1 00:02:31,199 --> 00:02:35,119 "Antioch, Year 13 AH" 2 00:02:44,319 --> 00:02:50,239 You know, gentlemen, that there are four armies 3 00:02:51,199 --> 00:02:58,079 stationed at Hums, Damascus, Busra and Arabah in Palestine. 4 00:03:00,639 --> 00:03:06,959 Each army is between seven and ten thousand. 5 00:03:07,080 --> 00:03:10,480 In total they number no more than thirty thousand. 6 00:03:13,560 --> 00:03:18,960 They are lightly armed: swords, spears and arrows. 7 00:03:19,080 --> 00:03:24,440 They ride horses and camels. Their loads and supplies of food are not plentiful. 8 00:03:24,560 --> 00:03:32,159 Their capital is too far to supply them with food after they have entered our land. 9 00:03:32,759 --> 00:03:36,399 Why have they divided themselves in four armies and four areas 10 00:03:36,520 --> 00:03:39,880 when their numbers are small in relation to our armies? 11 00:03:40,000 --> 00:03:43,000 They know that numerically we have much larger forces. 12 00:03:43,120 --> 00:03:46,120 They felt that by dividing themselves in this way, 13 00:03:46,240 --> 00:03:51,159 they force us to divide our forces. They are lighter of movement than us. 14 00:03:51,280 --> 00:03:53,360 Therefore, it will be easy for them to change their positions 15 00:03:53,479 --> 00:03:57,479 as suits the situation they are facing. It is easy for one army to join another 16 00:03:57,599 --> 00:03:59,719 at a suitable moment. 17 00:03:59,840 --> 00:04:05,120 This time they are not after booty. They want to take our land. 18 00:04:07,560 --> 00:04:10,439 Shall we, then, divide our forces to face theirs, 19 00:04:10,560 --> 00:04:12,520 fighting each one of their armies at its position, 20 00:04:12,639 --> 00:04:15,399 cutting the roads between them to prevent their assembly? 21 00:04:15,520 --> 00:04:17,400 This is what they want. 22 00:04:17,519 --> 00:04:25,319 My plan is to keep our first army in Palestine where it is. It is 70.000-strong. Its task... 23 00:04:25,439 --> 00:04:29,639 is to restrict their army now in Arabah and Palestine and prevent its movement. 24 00:04:29,759 --> 00:04:31,680 It should also try to finish it off. 25 00:04:33,079 --> 00:04:39,319 Our second army stationed in Antioch should move in its full force, 200.000, 26 00:04:39,439 --> 00:04:44,120 to face their three other armies, one at a time. 27 00:04:47,480 --> 00:04:49,640 Amr Ibn Al-Aas was right 28 00:04:49,759 --> 00:04:53,920 when he advised that our armies should congregate at Busra and Yarmuk, 29 00:04:54,040 --> 00:04:57,319 before the Byzantines attacked them one at a time. 30 00:04:57,439 --> 00:05:05,319 Were they to remain apart, none could be a match to such a large force. 31 00:05:05,920 --> 00:05:09,280 Their quick movement has helped them to congregate 32 00:05:09,399 --> 00:05:13,519 before the Byzantines could reach any of them, except for Amr's army. 33 00:05:13,639 --> 00:05:16,240 The Byzantine army stationed in Palestine restricted its movement and prevented it 34 00:05:16,360 --> 00:05:19,120 from joining Abu Ubaidah, Yazeed and Shurahbeel 35 00:05:19,240 --> 00:05:22,360 at the plain where they are stationed at Yarmuk. 36 00:05:22,480 --> 00:05:25,439 It was only a short while before the larger Byzantine army arrived 37 00:05:25,560 --> 00:05:28,120 and encamped in a nearby plain. 38 00:05:31,120 --> 00:05:34,439 Why have the two armies refrained from fighting so far? 39 00:05:34,560 --> 00:05:38,240 I do not know. Perhaps both are apprehensive, 40 00:05:38,360 --> 00:05:42,120 content to launch a raid and maintain their grounds. 41 00:05:42,240 --> 00:05:47,160 I suspect that Abu Ubaidah is hoping that Amr may be able to manoeuvre 42 00:05:47,279 --> 00:05:50,239 his way to join him, giving him good reinforcement. 43 00:05:50,360 --> 00:05:53,080 Yes, and may be the Byzantines... 44 00:05:53,199 --> 00:05:58,879 are waiting for their army in Palestine to finish Amr's army and join them. 45 00:06:02,560 --> 00:06:06,639 I shall make the Byzantines forget who they are, sending them Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed. 46 00:06:06,759 --> 00:06:09,120 Do you mean to dispatch Khalid from Al-Heerah to Syria? 47 00:06:09,240 --> 00:06:10,840 I will do, right now. 48 00:06:10,959 --> 00:06:13,799 What about Iraq: who will hold it after Khalid? 49 00:06:13,920 --> 00:06:15,560 Al-Muthanna Ibn Harithah. 50 00:06:15,680 --> 00:06:19,199 I will order Khalid to divide the army between the two of them. 51 00:06:19,319 --> 00:06:22,040 They are no more than twenty thousand there. 52 00:06:22,160 --> 00:06:27,200 Can Al-Muthanna hold Iraq with ten thousand men only? 53 00:06:27,319 --> 00:06:29,199 Until we have finished with the Byzantines. 54 00:06:29,319 --> 00:06:31,719 We will then return the forces that come with Khalid. 55 00:06:31,839 --> 00:06:34,639 And if the Syrian affair takes too long? 56 00:06:34,759 --> 00:06:36,959 It may be that God is giving us a great opportunity 57 00:06:37,079 --> 00:06:40,039 bringing the bulk of the Byzantine forces into Yarmuk 58 00:06:40,160 --> 00:06:43,560 so that it will be a great decisive battle. 59 00:06:43,680 --> 00:06:47,959 If we win, we would have broken their force in one go, 60 00:06:48,079 --> 00:06:52,159 - unlike the case of the Persians. - I am not sure. 61 00:06:52,279 --> 00:06:54,959 I fear that if Al-Muthanna is left with half the army, 62 00:06:55,079 --> 00:06:57,879 the Persians might be tempted to attack him. 63 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:00,000 We could lose what we have gained there. 64 00:07:01,160 --> 00:07:03,800 Well, we are not in riches. 65 00:07:03,920 --> 00:07:06,840 We have to take things as they are, 66 00:07:06,959 --> 00:07:11,599 weighing up the pros and cons of each alternative. 67 00:07:12,360 --> 00:07:14,439 The Byzantines have amassed all their forces against us, 68 00:07:14,560 --> 00:07:18,879 and most of our forces are there. We do not have much time. 69 00:07:19,959 --> 00:07:23,039 Should the Byzantines prevail, God forbids, 70 00:07:23,160 --> 00:07:26,520 we do not know what will happen to us after that. 71 00:07:26,639 --> 00:07:30,879 Such a defeat will undermine our people's confidence here and in Iraq, 72 00:07:31,000 --> 00:07:32,879 and the Persians will get the message. 73 00:07:33,600 --> 00:07:38,800 But if we defeat the Byzantines, the present superpower, 74 00:07:38,920 --> 00:07:41,319 the Persians will be demoralized further. 75 00:07:41,439 --> 00:07:45,959 We can then send them one army after another, as will suit us. 76 00:07:46,079 --> 00:07:49,479 You are certainly right, Caliph. 77 00:07:49,600 --> 00:07:53,280 But, who will be the overall commander if Khalid joins our forces in Syria? 78 00:07:53,399 --> 00:07:56,000 - Khalid. - You make him commander... 79 00:07:56,120 --> 00:07:58,199 when Abu Ubaidah, the trustee of our nation, is among them? 80 00:07:58,319 --> 00:08:01,599 And over myself and you in war, Umar. 81 00:08:01,720 --> 00:08:05,080 I know that Abu Ubaidah is better than Khalid 82 00:08:05,199 --> 00:08:06,959 and he has the advantage of joining Islam early, 83 00:08:07,079 --> 00:08:10,959 but Khalid has an insight in war that eludes Abu Ubaidah 84 00:08:11,079 --> 00:08:16,359 and all other commanders. Abu Ubaidah is a man with a soft heart. 85 00:08:16,480 --> 00:08:18,920 He has no fear of death, 86 00:08:19,040 --> 00:08:23,800 but my fear is that he might take a precipitate action that may lead to a loss. 87 00:08:23,920 --> 00:08:28,240 Amr Ibn Al-Aas is a wise schemer, 88 00:08:28,360 --> 00:08:30,480 but the fear is that he may spend too long in calculating risks. 89 00:08:30,600 --> 00:08:35,320 His action might then be too slow. Ikrimah, Yazeed and Shurahbeel are all very daring, 90 00:08:35,440 --> 00:08:39,480 but none is like Khalid in planning and managing situations. 91 00:08:39,600 --> 00:08:44,399 Besides, none of them fought a major decisive battle, as Khalid did. 92 00:08:44,519 --> 00:08:51,039 Khalid, on the other hand, combines a cat's patience with a lion's leap. 93 00:08:51,159 --> 00:08:57,199 He is fast and daring but not rash. He perfects his plan... 94 00:08:57,320 --> 00:09:00,960 and fights well. Why wouldn't I give him the command? 95 00:09:01,080 --> 00:09:04,680 Abu Ubaidah will not feel aggrieved to be under Khalid. 96 00:09:04,799 --> 00:09:08,959 He is one who looks for no personal gain in this life. 97 00:09:09,080 --> 00:09:12,200 He has set out to fight for God's cause, not to be a commander. 98 00:09:18,120 --> 00:09:19,679 We need to consider two things together: 99 00:09:19,799 --> 00:09:23,839 a shorter distance so that we can reach our brothers in Busra as quickly as possible, 100 00:09:23,960 --> 00:09:27,440 The other consideration is that the route should have no enemy forces... 101 00:09:27,559 --> 00:09:31,519 and no populated areas, so that I can move behind the Byzantine forces. 102 00:09:31,639 --> 00:09:36,000 Let us now consider the possible routes and choose the most suitable. 103 00:09:46,919 --> 00:09:52,599 The fourth route goes through Ain Al-Nimr, Qaraqir, Suwa, Arak, Palmyra, Al-Qaryatain, 104 00:09:52,720 --> 00:09:54,879 Al-Ghootah, Busra. 105 00:09:55,000 --> 00:09:57,799 There are neither Byzantine nor Persian forts on this route. 106 00:09:57,919 --> 00:10:02,559 We can reach Busra without encountering the enemy. It is also a short route, 107 00:10:02,679 --> 00:10:06,000 but it means that we will have to go through barren desert, 108 00:10:06,120 --> 00:10:09,799 without water or meadows, for five days and nights 109 00:10:09,919 --> 00:10:12,199 until we reach Suwa. After that it will be easy. 110 00:10:12,320 --> 00:10:18,240 - You seem to prefer this last route? - I know that it is very risky. 111 00:10:18,360 --> 00:10:21,080 Our great enemy here is the burning sun and the lack of water or meadows 112 00:10:21,200 --> 00:10:22,720 for five days. 113 00:10:24,120 --> 00:10:28,279 But if we can find a way to help us against this enemy, 114 00:10:28,399 --> 00:10:32,399 it is the best route to take us to our destination in the shortest possible time. 115 00:10:32,519 --> 00:10:37,159 If we are held up on the way and the enemy attacks our brothers in Syria, 116 00:10:37,279 --> 00:10:41,279 the calamity, if they lose the battle, will be greater than our own calamity. 117 00:10:41,399 --> 00:10:44,639 Rafi', what do you think? You are our guide. 118 00:10:44,759 --> 00:10:48,240 I went through this route once with my father, when I was a young lad. 119 00:10:48,360 --> 00:10:52,159 By God, a single rider fears for his life. 120 00:10:52,759 --> 00:10:56,319 How can it be tolerated by an army with its horses and heavy loads? 121 00:10:56,440 --> 00:10:58,200 Let us find a solution for the problem of water. 122 00:10:58,320 --> 00:11:01,800 Nothing else stops us from taking this route. 123 00:11:01,919 --> 00:11:05,759 I am not sure. The water is needed for us and for the horses, 124 00:11:05,879 --> 00:11:09,240 and we cannot carry enough water for both purposes. 125 00:11:09,360 --> 00:11:12,680 If our mounts perish, we perish with them. 126 00:11:15,720 --> 00:11:17,879 I am not sure. 127 00:11:19,240 --> 00:11:21,320 Tell us what you are thinking of; may God guide you. 128 00:11:21,440 --> 00:11:24,920 We may be able to carry the water we need to drink. 129 00:11:25,039 --> 00:11:27,240 We can economise in what we drink until we reach Suwa. 130 00:11:27,360 --> 00:11:30,919 There's water in it. As for the water for the horses, 131 00:11:31,039 --> 00:11:34,679 let us choose fat camels and keep them thirsty for a few days, 132 00:11:34,799 --> 00:11:38,039 then we take them to the water to drink their fill. 133 00:11:38,159 --> 00:11:41,039 We will then tighten their lips and cover their mouths so that they do not regurgitate. 134 00:11:41,159 --> 00:11:44,159 When the need arises, we slaughter some of them. 135 00:11:44,279 --> 00:11:49,360 The soldiers will eat their meat and we give the water inside them to the horses 136 00:11:49,480 --> 00:11:51,680 to drink after we mix it with some of their milk. 137 00:12:58,320 --> 00:13:02,280 "Yarmuk" 138 00:13:45,519 --> 00:13:50,199 - Peace be to you with God's mercy. - And to you be peace with God's mercy. 139 00:13:50,320 --> 00:13:55,040 Has Khalid sent you? How is he? When will he arrive, God willing? 140 00:13:55,159 --> 00:13:58,919 He sent me from Al-Heerah before he began his march. 141 00:14:05,159 --> 00:14:10,879 To Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah from Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed. Peace be to you. 142 00:14:11,000 --> 00:14:16,120 I received the Caliph's letter in which he has ordered me to march to Syria 143 00:14:16,240 --> 00:14:19,639 and to command its armies. 144 00:14:26,720 --> 00:14:31,720 By God, I neither sought nor wished this. Nor did I write to him regarding this. 145 00:14:31,840 --> 00:14:36,759 You stay in the same position you have: your orders are obeyed 146 00:14:36,879 --> 00:14:40,600 and your views are upheld. No matter will be decided without consulting you. 147 00:14:40,720 --> 00:14:44,879 You are a leading figure among the Muslims whose standing is undeniable 148 00:14:46,799 --> 00:14:52,359 and whose views are indispensable. May God perfect to you and me His blessings 149 00:14:52,480 --> 00:14:58,039 and may He spare us the torment of hell. Peace be to you with God's blessings. 150 00:15:04,759 --> 00:15:07,799 We have already received the Caliph's order. 151 00:15:09,240 --> 00:15:13,799 May God bless what he has decided and all greetings are due to Khalid. 152 00:15:14,720 --> 00:15:18,800 - What is this? - It is from Khalid to all soldiers. 153 00:15:18,919 --> 00:15:20,559 Read it to the people. 154 00:15:26,080 --> 00:15:30,520 To God's soldiers in Syria, from Khalid Ibn Al-Waleed. 155 00:15:30,639 --> 00:15:35,960 I received the Caliph's letter instructing me to come and join you. 156 00:15:36,080 --> 00:15:38,240 I have already started on my way. 157 00:15:38,360 --> 00:15:42,000 It will not be long before my horses will appear amidst you, with our men. 158 00:15:42,120 --> 00:15:46,399 So be steadfast and expect the fulfillment of God's promise and His rich reward. 159 00:15:46,519 --> 00:15:51,600 May God protect us all by good faith, and may He strengthen our belief in Islam. 160 00:15:51,720 --> 00:15:53,519 Peace be to you all. 161 00:15:56,440 --> 00:15:59,440 Rejoice and glorify God. 162 00:15:59,559 --> 00:16:05,519 God is supreme. God is supreme. 163 00:16:05,639 --> 00:16:13,480 God is supreme. God is supreme. 164 00:16:13,600 --> 00:16:20,680 God is supreme. God is supreme. 165 00:16:20,799 --> 00:16:26,159 Abu Sulaiman has not disappointed me. All praise be to God. 166 00:16:26,279 --> 00:16:28,919 I continued to pray to God to enable him to reach his destination 167 00:16:29,039 --> 00:16:33,959 before the Byzantines attack our people there. Now my worries are over. 168 00:16:34,080 --> 00:16:38,320 How ingenious! No army ever went through that route. 169 00:16:38,440 --> 00:16:41,400 He managed to reach the people in 18 days. 170 00:16:41,519 --> 00:16:46,199 He covered that barren stretch in five nights. 171 00:16:46,320 --> 00:16:49,200 No one other than Khalid could have done that. 172 00:16:49,320 --> 00:16:53,240 God guided you to do the right thing by him, Abu Bakr. 173 00:16:53,360 --> 00:16:55,680 Certainly, none other than Khalid will do that. 174 00:17:00,279 --> 00:17:05,559 I do praise God, as you do, for enabling him to reach his destination 175 00:17:05,680 --> 00:17:08,720 before the Byzantines attack our people. 176 00:17:08,839 --> 00:17:13,199 God spared his army the great danger involved in crossing that area. 177 00:17:13,319 --> 00:17:15,839 Had he consulted me, I would have counseled him against it. 178 00:17:15,960 --> 00:17:18,079 Khalid, however, takes his own decisions with little care. 179 00:17:18,200 --> 00:17:22,680 But he got through it by God's grace, losing not a single soldier. 180 00:17:22,799 --> 00:17:27,159 They were on the verge of death, had it not been for God's grace. 181 00:17:27,279 --> 00:17:32,079 - God gave them the water. - We praise God for that. 182 00:17:32,200 --> 00:17:35,080 The one who does not thank people is ungrateful to God. 183 00:17:36,599 --> 00:17:42,240 Indeed. I do admire Khalid's dedication, intelligence and far-sightedness. 184 00:17:42,359 --> 00:17:48,240 Had he been alone, I would not have felt anything but admiration towards him. 185 00:17:50,839 --> 00:17:56,959 He requires people to do what he can do, but they may be unable to do that, 186 00:17:57,079 --> 00:17:59,039 as they include some who are weak. 187 00:17:59,920 --> 00:18:03,880 Therefore, I admire his ability 188 00:18:04,000 --> 00:18:08,440 and feel sympathy for his men because of his excessive daring and bravery. 189 00:18:08,559 --> 00:18:13,119 They have come through grave danger this time, and I cannot be sure the next time. 190 00:18:17,200 --> 00:18:21,720 If his daring is combined with Abu Ubaidah's kindness, the two will be moderated. 191 00:18:21,839 --> 00:18:25,879 Like Abu Bakr is moderated by Umar Ibn Al-Khattab. 192 00:18:28,880 --> 00:18:32,960 By God, he is so much like you. Limitless is God in His glory, 193 00:18:33,079 --> 00:18:36,679 two similar persons may meet but move in opposite directions. 194 00:18:36,799 --> 00:18:40,119 Umar, 195 00:18:40,240 --> 00:18:45,160 Where is the man who combines all perfect qualities? 196 00:18:45,279 --> 00:18:50,160 They were combined in the person of God's messenger (peace be upon him). 197 00:18:50,279 --> 00:18:56,039 As for us, we try our best, and one of us moderates the other. 198 00:18:56,160 --> 00:19:00,200 This is what we did when we sent Khalid to Syria, 199 00:19:00,319 --> 00:19:04,679 to combine his daring and military talent with Abu Ubaidah's rational kindness. 200 00:19:04,799 --> 00:19:07,200 This would have been fine, had Abu Ubaidah been the overall leader 201 00:19:07,319 --> 00:19:10,359 and Khalid undertook the war management. 202 00:19:10,480 --> 00:19:12,920 My Lord, this is what I could determine with my best effort. 203 00:19:13,039 --> 00:19:15,519 I only sought to serve the interests of the Muslims well. 204 00:19:15,640 --> 00:19:22,040 If I did well, accept it from me; and if I have erred, forgive me. 205 00:19:24,279 --> 00:19:27,960 Lead the prayer today, Umar. I do not think I will be able to come out. 206 00:19:28,079 --> 00:19:32,519 May God protect you from all harm, Caliph? How do you feel? 207 00:19:32,640 --> 00:19:36,800 It is old age, Umar. I hope to be well, God willing. 208 00:21:46,240 --> 00:21:49,839 - God is supreme. - God is supreme. 209 00:21:49,960 --> 00:21:53,799 - God is supreme. - God is supreme. 210 00:22:17,920 --> 00:22:23,080 - God is supreme. - God is supreme. 211 00:22:37,119 --> 00:22:41,719 I do not understand this. The Arabs move out of Busra and go to Palestine 212 00:22:41,839 --> 00:22:44,679 to take our first army by surprise and finish it off, 213 00:22:44,799 --> 00:22:50,319 then they all come back to Yarmuk, where our first army is stationed, 214 00:22:52,119 --> 00:22:56,399 but it makes no move? How come? 215 00:23:10,359 --> 00:23:13,039 Lord of mankind, take away the hardship. 216 00:23:13,920 --> 00:23:18,519 Cure the illness, for You are the only one who cures. 217 00:23:19,759 --> 00:23:21,279 Come closer. 218 00:23:26,119 --> 00:23:27,959 Listen to what I say. 219 00:23:31,200 --> 00:23:35,360 You see my complaint. 220 00:23:35,920 --> 00:23:39,880 I think that it will be my end. 221 00:23:41,119 --> 00:23:47,719 God has freed you of your pledges of loyalty to me and left you free, 222 00:23:49,079 --> 00:23:51,519 able to determine your choice. 223 00:23:53,079 --> 00:23:56,240 Choose for your leader whomever you wish. 224 00:23:56,359 --> 00:24:01,839 If you choose your leader while I am alive, 225 00:24:01,960 --> 00:24:04,880 you will not disagree after I am gone. 226 00:24:13,960 --> 00:24:16,240 Where to, Abu Hafs? 227 00:24:16,359 --> 00:24:18,559 Consult among yourselves and choose one of you. 228 00:24:18,680 --> 00:24:22,840 I agree to whomever you choose. All of you are suitable, God willing. 229 00:24:22,960 --> 00:24:26,160 As for me, I would rather be left out of it. I prefer to be free. 230 00:24:32,759 --> 00:24:39,039 By God, you have put the responsibility on me, saying: 231 00:24:39,160 --> 00:24:44,440 our view is your view. Every one of you is trying to stay away from it. 232 00:24:44,559 --> 00:24:51,519 I know that it is a heavy responsibility. 233 00:24:51,640 --> 00:24:56,560 No one of us knows whether at the end one is left with something good or bad. 234 00:24:58,039 --> 00:25:03,720 Yet it is a duty; indeed the most important of all duties. 235 00:25:03,839 --> 00:25:08,319 Without a leader, who will ensure that people will have their rights, 236 00:25:08,440 --> 00:25:15,640 and who will ensure that the society works together to achieve well goals? 237 00:25:15,759 --> 00:25:19,119 We have agreed to accept your choice, Caliph. 238 00:25:19,240 --> 00:25:21,480 How about counseling and consultation, then? 239 00:25:21,599 --> 00:25:24,359 Name whom you choose and we will give you our advice. 240 00:25:24,480 --> 00:25:26,680 We will not refrain from giving you honest counsel. 241 00:25:26,799 --> 00:25:29,759 Then when we all agree to the choice, 242 00:25:29,880 --> 00:25:34,360 you nominate him to the public for their consent. 243 00:25:38,200 --> 00:25:41,720 Tell me about Umar Ibn Al-Khattab. 244 00:25:41,839 --> 00:25:47,000 You are asking me about something you know better than me. 245 00:25:47,119 --> 00:25:49,559 Never mind! Tell me. 246 00:25:50,279 --> 00:25:53,119 By God, he is better than what you think of him. 247 00:25:55,720 --> 00:25:59,759 Umar! You are the one who knows him best. 248 00:25:59,880 --> 00:26:04,840 - Nevertheless, Abu Abdullah. - My knowledge of Umar... 249 00:26:04,960 --> 00:26:07,680 is that what he harbours within himself is better than what he puts out in public. 250 00:26:07,799 --> 00:26:10,200 He has no equal among us. 251 00:26:12,599 --> 00:26:15,719 May God bless you. You are certainly fair. 252 00:26:15,839 --> 00:26:20,720 We cannot say anything but good about him. Anyone who hates him must be a hypocrite. 253 00:26:20,839 --> 00:26:25,839 God's messenger (Peace be upon him) said of him 254 00:26:25,960 --> 00:26:33,920 that whenever Satan sees him going along a certain road, 255 00:26:34,039 --> 00:26:36,680 he takes a different one. 256 00:26:54,559 --> 00:26:56,720 - Peace be to you. - And to you too. 257 00:26:56,839 --> 00:27:00,919 Abu Bakr, good counsel is offered for God's sake and His messenger 258 00:27:01,039 --> 00:27:03,079 and for the interests of the Muslims. 259 00:27:03,200 --> 00:27:05,240 A person who is consulted must act honestly. 260 00:27:05,359 --> 00:27:10,519 I will not hesitate to express my view, even if it will not please you. 261 00:27:12,960 --> 00:27:17,880 Umar is hard and strict. I fear that he may be too hard for people. 262 00:27:18,000 --> 00:27:21,480 What will you say to God if He questions you 263 00:27:21,599 --> 00:27:24,399 about appointing Umar when you know his hardness? 264 00:27:26,440 --> 00:27:30,920 Sit me up! Sit me up! 265 00:27:34,519 --> 00:27:37,440 Are you scaring me of God's questioning? 266 00:27:37,559 --> 00:27:41,119 Anyone who shoulders injustice as a result of managing you is a miserable failure. 267 00:27:41,680 --> 00:27:47,240 If God questions me, I will say that I nominated the best of Your people. 268 00:27:48,720 --> 00:27:53,920 As for his hardness, it is all because he finds me soft. 269 00:27:54,039 --> 00:27:57,960 When he is in charge, he will abandon much of that. 270 00:27:58,720 --> 00:28:03,880 You people, you will soon be in riches. 271 00:28:04,000 --> 00:28:09,079 And it will be as God's messenger said: 272 00:28:09,200 --> 00:28:14,720 "I do not fear poverty for you. I fear that the world riches are extended to you, 273 00:28:14,839 --> 00:28:18,000 as they were extended to nations before you, 274 00:28:18,119 --> 00:28:20,959 and that you will compete for them as they did. 275 00:28:21,079 --> 00:28:24,000 Thus, they will lead to your ruin as they were ruined." 276 00:28:25,359 --> 00:28:28,719 You certainly need someone like Umar, 277 00:28:28,839 --> 00:28:33,119 who cares little for what this world offers. He is strict in defending what is right, 278 00:28:33,240 --> 00:28:35,559 and he fears no censure by any critic... 279 00:28:39,880 --> 00:28:47,560 And... I asked you to choose one of you, 280 00:28:47,680 --> 00:28:52,279 but you came back to say that you will approve my choice. 281 00:28:52,400 --> 00:28:58,120 When I have chosen the best one I know, some people are taking it hard. 282 00:28:58,240 --> 00:29:02,880 Take it easy; may God bless you. Taking it so will tire you. 283 00:29:03,000 --> 00:29:07,680 On this matter, people are of two types: one sees your point of view 284 00:29:07,799 --> 00:29:12,159 and he is in support, or one who disagrees with you and he is hard on you. 285 00:29:12,279 --> 00:29:14,359 Your man is as you love him to be. 286 00:29:14,480 --> 00:29:17,240 What we know is that you only want what is good for the nation. 287 00:29:17,359 --> 00:29:19,879 You have always been good and seeking the best. 288 00:29:24,039 --> 00:29:25,680 Yes, by God Almighty. 289 00:29:25,799 --> 00:29:28,119 You have always been good, seeking the best. 290 00:29:41,240 --> 00:29:47,000 What brings you out, Caliph, when you are in this condition? 291 00:29:47,119 --> 00:29:49,839 Won't you take care of yourself? 292 00:29:49,960 --> 00:29:54,079 Muslim people, listen to me. 293 00:29:56,400 --> 00:29:59,600 Do you accept the one I have chosen to succeed me? 294 00:30:00,519 --> 00:30:05,400 By God I have spared no effort in making the right choice. 295 00:30:05,519 --> 00:30:08,359 I did not appoint one who is related to me. 296 00:30:08,480 --> 00:30:12,079 I am appointing Umar Ibn Al-Khattab. 297 00:30:14,839 --> 00:30:22,240 - If you accept him, then obey him. - We accept. We listen and obey. 298 00:30:25,359 --> 00:30:30,159 My God, You know that my only wish is to ensure their welfare. 299 00:30:31,279 --> 00:30:36,559 I feared a split, and did what You know well. 300 00:30:37,160 --> 00:30:43,080 I did my best to make the right choice, and chose their best 301 00:30:43,200 --> 00:30:45,680 and the one who is most able to undertake the task. 302 00:30:45,799 --> 00:30:48,759 He is the keenest one to ensure what is best for them. 303 00:31:14,559 --> 00:31:19,359 You consulted people about me, but you did not consult me about myself. 304 00:31:19,480 --> 00:31:22,000 By God, I do not want it. 305 00:31:22,119 --> 00:31:25,399 Had I known that you want it, I would not have nominated you. 306 00:31:26,079 --> 00:31:28,439 Relieve me, Abu Bakr. 307 00:31:28,559 --> 00:31:32,639 By God, I will not. The Prophet's companions have agreed to you. 308 00:31:32,759 --> 00:31:36,160 If I have no option but to force you by the sword to accept, I would do so. 309 00:31:36,279 --> 00:31:39,759 Therefore, keep quiet and come closer. 310 00:31:49,279 --> 00:31:51,200 Fear God, Umar. 311 00:31:52,119 --> 00:31:56,359 Remember that those whose scales are preponderant on the Day of Judgement 312 00:31:56,480 --> 00:32:00,319 achieve this only by pursuing what is right during their lifetime. 313 00:32:00,440 --> 00:32:05,000 When the right is placed on the scales tomorrow, it will rightly be preponderant. 314 00:32:06,279 --> 00:32:09,240 When you remember the people of Paradise, say to yourself: 315 00:32:09,359 --> 00:32:11,639 I fear that I might not be joining them. 316 00:32:13,920 --> 00:32:16,759 And when you remember the people of hell, say to yourself: 317 00:32:16,880 --> 00:32:20,080 I hope that I will not be with them. 318 00:32:20,200 --> 00:32:23,120 In this way, you will be hopeful and apprehensive at the same time. 319 00:32:23,240 --> 00:32:28,160 You will neither be complacent nor despair of God's grace. 320 00:32:28,279 --> 00:32:35,879 Be kind to the Muslims. Always rule in fairness, even against yourself. 321 00:32:36,000 --> 00:32:41,559 I sincerely hope that God will bring about great victory 322 00:32:41,680 --> 00:32:43,600 and much goodness through you. 323 00:32:43,720 --> 00:32:49,400 If I die, make sure to invite people to join Al-Muthanna's army before the evening. 324 00:32:49,519 --> 00:32:55,119 If I die during the night, make sure to do that before the morning is out. 325 00:32:56,920 --> 00:33:04,600 If God grants victory to the commanders in Syria, send Khalid's men back to Iraq, 326 00:33:04,720 --> 00:33:11,160 as they are its people, 327 00:33:12,240 --> 00:33:16,160 and they are brave and good fighters. 328 00:33:29,079 --> 00:33:31,639 How much I long to be in the Prophet's company. 329 00:33:35,599 --> 00:33:38,599 In the name of God, the Lord of Grace, the Ever Merciful. 330 00:33:38,720 --> 00:33:43,720 This is the last order made by Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Quhafah 331 00:33:43,839 --> 00:33:49,879 as he is about to depart this life and start his future life. 332 00:33:50,000 --> 00:33:52,039 It is the time when an unbeliever will believe, 333 00:33:52,160 --> 00:33:56,600 a sinner will sincerely repent, and a liar will state the truth. 334 00:33:56,720 --> 00:34:01,360 I have appointed Umar Ibn Al-Khattab to be your ruler after me. 335 00:34:01,480 --> 00:34:04,160 Listen to what he says and obey him. 336 00:34:06,960 --> 00:34:09,960 I have spared no effort in making the right choice, 337 00:34:10,079 --> 00:34:13,880 giving good counsel for God and His messenger, and choosing well for Muslims. 338 00:34:14,000 --> 00:34:19,039 If he maintains justice, that is what is expected from him. 339 00:34:19,159 --> 00:34:23,159 If otherwise, everyone will bear the burden of his deeds. 340 00:34:23,280 --> 00:34:26,840 I only wish your goodness, but I do not know what will come in future. 341 00:34:26,960 --> 00:34:28,760 "Those who are bent on wrongdoing will in time know 342 00:34:28,880 --> 00:34:31,480 what an evil turn their destiny will surely take." 343 00:34:31,599 --> 00:34:35,119 We will obey. 344 00:34:35,239 --> 00:34:36,919 Come closer, Umar. 345 00:34:47,320 --> 00:34:49,400 Give us your hand to give you our pledges of loyalty. 346 00:35:05,320 --> 00:35:12,559 Aishah, none of my household I love more dearly than you. 347 00:35:12,679 --> 00:35:16,359 I once gave you an orchard as a gift. 348 00:35:16,480 --> 00:35:21,679 I feel some reluctance about it. Put it back in my estate. 349 00:35:26,199 --> 00:35:29,119 Ever since I assumed my position... 350 00:35:29,239 --> 00:35:34,959 I have taken nothing from the property of the Muslim state 351 00:35:35,079 --> 00:35:37,000 except what is rightfully mine. 352 00:35:37,119 --> 00:35:43,239 We only ate... 353 00:35:43,360 --> 00:35:48,559 and dressed just what is enough to keep us going. 354 00:35:48,679 --> 00:35:54,719 We received nothing from what the Muslims gained in war, 355 00:35:54,840 --> 00:36:01,000 except for the camel we use to draw water and that velvet cloth. 356 00:36:01,119 --> 00:36:07,799 When I die, send them to Umar and take neither of them. 357 00:36:12,760 --> 00:36:17,760 Umar kept insisting... 358 00:36:17,880 --> 00:36:21,640 until he assigned for me a salary from the treasury 359 00:36:21,760 --> 00:36:24,400 after I was chosen Caliph, 360 00:36:24,519 --> 00:36:27,320 so that I would be free to attend to the business of the Muslim community. 361 00:36:30,119 --> 00:36:33,119 I have an orchard in southern Madinah. 362 00:36:33,239 --> 00:36:35,639 This orchard is equivalent to what I received in salary. 363 00:36:35,760 --> 00:36:40,880 Give the orchard to Umar to put it in the public treasury, 364 00:36:42,519 --> 00:36:45,840 so that I owe nothing to anyone, 365 00:36:46,880 --> 00:36:51,559 and no one can say a word against me after I am gone. 366 00:37:00,280 --> 00:37:07,160 "Monday 21 Jumada II, 13 AH" 367 00:37:07,280 --> 00:37:09,760 O Successor of God's messenger 368 00:37:12,400 --> 00:37:20,360 You have burdened your people with a heavy load, 369 00:37:23,159 --> 00:37:26,519 and you have made it too hard for them to follow your example. 370 00:37:28,679 --> 00:37:30,960 How can any one catch up with you? 371 00:37:32,199 --> 00:37:35,079 To God we all belong; and to Him we all return. 372 00:37:36,280 --> 00:37:38,680 May God bestow His mercy on you, Abu Bakr. 373 00:37:40,599 --> 00:37:44,960 You were God's messenger's intimate friend, 374 00:37:45,079 --> 00:37:48,639 confidante, consultant and closest companion. 375 00:37:49,920 --> 00:37:54,880 God's messenger rightly described you as weak in body, 376 00:37:55,000 --> 00:37:58,400 strong in whatever relates to the divine faith. 377 00:37:58,519 --> 00:38:02,679 May God give you the company of Muhammad, His messenger. 378 00:38:02,800 --> 00:38:07,160 May He reward you and us, and may he protect us from error after you have gone. 379 00:38:07,280 --> 00:38:09,760 True. All you said is true, Abu Al-Hasan. 380 00:38:19,119 --> 00:38:26,559 The only one I love to meet God with a record similar to his is this man. 381 00:38:27,719 --> 00:38:31,599 Shall we bury him next to God's messenger, Abu Al-Hasan? 382 00:38:31,719 --> 00:38:34,599 This was his will, may God forgive him. 383 00:39:16,000 --> 00:39:19,920 What a heavy responsibility you will be shouldering, Umar. 384 00:39:22,719 --> 00:39:25,039 Well, well. 385 00:39:26,639 --> 00:39:30,319 You will either follow the footsteps of your two departed companions, 386 00:39:31,679 --> 00:39:33,839 or else you will come to ruin. 387 00:39:37,559 --> 00:39:42,000 My Lord, since You have given me such a heavy burden to carry, 388 00:39:43,599 --> 00:39:51,159 grant me strength to shoulder it. I have no strength of my own. 389 00:39:53,119 --> 00:39:56,000 All power and strength come from You. 390 00:40:25,440 --> 00:40:28,440 I noticed how much you have been turning in your sleep. 391 00:40:28,559 --> 00:40:30,799 It was as though you were lying on fire. 392 00:40:30,920 --> 00:40:34,639 Is this how a Caliph begins the first day in office? 393 00:40:35,519 --> 00:40:37,519 Atikah 394 00:40:38,440 --> 00:40:43,039 I fear for myself what will happen on the day when hearts and sights turn around. 395 00:40:44,000 --> 00:40:47,280 A man fears that God will question him about his household. 396 00:40:47,400 --> 00:40:50,160 How will I fare now that all Muslims depend on me? 397 00:40:50,280 --> 00:40:54,000 Seek God's help. You, Umar, are the one who is honest and strong. 398 00:40:55,039 --> 00:40:59,679 I don't know. I don't know. 399 00:41:01,559 --> 00:41:04,400 I fear that strength may be confused with hardness. 400 00:41:05,079 --> 00:41:10,960 I know that some of the Prophet's companions have feared my hardness. 401 00:41:11,079 --> 00:41:14,679 I certainly have the same fear. 402 00:41:16,719 --> 00:41:20,079 - What do you think, Atikah? - About what? 403 00:41:20,920 --> 00:41:22,639 My hardness. 404 00:41:25,920 --> 00:41:31,400 Your hardness is tamed by the fact that you are harder on yourself than on others, 405 00:41:31,519 --> 00:41:33,719 and that you use it only where it is right to use. 406 00:41:33,840 --> 00:41:36,519 Besides, you abide by what God has Revealed 407 00:41:36,639 --> 00:41:40,960 and you moderate it with forbearance and kindness where kindness is suitable. 408 00:41:41,079 --> 00:41:43,880 Go ahead and attend to your responsibility, Abu Hafs. 409 00:41:44,000 --> 00:41:46,679 God will not let you down. 410 00:41:46,800 --> 00:41:52,560 May God bless you, Atikah. You have eased some of my worries. 411 13:35:59,959 --> 13:36:09,959 Edited by: Ahmed Mersal. Proofread by: Doaa Timecoded by: Sanaa Yousrey.