1 00:02:21,402 --> 00:02:25,671 Farouk Omar (Omar Ibn Al-Khattab) 2 00:02:26,725 --> 00:02:30,200 Episode 27. 3 00:02:30,730 --> 00:02:34,325 "Caution: The following show contains disturbing images for young children" 4 00:04:20,535 --> 00:04:23,074 May God have mercy on your brother, Al-Muthana. 5 00:04:23,415 --> 00:04:25,041 May God have mercy on us all. 6 00:04:25,791 --> 00:04:30,166 He said this: "When you meet Saad, give him my advice" 7 00:04:33,228 --> 00:04:35,824 Tell him that he must not fight the enemy 8 00:04:36,218 --> 00:04:40,969 when they have their forces in their own land. 9 00:04:41,524 --> 00:04:49,249 He should fight them at their borders; at the closest point of Arab land 10 00:04:49,791 --> 00:04:53,024 and the nearest point to Persian land. 11 00:04:56,986 --> 00:05:00,115 If God grants victory to the Muslims, 12 00:05:00,842 --> 00:05:03,640 they can take what is beyond them. 13 00:05:04,323 --> 00:05:08,886 Otherwise, they can join another group 14 00:05:09,419 --> 00:05:15,447 where they will be well aware of their routes. 15 00:05:15,728 --> 00:05:18,855 They can regroup for another encounter. 16 00:05:19,433 --> 00:05:22,401 Ameer Al-Mu'mineen has given similar instructions. 17 00:05:23,121 --> 00:05:26,000 It shall be Al-Qadisiyyah, God willing. 18 00:05:30,589 --> 00:05:32,727 Peace be to you with God's mercy. 19 00:05:33,057 --> 00:05:35,868 And to you be peace with God's mercy. 20 00:05:36,956 --> 00:05:41,478 Umar! I knew you since you were nicknamed Umair at the Ukaz market. 21 00:05:41,807 --> 00:05:43,749 You frightened boys with your stick. 22 00:05:44,075 --> 00:05:47,387 It was not long later when you became Umar, 23 00:05:47,714 --> 00:05:51,636 then again it was not much longer before you became Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 24 00:05:52,001 --> 00:05:54,290 Fear God in dealing with your subjects. 25 00:05:55,870 --> 00:05:58,477 Know that a person who fears the Day of Judgement 26 00:05:58,774 --> 00:06:00,823 will find what is distant to be close at hand. 27 00:06:00,974 --> 00:06:03,501 Whoever fears death, is apprehensive of finding food. 28 00:06:03,910 --> 00:06:06,018 You have been too hard on Ameer Al-Mu'mineen, woman. 29 00:06:06,274 --> 00:06:08,188 Leave her alone. Don't you know her? 30 00:06:09,827 --> 00:06:12,688 She is Khawlah bint Thaalabah 31 00:06:12,923 --> 00:06:17,390 whose complaint God heard above the universe, 32 00:06:18,000 --> 00:06:20,060 as He states concerning her: 33 00:06:21,736 --> 00:06:25,218 God has heard the words of the woman who pleads with you concerning her husband. 34 00:06:25,687 --> 00:06:27,627 and complains to God." (Surat Al-Mujadilah/ The Pleading Woman, verse 1) 35 00:06:28,561 --> 00:06:30,813 It behoves Umar to listen to her. 36 00:06:31,814 --> 00:06:36,170 This is a wretched woman who has been good to her husband. 37 00:06:36,514 --> 00:06:38,391 She took good care of her children and household. 38 00:06:38,811 --> 00:06:41,529 After she spent most of her life doing this, 39 00:06:41,861 --> 00:06:44,408 Her husband had abandoned her and is about to divorce her, 40 00:06:44,811 --> 00:06:46,893 when she has done him no wrong. 41 00:06:47,908 --> 00:06:52,437 You have placed yourself in regard to your people in the position of a father. 42 00:06:52,724 --> 00:06:55,563 Will you be happy that this poor woman should be returned 43 00:06:55,873 --> 00:06:58,313 to a brother who has a family to look after? 44 00:07:04,358 --> 00:07:08,579 You! I learnt that you have abandoned your wife 45 00:07:08,857 --> 00:07:10,874 and are about to divorce her 46 00:07:11,296 --> 00:07:15,893 when people speak highly of her character and firm faith. 47 00:07:16,251 --> 00:07:18,062 Have you found her rebellious 48 00:07:18,326 --> 00:07:22,030 or do you complaint of anything in her character in order to divorce her? 49 00:07:22,329 --> 00:07:25,297 By no means. I will only state the truth. 50 00:07:25,597 --> 00:07:27,997 She is as good as you said, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 51 00:07:28,263 --> 00:07:30,638 But I do not love her. 52 00:07:31,660 --> 00:07:34,434 Are all family homes based on love? 53 00:07:34,764 --> 00:07:36,608 What is left for kindness and generous care? 54 00:07:36,957 --> 00:07:41,558 Did anyone force you to marry her in the first place? 55 00:07:41,793 --> 00:07:49,108 Look, man! When we marry, we give our wives a most solemn pledge. 56 00:07:49,514 --> 00:07:51,075 A woman then bears children, 57 00:07:51,392 --> 00:07:53,748 going through pregnancy in stages of successive weakness, 58 00:07:54,048 --> 00:07:57,435 then she breast-feeds and takes care of the young children and the sick. 59 00:07:57,746 --> 00:08:00,826 All this at the expense of her own health and youth. 60 00:08:01,109 --> 00:08:03,410 How fair is it that when she is middle aged, 61 00:08:03,685 --> 00:08:05,685 her husband turns away from her. 62 00:08:06,638 --> 00:08:10,731 Had she been negligent of her home and family, 63 00:08:11,124 --> 00:08:14,278 concentrating on herself and her physical appearance, 64 00:08:14,576 --> 00:08:16,765 her husband would be the first to criticize her, 65 00:08:17,109 --> 00:08:19,639 saying that she is a bad housewife and mother. 66 00:08:20,015 --> 00:08:21,531 Where will she go? 67 00:08:22,327 --> 00:08:24,887 How about integrity and faithfulness? 68 00:08:25,214 --> 00:08:27,910 Fear God in your treatment of your women. 69 00:08:34,834 --> 00:08:36,556 And you? 70 00:08:36,867 --> 00:08:39,084 Someone has come with a proposal to your sister, 71 00:08:39,339 --> 00:08:41,160 offering a plentiful dowry. 72 00:08:41,447 --> 00:08:44,537 He is a man of good character, morality and position. 73 00:08:44,756 --> 00:08:49,884 I heard that she is keen on him, but you refuse. Why? 74 00:08:51,180 --> 00:08:53,242 Ameer Al-Mu'mineen! 75 00:08:53,537 --> 00:08:58,491 He is an ally while we belong to Quraysh. 76 00:08:58,534 --> 00:09:00,444 We have a high social position. 77 00:09:00,854 --> 00:09:03,440 He is incompatible to us. 78 00:09:04,837 --> 00:09:08,410 He has a good standing in both this life and the life to come. 79 00:09:08,754 --> 00:09:10,960 The first is his wealth, 80 00:09:11,271 --> 00:09:14,138 while that of the Hereafter is that he is God-fearing. 81 00:09:14,521 --> 00:09:19,587 Approve this marriage since the woman is willing. 82 00:09:20,410 --> 00:09:24,101 We all descend from Adam, and Adam was created out of clay. 83 00:09:24,570 --> 00:09:28,087 The noblest of us are the most God-fearing. 84 00:09:30,721 --> 00:09:32,190 Wait a minute. 85 00:09:34,677 --> 00:09:39,660 You mentioned Quraysh, and this reminds me. 86 00:09:40,539 --> 00:09:43,987 Let anyone here from Quraysh listen, 87 00:09:44,610 --> 00:09:47,627 and tell others you know. 88 00:09:48,611 --> 00:09:51,922 I have learnt that you have your groups, 89 00:09:52,705 --> 00:09:57,721 with people sticking to their own friends and relatives. 90 00:09:58,048 --> 00:10:02,472 People now say: "this one belongs to the group of so and so, 91 00:10:02,725 --> 00:10:05,236 and this one is a friend of such and such." 92 00:10:05,487 --> 00:10:08,439 Everyone remains close to his own group. 93 00:10:08,772 --> 00:10:19,001 I fear that this would lead to people splitting into groups and divisions, 94 00:10:19,345 --> 00:10:24,072 "each of which are content with what they have." (Surat Ar-Rum/The Byzantines, verse 32) 95 00:10:24,440 --> 00:10:30,268 Should the Muslim community face a serious or emergency situation, 96 00:10:30,627 --> 00:10:36,771 people will go to their own groups to agree a plan. 97 00:10:37,286 --> 00:10:49,987 By God, this will quickly undermine your faith, honour and unity. 98 00:10:52,243 --> 00:10:55,690 I can see people in future generations saying: 99 00:10:56,019 --> 00:10:58,080 this is the view of so and so, 100 00:10:58,492 --> 00:11:01,552 splitting Islam into sections and divisions. 101 00:11:01,870 --> 00:11:05,642 It will not take long before an elite comes to be distinguished from the rest of society. 102 00:11:05,986 --> 00:11:10,080 People will thus go back to their old ways of jahiliyyah. 103 00:11:10,882 --> 00:11:16,910 "Al-Qadisiyyah" 104 00:11:30,659 --> 00:11:34,706 As for your leg, it is a case of sciatica, 105 00:11:35,036 --> 00:11:37,925 but I have no idea what this rash is. 106 00:11:39,080 --> 00:11:41,926 It may be that the local climate has not suited you. 107 00:11:42,369 --> 00:11:44,287 The cause is irrelevant. 108 00:11:44,625 --> 00:11:48,121 Give me some treatment for it. 109 00:11:48,768 --> 00:11:54,353 The enemy has encamped close by and I am in this state: 110 00:11:54,749 --> 00:11:59,737 I can neither ride nor walk, nor even turn on one side. 111 00:12:01,786 --> 00:12:05,642 I will do what I can. But... 112 00:12:06,721 --> 00:12:11,920 In all honesty. I have no cure for anything like this now. 113 00:12:12,609 --> 00:12:19,876 Even if I had, this will not disappear overnight. 114 00:12:52,219 --> 00:12:56,861 What am I to do? We are about to face our enemy. 115 00:12:57,922 --> 00:13:00,547 The best plan is that you stay in this palace, 116 00:13:00,880 --> 00:13:03,330 and to appoint someone to deputize for you among the soldiers. 117 00:13:03,673 --> 00:13:06,641 You give him your orders from here and he passes on your orders. 118 00:13:08,145 --> 00:13:11,579 - And if war breaks out? - The same applies. 119 00:13:11,942 --> 00:13:15,125 The Al-Qadisiyyah plain is between this palace and the river. 120 00:13:15,580 --> 00:13:17,579 When the army is ready to fight, 121 00:13:17,896 --> 00:13:21,111 you will be in the balcony with the people seeing you. 122 00:13:22,173 --> 00:13:26,832 You can send your instructions to the army with messengers. 123 00:13:27,160 --> 00:13:28,831 And will I miss fighting? 124 00:13:29,173 --> 00:13:31,483 You will not miss it when you are the commander. 125 00:13:31,813 --> 00:13:35,163 The commander's more important role is his management of the battle. 126 00:13:35,861 --> 00:13:40,482 All powers operate by God's will. All powers operate by God's will. 127 00:13:40,734 --> 00:13:42,566 I pray you will be alright. 128 00:13:46,199 --> 00:13:52,506 Salma, you are not safe here when the fighting begins. 129 00:13:53,271 --> 00:13:58,143 Will you please move to the women's tents and stay with them? 130 00:13:58,393 --> 00:14:02,971 By God, I shall not do that. If some Persians get to us here, 131 00:14:02,980 --> 00:14:05,349 I will fight to the death, defending us both. 132 00:14:05,770 --> 00:14:08,769 May God give you speedy recovery, Commander. 133 00:14:09,493 --> 00:14:10,972 Welcome to Al-Khansa'. 134 00:14:14,380 --> 00:14:16,037 What brings you from the women's tent? 135 00:14:16,394 --> 00:14:18,049 I visited my sons. 136 00:14:19,413 --> 00:14:23,455 I learnt of your illness, and I thought I better visit you 137 00:14:23,884 --> 00:14:28,379 and see what Salma may need to help her as best as I can. 138 00:14:29,551 --> 00:14:31,505 May God reward you. 139 00:14:33,581 --> 00:14:35,955 Help me by praying for me, Khansa'. 140 00:14:39,358 --> 00:14:42,578 Tell me what you did with Ameer Al-Mu'mineen, 141 00:14:43,169 --> 00:14:45,160 when he saw you during the Pilgrimage (Hajj). 142 00:14:45,485 --> 00:14:51,120 Umar! By God I have not known anyone like him. 143 00:14:52,028 --> 00:14:56,233 I used to hear people saying that he is hard, 144 00:14:56,545 --> 00:15:00,871 and I feared to meet him, as I had done what you know. 145 00:15:03,656 --> 00:15:04,989 What's that? 146 00:15:06,919 --> 00:15:09,749 In pre-Islamic days 147 00:15:10,061 --> 00:15:13,622 I vowed I would never be out of mourning for my brother Sakhr. 148 00:15:14,045 --> 00:15:17,763 After I became a Muslim, I continued in the same fashion: 149 00:15:18,279 --> 00:15:23,560 a shaven head, keeping Sakhr's shoes around my neck. 150 00:15:24,830 --> 00:15:31,045 People blamed me, saying that Islam forbids all this, 151 00:15:31,512 --> 00:15:34,455 but I paid no heed. 152 00:15:35,811 --> 00:15:37,955 They even put a complaint to Umar. 153 00:15:39,323 --> 00:15:42,341 He met me while I was performing the tawaf around the Kaabah. 154 00:15:43,013 --> 00:15:47,340 By God, he neither reproached nor forced me. 155 00:15:47,840 --> 00:15:54,683 He only said: "Khunas! What made your eyes shed so much tears?" 156 00:15:55,973 --> 00:15:59,934 I said: "Crying for the chiefs of Mudar". 157 00:16:01,279 --> 00:16:05,637 He said: "Those were people who died in the days of jahiliyyah." 158 00:16:07,480 --> 00:16:12,373 I said: "I used to cry for them, urging revenge." 159 00:16:12,995 --> 00:16:17,324 "Now I cry for their fate in hell". 160 00:16:18,590 --> 00:16:22,797 He asked me to recite some of my poetry about Sakhr. 161 00:16:24,712 --> 00:16:27,780 I said: "The old or the new?" 162 00:16:28,206 --> 00:16:31,494 He said: "Is there something new?" 163 00:16:32,243 --> 00:16:36,640 I answered: "Yes. My eyes will not stop weeping for him". 164 00:16:37,559 --> 00:16:40,886 He said: "The new, then." 165 00:16:41,558 --> 00:16:43,980 I recited some of my recent poems. 166 00:16:44,289 --> 00:16:49,118 He wept, remembering his brother, Zaid Ibn Al-Khattab 167 00:16:49,358 --> 00:16:51,743 who was a martyr in the Battle of Al-Yamamah. 168 00:16:52,619 --> 00:16:56,091 Then he turned to the people and said: 169 00:16:57,526 --> 00:17:02,964 "Leave her alone. She will remain sad for the rest of her life." 170 00:17:05,447 --> 00:17:08,198 "People will always weep for their loved ones." 171 00:17:10,714 --> 00:17:15,948 I never saw a kinder person, yet he is Umar. 172 00:17:21,092 --> 00:17:23,994 But then you abandoned the mourning of pre-Islamic days. 173 00:17:24,294 --> 00:17:28,680 That was after visiting Aishah, the Mother of the believers. 174 00:17:29,420 --> 00:17:32,619 She admonished me and said: 175 00:17:33,525 --> 00:17:38,526 "I lost God's Messenger (Peace Be Upon Him)," 176 00:17:39,247 --> 00:17:41,592 "who was the best man ever." 177 00:17:42,054 --> 00:17:45,358 "Yet I never did anything in mourning more than what Islam permits." 178 00:17:46,913 --> 00:17:49,026 How pleasant it is to listen to you. 179 00:17:50,370 --> 00:17:54,164 You have eased my pain a little. 180 00:17:59,086 --> 00:18:00,589 The population has increased 181 00:18:00,993 --> 00:18:04,696 due to the numerous Arabs who come to settle in Madinah. 182 00:18:05,867 --> 00:18:08,603 The Prophet's mosque has become too small for them. 183 00:18:09,386 --> 00:18:13,743 I think we should extend it and rebuild it 184 00:18:13,994 --> 00:18:18,400 so that it is more solidly founded and well protected from rain. 185 00:18:19,304 --> 00:18:20,994 What do you think? 186 00:18:21,339 --> 00:18:25,162 Extension is necessary, but how big? 187 00:18:27,022 --> 00:18:29,710 I have looked into the matter. 188 00:18:29,810 --> 00:18:34,791 I think it should be ten yards (9.14 meters) at the qiblah side, 189 00:18:35,104 --> 00:18:38,649 twenty yards (18.28 meters) to the west and to the north... 190 00:18:38,867 --> 00:18:40,041 Ameer Al-Mu'mineen! 191 00:18:40,384 --> 00:18:42,535 Come with me and help me against Ubaidillah Ibn Saad. 192 00:18:42,699 --> 00:18:43,995 He has been unfair to me. 193 00:18:44,568 --> 00:18:47,854 Don't you see that I am busy with my companions? 194 00:18:48,135 --> 00:18:50,649 You leave Umar when he comes to you, 195 00:18:50,961 --> 00:18:55,368 but when you see him busy with matters of the Muslim community you come to him! 196 00:18:55,650 --> 00:18:58,561 What wrong have I done? 197 00:19:01,048 --> 00:19:03,144 You were saying "to the north..." 198 00:19:04,579 --> 00:19:07,017 All power operates by God's will. 199 00:19:08,331 --> 00:19:10,047 What have you done, Umar? 200 00:19:10,969 --> 00:19:15,142 Aslam! Run after the man and bring him back to me. Now. 201 00:19:17,655 --> 00:19:19,878 All power operates by God's will. 202 00:19:20,892 --> 00:19:23,488 All power operates by God's will. 203 00:19:28,296 --> 00:19:34,830 You, man; come back with me to Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 204 00:19:40,748 --> 00:19:43,030 You have punished me, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen! 205 00:19:43,326 --> 00:19:44,942 What would you like? 206 00:19:45,515 --> 00:19:48,529 Take up the whip and hit me as I hit you. 207 00:19:50,298 --> 00:19:52,298 Do as I told you. 208 00:19:52,612 --> 00:19:55,015 Do not let me bear this sin in front of God. 209 00:20:10,780 --> 00:20:12,403 No, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen! 210 00:20:12,731 --> 00:20:14,673 I leave it for God's sake and your sake. 211 00:20:14,968 --> 00:20:16,266 Not like this. 212 00:20:16,594 --> 00:20:20,127 You either leave it for God's sake and in hope of His reward, 213 00:20:20,549 --> 00:20:23,943 or give it back to me and I know that. 214 00:20:24,956 --> 00:20:28,610 I leave it for God's sake, and I forgive. 215 00:20:32,049 --> 00:20:34,356 May God forgive you your sins. 216 00:20:39,875 --> 00:20:41,673 Ibn Al-Khattab! 217 00:20:43,749 --> 00:20:46,924 You were a humble person and God elevated you, 218 00:20:48,361 --> 00:20:52,187 going astray but God gave you guidance, 219 00:20:53,081 --> 00:20:56,982 humiliated and He gave you strength. 220 00:20:58,547 --> 00:21:01,811 He then gave you the authority over the Muslim community. 221 00:21:02,500 --> 00:21:06,468 Then a man came to complain to you, and you hit him. 222 00:21:07,035 --> 00:21:10,283 What will you say to God when He questions you? 223 00:21:11,875 --> 00:21:15,561 My Lord, unless You forgive Umar, then Umar is ruined. 224 00:21:16,125 --> 00:21:17,202 It is enough, Umar. 225 00:21:17,519 --> 00:21:19,896 You have been very fair to the man, and he has forgiven. 226 00:21:20,250 --> 00:21:22,189 May God forgive you and him. 227 00:21:23,406 --> 00:21:25,594 But I have not forgiven myself. 228 00:21:26,811 --> 00:21:30,232 I have softened before people until it was said that I would never be hard, 229 00:21:31,096 --> 00:21:34,662 and I hardened before them until it was said that I would not soften. 230 00:21:34,969 --> 00:21:36,500 What else can I do? 231 00:21:46,485 --> 00:21:48,643 May God bestow His grace on Abu Bakr. 232 00:21:50,112 --> 00:21:52,659 May God bestow His grace on Abu Bakr. 233 00:21:54,046 --> 00:21:56,783 I would have been better without all this. 234 00:21:59,079 --> 00:22:04,062 I wish I will come out of it with a clean record, neither for nor against me. 235 00:23:52,147 --> 00:23:56,215 Muslims! Be patient. 236 00:23:57,982 --> 00:24:02,638 Martyrdom and paradise are waiting for us. 237 00:24:02,935 --> 00:24:04,482 God is Supreme! 238 00:24:40,559 --> 00:24:42,966 God is Supreme! 239 00:24:43,298 --> 00:24:45,680 God is Supreme! 240 00:24:46,089 --> 00:24:47,679 God is Supreme! 241 00:24:48,497 --> 00:24:50,278 God is Supreme! 242 00:24:50,603 --> 00:24:52,243 God is Supreme! 243 00:24:52,554 --> 00:24:54,681 God is Supreme! 244 00:24:55,009 --> 00:24:58,886 God is Supreme! 245 00:24:59,136 --> 00:25:01,692 God is Supreme! 246 00:25:02,225 --> 00:25:06,801 God is Supreme! 247 00:25:11,256 --> 00:25:13,976 God is Supreme! 248 00:25:14,299 --> 00:25:19,003 God is Supreme! 249 00:27:06,085 --> 00:27:10,226 God is Supreme! 250 00:28:46,036 --> 00:28:47,802 Give my instructions to Tameem. 251 00:28:48,227 --> 00:28:52,413 Let them be quick to the rescue of Asad against the elephants. 252 00:29:40,144 --> 00:29:41,798 How courageous are Tameem! 253 00:29:42,220 --> 00:29:44,037 And how courageous Asad! 254 00:30:08,033 --> 00:30:10,970 It is great what you have done today for God's cause. 255 00:30:11,235 --> 00:30:12,986 Do not slacken tomorrow. 256 00:30:15,099 --> 00:30:20,192 If the morning finds you safe, meet your enemy with clear vision, 257 00:30:20,429 --> 00:30:22,705 seeking God's help against His enemies. 258 00:30:23,782 --> 00:30:26,616 When the battle is in earnest, 259 00:30:26,955 --> 00:30:31,081 be at the thick of it and fight the bravest of their soldiers. 260 00:30:31,335 --> 00:30:34,148 That ensures a great win and honour. 261 00:30:58,020 --> 00:31:04,266 Muslims! We are about to reach our brothers at Al-Qadisiyyah. 262 00:31:05,187 --> 00:31:08,706 I think we better not join them as one group. 263 00:31:09,064 --> 00:31:15,316 We split ourselves in ten groups, each includes 100 men. 264 00:31:15,833 --> 00:31:22,728 Every group marches when the preceding one is about to disappear from sight. 265 00:31:23,016 --> 00:31:27,706 Both parties will thus think that reinforcements are coming thick and fast, 266 00:31:27,906 --> 00:31:30,017 with no apparent end. 267 00:31:30,315 --> 00:31:35,346 The Muslims will be encouraged and the Persians will be weakened. 268 00:32:23,247 --> 00:32:24,971 I do not see their elephants. 269 00:32:25,268 --> 00:32:27,187 Maybe they are mending their howdahs. 270 00:32:27,598 --> 00:32:29,437 They are not useful without them. 271 00:32:30,441 --> 00:32:33,847 Praise be to God. Praise be to God. 272 00:32:55,278 --> 00:32:58,263 God is Supreme! 273 00:32:58,483 --> 00:33:00,234 God is Supreme! 274 00:33:00,512 --> 00:33:05,141 God is Supreme! 275 00:33:33,996 --> 00:33:41,729 People of Islam! I am your brother Al-Qa'qa' Ibn Amr of Tameem. 276 00:33:42,277 --> 00:33:44,340 Rejoice and persevere. 277 00:33:44,856 --> 00:33:49,688 Reinforcements from Syria are coming thick and fast. 278 00:33:50,074 --> 00:33:54,906 We are only the first batch. 279 00:33:55,513 --> 00:34:01,141 Behind us are thousands with Hisham Ibn Utbah. 280 00:34:01,638 --> 00:34:03,167 God is Supreme! 281 00:34:03,175 --> 00:34:05,188 God is Supreme! 282 00:34:05,407 --> 00:34:06,668 God is Supreme! 283 00:34:06,887 --> 00:34:09,918 God is Supreme! 284 00:34:14,574 --> 00:34:18,074 Welcome to Al-Qa'qa', Tameem's brother. 285 00:34:18,917 --> 00:34:21,746 Welcome to the one of whom Abu-Bakr said: 286 00:34:21,996 --> 00:34:25,941 "By God's will, an army that includes Al Qa'qa' will not suffer defeat." 287 00:34:26,264 --> 00:34:29,592 Your nephew Hisham Ibn Utbah sent me with this advance group, 288 00:34:29,841 --> 00:34:32,371 and he speeded up while the others will follow. 289 00:34:48,994 --> 00:34:53,998 God is Supreme! 290 00:34:54,229 --> 00:34:57,559 God is Supreme! 291 00:34:57,965 --> 00:35:02,668 God is Supreme! 292 00:35:02,918 --> 00:35:05,181 God is Supreme! 293 00:35:11,388 --> 00:35:13,696 God is Supreme! 294 00:35:21,071 --> 00:35:23,294 Anyone for a duel? 295 00:35:27,341 --> 00:35:29,421 Anyone for a duel? 296 00:35:47,133 --> 00:35:48,414 What is your name? 297 00:35:48,696 --> 00:35:50,680 I am Bahman Jathaweih. 298 00:35:51,009 --> 00:35:54,216 Here is revenge for Abu Ubaid and the Bridge people. 299 00:37:15,243 --> 00:37:18,899 God is Supreme! 300 00:37:20,526 --> 00:37:22,134 God is Supreme! 301 00:37:22,399 --> 00:37:24,416 God is Supreme! 302 00:37:24,730 --> 00:37:26,743 God is Supreme! 303 00:37:39,027 --> 00:37:40,825 God is Supreme! 304 00:37:41,136 --> 00:37:42,877 God is Supreme! 305 00:37:47,842 --> 00:37:49,964 God is Supreme! 306 00:37:50,634 --> 00:37:54,931 Bring me another one! 307 00:38:35,224 --> 00:38:36,918 God is Supreme! 308 00:38:38,584 --> 00:38:41,198 God is Supreme! 309 00:38:41,713 --> 00:38:43,398 God is Supreme! 310 00:39:25,786 --> 00:39:29,742 God is Supreme! 311 00:39:30,397 --> 00:39:32,975 How admirable you are, Al-Qa'qa'. 312 00:39:33,303 --> 00:39:36,098 Two of their commanders are gone, with a third. 313 00:39:44,666 --> 00:39:48,084 God is Supreme! 314 00:40:01,192 --> 00:40:04,052 Wouldn't your commander come out?! 315 00:40:04,958 --> 00:40:07,692 Don't you have a commander anymore? 316 00:40:11,537 --> 00:40:12,869 God is Supreme! 317 00:40:14,242 --> 00:40:17,257 God is Supreme! 318 00:40:17,493 --> 00:40:22,661 Muslim people! Fight with your swords. 319 00:40:22,910 --> 00:40:25,206 You can take them. 320 00:40:25,553 --> 00:40:27,207 God is Supreme! 321 00:40:27,475 --> 00:40:32,331 God is Supreme! 322 00:41:02,254 --> 00:41:04,931 God is Supreme! 323 00:41:05,457 --> 00:41:09,565 God is Supreme! 324 00:42:22,042 --> 00:42:26,297 Farouk Omar