1 00:03:54,834 --> 00:03:57,064 Margaret! Margaret! 2 00:03:57,303 --> 00:03:59,362 -Yes, ma'am. -There you are. 3 00:03:59,472 --> 00:04:01,463 I need you to make sure the entire household is cleaned up. 4 00:04:01,574 --> 00:04:02,541 Yes, ma'am. 5 00:04:02,675 --> 00:04:04,302 There is dust everywhere. 6 00:04:04,410 --> 00:04:07,709 I swear to you, I would think they do nothing when we're away. 7 00:04:07,814 --> 00:04:10,681 -ls Hattie preparing lunch? -Yes, ma'am. She is. 8 00:04:11,017 --> 00:04:15,545 Wow, it's going to be a long weekend, but, a great one. 9 00:04:16,422 --> 00:04:18,583 I love Christmas here on the Cape. 10 00:04:18,691 --> 00:04:21,854 I'm sure you all will have a great Christmas, as will l. 11 00:04:22,328 --> 00:04:24,990 Wait, you're not leaving this weekend, are you? 12 00:04:25,131 --> 00:04:26,621 You told me I could have Christmas off. 13 00:04:26,799 --> 00:04:28,926 I know, but I need you around here. 14 00:04:29,035 --> 00:04:30,832 Please, you must stay. I will give you New Year's off. 15 00:04:30,937 --> 00:04:32,495 You promised. 16 00:04:32,605 --> 00:04:34,937 Promises were made to be broken. 17 00:04:35,608 --> 00:04:38,304 But my entire family is coming to my house for Christmas. 18 00:04:38,444 --> 00:04:40,537 My aunts, my two sons and my daughter... 19 00:04:40,647 --> 00:04:43,445 Blah, blah, blah... I understand that. 20 00:04:43,549 --> 00:04:48,009 But, my family will be here and I need you. You know how Hattie is. She drinks. 21 00:04:48,221 --> 00:04:49,313 I heard that! 22 00:04:50,990 --> 00:04:52,355 And she has ears like a dog. 23 00:04:52,525 --> 00:04:53,583 Your mammy! 24 00:04:56,029 --> 00:04:56,996 Margaret, please? 25 00:04:57,297 --> 00:04:59,231 -Ms. Lilian, with all due respect... -Margaret, 26 00:04:59,332 --> 00:05:01,766 haven't we been really good to you and your children? 27 00:05:02,902 --> 00:05:04,392 Well, yes, ma'am, you have. 28 00:05:04,570 --> 00:05:06,265 Who's paying for your son's education? 29 00:05:07,240 --> 00:05:08,207 You are. 30 00:05:08,341 --> 00:05:11,310 And who helped that son of yours out when he got into trouble with the police? 31 00:05:11,644 --> 00:05:12,611 You did, ma'am. 32 00:05:12,812 --> 00:05:17,442 Well, the least you can do is grant me this one favor. 33 00:05:17,550 --> 00:05:19,711 We don't come up here to the Cape often. 34 00:05:20,119 --> 00:05:22,178 -And I wanted everything to be perfect... -Okay... 35 00:05:22,355 --> 00:05:23,788 -For John, and China and... -Okay, I will call them 36 00:05:23,890 --> 00:05:25,357 and let them know I have to work. 37 00:05:26,426 --> 00:05:27,620 Thank you. 38 00:05:28,261 --> 00:05:29,922 So you just gonna let her talk at you like that? 39 00:05:30,029 --> 00:05:31,860 What choice do I have? I need this job. 40 00:05:32,131 --> 00:05:33,325 It ain't like she gonna fire you! 41 00:05:33,433 --> 00:05:35,833 No, she can't fire you. She can fire me. 42 00:05:36,069 --> 00:05:37,263 If I was you, I wouldn't take that! 43 00:05:37,370 --> 00:05:40,305 I'd snatch that heifer up by her hair and sling her... 44 00:05:40,406 --> 00:05:41,805 Praise God from Zion! 45 00:05:43,843 --> 00:05:44,810 Margaret. 46 00:05:45,011 --> 00:05:46,376 Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. 47 00:05:46,479 --> 00:05:49,073 This is going to be a very important weekend. 48 00:05:49,215 --> 00:05:52,082 I need you take special care of the guest room. 49 00:05:52,985 --> 00:05:55,215 -China is coming with her beau. -Really? 50 00:05:55,321 --> 00:05:59,314 Oh yes, Bobby, that's his name. He comes from a very good family. 51 00:05:59,425 --> 00:06:02,519 His parents are super rich and he's in medical school. 52 00:06:03,329 --> 00:06:04,819 Wouldn't that be something if they got married? 53 00:06:04,931 --> 00:06:07,399 I guess it would. How long have they been dating? 54 00:06:07,834 --> 00:06:12,066 Almost a year? Oh my, you don't think he's going to ask her to marry him, do you? 55 00:06:12,171 --> 00:06:13,331 I don't know, ma'am. 56 00:06:13,439 --> 00:06:15,304 What if that's what this Christmas is about? 57 00:06:16,576 --> 00:06:18,737 My child getting married. 58 00:06:18,845 --> 00:06:22,906 I'm putting that in the universe, and hope that prayer is answered. 59 00:06:23,015 --> 00:06:26,246 As a matter of fact, you go to church a lot, Margaret, 60 00:06:26,452 --> 00:06:29,182 why don't you ask that Jesus to make it happen? 61 00:06:30,223 --> 00:06:33,556 Jesus is not a DJ that plays requests, ma'am. 62 00:06:36,028 --> 00:06:39,122 You are too funny. A DJ. 63 00:06:39,432 --> 00:06:41,457 Yes, ma'am, I reckon I am. 64 00:06:42,402 --> 00:06:43,369 Hello, Mother! 65 00:06:43,936 --> 00:06:47,702 Hi, darling. How was sailing? 66 00:06:48,074 --> 00:06:50,508 Delightful, darling. Is she here, yet? 67 00:06:50,810 --> 00:06:51,902 No, any time. 68 00:06:52,078 --> 00:06:56,310 I was telling Margaret I think Bobby may pop the question. 69 00:06:56,416 --> 00:06:58,247 Looks like we'll be planning a wedding. 70 00:06:58,718 --> 00:06:59,810 No, really? 71 00:07:00,019 --> 00:07:01,145 Can you imagine? 72 00:07:01,621 --> 00:07:05,523 -lt seems that she was just a little girl. -Our little girl. 73 00:07:05,925 --> 00:07:07,517 Look here, let me ask you all a couple of questions 74 00:07:07,627 --> 00:07:09,094 about this year's Christmas dinner. 75 00:07:09,328 --> 00:07:11,592 Now y'all say y'all want steak and potatoes, 76 00:07:11,898 --> 00:07:16,062 Iobster and chicken, who gonna eat all that? 77 00:07:17,703 --> 00:07:19,136 That's the menu I would like to have 78 00:07:19,238 --> 00:07:21,638 just in case Bobby wants something different. 79 00:07:22,175 --> 00:07:26,202 And I have another question. Who gonna cook all that? 80 00:07:28,581 --> 00:07:32,176 That's your job. You are our chef. 81 00:07:32,819 --> 00:07:36,414 So you're just gonna get sporty with it like that, huh? 82 00:07:36,522 --> 00:07:37,750 You think I'm something to play with. 83 00:07:37,857 --> 00:07:39,518 I bet you choke off one of them chicken bones 84 00:07:39,692 --> 00:07:42,786 you gonna be asking somebody something about me! 85 00:07:42,895 --> 00:07:46,126 Say something! You say anything! Say anything to me! 86 00:07:47,700 --> 00:07:48,997 Act like I'm something to play with! 87 00:07:49,202 --> 00:07:50,169 Y'all can keep right on here 88 00:07:50,269 --> 00:07:52,897 and I'm gonna choke me somebody to sleep around here. 89 00:07:53,473 --> 00:07:55,805 I'm almost afraid to eat it. 90 00:07:55,908 --> 00:07:58,069 She's just cantankerous. She means no harm. 91 00:07:58,177 --> 00:08:01,772 I told you we should have borrowed Mr. Whitemen's chef, while he was in Aspen. 92 00:08:01,881 --> 00:08:04,782 Well, I sure God wished you had! You still can do that! 93 00:08:05,117 --> 00:08:06,414 Please do that for me! 94 00:08:13,626 --> 00:08:15,423 -Hello, everyone. -China. 95 00:08:17,396 --> 00:08:18,363 -Hey. -Hey. 96 00:08:18,531 --> 00:08:19,691 Hi, Mom. Daddy! 97 00:08:19,799 --> 00:08:20,857 Pumpkin! 98 00:08:21,300 --> 00:08:22,597 Well, how is college life? 99 00:08:22,702 --> 00:08:25,136 -It's good. -That's wonderful. You look great. 100 00:08:25,238 --> 00:08:26,205 Where's Bobby? 101 00:08:26,305 --> 00:08:27,272 Hello, everyone! 102 00:08:27,507 --> 00:08:30,203 -Mom, Dad. You remember Bobby. -Yes, hello, son. 103 00:08:30,376 --> 00:08:31,400 Hello, sir. 104 00:08:31,577 --> 00:08:36,446 "Son," that has such a nice ring to it. It's the first word in "son-in-law." 105 00:08:36,549 --> 00:08:37,641 -Let me take your coat, Bobby. -Thank you. 106 00:08:37,750 --> 00:08:38,717 How are you? 107 00:08:39,118 --> 00:08:41,382 I'm doing very well, Mrs. Mansell. Thank you for asking. 108 00:08:41,521 --> 00:08:44,319 What manners you have. Please, call me Mom. 109 00:08:44,624 --> 00:08:45,591 You've been here long enough. 110 00:08:45,691 --> 00:08:48,091 -Mom, you're embarrassing me. -Nonsense. 111 00:08:48,427 --> 00:08:51,692 -So, Bobby, how's your golf game? -It's great. Better than the weather actually. 112 00:08:51,797 --> 00:08:54,994 -It's been brutal here in the Northeast. -They say it's El Nino. 113 00:08:58,771 --> 00:09:00,830 Well, we should play while you're here. It would be great. 114 00:09:01,574 --> 00:09:03,667 We'll go to Twin Brooks. I have an extra set of clubs. 115 00:09:03,776 --> 00:09:05,300 Sounds like a plan. 116 00:09:05,511 --> 00:09:06,808 Oh, no, not all of that. 117 00:09:06,913 --> 00:09:08,972 We're not taking all of our time to a golf course. 118 00:09:09,582 --> 00:09:11,413 -Margaret! -Hello, darling! 119 00:09:11,517 --> 00:09:13,610 It is so good to see you. 120 00:09:13,719 --> 00:09:16,347 You have no idea how much I've missed you. 121 00:09:16,489 --> 00:09:18,218 I've missed you too, princess. 122 00:09:18,391 --> 00:09:21,724 Bobby, this is my Margaret. She practically raised me. 123 00:09:21,827 --> 00:09:23,522 -Hello. -I've heard so much about you. 124 00:09:23,729 --> 00:09:24,991 -Good things I hope. -Yes. 125 00:09:25,097 --> 00:09:27,327 There are only good things that can be said about you. 126 00:09:27,433 --> 00:09:31,335 Like that time I cut my finger on that can in the kitchen and it was bleeding so much! 127 00:09:31,437 --> 00:09:34,133 Oh, my God, it was awful! 128 00:09:34,240 --> 00:09:37,073 I was crying to the top of my lungs, Mom couldn't get me to stop, 129 00:09:37,176 --> 00:09:40,942 -and then Miss Margaret here walked... -Enough down memory lane, darling. 130 00:09:41,047 --> 00:09:42,810 Take their bags upstairs to the guest room, please. 131 00:09:42,915 --> 00:09:44,177 Yes, ma'am, right away. 132 00:09:44,317 --> 00:09:46,911 That's nonsense, I can't let this lady take these bags. 133 00:09:47,019 --> 00:09:52,013 No, she's used to it. Hattie! Can you help Margaret with the bags? 134 00:09:53,326 --> 00:09:55,294 Do you want me to cook or do you want me to get bags? 135 00:09:55,761 --> 00:09:58,491 It's alright, ma'am, I have them. 136 00:09:59,131 --> 00:10:02,692 I done told you I ain't no second-hand mule. 137 00:10:02,802 --> 00:10:05,168 Do I look like a woman called Moses, to you? 138 00:10:06,305 --> 00:10:09,797 I done told you, that's a man's job and I ain't no man! 139 00:10:09,909 --> 00:10:12,241 Girl, don't roll up on me like that. 140 00:10:13,112 --> 00:10:14,545 -Hey there, sugar. -Hi. 141 00:10:14,647 --> 00:10:18,139 Oh, Lord, you're pretty. I sure missed you. 142 00:10:18,250 --> 00:10:20,912 Your mama got me in a rage asking me to get some bags. 143 00:10:21,053 --> 00:10:22,145 Ask me that again! 144 00:10:22,254 --> 00:10:25,553 You're gonna need a body bag, baby, don't play with me! 145 00:10:29,328 --> 00:10:33,731 Oh, Jesus. Who is this here pretty fine specimen of a man right here? 146 00:10:35,701 --> 00:10:38,169 This is Bobby. He's a friend of mine from college. 147 00:10:38,371 --> 00:10:40,134 He's more than just a friend. 148 00:10:41,007 --> 00:10:43,407 Hello, Bobby. My name is Whitney. 149 00:10:43,509 --> 00:10:47,536 And I'll always love you 150 00:10:54,153 --> 00:10:56,246 'Cause it's my prerogative. 151 00:11:15,875 --> 00:11:17,775 It's nice to meet you. 152 00:11:19,311 --> 00:11:23,645 You speak so well. You must be one of them college babies. 153 00:11:23,749 --> 00:11:24,716 Why, yes. 154 00:11:24,817 --> 00:11:28,776 Like I said, Hattie, we go to school together and Bobby's even studied abroad. 155 00:11:28,888 --> 00:11:31,880 Well, I studies a dude. You wanna be my first class? 156 00:11:33,826 --> 00:11:35,657 Forget the bags, Hattie, thank you. 157 00:11:36,162 --> 00:11:38,960 Can you work on lunch, please? 158 00:11:39,699 --> 00:11:41,360 I'm gonna get on up out of here! 159 00:11:41,467 --> 00:11:44,800 I've been a mess around here and lost my religion, fooling with you. 160 00:11:44,904 --> 00:11:46,804 But Bobby, just remember 161 00:11:47,239 --> 00:11:49,799 I'm only a whisper away. 162 00:11:51,110 --> 00:11:55,103 'Cause I love you! I love you! 163 00:11:59,285 --> 00:12:01,583 He's so pretty, he look like just a piece of dark chocolate. 164 00:12:01,721 --> 00:12:05,088 Bobby, forgive her. That's John's aunt. 165 00:12:05,224 --> 00:12:08,022 We have to keep her around. It's either that or the home. 166 00:12:08,127 --> 00:12:09,560 It's okay. She's cute. 167 00:12:09,995 --> 00:12:12,964 I knew he wanted me! I knew he wanted me! 168 00:12:14,066 --> 00:12:16,159 No, Hattie. 169 00:12:17,369 --> 00:12:18,336 Aunt Hattie! 170 00:12:20,539 --> 00:12:22,006 Aunt Hattie! 171 00:12:25,945 --> 00:12:26,912 Hattie! 172 00:12:28,581 --> 00:12:30,412 You all know I ain't took my medicine. 173 00:12:31,951 --> 00:12:34,476 I'm gonna run back here and roll me up a blunt. 174 00:12:35,721 --> 00:12:36,881 Hattie, get off of him. 175 00:12:42,962 --> 00:12:44,862 You didn't know I was acrobatic, did you? 176 00:12:44,964 --> 00:12:45,931 Hattie, get up. 177 00:12:46,465 --> 00:12:49,366 -Get up. -Let's run back here and smoke us one. 178 00:12:49,468 --> 00:12:50,662 You gonna burn one with me? 179 00:12:50,936 --> 00:12:52,494 Come on, sugar. 180 00:12:52,938 --> 00:12:55,270 Why do I feel like I need a cigarette? 181 00:12:55,374 --> 00:12:58,309 You'll be staying in our guest room. It has a great view of the Cape. 182 00:12:58,410 --> 00:13:00,401 -Come, I'll show you. -Excuse me. 183 00:13:01,947 --> 00:13:04,677 It is so good to be home. 184 00:13:05,518 --> 00:13:07,247 So, how's it going? 185 00:13:07,453 --> 00:13:10,786 -Mom, school is great. -I mean with Bobby. 186 00:13:10,923 --> 00:13:12,356 He's a great guy. 187 00:13:12,458 --> 00:13:15,757 But, Mom, look, I have been doing so good in my classes. 188 00:13:15,861 --> 00:13:18,193 Look at my term report, straight "A's." 189 00:13:18,297 --> 00:13:20,595 And one of my professors thinks that I could get accepted 190 00:13:20,699 --> 00:13:23,361 into an early internship at the Capitol. 191 00:13:23,469 --> 00:13:25,061 That's great, darling. 192 00:13:25,171 --> 00:13:28,038 But don't get so busy, you'll forget about your priorities. 193 00:13:28,140 --> 00:13:30,665 -School is my priority. -That man should be. 194 00:13:30,776 --> 00:13:31,743 What? 195 00:13:31,877 --> 00:13:33,003 He's a great catch. 196 00:13:33,112 --> 00:13:35,672 His grandfather was on the "Richest Men of Color" list. 197 00:13:35,781 --> 00:13:38,113 And I'm sure he's going to inherit the company. 198 00:13:38,217 --> 00:13:41,243 Mom, that may be all well and good, but I want to make my own money. 199 00:13:41,587 --> 00:13:45,819 Darling, a woman's work is at her husband's side. 200 00:13:46,258 --> 00:13:48,089 That's what's important. 201 00:13:48,194 --> 00:13:50,458 Now, are you spending enough time with him? 202 00:13:50,563 --> 00:13:51,552 Mom, stop it. 203 00:13:51,664 --> 00:13:53,188 Did you tell him about our family? 204 00:13:53,299 --> 00:13:56,462 You must tell him about your great-grandfather Mansell, 205 00:13:56,869 --> 00:14:01,203 and how he practically led the lndustrial Revolution in New England. 206 00:14:01,307 --> 00:14:04,174 And how John's dad was close friends with John Kennedy. 207 00:14:04,276 --> 00:14:05,504 That's why they called him John. 208 00:14:05,611 --> 00:14:08,978 I don't have to tell him anything, you always find a way to. 209 00:14:09,081 --> 00:14:13,040 Well, with parents like his, family history is very important. 210 00:14:13,152 --> 00:14:14,949 Mom, we are who we are, 211 00:14:15,054 --> 00:14:17,420 we don't need to impress Bobby or his parents. 212 00:14:17,890 --> 00:14:18,982 You've met them? 213 00:14:19,458 --> 00:14:20,755 We're going there for New Year's. 214 00:14:20,860 --> 00:14:23,328 Good, you have time for a facial. 215 00:14:23,429 --> 00:14:25,522 Mom. Stop it! 216 00:14:25,631 --> 00:14:27,861 You are ruining this Christmas for me already. 217 00:14:27,967 --> 00:14:31,562 Can we just have a nice time and you not get all worked up about Bobby? 218 00:14:31,670 --> 00:14:33,695 -Fine. I'm sorry. -Fine. 219 00:14:34,373 --> 00:14:35,738 You know, I just want the best for you. 220 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:36,933 Yes, I know. 221 00:14:37,476 --> 00:14:38,966 And I'm sorry. 222 00:14:40,079 --> 00:14:41,808 I trust the accommodations are good for you. 223 00:14:41,947 --> 00:14:45,075 -Yes, sir. This is a very nice place. -Thank you. 224 00:14:45,851 --> 00:14:48,615 I see you have a boat. Do you sail? 225 00:14:48,721 --> 00:14:51,554 -Almost every day here. -That's great. That's great. 226 00:14:51,657 --> 00:14:53,454 -Bobby. -Yes, sir? 227 00:14:53,559 --> 00:14:55,584 -I want to ask you something. -Yes, sir. 228 00:14:55,694 --> 00:14:57,992 How serious are you about my daughter? 229 00:14:58,097 --> 00:15:00,657 Well, sir, I'm very serious. 230 00:15:00,766 --> 00:15:03,564 She's a great girl and I really like her a lot. 231 00:15:04,303 --> 00:15:05,964 Actually, I love her. 232 00:15:08,474 --> 00:15:11,341 You need know something about the Mansell women. 233 00:15:11,443 --> 00:15:12,603 They are a little slow to warm up, 234 00:15:12,711 --> 00:15:14,736 but once they do, they are on your side forever. 235 00:15:15,214 --> 00:15:17,079 That's good to know. 236 00:15:17,182 --> 00:15:21,118 She was distant in the beginning, but she's coming around. 237 00:15:21,220 --> 00:15:23,518 -Then you've seen it first-hand. -Yeah. 238 00:15:23,622 --> 00:15:25,886 You know for the first time she told me that she loved me, last week? 239 00:15:25,991 --> 00:15:27,117 -Really? -Yeah. 240 00:15:27,226 --> 00:15:30,195 -I've been saying it for almost a year. -Wow. That's big for her. 241 00:15:30,296 --> 00:15:33,959 I know. I think I want to ask her to marry me. 242 00:15:35,534 --> 00:15:37,399 -Marriage? -Yeah. 243 00:15:37,503 --> 00:15:38,731 Are you sure you're ready for that? 244 00:15:39,004 --> 00:15:42,872 I am. I hope she is. What do you think she'll say? 245 00:15:44,043 --> 00:15:45,010 I don't know. 246 00:15:45,778 --> 00:15:47,507 You're her dad. You should know your daughter. 247 00:15:47,980 --> 00:15:49,709 I do, that's why I don't know. 248 00:15:52,284 --> 00:15:53,717 But don't let that bother you. 249 00:15:53,819 --> 00:15:56,185 Look at it this way, you're the only guy she's ever brought home. 250 00:15:56,689 --> 00:15:58,122 So that has to mean something, right? 251 00:15:58,958 --> 00:16:01,358 -Yes, sir, it does. -Well, take that as a lesson. 252 00:16:01,560 --> 00:16:02,527 Thank you. 253 00:16:02,928 --> 00:16:08,161 So as tradition in my family, I have to ask your permission for your daughter's hand. 254 00:16:08,267 --> 00:16:11,202 -Yes, you have my permission. -Thank you. Thank you. 255 00:16:12,538 --> 00:16:14,938 -So... -What, J? 256 00:16:15,040 --> 00:16:17,008 Mom thinks you and Bobby are going to get married. 257 00:16:17,109 --> 00:16:20,806 -What's going on? -Oh, my God, Japan. I am so confused. 258 00:16:20,913 --> 00:16:22,574 I wasn't ready for all of this. 259 00:16:23,015 --> 00:16:25,040 Confused? Well, do you love him or not? 260 00:16:25,351 --> 00:16:28,286 Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't know. 261 00:16:30,122 --> 00:16:34,388 I was just looking forward to a stress-free weekend on the Cape. 262 00:16:34,493 --> 00:16:37,587 You and Mother in the same house never means stress free. 263 00:16:37,696 --> 00:16:39,357 I know, what was I thinking? 264 00:16:39,732 --> 00:16:41,757 What is wrong with that woman, Japan? 265 00:16:41,867 --> 00:16:44,893 She's practically married me off to Bobby already. 266 00:16:45,037 --> 00:16:49,531 -Well, she is excited about you two. -Only because of who his family is. 267 00:16:49,641 --> 00:16:51,108 It's so shallow. 268 00:16:51,276 --> 00:16:53,335 You know she's built up her idea of how we should live. 269 00:16:53,645 --> 00:16:57,137 And it infuriates me. Aren't you tired of it all? 270 00:16:58,083 --> 00:17:00,711 Tired ofwhat, China? I do what I want. 271 00:17:01,754 --> 00:17:04,188 You're the one who lets Mom and Dad stress you out. 272 00:17:04,289 --> 00:17:05,347 I enjoy life. 273 00:17:06,458 --> 00:17:08,983 -I roll with the punches. -Well, she gets on my nerve! 274 00:17:10,129 --> 00:17:11,596 She doesn't mean any harm. 275 00:17:12,131 --> 00:17:14,531 Mom just has her whole life wrapped up into us. 276 00:17:14,633 --> 00:17:18,831 And what about us, Japan? What about what we want? 277 00:17:21,073 --> 00:17:26,033 I love my mama And I know you do, too 278 00:17:27,146 --> 00:17:32,015 We love our daddy This is true 279 00:17:32,885 --> 00:17:37,822 But we gotta find our own way To get through this holiday 280 00:17:38,457 --> 00:17:44,225 To rise above these tears, no need for fear No, no, no 281 00:17:44,863 --> 00:17:46,330 What about us? 282 00:17:46,432 --> 00:17:50,698 What about family? What about friends? 283 00:17:50,803 --> 00:17:53,897 -What about us? -What about this good life? 284 00:17:54,173 --> 00:17:56,539 Could this all be pretend? 285 00:17:56,675 --> 00:17:58,142 What about us? 286 00:17:58,243 --> 00:17:59,904 I have goals 287 00:18:01,113 --> 00:18:02,478 And so do you 288 00:18:02,581 --> 00:18:04,276 What about us? 289 00:18:04,383 --> 00:18:05,645 There comes a point when 290 00:18:05,951 --> 00:18:07,885 We gotta do what we gotta do 291 00:18:08,754 --> 00:18:10,483 Now Mama told me 292 00:18:10,589 --> 00:18:14,150 The same thing she told you 293 00:18:14,626 --> 00:18:17,823 She said stand up straight With a big old smile 294 00:18:18,464 --> 00:18:20,398 And feel the love 295 00:18:20,499 --> 00:18:22,126 What about us? 296 00:18:22,668 --> 00:18:25,603 -See, I knew you were gonna take her side. -I'm not taking anybody's side. 297 00:18:25,704 --> 00:18:26,932 You always take her side. 298 00:18:27,039 --> 00:18:30,634 You don't have to hear her in one ear and out the other, nothing. 299 00:18:33,545 --> 00:18:35,945 What about heartache? 300 00:18:36,682 --> 00:18:38,047 What about pain? 301 00:18:39,618 --> 00:18:41,882 What about what Mama said? 302 00:18:42,588 --> 00:18:44,453 What about rain? 303 00:18:45,491 --> 00:18:48,051 Mama did teach us 304 00:18:48,160 --> 00:18:51,254 And Daddy did too 305 00:18:51,363 --> 00:18:53,331 They taught us to be strong 306 00:18:53,432 --> 00:18:55,764 And I'm looking at you 307 00:18:56,001 --> 00:18:57,093 What about us? 308 00:18:57,536 --> 00:18:58,594 What about family? 309 00:19:00,439 --> 00:19:03,067 -What about friends? -What about us? 310 00:19:03,509 --> 00:19:07,775 What about this good life? Could this all be pretend? 311 00:19:07,980 --> 00:19:09,004 What about us? 312 00:19:09,515 --> 00:19:11,506 I have goals 313 00:19:12,384 --> 00:19:13,817 And so do you 314 00:19:13,919 --> 00:19:15,011 What about us? 315 00:19:15,687 --> 00:19:17,120 There comes a point when 316 00:19:17,322 --> 00:19:19,984 We gotta do what we gotta do 317 00:19:20,092 --> 00:19:21,320 Now Mama told you 318 00:19:22,027 --> 00:19:25,929 the same thing she told me 319 00:19:26,064 --> 00:19:27,588 She said stand up straight 320 00:19:28,033 --> 00:19:29,000 Hey 321 00:19:33,839 --> 00:19:36,535 What is the point in talking to you about anything? 322 00:19:37,442 --> 00:19:38,966 China, that's all I'm trying to say. 323 00:19:39,211 --> 00:19:40,473 You are such a mama's boy. 324 00:19:40,746 --> 00:19:41,940 You are such a drama queen. 325 00:19:52,491 --> 00:19:55,949 -What do you think? -lt looks expensive. 326 00:19:56,061 --> 00:19:59,292 It is very expensive. I want to impress him. 327 00:19:59,698 --> 00:20:02,690 Well, I'm sure Mr. Mansell will be impressed with that. 328 00:20:02,834 --> 00:20:04,961 This isn't for John. It's for Bobby. 329 00:20:05,170 --> 00:20:06,194 For Bobby? 330 00:20:06,772 --> 00:20:09,741 I want him to know he's welcome to the family. 331 00:20:09,875 --> 00:20:11,672 Merry Christmas! 332 00:20:11,777 --> 00:20:13,768 Christmas is not about expensive gifts, ma'am. 333 00:20:14,179 --> 00:20:17,774 Oh, please. Bite your tongue. What else can it be about? 334 00:20:18,984 --> 00:20:20,815 The birth of Christ the Savior. 335 00:20:21,587 --> 00:20:22,554 Oh, yes. 336 00:20:22,955 --> 00:20:24,422 Praise Him. 337 00:20:26,525 --> 00:20:30,825 China, stop daydreaming and come and talk to me. 338 00:20:32,464 --> 00:20:33,761 I have a question. 339 00:20:34,166 --> 00:20:35,724 Yes, Mom. 340 00:20:36,702 --> 00:20:37,828 Have you slept with him? 341 00:20:40,806 --> 00:20:42,398 What did you say? 342 00:20:42,674 --> 00:20:44,232 I do believe that's my future calling. Don't mind me. 343 00:20:44,343 --> 00:20:45,810 Oh, please, Japan. 344 00:20:47,246 --> 00:20:48,270 Mom! 345 00:20:48,547 --> 00:20:49,514 Have you? 346 00:20:50,048 --> 00:20:51,743 Mom, this is uncomfortable. 347 00:20:52,217 --> 00:20:53,878 This is not the '50s. 348 00:20:54,820 --> 00:20:58,153 Oh, grow up. I could give you a few pointers... 349 00:20:58,257 --> 00:20:59,224 Pointers? 350 00:20:59,658 --> 00:21:03,424 Pointers? That is disgusting, Mother. 351 00:21:05,063 --> 00:21:07,031 ...on how to hook a man. 352 00:21:07,132 --> 00:21:09,623 I feel so disgusted right now. 353 00:21:09,735 --> 00:21:10,702 Me, too. 354 00:21:10,802 --> 00:21:12,497 And Miss Margaret here always told me 355 00:21:12,638 --> 00:21:15,106 that I should wait until I get married. Isn't that right? 356 00:21:15,340 --> 00:21:17,001 That's right, honey. 357 00:21:17,109 --> 00:21:21,068 Margaret told you to wait until you got married to have sex? 358 00:21:21,179 --> 00:21:24,706 Margaret's daughter has practically slept with every man in town. 359 00:21:25,984 --> 00:21:26,951 Honey, 360 00:21:27,252 --> 00:21:30,278 what you won't do, another woman will. 361 00:21:31,189 --> 00:21:34,090 -Now, let me tell you... -Mom, Mom, stop it. 362 00:21:37,629 --> 00:21:40,393 My mother drives me nuts sometimes. 363 00:21:40,499 --> 00:21:41,796 She just wants the best for you. 364 00:21:41,900 --> 00:21:43,424 She wants what's best for her, 365 00:21:43,635 --> 00:21:47,537 so she can tell all her friends that I married Bobby of the Connecticut Wakefields. 366 00:21:48,040 --> 00:21:49,974 And you know I'm right. 367 00:21:50,609 --> 00:21:53,305 You never say anything bad about her, or anyone for that matter. 368 00:21:53,679 --> 00:21:54,839 And I'm not. 369 00:21:54,946 --> 00:21:57,210 Now, what would I look like standing here talking about your mother? 370 00:21:57,316 --> 00:22:00,149 Human. She's a piece of work. 371 00:22:00,319 --> 00:22:01,980 All right now, she's still your mother. 372 00:22:02,087 --> 00:22:04,555 You raised me. And if it hadn't been for you, 373 00:22:05,791 --> 00:22:07,986 I don't know who I would be. 374 00:22:08,093 --> 00:22:09,890 You would be just who you are, 375 00:22:10,395 --> 00:22:14,559 a strong independent woman, who is making her own way in the world. 376 00:22:15,600 --> 00:22:17,227 I wish my Lucy was more like you. 377 00:22:17,336 --> 00:22:20,100 -How is she? -She's better. 378 00:22:20,205 --> 00:22:22,799 And how's Eric? 379 00:22:22,908 --> 00:22:24,773 He's doing good at that state college. 380 00:22:25,077 --> 00:22:27,739 I was supposed to see them for Christmas. But I won't get a chance to. 381 00:22:27,846 --> 00:22:28,813 Why? 382 00:22:29,681 --> 00:22:31,273 I'll be here working. 383 00:22:35,087 --> 00:22:37,146 -China... -Mom, Margaret's working on Christmas? 384 00:22:37,989 --> 00:22:40,048 Yes, she is. We need the help. 385 00:22:40,158 --> 00:22:42,752 So everyone will be at your house except you? 386 00:22:42,861 --> 00:22:45,022 Honey, you don't have time to worry about that. 387 00:22:45,564 --> 00:22:48,226 Margaret has lots to do and so do we. 388 00:22:48,333 --> 00:22:49,527 Tons of gifts to wrap. 389 00:22:49,634 --> 00:22:52,330 So, you're not spending Christmas with your family? 390 00:22:52,437 --> 00:22:56,168 No, but it's fine. You know you all are like family to me. 391 00:22:56,274 --> 00:22:58,333 That is not the same. 392 00:22:58,643 --> 00:23:00,907 You should invite them over here with us for Christmas Eve dinner. 393 00:23:01,046 --> 00:23:02,013 -China. -What? 394 00:23:02,114 --> 00:23:04,776 Margaret doesn't want her family coming all the way out here. 395 00:23:04,883 --> 00:23:08,011 Why not, Mom? It's a train ride and a ferry to get here. 396 00:23:08,120 --> 00:23:10,247 You do it every time we come up here. 397 00:23:10,389 --> 00:23:13,187 Christmas Eve dinner has always been a tradition in our family. 398 00:23:13,759 --> 00:23:16,922 We've never had anyone else over. It just wouldn't be right. 399 00:23:17,229 --> 00:23:18,787 Bobby is here. 400 00:23:18,897 --> 00:23:23,925 Bobby will soon be family if you're lucky. Let's not break tradition. 401 00:23:24,236 --> 00:23:26,864 Well, let's start a new tradition. I insist. 402 00:23:27,038 --> 00:23:29,029 I insist, Margaret, that you invite your family over, 403 00:23:29,141 --> 00:23:30,438 -you should not be alone... -China! 404 00:23:30,542 --> 00:23:31,873 What! 405 00:23:34,279 --> 00:23:37,305 Margaret, excuse us. 406 00:23:37,582 --> 00:23:39,277 Yes, ma'am. 407 00:23:39,384 --> 00:23:41,215 Who do you think you're talking to? 408 00:23:41,953 --> 00:23:43,944 -ls this about you seeing Eric? -No. 409 00:23:44,055 --> 00:23:46,956 Good. I don't want you around that trash. 410 00:23:47,626 --> 00:23:50,390 Mom, that is Margaret's son and her family. 411 00:23:50,829 --> 00:23:53,559 Yes, that may be so, but they are her family, not ours. 412 00:23:53,965 --> 00:23:55,865 We don't associate with the likes of them. 413 00:23:55,967 --> 00:23:57,958 So this is about me and Eric. 414 00:23:58,303 --> 00:23:59,861 You did hang out all night with him one summer. 415 00:24:00,305 --> 00:24:02,330 I was 17. 416 00:24:02,507 --> 00:24:04,634 -Look, I don't want you around them. -Why? 417 00:24:04,743 --> 00:24:07,211 If you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas. 418 00:24:08,313 --> 00:24:10,008 -Now let's end this. -Why? 419 00:24:10,115 --> 00:24:12,640 China, it's not a good idea. 420 00:24:13,018 --> 00:24:15,578 What? What's not a good idea? 421 00:24:15,687 --> 00:24:19,145 Dad, Margaret has to work this weekend, and it's Christmas 422 00:24:19,257 --> 00:24:22,420 and I thought that she should just invite her family over here with us. 423 00:24:22,527 --> 00:24:23,494 I mean, we have the room here... 424 00:24:23,595 --> 00:24:24,994 Well, that's a fine idea. 425 00:24:25,096 --> 00:24:26,063 What? John. 426 00:24:26,298 --> 00:24:28,266 Come on, honey. It will be fun. 427 00:24:29,668 --> 00:24:31,465 Bobby is our special guest. 428 00:24:31,603 --> 00:24:34,834 He shouldn't have to be bombarded with other people. 429 00:24:34,940 --> 00:24:37,204 This is his first time spending Christmas with us, 430 00:24:37,309 --> 00:24:38,276 I think it should be special. 431 00:24:38,743 --> 00:24:40,301 -I don't mind. -Good. 432 00:24:40,412 --> 00:24:42,141 Then it's settled. Margaret! 433 00:24:42,714 --> 00:24:44,113 Yes, sir. 434 00:24:45,984 --> 00:24:49,044 -Call and invite your family to dinner. -What is this? 435 00:24:49,154 --> 00:24:50,121 Lilian. 436 00:24:50,288 --> 00:24:51,653 How dare all of you? 437 00:24:51,756 --> 00:24:54,088 Act like I'm not even in my own living room? 438 00:24:54,192 --> 00:24:55,489 In my own house! 439 00:24:55,827 --> 00:24:57,988 I will not be ignored. 440 00:24:58,096 --> 00:25:01,623 I am not some old ragdoll you can just push to a side. 441 00:25:01,733 --> 00:25:05,567 I will not allow this Christmas to end up to be some weekend at the circus. 442 00:25:06,304 --> 00:25:07,498 You hear me! 443 00:25:07,739 --> 00:25:10,105 I've worked too hard! 444 00:25:10,208 --> 00:25:12,642 Don't look at me like I'm crazy. 445 00:25:12,811 --> 00:25:15,473 I'm not the one who's lost my mind! 446 00:25:19,417 --> 00:25:23,717 That is really kind of you, sir, but I don't think it would be a good idea. 447 00:25:24,155 --> 00:25:28,023 My entire family is coming and they will be fine. This is your Christmas. 448 00:25:28,126 --> 00:25:29,218 Miss Margaret, please? 449 00:25:29,327 --> 00:25:31,557 No, no, you celebrate your Christmas, don't you worry about me. 450 00:25:31,663 --> 00:25:32,630 I will be fine. 451 00:25:33,398 --> 00:25:35,764 Margaret, you cannot spend Christmas by yourself... 452 00:25:37,402 --> 00:25:39,768 -Will that be all, sir? -That will be all. 453 00:25:39,871 --> 00:25:40,838 Thank you. 454 00:25:42,007 --> 00:25:44,635 Dad, I really think Mom hurt her feelings. 455 00:25:45,810 --> 00:25:49,041 Yeah. I'm gonna go talk to your mother. 456 00:25:49,748 --> 00:25:52,239 Sir, you sure you want to do that? 457 00:25:54,319 --> 00:25:58,050 No. And if I'm not back in 30 minutes, call 911. 458 00:26:01,426 --> 00:26:03,018 -China... -Not now, Bobby! 459 00:26:07,232 --> 00:26:08,995 Hey, you little ol' gal, what you out here doing? 460 00:26:09,100 --> 00:26:12,592 -Hattie, stop all the drinking. -I'm just doing what the Bible said. 461 00:26:12,704 --> 00:26:15,264 The Bible said, "lf any man thrusts, let him drink." 462 00:26:18,276 --> 00:26:22,337 I can't believe Mom won't let Margaret's family come over for Christmas. 463 00:26:22,447 --> 00:26:24,813 -She won't fire her. -The hell she won't! 464 00:26:24,950 --> 00:26:28,215 If your uncle hadn't left it in the will I'd be up out of here, too! 465 00:26:29,387 --> 00:26:30,649 It's in the will? 466 00:26:32,157 --> 00:26:33,715 You don't know the story? 467 00:26:36,161 --> 00:26:37,890 You little ol' gal. 468 00:26:38,396 --> 00:26:43,197 Well, you see, I was your great-uncle's maid and concubine. 469 00:26:47,238 --> 00:26:49,331 And as the Bible said, 470 00:26:49,441 --> 00:26:53,138 I'd done everything that your auntie didn't do. 471 00:26:54,746 --> 00:26:58,182 I flipped it, smacked it, and rubbed it down. 472 00:27:03,722 --> 00:27:06,623 Lord, we were so in love with one another. 473 00:27:07,592 --> 00:27:10,117 Lord, he knows he was in love with me. 474 00:27:11,663 --> 00:27:15,531 Lord, I get hot all over again every time I think about it. 475 00:27:24,109 --> 00:27:27,545 Lord Jesus, you know, 476 00:27:30,081 --> 00:27:32,311 your auntie, she couldn't stand me. 477 00:27:32,684 --> 00:27:35,881 That woman couldn't stand the ground I walked on. 478 00:27:35,987 --> 00:27:39,479 She wanted him to get rid of me, but he said, "No." 479 00:27:40,091 --> 00:27:44,721 So I stayed on as the cook, cooking every one of her meals. 480 00:27:46,765 --> 00:27:49,131 And the more I cooked, the sicker she got. 481 00:27:51,369 --> 00:27:54,304 I figured it was my time to get rid of her. 482 00:27:55,473 --> 00:27:59,102 You know, the police, they tried to get me, but they couldn't prove it. 483 00:27:59,444 --> 00:28:01,344 Ain't God good? 484 00:28:10,655 --> 00:28:11,713 Lord. 485 00:28:12,357 --> 00:28:14,348 Then she died, praise God. 486 00:28:18,563 --> 00:28:22,556 And your great-uncle Harvey left it in the will that I could never be fired. 487 00:28:24,269 --> 00:28:27,397 I was next in line to inherit his fortune. 488 00:28:30,508 --> 00:28:33,671 But before he could change the will, he died. 489 00:28:34,946 --> 00:28:37,744 And I was stuck here with your mother, as her cook. 490 00:28:39,150 --> 00:28:43,018 I guess it's true what they say, "God don't like ugly." 491 00:28:45,056 --> 00:28:48,457 So for all them years of humping that woman's husband, 492 00:28:50,128 --> 00:28:51,789 this is all I was left with. 493 00:28:55,700 --> 00:28:57,793 I guess the best thing to come out of it is, 494 00:28:58,803 --> 00:29:00,395 I could never be fired. 495 00:29:01,239 --> 00:29:03,503 Did you just say you killed my great-aunt? 496 00:29:03,875 --> 00:29:05,137 Prove it, Satan! Prove it! 497 00:29:05,243 --> 00:29:07,507 Oh, stop. 498 00:29:10,281 --> 00:29:14,377 Hattie, what should I do about Margaret's family? 499 00:29:14,486 --> 00:29:16,351 Just leave it alone, China, just leave it be. 500 00:29:16,621 --> 00:29:18,020 You know that's not like me. 501 00:29:18,556 --> 00:29:20,114 China! You... 502 00:29:21,092 --> 00:29:23,583 -Who are you calling? -Who do you think I'm calling? 503 00:29:23,695 --> 00:29:26,255 Lord, you ain't got the sense God gave a billy goat. 504 00:29:33,004 --> 00:29:34,733 Was that not the best lunch ever? 505 00:29:34,839 --> 00:29:37,603 I must say, lunch was great, Hattie. 506 00:29:38,576 --> 00:29:40,510 Hattie? Hattie! 507 00:29:41,312 --> 00:29:43,246 What boy, don't be touching all over me! 508 00:29:43,348 --> 00:29:45,646 If you ain't putting no $20 up in these here pocket books 509 00:29:45,750 --> 00:29:46,717 don't touch me! 510 00:29:48,620 --> 00:29:50,144 And what do you want, girl? 511 00:29:50,321 --> 00:29:52,312 I said, "Lunch was great." 512 00:29:52,624 --> 00:29:54,751 Well, I'm glad I did fine by you. 513 00:29:55,026 --> 00:29:56,493 And the lobster was divine. 514 00:30:00,999 --> 00:30:04,025 Why thank you, Bobby, you want some dessert? 515 00:30:05,136 --> 00:30:07,331 -Excuse me? -You want some dessert? 516 00:30:09,207 --> 00:30:10,401 I don't understand what she... 517 00:30:10,508 --> 00:30:11,736 She said "dessert." 518 00:30:11,876 --> 00:30:15,607 I don't need you to put no communications, me and him communicate with each other. 519 00:30:26,724 --> 00:30:30,182 I said, "Do you want some dessert?" 520 00:30:34,833 --> 00:30:36,630 Sure, that sounds good. What are we having? 521 00:30:36,901 --> 00:30:38,095 These, sir! 522 00:30:43,708 --> 00:30:47,166 Oh, gee! Oh, gee! I done killed my own self dead. 523 00:30:49,214 --> 00:30:52,240 I'm gonna run back here in the back and put on my whipped cream panties. 524 00:30:52,350 --> 00:30:54,250 I'll be back in here. 525 00:31:00,692 --> 00:31:02,887 Can you believe it's Christmas Eve already? 526 00:31:03,194 --> 00:31:05,094 Time is flying. 527 00:31:05,196 --> 00:31:07,858 Well, speaking of Christmas, Mr. Mansell... 528 00:31:08,032 --> 00:31:08,999 Go ahead, son. 529 00:31:09,100 --> 00:31:11,500 I would like to give my first gift to China if that's okay. 530 00:31:11,603 --> 00:31:12,592 That would be lovely. 531 00:31:12,704 --> 00:31:15,400 Well, no, let's wait until tomorrow. 532 00:31:15,506 --> 00:31:16,996 No, no, let him now. 533 00:31:17,108 --> 00:31:18,336 Please? 534 00:31:18,443 --> 00:31:20,138 -Bobby... -China... 535 00:31:21,446 --> 00:31:22,413 Will you... 536 00:31:33,758 --> 00:31:36,818 I believe this is it! Come on in, Bam. 537 00:31:36,995 --> 00:31:39,896 Here I come, baby! Here I come, baby! Here I come. 538 00:31:46,838 --> 00:31:47,827 How beautiful. 539 00:31:47,939 --> 00:31:50,032 -That the address? -That's the address. 540 00:31:50,141 --> 00:31:51,165 Let me go in. 541 00:31:51,809 --> 00:31:54,004 I was getting ready to knock but I believe they got a doorbell. 542 00:31:54,112 --> 00:31:55,943 There it is right there, Mabel, you ain't never seen... 543 00:31:56,047 --> 00:31:59,016 You know black people doorbell don't work. 544 00:32:01,319 --> 00:32:02,286 Oh, it works. 545 00:32:02,387 --> 00:32:03,979 -I'll get it! -Margaret! 546 00:32:04,088 --> 00:32:05,055 Yes, ma'am? 547 00:32:05,156 --> 00:32:06,384 Margaret, someone's at the door. 548 00:32:07,091 --> 00:32:10,891 Now who could that be at this inopportune time? 549 00:32:11,296 --> 00:32:12,729 Girl, what's the matter? 550 00:32:12,830 --> 00:32:14,695 -Hello. -Hello... 551 00:32:22,040 --> 00:32:23,029 Hey! 552 00:32:23,141 --> 00:32:25,541 Girl, I know she did not just slam the door in my face. 553 00:32:25,643 --> 00:32:29,135 I know she did not just slam that door in my face. 554 00:32:29,247 --> 00:32:31,841 Margaret, what are you doing! 555 00:32:31,950 --> 00:32:33,918 -Margaret, what the hell's wrong with you? -I'm sorry. 556 00:32:34,018 --> 00:32:36,543 We drove all this way to come see you and you slam the door in my face? 557 00:32:36,654 --> 00:32:39,145 I will knock the hell out ofyou. But I know, it's... 558 00:32:39,357 --> 00:32:40,324 Mabel, calm down. 559 00:32:40,458 --> 00:32:43,586 I gotta calm down. I know it's Christmas but I will snatch out your two front teeth! 560 00:32:43,695 --> 00:32:45,629 Say one more thing! 561 00:32:45,730 --> 00:32:47,721 I don't like nobody slamming no door in my face! 562 00:32:47,832 --> 00:32:49,561 You know I got a complex about that! 563 00:32:50,435 --> 00:32:51,902 Remember that man slamming that door in my face... 564 00:32:52,003 --> 00:32:53,027 Willy Earl. Willy Earl. 565 00:32:53,137 --> 00:32:55,867 No, it wasn't Willy Earl. It was not Willy Earl. That man slammed the door in my face. 566 00:32:55,974 --> 00:32:58,442 I was there with Cora and I was breast-feeding, 567 00:32:58,543 --> 00:33:01,512 that man slammed the door, Cora got so nervous, she sucked me dry. 568 00:33:03,348 --> 00:33:06,476 I was standing there just like I do, chest just flat after that. 569 00:33:08,987 --> 00:33:11,717 That man has been missing ever since. Do you know who that was? 570 00:33:11,823 --> 00:33:14,724 -No, who? -Jimmy Hoffa. 571 00:33:15,927 --> 00:33:18,122 -I'm sorry. -Slam another door in my face! 572 00:33:18,229 --> 00:33:20,026 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Aunt Madea... 573 00:33:20,131 --> 00:33:22,395 Why would you do that, honey? You know she's sensitive. 574 00:33:22,500 --> 00:33:23,467 That's right, people think I'm mean! 575 00:33:23,601 --> 00:33:25,466 -I ain't mean, I'm just sensitive. -I know. 576 00:33:25,603 --> 00:33:28,504 When you grow up this big, you got to be sensitive. 577 00:33:30,742 --> 00:33:34,303 I understand, Aunt Madea, what are you doing here? 578 00:33:34,412 --> 00:33:35,538 That ain't no way to ask me nothing. 579 00:33:35,646 --> 00:33:38,342 It's Christmas. Show me some respect, some me some kindness. 580 00:33:38,850 --> 00:33:39,817 I'm sorry... 581 00:33:42,253 --> 00:33:43,220 Merry Christmas! 582 00:33:43,454 --> 00:33:45,684 There you go, Merry Christmas. 583 00:33:48,893 --> 00:33:51,191 What are you doing here? 584 00:33:53,264 --> 00:33:55,596 I wasn't gonna come all the way here, I wasn't coming at all, 585 00:33:55,700 --> 00:33:57,691 but we came up to see you, you were supposed to be at your house, 586 00:33:57,802 --> 00:33:59,793 they said you ain't gonna be here and I said, "What is going on?" 587 00:33:59,904 --> 00:34:04,841 Then I get a telephone call from Chinese... Chinese called me. 588 00:34:06,711 --> 00:34:09,703 And Chinese say that I need to come on up here and see you. 589 00:34:09,814 --> 00:34:13,648 Mabel, wait a minute, you speak Chinese too, girl? 590 00:34:13,751 --> 00:34:16,015 Yes, yes, the girl was speaking real Chinese. 591 00:34:16,120 --> 00:34:18,418 She's... Yes. 592 00:34:18,689 --> 00:34:20,714 -But it was pretty good. -Yeah. 593 00:34:21,125 --> 00:34:22,558 It's China. 594 00:34:23,094 --> 00:34:24,891 -I'm sorry. -It's China. 595 00:34:24,996 --> 00:34:28,830 -I called you. -You the girl that called Mabel? 596 00:34:28,933 --> 00:34:30,730 -Yes, ma'am. -China... China. 597 00:34:31,102 --> 00:34:32,228 Yes, China. 598 00:34:32,336 --> 00:34:34,167 -What's China? -China's my name. 599 00:34:34,705 --> 00:34:36,639 Girl, I ain't never seen no black Chinese before. 600 00:34:36,741 --> 00:34:38,265 Yes, indeed. 601 00:34:38,709 --> 00:34:42,042 Me, neither. Baby, say something in Chinese, honey. 602 00:34:45,550 --> 00:34:48,485 I'm not Chinese. My name is China. 603 00:34:49,554 --> 00:34:50,816 Translate this for her. 604 00:34:54,358 --> 00:34:56,383 What the hell they name you that for? 605 00:34:59,297 --> 00:35:01,265 I was conceived in China. 606 00:35:01,466 --> 00:35:03,525 -You were conceived in China. -Yes, ma'am. 607 00:35:03,668 --> 00:35:05,431 That's dumb, too, Mabel. 608 00:35:06,671 --> 00:35:11,199 I was conceived in Mississippi, you don't see nobody calling me Tupelo. 609 00:35:16,547 --> 00:35:19,015 And I was conceived in the back of a Buick, 610 00:35:19,117 --> 00:35:23,110 you don't see nobody calling me "deuce and a quarter", do you? 611 00:35:27,525 --> 00:35:30,585 I don't think they found that too funny. 612 00:35:38,836 --> 00:35:42,067 -lt sure is chilly out here, ain't it? -Yeah, baby. 613 00:35:42,707 --> 00:35:44,902 I feel heat coming from in there. 614 00:35:46,110 --> 00:35:47,737 Yeah, so we just... 615 00:35:48,012 --> 00:35:50,572 Come in... Hello, come in. 616 00:35:50,681 --> 00:35:54,048 Got us standing out here like the Baby Jesus, just locked out in the cold. 617 00:35:57,255 --> 00:35:59,985 I'm sorry, we got to do what we always do. 618 00:36:00,091 --> 00:36:01,285 Go straight-up west end. 619 00:36:01,392 --> 00:36:05,158 Excuse me, honey, move the hell out the way, thank you so much! 620 00:36:05,897 --> 00:36:07,660 That's right, Mabel! Look here. 621 00:36:07,965 --> 00:36:10,593 Hey, Eric! Eric, bring my little bag... 622 00:36:10,701 --> 00:36:12,669 Y'all come on, this is it. Y'all come on. 623 00:36:12,770 --> 00:36:14,670 Baby, you know Eric! Eric coming here, you know Eric. 624 00:36:14,772 --> 00:36:18,674 Help me put my coat up, baby. This is beautiful! Oh, Lord. 625 00:36:19,410 --> 00:36:21,503 Mabel, look at this. Look at this... 626 00:36:21,612 --> 00:36:23,136 Bam, you can see yourself in the floor. 627 00:36:23,514 --> 00:36:27,951 That's what you look like upside down, stop letting the men flip you. 628 00:36:31,856 --> 00:36:35,622 China, did you invite my family after I asked you not to? 629 00:36:35,726 --> 00:36:38,251 Margaret, it's Christmas. We should all be together. 630 00:36:38,362 --> 00:36:40,557 So come on in. It is done! It's done! It's done! 631 00:36:40,665 --> 00:36:42,690 Mom, Dad, look who's here! 632 00:36:51,809 --> 00:36:54,778 They ain't got no plastic on nothing up in here. 633 00:36:55,980 --> 00:36:56,947 Hello. 634 00:36:58,749 --> 00:36:59,716 May I help you? 635 00:37:00,151 --> 00:37:04,315 No, we can't be helped. Prozac can't do nothing for me, I tried it. 636 00:37:11,596 --> 00:37:14,656 Why's he nodding at me like... 637 00:37:14,765 --> 00:37:18,132 He's been nodding ever since I got in here. 638 00:37:24,709 --> 00:37:26,040 -What do you want me to do? -He keep bowing... 639 00:37:26,143 --> 00:37:29,306 I don't know. What do you want me to say? What? 640 00:37:33,651 --> 00:37:35,778 Stop looking at him, Bam. 641 00:37:36,520 --> 00:37:37,953 Every time you look at him he bows. 642 00:37:38,556 --> 00:37:40,353 Don't look at him! 643 00:37:41,592 --> 00:37:43,787 You're making me dizzy! 644 00:37:46,897 --> 00:37:49,525 Look at her, girl. She's so stuck up, Lord have mercy. 645 00:37:51,736 --> 00:37:53,670 They ain't say nothing to us since we walked in the door, 646 00:37:53,771 --> 00:37:55,136 maybe we should suppose... 647 00:37:55,239 --> 00:37:57,366 You're supposed to speak first when... 648 00:37:57,475 --> 00:38:00,808 -Maybe, we need to be proper. -Let's be proper and bougie. 649 00:38:01,579 --> 00:38:04,446 -We are... -Be proper. 650 00:38:04,548 --> 00:38:05,845 Oh, that's right. 651 00:38:05,950 --> 00:38:10,751 We... We are Margaret's relatives. 652 00:38:13,624 --> 00:38:15,592 What are you doing here? 653 00:38:17,094 --> 00:38:18,959 She got a little sharp tone, though. 654 00:38:19,897 --> 00:38:23,833 We got a telephone call from Chinese and she invited us over here... 655 00:38:23,934 --> 00:38:25,401 It's China. 656 00:38:26,003 --> 00:38:28,028 Girl, I know what the hell your name is! 657 00:38:29,173 --> 00:38:32,472 You said it at the door, Chinese. I get it. Shut up. 658 00:38:32,576 --> 00:38:34,737 Don't talk unless I'm talking to you, you don't know me! 659 00:38:35,880 --> 00:38:36,847 I'm from the old school. 660 00:38:36,981 --> 00:38:39,541 You don't want to mess with this. This is old whoop-your-ass. 661 00:38:42,186 --> 00:38:43,778 That new whoop-your-ass will stop hitting you, 662 00:38:43,888 --> 00:38:45,355 old whoop-your-ass won't stop till you in the grave. 663 00:38:45,456 --> 00:38:46,423 Do you understand? 664 00:38:47,892 --> 00:38:49,723 If I don't talk to you, you don't say nothing to me. 665 00:38:49,827 --> 00:38:52,125 -Do you understand? -She's sensitive. 666 00:39:01,872 --> 00:39:03,134 China, you did? 667 00:39:03,240 --> 00:39:06,334 Mom, it's Christmas and it's Margaret's family 668 00:39:06,544 --> 00:39:08,102 and she should be with her family on Christmas. 669 00:39:08,212 --> 00:39:10,840 That's exactly what I thought. That's why we came all the way over here. 670 00:39:10,948 --> 00:39:12,142 May I sit down? 671 00:39:14,051 --> 00:39:17,817 Well, don't you worry about it. I will sit the hell down anyway. 672 00:39:18,556 --> 00:39:20,353 You have a lovely house, this is lovely. 673 00:39:20,458 --> 00:39:23,222 This is beautiful. Wow. 674 00:39:24,161 --> 00:39:26,459 The food smells good, too. They're gonna cook for us. 675 00:39:26,564 --> 00:39:28,657 Chinese, y'all cook for us, y'all bought Chinese food for us? 676 00:39:28,766 --> 00:39:30,324 It smells so good. 677 00:39:31,969 --> 00:39:34,437 They got a black woman cooking in the kitchen. 678 00:39:34,538 --> 00:39:35,505 Mabel, how do you know that... 679 00:39:35,606 --> 00:39:38,302 I can smell a black woman cooking anywhere in the world. 680 00:39:38,409 --> 00:39:40,036 She old, too. 681 00:39:42,213 --> 00:39:44,147 'Cause I smell Bengay, bergamot and butter. 682 00:39:44,248 --> 00:39:45,943 That's how I know. 683 00:39:47,184 --> 00:39:48,674 -Yeah, so we're hungry. -Yes. 684 00:39:48,819 --> 00:39:51,913 And the rest of the family's coming in. But we're all hungry. 685 00:39:54,959 --> 00:39:57,052 We just had lunch. 686 00:39:58,162 --> 00:40:00,596 Well, you will just have some more. 687 00:40:03,968 --> 00:40:05,595 Mama! 688 00:40:07,972 --> 00:40:10,736 That's Lucy. That's Lucy. Lucy, walk it out, Luyoncé. 689 00:40:11,108 --> 00:40:14,043 Luyoncé. Luyoncé. Luyoncé. Yeah. 690 00:40:14,145 --> 00:40:16,443 That's what I used to look like. 691 00:40:17,748 --> 00:40:20,512 Hey, this is what you got to look forward to, baby. Bam! 692 00:40:20,618 --> 00:40:22,108 It's all right, Dea! 693 00:40:23,921 --> 00:40:26,719 Well, Miss Margaret, introduce your family to us. 694 00:40:28,058 --> 00:40:29,082 Sure. 695 00:40:29,560 --> 00:40:31,585 Well, that is my Aunt Madea. 696 00:40:31,896 --> 00:40:34,797 Yes, hello, I'm Madea. Ma to the D-E-A! Hello. 697 00:40:35,633 --> 00:40:37,260 And this is my Aunt Bam. 698 00:40:37,568 --> 00:40:41,197 -Bam. B-A-M. B-A-M. -Say it properly, "Bam." 699 00:40:42,807 --> 00:40:45,571 -This is my daughter Lucy. -Hey! 700 00:40:46,143 --> 00:40:48,668 That's Lu, baby. Lu is a dancer, honey. 701 00:40:49,079 --> 00:40:50,478 Oh, the ballet? 702 00:40:50,781 --> 00:40:52,373 No, the pole. 703 00:40:56,821 --> 00:41:01,417 -She's talking about the ballet. -She'd be on her toes, all right. 704 00:41:01,525 --> 00:41:04,756 -What you said? -I said, "She'd be on her toes, all right." 705 00:41:07,131 --> 00:41:10,066 And this is my son George, but we call him Bo. 706 00:41:10,167 --> 00:41:11,691 -Hey, what up, dog? -George, 707 00:41:11,802 --> 00:41:13,429 step back over there, step back over there. 708 00:41:14,271 --> 00:41:16,603 Step back over there, and put your hands by your side. 709 00:41:16,974 --> 00:41:18,441 You all got to watch him, he steals. 710 00:41:19,977 --> 00:41:23,572 Not only do he steal what you see, he steal what you don't see. 711 00:41:23,681 --> 00:41:27,708 He will strip every piece of copper out of your entire house. 712 00:41:28,219 --> 00:41:29,186 Got to watch him. 713 00:41:29,653 --> 00:41:33,020 He loves copper, honey, he can make bracelets with your name in it. 714 00:41:33,224 --> 00:41:34,555 He's so creative. 715 00:41:36,360 --> 00:41:38,726 -Well, I'm China and this is my mother... -Girl! 716 00:41:39,530 --> 00:41:41,521 I know your name is China, girl, I heard you say that. 717 00:41:41,632 --> 00:41:43,862 Don't say that no more, please, we know your name is China. 718 00:41:44,068 --> 00:41:45,797 Thank you, so good to see you, your name is China. 719 00:41:45,903 --> 00:41:47,495 Everybody, you all know her name, what's her name? 720 00:41:47,671 --> 00:41:49,605 -China, we got it. Even they got it. -China. 721 00:41:50,074 --> 00:41:51,371 We got it, okay? 722 00:41:52,676 --> 00:41:54,906 Well, this is my mother, Lilian. 723 00:41:55,312 --> 00:41:57,542 -And this is my... -Wait, wait, wait. 724 00:41:58,082 --> 00:42:00,812 -That's Lilian, Mabel. -This is the one you be talking about? 725 00:42:01,018 --> 00:42:02,076 This is the one you say you didn't like? 726 00:42:02,820 --> 00:42:05,288 This is the one you say you can't stand, you wish that you had some money 727 00:42:05,389 --> 00:42:06,481 so you wouldn't have to come work for her, 728 00:42:06,590 --> 00:42:09,559 because you can't stand cleaning up behind? 729 00:42:12,129 --> 00:42:13,153 She told me about you. 730 00:42:14,398 --> 00:42:16,525 Mabel, maybe she said Lily. 731 00:42:16,634 --> 00:42:19,034 No, she said Lilian, that's what she said. 732 00:42:20,804 --> 00:42:22,829 You right, she said Lily. 733 00:42:22,940 --> 00:42:24,430 Lily? Sorry. 734 00:42:24,542 --> 00:42:25,941 -But that's her. -Yeah. 735 00:42:28,746 --> 00:42:31,044 Well, this is my father, John. 736 00:42:31,181 --> 00:42:32,546 Why he over there acting like he hiding? 737 00:42:32,650 --> 00:42:34,083 Dad, turn around so people can see you. 738 00:42:34,218 --> 00:42:36,686 Let me see you, sir. Your name John? 739 00:42:37,154 --> 00:42:39,418 Hello. Turn, turn your head. 740 00:42:40,391 --> 00:42:42,689 He ain't got no neck, it's hard for him to turn. 741 00:42:44,728 --> 00:42:46,923 What you doing with an ascot on if you ain't got no neck, 742 00:42:47,031 --> 00:42:48,862 that's for people with necks. 743 00:42:49,733 --> 00:42:52,725 That look like a blouse on you because you ain't... 744 00:42:53,237 --> 00:42:55,171 It sure do. 745 00:42:56,440 --> 00:42:58,840 Look like we ought to pledge allegiance. 746 00:43:03,013 --> 00:43:05,743 He is standing there with a flag around his neck 747 00:43:06,216 --> 00:43:07,979 standing next to the black Betsy Ross. 748 00:43:09,553 --> 00:43:11,248 She made it. 749 00:43:14,658 --> 00:43:17,593 They don't like our humor, I think we are too loud for them. 750 00:43:18,362 --> 00:43:19,420 We did like... 751 00:43:19,530 --> 00:43:21,589 And this is my brother, Japan. 752 00:43:34,044 --> 00:43:35,978 No wonder you bow. 753 00:43:37,815 --> 00:43:40,306 Your name... What, child, your name is Japan? 754 00:43:40,417 --> 00:43:41,941 Yes, ma'am, Japan Mansell. 755 00:43:42,286 --> 00:43:43,617 Japan Mansell. 756 00:43:44,221 --> 00:43:46,746 Japan, Japan. 757 00:43:48,525 --> 00:43:51,653 -Why did they name you that? -Well, I was conceived in Japan. 758 00:43:52,930 --> 00:43:56,331 Mom and Dad are some international freaks, going on. 759 00:43:57,301 --> 00:43:59,326 -Wait, I know who this is. -Wait, who? 760 00:43:59,436 --> 00:44:01,063 -I know who this is. -Who is that? 761 00:44:01,171 --> 00:44:02,934 You got to be Zimbabwe. 762 00:44:06,710 --> 00:44:07,677 Mabel. 763 00:44:09,213 --> 00:44:11,807 When I look at him, I feel like he wants to say, 764 00:44:11,982 --> 00:44:14,212 "Follow me, I know the way." 765 00:44:19,790 --> 00:44:23,692 Well, that's my family. 766 00:44:26,096 --> 00:44:28,030 And this is my boyfriend, 767 00:44:30,467 --> 00:44:31,798 -Eric. -Eric? 768 00:44:32,002 --> 00:44:33,594 -What's up, China? -Your boyfriend's named Eric? 769 00:44:33,704 --> 00:44:35,035 That's Eric, too, that's... 770 00:44:35,139 --> 00:44:38,108 Y'all remember Eric, that's Margaret's son, Eric. 771 00:44:38,375 --> 00:44:40,707 And China, you've got two Erics? 772 00:44:41,045 --> 00:44:42,603 That's good, she said your name is Eric. 773 00:44:42,713 --> 00:44:45,079 This baby named Eric, and that baby named Eric. 774 00:44:45,182 --> 00:44:46,774 -You know why they do that? -Why, Mabel? 775 00:44:46,984 --> 00:44:50,579 So if you're doing something, you get the person with the same name 776 00:44:52,389 --> 00:44:54,755 so if you call out the wrong name it don't matter, 777 00:44:54,858 --> 00:44:56,587 because you got the same name on both people. 778 00:44:56,694 --> 00:44:57,661 You then make no mistake. 779 00:44:57,761 --> 00:44:59,752 That's why you got to be careful of the type of man who calls you 780 00:44:59,863 --> 00:45:02,957 baby and sweetie and honey and don't call you by your name. 781 00:45:03,067 --> 00:45:04,932 Yeah, because he is playing the game. 782 00:45:05,035 --> 00:45:09,165 No, call me by my name, so I know you know who the hell you talking to 783 00:45:09,273 --> 00:45:10,706 right up in here. 784 00:45:12,276 --> 00:45:16,235 All that baby and sweetie and honey, that's so you won't screw-up. 785 00:45:16,814 --> 00:45:19,214 China, you haven't seen Eric in a long time, have you? 786 00:45:19,616 --> 00:45:22,915 She always used to be at my house, all the time, just dying in my basement 787 00:45:23,020 --> 00:45:25,682 for hours and hours and hours and hours down there. 788 00:45:25,789 --> 00:45:27,882 Yes, I was scared to go down there. 789 00:45:27,991 --> 00:45:29,390 Well... 790 00:45:29,893 --> 00:45:32,225 -That so nice, this is beautiful. -Don't l... Don't... 791 00:45:32,629 --> 00:45:33,596 Don't I know you? 792 00:45:35,032 --> 00:45:37,398 -No, ma'am. -No? I ain't ever met you before? 793 00:45:38,068 --> 00:45:39,035 No, ma'am. 794 00:45:40,137 --> 00:45:42,230 What kind of car you got? It's a Mercedes? 795 00:45:42,940 --> 00:45:44,134 -Yes, ma'am. -There. 796 00:45:44,241 --> 00:45:45,435 Oh, that's beautiful. 797 00:45:45,542 --> 00:45:47,737 -What color is it? -It's blue. 798 00:45:48,011 --> 00:45:49,842 -You have a blue Mercedes? -Oh, Lord. 799 00:45:49,947 --> 00:45:53,075 Okay, all right, maybe I don't know you, maybe I don't know you. 800 00:45:53,183 --> 00:45:55,344 And you're Eric and you're Eric? 801 00:45:56,286 --> 00:45:58,015 -I'm Bobby. -And I'm Ronnie. 802 00:45:58,122 --> 00:46:00,181 -Well, I'm Rickey. -And I'm Mike. 803 00:46:04,928 --> 00:46:07,863 Hey, Mabel, wait a minute, who the hell else are we gonna introduce tonight? 804 00:46:07,965 --> 00:46:10,263 -He's got your bag, there's your bag. -Oh, baby, thank you. 805 00:46:10,367 --> 00:46:14,326 I needed it, I felt like I needed something, thank you, here. 806 00:46:14,438 --> 00:46:16,633 Listen, this is a beautiful home, honey. 807 00:46:16,774 --> 00:46:20,107 This is beautiful, I'm not gonna be able to stay in here long. 808 00:46:20,410 --> 00:46:23,538 Wait, wait, wait. Who own this place, baby, who own this? 809 00:46:23,647 --> 00:46:24,944 Who owns this place? 810 00:46:25,048 --> 00:46:28,882 -This is beautiful. -We own this. 811 00:46:30,020 --> 00:46:33,387 Yeah, stop it, Aunt Bam, act like you got some sense. 812 00:46:34,958 --> 00:46:35,925 What you say? 813 00:46:36,126 --> 00:46:37,889 She said act like I got some sense. 814 00:46:39,997 --> 00:46:40,964 Margaret. 815 00:46:41,098 --> 00:46:43,658 Now you know, we are country and ghetto, 816 00:46:45,402 --> 00:46:47,734 you put that together, we "contretto." 817 00:46:49,506 --> 00:46:50,837 We acting like we got some sense. 818 00:46:50,941 --> 00:46:53,307 This is how we act. You act like you're ashamed of us. 819 00:46:53,410 --> 00:46:56,004 You know what, you don't say nothing like that. 820 00:46:56,313 --> 00:46:57,610 You don't say nothing like that. 821 00:46:58,248 --> 00:47:00,739 We didn't come all this way... Act like you got some sense. 822 00:47:00,851 --> 00:47:02,011 Do you understand? 823 00:47:02,119 --> 00:47:03,984 -It's okay. -I would... 824 00:47:06,323 --> 00:47:09,759 My great-grandfather brought this back from the Amistad. 825 00:47:16,900 --> 00:47:18,697 The Amistad was a slave ship. 826 00:47:18,802 --> 00:47:21,168 What the hell your great-grandfather grabbing a vase for? 827 00:47:21,271 --> 00:47:22,602 He should have been running like hell. 828 00:47:26,476 --> 00:47:28,000 And did he tell you that? 829 00:47:30,380 --> 00:47:32,746 -This was made in China. -China. 830 00:47:32,850 --> 00:47:34,442 Yeah, there you go. 831 00:47:35,385 --> 00:47:37,580 Mabel, just sit down, let's just behave, honey, 832 00:47:37,688 --> 00:47:39,019 and show our proper side. 833 00:47:39,122 --> 00:47:40,589 Yeah, she about to meet my black hand side. 834 00:47:40,691 --> 00:47:43,387 And Margaret, show some respect when people come all this way to see you. 835 00:47:43,493 --> 00:47:45,552 -That is mean. Do you understand? -I'm sorry. Yes, ma'am. 836 00:47:47,598 --> 00:47:49,361 Dinner will be served in a couple minutes... 837 00:47:50,200 --> 00:47:53,294 -Madea! Madea! -That ain't Hattie. That ain't Hattie. 838 00:47:53,470 --> 00:47:56,928 -Madea! -Hattie Mae! Hattie Mae! 839 00:47:57,341 --> 00:48:00,276 Hattie Mae! Hattie Mae! Hattie Mae! Go for it. Go for it. 840 00:48:03,614 --> 00:48:05,878 -Madea! -Good to see you. 841 00:48:05,983 --> 00:48:08,577 -This is her. -Lord have mercy. 842 00:48:10,387 --> 00:48:13,515 I ain't seen you since we robbed that bank. Girl, you look good. 843 00:48:14,157 --> 00:48:15,181 I thought they got you. 844 00:48:15,292 --> 00:48:16,589 No, they didn't get me. 845 00:48:16,693 --> 00:48:17,990 Hey, y'all know each other? 846 00:48:18,262 --> 00:48:19,695 -What? -Y'all know each other? 847 00:48:19,796 --> 00:48:22,128 This here old school right here, baby. 848 00:48:22,232 --> 00:48:24,666 It's so old school it's like when we had an album... 849 00:48:24,768 --> 00:48:25,757 See, they don't have albums no more. 850 00:48:25,869 --> 00:48:26,995 -No. -And you put the needle on 851 00:48:27,104 --> 00:48:29,163 -and you put a quarter on top of it. -Yeah, sure. 852 00:48:33,610 --> 00:48:35,578 Baby, this is old school, honey. 853 00:48:35,979 --> 00:48:38,470 You see that lava lamp over there in the corner? 854 00:48:38,615 --> 00:48:40,207 It gets trippy. 855 00:48:40,317 --> 00:48:43,650 Trippy red. Trippy green! 856 00:48:43,754 --> 00:48:47,622 Yeah, yeah. Get old school like that blue light in the basement. 857 00:48:47,724 --> 00:48:49,589 -Now watch it, fool. -You remember what we used to get at. 858 00:48:49,693 --> 00:48:51,593 -There, there, right there. Do it. Do it. -You remember that. 859 00:48:51,695 --> 00:48:53,560 -You remember that. -Bring it out. Bring it out. 860 00:48:53,664 --> 00:48:56,565 We get down. We get down. 861 00:48:57,968 --> 00:49:00,562 That's it, Hattie. That's it, Hattie. Come on, baby. 862 00:49:00,671 --> 00:49:03,037 Pump that hard. There it is. 863 00:49:03,707 --> 00:49:05,641 -There, there. -You still got it. 864 00:49:09,012 --> 00:49:10,274 You still got it. 865 00:49:10,414 --> 00:49:13,645 -And we look good still. -Yeah, we do. 866 00:49:14,117 --> 00:49:15,414 Ain't that nice? 867 00:49:15,519 --> 00:49:18,647 -They look like the number 100. -One hundred. 868 00:49:27,798 --> 00:49:29,197 These people are so bougie. 869 00:49:29,299 --> 00:49:31,164 She don't know what she said, but I can assure you 870 00:49:31,268 --> 00:49:33,293 this right here is what you want, right here. 871 00:49:35,105 --> 00:49:38,097 Lord Jesus! Y'all don't worry about it, I'm gonna run back in and get y'all some... 872 00:49:38,208 --> 00:49:39,436 Mabel, you still on that yak? 873 00:49:39,543 --> 00:49:42,444 Yes, baby, some yak. Yes indeed. I keep me some yak around. 874 00:49:43,313 --> 00:49:45,679 Never mind. I got you a little something right here. 875 00:49:45,816 --> 00:49:48,580 There it is. There it is. Sip it. Sip it. 876 00:49:48,685 --> 00:49:51,017 -You always were full of it. -Yeah. 877 00:49:52,289 --> 00:49:53,688 Lord Jesus! 878 00:49:54,324 --> 00:49:56,918 -I am very unhappy. -You look like it. 879 00:49:57,027 --> 00:49:59,689 -About this. -And you look like it. 880 00:50:02,065 --> 00:50:03,464 Who is she calling "this"? 881 00:50:04,835 --> 00:50:06,598 Look like she pointed back here at me and you. 882 00:50:06,703 --> 00:50:08,671 That's exactly what I thought. 883 00:50:16,246 --> 00:50:18,111 And I can't believe you did this. 884 00:50:19,049 --> 00:50:21,574 -Get out of my way. -Now, wait a minute. 885 00:50:22,419 --> 00:50:25,650 Chinese, I believe you tricked me. 886 00:50:26,156 --> 00:50:29,148 You told us to come over here, your family will be very happy to see us. 887 00:50:29,259 --> 00:50:32,990 And we come over here bearing gifts for Christmas, and this is how we get treated? 888 00:50:33,096 --> 00:50:34,620 That's how... You ain't got nothing to say for yourself? 889 00:50:34,731 --> 00:50:36,358 What the hell you invite us over here for? 890 00:50:36,466 --> 00:50:37,728 -I wanted Mama... -ls that your mama? 891 00:50:37,834 --> 00:50:40,325 -Yes, ma'am. -Did she want us here or not? 892 00:50:40,771 --> 00:50:42,329 Did she want us here or not? That's all I wanna know. 893 00:50:42,439 --> 00:50:43,804 She didn't know that I called. 894 00:50:43,940 --> 00:50:47,432 She didn't know... Girl, I will stomp... Let me get the hell on out of here. 895 00:50:47,544 --> 00:50:49,774 Come on, let's go. I'll stomp a mud hole in here. 896 00:50:49,913 --> 00:50:51,073 No, don't y'all leave. 897 00:50:51,181 --> 00:50:53,376 -Let's go. I don't stay... -Get my coat. Get my coat. 898 00:50:53,483 --> 00:50:55,815 I don't stay nowhere that I ain't wanted. Come on. Come on. 899 00:50:55,919 --> 00:50:58,479 Get my coat. Get me my coat. My boys and I are getting out of here. 900 00:50:58,588 --> 00:51:00,385 -Yes, ma'am. -Where are you going? 901 00:51:00,490 --> 00:51:02,253 Where are you going? That's your Eric right there. 902 00:51:02,359 --> 00:51:04,919 I'm taking this Eric with me. Is that who you want to see? 903 00:51:05,028 --> 00:51:06,962 You want to see Eric? Go to your Eric over there, okay? 904 00:51:07,064 --> 00:51:09,498 This Eric is going with me. Don't be this rude to me. 905 00:51:09,599 --> 00:51:11,760 -You know, I don't like... -Give me that. Give me your... 906 00:51:11,868 --> 00:51:14,598 -I don't like... -Y'all don't leave. Don't you... 907 00:51:15,238 --> 00:51:17,331 -Hold my purse. -I know. I know you want... 908 00:51:17,441 --> 00:51:18,999 I don't like... 909 00:51:19,676 --> 00:51:22,804 -Bring it down, Mabel. Get it. Get it. -Leave this one to me. 910 00:51:23,680 --> 00:51:26,911 Get it. Bring it all down, Mabel. 911 00:51:27,184 --> 00:51:29,311 Hey! Yes! 912 00:51:29,886 --> 00:51:32,252 We'll bust the windows out your walls! 913 00:51:34,491 --> 00:51:37,949 That's right. We'll bust the windows out your walls! 914 00:51:41,231 --> 00:51:44,291 We'll bust the windows out your walls! 915 00:51:44,935 --> 00:51:47,665 We'll bust the windows out your walls! 916 00:51:48,572 --> 00:51:50,403 Mabel! You think we playing with you? 917 00:51:50,507 --> 00:51:53,169 Come out here, I bet you won't come out here. 918 00:51:54,644 --> 00:51:56,771 Lord, now you see this here? 919 00:51:57,180 --> 00:51:59,273 That don't make good sense the way she acted up, 920 00:51:59,382 --> 00:52:02,146 this here just don't make no doggone sense right here. 921 00:52:10,227 --> 00:52:12,195 -China... -Not now. 922 00:52:17,067 --> 00:52:19,160 That old lady is crazy, huh? 923 00:52:20,403 --> 00:52:21,370 I know. 924 00:52:23,073 --> 00:52:26,167 I'm trying to talk to China but I think she is trying to avoid me. 925 00:52:28,745 --> 00:52:30,337 It's not that, son. 926 00:52:30,947 --> 00:52:33,745 China has a lot going on in her life right now. 927 00:52:35,552 --> 00:52:37,679 But ifyou're the one that's supposed to be with her, 928 00:52:37,787 --> 00:52:39,652 you'll end up with her. 929 00:52:41,658 --> 00:52:46,186 Seems like yesterday she was a little girl. 930 00:52:46,530 --> 00:52:48,293 She's growing up so fast. 931 00:52:49,699 --> 00:52:54,363 She used to sit on my lap and ask me to tell her a story. 932 00:53:02,412 --> 00:53:04,812 Jack and Jill 933 00:53:04,915 --> 00:53:08,612 Went up the hill 934 00:53:11,321 --> 00:53:14,381 To fetch a pail of water 935 00:53:17,761 --> 00:53:21,219 Jack fell down 936 00:53:21,598 --> 00:53:25,261 And broke his crown 937 00:53:26,670 --> 00:53:31,664 And Jill came tumbling after 938 00:53:37,280 --> 00:53:42,616 That's the story I told my little girl 939 00:53:45,188 --> 00:53:47,588 Now she's all grown up 940 00:53:48,124 --> 00:53:51,389 On her own in this world 941 00:53:53,129 --> 00:53:55,529 You want her hand 942 00:53:56,266 --> 00:53:59,030 I believe you do 943 00:54:00,670 --> 00:54:03,537 But that's my little girl 944 00:54:04,107 --> 00:54:06,803 So can I trust you? 945 00:54:09,346 --> 00:54:11,746 Now this one was her favorite. 946 00:54:12,249 --> 00:54:15,776 Humpty Dumpty 947 00:54:16,286 --> 00:54:18,618 sat on a wall 948 00:54:20,290 --> 00:54:25,193 Humpty Dumpty had a great fall 949 00:54:27,998 --> 00:54:31,456 All the king's horsemen 950 00:54:31,935 --> 00:54:35,769 All the king's men 951 00:54:36,172 --> 00:54:42,008 Couldn't put Humpty back together again 952 00:54:42,212 --> 00:54:45,909 Again 953 00:54:47,784 --> 00:54:50,150 That's the story 954 00:54:50,253 --> 00:54:54,155 I told my little girl 955 00:54:55,392 --> 00:54:58,122 And now she's all grown up 956 00:54:58,695 --> 00:55:01,994 On her own in this world 957 00:55:03,633 --> 00:55:06,261 You want her hand 958 00:55:06,503 --> 00:55:10,166 I believe you do 959 00:55:10,740 --> 00:55:13,937 But that's my little girl 960 00:55:14,311 --> 00:55:18,008 So can I trust you? 961 00:55:18,882 --> 00:55:22,283 I hope you love her 962 00:55:22,385 --> 00:55:25,843 As I do 963 00:55:26,489 --> 00:55:29,481 If I give her hand to you 964 00:55:29,826 --> 00:55:33,523 Never make her cry 965 00:55:34,397 --> 00:55:37,457 Share your love with her 966 00:55:37,634 --> 00:55:41,730 and give her all she needs 967 00:55:41,838 --> 00:55:44,500 'Cause if you don't 968 00:55:44,607 --> 00:55:48,304 You'll answer to me 969 00:55:48,445 --> 00:55:51,539 To me 970 00:55:55,952 --> 00:56:01,891 That's the story I told my little girl 971 00:56:02,959 --> 00:56:05,894 And now she's all grown up 972 00:56:05,995 --> 00:56:10,295 On her own in this world 973 00:56:10,734 --> 00:56:13,669 You want her hand 974 00:56:13,770 --> 00:56:17,763 And I believe you do 975 00:56:18,174 --> 00:56:21,507 But that's my little girl 976 00:56:22,278 --> 00:56:26,908 So can I trust you? 977 00:56:30,687 --> 00:56:37,251 Mary had a little lamb 978 00:56:39,529 --> 00:56:42,965 Fleece white as snow 979 00:56:46,236 --> 00:56:49,899 Bobby, if you 980 00:56:50,206 --> 00:56:53,801 Hurt my little girl 981 00:56:55,211 --> 00:56:59,978 You will have to go 982 00:57:27,677 --> 00:57:29,110 Maybe I shouldn't have done that. 983 00:57:29,245 --> 00:57:30,906 Now China, you shouldn't have done that there. 984 00:57:31,047 --> 00:57:32,742 You sure God shouldn't have did that. 985 00:57:32,916 --> 00:57:37,012 I know. I just wanted Margaret to be with her family. 986 00:57:37,287 --> 00:57:38,777 You quit telling that story. 987 00:57:39,722 --> 00:57:40,916 You wanted to see her son. 988 00:57:41,491 --> 00:57:43,015 No, I did not. 989 00:57:43,126 --> 00:57:45,822 China, do I look like I got a zipper up the back of my neck? 990 00:57:47,230 --> 00:57:50,324 I know women, and I've been a woman all my life. 991 00:57:50,900 --> 00:57:53,630 You wanted to know if the fire was still burning bright. 992 00:57:53,770 --> 00:57:55,897 -I was not. -Say something else. 993 00:57:57,440 --> 00:57:58,407 Say something. 994 00:58:00,276 --> 00:58:03,677 You know I still got my pistol and ain't forgot how to use it. 995 00:58:04,647 --> 00:58:06,774 Lord knows your mama gets on my last nerves. 996 00:58:06,883 --> 00:58:11,149 Sometimes I just want to snatch her up by that new growth, right there in the back 997 00:58:12,689 --> 00:58:14,020 and just sling her. 998 00:58:14,224 --> 00:58:16,351 But you still need to apologize to your mother 999 00:58:16,459 --> 00:58:18,450 and you need to apologize to Margaret. 1000 00:58:18,595 --> 00:58:22,759 Why? I did this for her, on Christmas. It's Christmas. 1001 00:58:22,899 --> 00:58:24,161 China, I ain't trying to hear that there. 1002 00:58:24,267 --> 00:58:27,668 Margaret, China has something she'd like to say to you. 1003 00:58:28,104 --> 00:58:29,366 -Yes. -Hattie. 1004 00:58:29,506 --> 00:58:30,700 Chinese. 1005 00:58:34,344 --> 00:58:36,812 Margaret, I'm sorry. 1006 00:58:38,348 --> 00:58:41,078 I didn't think it would end up like this. 1007 00:58:41,184 --> 00:58:43,311 At the time it seemed like a good idea. 1008 00:58:44,320 --> 00:58:45,344 I guess I was wrong. 1009 00:58:45,455 --> 00:58:47,355 No, you knew very well what you were doing. 1010 00:58:47,457 --> 00:58:51,359 You just wanted to get that boy over here so you could hunch on him. 1011 00:58:53,162 --> 00:58:54,789 I don't know, I suspect as pretty as he is, 1012 00:58:54,898 --> 00:58:56,695 I would have wanted to hunch on him some, too. 1013 00:58:57,901 --> 00:58:59,129 -Hattie. -What? 1014 00:58:59,502 --> 00:59:01,129 She got herself a leg, now she wants a wing. 1015 00:59:01,237 --> 00:59:03,034 -What are you talking about? -Chicken. 1016 00:59:03,139 --> 00:59:04,936 -What? -White meat, dark meat. 1017 00:59:05,041 --> 00:59:06,065 Order ready. Pick up! 1018 00:59:09,712 --> 00:59:11,873 China, I asked you not to. 1019 00:59:13,416 --> 00:59:15,316 -Look, I know you meant well. -No, she didn't. 1020 00:59:15,451 --> 00:59:17,146 -Hattie. -Chinese. 1021 00:59:18,855 --> 00:59:22,621 You really upset your mother. You need to go talk to her. 1022 00:59:24,594 --> 00:59:25,561 Get up. 1023 00:59:27,263 --> 00:59:31,757 Lily. God, what's wrong with you? You look stressed. 1024 00:59:32,802 --> 00:59:34,429 Lily, you looks bad. 1025 00:59:36,072 --> 00:59:38,063 You just look bad, Lily. 1026 00:59:39,542 --> 00:59:41,373 Chinese got something that she would like to say to you. 1027 00:59:41,477 --> 00:59:42,444 Hattie. 1028 00:59:42,545 --> 00:59:45,412 Girl, quit spitting on me and get over here and talk to your mama. 1029 00:59:46,215 --> 00:59:47,546 What is it? 1030 00:59:48,251 --> 00:59:52,984 Mom, I'm sorry for inviting Margaret's family without talking to you about it. 1031 00:59:53,523 --> 00:59:54,990 Why would you do that? 1032 00:59:56,426 --> 00:59:59,224 -Answer her. -I had the best intentions. 1033 00:59:59,462 --> 01:00:01,225 -No, you didn't. -H-A-T-T-l-E. 1034 01:00:01,331 --> 01:00:04,164 Girl, don't spell my name, the police is looking for me. Don't do that. 1035 01:00:09,305 --> 01:00:11,000 I'm sorry for my outburst. 1036 01:00:12,141 --> 01:00:13,631 I get so upset. 1037 01:00:16,779 --> 01:00:21,273 This is Christmas and I'll try to make the best of this. 1038 01:00:22,585 --> 01:00:24,553 I'm sorry, Margaret. 1039 01:00:25,822 --> 01:00:27,881 It's no problem, Mrs. Mansell. 1040 01:00:29,058 --> 01:00:31,822 I just don't appreciate being caught off guard, China, you know that. 1041 01:00:31,928 --> 01:00:33,793 I do, and I should have told you. 1042 01:00:34,897 --> 01:00:36,125 So, where's Bobby? 1043 01:00:36,332 --> 01:00:38,232 He went to the store with Dad and Japan. 1044 01:00:39,168 --> 01:00:40,692 And where is your family, Margaret? 1045 01:00:41,137 --> 01:00:44,334 -I will try to make the best of it. -They left. 1046 01:00:44,907 --> 01:00:47,000 -Thank God. -Lily! 1047 01:00:47,276 --> 01:00:48,937 I mean, "Oh no." 1048 01:00:51,481 --> 01:00:54,917 No, you don't have to pretend. They are a handful. 1049 01:00:57,854 --> 01:01:02,416 Now you see that? You see that? You just evil. You evil. 1050 01:01:02,959 --> 01:01:04,620 You done hurt that girl's feelings again. 1051 01:01:15,571 --> 01:01:17,163 Are you angry with me, Mother? 1052 01:01:22,045 --> 01:01:24,240 I just wish you understood. 1053 01:01:26,416 --> 01:01:28,441 My dear sweet child. 1054 01:01:28,651 --> 01:01:30,050 Understood what, Mom? 1055 01:01:30,553 --> 01:01:33,886 You want me to marry Bobby, and I don't wanna be rushed into anything. 1056 01:01:34,090 --> 01:01:38,151 China, the world is complicated. Life is complicated. 1057 01:01:38,428 --> 01:01:40,953 Things aren't as complicated as you make them, Mom. 1058 01:01:41,064 --> 01:01:44,556 You spend all of your time trying to keep up appearances for your social club 1059 01:01:44,667 --> 01:01:46,362 and the people of this town. 1060 01:01:46,736 --> 01:01:50,035 -I don't care what people think about me. -Well, you should. 1061 01:01:50,673 --> 01:01:53,267 You should care about becoming a woman of substance. 1062 01:01:54,143 --> 01:01:55,872 Appearances are important. 1063 01:01:56,245 --> 01:01:58,304 -They are everything. -Not to me. 1064 01:01:58,414 --> 01:02:02,077 China, life is not a fairy tale 1065 01:02:02,652 --> 01:02:05,780 that just happens while you're skipping in the forest. 1066 01:02:06,322 --> 01:02:08,313 You have to construct your future. 1067 01:02:08,858 --> 01:02:12,419 Who you marry has everything to do with where you live. 1068 01:02:13,129 --> 01:02:17,156 What school your children will go to, and the reputation you will have. 1069 01:02:18,267 --> 01:02:22,704 The Wakefield name, like the Mansell name, is strong, unblemished. 1070 01:02:24,507 --> 01:02:26,168 At the end of this life 1071 01:02:27,343 --> 01:02:29,903 all a woman really has is her name. 1072 01:02:32,315 --> 01:02:35,045 -Are you feeling better, Mother? -Yes. 1073 01:02:35,318 --> 01:02:37,377 Good, honey, I bought flowers for you. 1074 01:02:38,387 --> 01:02:43,222 Thank you. I was just telling Margaret it's too bad her family didn't stay. 1075 01:02:43,726 --> 01:02:46,661 We would've had plenty of room if they wanted to stay the night. 1076 01:02:47,597 --> 01:02:49,656 -Do you really mean that? -Of course. 1077 01:02:49,799 --> 01:02:52,267 Good. Very good, Mother. 1078 01:03:01,944 --> 01:03:03,673 -Margaret. -Come on in. 1079 01:03:04,213 --> 01:03:06,374 I'm not getting up in there until she apologizes. 1080 01:03:07,016 --> 01:03:09,382 -What is this? -What is that? 1081 01:03:10,753 --> 01:03:13,119 You got to apologize to her and you got to apologize to us. 1082 01:03:13,222 --> 01:03:16,214 You was rude as hell, I'm sorry I threw your pillows and all that stuff around, 1083 01:03:16,325 --> 01:03:20,284 but I ain't do no real damage like I could've did some real... 1084 01:03:20,396 --> 01:03:22,728 I could have did some real damage, up in there. 1085 01:03:24,367 --> 01:03:26,665 The ferry broke down, we can't get across the Cape. 1086 01:03:26,869 --> 01:03:28,234 We is stuck here with you. 1087 01:03:28,404 --> 01:03:31,965 We done went to two, three, four, five hotels and there was no room. 1088 01:03:32,074 --> 01:03:34,008 Actually, there was plenty of room but they were too damn high, 1089 01:03:34,110 --> 01:03:35,975 we don't have no money, so we back here. 1090 01:03:38,915 --> 01:03:41,941 -And stop looking at us like that. -I know she ain't looking at me like that, girl. 1091 01:03:42,051 --> 01:03:44,815 We don't want to be here no more than you want us to be here, baby. 1092 01:03:44,921 --> 01:03:46,946 This has ruined our Christmas, too, do you understand? 1093 01:03:47,056 --> 01:03:48,023 This ain't Christmas. 1094 01:03:48,124 --> 01:03:50,285 No, Christmas is supposed to be in the hood. 1095 01:03:54,664 --> 01:03:57,599 It's all right, Madea. We're going to enjoy this. 1096 01:03:58,434 --> 01:04:00,868 George, ifyou steal anything out of this woman's house, 1097 01:04:00,970 --> 01:04:02,835 I am gonna knock the hell out of you, do you understand? 1098 01:04:07,109 --> 01:04:08,406 Come on in, Madea. 1099 01:04:08,511 --> 01:04:12,743 Excuse me, Uncle Phil, are you gonna call and tell everybody else, tell them to come in. 1100 01:04:13,015 --> 01:04:16,109 I'm waiting for her to say, "Excuse us, sorry," and then we'll come in. 1101 01:04:16,252 --> 01:04:20,450 That's right, you have just been rude to us. You ain't been nothing but rude. Rude. 1102 01:04:21,123 --> 01:04:22,954 Rude is dropping in unannounced. 1103 01:04:23,292 --> 01:04:25,692 Girl, didn't I tell you Chinese told us to come over here? 1104 01:04:25,795 --> 01:04:26,819 It's China! 1105 01:04:26,929 --> 01:04:29,363 I tell you what, China, I don't care what your name is, 1106 01:04:29,465 --> 01:04:30,591 come out here and say that. 1107 01:04:30,700 --> 01:04:32,827 Come cross this line right here, cross that line right there. 1108 01:04:36,072 --> 01:04:37,630 She is sitting over there with Zimbabwe, 1109 01:04:37,740 --> 01:04:39,833 they are gonna act like they don't understand what I'm saying. 1110 01:04:42,378 --> 01:04:44,608 -Honey... -Okay. 1111 01:04:46,115 --> 01:04:47,639 I apologize. 1112 01:04:48,384 --> 01:04:49,976 Ain't no God in that. Ain't no feeling in that, 1113 01:04:50,086 --> 01:04:53,078 ain't no anointing, no blood or nothing in what you just said. 1114 01:04:53,990 --> 01:04:58,324 You gonna apologize, you got to put some feeling in that, I need to feel the Holy Ghost. 1115 01:04:59,896 --> 01:05:01,261 I apologize. 1116 01:05:01,464 --> 01:05:03,864 Oh, please, honey. 1117 01:05:04,634 --> 01:05:05,601 I don't believe that. 1118 01:05:05,701 --> 01:05:09,364 Honey, just... Can you just at least be a little sincere? 1119 01:05:09,505 --> 01:05:11,268 Did you hear that "R" when she said "sincere"? 1120 01:05:11,374 --> 01:05:14,605 I felt that. Put some "R's" in your apology. 1121 01:05:17,146 --> 01:05:18,204 I er... 1122 01:05:28,090 --> 01:05:29,648 ...apolergize. 1123 01:05:30,559 --> 01:05:31,526 That's good enough. 1124 01:05:33,396 --> 01:05:36,661 That was really good, she apolergized. 1125 01:05:36,933 --> 01:05:37,900 Thank you for having us. 1126 01:05:38,000 --> 01:05:40,491 Now here about you all, y'all come on in here. 1127 01:05:40,703 --> 01:05:43,638 -Well, we have plenty of room. -Where you want me to put them at? 1128 01:05:44,106 --> 01:05:46,199 Take the ladies out back over the garage. 1129 01:05:47,810 --> 01:05:50,335 She wanna take us to the colored entrance? 1130 01:05:52,448 --> 01:05:54,439 We ain't gonna stay out back over no garage, is it nice? 1131 01:05:54,650 --> 01:05:58,814 It's very nice. I'm quite sure it's better than what you are accustomed to. 1132 01:06:03,225 --> 01:06:06,558 I think we just checked into the Bates Motel, I ain't lying. 1133 01:06:07,930 --> 01:06:08,897 Why you saying that name? 1134 01:06:08,998 --> 01:06:11,193 Because she's standing there looking like Norman Bates' mother 1135 01:06:11,300 --> 01:06:13,029 with the bun at the back of her head. 1136 01:06:15,638 --> 01:06:17,868 Ifyou're gonna be nice to somebody, honey, be nice to them. 1137 01:06:17,974 --> 01:06:20,033 Don't be nice and nasty at the same time. 1138 01:06:20,142 --> 01:06:23,270 Choose which one... "Choose yea this day who you will serve." 1139 01:06:28,617 --> 01:06:29,982 Please show some decorum. 1140 01:06:30,519 --> 01:06:32,953 Don't talk about Cora. Did she just say something about Cora? 1141 01:06:33,055 --> 01:06:34,249 You don't talk about my daughter. 1142 01:06:34,357 --> 01:06:35,847 I think she said something about my daughter, Cora. 1143 01:06:35,992 --> 01:06:37,425 She said, she said, "Just show something to Cora." 1144 01:06:37,526 --> 01:06:40,427 I didn't show Cora nothing, Cora ain't even here, don't talk about Cora. 1145 01:06:40,529 --> 01:06:42,793 Don't show nothing to Cora, she ain't here. 1146 01:06:43,265 --> 01:06:46,200 Don't talk about that, that's the quickest idea to get you hurt, talking about Cora. 1147 01:06:49,438 --> 01:06:50,905 I think I am gonna have to take a Valium. 1148 01:06:51,173 --> 01:06:53,869 Bring me two, some 55 milligrams, give me two of them. 1149 01:06:55,845 --> 01:06:59,508 Japan, take these young men upstairs to the guest room. 1150 01:07:00,016 --> 01:07:02,985 You're gonna have to share a bed with your brother. 1151 01:07:03,085 --> 01:07:04,575 Get the bags, Margaret. 1152 01:07:04,787 --> 01:07:06,311 My mother would never carry my bags. 1153 01:07:06,555 --> 01:07:09,217 That's right, mama ain't carrying his bags. 1154 01:07:09,725 --> 01:07:11,784 She carried him for nine months, she ain't going to carry no bags. 1155 01:07:13,662 --> 01:07:15,459 Come on, I'll show you. Come on. 1156 01:07:16,132 --> 01:07:19,568 George! Give that boy his wallet back, please. 1157 01:07:23,305 --> 01:07:25,398 Oh, my God, you stole my wallet! 1158 01:07:26,475 --> 01:07:28,670 Got to watch him, he quick, he quick. 1159 01:07:29,078 --> 01:07:30,375 He getting good at it. 1160 01:07:31,947 --> 01:07:33,710 China, can I talk to you for a second? 1161 01:07:33,949 --> 01:07:35,917 -What you all going to talk about? -Something in private. 1162 01:07:36,685 --> 01:07:40,121 Something in private, they don't want to talk in front of us. 1163 01:07:41,524 --> 01:07:44,152 -You're going to talk? -Mother, we're going to talk. 1164 01:07:44,293 --> 01:07:45,692 Well, I'm going to my bedroom. 1165 01:07:46,095 --> 01:07:48,825 She's going to be listening, y'all watch her. 1166 01:07:49,331 --> 01:07:51,162 Seems like we know how to clear a room out, don't we? 1167 01:07:51,267 --> 01:07:52,700 Seems like we come in, everybody go out. 1168 01:07:52,802 --> 01:07:55,032 Excuse me, sir. Hello. 1169 01:07:55,137 --> 01:07:57,128 Where you going? 1170 01:07:57,273 --> 01:07:59,935 -Outdoors. -That's all I want to know. 1171 01:08:03,212 --> 01:08:05,237 I just want to know why when Lucy didn't come up in here, 1172 01:08:05,347 --> 01:08:07,713 and why he is out there with her right now. 1173 01:08:09,251 --> 01:08:12,448 -He not out there with Lucy, baby. -Bam, come on now, I'm watching. 1174 01:08:12,555 --> 01:08:14,284 I walked up in here, when Lucy walked in, 1175 01:08:14,390 --> 01:08:18,053 that man turned completely white and went the other direction. 1176 01:08:18,160 --> 01:08:19,422 I'm telling you, black as he is, 1177 01:08:19,528 --> 01:08:22,725 the blood drained from his face, he was scared to death. 1178 01:08:22,832 --> 01:08:24,800 Something is going on, and I'm gonna figure it out. 1179 01:08:24,900 --> 01:08:28,734 No, no, no. Now they don't even know each other. 1180 01:08:28,838 --> 01:08:30,533 They just met each other. 1181 01:08:30,906 --> 01:08:33,101 -Met who? -They just met each other. 1182 01:08:35,911 --> 01:08:38,573 Hattie, how the hell... You can't see what the hell we talking about. 1183 01:08:38,714 --> 01:08:40,909 You can't see nothing we talking about. 1184 01:08:41,016 --> 01:08:43,007 Yeah I can, I can see into the future. 1185 01:08:43,752 --> 01:08:46,550 Now put them glasses on, honey, you need to go have that Cadillac surgery 1186 01:08:46,655 --> 01:08:48,623 and get that taken care of or something. 1187 01:08:48,791 --> 01:08:52,352 And if that don't work, get you a dog, 'cause you blind as hell. 1188 01:08:52,728 --> 01:08:56,357 I can't even look at them glasses, I get dizzy, they just spin around and around. 1189 01:08:56,465 --> 01:08:59,730 It feel like she hypnotizing me. 1190 01:09:02,371 --> 01:09:05,135 -You okay? -Am I okay? 1191 01:09:05,808 --> 01:09:09,471 I just found out that the man I'm in love with is not who he said he was. 1192 01:09:10,246 --> 01:09:12,214 -Look... -John, you are married. 1193 01:09:12,448 --> 01:09:14,712 You got a whole damn family up in there. 1194 01:09:15,050 --> 01:09:16,415 I didn't intend for you to find out like this. 1195 01:09:16,519 --> 01:09:19,613 Stop lying, negro. You didn't intend on me finding out. 1196 01:09:20,589 --> 01:09:22,079 No, I was gonna tell you. 1197 01:09:24,493 --> 01:09:25,960 My situation with Lilian... 1198 01:09:35,938 --> 01:09:37,735 What you all doing out here? 1199 01:09:38,140 --> 01:09:40,472 -Nothing. -Okay, y'all just talking? 1200 01:09:41,243 --> 01:09:44,440 Excuse me, I dropped my cigarette, I picked it up. 1201 01:09:44,713 --> 01:09:47,045 I dropped my cigarette. 1202 01:09:47,683 --> 01:09:51,676 I have seen your Mercedes. Yes indeed, it's nice. 1203 01:09:52,521 --> 01:09:54,546 Y'all go on and talk, go on and talk. 1204 01:09:55,324 --> 01:09:57,918 -I told you. -I know what the hell I'm talking about. 1205 01:09:58,027 --> 01:10:00,757 I busted them, walked right there on that porch, they talking about something. 1206 01:10:00,863 --> 01:10:02,125 -Both of them? -Yes, see, you all got to get me 1207 01:10:02,231 --> 01:10:04,392 the hell out of here. See, I don't want to spend Christmas like this, 1208 01:10:04,500 --> 01:10:06,661 all hell is gonna break loose up in this woman's house. 1209 01:10:06,802 --> 01:10:10,135 And I don't wanna be nowhere around hell breaking loose on Christmas. 1210 01:10:10,239 --> 01:10:11,297 Mabel? 1211 01:10:12,775 --> 01:10:15,266 -China. -What is it? 1212 01:10:15,511 --> 01:10:17,741 I've been trying to get your attention since we got here. 1213 01:10:18,881 --> 01:10:21,247 I'm sorry, things are a little crazy right now. 1214 01:10:22,151 --> 01:10:24,210 -ls it because of him? -Him who? 1215 01:10:24,520 --> 01:10:26,784 You know who I'm talking about. Eric. 1216 01:10:27,189 --> 01:10:28,451 Is it because of Eric? 1217 01:10:28,557 --> 01:10:30,855 No, it's all this Christmas stuff. 1218 01:10:31,994 --> 01:10:34,019 China, don't you love me? 1219 01:10:35,130 --> 01:10:37,724 -Bobby, I do. -Then why are you so distant? 1220 01:10:39,468 --> 01:10:42,904 I'm sorry, Bobby. I just have a lot on my mind right now. 1221 01:10:45,074 --> 01:10:47,269 -I see. -Don't do that. 1222 01:10:47,810 --> 01:10:51,211 We've been great together. It's been so fantastic. 1223 01:10:52,481 --> 01:10:54,073 I'm just a little overwhelmed. 1224 01:10:55,017 --> 01:10:58,077 You do know I was going to ask you to marry me, don't you? 1225 01:10:58,754 --> 01:11:01,882 Really? I kind of had a feeling you would. 1226 01:11:02,458 --> 01:11:03,948 So, you don't want to marry me? 1227 01:11:04,059 --> 01:11:05,549 -Bobby, I do... -So that's a yes! 1228 01:11:05,661 --> 01:11:06,889 -No! -Then, what is it? 1229 01:11:06,996 --> 01:11:08,156 It's a... 1230 01:11:09,131 --> 01:11:10,462 I'm confused. 1231 01:11:11,367 --> 01:11:13,232 This is all happening too fast. 1232 01:11:14,136 --> 01:11:18,095 I haven't even finished school yet and you're talking about marriage and kids... 1233 01:11:18,207 --> 01:11:20,767 Why are you so worried about finishing school? 1234 01:11:20,876 --> 01:11:24,710 -Honey, my family is worth millions. -That's not my money. 1235 01:11:25,180 --> 01:11:26,374 Marry me and it will be ours. 1236 01:11:26,482 --> 01:11:29,212 Bobby, I never once thought about your money. 1237 01:11:29,318 --> 01:11:30,842 I don't care about that. 1238 01:11:31,453 --> 01:11:34,945 I know. You're one of the first women I met that didn't. 1239 01:11:35,491 --> 01:11:36,981 -So, marry me. -Okay. 1240 01:11:37,226 --> 01:11:38,784 -Okay? -Okay, okay, okay. 1241 01:11:38,927 --> 01:11:41,896 Just give me a second, all right? Go downstairs 1242 01:11:43,766 --> 01:11:45,028 and I'll be down in a second. 1243 01:11:45,467 --> 01:11:48,959 Okay. Take all the time you need. 1244 01:11:49,838 --> 01:11:51,999 Honey, I love you. 1245 01:11:54,877 --> 01:11:57,869 Look at him. Hello, son, I didn't even see you come in, how you doing? 1246 01:11:58,180 --> 01:12:00,740 -I'm good. -Yeah, reading that magazine, go ahead. 1247 01:12:01,650 --> 01:12:02,844 What are you reading? 1248 01:12:03,452 --> 01:12:05,352 -My Health. -Your Health? 1249 01:12:05,487 --> 01:12:08,752 -Yes, ma'am. -Wow, that's... You look so educated. 1250 01:12:09,091 --> 01:12:10,752 Yes indeed. 1251 01:12:14,596 --> 01:12:16,564 You said it. You said it. 1252 01:12:20,402 --> 01:12:21,664 Wait a minute. 1253 01:12:22,504 --> 01:12:25,268 -He looks so sad. -He looks so sad. 1254 01:12:25,407 --> 01:12:27,204 -Like he just defeated. -Yeah. 1255 01:12:28,010 --> 01:12:30,376 When I look at him I just want to say, "Swing Low." 1256 01:12:35,651 --> 01:12:39,087 He look like he is gonna sit by the ocean and say, "Old Man River." 1257 01:12:44,626 --> 01:12:49,154 -I'm sure I can make him happy though. -Come on, Hattie, come on, Hattie. 1258 01:12:50,065 --> 01:12:52,124 What, what... Hattie... 1259 01:12:55,204 --> 01:12:57,570 I can, I can make him happy. 1260 01:12:57,973 --> 01:12:59,372 Spare me, please. 1261 01:12:59,475 --> 01:13:02,501 That the same thing he gonna say when I get through with him. 1262 01:13:02,611 --> 01:13:04,875 "Spare me, please. Spare me." 1263 01:13:06,215 --> 01:13:07,682 I can't take this. 1264 01:13:08,083 --> 01:13:11,177 -Boy, sit down and learn something. -That's right, baby, sit down. 1265 01:13:11,720 --> 01:13:14,120 You been so uptight since we got here. 1266 01:13:14,223 --> 01:13:18,353 You just sitting like you're just all folded up, like your shoulders gonna meet in the front. 1267 01:13:20,596 --> 01:13:24,088 Pull your knees apart, honey, and scoot down in your seat. 1268 01:13:26,168 --> 01:13:27,601 Separate your feet, son. 1269 01:13:27,703 --> 01:13:29,466 Separate your feet. Balance yourself. 1270 01:13:29,571 --> 01:13:32,267 -Yeah. -Yeah, relax, relax. 1271 01:13:34,910 --> 01:13:39,176 Chill out. Yeah, you look... That's beautiful. 1272 01:13:39,915 --> 01:13:43,180 -You look better already. -Why you so uptight, son? 1273 01:13:45,354 --> 01:13:48,482 I bet them little girls just be all over you, don't they? 1274 01:13:48,957 --> 01:13:51,892 -Don't they be all over you? -No, baby, he's still a virgin. 1275 01:13:54,096 --> 01:13:56,394 Hattie, don't tell all the boy's business like that. 1276 01:13:56,498 --> 01:13:58,932 -He is. -I know he a virgin, I could tell. 1277 01:13:59,334 --> 01:14:02,201 -How, Mabel, how could you tell? -Them glasses. 1278 01:14:02,604 --> 01:14:03,571 What are the glasses? 1279 01:14:03,672 --> 01:14:06,197 That's pure birth control, them glasses, right there. 1280 01:14:08,911 --> 01:14:10,936 Son, look here. Ain't nothing wrong with being no virgin. 1281 01:14:11,046 --> 01:14:12,638 Ain't nothing wrong with being no virgin at all. 1282 01:14:12,748 --> 01:14:15,308 These young people... Everybody running around trying not to be a virgin. 1283 01:14:15,417 --> 01:14:17,180 Being a virgin is good, do you hear me? 1284 01:14:17,286 --> 01:14:20,187 I don't care how old you are, son, you a virgin, that is fine. 1285 01:14:20,289 --> 01:14:23,122 Don't let nobody make you feel bad about being a virgin, you take your time. 1286 01:14:23,225 --> 01:14:24,317 Do you understand? 1287 01:14:24,460 --> 01:14:28,123 Ain't nothing wrong with that because once you give it up, it's gone. 1288 01:14:28,764 --> 01:14:32,165 Can't get it back. You a virgin? 1289 01:14:33,001 --> 01:14:36,402 You a virgin? You a virgin? 1290 01:14:38,574 --> 01:14:40,599 Yeah, that means "Yep." 1291 01:14:41,543 --> 01:14:42,510 Because it's either yes or no. 1292 01:14:42,611 --> 01:14:45,079 If you got to do a "um," that means yeah. That's all right, son. 1293 01:14:45,481 --> 01:14:48,348 That's all right. There have been some very... God uses virgins. 1294 01:14:48,450 --> 01:14:49,610 -Yes, he does. -Do you hear me? 1295 01:14:49,718 --> 01:14:51,709 God searches to and fro for purity. 1296 01:14:51,887 --> 01:14:55,015 God used a virgin when he came into this Earth 1297 01:14:55,457 --> 01:14:57,857 -and he used a virgin when he left. -Yes, sir. 1298 01:14:58,093 --> 01:14:59,754 Yes, see people know about the virgin when he came 1299 01:14:59,862 --> 01:15:01,090 but they don't know about the virgin when he left. 1300 01:15:01,396 --> 01:15:03,660 -Well, tell me about it. -Shall I take you to the Bible? 1301 01:15:03,765 --> 01:15:05,824 -I need to go. -Let me take you on there now. 1302 01:15:05,934 --> 01:15:08,368 Jesus was getting ready to go to Calvary, ain't that what the Bible says? 1303 01:15:08,504 --> 01:15:10,335 -That's what it says. -And it was Palm Sunday. 1304 01:15:10,472 --> 01:15:14,135 -Yes, it was. -And he said, he told his disciplines, he said 1305 01:15:15,277 --> 01:15:19,680 "There is a colt tied to a doorpost 1306 01:15:20,549 --> 01:15:23,347 "that had never been rode on or sat on by a man. 1307 01:15:23,452 --> 01:15:25,545 "Bring that colt to me." 1308 01:15:25,787 --> 01:15:27,880 -The colt was a virgin. -Okay. 1309 01:15:28,490 --> 01:15:31,459 Do you understand? He rode on the colt 'cause the colt was pure. 1310 01:15:31,560 --> 01:15:33,084 It was a virgin. Do you hear what I'm telling you? 1311 01:15:33,195 --> 01:15:34,423 He used that virgin. 1312 01:15:34,530 --> 01:15:36,361 That's all right that it was tied up to the doorpost. 1313 01:15:36,498 --> 01:15:38,932 Some time you got to be tied up into a situation 1314 01:15:39,101 --> 01:15:42,468 and wait for God to call you in to what you supposed to be doing. 1315 01:15:44,106 --> 01:15:45,300 I'm telling you. 1316 01:15:45,440 --> 01:15:47,499 We'll be tied up walking around in the same circles 1317 01:15:47,609 --> 01:15:49,201 going over and over and over and over and over again. 1318 01:15:49,311 --> 01:15:51,176 You don't know why you're there. You're tied up for a purpose. 1319 01:15:51,313 --> 01:15:53,838 God is trying to keep you. To have you come in and... 1320 01:15:53,949 --> 01:15:57,009 You've never heard about that donkey again in the rest of the Bible. 1321 01:15:57,219 --> 01:16:00,552 But that one moment he is mentioned for everybody to see. Do you hear me? 1322 01:16:00,689 --> 01:16:03,180 Ain't no problem with no virgin. Like the Virgin Mary. 1323 01:16:04,626 --> 01:16:06,992 You act like you don't know what I'm talking about. The Virgin Mary. 1324 01:16:07,095 --> 01:16:08,062 Mother of Jesus. 1325 01:16:08,163 --> 01:16:09,130 -I know Mary. -You're young, 1326 01:16:09,231 --> 01:16:11,324 I'm gonna tell you a hip-hop version. 1327 01:16:11,433 --> 01:16:13,401 This is the hip-hop version, so stay with me 1328 01:16:13,502 --> 01:16:16,938 all you hip-hoppers, all you young thugs. 1329 01:16:17,339 --> 01:16:20,797 There was a woman named Mary J. Blige. 1330 01:16:23,278 --> 01:16:27,237 And God looked down on her and found favor in her 1331 01:16:27,482 --> 01:16:30,383 because she was a virgin and she was dating a singer, Jo. 1332 01:16:31,053 --> 01:16:33,920 You know Jo, the boy who sang that song. You know the song Jo sang? 1333 01:16:34,456 --> 01:16:35,514 Something about a woman or something. 1334 01:16:35,624 --> 01:16:37,956 Anyway they were on tour, Mary and Jo. 1335 01:16:38,961 --> 01:16:42,658 And Mary went to Jo and had to tell him that she was pregnant. 1336 01:16:42,764 --> 01:16:44,026 But they had never known each other. 1337 01:16:44,132 --> 01:16:45,656 The Bible calls it "known." 1338 01:16:46,401 --> 01:16:47,868 They don't call it "sex." 1339 01:16:48,003 --> 01:16:49,493 They said "known." Do you know what that means? 1340 01:16:49,605 --> 01:16:52,130 You're suppose to know who the hell you're having sex with. 1341 01:16:54,776 --> 01:16:56,368 Listen, baby, listen here. 1342 01:16:56,478 --> 01:16:58,639 Ain't ever known a man, you know. 1343 01:16:58,747 --> 01:17:00,612 So she told Jo that and Jo got really upset. 1344 01:17:00,749 --> 01:17:02,080 He was about to just leave her. 1345 01:17:02,217 --> 01:17:04,344 But, they worked it out because God had to go 1346 01:17:04,453 --> 01:17:07,149 to Joseph himself and tell him that, "l did this" 1347 01:17:07,255 --> 01:17:09,553 because Joseph was getting ready to walk out the door, you understand? 1348 01:17:09,658 --> 01:17:11,023 But when God catches you, won't it turn you around? 1349 01:17:11,126 --> 01:17:12,093 Yeah, it'll turn you all around. 1350 01:17:12,227 --> 01:17:14,024 If God tells you to stay with somebody you've got to stay, 1351 01:17:14,162 --> 01:17:15,993 you can't go nowhere, that's what Joseph did. 1352 01:17:16,098 --> 01:17:19,067 So they was on tour, they was getting tired, they was going to all these cities 1353 01:17:19,167 --> 01:17:22,227 and she was getting pregnanter and pregnanter and pregnanter. 1354 01:17:22,337 --> 01:17:24,134 And child, the baby was getting ready to come 1355 01:17:24,239 --> 01:17:25,934 and they found themselves in the holy city. 1356 01:17:26,041 --> 01:17:27,474 -Wait a minute... -Birmingham. 1357 01:17:27,576 --> 01:17:30,977 Right choice there, that's where he was at. 1358 01:17:31,313 --> 01:17:34,282 They pulled the bus up to the holy city of Birmingham 1359 01:17:34,716 --> 01:17:37,549 and she was getting ready to go on stage but her water broke. 1360 01:17:37,653 --> 01:17:40,247 It was a mighty rushing water, went everywhere. 1361 01:17:40,355 --> 01:17:42,220 So she said, "l got to go. I got to go." 1362 01:17:42,324 --> 01:17:45,487 They tried to take her to all these places, everywhere they went the doors was closed. 1363 01:17:45,594 --> 01:17:47,289 -Went to the Marriott, the door was closed. -No. 1364 01:17:47,396 --> 01:17:49,023 Yeah, went to Hampton lnn, the door was closed. 1365 01:17:49,131 --> 01:17:51,395 Went to a Motel 6, they didn't even leave the light on for her. 1366 01:17:51,533 --> 01:17:53,558 It was just nothing. 1367 01:17:53,869 --> 01:17:55,393 So, she was locked out. 1368 01:17:55,604 --> 01:17:57,868 And she sat on the curb with Jo and Jo said, "What are we gonna do?" 1369 01:17:58,206 --> 01:17:59,833 -Fix it. -And God sent something. 1370 01:17:59,941 --> 01:18:03,775 -Watch yourself. -A mangy dog walked right past them. 1371 01:18:04,079 --> 01:18:06,570 And she had that baby right there next to that mangy dog. 1372 01:18:06,682 --> 01:18:08,513 That's why they say he was born near a mangy. 1373 01:18:08,717 --> 01:18:10,207 Do you hear me? 1374 01:18:16,091 --> 01:18:18,719 Learn something, son. You gonna be blessed being a virgin. 1375 01:18:19,227 --> 01:18:21,252 -That is the hip-hop version. -Yeah. 1376 01:18:21,897 --> 01:18:24,229 I hope I don't go to hell for telling the hip-hop version 1377 01:18:24,332 --> 01:18:26,129 but that's the hip-hop version. 1378 01:18:28,937 --> 01:18:30,370 -Please, God. -That's the hip-hop version. 1379 01:18:30,472 --> 01:18:33,464 I know God got a sense of humor, hell, he made me. 1380 01:18:35,844 --> 01:18:36,902 Yes! 1381 01:18:37,012 --> 01:18:39,378 -I told you. Didn't I tell you? -Yeah, you did. 1382 01:18:39,648 --> 01:18:42,481 And that's the story of the dear lord little Baby Jesus. 1383 01:18:43,885 --> 01:18:45,716 Word up! 1384 01:18:45,821 --> 01:18:47,083 -Can I go now? -No. 1385 01:18:48,724 --> 01:18:49,691 Dad. 1386 01:18:50,025 --> 01:18:51,822 These old ladies are talking to me about sex. 1387 01:18:52,027 --> 01:18:52,994 Rescue me. 1388 01:18:53,161 --> 01:18:55,322 It's okay, Son. Sit, you'll learn something. 1389 01:18:57,532 --> 01:19:00,092 Look like you've been learning something. 1390 01:19:00,736 --> 01:19:03,637 -Where you all been? -I was showing Lucy my boat. 1391 01:19:04,339 --> 01:19:05,306 Did it float? 1392 01:19:09,611 --> 01:19:10,578 Hors d'oeuvres? 1393 01:19:10,979 --> 01:19:12,378 -I'm sorry, what'd you say, honey? -Hors d'oeuvres? 1394 01:19:12,481 --> 01:19:14,711 Yeah, get a number two. 1395 01:19:14,883 --> 01:19:16,612 Y'all make bacon and ham cheeseburgers? 1396 01:19:16,785 --> 01:19:19,845 Give me a bacon and ham cheeseburger, and some fries and a shake. 1397 01:19:19,955 --> 01:19:20,922 Make that two. 1398 01:19:21,723 --> 01:19:23,918 -And supersize it. -No, no, no. 1399 01:19:24,092 --> 01:19:25,081 Hors d'oeuvres? 1400 01:19:25,393 --> 01:19:26,587 I thought you taking my order. 1401 01:19:26,795 --> 01:19:28,854 No, ma'am. 1402 01:19:29,664 --> 01:19:33,100 No, ma'am, I wasn't saying "order," I was saying "hors d'oeuvres." 1403 01:19:33,535 --> 01:19:34,968 I don't know what that means, spell it for me. 1404 01:19:35,203 --> 01:19:37,933 -H-O-R-S-D... -No, no, that's whores. 1405 01:19:40,976 --> 01:19:42,568 -That's whores, honey. -No, ma'am. 1406 01:19:42,711 --> 01:19:45,236 No, ma'am. No, no. They're hors d'oeuvres. 1407 01:19:45,514 --> 01:19:47,004 -What? These the whores? -It's spelt different. 1408 01:19:47,315 --> 01:19:48,714 No, no. 1409 01:19:48,950 --> 01:19:51,714 -The "H" is silent. -The "H" is silent, okay. 1410 01:19:51,920 --> 01:19:54,445 Well, that ain't nothing but cheese on a cracker. 1411 01:19:54,956 --> 01:19:56,014 You can't give that girl no cheese. 1412 01:19:56,124 --> 01:19:58,649 No baby, I don't want... I don't want no cracker. 1413 01:19:58,760 --> 01:20:00,990 I sure hell don't need no cheese, baby. 1414 01:20:01,496 --> 01:20:06,229 No, child, that is very, dairy dangerous to give her some cheese. 1415 01:20:07,035 --> 01:20:08,935 No, no, no. 1416 01:20:10,005 --> 01:20:11,438 Would you like to try? 1417 01:20:11,940 --> 01:20:13,464 -Should I try one of the whores? -Yes, ma'am. 1418 01:20:13,642 --> 01:20:14,609 Yes, please. 1419 01:20:14,976 --> 01:20:16,910 Sit down. Sit down and leave that alone. 1420 01:20:17,546 --> 01:20:19,411 You're not supposed to be working, sit down and relax. 1421 01:20:19,581 --> 01:20:20,570 Come on, sit down. 1422 01:20:20,682 --> 01:20:21,876 You're not supposed to be working, it's Christmas. 1423 01:20:21,983 --> 01:20:23,746 We came over here to see you. Relax yourself. 1424 01:20:23,852 --> 01:20:25,877 -Yeah. -What that feel like, to sit down? 1425 01:20:26,121 --> 01:20:28,521 You have been working like Miss Celie in The Color Purple. Sit down. 1426 01:20:30,425 --> 01:20:32,154 Relax yourself. 1427 01:20:33,028 --> 01:20:34,757 -That's relaxed? -Sit back. 1428 01:20:34,896 --> 01:20:36,488 -Yes, ma'am. -No, baby, sit back. 1429 01:20:36,598 --> 01:20:38,623 Just relax, relax. Let go. Relax. 1430 01:20:39,935 --> 01:20:42,096 There you go, relax. Come on, come on. 1431 01:20:42,304 --> 01:20:43,794 -There you go, there you go. -Loosen up. 1432 01:20:43,905 --> 01:20:44,894 I like this. 1433 01:20:45,073 --> 01:20:48,099 Wait, wait. Don't lay back. Don't do that, honey. 1434 01:20:48,743 --> 01:20:51,974 No, you're well endowed on top, you don't lay back flat like that. 1435 01:20:53,148 --> 01:20:54,513 Women who are well endowed on top 1436 01:20:54,616 --> 01:20:56,311 they can't lay flat on their back, I'm telling you. 1437 01:20:58,053 --> 01:20:59,987 I'm telling you, I did that one time. 1438 01:21:02,123 --> 01:21:03,090 It was in the middle of the night 1439 01:21:03,191 --> 01:21:04,624 I thought somebody had crept in my room 1440 01:21:04,726 --> 01:21:06,785 and was getting ready to choke the hell out of me. 1441 01:21:09,364 --> 01:21:11,662 God, these things got around my neck. 1442 01:21:13,001 --> 01:21:13,968 I couldn't breathe. 1443 01:21:14,069 --> 01:21:16,367 I jumped up fighting, thought somebody was on top of me. 1444 01:21:17,739 --> 01:21:20,902 Now when I sleep, I have to throw them over the side, honey. 1445 01:21:22,744 --> 01:21:26,703 I got so old, I do this, now they tie my shoe for me. 1446 01:21:29,384 --> 01:21:31,147 So, don't do that, honey. Don't lay flat on your back. 1447 01:21:31,253 --> 01:21:33,016 When you go to hospital, they have to prop you up. 1448 01:21:33,188 --> 01:21:35,418 Do not lay flat on your back, I'm telling you. 1449 01:21:35,557 --> 01:21:37,024 Margaret, where's the rum? 1450 01:21:37,492 --> 01:21:39,653 -Sir, it's in the cabinet. -Margaret, sit down, relax. 1451 01:21:39,761 --> 01:21:41,422 Margaret is on Christmas break. 1452 01:21:41,529 --> 01:21:42,791 You just gave it to her. I know you didn't hear me 1453 01:21:42,898 --> 01:21:44,160 give it to her, but you gave it to her. 1454 01:21:44,332 --> 01:21:45,799 Now, if you want the rum, rum your ass on in there 1455 01:21:45,901 --> 01:21:46,868 and get it yourself. 1456 01:21:47,769 --> 01:21:50,533 Look here, go ahead. Go and take these whores in the kitchen with you. 1457 01:21:50,639 --> 01:21:51,867 Go on and take the whores. 1458 01:21:52,908 --> 01:21:54,876 -Where y'all going? -Where y'all going? 1459 01:21:55,076 --> 01:21:57,306 You told him to take the whores in the kitchen with him. 1460 01:22:11,860 --> 01:22:14,260 Hey, China, hey, hey. What's up? 1461 01:22:14,462 --> 01:22:16,054 -What's up, girl? -Hi, Eric. 1462 01:22:16,164 --> 01:22:17,756 How are you? I missed you. 1463 01:22:17,866 --> 01:22:19,959 What are you doing? Stop, Eric. 1464 01:22:20,068 --> 01:22:21,433 -Eric, stop. -What's up? 1465 01:22:21,536 --> 01:22:22,867 -You sure you want me to stop? -Yes, stop. 1466 01:22:22,971 --> 01:22:24,768 You know my boyfriend is downstairs. 1467 01:22:25,774 --> 01:22:26,968 Your boyfriend? 1468 01:22:27,208 --> 01:22:28,607 Girl, where you find that clown at? 1469 01:22:28,777 --> 01:22:31,143 He goes to the medical school on campus. 1470 01:22:32,747 --> 01:22:35,181 China got her a doctor. 1471 01:22:35,417 --> 01:22:37,408 -That's what you want? -We're very happy. 1472 01:22:38,987 --> 01:22:41,012 Hell, I'm in school. 1473 01:22:41,289 --> 01:22:42,449 It ain't Brown but it's black. 1474 01:22:45,193 --> 01:22:48,185 I mean it's a state college. 1475 01:22:48,463 --> 01:22:49,589 That ain't good enough for you though, right? 1476 01:22:49,698 --> 01:22:51,825 -What do you want, Eric? -You know what I want. 1477 01:22:53,168 --> 01:22:54,692 I want you, us. 1478 01:22:55,236 --> 01:22:58,228 Well, you had me, but you didn't want a commitment. 1479 01:22:59,407 --> 01:23:01,568 -Am I too late? -lt appears so. 1480 01:23:03,611 --> 01:23:05,408 Good old China, still pushing me away. 1481 01:23:05,513 --> 01:23:06,537 -I'm sorry. -Yeah. 1482 01:23:06,648 --> 01:23:07,910 Worried about what your mama was going to say. 1483 01:23:08,016 --> 01:23:09,176 -No. -Sure you are. 1484 01:23:09,284 --> 01:23:10,649 No, I'm not. 1485 01:23:11,653 --> 01:23:14,554 I know you love me. You know I still love you. 1486 01:23:14,856 --> 01:23:17,290 -We were young. -We're still young. 1487 01:23:17,559 --> 01:23:20,687 I'm different, my priorities have changed. 1488 01:23:22,364 --> 01:23:24,491 Well, I was your first, right? 1489 01:23:26,267 --> 01:23:28,292 Actually you were my only. 1490 01:23:29,871 --> 01:23:31,133 Really? 1491 01:23:31,272 --> 01:23:33,206 You ain't gave old doctor, doctor nothing? 1492 01:23:34,309 --> 01:23:36,937 No, you're the only one. 1493 01:23:40,281 --> 01:23:43,478 Wow? What y'all waiting on? You acting like y'all getting married. 1494 01:23:47,155 --> 01:23:48,747 China? 1495 01:23:48,923 --> 01:23:51,016 Hey, look, look. I know we're from two different worlds. 1496 01:23:51,126 --> 01:23:53,390 I mean you're rich and I'm not. But we're good together. 1497 01:23:53,495 --> 01:23:56,020 -Come on, now. -It's not about rich or poor, Eric. 1498 01:23:58,400 --> 01:23:59,765 I better get downstairs. 1499 01:23:59,901 --> 01:24:02,165 Hey, wait, wait, wait. Are you serious? 1500 01:24:04,973 --> 01:24:06,440 Wow. 1501 01:24:07,075 --> 01:24:10,340 Okay, China, look... Come here, come here, come here. 1502 01:24:10,912 --> 01:24:12,709 Come here. 1503 01:24:14,182 --> 01:24:17,515 So you're getting married 1504 01:24:18,053 --> 01:24:21,955 You're gonna say yes to him 1505 01:24:23,491 --> 01:24:27,484 Say it ain't so, it ain't so 1506 01:24:29,164 --> 01:24:32,759 When you know that I love you 1507 01:24:33,668 --> 01:24:37,764 And my love is much stronger than friends 1508 01:24:39,441 --> 01:24:41,875 I know you know 1509 01:24:42,844 --> 01:24:44,436 I can't believe it 1510 01:24:44,879 --> 01:24:49,339 You're gonna walk down that aisle 1511 01:24:49,818 --> 01:24:53,686 To be with a man you don't love 1512 01:24:55,023 --> 01:24:57,548 Now you know I know you 1513 01:24:59,227 --> 01:25:02,958 For God has given me 1514 01:25:03,064 --> 01:25:05,897 He's given me this love 1515 01:25:06,134 --> 01:25:09,900 And it comes straight from above 1516 01:25:11,139 --> 01:25:13,767 So let me ask you 1517 01:25:14,509 --> 01:25:17,444 Who's it gonna be? 1518 01:25:19,447 --> 01:25:21,711 Do you want him? 1519 01:25:23,284 --> 01:25:26,082 Or do you want me? 1520 01:25:29,124 --> 01:25:31,354 I know 1521 01:25:31,459 --> 01:25:33,222 I want you 1522 01:25:33,328 --> 01:25:36,195 He can't do you 1523 01:25:37,332 --> 01:25:40,130 Like the way I do you 1524 01:25:41,636 --> 01:25:48,132 And he can't love you like I do 1525 01:25:49,711 --> 01:25:52,612 So stop playing games 1526 01:25:52,747 --> 01:25:56,308 You know you need to be with me 1527 01:25:57,118 --> 01:26:02,078 Just look down inside your heart you're my destiny 1528 01:26:02,390 --> 01:26:05,257 Who's it gonna be? 1529 01:26:06,728 --> 01:26:10,994 Do you want him, baby? 1530 01:26:11,332 --> 01:26:13,823 Or do you want me? 1531 01:26:14,002 --> 01:26:18,063 I want to know 1532 01:26:18,439 --> 01:26:20,873 Because I want you, yeah 1533 01:26:21,109 --> 01:26:27,309 You need to make up your mind 1534 01:26:27,815 --> 01:26:31,581 Because this love we share 1535 01:26:31,753 --> 01:26:36,781 Is one of a kind 1536 01:26:37,158 --> 01:26:43,028 Baby, this love we have is real 1537 01:26:43,131 --> 01:26:46,066 But you know what, we were meant to be 1538 01:26:46,267 --> 01:26:48,098 Baby, you and me 1539 01:26:48,236 --> 01:26:51,831 So please 1540 01:26:53,241 --> 01:26:56,642 Who's it gonna be? 1541 01:26:57,011 --> 01:27:00,742 Tell me, do you want him? 1542 01:27:00,882 --> 01:27:04,682 Do you want me, baby? I'm standing right here with you 1543 01:27:04,852 --> 01:27:08,549 Baby, baby 1544 01:27:09,157 --> 01:27:12,649 Who's it gonna be, my sweet lady? 1545 01:27:15,530 --> 01:27:16,827 Baby 1546 01:27:16,931 --> 01:27:19,923 Because I want you, I want you 1547 01:27:20,101 --> 01:27:22,160 I want you, baby 1548 01:27:25,840 --> 01:27:31,745 Please, baby 1549 01:27:35,283 --> 01:27:40,152 Baby, baby, baby, I want you 1550 01:27:42,056 --> 01:27:45,219 Don't do it, baby 1551 01:27:45,526 --> 01:27:49,189 Don't do it 1552 01:27:51,866 --> 01:27:56,098 Because I want you 1553 01:28:06,714 --> 01:28:09,376 Y'all remember that time y'all bought that cologne for Eric? 1554 01:28:09,484 --> 01:28:12,317 And he used to wear it all the time. I brought it as a gag gift for him. 1555 01:28:12,420 --> 01:28:15,583 -He wearing it all the time. -He still wears it all the time. 1556 01:28:15,790 --> 01:28:17,314 And Eric... 1557 01:28:20,461 --> 01:28:21,689 Okay. 1558 01:28:22,030 --> 01:28:24,294 He ain't the only one wearing it. 1559 01:28:26,334 --> 01:28:28,359 George, where you been? 1560 01:28:29,504 --> 01:28:30,562 Upstairs watching TV. 1561 01:28:30,905 --> 01:28:32,702 Go back up there and put that TV back up there. 1562 01:28:35,610 --> 01:28:38,636 You don't see it but he got it on him. He got that TV on him. 1563 01:28:38,746 --> 01:28:39,872 He got it on him. 1564 01:28:40,114 --> 01:28:41,103 Jesus, he quick. 1565 01:28:41,282 --> 01:28:43,750 Yeah, he quick. You better watch it. He done stole your virginity 1566 01:28:43,851 --> 01:28:45,648 and you don't even know it. 1567 01:28:46,587 --> 01:28:48,179 Lucy? 1568 01:28:48,456 --> 01:28:50,481 Lucy, you've been really quiet since you got here. 1569 01:28:50,825 --> 01:28:52,622 It ain't nothing, Mama. It's nothing. 1570 01:28:53,461 --> 01:28:56,692 Something must be wrong with her, honey, because anytime you don't talk 1571 01:28:56,798 --> 01:28:59,096 -you mad about something. -I told y'all, leave that alone. 1572 01:28:59,200 --> 01:29:00,963 There ain't gonna be a nothing, y'all leave that alone. 1573 01:29:01,069 --> 01:29:04,266 I'm just saying that she's quiet 'cause she's mad about something. 1574 01:29:04,372 --> 01:29:06,670 Well, who is she... Don't ask her who is she mad with. 1575 01:29:06,774 --> 01:29:08,241 -Okay, well... -No. 1576 01:29:08,476 --> 01:29:11,377 It's nothing, y'all. I just want to be home, that's all. That's it. 1577 01:29:11,979 --> 01:29:14,914 -She just wants to be at home. -Who you mad at? 1578 01:29:15,416 --> 01:29:17,441 Well, we should all try to have some fun. 1579 01:29:22,123 --> 01:29:25,320 Well, I would like to finish something I started earlier this morning, 1580 01:29:25,426 --> 01:29:28,156 -if that's all right. -Bobby, this isn't the time. 1581 01:29:28,429 --> 01:29:29,396 No! 1582 01:29:29,897 --> 01:29:32,092 -This time is good as any. -Mom. 1583 01:29:32,266 --> 01:29:33,426 No, it isn't. 1584 01:29:33,735 --> 01:29:34,895 -Bobby. -Yes, ma'am? 1585 01:29:37,071 --> 01:29:39,437 No. Hell no. Hell no. 1586 01:29:41,142 --> 01:29:44,771 Son, son, son... 1587 01:29:45,980 --> 01:29:48,778 Son, son, son... 1588 01:29:49,450 --> 01:29:53,045 No, you don't wanna do that, son. That's gonna hurt. 1589 01:29:54,722 --> 01:29:56,713 China, will you marry me? 1590 01:29:56,891 --> 01:29:59,257 -Can we do this in private? -I do. 1591 01:30:01,095 --> 01:30:02,062 Hattie. 1592 01:30:05,800 --> 01:30:08,291 Hattie, come on back here, baby. Sit down. 1593 01:30:08,436 --> 01:30:10,631 He want a china doll, not a rag doll. 1594 01:30:21,849 --> 01:30:24,909 Son, son, son, get up. Don't do that right now, please. 1595 01:30:25,920 --> 01:30:27,945 -Don't you love me? -Oh, Lord. 1596 01:30:30,792 --> 01:30:32,225 Bobby... 1597 01:30:34,262 --> 01:30:37,163 She said, "Um," you know what that means. 1598 01:30:37,832 --> 01:30:39,823 This is just a private moment. 1599 01:30:40,435 --> 01:30:43,802 You're the one who invited the black Beverly Hillbillies. 1600 01:30:44,472 --> 01:30:47,339 You got one more thing to say to me, Mary McLeod Bethune. 1601 01:30:47,442 --> 01:30:49,603 You got one more thing to say to me! 1602 01:30:50,244 --> 01:30:52,769 Standing there, looking like Mary McLeod, Frederick Douglass, 1603 01:30:52,880 --> 01:30:54,711 Ann, all of 'em wrapped up in one. 1604 01:30:54,816 --> 01:30:56,943 -She just looks like a black history moment. -Yeah. 1605 01:30:58,920 --> 01:31:01,115 On Martin Luther King Day. 1606 01:31:02,323 --> 01:31:05,156 You know what? Come on, y'all, let's give them some privacy. 1607 01:31:05,259 --> 01:31:08,285 Rosa, Rosa Parks, listen, we're sitting here. 1608 01:31:08,396 --> 01:31:10,296 I am fine on the bus right where I am. 1609 01:31:10,398 --> 01:31:13,128 You wanna start a revolution, go in the kitchen, go. 1610 01:31:13,234 --> 01:31:14,667 -Come on. -We're right behind you. 1611 01:31:14,769 --> 01:31:16,760 -Okay, okay. -We right behind you, yeah. 1612 01:31:16,871 --> 01:31:18,270 Right, don't hold up, though. We're right behind you. 1613 01:31:18,372 --> 01:31:19,396 Okay, I'll take this. 1614 01:31:19,507 --> 01:31:21,668 -Right, yeah. -Okay. 1615 01:31:21,843 --> 01:31:25,142 -All right. See, what I was saying... -Lock that swing door. 1616 01:31:25,947 --> 01:31:27,346 There, go ahead, honey. Say, "Yes." 1617 01:31:27,548 --> 01:31:29,277 This is such a big step. 1618 01:31:29,383 --> 01:31:30,441 Honey, 1619 01:31:31,018 --> 01:31:31,985 I really love you. 1620 01:31:32,286 --> 01:31:34,413 Son, Lord, have mercy. 1621 01:31:36,290 --> 01:31:37,257 And I love you. 1622 01:31:37,358 --> 01:31:39,553 Who's it gonna be? 1623 01:31:45,600 --> 01:31:47,363 I hear angels. 1624 01:31:49,904 --> 01:31:51,337 Yes, sir! 1625 01:31:53,574 --> 01:31:54,700 Then say, "Yes." 1626 01:31:55,743 --> 01:31:57,040 China. 1627 01:31:57,345 --> 01:31:59,245 Wait a minute, honey. Don't be pressuring her. 1628 01:31:59,347 --> 01:32:00,336 This is between them two. 1629 01:32:02,316 --> 01:32:03,840 She acts like she's pressured. 1630 01:32:04,285 --> 01:32:06,378 You saying, "Yes"? Oh, Lord. 1631 01:32:08,556 --> 01:32:10,615 -Oh, Lord. -And she's taking the ring. 1632 01:32:11,259 --> 01:32:13,420 I've got to get the hell out of here. I'm telling y'all right now. 1633 01:32:13,895 --> 01:32:16,363 -And he's hugging her. -Rich people confuse me. 1634 01:32:16,697 --> 01:32:18,597 I'm so happy! 1635 01:32:18,699 --> 01:32:20,894 -Me, too. -Oh, Lord. 1636 01:32:21,002 --> 01:32:23,402 This is so sad. This is so sad. 1637 01:32:27,942 --> 01:32:29,603 Mabel, I'm hungry now. 1638 01:32:29,710 --> 01:32:30,677 -Me, too! -I'm hungry. 1639 01:32:30,778 --> 01:32:33,303 I don't know why rich people got nothing in the refrigerator but crumpets. 1640 01:32:33,414 --> 01:32:35,780 And what the hell is a crumpet? Crumpet and whores. 1641 01:32:35,883 --> 01:32:37,817 I don't want to eat none of that, no. 1642 01:32:37,919 --> 01:32:41,252 I'm looking for something down up in here, something to satisfy me. 1643 01:32:41,355 --> 01:32:45,382 Lord have mercy. This is just a mess. This is just a mess, Mabel. 1644 01:32:45,493 --> 01:32:47,723 It's all right, honey. We'll be out of here soon enough. 1645 01:32:47,828 --> 01:32:50,092 Soon as they get that ferry fixed, I'm getting the hell out of here. 1646 01:32:50,231 --> 01:32:52,791 Ain't never coming back up here to Cape Cod again. 1647 01:32:55,937 --> 01:32:58,201 -Hey, Hattie. -Hey, what are you all doing in here? 1648 01:32:58,306 --> 01:33:01,104 Come here and let me look at you, Hattie. 1649 01:33:01,976 --> 01:33:03,534 Step out here, Hattie. 1650 01:33:05,913 --> 01:33:09,041 -What do you want? -Hattie, you got lips all over you. 1651 01:33:11,285 --> 01:33:13,150 -Yes, indeed. Go ahead. -Ain't that nice? 1652 01:33:13,287 --> 01:33:15,619 Yeah, you look like a Rolling Stone. 1653 01:33:18,326 --> 01:33:20,988 You gonna warm something up for us? 'Cause we're hungry, Hattie. 1654 01:33:21,095 --> 01:33:22,062 Yeah. 1655 01:33:22,463 --> 01:33:24,192 Y'all don't have no greens, no nothing? 1656 01:33:24,298 --> 01:33:26,698 No, she don't like me keeping nothing like that up in here. 1657 01:33:26,801 --> 01:33:28,826 She says it's unhealthy for you. 1658 01:33:29,170 --> 01:33:30,569 -She don't want no soul food? -No. 1659 01:33:30,671 --> 01:33:33,265 Ain't nothing wrong with soul food, ain't nothing but a little heart attack. 1660 01:33:33,374 --> 01:33:34,534 You'll be all right after one or two of 'em. 1661 01:33:34,642 --> 01:33:36,633 Y'all, I'm hungry. 1662 01:33:36,744 --> 01:33:40,111 Baby, come on here and sit down. I'm about to warm up some leftovers. 1663 01:33:40,214 --> 01:33:42,307 -Why are you so hungry? -Hi. 1664 01:33:42,416 --> 01:33:43,883 -Hey, Chinese. -Hey. 1665 01:33:44,452 --> 01:33:45,419 My name is... 1666 01:33:47,622 --> 01:33:50,420 Fine. Call me "Chinese." What does it matter? 1667 01:33:51,158 --> 01:33:52,750 -What's wrong with you? -Nothing. 1668 01:33:52,860 --> 01:33:56,125 She just said yes to that boy and she's upset about it. 1669 01:33:56,230 --> 01:33:58,664 See, yeah, 'cause I always know when something is wrong with you. 1670 01:33:58,766 --> 01:34:00,233 It's just been a long day. 1671 01:34:00,334 --> 01:34:02,199 Look, sit down, sit down. 1672 01:34:02,803 --> 01:34:04,270 You're just gonna give her your daughter's seat? 1673 01:34:04,372 --> 01:34:06,840 She was sitting there. Lucy was sitting... 1674 01:34:07,208 --> 01:34:08,800 -She'll be all right. -You said, "It's been a long day." 1675 01:34:08,909 --> 01:34:11,275 Yes, ma'am, a long day. 1676 01:34:11,379 --> 01:34:12,346 Honey, where do you work? 1677 01:34:12,713 --> 01:34:15,011 I work on campus. Work, study, school, study. 1678 01:34:15,116 --> 01:34:18,017 You children keep talking about they tired, and they need a vacation, 1679 01:34:18,119 --> 01:34:19,416 "It's been a long day." 1680 01:34:19,654 --> 01:34:22,384 I know somebody, their son, about nine years old, 1681 01:34:22,490 --> 01:34:24,720 said he was exhausted and he needed a vacation. 1682 01:34:25,459 --> 01:34:27,154 So they took him to Hawaii for a week. 1683 01:34:27,261 --> 01:34:30,025 I wanted to punch the hell out of him, them, and everybody else. 1684 01:34:30,197 --> 01:34:31,664 Should have. 1685 01:34:32,099 --> 01:34:34,966 You don't know what tired is until you get out on your own 1686 01:34:35,069 --> 01:34:37,537 and have to pay a bill for the first time. 1687 01:34:39,206 --> 01:34:40,195 I'm telling you. 1688 01:34:40,541 --> 01:34:43,874 Children will be all cutting up, acting crazy in front of mom and dad. 1689 01:34:43,978 --> 01:34:45,206 "You ain't this. I can't wait to move out." 1690 01:34:45,312 --> 01:34:47,542 Then when you move out, you be like, "l can't wait to move back in." 1691 01:34:47,648 --> 01:34:48,774 That's crazy as hell. 1692 01:34:49,417 --> 01:34:51,214 And you know what? The first time I moved out, 1693 01:34:51,318 --> 01:34:52,546 you know what pissed me off? 1694 01:34:52,653 --> 01:34:53,779 -What? -Rent. 1695 01:34:56,323 --> 01:35:00,191 Whoever came up with that is of the devil. I'm telling you, that is low-down. 1696 01:35:00,294 --> 01:35:03,593 That rent thing is low-down. He come around every first, every time. 1697 01:35:03,698 --> 01:35:05,928 And you gotta do it month to month to month. Try doing that. 1698 01:35:06,267 --> 01:35:08,861 Try paying a bill. Light bill, gas bill, water bill, 1699 01:35:09,136 --> 01:35:10,467 phone bill, putting gas in the car. 1700 01:35:10,571 --> 01:35:13,165 Gas that went up to 95 damn dollars a gallon. 1701 01:35:16,010 --> 01:35:18,240 Try working on a pole with a pimp screaming in your ear 1702 01:35:18,345 --> 01:35:19,710 when you're trying to feed your daughter. 1703 01:35:21,182 --> 01:35:22,240 That's what I had to do. 1704 01:35:23,851 --> 01:35:25,318 And Cora ate a lot! 1705 01:35:27,054 --> 01:35:28,544 You don't know nothing, honey. 1706 01:35:28,656 --> 01:35:30,783 You got things handed to you on a silver platter. 1707 01:35:30,891 --> 01:35:33,086 Enjoy this time. You ain't exhausted. 1708 01:35:33,194 --> 01:35:35,059 You're stressed out about a decision you need to make. 1709 01:35:35,596 --> 01:35:37,154 It's got nothing to do with nobody else. 1710 01:35:37,932 --> 01:35:39,422 Tell me about it, dear. 1711 01:35:39,533 --> 01:35:41,125 You don't have any children. 1712 01:35:41,235 --> 01:35:43,362 -Well... -Well, see, 1713 01:35:43,471 --> 01:35:45,701 there's a process to it. 1714 01:35:45,973 --> 01:35:48,339 -Bam... -See, first it just starts out little, 1715 01:35:48,442 --> 01:35:50,273 -and then you really can't tell. -Bam. 1716 01:35:50,377 --> 01:35:52,902 -And then it just grows and grows... -Bam! 1717 01:35:57,585 --> 01:36:00,554 Well, she done said it. Lucy, go on and tell your mama you're pregnant. 1718 01:36:00,688 --> 01:36:02,417 I'm not! 1719 01:36:02,523 --> 01:36:06,391 I dreamed about some fishes last night. I thought it was me! 1720 01:36:07,495 --> 01:36:10,293 -You thought it was you, what? -Was pregnant. 1721 01:36:11,799 --> 01:36:15,326 Hattie, ifyou got any eggs left they hard-boiled and scrambled. 1722 01:36:17,371 --> 01:36:19,669 What's the opposite of sunny-side up? 1723 01:36:25,279 --> 01:36:26,268 Lucy? 1724 01:36:26,714 --> 01:36:29,046 -Mama, I'm not pregnant. -The hell you preach! 1725 01:36:29,150 --> 01:36:31,175 I smell that baby way from over here! 1726 01:36:32,186 --> 01:36:34,848 It's a girl, six pounds, seven ounces. 1727 01:36:34,955 --> 01:36:36,650 And it ain't got no neck. 1728 01:36:42,029 --> 01:36:44,793 Wait a minute. Are you pregnant? 1729 01:36:46,567 --> 01:36:48,501 -Well... -That means yup! 1730 01:36:48,636 --> 01:36:49,625 Yup! 1731 01:36:50,304 --> 01:36:53,398 -Yes, Mama, yes. I'm pregnant. -Lord Jesus! 1732 01:36:53,941 --> 01:36:58,105 All that I have been through with you, and you go and get pregnant. 1733 01:36:58,212 --> 01:36:59,440 You know what, you're moving out of my house! 1734 01:36:59,547 --> 01:37:02,675 Look, me and my baby will be just fine, okay? 1735 01:37:04,518 --> 01:37:07,043 Figures, you would be the one to disgrace me. 1736 01:37:07,154 --> 01:37:09,452 -Do you even know who the daddy is? -Margaret! 1737 01:37:09,623 --> 01:37:12,990 No, all I have ever wanted for you was for you to go to college. 1738 01:37:13,194 --> 01:37:14,525 And for you to be somebody! 1739 01:37:14,695 --> 01:37:16,890 -No, you wanted me to be her! -What? 1740 01:37:17,198 --> 01:37:19,393 -She said you wanted her to be her. -Bam. 1741 01:37:19,767 --> 01:37:22,258 I'm just saying what the woman said. 1742 01:37:22,369 --> 01:37:25,463 You spent all day and night taking care of her. 1743 01:37:26,240 --> 01:37:28,765 -You ain't care about me? -Well, I was working! 1744 01:37:28,876 --> 01:37:31,071 And while you were here working, taking care of her kids, 1745 01:37:31,212 --> 01:37:32,679 we needed you at home, with us! 1746 01:37:33,814 --> 01:37:35,873 Mama, Eric was trying and trying. 1747 01:37:35,983 --> 01:37:39,510 But there's some things he couldn't teach me that little girls needed to know. 1748 01:37:40,287 --> 01:37:41,811 -Lucy. -No! 1749 01:37:41,922 --> 01:37:45,085 -China, who taught you about boys? -Eric! 1750 01:37:49,296 --> 01:37:50,263 Your mother. 1751 01:37:51,131 --> 01:37:53,258 And who taught you about becoming a woman? 1752 01:37:53,467 --> 01:37:54,434 Eric! 1753 01:37:56,804 --> 01:37:57,771 Your mother. 1754 01:37:59,406 --> 01:38:02,500 Mama, and you ain't have nothing for me, nothing? 1755 01:38:03,878 --> 01:38:05,937 Lucy, I was working. I'm sorry... 1756 01:38:06,046 --> 01:38:09,140 Girl, you better get all that froth up out your throat, like you did something wrong! 1757 01:38:11,151 --> 01:38:13,915 What is wrong with you? Hold on, honey, let me explain something to you. 1758 01:38:14,021 --> 01:38:15,215 Let me make this... 1759 01:38:15,322 --> 01:38:18,314 A parent ain't got no reason to apologize for working. 1760 01:38:19,827 --> 01:38:20,987 I'm telling you right now! 1761 01:38:23,330 --> 01:38:25,855 I'm telling, you got things handed to you on a platter. 1762 01:38:26,000 --> 01:38:27,467 Both ofy'all, what is wrong with you? 1763 01:38:27,568 --> 01:38:29,502 Parents do the best they can for their children! 1764 01:38:29,603 --> 01:38:32,197 Do you understand? This woman did the best she could, for you. 1765 01:38:32,306 --> 01:38:34,001 All her responsibility is, is one thing, 1766 01:38:34,108 --> 01:38:36,167 I don't care ifyou had a good life, bad life or nothing! 1767 01:38:36,477 --> 01:38:40,038 Her responsibility is one thing, to get you grown and get you the hell out ofthe house. 1768 01:38:40,147 --> 01:38:41,114 That's it! 1769 01:38:42,149 --> 01:38:44,811 Now let me tell you about Cora, 'cause Cora made me really mad one Christmas. 1770 01:38:44,919 --> 01:38:47,820 You know, she wanted these little dolls, they used to call them the little stars. 1771 01:38:47,922 --> 01:38:49,184 And everybody had them and I couldn't afford it. 1772 01:38:49,290 --> 01:38:50,917 I was working hard trying to pay bills, 1773 01:38:51,025 --> 01:38:52,890 trying to make ends meet and she's sitting there crying, 1774 01:38:53,027 --> 01:38:54,426 because she didn't get a gift that year. 1775 01:38:54,528 --> 01:38:56,587 I didn't have none so I said, "Baby, I love you, but I'm sorry!" 1776 01:38:56,730 --> 01:38:59,290 But she wanted them stars, she wanted them little star dolls, 1777 01:38:59,433 --> 01:39:00,661 -and I didn't give them to her. -Yeah! 1778 01:39:00,801 --> 01:39:02,735 And she sat there crying, all day long. 1779 01:39:02,836 --> 01:39:04,428 That morning, she was crying because it wasn't there. 1780 01:39:04,538 --> 01:39:07,598 I gave her a pair of socks, but they weren't enough. That's all I could afford. 1781 01:39:07,708 --> 01:39:09,938 She still going on crying, she crying some more! 1782 01:39:10,077 --> 01:39:12,341 By 12:30, she crying. We eating and she's crying. 1783 01:39:12,579 --> 01:39:15,275 Made me mad! She said, "l just want my stars!" 1784 01:39:15,616 --> 01:39:18,050 So I went over there and I punched the hell out of her. 1785 01:39:19,053 --> 01:39:21,351 And I said, "Do you see stars now?" 1786 01:39:26,627 --> 01:39:30,290 So from then on she ain't never asked me for nothing for Christmas. Do you understand? 1787 01:39:32,299 --> 01:39:35,166 But you know what? This is where children make their mistake. 1788 01:39:35,269 --> 01:39:39,535 How dare you reduce your parents to just being your mother or your father? 1789 01:39:40,774 --> 01:39:42,207 I'm telling you, that's where you mess up. 1790 01:39:42,309 --> 01:39:44,504 Because if you reduce them just to your life 1791 01:39:44,645 --> 01:39:46,806 what happened to the life they had before you got here? 1792 01:39:47,481 --> 01:39:48,641 They were individuals. 1793 01:39:48,749 --> 01:39:51,445 They were trying to do things. They were trying to make things work for you. 1794 01:39:51,552 --> 01:39:53,782 Children are just so selfish sometimes. Do you understand? 1795 01:39:54,655 --> 01:39:56,680 Don't be apologizing to this girl 'cause you was working. 1796 01:39:56,790 --> 01:39:58,883 You did what you had to do, you didn't take no welfare, 1797 01:39:58,993 --> 01:40:00,517 you sat there and you went to work every day. 1798 01:40:00,627 --> 01:40:02,527 Man walked out on you, what did you do? 1799 01:40:02,629 --> 01:40:03,687 -I went to work. -You went to work. 1800 01:40:03,797 --> 01:40:06,925 And you are not gonna sit here and judge her, because I remember a time 1801 01:40:07,034 --> 01:40:08,399 when somebody was pregnant, too. 1802 01:40:10,637 --> 01:40:12,696 -Yeah, you been this age before. -Yep. 1803 01:40:13,140 --> 01:40:15,574 Parents forget that they were their children's age. 1804 01:40:15,676 --> 01:40:17,667 And what you were doing at that time, that's the easiest thing... 1805 01:40:17,778 --> 01:40:21,111 When I forgave the folks that did me wrong you know what I realized? 1806 01:40:21,215 --> 01:40:22,512 They were young and stupid. 1807 01:40:22,616 --> 01:40:25,016 And at the same age, I was just as stupid as they were. 1808 01:40:25,119 --> 01:40:28,452 Once you get that and make that connection, you will be all right. 1809 01:40:29,556 --> 01:40:32,252 That's all I got to say about it. 1810 01:40:33,260 --> 01:40:34,989 Now, y'all gonna sit down and talk. 1811 01:40:35,095 --> 01:40:36,687 Chinese, go on upstairs and talk to your mama 1812 01:40:36,797 --> 01:40:38,389 somebody there, somebody go on up there. 1813 01:40:38,499 --> 01:40:41,229 This is their business, you been taking her time all this time. 1814 01:40:41,335 --> 01:40:44,429 Get the hell on out of here in that pink thing, looking like a pink Snuffleupagus. 1815 01:40:44,538 --> 01:40:46,130 Go on upstairs. 1816 01:40:47,608 --> 01:40:51,408 She make me just want to take a bath, like that's a towel or something. 1817 01:40:51,512 --> 01:40:53,377 Come on, let's let them talk. 1818 01:40:53,714 --> 01:40:55,272 That's a leopard, yes indeed. 1819 01:40:55,516 --> 01:40:58,576 It's funny how your robe says a whole lot about you. 1820 01:40:59,420 --> 01:41:01,320 Yours say, "I'm a wildcat." 1821 01:41:03,090 --> 01:41:05,058 Your mama's say, "Oh, hell." 1822 01:41:07,428 --> 01:41:11,330 Lucy, I didn't know you felt that way. 1823 01:41:15,269 --> 01:41:17,635 I want to try and... 1824 01:41:17,738 --> 01:41:19,797 I want to try and make you understand. 1825 01:41:21,408 --> 01:41:22,705 I did the best I could. 1826 01:41:25,345 --> 01:41:27,677 Seems like yesterday 1827 01:41:30,184 --> 01:41:33,813 Held you in my arms 1828 01:41:34,755 --> 01:41:37,053 Tried to protect you 1829 01:41:37,724 --> 01:41:41,387 Keep you safe from harm 1830 01:41:43,063 --> 01:41:47,397 Struggled to make it 1831 01:41:47,634 --> 01:41:51,001 Day to day 1832 01:41:52,239 --> 01:41:57,768 Before you push me away something I have to say 1833 01:41:58,745 --> 01:42:02,738 I pray that you 1834 01:42:03,150 --> 01:42:06,950 Will hurt no longer 1835 01:42:07,054 --> 01:42:12,014 And I pray your trials 1836 01:42:12,126 --> 01:42:15,721 Will make you stronger 1837 01:42:15,829 --> 01:42:20,232 And I pray someday 1838 01:42:20,367 --> 01:42:24,497 You will see 1839 01:42:25,005 --> 01:42:29,601 That I only wanted 1840 01:42:29,943 --> 01:42:34,846 The best for you 1841 01:42:35,549 --> 01:42:38,416 Being your mother 1842 01:42:38,819 --> 01:42:43,483 Is the greatest gift I've ever known 1843 01:42:44,224 --> 01:42:47,216 I've worked all these years 1844 01:42:47,528 --> 01:42:51,726 Trying to be strong 1845 01:42:52,099 --> 01:42:55,364 And sometimes it got rough 1846 01:42:56,336 --> 01:42:58,964 Didn't know if we'd make it through 1847 01:42:59,873 --> 01:43:03,900 We're family and I love you 1848 01:43:04,378 --> 01:43:07,779 So there's nothing I won't do 1849 01:43:07,915 --> 01:43:12,978 But I will always pray that you 1850 01:43:13,220 --> 01:43:17,748 Will hurt no longer 1851 01:43:18,859 --> 01:43:22,955 I pray your trials 1852 01:43:23,096 --> 01:43:26,691 That will make you stronger 1853 01:43:26,800 --> 01:43:31,260 I pray that someday 1854 01:43:31,538 --> 01:43:34,939 You will see 1855 01:43:35,108 --> 01:43:39,442 That I only wanted 1856 01:43:39,680 --> 01:43:44,413 The best 1857 01:43:44,885 --> 01:43:47,820 Best for you 1858 01:43:50,390 --> 01:43:56,590 All the dreams I had for you 1859 01:43:57,931 --> 01:44:01,731 I still believe 1860 01:44:02,069 --> 01:44:04,469 That they will come true 1861 01:44:07,708 --> 01:44:10,233 You know that you are 1862 01:44:10,510 --> 01:44:13,604 Always my baby girl 1863 01:44:13,747 --> 01:44:17,308 And no one, no one 1864 01:44:17,417 --> 01:44:20,784 Could ever replace you 1865 01:44:21,888 --> 01:44:25,380 I pray 1866 01:44:28,862 --> 01:44:32,059 That you won't hurt anymore 1867 01:44:32,165 --> 01:44:35,794 I pray, Lord 1868 01:44:36,870 --> 01:44:40,670 That you'll learn from your mistakes and you'll get stronger 1869 01:44:40,807 --> 01:44:44,368 I pray someday 1870 01:44:44,511 --> 01:44:48,948 That you will see that 1871 01:44:49,983 --> 01:44:53,350 I only wanted 1872 01:44:54,121 --> 01:44:58,649 All I ever wanted I'm your mother, baby 1873 01:44:59,359 --> 01:45:01,793 All I want is 1874 01:45:02,095 --> 01:45:05,428 The best 1875 01:45:06,700 --> 01:45:10,500 For you 1876 01:45:15,609 --> 01:45:20,239 I love you, love you 1877 01:45:25,185 --> 01:45:26,777 -I love you, baby. -Me, too. 1878 01:45:42,903 --> 01:45:44,632 Eric, what's this? 1879 01:45:46,740 --> 01:45:48,207 This is goodbye. 1880 01:45:48,375 --> 01:45:49,740 -You're leaving? -Yes. 1881 01:45:50,310 --> 01:45:52,335 Well, how are you going to get across the Cod? 1882 01:45:53,914 --> 01:45:56,348 I'll stay at the station until they fix the ferry. 1883 01:45:56,783 --> 01:45:58,614 Eric, it's Christmas. 1884 01:46:02,923 --> 01:46:05,619 You love me but you're gonna marry him. 1885 01:46:07,627 --> 01:46:09,117 I can't deal with that, I'm sorry. 1886 01:46:09,629 --> 01:46:11,460 -Eric. -What? 1887 01:46:14,701 --> 01:46:15,861 I'll see you around. 1888 01:46:20,307 --> 01:46:23,037 Tell me you don't love me 1889 01:46:23,243 --> 01:46:25,734 and I'll walk away and never bother you again. 1890 01:46:32,386 --> 01:46:33,410 I don't love you. 1891 01:46:41,862 --> 01:46:43,489 Merry Christmas, everybody. 1892 01:46:43,630 --> 01:46:46,030 -Merry Christmas. -Merry Christmas. 1893 01:46:46,199 --> 01:46:48,861 -This gift is for you, Japan. -Thank you, Mother. 1894 01:46:49,002 --> 01:46:51,163 Japan. Oh, Lord. 1895 01:46:51,905 --> 01:46:53,304 Where's China? 1896 01:46:53,673 --> 01:46:55,504 -Here I am, Mom. -China. 1897 01:46:56,109 --> 01:46:57,440 Merry Christmas, Chinese. 1898 01:46:57,778 --> 01:46:58,904 Thank you, Mom. 1899 01:46:59,079 --> 01:47:00,740 She giving out everybody's gift, this is so lovely. 1900 01:47:00,847 --> 01:47:03,213 This is what rich people do on Christmas. This is wonderful. 1901 01:47:03,850 --> 01:47:06,216 -And this is for you, Bobby. -Thank you. 1902 01:47:06,319 --> 01:47:08,253 Hattie, put your hand down, baby, I don't think there's nothing 1903 01:47:08,355 --> 01:47:09,617 -under there for you. -Honey, 1904 01:47:10,056 --> 01:47:12,024 this is your gift. 1905 01:47:13,260 --> 01:47:14,522 An empty box? 1906 01:47:15,529 --> 01:47:16,496 George. 1907 01:47:23,603 --> 01:47:25,798 I'm gonna tell you one more time, George, I told you to stop, 1908 01:47:25,939 --> 01:47:28,407 you better not steal nothing else... 1909 01:47:30,043 --> 01:47:31,635 -There you go, baby. -That is so pretty. 1910 01:47:32,779 --> 01:47:35,543 -Don't worry about it. Leave it. -That is nice! 1911 01:47:35,715 --> 01:47:36,773 Somebody else open their gift. 1912 01:47:36,983 --> 01:47:39,178 -But it's beautiful. -Aren't you gonna exchange your gifts? 1913 01:47:39,920 --> 01:47:40,887 Yes. 1914 01:47:40,987 --> 01:47:43,182 -Merry Christmas. -Merry Christmas. 1915 01:47:44,157 --> 01:47:45,146 Gift exchanged. 1916 01:47:45,258 --> 01:47:48,591 It's the gift that keeps on giving. It's cheap too, you should try it. 1917 01:47:48,695 --> 01:47:51,664 -Listen, that watch is so shiny and silver. -Bam, Bam, Bam, 1918 01:47:51,765 --> 01:47:54,063 -Bam, Bam, Bam. -That is nice. 1919 01:47:54,568 --> 01:47:56,092 -Leave the watch alone. -That's pretty. 1920 01:47:56,203 --> 01:47:57,932 -Let me see that. -Somebody else open their gift. 1921 01:47:58,071 --> 01:47:59,368 -Hattie, Hattie. -That's nice. 1922 01:47:59,539 --> 01:48:01,063 Hattie, get... Hattie, Hattie. 1923 01:48:01,174 --> 01:48:03,870 You see that, Ma, that's nice right there. 1924 01:48:04,110 --> 01:48:07,102 -Hattie, give her her watch back. -That looks good on... 1925 01:48:07,948 --> 01:48:09,279 Hattie, give her her watch back. 1926 01:48:10,016 --> 01:48:12,348 That looks like the same watch Lucy got on! 1927 01:48:16,156 --> 01:48:18,556 No, no, no, no, no. That one is real. 1928 01:48:19,559 --> 01:48:22,289 Margaret, baby, don't go there. Let's sing a Christmas carol. 1929 01:48:27,400 --> 01:48:28,799 Wait, what you trying to say, Mama? 1930 01:48:28,902 --> 01:48:32,804 No. I'm just saying that that one was probably really expensive, that's all. 1931 01:48:33,773 --> 01:48:34,740 Well, okay. 1932 01:48:35,041 --> 01:48:37,703 Don't get it twisted, this one is expensive too. 1933 01:48:37,944 --> 01:48:40,208 You see that? I think we need to compare them. 1934 01:48:40,347 --> 01:48:41,871 Let's sing another Christmas song. Don't do that. 1935 01:48:42,415 --> 01:48:43,404 No need to do that. 1936 01:48:51,658 --> 01:48:53,125 -Let me see that, Lucy. -Hattie... 1937 01:48:53,360 --> 01:48:55,294 -That is the same watch. -Hattie, Hattie. 1938 01:48:55,395 --> 01:48:57,556 -That's nice. -Hattie, Hattie. 1939 01:48:58,398 --> 01:49:00,992 And both of them got engravement on it. 1940 01:49:01,101 --> 01:49:03,194 Hattie, Hattie. 1941 01:49:03,370 --> 01:49:06,862 Here, this here is Lily's, you read that. 1942 01:49:07,774 --> 01:49:09,401 Read it. 1943 01:49:21,421 --> 01:49:24,049 Read the engravement on the back of it, Ma. 1944 01:49:26,259 --> 01:49:28,090 Read it. 1945 01:49:28,662 --> 01:49:31,631 "Swiss timepiece." That's nice, that's what it's saying. 1946 01:49:31,731 --> 01:49:36,862 No, now I might not be able to see that well, but I know that don't say, "Swiss timepiece." 1947 01:49:36,970 --> 01:49:39,234 -Here, China, read that. -Hattie, Lord. 1948 01:49:39,406 --> 01:49:42,432 -Read. -lt says "Love always, John Mansell." 1949 01:49:42,809 --> 01:49:46,108 That's nice. All right, that's nice. 1950 01:49:46,580 --> 01:49:48,343 -And then we'll read... -No, no. 1951 01:49:48,582 --> 01:49:49,844 Sing another Christmas song. 1952 01:49:54,821 --> 01:49:56,448 I want to read them. 1953 01:49:57,290 --> 01:49:59,656 This one got engravement too and it says, 1954 01:49:59,826 --> 01:50:02,795 "Love always, 1955 01:50:03,063 --> 01:50:04,030 "John..." 1956 01:50:09,502 --> 01:50:10,799 Order ready. Pick up! 1957 01:50:13,540 --> 01:50:14,768 Hattie. 1958 01:50:15,375 --> 01:50:17,275 -What you doing? -Let me read it. 1959 01:50:20,814 --> 01:50:23,374 "With love always, John Mansell." 1960 01:50:25,218 --> 01:50:26,549 -What? -Daddy? 1961 01:50:26,653 --> 01:50:27,915 -Lucy. -Dad. 1962 01:50:28,088 --> 01:50:29,055 -John. -Japan. 1963 01:50:29,155 --> 01:50:30,122 -China. -George. 1964 01:50:30,223 --> 01:50:31,884 -Madea. -Hattie. 1965 01:50:34,995 --> 01:50:36,087 -Bam. -Bam. 1966 01:50:36,696 --> 01:50:38,994 What you want me to say? I don't know. 1967 01:50:42,936 --> 01:50:44,460 -John, what's going on? -Let me tell you something. 1968 01:50:44,571 --> 01:50:46,766 This is why I don't put no engravement on nothing. 1969 01:50:46,873 --> 01:50:49,364 If you give somebody a watch or something, don't put no engravement on it. 1970 01:50:49,476 --> 01:50:51,000 Don't never put no engravement on it. 1971 01:50:51,611 --> 01:50:53,636 Because the very thing that you mean right there, 1972 01:50:53,747 --> 01:50:55,476 you might not mean a few years from now. 1973 01:50:55,582 --> 01:50:57,982 So don't ever put engravement on it. 1974 01:51:00,453 --> 01:51:02,182 Are you having an affair? 1975 01:51:03,189 --> 01:51:05,453 No. With her? That's ridiculous. 1976 01:51:06,059 --> 01:51:08,721 -Ridiculous, John? -I didn't mean it like that. 1977 01:51:09,262 --> 01:51:12,231 I've been with you for six months. 1978 01:51:12,532 --> 01:51:14,466 Jesus, fix it. 1979 01:51:20,573 --> 01:51:22,564 -And I'm pregnant. -Jesus. 1980 01:51:24,744 --> 01:51:26,405 Told you I dreamed about them fishes. 1981 01:51:26,513 --> 01:51:28,777 Look, I'm sorry, I didn't know he was married. 1982 01:51:30,016 --> 01:51:32,416 You bring this trash in my house... 1983 01:51:32,619 --> 01:51:35,247 -Trash? -Step back, step back, Lucy. 1984 01:51:35,355 --> 01:51:36,379 She didn't mean that. 1985 01:51:36,489 --> 01:51:38,252 I don't want to have to tear up these people's house again. 1986 01:51:38,391 --> 01:51:39,449 You know I will. 1987 01:51:39,759 --> 01:51:42,455 She admits it. She said what the hell she meant. 1988 01:51:43,229 --> 01:51:46,289 At my doorstep, John? At my doorstep? 1989 01:51:50,070 --> 01:51:53,096 -You better go after her. -Boy, are you crazy? 1990 01:51:53,406 --> 01:51:56,569 You don't go after no woman when she is that upset. 1991 01:51:57,544 --> 01:51:59,375 Specially if she's getting her coat and going to her car. 1992 01:51:59,512 --> 01:52:01,503 Hell no, don't go nowhere near that car! 1993 01:52:10,890 --> 01:52:12,585 I can't believe you. 1994 01:52:12,692 --> 01:52:15,217 Is this the kind of example I'm supposed to follow? 1995 01:52:15,395 --> 01:52:18,159 Son, you gotta get some before you can follow anybody's example, son. 1996 01:52:21,000 --> 01:52:22,729 Lucy. 1997 01:52:23,169 --> 01:52:24,932 In the kitchen. 1998 01:52:27,373 --> 01:52:29,238 China, let me explain! 1999 01:52:29,609 --> 01:52:32,601 Mabel, I love when they run out like that. When they just turn and just run out. 2000 01:52:34,581 --> 01:52:36,640 What the hell is that? 2001 01:52:36,983 --> 01:52:38,507 Well? 2002 01:52:38,852 --> 01:52:40,183 Well now. 2003 01:52:40,386 --> 01:52:42,786 Well, that didn't pan out too good. 2004 01:53:06,279 --> 01:53:07,541 You're still here? 2005 01:53:07,881 --> 01:53:09,746 No, we left about 15 minutes ago. You ain't see us? 2006 01:53:12,585 --> 01:53:14,815 I seen us when we walked out the door. 2007 01:53:16,055 --> 01:53:17,420 We're the ghost of Christmas past. 2008 01:53:17,590 --> 01:53:19,080 -Present. -And future. 2009 01:53:21,528 --> 01:53:22,654 You enjoy your drive? 2010 01:53:25,465 --> 01:53:26,625 Okay, wow. 2011 01:53:27,634 --> 01:53:31,434 Listen, baby, you just been so rude to us ever since we got here. 2012 01:53:31,538 --> 01:53:34,598 You don't know us. And we don't know you, honey. 2013 01:53:34,808 --> 01:53:36,605 It don't make no difference that we're here. 2014 01:53:36,743 --> 01:53:39,041 And that we hear everything y'all talking about. 2015 01:53:39,179 --> 01:53:40,168 It don't matter. 2016 01:53:40,280 --> 01:53:42,111 What difference does it make if we listening? 2017 01:53:42,215 --> 01:53:44,012 Now what difference does it make if we talk about you? 2018 01:53:44,117 --> 01:53:45,448 We don't know you. 2019 01:53:47,287 --> 01:53:49,721 I feel bad for you though. I really do. I feel bad for you. 2020 01:53:49,856 --> 01:53:53,223 Even though you nasty and trifling and just horrible, nasty attitude to people. 2021 01:53:53,660 --> 01:53:57,027 One of the worst people I ever met, your attitude's so foul and disgusting. 2022 01:53:58,498 --> 01:54:00,295 But I still feel bad for you, you know. 2023 01:54:00,400 --> 01:54:02,334 I don't like to see nobody get their heart broke like that. 2024 01:54:02,435 --> 01:54:04,403 That's got to be awfully humiliating 2025 01:54:04,504 --> 01:54:08,531 for your husband, he's sleeping around with some young, pretty, fine, sexy thing. 2026 01:54:09,008 --> 01:54:11,977 And you stand there and got old and it ain't the same no more. 2027 01:54:12,278 --> 01:54:15,907 That ought to make you feel horrible, like just a knife went through your throat. 2028 01:54:16,015 --> 01:54:19,576 Just made you feel like your soul just got twisted up. 2029 01:54:20,987 --> 01:54:22,215 You ought to feel awful. 2030 01:54:22,322 --> 01:54:26,486 I mean you ought to feel so low, lower than a snake in a wagon track. 2031 01:54:26,659 --> 01:54:28,092 You just ought to feel low. 2032 01:54:29,395 --> 01:54:32,523 So I don't like nobody feeling like that, honey. 2033 01:54:32,799 --> 01:54:34,232 Even if you are nasty. 2034 01:54:35,935 --> 01:54:38,335 But God don't like ugly. That's what that is, it's coming back to you. 2035 01:54:38,438 --> 01:54:40,531 You just been nasty to people and they're coming back to you. 2036 01:54:40,773 --> 01:54:41,740 Lord have mercy. 2037 01:54:42,175 --> 01:54:43,665 This is none of your business. 2038 01:54:43,776 --> 01:54:45,038 See, that's what I mean, that's what I mean. 2039 01:54:45,144 --> 01:54:46,338 See, God can't use that, right there. 2040 01:54:48,481 --> 01:54:49,607 Why you so mad? 2041 01:54:49,716 --> 01:54:51,047 You know what? It's the people like you 2042 01:54:51,150 --> 01:54:53,118 that don't think that you can learn nothing from nobody else. 2043 01:54:53,219 --> 01:54:54,186 Right, right. 2044 01:54:54,287 --> 01:54:55,276 You a Republican? 2045 01:55:03,663 --> 01:55:04,687 Come here and sit down. 2046 01:55:07,000 --> 01:55:08,433 You need to give us a chance. 2047 01:55:08,601 --> 01:55:10,626 Yes, indeed. Sit down. 2048 01:55:10,737 --> 01:55:13,171 Lord, she's just so... You even walk bougie. 2049 01:55:17,143 --> 01:55:18,440 You all right? 2050 01:55:18,945 --> 01:55:21,573 I wouldn't wish that on nobody, man cheating on you. 2051 01:55:21,681 --> 01:55:23,171 It's gonna be all right. 2052 01:55:24,651 --> 01:55:26,243 Been rich all your life? 2053 01:55:27,553 --> 01:55:29,817 -Yes. -I'm sorry. 2054 01:55:32,292 --> 01:55:34,522 I used to be jealous of people that got a whole lot of money. 2055 01:55:34,661 --> 01:55:36,788 But you know what, money don't fix no problem. 2056 01:55:36,930 --> 01:55:40,422 More money you have, the more problems you got to deal with. 2057 01:55:40,533 --> 01:55:43,263 I feel sorry for these children running around trying to chase a dollar, 2058 01:55:43,403 --> 01:55:45,963 get rich or die trying and doing everything to get money. 2059 01:55:46,205 --> 01:55:47,968 You get it then you still ain't happy. 2060 01:55:48,074 --> 01:55:49,939 You got to be happy with yourself first. 2061 01:55:50,043 --> 01:55:53,308 Because all money is going to do is enhance the person that you are. 2062 01:55:53,413 --> 01:55:55,779 If you're a fool when you're broke, you're gonna be a fool with money. 2063 01:55:58,785 --> 01:55:59,752 That's right. 2064 01:56:00,186 --> 01:56:01,483 That's all right, I feel bad, honey. 2065 01:56:01,587 --> 01:56:04,181 Look like nobody ever told you where to go when you were in trouble. 2066 01:56:04,290 --> 01:56:05,985 You were out driving around instead of somewhere praying. 2067 01:56:07,226 --> 01:56:09,285 Your mom or dad, somebody should have told you about God. 2068 01:56:09,395 --> 01:56:12,057 A lot of rich people are privileged. They don't know anything about God. 2069 01:56:12,231 --> 01:56:13,926 And I don't understand this new age stuff. 2070 01:56:14,067 --> 01:56:15,694 Everybody talking about the universe. 2071 01:56:15,969 --> 01:56:18,597 "Just pray to the... I'm gonna have the universe..." 2072 01:56:18,705 --> 01:56:20,866 Let me tell you something, I ain't never heard nobody tell me that 2073 01:56:20,974 --> 01:56:22,339 the universe was nailed to a cross. 2074 01:56:23,710 --> 01:56:25,473 I ain't never hear nobody tell me 2075 01:56:25,712 --> 01:56:29,375 -that the universe bled and hung and died. -Yeah. 2076 01:56:29,782 --> 01:56:33,411 And when you tell me that the universe then resurrected and got up and saved me, 2077 01:56:33,553 --> 01:56:35,748 then I'm gonna go down and bow to the universe. 2078 01:56:35,855 --> 01:56:38,619 But until then, Jesus it shall be. Do you hear me? 2079 01:56:38,725 --> 01:56:40,625 Right, hallelujah. 2080 01:56:41,361 --> 01:56:44,194 -Hallelujah. -Ain't nothing wrong with it. 2081 01:56:44,564 --> 01:56:46,361 Everybody trying to be so politically correct, 2082 01:56:46,466 --> 01:56:48,627 nobody want to say God, Jesus no more. 2083 01:56:48,735 --> 01:56:50,999 That is crazy, honey. Ain't nothing wrong with that. 2084 01:56:51,137 --> 01:56:55,301 We grew up poor. My mama, she didn't tell me about God. 2085 01:56:57,643 --> 01:56:58,667 My mama was a hooker. 2086 01:57:00,346 --> 01:57:01,779 But that's all right. 2087 01:57:01,881 --> 01:57:03,815 She was one, I worked the pole. It was all right. 2088 01:57:03,916 --> 01:57:06,214 But you know, all of their mamas talked to them about God. 2089 01:57:06,319 --> 01:57:07,946 Bam's mama talked to her about God. 2090 01:57:08,121 --> 01:57:10,055 Hattie's mama talked to her about God. 2091 01:57:10,156 --> 01:57:12,090 Margaret's mama taught her about God, took her to church. 2092 01:57:12,258 --> 01:57:15,284 And see, when you got that stuff in you, can't nobody take it out of you. 2093 01:57:15,395 --> 01:57:16,953 Because it will come back when you need it. 2094 01:57:17,430 --> 01:57:20,058 You got to hide the word in your heart. That's what the Bible says. 2095 01:57:20,500 --> 01:57:22,934 -Yeah, that's right. -Because I feel sorry for you, honey. 2096 01:57:23,102 --> 01:57:26,697 It's really, really sad when you can buy whatever you want, 2097 01:57:26,906 --> 01:57:28,840 but you got to beg for what you need. 2098 01:57:29,909 --> 01:57:32,707 That's pretty sad, honey. Set yourself free, honey. 2099 01:57:33,246 --> 01:57:35,180 All of this pressure, keeping up all these airs, 2100 01:57:35,281 --> 01:57:37,772 being with that man, trying to keep him 2101 01:57:37,884 --> 01:57:39,681 so people can look at you 2102 01:57:40,119 --> 01:57:42,019 and think you got it together, think you got status, 2103 01:57:42,121 --> 01:57:43,884 something is wrong with that. 2104 01:57:44,057 --> 01:57:46,491 Why you just can't live in your truth? What is your truth? 2105 01:57:46,626 --> 01:57:49,459 Live in your truth. Don't worry about what the hell people say. 2106 01:57:49,629 --> 01:57:52,462 Live in your truth. This is your life. When you die, it is over. 2107 01:57:53,433 --> 01:57:55,628 I feel sorry for people who get to the end of their life 2108 01:57:55,768 --> 01:57:58,828 and realize they have wasted it trying to do what somebody else 2109 01:57:58,971 --> 01:58:00,302 wanted them to do. 2110 01:58:03,709 --> 01:58:05,700 What about your dreams? What about your thoughts? 2111 01:58:05,812 --> 01:58:07,712 What about your heart? What about your ideas? 2112 01:58:07,814 --> 01:58:10,180 God has put all of us on this Earth for a reason. 2113 01:58:10,283 --> 01:58:12,911 Every one of us got a special talent and a special gift. 2114 01:58:13,019 --> 01:58:15,852 And you can't tell me what my gift is and you can't beat me 2115 01:58:15,955 --> 01:58:18,014 doing what God has given me to do. 2116 01:58:18,191 --> 01:58:20,159 So I'm gonna do what I do and how I'm supposed to do it. 2117 01:58:20,259 --> 01:58:21,726 You go over there and do what you're supposed to do. 2118 01:58:21,828 --> 01:58:24,296 And all of us gonna come together for the body, do you understand? 2119 01:58:25,131 --> 01:58:26,962 -Yes. -Live in your truth, honey. 2120 01:58:27,066 --> 01:58:28,727 Somebody should have told you about God. 2121 01:58:29,502 --> 01:58:33,598 Yeah, at some point you have to trust in something other than your money. 2122 01:58:34,407 --> 01:58:37,069 Because that will fail, won't it? That money will let you down. 2123 01:58:40,046 --> 01:58:42,947 My mama taught me something very important. 2124 01:58:43,049 --> 01:58:45,040 And it has gotten me through my entire life. 2125 01:58:45,184 --> 01:58:46,446 Yes, pass it on to her, honey. 2126 01:58:52,125 --> 01:58:54,116 Don't do that now. 2127 01:59:53,286 --> 01:59:56,744 Hattie, you know about it too, don't you? Hattie act a fool, but she know Jesus. 2128 01:59:56,856 --> 01:59:57,914 Yes, sir. 2129 02:00:58,684 --> 02:01:00,584 Hey, Hattie. 2130 02:01:01,787 --> 02:01:03,948 See, I'm gonna tell you something. 2131 02:01:04,056 --> 02:01:06,115 See, that's what their mamas told them back then. 2132 02:01:06,225 --> 02:01:09,456 What your mama taught you, Bam? I know she taught you something. 2133 02:01:12,999 --> 02:01:14,967 Yes, yes, yes. 2134 02:01:15,067 --> 02:01:16,364 Come on, Bam! 2135 02:02:22,168 --> 02:02:23,829 Come on, Aunt Bam. 2136 02:02:29,508 --> 02:02:31,533 -Come on, come on. -Come on, Aunt Bam. 2137 02:02:55,534 --> 02:02:57,832 Y'all about to mess me up with this. 2138 02:02:57,937 --> 02:03:00,269 I don't go to church, but I feel it. Y'all about to mess me up. 2139 02:03:00,373 --> 02:03:02,933 See, somebody should have, somebody should have taught you about that, hon. 2140 02:03:03,042 --> 02:03:04,669 Didn't anybody teach you about that? 2141 02:03:04,777 --> 02:03:06,472 -Yes. -What? 2142 02:03:06,579 --> 02:03:11,312 Yes, my mother, my mother taught me about the Lord. 2143 02:03:25,364 --> 02:03:28,800 I thought Mama was crazy 2144 02:03:30,302 --> 02:03:33,999 And Daddy was a fool 2145 02:03:36,041 --> 02:03:39,602 They took me to church 2146 02:03:39,712 --> 02:03:43,409 And they taught me about you 2147 02:03:44,183 --> 02:03:47,710 But life got in the way 2148 02:03:48,654 --> 02:03:52,112 And now I sit like a fool 2149 02:03:53,459 --> 02:03:57,190 Nowhere to turn 2150 02:03:57,730 --> 02:04:00,756 So I'm turning back to you 2151 02:04:02,535 --> 02:04:04,526 Lord, I need you 2152 02:04:05,905 --> 02:04:10,171 More than ever before 2153 02:04:10,943 --> 02:04:13,912 Jesus, I want you 2154 02:04:15,147 --> 02:04:20,278 My heart is open at His door 2155 02:04:20,386 --> 02:04:24,117 God, just help me 2156 02:04:24,623 --> 02:04:28,559 And I promise you this 2157 02:04:29,728 --> 02:04:33,095 God, stay with me 2158 02:04:34,733 --> 02:04:41,468 My life you can fix 2159 02:04:49,215 --> 02:04:51,979 I've never seen 2160 02:04:53,686 --> 02:04:56,621 The righteous forsaken 2161 02:05:00,993 --> 02:05:05,828 Nor deceived 2162 02:05:09,068 --> 02:05:15,496 Never a bad embrace 2163 02:05:17,443 --> 02:05:24,076 That's the word that they taught me 2164 02:05:26,719 --> 02:05:30,553 Lord, I need you 2165 02:05:30,656 --> 02:05:34,683 More, more than ever before 2166 02:05:36,428 --> 02:05:41,024 Jesus, I want you 2167 02:05:41,133 --> 02:05:46,264 My heart is open, yes 2168 02:05:51,043 --> 02:05:53,603 Stay with me, yes 2169 02:05:58,083 --> 02:06:03,214 Yes! Yes 2170 02:06:04,390 --> 02:06:06,881 I'm at a crossroad 2171 02:06:08,894 --> 02:06:11,260 I'm confused 2172 02:06:13,399 --> 02:06:16,891 Standing in agony 2173 02:06:17,002 --> 02:06:20,460 I'm searching, searching for the truth 2174 02:06:21,440 --> 02:06:25,809 My, what my mama gave me 2175 02:06:25,911 --> 02:06:29,847 The world can't take it away 2176 02:06:31,283 --> 02:06:34,810 What my daddy taught me 2177 02:06:35,354 --> 02:06:38,084 I'm gonna take it 2178 02:06:38,190 --> 02:06:41,023 From the cradle 2179 02:06:41,126 --> 02:06:47,725 To the grave 2180 02:06:54,440 --> 02:06:58,171 I need you, I need you to take 2181 02:07:01,780 --> 02:07:03,111 My promise 2182 02:07:03,215 --> 02:07:06,616 If you, if you stay 2183 02:07:07,186 --> 02:07:09,484 Oh, Lord, I need help 2184 02:07:09,588 --> 02:07:11,078 Oh, Lord, I need help 2185 02:07:11,890 --> 02:07:14,120 Oh, Lord, I need help 2186 02:07:14,226 --> 02:07:16,592 I need help 2187 02:07:16,695 --> 02:07:18,959 I need help, yes 2188 02:07:19,064 --> 02:07:21,396 And I need help now 2189 02:07:21,500 --> 02:07:25,095 I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it 2190 02:07:25,204 --> 02:07:28,173 I need it, I need it now 2191 02:07:28,273 --> 02:07:30,503 I need it now 2192 02:07:30,609 --> 02:07:32,736 I need it now 2193 02:07:32,845 --> 02:07:35,245 I need it now 2194 02:07:35,347 --> 02:07:38,009 I need it, I need it, I need it, I need it 2195 02:07:38,117 --> 02:07:42,349 I need it, I need it, I need it I need it, I need it 2196 02:07:42,454 --> 02:07:44,945 I need it now 2197 02:07:54,333 --> 02:07:56,267 Yes, indeed. Yes, indeed. 2198 02:07:56,368 --> 02:07:57,995 That's beautiful, us is all here. 2199 02:07:58,370 --> 02:08:01,999 George? What's in your pocket, George? 2200 02:08:02,641 --> 02:08:06,202 -You need to get this child some help. -I know, I know. 2201 02:08:06,378 --> 02:08:07,606 I must tell you something. 2202 02:08:08,380 --> 02:08:09,870 China and Japan, 2203 02:08:11,650 --> 02:08:12,674 I am so sorry. 2204 02:08:13,786 --> 02:08:16,550 But I'm not upset that your father is with this woman. 2205 02:08:16,655 --> 02:08:17,713 Hold on a second. 2206 02:08:17,923 --> 02:08:20,619 Now, wait a minute, see this is why I can't get saved, right here. 2207 02:08:21,093 --> 02:08:23,357 'Cause that Holy Ghost'll make you calm all the way down. 2208 02:08:23,462 --> 02:08:25,054 See, I don't like being that calm. 2209 02:08:25,164 --> 02:08:28,099 I don't like being that rational and reasonable, 2210 02:08:28,200 --> 02:08:30,998 that you can't get upset about somebody doing you wrong. 2211 02:08:31,103 --> 02:08:34,163 No, honey, God didn't mess you up, you supposed to be cutting here. 2212 02:08:37,976 --> 02:08:40,069 -Well, I am. -Me, too. 2213 02:08:40,312 --> 02:08:41,745 And don't get me started. 2214 02:08:42,281 --> 02:08:43,942 We've been divorced for two years. 2215 02:08:45,884 --> 02:08:48,352 Shut your mouth and keep on talking. 2216 02:08:56,061 --> 02:08:59,497 We didn't tell anyone because it wasn't good business. 2217 02:09:00,299 --> 02:09:02,733 I wanted to tell you. But your mother didn't. 2218 02:09:02,835 --> 02:09:04,029 Mom! 2219 02:09:04,336 --> 02:09:06,031 Well, I thought it was for your own good. 2220 02:09:06,205 --> 02:09:09,402 You were in school and Japan was advancing at the firm. 2221 02:09:09,508 --> 02:09:10,873 Mom, you should have told us. 2222 02:09:11,176 --> 02:09:12,507 I wanted to. 2223 02:09:12,978 --> 02:09:14,843 So wait, you knew about me the whole time? 2224 02:09:15,180 --> 02:09:20,311 I knew it was someone, but it didn't matter to me, we were over. And we're friends. 2225 02:09:20,519 --> 02:09:23,215 -Wow. Wow. -Yo, hold on, y'all friends? 2226 02:09:24,623 --> 02:09:25,851 Rich people confuse me, man. 2227 02:09:25,958 --> 02:09:28,153 Rich people confuse the hell out of me. Y'all friends? 2228 02:09:29,061 --> 02:09:30,028 Yes. 2229 02:09:30,129 --> 02:09:32,097 Y'all got a divorce and you're friends. 2230 02:09:32,464 --> 02:09:34,329 -Yes. -Wow. 2231 02:09:34,767 --> 02:09:37,497 Y'all need to write a book, I don't know what the hell that is. 2232 02:09:40,005 --> 02:09:42,269 I wish more people could be friends after they get divorced, 2233 02:09:42,374 --> 02:09:44,069 'cause, I'm used to them stabbing, cutting, killing, 2234 02:09:44,176 --> 02:09:45,905 trying to hurt each other. 2235 02:09:46,845 --> 02:09:49,279 I'm sorry, I'm contretto, go ahead. 2236 02:09:49,882 --> 02:09:51,713 John, why didn't you tell me that? 2237 02:09:52,084 --> 02:09:53,381 It was never the right time. 2238 02:09:54,052 --> 02:09:55,451 So, you're fine with this, Mother? 2239 02:09:55,654 --> 02:09:57,315 Yes, I'm tired of the charades. 2240 02:09:57,990 --> 02:10:00,117 Honey, you remember Bernard Washington? 2241 02:10:01,627 --> 02:10:04,721 Mr. Washington? My old baseball coach? 2242 02:10:06,431 --> 02:10:09,195 Yes. That's my man. 2243 02:10:10,869 --> 02:10:12,496 Mabel, now Mabel... 2244 02:10:12,871 --> 02:10:15,465 Now, I knew something was up when I saw all them baseball trophies 2245 02:10:15,574 --> 02:10:16,541 with your name on it. 2246 02:10:16,642 --> 02:10:20,601 I knew good well that you couldn't play no baseball. 2247 02:10:24,449 --> 02:10:27,350 Why did you think you starred on varsity for four years? 2248 02:10:27,452 --> 02:10:28,476 Mother! 2249 02:10:28,587 --> 02:10:32,079 Baby, you had to know somebody was helping you out, hon. 2250 02:10:34,293 --> 02:10:37,524 You ain't never took your little bat out the dugout. 2251 02:10:47,673 --> 02:10:51,507 Stop that laughing at that baby. Stop that laughing at that baby. 2252 02:10:52,411 --> 02:10:54,208 Well, that's why I've been so frustrated. 2253 02:10:54,580 --> 02:10:56,172 She was backed up. 2254 02:10:58,283 --> 02:10:59,545 Not as backed up as him. 2255 02:11:01,086 --> 02:11:02,986 He's all right. He's all right. 2256 02:11:03,322 --> 02:11:05,813 I've been a mess trying to keep this secret going. 2257 02:11:10,362 --> 02:11:12,956 Mom, what... 2258 02:11:13,432 --> 02:11:16,833 Let me finish. I want you to be happy, China. 2259 02:11:17,502 --> 02:11:21,666 My mother pressured me into marrying your father and we've never been happy. 2260 02:11:21,773 --> 02:11:24,139 We learned to tolerate each other, but we never really loved each other 2261 02:11:24,243 --> 02:11:26,711 the way husband and wives are supposed to. 2262 02:11:27,045 --> 02:11:28,876 We want you to be happy. 2263 02:11:28,981 --> 02:11:32,348 Love. God knows we spent too much time pretending. 2264 02:11:33,552 --> 02:11:35,247 What are you saying? 2265 02:11:37,189 --> 02:11:41,023 I had a talk with Madea and Bam and Hattie. 2266 02:11:42,694 --> 02:11:43,752 Sup? 2267 02:11:51,570 --> 02:11:54,596 Well, they made me realize I was doing the same thing to you 2268 02:11:54,706 --> 02:11:56,799 that my mother did to me. 2269 02:11:58,343 --> 02:12:00,368 You should follow your heart. 2270 02:12:01,280 --> 02:12:04,044 Well, it's a good thing her heart is with me. 2271 02:12:04,149 --> 02:12:07,050 Boy, what the hell is wrong with you? What the hell is wrong with you? 2272 02:12:07,152 --> 02:12:08,176 Where have you been? 2273 02:12:08,287 --> 02:12:11,120 That's right. Where have you been? Do you know anything that's going on? 2274 02:12:12,991 --> 02:12:14,015 China. 2275 02:12:14,393 --> 02:12:18,124 China don't want to go to Zimbabwe, honey. I'm sorry. 2276 02:12:20,399 --> 02:12:23,027 Bobby, I don't love you. 2277 02:12:23,769 --> 02:12:25,464 What? 2278 02:12:26,004 --> 02:12:27,869 And I can't marry you. 2279 02:12:28,307 --> 02:12:29,365 You lied to me? 2280 02:12:30,042 --> 02:12:33,341 Call it what you want, but I can't. 2281 02:12:35,280 --> 02:12:36,440 Okay. 2282 02:12:36,982 --> 02:12:39,450 -He look like he wanna hit her. -Yeah. 2283 02:12:40,085 --> 02:12:43,054 I wish the hell... I wish the hell you would. 2284 02:12:43,922 --> 02:12:46,186 Go ahead, lke. Go ahead, lke. Do it, lke. 2285 02:12:51,129 --> 02:12:52,255 I'll get my things. 2286 02:12:52,364 --> 02:12:53,854 That's very smart. 2287 02:12:54,866 --> 02:12:56,493 Whole family is crazy. 2288 02:12:57,936 --> 02:13:00,769 -What'd he say? -He said the whole family's crazy. 2289 02:13:00,872 --> 02:13:02,305 The Lord knows his heart. 2290 02:13:02,407 --> 02:13:04,341 Yeah, God knows his heart, but my foot gonna know his ass 2291 02:13:04,443 --> 02:13:07,276 if he come down here with something foolish. 2292 02:13:13,118 --> 02:13:14,642 Lucy, 2293 02:13:15,654 --> 02:13:18,020 I'm sorry. I wish I could've told you before. 2294 02:13:21,994 --> 02:13:22,961 But I do love you. 2295 02:13:23,395 --> 02:13:24,384 "l do love you"? 2296 02:13:24,496 --> 02:13:26,293 I know this man, he's telling the truth. 2297 02:13:26,398 --> 02:13:28,866 This is too weird for me. 2298 02:13:31,570 --> 02:13:33,299 -Hey, Eric. -Hi, Madea. 2299 02:13:33,405 --> 02:13:34,372 What's going on? 2300 02:13:34,473 --> 02:13:36,407 Can you give me a ride to go down to see if the ferry is fixed? 2301 02:13:36,508 --> 02:13:37,805 Yeah, come on, come on. We'll take a ride 2302 02:13:37,909 --> 02:13:39,035 'cause I need to get some cigarettes, anyway. 2303 02:13:39,144 --> 02:13:41,544 Y'all, come on. Come on, Bam. Come on, Hattie, we gonna come right back. 2304 02:13:41,646 --> 02:13:42,738 Mabel, it's getting good in here! 2305 02:13:42,848 --> 02:13:44,748 -I need to get away from here. -Come on, Eric. 2306 02:13:44,950 --> 02:13:46,440 Get my coat. 2307 02:13:46,718 --> 02:13:48,652 This is beautiful. 2308 02:13:54,993 --> 02:13:56,255 Thank you. 2309 02:13:56,361 --> 02:13:58,295 Thank you. Thank you. 2310 02:13:58,630 --> 02:13:59,597 Eric. 2311 02:14:01,466 --> 02:14:02,626 Please stay. 2312 02:14:03,468 --> 02:14:06,232 Eric, can I speak with you on the porch? 2313 02:14:10,609 --> 02:14:12,975 Lucy, can I talk to you in the kitchen? 2314 02:14:23,321 --> 02:14:26,484 I know hurt 2315 02:14:32,164 --> 02:14:35,600 And I know pain 2316 02:14:36,168 --> 02:14:38,329 Pain 2317 02:14:38,437 --> 02:14:41,463 I know, I know, I know 2318 02:14:42,441 --> 02:14:45,342 Confusion 2319 02:14:48,346 --> 02:14:52,282 But all of this is new 2320 02:14:55,187 --> 02:14:59,248 Please be the man 2321 02:14:59,858 --> 02:15:02,622 I think you are 2322 02:15:04,229 --> 02:15:07,995 Please be the one 2323 02:15:08,467 --> 02:15:13,063 My bright and morning sun 2324 02:15:13,171 --> 02:15:17,505 Please be the man 2325 02:15:18,343 --> 02:15:20,368 I hope you are 2326 02:15:21,880 --> 02:15:25,839 Please be the one 2327 02:15:26,518 --> 02:15:31,455 The one I've waited for this far 2328 02:15:31,556 --> 02:15:35,720 I know 2329 02:15:37,062 --> 02:15:38,529 Pain 2330 02:15:39,331 --> 02:15:43,427 And I know 2331 02:15:43,535 --> 02:15:46,231 I know scars 2332 02:15:49,107 --> 02:15:52,873 I know 2333 02:15:52,978 --> 02:15:54,536 Not trusting 2334 02:15:56,081 --> 02:16:00,677 And I know 2335 02:16:00,785 --> 02:16:06,189 A broken heart 2336 02:16:06,525 --> 02:16:10,985 Please be the man 2337 02:16:11,129 --> 02:16:14,064 I think you are 2338 02:16:15,400 --> 02:16:19,530 Please be the one 2339 02:16:19,638 --> 02:16:24,735 My bright and morning sun 2340 02:16:24,843 --> 02:16:28,540 Please be the man 2341 02:16:28,647 --> 02:16:31,707 I hope you are 2342 02:16:33,351 --> 02:16:37,412 Please be the one 2343 02:16:37,522 --> 02:16:42,221 The one I've waited for this far 2344 02:16:42,327 --> 02:16:45,956 I am afraid, I've been confused 2345 02:16:46,765 --> 02:16:50,462 I feel so used, I've been abused 2346 02:16:51,236 --> 02:16:54,797 Come save my life, please rescue me 2347 02:16:54,906 --> 02:17:01,812 And set me free 2348 02:17:06,418 --> 02:17:09,444 Please be the man 2349 02:17:09,554 --> 02:17:14,048 I think you are 2350 02:17:15,393 --> 02:17:19,090 Please be the man 2351 02:17:20,065 --> 02:17:24,058 Please, please, please 2352 02:17:24,469 --> 02:17:28,667 Please 2353 02:17:28,840 --> 02:17:32,503 Please 2354 02:17:34,012 --> 02:17:37,846 Please 2355 02:17:37,949 --> 02:17:42,045 Please 2356 02:17:43,321 --> 02:17:48,418 Please 2357 02:18:05,143 --> 02:18:07,703 Well, it's turned out to be a wonderful Christmas. 2358 02:18:09,080 --> 02:18:11,071 I guess God did answer your prayer. 2359 02:18:12,484 --> 02:18:16,386 He didn't just answer my prayers, He answered everyone's prayers. 2360 02:18:17,956 --> 02:18:21,448 That's what I've been trying to tell you, Christmas is not about things, 2361 02:18:21,793 --> 02:18:23,590 it's not about expensive gifts. 2362 02:18:24,562 --> 02:18:26,792 It's about those things that money can't buy, 2363 02:18:27,866 --> 02:18:29,356 family. 2364 02:18:29,734 --> 02:18:34,694 God, I know they're rough around the edges, but I love my family. 2365 02:18:37,842 --> 02:18:41,073 We have a Christmas tradition that started years ago. 2366 02:18:41,579 --> 02:18:44,309 Because we didn't always have money to buy things for Christmas. 2367 02:18:44,649 --> 02:18:46,207 But one year, 2368 02:18:46,851 --> 02:18:47,818 my children, 2369 02:18:48,853 --> 02:18:53,290 Eric, George, Lucy, they gave me a gift that I will never forget. 2370 02:18:54,292 --> 02:18:56,123 I wanna share that with you. Eric? 2371 02:26:29,847 --> 02:26:30,973 Ladies and gentlemen, 2372 02:26:31,082 --> 02:26:35,519 introducing the cast and band of Tyler Perry's A Madea's Christmas. 2373 02:26:35,653 --> 02:26:40,181 The band, on keyboards and organ, Natalie Ragins. 2374 02:26:43,194 --> 02:26:45,594 On guitar, Derek Scott. 2375 02:26:47,198 --> 02:26:50,326 On drums, Marcus Williams. 2376 02:26:52,003 --> 02:26:55,769 On percussion, Aaron Draper. 2377 02:26:56,007 --> 02:26:59,443 On keyboard and organ, Justin Gilbert. 2378 02:27:00,211 --> 02:27:04,079 On trumpet, Melvin Jones. 2379 02:27:04,882 --> 02:27:08,147 On trombone, Jeff Bradshaw. 2380 02:27:09,187 --> 02:27:12,679 On saxophone, Michael Burton. 2381 02:27:13,224 --> 02:27:18,457 Your musical director on bass guitar, Mr. Ronnie Garret. 2382 02:27:18,729 --> 02:27:23,166 You background singers are, Sheryl Boyd. 2383 02:27:24,502 --> 02:27:27,562 Tony Hightower. 2384 02:27:27,939 --> 02:27:30,703 And Tasha Danae. 2385 02:27:31,209 --> 02:27:36,044 Now, for this all-star phenomenal cast, Shannon Williams. 2386 02:27:40,918 --> 02:27:43,819 Alexis Jones. 2387 02:27:47,725 --> 02:27:49,454 Jeffery Lewis. 2388 02:27:54,131 --> 02:27:57,589 Zuri Craig. 2389 02:28:00,905 --> 02:28:03,533 Maurice Lauchner. 2390 02:28:07,712 --> 02:28:10,010 Patrice Lovely. 2391 02:28:18,322 --> 02:28:20,222 Tony Grant. 2392 02:28:25,029 --> 02:28:27,020 Tamar Davis. 2393 02:28:31,002 --> 02:28:34,335 Cheryl Pepsii Riley. 2394 02:28:38,643 --> 02:28:41,373 Chandra Currelley. 2395 02:28:45,616 --> 02:28:47,846 Cassi Davis. 2396 02:28:51,989 --> 02:28:55,925 And Mr. Tyler Perry! 2397 02:29:16,347 --> 02:29:19,714 So, are you tired? 2398 02:29:21,619 --> 02:29:23,484 Okay, well, sit down. 2399 02:29:23,754 --> 02:29:24,721 Thank you so much. 2400 02:29:24,822 --> 02:29:27,052 Listen, you're the first audience to see this show anywhere. 2401 02:29:27,158 --> 02:29:29,888 So, thank you so much for being a part of it. 2402 02:29:32,697 --> 02:29:35,723 Every time I do a show, I try to find some new folks. 2403 02:29:35,833 --> 02:29:38,461 Y'all may have seen this one before, but she is hilarious. 2404 02:29:38,569 --> 02:29:40,537 Patrice Lovely. 2405 02:29:41,906 --> 02:29:43,931 This woman is so funny. 2406 02:29:44,041 --> 02:29:46,532 When I'm sitting there laughing, I am laughing for real. 2407 02:29:46,644 --> 02:29:50,978 I mean, she... I'm so proud of her, I'm proud of everybody on this stage. 2408 02:29:51,082 --> 02:29:54,415 Everybody who's done a fantastic, amazing job. 2409 02:29:57,188 --> 02:30:00,453 And you know, I work with a few, so you all know, don't get jealous. 2410 02:30:00,558 --> 02:30:03,186 I just wanna point out a few of the new folks that I found. 2411 02:30:03,661 --> 02:30:07,028 This girl here, Alexis, this girl right here... 2412 02:30:10,267 --> 02:30:13,964 Maurice, on the side of her, that's a singing somebody, right there. 2413 02:30:18,542 --> 02:30:21,636 What you waving for? What's that? New York? What part of New York? 2414 02:30:25,349 --> 02:30:28,079 You did not come from New York by Greyhound. 2415 02:30:32,089 --> 02:30:37,686 You came from New York City by Greyhound 'cause you're afraid to fly. 2416 02:30:47,671 --> 02:30:49,138 I wanna meet you. You come on this way. 2417 02:30:49,240 --> 02:30:52,573 Bring your family, y'all come on back here, so I can meet you. 2418 02:30:52,676 --> 02:30:56,237 That is one... Y'all give it up. All the way from New York by Greyhound. 2419 02:30:59,116 --> 02:31:01,141 I gotta shake your hand. 2420 02:31:02,586 --> 02:31:05,783 And listen, and you won't let me fly you back, will you? 2421 02:31:10,528 --> 02:31:13,156 She say, "Oh, no, I'm going back by Greyhound." 2422 02:31:16,667 --> 02:31:18,191 I wanna let you all go home, but I gotta tell you 2423 02:31:18,302 --> 02:31:21,169 how much I love you, I appreciate you, God bless you. 2424 02:31:21,272 --> 02:31:23,706 You mean so much to me, I thank God for you. 2425 02:31:23,841 --> 02:31:25,399 I pray for you all the time. 2426 02:31:25,509 --> 02:31:28,103 You all take care. God bless. We'll see you soon. 2427 02:31:56,340 --> 02:31:57,773 -Hello! -Hello! 2428 02:31:57,875 --> 02:31:59,103 -Hello! -Hello! 2429 02:31:59,210 --> 02:32:01,007 -Hello! -Hello! 2430 02:32:01,112 --> 02:32:02,875 -The play was so awesome. -Yes. 2431 02:32:02,980 --> 02:32:05,175 -Excellent. Great message. -My gosh. 2432 02:32:05,382 --> 02:32:09,079 I love Tyler Perry. And he was wonderful. It was best one I've ever seen. 2433 02:32:09,687 --> 02:32:11,587 -lt was amazing. -The play was awesome. 2434 02:32:11,689 --> 02:32:13,156 It was a blessing. It's always a blessing. 2435 02:32:13,257 --> 02:32:14,884 It was very funny, very entertaining. 2436 02:32:14,992 --> 02:32:17,790 -Wonderful job. -Excellent. Loved the singing. 2437 02:32:17,928 --> 02:32:19,259 -Loved it. -Encore. 2438 02:32:19,363 --> 02:32:22,161 -Two thumbs up. Two thumbs up. -Do it again! 2439 02:32:22,266 --> 02:32:25,758 It was great, it was gorgeous, I loved it. It was fantastic. 2440 02:32:25,870 --> 02:32:28,839 Fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. 2441 02:32:28,939 --> 02:32:31,737 The play is excellent. Tyler always puts on a good performance. 2442 02:32:31,876 --> 02:32:34,344 So, we came out, we brought our 90-year-old grandmother 2443 02:32:34,445 --> 02:32:36,208 all the way from Muskogee, Oklahoma. 2444 02:32:36,313 --> 02:32:39,339 This is my mom and she came all the way from Alaska. Fairbanks. 2445 02:32:39,450 --> 02:32:42,146 Fairbanks, Alaska to see Tyler Perry's show. 2446 02:32:42,253 --> 02:32:46,417 We drove from North Carolina, so it was great to get to see it live. 2447 02:32:46,524 --> 02:32:51,518 We came all the way from Holly Springs to see our sister sing, Cassi, Bam. 2448 02:32:51,629 --> 02:32:54,496 My favorite part, was the character of Eric's voice. 2449 02:32:54,598 --> 02:32:55,895 He was incredible. 2450 02:32:56,000 --> 02:32:59,333 My favorite was Hattie. She was hilarious. 2451 02:32:59,436 --> 02:33:00,425 -What's the lady... -The old lady. 2452 02:33:00,571 --> 02:33:02,596 The old lady with all the... 2453 02:33:02,740 --> 02:33:04,230 With the gray hair? 2454 02:33:04,341 --> 02:33:05,706 The cook, Hattie. 2455 02:33:05,809 --> 02:33:07,106 -Hattie. -Hattie. 2456 02:33:08,112 --> 02:33:10,580 Bam. I love Bam. 2457 02:33:11,348 --> 02:33:13,145 Love Madea. Love Madea. 2458 02:33:13,350 --> 02:33:16,581 This is my first play I'm seeing by Tyler Perry. 2459 02:33:16,787 --> 02:33:19,756 -Bye! -I know, right. 2460 02:33:19,857 --> 02:33:22,792 It was my very first Tyler Perry play. I'll come to every one after that. 2461 02:33:22,960 --> 02:33:25,485 If he's always doing shows, we're gonna be here. 2462 02:33:25,596 --> 02:33:27,587 -This was some of Tyler Perry's best work. -Exactly. 2463 02:33:27,698 --> 02:33:28,687 Greatest fan. 2464 02:33:28,799 --> 02:33:32,132 And it just keeps getting better and better and better. 2465 02:33:32,236 --> 02:33:36,798 I'm telling all my friends, they better not bootleg the DVD when it comes out. 2466 02:33:36,907 --> 02:33:40,240 'Cause I'll be there at their house to pull it out their DVD players, okay? 2467 02:33:40,411 --> 02:33:44,472 But, like Tyler Perry always does, he can take you down and make you cry. 2468 02:33:44,582 --> 02:33:46,550 He brings you right back up and makes you laugh 2469 02:33:46,650 --> 02:33:50,017 and teaches you a lesson in the meantime. It was awesome. 2470 02:33:50,120 --> 02:33:52,714 Tyler Perry rocks! 2471 02:33:52,823 --> 02:33:54,950 We love you, Tyler.