1 00:00:00,948 --> 00:00:04,342 I'm not going to annihilate 4.3 million Pakistanis 2 00:00:04,485 --> 00:00:07,292 without hearing from someone whose authority I recognize. 3 00:00:07,376 --> 00:00:08,815 Our own people tried to sink us? 4 00:00:08,949 --> 00:00:09,863 (Chaplin) We have commandeered 5 00:00:10,031 --> 00:00:11,086 the NATO early warning station 6 00:00:11,192 --> 00:00:12,547 on the island of Sainte Marina. 7 00:00:12,667 --> 00:00:14,813 I am declaring a 200-mile no-man's-land 8 00:00:14,919 --> 00:00:15,998 around this island. 9 00:00:16,124 --> 00:00:19,167 Test us, and we will all burn. 10 00:00:19,474 --> 00:00:21,174 You've been warned. 11 00:00:21,682 --> 00:00:23,017 The only two people who know you're still alive 12 00:00:23,142 --> 00:00:23,885 are the two you're looking at. 13 00:00:23,990 --> 00:00:24,746 And that's lucky for you. 14 00:00:24,848 --> 00:00:27,002 I know a couple of Navy SEALs that would love to come say hi. 15 00:00:27,114 --> 00:00:28,082 Where's the fifth black op? 16 00:00:28,190 --> 00:00:28,794 There were four. 17 00:00:28,896 --> 00:00:30,445 No, you buried four, but there were five. 18 00:00:30,547 --> 00:00:31,942 (Christine) My lawyer Paul Wells, 19 00:00:32,057 --> 00:00:34,423 he's an old friend of Sam's, and he's been amazing. 20 00:00:34,525 --> 00:00:36,652 But he's a government agent sent to spy on me 21 00:00:36,773 --> 00:00:38,002 and turn me against Sam. (Car alarms chirp) 22 00:00:38,088 --> 00:00:39,611 (Man) Plug it into the USB port of the car. 23 00:00:39,713 --> 00:00:41,696 Every time the driver makes a call through the hands-free, 24 00:00:41,842 --> 00:00:43,788 you get the call on this. 25 00:00:43,885 --> 00:00:45,507 (Kendal) Why steal the firing key? Why not reach out? 26 00:00:45,584 --> 00:00:46,477 Why not form an alliance? 27 00:00:46,575 --> 00:00:47,832 The word among sub captains for a while 28 00:00:47,934 --> 00:00:49,564 has been that the CIA has a sleeper agent 29 00:00:49,684 --> 00:00:50,758 on every nuclear sub, 30 00:00:50,848 --> 00:00:52,848 just in case some crazy captain gets the wrong idea. 31 00:00:52,954 --> 00:00:54,729 Your sleeper will be communicating with Langley 32 00:00:54,841 --> 00:00:56,292 by a secure radio channel, 33 00:00:56,442 --> 00:00:58,727 which means there's a comm site somewhere on this island. 34 00:00:58,814 --> 00:00:59,660 We look for the comm site. 35 00:00:59,773 --> 00:01:01,708 We find the traitor, we find the key. 36 00:01:03,014 --> 00:01:04,438 (Kendal) All right. Listen up, people. 37 00:01:04,591 --> 00:01:05,233 (Chaplin) In five days, 38 00:01:05,404 --> 00:01:06,698 a ship will be allowed through the blockade 39 00:01:06,809 --> 00:01:08,760 to transport those of you who have elected to leave 40 00:01:08,904 --> 00:01:10,063 back to the States. 41 00:01:10,255 --> 00:01:12,914 This ship will also be delivering food and provisions 42 00:01:13,156 --> 00:01:14,025 a whole lot better 43 00:01:14,132 --> 00:01:15,788 than the beans and rice we've had lately. 44 00:01:15,974 --> 00:01:17,056 (Man) Yeah! (Cheering) 45 00:01:17,163 --> 00:01:19,537 We've also negotiated a 24-hour visit 46 00:01:19,736 --> 00:01:21,646 with your spouses and family members. 47 00:01:21,769 --> 00:01:23,110 (Cheering) 48 00:01:23,210 --> 00:01:24,218 Yeah! 49 00:01:24,765 --> 00:01:26,094 I'll have more details shortly, 50 00:01:26,205 --> 00:01:27,961 but many of you are gonna see your family again. 51 00:01:28,137 --> 00:01:29,693 (Cheering continues) 52 00:01:32,034 --> 00:01:33,445 Hey, Anders, I know it's not going home, 53 00:01:33,567 --> 00:01:35,553 but at least you're gonna get to see your wife. 54 00:01:36,103 --> 00:01:36,836 (Exhales) 55 00:01:36,949 --> 00:01:38,439 She's not gonna be on that ship. 56 00:01:39,239 --> 00:01:42,154 (Indistinct conversations) 57 00:01:46,032 --> 00:01:47,107 So what do you think? 58 00:01:47,829 --> 00:01:50,154 I don't know. It seems too good to be true, no? 59 00:01:50,337 --> 00:01:51,854 The government is spinning every top on the table 60 00:01:51,966 --> 00:01:53,428 to buy some good PR. 61 00:01:53,725 --> 00:01:55,875 You know they're not gonna let Christine come. 62 00:01:56,058 --> 00:01:57,809 No one for Grace or me either. 63 00:01:59,119 --> 00:02:00,262 Right. Well, they want to drive a wedge 64 00:02:00,382 --> 00:02:02,095 between the officers and enlisted, yeah? 65 00:02:02,196 --> 00:02:02,780 Yeah, sure. 66 00:02:02,886 --> 00:02:04,312 They cast us as the cause of all their troubles, 67 00:02:04,415 --> 00:02:05,773 remind them what they're missing at home. 68 00:02:05,877 --> 00:02:07,296 It's a smart move, and they've got me in a bind. 69 00:02:07,399 --> 00:02:08,538 You say "yes," they look good. 70 00:02:08,661 --> 00:02:10,588 You say "no," you keep looking like the crazy bastard 71 00:02:10,723 --> 00:02:12,031 who doesn't give a damn about his crew. 72 00:02:12,142 --> 00:02:13,047 That's it. 73 00:02:13,164 --> 00:02:14,284 Hey, sir. 74 00:02:14,399 --> 00:02:15,933 We're still down a launch key. 75 00:02:16,078 --> 00:02:18,302 This thing goes sideways, we're defenseless. 76 00:02:18,425 --> 00:02:20,295 Everyone who leaves this place gets searched. 77 00:02:20,404 --> 00:02:21,724 We may not have one of our keys, 78 00:02:21,826 --> 00:02:23,422 but I'm not gonna let someone prove that to our enemies. 79 00:02:23,608 --> 00:02:24,250 Okay. 80 00:02:24,434 --> 00:02:26,439 How's it going with our friend from the, uh, CIA? 81 00:02:26,534 --> 00:02:28,224 I'm the only face he's seen for six days. 82 00:02:28,429 --> 00:02:29,900 And he likes to talk, so-- 83 00:02:29,995 --> 00:02:32,111 Okay. Keep him talking. See what you can find out. 84 00:02:40,103 --> 00:02:41,980 A hundred years ago, we were self-sufficient. 85 00:02:42,092 --> 00:02:43,241 Our culture was pure. 86 00:02:43,354 --> 00:02:44,785 That's what seduced me back to this island. 87 00:02:44,882 --> 00:02:46,020 There are enough provisions on the ship 88 00:02:46,131 --> 00:02:47,314 to feed us all for at least a month. 89 00:02:47,425 --> 00:02:48,724 A month? Tani. 90 00:02:48,839 --> 00:02:50,943 How much is a pound of flour going for these days? 91 00:02:51,050 --> 00:02:53,554 Sorry, father. I'm not letting you drag me into this. 92 00:02:53,663 --> 00:02:55,695 Do you need help dealing with Serrat? 93 00:02:55,806 --> 00:02:57,281 Serrat leaves my people alone. 94 00:02:57,374 --> 00:02:58,684 The problem begins and ends 95 00:02:58,797 --> 00:03:00,293 with that blockade of ships out there. 96 00:03:00,410 --> 00:03:01,783 I will do everything in my power 97 00:03:02,004 --> 00:03:03,421 to fix this. 98 00:03:05,088 --> 00:03:06,924 You know you can't fix what you are. 99 00:03:07,033 --> 00:03:08,623 And maybe your heart's in the right place, 100 00:03:08,725 --> 00:03:10,198 but finally, you're no better than the French 101 00:03:10,320 --> 00:03:11,804 when they took this island and raided it 102 00:03:11,924 --> 00:03:13,343 for anything of value. 103 00:03:13,445 --> 00:03:14,677 That's true. 104 00:03:14,948 --> 00:03:16,671 We are who we are. 105 00:03:16,783 --> 00:03:18,832 And now we're here, and that might not change. 106 00:03:18,929 --> 00:03:20,235 So... 107 00:03:20,915 --> 00:03:22,488 you might have to. 108 00:03:27,530 --> 00:03:28,270 (Drops towel) 109 00:03:28,378 --> 00:03:30,081 This is hard for them, too. 110 00:03:30,193 --> 00:03:32,471 How long do you think you can keep one foot in the water 111 00:03:32,735 --> 00:03:34,156 and the other on the shore? 112 00:03:36,175 --> 00:03:36,913 (Girl's voice) Grasshopper. 113 00:03:37,029 --> 00:03:39,507 - It's shortwave. It's very difficult to locate. - Earthquake. 114 00:03:39,620 --> 00:03:40,969 - So I can tell you it's on the island... - One. 115 00:03:41,066 --> 00:03:42,847 - but I can't tell you where. - Okay. 116 00:03:42,981 --> 00:03:44,725 Three. Airport. 117 00:03:44,904 --> 00:03:46,806 - Two. - Anything else I can do for you? 118 00:03:46,914 --> 00:03:47,864 - Hopscotch. - No. Just tell me 119 00:03:47,965 --> 00:03:49,552 - when you find out more about the signals. - Six. 120 00:03:49,676 --> 00:03:50,570 Four. 121 00:03:50,721 --> 00:03:51,998 - Bookworm. - Okay. 122 00:03:52,113 --> 00:03:54,696 Five. Six. 123 00:04:10,120 --> 00:04:11,577 (Girl's voice) Grapevine. 124 00:04:12,520 --> 00:04:13,487 One. 125 00:04:13,607 --> 00:04:15,117 Grasshopper. 126 00:04:15,312 --> 00:04:17,411 Six. Two. 127 00:04:17,510 --> 00:04:18,902 Earthquake. 128 00:04:19,242 --> 00:04:20,318 We have a holiday in our country 129 00:04:20,435 --> 00:04:23,261 that celebrates the coming together of two cultures. 130 00:04:23,376 --> 00:04:26,290 Faced with great hardship, these two very different groups 131 00:04:26,477 --> 00:04:28,830 formed what could only be called a community 132 00:04:28,957 --> 00:04:30,581 as a means to survive. 133 00:04:30,900 --> 00:04:32,729 And as with many of our traditions back home, 134 00:04:32,834 --> 00:04:34,616 we've already missed our Thanksgiving. 135 00:04:34,772 --> 00:04:35,938 But tonight, 136 00:04:36,054 --> 00:04:37,711 in the spirit of that holiday, 137 00:04:37,912 --> 00:04:40,663 what's ours is yours. 138 00:04:40,764 --> 00:04:42,188 (Laughter) Hear, hear. 139 00:04:42,671 --> 00:04:44,143 (Indistinct conversations) 140 00:04:44,450 --> 00:04:47,077 So... what's good here? 141 00:04:48,034 --> 00:04:49,919 Pretty much the same as yesterday. 142 00:04:50,027 --> 00:04:51,367 Some kind of noodle. 143 00:04:51,473 --> 00:04:53,233 Guess you can't really go wrong with noodles. 144 00:04:53,348 --> 00:04:54,492 You don't have to do this. 145 00:04:54,646 --> 00:04:55,437 Do what? 146 00:04:55,552 --> 00:04:57,884 Chitchat. Turn on the charm. 147 00:04:57,981 --> 00:04:59,088 Oh, that's what I was doing? 148 00:04:59,256 --> 00:05:00,345 "What's good here"? 149 00:05:00,444 --> 00:05:01,603 It's an honest question. 150 00:05:01,706 --> 00:05:03,101 Look, what happened between us happened, 151 00:05:03,213 --> 00:05:04,729 and now we should just go back to the way things were, 152 00:05:04,838 --> 00:05:07,428 with you being a jackass and me trying to do my job. 153 00:05:07,647 --> 00:05:09,094 No need for things to get weird. 154 00:05:09,208 --> 00:05:10,706 Right, 'cause this isn't weird at all. 155 00:05:10,806 --> 00:05:12,407 Look, I thought you were with the girl from the bar anyway. 156 00:05:12,504 --> 00:05:13,695 What's her name? 157 00:05:14,085 --> 00:05:15,032 Tani. 158 00:05:15,196 --> 00:05:16,102 Yeah. 159 00:05:16,234 --> 00:05:19,092 She's nice and she really seems to like you. 160 00:05:19,571 --> 00:05:20,564 It's been known to happen. 161 00:05:20,754 --> 00:05:21,985 162 00:05:22,147 --> 00:05:23,331 Captain. 163 00:05:23,438 --> 00:05:24,133 Mm. 164 00:05:24,906 --> 00:05:26,233 Sophie tracked the comm site. 165 00:05:26,344 --> 00:05:27,151 Looks like the sleeper's 166 00:05:27,263 --> 00:05:28,759 used it twice in the last three days. 167 00:05:28,877 --> 00:05:30,028 That's one time too many. 168 00:05:30,411 --> 00:05:31,956 Whoever it is must be feeling the heat. 169 00:05:32,088 --> 00:05:33,127 What's Booth offering? 170 00:05:33,311 --> 00:05:34,891 Nothing yet. 171 00:05:35,072 --> 00:05:36,494 - You trust him? - Nope. 172 00:05:36,597 --> 00:05:38,421 - Good. Stay on him. - Okay. 173 00:05:38,996 --> 00:05:40,374 174 00:05:41,226 --> 00:05:43,264 (Chains clattering) 175 00:05:50,221 --> 00:05:51,215 (Gate closes) 176 00:05:57,630 --> 00:05:59,404 Get hungry enough... (Grunts) 177 00:06:00,248 --> 00:06:03,135 even a Hoo-Ah bar tastes like damn foie gras. 178 00:06:03,248 --> 00:06:04,517 You ever have foie gras? 179 00:06:06,384 --> 00:06:08,672 Like someone took a prime filet and... 180 00:06:09,385 --> 00:06:11,345 turned it into butter. 181 00:06:12,778 --> 00:06:14,078 Ohh. 182 00:06:14,744 --> 00:06:16,006 Best foie gras I ever had 183 00:06:16,124 --> 00:06:17,905 was at this little bistro in Macao. 184 00:06:18,579 --> 00:06:19,574 Mmm. 185 00:06:19,670 --> 00:06:22,514 The Chinese positively love their French food. 186 00:06:23,931 --> 00:06:26,116 Damn, Kendal. I thought we were past all this. 187 00:06:26,245 --> 00:06:27,164 Listen, Booth, 188 00:06:27,370 --> 00:06:29,517 that radio site, it's active. 189 00:06:29,722 --> 00:06:32,047 Whoever stole our launch key is talking back to home. 190 00:06:32,157 --> 00:06:33,936 You want to guess what the orders are gonna be? 191 00:06:34,611 --> 00:06:35,732 Don't much like guessing. 192 00:06:35,827 --> 00:06:37,754 One, they bomb us all to hell and be done with it. 193 00:06:37,845 --> 00:06:39,030 Two, the sleeper gets desperate 194 00:06:39,140 --> 00:06:41,144 and me and Marcus each get a bullet behind the ear. 195 00:06:41,753 --> 00:06:42,781 And you-- 196 00:06:42,882 --> 00:06:44,708 you starve to death, forgotten out here. 197 00:06:45,478 --> 00:06:46,823 Three-- 198 00:06:47,128 --> 00:06:49,311 You trust me. We work this thing together. 199 00:06:49,423 --> 00:06:51,043 You sit there and you talk platitudes, 200 00:06:51,133 --> 00:06:52,599 you tell me I'm the man for your job. 201 00:06:52,780 --> 00:06:54,446 You haven't given me one single thing 202 00:06:54,553 --> 00:06:56,263 I can actually use, not one. 203 00:06:56,397 --> 00:06:57,587 And that's fine. I get it. I get it. 204 00:06:57,694 --> 00:06:58,566 You want to be in control. 205 00:06:58,662 --> 00:06:59,755 You want to play your hand tight. 206 00:06:59,844 --> 00:07:02,166 But right now, you've given me no reason to trust you. 207 00:07:02,323 --> 00:07:03,753 You're still just a killer waiting for the moment 208 00:07:03,858 --> 00:07:05,612 you talk me out of those cuffs. 209 00:07:05,732 --> 00:07:06,711 Hey. 210 00:07:06,800 --> 00:07:08,702 You gotta make me trust you, Booth. 211 00:07:16,652 --> 00:07:17,948 Come on! Come on! 212 00:07:18,558 --> 00:07:19,983 (Cheering) 213 00:07:20,697 --> 00:07:22,588 ♪ 214 00:07:31,742 --> 00:07:33,326 Ahh! 215 00:07:35,960 --> 00:07:37,997 (Cheering) 216 00:07:40,897 --> 00:07:41,917 (Speaks indistinctly) 217 00:07:42,026 --> 00:07:43,805 No. See, I haven't pulled my cards yet. I'm gonna... 218 00:07:44,002 --> 00:07:45,481 (Indistinct conversations) 219 00:07:46,371 --> 00:07:48,545 So you didn't come up last night. 220 00:07:48,963 --> 00:07:50,913 (Man) Where is he? Get him! 221 00:07:53,021 --> 00:07:54,278 Can I help you gentlemen with something? 222 00:07:54,378 --> 00:07:55,891 Wait. They're the law on the island. 223 00:07:57,002 --> 00:07:57,975 What happened? 224 00:07:58,108 --> 00:07:59,010 That's him. 225 00:07:59,450 --> 00:08:01,249 - Whoa. No, no, I-- Oh, no! - Wait, wait, no. 226 00:08:01,373 --> 00:08:02,245 (Tani) Don't hurt him. 227 00:08:02,371 --> 00:08:03,573 Get off me! Get-- 228 00:08:03,728 --> 00:08:06,017 Whose side are you on, putaika? 229 00:08:12,165 --> 00:08:13,887 I didn't do anything wrong! Help! 230 00:08:14,014 --> 00:08:14,889 Help! 231 00:08:15,861 --> 00:08:17,530 (Man shouts indistinctly) 232 00:08:20,466 --> 00:08:21,665 Hey, lower your weapon right now! 233 00:08:21,773 --> 00:08:22,700 Lower your weapon! 234 00:08:22,807 --> 00:08:23,878 Lower your weapon! 235 00:08:23,975 --> 00:08:25,457 Who wants to tell me what's going on here? 236 00:08:25,559 --> 00:08:27,099 They're saying your man took Erita 237 00:08:27,206 --> 00:08:28,716 into the jungle and raped her. 238 00:08:29,716 --> 00:08:30,755 Tell me that's not true. 239 00:08:30,874 --> 00:08:32,762 I didn't do it, captain! I swear. She's lying. 240 00:08:32,858 --> 00:08:35,130 According to local laws, he'll be punished by caning-- 241 00:08:35,243 --> 00:08:36,061 a hundred cuts. 242 00:08:36,159 --> 00:08:38,162 If he survives, a brand will be burned into his neck 243 00:08:38,301 --> 00:08:40,185 as a permanent mark of the crime he committed. 244 00:08:40,288 --> 00:08:41,844 - A brand? - Oh, my God. You can't let them do that to me. 245 00:08:42,011 --> 00:08:43,192 Cut him down. Now. 246 00:08:43,278 --> 00:08:44,426 This is not your affair, Captain. 247 00:08:44,538 --> 00:08:45,455 This is an island matter. 248 00:08:45,563 --> 00:08:46,651 Cut him down! 249 00:08:47,116 --> 00:08:48,282 We have laws. 250 00:08:48,888 --> 00:08:49,976 This isn't right. 251 00:08:50,082 --> 00:08:50,960 Might is right. 252 00:08:51,062 --> 00:08:52,904 You may have your laws, but I'll have my man. 253 00:08:53,121 --> 00:08:54,688 (Pants) 254 00:08:59,859 --> 00:09:02,677 (Panting) 255 00:09:03,294 --> 00:09:06,086 (Grunts and coughs) 256 00:09:10,115 --> 00:09:12,688 You don't believe a rapist deserves to be punished? 257 00:09:13,028 --> 00:09:14,242 I do. 258 00:09:14,537 --> 00:09:17,041 But I don't accept that's what he is, not without proof. 259 00:09:17,295 --> 00:09:18,330 I don't know this woman, 260 00:09:18,573 --> 00:09:19,905 and I haven't heard her accusations. 261 00:09:20,009 --> 00:09:21,350 I have. She speaks the truth. 262 00:09:21,444 --> 00:09:22,570 Well, that's an opinion, 263 00:09:22,677 --> 00:09:25,145 and for all I know, this is all a concoction of Serrat's. 264 00:09:25,481 --> 00:09:27,391 We do not subject our people to summary judgment 265 00:09:27,504 --> 00:09:29,186 and punishment without due process. 266 00:09:29,294 --> 00:09:31,207 Our system has worked for hundreds of years. 267 00:09:31,322 --> 00:09:33,528 It doesn't work for me. 268 00:09:33,686 --> 00:09:36,460 Hal Anders is a member of the United States Navy. 269 00:09:36,658 --> 00:09:38,722 He'll have a trial under my rules. 270 00:09:38,828 --> 00:09:40,229 You try that man under your rules, 271 00:09:40,404 --> 00:09:42,418 no one on the island will believe the verdict 272 00:09:42,542 --> 00:09:44,667 or believe you to be less than a tyrant. 273 00:09:44,804 --> 00:09:46,815 That's a disappointment I'll have to live with. 274 00:09:48,744 --> 00:09:50,713 We agreed on a military-style trial. 275 00:09:50,828 --> 00:09:52,622 Seven member jury-- three from the Colorado, 276 00:09:52,746 --> 00:09:54,698 three from the island, one neutral. 277 00:09:54,811 --> 00:09:56,421 It'll take five votes to convict. 278 00:09:56,570 --> 00:09:57,288 I don't know, sir. 279 00:09:57,387 --> 00:09:58,624 I think he should be tried on the Colorado 280 00:09:58,740 --> 00:10:00,404 by his own people, no? 281 00:10:00,552 --> 00:10:01,676 Once he stepped foot off this boat, 282 00:10:01,769 --> 00:10:02,875 it got complicated. 283 00:10:02,981 --> 00:10:04,377 You know that. He knew that. 284 00:10:04,538 --> 00:10:07,337 This island needs to know that we're not afraid of the truth. 285 00:10:07,442 --> 00:10:08,971 And if Anders is found guilty, 286 00:10:09,088 --> 00:10:10,789 we'll do the punishing. 287 00:10:11,154 --> 00:10:12,371 So who's the seventh juror? 288 00:10:12,494 --> 00:10:13,900 I already spoke to Sophie. 289 00:10:15,410 --> 00:10:16,887 Sir, you know Anders is the only one left 290 00:10:17,006 --> 00:10:18,640 who's rated to work the reactor, right? 291 00:10:18,754 --> 00:10:20,673 I'm aware of how valuable he is. 292 00:10:21,182 --> 00:10:22,220 I did two tours in the nukes. 293 00:10:22,330 --> 00:10:23,310 I can hold it down for a while. 294 00:10:23,478 --> 00:10:24,806 And after that? 295 00:10:24,947 --> 00:10:25,989 You really want to be stuck down there 296 00:10:26,094 --> 00:10:27,001 if something goes wrong? 297 00:10:27,161 --> 00:10:29,416 I want Anders not to have done what the woman says he did. 298 00:10:29,532 --> 00:10:30,896 What if he did? 299 00:10:32,254 --> 00:10:34,335 Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. 300 00:10:37,849 --> 00:10:39,546 How do you think Christine was? She was pissed. 301 00:10:39,664 --> 00:10:41,133 (Curry) Good. The angrier she is at us, 302 00:10:41,253 --> 00:10:43,147 the more grateful she'll be when you come through for her. 303 00:10:43,261 --> 00:10:44,682 Tell her you pulled some strings. 304 00:10:44,918 --> 00:10:46,202 You're getting her on that boat. 305 00:10:46,327 --> 00:10:47,530 Tell her she's getting to see her husband. 306 00:10:47,627 --> 00:10:49,166 She'll trust you with anything after that. 307 00:10:49,274 --> 00:10:51,115 God. They're setting him up to be your white knight. 308 00:10:51,212 --> 00:10:53,164 Do they really think women still fall for that? 309 00:10:53,270 --> 00:10:54,286 I'll be right back. 310 00:10:54,427 --> 00:10:55,563 - Sorry. - What? 311 00:10:55,676 --> 00:10:58,633 Sam. Big Navy hero sweeps you away from your drab little life. 312 00:10:58,744 --> 00:11:00,720 You can be a real stuck-up bitch at times, can't you? 313 00:11:00,818 --> 00:11:02,651 I know. Genetics. I'm working on it. 314 00:11:02,776 --> 00:11:04,244 (Paul) Secretary Curry, when she's on that ship, 315 00:11:04,351 --> 00:11:05,726 I need you to promise me she'll be safe. 316 00:11:05,827 --> 00:11:08,070 Excuse me, Paul, but I'm not gonna promise you anything. 317 00:11:08,170 --> 00:11:09,398 This isn't about just one woman. 318 00:11:09,510 --> 00:11:10,986 It's about the future of our country. 319 00:11:11,100 --> 00:11:12,820 I thought you believed that as much as we do. 320 00:11:12,940 --> 00:11:14,780 I did. I-I mean, I-I still do. 321 00:11:14,898 --> 00:11:16,335 Okay, now listen, there's a woman-- 322 00:11:16,440 --> 00:11:18,324 Kylie Sinclair-- name ring a bell? 323 00:11:18,430 --> 00:11:20,433 Yeah, daughter to the Sinclair weapons fortune. Why? 324 00:11:20,545 --> 00:11:21,617 Christine hasn't mentioned her? 325 00:11:21,761 --> 00:11:23,692 Not yet. Look, I gotta go. 326 00:11:23,872 --> 00:11:25,170 I'm here. 327 00:11:25,893 --> 00:11:27,259 (Car pulls up, door opens) 328 00:11:27,611 --> 00:11:28,640 (Door closes) 329 00:11:29,171 --> 00:11:30,460 And so he is. 330 00:11:30,840 --> 00:11:32,839 Wait, wait, wait. Take this. Take this. 331 00:11:33,605 --> 00:11:34,904 (Clatters) 332 00:11:38,330 --> 00:11:39,904 (Door squeaks) 333 00:11:40,237 --> 00:11:41,900 Please tell me it's good news. 334 00:11:42,828 --> 00:11:44,482 Were you able to get me on that boat? 335 00:11:45,350 --> 00:11:47,127 I couldn't get you cleared for the trip. 336 00:11:47,299 --> 00:11:48,664 Sorry. 337 00:11:48,797 --> 00:11:49,653 Really? 338 00:11:49,766 --> 00:11:50,852 Went as far up the chain as I could, 339 00:11:50,960 --> 00:11:52,256 but they shot it down. 340 00:11:52,373 --> 00:11:53,821 They just don't want you on that ship. 341 00:11:53,922 --> 00:11:55,713 I wish there was something I could do. 342 00:11:59,367 --> 00:12:00,369 Chief. 343 00:12:00,605 --> 00:12:01,862 Oh, Captain. 344 00:12:02,413 --> 00:12:03,299 You going somewhere? 345 00:12:03,488 --> 00:12:05,091 (Chuckles) Uh, no. 346 00:12:05,166 --> 00:12:06,921 It's, uh, just busy work. 347 00:12:07,026 --> 00:12:08,382 Trying to keep my mind off of the... 348 00:12:10,130 --> 00:12:11,514 I'm low on food and provisions. 349 00:12:11,647 --> 00:12:12,755 I'm low on crew. 350 00:12:13,715 --> 00:12:15,230 Tell me you didn't do this. 351 00:12:15,335 --> 00:12:16,645 Tell me the woman's lying, 352 00:12:17,228 --> 00:12:19,971 and I will do whatever is necessary to protect you. 353 00:12:21,356 --> 00:12:23,980 You give me a Bible, and I will swear on it. 354 00:12:24,440 --> 00:12:26,370 I did not do this, sir. 355 00:12:27,582 --> 00:12:28,956 Okay, chief. 356 00:12:31,719 --> 00:12:33,081 (Cortez) Same time tomorrow? 357 00:12:34,807 --> 00:12:36,627 Oh, sorry, Lieutenant. 358 00:12:37,122 --> 00:12:38,603 Come on in, Grace. 359 00:12:44,275 --> 00:12:46,514 You've heard about this, uh, situation with Anders? 360 00:12:46,638 --> 00:12:47,300 Yes, sir. 361 00:12:47,454 --> 00:12:48,813 Okay, I want you to handle his defense. 362 00:12:48,956 --> 00:12:50,931 I'm just not sure I'm the right person for the job. 363 00:12:51,054 --> 00:12:53,103 Uh, well, you've put in time on the honor committee 364 00:12:53,218 --> 00:12:53,944 at the academy, 365 00:12:54,051 --> 00:12:56,591 which is... more than the rest of us. 366 00:12:56,689 --> 00:12:57,732 Understood, sir. 367 00:13:00,891 --> 00:13:03,098 You just give him the best defense you can. 368 00:13:06,567 --> 00:13:07,577 (Door closes) 369 00:13:18,973 --> 00:13:20,442 - Surprise. - Don't move! 370 00:13:20,572 --> 00:13:23,713 MRE spoon makes a pretty good bump key. 371 00:13:24,039 --> 00:13:25,551 I could've been sipping tequila 372 00:13:25,719 --> 00:13:27,368 on a beach in Antigua three days ago 373 00:13:27,475 --> 00:13:29,713 if that's what I'd wanted, but it's not what I want. 374 00:13:30,445 --> 00:13:31,811 (Clatters) 375 00:13:32,315 --> 00:13:33,564 Trust me now? 376 00:13:34,755 --> 00:13:37,471 I know where the site is. I can take you there. 377 00:13:37,597 --> 00:13:38,695 You know where the site is? 378 00:13:38,802 --> 00:13:39,815 I can put you on the horn with people 379 00:13:39,915 --> 00:13:41,620 a lot more important than the two of us. 380 00:13:41,742 --> 00:13:43,230 I'm gonna ask them what I need to, Booth. 381 00:13:43,340 --> 00:13:46,566 You work with 'em, Sam, they'll give you whatever you want. 382 00:13:47,687 --> 00:13:48,983 No more tricks. 383 00:13:50,621 --> 00:13:51,510 (Exhales) 384 00:14:00,214 --> 00:14:01,565 What's he doing here? 385 00:14:03,098 --> 00:14:04,274 Captain. 386 00:14:05,540 --> 00:14:07,583 I imagined your fingerprints would be all over this. 387 00:14:07,717 --> 00:14:09,598 Just never thought they'd be so visible. 388 00:14:10,126 --> 00:14:11,347 Whatever your quarrel, 389 00:14:11,942 --> 00:14:14,784 Erita has asked that Mr. Serrat speak for the prosecution. 390 00:14:14,905 --> 00:14:16,615 Julian has always been good to me. 391 00:14:17,043 --> 00:14:18,312 And he's not afraid of you. 392 00:14:18,438 --> 00:14:19,637 Are you quite sure of that? 393 00:14:19,753 --> 00:14:21,720 I wish only to see justice served. 394 00:14:22,375 --> 00:14:23,181 Let's go inside. 395 00:14:23,282 --> 00:14:24,956 I've found that the open air 396 00:14:25,068 --> 00:14:27,309 is quite conducive to honesty. 397 00:14:27,992 --> 00:14:29,809 Do you not agree, Captain? 398 00:14:40,465 --> 00:14:42,707 Do you understand why we're all here? 399 00:14:45,821 --> 00:14:47,735 I asked him to go for a walk. 400 00:14:48,791 --> 00:14:51,007 I just wanted to talk, you know? 401 00:14:51,747 --> 00:14:52,641 (Crickets chirping) 402 00:14:52,803 --> 00:14:54,871 It's true, we started kissing. 403 00:14:54,998 --> 00:14:56,314 But he started acting strange, 404 00:14:56,422 --> 00:14:58,237 telling me I should cut my hair, 405 00:14:59,152 --> 00:15:01,570 that he liked women with shorter hair, 406 00:15:02,126 --> 00:15:02,816 which was weird. 407 00:15:02,944 --> 00:15:04,548 Like he thought he was my boyfriend. 408 00:15:04,920 --> 00:15:06,193 I-I mean, you've seen her. 409 00:15:06,322 --> 00:15:09,428 She could've gone off with anyone she wanted to. 410 00:15:09,837 --> 00:15:11,581 She chose me. (Chuckles) 411 00:15:14,513 --> 00:15:15,689 Then we started kissing. 412 00:15:15,800 --> 00:15:17,245 He grabbed me, 413 00:15:17,423 --> 00:15:18,735 kissed me hard. 414 00:15:19,746 --> 00:15:20,882 I told him "no." 415 00:15:20,950 --> 00:15:22,518 I tried to run, but he chased me. 416 00:15:23,009 --> 00:15:23,699 (Grunts) 417 00:15:23,798 --> 00:15:25,409 After he caught me... 418 00:15:26,006 --> 00:15:27,371 he held me down, 419 00:15:27,946 --> 00:15:29,993 started tearing at my clothes. 420 00:15:30,263 --> 00:15:31,185 (Grunts) 421 00:15:32,144 --> 00:15:34,433 I'm not denying that we had sex. 422 00:15:34,539 --> 00:15:37,148 We did, and it was nice. 423 00:15:37,262 --> 00:15:38,944 I couldn't move. 424 00:15:40,412 --> 00:15:43,868 I just laid there waiting for it to be over. 425 00:15:44,269 --> 00:15:46,406 When I started putting my clothes back on, 426 00:15:46,528 --> 00:15:48,642 she said that I owed her 100 bucks. 427 00:15:48,753 --> 00:15:50,200 She didn't say anything about that. 428 00:15:50,290 --> 00:15:51,041 Why would she? 429 00:15:51,179 --> 00:15:52,216 All she has to do 430 00:15:52,341 --> 00:15:55,315 is say the word "rape," and I become a monster. 431 00:15:55,433 --> 00:15:56,818 Now where's the justice in that? 432 00:15:56,935 --> 00:15:58,168 I didn't ask for this. 433 00:16:04,969 --> 00:16:07,351 Now Libya-- that was hell. 434 00:16:07,611 --> 00:16:10,597 12 days of soul-searching madness. 435 00:16:10,726 --> 00:16:12,579 I heard it was hard getting Gadhafi on the throne, 436 00:16:12,707 --> 00:16:14,909 but you shoulda seen us trying to get him off. 437 00:16:15,438 --> 00:16:17,309 How about you? Any visible scars? 438 00:16:18,122 --> 00:16:20,123 No, North Koreans don't like to leave marks. 439 00:16:20,226 --> 00:16:22,040 Yeah, at least not on the outside. 440 00:16:22,166 --> 00:16:24,517 I've been thrown in the hole in 16 different countries. 441 00:16:24,656 --> 00:16:27,259 Well, I guess 17 depending what you call this place. 442 00:16:27,375 --> 00:16:28,789 You get caught a lot. 443 00:16:29,170 --> 00:16:30,703 You ever think about a different line of work? 444 00:16:30,815 --> 00:16:32,782 Ah, the price of doing business. 445 00:16:33,177 --> 00:16:36,004 Beatings I can take. The body bounces back. 446 00:16:36,121 --> 00:16:38,134 But sensory dep-- blindfold, 447 00:16:38,408 --> 00:16:40,384 nose closed, ears plugged-- 448 00:16:40,491 --> 00:16:41,545 Okay, okay, you made your point. 449 00:16:41,635 --> 00:16:43,761 One-way ticket straight to the inside of your head. 450 00:16:43,951 --> 00:16:45,701 Hard to go back to the wife after that. 451 00:16:45,814 --> 00:16:46,707 What, you're married? 452 00:16:46,805 --> 00:16:48,489 Yeah, for a couple of years back when. 453 00:16:48,587 --> 00:16:50,374 Irreconcilable differences. 454 00:16:50,724 --> 00:16:52,031 It wasn't her fault. 455 00:16:52,361 --> 00:16:53,997 She didn't know what she signed up for. 456 00:16:54,309 --> 00:16:55,279 Know what I mean? 457 00:16:56,646 --> 00:16:58,505 Yeah. You sure as hell do. 458 00:16:58,631 --> 00:16:59,602 (Starts engine) 459 00:16:59,846 --> 00:17:01,584 (Ticking) The main pump is reading more than 400 degrees. 460 00:17:01,683 --> 00:17:03,037 You're under attack and need full power. 461 00:17:03,140 --> 00:17:04,271 Bring second pump online, 462 00:17:04,424 --> 00:17:06,353 flush for cold while reducing power 80%. 463 00:17:06,447 --> 00:17:07,926 - Your captain needs full power. - He can't have it. 464 00:17:08,050 --> 00:17:09,020 We melt down, we're going nowhere. 465 00:17:09,122 --> 00:17:10,944 The auxiliary pump is reading 500-plus degrees. 466 00:17:11,069 --> 00:17:12,531 - Shut it down. Full stop. - You're under attack. 467 00:17:12,655 --> 00:17:14,982 Not my problem. It's 40% over redline. Gotta stop. 468 00:17:15,197 --> 00:17:16,082 (Clicks, ticking stops) 469 00:17:17,093 --> 00:17:18,747 (Laughs) 470 00:17:18,976 --> 00:17:20,955 You think I can really get nuke rated this fast? 471 00:17:21,076 --> 00:17:22,428 Uh, nuke rated? No. 472 00:17:22,547 --> 00:17:24,819 But being able to keep us going when we have to? 473 00:17:25,048 --> 00:17:26,602 That's the goal right now. 474 00:17:26,718 --> 00:17:28,204 Because if we lose Anders, 475 00:17:28,312 --> 00:17:30,431 every life in the sub is gonna be in your hands. 476 00:17:30,534 --> 00:17:32,069 You can trust me, sir. 477 00:17:32,912 --> 00:17:33,763 (Knock on door) 478 00:17:33,876 --> 00:17:34,934 Enter. 479 00:17:37,635 --> 00:17:39,216 Can I talk to you, sir? 480 00:17:39,868 --> 00:17:41,498 (Kylie) Hey. 481 00:17:41,606 --> 00:17:42,755 He's lying to them, 482 00:17:43,353 --> 00:17:45,201 telling them that I don't want to go. 483 00:17:45,395 --> 00:17:46,969 You ready for it all to start making sense? 484 00:17:47,066 --> 00:17:48,083 Mm-hmm. 485 00:17:48,249 --> 00:17:50,266 The life and times of Paul Wells. 486 00:17:50,382 --> 00:17:52,856 So your Paul is one lonely guy. 487 00:17:52,965 --> 00:17:53,921 Grew up in the suburbs. 488 00:17:54,037 --> 00:17:56,257 After Annapolis, went to Georgetown Law. 489 00:17:56,399 --> 00:17:57,841 Started working at a big firm, 490 00:17:57,955 --> 00:17:59,265 and then in 2007, 491 00:17:59,435 --> 00:18:01,412 gets a job practicing family law. 492 00:18:01,542 --> 00:18:03,133 That's when he met her. 493 00:18:03,342 --> 00:18:04,654 She's gorgeous. 494 00:18:04,771 --> 00:18:05,658 She was his client. 495 00:18:05,759 --> 00:18:07,086 Came to him for her second divorce, 496 00:18:07,209 --> 00:18:08,510 which should've been a clue, but no. 497 00:18:08,669 --> 00:18:10,724 He got her a fat settlement as a wedding present. 498 00:18:10,849 --> 00:18:12,827 A year later, she gave him Daniel. 499 00:18:12,938 --> 00:18:15,118 Nine months after that, she took Daniel away. 500 00:18:15,249 --> 00:18:15,993 No warning. 501 00:18:16,120 --> 00:18:18,416 Just takes the kid, hops on a plane to Sao Paulo. 502 00:18:18,577 --> 00:18:19,757 He hasn't seen 503 00:18:19,883 --> 00:18:22,664 or spoken to his son in two years. 504 00:18:22,767 --> 00:18:23,958 That's terrible. 505 00:18:24,084 --> 00:18:25,914 This is a man who falls for the women he saves. 506 00:18:26,032 --> 00:18:27,187 Right now that's you. 507 00:18:27,317 --> 00:18:30,041 So that kiss the other night probably lodged itself 508 00:18:30,196 --> 00:18:32,482 right in the middle of his needy little heart, 509 00:18:32,630 --> 00:18:33,712 where it's growing-- 510 00:18:33,818 --> 00:18:35,023 No. 511 00:18:35,157 --> 00:18:36,868 I'm not saying you have to sleep with him-- 512 00:18:36,983 --> 00:18:38,283 Good, because I'm not going to. 513 00:18:38,402 --> 00:18:41,768 I'm saying, you have an opportunity. 514 00:18:41,879 --> 00:18:44,893 To exploit a heartbroken father's loneliness? 515 00:18:45,036 --> 00:18:48,085 Every day this guy comes here and makes a choice. 516 00:18:48,235 --> 00:18:50,396 Every day he chooses to lie to you, 517 00:18:50,541 --> 00:18:51,646 to manipulate you, 518 00:18:51,772 --> 00:18:53,924 to try and destroy you and your marriage. 519 00:18:54,066 --> 00:18:56,202 That's what this guy is. Nothing more. 520 00:18:56,373 --> 00:18:57,676 Now we know what he wants. 521 00:18:57,810 --> 00:18:59,274 You. 522 00:19:00,303 --> 00:19:03,497 So what are you willing to do about it? 523 00:19:16,108 --> 00:19:17,290 How far up is it? 524 00:19:17,410 --> 00:19:18,748 Another six klicks. 525 00:19:18,866 --> 00:19:20,592 But it's straight up. The jeep's useless from here. 526 00:19:20,702 --> 00:19:23,521 Okay. Let's camp here. Get an early start. 527 00:19:30,133 --> 00:19:33,413 Your, uh, your foie gras rations for the day. 528 00:19:33,941 --> 00:19:34,891 (Chuckles) 529 00:19:35,171 --> 00:19:36,869 So, um... 530 00:19:37,051 --> 00:19:38,881 how long you been married, Kendal? 531 00:19:40,500 --> 00:19:42,421 You read my JSOC file. 532 00:19:42,946 --> 00:19:45,172 Just making polite conversation. 533 00:19:46,752 --> 00:19:48,162 Okay. 534 00:19:49,003 --> 00:19:50,248 I've been married two years. 535 00:19:50,362 --> 00:19:52,356 You been at sea, what, all but six weeks? 536 00:19:52,457 --> 00:19:53,139 That's right. 537 00:19:53,236 --> 00:19:54,828 Gonna be a while before you get back now, huh? 538 00:19:55,479 --> 00:19:56,828 I'll get back. 539 00:19:57,022 --> 00:19:57,990 Mm. 540 00:19:58,702 --> 00:20:00,423 Always loved fire. 541 00:20:00,791 --> 00:20:02,475 That's purity right there. 542 00:20:03,096 --> 00:20:04,641 Beauty and death. 543 00:20:07,890 --> 00:20:10,123 They tied my hands behind my back. 544 00:20:10,491 --> 00:20:12,565 He sat me down on a plank. 545 00:20:13,235 --> 00:20:14,495 Couple of bricks underneath. 546 00:20:14,610 --> 00:20:17,575 Who ever knew sitting on a board could hurt so bad? 547 00:20:20,304 --> 00:20:22,201 After... 548 00:20:23,205 --> 00:20:25,244 I don't know how long it was... 549 00:20:26,399 --> 00:20:28,522 they came in, they took the plank away 550 00:20:28,642 --> 00:20:30,392 and made me kneel on the bricks. 551 00:20:30,501 --> 00:20:32,292 That when they put the gun to your head? 552 00:20:38,624 --> 00:20:41,813 I'd get through it thinking about my wife. 553 00:20:42,850 --> 00:20:45,675 The way her hair hung down over her face 554 00:20:45,791 --> 00:20:47,752 when she was doing the crossword. 555 00:20:48,319 --> 00:20:50,221 What gets you through now, then? 556 00:20:50,720 --> 00:20:52,246 Same thing. 557 00:20:53,984 --> 00:20:54,874 (Chuckles) 558 00:20:54,990 --> 00:20:56,718 My wife, she, uh... 559 00:20:57,305 --> 00:20:58,515 (Laughs) 560 00:20:58,785 --> 00:21:00,287 She has this... 561 00:21:02,775 --> 00:21:03,625 She answers "yes" 562 00:21:03,732 --> 00:21:05,941 before I finish asking her for something. 563 00:21:06,345 --> 00:21:07,643 (Laughs) 564 00:21:07,888 --> 00:21:09,256 It makes her sound like a bit of a pushover, 565 00:21:09,390 --> 00:21:10,162 but she's not. 566 00:21:10,301 --> 00:21:11,639 It's... 567 00:21:13,181 --> 00:21:14,506 It's trust. 568 00:21:15,583 --> 00:21:17,019 It's belief. 569 00:21:18,868 --> 00:21:20,000 (Clicks tongue) 570 00:21:20,201 --> 00:21:21,423 I don't know. 571 00:21:21,522 --> 00:21:23,020 These women, man... 572 00:21:23,983 --> 00:21:26,020 make us doubt everything we know. 573 00:21:26,981 --> 00:21:28,965 And then when you least expect it... 574 00:21:29,066 --> 00:21:30,365 They get you through hell. 575 00:21:30,481 --> 00:21:32,117 Yes, they do. 576 00:21:32,461 --> 00:21:34,660 And tomorrow you get a step closer to yours. 577 00:21:34,753 --> 00:21:36,391 You'll go home a hero. 578 00:21:36,819 --> 00:21:38,909 Probably throw you a damn parade. 579 00:21:39,041 --> 00:21:40,523 Thought you guys didn't have heroes. 580 00:21:40,627 --> 00:21:41,822 We don't. 581 00:21:41,931 --> 00:21:43,753 But we sure as hell know how to make 'em. 582 00:21:44,642 --> 00:21:46,591 Every coup d'etat needs a story. 583 00:21:46,702 --> 00:21:48,476 Every story needs a face. 584 00:21:48,575 --> 00:21:50,907 Marcus Chaplin wasn't gonna be that mug. 585 00:21:51,358 --> 00:21:52,981 Believe me, Marcus doesn't need a parade 586 00:21:53,078 --> 00:21:54,761 to tell him who he is. 587 00:21:56,021 --> 00:21:57,417 Not by a long shot. 588 00:21:57,558 --> 00:21:59,367 You still haven't made up your mind, have you? 589 00:22:00,548 --> 00:22:03,414 What if I told you, you're saving his life? 590 00:22:04,003 --> 00:22:05,634 Hey, Booth... 591 00:22:05,892 --> 00:22:07,305 if you wanted him dead, 592 00:22:08,062 --> 00:22:09,762 he'd be dead already. 593 00:22:09,881 --> 00:22:12,899 The agency has a bad history with martyrs. 594 00:22:13,546 --> 00:22:15,385 We're downright terrified of 'em. 595 00:22:17,407 --> 00:22:19,747 But we'll make 'em if we have to. 596 00:22:25,845 --> 00:22:27,532 He never tried anything? 597 00:22:28,435 --> 00:22:30,340 Anders? Hell, no. 598 00:22:30,483 --> 00:22:31,716 He was one of the good guys. 599 00:22:31,838 --> 00:22:33,858 (Cortez) As opposed to the rest of the frat boys on this boat. 600 00:22:33,983 --> 00:22:35,544 Somehow there's just never enough space 601 00:22:35,660 --> 00:22:37,010 to get by them in a corridor. 602 00:22:37,377 --> 00:22:38,295 And the hands... 603 00:22:38,417 --> 00:22:39,500 Why don't you report it? 604 00:22:39,656 --> 00:22:40,631 (Chuckles) Nah. 605 00:22:40,752 --> 00:22:42,057 You report it, you become a problem. 606 00:22:42,182 --> 00:22:43,457 Best case, you get transferred. 607 00:22:43,578 --> 00:22:45,539 Worst case, you get transferred someplace worse. 608 00:22:45,656 --> 00:22:47,108 But Anders-- he kept his hands to himself? 609 00:22:47,247 --> 00:22:50,099 He's my department chief at the reactor. 610 00:22:50,227 --> 00:22:51,261 He never tried a thing, 611 00:22:51,375 --> 00:22:52,992 but he's been different lately. 612 00:22:53,878 --> 00:22:54,680 Quiet. 613 00:22:54,793 --> 00:22:55,847 Probably 'cause of his wife. 614 00:22:55,974 --> 00:22:56,766 What happened with his wife? 615 00:22:56,904 --> 00:22:59,482 Got the "dear John" family-gram ten days into the tour. 616 00:22:59,705 --> 00:23:00,860 She filed for divorce. 617 00:23:00,983 --> 00:23:02,515 She's pregnant, too. 618 00:23:03,681 --> 00:23:04,423 God. 619 00:23:04,553 --> 00:23:05,784 Yeah, stone cold. 620 00:23:05,925 --> 00:23:06,931 Couple days after it happened, 621 00:23:07,057 --> 00:23:08,027 I caught him looking at me. 622 00:23:08,131 --> 00:23:10,410 Not really sexual. It was more... 623 00:23:10,556 --> 00:23:11,397 What? 624 00:23:11,515 --> 00:23:14,005 I don't know. Sad. 625 00:23:14,106 --> 00:23:15,119 Like every woman from now on 626 00:23:15,244 --> 00:23:16,788 is only gonna make him think of her. 627 00:23:16,950 --> 00:23:18,676 Do you think that he raped that girl? 628 00:23:20,121 --> 00:23:21,332 I don't know. 629 00:23:21,513 --> 00:23:22,975 She hangs around the bar, 630 00:23:23,168 --> 00:23:24,227 chatting up the guys. 631 00:23:24,344 --> 00:23:26,247 She works at the buzzard's nest. 632 00:23:26,406 --> 00:23:28,386 Well, that's one way to put it. 633 00:23:28,504 --> 00:23:30,293 Hal's not the only one she's been with. 634 00:23:30,414 --> 00:23:31,929 She was with me, too. 635 00:23:32,050 --> 00:23:33,399 And it wasn't for free. 636 00:23:33,507 --> 00:23:35,120 You gave her money for sex? 637 00:23:35,253 --> 00:23:36,930 No, not money. 638 00:23:37,168 --> 00:23:39,911 Food, magazines, 639 00:23:40,121 --> 00:23:41,134 you know... 640 00:23:41,246 --> 00:23:42,519 whatever's lying around. 641 00:23:43,394 --> 00:23:44,937 She was more than happy to take it. 642 00:23:45,046 --> 00:23:46,248 (Chaplin) When he came to me with this information, 643 00:23:46,367 --> 00:23:47,666 I thought it was important to share 644 00:23:47,822 --> 00:23:49,207 with both parties. 645 00:23:53,969 --> 00:23:55,732 Sir, Richmond and Anders are friends. 646 00:23:55,852 --> 00:23:57,333 They came up through the-- 647 00:23:57,913 --> 00:23:59,322 I thought you wanted to get to the truth. 648 00:23:59,445 --> 00:24:01,244 Your job is to provide an American serviceman 649 00:24:01,363 --> 00:24:02,856 with a vigorous defense. 650 00:24:03,300 --> 00:24:04,780 Just because she may have slept with Richmond, 651 00:24:04,908 --> 00:24:06,647 just because she may have accepted gifts afterwards, 652 00:24:06,780 --> 00:24:08,102 doesn't mean she wasn't raped. 653 00:24:08,229 --> 00:24:10,845 If it's relevant, use it. 654 00:24:11,379 --> 00:24:13,394 Sir, I know that Anders is your bull nuke. 655 00:24:13,531 --> 00:24:15,008 So when it comes to keeping the reactor online, 656 00:24:15,141 --> 00:24:17,180 he's your number one, he's your only one. 657 00:24:17,789 --> 00:24:18,841 So I can understand your desire-- 658 00:24:18,964 --> 00:24:22,569 I do not like the implication, Lieutenant. 659 00:24:23,243 --> 00:24:24,472 Sorry, sir. 660 00:24:25,410 --> 00:24:28,048 Just tell me this isn't gonna be Navy justice as usual. 661 00:24:28,175 --> 00:24:29,135 Tell me we can do better. 662 00:24:29,265 --> 00:24:30,520 Be the best at your job, Lieutenant, 663 00:24:30,665 --> 00:24:32,457 and the rest will sort itself out. 664 00:24:33,018 --> 00:24:34,320 Yes, sir. 665 00:24:35,010 --> 00:24:36,267 They were gifts. 666 00:24:36,933 --> 00:24:38,644 I didn't ask for any of it. 667 00:24:39,548 --> 00:24:41,553 Well, he said they were payment for sex. 668 00:24:41,680 --> 00:24:43,895 What is this? I'm the one you're asking questions about? 669 00:24:45,177 --> 00:24:45,187 What about Hal Anders? 670 00:24:45,328 --> 00:24:46,542 I'm asking about him, too. 671 00:24:46,677 --> 00:24:47,507 Are you? 672 00:24:47,615 --> 00:24:49,642 Ask him if he ran down any other girls... 673 00:24:50,143 --> 00:24:51,756 if he pushed anyone else to the ground, 674 00:24:51,881 --> 00:24:54,466 tore off her clothes, and held her down? 675 00:24:55,230 --> 00:24:56,469 (Pants and grunts) 676 00:24:57,461 --> 00:24:59,827 Will you ask him if he'd ever done any of that? 677 00:25:01,665 --> 00:25:03,470 Because that's what he did 678 00:25:04,299 --> 00:25:05,740 to me. 679 00:25:10,091 --> 00:25:11,326 Christine? 680 00:25:11,456 --> 00:25:12,777 Leave them off. 681 00:25:14,257 --> 00:25:15,906 You sounded strange on the phone. 682 00:25:16,014 --> 00:25:17,341 Are you, uh... 683 00:25:18,034 --> 00:25:19,244 I have to see my husband. 684 00:25:19,364 --> 00:25:22,290 I told you, I've done everything I can. 685 00:25:22,746 --> 00:25:23,725 I know you miss him, but you-- 686 00:25:23,851 --> 00:25:25,102 That's not it. 687 00:25:25,218 --> 00:25:26,218 I need to see Sam 688 00:25:26,349 --> 00:25:28,318 so I can tell him that I'm leaving him. 689 00:25:28,489 --> 00:25:29,521 But I have to tell him in person. 690 00:25:29,664 --> 00:25:30,810 Otherwise he'll never believe it. 691 00:25:30,908 --> 00:25:32,102 He'll just... 692 00:25:32,839 --> 00:25:35,051 He'll just think that it's another government trick. 693 00:25:35,167 --> 00:25:36,702 I thought you loved him. 694 00:25:37,481 --> 00:25:39,248 I kissed you. 695 00:25:40,607 --> 00:25:41,477 That was, uh-- 696 00:25:41,588 --> 00:25:44,628 I know what it was, and so do you. 697 00:25:44,744 --> 00:25:46,668 And I don't like it and I am not proud of it, 698 00:25:46,771 --> 00:25:48,047 but... 699 00:25:48,946 --> 00:25:50,265 (Sniffles) 700 00:25:50,960 --> 00:25:52,552 But it was real. 701 00:25:53,334 --> 00:25:55,747 So I need to see my husband... 702 00:25:57,933 --> 00:26:00,115 so I can tell him that it's over. 703 00:26:05,302 --> 00:26:06,707 Top of the world. 704 00:26:06,858 --> 00:26:07,898 (Sniffs) 705 00:26:16,839 --> 00:26:19,583 You realize anything in or out will be encrypted? 706 00:26:20,015 --> 00:26:22,036 Guess I'm just gonna have to trust you then. 707 00:26:22,416 --> 00:26:23,618 Okay. 708 00:26:24,714 --> 00:26:25,733 Just so we're clear, 709 00:26:25,849 --> 00:26:28,864 you ask the question, you're working for them. 710 00:26:30,038 --> 00:26:31,655 Who's the sleeper agent? 711 00:26:31,788 --> 00:26:34,507 Intel just for you or Chaplin? 712 00:26:38,215 --> 00:26:39,833 Guess I'll just have to trust you. 713 00:26:39,965 --> 00:26:41,303 I guess so. 714 00:26:41,879 --> 00:26:43,295 (Clicking keyboard keys) 715 00:26:44,546 --> 00:26:45,476 (Beeps) 716 00:26:45,925 --> 00:26:46,925 All right. 717 00:26:47,161 --> 00:26:47,851 It'll take a minute 718 00:26:47,955 --> 00:26:51,101 for the backup singers to transpose the lyric. 719 00:26:53,010 --> 00:26:53,982 (Sighs) 720 00:26:54,717 --> 00:26:56,305 You know, I met Gadhafi. 721 00:26:56,857 --> 00:26:57,788 (Chuckles) 722 00:26:58,498 --> 00:27:00,698 He was one crazy mother in the end. 723 00:27:01,148 --> 00:27:03,173 But before-- you'd never think it now-- 724 00:27:03,290 --> 00:27:05,505 but he was humble. 725 00:27:05,617 --> 00:27:06,805 I'm sorry. Did you say he was humble? 726 00:27:06,917 --> 00:27:07,675 Yeah, he was, 727 00:27:07,791 --> 00:27:09,412 like he'd been given a sacred calling, 728 00:27:09,607 --> 00:27:12,138 and it was his burden in life to answer. 729 00:27:12,251 --> 00:27:13,827 No, that's more delusional than humble. 730 00:27:13,937 --> 00:27:15,835 Nah, wasn't like that at first. 731 00:27:16,131 --> 00:27:18,230 He really thought he could change the world. 732 00:27:18,693 --> 00:27:19,852 Then the world changed him. 733 00:27:19,967 --> 00:27:21,175 The world changed him, huh? 734 00:27:21,279 --> 00:27:21,935 I don't know, Booth. 735 00:27:22,061 --> 00:27:23,607 Sounds like he was a nut job right from the start. 736 00:27:23,721 --> 00:27:24,676 Nice to believe that. 737 00:27:24,806 --> 00:27:27,815 All the bad people in the world are nothing like the rest of us. 738 00:27:27,941 --> 00:27:30,301 They got a defective gene. Daddy didn't love 'em enough. 739 00:27:30,426 --> 00:27:31,304 But that ain't the case. 740 00:27:31,436 --> 00:27:32,769 Bad people are just decent folks 741 00:27:32,888 --> 00:27:35,726 who've had a taste of power and wanted more. 742 00:27:36,031 --> 00:27:37,763 Take your captain, for example. 743 00:27:37,937 --> 00:27:39,024 (Laughs) 744 00:27:39,136 --> 00:27:40,393 I know you don't want to hear it, Sam, 745 00:27:40,517 --> 00:27:42,576 but Marcus Chaplin is one spoonful away 746 00:27:42,704 --> 00:27:44,460 from going the way of the Gadhafis of the world. 747 00:27:44,581 --> 00:27:46,493 I know what you're doing and you can cut the crap, okay? 748 00:27:46,606 --> 00:27:47,959 You don't know the man. Not even close. 749 00:27:48,068 --> 00:27:49,999 Are you kidding? It's what we do, Sam. 750 00:27:50,486 --> 00:27:52,685 We go into countries, we stir things up, 751 00:27:52,797 --> 00:27:53,905 then we pick someone. 752 00:27:54,044 --> 00:27:56,711 Someone from the military, someone with leadership skills, 753 00:27:56,836 --> 00:27:58,625 and the righteousness 754 00:27:58,745 --> 00:28:01,188 to think they make up the rules for everyone. 755 00:28:02,445 --> 00:28:04,403 Sound like anyone you know? 756 00:28:07,499 --> 00:28:09,231 (Girl's voice) Baseball. 757 00:28:09,514 --> 00:28:10,948 Four. Six. 758 00:28:11,069 --> 00:28:12,491 Two. One. 759 00:28:12,690 --> 00:28:13,962 Airport. 760 00:28:14,099 --> 00:28:17,193 Six. Five. Three. Six. 761 00:28:17,429 --> 00:28:19,767 Do me a-a favor. 762 00:28:20,121 --> 00:28:21,438 Say my name. 763 00:28:21,937 --> 00:28:23,682 - Come on, Booth. - No. 764 00:28:23,808 --> 00:28:25,267 My real name. 765 00:28:25,817 --> 00:28:27,151 John Stosur. 766 00:28:27,252 --> 00:28:28,012 Why? 767 00:28:28,120 --> 00:28:29,276 Please, Sam. 768 00:28:29,909 --> 00:28:31,711 John Stosur. 769 00:28:33,269 --> 00:28:35,464 I haven't heard it out loud in 20 years. 770 00:28:38,614 --> 00:28:40,222 I was wrong. 771 00:28:40,342 --> 00:28:42,765 They won't give up the sleeper. 772 00:28:43,090 --> 00:28:45,517 Asset's more important to them than you. 773 00:28:49,384 --> 00:28:50,430 (Grunts) 774 00:28:51,097 --> 00:28:52,535 (Both grunting) 775 00:28:52,965 --> 00:28:53,752 Aah! 776 00:28:54,268 --> 00:28:55,966 (Grunting continues) 777 00:28:56,766 --> 00:28:59,276 (Both grunting) 778 00:29:01,431 --> 00:29:02,180 (Grunts) 779 00:29:17,097 --> 00:29:18,713 (Snaps) 780 00:29:21,322 --> 00:29:25,426 (Panting) 781 00:29:54,712 --> 00:29:57,641 (Flames whoosh) 782 00:29:58,403 --> 00:30:01,794 (Crackling) 783 00:30:04,675 --> 00:30:05,871 (Starts engine) 784 00:30:06,862 --> 00:30:07,848 (Engine belt squeaks) 785 00:30:08,232 --> 00:30:10,226 The Americans believe that this is the first trial 786 00:30:10,351 --> 00:30:11,691 we've ever had on this island. 787 00:30:11,812 --> 00:30:12,771 (Islanders) No! 788 00:30:12,878 --> 00:30:14,342 But we've had many trials. 789 00:30:14,476 --> 00:30:15,380 (Islanders) - Yes! - Many! 790 00:30:15,495 --> 00:30:18,502 Trials that began when they first came here. 791 00:30:20,327 --> 00:30:22,529 We've had to share our streets with them. 792 00:30:22,840 --> 00:30:24,158 We've had to watch our children starve 793 00:30:24,268 --> 00:30:25,862 because they won't allow in boats. 794 00:30:25,995 --> 00:30:27,263 (Islanders) Yes. 795 00:30:27,362 --> 00:30:29,932 We've had to spill our blood because they won't leave. 796 00:30:30,044 --> 00:30:32,615 We've had to give up our peaceful lives for their war. 797 00:30:32,766 --> 00:30:35,850 Can we really hope to find justice here? 798 00:30:36,076 --> 00:30:37,522 (Islanders) No. 799 00:30:37,944 --> 00:30:38,861 Can we really believe that this girl-- 800 00:30:38,978 --> 00:30:41,353 our sister, our daughter, our own-- 801 00:30:41,453 --> 00:30:42,576 can expect to see the man 802 00:30:42,687 --> 00:30:45,533 responsible for her rape punished for his crime? 803 00:30:45,690 --> 00:30:47,475 (Islanders) No. 804 00:30:47,948 --> 00:30:50,003 I don't believe there is justice here. 805 00:30:50,567 --> 00:30:52,554 Maybe you will prove me wrong. 806 00:31:02,723 --> 00:31:04,527 We'll never know what happened that night. 807 00:31:04,652 --> 00:31:08,062 We'll never know because there is no evidence. 808 00:31:08,616 --> 00:31:09,301 (Both grunt) 809 00:31:09,489 --> 00:31:10,659 No witnesses. 810 00:31:10,765 --> 00:31:11,927 No physical proof. 811 00:31:12,031 --> 00:31:14,802 No cuts or bruises to indicate a struggle. 812 00:31:14,967 --> 00:31:15,994 (Whimpers and grunts) 813 00:31:16,078 --> 00:31:17,243 And without evidence, 814 00:31:17,363 --> 00:31:19,762 it's just her story against his. 815 00:31:19,922 --> 00:31:21,419 (Cries) 816 00:31:21,839 --> 00:31:23,911 We do not take away freedom, 817 00:31:24,523 --> 00:31:27,323 we do not injure, lash, 818 00:31:27,467 --> 00:31:28,732 brand a man 819 00:31:28,847 --> 00:31:31,135 because of what one person says. 820 00:31:31,920 --> 00:31:33,540 We're better than that. 821 00:31:34,414 --> 00:31:38,173 There is no evidence. 822 00:31:38,342 --> 00:31:40,049 Just a word a woman said. 823 00:31:40,172 --> 00:31:42,491 A word does not make a man guilty. 824 00:31:54,054 --> 00:31:55,453 (Exhales) 825 00:31:56,866 --> 00:32:00,744 (Cries) 826 00:32:07,054 --> 00:32:11,342 (Singing in foreign language) 827 00:32:18,302 --> 00:32:22,472 (Singing continues) 828 00:32:22,599 --> 00:32:24,514 It happened at the academy. 829 00:32:24,857 --> 00:32:26,408 I had brought a cadet before the committee 830 00:32:26,519 --> 00:32:28,152 for misconduct. 831 00:32:28,732 --> 00:32:30,534 It was one of his friends. 832 00:32:31,557 --> 00:32:33,650 He wanted revenge. 833 00:32:34,590 --> 00:32:36,219 (Singing continues) 834 00:32:36,334 --> 00:32:37,935 (Voice breaking) He got it. 835 00:32:38,571 --> 00:32:40,252 Grace, I'm so sorry. 836 00:32:40,743 --> 00:32:43,285 I reported it to the master chief. 837 00:32:44,705 --> 00:32:46,344 And he told me that... 838 00:32:47,247 --> 00:32:49,390 as an admiral's daughter, 839 00:32:49,893 --> 00:32:53,037 I should think about how it would be perceived. 840 00:32:53,156 --> 00:32:55,721 That it would be my story against his, 841 00:32:55,898 --> 00:32:59,185 and that no one could win if I brought charges. 842 00:32:59,296 --> 00:33:00,848 So you dropped it? 843 00:33:01,177 --> 00:33:04,847 I had to see the man who raped me... 844 00:33:06,173 --> 00:33:07,534 every day 845 00:33:08,502 --> 00:33:10,719 until I graduated. 846 00:33:12,421 --> 00:33:14,825 (Singing continues) 847 00:33:15,028 --> 00:33:17,096 Erita was raped. 848 00:33:19,297 --> 00:33:20,264 When I talked to her, 849 00:33:20,445 --> 00:33:22,735 I could see what she was going through. 850 00:33:23,446 --> 00:33:25,266 And that is something that... 851 00:33:25,536 --> 00:33:29,039 I have tried to never think about again... 852 00:33:30,210 --> 00:33:32,638 to never feel again. 853 00:33:33,417 --> 00:33:36,603 (Singing continues) 854 00:33:36,720 --> 00:33:38,971 But I recognized it. 855 00:33:40,927 --> 00:33:42,390 I knew it. 856 00:33:43,172 --> 00:33:49,315 (Singing continues) 857 00:33:51,962 --> 00:33:53,109 (Turns off engine) 858 00:34:00,999 --> 00:34:02,611 (Door squeaks) 859 00:34:06,626 --> 00:34:07,977 What happened? 860 00:34:09,974 --> 00:34:11,414 Verdict's in. 861 00:34:13,747 --> 00:34:15,258 Not guilty. 862 00:34:16,105 --> 00:34:19,603 (Indistinct shouting) (Glass breaking) 863 00:34:21,021 --> 00:34:24,549 (Shouting continues) 864 00:34:36,940 --> 00:34:38,035 Get down! 865 00:34:40,016 --> 00:34:41,396 Come on. 866 00:34:52,998 --> 00:34:53,887 The EWS is secure, 867 00:34:54,028 --> 00:34:55,784 - but there's crew pinned down in the bivouac. - Okay, radio back. 868 00:34:55,957 --> 00:34:57,569 I don't want any shots fired into that crowd. 869 00:34:57,678 --> 00:34:58,635 Got it. 870 00:34:59,258 --> 00:35:00,238 Captain, uh, 871 00:35:00,351 --> 00:35:01,964 I think you should know how the jury voted. 872 00:35:02,070 --> 00:35:03,908 Two of the crewmembers and myself 873 00:35:04,017 --> 00:35:05,044 thought he was guilty. 874 00:35:05,180 --> 00:35:06,966 One of your crew and all the islanders 875 00:35:07,088 --> 00:35:08,740 voted not guilty. 876 00:35:09,300 --> 00:35:10,528 I-I don't know why. 877 00:35:11,521 --> 00:35:14,152 (Shouting continues) 878 00:35:15,147 --> 00:35:17,459 Serrat rigged the jury against himself. 879 00:35:18,963 --> 00:35:20,902 He wanted this to happen. 880 00:35:22,398 --> 00:35:23,987 (Shouting continues) 881 00:35:27,321 --> 00:35:28,684 (Indistinct shouting) Don't worry. 882 00:35:28,805 --> 00:35:30,871 No one's coming through those doors. Not tonight. 883 00:35:32,458 --> 00:35:33,762 (Pants) 884 00:35:33,869 --> 00:35:35,498 This was supposed to be my last tour. 885 00:35:36,450 --> 00:35:37,986 I should be home right now. 886 00:35:38,510 --> 00:35:39,960 Hear you have a baby on the way. 887 00:35:40,074 --> 00:35:41,184 (Scoffs) 888 00:35:42,550 --> 00:35:43,999 No, she left me. 889 00:35:44,472 --> 00:35:47,121 Four months pregnant, and she meets some other guy. 890 00:35:48,408 --> 00:35:49,703 If only I could've talked to her, 891 00:35:49,809 --> 00:35:51,794 I could have made her see things straight, 892 00:35:51,900 --> 00:35:53,263 but he... 893 00:35:53,563 --> 00:35:54,983 Ohh. 894 00:35:55,508 --> 00:35:56,954 No, she's gone. 895 00:35:57,443 --> 00:35:58,139 (Sniffles) 896 00:35:58,249 --> 00:35:59,693 And now, uh... 897 00:35:59,797 --> 00:36:00,897 - Now what? - Now this. 898 00:36:01,042 --> 00:36:02,214 These people burning up their streets, 899 00:36:02,341 --> 00:36:03,411 screaming for my head. 900 00:36:03,497 --> 00:36:04,734 You just wanted to go home. 901 00:36:04,865 --> 00:36:07,262 That girl coming on to me in front of everybody... 902 00:36:07,451 --> 00:36:08,733 And you kissed her because you thought 903 00:36:08,854 --> 00:36:09,780 that's what she wanted. 904 00:36:09,900 --> 00:36:11,207 She did want it. 905 00:36:12,647 --> 00:36:15,047 (Shouting continues) 906 00:36:15,611 --> 00:36:16,585 Well, it's not your fault-- 907 00:36:16,698 --> 00:36:18,145 I know it's not my fault. 908 00:36:18,261 --> 00:36:19,604 He won't let me go home. 909 00:36:19,725 --> 00:36:20,892 He won't let me see my wife. 910 00:36:20,999 --> 00:36:23,737 And by the time Erita told you no, it was too late to stop. 911 00:36:23,856 --> 00:36:25,958 I would never do something like that. Never. 912 00:36:26,108 --> 00:36:27,438 But you did. 913 00:36:27,789 --> 00:36:29,733 She told you to stop. 914 00:36:29,863 --> 00:36:31,398 She said it with a smirk. 915 00:36:32,701 --> 00:36:34,284 You raped her. 916 00:36:35,009 --> 00:36:36,668 This is the captain's fault! 917 00:36:36,789 --> 00:36:39,138 He won't let any of us go home. Okay? 918 00:36:39,240 --> 00:36:41,262 This is his fault! Not-- 919 00:36:41,453 --> 00:36:42,459 (Gasps) 920 00:36:52,011 --> 00:36:54,369 (Shouting continues) 921 00:36:57,160 --> 00:36:58,370 (Paul) Secretary Curry, 922 00:36:58,490 --> 00:36:59,977 I finally got her to come around. 923 00:37:00,090 --> 00:37:02,004 She said she'll only go if I go with her. 924 00:37:02,121 --> 00:37:03,712 (Chuckles) Making sure he stays close to you. 925 00:37:03,828 --> 00:37:05,806 (Curry) Fine. Listen, Paul, I'm gonna need you 926 00:37:05,921 --> 00:37:07,260 to dig up a little something. 927 00:37:07,358 --> 00:37:09,501 Navy SEALs, they wear helmet cams. 928 00:37:09,680 --> 00:37:11,532 The cams record onto encrypted chips. 929 00:37:11,672 --> 00:37:13,307 Christine's new friend Kylie Sinclair, 930 00:37:13,418 --> 00:37:15,489 she has access to tech that can read them. 931 00:37:15,649 --> 00:37:17,295 Look, if this woman's so dangerous to you, 932 00:37:17,428 --> 00:37:18,337 why don't you just-- 933 00:37:18,439 --> 00:37:20,368 Yeah, just mention it to Christine in passing. 934 00:37:20,488 --> 00:37:21,891 I want to know how she reacts. 935 00:37:22,342 --> 00:37:23,241 (Beeps) 936 00:37:30,058 --> 00:37:32,093 So you'll reach Sam, tell him I'm coming? 937 00:37:32,276 --> 00:37:33,535 Yes. 938 00:37:33,839 --> 00:37:35,191 Just be careful. 939 00:37:36,603 --> 00:37:37,734 You, too. 940 00:37:45,044 --> 00:37:46,606 Um... 941 00:37:48,100 --> 00:37:50,915 I don't usually make female friends. 942 00:37:51,115 --> 00:37:54,689 Honestly, I tend to think of other women as the competition. 943 00:37:54,871 --> 00:37:57,553 You know, to be crushed. 944 00:37:59,723 --> 00:38:01,360 I'm just saying. 945 00:38:01,690 --> 00:38:03,371 Don't strain a muscle. 946 00:38:04,216 --> 00:38:06,165 I like you, too. 947 00:38:06,905 --> 00:38:08,282 Thank you. 948 00:38:13,159 --> 00:38:15,571 (Indistinct conversations) 949 00:38:16,918 --> 00:38:20,614 (Hammering) 950 00:38:30,141 --> 00:38:31,671 These old boards are pretty moldy. 951 00:38:31,802 --> 00:38:33,729 You should probably replace the whole floor. 952 00:38:36,444 --> 00:38:37,447 Just take me a day or two. 953 00:38:37,568 --> 00:38:39,145 You wouldn't have to shut down for long. 954 00:38:43,649 --> 00:38:45,027 (Lowered voice) You can't keep one foot in the water 955 00:38:45,163 --> 00:38:46,650 and one on the shore. 956 00:38:46,753 --> 00:38:48,001 What? 957 00:38:55,070 --> 00:38:56,646 Thank you. 958 00:38:56,775 --> 00:38:57,671 For what? 959 00:38:57,779 --> 00:39:00,121 Just... thank you. 960 00:39:12,901 --> 00:39:14,838 Just need to get some more lumber. 961 00:39:15,868 --> 00:39:17,329 Okay. 962 00:39:26,872 --> 00:39:30,805 (People speaking indistinctly) 963 00:39:37,172 --> 00:39:38,168 (Kendal) There's a window to get to the sub. 964 00:39:38,291 --> 00:39:39,994 Let's not let it close. Let's go! 965 00:39:45,338 --> 00:39:46,004 Sir? 966 00:39:46,130 --> 00:39:47,098 As captain of the Colorado, 967 00:39:47,209 --> 00:39:48,376 it's my obligation to issue a discharge 968 00:39:48,557 --> 00:39:49,963 based upon immoral conduct. 969 00:39:50,206 --> 00:39:52,104 Senior Chief Petty Officer Harold Anders, 970 00:39:52,223 --> 00:39:53,503 you're hereby relieved of duty 971 00:39:53,625 --> 00:39:55,232 and ordered to be taken into custody. 972 00:39:55,347 --> 00:39:56,983 What the hell are you talking about? They found me innocent. 973 00:39:57,101 --> 00:39:58,244 No, they found you not guilty. 974 00:39:58,374 --> 00:40:00,048 We both know you're not innocent. 975 00:40:00,176 --> 00:40:01,788 You will be afforded my protection on the submarine, 976 00:40:01,934 --> 00:40:03,893 but it won't be as a crewmember or as a guest. 977 00:40:04,046 --> 00:40:06,559 It'll be in handcuffs and confined to solitary 978 00:40:06,676 --> 00:40:09,086 till you can safely be handed over to American authority. 979 00:40:09,213 --> 00:40:10,553 You sanctimonious son of a bitch. 980 00:40:10,674 --> 00:40:11,887 I won't have an admitted rapist 981 00:40:12,019 --> 00:40:13,954 walk free on my boat and mingle with my crew. 982 00:40:14,068 --> 00:40:15,513 You're not putting me in cuffs. 983 00:40:15,630 --> 00:40:17,601 That's the only way you're stepping foot on my boat. 984 00:40:19,019 --> 00:40:21,500 (People speaking indistinctly) 985 00:40:24,252 --> 00:40:25,880 Relief boat gets here in a day. 986 00:40:26,060 --> 00:40:27,367 You think I can't survive until then? 987 00:40:27,470 --> 00:40:29,065 Hey, I won't calculate those odds. 988 00:40:29,184 --> 00:40:30,914 But it's true, on this island, you're an acquitted man. 989 00:40:31,025 --> 00:40:32,754 You're free to make your own choices. 990 00:40:32,898 --> 00:40:34,228 You're just gonna let him do this? 991 00:40:34,935 --> 00:40:38,077 If it were up to me, it'd be a lot worse than handcuffs. 992 00:40:38,875 --> 00:40:40,617 Oh. (Inhales) 993 00:40:42,035 --> 00:40:43,521 I'll see you in hell, sir. 994 00:40:44,539 --> 00:40:45,808 In the jeep. 995 00:40:46,363 --> 00:40:47,783 (Engine starts) 996 00:40:49,405 --> 00:40:50,634 (Sam) Let's go. 997 00:40:55,467 --> 00:41:00,423 Sync and corrections by n17t01 www.addic7ed.com