1 00:00:00,417 --> 00:00:02,836 ♪♪ 2 00:00:06,840 --> 00:00:08,800 [theme song playing] 3 00:00:11,803 --> 00:00:14,848 [Sofia] 4 00:00:11,803 --> 00:00:14,848 ♪ I was a girl in the village 5 00:00:11,803 --> 00:00:14,848 doin' all right ♪ 6 00:00:14,848 --> 00:00:17,225 ♪ Then I became a princess 7 00:00:14,848 --> 00:00:17,225 overnight ♪ 8 00:00:17,225 --> 00:00:19,936 ♪ Now I gotta figure out 9 00:00:17,225 --> 00:00:19,936 how to do it right ♪ 10 00:00:19,936 --> 00:00:22,105 ♪ So much to learn and see ♪ 11 00:00:22,105 --> 00:00:24,899 ♪ Up in the castle 12 00:00:22,105 --> 00:00:24,899 with my new family ♪ 13 00:00:24,899 --> 00:00:27,610 ♪ In a school that's 14 00:00:24,899 --> 00:00:27,610 just for royalty ♪ 15 00:00:27,610 --> 00:00:31,823 ♪ A whole enchanted world 16 00:00:27,610 --> 00:00:31,823 is waiting for me ♪ 17 00:00:31,823 --> 00:00:33,783 ♪ I'm so excited to be ♪ 18 00:00:33,783 --> 00:00:35,160 [woman] 19 00:00:33,783 --> 00:00:35,160 ♪ Sofia the First ♪ 20 00:00:35,160 --> 00:00:36,828 [Sofia] 21 00:00:35,160 --> 00:00:36,828 ♪ I'm findin' out ♪ 22 00:00:36,828 --> 00:00:38,997 ♪ What bein' royal's 23 00:00:36,828 --> 00:00:38,997 all about ♪ 24 00:00:38,997 --> 00:00:40,415 [woman] 25 00:00:38,997 --> 00:00:40,415 ♪ Sofia the First ♪ 26 00:00:40,415 --> 00:00:41,875 [Sofia] 27 00:00:40,415 --> 00:00:41,875 ♪ Makin' my way ♪ 28 00:00:41,875 --> 00:00:43,793 ♪ It's an adventure 29 00:00:41,875 --> 00:00:43,793 every day ♪ 30 00:00:43,793 --> 00:00:45,420 [woman] 31 00:00:43,793 --> 00:00:45,420 ♪ Sofia ♪ 32 00:00:45,420 --> 00:00:46,504 [Sofia] 33 00:00:45,420 --> 00:00:46,504 ♪ It's gonna be my time ♪ 34 00:00:46,504 --> 00:00:48,006 [woman] 35 00:00:46,504 --> 00:00:48,006 ♪ Sofia ♪ 36 00:00:48,006 --> 00:00:49,424 [Sofia] 37 00:00:48,006 --> 00:00:49,424 ♪ To show them all that I'm ♪ 38 00:00:49,424 --> 00:00:53,803 [both] 39 00:00:49,424 --> 00:00:53,803 ♪ Sofia the First ♪ 40 00:01:02,395 --> 00:01:06,357 -I'm going to miss this place. 41 00:01:02,395 --> 00:01:06,357 -Me, too. 42 00:01:06,357 --> 00:01:08,109 It's just not going to be 43 00:01:06,357 --> 00:01:08,109 the same with all of us 44 00:01:08,109 --> 00:01:09,903 going to different schools now. 45 00:01:09,903 --> 00:01:11,696 Who knows if we'll ever 46 00:01:09,903 --> 00:01:11,696 see each other again? 47 00:01:11,696 --> 00:01:13,364 Friends don't stop 48 00:01:11,696 --> 00:01:13,364 being friends 49 00:01:13,364 --> 00:01:15,325 just because they go 50 00:01:13,364 --> 00:01:15,325 to different schools. 51 00:01:15,325 --> 00:01:16,910 Of course 52 00:01:15,325 --> 00:01:16,910 we'll see each other. 53 00:01:16,910 --> 00:01:19,454 Starting with 54 00:01:16,910 --> 00:01:19,454 the big graduation party 55 00:01:19,454 --> 00:01:21,748 at our castle later. 56 00:01:19,454 --> 00:01:21,748 You're coming, right? 57 00:01:21,748 --> 00:01:24,501 -Of course! 58 00:01:21,748 --> 00:01:24,501 -Yeah, wouldn't miss it! 59 00:01:24,501 --> 00:01:26,795 See you at the party! 60 00:01:26,795 --> 00:01:28,838 [snorts] 61 00:01:28,838 --> 00:01:31,841 Yo, Princess! 62 00:01:31,841 --> 00:01:34,344 Clover, what are you 63 00:01:31,841 --> 00:01:34,344 doing here? 64 00:01:34,344 --> 00:01:36,805 You think I'd miss 65 00:01:34,344 --> 00:01:36,805 my number one princess 66 00:01:36,805 --> 00:01:39,557 and bestest friend 67 00:01:36,805 --> 00:01:39,557 in the whole world graduatin'? 68 00:01:39,557 --> 00:01:42,060 -[Enchantlet chimes] 69 00:01:39,557 --> 00:01:42,060 -[Chrysta] Sofia, 70 00:01:39,557 --> 00:01:42,060 are you there? 71 00:01:42,060 --> 00:01:45,188 -I'm here. 72 00:01:42,060 --> 00:01:45,188 - We thought we stopped 73 00:01:42,060 --> 00:01:45,188 Prisma for good, 74 00:01:45,188 --> 00:01:47,857 - but it turns out, 75 00:01:45,188 --> 00:01:47,857 we didn't! 76 00:01:45,188 --> 00:01:47,857 -What? 77 00:01:47,857 --> 00:01:50,819 The evil inside 78 00:01:47,857 --> 00:01:50,819 the locket of Vor 79 00:01:47,857 --> 00:01:50,819 took over Prisma. 80 00:01:50,819 --> 00:01:53,279 Now, she's more powerful 81 00:01:50,819 --> 00:01:53,279 than ever! 82 00:01:53,279 --> 00:01:56,157 And she's got us all trapped! 83 00:01:53,279 --> 00:01:56,157 We need you, Sofia. 84 00:01:58,576 --> 00:02:01,287 Don't worry. I'm on my way! 85 00:02:01,287 --> 00:02:04,124 -Amber, wait! 86 00:02:01,287 --> 00:02:04,124 I need a favor. 87 00:02:01,287 --> 00:02:04,124 -Again? 88 00:02:04,124 --> 00:02:06,918 Just tell everyone I might be 89 00:02:04,124 --> 00:02:06,918 a little late to the party. 90 00:02:06,918 --> 00:02:09,170 I have to run 91 00:02:06,918 --> 00:02:09,170 a quick errand first. 92 00:02:09,170 --> 00:02:12,048 Would this "errand" 93 00:02:09,170 --> 00:02:12,048 have anything to do 94 00:02:12,048 --> 00:02:15,176 with floating islands 95 00:02:12,048 --> 00:02:15,176 and Protectors? 96 00:02:15,176 --> 00:02:16,177 Well... 97 00:02:16,177 --> 00:02:18,429 All right. Fine. 98 00:02:18,429 --> 00:02:21,349 But covering for you 99 00:02:18,429 --> 00:02:21,349 is getting to be 100 00:02:18,429 --> 00:02:21,349 a full-time job. 101 00:02:21,349 --> 00:02:22,851 Thanks, Amber! 102 00:02:21,349 --> 00:02:22,851 You're the best! 103 00:02:29,399 --> 00:02:33,653 Well done, Chrysta. 104 00:02:29,399 --> 00:02:33,653 Very convincing. 105 00:02:33,653 --> 00:02:36,156 What did I just do? 106 00:02:36,156 --> 00:02:40,410 Exactly what 107 00:02:36,156 --> 00:02:40,410 my mind control spell 108 00:02:36,156 --> 00:02:40,410 made you do. 109 00:02:40,410 --> 00:02:44,998 Send your little trainee 110 00:02:40,410 --> 00:02:44,998 straight into my trap. 111 00:02:44,998 --> 00:02:48,042 Now, go join your 112 00:02:44,998 --> 00:02:48,042 imprisoned friends! 113 00:02:48,042 --> 00:02:49,335 [grunts] 114 00:02:49,335 --> 00:02:50,336 [grunts] 115 00:02:52,046 --> 00:02:55,633 Now I just have to find a way 116 00:02:52,046 --> 00:02:55,633 to get to the Mystic Isles. 117 00:02:55,633 --> 00:02:56,843 What I really need is a... 118 00:02:56,843 --> 00:02:58,469 [Skye] 119 00:02:56,843 --> 00:02:58,469 Unicorn! 120 00:02:58,469 --> 00:03:02,015 I am at your service, 121 00:02:58,469 --> 00:03:02,015 as always, my Princess. 122 00:03:02,015 --> 00:03:04,684 Oh! Skye! Perfect! 123 00:03:04,684 --> 00:03:06,644 To the Isle of Protectors, 124 00:03:04,684 --> 00:03:06,644 Skye! 125 00:03:06,644 --> 00:03:08,897 Cling tight, my Princess! 126 00:03:08,897 --> 00:03:09,898 Onward! 127 00:03:12,901 --> 00:03:16,988 -[cawing] 128 00:03:12,901 --> 00:03:16,988 -Won't be long now. 129 00:03:16,988 --> 00:03:20,700 Everything is proceeding 130 00:03:16,988 --> 00:03:20,700 just as I planned. 131 00:03:20,700 --> 00:03:24,203 Did you plan for Princess Sofia 132 00:03:20,700 --> 00:03:24,203 to fly straight at us? 133 00:03:24,203 --> 00:03:26,289 Because she is about to! Look! 134 00:03:28,041 --> 00:03:31,127 Dive! Take cover in the trees 135 00:03:28,041 --> 00:03:31,127 before she sees us! 136 00:03:39,135 --> 00:03:41,346 She didn't see us. Good. 137 00:03:41,346 --> 00:03:42,805 Continue to the gate. 138 00:03:42,805 --> 00:03:46,017 -Time out, I'm confused! 139 00:03:42,805 --> 00:03:46,017 -What a surprise. 140 00:03:46,017 --> 00:03:48,937 First you trick Sofia 141 00:03:46,017 --> 00:03:48,937 to get her to come to you, 142 00:03:48,937 --> 00:03:51,481 but now you avoid her? 143 00:03:48,937 --> 00:03:51,481 What gives? 144 00:03:51,481 --> 00:03:54,734 I have decided 145 00:03:51,481 --> 00:03:54,734 that the sweetest revenge 146 00:03:54,734 --> 00:03:57,862 is one taken 147 00:03:54,734 --> 00:03:57,862 not on Sofia herself, 148 00:03:57,862 --> 00:04:00,907 but on what she holds 149 00:03:57,862 --> 00:04:00,907 dearest to her heart. 150 00:04:00,907 --> 00:04:03,910 Her family. Her home. 151 00:04:03,910 --> 00:04:07,205 I will trap Sofia 152 00:04:03,910 --> 00:04:07,205 in the Mystic Isles 153 00:04:07,205 --> 00:04:10,333 and take possession 154 00:04:07,205 --> 00:04:10,333 of her castle, her kingdom, 155 00:04:10,333 --> 00:04:12,377 and the EverRealm itself. 156 00:04:12,377 --> 00:04:16,172 -Now, get me to the gate. 157 00:04:12,377 --> 00:04:16,172 -[whinnies] 158 00:04:19,801 --> 00:04:22,929 Chrysta! Orion! Vega! 159 00:04:22,929 --> 00:04:24,180 -Stop! 160 00:04:22,929 --> 00:04:24,180 -Go no further! 161 00:04:24,180 --> 00:04:26,891 -Whoa! 162 00:04:24,180 --> 00:04:26,891 -[Sofia grunts] 163 00:04:26,891 --> 00:04:29,143 What's going on? 164 00:04:26,891 --> 00:04:29,143 What is this? 165 00:04:29,143 --> 00:04:32,397 Vor has sealed us 166 00:04:29,143 --> 00:04:32,397 in this chamber 167 00:04:29,143 --> 00:04:32,397 with a powerful spell. 168 00:04:32,397 --> 00:04:35,608 You can get in here, 169 00:04:32,397 --> 00:04:35,608 but you can't get back out. 170 00:04:35,608 --> 00:04:39,779 We cannot break the spell. 171 00:04:35,608 --> 00:04:39,779 Vor wields unspeakable power. 172 00:04:39,779 --> 00:04:41,614 There must be a way 173 00:04:39,779 --> 00:04:41,614 to get you out. 174 00:04:41,614 --> 00:04:45,910 Listen, Sofia. 175 00:04:41,614 --> 00:04:45,910 Vor put a spell on me 176 00:04:41,614 --> 00:04:45,910 to make me call you. 177 00:04:45,910 --> 00:04:47,870 She must want you here 178 00:04:45,910 --> 00:04:47,870 for a reason. 179 00:04:47,870 --> 00:04:51,374 And I am afraid 180 00:04:47,870 --> 00:04:51,374 I know what it is. 181 00:04:51,374 --> 00:04:53,960 Vor is sealing up the gateway 182 00:04:51,374 --> 00:04:53,960 to the Mystic Isles. 183 00:04:53,960 --> 00:04:57,630 If you don't get out now, 184 00:04:53,960 --> 00:04:57,630 you'll be trapped here forever! 185 00:04:57,630 --> 00:04:59,841 But I just can't leave 186 00:04:57,630 --> 00:04:59,841 all of you like this. 187 00:04:59,841 --> 00:05:04,012 Sofia, Vor's goal 188 00:04:59,841 --> 00:05:04,012 is to spread evil 189 00:04:59,841 --> 00:05:04,012 everywhere she goes. 190 00:05:04,012 --> 00:05:06,306 And she's going 191 00:05:04,012 --> 00:05:06,306 to your kingdom. 192 00:05:06,306 --> 00:05:08,766 If you make it out 193 00:05:06,306 --> 00:05:08,766 before the gateway is sealed, 194 00:05:08,766 --> 00:05:10,893 you may yet have a chance 195 00:05:08,766 --> 00:05:10,893 to stop her. 196 00:05:10,893 --> 00:05:12,895 You have to go, my Princess. 197 00:05:12,895 --> 00:05:15,440 OK, but I'll come back for you. 198 00:05:15,440 --> 00:05:18,026 -Remember your training. 199 00:05:15,440 --> 00:05:18,026 -Good luck, Sofia. 200 00:05:18,026 --> 00:05:20,278 Hurry, Sofia! 201 00:05:18,026 --> 00:05:20,278 You really gotta fly 202 00:05:20,278 --> 00:05:22,864 if you're gonna reach 203 00:05:20,278 --> 00:05:22,864 the gateway before it closes. 204 00:05:22,864 --> 00:05:25,199 Right. I wish I was a unicorn. 205 00:05:25,199 --> 00:05:27,035 [Enchantlet chimes] 206 00:05:27,035 --> 00:05:28,369 Come on Clover! 207 00:05:32,874 --> 00:05:36,377 Ancient magics, heed my cry. 208 00:05:36,377 --> 00:05:40,423 Seal this gateway 209 00:05:36,377 --> 00:05:40,423 so none pass by! 210 00:05:40,423 --> 00:05:43,051 Oh, is there anything 211 00:05:40,423 --> 00:05:43,051 more satisfying 212 00:05:43,051 --> 00:05:45,386 than an evil plan 213 00:05:43,051 --> 00:05:45,386 coming together? 214 00:05:45,386 --> 00:05:48,973 There. Nothing can 215 00:05:45,386 --> 00:05:48,973 stop it now. 216 00:05:48,973 --> 00:05:53,144 The Mystic Isles will be 217 00:05:48,973 --> 00:05:53,144 forever sealed off 218 00:05:48,973 --> 00:05:53,144 from the EverRealm. 219 00:05:53,144 --> 00:05:56,606 Come. I have a realm 220 00:05:53,144 --> 00:05:56,606 to conquer. 221 00:05:56,606 --> 00:05:57,899 -[whinnies] 222 00:05:56,606 --> 00:05:57,899 -Heeyah! 223 00:06:00,485 --> 00:06:02,612 Hang on, Clover! 224 00:06:04,906 --> 00:06:06,866 [Sofia] 225 00:06:04,906 --> 00:06:06,866 It's gonna be close! 226 00:06:10,244 --> 00:06:12,246 -Did we make it? 227 00:06:10,244 --> 00:06:12,246 -We did. 228 00:06:12,246 --> 00:06:14,165 Now, we have to find Vor. 229 00:06:17,877 --> 00:06:20,963 [Wormwood cawing] 230 00:06:20,963 --> 00:06:25,885 -[cawing] 231 00:06:20,963 --> 00:06:25,885 -[whinnies] 232 00:06:27,053 --> 00:06:29,055 [caws] 233 00:06:32,433 --> 00:06:35,937 Aah. There is nothing 234 00:06:32,433 --> 00:06:35,937 like the smell 235 00:06:35,937 --> 00:06:38,898 of a fresh, unspoiled realm. 236 00:06:38,898 --> 00:06:40,775 Ripe for the taking. 237 00:06:40,775 --> 00:06:42,985 Yeah, um, speakin' of that, 238 00:06:42,985 --> 00:06:46,823 how exactly are you 239 00:06:42,985 --> 00:06:46,823 plannin' on takin' over 240 00:06:42,985 --> 00:06:46,823 the entire EverRealm 241 00:06:46,823 --> 00:06:49,242 with just you, me, 242 00:06:46,823 --> 00:06:49,242 and a rickety old raven? 243 00:06:49,242 --> 00:06:50,868 -[caws] 244 00:06:49,242 --> 00:06:50,868 -Uh, no offense. 245 00:06:50,868 --> 00:06:54,747 None taken, 246 00:06:50,868 --> 00:06:54,747 you shifty shapeshifter. 247 00:06:54,747 --> 00:06:58,960 The answer to your question 248 00:06:54,747 --> 00:06:58,960 lies in the palm of my hand. 249 00:06:58,960 --> 00:07:00,670 Yeah, OK, I don't think 250 00:06:58,960 --> 00:07:00,670 I get it. 251 00:07:00,670 --> 00:07:03,965 To those lacking imagination, 252 00:07:03,965 --> 00:07:07,426 these may seem like mere bits 253 00:07:03,965 --> 00:07:07,426 of lifeless crystal. 254 00:07:07,426 --> 00:07:11,389 But with a pinch of magic... 255 00:07:11,389 --> 00:07:14,183 and a touch of evil... 256 00:07:14,183 --> 00:07:18,688 they will become an army 257 00:07:14,183 --> 00:07:18,688 of crystal minions! 258 00:07:21,774 --> 00:07:25,403 [clanging] 259 00:07:34,996 --> 00:07:37,790 [sighs] So how 260 00:07:34,996 --> 00:07:37,790 we gonna find Vor? 261 00:07:37,790 --> 00:07:39,959 I don't think 262 00:07:37,790 --> 00:07:39,959 it's going to be hard. 263 00:07:39,959 --> 00:07:40,960 Look. 264 00:07:45,840 --> 00:07:47,550 [gasps] 265 00:07:47,550 --> 00:07:49,760 All right, 266 00:07:47,550 --> 00:07:49,760 my crystal minions, 267 00:07:49,760 --> 00:07:53,931 listen carefully. 268 00:07:49,760 --> 00:07:53,931 Our first target 269 00:07:49,760 --> 00:07:53,931 will be the castle 270 00:07:53,931 --> 00:07:56,809 of that detestable 271 00:07:53,931 --> 00:07:56,809 Princess Sofia. 272 00:07:56,809 --> 00:08:01,063 Now, my crystal legion, 273 00:07:56,809 --> 00:08:01,063 march after me! 274 00:08:01,063 --> 00:08:04,275 [cawing] 275 00:08:06,944 --> 00:08:10,781 [gasps] I can't stop 276 00:08:06,944 --> 00:08:10,781 all these creatures 277 00:08:06,944 --> 00:08:10,781 by myself! 278 00:08:10,781 --> 00:08:12,492 -You need help. 279 00:08:10,781 --> 00:08:12,492 -Right. 280 00:08:12,492 --> 00:08:14,869 Let's go find some. Come on! 281 00:08:18,706 --> 00:08:22,460 Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. 282 00:08:18,706 --> 00:08:22,460 The lighting is all wrong. 283 00:08:22,460 --> 00:08:25,963 It needs to be more festive. 284 00:08:22,460 --> 00:08:25,963 More magical! 285 00:08:25,963 --> 00:08:29,300 Did someone say "magical"? 286 00:08:29,300 --> 00:08:32,345 Illuminatus ballroomio! 287 00:08:40,895 --> 00:08:43,981 Cedric, it's wonderful! 288 00:08:43,981 --> 00:08:46,442 [giggles] Almost as wonderful 289 00:08:46,442 --> 00:08:48,778 as seeing the whole family 290 00:08:46,442 --> 00:08:48,778 together again. 291 00:08:48,778 --> 00:08:50,321 And speaking of which, 292 00:08:50,321 --> 00:08:51,989 where is Sofia? 293 00:08:51,989 --> 00:08:54,033 Oh! She'll be here shortly. 294 00:08:54,033 --> 00:08:55,826 She just had 295 00:08:54,033 --> 00:08:55,826 a little errand to run. 296 00:08:55,826 --> 00:09:00,039 Sofia sure has been running 297 00:08:55,826 --> 00:09:00,039 a lot of errands lately. 298 00:09:00,039 --> 00:09:02,750 [whinnying] 299 00:09:02,750 --> 00:09:05,962 -Thanks for giving us a ride 300 00:09:02,750 --> 00:09:05,962 to the party, Vivian. 301 00:09:02,750 --> 00:09:05,962 -Yeah, thanks! 302 00:09:05,962 --> 00:09:10,091 Of course, you guys! 303 00:09:05,962 --> 00:09:10,091 Any friends of Sofia 304 00:09:05,962 --> 00:09:10,091 is a friend of mine. 305 00:09:10,091 --> 00:09:12,718 Ooh! Look at that pretty bird! 306 00:09:14,595 --> 00:09:18,307 That's not a bird! 307 00:09:14,595 --> 00:09:18,307 It's a pink unicorn! 308 00:09:20,768 --> 00:09:22,061 -Sofia? 309 00:09:20,768 --> 00:09:22,061 -What! 310 00:09:22,061 --> 00:09:24,730 -No way! 311 00:09:22,061 --> 00:09:24,730 -How? 312 00:09:24,730 --> 00:09:27,316 -Clover! 313 00:09:24,730 --> 00:09:27,316 -Huh? 314 00:09:27,316 --> 00:09:29,110 Ow! Ugh. 315 00:09:29,110 --> 00:09:31,779 Hi, everybody. Sorry to 316 00:09:29,110 --> 00:09:31,779 drop in on you like this. 317 00:09:31,779 --> 00:09:34,740 -You were a unicorn! 318 00:09:31,779 --> 00:09:34,740 -How did you do that? 319 00:09:34,740 --> 00:09:35,992 My amulet's magical. 320 00:09:35,992 --> 00:09:37,410 -What?! 321 00:09:35,992 --> 00:09:37,410 -Whoa! 322 00:09:37,410 --> 00:09:39,328 Listen, I really need 323 00:09:37,410 --> 00:09:39,328 your help. 324 00:09:39,328 --> 00:09:41,956 A wicked sorceress named Vor 325 00:09:39,328 --> 00:09:41,956 is marching a crystal army 326 00:09:41,956 --> 00:09:44,083 straight for the castle, 327 00:09:41,956 --> 00:09:44,083 and I think our only chance 328 00:09:44,083 --> 00:09:46,002 to stop her is 329 00:09:44,083 --> 00:09:46,002 if we face her together. 330 00:09:47,003 --> 00:09:48,087 Us? 331 00:09:48,087 --> 00:09:49,797 I know it's a lot to ask. 332 00:09:51,299 --> 00:09:54,218 Sofia, you've always 333 00:09:51,299 --> 00:09:54,218 been there for us, 334 00:09:54,218 --> 00:09:55,761 and we will be there for you. 335 00:09:55,761 --> 00:09:57,388 Just tell us what to do. 336 00:09:57,388 --> 00:10:00,349 OK. First, we need to find 337 00:09:57,388 --> 00:10:00,349 someplace to surprise them 338 00:10:00,349 --> 00:10:01,559 before they reach the castle. 339 00:10:01,559 --> 00:10:03,477 [gasps] What about 340 00:10:01,559 --> 00:10:03,477 our village? 341 00:10:03,477 --> 00:10:04,895 -Perfect. 342 00:10:03,477 --> 00:10:04,895 -Yeah! 343 00:10:04,895 --> 00:10:06,105 We can build a bunch 344 00:10:04,895 --> 00:10:06,105 of booby traps, 345 00:10:06,105 --> 00:10:08,149 and then hide everything 346 00:10:06,105 --> 00:10:08,149 until they pass by, 347 00:10:08,149 --> 00:10:10,776 and then, wham, bam! 348 00:10:08,149 --> 00:10:10,776 Let 'em have it! 349 00:10:10,776 --> 00:10:12,987 I can use my magical music 350 00:10:10,776 --> 00:10:12,987 on them! 351 00:10:12,987 --> 00:10:16,324 Oh! And I'll grow 352 00:10:12,987 --> 00:10:16,324 some nasty little 353 00:10:12,987 --> 00:10:16,324 enchanted plants! 354 00:10:16,324 --> 00:10:17,742 Let's draw up the plan. 355 00:10:17,742 --> 00:10:19,660 We can help, too, Sofia. 356 00:10:19,660 --> 00:10:23,414 Yeah! There's a lot more 357 00:10:19,660 --> 00:10:23,414 to us than just adorableness. 358 00:10:23,414 --> 00:10:26,917 Well, Vor does have 359 00:10:23,414 --> 00:10:26,917 Wormwood and Twitch 360 00:10:23,414 --> 00:10:26,917 on her side. 361 00:10:26,917 --> 00:10:27,918 Think you can handle them? 362 00:10:27,918 --> 00:10:30,379 Birdbeak and that 363 00:10:27,918 --> 00:10:30,379 shape-shifting rat? 364 00:10:30,379 --> 00:10:32,798 Ha! They won't even know 365 00:10:30,379 --> 00:10:32,798 what hit 'em. 366 00:10:32,798 --> 00:10:37,178 Yessirree! Troopers Crackle 367 00:10:32,798 --> 00:10:37,178 and Clover reporting for duty! 368 00:10:42,516 --> 00:10:43,559 [neighs] 369 00:10:44,727 --> 00:10:47,605 [footsteps approaching] 370 00:10:49,440 --> 00:10:53,235 [clanging footsteps] 371 00:10:58,824 --> 00:11:00,910 Yeah, so, what about 372 00:10:58,824 --> 00:11:00,910 this village? 373 00:11:00,910 --> 00:11:01,911 Are we gonna conquer it? 374 00:11:01,911 --> 00:11:03,954 All in due time. 375 00:11:03,954 --> 00:11:07,083 First, then castle. 376 00:11:03,954 --> 00:11:07,083 Then, the village. 377 00:11:07,083 --> 00:11:08,084 Now! 378 00:11:10,670 --> 00:11:11,796 [whinnies] It's a trap! 379 00:11:11,796 --> 00:11:13,756 Who dares oppose Vor?! 380 00:11:13,756 --> 00:11:15,633 -I do. 381 00:11:13,756 --> 00:11:15,633 -Princess Sofia?! 382 00:11:15,633 --> 00:11:16,675 Surprise. 383 00:11:16,675 --> 00:11:18,469 -[whip cracks] 384 00:11:16,675 --> 00:11:18,469 -[Sofia grunts] 385 00:11:18,469 --> 00:11:19,678 [grunts] 386 00:11:22,640 --> 00:11:23,849 [twinkling music] 387 00:11:25,142 --> 00:11:26,852 [croak-screaming] 388 00:11:29,897 --> 00:11:30,981 [bowling pins falling sound] 389 00:11:32,775 --> 00:11:35,528 What are you two waiting for? 390 00:11:32,775 --> 00:11:35,528 Get in there! 391 00:11:35,528 --> 00:11:37,196 [whinnies] Oh, yeah, 392 00:11:35,528 --> 00:11:37,196 I'm gettin' in! 393 00:11:39,698 --> 00:11:41,492 -[whinnies] Oh! Uh! 394 00:11:39,698 --> 00:11:41,492 -Gotcha! 395 00:11:41,492 --> 00:11:44,620 Oh, no you don't! 396 00:11:44,620 --> 00:11:45,913 [squeaking] Aah! 397 00:11:45,913 --> 00:11:47,289 Oh, yes, we do. 398 00:11:47,289 --> 00:11:49,250 -Oh, honey trick! 399 00:11:47,289 --> 00:11:49,250 -You! 400 00:11:49,250 --> 00:11:51,168 Me. Now, Crackle! 401 00:11:52,461 --> 00:11:53,671 [both grunting] 402 00:11:53,671 --> 00:11:54,839 No more of this nonsense. 403 00:11:54,839 --> 00:11:56,882 I have come too far 404 00:11:54,839 --> 00:11:56,882 to be stopped 405 00:11:56,882 --> 00:11:59,760 by a gaggle 406 00:11:56,882 --> 00:11:59,760 of insolent children. 407 00:11:59,760 --> 00:12:01,762 [all grunt] 408 00:12:01,762 --> 00:12:02,930 [gasps] 409 00:12:02,930 --> 00:12:05,015 Blast! 410 00:12:05,015 --> 00:12:08,018 -Lucinda! 411 00:12:05,015 --> 00:12:08,018 -[Lucinda] Hex, hex, 412 00:12:05,015 --> 00:12:08,018 double hex! 413 00:12:11,147 --> 00:12:13,774 I was on my way to your party, 414 00:12:11,147 --> 00:12:13,774 and I saw you were in trouble. 415 00:12:13,774 --> 00:12:15,151 You got here just in time. 416 00:12:18,070 --> 00:12:19,071 Hex! 417 00:12:21,115 --> 00:12:23,701 [metal crashing] 418 00:12:23,701 --> 00:12:25,077 There are too many of them! 419 00:12:25,077 --> 00:12:26,454 We can't hold them off! 420 00:12:26,454 --> 00:12:27,872 Ruby, the carriage! 421 00:12:27,872 --> 00:12:29,832 -[horse whinnies] 422 00:12:27,872 --> 00:12:29,832 -[Ruby] Whoa, boy! 423 00:12:29,832 --> 00:12:33,043 You won't get away 424 00:12:29,832 --> 00:12:33,043 this time, Princess! 425 00:12:33,043 --> 00:12:34,712 Everyone, get in! 426 00:12:34,712 --> 00:12:36,672 Hurry, you guys! 427 00:12:34,712 --> 00:12:36,672 We gotta go! 428 00:12:36,672 --> 00:12:38,132 -Heeyah! 429 00:12:36,672 --> 00:12:38,132 -[horse whinnies] 430 00:12:41,051 --> 00:12:42,261 Follow that carriage! 431 00:12:44,263 --> 00:12:47,850 -[Twitch yelps] 432 00:12:44,263 --> 00:12:47,850 -[Wormwood caws] 433 00:12:53,355 --> 00:12:55,941 -Come on, boy, go! 434 00:12:53,355 --> 00:12:55,941 -[horse whinnies] 435 00:13:00,613 --> 00:13:01,697 [gasps] 436 00:13:04,575 --> 00:13:05,743 Stop the coach! 437 00:13:05,743 --> 00:13:06,827 Whoa! 438 00:13:08,746 --> 00:13:10,664 Sofia, what are we doing? 439 00:13:10,664 --> 00:13:13,626 Ride to the castle 440 00:13:10,664 --> 00:13:13,626 as quick as you can 441 00:13:10,664 --> 00:13:13,626 and warn my father. 442 00:13:13,626 --> 00:13:15,836 I'll slow Vor down 443 00:13:13,626 --> 00:13:15,836 as long as I can. 444 00:13:15,836 --> 00:13:18,797 Make sure the king 445 00:13:15,836 --> 00:13:18,797 calls out all the guards 446 00:13:15,836 --> 00:13:18,797 to defend the castle. 447 00:13:21,926 --> 00:13:22,885 They're coming! 448 00:13:22,885 --> 00:13:24,887 I know. Please, hurry. 449 00:13:24,887 --> 00:13:26,972 I've got a better idea, Sofia. 450 00:13:26,972 --> 00:13:29,099 You go and warn your father. 451 00:13:29,099 --> 00:13:31,310 And, uh, we'll slow them down! 452 00:13:31,310 --> 00:13:33,103 -No! 453 00:13:31,310 --> 00:13:33,103 -Like I said, 454 00:13:33,103 --> 00:13:35,898 you've been there for us. 455 00:13:33,103 --> 00:13:35,898 Let us be here for you. 456 00:13:35,898 --> 00:13:38,651 Sofia, we're running 457 00:13:35,898 --> 00:13:38,651 out of time! Go! 458 00:13:38,651 --> 00:13:41,612 OK. Be careful. 459 00:13:41,612 --> 00:13:42,613 [Vivian] 460 00:13:41,612 --> 00:13:42,613 Run, Sofia! 461 00:13:44,281 --> 00:13:46,242 -Let's go, boys! 462 00:13:44,281 --> 00:13:46,242 -[horse whinnies] 463 00:13:48,035 --> 00:13:49,787 [all] 464 00:13:48,035 --> 00:13:49,787 Whoa! 465 00:13:50,955 --> 00:13:52,831 [Jade] 466 00:13:50,955 --> 00:13:52,831 Ooh, here they come! 467 00:13:52,831 --> 00:13:54,959 Enough of this foolishness! 468 00:14:05,177 --> 00:14:07,179 We'll have none of that. 469 00:14:07,179 --> 00:14:10,516 Lower your wand, 470 00:14:07,179 --> 00:14:10,516 little witch. 471 00:14:10,516 --> 00:14:13,727 -Yes, Vor. 472 00:14:10,516 --> 00:14:13,727 -Where is the princess? 473 00:14:13,727 --> 00:14:16,021 She went to the castle. 474 00:14:16,021 --> 00:14:17,565 All of you, stay here. 475 00:14:17,565 --> 00:14:19,441 [all monotone] 476 00:14:17,565 --> 00:14:19,441 Yes, Vor. 477 00:14:19,441 --> 00:14:21,902 -To the castle! 478 00:14:19,441 --> 00:14:21,902 -[Twitch neighs] 479 00:14:26,490 --> 00:14:28,450 If only Minimus were here! 480 00:14:28,450 --> 00:14:30,953 [amulet chimes] 481 00:14:30,953 --> 00:14:34,248 Huh? Wait a minute. 482 00:14:34,248 --> 00:14:35,875 I wonder... 483 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:37,668 I wish Minimus 484 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:37,668 would fly to me. 485 00:14:37,668 --> 00:14:38,836 [amulet chimes] 486 00:14:43,299 --> 00:14:44,884 [sighs] 487 00:14:49,430 --> 00:14:52,641 Dad! Constable Myles! 488 00:14:52,641 --> 00:14:54,643 Somebody! 489 00:14:55,853 --> 00:14:58,272 [whinnies] 490 00:14:58,272 --> 00:15:02,276 Are you in need 491 00:14:58,272 --> 00:15:02,276 of some assistance? [laughs] 492 00:15:02,276 --> 00:15:04,778 [footsteps approaching] 493 00:15:08,949 --> 00:15:12,870 There's nowhere to run, 494 00:15:08,949 --> 00:15:12,870 Princess. 495 00:15:12,870 --> 00:15:16,290 And none of your little friends 496 00:15:12,870 --> 00:15:16,290 are here to help you. 497 00:15:16,290 --> 00:15:18,959 I don't need any help. 498 00:15:18,959 --> 00:15:20,544 [both grunting] 499 00:15:22,546 --> 00:15:26,133 [grunting] 500 00:15:26,133 --> 00:15:29,178 [grunts] Whoa-oa! 501 00:15:29,178 --> 00:15:31,764 Whoa-oa-oa! 502 00:15:31,764 --> 00:15:33,724 I... gotcha! 503 00:15:33,724 --> 00:15:34,934 Minimus! 504 00:15:34,934 --> 00:15:35,893 I heard you calling me, Sofia. 505 00:15:35,893 --> 00:15:37,728 I came as fast as I could! 506 00:15:40,981 --> 00:15:42,358 [caws] 507 00:15:42,358 --> 00:15:44,443 Minimus, how did you...? 508 00:15:44,443 --> 00:15:46,779 I told you! I heard you 509 00:15:44,443 --> 00:15:46,779 calling me, Sofia! 510 00:15:46,779 --> 00:15:48,989 -You did? 511 00:15:46,779 --> 00:15:48,989 -Yep, just hang on! 512 00:15:48,989 --> 00:15:50,783 I'll find a safe place 513 00:15:48,989 --> 00:15:50,783 to take you-- 514 00:15:58,958 --> 00:16:01,126 Wait. I know where we can go. 515 00:16:02,962 --> 00:16:04,213 Shall we go after them? 516 00:16:04,213 --> 00:16:08,759 No. Let Sofia watch 517 00:16:04,213 --> 00:16:08,759 as I take her castle 518 00:16:08,759 --> 00:16:10,886 and her family. 519 00:16:11,971 --> 00:16:13,597 Baileywick, 520 00:16:11,971 --> 00:16:13,597 is everything ready? 521 00:16:13,597 --> 00:16:15,182 I believe so, Your Majesty. 522 00:16:16,600 --> 00:16:18,185 What is the meaning of this? 523 00:16:18,185 --> 00:16:21,188 The meaning of this 524 00:16:18,185 --> 00:16:21,188 is that your reign is over. 525 00:16:22,898 --> 00:16:24,441 En garde! 526 00:16:29,863 --> 00:16:31,532 Your Majesty, look out! 527 00:16:31,532 --> 00:16:32,825 laser sound] 528 00:16:35,619 --> 00:16:37,705 -[cawing] 529 00:16:35,619 --> 00:16:37,705 -Aah! 530 00:16:37,705 --> 00:16:41,125 Wormwood! You traitorous 531 00:16:37,705 --> 00:16:41,125 turnbeak! 532 00:16:42,501 --> 00:16:45,004 Your crown, please. 533 00:16:45,004 --> 00:16:46,005 Never. 534 00:16:46,005 --> 00:16:50,259 Oh. Then let me ask again. 535 00:16:59,810 --> 00:17:02,646 Your crown, please. 536 00:17:02,646 --> 00:17:05,983 Yes, of course. It's yours. 537 00:17:09,903 --> 00:17:14,283 Go to that tall tower 538 00:17:09,903 --> 00:17:14,283 and lock yourselves in. 539 00:17:14,283 --> 00:17:17,161 -Yes. Let's go. 540 00:17:14,283 --> 00:17:17,161 -Yes, of course. 541 00:17:17,161 --> 00:17:18,912 We'd be delighted to. 542 00:17:22,666 --> 00:17:25,377 Go with them. And make sure 543 00:17:22,666 --> 00:17:25,377 they don't wander off. 544 00:17:26,837 --> 00:17:30,049 This kingdom is mine! 545 00:17:30,049 --> 00:17:33,927 And now, I will remake it 546 00:17:30,049 --> 00:17:33,927 in my image! 547 00:17:44,938 --> 00:17:46,523 [whinnies] 548 00:17:47,858 --> 00:17:50,527 [gasps] The castle! 549 00:17:50,527 --> 00:17:52,613 Vor must have gotten in! 550 00:17:52,613 --> 00:17:54,907 Minimus, my mom and dad, 551 00:17:54,907 --> 00:17:58,952 my whole family. 552 00:17:54,907 --> 00:17:58,952 Everyone I know is in there. 553 00:17:58,952 --> 00:18:01,538 -Well, we could try 554 00:17:58,952 --> 00:18:01,538 to save them. 555 00:17:58,952 --> 00:18:01,538 -How, Minimus? 556 00:18:01,538 --> 00:18:03,332 When we couldn't stop her 557 00:18:01,538 --> 00:18:03,332 the first time? 558 00:18:03,332 --> 00:18:06,794 Vor was right! 559 00:18:03,332 --> 00:18:06,794 I can't stop her 560 00:18:03,332 --> 00:18:06,794 on my own. 561 00:18:06,794 --> 00:18:08,170 Maybe we could get more help. 562 00:18:09,838 --> 00:18:11,882 There's no one left to help. 563 00:18:13,801 --> 00:18:16,845 There's nothing left at all. 564 00:18:17,846 --> 00:18:21,767 [amulet chimes] 565 00:18:32,236 --> 00:18:35,823 [Sofia] 566 00:18:32,236 --> 00:18:35,823 Huh. "The Tale of 567 00:18:32,236 --> 00:18:35,823 Princess Sofia"? 568 00:18:37,032 --> 00:18:38,826 [chiming] 569 00:18:52,881 --> 00:18:54,716 [chiming] 570 00:19:03,809 --> 00:19:07,855 [Voice of the Library] 571 00:19:03,809 --> 00:19:07,855 Once, there was a young girl 572 00:19:03,809 --> 00:19:07,855 named Sofia. 573 00:19:07,855 --> 00:19:10,566 It's about... me. 574 00:19:10,566 --> 00:19:13,652 She lived in the village 575 00:19:10,566 --> 00:19:13,652 with her mother, Miranda 576 00:19:13,652 --> 00:19:17,072 and was happy, 577 00:19:13,652 --> 00:19:17,072 but missed her father, 578 00:19:17,072 --> 00:19:19,658 a sailor, who had been 579 00:19:17,072 --> 00:19:19,658 lost at sea. 580 00:19:21,368 --> 00:19:25,497 In the nearby castle 581 00:19:21,368 --> 00:19:25,497 lived King Roland the Second, 582 00:19:25,497 --> 00:19:28,167 who had wanted a family 583 00:19:25,497 --> 00:19:28,167 so badly, 584 00:19:28,167 --> 00:19:31,837 he tried making a wish 585 00:19:28,167 --> 00:19:31,837 in a wishing well. 586 00:19:31,837 --> 00:19:36,842 The wish came true, 587 00:19:31,837 --> 00:19:36,842 and twins were born. 588 00:19:36,842 --> 00:19:39,928 But the queen 589 00:19:36,842 --> 00:19:39,928 fell gravely ill. 590 00:19:43,682 --> 00:19:45,893 -[giggles] 591 00:19:43,682 --> 00:19:45,893 - The children were happy, 592 00:19:45,893 --> 00:19:49,521 but never knew 593 00:19:45,893 --> 00:19:49,521 what it was like 594 00:19:45,893 --> 00:19:49,521 to have a mother. 595 00:19:49,521 --> 00:19:53,275 Until, one day, 596 00:19:49,521 --> 00:19:53,275 King Roland and Miranda 597 00:19:53,275 --> 00:19:57,988 fell in love and married. 598 00:19:57,988 --> 00:20:00,908 Sofia treasured her new family 599 00:19:57,988 --> 00:20:00,908 more than anything, 600 00:20:00,908 --> 00:20:04,328 and she also 601 00:20:00,908 --> 00:20:04,328 became a princess, 602 00:20:04,328 --> 00:20:07,456 with the responsibility 603 00:20:04,328 --> 00:20:07,456 to protect her family, 604 00:20:07,456 --> 00:20:11,835 -[cheering] 605 00:20:07,456 --> 00:20:11,835 - friends, and all those 606 00:20:07,456 --> 00:20:11,835 who dwelt in her kingdom. 607 00:20:11,835 --> 00:20:14,838 So when the day came 608 00:20:11,835 --> 00:20:14,838 that the evil Vor 609 00:20:14,838 --> 00:20:17,758 took everything 610 00:20:14,838 --> 00:20:17,758 Sofia held dear, 611 00:20:17,758 --> 00:20:22,387 the young princess 612 00:20:17,758 --> 00:20:22,387 was faced with her 613 00:20:17,758 --> 00:20:22,387 biggest challenge yet. 614 00:20:22,387 --> 00:20:25,098 I already tried 615 00:20:22,387 --> 00:20:25,098 to give the story 616 00:20:22,387 --> 00:20:25,098 a happy ending. 617 00:20:25,098 --> 00:20:26,725 And I failed. 618 00:20:26,725 --> 00:20:29,895 But Sofia, you are 619 00:20:26,725 --> 00:20:29,895 the Storykeeper. 620 00:20:38,904 --> 00:20:42,366 -Who are you? 621 00:20:38,904 --> 00:20:42,366 -I was the first Storykeeper. 622 00:20:42,366 --> 00:20:45,744 I built this library 623 00:20:42,366 --> 00:20:45,744 many years ago. 624 00:20:45,744 --> 00:20:49,581 Filled it with tales 625 00:20:45,744 --> 00:20:49,581 that were not yet finished. 626 00:20:49,581 --> 00:20:52,084 Not many have been able 627 00:20:49,581 --> 00:20:52,084 to follow in my footsteps, 628 00:20:52,084 --> 00:20:54,753 let alone someone so young. 629 00:20:54,753 --> 00:20:57,256 All whom you love 630 00:20:54,753 --> 00:20:57,256 are in danger, 631 00:20:57,256 --> 00:20:59,841 and only you 632 00:20:57,256 --> 00:20:59,841 can save them, Sofia. 633 00:20:59,841 --> 00:21:03,011 But you must be willing 634 00:20:59,841 --> 00:21:03,011 to face this evil on your own. 635 00:21:03,011 --> 00:21:06,265 And you must be willing 636 00:21:03,011 --> 00:21:06,265 to sacrifice everything. 637 00:21:06,265 --> 00:21:09,476 Today may have been 638 00:21:06,265 --> 00:21:09,476 your graduation, 639 00:21:09,476 --> 00:21:14,648 but the ultimate test 640 00:21:09,476 --> 00:21:14,648 still lies before you. 641 00:21:17,234 --> 00:21:19,861 Good luck, Sofia. 642 00:21:27,536 --> 00:21:28,954 I'm going back for them. 643 00:21:28,954 --> 00:21:31,790 Yes! Let's do this! 644 00:21:31,790 --> 00:21:33,834 No. I have to sneak back, 645 00:21:33,834 --> 00:21:36,712 and the only way to do that 646 00:21:33,834 --> 00:21:36,712 is to go alone. 647 00:21:36,712 --> 00:21:38,046 But I want to help. 648 00:21:38,046 --> 00:21:40,090 You can. Fly back 649 00:21:38,046 --> 00:21:40,090 to the village 650 00:21:40,090 --> 00:21:41,883 and make sure our friends 651 00:21:40,090 --> 00:21:41,883 are all right. 652 00:21:41,883 --> 00:21:44,052 Then meet me on the far side 653 00:21:41,883 --> 00:21:44,052 of the harbor. 654 00:21:44,052 --> 00:21:46,930 But do not go near 655 00:21:44,052 --> 00:21:46,930 the castle, Minimus. 656 00:21:46,930 --> 00:21:50,183 Sofia. Be careful. 657 00:21:50,183 --> 00:21:51,310 You, too. 658 00:21:57,024 --> 00:21:59,026 [end theme playing]