1 00:02:32,159 --> 00:02:36,199 Uhud, 7 Shawwal, 3 AH 2 00:03:53,560 --> 00:03:58,879 God's messenger commands you to stay in position 3 00:03:59,400 --> 00:04:01,000 and not to move from it, 4 00:04:01,560 --> 00:04:06,039 even if you see us snatched away by birds of prey. 5 00:05:31,839 --> 00:05:33,839 Who wants a duel? 6 00:06:05,839 --> 00:06:07,560 By Him who holds my soul in His hand, 7 00:06:07,680 --> 00:06:11,480 I will not leave you until I have sent you by my sword to hell, 8 00:06:11,600 --> 00:06:14,040 or you send me with your sword to heaven. 9 00:06:40,240 --> 00:06:43,480 Cousin, I appeal to you by God and by our kinship. 10 00:07:24,839 --> 00:07:26,719 Shouldn't you have killed him? 11 00:07:26,800 --> 00:07:32,480 My cousin appealed to me by our kinship when his private parts were exposed. 12 00:07:32,560 --> 00:07:34,000 I felt it a shame to continue. 13 00:07:52,439 --> 00:07:54,959 This is your day, the clansmen of Abd Al-Dar; 14 00:07:57,399 --> 00:08:00,039 This is your day, you protectors of our rear; 15 00:08:01,720 --> 00:08:04,160 Strike hard with every sharp cutting edge. 16 00:10:32,480 --> 00:10:34,680 If you advance and are brave we will hug you, 17 00:10:34,759 --> 00:10:37,439 and lay cushions for you; 18 00:10:37,519 --> 00:10:39,840 but if you are cowardly and move back, we will abandon you 19 00:10:39,919 --> 00:10:42,519 entertaining no grain of love for you. 20 00:10:46,639 --> 00:10:52,960 Back to the battle! Back to the battle! 21 00:11:18,039 --> 00:11:21,399 The booty; the booty. 22 00:11:24,559 --> 00:11:28,599 Do not move away. Stay where you are. 23 00:15:08,399 --> 00:15:10,159 Hamzah! 24 00:15:15,360 --> 00:15:17,240 Hamzah was killed. 25 00:15:22,200 --> 00:15:24,000 Hamzah was killed. 26 00:15:33,039 --> 00:15:34,799 Hamzah was killed. 27 00:16:08,559 --> 00:16:13,359 All of you Muslims, come and join the Prophet. 28 00:17:35,799 --> 00:17:40,039 Hamzah! Hamzah! 29 00:17:52,240 --> 00:17:55,680 We have given you a day like you gave us in Badr; 30 00:17:55,799 --> 00:17:59,159 One battle rages on after another. 31 00:18:00,680 --> 00:18:03,759 Nothing could condole me for the loss of Utbah, 32 00:18:03,839 --> 00:18:07,079 nor for my brother and uncle and my first son. 33 00:18:07,759 --> 00:18:11,079 I have taken my revenge and fulfilled my vows. 34 00:18:11,160 --> 00:18:14,759 Wahshi, you have quenched the fire burning in my chest. 35 00:18:15,960 --> 00:18:19,200 Wahshi, I thank you for the rest of my life, 36 00:18:19,759 --> 00:18:23,559 until my bones are wasted in my grave. 37 00:18:34,400 --> 00:18:36,080 Here you are, Abu Dusmah. 38 00:18:36,559 --> 00:18:38,720 You have quenched my thirst and put out my fire. 39 00:18:39,519 --> 00:18:41,559 It is time to honour our promises. 40 00:18:44,720 --> 00:18:49,279 Glory to Hubal. Glory to Hubal. 41 00:18:49,359 --> 00:18:53,719 Glory to Hubal. Glory to Hubal. 42 00:19:01,599 --> 00:19:03,599 Glory to Hubal. 43 00:19:46,960 --> 00:19:52,640 I am free! Free... free... free. 44 00:19:52,720 --> 00:19:57,480 Free... free... free. 45 00:19:57,559 --> 00:20:01,200 Free... free... free. 46 00:20:01,279 --> 00:20:04,960 Free... free... free. 47 00:20:05,039 --> 00:20:09,319 Free... free... free. 48 00:20:11,160 --> 00:20:12,440 Who gave you permission? 49 00:20:12,519 --> 00:20:15,839 What's wrong with you? What have I done? 50 00:20:17,119 --> 00:20:18,519 Don't touch anything without my permission. 51 00:20:18,599 --> 00:20:22,159 What's the matter, man? I only placed it around my neck. 52 00:20:22,920 --> 00:20:27,720 Who has a stronger claim to it? Or, do you want to wear it yourself? 53 00:20:28,519 --> 00:20:30,000 How lovely? 54 00:20:30,799 --> 00:20:33,720 Do you want to be seen wearing Hind Bint Utbah's jewellery? 55 00:20:34,240 --> 00:20:37,200 Who said I wanted to wear it in public? 56 00:20:37,279 --> 00:20:38,920 What people are here? 57 00:20:39,400 --> 00:20:42,400 Has Hind stipulated any conditions on what you do with it? 58 00:20:43,119 --> 00:20:46,639 It is yours to do with it what you like. 59 00:20:47,240 --> 00:20:51,640 If you do not sell it, who will wear it other than me when we marry soon? 60 00:20:53,720 --> 00:20:55,759 What is the matter with you? Why don't you answer? 61 00:20:57,960 --> 00:20:59,400 Aren't you free now 62 00:20:59,480 --> 00:21:01,519 and you have your choice in what you do with yourself? 63 00:21:01,599 --> 00:21:03,240 Isn't this your promise? 64 00:21:04,519 --> 00:21:07,200 Yes, I gained my freedom. But what about you? 65 00:21:09,240 --> 00:21:11,519 Are you ashamed of me now when you have been the same? 66 00:21:12,720 --> 00:21:14,200 No, not like that. 67 00:21:14,839 --> 00:21:17,759 How do I marry you when you are a slave of your master? 68 00:21:18,839 --> 00:21:21,599 Or do you think that he will set you free for Wahshi's sake? 69 00:21:25,559 --> 00:21:26,799 You have this. 70 00:21:28,720 --> 00:21:30,559 You can buy me off him with this. 71 00:21:31,720 --> 00:21:34,360 I don't think he will refuse when these came from Hind. 72 00:21:35,039 --> 00:21:39,119 Besides, I am only a slave for service, not for bed. 73 00:21:39,240 --> 00:21:42,160 Are you mad? Will I give this away? 74 00:21:42,440 --> 00:21:45,160 It is very precious. 75 00:21:45,240 --> 00:21:49,279 Every noble woman in Quraysh would love to have something like it. 76 00:21:52,279 --> 00:21:55,879 Yes. It is more valuable than me. 77 00:22:03,720 --> 00:22:06,559 By God, Wahshi, you haven't become truly free. 78 00:22:07,960 --> 00:22:09,720 You will soon know. 79 00:22:18,079 --> 00:22:20,199 May God preserve your hand, Khalid. 80 00:22:20,279 --> 00:22:23,359 You have healed our wounds and enabled us to take our revenge. 81 00:22:24,119 --> 00:22:27,239 Every household in Makkah is talking about you. 82 00:22:27,359 --> 00:22:28,639 They cannot stop praising you. 83 00:22:28,720 --> 00:22:31,160 Why, then, I am not delighted like them? 84 00:22:32,839 --> 00:22:35,559 What revenge are they talking about? 85 00:22:36,039 --> 00:22:38,559 Yes, we know for whom we are taking revenge, 86 00:22:38,680 --> 00:22:40,840 but we do not know from whom. 87 00:22:41,440 --> 00:22:44,039 We have made an alliance with yesterday's enemies, the Kinanah, 88 00:22:44,119 --> 00:22:46,359 and fought with them our own cousins. 89 00:22:46,440 --> 00:22:49,840 We took with us our slaves to kill the best people in Quraysh. 90 00:22:50,240 --> 00:22:53,720 The Arabs used always to take revenge for their own people from others. 91 00:22:54,240 --> 00:22:57,440 Now we are avenging ourselves against ourselves. 92 00:22:58,000 --> 00:23:00,680 We are seeking the support of past enemies and slaves. 93 00:23:38,519 --> 00:23:42,000 We must not let them feel secure in Yathrib. 94 00:23:42,079 --> 00:23:45,759 Arabs are still going to Muhammad after Uhud, 95 00:23:45,839 --> 00:23:47,639 as though he was not defeated there. 96 00:23:57,400 --> 00:23:59,200 What's the matter, Wahshi? 97 00:23:59,720 --> 00:24:02,960 Nothing, mas... Nothing 98 00:24:24,200 --> 00:24:25,640 Wahshi, you said that nothing was the matter. 99 00:24:25,720 --> 00:24:27,200 So, what sits you here? 100 00:24:27,279 --> 00:24:31,440 Don't you see us meeting and discussing our people's business? 101 00:24:32,160 --> 00:24:36,200 If you have no work, then you can attend to my camels 102 00:24:36,279 --> 00:24:37,879 and I will pay you for your work. 103 00:24:44,039 --> 00:24:46,440 Has it come to that a slave would come to our meetings 104 00:24:46,519 --> 00:24:48,400 and hope to mix with us? 105 00:24:48,480 --> 00:24:51,120 He was nothing other than a piece of armament we used. 106 00:24:51,200 --> 00:24:54,319 Woe to us! What has Muhammad done to us! 107 00:24:54,400 --> 00:24:56,120 My father was killed by his slave, 108 00:24:56,200 --> 00:25:00,000 but we find no way of taking revenge for him and his likes other than using this slave. 109 00:25:00,079 --> 00:25:04,480 Now he takes airs in public and says "I have killed Hamzah". 110 00:25:04,599 --> 00:25:07,759 By God, the slippers of the victim are better than the killer. 111 00:25:12,319 --> 00:25:14,240 Look where you are going, slave. 112 00:26:03,359 --> 00:26:06,719 Wait a moment, Raihanah. 113 00:26:09,559 --> 00:26:11,440 Go away so that people won't see us. 114 00:26:11,960 --> 00:26:13,640 Let them all see us. 115 00:26:16,480 --> 00:26:20,640 What harm is there if two free people propose to each other to get married. 116 00:26:21,319 --> 00:26:23,079 Yes, I have made up my mind. 117 00:26:23,160 --> 00:26:26,880 I will go to your master to buy you with Hind's jewellery. 118 00:26:26,960 --> 00:26:28,680 We will then get married. 119 00:26:29,160 --> 00:26:31,640 It is too late now. Move aside now. 120 00:26:32,160 --> 00:26:35,800 What have you said, woman? Isn't that what you were after? 121 00:26:36,279 --> 00:26:38,920 I am not lawful for you to marry now, Wahshi. 122 00:26:43,200 --> 00:26:45,400 I've become a Muslim. I follow the Prophet. 123 00:26:47,079 --> 00:26:48,519 You've done that! 124 00:26:50,680 --> 00:26:54,360 You can, if you wish, give me away and tell my master. 125 00:26:54,440 --> 00:26:59,680 By God, I am not better than Sumayyah Bint Khayat or Bilal Ibn Rabah. 126 00:27:04,680 --> 00:27:06,880 Remember Bilal Ibn Rabah, Wahshi! 127 00:27:17,880 --> 00:27:22,360 O' people of Quraysh, it is true that we follow different religions, 128 00:27:22,440 --> 00:27:27,759 but we have a common enemy: Muhammad and his companions. 129 00:27:28,200 --> 00:27:30,880 They are competing with us in business. 130 00:27:31,319 --> 00:27:35,279 It was all ours, with no competitors. 131 00:27:35,359 --> 00:27:37,319 It enabled us to control the people of Yathrib, 132 00:27:37,440 --> 00:27:40,080 until Muhammad and his companions arrived there. 133 00:27:40,480 --> 00:27:43,680 We have now come to you with a plan of total extermination. 134 00:27:43,759 --> 00:27:46,279 Together we enter Yathrib from all directions. 135 00:27:47,200 --> 00:27:52,680 We have made an alliance with the Ghatafan tribe: they will provide six thousand fighters, 136 00:27:52,759 --> 00:27:58,359 and we will give them all the date fruits of Khaibar for one year. 137 00:27:58,440 --> 00:28:01,039 We have said what we have. Let us hear your views. 138 00:28:01,400 --> 00:28:03,240 How about the Quraizah? 139 00:28:05,039 --> 00:28:08,359 Their forts protect Yathrib from the south east. 140 00:28:08,440 --> 00:28:11,080 We know that they have a treaty with Muhammad 141 00:28:11,160 --> 00:28:16,560 which binds them not to support any side against him. 142 00:28:16,640 --> 00:28:19,840 Yes, they do. We also had one similar to that. 143 00:28:19,920 --> 00:28:21,960 They follow our religion. 144 00:28:22,039 --> 00:28:25,440 When they see our numbers and are reassured of our superior power, 145 00:28:25,519 --> 00:28:29,319 they will join us and break their pledges to him. 146 00:28:29,400 --> 00:28:31,320 I guarantee that. 147 00:28:34,599 --> 00:28:37,240 Besides, there is a section of the people of Yathrib 148 00:28:37,640 --> 00:28:39,720 who are opposed to him, 149 00:28:39,799 --> 00:28:43,319 although they pretend not to in order to spare themselves trouble. 150 00:28:43,400 --> 00:28:45,519 They call them the hypocrites, 151 00:28:45,599 --> 00:28:47,919 but they are the best people among the Aws and the Khazraj. 152 00:28:48,000 --> 00:28:51,200 They are our allies, and we scheme together. 153 00:28:58,759 --> 00:29:02,319 Let us now make our vows and pledges. 154 00:29:02,400 --> 00:29:04,600 Hold to the coverings of the Kaabah. 155 00:29:05,519 --> 00:29:09,920 We swear by God that we will not let each other down. 156 00:29:10,000 --> 00:29:13,880 We swear by God that we will not let each other down. 157 00:29:13,960 --> 00:29:19,440 And that we will all be together against Muhammad to our last man. 158 00:29:19,519 --> 00:29:25,680 And that we will all be together against Muhammad to our last man. 159 00:29:39,640 --> 00:29:42,080 Messenger of God, I do not think that we should go out to meet them; 160 00:29:42,160 --> 00:29:44,759 now that the Arabs have colluded against us 161 00:29:46,000 --> 00:29:49,240 Back in Persia, when we feared attacking armies, 162 00:29:49,319 --> 00:29:51,399 we dug moats to separate us from them. 163 00:29:51,480 --> 00:29:55,720 Thus, they could not reach us, but we could bombard them with arrows. 164 00:29:55,799 --> 00:29:57,720 Yes, Messenger of God. 165 00:29:57,799 --> 00:29:59,839 Salamn has given us a very sound solution. 166 00:29:59,920 --> 00:30:02,440 The Arabs have never experienced anything of the sort. 167 00:30:02,559 --> 00:30:05,440 Our opponents will not figure out what to do. 168 00:30:06,519 --> 00:30:09,639 Madinah is well fortified in all directions, except the north. 169 00:30:09,720 --> 00:30:14,039 To the east there is Harrat Waqim, and to the west Harrat Al-Wabarah. 170 00:30:14,119 --> 00:30:16,479 Both are areas of volcanic rocks where horses cannot walk through. 171 00:30:18,359 --> 00:30:22,319 To the south, the buildings are high and next to each other, 172 00:30:22,400 --> 00:30:23,759 forming something like a wall. 173 00:30:23,839 --> 00:30:26,559 Behind them there are date trees which will impede any army. 174 00:30:26,640 --> 00:30:29,480 Beyond them to the east there are the forts of Quraizah. 175 00:30:29,559 --> 00:30:30,440 They are bound by their treaty with us 176 00:30:30,519 --> 00:30:32,920 stipulating that they will never support any enemy against us. 177 00:30:33,359 --> 00:30:37,639 So we need only to dig the moat in the north close to Mount Sala'. 178 00:31:07,599 --> 00:31:12,039 This rock has troubled me. The axe cannot dent it. 179 00:31:12,119 --> 00:31:14,679 The Prophet has heard you, Salman. 180 00:31:43,480 --> 00:31:45,480 Expect a happy event and be patient. 181 00:31:50,400 --> 00:31:53,440 By God, those people will gain nothing from us. 182 00:31:54,880 --> 00:32:00,560 The Prophet hit at a very hard rock three times, 183 00:32:01,839 --> 00:32:04,480 and there was a flash of light with each strike. 184 00:32:06,559 --> 00:32:09,079 He smiled every time. 185 00:32:10,240 --> 00:32:12,480 When we asked him, he said: 186 00:32:13,279 --> 00:32:18,359 With the first one, God has granted me Syria. 187 00:32:19,519 --> 00:32:23,359 By God I can see its red palaces now. 188 00:32:25,599 --> 00:32:30,759 With the second, I have been given the keys to Persia. 189 00:32:31,799 --> 00:32:35,240 By God, I can see the white palace of Al-Mada'in. 190 00:32:38,359 --> 00:32:43,839 With the third I have been given the keys to Yemen. 191 00:32:45,160 --> 00:32:49,600 By God I can now see the gates of Sanaa from my place here. 192 00:32:50,119 --> 00:32:55,119 If you truly believe, and if you sincerely obey God's Messenger, 193 00:32:55,759 --> 00:32:58,599 let not what you are facing today trouble you, 194 00:32:58,680 --> 00:33:04,279 since you now know for certain what God will give you in future. 195 00:33:06,240 --> 00:33:07,559 What Umar said is correct. 196 00:33:07,640 --> 00:33:11,360 By God, all that has taken place and I saw it. 197 00:33:11,799 --> 00:33:13,919 May God bless you Salman. 198 00:33:14,000 --> 00:33:16,200 Without God's grace, and then your sound advice, 199 00:33:16,279 --> 00:33:18,519 we would not have thought of digging this moat 200 00:33:18,599 --> 00:33:20,879 to protect the Prophet's city. 201 00:33:20,960 --> 00:33:22,759 That is only by God's grace. 202 00:33:23,200 --> 00:33:25,240 Salman belongs to us, the Muhajireen. 203 00:33:25,319 --> 00:33:27,599 No, he belongs to us, the Ansar. 204 00:33:30,640 --> 00:33:34,000 God's messenger has heard what you said about Salman, 205 00:33:34,079 --> 00:33:37,359 and he says: "Salman belongs to us, the Prophet's household". 206 00:33:37,440 --> 00:33:40,039 God is supreme. Salman has won. 207 00:33:40,160 --> 00:33:43,440 What a great honour! Congratulations to Salman. 208 00:33:43,519 --> 00:33:47,879 Were I not one of the Muhajireen, I would have loved to be in his place. 209 00:33:48,000 --> 00:33:50,319 Huh! The palaces of Syria, Persia and Yemen! 210 00:33:50,400 --> 00:33:52,560 These people have been deluded by their religion. 211 00:33:54,599 --> 00:33:58,719 Al-Khandaq (The Trench), Shawwal, 5 AH 212 00:35:53,440 --> 00:35:56,760 Retreat. Retreat. 213 00:36:00,360 --> 00:36:02,559 Retreat. Retreat. 214 00:36:02,639 --> 00:36:05,199 Retreat. Retreat. 215 00:36:05,280 --> 00:36:07,240 Retreat. 216 00:36:44,639 --> 00:36:48,519 Salman Al-Farisi! He is a man from Persia 217 00:36:49,360 --> 00:36:51,840 who was taken prisoner and brought to Yathrib. 218 00:36:52,280 --> 00:36:54,760 He was a slave belonging to a man here. 219 00:36:55,760 --> 00:37:00,640 When Muhammad arrived, he embraced his religion. 220 00:37:00,719 --> 00:37:03,079 He was the one who suggested this trick to them. 221 00:37:03,159 --> 00:37:05,119 They could not have known anything of the sort. 222 00:37:05,760 --> 00:37:07,880 We are as much surprised by it as you are. 223 00:37:10,360 --> 00:37:13,519 While they are able to prevent us from crossing over to them, 224 00:37:13,599 --> 00:37:16,960 they are restricting themselves behind the moat. 225 00:37:20,519 --> 00:37:23,880 Let us see how long they can persevere without their supplies of food. 226 00:37:23,960 --> 00:37:26,639 We shall not depart until hunger has bitten hard among them 227 00:37:26,719 --> 00:37:29,239 and they are forced to come over to us. 228 00:37:31,760 --> 00:37:33,240 How about the Quraizah Jews? 229 00:37:33,320 --> 00:37:36,519 Their forts protect Yathrib from the south east. 230 00:37:45,800 --> 00:37:49,039 Come on, Kaab. Open the door for us. 231 00:37:49,119 --> 00:37:53,039 Go away, Huyay. You are a man of bad omen. 232 00:37:54,079 --> 00:37:59,719 I have a treaty with Muhammad and I am not going to violate it. 233 00:37:59,800 --> 00:38:03,720 I have experienced nothing but faithful honouring of commitments from him. 234 00:38:03,840 --> 00:38:05,559 Open the door, I want to speak to you. 235 00:38:05,639 --> 00:38:07,279 I shall not. 236 00:38:07,360 --> 00:38:09,440 By the Lord of Moses, you have only closed the door 237 00:38:09,519 --> 00:38:11,960 so that I would not share your food. 238 00:38:14,320 --> 00:38:16,039 Open the door. 239 00:38:37,320 --> 00:38:40,760 Kaab, can you not see that I have come to bring you the glory of all time. 240 00:38:40,840 --> 00:38:42,720 I am giving you a sea of goodness. 241 00:38:42,800 --> 00:38:46,120 I have brought you Quraysh, with all its chiefs and leaders, 242 00:38:46,199 --> 00:38:49,159 and Ghatafan, with all their chiefs and leaders. 243 00:38:49,239 --> 00:38:51,399 Both have given me their most solemn pledges 244 00:38:51,519 --> 00:38:55,079 that they will not depart until we have annihilated Muhammad and all his followers. 245 00:38:55,159 --> 00:38:57,319 You have indeed come to me with an everlasting shame: 246 00:38:57,440 --> 00:38:59,400 a cloud which has no rain. 247 00:38:59,519 --> 00:39:02,400 It may produce lightning and thunder, but it has nothing good to offer. 248 00:39:03,480 --> 00:39:04,760 Had your scheming been of any good, 249 00:39:04,840 --> 00:39:07,720 it would have benefited you and your Nadeer tribe, 250 00:39:07,800 --> 00:39:09,960 instead of your expulsion to Khaibar. 251 00:39:10,079 --> 00:39:13,719 That was when I precipitated things, going alone with my people. 252 00:39:14,199 --> 00:39:15,719 Now, it is different. 253 00:39:15,800 --> 00:39:18,240 Have a look at the confederate forces 254 00:39:18,320 --> 00:39:20,800 and how they fill the open space at Uhud. 255 00:39:22,519 --> 00:39:25,599 Then, what are Al-Nadeer or Quraizah? 256 00:39:25,679 --> 00:39:30,799 Aren't we all Jews? This is our day, when we set Arabs against Arabs. 257 00:39:30,920 --> 00:39:32,639 You and your tribe, Al-Nadeer, 258 00:39:32,719 --> 00:39:36,119 were evacuated from Yathrib to the forts of Khaibar, 259 00:39:36,239 --> 00:39:39,759 while my tribe, Quraizah, and I are still in Yathrib, 260 00:39:39,840 --> 00:39:42,039 close to Muhammad and his companions. 261 00:39:42,559 --> 00:39:46,559 Should the confederates leave without defeating Muhammad, 262 00:39:46,679 --> 00:39:50,440 you will go back to Khaibar and seek safety there. 263 00:39:51,000 --> 00:39:53,360 We will be left at the mercy of Muhammad's companions 264 00:39:53,440 --> 00:39:55,920 if we join you now against them. 265 00:39:58,039 --> 00:40:01,199 The confederates will not leave until they have attained their goal. 266 00:40:02,039 --> 00:40:05,159 You yourself are the one to guarantee that. 267 00:40:05,280 --> 00:40:08,960 It is true that Muhammad has set up a barrier by digging the moat in the north, 268 00:40:09,079 --> 00:40:12,799 and has secured his back by the forts of Quraizah in the south east of Yathrib. 269 00:40:13,559 --> 00:40:17,799 If you join the confederates against him, abrogating your treaty with him, 270 00:40:17,920 --> 00:40:19,720 the Muslims will be vulnerable in the rear. 271 00:40:19,800 --> 00:40:21,880 They will find themselves facing a pincer attack. 272 00:40:21,960 --> 00:40:23,720 Where can they go? 273 00:40:23,800 --> 00:40:27,400 I pledge my word to you: if Quraysh and Ghatafan go back 274 00:40:27,480 --> 00:40:29,679 without defeating Muhammad, 275 00:40:29,760 --> 00:40:31,840 I will come here and join you in your fort 276 00:40:31,920 --> 00:40:34,159 so that I will face the same fate as you. 277 00:40:46,440 --> 00:40:51,320 Messenger of God, I saw Quraizah repairing their fortifications, 278 00:40:51,400 --> 00:40:55,360 paving their roads and gathering their cattle. 279 00:40:55,440 --> 00:40:58,280 I think they may be on the verge of treachery. 280 00:41:09,000 --> 00:41:14,440 Quraizah. Quraizah. 281 00:41:17,559 --> 00:41:19,719 Is what we have heard true? 282 00:41:20,119 --> 00:41:23,119 Are you really abrogating your treaty with God's messenger? 283 00:41:23,199 --> 00:41:25,079 Who is God's messenger? 284 00:41:25,159 --> 00:41:28,480 We have neither treaty nor agreement with Muhammad. 285 00:41:28,880 --> 00:41:32,320 May God kill you. Wasn't I and the Aws your allies, 286 00:41:32,400 --> 00:41:35,320 defending you and honouring our pledges to you? 287 00:41:35,400 --> 00:41:39,320 That was before this stranger whom we do not know came here 288 00:41:39,400 --> 00:41:41,599 to assume authority over us and you. 289 00:42:01,800 --> 00:42:03,320 Where are you heading? 290 00:42:03,960 --> 00:42:06,039 You are heading with these to the confederates 291 00:42:06,119 --> 00:42:08,359 so that they are well supplied against us. 292 00:42:08,440 --> 00:42:12,800 Is this how you, people of Quraizah, honour your treaty with God's messenger? 293 00:42:13,559 --> 00:42:19,199 Go back before we strike you with our swords. 294 00:42:19,920 --> 00:42:22,400 As for the camels and their loads, 295 00:42:23,000 --> 00:42:25,519 they are war booty God has given us. 296 00:42:26,559 --> 00:42:29,199 You better be content with your safety. 297 00:42:29,840 --> 00:42:31,519 Go away, may God kill you. �