1 00:00:00,417 --> 00:00:02,836 ♪♪ 2 00:00:11,594 --> 00:00:14,723 ♪ I was a girl in the village 3 00:00:11,594 --> 00:00:14,723 doing all right ♪ 4 00:00:14,723 --> 00:00:16,975 ♪ Then I became 5 00:00:14,723 --> 00:00:16,975 a princess overnight ♪ 6 00:00:16,975 --> 00:00:19,728 ♪ Now I gotta figure out 7 00:00:16,975 --> 00:00:19,728 how to do it right ♪ 8 00:00:19,728 --> 00:00:22,063 ♪ So much to learn 9 00:00:19,728 --> 00:00:22,063 and see ♪ 10 00:00:22,063 --> 00:00:24,691 ♪ Up in the castle 11 00:00:22,063 --> 00:00:24,691 with my new family ♪ 12 00:00:24,691 --> 00:00:27,569 ♪ In a school that's 13 00:00:24,691 --> 00:00:27,569 just for royalty ♪ 14 00:00:27,569 --> 00:00:31,531 ♪ A whole enchanted world 15 00:00:27,569 --> 00:00:31,531 is waiting for me ♪ 16 00:00:31,531 --> 00:00:35,577 - ♪ I'm so excited to be ♪ 17 00:00:31,531 --> 00:00:35,577 - ♪ Sofia the first ♪ 18 00:00:35,577 --> 00:00:38,580 ♪ I'm finding out what 19 00:00:35,577 --> 00:00:38,580 being royal's all about ♪ 20 00:00:38,580 --> 00:00:40,248 ♪ Sofia the first ♪ 21 00:00:40,248 --> 00:00:42,667 ♪ Making my way, 22 00:00:40,248 --> 00:00:42,667 it's an adventure every day ♪ 23 00:00:42,667 --> 00:00:45,086 ♪ Sofia ♪ 24 00:00:45,086 --> 00:00:47,589 - ♪ It's gonna be my time ♪ 25 00:00:45,086 --> 00:00:47,589 - ♪ Sofia ♪ 26 00:00:47,589 --> 00:00:53,595 ♪ To show them all 27 00:00:47,589 --> 00:00:53,595 that I'm Sofia the first ♪ 28 00:01:03,897 --> 00:01:05,565 I could've sworn 29 00:01:03,897 --> 00:01:05,565 I left it here. 30 00:01:05,565 --> 00:01:07,609 Sofia, would you look 31 00:01:05,565 --> 00:01:07,609 behind the couch? 32 00:01:07,609 --> 00:01:09,986 [Sofia] No, not here. 33 00:01:09,986 --> 00:01:12,947 Where did I put 34 00:01:09,986 --> 00:01:12,947 my white necktie? 35 00:01:12,947 --> 00:01:15,325 I wear it to all 36 00:01:12,947 --> 00:01:15,325 big events in Dunwiddie. 37 00:01:15,325 --> 00:01:17,952 And the opening of 38 00:01:15,325 --> 00:01:17,952 the Dunwiddie museum today 39 00:01:17,952 --> 00:01:19,788 will be one of the biggest 40 00:01:17,952 --> 00:01:19,788 of all, Your Majesty. 41 00:01:19,788 --> 00:01:21,581 I can't wait to see 42 00:01:21,581 --> 00:01:23,625 the Crowns of 43 00:01:21,581 --> 00:01:23,625 the Kingdoms exhibit. 44 00:01:23,625 --> 00:01:26,795 I also heard there will be 45 00:01:23,625 --> 00:01:26,795 jiggly-wiggly pudding. 46 00:01:26,795 --> 00:01:28,630 Don't think I haven't 47 00:01:26,795 --> 00:01:28,630 heard the same. 48 00:01:28,630 --> 00:01:32,759 Your Highness, allow me to 49 00:01:28,630 --> 00:01:32,759 conjure you a new necktie. 50 00:01:32,759 --> 00:01:36,012 That's quite all right, Cedric. 51 00:01:32,759 --> 00:01:36,012 This one will be fine. 52 00:01:36,012 --> 00:01:38,723 Would you like to go over 53 00:01:36,012 --> 00:01:38,723 your speech for the museum 54 00:01:36,012 --> 00:01:38,723 opening, Your Majesty? 55 00:01:38,723 --> 00:01:41,184 Good idea. 56 00:01:41,184 --> 00:01:43,019 I have a spell 57 00:01:41,184 --> 00:01:43,019 that can help you 58 00:01:43,019 --> 00:01:44,813 instantly memorize 59 00:01:43,019 --> 00:01:44,813 the entire speech, sire. 60 00:01:44,813 --> 00:01:46,564 That won't be necessary. 61 00:01:46,564 --> 00:01:48,733 - I have it written 62 00:01:46,564 --> 00:01:48,733 down right here. 63 00:01:46,564 --> 00:01:48,733 - [stammering] 64 00:01:48,733 --> 00:01:51,528 That will be all, Cedric. 65 00:01:48,733 --> 00:01:51,528 Thank you. 66 00:01:51,528 --> 00:01:54,656 As you wish, sire. 67 00:01:54,656 --> 00:01:55,532 Mr. Cedric. 68 00:01:58,201 --> 00:01:59,369 Are you okay? 69 00:01:59,369 --> 00:02:01,788 Not really, princess. 70 00:02:01,788 --> 00:02:03,748 Your father has wanted 71 00:02:01,788 --> 00:02:03,748 nothing to do with me 72 00:02:03,748 --> 00:02:06,709 ever since I froze 73 00:02:03,748 --> 00:02:06,709 your family with 74 00:02:03,748 --> 00:02:06,709 the standstill stone. 75 00:02:06,709 --> 00:02:08,753 And tried to take over 76 00:02:06,709 --> 00:02:08,753 the kingdom. 77 00:02:08,753 --> 00:02:10,797 No need to remind me. 78 00:02:10,797 --> 00:02:13,842 I shall never forget 79 00:02:10,797 --> 00:02:13,842 those shameful actions. 80 00:02:13,842 --> 00:02:16,678 It seems like my dad's 81 00:02:13,842 --> 00:02:16,678 having a hard time 82 00:02:13,842 --> 00:02:16,678 forgetting, too. 83 00:02:16,678 --> 00:02:19,722 Perhaps he shall 84 00:02:16,678 --> 00:02:19,722 never get over it. 85 00:02:19,722 --> 00:02:21,766 It makes me so sad. 86 00:02:21,766 --> 00:02:24,477 Roland and I shared 87 00:02:21,766 --> 00:02:24,477 a special bond when 88 00:02:21,766 --> 00:02:24,477 we were lads. 89 00:02:24,477 --> 00:02:26,020 - You did? 90 00:02:24,477 --> 00:02:26,020 - Oh, yes. 91 00:02:26,020 --> 00:02:27,689 Growing up together 92 00:02:26,020 --> 00:02:27,689 in this castle 93 00:02:27,689 --> 00:02:30,775 in the shadows of 94 00:02:27,689 --> 00:02:30,775 our larger-than-life fathers. 95 00:02:30,775 --> 00:02:32,902 When the pressure 96 00:02:30,775 --> 00:02:32,902 became too great, 97 00:02:32,902 --> 00:02:35,822 we'd escape to the fields 98 00:02:32,902 --> 00:02:35,822 and play dazzle ball. 99 00:02:35,822 --> 00:02:37,615 What are you two doing 100 00:02:35,822 --> 00:02:37,615 in this painting? 101 00:02:37,615 --> 00:02:40,994 Oh, that's a special play 102 00:02:37,615 --> 00:02:40,994 he and I invented together. 103 00:02:40,994 --> 00:02:42,829 The royal ricochet. 104 00:02:42,829 --> 00:02:44,747 [imitates ricochet sound] 105 00:02:44,747 --> 00:02:46,791 Oh, but ever since 106 00:02:44,747 --> 00:02:46,791 that fateful day 107 00:02:46,791 --> 00:02:48,960 I let your family down, 108 00:02:48,960 --> 00:02:51,504 whatever trust Roland 109 00:02:48,960 --> 00:02:51,504 once had in me, I fear 110 00:02:48,960 --> 00:02:51,504 is gone forever. 111 00:02:51,504 --> 00:02:53,172 Then I'll help you 112 00:02:51,504 --> 00:02:53,172 get it back. 113 00:02:53,172 --> 00:02:55,675 Come see the crown exhibit 114 00:02:53,172 --> 00:02:55,675 with me and my dad today. 115 00:02:55,675 --> 00:02:59,178 How will browsing jewels 116 00:02:55,675 --> 00:02:59,178 get me back in your father's 117 00:02:55,675 --> 00:02:59,178 good graces? 118 00:02:59,178 --> 00:03:01,973 It'll be like two 119 00:02:59,178 --> 00:03:01,973 friends spending 120 00:02:59,178 --> 00:03:01,973 a whole afternoon together. 121 00:03:01,973 --> 00:03:05,059 Mm. Lots of chances for him 122 00:03:01,973 --> 00:03:05,059 to disapprove of me. 123 00:03:05,059 --> 00:03:07,896 Lots of chances for you to show 124 00:03:05,059 --> 00:03:07,896 him you can be trusted again, 125 00:03:07,896 --> 00:03:09,856 like when you were kids. 126 00:03:09,856 --> 00:03:12,984 I suppose 127 00:03:09,856 --> 00:03:12,984 it's worth a try. 128 00:03:14,736 --> 00:03:16,070 Wormy, this may be my chance 129 00:03:16,070 --> 00:03:18,448 to get back on 130 00:03:16,070 --> 00:03:18,448 the king's good side. 131 00:03:18,448 --> 00:03:20,450 Well, you can do it 132 00:03:18,448 --> 00:03:20,450 without me. 133 00:03:20,450 --> 00:03:22,076 But I need you there. 134 00:03:22,076 --> 00:03:25,079 Your knowledge of crowns 135 00:03:22,076 --> 00:03:25,079 will help me impress 136 00:03:22,076 --> 00:03:25,079 King Roland. 137 00:03:25,079 --> 00:03:27,749 I only passed crownology 138 00:03:25,079 --> 00:03:27,749 back at Hexley Hall 139 00:03:27,749 --> 00:03:30,710 because you were 140 00:03:27,749 --> 00:03:30,710 my study buddy. 141 00:03:27,749 --> 00:03:30,710 Remember? 142 00:03:30,710 --> 00:03:35,465 Ten points if you can 143 00:03:30,710 --> 00:03:35,465 identify these famous crowns. 144 00:03:35,465 --> 00:03:37,800 Crown of Corinthia, 145 00:03:35,465 --> 00:03:37,800 the Diadem of DunBroch, 146 00:03:37,800 --> 00:03:39,719 and the Tangu-vian Tiara. 147 00:03:39,719 --> 00:03:42,138 But I still refuse 148 00:03:39,719 --> 00:03:42,138 to go with you, 149 00:03:42,138 --> 00:03:44,390 you goody-goody. 150 00:03:44,390 --> 00:03:48,353 I've turned a new page 151 00:03:44,390 --> 00:03:48,353 in the spell book, Wormy, 152 00:03:44,390 --> 00:03:48,353 you know that, 153 00:03:48,353 --> 00:03:50,855 but I am still 154 00:03:48,353 --> 00:03:50,855 your master, 155 00:03:50,855 --> 00:03:53,024 and I say 156 00:03:50,855 --> 00:03:53,024 you're coming with me. 157 00:03:53,024 --> 00:03:55,026 Yes... master. 158 00:03:55,026 --> 00:03:58,321 Whatever you wish... 159 00:03:55,026 --> 00:03:58,321 master. 160 00:03:58,321 --> 00:04:00,323 [squawks] 161 00:04:02,951 --> 00:04:05,370 And with that, 162 00:04:02,951 --> 00:04:05,370 I hereby declare 163 00:04:05,370 --> 00:04:08,998 the Dunwiddie Museum 164 00:04:05,370 --> 00:04:08,998 officially open! 165 00:04:10,124 --> 00:04:13,169 Now come enjoy 166 00:04:10,124 --> 00:04:13,169 the spectacular 167 00:04:13,169 --> 00:04:16,547 Crowns of 168 00:04:13,169 --> 00:04:16,547 the Kingdoms exhibit. 169 00:04:28,893 --> 00:04:31,354 I bet my dad would 170 00:04:28,893 --> 00:04:31,354 love to have a friend 171 00:04:31,354 --> 00:04:33,606 to see the exhibit with. 172 00:04:33,606 --> 00:04:35,400 And I shall try 173 00:04:33,606 --> 00:04:35,400 to be that friend. 174 00:04:35,400 --> 00:04:39,320 But first, Wormy, tell me 175 00:04:35,400 --> 00:04:39,320 a tidbit about that crown. 176 00:04:39,320 --> 00:04:41,823 Some factoid with 177 00:04:39,320 --> 00:04:41,823 real wow factor. 178 00:04:41,823 --> 00:04:43,866 The Wreath of Rudistan, 179 00:04:43,866 --> 00:04:46,953 made of phoenix feather 180 00:04:43,866 --> 00:04:46,953 filigree and the finest 181 00:04:43,866 --> 00:04:46,953 elven gold. 182 00:04:46,953 --> 00:04:50,581 Thank you. Time to 183 00:04:46,953 --> 00:04:50,581 win over the king-y wing-y. 184 00:04:50,581 --> 00:04:53,459 "King-y wing-y"? 185 00:04:50,581 --> 00:04:53,459 Ugh! 186 00:04:53,459 --> 00:04:55,336 Silly villagers. 187 00:04:55,336 --> 00:04:57,714 A powerful magic crown 188 00:04:55,336 --> 00:04:57,714 hiding in plain sight, 189 00:04:57,714 --> 00:04:59,299 and they don't 190 00:04:57,714 --> 00:04:59,299 even know it. 191 00:04:59,299 --> 00:05:01,801 Uh, Prisma, we don't even 192 00:04:59,299 --> 00:05:01,801 know which one 193 00:05:01,801 --> 00:05:03,803 is Snow White 194 00:05:01,801 --> 00:05:03,803 stepmom's crown. 195 00:05:03,803 --> 00:05:05,847 What was her name again? 196 00:05:05,847 --> 00:05:09,976 Grimhilde, and this 197 00:05:05,847 --> 00:05:09,976 is her crown. 198 00:05:09,976 --> 00:05:14,897 The powerful Wicked Nine 199 00:05:09,976 --> 00:05:14,897 object you've come to steal. 200 00:05:14,897 --> 00:05:19,319 Steal? Well, that's not 201 00:05:14,897 --> 00:05:19,319 very goody-goody at all. 202 00:05:19,319 --> 00:05:21,529 Got it. Now let's 203 00:05:19,319 --> 00:05:21,529 go nab it 204 00:05:21,529 --> 00:05:24,115 in one humdinger 205 00:05:21,529 --> 00:05:24,115 of a heist. Ha ha! 206 00:05:24,115 --> 00:05:28,745 Oh. Finding Grimhilde's crown 207 00:05:24,115 --> 00:05:28,745 may take longer than we thought. 208 00:05:28,745 --> 00:05:31,497 Ready to go 209 00:05:28,745 --> 00:05:31,497 talk to my dad, 210 00:05:28,745 --> 00:05:31,497 friend to friend? 211 00:05:31,497 --> 00:05:33,291 I have the perfect 212 00:05:31,497 --> 00:05:33,291 bit of knowledge 213 00:05:33,291 --> 00:05:36,586 to get the conversation 214 00:05:33,291 --> 00:05:36,586 rolling, no pun intended. 215 00:05:37,712 --> 00:05:39,797 Sire, did you know 216 00:05:39,797 --> 00:05:42,258 this crown is made 217 00:05:39,797 --> 00:05:42,258 of phoenix gold? 218 00:05:42,258 --> 00:05:44,218 Oh, is that so? 219 00:05:44,218 --> 00:05:47,013 Lord Stiv, greetings. 220 00:05:47,013 --> 00:05:50,892 Did you know this crown 221 00:05:47,013 --> 00:05:50,892 is made of phoenix gold? 222 00:05:50,892 --> 00:05:52,727 That is quite untrue, sire. 223 00:05:52,727 --> 00:05:57,356 I happen to know that 224 00:05:52,727 --> 00:05:57,356 it is made of elven gold. 225 00:05:57,356 --> 00:05:59,108 Oh. 226 00:05:57,356 --> 00:05:59,108 [nervous chuckle] 227 00:05:59,108 --> 00:06:01,319 I beg your pardon. 228 00:06:01,319 --> 00:06:05,782 That's the last time 229 00:06:01,319 --> 00:06:05,782 I rely on your knowledge 230 00:06:01,319 --> 00:06:05,782 of crownology, Cedric. 231 00:06:05,782 --> 00:06:08,701 I misspoke, sire. 232 00:06:05,782 --> 00:06:08,701 It was an accident. 233 00:06:08,701 --> 00:06:10,536 Oh, this isn't working. 234 00:06:10,536 --> 00:06:13,581 Your father is unimpressed 235 00:06:10,536 --> 00:06:13,581 and still untrusting. 236 00:06:13,581 --> 00:06:16,918 Okay, winning him over 237 00:06:13,581 --> 00:06:16,918 may be a little harder 238 00:06:13,581 --> 00:06:16,918 than I thought. 239 00:06:19,962 --> 00:06:22,882 Maybe you just need to do 240 00:06:19,962 --> 00:06:22,882 something really sweet for him. 241 00:06:22,882 --> 00:06:24,759 Come on. 242 00:06:24,759 --> 00:06:27,553 Oh, could that be 243 00:06:24,759 --> 00:06:27,553 Grimhilde's crown? 244 00:06:27,553 --> 00:06:29,263 Princess Sofia?! 245 00:06:29,263 --> 00:06:31,891 Ugh, we can't 246 00:06:29,263 --> 00:06:31,891 let her see us. 247 00:06:29,263 --> 00:06:31,891 Come on. 248 00:06:41,984 --> 00:06:45,238 No way is that princess 249 00:06:41,984 --> 00:06:45,238 gonna stop us again. 250 00:06:45,238 --> 00:06:47,115 Oh, I agree. 251 00:06:47,115 --> 00:06:48,950 We must get all of 252 00:06:47,115 --> 00:06:48,950 the Wicked Nine. 253 00:06:48,950 --> 00:06:50,993 Then I can 254 00:06:48,950 --> 00:06:50,993 drain their power, 255 00:06:50,993 --> 00:06:53,121 and become 256 00:06:50,993 --> 00:06:53,121 oh so powerful. 257 00:06:53,121 --> 00:06:56,666 How can we swipe the crown 258 00:06:53,121 --> 00:06:56,666 without Sofia spottin' us? 259 00:06:56,666 --> 00:06:58,584 Excuse me, 260 00:06:58,584 --> 00:07:01,379 but I do believe that 261 00:06:58,584 --> 00:07:01,379 I can be of some 262 00:06:58,584 --> 00:07:01,379 service to you 263 00:07:01,379 --> 00:07:03,756 - in this endeavor. 264 00:07:01,379 --> 00:07:03,756 - And who are you? 265 00:07:03,756 --> 00:07:06,092 Allow me to introduce 266 00:07:03,756 --> 00:07:06,092 myself, my dear. 267 00:07:06,092 --> 00:07:08,052 My name, Wormwood. 268 00:07:08,052 --> 00:07:11,764 My aim, to aid you in 269 00:07:08,052 --> 00:07:11,764 this wonderfully wicked theft 270 00:07:11,764 --> 00:07:13,933 - I heard you plotting. 271 00:07:11,764 --> 00:07:13,933 - Why? What's in it for you? 272 00:07:13,933 --> 00:07:16,561 My current master 273 00:07:13,933 --> 00:07:16,561 is such a do-gooder now. 274 00:07:16,561 --> 00:07:19,021 I long for some 275 00:07:16,561 --> 00:07:19,021 good old-fashioned scheming. 276 00:07:19,021 --> 00:07:22,191 Would you be so kind as to 277 00:07:19,021 --> 00:07:22,191 let me join your evil band? 278 00:07:22,191 --> 00:07:26,112 It's a nice story, 279 00:07:22,191 --> 00:07:26,112 but we can find the crown 280 00:07:22,191 --> 00:07:26,112 on our own, thank you. 281 00:07:26,112 --> 00:07:29,532 Did I mention 282 00:07:26,112 --> 00:07:29,532 I'm an expert in crownology? 283 00:07:29,532 --> 00:07:34,036 I can locate Grimhilde's coronet 284 00:07:29,532 --> 00:07:34,036 before you can say boo-hoo. 285 00:07:34,036 --> 00:07:38,749 And you won't have to worry 286 00:07:34,036 --> 00:07:38,749 about the princess spotting you. 287 00:07:38,749 --> 00:07:43,171 Okay. I'll make 288 00:07:38,749 --> 00:07:43,171 you a deal, Wormwood. 289 00:07:43,171 --> 00:07:45,590 You steal Grimhilde's crown, 290 00:07:45,590 --> 00:07:48,801 then meet me at the old cabin 291 00:07:45,590 --> 00:07:48,801 in the woods outside town. 292 00:07:48,801 --> 00:07:51,095 You mean the old cabin 293 00:07:48,801 --> 00:07:51,095 with the crooked chimney? 294 00:07:51,095 --> 00:07:53,222 [giggles] 295 00:07:51,095 --> 00:07:53,222 That's the one. 296 00:07:53,222 --> 00:07:55,141 Once the crown 297 00:07:53,222 --> 00:07:55,141 is in my hands, 298 00:07:55,141 --> 00:07:59,103 and only then, I'll consider 299 00:07:55,141 --> 00:07:59,103 letting you join us. 300 00:07:59,103 --> 00:08:01,481 I am honored for the chance 301 00:08:01,481 --> 00:08:05,067 to connive and steal 302 00:08:01,481 --> 00:08:05,067 for you, my lady. 303 00:08:05,067 --> 00:08:06,736 What are you doin'? 304 00:08:06,736 --> 00:08:08,654 We don't need 305 00:08:06,736 --> 00:08:08,654 some looney bird 306 00:08:06,736 --> 00:08:08,654 on our team. 307 00:08:08,654 --> 00:08:11,908 Oh, Twitch, 308 00:08:08,654 --> 00:08:11,908 are you jealous? 309 00:08:11,908 --> 00:08:13,868 Actually, yeah, a bit. 310 00:08:13,868 --> 00:08:16,162 But I'm also worried. 311 00:08:16,162 --> 00:08:18,372 How do we know we can 312 00:08:16,162 --> 00:08:18,372 trust that sack of feathers? 313 00:08:18,372 --> 00:08:21,501 That's why I want you 314 00:08:18,372 --> 00:08:21,501 to follow him, silly. 315 00:08:21,501 --> 00:08:25,004 Make sure he delivers 316 00:08:21,501 --> 00:08:25,004 the crown like he says he will. 317 00:08:25,004 --> 00:08:28,674 Oh, right. 318 00:08:25,004 --> 00:08:28,674 I'm on it. 319 00:08:28,674 --> 00:08:30,635 So I just gotta make sure 320 00:08:30,635 --> 00:08:32,887 that raven doesn't 321 00:08:30,635 --> 00:08:32,887 deliver the goods. 322 00:08:32,887 --> 00:08:37,058 Then I'll be Prisma's 323 00:08:32,887 --> 00:08:37,058 one and only partner in crime. 324 00:08:37,058 --> 00:08:40,269 My dad would really 325 00:08:37,058 --> 00:08:40,269 love it if you brought 326 00:08:37,058 --> 00:08:40,269 him some... 327 00:08:40,269 --> 00:08:42,271 Jiggly-wiggly pudding. 328 00:08:42,271 --> 00:08:43,940 Oh, the king's favorite. 329 00:08:43,940 --> 00:08:47,109 One pudding for 330 00:08:43,940 --> 00:08:47,109 the king, please, my good man. 331 00:08:47,109 --> 00:08:48,861 Um, I'm so sorry, sir. 332 00:08:48,861 --> 00:08:50,238 I just sold my last cup. 333 00:08:50,238 --> 00:08:52,240 No more pudding? 334 00:08:52,240 --> 00:08:55,243 Luckily, Dad, Mr. Cedric 335 00:08:52,240 --> 00:08:55,243 can conjure you some. 336 00:08:55,243 --> 00:08:58,204 Superb idea, princess. 337 00:08:58,204 --> 00:08:59,497 Dessertius wigglius! 338 00:08:59,497 --> 00:09:03,292 Yummy! Nicely done, Cedric. 339 00:09:03,292 --> 00:09:05,878 Thank you, Your Majesty. 340 00:09:05,878 --> 00:09:07,380 [man] Did someone 341 00:09:05,878 --> 00:09:07,380 say pudding? 342 00:09:08,965 --> 00:09:10,258 Cedric! 343 00:09:10,258 --> 00:09:12,885 I'm so sorry, 344 00:09:10,258 --> 00:09:12,885 Your Majesty. 345 00:09:12,885 --> 00:09:15,179 It wasn't 346 00:09:12,885 --> 00:09:15,179 his fault, Dad. 347 00:09:15,179 --> 00:09:17,557 Someone bumped into me, 348 00:09:15,179 --> 00:09:17,557 and I bumped into Mr. Cedric. 349 00:09:17,557 --> 00:09:18,891 Let me clean it, sire. 350 00:09:18,891 --> 00:09:20,726 Stainius removius! 351 00:09:20,726 --> 00:09:22,395 Cedric! 352 00:09:22,395 --> 00:09:25,565 - Oh, boy. 353 00:09:22,395 --> 00:09:25,565 - Oh, I am so sorry. 354 00:09:25,565 --> 00:09:28,192 I'll conjure you 355 00:09:25,565 --> 00:09:28,192 a new outfit right away. 356 00:09:28,192 --> 00:09:30,069 [stammering] 357 00:09:28,192 --> 00:09:30,069 Vestimento novio! 358 00:09:31,696 --> 00:09:34,448 Cedric, are you trying to 359 00:09:31,696 --> 00:09:34,448 make a laughingstock of me? 360 00:09:34,448 --> 00:09:37,159 Oh, my deepest 361 00:09:34,448 --> 00:09:37,159 apologies, Your Majesty. 362 00:09:37,159 --> 00:09:40,580 I'm just nervous. 363 00:09:37,159 --> 00:09:40,580 Here, let me try 364 00:09:37,159 --> 00:09:40,580 that spell again. 365 00:09:40,580 --> 00:09:43,291 No. No, no. 366 00:09:40,580 --> 00:09:43,291 No more magic, 367 00:09:40,580 --> 00:09:43,291 please. 368 00:09:43,291 --> 00:09:45,876 I have a change of clothes 369 00:09:43,291 --> 00:09:45,876 in the coach. 370 00:09:47,378 --> 00:09:49,880 [Wormy] Five-pointed 371 00:09:47,378 --> 00:09:49,880 with a pearl. 372 00:09:49,880 --> 00:09:51,173 Looks very evil stepmother-y. 373 00:09:51,173 --> 00:09:53,134 That is it! 374 00:09:53,134 --> 00:09:54,510 Oh, please. 375 00:10:01,642 --> 00:10:04,353 Let's see him get past 376 00:10:01,642 --> 00:10:04,353 those two, huh. 377 00:10:11,485 --> 00:10:12,987 [squawks] 378 00:10:12,987 --> 00:10:14,780 Stay right there, boys. 379 00:10:26,542 --> 00:10:27,585 No! 380 00:10:31,297 --> 00:10:33,841 [Roland laughing] 381 00:10:33,841 --> 00:10:36,510 I knew I'd find 382 00:10:33,841 --> 00:10:36,510 my lucky white necktie. 383 00:10:36,510 --> 00:10:38,846 My lord, there's 384 00:10:36,510 --> 00:10:38,846 been a theft. 385 00:10:38,846 --> 00:10:40,931 What? Did you see 386 00:10:38,846 --> 00:10:40,931 the thief? 387 00:10:40,931 --> 00:10:44,352 No, sire, but we did 388 00:10:40,931 --> 00:10:44,352 find this. 389 00:10:44,352 --> 00:10:46,937 A raven's feather? 390 00:10:46,937 --> 00:10:49,398 - [squawking] 391 00:10:46,937 --> 00:10:49,398 - With a crown? 392 00:10:49,398 --> 00:10:50,816 Is that Wormwood? 393 00:10:50,816 --> 00:10:54,153 Your Majesty, I just 394 00:10:50,816 --> 00:10:54,153 saw Wormwood flying off 395 00:10:54,153 --> 00:10:57,323 - with a very important crown. 396 00:10:54,153 --> 00:10:57,323 - Did you? 397 00:10:57,323 --> 00:10:59,575 I wonder what my royal sorcerer 398 00:10:57,323 --> 00:10:59,575 has to say about this. 399 00:10:59,575 --> 00:11:01,744 What's going on? 400 00:11:01,744 --> 00:11:05,164 It seems, while you 401 00:11:01,744 --> 00:11:05,164 distracted me with 402 00:11:01,744 --> 00:11:05,164 that pudding fiasco, 403 00:11:05,164 --> 00:11:08,709 your raven went and stole 404 00:11:05,164 --> 00:11:08,709 a precious crown from 405 00:11:05,164 --> 00:11:08,709 this exhibit. 406 00:11:08,709 --> 00:11:12,380 Wormwood? No. 407 00:11:08,709 --> 00:11:12,380 Why would he do that? 408 00:11:12,380 --> 00:11:16,217 All I know is that 409 00:11:12,380 --> 00:11:16,217 this was found at 410 00:11:12,380 --> 00:11:16,217 the scene of the crime. 411 00:11:16,217 --> 00:11:19,762 Sire, I have no idea 412 00:11:16,217 --> 00:11:19,762 what's going on, 413 00:11:19,762 --> 00:11:22,348 but in no way did I put 414 00:11:19,762 --> 00:11:22,348 Wormwood up to this. 415 00:11:22,348 --> 00:11:24,725 I have no need for a crown. 416 00:11:24,725 --> 00:11:28,020 Forgive me if I don't 417 00:11:24,725 --> 00:11:28,020 quite believe you, Cedric. 418 00:11:28,020 --> 00:11:31,315 Dad, Mr. Cedric 419 00:11:28,020 --> 00:11:31,315 wouldn't do something 420 00:11:28,020 --> 00:11:31,315 like this. 421 00:11:31,315 --> 00:11:32,441 Not anymore. 422 00:11:32,441 --> 00:11:34,110 Would he? 423 00:11:34,110 --> 00:11:35,569 Unfortunately, Sofia, 424 00:11:35,569 --> 00:11:37,655 people don't change 425 00:11:35,569 --> 00:11:37,655 as easily as you think. 426 00:11:38,656 --> 00:11:40,616 Alert the rest 427 00:11:38,656 --> 00:11:40,616 of the guards. 428 00:11:40,616 --> 00:11:42,410 I want search parties 429 00:11:40,616 --> 00:11:42,410 sent out. 430 00:11:42,410 --> 00:11:44,328 Right away, 431 00:11:42,410 --> 00:11:44,328 Your Majesty. 432 00:11:46,247 --> 00:11:48,165 Pardon me for 433 00:11:46,247 --> 00:11:48,165 intruding, sire, 434 00:11:48,165 --> 00:11:51,168 but how will the guards 435 00:11:48,165 --> 00:11:51,168 even know where to look 436 00:11:48,165 --> 00:11:51,168 for Wormwood? 437 00:11:51,168 --> 00:11:53,170 May I see that feather? 438 00:11:53,170 --> 00:11:54,422 I can cast a spell on it 439 00:11:54,422 --> 00:11:56,215 to help us track 440 00:11:54,422 --> 00:11:56,215 where Wormwood went. 441 00:11:56,215 --> 00:11:58,008 Fine. Go ahead. 442 00:11:59,427 --> 00:12:02,847 Plumius navigatio! 443 00:12:02,847 --> 00:12:05,433 - It's like a compass. 444 00:12:02,847 --> 00:12:05,433 - Yes, of sorts. 445 00:12:05,433 --> 00:12:07,268 It should point 446 00:12:05,433 --> 00:12:07,268 the way to its owner. 447 00:12:07,268 --> 00:12:09,270 [guard] Come on, men. 448 00:12:07,268 --> 00:12:09,270 Back to the castle. 449 00:12:09,270 --> 00:12:11,689 We need reinforcements! 450 00:12:13,816 --> 00:12:15,943 Wormwood is heading 451 00:12:13,816 --> 00:12:15,943 that way. 452 00:12:15,943 --> 00:12:17,695 It's too late 453 00:12:15,943 --> 00:12:17,695 to tell the guards. 454 00:12:17,695 --> 00:12:19,405 They're going 455 00:12:17,695 --> 00:12:19,405 the wrong way. 456 00:12:19,405 --> 00:12:22,199 We shall have to go 457 00:12:19,405 --> 00:12:22,199 catch him on our own then. 458 00:12:22,199 --> 00:12:25,453 You'd really lead me 459 00:12:22,199 --> 00:12:25,453 to the accomplice 460 00:12:22,199 --> 00:12:25,453 in your own crime? 461 00:12:25,453 --> 00:12:28,414 Sire, if I had plotted 462 00:12:25,453 --> 00:12:28,414 this theft with Wormwood, 463 00:12:28,414 --> 00:12:31,250 it would be madness to help 464 00:12:28,414 --> 00:12:31,250 you find him, wouldn't it? 465 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:33,836 If Mr. Cedric helps 466 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:33,836 get the stolen crown back, 467 00:12:33,836 --> 00:12:36,422 it will prove 468 00:12:33,836 --> 00:12:36,422 he's on your side, Dad. 469 00:12:36,422 --> 00:12:38,257 All right. 470 00:12:38,257 --> 00:12:40,426 But should my suspicions 471 00:12:38,257 --> 00:12:40,426 be confirmed, 472 00:12:40,426 --> 00:12:43,345 I'm afraid it's to 473 00:12:40,426 --> 00:12:43,345 the dungeons with you, Cedric. 474 00:12:43,345 --> 00:12:44,722 [gulps] 475 00:12:44,722 --> 00:12:47,308 Fair enough, 476 00:12:44,722 --> 00:12:47,308 Your Majesty. 477 00:12:47,308 --> 00:12:49,310 Keep going, Wormwood. 478 00:12:49,310 --> 00:12:52,313 No pain, 479 00:12:49,310 --> 00:12:52,313 no gain a new master. 480 00:13:03,032 --> 00:13:04,450 [panting] 481 00:13:04,450 --> 00:13:07,077 Oh, what now? 482 00:13:07,077 --> 00:13:10,289 Oh, that hunk of crown 483 00:13:07,077 --> 00:13:10,289 too heavy for ya? 484 00:13:10,289 --> 00:13:12,374 Excuse me? 485 00:13:13,501 --> 00:13:15,503 Relax. It's me, 486 00:13:15,503 --> 00:13:17,546 and I'd be happy to bring 487 00:13:15,503 --> 00:13:17,546 the crown to Prisma, 488 00:13:17,546 --> 00:13:19,173 if you can't 489 00:13:17,546 --> 00:13:19,173 hack it. 490 00:13:19,173 --> 00:13:21,842 No shame in droppin' out. 491 00:13:21,842 --> 00:13:24,345 I can bring it myself, 492 00:13:21,842 --> 00:13:24,345 thank you very much. 493 00:13:31,060 --> 00:13:34,104 Cedric, if you're leading us 494 00:13:31,060 --> 00:13:34,104 into some sort of trap... 495 00:13:34,104 --> 00:13:36,398 I promise, 496 00:13:34,104 --> 00:13:36,398 Your Highness, 497 00:13:34,104 --> 00:13:36,398 I am not. 498 00:13:36,398 --> 00:13:40,611 What can I say to make 499 00:13:36,398 --> 00:13:40,611 you believe I'm on your side? 500 00:13:40,611 --> 00:13:42,905 I'm not sure there's 501 00:13:40,611 --> 00:13:42,905 anything you can say. 502 00:13:42,905 --> 00:13:44,365 Then maybe he can show you. 503 00:13:44,365 --> 00:13:46,408 Right! 504 00:13:46,408 --> 00:13:49,328 I'll show you 505 00:13:46,408 --> 00:13:49,328 over and over. 506 00:13:49,328 --> 00:13:51,580 Sooner or later, 507 00:13:49,328 --> 00:13:51,580 you have to see, 508 00:13:51,580 --> 00:13:54,667 I can be trusted. 509 00:13:54,667 --> 00:13:58,462 ♪ I've said sorry 510 00:13:54,667 --> 00:13:58,462 again and again ♪ 511 00:13:58,462 --> 00:14:00,130 ♪ For my past wrongs ♪ 512 00:14:00,130 --> 00:14:03,634 ♪ And for the man 513 00:14:00,130 --> 00:14:03,634 I was back then ♪ 514 00:14:03,634 --> 00:14:07,513 ♪ But still there's a wall 515 00:14:03,634 --> 00:14:07,513 around your heart ♪ 516 00:14:07,513 --> 00:14:09,181 ♪ So brick by brick ♪ 517 00:14:09,181 --> 00:14:12,434 ♪ I'll try to break 518 00:14:09,181 --> 00:14:12,434 that wall apart ♪ 519 00:14:12,434 --> 00:14:14,603 ♪ I'll lend 520 00:14:12,434 --> 00:14:14,603 a millions hands ♪ 521 00:14:14,603 --> 00:14:17,064 ♪ I'll bridge 522 00:14:14,603 --> 00:14:17,064 the great divide ♪ 523 00:14:17,064 --> 00:14:21,402 ♪ Jump through a million hoops 524 00:14:17,064 --> 00:14:21,402 until you're satisfied ♪ 525 00:14:21,402 --> 00:14:26,198 ♪ That I am on your side ♪ 526 00:14:26,198 --> 00:14:32,204 ♪ Yes, I am 527 00:14:26,198 --> 00:14:32,204 on your side ♪ 528 00:14:32,371 --> 00:14:36,542 ♪ I see Wormwood 529 00:14:32,371 --> 00:14:36,542 up there in the sky ♪ 530 00:14:36,542 --> 00:14:41,547 ♪ Now aren't ya glad 531 00:14:36,542 --> 00:14:41,547 we gave Cedric's way a try? ♪ 532 00:14:41,547 --> 00:14:45,551 ♪ I want your forgiveness 533 00:14:41,547 --> 00:14:45,551 for all that mess ♪ 534 00:14:45,551 --> 00:14:48,470 ♪ But I want to prove 535 00:14:45,551 --> 00:14:48,470 that I deserve it ♪ 536 00:14:48,470 --> 00:14:49,805 ♪ More than less ♪ 537 00:14:49,805 --> 00:14:53,017 ♪ I'll lend 538 00:14:49,805 --> 00:14:53,017 a million hands ♪ 539 00:14:53,017 --> 00:14:54,935 ♪ I'll bridge 540 00:14:53,017 --> 00:14:54,935 the great divide ♪ 541 00:14:54,935 --> 00:14:59,481 ♪ Jump through a million hoops 542 00:14:54,935 --> 00:14:59,481 until you're satisfied ♪ 543 00:14:59,481 --> 00:15:03,819 ♪ That I am on your side ♪ 544 00:15:03,819 --> 00:15:09,033 ♪ Yes, I am on your side ♪ 545 00:15:09,033 --> 00:15:12,995 ♪ Do you remember when ♪ 546 00:15:12,995 --> 00:15:15,414 ♪ We were like a team? ♪ 547 00:15:15,414 --> 00:15:17,458 ♪ You had my back ♪ 548 00:15:17,458 --> 00:15:20,085 ♪ It was better 549 00:15:17,458 --> 00:15:20,085 than any dream ♪ 550 00:15:20,085 --> 00:15:24,089 ♪ What's in pieces 551 00:15:20,085 --> 00:15:24,089 can still be repaired ♪ 552 00:15:24,089 --> 00:15:26,508 ♪ It's not too late 553 00:15:24,089 --> 00:15:26,508 to fix the friendship ♪ 554 00:15:26,508 --> 00:15:29,303 ♪ You once shared ♪ 555 00:15:29,303 --> 00:15:33,474 ♪ And so I'll lend 556 00:15:29,303 --> 00:15:33,474 a million hands ♪ 557 00:15:33,474 --> 00:15:35,267 ♪ I'll bridge 558 00:15:33,474 --> 00:15:35,267 the great divide ♪ 559 00:15:35,267 --> 00:15:37,436 ♪ Jump through 560 00:15:35,267 --> 00:15:37,436 a million hoops ♪ 561 00:15:37,436 --> 00:15:40,147 ♪ Until you're satisfied ♪ 562 00:15:40,147 --> 00:15:43,651 ♪ That I am on your side ♪ 563 00:15:43,651 --> 00:15:45,903 ♪ I'm starting to see 564 00:15:43,651 --> 00:15:45,903 that you are on... ♪ 565 00:15:45,903 --> 00:15:48,489 ♪ I am on 566 00:15:45,903 --> 00:15:48,489 your side ♪ 567 00:15:48,489 --> 00:15:51,158 ♪ My side ♪ 568 00:15:51,158 --> 00:15:53,243 ♪ My side ♪ 569 00:15:53,243 --> 00:15:57,539 ♪ My side! ♪ 570 00:16:04,838 --> 00:16:08,133 Rats. I can't let him 571 00:16:04,838 --> 00:16:08,133 get that crown to Prisma. 572 00:16:15,182 --> 00:16:18,143 So I'll just 573 00:16:15,182 --> 00:16:18,143 slow him down a bit. 574 00:16:18,143 --> 00:16:20,479 Oh, boy, would that sting. 575 00:16:20,479 --> 00:16:23,524 Wait for it, 576 00:16:20,479 --> 00:16:23,524 wait for it. 577 00:16:29,571 --> 00:16:31,991 Oh, no. 578 00:16:29,571 --> 00:16:31,991 You nasty creatures. 579 00:16:31,991 --> 00:16:34,743 Shoo! Shoo, all of you. 580 00:16:31,991 --> 00:16:34,743 Get away. 581 00:16:34,743 --> 00:16:37,496 [Wormwood exclaiming] 582 00:16:38,914 --> 00:16:42,334 Oh, what on earth 583 00:16:38,914 --> 00:16:42,334 is Wormwood doing? 584 00:16:42,334 --> 00:16:43,711 Something isn't right. 585 00:16:43,711 --> 00:16:45,879 I'll go on ahead 586 00:16:43,711 --> 00:16:45,879 and see what's wrong. 587 00:16:54,513 --> 00:16:56,932 [Wormwood yelling] 588 00:16:56,932 --> 00:16:58,183 Get away! 589 00:17:02,312 --> 00:17:05,232 Worm, hand over 590 00:17:02,312 --> 00:17:05,232 that crown. 591 00:17:05,232 --> 00:17:06,984 I will not. 592 00:17:06,984 --> 00:17:10,070 I am your master. 593 00:17:06,984 --> 00:17:10,070 You must. 594 00:17:10,070 --> 00:17:12,656 You won't be 595 00:17:10,070 --> 00:17:12,656 my master much longer, Cedric. 596 00:17:12,656 --> 00:17:14,950 You are leaving me? 597 00:17:14,950 --> 00:17:16,618 You're too nice now. 598 00:17:16,618 --> 00:17:18,454 I miss the old Cedric. 599 00:17:18,454 --> 00:17:19,997 The Cedric who used 600 00:17:18,454 --> 00:17:19,997 to plot day and night 601 00:17:19,997 --> 00:17:22,207 to take over 602 00:17:19,997 --> 00:17:22,207 the kingdom. 603 00:17:22,207 --> 00:17:25,627 And that's more important 604 00:17:22,207 --> 00:17:25,627 to you than our friendship? 605 00:17:25,627 --> 00:17:28,255 Only a million times 606 00:17:25,627 --> 00:17:28,255 so, my dear boy. 607 00:17:28,255 --> 00:17:32,134 What do I care if you're 608 00:17:28,255 --> 00:17:32,134 buddy-buddy with the king? 609 00:17:32,134 --> 00:17:33,969 What power will 610 00:17:32,134 --> 00:17:33,969 that give me? 611 00:17:33,969 --> 00:17:37,848 Hopefully, Wormwood, it won't 612 00:17:33,969 --> 00:17:37,848 give you any power at all. 613 00:17:37,848 --> 00:17:39,600 [yells] 614 00:17:39,600 --> 00:17:41,643 [straining] 615 00:17:43,270 --> 00:17:47,024 Hand over the crown, 616 00:17:43,270 --> 00:17:47,024 you back-stabbing raven. 617 00:17:47,024 --> 00:17:49,610 Not if my life 618 00:17:47,024 --> 00:17:49,610 depended on it, 619 00:17:49,610 --> 00:17:50,819 you goody two-shoes. 620 00:17:52,237 --> 00:17:54,656 Ha! Good riddance, Wormy. 621 00:17:54,656 --> 00:17:56,617 You are no longer needed. 622 00:17:56,617 --> 00:17:59,995 The crown is mine! 623 00:17:59,995 --> 00:18:02,039 - Mr. Cedric! 624 00:17:59,995 --> 00:18:02,039 - Cedric! 625 00:18:05,334 --> 00:18:07,252 [squawks] 626 00:18:09,088 --> 00:18:10,255 No! 627 00:18:12,716 --> 00:18:14,426 Oh, Your Highness, 628 00:18:12,716 --> 00:18:14,426 you let him get away. 629 00:18:14,426 --> 00:18:17,346 At least I've got the mastermind 630 00:18:14,426 --> 00:18:17,346 behind this heist. 631 00:18:17,346 --> 00:18:18,472 Me? 632 00:18:18,472 --> 00:18:20,099 You just admitted it. 633 00:18:20,099 --> 00:18:22,518 You want the crown 634 00:18:20,099 --> 00:18:22,518 all to yourself. 635 00:18:22,518 --> 00:18:25,312 I was only trying 636 00:18:22,518 --> 00:18:25,312 to get it from Wormwood, 637 00:18:25,312 --> 00:18:27,147 the real thief. 638 00:18:25,312 --> 00:18:27,147 Sofia? 639 00:18:27,147 --> 00:18:29,066 I don't know, 640 00:18:27,147 --> 00:18:29,066 Mr. Cedric. 641 00:18:29,066 --> 00:18:30,692 You were holding 642 00:18:29,066 --> 00:18:30,692 the crown. 643 00:18:30,692 --> 00:18:33,904 And just when I was starting 644 00:18:30,692 --> 00:18:33,904 to trust you again. 645 00:18:33,904 --> 00:18:35,697 You can spend the night 646 00:18:33,904 --> 00:18:35,697 in the dungeons 647 00:18:35,697 --> 00:18:37,658 till this is sorted out. 648 00:18:40,744 --> 00:18:43,497 Huh. Looks like 649 00:18:40,744 --> 00:18:43,497 the raven's a no-show. 650 00:18:43,497 --> 00:18:45,707 Guess it's just 651 00:18:43,497 --> 00:18:45,707 you and me, Prisma. 652 00:18:45,707 --> 00:18:48,669 Dastardly greetings, 653 00:18:45,707 --> 00:18:48,669 my lady. 654 00:18:48,669 --> 00:18:50,712 What? How did you 655 00:18:48,669 --> 00:18:50,712 get here? 656 00:18:50,712 --> 00:18:54,633 May I present you 657 00:18:50,712 --> 00:18:54,633 Grimhilde's crown? 658 00:18:54,633 --> 00:18:55,968 You did it! 659 00:18:55,968 --> 00:18:59,429 The crown is ours! 660 00:18:55,968 --> 00:18:59,429 Wonderful teamwork. 661 00:18:59,429 --> 00:19:01,807 So you're sayin' 662 00:18:59,429 --> 00:19:01,807 he's part of the team now? 663 00:19:01,807 --> 00:19:04,017 Yes. Of course. 664 00:19:04,017 --> 00:19:06,311 I always keep my word. 665 00:19:06,311 --> 00:19:07,980 I can't believe it. 666 00:19:07,980 --> 00:19:10,691 It's really ours. 667 00:19:10,691 --> 00:19:13,735 Beware, Prisma. When that crown 668 00:19:10,691 --> 00:19:13,735 catches the light 669 00:19:13,735 --> 00:19:15,404 at just the right angle, 670 00:19:15,404 --> 00:19:17,739 it creates 671 00:19:15,404 --> 00:19:17,739 earth-shattering lightning. 672 00:19:17,739 --> 00:19:20,200 Sounds delightful! 673 00:19:20,200 --> 00:19:23,787 [Prisma and Wormwood 674 00:19:20,200 --> 00:19:23,787 laughing] 675 00:19:23,787 --> 00:19:25,581 Yeah. 676 00:19:23,787 --> 00:19:25,581 [laughs] 677 00:19:25,581 --> 00:19:27,749 [all laughing] 678 00:19:29,459 --> 00:19:31,545 Cedric, your wand, please. 679 00:19:31,545 --> 00:19:33,380 Fine. 680 00:19:33,380 --> 00:19:34,965 I will need it back. 681 00:19:38,343 --> 00:19:40,721 [cackling laughter] 682 00:19:43,849 --> 00:19:45,350 Oh, no. 683 00:19:48,187 --> 00:19:50,939 - Where's Sofia? 684 00:19:48,187 --> 00:19:50,939 - Prisma. 685 00:19:50,939 --> 00:19:53,358 Princess Sofia. 686 00:19:53,358 --> 00:19:55,777 You can hand that over, 687 00:19:53,358 --> 00:19:55,777 or I can call the Protectors. 688 00:19:55,777 --> 00:19:57,779 Your choice. 689 00:19:57,779 --> 00:19:59,948 Hand over one of 690 00:19:57,779 --> 00:19:59,948 the Wicked Nine? 691 00:19:59,948 --> 00:20:02,034 I don't love that idea, 692 00:20:02,034 --> 00:20:04,203 but I do love this one. 693 00:20:05,245 --> 00:20:08,040 Huh, funny weather 694 00:20:05,245 --> 00:20:08,040 we're having, isn't it? 695 00:20:08,040 --> 00:20:09,875 Sofia, there you are. 696 00:20:09,875 --> 00:20:12,252 The crown! 697 00:20:12,252 --> 00:20:14,755 Not so fast, 698 00:20:12,252 --> 00:20:14,755 my dear king. 699 00:20:14,755 --> 00:20:16,340 Triton's toothbrush! 700 00:20:16,340 --> 00:20:18,258 Take cover! 701 00:20:18,258 --> 00:20:20,177 Sire, my wand. 702 00:20:20,177 --> 00:20:22,304 - I can stop 703 00:20:20,177 --> 00:20:22,304 this villainess. 704 00:20:20,177 --> 00:20:22,304 - Right. 705 00:20:23,847 --> 00:20:25,349 I can't get to you. 706 00:20:26,808 --> 00:20:28,060 Oh, just toss it over. 707 00:20:28,060 --> 00:20:29,353 How? 708 00:20:29,353 --> 00:20:31,271 The royal ricochet. 709 00:20:31,271 --> 00:20:33,732 The royal ricochet! 710 00:20:34,733 --> 00:20:36,902 - Got it! 711 00:20:34,733 --> 00:20:36,902 - Well played. 712 00:20:36,902 --> 00:20:38,362 Powerum beamio! 713 00:20:39,905 --> 00:20:41,782 How do you like 714 00:20:39,905 --> 00:20:41,782 those apples? 715 00:20:45,577 --> 00:20:47,579 Now then, princess, 716 00:20:47,579 --> 00:20:49,456 you have been 717 00:20:47,579 --> 00:20:49,456 a thorn in my side 718 00:20:49,456 --> 00:20:51,041 once too often. 719 00:20:55,754 --> 00:20:56,880 Oh, no! 720 00:20:56,880 --> 00:20:58,840 Hang on, princess! 721 00:20:58,840 --> 00:21:00,175 Mr. Cedric! 722 00:21:06,848 --> 00:21:09,559 We got what we came for. 723 00:21:06,848 --> 00:21:09,559 Let's go. 724 00:21:09,559 --> 00:21:11,895 Sofia? 725 00:21:11,895 --> 00:21:13,438 Oh, you're okay. 726 00:21:13,438 --> 00:21:14,773 Thank goodness. 727 00:21:14,773 --> 00:21:16,566 Dad! 728 00:21:16,566 --> 00:21:17,818 Oh, where's Mr. Cedric? 729 00:21:17,818 --> 00:21:20,988 Cedric? Cedric. 730 00:21:17,818 --> 00:21:20,988 Where are you? 731 00:21:20,988 --> 00:21:22,990 Oh, you don't think... 732 00:21:22,990 --> 00:21:24,157 Mr. Cedric. 733 00:21:24,157 --> 00:21:26,785 Look, there, in the rubble. 734 00:21:26,785 --> 00:21:29,246 Quick, Sofia, help me 735 00:21:26,785 --> 00:21:29,246 pull him out. 736 00:21:29,246 --> 00:21:31,623 Is the princess safe? 737 00:21:34,543 --> 00:21:36,670 I can't believe 738 00:21:34,543 --> 00:21:36,670 how you saved me like that. 739 00:21:36,670 --> 00:21:38,880 You could've gotten 740 00:21:36,670 --> 00:21:38,880 really hurt. 741 00:21:38,880 --> 00:21:41,341 So could you, Sofia. 742 00:21:41,341 --> 00:21:43,010 Cedric. 743 00:21:43,010 --> 00:21:44,553 I know. 744 00:21:44,553 --> 00:21:46,179 Off to the dungeon. 745 00:21:46,179 --> 00:21:48,515 I was wrong 746 00:21:46,179 --> 00:21:48,515 about you. 747 00:21:48,515 --> 00:21:51,810 You sacrificed 748 00:21:48,515 --> 00:21:51,810 your own safety 749 00:21:48,515 --> 00:21:51,810 for Sofia. 750 00:21:51,810 --> 00:21:54,938 That means more to me 751 00:21:51,810 --> 00:21:54,938 than you will ever know. 752 00:21:54,938 --> 00:21:57,607 It's so wonderful 753 00:21:54,938 --> 00:21:57,607 to hear that. 754 00:21:57,607 --> 00:21:59,943 I'm sorry the crown's 755 00:21:57,607 --> 00:21:59,943 been lost. 756 00:21:59,943 --> 00:22:02,571 Who was that woman anyway? 757 00:22:02,571 --> 00:22:06,116 I don't know, 758 00:22:02,571 --> 00:22:06,116 but at least, 759 00:22:02,571 --> 00:22:06,116 we're all okay. 760 00:22:06,116 --> 00:22:08,327 Oh, what a mess. 761 00:22:08,327 --> 00:22:10,329 Cedric, do you 762 00:22:08,327 --> 00:22:10,329 have a spell 763 00:22:10,329 --> 00:22:12,706 to return this all 764 00:22:10,329 --> 00:22:12,706 to normal? 765 00:22:15,834 --> 00:22:17,836 Terra refurba! 766 00:22:23,884 --> 00:22:25,469 Excellent job... 767 00:22:25,469 --> 00:22:28,180 old friend. 768 00:22:28,180 --> 00:22:30,640 Vega, Orion. 769 00:22:31,850 --> 00:22:33,060 It's Prisma. 770 00:22:33,060 --> 00:22:35,771 She has one of 771 00:22:33,060 --> 00:22:35,771 the Wicked Nine.