1 00:00:00,417 --> 00:00:02,836 ♪♪ 2 00:00:11,845 --> 00:00:14,806 ♪ I was a girl in the village 3 00:00:11,845 --> 00:00:14,806 Doing all right ♪ 4 00:00:14,806 --> 00:00:17,183 ♪ Then I became a princess 5 00:00:14,806 --> 00:00:17,183 Overnight ♪ 6 00:00:17,183 --> 00:00:19,936 ♪ Now I got to figure out 7 00:00:17,183 --> 00:00:19,936 How to do it right ♪ 8 00:00:19,936 --> 00:00:21,730 ♪ So much to learn and see ♪ 9 00:00:21,730 --> 00:00:24,858 ♪ Up in the castle 10 00:00:21,730 --> 00:00:24,858 With my new family ♪ 11 00:00:24,858 --> 00:00:27,569 ♪ In a school 12 00:00:24,858 --> 00:00:27,569 That's just for royalty ♪ 13 00:00:27,569 --> 00:00:31,781 ♪ A whole enchanted world 14 00:00:27,569 --> 00:00:31,781 Is waiting for me ♪ 15 00:00:31,781 --> 00:00:33,950 ♪ I'm so excited to be ♪ 16 00:00:33,950 --> 00:00:35,035 ♪ Sofia the First ♪ 17 00:00:35,035 --> 00:00:37,120 ♪ I'm finding out ♪ 18 00:00:37,120 --> 00:00:38,913 ♪ What being royal's 19 00:00:37,120 --> 00:00:38,913 All about ♪ 20 00:00:38,913 --> 00:00:40,415 ♪ Sofia the First ♪ 21 00:00:40,415 --> 00:00:41,875 ♪ Making my way ♪ 22 00:00:41,875 --> 00:00:43,918 ♪ It's an adventure every day ♪ 23 00:00:43,918 --> 00:00:46,254 -♪ Sofia ♪ 24 00:00:43,918 --> 00:00:46,254 -♪ It's gonna be my time ♪ 25 00:00:46,254 --> 00:00:47,922 ♪ Sofia ♪ 26 00:00:47,922 --> 00:00:52,051 ♪ To show them all 27 00:00:47,922 --> 00:00:52,051 That I'm Sofia the First ♪ 28 00:01:01,019 --> 00:01:03,021 [reading onscreen text] 29 00:01:03,021 --> 00:01:04,939 [Zooey] 30 00:01:03,021 --> 00:01:04,939 I hereby bring this meeting 31 00:01:04,939 --> 00:01:06,691 of the Princess Adventure Club 32 00:01:04,939 --> 00:01:06,691 to order. 33 00:01:06,691 --> 00:01:08,735 First, I have 34 00:01:06,691 --> 00:01:08,735 an important announcement. 35 00:01:08,735 --> 00:01:10,236 At next week's meeting, 36 00:01:08,735 --> 00:01:10,236 we will present 37 00:01:10,236 --> 00:01:13,656 the Princess Adventure 38 00:01:10,236 --> 00:01:13,656 Club's Scroll of Discovery. 39 00:01:13,656 --> 00:01:15,992 -The Scroll of Discovery? 40 00:01:13,656 --> 00:01:15,992 -The scroll of what? 41 00:01:15,992 --> 00:01:18,078 Um... what is that again, Zooey? 42 00:01:18,078 --> 00:01:19,579 It's a list 43 00:01:18,078 --> 00:01:19,579 of the amazing things 44 00:01:19,579 --> 00:01:21,122 each member of our club 45 00:01:19,579 --> 00:01:21,122 has discovered 46 00:01:21,122 --> 00:01:23,291 on our adventures. 47 00:01:21,122 --> 00:01:23,291 And the best part: 48 00:01:23,291 --> 00:01:26,503 it'll be displayed in the school 49 00:01:23,291 --> 00:01:26,503 trophy case for everyone to see. 50 00:01:26,503 --> 00:01:28,755 You mean like when I found 51 00:01:26,503 --> 00:01:28,755 that ancient idol 52 00:01:28,755 --> 00:01:30,006 in the temples of Tangu? 53 00:01:30,006 --> 00:01:32,926 Exactly. 54 00:01:30,006 --> 00:01:32,926 That was an amazing discovery. 55 00:01:32,926 --> 00:01:35,178 And I discovered that new 56 00:01:32,926 --> 00:01:35,178 species of rainbow moth. 57 00:01:35,178 --> 00:01:37,013 And I discovered 58 00:01:35,178 --> 00:01:37,013 a star. 59 00:01:37,013 --> 00:01:39,140 Amberina Major. 60 00:01:37,013 --> 00:01:39,140 Did you get that? 61 00:01:39,140 --> 00:01:41,684 "Amberina" means it was 62 00:01:39,140 --> 00:01:41,684 named after me? 63 00:01:41,684 --> 00:01:43,603 -Yeah, we got it. 64 00:01:41,684 --> 00:01:43,603 -How about you, Hildy? 65 00:01:43,603 --> 00:01:44,938 What have you discovered? 66 00:01:44,938 --> 00:01:46,606 Oh, uh... it's... 67 00:01:46,606 --> 00:01:48,066 it's hard to choose. 68 00:01:48,066 --> 00:01:50,235 So many big things 69 00:01:48,066 --> 00:01:50,235 come to mind. 70 00:01:50,235 --> 00:01:52,237 So, everyone think about 71 00:01:50,235 --> 00:01:52,237 what to put under your name 72 00:01:52,237 --> 00:01:54,656 on the Scroll of Discovery, 73 00:01:52,237 --> 00:01:54,656 and have it ready for next week. 74 00:01:54,656 --> 00:01:56,282 Now, the second order 75 00:01:54,656 --> 00:01:56,282 of business: 76 00:01:56,282 --> 00:01:58,118 our next adventure. 77 00:01:58,118 --> 00:02:00,787 Follow me to the Map Room 78 00:01:58,118 --> 00:02:00,787 and I'll tell you all about it. 79 00:02:06,709 --> 00:02:08,128 What's wrong, Hildy? 80 00:02:08,128 --> 00:02:09,921 Nothing, except everyone else 81 00:02:08,128 --> 00:02:09,921 has discovered 82 00:02:09,921 --> 00:02:12,006 such incredible things. 83 00:02:12,006 --> 00:02:13,800 What have I done 84 00:02:12,006 --> 00:02:13,800 in the club? 85 00:02:13,800 --> 00:02:16,427 Seriously, Sofia, 86 00:02:13,800 --> 00:02:16,427 make me a list. 87 00:02:16,427 --> 00:02:19,013 You're always 88 00:02:16,427 --> 00:02:19,013 very well dressed. 89 00:02:19,013 --> 00:02:20,098 Keep going. 90 00:02:20,098 --> 00:02:21,808 And your hair 91 00:02:20,098 --> 00:02:21,808 always looks nice? 92 00:02:21,808 --> 00:02:23,726 Yes, I look fabulous. 93 00:02:23,726 --> 00:02:27,355 But suddenly, that doesn't seem 94 00:02:23,726 --> 00:02:27,355 as impressive as, say, 95 00:02:27,355 --> 00:02:29,149 discovering a star. 96 00:02:29,149 --> 00:02:32,068 Face it, Sofia, 97 00:02:29,149 --> 00:02:32,068 I'm mediocre. 98 00:02:32,068 --> 00:02:35,113 Oh, Hildy, you're just as good 99 00:02:32,068 --> 00:02:35,113 as anyone in the club. 100 00:02:35,113 --> 00:02:37,782 But I'm supposed to be better 101 00:02:35,113 --> 00:02:37,782 than everyone in the club. 102 00:02:37,782 --> 00:02:39,409 You're making 103 00:02:37,782 --> 00:02:39,409 too much of this. 104 00:02:39,409 --> 00:02:41,035 It's just a scroll. 105 00:02:41,035 --> 00:02:42,620 Just a scroll? 106 00:02:42,620 --> 00:02:44,205 Everyone in the school 107 00:02:42,620 --> 00:02:44,205 will look at it 108 00:02:44,205 --> 00:02:45,498 to see what our 109 00:02:44,205 --> 00:02:45,498 accomplishments were, 110 00:02:45,498 --> 00:02:49,377 and they'll see that I was... 111 00:02:45,498 --> 00:02:49,377 ugh, unmemorable. 112 00:02:49,377 --> 00:02:51,296 Well, we have a new adventure 113 00:02:49,377 --> 00:02:51,296 coming up. 114 00:02:51,296 --> 00:02:54,090 Who knows? Maybe you'll discover 115 00:02:51,296 --> 00:02:54,090 something amazing 116 00:02:54,090 --> 00:02:55,967 on this trip that you can put 117 00:02:54,090 --> 00:02:55,967 in the scroll. 118 00:02:55,967 --> 00:02:57,176 That's right. 119 00:02:57,176 --> 00:02:58,761 I've still got time 120 00:02:57,176 --> 00:02:58,761 to find something. 121 00:02:58,761 --> 00:03:02,765 The best something 122 00:02:58,761 --> 00:03:02,765 anyone has ever found. 123 00:03:02,765 --> 00:03:04,809 For our next 124 00:03:02,765 --> 00:03:04,809 Princess Adventure Club trip, 125 00:03:04,809 --> 00:03:06,853 I propose that we explore 126 00:03:06,853 --> 00:03:09,314 The Lost Pyramids 127 00:03:06,853 --> 00:03:09,314 of Khaldoun. 128 00:03:09,314 --> 00:03:13,359 Uh, how can the pyramids be lost 129 00:03:09,314 --> 00:03:13,359 when you have a map of them? 130 00:03:13,359 --> 00:03:14,777 They were lost for ages. 131 00:03:14,777 --> 00:03:16,487 An evil wizard named Hizzan 132 00:03:14,777 --> 00:03:16,487 built them 133 00:03:16,487 --> 00:03:18,448 to hide his stolen 134 00:03:16,487 --> 00:03:18,448 treasures. 135 00:03:18,448 --> 00:03:20,366 But just recently, 136 00:03:18,448 --> 00:03:20,366 the famous archeomagicologist 137 00:03:20,366 --> 00:03:23,244 Princess Cassandra, 138 00:03:20,366 --> 00:03:23,244 who is my hero and my pen pal, 139 00:03:23,244 --> 00:03:25,997 made headlines by discovering 140 00:03:23,244 --> 00:03:25,997 four of them. 141 00:03:25,997 --> 00:03:27,957 What's an archeomagicologist? 142 00:03:27,957 --> 00:03:30,251 Somebody who studies 143 00:03:27,957 --> 00:03:30,251 ancient magical objects. 144 00:03:30,251 --> 00:03:32,503 And no one's better at it 145 00:03:30,251 --> 00:03:32,503 than Cassandra. 146 00:03:32,503 --> 00:03:34,672 Just look at all these books 147 00:03:32,503 --> 00:03:34,672 she's written. 148 00:03:34,672 --> 00:03:36,591 And her name is on 149 00:03:34,672 --> 00:03:36,591 all of them. 150 00:03:36,591 --> 00:03:38,301 Now that is impressive. 151 00:03:38,301 --> 00:03:40,595 You said she found 152 00:03:38,301 --> 00:03:40,595 four of the lost pyramids. 153 00:03:40,595 --> 00:03:42,180 How many are there? 154 00:03:42,180 --> 00:03:45,391 Five. And the fifth one has 155 00:03:42,180 --> 00:03:45,391 the greatest treasure of all. 156 00:03:45,391 --> 00:03:47,644 -How do we find it? 157 00:03:45,391 --> 00:03:47,644 -It won't be easy. 158 00:03:47,644 --> 00:03:49,395 Legends say the five pyramids 159 00:03:47,644 --> 00:03:49,395 were laid out 160 00:03:49,395 --> 00:03:50,813 in some kind of pattern, 161 00:03:50,813 --> 00:03:53,024 but no one has ever 162 00:03:50,813 --> 00:03:53,024 figured it out. 163 00:03:53,024 --> 00:03:54,275 Oh, please. 164 00:03:54,275 --> 00:03:56,361 If this archeomagi-whosits 165 00:03:54,275 --> 00:03:56,361 Cassandra 166 00:03:56,361 --> 00:03:59,906 can't find the fifth pyramid, 167 00:03:56,361 --> 00:03:59,906 what hope do we have? 168 00:03:59,906 --> 00:04:01,407 -Hildegard... 169 00:03:59,906 --> 00:04:01,407 -I say we forget this 170 00:04:01,407 --> 00:04:03,826 and come up with something 171 00:04:01,407 --> 00:04:03,826 easier for me to discover. 172 00:04:03,826 --> 00:04:06,037 I mean, us... 173 00:04:03,826 --> 00:04:06,037 to discover. 174 00:04:06,037 --> 00:04:08,289 Hildegard, look. 175 00:04:09,499 --> 00:04:12,252 Could the evil wizard 176 00:04:09,499 --> 00:04:12,252 have arranged his pyramids 177 00:04:12,252 --> 00:04:13,753 in the shape of a hand? 178 00:04:14,754 --> 00:04:16,005 [Sofia gasps] 179 00:04:16,005 --> 00:04:17,590 Nice detective work, Sofia. 180 00:04:17,590 --> 00:04:19,717 If your theory is correct, 181 00:04:17,590 --> 00:04:19,717 then the fifth pyramid 182 00:04:19,717 --> 00:04:22,804 would be right 183 00:04:19,717 --> 00:04:22,804 where Hildy's thumb is. 184 00:04:22,804 --> 00:04:24,180 My thumb? 185 00:04:24,180 --> 00:04:26,140 [Sofia] There's only one way 186 00:04:24,180 --> 00:04:26,140 to find out. 187 00:04:26,140 --> 00:04:28,559 Zooey, let's fire up 188 00:04:26,140 --> 00:04:28,559 the hydrofoil. 189 00:04:28,559 --> 00:04:29,769 Princess Adventure Club, 190 00:04:29,769 --> 00:04:32,105 let's find the lost 191 00:04:29,769 --> 00:04:32,105 Pyramid of Khaldoun. 192 00:04:32,105 --> 00:04:35,275 And to think, I'm the one 193 00:04:32,105 --> 00:04:35,275 who made this discovery. 194 00:04:35,275 --> 00:04:38,319 My name is going to be in books, 195 00:04:35,275 --> 00:04:38,319 just like Princess Cassandra. 196 00:04:38,319 --> 00:04:40,321 Hip-hip hooray for me. 197 00:04:40,321 --> 00:04:43,533 Uh, Hildy, Sofia is actually 198 00:04:40,321 --> 00:04:43,533 the one who figured it out. 199 00:04:43,533 --> 00:04:45,326 But I put my thumb on it. 200 00:04:45,326 --> 00:04:47,078 Yeah, but that was just 201 00:04:45,326 --> 00:04:47,078 by chance. 202 00:04:47,078 --> 00:04:49,831 -Was it, Zooey? 203 00:04:47,078 --> 00:04:49,831 -Hildy has a point. 204 00:04:49,831 --> 00:04:52,500 I never would've figured it out 205 00:04:49,831 --> 00:04:52,500 without her hand being there. 206 00:04:52,500 --> 00:04:55,211 -See? 207 00:04:52,500 --> 00:04:55,211 -Uh, okay. 208 00:04:55,211 --> 00:04:58,423 Sofia, thanks for letting me 209 00:04:55,211 --> 00:04:58,423 take the credit for this. 210 00:04:58,423 --> 00:05:00,883 It's okay, Hildy. 211 00:04:58,423 --> 00:05:00,883 I don't mind sharing the credit. 212 00:05:00,883 --> 00:05:03,177 Sharing? What do you mean? 213 00:05:03,177 --> 00:05:05,388 Well, we both played a part 214 00:05:03,177 --> 00:05:05,388 in the discovery, 215 00:05:05,388 --> 00:05:07,849 so it was kind of 216 00:05:05,388 --> 00:05:07,849 a team effort. 217 00:05:07,849 --> 00:05:10,435 What? No one will be impressed 218 00:05:07,849 --> 00:05:10,435 if I was just a part 219 00:05:10,435 --> 00:05:12,103 of a "team effort." 220 00:05:12,103 --> 00:05:14,272 You've already done so much, 221 00:05:12,103 --> 00:05:14,272 Sofia. 222 00:05:14,272 --> 00:05:17,650 Why can't you give me this 223 00:05:14,272 --> 00:05:17,650 one itty-bitty huge discovery 224 00:05:17,650 --> 00:05:18,776 for myself? 225 00:05:18,776 --> 00:05:20,611 Because it isn't the truth, 226 00:05:18,776 --> 00:05:20,611 Hildy. 227 00:05:20,611 --> 00:05:23,114 Well, if you're going 228 00:05:20,611 --> 00:05:23,114 to be a stickler, 229 00:05:23,114 --> 00:05:24,574 I'll just have to discover 230 00:05:23,114 --> 00:05:24,574 something 231 00:05:24,574 --> 00:05:26,034 even more super-important 232 00:05:24,574 --> 00:05:26,034 on this trip 233 00:05:26,034 --> 00:05:29,746 that I can claim credit for 234 00:05:26,034 --> 00:05:29,746 all by myself. 235 00:05:32,999 --> 00:05:36,419 So you want me to fly you 236 00:05:32,999 --> 00:05:36,419 to this empty patch of desert? 237 00:05:36,419 --> 00:05:39,172 [Zooey] 238 00:05:36,419 --> 00:05:39,172 Yeah. Take a left at the pinkie 239 00:05:36,419 --> 00:05:39,172 and head for the thumb. 240 00:05:39,172 --> 00:05:41,841 Aye, aye, Captain Zooey. 241 00:05:42,925 --> 00:05:45,386 [roars] 242 00:05:45,386 --> 00:05:47,513 Hey, someone's flying 243 00:05:45,386 --> 00:05:47,513 towards us. 244 00:05:54,520 --> 00:05:57,231 The Princess Adventure Club, 245 00:05:54,520 --> 00:05:57,231 I presume? 246 00:05:57,231 --> 00:05:58,816 Princess Cassandra. 247 00:05:58,816 --> 00:06:00,109 I sent her a message. 248 00:06:00,109 --> 00:06:01,903 And when I heard that you had 249 00:06:00,109 --> 00:06:01,903 possibly discovered 250 00:06:01,903 --> 00:06:04,030 the missing fifth pyramid 251 00:06:01,903 --> 00:06:04,030 of Khaldoun, 252 00:06:04,030 --> 00:06:06,157 I had to see 253 00:06:04,030 --> 00:06:06,157 for myself. 254 00:06:06,157 --> 00:06:07,575 She's going to be 255 00:06:06,157 --> 00:06:07,575 our guide. 256 00:06:07,575 --> 00:06:09,452 It's great 257 00:06:07,575 --> 00:06:09,452 to meet you all. 258 00:06:09,452 --> 00:06:12,330 So, which one of you 259 00:06:09,452 --> 00:06:12,330 figured it out? 260 00:06:12,330 --> 00:06:14,248 Well, actually, I-- 261 00:06:14,248 --> 00:06:15,917 It was a team effort. 262 00:06:15,917 --> 00:06:17,502 Monumental. 263 00:06:17,502 --> 00:06:20,671 Every archeomagicologist needs 264 00:06:17,502 --> 00:06:20,671 as much help as she can get. 265 00:06:20,671 --> 00:06:22,006 Sally, dismount. 266 00:06:23,341 --> 00:06:24,926 -What is that? 267 00:06:23,341 --> 00:06:24,926 -This is Sally, 268 00:06:24,926 --> 00:06:26,469 my guide lemur. 269 00:06:26,469 --> 00:06:28,721 She helps me get around 270 00:06:26,469 --> 00:06:28,721 without bumping into things. 271 00:06:28,721 --> 00:06:30,681 Cassandra, are you blind? 272 00:06:30,681 --> 00:06:32,433 What gave me away? 273 00:06:32,433 --> 00:06:34,393 Are my socks 274 00:06:32,433 --> 00:06:34,393 mismatched again? 275 00:06:34,393 --> 00:06:36,521 You never mentioned in 276 00:06:34,393 --> 00:06:36,521 your letters you couldn't see. 277 00:06:36,521 --> 00:06:38,356 Well, you never mentioned 278 00:06:36,521 --> 00:06:38,356 you could. 279 00:06:38,356 --> 00:06:40,233 -Good point. 280 00:06:38,356 --> 00:06:40,233 -[bell clangs] 281 00:06:40,233 --> 00:06:42,735 Attention, everyone. 282 00:06:40,233 --> 00:06:42,735 We have arrived. 283 00:06:42,735 --> 00:06:45,738 Monumental. So what do you say, 284 00:06:42,735 --> 00:06:45,738 princesses? 285 00:06:45,738 --> 00:06:47,698 Shall we go make history? 286 00:06:58,251 --> 00:07:00,169 [pilot] 287 00:06:58,251 --> 00:07:00,169 Brace for landing! 288 00:07:04,799 --> 00:07:06,676 [bell clanging] 289 00:07:09,011 --> 00:07:11,722 Prepare to disembark. 290 00:07:11,722 --> 00:07:15,059 Watch out, watch out. 291 00:07:11,722 --> 00:07:15,059 One side. One side, please. 292 00:07:15,059 --> 00:07:16,769 I'm going to be the first one 293 00:07:15,059 --> 00:07:16,769 to find... 294 00:07:16,769 --> 00:07:18,020 [gasps] 295 00:07:20,857 --> 00:07:21,858 Tell me what you see. 296 00:07:21,858 --> 00:07:23,151 Just sand. 297 00:07:23,151 --> 00:07:24,735 Sand, sand and more sand. 298 00:07:24,735 --> 00:07:26,654 There's no pyramid here. 299 00:07:26,654 --> 00:07:28,364 I guess Sofia got it wrong. 300 00:07:28,364 --> 00:07:30,575 I thought you said 301 00:07:28,364 --> 00:07:30,575 it was your idea. 302 00:07:30,575 --> 00:07:32,326 Well, that's when I thought 303 00:07:30,575 --> 00:07:32,326 it was a good idea. 304 00:07:32,326 --> 00:07:33,744 It might still be. 305 00:07:33,744 --> 00:07:36,456 That wizard, Hizzan, 306 00:07:33,744 --> 00:07:36,456 was pretty tricky. 307 00:07:36,456 --> 00:07:40,168 This pyramid is probably hidden 308 00:07:36,456 --> 00:07:40,168 even better than the others. 309 00:07:40,168 --> 00:07:41,461 I'll find it! 310 00:07:42,837 --> 00:07:45,965 Hey, I found a rock... 311 00:07:42,837 --> 00:07:45,965 and another rock. 312 00:07:45,965 --> 00:07:47,800 And here's a third rock. 313 00:07:47,800 --> 00:07:49,260 But no pyramid. 314 00:07:49,260 --> 00:07:51,762 Ugh! We're never going 315 00:07:49,260 --> 00:07:51,762 to find it that way. 316 00:07:51,762 --> 00:07:55,183 Oh, if only there was some way 317 00:07:51,762 --> 00:07:55,183 to clear all the sand away. 318 00:07:55,183 --> 00:07:56,809 Sometimes the answer 319 00:07:55,183 --> 00:07:56,809 to a problem 320 00:07:56,809 --> 00:07:59,562 is staring you right in the face 321 00:07:56,809 --> 00:07:59,562 and you don't even know it. 322 00:08:02,190 --> 00:08:04,484 [wind gusting] 323 00:08:09,447 --> 00:08:11,199 It is staring me 324 00:08:09,447 --> 00:08:11,199 in the face. 325 00:08:11,199 --> 00:08:12,825 I know how to blow 326 00:08:11,199 --> 00:08:12,825 the sand away. 327 00:08:12,825 --> 00:08:14,410 Everyone, quick, 328 00:08:12,825 --> 00:08:14,410 get back on the hydrofoil. 329 00:08:14,410 --> 00:08:15,703 I've got an idea. 330 00:08:15,703 --> 00:08:17,622 [engine chugging] 331 00:08:32,595 --> 00:08:34,805 [Sofia] 332 00:08:32,595 --> 00:08:34,805 Zooey, you did it! 333 00:08:34,805 --> 00:08:37,099 Yeah, look at that stone 334 00:08:34,805 --> 00:08:37,099 with the picture of a-- 335 00:08:37,099 --> 00:08:38,935 A sphinx! I see it. 336 00:08:38,935 --> 00:08:40,937 And I'm closest. 337 00:08:40,937 --> 00:08:42,855 Maybe if I just... 338 00:08:42,855 --> 00:08:44,941 [rumbling] 339 00:08:57,119 --> 00:08:58,746 Uh... wow. 340 00:08:58,746 --> 00:09:02,083 I did it! 341 00:08:58,746 --> 00:09:02,083 I found the lost pyramid! 342 00:09:02,083 --> 00:09:03,584 Well, you and Zooey. 343 00:09:03,584 --> 00:09:05,586 She came up with the idea 344 00:09:03,584 --> 00:09:05,586 to blow the sand away. 345 00:09:05,586 --> 00:09:08,548 Ugh! Another team effort? 346 00:09:08,548 --> 00:09:11,842 This whole trip is turning out 347 00:09:08,548 --> 00:09:11,842 to be a royal bummer. 348 00:09:13,844 --> 00:09:15,596 -[monkey chitters] 349 00:09:13,844 --> 00:09:15,596 -But we've just begun. 350 00:09:15,596 --> 00:09:18,349 There's a lot more to do 351 00:09:15,596 --> 00:09:18,349 than just locate the pyramid. 352 00:09:18,349 --> 00:09:21,143 We've got to explore it 353 00:09:18,349 --> 00:09:21,143 and find the treasure. 354 00:09:21,143 --> 00:09:23,229 So, who's first? 355 00:09:23,229 --> 00:09:24,689 Me! Me! Me! 356 00:09:32,029 --> 00:09:34,156 Hey, it's dark in here. 357 00:09:34,156 --> 00:09:35,825 How are we going to see 358 00:09:34,156 --> 00:09:35,825 where we're going? 359 00:09:35,825 --> 00:09:38,703 The other pyramids 360 00:09:35,825 --> 00:09:38,703 were lined with Forever Torches 361 00:09:38,703 --> 00:09:40,079 along the walls. 362 00:09:40,079 --> 00:09:41,664 Feel around and find one. 363 00:09:47,545 --> 00:09:49,130 Got one. 364 00:09:49,130 --> 00:09:51,048 Now pull on it. 365 00:09:49,130 --> 00:09:51,048 Does it light up? 366 00:09:51,048 --> 00:09:52,800 Yes! 367 00:09:53,759 --> 00:09:55,177 [Sofia] 368 00:09:53,759 --> 00:09:55,177 Amazing. 369 00:09:55,177 --> 00:09:56,387 Way to go, Cassandra. 370 00:09:59,765 --> 00:10:01,601 It's a dead end. 371 00:10:01,601 --> 00:10:03,185 There's no way forward. 372 00:10:03,185 --> 00:10:05,813 Just this writing 373 00:10:03,185 --> 00:10:05,813 on the wall. 374 00:10:05,813 --> 00:10:08,190 Hieroglyphics? Monumental! 375 00:10:08,190 --> 00:10:11,902 A long ago, people used to write 376 00:10:08,190 --> 00:10:11,902 in pictures instead of words. 377 00:10:11,902 --> 00:10:13,529 Should we describe them 378 00:10:11,902 --> 00:10:13,529 to you? 379 00:10:13,529 --> 00:10:14,780 No need. 380 00:10:14,780 --> 00:10:16,073 [sighs] 381 00:10:18,492 --> 00:10:21,537 This is how I fell in love 382 00:10:18,492 --> 00:10:21,537 with archeomagicology. 383 00:10:21,537 --> 00:10:23,289 Because it's carved 384 00:10:21,537 --> 00:10:23,289 in the stone, 385 00:10:23,289 --> 00:10:25,666 I can read the writing 386 00:10:23,289 --> 00:10:25,666 with my fingers. 387 00:10:25,666 --> 00:10:27,001 Beautiful. 388 00:10:27,001 --> 00:10:29,337 Just as I suspected. 389 00:10:27,001 --> 00:10:29,337 It's here. 390 00:10:29,337 --> 00:10:31,881 -What's here? 391 00:10:29,337 --> 00:10:31,881 -Each of Hizzan's pyramids 392 00:10:31,881 --> 00:10:33,299 had a magic treasure in it, 393 00:10:33,299 --> 00:10:36,302 but this one holds the greatest 394 00:10:33,299 --> 00:10:36,302 treasure of all. 395 00:10:36,302 --> 00:10:38,012 The Oasis Stone. 396 00:10:38,012 --> 00:10:39,180 Exactly, Zooey. 397 00:10:39,180 --> 00:10:43,017 The whole valley used to be lush 398 00:10:39,180 --> 00:10:43,017 with plants and animals. 399 00:10:43,017 --> 00:10:44,477 If we can find 400 00:10:43,017 --> 00:10:44,477 the Oasis Stone, 401 00:10:44,477 --> 00:10:47,063 we can magically restore it 402 00:10:44,477 --> 00:10:47,063 to the way it was. 403 00:10:47,063 --> 00:10:49,065 We should totally 404 00:10:47,063 --> 00:10:49,065 do that. 405 00:10:49,065 --> 00:10:51,275 These symbols say 406 00:10:49,065 --> 00:10:51,275 the Oasis Stone 407 00:10:51,275 --> 00:10:53,235 rests in the central chamber 408 00:10:51,275 --> 00:10:53,235 of the pyramid. 409 00:10:53,235 --> 00:10:55,404 But the wizard placed 410 00:10:53,235 --> 00:10:55,404 many challenges and traps 411 00:10:55,404 --> 00:10:56,656 along the way. 412 00:10:56,656 --> 00:10:58,658 If we follow 413 00:10:56,656 --> 00:10:58,658 the jackal symbols, 414 00:10:58,658 --> 00:11:00,284 they'll lead us 415 00:10:58,658 --> 00:11:00,284 to the central chamber, 416 00:11:00,284 --> 00:11:03,079 Someone press this symbol, 417 00:11:00,284 --> 00:11:03,079 and away we'll go. 418 00:11:04,455 --> 00:11:07,333 A magic stone that will restore 419 00:11:04,455 --> 00:11:07,333 life to the desert? 420 00:11:07,333 --> 00:11:09,418 I'm going to be the first one 421 00:11:07,333 --> 00:11:09,418 to find it. 422 00:11:10,836 --> 00:11:12,088 [loud clang] 423 00:11:15,091 --> 00:11:17,968 A secret door. 424 00:11:15,091 --> 00:11:17,968 I love this already. 425 00:11:17,968 --> 00:11:19,303 I'm first. I'm first. 426 00:11:19,303 --> 00:11:20,513 I'm-- whoa! 427 00:11:22,181 --> 00:11:24,433 It's a pit. 428 00:11:22,181 --> 00:11:24,433 We can't get through. 429 00:11:24,433 --> 00:11:26,352 That must be 430 00:11:24,433 --> 00:11:26,352 the first trap. 431 00:11:26,352 --> 00:11:27,728 There's always a way 432 00:11:26,352 --> 00:11:27,728 to get through. 433 00:11:27,728 --> 00:11:29,230 You just have to look. 434 00:11:29,230 --> 00:11:30,648 I don't see a way. 435 00:11:30,648 --> 00:11:32,733 That's because you're looking 436 00:11:30,648 --> 00:11:32,733 with your eyes. 437 00:11:32,733 --> 00:11:36,278 Close them. and try reaching out 438 00:11:32,733 --> 00:11:36,278 with your other senses. 439 00:11:36,278 --> 00:11:37,446 [sniffs] 440 00:11:37,446 --> 00:11:38,906 -What do you smell? 441 00:11:37,446 --> 00:11:38,906 -[all sniffing] 442 00:11:38,906 --> 00:11:40,408 Hildy's perfume. 443 00:11:40,408 --> 00:11:41,700 Oh, it's nice. 444 00:11:41,700 --> 00:11:43,035 Thanks you, Amber. 445 00:11:43,035 --> 00:11:44,412 It's my own fragrance. 446 00:11:44,412 --> 00:11:46,455 Fleur de Freezenburg. 447 00:11:46,455 --> 00:11:49,708 -Anything else? 448 00:11:46,455 --> 00:11:49,708 -I smell moss. 449 00:11:49,708 --> 00:11:51,043 -I do too. 450 00:11:49,708 --> 00:11:51,043 -Good. 451 00:11:51,043 --> 00:11:53,003 Sally, find the moss. 452 00:11:53,003 --> 00:11:54,255 [squeaks and chitters] 453 00:12:00,511 --> 00:12:04,849 Yup. And it's just the ticket 454 00:12:00,511 --> 00:12:04,849 to get us across this pit. 455 00:12:15,526 --> 00:12:17,528 There you go. 456 00:12:17,528 --> 00:12:19,488 You're starting to see 457 00:12:17,528 --> 00:12:19,488 that you don't always 458 00:12:19,488 --> 00:12:22,491 have to rely on what you see. 459 00:12:22,491 --> 00:12:26,495 Sometimes your other senses 460 00:12:22,491 --> 00:12:26,495 can get you through. 461 00:12:26,495 --> 00:12:29,206 ♪ You use your eyes to see 462 00:12:26,495 --> 00:12:29,206 What's in front of you ♪ 463 00:12:29,206 --> 00:12:32,501 ♪ They tell you most 464 00:12:29,206 --> 00:12:32,501 Of what you need to know ♪ 465 00:12:32,501 --> 00:12:36,714 ♪ But you've got other senses 466 00:12:32,501 --> 00:12:36,714 To get you through ♪ 467 00:12:36,714 --> 00:12:41,469 ♪ To find all the things 468 00:12:36,714 --> 00:12:41,469 Your eyes could never show ♪ 469 00:12:42,887 --> 00:12:45,931 ♪ And, yes, I know you just want 470 00:12:42,887 --> 00:12:45,931 To charge ahead ♪ 471 00:12:45,931 --> 00:12:49,393 ♪ But there may be things 472 00:12:45,931 --> 00:12:49,393 That block your way ♪ 473 00:12:49,393 --> 00:12:52,521 ♪ Instead of looking 474 00:12:49,393 --> 00:12:52,521 Feel all around instead ♪ 475 00:12:52,521 --> 00:12:55,149 ♪ And you'll sense 476 00:12:52,521 --> 00:12:55,149 What lies ahead ♪ 477 00:12:55,149 --> 00:12:57,651 ♪ From a mile away ♪ 478 00:12:58,694 --> 00:13:00,070 ♪ When it's cloudy or dark ♪ 479 00:13:00,070 --> 00:13:01,780 ♪ And you can't see much ♪ 480 00:13:01,780 --> 00:13:04,950 ♪ Reach out with your hearing 481 00:13:01,780 --> 00:13:04,950 Your smell and your touch ♪ 482 00:13:04,950 --> 00:13:09,538 ♪ If you're feeling fenced in 483 00:13:04,950 --> 00:13:09,538 By what you can't see ♪ 484 00:13:09,538 --> 00:13:11,248 ♪ Break down those fences ♪ 485 00:13:11,248 --> 00:13:15,544 ♪ And come to your senses 486 00:13:11,248 --> 00:13:15,544 With me ♪ 487 00:13:19,340 --> 00:13:22,635 ♪ When you can't see exactly 488 00:13:19,340 --> 00:13:22,635 What to do ♪ 489 00:13:22,635 --> 00:13:25,554 ♪ Close your eyes and try 490 00:13:22,635 --> 00:13:25,554 To use your ears ♪ 491 00:13:25,554 --> 00:13:29,475 ♪ Listen close and hear 492 00:13:25,554 --> 00:13:29,475 What's in front of you ♪ 493 00:13:29,475 --> 00:13:32,770 ♪ And maybe the way out 494 00:13:29,475 --> 00:13:32,770 Will at last appear ♪ 495 00:13:32,770 --> 00:13:35,439 I found a hidden door! 496 00:13:35,439 --> 00:13:37,566 ♪ When it's cloudy or dark 497 00:13:35,439 --> 00:13:37,566 And you can't see much ♪ 498 00:13:37,566 --> 00:13:41,487 ♪ Reach out with your hearing 499 00:13:37,566 --> 00:13:41,487 Your smell and your touch ♪ 500 00:13:41,487 --> 00:13:46,116 ♪ If you're feeling fenced in 501 00:13:41,487 --> 00:13:46,116 By what you can't see ♪ 502 00:13:46,116 --> 00:13:47,618 ♪ Break down those fences ♪ 503 00:13:47,618 --> 00:13:50,621 ♪ And come to your senses 504 00:13:47,618 --> 00:13:50,621 With me ♪ 505 00:13:51,664 --> 00:13:52,915 [all] 506 00:13:51,664 --> 00:13:52,915 ♪ We're on an adventure ♪ 507 00:13:52,915 --> 00:13:54,750 ♪ Seeking for glory ♪ 508 00:13:54,750 --> 00:13:57,962 ♪ But what we can see 509 00:13:54,750 --> 00:13:57,962 Doesn't tell the whole story ♪ 510 00:13:57,962 --> 00:13:59,463 ♪ We're feeling our way ♪ 511 00:13:59,463 --> 00:14:01,507 ♪ We're listening and smelling ♪ 512 00:14:01,507 --> 00:14:05,886 ♪ And where it will lead us 513 00:14:01,507 --> 00:14:05,886 There's really no telling ♪ 514 00:14:05,886 --> 00:14:09,598 ♪ When it's cloudy or dark 515 00:14:05,886 --> 00:14:09,598 And we can't see much ♪ 516 00:14:09,598 --> 00:14:11,267 ♪ We'll reach out 517 00:14:09,598 --> 00:14:11,267 With our hearing ♪ 518 00:14:11,267 --> 00:14:13,060 ♪ Our smell and our touch ♪ 519 00:14:13,060 --> 00:14:16,355 ♪ When we're feeling fenced in 520 00:14:13,060 --> 00:14:16,355 And we can't get through ♪ 521 00:14:16,355 --> 00:14:19,024 ♪ We'll break down 522 00:14:16,355 --> 00:14:19,024 Those fences ♪ 523 00:14:20,109 --> 00:14:23,237 ♪ And come to our senses ♪ 524 00:14:23,237 --> 00:14:25,531 ♪ With you ♪ 525 00:14:29,952 --> 00:14:33,038 ♪ We've come to our senses ♪ 526 00:14:33,038 --> 00:14:36,208 ♪ With you ♪ 527 00:14:43,007 --> 00:14:44,633 Oh, I'm soaked! 528 00:14:44,633 --> 00:14:46,760 I never thought I could get 529 00:14:44,633 --> 00:14:46,760 this wet in the desert. 530 00:14:47,803 --> 00:14:49,805 [water drips] 531 00:14:49,805 --> 00:14:51,849 You all stay here 532 00:14:49,805 --> 00:14:51,849 and dry off. 533 00:14:51,849 --> 00:14:53,100 I'll scout ahead. 534 00:14:55,644 --> 00:14:57,271 [squeaking and chirping] 535 00:14:59,481 --> 00:15:00,649 I can come with you. 536 00:15:05,613 --> 00:15:07,072 Adventures are fun, 537 00:15:07,072 --> 00:15:08,908 but they take a toll 538 00:15:07,072 --> 00:15:08,908 on your wardrobe. 539 00:15:08,908 --> 00:15:11,118 Wait, Amber. 540 00:15:08,908 --> 00:15:11,118 Don't touch that. 541 00:15:11,118 --> 00:15:12,661 Oops. 542 00:15:14,413 --> 00:15:16,957 Just push on the torch 543 00:15:14,413 --> 00:15:16,957 to make them all light up again. 544 00:15:16,957 --> 00:15:19,543 Which torch? 545 00:15:16,957 --> 00:15:19,543 I can't find it now. 546 00:15:19,543 --> 00:15:22,171 Oh! Now I've knocked them down. 547 00:15:22,171 --> 00:15:23,505 What are we going to do? 548 00:15:23,505 --> 00:15:25,132 We're going to make our way 549 00:15:23,505 --> 00:15:25,132 out of here 550 00:15:25,132 --> 00:15:26,926 and catch up 551 00:15:25,132 --> 00:15:26,926 to Cassandra and Hildy. 552 00:15:26,926 --> 00:15:28,886 But we can't see anything. 553 00:15:28,886 --> 00:15:30,888 Remember what Cassandra said. 554 00:15:30,888 --> 00:15:32,765 Our other senses 555 00:15:30,888 --> 00:15:32,765 will get us through. 556 00:15:32,765 --> 00:15:35,100 -[wind gusting] 557 00:15:32,765 --> 00:15:35,100 -I feel a breeze. 558 00:15:35,100 --> 00:15:36,644 It must be coming 559 00:15:35,100 --> 00:15:36,644 from the open door 560 00:15:36,644 --> 00:15:38,020 at the end of the hall. 561 00:15:38,020 --> 00:15:39,563 I'll throw these pebbles 562 00:15:38,020 --> 00:15:39,563 ahead of us, 563 00:15:39,563 --> 00:15:41,649 so we can hear if anything's 564 00:15:39,563 --> 00:15:41,649 blocking our path. 565 00:15:46,737 --> 00:15:47,988 Watch out. 566 00:15:47,988 --> 00:15:49,323 There's a stone to our left. 567 00:15:49,323 --> 00:15:50,658 We're on our way. 568 00:15:55,496 --> 00:15:56,747 [sighs] 569 00:15:56,747 --> 00:15:58,082 Okay, I think we've gone 570 00:15:56,747 --> 00:15:58,082 far enough. 571 00:15:58,082 --> 00:15:59,875 I'll go back 572 00:15:58,082 --> 00:15:59,875 and get the others. 573 00:16:01,210 --> 00:16:06,298 Right. And I'll, uh, stay here 574 00:16:01,210 --> 00:16:06,298 and look around a little. 575 00:16:15,599 --> 00:16:17,559 [gasps] 576 00:16:15,599 --> 00:16:17,559 A jackal. 577 00:16:17,559 --> 00:16:20,729 We're supposed to follow these 578 00:16:17,559 --> 00:16:20,729 to get to the Oasis Stone. 579 00:16:20,729 --> 00:16:22,356 Whoa! 580 00:16:23,816 --> 00:16:25,359 It was dark, 581 00:16:23,816 --> 00:16:25,359 but we did it. 582 00:16:25,359 --> 00:16:27,236 We used our other senses, 583 00:16:25,359 --> 00:16:27,236 like you said. 584 00:16:27,236 --> 00:16:28,904 Monumental. 585 00:16:30,072 --> 00:16:31,365 Where's Hildy? 586 00:16:31,365 --> 00:16:32,783 I left her right here. 587 00:16:34,159 --> 00:16:35,995 Well, there's only 588 00:16:34,159 --> 00:16:35,995 one door. 589 00:16:35,995 --> 00:16:38,914 She must've gone ahead. 590 00:16:35,995 --> 00:16:38,914 This way. 591 00:16:38,914 --> 00:16:40,332 Let's go. We're close. 592 00:16:40,332 --> 00:16:41,917 I can feel it. 593 00:16:41,917 --> 00:16:43,002 [sniffing] 594 00:16:43,002 --> 00:16:44,837 And I can smell it. 595 00:16:44,837 --> 00:16:47,256 Fleur de Freezenburg. 596 00:16:44,837 --> 00:16:47,256 Hildy's perfume. 597 00:16:47,256 --> 00:16:49,299 But it's not coming 598 00:16:47,256 --> 00:16:49,299 from the door. 599 00:16:49,299 --> 00:16:51,885 It's coming 600 00:16:49,299 --> 00:16:51,885 from over here. 601 00:16:53,846 --> 00:16:55,055 Ah-ha. 602 00:16:55,055 --> 00:16:57,433 Just like I thought. 603 00:16:55,055 --> 00:16:57,433 A jackal. 604 00:16:57,433 --> 00:16:59,018 Hey, guys, wait. 605 00:16:57,433 --> 00:16:59,018 I found a-- 606 00:16:59,018 --> 00:17:00,394 Whoa! 607 00:17:03,230 --> 00:17:05,357 That must be it. 608 00:17:05,357 --> 00:17:06,984 The Oasis Stone! 609 00:17:08,027 --> 00:17:09,945 Hildy, stop! 610 00:17:09,945 --> 00:17:11,363 I found it, Sofia. 611 00:17:11,363 --> 00:17:13,323 I found the Oasis Stone. 612 00:17:13,323 --> 00:17:14,992 Now all I have to do 613 00:17:13,323 --> 00:17:14,992 is grab it, 614 00:17:14,992 --> 00:17:16,910 and I'll have the greatest 615 00:17:14,992 --> 00:17:16,910 discovery in the history 616 00:17:16,910 --> 00:17:18,787 of the Princess 617 00:17:16,910 --> 00:17:18,787 Adventure Club. 618 00:17:18,787 --> 00:17:21,415 But this whole pyramid has been 619 00:17:18,787 --> 00:17:21,415 filled with booby traps. 620 00:17:21,415 --> 00:17:23,876 We should wait for Cassandra 621 00:17:21,415 --> 00:17:23,876 and the others. 622 00:17:23,876 --> 00:17:26,086 No. I've got to claim it first, 623 00:17:26,086 --> 00:17:28,964 or they'll show up and it'll be 624 00:17:26,086 --> 00:17:28,964 another "team effort." 625 00:17:28,964 --> 00:17:31,341 But that's what we are. 626 00:17:28,964 --> 00:17:31,341 A team. 627 00:17:39,058 --> 00:17:41,351 Who disturbs my slumber? 628 00:17:41,351 --> 00:17:43,270 Whoa. 629 00:17:43,270 --> 00:17:45,230 Uh-oh. Hildy, run! 630 00:17:45,230 --> 00:17:47,608 But I need that stone. 631 00:17:47,608 --> 00:17:49,610 The Oasis Stone 632 00:17:47,608 --> 00:17:49,610 has remained hidden 633 00:17:49,610 --> 00:17:51,820 beneath the sands 634 00:17:49,610 --> 00:17:51,820 of Khaldoun 635 00:17:51,820 --> 00:17:54,573 for age upon age. 636 00:17:54,573 --> 00:17:57,367 Who has discovered 637 00:17:54,573 --> 00:17:57,367 its location? 638 00:17:57,367 --> 00:18:00,454 -Hildy, come on. 639 00:17:57,367 --> 00:18:00,454 -It's okay, Sofia. 640 00:18:00,454 --> 00:18:02,206 I discovered it. 641 00:18:02,206 --> 00:18:03,999 Most impressive. 642 00:18:03,999 --> 00:18:07,086 Thank you. 643 00:18:03,999 --> 00:18:07,086 I did it all by myself. 644 00:18:07,086 --> 00:18:09,171 And who found the carving 645 00:18:09,171 --> 00:18:12,341 that lifted the pyramid 646 00:18:09,171 --> 00:18:12,341 out of the sand? 647 00:18:12,341 --> 00:18:14,093 Me. That was me. 648 00:18:14,093 --> 00:18:17,096 And did you make it through 649 00:18:14,093 --> 00:18:17,096 all my master's booby traps 650 00:18:17,096 --> 00:18:18,388 to get here? 651 00:18:18,388 --> 00:18:19,932 Yes, yes. Me again. 652 00:18:19,932 --> 00:18:22,392 Congratulations, 653 00:18:19,932 --> 00:18:22,392 Princess Hildegard. 654 00:18:22,392 --> 00:18:25,646 You have earned 655 00:18:22,392 --> 00:18:25,646 a most special reward. 656 00:18:25,646 --> 00:18:27,272 Hey, Sofia, 657 00:18:25,646 --> 00:18:27,272 did you hear that? 658 00:18:27,272 --> 00:18:28,524 I'm going to get-- 659 00:18:28,524 --> 00:18:29,775 whoa! 660 00:18:32,402 --> 00:18:34,571 -Hildy! 661 00:18:32,402 --> 00:18:34,571 -Sofia, help! 662 00:18:34,571 --> 00:18:36,198 Please release my friend. 663 00:18:36,198 --> 00:18:37,866 I think not. 664 00:18:37,866 --> 00:18:40,119 My ancient duty 665 00:18:37,866 --> 00:18:40,119 is to wait here. 666 00:18:40,119 --> 00:18:42,704 And if someone tries 667 00:18:40,119 --> 00:18:42,704 to take the Oasis Stone, 668 00:18:42,704 --> 00:18:44,873 I am ordered 669 00:18:42,704 --> 00:18:44,873 to capture them. 670 00:18:44,873 --> 00:18:46,708 But we didn't know 671 00:18:44,873 --> 00:18:46,708 about your rules. 672 00:18:46,708 --> 00:18:49,253 Now flee, or you shall 673 00:18:46,708 --> 00:18:49,253 join your friend: 674 00:18:49,253 --> 00:18:51,797 imprisoned here 675 00:18:49,253 --> 00:18:51,797 for all eternity. 676 00:18:54,299 --> 00:18:55,551 [gasps] 677 00:18:55,551 --> 00:18:56,885 Don't worry, Hildy. 678 00:18:56,885 --> 00:18:58,387 I'll figure something out. 679 00:18:58,387 --> 00:19:00,264 Oh, no. Sofia! 680 00:19:03,267 --> 00:19:05,185 There she is. Sofia! 681 00:19:05,185 --> 00:19:06,687 Cassandra, Zooey! 682 00:19:06,687 --> 00:19:09,064 [Cassandra] Wedge something 683 00:19:06,687 --> 00:19:09,064 in the door, quick. 684 00:19:15,779 --> 00:19:17,030 Did you find Hildegard? 685 00:19:17,030 --> 00:19:18,949 [Hildegard] 686 00:19:17,030 --> 00:19:18,949 I'm here! I'm trapped! 687 00:19:18,949 --> 00:19:21,368 -Is there a sphinx? 688 00:19:18,949 --> 00:19:21,368 -Yes, there is. 689 00:19:21,368 --> 00:19:23,620 Oh, I wish 690 00:19:21,368 --> 00:19:23,620 you'd waited for us. 691 00:19:23,620 --> 00:19:25,831 [Hildegard] 692 00:19:23,620 --> 00:19:25,831 I know. I should have. 693 00:19:25,831 --> 00:19:27,583 I'm sorry for the way 694 00:19:25,831 --> 00:19:27,583 I've been acting. 695 00:19:27,583 --> 00:19:29,585 You should all escape now, 696 00:19:27,583 --> 00:19:29,585 while you can. 697 00:19:29,585 --> 00:19:31,295 You should know us 698 00:19:29,585 --> 00:19:31,295 better than that. 699 00:19:31,295 --> 00:19:32,754 We're not going 700 00:19:31,295 --> 00:19:32,754 to leave you. 701 00:19:32,754 --> 00:19:34,506 We're the Princess 702 00:19:32,754 --> 00:19:34,506 Adventure Club. 703 00:19:34,506 --> 00:19:36,341 And we're your friends. 704 00:19:36,341 --> 00:19:37,426 After all I've done? 705 00:19:37,426 --> 00:19:39,678 [Cassandra] Can't you see 706 00:19:37,426 --> 00:19:39,678 how they feel about you? 707 00:19:39,678 --> 00:19:41,138 Can't you see? 708 00:19:41,138 --> 00:19:42,973 [gasps] 709 00:19:41,138 --> 00:19:42,973 I know just how to get Hildy 710 00:19:42,973 --> 00:19:44,308 out of that trap. 711 00:19:44,308 --> 00:19:46,310 [indistinct whispering] 712 00:19:47,519 --> 00:19:50,105 That is a monumental idea. 713 00:19:52,441 --> 00:19:54,318 Excuse me, Miss Sphinx. 714 00:19:54,318 --> 00:19:55,235 You made a mistake. 715 00:19:55,235 --> 00:19:57,279 You said your job 716 00:19:55,235 --> 00:19:57,279 was to capture anyone 717 00:19:57,279 --> 00:19:59,239 who tries to take 718 00:19:57,279 --> 00:19:59,239 the Oasis Stone. 719 00:19:59,239 --> 00:20:01,783 But Hildy didn't try 720 00:19:59,239 --> 00:20:01,783 to get it all by herself. 721 00:20:01,783 --> 00:20:03,702 Well, she said she did. 722 00:20:03,702 --> 00:20:05,996 Well, she didn't. 723 00:20:03,702 --> 00:20:05,996 Not alone. 724 00:20:05,996 --> 00:20:08,415 I helped figure out where 725 00:20:05,996 --> 00:20:08,415 the pyramid was on the map. 726 00:20:08,415 --> 00:20:10,542 And I came up with a way to blow 727 00:20:08,415 --> 00:20:10,542 the sand off the stones 728 00:20:10,542 --> 00:20:12,419 and get us into this place. 729 00:20:12,419 --> 00:20:15,881 And I've been reading the 730 00:20:12,419 --> 00:20:15,881 hieroglyphics along the way. 731 00:20:15,881 --> 00:20:17,341 Is this true? 732 00:20:17,341 --> 00:20:19,468 Well... yes. 733 00:20:19,468 --> 00:20:20,469 Every word. 734 00:20:20,469 --> 00:20:23,138 So, you admit 735 00:20:20,469 --> 00:20:23,138 you are all responsible? 736 00:20:23,138 --> 00:20:25,390 And you want me 737 00:20:23,138 --> 00:20:25,390 to capture you all? 738 00:20:25,390 --> 00:20:26,808 -Yes. 739 00:20:25,390 --> 00:20:26,808 -Very well. 740 00:20:26,808 --> 00:20:29,061 Prepare to spend eternity in... 741 00:20:29,061 --> 00:20:31,063 Amber, now! 742 00:20:32,689 --> 00:20:35,108 What is happening? 743 00:20:32,689 --> 00:20:35,108 I cannot see. 744 00:20:36,485 --> 00:20:37,653 [roars] 745 00:20:37,653 --> 00:20:38,904 [sniffs] 746 00:20:38,904 --> 00:20:40,405 Hildy's perfume. 747 00:20:38,904 --> 00:20:40,405 I smell it. 748 00:20:40,405 --> 00:20:42,032 We've got you! 749 00:20:44,243 --> 00:20:45,494 Grab on, Hildy! 750 00:20:49,623 --> 00:20:51,208 [grunts] 751 00:20:51,208 --> 00:20:53,502 -Now hurry. 752 00:20:51,208 --> 00:20:53,502 -One second. 753 00:21:02,261 --> 00:21:03,512 [roars] 754 00:21:03,512 --> 00:21:04,930 Ah-ha! 755 00:21:04,930 --> 00:21:06,556 [roaring and snarling] 756 00:21:10,811 --> 00:21:13,522 [all grunt] 757 00:21:13,522 --> 00:21:16,525 Hildy. Where is she? 758 00:21:16,525 --> 00:21:17,526 There! 759 00:21:23,490 --> 00:21:25,033 [roars] 760 00:21:32,416 --> 00:21:34,042 [camels grunt] 761 00:21:34,042 --> 00:21:35,794 [monkey chittering] 762 00:21:35,794 --> 00:21:37,296 Princess Sofia? 763 00:21:37,296 --> 00:21:38,880 Princess Cassandra! 764 00:21:38,880 --> 00:21:41,341 King Nasir? 765 00:21:38,880 --> 00:21:41,341 What are you doing here? 766 00:21:41,341 --> 00:21:44,469 It isn't every day 767 00:21:41,341 --> 00:21:44,469 the ground rumbles 768 00:21:44,469 --> 00:21:47,306 and an ancient pyramid 769 00:21:44,469 --> 00:21:47,306 magically rises from nowhere. 770 00:21:47,306 --> 00:21:48,974 Is it the fabled 771 00:21:47,306 --> 00:21:48,974 fifth pyramid? 772 00:21:48,974 --> 00:21:50,517 Yes, Your Majesty. 773 00:21:50,517 --> 00:21:53,687 These brave, smart, 774 00:21:50,517 --> 00:21:53,687 adventurous girls discovered it. 775 00:21:53,687 --> 00:21:55,147 Oh, wondrous! 776 00:21:55,147 --> 00:21:57,065 Now, please, please tell me 777 00:21:55,147 --> 00:21:57,065 you've acquired 778 00:21:57,065 --> 00:21:59,109 the legendary Oasis Stone. 779 00:21:59,109 --> 00:22:01,361 Unfortunately, 780 00:21:59,109 --> 00:22:01,361 we didn't. 781 00:22:01,361 --> 00:22:02,779 We barely escaped with our-- 782 00:22:02,779 --> 00:22:04,698 Actually, 783 00:22:02,779 --> 00:22:04,698 I got the stone. 784 00:22:04,698 --> 00:22:05,907 [all gasp] 785 00:22:05,907 --> 00:22:07,534 I went back and found it 786 00:22:05,907 --> 00:22:07,534 in the dark 787 00:22:07,534 --> 00:22:08,827 when everything 788 00:22:07,534 --> 00:22:08,827 was going crazy. 789 00:22:08,827 --> 00:22:11,246 Oh, then you, 790 00:22:08,827 --> 00:22:11,246 Princess Hildegard, 791 00:22:11,246 --> 00:22:14,666 have made the greatest discovery 792 00:22:11,246 --> 00:22:14,666 in the history of Khaldoun. 793 00:22:14,666 --> 00:22:16,335 And you'll have 794 00:22:14,666 --> 00:22:16,335 one fantastic entry 795 00:22:16,335 --> 00:22:18,170 for the Scroll of Discovery. 796 00:22:19,713 --> 00:22:21,423 Cassandra, 797 00:22:19,713 --> 00:22:21,423 you were right. 798 00:22:21,423 --> 00:22:24,176 I've discovered something 799 00:22:21,423 --> 00:22:24,176 a lot better than this stone. 800 00:22:24,176 --> 00:22:26,470 I've discovered 801 00:22:24,176 --> 00:22:26,470 I have great friends. 802 00:22:30,015 --> 00:22:31,683 Thank you, King Nasir, 803 00:22:31,683 --> 00:22:34,603 but I didn't find the stone 804 00:22:31,683 --> 00:22:34,603 all by myself. 805 00:22:34,603 --> 00:22:36,021 We all did it together. 806 00:22:36,021 --> 00:22:38,857 Then, together, 807 00:22:36,021 --> 00:22:38,857 you shall all return the stone 808 00:22:38,857 --> 00:22:41,735 to where it belongs: 809 00:22:38,857 --> 00:22:41,735 the top of the pyramid. 810 00:22:41,735 --> 00:22:44,529 And let the magic 811 00:22:41,735 --> 00:22:44,529 transformation begin. 812 00:22:51,495 --> 00:22:53,413 Sofia, how does it look? 813 00:22:53,413 --> 00:22:54,581 Not bad. 814 00:22:54,581 --> 00:22:56,541 Not bad at all.