1 00:00:01,102 --> 00:00:03,337 The FX original series The Americans. 2 00:00:03,371 --> 00:00:05,739 Final season returns soon on FX. 3 00:00:08,676 --> 00:00:09,543 Previously on "The Americans"... 4 00:00:09,643 --> 00:00:11,179 We got it wrong. 5 00:00:11,279 --> 00:00:13,047 Stobert isn't looking to poison us or our food. 6 00:00:13,147 --> 00:00:15,783 He wants to develop a wheat that can grow anywhere. 7 00:00:15,883 --> 00:00:17,951 GABRIEL: Think what getting our hands on it could mean to us. 8 00:00:18,052 --> 00:00:19,753 No more shortages. 9 00:00:19,853 --> 00:00:21,755 No more buying grain from the west. 10 00:00:21,855 --> 00:00:23,557 PHILIP: We've been giving the Centre 11 00:00:23,657 --> 00:00:24,792 a lot of detailed reports about Stan. 12 00:00:24,892 --> 00:00:28,129 They know he's a loner that would go for her type. 13 00:00:28,229 --> 00:00:29,863 You think we sent her? 14 00:00:29,963 --> 00:00:32,366 I'm just saying... 15 00:00:32,466 --> 00:00:34,034 I'm sorry you're spread so thin. 16 00:00:34,135 --> 00:00:37,605 This will all be easy. 17 00:00:37,705 --> 00:00:39,873 PHILIP: How was your appointment? 18 00:00:39,973 --> 00:00:43,311 He's, uh, got file cabinets in his office with basic locks. 19 00:00:43,411 --> 00:00:44,712 I'm going home. 20 00:00:44,812 --> 00:00:46,880 Did something happen? No. 21 00:00:46,980 --> 00:00:48,282 It's just time. 22 00:00:48,382 --> 00:00:50,784 I spoke to Gabriel about my father. 23 00:00:50,884 --> 00:00:54,288 He was a guard at a prison camp. 24 00:00:54,388 --> 00:00:57,658 I don't know anything. 25 00:00:57,758 --> 00:01:00,994 My own parents, I don't know anything about them at all. 26 00:01:06,800 --> 00:01:08,969 PHILIP: You need a hand? 27 00:01:09,069 --> 00:01:10,504 No, it's all under control. 28 00:01:19,347 --> 00:01:20,748 Help yourself. 29 00:01:25,953 --> 00:01:28,456 (clears throat) 30 00:01:28,556 --> 00:01:29,957 (pours tea) 31 00:01:30,057 --> 00:01:31,425 I can't tell you, Paige, 32 00:01:31,525 --> 00:01:33,861 how much I've been looking forward to this day. 33 00:01:33,961 --> 00:01:37,465 I have heard so much about you for so long. 34 00:01:40,000 --> 00:01:42,336 Where did you meet my parents? 35 00:01:42,436 --> 00:01:45,673 Here, in Washington, a long time ago. 36 00:01:51,279 --> 00:01:55,216 Are you a-a spy? 37 00:01:55,316 --> 00:01:56,684 Yes. 38 00:01:59,019 --> 00:02:02,890 Gabriel works with us. 39 00:02:02,990 --> 00:02:04,625 He helps us. 40 00:02:06,294 --> 00:02:08,662 GABRIEL: I know it's been a difficult time, Paige, 41 00:02:08,762 --> 00:02:12,666 finding out your parents had withheld things from you. 42 00:02:12,766 --> 00:02:14,702 It's been hard. 43 00:02:14,802 --> 00:02:16,370 Well... 44 00:02:16,470 --> 00:02:19,540 To you they're just your parents. 45 00:02:19,640 --> 00:02:22,810 They probably drive you crazy. 46 00:02:22,910 --> 00:02:27,080 Because they have driven me crazy from time to time. 47 00:02:29,250 --> 00:02:32,986 But to us, they're honestly heroes. 48 00:02:34,355 --> 00:02:36,190 They've saved a lot of lives. 49 00:02:39,026 --> 00:02:43,931 Marx says if we choose to work for all mankind, 50 00:02:44,031 --> 00:02:46,534 no burdens can bring us down 51 00:02:46,634 --> 00:02:50,571 because our sacrifices are then for the benefit of all. 52 00:02:50,671 --> 00:02:54,942 And your parents have sacrificed a lot for others. 53 00:02:55,042 --> 00:02:58,246 They've stood for something larger than themselves, 54 00:02:58,346 --> 00:03:00,781 and that takes courage. 55 00:03:00,881 --> 00:03:04,885 And you've shown a lot of courage, too. 56 00:03:04,985 --> 00:03:06,287 I haven't done anything. 57 00:03:06,387 --> 00:03:08,356 Yes, you have. 58 00:03:08,456 --> 00:03:12,626 Despite all the garbage that you have had to deal with, 59 00:03:12,726 --> 00:03:16,697 you asked for the truth, and you faced it. 60 00:03:16,797 --> 00:03:21,068 And I think that's courage. 61 00:03:33,281 --> 00:03:36,417 PAIGE: He doesn't live there, does he? 62 00:03:36,517 --> 00:03:38,652 No. 63 00:03:38,752 --> 00:03:43,291 There weren't any pictures anywhere. 64 00:03:43,391 --> 00:03:46,059 It's a place we can all meet safely. 65 00:03:48,462 --> 00:03:50,398 He cares about you. 66 00:03:50,498 --> 00:03:53,801 He cares about you, too. 67 00:03:53,901 --> 00:03:58,306 He knows, like, everything about me. 68 00:03:58,406 --> 00:04:01,609 Yeah, yeah, we told him, over the years. 69 00:04:01,709 --> 00:04:04,011 I remember the day you started first grade. 70 00:04:04,111 --> 00:04:08,516 He said, "You need a pencil, a notebook, and a brain. 71 00:04:08,616 --> 00:04:13,120 You buy her the first two. She has plenty of the third." 72 00:04:13,220 --> 00:04:15,356 You remember that stuffed tiger 73 00:04:15,456 --> 00:04:17,491 you used to hide in your bookbag? 74 00:04:17,591 --> 00:04:19,192 Jesse? 75 00:04:19,293 --> 00:04:21,429 Gabriel got him for you. 76 00:04:21,529 --> 00:04:24,365 He said he wanted you to grow up strong like a tiger. 77 00:04:27,435 --> 00:04:29,337 He's like your family. 78 00:04:32,272 --> 00:04:35,309 Yeah, he is. 79 00:04:35,409 --> 00:04:37,811 (sighs) 80 00:04:39,112 --> 00:04:41,882 (car door opens) 81 00:04:43,784 --> 00:04:47,154 ** 82 00:05:15,416 --> 00:05:18,652 We're not getting back into the greenhouse. 83 00:05:18,752 --> 00:05:21,088 I guess they noticed the lab worker went missing. 84 00:05:23,691 --> 00:05:26,026 That much, it's gotta be around the clock. 85 00:05:26,126 --> 00:05:29,162 Mm. Anything else? 86 00:05:29,262 --> 00:05:31,699 Mnh-mnh. 87 00:05:31,799 --> 00:05:33,934 All right, where else do you think they might have it? 88 00:05:34,034 --> 00:05:37,070 (sighs) Let me see what I can get from Deirdre, 89 00:05:37,170 --> 00:05:42,042 you now, maybe places where they ship the seed, store it. 90 00:05:42,142 --> 00:05:44,044 Okay, I'll work Stobert, too. 91 00:05:51,419 --> 00:05:53,587 Paige liked Gabriel. 92 00:05:53,687 --> 00:05:56,289 Yeah, enough. 93 00:05:57,357 --> 00:05:59,092 I think it's getting better with her. 94 00:05:59,192 --> 00:06:01,228 I think so, too. 95 00:06:01,328 --> 00:06:05,599 If we can just keep it going and get her past this. 96 00:06:05,699 --> 00:06:07,735 I know. 97 00:06:12,239 --> 00:06:14,141 (indistinct chatter) 98 00:06:14,241 --> 00:06:16,810 Guys, call on Ops 2. 99 00:06:27,320 --> 00:06:28,722 Hello? 100 00:06:30,991 --> 00:06:34,161 Yes, yes, I'm glad you called. 101 00:06:34,261 --> 00:06:36,396 No, no one's listening, just me. 102 00:06:37,631 --> 00:06:39,399 Good. 103 00:06:39,500 --> 00:06:42,503 Well, I'm very glad to hear it. 104 00:06:42,603 --> 00:06:45,806 3:30 is fine. 105 00:06:45,906 --> 00:06:49,076 N-No, I think right inside the entrance 106 00:06:49,176 --> 00:06:50,978 to Rock Creek Park at Aspen Street and 16th 107 00:06:51,078 --> 00:06:52,245 would be better. 108 00:06:52,345 --> 00:06:53,814 Can you find it? 109 00:06:55,516 --> 00:07:00,287 Great. Thank you, we'll see you then. 110 00:07:00,387 --> 00:07:02,089 (hangs up phone) 111 00:07:02,189 --> 00:07:03,791 Well, we got a bite. 112 00:07:03,891 --> 00:07:07,628 ** 113 00:07:29,617 --> 00:07:31,952 (elevator dings) 114 00:07:34,855 --> 00:07:36,824 Uhh, did you sign in ma'am? I did, yes. 115 00:07:36,924 --> 00:07:37,958 Okay. 116 00:07:40,894 --> 00:07:42,462 Sorry. 117 00:07:42,563 --> 00:07:47,034 Could you please -- I am all turned around here. 118 00:07:47,134 --> 00:07:51,905 I am supposed to be at the Woodwork and Lothrop. 119 00:07:52,005 --> 00:07:53,473 MAN: Okay. And Route 7. 120 00:07:53,574 --> 00:07:55,075 Right. All right, yeah. 121 00:07:55,175 --> 00:07:58,311 Now, the thing is, because of what they working on, 122 00:07:58,411 --> 00:08:00,648 I can't figure out how to get there. 123 00:08:00,748 --> 00:08:03,751 Now, I see Arlington right here. Uh-huh. 124 00:08:05,485 --> 00:08:08,055 (lock clicks) 125 00:08:08,155 --> 00:08:11,925 ** 126 00:08:25,238 --> 00:08:27,407 (lock clicks) 127 00:08:27,507 --> 00:08:31,244 ** 128 00:09:01,875 --> 00:09:03,376 (drawer clanks) 129 00:09:20,661 --> 00:09:22,562 I'm -- I'm gonna try and get a Lotus 130 00:09:22,663 --> 00:09:23,797 approved for the office. 131 00:09:23,897 --> 00:09:27,167 Um, could be a life-- life-changer. 132 00:09:27,267 --> 00:09:30,237 Good. 133 00:09:30,337 --> 00:09:33,674 Can I, um -- 134 00:09:33,774 --> 00:09:35,776 Can I ask you a question? 135 00:09:35,876 --> 00:09:37,177 What? 136 00:09:38,846 --> 00:09:42,783 Did you ever live with anyone? 137 00:09:42,883 --> 00:09:44,351 Why are you asking me that? 138 00:09:44,451 --> 00:09:49,522 Um, because there's not many extra bowls. 139 00:09:54,995 --> 00:09:57,765 Are you planning to move to Topeka? 140 00:09:57,865 --> 00:09:59,599 No. 141 00:09:59,700 --> 00:10:01,835 What -- What -- What if I did? 142 00:10:01,935 --> 00:10:05,205 Mm, probably this would end. 143 00:10:08,642 --> 00:10:10,043 Why? 144 00:10:10,143 --> 00:10:14,614 Because I just -- I just want to be together 145 00:10:14,715 --> 00:10:18,451 like two normal people right now. 146 00:10:18,551 --> 00:10:20,654 Yeah. Yeah, me, too. 147 00:10:22,189 --> 00:10:24,892 Okay. 148 00:10:30,063 --> 00:10:30,998 What? 149 00:10:31,098 --> 00:10:32,332 No, I just -- (Chuckles) 150 00:10:32,432 --> 00:10:34,835 Nothing. I -- 151 00:10:34,935 --> 00:10:36,804 You're not great at just 152 00:10:36,904 --> 00:10:39,372 letting things take their course. 153 00:10:39,472 --> 00:10:41,308 I mean, anybody could see that about you. 154 00:10:41,408 --> 00:10:45,478 You kind of need a lot. 155 00:10:48,716 --> 00:10:51,919 Umm... I-I just like you. 156 00:10:52,019 --> 00:10:54,688 So, stop worrying about all this. 157 00:10:57,725 --> 00:10:59,860 Okay. 158 00:10:59,960 --> 00:11:03,163 Sorry. 159 00:11:03,263 --> 00:11:05,699 Good. 160 00:11:05,799 --> 00:11:09,369 Do you want to have sex? 161 00:11:09,469 --> 00:11:10,938 Yeah. 162 00:11:19,679 --> 00:11:23,851 (indistinct chatter, horns honking) 163 00:11:23,951 --> 00:11:27,687 ** 164 00:11:45,906 --> 00:11:47,207 (sighs) 165 00:11:56,917 --> 00:11:57,818 (sniffles) 166 00:11:57,918 --> 00:11:59,152 (exhales) 167 00:12:00,587 --> 00:12:03,056 (sniffles) 168 00:12:03,156 --> 00:12:05,058 (sighs) 169 00:12:56,309 --> 00:12:58,645 (sighs deeply) 170 00:13:23,570 --> 00:13:26,406 (sighs) 171 00:13:39,419 --> 00:13:43,190 ** 172 00:14:00,874 --> 00:14:02,042 (Gasps) 173 00:14:02,142 --> 00:14:03,710 RUNNER: Sorry! 174 00:14:27,134 --> 00:14:31,638 (Russian accent) My son become man in Soviet Union. 175 00:14:31,738 --> 00:14:33,440 What will he do? 176 00:14:33,540 --> 00:14:37,710 Well, he can make something of his life here. 177 00:14:37,810 --> 00:14:42,049 But a boy needs his mother to become man. 178 00:14:42,149 --> 00:14:45,618 And if she is dead or in prison, 179 00:14:45,718 --> 00:14:47,988 she is no help to him. 180 00:14:50,090 --> 00:14:52,092 Do you see my problem? 181 00:14:52,192 --> 00:14:54,061 We wouldn't need much from you. 182 00:14:55,595 --> 00:14:57,597 What means "not much"? 183 00:14:57,697 --> 00:15:00,333 Well, an occasional question about how TASS works, 184 00:15:00,433 --> 00:15:02,169 maybe the name of an employee or two, 185 00:15:02,269 --> 00:15:05,072 who watches over you, if you know what I mean. 186 00:15:05,172 --> 00:15:07,140 Just pieces of information that you pick up. 187 00:15:07,240 --> 00:15:09,676 (birds chirping) 188 00:15:11,178 --> 00:15:15,949 And for this, what do I get? 189 00:15:16,049 --> 00:15:18,185 We can help you financially -- 190 00:15:18,285 --> 00:15:20,954 a lot. 191 00:15:21,054 --> 00:15:23,290 I could get asylum? 192 00:15:23,390 --> 00:15:25,258 It's possible. 193 00:15:25,358 --> 00:15:27,127 "Possible" is word American use 194 00:15:27,227 --> 00:15:29,362 when they don't want make promise. 195 00:15:29,462 --> 00:15:31,664 STAN: We can't promise asylum. 196 00:15:31,764 --> 00:15:36,136 And you're right, there are risks, big risks. 197 00:15:36,236 --> 00:15:38,038 You get caught, you could spend 198 00:15:38,138 --> 00:15:40,373 the rest of your life in a Soviet prison 199 00:15:40,473 --> 00:15:42,976 or worse. 200 00:15:43,076 --> 00:15:47,647 I have to know my son will be safe. 201 00:15:47,747 --> 00:15:51,118 We can't guarantee his safety if that happens. 202 00:15:51,218 --> 00:15:52,519 No one can. 203 00:15:52,619 --> 00:15:55,222 We'll do everything we can to keep you safe. 204 00:15:55,322 --> 00:15:56,523 There's a lot we can do 205 00:15:56,623 --> 00:15:59,359 to prevent bad things from happening. 206 00:16:03,530 --> 00:16:06,799 Look... 207 00:16:10,870 --> 00:16:12,239 What? 208 00:16:12,339 --> 00:16:13,906 She's frightened with a kid. 209 00:16:14,007 --> 00:16:16,576 If we're honest, she'll know she can trust us. 210 00:16:16,676 --> 00:16:17,844 Hey, do me a favor. 211 00:16:17,944 --> 00:16:19,412 When I'm on my deathbed, 212 00:16:19,512 --> 00:16:20,980 don't try to make me feel better. 213 00:16:21,081 --> 00:16:22,415 Come on, Dennis. 214 00:16:22,515 --> 00:16:24,584 Just try and soft-pedal a bit, okay? 215 00:16:47,040 --> 00:16:48,208 Hey. 216 00:16:48,308 --> 00:16:50,510 Hey. 217 00:16:56,849 --> 00:16:58,285 Are you gonna miss Gabriel? 218 00:17:00,787 --> 00:17:03,456 I am. 219 00:17:03,556 --> 00:17:06,259 Why is he leaving? 220 00:17:06,359 --> 00:17:08,595 (sighs) 221 00:17:08,695 --> 00:17:10,463 I think he's just tired. 222 00:17:10,563 --> 00:17:13,300 It's a lot for a man his age. 223 00:17:13,400 --> 00:17:15,568 PHILIP: Hello? 224 00:17:17,070 --> 00:17:18,371 Hi. Hi. 225 00:17:18,471 --> 00:17:20,240 Hi, Dad. Hi. 226 00:17:20,340 --> 00:17:21,741 How was your trip? 227 00:17:21,841 --> 00:17:24,211 Good. 228 00:17:24,311 --> 00:17:28,081 Were you working on the grain thing? 229 00:17:28,181 --> 00:17:32,152 He's not here. 230 00:17:32,252 --> 00:17:34,554 Yeah. 231 00:17:34,654 --> 00:17:36,923 Yeah. 232 00:17:37,023 --> 00:17:39,326 How's it going? 233 00:17:39,426 --> 00:17:42,162 Uhh, it's okay. 234 00:17:42,262 --> 00:17:46,666 We're, um, making progress. 235 00:17:46,766 --> 00:17:52,071 Will you guys, like, will you two stop it? 236 00:17:52,172 --> 00:17:54,241 Is that your job? 237 00:17:54,341 --> 00:17:56,509 We're trying. 238 00:17:56,609 --> 00:17:58,511 It takes time. Yeah. 239 00:17:58,611 --> 00:18:00,247 Do you have time? 240 00:18:00,347 --> 00:18:02,749 I mean, how long before they -- 241 00:18:02,849 --> 00:18:05,352 Oh, we don't -- We don't know exactly. 242 00:18:09,322 --> 00:18:11,824 I knew America did terrible things, 243 00:18:11,924 --> 00:18:17,130 but I never thought -- I mean, people's food. 244 00:18:18,531 --> 00:18:21,834 I know it's hard understanding these things, 245 00:18:21,934 --> 00:18:24,471 seeing these things. 246 00:18:24,571 --> 00:18:27,840 But the world -- it doesn't work the way 247 00:18:27,940 --> 00:18:31,344 a lot of people here think that it does. 248 00:18:31,444 --> 00:18:35,448 Can't you just go to the press, tell them what's going on? 249 00:18:35,548 --> 00:18:37,350 I mean, not -- not the spy part, 250 00:18:37,450 --> 00:18:39,686 but just about what they're doing with the grain? 251 00:18:39,786 --> 00:18:40,820 We can't do that. 252 00:18:40,920 --> 00:18:42,689 Why not? It worked with Watergate. 253 00:18:42,789 --> 00:18:46,626 Just let them expose it to the world. 254 00:18:46,726 --> 00:18:48,328 They'd have to stop then. 255 00:18:48,428 --> 00:18:50,497 No one would believe us. 256 00:18:54,167 --> 00:18:58,471 (sighs) Yeah. 257 00:18:58,571 --> 00:18:59,872 How'd it go? 258 00:18:59,972 --> 00:19:03,576 (sighs) I got a lot of paperwork, you know, 259 00:19:03,676 --> 00:19:08,315 budget spreadsheets, locations, things we can match to. 260 00:19:08,415 --> 00:19:11,083 Stobert said he's going to Mississippi 261 00:19:11,184 --> 00:19:12,885 for work Thursday. 262 00:19:15,154 --> 00:19:18,391 Yeah, I-I think Mississippi was in there. 263 00:19:18,491 --> 00:19:19,692 How'd it go at the shrink? 264 00:19:19,792 --> 00:19:21,694 I got it. 265 00:19:21,794 --> 00:19:22,995 Oh. 266 00:19:23,095 --> 00:19:24,364 Who was on the list? 267 00:19:24,464 --> 00:19:25,765 I don't know. 268 00:19:25,865 --> 00:19:28,535 Names and addresses of people back home. 269 00:19:33,506 --> 00:19:38,678 We were talking about next Saturday. 270 00:19:38,778 --> 00:19:41,881 Great. 271 00:19:41,981 --> 00:19:43,250 Yeah, she's been bugging me 272 00:19:43,350 --> 00:19:44,551 to see "Terms of Endearment." 273 00:19:44,651 --> 00:19:45,785 (scoffs) I hear it's great. 274 00:19:45,885 --> 00:19:47,420 Oh. 275 00:19:49,889 --> 00:19:51,123 So... 276 00:19:54,427 --> 00:19:58,197 You good? Yeah. 277 00:19:58,298 --> 00:20:02,735 No, really, things have been better. 278 00:20:02,835 --> 00:20:05,137 Better how? 279 00:20:05,238 --> 00:20:07,240 I just realized, there are much more important things 280 00:20:07,340 --> 00:20:09,442 in the world than me. 281 00:20:09,542 --> 00:20:13,713 It's a good thing to realize 282 00:20:13,813 --> 00:20:15,415 that there are things bigger than you. 283 00:20:15,515 --> 00:20:18,117 Most people never figure that out. 284 00:20:18,217 --> 00:20:20,086 Really? Mm-hmm. 285 00:20:20,186 --> 00:20:23,222 Jesus spent his whole life teaching us that. 286 00:20:23,323 --> 00:20:25,224 And realizing it leads to empathy, 287 00:20:25,325 --> 00:20:27,294 but empathy leads us to help others, 288 00:20:27,394 --> 00:20:29,262 to make sacrifices in our own life 289 00:20:29,362 --> 00:20:31,264 for the benefit of someone else. 290 00:20:32,599 --> 00:20:36,102 His crucifixion was the ultimate example of that. 291 00:20:36,202 --> 00:20:39,171 Yeah. 292 00:20:39,272 --> 00:20:40,507 Of course, you're important, too. 293 00:20:40,607 --> 00:20:42,342 I hope you know that. 294 00:20:42,442 --> 00:20:43,976 I do. 295 00:20:44,076 --> 00:20:45,845 You been praying? 296 00:20:50,950 --> 00:20:52,352 Sometimes. 297 00:21:04,263 --> 00:21:06,132 (clears throat) 298 00:21:10,703 --> 00:21:12,472 The Deputy A.G. asked me to tell you some news 299 00:21:12,572 --> 00:21:14,974 he thought you'd like to hear. 300 00:21:15,074 --> 00:21:18,177 CIA is backing off Burov in Moscow. 301 00:21:23,282 --> 00:21:25,017 That's the good news. 302 00:21:25,117 --> 00:21:26,553 He also said he wants you 303 00:21:26,653 --> 00:21:28,821 transferred out of counterintelligence. 304 00:21:34,894 --> 00:21:39,732 I told him I can't do that because of an active operation. 305 00:21:39,832 --> 00:21:42,702 I briefed him on what you're running with Aderholt. 306 00:21:45,037 --> 00:21:46,639 How'd he take that? 307 00:21:46,739 --> 00:21:47,974 Not great. 308 00:21:48,074 --> 00:21:50,677 But I don't think our TASS contact 309 00:21:50,777 --> 00:21:52,211 would do so well if you 310 00:21:52,311 --> 00:21:55,047 disappeared on her all of a sudden. 311 00:21:55,147 --> 00:21:57,884 And the Deputy A.G. is gonna back me up on that. 312 00:22:04,824 --> 00:22:09,996 But after the operation? 313 00:22:10,096 --> 00:22:12,264 Let's worry about that when we have to worry about it. 314 00:22:27,113 --> 00:22:29,516 (vehicle approaching) 315 00:22:36,856 --> 00:22:38,625 There he is. Yeah. 316 00:22:52,071 --> 00:22:54,541 You want to get it now or come back at night? 317 00:22:54,641 --> 00:22:58,277 Night. Let's see where he goes next. 318 00:22:58,377 --> 00:22:59,746 (door closes) 319 00:22:59,846 --> 00:23:04,083 I'm glad you came over. It's been a rough day. 320 00:23:04,183 --> 00:23:07,253 Do you maybe wanna go see a movie tomorrow? 321 00:23:07,353 --> 00:23:09,556 I can't. Oh, no, sure. 322 00:23:09,656 --> 00:23:13,259 Why even ask my girlfriend if she wants to hang out? 323 00:23:13,359 --> 00:23:15,795 What about Saturday? 324 00:23:20,633 --> 00:23:23,503 I have to talk to you. 325 00:23:30,409 --> 00:23:33,846 Okay. 326 00:23:33,946 --> 00:23:35,582 Jesus, Paige. 327 00:23:35,682 --> 00:23:38,685 You don't -- 328 00:23:38,785 --> 00:23:41,087 (voice breaking) You don't know me, Matthew. 329 00:23:42,922 --> 00:23:44,791 I know you. Come on. 330 00:23:44,891 --> 00:23:46,325 You like to read. 331 00:23:46,425 --> 00:23:47,794 You're really into church. 332 00:23:47,894 --> 00:23:51,130 That's not -- That's not what I mean. 333 00:23:51,230 --> 00:23:54,166 Okay, so what are you talking about? 334 00:23:54,266 --> 00:23:57,036 All we do is make out. I don't want that anymore. 335 00:23:57,136 --> 00:23:58,638 Okay. Okay, fine. 336 00:23:58,738 --> 00:24:01,207 We don't have to make out anymore. 337 00:24:01,307 --> 00:24:03,275 That's it, you're not gonna argue with me? 338 00:24:03,375 --> 00:24:05,011 Do you want me to argue with you? 339 00:24:05,111 --> 00:24:07,514 No! 340 00:24:07,614 --> 00:24:09,448 Look, what do you want me to say?! 341 00:24:09,549 --> 00:24:10,817 I don't know! Something. 342 00:24:10,950 --> 00:24:12,384 Look, I'm not like my dad, okay? 343 00:24:12,485 --> 00:24:14,120 If I -- If I did something wrong, then I'll fix it. 344 00:24:14,220 --> 00:24:17,156 I can't be your girlfriend anymore. 345 00:24:17,256 --> 00:24:19,726 (Quietly) What? 346 00:24:19,826 --> 00:24:22,962 I just -- I have too much happening, and -- 347 00:24:23,062 --> 00:24:24,964 So what? You're too busy for me. 348 00:24:25,064 --> 00:24:28,535 Don't make this harder, okay? I'm sorry. 349 00:24:28,635 --> 00:24:32,138 No. Okay, just wait. Let go! 350 00:24:34,373 --> 00:24:37,409 (sobs) 351 00:24:37,510 --> 00:24:38,678 (sniffs) 352 00:24:38,778 --> 00:24:40,713 I'm sorry. 353 00:24:42,481 --> 00:24:44,350 (door closes) 354 00:24:48,888 --> 00:24:51,357 (indistinct chatter) 355 00:24:53,993 --> 00:24:56,896 WOMAN: Hey, y'all. How you doing? 356 00:24:59,999 --> 00:25:02,334 (suspenseful music plays) 357 00:25:43,576 --> 00:25:45,377 Hi there, handsome. Hi. 358 00:25:45,477 --> 00:25:48,414 Hi. 359 00:25:48,514 --> 00:25:51,651 (indistinct conversation) 360 00:26:07,266 --> 00:26:09,468 Who's she? 361 00:26:09,568 --> 00:26:11,938 Don't know. 362 00:26:19,245 --> 00:26:21,180 Let's go get it. 363 00:26:35,494 --> 00:26:39,198 (serene music plays) 364 00:27:07,860 --> 00:27:10,697 (grunting softly) 365 00:27:11,998 --> 00:27:15,567 I didn't think he was like that. 366 00:27:15,668 --> 00:27:17,203 You didn't buy his act, anyway. 367 00:27:17,303 --> 00:27:22,208 No, but there was something about him that -- 368 00:27:22,308 --> 00:27:24,677 I thought that maybe... 369 00:27:28,915 --> 00:27:30,316 You liked him. 370 00:27:30,416 --> 00:27:33,219 No, I didn't like him. 371 00:27:34,687 --> 00:27:36,889 It's okay to care. 372 00:27:36,989 --> 00:27:40,026 No, it isn't, Philip. 373 00:27:40,126 --> 00:27:42,228 Not for me. 374 00:27:58,878 --> 00:28:01,580 Can you imagine? 375 00:28:01,680 --> 00:28:03,682 They'll plant this back home 376 00:28:03,783 --> 00:28:05,718 and make better food out of it. 377 00:28:07,619 --> 00:28:10,723 I feel like one of the guys in the posters. 378 00:28:37,049 --> 00:28:39,952 Perfect. 379 00:28:40,052 --> 00:28:41,754 You wouldn't believe the instructions 380 00:28:41,854 --> 00:28:44,256 I have for this thing. 381 00:28:44,356 --> 00:28:47,559 I have to tend it like a baby. 382 00:28:52,965 --> 00:28:56,602 I've been thinking about Paige. 383 00:28:56,702 --> 00:28:59,005 You did well. 384 00:28:59,105 --> 00:29:02,074 She doesn't think the world owes her happiness, 385 00:29:02,174 --> 00:29:05,577 which is no small accomplishment growing up in this country. 386 00:29:05,677 --> 00:29:10,516 Sometimes I think that we've put too much on her. 387 00:29:10,616 --> 00:29:11,984 No. 388 00:29:12,084 --> 00:29:13,685 She has a big heart. 389 00:29:13,786 --> 00:29:15,321 She's not a quitter. 390 00:29:15,421 --> 00:29:17,356 She'll find her way. 391 00:29:20,626 --> 00:29:24,430 Gabriel, why are you leaving? 392 00:29:24,530 --> 00:29:27,099 (sighs) 393 00:29:27,199 --> 00:29:30,769 It adds up. 394 00:29:30,870 --> 00:29:33,605 Some of it's okay, Elizabeth. 395 00:29:33,705 --> 00:29:38,344 Some of it isn't. But it adds up. 396 00:29:41,948 --> 00:29:45,051 What are we gonna do without you? (chuckles) 397 00:29:45,151 --> 00:29:47,319 Well, what about me? 398 00:29:47,419 --> 00:29:49,221 I have one cousin in Leningrad 399 00:29:49,321 --> 00:29:51,057 and a nephew in Sverdlovsk. 400 00:29:51,157 --> 00:29:53,159 That's it. 401 00:30:08,540 --> 00:30:11,878 I leave late tonight. 402 00:30:11,978 --> 00:30:13,980 Send your husband to say goodbye. 403 00:30:21,220 --> 00:30:25,024 (garage door closing) 404 00:30:25,124 --> 00:30:27,659 Hi. 405 00:30:42,741 --> 00:30:45,945 Mom, I broke up with Matthew. 406 00:30:47,546 --> 00:30:49,681 Oh. 407 00:30:51,850 --> 00:30:54,186 I just -- I couldn't do it anymore. 408 00:30:54,286 --> 00:30:56,188 It wasn't fair to him. 409 00:31:01,793 --> 00:31:04,230 How did he take it? 410 00:31:04,330 --> 00:31:06,798 Not so great. 411 00:31:12,238 --> 00:31:14,606 Have you ever broken up with someone? 412 00:31:14,706 --> 00:31:16,875 Yeah. 413 00:31:25,651 --> 00:31:30,422 I know how hard that must have been. 414 00:31:30,522 --> 00:31:33,059 I'm proud of you. 415 00:31:34,426 --> 00:31:36,662 RENEE: My friend Ginny and I were driving 416 00:31:36,762 --> 00:31:38,897 to Acadia National Park in Maine. 417 00:31:38,998 --> 00:31:41,100 She's a hiker. 418 00:31:41,200 --> 00:31:43,235 We stopped in Bloomington, Indiana, 419 00:31:43,335 --> 00:31:45,737 'cause Ginny went to school at the U of I. 420 00:31:45,837 --> 00:31:47,639 And it was real hot, 421 00:31:47,739 --> 00:31:50,943 so we went skinny dipping in the rooftop quarry. 422 00:31:51,043 --> 00:31:52,678 And it was right there. 423 00:31:52,778 --> 00:31:55,948 It was right there where they shot that. 424 00:31:56,048 --> 00:31:58,850 CYRIL: You know, there ain't many places 425 00:31:58,951 --> 00:32:01,988 that can hide all four of us. 426 00:32:02,088 --> 00:32:03,689 MICHAEL: You know what I'd like to be? 427 00:32:03,789 --> 00:32:05,591 Smart. 428 00:32:05,691 --> 00:32:08,094 (TV shuts off) 429 00:32:08,194 --> 00:32:10,296 What are you doing? 430 00:32:10,396 --> 00:32:13,199 What's going on? 431 00:32:18,304 --> 00:32:20,639 Okay. 432 00:32:21,673 --> 00:32:24,543 (TV turns on) 433 00:32:24,643 --> 00:32:27,379 (sighs) (sighs) 434 00:32:27,479 --> 00:32:30,983 How'd you get to be so stupid, Cyril? 435 00:32:31,083 --> 00:32:33,619 I don't know. 436 00:32:33,719 --> 00:32:35,354 Guess I have a dumb hereditary or something. 437 00:32:35,454 --> 00:32:36,788 What's your excuse, Michael? 438 00:32:36,888 --> 00:32:38,457 (TV shuts off) 439 00:32:39,858 --> 00:32:42,995 My boss... 440 00:32:45,664 --> 00:32:49,735 I thought I was gonna get fired the other day. 441 00:32:49,835 --> 00:32:52,404 What happened? 442 00:32:52,504 --> 00:32:58,544 Well, he called me in and told me... 443 00:32:58,644 --> 00:33:00,412 There's this thing. 444 00:33:00,512 --> 00:33:04,550 I'd asked my boss's boss to make this thing happen. 445 00:33:04,650 --> 00:33:06,018 I didn't know if he was gonna do it or not. 446 00:33:06,118 --> 00:33:09,188 He was really not happy about it. 447 00:33:09,288 --> 00:33:11,657 No one was. 448 00:33:11,757 --> 00:33:14,160 And when my boss called me in, 449 00:33:14,260 --> 00:33:18,064 he told me the thing I pissed everybody off asking for, 450 00:33:18,164 --> 00:33:20,566 well, they did it, it happened. 451 00:33:20,666 --> 00:33:24,336 Which, I don't even know if he knew the part about -- 452 00:33:25,537 --> 00:33:27,506 Forget about that part. 453 00:33:27,606 --> 00:33:31,677 Anyway, then he told me the bad news is his boss -- 454 00:33:31,777 --> 00:33:35,614 my boss's boss -- is so pissed, he wants me fired. 455 00:33:35,714 --> 00:33:37,383 Well, can he do that? 456 00:33:37,483 --> 00:33:41,019 Just because you did that? 457 00:33:41,120 --> 00:33:43,389 He can pretty much do what he wants. 458 00:33:43,489 --> 00:33:46,525 But not yet. Oh. 459 00:33:46,625 --> 00:33:49,695 Turns out, there's this other thing that I'm involved with, 460 00:33:49,795 --> 00:33:53,132 and my boss kind of used my involvement with that 461 00:33:53,232 --> 00:33:55,534 to keep me on. 462 00:33:55,634 --> 00:33:56,902 For now. 463 00:33:57,002 --> 00:33:58,637 Or maybe longer, I don't know. 464 00:33:58,737 --> 00:34:01,207 Well, good, right? 465 00:34:01,307 --> 00:34:04,543 Yeah. 466 00:34:04,643 --> 00:34:07,246 (sighs) 467 00:34:07,346 --> 00:34:08,747 Thanks. 468 00:34:13,452 --> 00:34:15,721 (TV turns on) 469 00:34:20,626 --> 00:34:22,094 (door opens) 470 00:34:22,194 --> 00:34:24,963 Hey. 471 00:34:25,063 --> 00:34:27,233 (door closes) 472 00:34:34,440 --> 00:34:36,675 (Whispering) Paige broke up with Matthew. 473 00:34:36,775 --> 00:34:39,578 (Whispering) Oh. 474 00:34:39,678 --> 00:34:43,014 Well, thank God. 475 00:34:43,115 --> 00:34:44,316 How is she doing? 476 00:34:44,416 --> 00:34:46,285 I think okay. 477 00:34:46,385 --> 00:34:48,154 I mean, so-so. 478 00:34:51,823 --> 00:34:55,594 Gabriel leaves tonight. 479 00:35:04,670 --> 00:35:07,038 (knock on door) 480 00:35:11,477 --> 00:35:13,512 Hey. 481 00:35:13,612 --> 00:35:15,647 Did she tell you? 482 00:35:19,485 --> 00:35:21,553 Yeah. 483 00:35:26,325 --> 00:35:28,327 (sighs) 484 00:35:34,065 --> 00:35:37,969 (sighs) Paige, I'm -- 485 00:35:38,069 --> 00:35:40,372 I'm really sorry. 486 00:35:46,044 --> 00:35:49,848 I have to go right back out. 487 00:35:49,948 --> 00:35:52,150 Work? 488 00:35:52,251 --> 00:35:55,754 Uh... 489 00:35:55,854 --> 00:35:59,591 Gabriel's leaving. 490 00:35:59,691 --> 00:36:02,361 I -- I have to see him. 491 00:36:05,096 --> 00:36:07,032 Tell him I said goodbye. 492 00:36:16,908 --> 00:36:19,110 Scoot over. 493 00:36:32,724 --> 00:36:36,528 Paige, I know how you feel. 494 00:36:36,628 --> 00:36:41,066 Like you're different from everyone else, right? 495 00:36:44,069 --> 00:36:48,374 It's like a million times worse than that, Dad. 496 00:36:49,975 --> 00:36:52,911 I felt that way before any of this. 497 00:36:58,984 --> 00:37:03,822 Well... 498 00:37:03,922 --> 00:37:10,262 I still think you're... a beautiful girl. 499 00:37:10,362 --> 00:37:17,336 And in time... 500 00:37:18,270 --> 00:37:20,306 you'll get used to these things. 501 00:37:23,809 --> 00:37:25,344 Thanks, Dad. 502 00:37:27,078 --> 00:37:30,849 ** 503 00:37:36,422 --> 00:37:40,426 ** 504 00:38:17,295 --> 00:38:19,465 (sighs) 505 00:38:29,140 --> 00:38:32,177 ** 506 00:38:32,277 --> 00:38:33,912 (door closes) 507 00:38:41,887 --> 00:38:45,524 I'm sorry you're leaving. 508 00:38:45,624 --> 00:38:47,559 Really. 509 00:38:47,659 --> 00:38:50,896 That's good of you to say. 510 00:38:50,996 --> 00:38:53,198 We've had our ups and downs. 511 00:38:58,370 --> 00:39:00,406 I'm glad it's all ending on this -- 512 00:39:00,506 --> 00:39:02,874 you know, something good. 513 00:39:25,697 --> 00:39:28,700 I doubt we'll ever see each other again. 514 00:39:38,977 --> 00:39:41,212 What's this thing Elizabeth's doing 515 00:39:41,312 --> 00:39:43,114 in the psychiatrist's office? 516 00:39:44,483 --> 00:39:46,485 She got us some information on people 517 00:39:46,585 --> 00:39:48,887 who are part of a well-organized opposition 518 00:39:48,987 --> 00:39:50,756 to the party at home. 519 00:40:00,632 --> 00:40:05,571 Can I ask you something? 520 00:40:05,671 --> 00:40:10,075 You said when you were younger, you did 521 00:40:10,175 --> 00:40:14,980 (sighs) terrible things. 522 00:40:15,080 --> 00:40:18,584 What things? 523 00:40:18,684 --> 00:40:20,151 When you signed up, 524 00:40:20,251 --> 00:40:23,354 how much did you know about what we did 525 00:40:23,455 --> 00:40:26,492 before and after the war? 526 00:40:26,592 --> 00:40:28,426 People were talking about it. 527 00:40:28,527 --> 00:40:30,128 What did you think? I didn't. 528 00:40:30,228 --> 00:40:32,130 I didn't ask questions. 529 00:40:35,701 --> 00:40:39,705 Well, it was bad. 530 00:40:39,805 --> 00:40:44,876 It was worse than you could imagine. 531 00:40:44,976 --> 00:40:47,946 People were shot, 532 00:40:48,046 --> 00:40:51,382 worked to death in the camps. 533 00:40:51,483 --> 00:40:55,521 Some were counterrevolutionaries. 534 00:40:55,621 --> 00:40:57,523 But some... 535 00:40:59,825 --> 00:41:02,994 Some hadn't done anything. 536 00:41:04,395 --> 00:41:06,031 Just people. 537 00:41:10,969 --> 00:41:12,671 I did it too. 538 00:41:17,208 --> 00:41:18,577 Why? 539 00:41:18,677 --> 00:41:24,349 To set an example. I, uh -- who knows? 540 00:41:24,449 --> 00:41:26,384 The organization was filled with people 541 00:41:26,484 --> 00:41:32,157 who were scared and confused. 542 00:41:32,257 --> 00:41:33,559 But not you? 543 00:41:33,659 --> 00:41:36,061 No. 544 00:41:36,161 --> 00:41:38,229 I believed I was acting 545 00:41:38,329 --> 00:41:42,067 in the service of a higher purpose. 546 00:41:42,167 --> 00:41:45,571 But I was just scared. 547 00:41:45,671 --> 00:41:51,743 It was terrible, terrible times. 548 00:41:51,843 --> 00:41:55,246 And a lot of us -- 549 00:41:55,346 --> 00:41:58,917 a lot of us didn't make it either. 550 00:42:07,292 --> 00:42:09,728 (scoffs) 551 00:42:09,828 --> 00:42:11,062 I have to go. 552 00:42:20,572 --> 00:42:23,308 (Bag rustling) 553 00:42:38,624 --> 00:42:44,162 Is Stan Beeman's new girlfriend one of us? 554 00:42:44,262 --> 00:42:47,666 Are you serious? 555 00:42:47,766 --> 00:42:51,169 (sighs) You're losing it, Philip. 556 00:42:51,269 --> 00:42:53,504 That's not an answer, Gabriel. 557 00:42:53,605 --> 00:42:55,240 No. 558 00:42:55,340 --> 00:42:57,809 It's possible the Centre wouldn't tell me 559 00:42:57,909 --> 00:43:00,812 because they knew you'd ask me this question. 560 00:43:00,912 --> 00:43:03,982 As far as I know, she is not one of us. 561 00:43:13,024 --> 00:43:14,993 You were right about Paige. 562 00:43:17,362 --> 00:43:21,499 She should be kept out of all this. 563 00:43:27,939 --> 00:43:30,475 (Door closes) 564 00:43:30,575 --> 00:43:34,345 ** 565 00:43:48,894 --> 00:43:52,563 ** 566 00:43:52,664 --> 00:43:56,401 -- Captions by VITA --