough of that. 270 00:23:05,197 --> 00:23:08,357 Cruit? Let us hear you sing. 271 00:23:10,297 --> 00:23:11,354 NAM? 272 00:23:11,597 --> 00:23:14,063 Private NAM Sung-sik! 273 00:23:14,998 --> 00:23:16,554 Where's my platoon? 274 00:23:17,098 --> 00:23:19,655 Why didn't you invite us? 275 00:23:20,998 --> 00:23:21,964 Il-young? 276 00:23:22,898 --> 00:23:24,261 Shit. 277 00:23:24,597 --> 00:23:25,961 Eat this. 278 00:23:26,397 --> 00:23:27,658 Eat it. 279 00:23:32,898 --> 00:23:34,363 What's wrong? 280 00:23:37,864 --> 00:23:41,064 It's okay. We're retreating now 281 00:23:41,064 --> 00:23:44,120 but we will strike back. 282 00:23:47,864 --> 00:23:49,564 Where are you going? 283 00:23:49,564 --> 00:23:53,864 Wake up, man. We're not in Pohang. 284 00:23:53,864 --> 00:23:56,023 Knock it off! 285 00:23:56,564 --> 00:23:59,223 Why bring that shit up? 286 00:24:00,464 --> 00:24:01,828 What? 287 00:24:02,764 --> 00:24:05,730 Did food make you sick? 288 00:24:08,063 --> 00:24:10,086 Why is it so cold? 289 00:24:11,931 --> 00:24:13,089 What is it? 290 00:24:14,731 --> 00:24:16,492 He thinks we're in Pohang. 291 00:24:16,931 --> 00:24:19,897 - Pohang? - Forget it, guys. 292 00:24:20,831 --> 00:24:22,330 It's behind us. 293 00:24:22,330 --> 00:24:23,990 Where's my platoon? 294 00:24:27,531 --> 00:24:28,792 Damn it! 295 00:24:31,631 --> 00:24:36,230 Cheer up, guys. Let's have some fun. 296 00:24:36,230 --> 00:24:38,492 Come on, show us some moves! 297 00:24:43,297 --> 00:24:44,763 Fuck! 298 00:24:55,297 --> 00:25:00,559 NAM, sing us something that's big in Seoul. 299 00:25:01,798 --> 00:25:03,559 - Sing! - Come on. 300 00:25:14,697 --> 00:25:17,564 ¢ÜLook at me, dear 301 00:25:17,564 --> 00:25:21,018 Not that old shit. Something new! 302 00:25:21,564 --> 00:25:24,826 You're stabbing the dead here. 303 00:25:30,564 --> 00:25:32,029 What are you doing? 304 00:25:32,964 --> 00:25:34,224 Hi. 305 00:25:34,864 --> 00:25:36,022 Let's eat. 306 00:25:38,264 --> 00:25:39,821 When will the war end? 307 00:25:40,464 --> 00:25:41,264 What? 308 00:25:41,264 --> 00:25:44,526 I bet you've talked to high-ranking officers. 309 00:25:45,664 --> 00:25:46,925 When? 310 00:25:47,664 --> 00:25:52,230 Truce talks began two fucking years ago. 311 00:25:52,230 --> 00:25:55,631 It can be any day now. 312 00:25:55,631 --> 00:25:58,096 And it's been 2 years. 313 00:25:59,531 --> 00:26:02,395 Any idea how many have died here? 314 00:26:04,831 --> 00:26:06,490 It gets confusing. 315 00:26:07,731 --> 00:26:11,891 Did he die? Or was it someone else? 316 00:26:14,831 --> 00:26:16,194 It's sick. 317 00:26:17,430 --> 00:26:20,987 Did I see him in the barracks? 318 00:26:23,798 --> 00:26:24,855 Shit. 319 00:26:35,798 --> 00:26:37,161 That Cruit? 320 00:26:40,297 --> 00:26:41,763 What a song. 321 00:26:43,497 --> 00:26:49,760 ¢ÜHeard from a distance... 322 00:26:50,297 --> 00:26:53,559 ¢Üa loud gunshot, 323 00:26:54,397 --> 00:27:00,819 ¢Ülike a lullaby, 324 00:27:01,764 --> 00:27:08,924 ¢Ütakes me home ¢Üin my dream. 325 00:27:10,063 --> 00:27:13,427 ¢ÜMy home, 326 00:27:13,864 --> 00:27:17,421 ¢Ümy sweet home... 327 00:27:18,863 --> 00:27:28,164 ¢ÜBefore a bowl of water... ¢Ümom prays for my safety. 328 00:27:28,164 --> 00:27:37,393 ¢ÜHer shining gray hair ¢Übrings tears to my eyes. 329 00:27:56,531 --> 00:27:58,497 Get up! Up! 330 00:27:59,430 --> 00:28:01,396 Turn the lights on! 331 00:28:01,531 --> 00:28:03,258 Get the hell up! 332 00:28:03,497 --> 00:28:04,360 Get up! 333 00:28:05,097 --> 00:28:06,097 Come on! 334 00:28:06,097 --> 00:28:07,154 Listen. 335 00:28:07,798 --> 00:28:10,355 They took Aerok Hill back. 336 00:28:10,497 --> 00:28:12,297 Get your gear and standby. 337 00:28:12,297 --> 00:28:15,263 AA guns? AA guns! 338 00:28:23,997 --> 00:28:25,657 Can't even last a day. 339 00:28:41,063 --> 00:28:43,723 He shits, and we clean it up? 340 00:28:44,764 --> 00:28:46,320 This is bullshit. 341 00:28:47,364 --> 00:28:52,319 If he doesn't know shit, he should listen. 342 00:28:52,564 --> 00:28:57,928 This was unthinkable back in 1941. 343 00:28:58,164 --> 00:28:59,963 We had 2 principles. 344 00:28:59,963 --> 00:29:02,929 Minimum activities and maximum focus. 345 00:29:03,164 --> 00:29:06,619 A chatterbox got killed first, right? 346 00:29:07,364 --> 00:29:09,592 Shut up, funny boy. 347 00:29:12,130 --> 00:29:16,789 We're wide open. If Two Seconds sees us... 348 00:29:17,230 --> 00:29:18,531 At least one will die. 349 00:29:18,531 --> 00:29:20,930 What's Two Seconds? 350 00:29:20,930 --> 00:29:26,531 If you know too much, you'd be too scared. 351 00:29:26,531 --> 00:29:28,230 You'll find out soon. 352 00:29:28,230 --> 00:29:33,730 Look! After the combat, write me the lyrics to that song. 353 00:29:33,730 --> 00:29:35,697 Okay. 354 00:29:36,330 --> 00:29:37,886 If you don't get killed today. 355 00:29:44,797 --> 00:29:47,997 Machine guns. 356 00:29:47,997 --> 00:29:50,259 AA guns. 357 00:29:52,897 --> 00:29:54,760 That bitch is still alive. 358 00:29:54,897 --> 00:29:59,660 They're digging foxholes, expanding the defense line. 359 00:29:59,797 --> 00:30:03,059 This is a piece of cake. They're reserves. 360 00:30:04,097 --> 00:30:05,197 I can't see past the hill. 361 00:30:05,197 --> 00:30:06,696 Let's shoot and see. 362 00:30:06,696 --> 00:30:09,663 If they have more men over that hill? 363 00:30:09,797 --> 00:30:11,854 We'll be trapped like rats. 364 00:30:12,097 --> 00:30:14,063 We have their uniform, right? 365 00:30:14,297 --> 00:30:15,160 Yes. 366 00:30:29,063 --> 00:30:32,264 Comrade! Comrade! 367 00:30:32,264 --> 00:30:34,063 Why didn't you answer the radio? 368 00:30:34,063 --> 00:30:35,763 I've been calling you from there. 369 00:30:35,763 --> 00:30:37,627 What? A radio? 370 00:30:38,264 --> 00:30:40,063 Nobody radioed, right? 371 00:30:40,063 --> 00:30:41,763 No, sir. 372 00:30:41,763 --> 00:30:44,729 Are you sure it's not broken? 373 00:30:44,963 --> 00:30:47,929 Where'd you get those boots? 374 00:30:48,930 --> 00:30:51,590 What's your unit? 375 00:30:51,930 --> 00:30:53,793 Get this asshole! 376 00:31:00,330 --> 00:31:01,489 1 and 2, 11 o'clock. 377 00:31:01,930 --> 00:31:03,294 3 and 4, 12 o'clock. Man-seok? 378 00:31:17,830 --> 00:31:18,430 Got them. 379 00:31:18,430 --> 00:31:19,487 Move it! 380 00:31:20,230 --> 00:31:23,197 One the ground, fuckers! 381 00:31:23,197 --> 00:31:25,497 We heard the gunfire. What's going on? 382 00:31:25,497 --> 00:31:26,463 Answer it. 383 00:31:28,097 --> 00:31:28,960 Do you copy? 384 00:31:30,797 --> 00:31:31,997 Tell him it was an accident. 385 00:31:31,997 --> 00:31:34,656 It was an accident, sir. 386 00:31:41,997 --> 00:31:43,596 A volley fire always works! 387 00:31:43,596 --> 00:31:44,653 Radio HQ. 388 00:31:46,097 --> 00:31:48,461 Dragonfly 2, you're good to go. 389 00:31:49,497 --> 00:31:51,156 We've been hit! 390 00:31:53,097 --> 00:31:54,563 Fuck! 391 00:31:54,997 --> 00:31:57,827 We're moving to 0-2-4. Blow it. 392 00:32:04,763 --> 00:32:06,024 What are you doing? 393 00:32:06,763 --> 00:32:10,963 If we let them live now, they'll kill us later. 394 00:32:10,963 --> 00:32:13,429 Move to 0-2-4! 395 00:32:15,464 --> 00:32:16,622 Hurry, sir. 396 00:32:27,563 --> 00:32:28,893 Damn it! 397 00:32:29,930 --> 00:32:31,487 They're back! 398 00:32:49,230 --> 00:32:52,130 After the air strike, move to the trench 399 00:32:52,130 --> 00:32:54,595 before they come out of the foxhole. 400 00:33:28,897 --> 00:33:33,262 What the fuck! Cry and I'll kill you! 401 00:34:32,630 --> 00:34:34,096 To the trench! 402 00:34:36,230 --> 00:34:37,490 Move it! 403 00:34:42,596 --> 00:34:44,062 Medic! 404 00:35:01,297 --> 00:35:02,557 To the trench! 405 00:35:03,797 --> 00:35:05,161 To the trench! 406 00:35:23,563 --> 00:35:25,325 We need to take out that gun. 407 00:35:26,563 --> 00:35:29,427 Let's just fucking charge! 408 00:35:31,663 --> 00:35:33,323 He's too far. 409 00:35:34,364 --> 00:35:40,164 Grenades will fall 30 meters before the pillbox. 410 00:35:40,164 --> 00:35:41,823 - What? - Get your grenades. 411 00:35:43,563 --> 00:35:44,563 What are you doing? 412 00:35:44,563 --> 00:35:45,620 I can't let you. 413 00:35:48,063 --> 00:35:49,995 If they fall short, I die. 414 00:35:50,630 --> 00:35:51,994 Shit! 415 00:35:53,530 --> 00:35:55,087 On my mark! 416 00:35:57,130 --> 00:35:58,289 Now! 417 00:36:07,130 --> 00:36:08,187 I can't see him. 418 00:36:17,030 --> 00:36:17,893 He made it! 419 00:36:21,530 --> 00:36:22,757 Charge! 420 00:36:40,897 --> 00:36:42,863 Fucking commies! 421 00:36:53,596 --> 00:36:54,755 Too late to turn back. 422 00:36:55,197 --> 00:36:56,963 We gotta get up there. 423 00:36:56,963 --> 00:36:58,519 I will lead. 424 00:36:59,863 --> 00:37:01,164 2nd platoon in flank! 425 00:37:01,164 --> 00:37:02,424 Go! 426 00:37:30,930 --> 00:37:32,793 Keep going! 427 00:39:01,663 --> 00:39:03,129 Fuck. 428 00:39:05,863 --> 00:39:07,829 Motherfuckers! 429 00:39:08,063 --> 00:39:10,530 Eating corn power and hiding out like rats! 430 00:39:10,530 --> 00:39:12,996 - Put your hands up. - Don't kill me. 431 00:39:22,630 --> 00:39:26,289 It's a white flag! Ceasefire! 432 00:39:49,797 --> 00:39:50,763 Cruit. 433 00:39:51,496 --> 00:39:52,462 You okay? 434 00:40:08,897 --> 00:40:10,196 It's okay. 435 00:40:10,196 --> 00:40:15,322 He looked younger than me. 436 00:40:15,863 --> 00:40:19,920 It's kill or get killed. Right? 437 00:40:23,863 --> 00:40:24,920 Let's go. 438 00:40:26,163 --> 00:40:29,323 Damn, I almost peed my pants. 439 00:40:32,163 --> 00:40:36,323 Damn Yankees, they destroyed everything. 440 00:40:37,163 --> 00:40:38,720 It'll take forever to restore this. 441 00:40:38,863 --> 00:40:40,763 We have to restore it? 442 00:40:40,763 --> 00:40:43,820 Or what? You'll ask the enemy? 443 00:40:45,763 --> 00:40:49,092 Wow, you hung like a horse. 444 00:40:53,429 --> 00:40:55,190 You damn kid... 445 00:41:31,696 --> 00:41:34,662 Aerok Hill stands on those bodies. 446 00:41:37,997 --> 00:41:42,596 Remember that asshole who said this war would be over in a week? 447 00:41:42,596 --> 00:41:44,459 How could I forget? 448 00:41:46,496 --> 00:41:48,196 He's here. 449 00:41:48,196 --> 00:41:48,996 What? 450 00:41:48,996 --> 00:41:51,155 Yep, it's him. 451 00:41:53,996 --> 00:41:56,224 He put on airs and said... 452 00:41:56,663 --> 00:41:58,822 This war would be over in a week. 453 00:41:59,263 --> 00:42:01,525 You don't know why you're fighting. 454 00:42:04,062 --> 00:42:07,426 I wanna ask him why we're fighting. 455 00:42:08,463 --> 00:42:09,827 Lieutenant! 456 00:42:10,163 --> 00:42:13,323 What are you doing? It's almost gone. 457 00:42:17,563 --> 00:42:19,028 Come on. 458 00:42:31,530 --> 00:42:32,689 What's wrong? 459 00:42:35,329 --> 00:42:36,795 Are you drunk? 460 00:42:39,229 --> 00:42:40,388 We have booze? 461 00:42:43,930 --> 00:42:47,089 MSG. YANG said... 462 00:42:48,029 --> 00:42:50,894 it'd help me forget what happened. 463 00:42:53,429 --> 00:42:56,395 Come on, drink it down. 464 00:42:57,129 --> 00:43:00,186 Hey, that cup is mine. 465 00:43:02,096 --> 00:43:03,153 Give it back. 466 00:43:03,797 --> 00:43:05,558 - Give me some. - Get your own cup. 467 00:43:05,797 --> 00:43:07,262 This is mine. 468 00:43:11,897 --> 00:43:15,260 Eun-pyo, come sit. Drink with us. 469 00:43:26,096 --> 00:43:27,653 Where'd you get the booze? 470 00:43:30,196 --> 00:43:31,196 What's this? 471 00:43:31,196 --> 00:43:36,763 Oh, we didn't draw that. Some commie did. 472 00:43:36,763 --> 00:43:38,228 Fucking idiot! 473 00:43:39,363 --> 00:43:41,522 What's that in your hand? 474 00:43:44,363 --> 00:43:46,727 It's nothing. 475 00:43:51,863 --> 00:43:57,022 "Thanks for sending my regards to my family in the South." 476 00:43:57,862 --> 00:43:59,123 KlM Su-hyeok. 477 00:44:01,663 --> 00:44:02,629 What's this? 478 00:44:04,663 --> 00:44:06,163 Please, let it go. 479 00:44:06,163 --> 00:44:07,322 Put it down. 480 00:44:16,630 --> 00:44:17,596 What's wrong? 481 00:44:18,329 --> 00:44:19,488 It's nothing. 482 00:44:22,029 --> 00:44:23,689 YANG, put it down. 483 00:44:23,929 --> 00:44:26,830 He's a ClC officer. If he talks, we're dead. 484 00:44:26,830 --> 00:44:30,284 You think this is nothing? 485 00:44:31,229 --> 00:44:33,388 You've been talking to commies? 486 00:44:34,530 --> 00:44:35,995 Is this what you're here for? 487 00:44:39,329 --> 00:44:41,496 It's really nothing. 488 00:44:41,496 --> 00:44:43,961 Explain it then. 489 00:44:50,496 --> 00:44:55,155 Do you know how many times this hill changed hands? 490 00:44:57,396 --> 00:45:02,055 Nobody knows. I counted up to 30, though. 491 00:45:02,296 --> 00:45:05,853 We didn't wanna carry all this shit back 492 00:45:06,496 --> 00:45:09,896 when we pulled off this hill. 493 00:45:09,896 --> 00:45:10,953 So? 494 00:45:12,496 --> 00:45:14,359 We buried things in this bunker. 495 00:45:14,763 --> 00:45:17,763 Socks, clothes, chocolate from Yankees. 496 00:45:17,763 --> 00:45:19,819 Ammo, cigarettes, boots 497 00:45:24,563 --> 00:45:26,324 Because we'd be back. 498 00:45:30,062 --> 00:45:35,518 When we took this hill back, guess what we found here. 499 00:45:36,263 --> 00:45:36,962 What? 500 00:45:36,962 --> 00:45:38,223 Damn flies. 501 00:45:43,163 --> 00:45:44,129 Crap. 502 00:45:47,762 --> 00:45:48,887 What's this? 503 00:45:50,029 --> 00:45:50,892 Let me. 504 00:45:52,530 --> 00:45:53,995 Son of a bitch! 505 00:45:54,329 --> 00:45:56,192 - It stinks. - Stay away from me. 506 00:46:01,029 --> 00:46:01,995 What the... 507 00:46:02,530 --> 00:46:06,587 "Thanks for the chocolate, cigarettes, and socks." 508 00:46:06,730 --> 00:46:08,630 Fucking commies! 509 00:46:08,630 --> 00:46:11,596 This is why Communism's gotta go! 510 00:46:12,129 --> 00:46:15,186 I'll kill them all! 511 00:46:16,329 --> 00:46:17,429 Where are you going? 512 00:46:17,429 --> 00:46:18,588 Let go! 513 00:46:19,029 --> 00:46:20,188 Calm down. 514 00:46:20,329 --> 00:46:23,761 So pissed off we weren't ourselves. 515 00:46:25,296 --> 00:46:29,596 So we buried a letter cursing them. 516 00:46:29,596 --> 00:46:31,396 You buried a letter? 517 00:46:31,396 --> 00:46:34,362 Yes, we were not thinking right. 518 00:46:34,596 --> 00:46:39,654 Otherwise, we would've buried grenades or a time bomb. 519 00:46:39,996 --> 00:46:40,962 And then? 520 00:46:41,196 --> 00:46:47,753 As always, we lost the hill and took it back. 521 00:46:54,096 --> 00:46:55,323 What's this? 522 00:46:56,163 --> 00:46:57,163 I know. 523 00:46:57,163 --> 00:46:58,220 Don't. 524 00:47:00,163 --> 00:47:01,220 Okay. 525 00:47:03,762 --> 00:47:05,023 What the... 526 00:47:05,263 --> 00:47:07,463 Isn't this booze? 527 00:47:07,463 --> 00:47:08,663 Booze? 528 00:47:08,663 --> 00:47:10,563 This is rice wine from the North. 529 00:47:10,563 --> 00:47:13,463 Dump it. It might be poisoned. 530 00:47:13,463 --> 00:47:14,723 Are you sure? 531 00:47:15,363 --> 00:47:16,463 This is booze. 532 00:47:16,463 --> 00:47:17,429 Dump it. 533 00:47:18,263 --> 00:47:23,463 I'm not hallucinating. It really is booze. 534 00:47:23,463 --> 00:47:25,724 - Damn. - Ki-young. 535 00:47:35,229 --> 00:47:36,694 Just to make sure... 536 00:47:37,429 --> 00:47:38,486 Smell it. 537 00:47:42,229 --> 00:47:43,388 Fine. 538 00:47:44,729 --> 00:47:45,786 Wait. 539 00:47:47,329 --> 00:47:48,488 Hold on. 540 00:47:48,929 --> 00:47:53,329 If they wanted to kill us, they wouldn't have left wine. 541 00:47:53,329 --> 00:47:54,386 That's right. 542 00:47:55,229 --> 00:47:57,629 They would've buried a grenade instead. 543 00:47:57,629 --> 00:47:58,829 You're right. 544 00:47:58,829 --> 00:48:00,692 Why give us booze? 545 00:48:02,396 --> 00:48:04,453 Fuck it. I don't care if I die. 546 00:48:10,096 --> 00:48:11,652 What's wrong? 547 00:48:12,896 --> 00:48:14,362 Let me have another sip. 548 00:48:16,096 --> 00:48:18,562 - Smart ass! - This is the real thing! 549 00:48:20,196 --> 00:48:22,855 - Give me some! - Wait for the go! 550 00:48:26,296 --> 00:48:27,557 That booze... 551 00:48:31,096 --> 00:48:32,460 It was bribery. 552 00:48:34,396 --> 00:48:37,328 Buried with it was a thick envelope. 553 00:48:37,762 --> 00:48:41,363 In it was a few letters. 554 00:48:41,363 --> 00:48:42,563 Letters? 555 00:48:42,563 --> 00:48:46,263 Some NK solders were drafted from SK. 556 00:48:46,263 --> 00:48:49,922 And some defected to NK and enlisted. 557 00:48:50,862 --> 00:48:55,662 They left letters for their families back home. 558 00:48:55,662 --> 00:48:56,762 So? 559 00:48:56,762 --> 00:49:00,862 So I mailed them all. 560 00:49:00,862 --> 00:49:01,962 You did? 561 00:49:01,962 --> 00:49:04,723 Yes, I did. 562 00:49:05,163 --> 00:49:09,729 Since then, we've buried cigarettes for them. 563 00:49:09,729 --> 00:49:12,093 And they did booze, matches... 564 00:49:13,729 --> 00:49:15,888 We're always low on matches. 565 00:49:16,929 --> 00:49:19,293 Isn't this nice? 566 00:49:20,929 --> 00:49:22,190 That's it? 567 00:49:25,029 --> 00:49:29,586 What else did you expect? 568 00:49:32,029 --> 00:49:34,995 You think we leaked military secrets? 569 00:49:36,529 --> 00:49:38,688 Putting our lives at risk? 570 00:49:48,496 --> 00:49:50,257 YANG, put it down. 571 00:49:51,296 --> 00:49:53,955 I wanna hear what he has to say. 572 00:50:19,062 --> 00:50:21,926 Do you have anything to do with the death of a former captain? 573 00:50:23,263 --> 00:50:26,263 He was shot in the head at point blank. 574 00:50:26,263 --> 00:50:31,321 The pistol used to kill him is what we officers use. 575 00:50:33,163 --> 00:50:36,220 Of course. It was his pistol. 576 00:50:37,062 --> 00:50:38,062 What? 577 00:50:38,062 --> 00:50:41,824 He shot himself while running from a battle. 578 00:50:44,462 --> 00:50:46,326 He was a piece of shit. 579 00:50:47,829 --> 00:50:52,387 But I reported him as a KlA out of courtesy. 580 00:50:52,629 --> 00:50:53,993 You saw it? 581 00:50:54,429 --> 00:50:56,587 One of the boys did. 582 00:50:57,129 --> 00:50:58,594 Where's he now? 583 00:50:58,929 --> 00:51:02,293 He died today. One you buried earlier. 584 00:51:03,529 --> 00:51:05,189 Where did you find his body? 585 00:51:06,329 --> 00:51:10,693 In the creek north of the hill. 586 00:51:13,329 --> 00:51:14,692 Listen, Eun-pyo. 587 00:51:19,529 --> 00:51:22,360 There's nothing you can dig out here. 588 00:51:23,896 --> 00:51:26,158 Even if you do... 589 00:51:27,495 --> 00:51:29,359 Nothing you can do about it. 590 00:51:32,196 --> 00:51:35,162 What makes you so sure? 591 00:51:40,296 --> 00:51:44,660 Just leave before you get killed. 592 00:51:48,896 --> 00:51:49,953 I will. 593 00:51:52,296 --> 00:51:53,556 But... 594 00:51:55,662 --> 00:51:57,628 Now is not the time. 595 00:52:17,462 --> 00:52:20,020 KIM Su-hyeok... 596 00:53:30,896 --> 00:53:32,452 What are you doing here? 597 00:53:41,562 --> 00:53:42,619 Yours? 598 00:53:47,962 --> 00:53:49,518 You live nearby? 599 00:53:51,562 --> 00:53:57,722 Have you seen anything suspicious around here? 600 00:54:07,629 --> 00:54:10,891 Go home. You're not safe here. 601 00:54:14,428 --> 00:54:15,485 Hold on. 602 00:54:29,729 --> 00:54:30,990 It's chocolate. 603 00:54:43,295 --> 00:54:44,659 Don't come back. 604 00:54:51,695 --> 00:54:53,957 Guys, get up there! 605 00:55:43,962 --> 00:55:45,019 Medic! 606 00:55:55,428 --> 00:55:59,485 June, 1953 607 00:56:00,029 --> 00:56:03,392 3rd platoon lost 8 men. 608 00:56:03,729 --> 00:56:08,094 And 23 got wounded and need to be evacuated. 609 00:56:08,428 --> 00:56:10,128 Most of them are severely... 610 00:56:10,128 --> 00:56:12,185 We don't have men to evac them. 611 00:56:12,629 --> 00:56:16,186 Request the regiment for an evac team. 612 00:56:18,529 --> 00:56:20,757 Get out of here. 613 00:56:22,695 --> 00:56:26,096 What's this? Disobeying my order? 614 00:56:26,096 --> 00:56:27,459 No. 615 00:56:27,896 --> 00:56:32,395 We need at least 30 men to evac 23. 616 00:56:32,395 --> 00:56:33,861 There's no way. 617 00:56:34,796 --> 00:56:36,195 That's not it. 618 00:56:36,195 --> 00:56:41,060 When will the war end? 619 00:56:41,996 --> 00:56:43,053 What? 620 00:56:47,695 --> 00:56:49,059 Give me the letters. 621 00:56:52,495 --> 00:56:53,495 So many things to say! 622 00:56:53,495 --> 00:56:56,120 - I'm here. - Come on. 623 00:56:56,362 --> 00:57:01,022 "Thanks for the lyrics to Night at the Front Line." 624 00:57:01,762 --> 00:57:06,062 "Do me a favor. Send my family this picture." 625 00:57:06,062 --> 00:57:08,028 Wait. Give it here. 626 00:57:09,862 --> 00:57:16,818 "l don't think I will see them ever again." 627 00:57:22,562 --> 00:57:26,722 This CHA Tae-kyung kid has a pretty sister. 628 00:57:27,529 --> 00:57:28,586 Come on. 629 00:57:28,929 --> 00:57:31,793 Stop drooling. She's pretty, so what? 630 00:57:32,328 --> 00:57:35,228 If her brother is red, she is too. 631 00:57:35,228 --> 00:57:36,489 Give it here. 632 00:57:41,428 --> 00:57:43,189 His sister is a fox. 633 00:57:46,829 --> 00:57:48,089 Who's this? 634 00:57:48,829 --> 00:57:50,385 CHA Tae-kyung. 635 00:57:54,729 --> 00:57:56,285 She's cute. 636 00:57:57,228 --> 00:57:59,128 I'll keep it. Mail this. 637 00:57:59,128 --> 00:58:00,796 You can't do that. 638 00:58:00,796 --> 00:58:01,762 Forget it. 639 00:58:01,896 --> 00:58:03,657 Yeah, forget it. 640 00:58:04,996 --> 00:58:08,450 What do you think of my future wife? 641 00:58:09,495 --> 00:58:12,461 I have the address. I can visit her after the war. 642 00:58:13,095 --> 00:58:15,061 This girl... 643 00:58:21,896 --> 00:58:28,055 What's going on with damn truce talks? 644 00:58:31,395 --> 00:58:33,361 This is bullshit. 645 00:58:33,796 --> 00:58:37,362 The war has been in a deadlock for 2 years now. 646 00:58:37,362 --> 00:58:40,021 And half a million have died so far. 647 00:58:40,462 --> 00:58:42,362 It's crazy, isn't it? 648 00:58:42,362 --> 00:58:44,225 Damn. 649 00:58:44,362 --> 00:58:45,726 Look, NAM. 650 00:58:45,962 --> 00:58:50,724 Why can't we stop fighting during truce talks? 651 00:58:51,962 --> 00:58:56,621 You should be a CO for the UN forces. 652 00:58:57,262 --> 00:58:59,125 Yeah, that's right. 653 00:59:00,562 --> 00:59:02,118 You don't mind? 654 00:59:03,762 --> 00:59:05,061 You're funny. 655 00:59:05,061 --> 00:59:06,118 Move. 656 00:59:06,662 --> 00:59:08,491 What's this? 657 00:59:08,929 --> 00:59:10,328 It's a pair of goggles. 658 00:59:10,328 --> 00:59:11,487 Here. 659 00:59:13,328 --> 00:59:15,590 - If I put them on... - Give them here. 660 00:59:25,629 --> 00:59:27,891 Made in Germany. 661 00:59:35,529 --> 00:59:38,393 Wow, Lieutenant. They look horrible on you. 662 00:59:42,595 --> 00:59:43,958 Here, Cruit. 663 00:59:44,896 --> 00:59:46,759 That's not fair. 664 00:59:46,995 --> 00:59:49,695 He didn't do anything to deserve these. 665 00:59:49,695 --> 00:59:51,995 They're for him. 666 00:59:51,995 --> 00:59:54,595 It's for the lyrics to that song. 667 00:59:54,595 --> 00:59:56,652 You don't know that. 668 00:59:57,395 --> 00:59:58,452 Come on. 669 00:59:58,796 --> 00:59:59,762 Take them. 670 01:00:00,495 --> 01:00:01,552 Move. 671 01:00:03,995 --> 01:00:07,155 Why don't you sing it for us? 672 01:00:07,695 --> 01:00:08,955 Sure. 673 01:00:12,995 --> 01:00:14,662 One, two, three, four 674 01:00:14,662 --> 01:00:23,721 ¢ÜLeaves are falling... 675 01:00:24,162 --> 01:00:30,117 ¢Üinto the night ¢Üat the front line. 676 01:00:30,662 --> 01:00:37,823 ¢ÜFalling down silently... 677 01:00:38,662 --> 01:00:44,617 ¢Üdews are so cold... 678 01:00:49,228 --> 01:00:51,887 We have intel 679 01:00:52,328 --> 01:00:56,729 Chinese army will set up a strategic base here. 680 01:00:56,729 --> 01:00:58,194 Any word from Recon? 681 01:00:58,428 --> 01:00:59,428 Nothing? 682 01:00:59,428 --> 01:01:04,883 We lost contact with them on the north ridge. 683 01:01:05,128 --> 01:01:07,287 It's been 8 hours. 684 01:01:08,529 --> 01:01:10,128 They might've been sniped. 685 01:01:10,128 --> 01:01:14,228 If that's the case, it must be Two Seconds. 686 01:01:14,228 --> 01:01:18,388 That piece of shit turned up again. 687 01:01:18,629 --> 01:01:20,028 Two Seconds? 688 01:01:20,028 --> 01:01:24,895 It's our nickname for this enemy sniper. 689 01:01:24,895 --> 01:01:26,195 Why Two Seconds? 690 01:01:26,195 --> 01:01:28,161 The body goes down first. 691 01:01:28,395 --> 01:01:32,452 And 2 seconds later, a gunshot is heard. 692 01:01:32,695 --> 01:01:33,995 That's why. 693 01:01:33,995 --> 01:01:36,895 From 680 meters away? 694 01:01:36,895 --> 01:01:37,796 Yes. 695 01:01:37,796 --> 01:01:41,250 He must've modified his rifle. 696 01:01:42,095 --> 01:01:44,995 He's killed about 30 of our men. 697 01:01:44,995 --> 01:01:46,495 How are we gonna get him? 698 01:01:46,495 --> 01:01:48,154 I'll get him. 699 01:01:49,395 --> 01:01:50,656 Can you do it? 700 01:01:53,861 --> 01:01:56,020 Give me 10 men. 701 01:02:01,662 --> 01:02:04,127 Where the fuck is he? 702 01:02:04,462 --> 01:02:05,825 He's not here. 703 01:02:06,562 --> 01:02:08,221 Let's go back. 704 01:02:09,162 --> 01:02:11,128 Not yet. 705 01:02:12,061 --> 01:02:16,961 We searched everywhere. He's not here. 706 01:02:16,961 --> 01:02:19,427 You've been holding it, huh? 707 01:02:32,128 --> 01:02:33,228 Let me see your dick. 708 01:02:33,228 --> 01:02:35,091 Are you nuts? 709 01:02:36,928 --> 01:02:38,189 Come here. 710 01:02:38,529 --> 01:02:39,729 Get your ass over here. 711 01:02:39,729 --> 01:02:40,928 No way! 712 01:02:40,928 --> 01:02:43,228 Come on. We're leaving soon. 713 01:02:43,228 --> 01:02:44,694 Come here. 714 01:02:44,928 --> 01:02:47,894 So you can beat me? No way. 715 01:02:52,629 --> 01:02:54,185 - It's Two Seconds! - Get down! 716 01:02:59,529 --> 01:03:01,295 No! Don't go. 717 01:03:01,295 --> 01:03:03,595 I can't move my leg. 718 01:03:03,595 --> 01:03:07,254 Don't fall for a trap! Stay put! 719 01:03:07,495 --> 01:03:09,461 Where'd he shoot from? 720 01:03:09,995 --> 01:03:11,461 Sergeant YANG... 721 01:03:11,795 --> 01:03:13,159 Sergeant YANG! 722 01:03:13,495 --> 01:03:14,755 Don't move. 723 01:03:15,195 --> 01:03:16,627 Stay there! 724 01:03:20,195 --> 01:03:21,058 Sung-sik! 725 01:03:40,761 --> 01:03:43,818 Help me. I don't wanna die. 726 01:03:54,462 --> 01:03:55,519 Sung-sik! 727 01:03:56,262 --> 01:03:57,319 Don't! 728 01:03:58,262 --> 01:04:00,023 - I want him to shoot again. - What? 729 01:04:02,362 --> 01:04:03,162 One more shot. 730 01:04:03,162 --> 01:04:04,562 We have to get him. 731 01:04:04,562 --> 01:04:06,861 He's waiting for us to take the bait. 732 01:04:06,861 --> 01:04:08,384 Are you crazy? 733 01:04:10,328 --> 01:04:11,691 Fuck. 734 01:04:15,028 --> 01:04:16,994 Sung-sik, grab it. 735 01:04:22,529 --> 01:04:24,188 Hang in there! 736 01:04:25,428 --> 01:04:26,394 Grab it. 737 01:04:27,228 --> 01:04:29,387 Reach for it. 738 01:04:30,928 --> 01:04:31,587 That's good. 739 01:04:33,928 --> 01:04:35,428 We got him. 740 01:04:35,428 --> 01:04:37,291 Commo! 741 01:04:37,728 --> 01:04:38,828 Stop. 742 01:04:38,828 --> 01:04:41,260 Stop shooting me! 743 01:05:00,895 --> 01:05:01,861 Sung-sik. 744 01:05:04,594 --> 01:05:05,753 Give me your hand. 745 01:05:06,895 --> 01:05:08,259 Requesting an artillery attack. 746 01:05:09,395 --> 01:05:10,495 The coordinates are... 747 01:05:10,495 --> 01:05:12,051 Give me your goddamn hand! 748 01:05:16,061 --> 01:05:17,220 Lieutenant... 749 01:05:18,162 --> 01:05:19,423 Come on! 750 01:05:19,861 --> 01:05:20,724 Lieutenant... 751 01:05:23,861 --> 01:05:25,020 Sung-sik... 752 01:05:29,061 --> 01:05:30,617 Die, Two Seconds. 753 01:05:35,262 --> 01:05:36,523 Sung-sik! 754 01:06:05,428 --> 01:06:07,189 Where the fuck is he? 755 01:06:09,628 --> 01:06:11,492 He couldn't have made it. 756 01:06:12,528 --> 01:06:14,128 His body must've been torn into pieces. 757 01:06:14,128 --> 01:06:16,889 No, he's alive. 758 01:06:17,328 --> 01:06:18,487 What? 759 01:06:19,628 --> 01:06:20,958 He walked. 760 01:06:23,594 --> 01:06:25,060 Fuck! 761 01:06:25,195 --> 01:06:26,854 Poor Sung-sik. 762 01:06:27,995 --> 01:06:30,195 He was so young. 763 01:06:30,195 --> 01:06:31,354 So what? 764 01:06:31,895 --> 01:06:34,495 This is a battlefield, and anybody can die. 765 01:06:34,495 --> 01:06:37,795 Is there an order who dies first? 766 01:06:37,795 --> 01:06:40,556 Age means nothing in war. 767 01:07:45,128 --> 01:07:46,389 Chocolate? 768 01:07:50,928 --> 01:07:54,587 Was it that boy who sang? 769 01:07:59,995 --> 01:08:01,359 Lieutenant KANG! 770 01:08:03,694 --> 01:08:05,660 Where are you? 771 01:08:08,295 --> 01:08:09,954 This way, guys. 772 01:08:21,095 --> 01:08:23,061 Fuck. 773 01:08:53,561 --> 01:08:59,222 An artillery attack for a single sniper? 774 01:08:59,561 --> 01:09:03,721 I should've taken out the commo first. 775 01:09:28,928 --> 01:09:32,828 The 2nd Corps of Chinese Army is 776 01:09:32,828 --> 01:09:36,192 setting up a new point in the northwest of Aerok Hill. 777 01:09:37,228 --> 01:09:38,591 First LT. KANG? 778 01:09:40,394 --> 01:09:41,553 Are you listening? 779 01:09:42,394 --> 01:09:44,952 Put your head together! 780 01:09:47,694 --> 01:09:51,854 To hold the defense line... 781 01:10:04,394 --> 01:10:05,553 Got something to say? 782 01:10:09,995 --> 01:10:12,154 Sung-sik died because of you. 783 01:10:15,961 --> 01:10:17,722 Many have died. 784 01:10:18,461 --> 01:10:20,018 This is war. 785 01:10:21,061 --> 01:10:22,526 Is this how? 786 01:10:25,262 --> 01:10:29,626 How you made First LT from Private in 2 years? 787 01:10:31,061 --> 01:10:32,861 I guess it is. 788 01:10:32,861 --> 01:10:35,861 I did what I had to do. 789 01:10:35,861 --> 01:10:40,361 I bet you did. Each and every time. 790 01:10:40,361 --> 01:10:42,520 Now you're going for captain? 791 01:10:43,261 --> 01:10:44,861 Should I salute you? 792 01:10:44,861 --> 01:10:47,327 The war killed Sung-sik. 793 01:10:47,327 --> 01:10:49,427 That's bullshit, asshole! 794 01:10:49,427 --> 01:10:51,290 Excuse me? 795 01:10:52,728 --> 01:10:59,228 My arm will grow back when I grow up, right? 796 01:10:59,228 --> 01:11:02,928 I said no. It won't, will it? 797 01:11:02,928 --> 01:11:07,883 It will grow back, and I'll be normal again, right? 798 01:11:21,195 --> 01:11:22,455 Look. 799 01:11:22,895 --> 01:11:24,554 Are you a lizard? 800 01:11:25,294 --> 01:11:27,658 Arms don't grow. 801 01:11:28,594 --> 01:11:31,594 You'll be armless until you die, freak! 802 01:11:31,594 --> 01:11:32,753 Motherfucker! 803 01:11:36,095 --> 01:11:37,995 It'll grow back! 804 01:11:37,995 --> 01:11:39,594 You call yourself human? 805 01:11:39,594 --> 01:11:43,356 Tell me it will! 806 01:11:46,995 --> 01:11:51,694 No, I'm not human anymore. I died long ago! 807 01:11:51,694 --> 01:11:53,319 3 years of hell! 808 01:11:53,861 --> 01:11:55,461 What do you expect? 809 01:11:55,461 --> 01:11:57,121 Shut the fuck up. 810 01:11:59,861 --> 01:12:03,861 What do you know about war? 811 01:12:03,861 --> 01:12:07,520 Things are worse in the rear. 812 01:12:07,661 --> 01:12:10,261 You're not the only one fighting a war. 813 01:12:10,261 --> 01:12:12,420 Everybody is in hell! 814 01:12:16,161 --> 01:12:18,128 You don't know a thing about hell. 815 01:12:19,961 --> 01:12:21,221 NAM Sung-sik. 816 01:12:22,661 --> 01:12:25,718 Kids like him die everyday. 817 01:12:27,728 --> 01:12:31,182 Hundreds of thousands have died. 818 01:12:31,728 --> 01:12:37,183 And why the fuck isn't this war ending? 819 01:12:39,828 --> 01:12:42,191 What do you know about hell? 820 01:12:46,427 --> 01:12:47,893 What is hell? 821 01:12:49,227 --> 01:12:51,193 Is it Pohang? 822 01:12:57,628 --> 01:13:01,061 Tell me! Where's my platoon? 823 01:13:04,394 --> 01:13:05,553 Where's everybody? 824 01:13:05,694 --> 01:13:06,594 Move. 825 01:13:06,594 --> 01:13:07,753 Don't get closer! 826 01:13:08,194 --> 01:13:09,751 He's completely crazy. 827 01:13:10,095 --> 01:13:13,095 Thank God he doesn't have a grenade. 828 01:13:13,095 --> 01:13:14,560 He's not crazy. 829 01:13:15,394 --> 01:13:16,860 He's on and off. 830 01:13:18,194 --> 01:13:21,094 Can't you see him? Have him transferred. 831 01:13:21,094 --> 01:13:23,560 He will receive a dishonorable discharge. 832 01:13:23,694 --> 01:13:26,394 It's not fair for a man of bravery. 833 01:13:26,394 --> 01:13:28,594 What? You sons of... 834 01:13:28,594 --> 01:13:31,458 Where's my platoon? 835 01:13:32,194 --> 01:13:34,217 It got wiped out! 836 01:13:35,561 --> 01:13:36,261 Can't you remember? 837 01:13:36,261 --> 01:13:39,461 SONG Hyung-jong! AHN Hyun-su! 838 01:13:39,461 --> 01:13:41,825 KANG Hyuk-pill! JUNG Man-su! 839 01:13:42,261 --> 01:13:44,921 JUNG Kyu-won! Who else? 840 01:13:45,261 --> 01:13:49,125 NAM Guk-bae, SHlN Chang-su They all died. 841 01:13:49,361 --> 01:13:53,521 When we fled Pohang, 2nd platoon got wiped out. 842 01:13:55,461 --> 01:13:56,427 Why? 843 01:13:58,161 --> 01:13:59,320 Why? 844 01:14:00,161 --> 01:14:01,320 If so... 845 01:14:02,761 --> 01:14:04,818 Why am I alive? 846 01:14:06,928 --> 01:14:08,689 Tell me, PFC. SHlN! 847 01:14:14,628 --> 01:14:16,127 Captain, no. 848 01:14:16,127 --> 01:14:17,184 Don't. 849 01:14:18,628 --> 01:14:21,890 Stay back! Why am I the only one alive? 850 01:14:22,528 --> 01:14:23,585 Tell me! 851 01:14:35,027 --> 01:14:36,288 Sang-uk. 852 01:14:38,027 --> 01:14:39,288 Look at me. 853 01:14:40,795 --> 01:14:42,351 Don't you remember? 854 01:14:44,494 --> 01:14:46,551 What happened in Pohang? 855 01:14:48,094 --> 01:14:53,394 Why'd everybody die except you? 856 01:14:53,394 --> 01:14:54,451 Enough! 857 01:14:55,494 --> 01:14:57,153 That's enough. 858 01:14:57,895 --> 01:14:59,656 Look at me. 859 01:15:00,494 --> 01:15:04,358 It's me, ll-young. 860 01:15:35,361 --> 01:15:36,418 No! 861 01:15:37,960 --> 01:15:39,561 Get him! 862 01:15:39,561 --> 01:15:40,527 Doc! 863 01:15:45,261 --> 01:15:48,489 You were lucky. It missed the bone. 864 01:15:54,628 --> 01:15:56,389 You don't feel pain, do you? 865 01:16:01,027 --> 01:16:04,289 He's hooked on morphine. 866 01:16:05,828 --> 01:16:07,191 What is it? 867 01:16:08,628 --> 01:16:10,991 What happened in Pohang? 868 01:16:17,528 --> 01:16:20,255 Fuck Pohang... 869 01:16:20,594 --> 01:16:23,754 August 17, 1950 Pohang 870 01:16:38,795 --> 01:16:40,454 What are we gonna do? 871 01:16:41,194 --> 01:16:42,455 Retreat! 872 01:16:51,394 --> 01:16:54,361 Take us with you! 873 01:16:54,361 --> 01:16:56,060 - There's no time! - Are you crazy? 874 01:16:56,060 --> 01:16:58,361 Let's go! 875 01:16:58,361 --> 01:17:01,060 Get the fuck back! 876 01:17:01,060 --> 01:17:03,361 We can't take no more! 877 01:17:03,361 --> 01:17:05,261 You're leaving us to die? 878 01:17:05,261 --> 01:17:06,060 There's no room! 879 01:17:06,060 --> 01:17:08,924 Get back, assholes! 880 01:17:09,161 --> 01:17:10,218 Let's go! 881 01:17:20,461 --> 01:17:22,461 Climb on! 882 01:17:22,461 --> 01:17:24,120 Get us out of here! 883 01:17:27,227 --> 01:17:28,628 Hit it! 884 01:17:28,628 --> 01:17:29,685 Fuck! 885 01:17:33,828 --> 01:17:34,884 Captain! 886 01:17:41,027 --> 01:17:41,890 Bro. 887 01:17:44,127 --> 01:17:44,990 Bro! 888 01:18:32,761 --> 01:18:36,124 You killed our own men! 889 01:19:21,227 --> 01:19:23,090 You crazy bastard. 890 01:19:23,728 --> 01:19:29,490 Why are you trying to kill yourself? 891 01:19:38,827 --> 01:19:40,657 Who's to blame him? 892 01:19:41,794 --> 01:19:45,749 He saved us all. 893 01:19:46,694 --> 01:19:48,057 Didn't he? 894 01:19:53,494 --> 01:19:55,653 Who could deny that? 895 01:19:56,494 --> 01:19:57,551 Tell me. 896 01:19:58,194 --> 01:19:59,455 Tell me! 897 01:20:00,694 --> 01:20:03,251 Tell me, you fucking cowards! 898 01:20:05,294 --> 01:20:08,454 He's right. You saved us. 899 01:20:11,693 --> 01:20:14,626 Why can't you admit that? 900 01:20:17,161 --> 01:20:22,718 2nd platoon got wiped out in combat. 901 01:20:26,661 --> 01:20:27,819 Il-young. 902 01:20:30,661 --> 01:20:32,422 It's not your fault. 903 01:20:33,461 --> 01:20:34,926 Heard that, Private? 904 01:20:37,660 --> 01:20:42,320 You killed our men to survive. Don't waste your life now. 905 01:20:45,660 --> 01:20:46,887 Su-hyeok... 906 01:21:05,628 --> 01:21:10,390 - Sang-uk! - Sang-uk! 907 01:21:11,127 --> 01:21:13,286 It's okay. 908 01:21:14,327 --> 01:21:17,884 Send them away with him. 909 01:21:18,528 --> 01:21:19,959 No more kids here. 910 01:21:36,594 --> 01:21:39,693 We've had so many battles. 911 01:21:39,693 --> 01:21:44,648 But this one will be the last one over Aerok Hill. 912 01:21:45,794 --> 01:21:49,658 We've heard that more than enough. 913 01:21:50,593 --> 01:21:52,194 I'm sick of hearing that. 914 01:21:52,194 --> 01:21:53,921 How dare you! 915 01:21:57,161 --> 01:21:58,626 Keep quiet. 916 01:22:03,060 --> 01:22:04,923 Carry on. 917 01:22:05,660 --> 01:22:11,218 The Chinese Army will lead the attack. 918 01:22:11,760 --> 01:22:16,125 When the ROK asses pull out 919 01:22:16,361 --> 01:22:19,660 we'll wipe them out on their retreat. 920 01:22:19,660 --> 01:22:20,921 Got it? 921 01:22:22,560 --> 01:22:26,583 Take sure they don't get away. 922 01:22:26,727 --> 01:22:28,886 What's the point? 923 01:22:29,127 --> 01:22:31,528 One minute, it's ours. And next minute, it's theirs. 924 01:22:31,528 --> 01:22:35,290 What if they take it, and an armistice is signed? 925 01:22:37,528 --> 01:22:40,227 That's a suicide! 926 01:22:40,227 --> 01:22:42,489 If they take away our men 927 01:22:43,127 --> 01:22:45,027 Aerok will be stranded. 928 01:22:45,027 --> 01:22:48,891 We can't defend against those Chinks. 929 01:22:49,027 --> 01:22:50,288 So? 930 01:22:51,327 --> 01:22:54,227 We desert Aerok and set up a new defense line. 931 01:22:54,227 --> 01:22:56,027 We cut off their line of supply. 932 01:22:56,027 --> 01:22:58,584 Then focus our fire on them. 933 01:22:58,727 --> 01:23:00,159 What the fuck! 934 01:23:00,294 --> 01:23:03,055 Who do you think you are? 935 01:23:03,194 --> 01:23:05,894 A commander-in-chief? 936 01:23:05,894 --> 01:23:07,494 Know your fucking place. 937 01:23:07,494 --> 01:23:09,460 Have you fought against those chinks? 938 01:23:09,693 --> 01:23:13,853 Do you even know who Peng Dehuai is? 939 01:23:14,294 --> 01:23:17,851 They have more men than our ammo. 940 01:23:18,593 --> 01:23:19,650 Did you know that? 941 01:23:22,094 --> 01:23:23,355 Son of a bitch. 942 01:23:23,493 --> 01:23:25,755 Contumacy in times of war results in what? 943 01:23:26,994 --> 01:23:27,857 Say it. 944 01:23:28,194 --> 01:23:31,058 Contumacy results in what? 945 01:23:32,461 --> 01:23:34,222 Punishment on the spot. 946 01:23:34,461 --> 01:23:39,018 Standby to attack along Hakang ridge. 947 01:23:39,960 --> 01:23:41,823 Answer me. 948 01:23:43,161 --> 01:23:43,860 Sir. 949 01:23:43,860 --> 01:23:44,826 Repeat it! 950 01:23:45,161 --> 01:23:48,218 Along Hakang ridge. 951 01:23:49,660 --> 01:23:50,461 Standby to attack. 952 01:23:50,461 --> 01:23:51,619 KANG? 953 01:23:52,060 --> 01:23:54,525 Standby on the north ridge. Repeat it. 954 01:23:55,060 --> 01:23:59,719 Standby on the north ridge. 955 01:24:15,327 --> 01:24:19,691 Captain SHlN was right about this. 956 01:24:21,427 --> 01:24:24,881 He's saved our ass quite a few times. 957 01:24:25,727 --> 01:24:29,285 Soldiers live and die by orders. 958 01:24:30,027 --> 01:24:33,686 But this is like dying for nothing. 959 01:24:48,194 --> 01:24:51,160 The visibility is bad. I can't see shit. 960 01:24:51,794 --> 01:24:54,453 And we can't hear shit because of the rain. 961 01:25:04,794 --> 01:25:05,760 Contact! 962 01:25:38,660 --> 01:25:39,626 They're here! 963 01:25:59,627 --> 01:26:01,927 It's chinks. They're too many! 964 01:26:01,927 --> 01:26:03,327 No word from HQ? 965 01:26:03,327 --> 01:26:07,127 We have to pull out. Aerok is completely surrounded. 966 01:26:07,127 --> 01:26:08,627 Give us your order. 967 01:26:08,627 --> 01:26:10,184 Not so fast. 968 01:26:11,326 --> 01:26:12,792 We gotta wait. 969 01:26:16,127 --> 01:26:19,559 I can't get Capt. SHlN on the radio. 970 01:26:19,794 --> 01:26:23,894 That means... He and his men are dead. 971 01:26:23,894 --> 01:26:26,053 - Get HQ on the radio! - Yes, sir! 972 01:26:26,294 --> 01:26:30,555 Sir, it's Chinese army. We're outnumbered. 973 01:26:31,194 --> 01:26:32,853 I know, but... 974 01:26:35,994 --> 01:26:37,255 What'd he say? 975 01:26:38,794 --> 01:26:40,657 We're defending the hill. 976 01:26:44,194 --> 01:26:46,955 We'll fight to the end. 977 01:26:48,094 --> 01:26:50,651 He doesn't know the situation here. 978 01:26:50,894 --> 01:26:52,660 We have to retreat now. 979 01:26:52,660 --> 01:26:54,319 Fuck! 980 01:26:55,261 --> 01:26:58,818 Il-young is dead. We're all gonna die! 981 01:26:59,860 --> 01:27:01,519 Motherfucker! 982 01:27:04,261 --> 01:27:08,125 Should I send you where ll-young is? 983 01:27:08,360 --> 01:27:11,918 You should've listened to ll-young! 984 01:27:13,760 --> 01:27:18,260 Soldiers die when they're told to! 985 01:27:18,260 --> 01:27:19,521 No! 986 01:27:20,860 --> 01:27:22,826 Captain, don't do it. 987 01:27:37,127 --> 01:27:40,581 Our captain is dead. By the military law 988 01:27:41,627 --> 01:27:43,184 I'm in charge now. 989 01:27:44,326 --> 01:27:46,127 We're pulling out. 990 01:27:46,127 --> 01:27:47,184 Yes, sir! 991 01:27:53,927 --> 01:27:55,086 By the military law? 992 01:27:58,027 --> 01:27:59,959 If you kill me, you're in charge. 993 01:28:00,894 --> 01:28:03,655 Can you get our boys out of here? 994 01:28:05,094 --> 01:28:08,151 If you can, shoot me. 995 01:28:10,293 --> 01:28:11,953 We don't have time. 996 01:28:18,794 --> 01:28:23,393 Get all the survivors to Ridge 315. 997 01:28:23,393 --> 01:28:24,393 - Move! - Yes, sir! 998 01:28:24,393 --> 01:28:25,859 If we make it... 999 01:28:29,493 --> 01:28:31,857 I'll have you court-marshaled. 1000 01:28:42,960 --> 01:28:44,619 Keep going! Leave him! 1001 01:28:46,960 --> 01:28:48,560 We're fucked. 1002 01:28:48,560 --> 01:28:50,026 Put up a white flag! 1003 01:28:50,960 --> 01:28:52,017 We gotta go. 1004 01:28:52,860 --> 01:28:55,826 Go! Save your ass! 1005 01:28:56,160 --> 01:28:58,422 Get out of here! 1006 01:28:59,260 --> 01:29:01,060 I'm not leaving behind anybody anymore. 1007 01:29:01,060 --> 01:29:02,117 Get up. 1008 01:29:06,527 --> 01:29:07,686 Fuck! 1009 01:29:09,827 --> 01:29:11,190 Sergeant YANG! 1010 01:29:11,827 --> 01:29:13,088 Sergeant Yang! 1011 01:29:14,127 --> 01:29:16,527 Why didn't you just leave me?! 1012 01:29:16,527 --> 01:29:18,390 Funny boy. 1013 01:29:18,827 --> 01:29:21,292 Wait for your turn. 1014 01:29:22,627 --> 01:29:27,184 Mt. Hwabaek Battle in 1941. 1015 01:29:27,827 --> 01:29:31,691 I got this badge from an interim... 1016 01:29:33,226 --> 01:29:34,283 YANG! 1017 01:29:35,727 --> 01:29:39,057 Fuck the badge! 1018 01:29:53,994 --> 01:29:55,357 We're out of ammo. 1019 01:30:03,894 --> 01:30:05,951 I guess this is it. 1020 01:30:14,560 --> 01:30:15,719 It's Capt. SHlN! 1021 01:30:16,060 --> 01:30:17,218 He's alive! 1022 01:30:18,360 --> 01:30:19,621 How are you holding up? 1023 01:30:22,760 --> 01:30:24,260 When that flare goes out 1024 01:30:24,260 --> 01:30:27,022 fire all the trench mortar and get out of here. 1025 01:30:27,160 --> 01:30:30,820 If they fall for it, they'll be shooting at each other. 1026 01:30:31,160 --> 01:30:32,960 Take your men and go. 1027 01:30:32,960 --> 01:30:34,760 I'll be right after you. 1028 01:30:34,760 --> 01:30:37,817 No matter what, we're sticking together. 1029 01:30:39,160 --> 01:30:40,922 You're in charge now. 1030 01:30:41,860 --> 01:30:44,519 Save your men. 1031 01:30:47,727 --> 01:30:48,784 Focus! 1032 01:30:50,627 --> 01:30:51,684 Trench mortar! 1033 01:30:52,027 --> 01:30:53,083 Fire! 1034 01:31:14,126 --> 01:31:15,592 Damn chinks. 1035 01:31:17,226 --> 01:31:21,249 The US recon aircraft is up, and they're gone. 1036 01:31:23,193 --> 01:31:25,853 Let me ask you something. 1037 01:31:29,193 --> 01:31:31,557 Was it you? 1038 01:31:33,493 --> 01:31:36,653 Did you kill the former captain? 1039 01:31:39,894 --> 01:31:41,693 What makes you think I did? 1040 01:31:41,693 --> 01:31:46,993 Because Capt. YOO will be reported as a KlA. 1041 01:31:46,993 --> 01:31:52,324 You've seen enough. Isn't your job over now? 1042 01:31:52,760 --> 01:31:55,817 What? It's not enough? 1043 01:31:56,260 --> 01:31:59,317 Murders, treachery, disobeying orders. 1044 01:32:03,460 --> 01:32:06,221 Those are my charges? 1045 01:32:07,059 --> 01:32:08,116 That's right. 1046 01:32:08,760 --> 01:32:11,419 I report you and my job is over. 1047 01:32:11,960 --> 01:32:15,959 So is yours, asshole. 1048 01:32:15,959 --> 01:32:19,619 I'd rather die out here. 1049 01:32:37,126 --> 01:32:39,226 Two fucking Seconds. 1050 01:32:39,226 --> 01:32:40,487 It didn't echo. 1051 01:32:41,426 --> 01:32:42,790 He's nearby. 1052 01:32:45,527 --> 01:32:46,788 Listen up. 1053 01:32:47,026 --> 01:32:51,482 I count to 3, and we all run in different directions. 1054 01:32:51,727 --> 01:32:54,488 He's fast, but he can't kill us all. 1055 01:32:54,727 --> 01:32:56,386 Some of us will live. 1056 01:32:57,026 --> 01:32:57,992 One! 1057 01:32:58,493 --> 01:32:59,459 Two! 1058 01:33:00,193 --> 01:33:00,852 Three! 1059 01:33:43,860 --> 01:33:46,223 I see you, asshole. 1060 01:33:57,160 --> 01:33:58,921 I got him. 1061 01:34:05,126 --> 01:34:06,092 You... 1062 01:34:09,527 --> 01:34:10,788 CHA Tae-kyung? 1063 01:34:14,926 --> 01:34:16,290 Fuck. 1064 01:34:17,026 --> 01:34:18,083 Su-hyeok! 1065 01:34:19,827 --> 01:34:20,883 No. 1066 01:34:21,426 --> 01:34:22,326 Don't come! 1067 01:34:22,326 --> 01:34:23,485 Su-hyeok! 1068 01:34:25,126 --> 01:34:26,786 Eun-pyo, don't come. 1069 01:34:29,926 --> 01:34:30,892 Su-hyeok... 1070 01:34:31,126 --> 01:34:31,989 Go! 1071 01:34:39,593 --> 01:34:40,956 Su-hyeok! 1072 01:34:59,293 --> 01:35:00,759 Eun-pyo... 1073 01:35:03,493 --> 01:35:06,947 Don't come, or you'll get killed. 1074 01:35:19,360 --> 01:35:25,623 You know what? 1075 01:35:27,360 --> 01:35:30,019 I think I died long ago. 1076 01:35:41,260 --> 01:35:42,624 You, me. 1077 01:35:43,759 --> 01:35:45,987 Everybody in Alligator Company. 1078 01:35:47,326 --> 01:35:50,690 Even Two Seconds. 1079 01:35:51,627 --> 01:35:54,286 She also died long ago. 1080 01:35:56,026 --> 01:35:58,185 Like Sung-sick... 1081 01:36:00,326 --> 01:36:04,088 We've killed too many. 1082 01:36:07,926 --> 01:36:10,790 We should be in hell. 1083 01:36:11,326 --> 01:36:12,383 Stop talking. 1084 01:36:15,226 --> 01:36:21,250 But hell can't be worse than here. 1085 01:36:23,293 --> 01:36:27,748 Killing each other... 1086 01:36:31,293 --> 01:36:32,952 I die today, and... 1087 01:36:34,593 --> 01:36:35,853 Stop it! 1088 01:36:36,193 --> 01:36:39,159 You're not dying, asshole! 1089 01:36:41,393 --> 01:36:42,552 Eun-pyo. 1090 01:36:45,593 --> 01:36:47,559 My mom... 1091 01:36:47,893 --> 01:36:51,093 Yes, Su-hyeok. 1092 01:36:51,093 --> 01:36:52,616 My mom... 1093 01:36:57,360 --> 01:36:59,825 I can't remember her face. 1094 01:37:04,959 --> 01:37:06,323 Su-hyeok? 1095 01:37:07,959 --> 01:37:10,720 Su-hyeok! 1096 01:37:11,360 --> 01:37:12,326 No. 1097 01:37:12,560 --> 01:37:15,719 No! 1098 01:38:04,493 --> 01:38:06,049 Sorry... 1099 01:38:23,893 --> 01:38:26,359 We got booze, too. 1100 01:38:44,859 --> 01:38:49,460 "Goggles are handy in summer. Thanks." 1101 01:38:49,460 --> 01:38:51,323 It must be that boy. 1102 01:38:55,059 --> 01:38:57,218 He's dead. 1103 01:38:58,759 --> 01:39:00,521 I killed him. 1104 01:39:00,759 --> 01:39:05,782 They killed many of our comrades, too. 1105 01:39:11,426 --> 01:39:12,891 What does it say? 1106 01:39:15,926 --> 01:39:16,789 "Hey, CHA Tae-kyung" 1107 01:39:17,093 --> 01:39:18,160 The photo is mine! And don't worry about your sister. 1108 01:39:18,160 --> 01:39:19,326 I'll take good care of her. Let's stop fighting, assholes. 1109 01:39:19,326 --> 01:39:21,883 What is it? 1110 01:39:22,226 --> 01:39:23,782 What does it say? 1111 01:39:25,126 --> 01:39:27,683 "Let's stop fighting, assholes." 1112 01:39:29,026 --> 01:39:30,326 That's all? 1113 01:39:30,326 --> 01:39:32,926 Pretty much. 1114 01:39:32,926 --> 01:39:37,226 I bet they're sick of this war. 1115 01:39:37,226 --> 01:39:40,351 So are we. Why are we fighting then? 1116 01:39:50,493 --> 01:39:55,357 ¢ÜLeaves are... 1117 01:39:56,692 --> 01:40:00,250 ¢ÜFalling... 1118 01:40:00,393 --> 01:40:01,393 KIM Su-hyeok 1119 01:40:01,393 --> 01:40:05,052 ¢Ülnto the night... 1120 01:40:05,492 --> 01:40:07,993 ¢Üat the front line... 1121 01:40:07,993 --> 01:40:08,959 Sir! 1122 01:40:11,959 --> 01:40:15,016 Comrade Captain! 1123 01:40:15,859 --> 01:40:17,416 The war is over. 1124 01:40:20,360 --> 01:40:22,019 Listen to this. 1125 01:40:22,160 --> 01:40:24,126 The armistice has been signed by... 1126 01:40:24,193 --> 01:40:27,460 The war is over! 1127 01:40:27,460 --> 01:40:28,925 It's over! 1128 01:40:48,326 --> 01:40:49,484 Thank you! 1129 01:40:51,026 --> 01:40:52,685 We made it alive! 1130 01:40:53,126 --> 01:40:54,591 Thank you, sir! 1131 01:41:03,426 --> 01:41:04,584 Lieutenant KANG! 1132 01:41:23,093 --> 01:41:25,252 How could this happen? 1133 01:41:36,393 --> 01:41:38,154 Why couldn't you survive another day? 1134 01:41:42,893 --> 01:41:45,859 The war is fucking over. 1135 01:41:51,559 --> 01:41:53,025 Sir... 1136 01:42:05,160 --> 01:42:07,523 It's okay to be hurt. 1137 01:42:10,059 --> 01:42:11,615 You can cry. 1138 01:42:25,726 --> 01:42:26,783 Bro... 1139 01:42:45,026 --> 01:42:46,185 Fire! 1140 01:42:54,325 --> 01:42:55,586 Rest in peace. 1141 01:42:56,826 --> 01:43:00,656 - Goodbye! - Goodbye! 1142 01:43:26,793 --> 01:43:30,350 KIM ll-sung. 1143 01:44:23,526 --> 01:44:24,583 Enemy! 1144 01:45:03,692 --> 01:45:04,749 Goodbye! 1145 01:45:05,793 --> 01:45:07,554 Goodbye! 1146 01:45:08,793 --> 01:45:10,656 You fought well! 1147 01:45:11,160 --> 01:45:15,216 I guess it's really over. 1148 01:45:17,759 --> 01:45:18,725 Let's go. 1149 01:45:24,559 --> 01:45:25,525 Lieutenant! 1150 01:45:30,259 --> 01:45:31,225 What? 1151 01:45:56,726 --> 01:45:58,090 KIM Su-hyeok. 1152 01:46:09,626 --> 01:46:10,592 Let's go. 1153 01:46:25,192 --> 01:46:26,158 Sir! 1154 01:46:26,392 --> 01:46:27,358 Attention! 1155 01:46:35,893 --> 01:46:39,993 We, hereby, sign an armistice agreement 1156 01:46:39,993 --> 01:46:42,492 to stop the bloodshed 1157 01:46:42,492 --> 01:46:45,692 and suspend any open hostile activities 1158 01:46:45,692 --> 01:46:52,023 until a complete peace is achieved on the peninsula. 1159 01:46:52,759 --> 01:46:56,259 Conditions of an armistice under this agreement 1160 01:46:56,259 --> 01:47:03,124 are to be strictly forced by all the parties involved. 1161 01:47:04,259 --> 01:47:07,521 It was signed at 10 a.m. on July 27. 1162 01:47:20,659 --> 01:47:21,818 However... 1163 01:47:22,559 --> 01:47:26,685 The supplementary provision states clearly 1164 01:47:27,926 --> 01:47:32,085 that the armistice agreement takes effect as of 22:00 1165 01:47:32,225 --> 01:47:38,385 on July 27, 1953. 12 hours after it was signed. 1166 01:47:40,225 --> 01:47:43,191 We still have 12 hours left. 1167 01:47:44,125 --> 01:47:49,285 We'll launch a full attack on all the fronts. 1168 01:47:49,425 --> 01:47:53,482 12 hours from now, it's gonna be our land. 1169 01:47:55,826 --> 01:47:57,451 Captain SHlN. 1170 01:47:59,392 --> 01:48:00,358 Sir? 1171 01:48:01,192 --> 01:48:03,158 Take the north ridge of Aerok Hill. 1172 01:48:07,492 --> 01:48:08,651 Didn't you hear me? 1173 01:48:11,092 --> 01:48:15,047 My company isn't in good shape, sir. 1174 01:48:16,692 --> 01:48:20,146 It's the last combat. Deal with it. 1175 01:48:20,793 --> 01:48:22,759 Show us what you got. 1176 01:48:28,692 --> 01:48:32,459 12 hours of all-out war? 1177 01:48:32,459 --> 01:48:34,516 That's crazy! 1178 01:48:34,759 --> 01:48:36,725 Tell me! 1179 01:48:42,459 --> 01:48:44,118 Why are you laughing? 1180 01:48:47,559 --> 01:48:51,013 Did you expect to survive this war? 1181 01:48:51,259 --> 01:48:52,759 Comrade... 1182 01:48:52,759 --> 01:48:57,623 I was stupid to be hopeful. 1183 01:48:59,659 --> 01:49:02,420 Get all the squad leaders. 1184 01:49:04,125 --> 01:49:08,080 We're ending this war. 1185 01:49:11,826 --> 01:49:17,690 No matter what it takes, I'll save my men. 1186 01:49:22,125 --> 01:49:25,683 He said that winning the war is to survive. 1187 01:49:26,726 --> 01:49:28,282 To stay alive. 1188 01:49:29,526 --> 01:49:31,492 Su-hyeok said that? 1189 01:49:32,325 --> 01:49:33,291 Yes. 1190 01:49:35,425 --> 01:49:40,153 He said our enemy wasn't commies, but the war itself. 1191 01:49:52,192 --> 01:49:59,853 We'll take Aerok back from the north ridge. 1192 01:50:11,559 --> 01:50:15,514 We were nicknamed Alligator Company 1193 01:50:15,659 --> 01:50:21,023 by American troops. 1194 01:50:22,859 --> 01:50:24,915 Do you know why? 1195 01:50:28,159 --> 01:50:30,819 Alligators lay about 50 eggs. 1196 01:50:31,759 --> 01:50:35,714 More than half are eaten by other animals. 1197 01:50:35,858 --> 01:50:42,314 And most of those hatched fall prey to other animals. 1198 01:50:42,559 --> 01:50:46,491 Only one or two survives. 1199 01:50:49,826 --> 01:50:53,690 But you know what? 1200 01:50:56,225 --> 01:50:57,986 One or two alligators 1201 01:50:59,526 --> 01:51:05,584 that survived out of 50 grow up 1202 01:51:06,526 --> 01:51:08,583 to rule the swamp. 1203 01:51:09,025 --> 01:51:10,491 That's alligators. 1204 01:51:11,825 --> 01:51:14,383 We're facing the last combat. 1205 01:51:15,125 --> 01:51:20,456 In the past 2 and half years, 500 thousand have died. 1206 01:51:20,892 --> 01:51:25,052 But we've survived! 1207 01:51:26,793 --> 01:51:28,452 We're alligators! 1208 01:51:28,892 --> 01:51:31,154 We rule the combat field! 1209 01:51:31,292 --> 01:51:32,692 Got that? 1210 01:51:32,692 --> 01:51:34,092 Yes, sir! 1211 01:51:34,092 --> 01:51:35,492 Who's the strongest? 1212 01:51:35,492 --> 01:51:36,592 Alligators! 1213 01:51:36,592 --> 01:51:38,292 Who's the fittest? 1214 01:51:38,292 --> 01:51:39,258 Alligators! 1215 01:51:39,592 --> 01:51:41,751 Survive for 12 hours! 1216 01:51:43,292 --> 01:51:44,451 Stay alive! 1217 01:51:47,592 --> 01:51:48,955 So we can go home. 1218 01:51:59,958 --> 01:52:01,924 We can't see them. 1219 01:52:02,259 --> 01:52:04,816 But they're very close. 1220 01:52:05,559 --> 01:52:07,115 Less than 100 meters away. 1221 01:52:09,459 --> 01:52:10,924 What are you doing here? 1222 01:52:11,459 --> 01:52:13,118 You can't leave me out. 1223 01:52:14,259 --> 01:52:16,225 We're in this together. 1224 01:52:16,559 --> 01:52:18,525 It's just another 12 hours. 1225 01:52:19,659 --> 01:52:23,022 Damn, it's foggy. 1226 01:52:24,726 --> 01:52:27,987 The whole world is telling us to fight. 1227 01:52:29,425 --> 01:52:31,982 And this fog is telling us not to. 1228 01:52:34,225 --> 01:52:35,282 That's right. 1229 01:52:39,025 --> 01:52:40,786 If it stays this foggy 1230 01:52:42,425 --> 01:52:44,084 the USAF can't strike. 1231 01:52:44,626 --> 01:52:47,387 And they might call off this operation. 1232 01:52:48,325 --> 01:52:50,086 Right? 1233 01:52:55,025 --> 01:52:58,048 Once the fog clears, they'll bomb this hill. 1234 01:52:58,892 --> 01:53:02,052 Once they do, we'll charge. 1235 01:53:04,292 --> 01:53:05,757 If we survive this... 1236 01:53:10,292 --> 01:53:11,656 I'll call you Bro. 1237 01:53:14,792 --> 01:53:15,951 So stay alive. 1238 01:53:17,592 --> 01:53:19,649 Make sure you do. 1239 01:53:25,492 --> 01:53:26,855 Son of a bitch! 1240 01:53:27,992 --> 01:53:30,858 Stop crying, asshole! 1241 01:53:30,858 --> 01:53:33,518 I don't wanna fight. 1242 01:53:34,459 --> 01:53:37,323 Stop crying, bitch! 1243 01:53:37,559 --> 01:53:40,820 Stop it! Stop it, asshole! 1244 01:53:46,259 --> 01:53:48,623 Fuck me. 1245 01:53:50,259 --> 01:53:53,058 Who the fuck is singing? 1246 01:53:53,058 --> 01:53:54,217 No. 1247 01:53:55,858 --> 01:53:57,017 It's them. 1248 01:54:02,359 --> 01:54:08,985 ¢ÜFalling down silently... 1249 01:54:10,825 --> 01:54:18,384 ¢Üdew is so cold. 1250 01:54:19,825 --> 01:54:28,425 ¢ÜNot able to sleep... ¢Ütossing and turning... 1251 01:54:28,425 --> 01:54:36,790 ¢Ül heard my mom's voice ¢Ütelling me ways of a man. 1252 01:54:44,691 --> 01:54:49,192 ¢ÜDon't I miss her voice. 1253 01:54:49,192 --> 01:54:50,851 Fuck. 1254 01:54:53,192 --> 01:54:59,147 ¢ÜHeard from a distance... 1255 01:54:59,992 --> 01:55:03,754 ¢Üa loud gunshot, 1256 01:55:04,591 --> 01:55:10,615 ¢Ülike a lullaby, 1257 01:55:11,559 --> 01:55:18,821 ¢Ütakes me home in my dream. 1258 01:55:19,858 --> 01:55:22,915 ¢ÜMy home, 1259 01:55:23,359 --> 01:55:26,519 ¢Ümy sweet home... 1260 01:55:28,359 --> 01:55:36,858 ¢ÜBefore a bowl of water... ¢Ümom prays for my safety. 1261 01:55:36,858 --> 01:55:44,985 ¢ÜHer shining gray hair ¢Übrings tears to my eyes. 1262 01:55:59,225 --> 01:56:00,781 We' re fucked. 1263 01:59:08,825 --> 01:59:10,984 Motherfuckers! 1264 02:00:01,591 --> 02:00:05,353 Die, asshole! 1265 02:00:10,658 --> 02:00:12,022 What's this? 1266 02:00:13,259 --> 02:00:14,519 Asshole. 1267 02:00:33,458 --> 02:00:36,720 Do you copy? Stop bombing! 1268 02:00:37,058 --> 02:00:39,717 We're behind the enemy line! Stop bombing! 1269 02:00:41,058 --> 02:00:43,159 You're killing us all! 1270 02:00:43,159 --> 02:00:45,886 We gotta pull out now! 1271 02:04:45,892 --> 02:04:49,255 You remember me, don't you? 1272 02:04:52,291 --> 02:04:55,655 You said it would end in a week. 1273 02:04:57,291 --> 02:04:59,348 You're still alive. 1274 02:05:02,091 --> 02:05:03,455 Dumbass. 1275 02:05:04,691 --> 02:05:06,452 Let me ask you this. 1276 02:05:10,057 --> 02:05:12,819 Here's what you said 3 years ago. 1277 02:05:15,258 --> 02:05:17,315 Do you know why you're losing? 1278 02:05:18,458 --> 02:05:21,117 That's because you don't know why you're fighting. 1279 02:05:28,258 --> 02:05:33,213 Why are we fighting? 1280 02:05:36,458 --> 02:05:37,822 I knew it. 1281 02:05:40,658 --> 02:05:42,817 I knew what it was. 1282 02:05:46,424 --> 02:05:47,788 But... 1283 02:05:53,424 --> 02:05:55,287 It's been too long. 1284 02:06:00,224 --> 02:06:01,884 I forgot. 1285 02:06:04,024 --> 02:06:05,786 Son of a bitch. 1286 02:06:08,024 --> 02:06:12,525 Stop any hostilities on all the frontlines. 1287 02:06:12,525 --> 02:06:13,424 I repeat. 1288 02:06:13,424 --> 02:06:17,379 Stop any hostilities... 1289 02:07:14,558 --> 02:07:18,957 Stop any hostilities on all the frontlines. 1290 02:07:18,957 --> 02:07:20,258 repeat. 1291 02:07:20,258 --> 02:07:25,384 Stop any hostilities on all the frontlines. 1292 02:07:28,024 --> 02:07:29,024 Repeat. 1293 02:07:29,024 --> 02:07:33,582 Stop any hostilities on all the frontlines. 1294 02:08:00,591 --> 02:08:04,353 Directed by JANG Hun