1 00:00:01,145 --> 00:00:04,410 I'm not going to annihilate 4.3 million Pakistanis 2 00:00:04,545 --> 00:00:07,480 without hearing from someone whose authority I recognize. 3 00:00:07,590 --> 00:00:08,991 Our own people tried to sink us? 4 00:00:09,101 --> 00:00:10,078 (Chaplin) We have commandeered 5 00:00:10,200 --> 00:00:11,333 the NATO early warning station 6 00:00:11,438 --> 00:00:12,759 on the island of Sainte Marina. 7 00:00:12,876 --> 00:00:15,001 I am declaring a 200-mile no-man's-land 8 00:00:15,122 --> 00:00:16,240 around this island. 9 00:00:16,360 --> 00:00:19,540 Test us, and we will all burn. 10 00:00:19,650 --> 00:00:20,883 You've been warned. 11 00:00:21,286 --> 00:00:23,309 _ 12 00:00:24,061 --> 00:00:25,876 (Hopper) The intel is all wrong. 13 00:00:26,000 --> 00:00:29,287 What did we do? We killed the wrong people. 14 00:00:30,043 --> 00:00:32,583 You guys bug out of Pakistan with a wounded man, 15 00:00:32,746 --> 00:00:35,051 and a few hours later, the US is nuking the joint? 16 00:00:35,165 --> 00:00:36,564 How do you connect the dots? 17 00:00:36,677 --> 00:00:37,470 You should've killed those SEALs 18 00:00:37,574 --> 00:00:38,705 when you had the chance. 19 00:00:41,496 --> 00:00:42,737 This is my island. 20 00:00:43,343 --> 00:00:44,622 If I allow your presence, 21 00:00:44,742 --> 00:00:46,506 it comes with certain terms and conditions. 22 00:00:47,066 --> 00:00:48,789 I could kill you right now. 23 00:00:48,966 --> 00:00:51,097 Do you want a war? 24 00:00:51,751 --> 00:00:53,515 My son is dead. 25 00:00:53,629 --> 00:00:55,277 (Amanda Straugh) There will be no burial for your son 26 00:00:55,396 --> 00:00:56,580 until you surrender. 27 00:00:56,707 --> 00:00:57,678 You're Sam's friend. 28 00:00:57,799 --> 00:00:59,279 Yes. From college. 29 00:01:00,475 --> 00:01:01,281 (Man) Mrs. Kendal... (Camera shutter clicks) 30 00:01:01,424 --> 00:01:02,764 What do you think about your husband's actions? 31 00:01:02,862 --> 00:01:05,133 He's a government agent sent to spy on me 32 00:01:05,275 --> 00:01:06,655 and turn me against Sam. 33 00:01:06,758 --> 00:01:08,208 You ever give a damn about getting home? 34 00:01:08,315 --> 00:01:09,161 Sam, if you had objections-- 35 00:01:09,274 --> 00:01:10,827 Maybe you have nowhere to go, but I do. 36 00:01:11,888 --> 00:01:15,669 Sync and corrections by n17t01 www.addic7ed.com 37 00:01:16,523 --> 00:01:18,795 (rustling, birds chirping) 38 00:01:27,404 --> 00:01:28,815 (exhales) 39 00:01:32,924 --> 00:01:35,569 (Panting) 40 00:02:01,618 --> 00:02:02,775 (Christine) You're never coming back, 41 00:02:02,904 --> 00:02:04,032 are you? 42 00:02:07,479 --> 00:02:09,916 I always find my way back, don't I? 43 00:02:10,122 --> 00:02:11,811 What are you doing? 44 00:02:25,187 --> 00:02:26,731 I'm gonna be home soon. 45 00:02:27,751 --> 00:02:29,358 I promise. 46 00:02:34,217 --> 00:02:35,890 (Dog barking in distance) 47 00:02:38,795 --> 00:02:39,723 (Blade zings) 48 00:03:00,876 --> 00:03:02,359 (Door creaks) 49 00:03:03,072 --> 00:03:04,440 (Clattering) 50 00:03:45,536 --> 00:03:46,820 Pitts. 51 00:03:47,069 --> 00:03:48,293 Pitts, wake up. 52 00:03:53,105 --> 00:03:57,523 (Music playing faintly) 53 00:03:58,568 --> 00:03:59,756 (Woman) ♪ I'd rather be all alone ♪ 54 00:03:59,875 --> 00:04:03,478 ♪ now I'm standing on my own ♪ 55 00:04:04,078 --> 00:04:06,410 ♪ and no longer sad ♪ 56 00:04:07,236 --> 00:04:09,214 - What the hell is going on? - Whoa! Hey, hey, take it easy. 57 00:04:09,332 --> 00:04:09,924 You take it easy. 58 00:04:10,023 --> 00:04:11,479 There's a hundred people passed out back there. 59 00:04:11,599 --> 00:04:14,482 Listen, my friend. You're bleeding, okay? 60 00:04:14,596 --> 00:04:15,440 Let me help you. I brought-- 61 00:04:15,556 --> 00:04:16,874 You didn't tell me what happened 62 00:04:16,989 --> 00:04:18,769 to all those people back there. 63 00:04:19,094 --> 00:04:20,262 You don't remember? 64 00:04:21,009 --> 00:04:21,927 Look, it's okay. 65 00:04:22,024 --> 00:04:23,241 You're not well. 66 00:04:23,758 --> 00:04:27,005 You, those people back there, you've all been drugged. 67 00:04:27,602 --> 00:04:30,783 You need to lie down. Wait for it to pass. 68 00:04:31,551 --> 00:04:32,715 69 00:04:33,658 --> 00:04:34,619 There's blood on your shoes. 70 00:04:34,712 --> 00:04:35,763 - What? Look-- - Why is there blood on your shoes? 71 00:04:35,881 --> 00:04:36,882 No. I'm just helping-- 72 00:04:36,987 --> 00:04:38,646 Tell me what the hell is going on! 73 00:04:38,770 --> 00:04:40,295 Don't hurt me, please. 74 00:04:40,958 --> 00:04:42,780 I swear on my mother, 75 00:04:43,202 --> 00:04:45,719 your friends were already dead when I got here. 76 00:05:01,348 --> 00:05:03,413 (Fly buzzing) 77 00:05:13,063 --> 00:05:14,227 Aah! (Taser buzzes) 78 00:05:14,321 --> 00:05:16,536 Rest easy, ma puce. 79 00:05:17,151 --> 00:05:18,854 It will end soon enough. 80 00:05:18,969 --> 00:05:20,602 You might even be grateful. 81 00:05:21,592 --> 00:05:22,927 One more for luck. 82 00:05:23,386 --> 00:05:24,634 (Buzzes) Aah! 83 00:05:25,345 --> 00:05:30,186 _ 84 00:05:31,449 --> 00:05:33,157 (Birds chirping, dog barking) 85 00:05:45,336 --> 00:05:46,785 Thought you were dead. 86 00:05:46,906 --> 00:05:48,402 I haven't slept like that in years. 87 00:05:48,494 --> 00:05:49,926 You talk in your sleep. 88 00:05:50,038 --> 00:05:51,087 What do I say? 89 00:05:51,174 --> 00:05:55,016 That's between you and whoever comes in your dream. 90 00:05:55,500 --> 00:05:58,061 Wouldn't be polite to listen. 91 00:06:01,598 --> 00:06:03,118 (Kendal) Petty Officer First Class Barry Hopper, 92 00:06:03,301 --> 00:06:04,608 Captain Marcus Chaplin. 93 00:06:04,731 --> 00:06:06,254 It's good to see you're getting your strength back. 94 00:06:06,603 --> 00:06:08,851 We appreciate you guys coming, but he actually needs his rest. 95 00:06:08,957 --> 00:06:09,806 Only gonna take a minute. 96 00:06:09,927 --> 00:06:12,050 As I'm sure you're now aware, the world's a bit different 97 00:06:12,222 --> 00:06:13,579 since we pulled you out of the water. 98 00:06:13,687 --> 00:06:15,447 Yeah, the guys have been filling me in. 99 00:06:15,546 --> 00:06:17,202 Well, they can't tell you what they don't know. 100 00:06:17,519 --> 00:06:18,622 In recent negotiations, 101 00:06:18,727 --> 00:06:21,176 the Secretary of Defense took a keen interest in all of you. 102 00:06:21,306 --> 00:06:23,027 He seemed quite determined to have you and your team 103 00:06:23,162 --> 00:06:25,158 - back under his control again. (Kendal) - It seem odd 104 00:06:25,283 --> 00:06:26,969 that someone that high up is so concerned with you? 105 00:06:27,062 --> 00:06:28,830 Like I said, we appreciate you stopping by and all-- 106 00:06:28,934 --> 00:06:30,817 No, no, no, they got a point. Let 'em get to it. 107 00:06:30,932 --> 00:06:32,289 You do have a point, don't you? 108 00:06:32,438 --> 00:06:33,464 Here it is-- 109 00:06:33,724 --> 00:06:35,390 If your mission in Pakistan-- 110 00:06:35,506 --> 00:06:37,321 something you know about it or something you did-- 111 00:06:37,462 --> 00:06:39,200 makes it unsafe for you to go back home, 112 00:06:40,099 --> 00:06:41,101 you're welcome here. 113 00:06:41,212 --> 00:06:42,965 Are you kidding me? Who do you think you are? 114 00:06:43,138 --> 00:06:45,433 You nuked your own country, you piece of-- 115 00:06:45,578 --> 00:06:47,818 (Grunts) You're dead already, 116 00:06:47,953 --> 00:06:49,189 you arrogant son of a bitch. 117 00:06:49,298 --> 00:06:51,418 You're just too stupid to fall down. 118 00:06:55,279 --> 00:06:56,874 (People speaking indistinctly) 119 00:06:57,225 --> 00:06:59,467 The ones that look like round doughnuts, the wax apples. 120 00:06:59,586 --> 00:07:01,588 No more, no more. This is it. 121 00:07:01,742 --> 00:07:03,875 You want more? Let in some boats. 122 00:07:03,989 --> 00:07:05,378 - So King and Hopper-- - Hey. 123 00:07:06,250 --> 00:07:07,713 You owe me more. 124 00:07:09,841 --> 00:07:12,161 After you leave, they have a little bedside chat. 125 00:07:12,287 --> 00:07:14,031 Then king puts the other two gorillas on the door. 126 00:07:14,141 --> 00:07:15,109 He bugs out. 127 00:07:15,225 --> 00:07:16,267 I don't even know how to eat these things. 128 00:07:16,385 --> 00:07:17,555 - Sirs. - COB. 129 00:07:17,698 --> 00:07:18,382 How's the crew, COB? 130 00:07:18,498 --> 00:07:19,860 Firing like a one-kick harley. 131 00:07:19,975 --> 00:07:21,302 Just swapping out the crew now. 132 00:07:21,554 --> 00:07:22,854 Sir, you gonna eat those hairy balls? 133 00:07:22,953 --> 00:07:24,415 I don't even know what they are. 134 00:07:24,524 --> 00:07:26,284 Chom chom. It's like litchi. 135 00:07:26,383 --> 00:07:28,027 Hadn't pegged you for an exotic fruit man, COB. 136 00:07:28,141 --> 00:07:29,653 Don't ask, don't tell. 137 00:07:31,237 --> 00:07:33,041 So the SEALs are starting to close ranks? 138 00:07:33,162 --> 00:07:34,481 Yeah, they're definitely hiding something. 139 00:07:34,657 --> 00:07:36,689 I don't see a shoving match getting us anywhere, though. 140 00:07:36,807 --> 00:07:38,254 Secretary Curry nearly popped an eyeball 141 00:07:38,396 --> 00:07:39,753 last time I mentioned those boys. 142 00:07:39,917 --> 00:07:40,637 (Engine starts) Let's see what happens 143 00:07:40,740 --> 00:07:42,450 when I tell him they want to meet the press. 144 00:07:47,272 --> 00:07:49,261 _ 145 00:07:49,373 --> 00:07:50,283 That's Sam's wife. 146 00:07:50,412 --> 00:07:53,192 I know, but who's that handsome gentleman she's with? 147 00:07:53,291 --> 00:07:54,815 (Chaplin) - Ms. Girard. - Get rid of it. 148 00:07:54,932 --> 00:07:56,183 I want to talk to Secretary of Defense Curry. 149 00:07:56,302 --> 00:07:56,974 Can you work your magic? 150 00:07:57,097 --> 00:07:57,966 Yes. A few minutes. 151 00:07:58,079 --> 00:07:59,194 And I'm gonna need a video feed. 152 00:07:59,306 --> 00:08:00,735 I'd like to see his reaction to what I have to say. 153 00:08:00,847 --> 00:08:01,901 (Nigel) We have cameras. 154 00:08:02,007 --> 00:08:04,160 We do have, uh, cameras. 155 00:08:04,357 --> 00:08:05,365 Hey, Sam. 156 00:08:05,663 --> 00:08:06,725 Have a look. 157 00:08:11,410 --> 00:08:12,935 (Kendal) What the hell is that? 158 00:08:13,258 --> 00:08:15,444 That's the guy keeping your wife warm. 159 00:08:15,548 --> 00:08:16,487 I'm sorry. You think that's funny? 160 00:08:16,591 --> 00:08:18,098 I think it's sad, actually. 161 00:08:18,211 --> 00:08:19,925 Well, you stand up if you're gonna talk to me like that, man. 162 00:08:20,039 --> 00:08:21,433 Easy, XO stay on target. 163 00:08:21,569 --> 00:08:24,553 Hey, you, get rid of that and get me my video feed. Now. 164 00:08:24,897 --> 00:08:26,412 (Sophie) Hey. 165 00:08:26,982 --> 00:08:29,793 I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with him today. 166 00:08:29,904 --> 00:08:32,064 No, it's fine. It's fine. It's just a picture. 167 00:08:45,427 --> 00:08:47,398 I thought you'd be pleased. 168 00:08:47,866 --> 00:08:50,221 You said you couldn't go home because Hopper was hurt, 169 00:08:50,357 --> 00:08:52,357 but now he's okay, so-- 170 00:08:52,482 --> 00:08:53,383 So now I can go. 171 00:08:53,497 --> 00:08:54,532 Yeah. 172 00:08:54,858 --> 00:08:56,000 I'm ecstatic. 173 00:08:56,850 --> 00:08:57,997 So... 174 00:08:59,274 --> 00:09:00,587 are you... 175 00:09:01,576 --> 00:09:02,560 going home? 176 00:09:02,673 --> 00:09:03,594 I haven't decided. 177 00:09:03,712 --> 00:09:04,685 But you want to. 178 00:09:04,797 --> 00:09:06,027 Doesn't matter what I want. 179 00:09:06,149 --> 00:09:06,932 I got a job to do, 180 00:09:07,016 --> 00:09:08,563 and the bay bridge doesn't reach this far. 181 00:09:08,681 --> 00:09:10,489 I've always wanted to see the... 182 00:09:11,708 --> 00:09:13,001 Oh, my God. 183 00:09:14,421 --> 00:09:16,093 That looks like my mom. 184 00:09:16,614 --> 00:09:17,413 What? 185 00:09:17,774 --> 00:09:18,699 Hey. Hey. 186 00:09:18,838 --> 00:09:20,538 - Aah! - Hold on! 187 00:09:23,939 --> 00:09:24,840 (Grunts) 188 00:09:25,157 --> 00:09:25,762 Ah! 189 00:09:25,955 --> 00:09:26,575 (Grunts) 190 00:09:26,703 --> 00:09:27,688 (Panting) 191 00:09:27,795 --> 00:09:30,030 Why does my head hurt so much? 192 00:09:31,016 --> 00:09:33,861 (Motor whirring) 193 00:09:39,850 --> 00:09:40,581 You getting through? 194 00:09:40,685 --> 00:09:42,741 Trouble with the relay, but soon, I think. 195 00:09:44,034 --> 00:09:45,038 You need anything? 196 00:09:45,309 --> 00:09:46,411 No, I'm okay. 197 00:09:46,626 --> 00:09:47,850 And what about my video feed? 198 00:09:47,962 --> 00:09:48,728 I'm working on it. 199 00:09:48,814 --> 00:09:49,683 Well, the sooner the better. 200 00:09:49,839 --> 00:09:52,336 Look, mate, unless you know how to do my job, 201 00:09:52,481 --> 00:09:55,219 why don't you just chill out and let me do my job? 202 00:09:56,505 --> 00:09:57,620 Okay. 203 00:09:58,133 --> 00:10:00,097 (Phone ringing) We got a serious issue in town. 204 00:10:00,212 --> 00:10:00,856 One second, COB. 205 00:10:00,965 --> 00:10:02,682 - Okay, your line is open. - Yeah, hold the line. 206 00:10:02,807 --> 00:10:03,905 Nigel, I need the video feed. 207 00:10:04,026 --> 00:10:05,515 Cross your legs, sister. 208 00:10:05,706 --> 00:10:07,069 I said I was working on it. 209 00:10:07,203 --> 00:10:08,404 I don't know what your problem is, 210 00:10:08,546 --> 00:10:11,263 but you sort it out, and you sort it out right now. 211 00:10:15,767 --> 00:10:17,619 (Electricity crackling) (Gasps) 212 00:10:18,234 --> 00:10:21,851 (Electricity powers down) Problem sorted. 213 00:10:22,262 --> 00:10:25,298 Please, everyone, just-- just stop talking. 214 00:10:25,442 --> 00:10:26,367 Please. 215 00:10:26,498 --> 00:10:28,174 Oh, it's so loud in here. 216 00:10:28,665 --> 00:10:30,584 (Prosser) Same thing's happening all over town. 217 00:10:30,698 --> 00:10:32,483 I've seen this party before, and it's not good. 218 00:10:32,582 --> 00:10:33,770 We've been dosed. 219 00:10:34,149 --> 00:10:36,324 It's a pretty serious drug called BZ. 220 00:10:36,447 --> 00:10:38,379 Military designed it, nickname Buzz. 221 00:10:38,488 --> 00:10:39,237 I was a Guinea pig. 222 00:10:39,349 --> 00:10:41,933 Me and some buddies volunteered back when music didn't suck. 223 00:10:42,044 --> 00:10:43,169 Extra cash was nice, 224 00:10:43,277 --> 00:10:45,012 but even at a low dose, it was no picnic. 225 00:10:45,108 --> 00:10:46,006 There any good news? 226 00:10:46,101 --> 00:10:46,997 Well, it doesn't kill you. 227 00:10:47,112 --> 00:10:47,714 Found it. 228 00:10:47,823 --> 00:10:50,308 Um, "BZ is an odorless military incapacitating agent. 229 00:10:50,460 --> 00:10:52,693 The central effects include delusions, poor judgment, 230 00:10:52,814 --> 00:10:56,611 memory blackouts, paranoia, illusions, hallucinations. 231 00:10:56,895 --> 00:10:59,660 Ultimately, the victims will lose consciousness." 232 00:10:59,769 --> 00:11:01,454 Symptoms last about eight hours. 233 00:11:01,990 --> 00:11:03,216 This is a coordinated attack. 234 00:11:03,328 --> 00:11:04,222 Yeah, but how'd it get here? 235 00:11:04,332 --> 00:11:06,381 Well, in the experiment, they mixed it with lemonade. 236 00:11:06,517 --> 00:11:08,119 Well, the island's only got one main water supply. 237 00:11:08,215 --> 00:11:10,135 - They dose that, they knock out everyone. - Smart. 238 00:11:10,289 --> 00:11:10,936 Countermeasures? 239 00:11:11,068 --> 00:11:12,989 Well, the docs used adrenaline to snap me out of it. 240 00:11:13,096 --> 00:11:15,375 Can also use epinephrine, epipens, allergy shots. 241 00:11:15,509 --> 00:11:17,012 Colorado has those in the med locker. 242 00:11:17,119 --> 00:11:18,519 Hospital here would have some, too. 243 00:11:18,651 --> 00:11:19,946 We gotta move fast. 244 00:11:20,505 --> 00:11:21,889 All right, COB, Lieutenant, you're with me. 245 00:11:21,997 --> 00:11:23,140 We're gonna dive and hide the sub. 246 00:11:23,317 --> 00:11:25,028 Ride it out with the meds we have on board. 247 00:11:25,127 --> 00:11:26,520 XO, you've got the island. 248 00:11:26,669 --> 00:11:27,965 Get the epipens from the hospital, 249 00:11:28,077 --> 00:11:29,356 inject yourself and enough crewmen 250 00:11:29,478 --> 00:11:31,436 to repair and defend the EWS. 251 00:11:31,621 --> 00:11:33,703 Stay awake and alive for the next eight hours, 252 00:11:33,865 --> 00:11:35,199 'cause something bad's coming. 253 00:11:40,783 --> 00:11:42,058 Just entering deep water, sir. 254 00:11:42,164 --> 00:11:43,215 Heading 1-5-3. 255 00:11:43,385 --> 00:11:45,481 Ahead two-thirds. Steady as she goes. 256 00:11:46,946 --> 00:11:48,372 Are you still with me, Lieutenant? 257 00:11:48,809 --> 00:11:49,735 All the way, sir. 258 00:11:49,853 --> 00:11:50,450 Report, COB. 259 00:11:50,632 --> 00:11:51,364 According to this drug inventory, 260 00:11:51,475 --> 00:11:53,638 Cortez should be coming back with 20 epipens. 261 00:11:53,772 --> 00:11:54,626 Only 20? 262 00:11:54,730 --> 00:11:56,818 There's not a lot of bees on submarines, ma'am. 263 00:11:57,572 --> 00:12:00,197 Essential personnel on the conn and engine room get shots first. 264 00:12:00,300 --> 00:12:01,332 Department heads after that. 265 00:12:01,441 --> 00:12:02,418 That's gonna leave a whole lot of the crew 266 00:12:02,527 --> 00:12:03,558 crawling out of their skins. 267 00:12:03,659 --> 00:12:06,289 So we babysit and hope for the best. 268 00:12:06,406 --> 00:12:07,905 Why should today be any different? 269 00:12:08,195 --> 00:12:09,892 Sir, they're gone. 270 00:12:10,015 --> 00:12:12,850 Sir, the epi shots-- medical locker was broken into. 271 00:12:12,957 --> 00:12:14,567 - What are you talking about? - Someone stole 'em. 272 00:12:14,752 --> 00:12:15,522 So we have nothing? 273 00:12:15,656 --> 00:12:17,037 And some of the crew's already freaking out, 274 00:12:17,137 --> 00:12:18,183 acting weird. 275 00:12:18,788 --> 00:12:20,314 What do we do, sir? 276 00:12:22,290 --> 00:12:23,406 We dive. 277 00:12:26,809 --> 00:12:27,750 (Grunting) 278 00:12:27,846 --> 00:12:30,216 (Shouting in native language) 279 00:12:30,943 --> 00:12:32,781 You owe me! You owe me more! 280 00:12:32,895 --> 00:12:34,345 Hey, get off of me! 281 00:12:38,289 --> 00:12:39,525 (Child) Aah! 282 00:12:41,260 --> 00:12:42,847 Christine, what are you doing? 283 00:12:44,819 --> 00:12:46,707 You're never coming home, are you? 284 00:12:46,945 --> 00:12:47,672 What? 285 00:12:47,924 --> 00:12:48,882 (Grunts) 286 00:12:49,031 --> 00:12:51,328 (Panting) I'm sorry, sir. Just really thirsty. 287 00:12:51,456 --> 00:12:52,955 Pitts, it's okay. Come with me. We gotta-- 288 00:12:53,064 --> 00:12:53,919 I need water. 289 00:12:54,415 --> 00:12:55,518 I need water. 290 00:12:55,623 --> 00:12:57,729 Hey, Pitts. Pitts, Pitts, Pitts, listen to me. 291 00:12:57,850 --> 00:12:59,357 We're under attack, okay? 292 00:12:59,457 --> 00:13:01,022 We have been drugged. I need your help. Come on. 293 00:13:01,126 --> 00:13:01,993 Yes, sir. 294 00:13:02,092 --> 00:13:03,309 But I gotta get water! 295 00:13:03,680 --> 00:13:05,669 It's in the water, Pitts! 296 00:13:08,794 --> 00:13:13,321 _ 297 00:13:13,788 --> 00:13:15,428 (Fly buzzing) 298 00:13:16,049 --> 00:13:17,238 (Exhales) 299 00:13:18,310 --> 00:13:19,667 (Exhales) 300 00:13:22,005 --> 00:13:25,849 (Panting) 301 00:13:45,743 --> 00:13:46,591 (Chaplin, amplified voice) You may find also 302 00:13:46,728 --> 00:13:50,054 yourself feeling lightheaded or sleepy. 303 00:13:50,167 --> 00:13:51,148 That's fine. 304 00:13:51,424 --> 00:13:52,750 When that happens, 305 00:13:52,871 --> 00:13:54,682 I want you to step away from your position 306 00:13:54,895 --> 00:13:57,623 and secure yourself in your bunk. 307 00:13:57,729 --> 00:13:59,159 I realize we're running... 308 00:14:00,521 --> 00:14:02,192 I realize we're running a skeleton crew. 309 00:14:02,569 --> 00:14:04,212 But we will ride out this storm 310 00:14:04,588 --> 00:14:07,157 hovering here at s-- a safe depth 311 00:14:07,663 --> 00:14:08,972 and return to port unharmed. 312 00:14:09,080 --> 00:14:10,458 Captain out. 313 00:14:11,484 --> 00:14:12,792 (Radio clatters) 314 00:14:24,352 --> 00:14:25,236 (Blade zings) 315 00:14:28,981 --> 00:14:30,290 Hey, man. 316 00:14:30,888 --> 00:14:31,688 Hey, man. 317 00:14:31,788 --> 00:14:34,274 You messed up? You don't seem too messed up. 318 00:14:34,389 --> 00:14:35,213 Neither do you. 319 00:14:35,322 --> 00:14:37,161 Popped some "go pills." Where you goin' with the toothpick? 320 00:14:37,257 --> 00:14:38,873 Got some business with Serrat. 321 00:14:40,729 --> 00:14:42,704 Guess that makess u partners. 322 00:14:47,041 --> 00:14:48,142 (Machete clanks on ground) 323 00:14:51,980 --> 00:14:53,070 (Man) Ah, she's still out of it. 324 00:14:53,393 --> 00:14:54,735 That BZ hit her hard. 325 00:14:54,844 --> 00:14:56,318 (Man) Probably a vegetarian. 326 00:14:56,829 --> 00:14:58,289 I think she likes me, though. 327 00:14:59,418 --> 00:15:01,014 Come on! Wake up, already! 328 00:15:02,296 --> 00:15:04,821 Here. (Clears throat) Give her these. 329 00:15:04,930 --> 00:15:06,615 - Two? - Whatever it takes to bring her back. 330 00:15:06,712 --> 00:15:07,965 It's too much. You're going to stop her heart. 331 00:15:08,069 --> 00:15:09,147 Try to hit a vein or something. 332 00:15:09,250 --> 00:15:10,487 I want that comm up in 15. 333 00:15:10,582 --> 00:15:12,331 You're not going to get anything fixed if you kill her. 334 00:15:12,432 --> 00:15:14,198 She's French. She's all heart. 335 00:15:14,319 --> 00:15:15,528 She'll be fine. 336 00:15:17,762 --> 00:15:18,863 (Lowered voice) They got cross-fire. 337 00:15:18,965 --> 00:15:20,460 We won't get three steps. 338 00:15:20,662 --> 00:15:22,311 Let's go, sweetheart. Up and at 'em. 339 00:15:22,623 --> 00:15:23,372 (Slaps) Are you mad? 340 00:15:23,459 --> 00:15:24,366 What is wrong with you? There's no need for you to-- 341 00:15:24,460 --> 00:15:25,485 Oh, my God. Shut up. 342 00:15:25,579 --> 00:15:28,060 Look, I don't have time to do it the nice way. 343 00:15:28,169 --> 00:15:30,216 We made a very simple arrangement. 344 00:15:30,337 --> 00:15:31,358 This was not a part of it. 345 00:15:31,465 --> 00:15:34,557 Neither was killing you, but everything's negotiable. 346 00:15:38,878 --> 00:15:41,808 (Exhales) I gotta tell you, 347 00:15:42,172 --> 00:15:44,646 I'm really kind of pissed you broke my arm. 348 00:15:45,019 --> 00:15:45,911 (Sighs) They got Hopper. 349 00:15:46,030 --> 00:15:47,446 You should drink more milk. 350 00:15:47,774 --> 00:15:50,274 Did you enjoy your cavity search, by the way? 351 00:15:50,380 --> 00:15:51,149 Did you? 352 00:15:51,251 --> 00:15:52,899 Now that we know where it is not, 353 00:15:53,392 --> 00:15:55,212 let's talk about where it is. 354 00:15:55,337 --> 00:15:57,271 Told you, I don't know where it is. 355 00:15:58,056 --> 00:16:00,649 That attitude is gonna get a lot of people killed 356 00:16:01,299 --> 00:16:02,604 for no reason. 357 00:16:04,684 --> 00:16:06,219 (Whispering) Who are these guys? 358 00:16:06,609 --> 00:16:08,621 What the hell are they looking for? 359 00:16:12,003 --> 00:16:13,179 _ 360 00:16:13,318 --> 00:16:14,155 We're under attack, okay? 361 00:16:14,266 --> 00:16:15,594 We have been drugged. I need your help. Come on. 362 00:16:15,679 --> 00:16:17,244 Yes, sir. But I gotta get water! 363 00:16:17,350 --> 00:16:19,913 It's in the water, Pitts! 364 00:16:25,257 --> 00:16:28,012 (Panting) 365 00:16:42,156 --> 00:16:44,297 (Christine) You're never coming back, are you? 366 00:16:45,446 --> 00:16:46,373 (Thud) 367 00:16:47,026 --> 00:16:48,785 Oh, God. You're not real. I know you're not real. 368 00:16:48,887 --> 00:16:50,539 Don't you trust me? 369 00:16:52,500 --> 00:16:54,359 Don't you trust yourself? 370 00:16:56,105 --> 00:16:57,805 (Sighs) 371 00:17:03,019 --> 00:17:04,327 (Man) Aah! 372 00:17:05,550 --> 00:17:06,751 (Groans) 373 00:17:11,194 --> 00:17:12,051 Ah. 374 00:17:15,308 --> 00:17:16,655 Who are you? 375 00:17:17,125 --> 00:17:18,059 What are you talking about? 376 00:17:18,156 --> 00:17:18,905 Who are you? 377 00:17:19,004 --> 00:17:21,121 Whoa. XO, hang on. You know me. 378 00:17:21,248 --> 00:17:22,834 I don't know you. What are you doing in here? 379 00:17:22,941 --> 00:17:25,016 My arm was broken. I had to-- I had to set it. 380 00:17:25,384 --> 00:17:26,467 Did you kill those men out there? 381 00:17:26,589 --> 00:17:28,573 No, no, no, no, no, it was-- it was Hopper, sir. 382 00:17:28,662 --> 00:17:30,942 He went-- he went... He went crazy, 383 00:17:31,042 --> 00:17:32,158 attacked us. 384 00:17:32,638 --> 00:17:33,638 (Clicks) 385 00:17:33,714 --> 00:17:35,054 He broke my arm. 386 00:17:37,221 --> 00:17:40,364 No. I don't know you. I don't know you. 387 00:17:40,954 --> 00:17:43,205 It's that drug, sir. It's messing with your mind. 388 00:17:43,392 --> 00:17:45,151 I'm Jim McClure. I'm in supply. 389 00:17:45,256 --> 00:17:46,237 No, no, no, no. 390 00:17:46,303 --> 00:17:47,675 Hang on. You know me. 391 00:17:47,895 --> 00:17:49,349 You're Lieutenant Commander Sam Kendal. 392 00:17:49,460 --> 00:17:50,897 You're the XO on the Colorado. 393 00:17:51,105 --> 00:17:52,897 It's just the drugs, sir. It's-- 394 00:17:52,998 --> 00:17:54,201 It gets you confused. 395 00:17:54,360 --> 00:17:55,604 That drug is making everyone crazy. 396 00:17:55,712 --> 00:17:58,279 It makes you see things, think things that aren't-- 397 00:17:58,405 --> 00:17:59,395 aren't real. 398 00:18:00,045 --> 00:18:01,564 (Pants) 399 00:18:01,721 --> 00:18:02,847 You okay? 400 00:18:04,267 --> 00:18:05,071 I... 401 00:18:05,170 --> 00:18:06,659 You need help? I can help you. 402 00:18:07,133 --> 00:18:08,979 I, uh, I need epi shots. 403 00:18:11,000 --> 00:18:13,712 Epinephrine, it-- it helps counteract the... 404 00:18:14,866 --> 00:18:16,091 Already checked. 405 00:18:16,280 --> 00:18:17,477 They're-- they're gone. 406 00:18:18,861 --> 00:18:19,887 (Slams drawer shut) 407 00:18:24,913 --> 00:18:26,158 - He's unconscious. - Yeah. 408 00:18:26,286 --> 00:18:28,056 Did you want me to try and get him to a bunk or-- 409 00:18:28,178 --> 00:18:29,912 We'll move him when the COB gets back. 410 00:18:30,046 --> 00:18:32,846 Sir, I'm feeling a lit-- (Sighs) I-- 411 00:18:32,955 --> 00:18:35,000 I need you here, Lieutenant, with me. 412 00:18:35,312 --> 00:18:35,775 With me. 413 00:18:35,876 --> 00:18:36,983 Can you handle that? 414 00:18:37,231 --> 00:18:38,397 Yes, sir. 415 00:18:38,915 --> 00:18:39,826 I'm here, sir. 416 00:18:39,898 --> 00:18:42,367 (Alarm blaring) 417 00:18:45,803 --> 00:18:47,069 (Chaplin) We got a fire in machinery one. 418 00:18:47,173 --> 00:18:49,358 If that fire gets to the air in the storage tanks-- 419 00:18:49,463 --> 00:18:51,874 I'm aware. Shut down the oxygen header, Lieutenant. 420 00:18:52,063 --> 00:18:53,535 How much air does that leave us? 421 00:18:53,654 --> 00:18:55,098 Whatever you can smell. 422 00:18:55,920 --> 00:18:59,171 (Blaring continues) 423 00:19:00,124 --> 00:19:01,762 (Radio clicks) (Exhales deeply) 424 00:19:02,516 --> 00:19:03,718 Machinery one, conn. Report. 425 00:19:03,820 --> 00:19:05,570 Report status on the fire. 426 00:19:06,201 --> 00:19:07,947 (Blaring continues) 427 00:19:08,030 --> 00:19:09,605 They could all be passed out down there. 428 00:19:09,700 --> 00:19:11,005 COB! 429 00:19:12,610 --> 00:19:13,896 COB, where are you? 430 00:19:15,313 --> 00:19:16,200 (Radio clicks) 431 00:19:16,310 --> 00:19:17,692 Lieutenant Shepard, you have the conn. 432 00:19:17,844 --> 00:19:18,847 Sir. 433 00:19:19,412 --> 00:19:21,664 If someone doesn't get that fire out and the air back on, 434 00:19:21,779 --> 00:19:24,059 we all go to sleep, never wake up. 435 00:19:24,369 --> 00:19:25,967 (Blaring continues) 436 00:19:26,075 --> 00:19:27,345 Keep her steady. 437 00:19:27,834 --> 00:19:29,114 (Blaring continues) 438 00:19:32,166 --> 00:19:33,212 (Kendal) I need to get ahold of the Colorado 439 00:19:33,325 --> 00:19:34,580 to see if they need any help. 440 00:19:34,684 --> 00:19:36,096 Oh, there's power. 441 00:19:36,271 --> 00:19:38,398 Can you key the signal for me, XO? 442 00:19:38,504 --> 00:19:39,564 Mm-hmm. 443 00:19:44,156 --> 00:19:45,212 (Computer beeps) 444 00:19:45,309 --> 00:19:47,103 (Christine) How come we don't have kids, Sam? 445 00:19:49,947 --> 00:19:51,553 Is it 'cause you're never home? 446 00:19:52,724 --> 00:19:53,741 Look... 447 00:19:53,831 --> 00:19:55,253 We gotta wake up your French friend. 448 00:19:56,254 --> 00:19:57,055 You hear me? 449 00:19:57,211 --> 00:20:00,773 Hey. We gotta get that French señorita back on her feet. 450 00:20:00,875 --> 00:20:02,547 Only way this thing's getting fixed. 451 00:20:11,288 --> 00:20:13,589 Hey. Sophie, wake up. 452 00:20:13,708 --> 00:20:15,090 (Speaking French) _ 453 00:20:15,203 --> 00:20:16,001 Hey, look at me. 454 00:20:16,113 --> 00:20:18,007 Look, look-- hey, open your eyes. 455 00:20:18,108 --> 00:20:19,400 You need to focus on me. Here, look. 456 00:20:19,508 --> 00:20:21,978 (Continues speaking French) _ 457 00:20:22,077 --> 00:20:23,177 Sophie, you gotta wake up. 458 00:20:23,292 --> 00:20:24,639 I need to get the radio fixed now. 459 00:20:24,744 --> 00:20:27,565 He will kill us... all for money. 460 00:20:29,583 --> 00:20:30,577 XO... 461 00:20:30,726 --> 00:20:32,419 need you to key the signal again. 462 00:20:39,360 --> 00:20:40,195 (Blows) 463 00:20:40,554 --> 00:20:41,902 (Gasps) 464 00:20:42,019 --> 00:20:43,748 I was hoping to avoid this, but... 465 00:20:46,745 --> 00:20:47,701 (Clears throat) 466 00:20:49,174 --> 00:20:51,211 I guess I can always kill you later. 467 00:20:53,626 --> 00:20:56,863 (Alarm blaring) 468 00:21:00,196 --> 00:21:04,602 (Blaring continues) 469 00:21:21,775 --> 00:21:23,362 (Boy) Hi, daddy. 470 00:21:26,919 --> 00:21:28,086 Jeffrey? 471 00:22:10,444 --> 00:22:14,752 (Blaring resumes faintly) 472 00:22:18,384 --> 00:22:20,721 (Static) 473 00:22:21,262 --> 00:22:22,484 (Whirs) 474 00:22:25,100 --> 00:22:26,662 (Christine) You came home! 475 00:22:27,323 --> 00:22:28,306 (Dishes clatter) 476 00:22:28,439 --> 00:22:30,335 I am so happy you're here, babe. 477 00:22:31,312 --> 00:22:33,543 (Clatters) Aren't you gonna sit down? 478 00:22:45,607 --> 00:22:46,674 You were gone for so long, 479 00:22:46,806 --> 00:22:48,494 I thought you were never coming home. 480 00:22:50,421 --> 00:22:52,664 Why are you always leaving me alone, Sam? 481 00:22:52,811 --> 00:22:54,715 I don't want to leave you alone. But I have to. I'm sorry. 482 00:22:54,816 --> 00:22:56,120 You're not sorry. 483 00:22:56,227 --> 00:22:57,637 When Marcus offered you that desk job, 484 00:22:57,748 --> 00:22:59,356 your first thought was... 485 00:22:59,992 --> 00:23:02,954 God, I hope Christine doesn't find out about that. 486 00:23:05,514 --> 00:23:06,964 No, it wasn't. 487 00:23:07,157 --> 00:23:09,523 Hmm? It wasn't? 488 00:23:13,489 --> 00:23:15,463 Look, I just want my own command. That's all. 489 00:23:15,579 --> 00:23:16,715 Is that just another one of those things 490 00:23:16,830 --> 00:23:18,798 that you hope Christine doesn't find out about? 491 00:23:18,900 --> 00:23:19,998 You don't know what it's like. 492 00:23:20,097 --> 00:23:22,464 To be tortured? (Sighs) 493 00:23:22,790 --> 00:23:24,475 What did they do to you? 494 00:23:25,789 --> 00:23:26,901 I love you. 495 00:23:27,011 --> 00:23:28,052 Don't you want me to love you? 496 00:23:28,161 --> 00:23:28,954 Of course I do. 497 00:23:29,056 --> 00:23:29,793 Then why don't you trust me? 498 00:23:29,907 --> 00:23:30,779 I do trust you. 499 00:23:30,879 --> 00:23:32,120 What is it then? 500 00:23:38,209 --> 00:23:40,159 I don't trust myself. 501 00:23:40,957 --> 00:23:42,358 Well, you shouldn't. 502 00:23:44,222 --> 00:23:46,234 And you shouldn't trust him. 503 00:23:48,469 --> 00:23:50,665 Help me out, would you? (Grunts) 504 00:23:50,757 --> 00:23:51,941 I only got one arm. 505 00:23:52,082 --> 00:23:53,140 Damn, that hurts. 506 00:23:56,822 --> 00:23:58,150 Um... 507 00:23:58,710 --> 00:23:59,917 (Exhales) 508 00:24:02,903 --> 00:24:04,225 Are you okay? 509 00:24:04,350 --> 00:24:05,382 (Speaks French) _ 510 00:24:05,543 --> 00:24:07,433 She'll come around. Just give her a minute. 511 00:24:08,354 --> 00:24:09,802 (Keyboard clacking) 512 00:24:18,754 --> 00:24:19,330 (Huffs) 513 00:24:21,244 --> 00:24:22,687 Hey, remind me of your name. 514 00:24:24,101 --> 00:24:24,844 McClure. 515 00:24:24,954 --> 00:24:26,422 - McClure in supply. - Yeah. 516 00:24:26,523 --> 00:24:27,814 And you report to senior watch... 517 00:24:27,959 --> 00:24:30,306 Chief Arnold. Bill Arnold from Ohio. 518 00:24:30,458 --> 00:24:32,979 Right. Right, Bill Arnold. 519 00:24:34,092 --> 00:24:36,080 Right, right, right. Sorry. 520 00:24:36,727 --> 00:24:38,809 He got promoted last month. 521 00:24:43,744 --> 00:24:44,685 Ohh! 522 00:24:48,324 --> 00:24:49,360 (Kick thuds) Oh! 523 00:24:51,997 --> 00:24:53,864 (Grunts) 524 00:25:23,174 --> 00:25:23,947 Who are you? 525 00:25:24,112 --> 00:25:25,749 Huh?! Why are you here? 526 00:25:31,218 --> 00:25:32,526 What are you doing, Sam? 527 00:25:32,643 --> 00:25:34,463 I'm gonna fix everything. You'll see, Christine. 528 00:25:35,906 --> 00:25:37,949 I'm gonna be home soon. I promise. 529 00:25:38,226 --> 00:25:39,168 I promise. 530 00:25:43,225 --> 00:25:44,624 Who are you? 531 00:25:45,908 --> 00:25:46,791 (Grunts) 532 00:25:46,915 --> 00:25:47,914 Tell me. 533 00:25:48,191 --> 00:25:49,109 (Grunts) 534 00:25:49,231 --> 00:25:50,420 Tell me! 535 00:25:52,765 --> 00:25:57,532 _ 536 00:25:57,877 --> 00:25:58,978 I don't know. 537 00:25:59,058 --> 00:26:00,170 Guess. 538 00:26:00,510 --> 00:26:01,608 "U"? 539 00:26:02,420 --> 00:26:03,537 Hmm. 540 00:26:06,321 --> 00:26:07,805 You're terrible at this. 541 00:26:07,973 --> 00:26:09,465 By the way, it was "gypsy." 542 00:26:09,928 --> 00:26:10,994 How are we doing back there? 543 00:26:11,096 --> 00:26:12,265 One second. 544 00:26:12,716 --> 00:26:13,934 Yeah, you keep saying that. 545 00:26:14,048 --> 00:26:16,290 You do know how long one second is, right? 546 00:26:16,387 --> 00:26:18,304 It takes how long it takes. 547 00:26:18,776 --> 00:26:19,576 Mm. 548 00:26:19,876 --> 00:26:21,059 (Computers whirring) 549 00:26:21,385 --> 00:26:23,479 Hey, hey! Like a Christmas tree. 550 00:26:23,596 --> 00:26:25,573 Joyeux Noel, huh, mon ami? 551 00:26:25,704 --> 00:26:26,855 You are not my friend. 552 00:26:26,964 --> 00:26:29,438 Devastating. So do we have a working comm or what? 553 00:26:29,539 --> 00:26:34,043 I have to, um, reset power for the antenna downstairs. 554 00:26:36,212 --> 00:26:37,424 Go with her. 555 00:26:38,212 --> 00:26:40,277 Almost out of your hair, Mr. Serrat. 556 00:26:40,388 --> 00:26:41,398 I'll miss you. 557 00:26:41,510 --> 00:26:42,946 Yeah, well, I'm gonna bring this up now 558 00:26:43,056 --> 00:26:44,602 'cause I don't want you pitching a fit later. 559 00:26:44,778 --> 00:26:47,223 When she's done, she's dead. 560 00:26:47,377 --> 00:26:48,189 What? 561 00:26:48,317 --> 00:26:49,843 No, no, this isn't-- no! 562 00:26:49,942 --> 00:26:50,987 Good, get it out now 563 00:26:51,102 --> 00:26:53,078 'cause, yeah, she's seen a lot of faces. 564 00:26:53,195 --> 00:26:54,362 I will be responsible for her. 565 00:26:54,480 --> 00:26:55,312 I will make sure-- 566 00:26:55,527 --> 00:26:57,082 What was that? 567 00:26:58,059 --> 00:26:59,511 There's no reason to-- 568 00:27:00,563 --> 00:27:02,479 It's a long game. 569 00:27:02,743 --> 00:27:05,360 Don't get yourself hanged on the first day. 570 00:27:08,132 --> 00:27:09,698 Get Hopper ready to move. 571 00:27:09,942 --> 00:27:11,267 And tie him up good this time 572 00:27:11,389 --> 00:27:13,626 so he doesn't screw anyone's health plan. 573 00:27:17,875 --> 00:27:19,210 (Clicks) 574 00:27:19,325 --> 00:27:20,230 (Device powers up) That's it? 575 00:27:20,350 --> 00:27:21,405 One more. 576 00:27:23,065 --> 00:27:23,774 (Buzz) 577 00:27:23,867 --> 00:27:25,894 (Gasps) Easy. Easy. Easy. You okay? 578 00:27:26,006 --> 00:27:28,339 I'm gonna get you out of here, but we need your help. 579 00:27:28,461 --> 00:27:30,059 We're gonna go back upstairs like there's nothing wrong. 580 00:27:30,192 --> 00:27:31,353 I'm gonna be right behind you. 581 00:27:31,451 --> 00:27:32,474 And I'll be right behind him. 582 00:27:32,568 --> 00:27:33,849 When you go in, you go in fast. 583 00:27:33,951 --> 00:27:35,390 You get to the comm, get down on the floor. 584 00:27:35,584 --> 00:27:36,323 You understand? 585 00:27:36,425 --> 00:27:38,442 Yes, I understand. (Panting) 586 00:27:38,659 --> 00:27:39,283 Okay. 587 00:27:39,385 --> 00:27:42,193 Hey. I got the cross-fire twins. 588 00:27:42,327 --> 00:27:43,237 You take the other one. 589 00:27:43,331 --> 00:27:44,836 Okay, remember, broken arm stays alive. 590 00:27:44,981 --> 00:27:47,046 I don't know what you think you're fighting for, friend. 591 00:27:47,143 --> 00:27:50,145 Flag waving, saluting, world policing-- 592 00:27:50,259 --> 00:27:52,065 It's all just part of the commercial. 593 00:27:53,084 --> 00:27:53,953 Well? 594 00:27:54,061 --> 00:27:56,143 Almost. Almost. I-I am very close. 595 00:27:56,255 --> 00:27:59,136 A few final connections. 596 00:27:59,249 --> 00:28:00,254 Good. 597 00:28:00,369 --> 00:28:02,278 Will you key the signal for me? 598 00:28:02,379 --> 00:28:03,528 Say when. 599 00:28:03,696 --> 00:28:04,772 Almost. 600 00:28:08,210 --> 00:28:09,257 Aah! 601 00:28:13,715 --> 00:28:15,252 Who are these people? Who sent them? 602 00:28:15,362 --> 00:28:15,969 I don't know. 603 00:28:16,091 --> 00:28:18,478 What are you doing? He just saved your life. 604 00:28:18,573 --> 00:28:19,279 What do they want?! 605 00:28:19,381 --> 00:28:21,761 Him and his friend Hopper. 606 00:28:23,197 --> 00:28:24,450 There was to be no harm. 607 00:28:24,935 --> 00:28:26,807 They told me, put their drug in the water, 608 00:28:26,909 --> 00:28:27,975 and you would go to sleep. 609 00:28:28,077 --> 00:28:30,019 When you woke, there would be no reason for you to stay. 610 00:28:30,988 --> 00:28:32,906 They promised me my island back! 611 00:28:33,845 --> 00:28:34,930 They lied. 612 00:28:38,121 --> 00:28:40,875 That is what I know. The rest is as you see. 613 00:28:51,958 --> 00:28:53,524 Get out of here. 614 00:29:02,091 --> 00:29:05,344 - Please help me get the comm back online. (James) - Hopper. 615 00:29:05,600 --> 00:29:07,714 Hopefully there's still a sub out there somewhere. 616 00:29:13,321 --> 00:29:16,932 (Alarm blaring) 617 00:29:23,387 --> 00:29:24,908 (Chaplin coughs) 618 00:29:30,978 --> 00:29:32,675 (Gasping) 619 00:29:33,480 --> 00:29:34,573 Air. 620 00:29:34,740 --> 00:29:37,143 You gotta turn the oxygen back on. 621 00:29:37,931 --> 00:29:39,815 (Blaring continues) 622 00:29:44,498 --> 00:29:48,151 (Blaring continues) 623 00:30:00,358 --> 00:30:02,354 (Laughs) 624 00:30:04,017 --> 00:30:05,379 You sleepy? 625 00:30:06,186 --> 00:30:07,310 Yeah? 626 00:30:08,813 --> 00:30:10,002 Me too. 627 00:30:11,336 --> 00:30:15,103 (Blaring continues faintly) 628 00:30:15,206 --> 00:30:16,419 What story you want to do tonight? 629 00:30:16,508 --> 00:30:18,109 The-- the peacock. 630 00:30:19,444 --> 00:30:21,017 That's a good one. 631 00:30:21,687 --> 00:30:23,634 Okay. (Slaps leg) 632 00:30:33,634 --> 00:30:35,373 A peacock... 633 00:30:35,480 --> 00:30:36,912 spreading his gorgeous tail 634 00:30:38,100 --> 00:30:40,761 made fun of a crane that was passing by. 635 00:30:42,030 --> 00:30:43,400 The peacock... 636 00:30:44,603 --> 00:30:47,201 laughed at the dusty color of the crane's feathers 637 00:30:47,299 --> 00:30:48,622 and said... 638 00:30:50,011 --> 00:30:52,091 "I am robed like a king, 639 00:30:52,665 --> 00:30:56,027 while you have not a bit of color on your wings." 640 00:30:56,136 --> 00:30:58,462 "That's true," replied the crane. 641 00:30:59,220 --> 00:31:01,716 "But I soar to the heights of heaven. 642 00:31:02,158 --> 00:31:07,158 While you only walk below, 643 00:31:07,278 --> 00:31:08,730 like a... 644 00:31:10,179 --> 00:31:12,135 like a rat." 645 00:31:12,660 --> 00:31:17,635 (Blaring continues) 646 00:31:21,803 --> 00:31:24,590 EWS to Colorado. Come in, Colorado. 647 00:31:26,426 --> 00:31:27,973 Are you sure it's working? 648 00:31:28,503 --> 00:31:30,596 Yes, it should be. 649 00:31:31,683 --> 00:31:33,999 Come in, Colorado. This is the XO. 650 00:31:35,236 --> 00:31:37,094 (Sighs) (Clatter) 651 00:31:37,216 --> 00:31:39,209 Can you please, can you just recheck the signal? 652 00:31:39,479 --> 00:31:41,737 The signal is good. I have checked. 653 00:31:41,867 --> 00:31:43,247 Um, perhaps they have a problem-- 654 00:31:43,350 --> 00:31:45,529 Can you please just recheck the signal? Please. 655 00:31:45,643 --> 00:31:48,204 Don't get angry, okay? I'm doing my best. 656 00:31:48,475 --> 00:31:49,550 I'm not. I'm not. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 657 00:31:49,633 --> 00:31:51,496 I'm sorry. I'm not. I'm not. 658 00:31:51,618 --> 00:31:54,676 It is difficult in this place 659 00:31:54,799 --> 00:31:56,169 for everyone. 660 00:31:56,842 --> 00:31:58,218 You seem to be handling it very well. 661 00:31:58,321 --> 00:32:00,070 I promise you, I'm not. 662 00:32:01,989 --> 00:32:05,346 There is a line of morals, okay? 663 00:32:05,701 --> 00:32:08,970 When you cross this line, you never have peace. 664 00:32:14,162 --> 00:32:15,371 Mm. 665 00:32:15,513 --> 00:32:18,078 You-- you have some blood on your forehead. 666 00:32:22,645 --> 00:32:24,123 Sorry. 667 00:32:28,221 --> 00:32:31,645 Uh, EWS to Colorado. Come in, Colorado. 668 00:32:33,400 --> 00:32:35,656 (Rapid footsteps retreat) 669 00:32:46,555 --> 00:32:49,761 (Panting) 670 00:33:12,420 --> 00:33:14,699 (Coughing) 671 00:33:23,742 --> 00:33:26,503 (Kendal) EWS to Colorado. Come in, Colorado. 672 00:33:29,173 --> 00:33:31,967 EWS to Colorado. Come in, Colorado. 673 00:33:32,386 --> 00:33:33,653 (Clicks switch) 674 00:33:34,142 --> 00:33:35,502 Roger, EWS. 675 00:33:35,619 --> 00:33:37,115 We're about 5 miles out, 676 00:33:37,230 --> 00:33:38,798 and it looks like the sub's all right. 677 00:33:38,923 --> 00:33:40,401 We'll wait for the crew to wake up, and we'll 678 00:33:40,508 --> 00:33:42,589 make our way back once we get an all clear. 679 00:33:42,870 --> 00:33:44,116 How are things on the beach? (Switch clicks) 680 00:33:44,224 --> 00:33:45,636 EWS is secure, sir. 681 00:33:45,790 --> 00:33:47,111 Not without a body count, though, 682 00:33:47,214 --> 00:33:48,786 including two of the SEALs-- 683 00:33:48,926 --> 00:33:50,502 Vogler and Monk. (Static) 684 00:33:50,973 --> 00:33:53,099 Roger that. Colorado out. (Switch clicks) 685 00:33:57,201 --> 00:33:58,552 Why'd those guys want me and you? 686 00:33:58,656 --> 00:33:59,410 Why do you think? 687 00:33:59,509 --> 00:34:00,827 We were the two in the room in Pakistan. 688 00:34:00,928 --> 00:34:02,656 We're the only ones who know why the bullets started flying. 689 00:34:02,759 --> 00:34:05,331 All I know is, we killed the guy we were sent in to save. 690 00:34:05,568 --> 00:34:07,198 I still don't know why. 691 00:34:07,762 --> 00:34:09,154 The mission directive got changed 692 00:34:09,261 --> 00:34:11,244 from extraction to elimination. 693 00:34:11,431 --> 00:34:12,972 I wasn't given new orders. 694 00:34:13,924 --> 00:34:15,456 I was. 695 00:34:19,774 --> 00:34:20,530 (Knock on door) 696 00:34:20,633 --> 00:34:21,661 Enter. 697 00:34:23,295 --> 00:34:25,137 Sir, relief crew is on board. 698 00:34:25,269 --> 00:34:26,536 Everyone else is already ashore. 699 00:34:26,642 --> 00:34:28,426 I've got a skiff waiting to take you back if you're ready. 700 00:34:28,532 --> 00:34:30,324 I'm just gonna scrape off the fuzz, Lieutenant. 701 00:34:30,490 --> 00:34:31,767 After 30 years of shaving in the Navy, 702 00:34:31,868 --> 00:34:33,345 I have a tendency to cut myself on land. 703 00:34:33,446 --> 00:34:34,878 Understood. Don't think I'll be holding anything sharp 704 00:34:35,048 --> 00:34:36,084 for a little while. 705 00:34:36,197 --> 00:34:37,220 I'll be right up. 706 00:34:54,261 --> 00:34:56,001 Serrat was obviously the man on the inside. 707 00:34:56,107 --> 00:34:57,134 I don't know how he got the BZ, 708 00:34:57,245 --> 00:34:58,652 but he got it in the water. 709 00:34:58,930 --> 00:35:00,458 If their leader survives the gunshot, 710 00:35:00,572 --> 00:35:01,901 maybe we can ask him. 711 00:35:02,153 --> 00:35:03,826 It's interesting that someone was able to contact him 712 00:35:03,957 --> 00:35:05,209 and set up the attack. 713 00:35:05,985 --> 00:35:08,595 Maybe he's got a radio or-- or a sat phone? 714 00:35:08,933 --> 00:35:10,792 Or maybe someone on our crew helped him. 715 00:35:11,828 --> 00:35:13,584 You think someone on our crew is working... 716 00:35:14,067 --> 00:35:15,158 Working for who? 717 00:35:15,711 --> 00:35:16,677 I don't know. 718 00:35:16,775 --> 00:35:19,817 But when I was unconscious, someone took my firing key. 719 00:35:20,884 --> 00:35:23,696 We now have no nuclear launch capabilities. 720 00:35:24,028 --> 00:35:25,043 If the plan was to steal the key, 721 00:35:25,152 --> 00:35:26,202 then how come we're still alive? 722 00:35:26,316 --> 00:35:28,041 That doesn't make any sense. 723 00:35:28,575 --> 00:35:30,730 We are defenseless without our firing key. 724 00:35:30,849 --> 00:35:31,978 Maybe they want to make us sweat. 725 00:35:32,084 --> 00:35:33,284 Maybe they're on the way here. 726 00:35:33,407 --> 00:35:35,083 Maybe their plan was to extract their men first. 727 00:35:35,225 --> 00:35:37,774 Either way, we have to find the key. 728 00:35:38,907 --> 00:35:40,461 You should get that taken care of. 729 00:35:41,111 --> 00:35:42,488 I will. 730 00:35:42,618 --> 00:35:43,833 Must have been a hell of a fight. 731 00:35:47,510 --> 00:35:49,484 Honestly, I don't remember. 732 00:35:51,825 --> 00:35:53,406 It'll come back to you. 733 00:35:53,624 --> 00:35:55,060 Most of it, at least. 734 00:36:07,504 --> 00:36:08,391 (Punch thuds) (Grunts) 735 00:36:08,512 --> 00:36:10,035 Who are you? 736 00:36:10,972 --> 00:36:12,618 What are you doing here? 737 00:36:13,814 --> 00:36:14,964 (Grunts) 738 00:36:15,292 --> 00:36:16,384 Tell me. 739 00:36:16,695 --> 00:36:17,547 (Grunts) 740 00:36:17,675 --> 00:36:18,783 Tell me! 741 00:36:18,887 --> 00:36:19,740 (Christine) Stop it. 742 00:36:19,855 --> 00:36:22,654 Stop lying to me, Sam. 743 00:36:22,755 --> 00:36:23,445 What? 744 00:36:23,578 --> 00:36:25,629 Hey, Sam. I haven't seen you for a while. 745 00:36:27,438 --> 00:36:29,172 Paul? 746 00:36:29,368 --> 00:36:31,052 Why are you in my house? 747 00:36:31,837 --> 00:36:33,571 What are you doing with my wife? 748 00:36:34,193 --> 00:36:34,965 You think Christine's 749 00:36:35,101 --> 00:36:36,457 the kind of woman that's gonna wait forever 750 00:36:36,575 --> 00:36:37,973 for you to come home? 751 00:36:38,139 --> 00:36:39,374 I mean, God, look at her. 752 00:36:39,479 --> 00:36:41,064 It's not forever. Why is he saying forever? I told you-- 753 00:36:41,168 --> 00:36:42,945 Look how beautiful she is. (Chuckles) 754 00:36:43,039 --> 00:36:44,868 And you're gonna leave this unattended, buddy? 755 00:36:45,117 --> 00:36:46,291 Women have needs. 756 00:36:46,410 --> 00:36:49,613 If you don't... (Sighs) I sure as hell will. 757 00:36:49,741 --> 00:36:51,563 This is the beginning of the end, Sam. 758 00:36:51,675 --> 00:36:53,060 What are you talking about? No, it's not. 759 00:36:53,162 --> 00:36:54,637 Look. 760 00:37:00,940 --> 00:37:02,837 Look what you did to him. 761 00:37:03,509 --> 00:37:05,335 You almost killed him. 762 00:37:10,332 --> 00:37:12,270 I'll always love you. 763 00:37:17,139 --> 00:37:17,948 Don't leave me. 764 00:37:18,070 --> 00:37:19,651 I can't lose you. I'm not gonna lose you. 765 00:37:19,755 --> 00:37:21,332 Then come home. 766 00:37:24,080 --> 00:37:25,779 I have to finish this. 767 00:37:25,905 --> 00:37:27,231 If I don't, my people will die. 768 00:37:27,338 --> 00:37:28,536 I'm not gonna let that happen. 769 00:37:28,638 --> 00:37:30,137 What about us, Sam? 770 00:37:32,081 --> 00:37:33,433 You do that... 771 00:37:34,715 --> 00:37:36,042 I'll be gone, 772 00:37:37,659 --> 00:37:40,042 and you may never see me again. 773 00:37:40,178 --> 00:37:41,701 (Whispers) Why would you do that? 774 00:37:44,024 --> 00:37:45,747 Stay. 775 00:37:48,634 --> 00:37:50,640 (Syringe cap clicks) 776 00:37:52,644 --> 00:37:54,089 I'm sorry. 777 00:37:56,382 --> 00:37:58,891 You're never coming back, are you? 778 00:38:01,291 --> 00:38:02,564 Everything's gonna be different now. 779 00:38:02,669 --> 00:38:03,866 Stop it. 780 00:38:03,972 --> 00:38:06,265 I always find my way back, don't I? 781 00:38:08,035 --> 00:38:09,680 (Chuckles) 782 00:38:09,866 --> 00:38:11,412 What are you doing? 783 00:38:39,565 --> 00:38:41,311 I'm gonna be home soon. 784 00:38:42,169 --> 00:38:43,693 I promise. 785 00:38:51,752 --> 00:38:52,637 (Knocks) 786 00:38:53,795 --> 00:38:56,255 I just, uh, wanted to say good night 787 00:38:56,364 --> 00:38:59,091 and, uh, to apologize again for anything I may have-- 788 00:38:59,191 --> 00:39:01,438 You weren't yourself, so... 789 00:39:01,539 --> 00:39:03,193 No, I, um... 790 00:39:03,480 --> 00:39:04,767 I suppose not. 791 00:39:07,212 --> 00:39:08,950 Uh, what are you working on? 792 00:39:09,208 --> 00:39:11,755 The cameras were still recording during the attack. 793 00:39:11,895 --> 00:39:13,748 Oh, brilliant. Can I-- can I see? 794 00:39:13,881 --> 00:39:15,034 Oh, tomorrow? 795 00:39:15,174 --> 00:39:17,429 Um, it's been a long day, right? 796 00:39:28,828 --> 00:39:29,977 (Key clicks) 797 00:39:30,747 --> 00:39:33,451 Everything's gonna be different now. I promise. 798 00:39:33,561 --> 00:39:34,959 Stop it. 799 00:39:35,584 --> 00:39:38,297 I always find my way back, don't I? 800 00:39:39,739 --> 00:39:41,805 What are you doing? 801 00:39:48,419 --> 00:39:50,173 What are you doing? 802 00:39:56,958 --> 00:39:58,481 (Key clicks) 803 00:40:04,044 --> 00:40:05,853 (Typing) 804 00:40:05,980 --> 00:40:07,319 Stop it. 805 00:40:07,434 --> 00:40:09,617 I always find my way back, don't I? 806 00:40:09,741 --> 00:40:11,005 What are you doing? 807 00:40:12,733 --> 00:40:14,844 (Kissing sounds) 808 00:40:25,172 --> 00:40:30,458 Sync and corrections by n17t01 www.addic7ed.com