1 00:02:21,381 --> 00:02:25,794 Farouk Omar (Omar Ibn Al-Khattab) 2 00:02:26,620 --> 00:02:28,277 28th Episode 3 00:02:30,731 --> 00:02:34,186 "Caution: The following show contains disturbing images for young children" 4 00:02:41,282 --> 00:02:43,580 - Do you know anything about my sons? - I don't know. 5 00:02:48,340 --> 00:02:50,812 - Do you have any news of my sons? - I don't know. 6 00:02:56,094 --> 00:03:00,359 Do you have any news for me? I am Al-Khansa' 7 00:03:11,076 --> 00:03:15,218 Hisham Ibn Utbah and the troops coming with him from Syria seem to be delayed. 8 00:03:15,575 --> 00:03:19,031 We have given people high hopes of his arrival with 6.000 men. 9 00:03:19,335 --> 00:03:22,375 We are about to meet our enemy on the third day of the Battle of Al-Qadisiyyah. 10 00:03:22,670 --> 00:03:24,844 We do not want people to be disheartened. 11 00:03:25,110 --> 00:03:28,259 I think you better move out stealthily to beyond Al-Qadisiyyah, 12 00:03:28,302 --> 00:03:32,881 at this time of night, making sure that you are unnoticed. 13 00:03:33,195 --> 00:03:37,445 Then when it is broad daylight, you come to us one hundred after one hundred, 14 00:03:37,715 --> 00:03:39,698 like we did the first time. 15 00:03:40,010 --> 00:03:45,979 If Hisham arrives, well and good. If not, you heighten people's hopes. 16 00:03:47,538 --> 00:03:52,154 They fought very hard (fiercely). May God accept their efforts 17 00:03:52,461 --> 00:03:57,886 and may He comfort you. Remain patient and make them an offering to God. 18 00:04:00,361 --> 00:04:03,716 I will only say what pleases my Lord. 19 00:04:04,008 --> 00:04:06,919 We all belong to God and to Him we all return. 20 00:04:07,915 --> 00:04:12,157 I praise God for honouring me with them being martyrs for His cause. 21 00:04:14,562 --> 00:04:19,198 May He reunite me with them in the place of His ultimate grace. 22 00:06:32,754 --> 00:06:36,837 Look. By God, they are Hisham Ibn Utbah's advance party. 23 00:06:45,788 --> 00:06:48,866 All praise be to God who has brought you before the fighting starts. 24 00:06:49,166 --> 00:06:51,431 Soldiers are taking their positions for the third day of the battle. 25 00:06:51,742 --> 00:06:53,185 Where are the rest of your forces? 26 00:06:53,435 --> 00:06:54,998 They will soon be arriving. 27 00:06:55,259 --> 00:06:59,840 I have split them into sections, with some distance between them. 28 00:07:00,110 --> 00:07:01,755 What are you doing here? 29 00:07:18,026 --> 00:07:22,620 This is a good trick. I will do the same with my group. 30 00:07:22,936 --> 00:07:26,336 You move on now. 31 00:07:48,026 --> 00:07:49,982 All praise be to God. 32 00:07:50,235 --> 00:07:51,720 God is Supreme! 33 00:07:52,123 --> 00:07:53,871 God is Supreme! 34 00:07:58,909 --> 00:08:03,420 - God is Supreme! - God is Supreme! 35 00:08:03,682 --> 00:08:06,733 - God is Supreme! - God is Supreme! 36 00:08:06,997 --> 00:08:09,986 - God is Supreme! - God is Supreme! 37 00:09:09,201 --> 00:09:10,842 Bring me some soldiers who belong to the people of this land. 38 00:09:11,137 --> 00:09:13,785 I want to ask them about these elephants. Hurry. 39 00:09:23,270 --> 00:09:25,249 Advance! 40 00:09:44,640 --> 00:09:47,596 God is Supreme! God is Supreme! 41 00:09:54,735 --> 00:09:57,939 Al-Qa'qa and Asim, with a group of horsemen, 42 00:09:58,226 --> 00:10:02,177 will move towards the leading elephant, as the rest follow him. 43 00:10:02,837 --> 00:10:05,017 They should strike the elephant in his eyes and mouth. 44 00:11:30,261 --> 00:11:31,927 God is Supreme! 45 00:11:55,087 --> 00:11:56,453 God is Supreme! 46 00:11:57,106 --> 00:11:59,326 God is Supreme! 47 00:12:06,714 --> 00:12:10,851 Retreat. 48 00:12:11,385 --> 00:12:13,873 - God is Supreme! - God is Supreme! 49 00:12:18,888 --> 00:12:20,181 God is Supreme! 50 00:12:27,312 --> 00:12:32,319 God is Supreme! 51 00:12:32,733 --> 00:12:38,242 God is Supreme! 52 00:12:38,665 --> 00:12:43,743 God is Supreme! 53 00:12:45,797 --> 00:12:51,667 God is Supreme! 54 00:12:53,542 --> 00:12:57,043 God is Supreme! 55 00:13:24,327 --> 00:13:27,328 - Where have you come from? - Najd. 56 00:13:27,606 --> 00:13:31,006 Have you heard any news of Iraq and the people at Al-Qadisiyyah? 57 00:13:31,070 --> 00:13:35,476 Everyone we met in every area is awaiting the news as you do. 58 00:13:37,765 --> 00:13:40,903 We set out from Najd without having heard anything. 59 00:13:41,231 --> 00:13:45,860 May God please you, brother, and please us with the news we hope. 60 00:13:46,169 --> 00:13:49,668 God willing. God willing. 61 00:13:55,254 --> 00:13:57,693 It is several days now and you continue to ask travellers, 62 00:13:57,985 --> 00:14:02,413 but cannot find an answer, father. It is midday and it is far too hot. 63 00:14:02,758 --> 00:14:06,548 Wouldn't it be better for you to go back and await the news that will please you? 64 00:14:07,364 --> 00:14:10,083 When Saad's messenger comes, he will not miss you. 65 00:14:10,439 --> 00:14:13,280 You are not hastening the arrival of the news by coming out of Madinah, 66 00:14:13,600 --> 00:14:16,176 nor will you delay it by staying at home. 67 00:14:19,629 --> 00:14:25,382 You go back, Abdullah. As for me, I am unable to sit 68 00:14:26,191 --> 00:14:29,755 and I can hardly sleep until I learn what God has done to our brothers. 69 00:14:34,276 --> 00:14:37,517 Haven't you heard the order of your father and Ameer Al-Mu'mineen? 70 00:14:37,802 --> 00:14:40,605 You will be guilty of two offences if you stay. Get on (Go now). 71 00:14:40,960 --> 00:14:43,846 Will you stay alone? I will keep you company. 72 00:14:46,165 --> 00:14:48,648 The only company I need is the News of victory, God willing. 73 00:15:48,195 --> 00:15:50,916 - Where have you come from? - From Al-Qadisiyyah. 74 00:15:54,805 --> 00:15:59,431 - Tell me, please. - God has defeated the unbelievers. 75 00:16:06,776 --> 00:16:09,545 Four days that were harder than Yarmuk. 76 00:16:09,828 --> 00:16:12,400 We had great difficulty against the elephants, 77 00:16:12,733 --> 00:16:15,051 until God helped us against them. 78 00:16:16,605 --> 00:16:19,843 - What about their commander? - Rustom? 79 00:16:20,247 --> 00:16:23,309 He was killed, as were most of their commanders. 80 00:16:23,612 --> 00:16:26,557 Saad ordered a chase to capture those who fled. 81 00:16:26,860 --> 00:16:30,978 Al-Qa'qa' chased them with his unit. He killed Al-Fairuzan, 82 00:16:31,215 --> 00:16:35,186 who is one of their top commanders. Only Al-Hurmuzan escaped. 83 00:16:36,015 --> 00:16:42,044 - What about the Muslim casualties? - Eight thousand and five hundred. 84 00:16:51,108 --> 00:16:54,091 Do you know where I can find Ameer Al-Mu'mineen? 85 00:17:07,582 --> 00:17:09,725 Prepare yourself to leave with the palace men. Straightaway. 86 00:17:09,877 --> 00:17:11,856 Won't you fight for your ancestors' kingdom? 87 00:17:12,887 --> 00:17:15,091 Had there been anything left of my ancestors' kingdom, I would fight for it. 88 00:17:15,433 --> 00:17:18,253 But to be killed in a disappearing kingdom is plain folly. 89 00:17:18,722 --> 00:17:20,279 How can you say this? 90 00:17:20,639 --> 00:17:23,003 Do you leave Al-Mada'in to its fate and leave, when you are... 91 00:17:23,276 --> 00:17:26,564 What am I? I was hiding among ordinary people, 92 00:17:26,808 --> 00:17:29,609 making sure that no one learns of my family and my relation to Khosrau, 93 00:17:29,841 --> 00:17:33,145 so that Khosrau's relatives won't kill me as they killed my father 94 00:17:33,402 --> 00:17:35,567 and killed each other. 95 00:17:36,623 --> 00:17:40,141 When there was nothing left of the kingdom except its burdens and deaths, 96 00:17:40,422 --> 00:17:42,514 they brought me here and placed me on a throne 97 00:17:42,716 --> 00:17:44,842 whose master they knew will be killed. 98 00:17:45,098 --> 00:17:50,270 Thus, they did nothing other than instead of killing me in Istakhr, 99 00:17:50,530 --> 00:17:54,329 they offered me death in Al-Madain, but with Arab swords. 100 00:18:05,608 --> 00:18:09,797 Khosrau's Palace. The White Palace. 101 00:18:57,379 --> 00:19:03,647 Mention God often and praise Him. Be humble in front of God as you enter. 102 00:19:25,951 --> 00:19:29,022 I thank God that he made me leave their land when I was a young lad 103 00:19:29,354 --> 00:19:31,099 and took me to the land of Islam. 104 00:19:34,723 --> 00:19:38,052 When I was here as one of them, 105 00:19:38,897 --> 00:19:41,554 I would not dream of seeing even a single article of all this. 106 00:19:43,676 --> 00:19:46,845 We used to till the earth for the princes and the tax collectors, 107 00:19:47,377 --> 00:19:49,910 but would not get enough for our food. 108 00:19:51,376 --> 00:19:55,375 Our hunger and poverty were certainly due to this. 109 00:20:03,114 --> 00:20:07,575 Those people who delivered this are certainly true to their trust. 110 00:20:08,286 --> 00:20:11,272 You have held back your hand, and so did your subjects. 111 00:20:11,555 --> 00:20:13,556 Had you taken for yourself they would have done likewise. 112 00:20:32,129 --> 00:20:36,257 Do you, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen, cry when this is a greay day for rejoice? 113 00:20:37,983 --> 00:20:41,812 By God, I do not fear for you hard conditions and simple living, 114 00:20:43,672 --> 00:20:46,458 but I fear for you the like of this. 115 00:20:49,594 --> 00:20:53,068 When the world gives a community such as this, 116 00:20:54,063 --> 00:20:58,392 there will be much envy, hatred and selfishness among them. 117 00:20:58,720 --> 00:21:01,644 They will give priority to their shares of this world 118 00:21:02,001 --> 00:21:03,896 over those of the hereafter. 119 00:21:11,814 --> 00:21:15,254 Where is Suraqah Ibn Malik? I have sent for him. 120 00:21:15,722 --> 00:21:17,604 Here he comes. 121 00:21:18,273 --> 00:21:19,911 What's going on? 122 00:21:24,679 --> 00:21:26,737 Do you know what these are? 123 00:21:28,115 --> 00:21:30,706 How could a Bedouin like me know what these are? 124 00:21:33,977 --> 00:21:40,457 These are Khosrau's headdress, belt, bracelets, crown and clothes. 125 00:21:50,456 --> 00:21:52,642 This is the fulfillment of the Prophet's promise to you. 126 00:21:53,157 --> 00:21:56,282 It has has come true. Now wear them. 127 00:22:04,718 --> 00:22:08,384 How would you feel if you wear Khosrau's bracelets? 128 00:22:08,735 --> 00:22:12,255 Khosrau? The King of Persia? 129 00:22:14,095 --> 00:22:17,112 He told me to inform you that after he saw you coming forward. 130 00:22:26,276 --> 00:22:28,053 Walk back. 131 00:22:43,796 --> 00:22:45,471 Come forward. 132 00:22:50,708 --> 00:22:56,956 Well, well! A Bedouin from the tribe of Mudlij is wearing Khosrau's stuff: headdress, 133 00:22:57,280 --> 00:23:01,865 trousers, sword, belt, crown and shoes. 134 00:23:02,769 --> 00:23:05,466 There were days, Suraqah, 135 00:23:06,142 --> 00:23:10,505 when wearing these articles of Khosrau and his people 136 00:23:10,879 --> 00:23:13,634 would count as a source of honour for you and your tribe. 137 00:23:14,029 --> 00:23:19,144 But, what is with God is much better. Take them off. 138 00:23:22,393 --> 00:23:24,116 Aren't they for me? 139 00:23:24,474 --> 00:23:27,768 Yours is only the privilege of wearing them, as God's Messenger had promised you. 140 00:23:28,113 --> 00:23:31,471 They, like the rest of these, belong to the Muslims. 141 00:23:31,959 --> 00:23:35,688 Everyone will receive their shares of what God has given us. 142 00:23:36,677 --> 00:23:38,960 Take them off. 143 00:23:48,692 --> 00:23:52,371 My Lord, you have not given these to Your Messenger and Prophet 144 00:23:53,971 --> 00:23:58,254 when You loved and honoured him more than me. 145 00:23:59,521 --> 00:24:01,895 You have not given them to Abu Bakr 146 00:24:02,968 --> 00:24:06,239 when You loved and honoured him more than me. 147 00:24:08,122 --> 00:24:15,622 I appeal to You to preserve me against the lure of these gifts. 148 00:24:30,152 --> 00:24:32,056 Are you going out at this time of night? 149 00:24:34,117 --> 00:24:36,951 Why do you trouble yourself with such inspection at night? 150 00:24:37,288 --> 00:24:40,804 If it is necessary, appoint someone to undertake it. 151 00:24:42,167 --> 00:24:46,041 I consider myself in relation to Muslims as a father of young dependents. 152 00:24:46,382 --> 00:24:50,494 I need to check on them day and night, as often as I can. 153 00:24:50,965 --> 00:24:55,164 God sees what I do at night and during the day. 154 00:24:56,461 --> 00:24:59,423 Go back and sleep; may God bless you. 155 00:25:09,823 --> 00:25:11,966 - Peace be to you. - And peace be to you too. 156 00:25:16,027 --> 00:25:19,939 Too long is the night; its stars journeying on. 157 00:25:21,503 --> 00:25:25,968 Yet, here I am, sleepless, with no mate to play with. 158 00:25:27,242 --> 00:25:29,988 We play for a while, yet, for a second while his eyebrow 159 00:25:30,468 --> 00:25:36,014 appears like the night's moon. 160 00:25:37,979 --> 00:25:41,283 Had it not been for fearing God, 161 00:25:42,915 --> 00:25:46,402 activity would be rife on this very bed. 162 00:25:51,979 --> 00:25:59,030 I fear the one assigned to watch us, writing all we do through life's journey. 163 00:26:00,989 --> 00:26:02,854 God bless you. 164 00:26:04,717 --> 00:26:06,713 She has done no wrong. 165 00:26:07,133 --> 00:26:10,936 She misses her husband, but her morality stops her from sin. 166 00:26:11,341 --> 00:26:15,192 What is good morality other than restraining one's desire so that one commits no sin? 167 00:26:16,609 --> 00:26:21,011 A person whose desire has gone cannot claim good morality. 168 00:26:21,483 --> 00:26:25,762 And the one who cannot restrain his desires cannot claim that he is abstinent. 169 00:26:29,137 --> 00:26:31,825 Do you know the woman of this house, Aslam? 170 00:26:33,672 --> 00:26:37,408 She's a desperate woman. Her husband is in Saad's army. 171 00:26:40,649 --> 00:26:44,354 It is our duty to find out how long a woman can tolerate her husband's absence. 172 00:26:44,689 --> 00:26:47,211 We then issue orders that soldiers must not be absent for longer than that. 173 00:26:47,662 --> 00:26:50,412 If they will be away too long, they should take their wives. 174 00:26:50,753 --> 00:26:54,274 Wives and husbands have equal rights and duties. 175 00:27:12,003 --> 00:27:16,193 All praise be to God for having given us the kingdom of Persia, as well as Syria. 176 00:27:18,991 --> 00:27:23,317 It is time that we should organize how the money is shared out among Muslims, 177 00:27:24,572 --> 00:27:27,695 according to a policy that is known to all. 178 00:27:28,433 --> 00:27:30,509 Thus, everyone will know their rights. 179 00:27:37,844 --> 00:27:45,419 Abu Bakr used to share it out among people equally. 180 00:27:45,766 --> 00:27:48,484 He did not consider their status in Islam 181 00:27:48,842 --> 00:27:51,353 and whether they belonged to the early Muslims. 182 00:27:51,682 --> 00:27:54,949 He believed that that is a matter that will be given its full reward by God. 183 00:27:55,697 --> 00:27:57,829 I have a different view. 184 00:27:59,013 --> 00:28:03,502 I do not equate a person who fought against the Prophet with one who fought with him. 185 00:28:03,839 --> 00:28:06,437 Nor do I place on equal footing those who converted after the fall of Makkah 186 00:28:06,747 --> 00:28:08,565 and those who were Muslims before that. 187 00:28:10,685 --> 00:28:12,903 I take into consideration people's early adoption of Islam, 188 00:28:13,308 --> 00:28:19,798 their striving for its cause and their roles in Islam, and also their different needs. 189 00:28:21,998 --> 00:28:25,750 By God, if I live, 190 00:28:26,107 --> 00:28:30,563 a shepherd in the mountains of Sanaa will receive his share in this money. 191 00:28:31,005 --> 00:28:32,980 What do you think? 192 00:28:33,581 --> 00:28:36,891 We leave it up to you. Do as you think fit. 193 00:28:37,217 --> 00:28:42,284 If you or any of us should have a different view later, we can discuss it again. 194 00:28:43,936 --> 00:28:46,891 I see that much money has come in and it will help people. 195 00:28:47,254 --> 00:28:51,549 More will be forthcoming, God willing, when the rest of Persia will fall to us. 196 00:28:52,313 --> 00:28:53,501 God willing. 197 00:28:54,156 --> 00:28:58,790 As for Syria, it now totally belongs to the Muslims except Jerusalem. 198 00:28:59,141 --> 00:29:01,584 May God facilitate its acquisition in due course. 199 00:29:04,263 --> 00:29:06,080 Moreover, people have also increased. 200 00:29:06,472 --> 00:29:10,190 Unless they are recorded, to establish who has taken what, 201 00:29:10,548 --> 00:29:17,582 there may be much confusion. - This is right. So, what do you suggest? 202 00:29:17,988 --> 00:29:20,757 Do as the Byzantines and the Persians do. 203 00:29:21,066 --> 00:29:25,370 Establish a record of allowances and soldiers. Appoint an official 204 00:29:25,650 --> 00:29:30,018 to keep written records according to people status and their dues. 205 00:29:30,345 --> 00:29:32,737 We, thus, will know what is paid to them by the state treasury, 206 00:29:33,047 --> 00:29:35,426 and we know who has not received their benefits. 207 00:29:35,772 --> 00:29:40,802 We will also know what remains in the treasury for emergencies. 208 00:29:42,197 --> 00:29:44,723 This is a sound suggestion. 209 00:29:45,207 --> 00:29:48,947 We should also make a similar Record in which we hold the letters and messages... 210 00:29:49,363 --> 00:29:53,005 we receive. It should have scribes to write our letters. 211 00:29:53,345 --> 00:29:57,002 We have many more officials now and there is much greater need to the letters. 212 00:29:57,334 --> 00:30:00,011 And a similar record for land tax. 213 00:30:42,773 --> 00:30:44,431 What is all this, Abdullah? 214 00:30:44,782 --> 00:30:47,274 Clothes to wear and money sent by Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 215 00:30:47,572 --> 00:30:50,009 Why is he sending me these, may God bless him? 216 00:30:50,320 --> 00:30:51,891 Think well. 217 00:30:52,697 --> 00:30:55,796 He has written to Saad to give your husband leave of absence. 218 00:30:56,125 --> 00:30:58,358 In fact, he has issued an order that married soldiers should not remain away... 219 00:30:58,775 --> 00:31:00,353 for more than four months. 220 00:31:04,995 --> 00:31:07,292 How did he know my feelings? 221 00:31:11,637 --> 00:31:14,003 This is not up to you, Ameer Al-Mu'mineen! 222 00:31:14,889 --> 00:31:16,995 God says in the Qur'an: 223 00:31:17,297 --> 00:31:21,120 "Know that one-fifth (1/5) of whatever booty you may acquire in war is for God... 224 00:31:21,545 --> 00:31:25,104 and the Messenger, and for the near of kin, the orphans, the needy... 225 00:31:25,561 --> 00:31:28,219 and the traveller in need." (Sura Al-Anfal/"The Spoils of War"/verse 41) 226 00:31:28,528 --> 00:31:31,325 This land which God has gramted to the Muslims in Iraq and Syria 227 00:31:31,659 --> 00:31:34,217 should go to those who actually fought the war there. 228 00:31:34,440 --> 00:31:40,131 You should divide it among them. 229 00:31:40,520 --> 00:31:43,466 No. The right view is that of Ameer Al-Mu'mineen. 230 00:31:44,576 --> 00:31:47,528 The land remains whole and is not divided among the soldiers. 231 00:31:47,935 --> 00:31:52,753 Its yield and taxes from it will therefore go to all Muslims, present and absent. 232 00:31:53,074 --> 00:31:55,972 In this way, they would not just circulate among those of you who are rich. 233 00:31:56,594 --> 00:32:00,935 Every single Muslim thus has a share in these gains. 234 00:32:01,349 --> 00:32:05,825 How about those later Muslims who will then find the land having already been divided 235 00:32:06,124 --> 00:32:08,408 and owned? 236 00:32:09,392 --> 00:32:13,482 What is left for descendants and widows in this place and elsewhere 237 00:32:13,765 --> 00:32:15,212 in Syria and Iraq? 238 00:32:15,556 --> 00:32:19,391 All Glory be to God! A land that God has granted to its conquerors, 239 00:32:19,656 --> 00:32:21,970 and you want to hold it so that its benefit goes to... 240 00:32:22,281 --> 00:32:28,226 those who were not there and to their children and their unborn descendants? 241 00:32:28,801 --> 00:32:30,956 Why shouldn't I? 242 00:32:31,490 --> 00:32:35,112 Has God sent His Messenger for contemporary people only? 243 00:32:35,408 --> 00:32:40,289 Has Islam been revealed to set matters right for this generation only? 244 00:32:40,973 --> 00:32:42,774 By God, 245 00:32:43,050 --> 00:32:46,270 I fear that God will question me about those who will come after me. 246 00:32:46,386 --> 00:32:49,877 Whatever decision we will make today will not only affect those who are alive now, 247 00:32:50,167 --> 00:32:52,906 but will also affect those who will come after them. 248 00:32:53,255 --> 00:32:56,120 If it is an evil or unjust decision, we will be accountable for it, 249 00:32:56,471 --> 00:33:01,639 even after we are dead. He is a bad governor who says... 250 00:33:01,951 --> 00:33:04,981 that he only needs to look after the welfare of those living under him, 251 00:33:05,267 --> 00:33:08,427 and that what happens after him is of no concern to him. 252 00:33:08,768 --> 00:33:13,829 Today we are establishing the foundations of the Islamic state, 253 00:33:14,156 --> 00:33:19,343 so that it will remain solid and strong for all generations to come. 254 00:33:21,092 --> 00:33:23,297 By God, 255 00:33:23,611 --> 00:33:27,404 I shall not divide the conquered land to enrich a certain group or one generation, 256 00:33:27,689 --> 00:33:31,268 leaving subsequent generations poor. Remember that God says: 257 00:33:31,562 --> 00:33:35,905 "It must not just circulate among those of you who are rich." 258 00:33:36,226 --> 00:33:37,951 This is the reason. 259 00:33:38,332 --> 00:33:43,788 How about our front lines and the cities that need to have armies to defend them. 260 00:33:44,076 --> 00:33:46,736 How will we raise the money necessary for them if the land is divided? 261 00:33:47,018 --> 00:33:49,799 This is true, but there is more. 262 00:33:50,225 --> 00:33:53,187 Those farmers and peasants in Iraq and Syria: 263 00:33:53,440 --> 00:33:56,502 What will happen to them if we were to take their land 264 00:33:56,752 --> 00:33:58,845 and give it to the soldiers? 265 00:34:00,024 --> 00:34:02,767 Won't we be harder on them than the Persian tax collectors 266 00:34:03,063 --> 00:34:04,542 and the Byzantine rulers? 267 00:34:04,895 --> 00:34:08,255 Haven't they accepted our authority and become our subjects? 268 00:34:08,567 --> 00:34:11,440 Isn't it true that they only sided with us and accepted our rule 269 00:34:11,709 --> 00:34:14,715 when they saw that Islam is fair and compassionate? 270 00:34:15,532 --> 00:34:18,345 It is better, then, that we leave them in their land 271 00:34:18,600 --> 00:34:22,972 and take a normal land tax to spend on defence 272 00:34:23,226 --> 00:34:25,522 and other needs of the population. 273 00:34:25,849 --> 00:34:28,757 In this case, they will be more susceptible to Islam, 274 00:34:29,053 --> 00:34:31,089 and this is our aim. 275 00:34:31,428 --> 00:34:34,665 We are advocates of Divine guidance. 276 00:34:34,943 --> 00:34:38,132 We are not in it for either tyranny or money. 277 00:34:40,726 --> 00:34:42,364 Peace be to you. 278 00:34:53,743 --> 00:34:55,239 Ameer Al-Mu'mineen! 279 00:34:55,558 --> 00:34:57,949 A group of traders have arrived in Madinah. 280 00:34:58,244 --> 00:35:00,917 How do you like to join me in guarding them tonight? 281 00:35:25,092 --> 00:35:29,906 What is wrong with this child that he is continuously crying? 282 00:35:30,183 --> 00:35:32,965 Fear God and take care of your child. 283 00:35:37,312 --> 00:35:40,654 What is wrong with you, woman? You seem to be a bad mother, 284 00:35:40,948 --> 00:35:43,308 letting the child cry all the time. 285 00:35:43,635 --> 00:35:45,842 I have told you to pacify him but you did nothing. 286 00:35:46,158 --> 00:35:52,464 I am trying to distract him from my breast, and to wean him, but he refuses. 287 00:35:53,871 --> 00:35:57,029 - How old is your baby? - Six months. 288 00:35:57,433 --> 00:35:59,301 Why do you want to wean him so early? 289 00:35:59,550 --> 00:36:02,524 Umar gives an allowance only to a weaned child, not a suckling one. 290 00:36:04,125 --> 00:36:06,411 All power operates by God's will. 291 00:36:07,688 --> 00:36:10,221 What have you done to Muslim children, Umar? 292 00:36:15,502 --> 00:36:18,581 Look, woman. Do not try to wean him. 293 00:36:18,899 --> 00:36:21,850 I guarantee you that Umar will change his mind. 294 00:36:23,275 --> 00:36:30,118 I had made an allowance for weaned children, but not suckling ones. 295 00:36:31,421 --> 00:36:38,157 I have changed my mind. Do not hasten your babies weaning. 296 00:36:38,738 --> 00:36:43,823 The allowance will apply to every child, suckling or weaned. 297 00:36:45,145 --> 00:36:51,021 We shall increase it as children grow up and their needs increase. 298 00:36:54,722 --> 00:36:59,800 Aslam, announce this throughout Madinah. 299 00:37:13,052 --> 00:37:19,396 Wretched is Umar. How many Muslim children has he killed? 300 00:37:31,973 --> 00:37:34,146 This letter is from Amr Ibn Al-Aas. 301 00:37:35,105 --> 00:37:38,603 He has been besieging Jerusalem for four months, 302 00:37:39,041 --> 00:37:41,801 but its walls give it protection. 303 00:37:42,453 --> 00:37:45,419 The Byzantine commander was the leader of its defenders. 304 00:37:46,133 --> 00:37:49,740 However, he left for Egypt after he had despaired of receiving any reinforcements. 305 00:37:52,822 --> 00:37:55,714 The people of the city and its Patriarch 306 00:37:56,558 --> 00:37:59,727 have expressed their desire to enter into a peace agreement with us. 307 00:38:00,546 --> 00:38:02,918 However, they make it a condition 308 00:38:03,234 --> 00:38:05,763 that I myself should conclude the Peace Agreement with them. 309 00:38:06,901 --> 00:38:08,743 What do you advise? 310 00:38:09,136 --> 00:38:13,058 Having sued for peace, they are clearly not in a position to defend the city 311 00:38:13,407 --> 00:38:18,782 after the Byzantine forces have left them. I feel that you should not go yourself. 312 00:38:19,133 --> 00:38:22,059 They will then realize that you do not give them any high status, 313 00:38:22,344 --> 00:38:24,121 but rather ready to fight them. 314 00:38:24,558 --> 00:38:28,110 It will not be long before they will accept to make peace with Amr. 315 00:38:29,794 --> 00:38:35,219 I think it is better that you go and conclude the Peace Agreement with them 316 00:38:35,481 --> 00:38:37,093 as they have requested. 317 00:38:38,591 --> 00:38:42,511 They want the Peace Agreement to be concluded by Ameer Al-Mu'mineen 318 00:38:42,798 --> 00:38:47,308 so as to be sure of their safety and the safety of their churches 319 00:38:47,597 --> 00:38:50,361 and prayers to the end of time. 320 00:38:50,941 --> 00:38:55,501 They want to make sure that no Muslim will later breach your agreement with them. 321 00:38:55,875 --> 00:38:58,026 You may go with God's blessings. 322 00:39:31,968 --> 00:39:33,788 Who is the Caliph? 323 00:40:18,101 --> 00:40:20,723 A very warm welcome to the just Caliph. 324 00:40:22,112 --> 00:40:24,538 Peace be to you with God's mercy. 325 00:40:31,960 --> 00:40:35,349 None of them looks like a king. 326 00:41:20,183 --> 00:41:23,435 In the name of God, the Lord of Grace, the Ever-Merciful. 327 00:41:23,701 --> 00:41:28,275 Here are the peace terms granted by God's servant Umar Ibn Al-Khattab 328 00:41:28,596 --> 00:41:31,215 to the people of Jerusalem. 329 00:41:31,621 --> 00:41:34,360 He has granted them full peace and safety for themselves, 330 00:41:34,685 --> 00:41:38,198 their properties, churches, crucifixes, 331 00:41:38,483 --> 00:41:43,065 including their sick and healthy and everyone belonging to their Jewish faith. 332 00:41:43,683 --> 00:41:48,074 Their churches shall not be occupied (inhabited), destroyed, 333 00:41:48,341 --> 00:41:51,496 partitioned, nor will their areas be diminished in anyway. 334 00:41:51,905 --> 00:41:55,964 None of their crucifixes or property shall be taken away. 335 00:41:56,940 --> 00:41:59,387 They shall not be coerced with regard to their faith. 336 00:41:59,716 --> 00:42:02,218 None of them shall be harmed. 337 00:42:02,988 --> 00:42:05,301 In confirmation of the terms of this document 338 00:42:05,592 --> 00:42:08,692 we grant a covenant by God, and the pledges of God's messenger, 339 00:42:09,015 --> 00:42:11,997 the Caliphs and the believers. 340 00:42:29,647 --> 00:42:34,370 Farouk Omar