1 00:00:07,023 --> 00:00:08,356 Hey, Manny. 2 00:00:12,456 --> 00:00:14,130 Hey, Manny, wake up. 3 00:00:16,667 --> 00:00:18,136 Hey, Manny. 4 00:00:19,858 --> 00:00:21,972 Manny-Manny. 5 00:00:23,388 --> 00:00:25,409 Manny-Manny. 6 00:00:37,988 --> 00:00:40,617 - Wake up. - Hey, what the hell, punk? 7 00:00:40,618 --> 00:00:42,120 - It's Dan, Manny. - What? 8 00:00:42,121 --> 00:00:45,090 It's Dan. You turned off your alarm and went back to sleep. 9 00:00:45,091 --> 00:00:46,559 - I did? - Twice. 10 00:00:46,560 --> 00:00:47,926 Oh, shit. 11 00:00:47,927 --> 00:00:51,063 I-I called your name a few times, but... 12 00:00:51,728 --> 00:00:53,632 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 13 00:00:53,633 --> 00:00:55,700 I kind of go deep. 14 00:00:55,701 --> 00:00:57,736 You're a sound sleeper. 15 00:00:57,737 --> 00:00:59,973 Shit you sleep through in prison, right? 16 00:01:01,040 --> 00:01:03,142 I have a meeting I have to attend. 17 00:01:03,143 --> 00:01:05,444 I slept through a riot once. Swear to God. 18 00:01:05,445 --> 00:01:07,046 It was on another tier, but still, 19 00:01:07,047 --> 00:01:10,683 no such thing as a quiet riot, right? 20 00:01:14,088 --> 00:01:16,790 Right, well, you got to go, Dan. 21 00:01:16,791 --> 00:01:18,560 Appreciate the tickle. 22 00:01:20,627 --> 00:01:22,929 Are... Are y... Are you straight 23 00:01:22,930 --> 00:01:25,083 with the... the Metro card now? 24 00:01:25,084 --> 00:01:26,191 Yeah, I got it. 25 00:01:28,712 --> 00:01:31,086 You have a nice day, Manny. 26 00:01:31,707 --> 00:01:33,516 Sure. Why not? 27 00:01:51,235 --> 00:01:51,904 Hey. 28 00:01:52,303 --> 00:01:53,172 Come on in. 29 00:01:54,705 --> 00:01:55,707 Have a seat. 30 00:01:56,741 --> 00:01:57,910 You cleaned up. 31 00:01:58,309 --> 00:01:59,409 A new leaf. 32 00:02:00,511 --> 00:02:02,416 How's Manny doing? 33 00:02:02,417 --> 00:02:05,816 He seems to be acclimating. 34 00:02:05,817 --> 00:02:07,918 Oh. Well, that's good. 35 00:02:07,919 --> 00:02:10,190 How are you guys doing, you and Manny? 36 00:02:11,657 --> 00:02:13,890 He's hard to ignore. 37 00:02:13,891 --> 00:02:16,608 But that's probably good for me. 38 00:02:17,847 --> 00:02:19,566 Work going okay? 39 00:02:20,576 --> 00:02:22,369 From my perspective. 40 00:02:24,002 --> 00:02:25,302 Why? 41 00:02:26,872 --> 00:02:30,776 Dan, I know you've been talking to Avery some, which is good, 42 00:02:30,777 --> 00:02:33,946 and he hasn't gone into any details with me. 43 00:02:33,947 --> 00:02:36,749 I just want to be clear about that. 44 00:02:37,850 --> 00:02:38,984 Okay. 45 00:02:38,985 --> 00:02:43,322 But we think that you should consider seeing someone 46 00:02:43,323 --> 00:02:46,658 more qualified to treat some of your specific issues... 47 00:02:46,659 --> 00:02:48,795 your PTSD. 48 00:02:49,729 --> 00:02:52,598 And considering the years of isolation you endured, 49 00:02:52,599 --> 00:02:54,533 there are likely long-term effects 50 00:02:54,534 --> 00:02:57,639 which are frankly beyond our expertise. 51 00:02:59,307 --> 00:03:04,428 Well, that's interesting to think about, Avery, Maggie. 52 00:03:05,159 --> 00:03:08,547 But I-I feel that I am integrating 53 00:03:08,548 --> 00:03:11,921 with the men at the house more now. 54 00:03:12,891 --> 00:03:15,522 Oh, we are not suggesting you leave the house, Dan... 55 00:03:15,523 --> 00:03:16,491 on the contrary. 56 00:03:16,492 --> 00:03:18,391 We think this is exactly where you should be. 57 00:03:18,392 --> 00:03:20,427 But we feel that additional therapy 58 00:03:20,428 --> 00:03:22,496 to augment what we can offer 59 00:03:22,497 --> 00:03:26,033 would greatly increase your chances of, you know... 60 00:03:26,034 --> 00:03:28,938 Becoming an upstanding citizen? 61 00:03:30,005 --> 00:03:33,843 Of having a quality of life that we all want for you. 62 00:03:39,649 --> 00:03:41,651 Do you have any questions for us? 63 00:03:44,119 --> 00:03:47,088 What are you talking about, exactly? 64 00:03:49,758 --> 00:03:53,060 There's a clinical psychologist at Vanderbilt 65 00:03:53,061 --> 00:03:56,465 who treats individuals with PTSD. 66 00:03:56,466 --> 00:03:59,101 Now, a lot of his patients are military veterans, 67 00:03:59,102 --> 00:04:01,972 but he also works with ex-offenders. 68 00:04:06,008 --> 00:04:08,744 Just think about it, hmm? 69 00:04:08,745 --> 00:04:11,047 No more than that right now, all right? 70 00:04:12,816 --> 00:04:14,787 But otherwise, keep up the good work. 71 00:04:16,095 --> 00:04:17,178 Sure. 72 00:04:58,999 --> 00:05:00,594 What do you think about the muffin? 73 00:05:00,595 --> 00:05:02,302 It's chewy. 74 00:05:02,303 --> 00:05:03,804 Yeah, it's got bran and stuff. 75 00:05:03,805 --> 00:05:06,273 Sticks to your ribs, all right. 76 00:05:06,274 --> 00:05:08,550 Exactly. See, that's the problem with doughnuts. 77 00:05:08,551 --> 00:05:09,709 You eat one of them, five minutes later, 78 00:05:09,710 --> 00:05:11,478 you get a sugar drop, you want another one. 79 00:05:12,153 --> 00:05:14,237 Probably wouldn't want another one of these. 80 00:05:15,784 --> 00:05:17,317 Yeah. 81 00:05:17,318 --> 00:05:20,789 Anyway, uh, your car will be ready in a few. 82 00:05:24,559 --> 00:05:27,163 Paulie Tire. Teddy. 83 00:05:28,173 --> 00:05:31,110 Uh, owner's not here right now. Can I help you? 84 00:05:32,468 --> 00:05:35,638 Yes, uh, she is the owner of record, but... 85 00:05:36,973 --> 00:05:38,539 Well, the problem is, 86 00:05:38,540 --> 00:05:40,542 Janet doesn't come in to the store very often, 87 00:05:40,543 --> 00:05:41,977 but I'm her stepson 88 00:05:41,978 --> 00:05:44,181 and, uh, Vice President of Sales here, so if th... 89 00:05:45,481 --> 00:05:46,816 Sure. 90 00:05:46,817 --> 00:05:48,985 I understand. 91 00:05:48,986 --> 00:05:51,686 302. Yep. 92 00:05:51,687 --> 00:05:54,990 Uh, anything else you'd like for me to pass on? 93 00:05:54,991 --> 00:05:57,259 Okay, Bob. 94 00:05:57,260 --> 00:05:58,395 Well, this is Ted, by the way. 95 00:05:58,396 --> 00:06:01,833 Not sure where Carol and Alice are, but... 96 00:06:02,833 --> 00:06:06,902 Ah, nothing, just a... a weird film I saw once. 97 00:06:06,903 --> 00:06:08,505 You bet. 98 00:06:08,506 --> 00:06:10,707 I'll have her call you back. 99 00:06:10,708 --> 00:06:12,608 Who was that? 100 00:06:12,609 --> 00:06:16,979 Bob Childers from Kurry Morris and Associates. 101 00:06:16,980 --> 00:06:19,615 Don't believe I know them. 102 00:06:19,616 --> 00:06:21,062 Me, either. 103 00:06:21,853 --> 00:06:23,655 What did he want? 104 00:06:23,656 --> 00:06:28,694 Talk to the owner, a Mrs. Janet Matthews Holden. 105 00:06:29,762 --> 00:06:31,561 He say about what? 106 00:06:31,562 --> 00:06:32,830 Nope. 107 00:06:32,831 --> 00:06:35,407 Just said he wanted to talk to her about a business matter. 108 00:06:36,601 --> 00:06:38,035 Huh. 109 00:06:38,639 --> 00:06:40,804 She ever change her name on the title of ownership 110 00:06:40,805 --> 00:06:42,443 after y'all got married? 111 00:06:44,010 --> 00:06:45,675 Probably not. 112 00:07:03,330 --> 00:07:04,496 Hello, Mr. Stern. 113 00:07:04,497 --> 00:07:05,965 Sheriff. 114 00:07:05,966 --> 00:07:07,400 Thank you, Rhetta. 115 00:07:07,401 --> 00:07:09,368 Yes, sir. 116 00:07:12,006 --> 00:07:14,573 You want one of these pod coffees? 117 00:07:14,574 --> 00:07:16,575 Lots of different flavors. 118 00:07:16,576 --> 00:07:19,462 No. I'm good. Thanks. 119 00:07:20,888 --> 00:07:22,481 Care to sit down? 120 00:07:22,482 --> 00:07:24,418 Been sitting all day. 121 00:07:25,486 --> 00:07:27,721 So, what brings you back to Paulie? 122 00:07:27,722 --> 00:07:29,857 Did you tell my client that it was George Melton's semen 123 00:07:29,858 --> 00:07:31,861 on Hanna Dean's panties? 124 00:07:32,928 --> 00:07:34,795 I might have, yes. 125 00:07:34,796 --> 00:07:36,864 And that you believe that George, Trey Willis, 126 00:07:36,865 --> 00:07:39,432 and someone named Chris Nelms raped Hanna? 127 00:07:40,902 --> 00:07:44,071 You tell suspects many things during an investigation... 128 00:07:45,406 --> 00:07:47,976 Some true, some not. 129 00:07:47,977 --> 00:07:50,347 So, Daniel was still a suspect at the time? 130 00:07:51,747 --> 00:07:53,349 To some degree. 131 00:07:53,982 --> 00:07:56,784 Do you have evidence to support the allegations of rape 132 00:07:56,785 --> 00:07:58,120 by those men? 133 00:07:58,121 --> 00:08:00,389 Unfortunately, Mr. Stern, we're in the midst 134 00:08:00,390 --> 00:08:03,791 of an ongoing investigation of Mr. Melton's death. 135 00:08:03,792 --> 00:08:05,159 I'm sure you understand. 136 00:08:05,160 --> 00:08:07,031 No, I don't understand. 137 00:08:08,399 --> 00:08:09,766 There are confidential elements... 138 00:08:09,767 --> 00:08:11,502 All that I understand. 139 00:08:12,803 --> 00:08:16,004 The legal maneuverings, the game of justice... 140 00:08:16,005 --> 00:08:17,773 too well, in fact. 141 00:08:17,774 --> 00:08:20,110 What I don't understand is you, sir. 142 00:08:22,613 --> 00:08:24,646 Even someone like Roland Foulkes, I understand. 143 00:08:24,647 --> 00:08:26,047 I understand he doesn't care about the truth. 144 00:08:26,048 --> 00:08:28,685 He just cares that he was right... 145 00:08:28,686 --> 00:08:31,588 that he is right, that he will always be right. 146 00:08:31,589 --> 00:08:33,924 But you, Sheriff... 147 00:08:33,925 --> 00:08:36,193 I don't know what you care about... 148 00:08:36,194 --> 00:08:38,586 what matters to you. 149 00:08:39,596 --> 00:08:41,198 Being liked? 150 00:08:41,923 --> 00:08:43,099 Respected? 151 00:08:43,100 --> 00:08:45,435 - Re-elected? - What's your point? 152 00:08:45,436 --> 00:08:46,670 That is my point. 153 00:08:46,671 --> 00:08:49,574 Mr. Stern, your client plead guilty 154 00:08:49,575 --> 00:08:52,676 to killing Hanna Dean with you right by his side, 155 00:08:52,677 --> 00:08:54,445 I assume giving him counsel. 156 00:08:54,446 --> 00:08:55,413 Daniel plead guilty 157 00:08:55,414 --> 00:08:58,115 because I couldn't convince him to fight... 158 00:08:58,116 --> 00:09:00,118 because he was too afraid of going back to prison, 159 00:09:00,119 --> 00:09:03,620 because he didn't trust the system, me included... 160 00:09:03,621 --> 00:09:05,657 because George Melton hadn't turned up dead yet, 161 00:09:05,658 --> 00:09:07,926 because we didn't know about the rapes and the sperm 162 00:09:07,927 --> 00:09:10,663 and that George went to C.J. Pickens 20 years ago... 163 00:09:10,664 --> 00:09:11,663 20 years ago... 164 00:09:11,664 --> 00:09:13,765 and the former good sheriff of this county... 165 00:09:13,766 --> 00:09:16,634 your county, sir... wouldn't even talk to him! 166 00:09:21,456 --> 00:09:23,107 That's true, isn't it? 167 00:09:23,901 --> 00:09:26,711 You'll have to ask C.J. about that. 168 00:09:26,712 --> 00:09:29,516 Really? That's your answer? 169 00:09:33,588 --> 00:09:34,855 Did you speak to the former sheriff 170 00:09:34,856 --> 00:09:37,557 before or after the plea deal with my client? 171 00:09:38,892 --> 00:09:40,528 I'm done talking. 172 00:09:43,497 --> 00:09:46,799 I think I understand you better now, Sheriff. 173 00:09:46,800 --> 00:09:48,110 I doubt it. 174 00:09:48,803 --> 00:09:50,771 Well, I hope you're right... 175 00:09:51,838 --> 00:09:53,132 or I'm wrong. 176 00:10:12,761 --> 00:10:13,529 Hello? 177 00:10:14,797 --> 00:10:15,964 I got you. 178 00:10:15,965 --> 00:10:18,967 - I-I'm on break. - Oh, good. 179 00:10:18,968 --> 00:10:21,002 I'm at the grocery store. 180 00:10:21,003 --> 00:10:22,826 That's nice. 181 00:10:24,058 --> 00:10:25,107 Mother? 182 00:10:25,775 --> 00:10:27,743 I have to see you, Daniel. 183 00:10:27,744 --> 00:10:29,110 Is everything okay? 184 00:10:29,111 --> 00:10:31,647 Um... 185 00:10:31,648 --> 00:10:33,080 yes and no. 186 00:10:33,081 --> 00:10:36,286 I mean, I just can't go this long without seeing you. 187 00:10:36,287 --> 00:10:40,322 Well, I'm... I'm really doing great now, Mother. 188 00:10:40,323 --> 00:10:43,625 You don't need to make a special trip. 189 00:10:43,626 --> 00:10:45,894 I'm coming to Nashville... 190 00:10:45,895 --> 00:10:46,763 just for a day. 191 00:10:46,764 --> 00:10:49,999 I'm not gonna... camp out or anything. 192 00:10:50,000 --> 00:10:53,464 I just want to touch you, make sure you're real. 193 00:10:55,421 --> 00:10:56,307 Okay. 194 00:10:56,308 --> 00:11:00,110 But maybe we should have lunch, too. 195 00:11:02,012 --> 00:11:03,214 Deal. 196 00:11:04,616 --> 00:11:07,083 A-A-Are you sure it's okay? 197 00:11:07,084 --> 00:11:09,852 I didn't think I had a choice in the matter. 198 00:11:09,853 --> 00:11:11,322 Well, you don't, really. 199 00:11:11,323 --> 00:11:14,024 Then... it's okay. 200 00:11:14,025 --> 00:11:16,159 Okay. 201 00:11:16,160 --> 00:11:17,728 Good. 202 00:11:18,698 --> 00:11:20,865 All right, I'll let you know when I'm coming. 203 00:11:20,866 --> 00:11:22,601 Bye, now. I love you. 204 00:12:40,992 --> 00:12:43,687 How have you been feeling around Teddy lately? 205 00:12:46,032 --> 00:12:47,498 What do you think? 206 00:12:47,499 --> 00:12:48,844 I mean, he's... 207 00:12:50,036 --> 00:12:55,105 He's been so lovin' and so understandin'. 208 00:12:55,106 --> 00:12:57,675 It's not even a trick, either. 209 00:12:57,676 --> 00:12:59,979 He's come a long way, hasn't he? 210 00:13:01,681 --> 00:13:03,384 So have you, Tawney. 211 00:13:04,883 --> 00:13:06,350 If you say so. 212 00:13:06,351 --> 00:13:10,454 It's a process... a lifelong one. 213 00:13:10,917 --> 00:13:14,025 Mm, I still catch myself trying to figure out 214 00:13:14,026 --> 00:13:15,593 who people want me to be... 215 00:13:16,427 --> 00:13:19,464 rather than... being who I am. 216 00:13:19,465 --> 00:13:22,508 But you're aware of it now, right? 217 00:13:24,705 --> 00:13:26,652 When we first got together... 218 00:13:27,740 --> 00:13:31,706 I used to like it when Teddy just kind of... 219 00:13:32,511 --> 00:13:33,939 took me over. 220 00:13:35,639 --> 00:13:38,350 I felt... I don't know. 221 00:13:38,351 --> 00:13:40,018 Absorbed. 222 00:13:40,019 --> 00:13:41,387 Safe. 223 00:13:41,388 --> 00:13:45,560 I-I mean, it... it felt safe at first. 224 00:13:47,562 --> 00:13:50,364 And then I... then I stopped liking it so much. 225 00:13:50,365 --> 00:13:52,264 Not liking it so much? 226 00:13:52,265 --> 00:13:53,745 Resenting it... 227 00:13:54,534 --> 00:13:56,237 being annoyed by it... 228 00:13:56,737 --> 00:13:58,437 and hating it. 229 00:13:58,438 --> 00:13:59,673 And why is that? 230 00:13:59,674 --> 00:14:02,408 Because I want to be my own person, Rebecca. 231 00:14:03,477 --> 00:14:05,121 Careful what you wish for. 232 00:14:13,987 --> 00:14:16,259 Do you think I should just do it? 233 00:14:17,659 --> 00:14:20,033 - Do what? - Leave. 234 00:14:21,182 --> 00:14:23,297 Just leave. 235 00:14:23,987 --> 00:14:27,309 - D-i-v-o-r-c-e? - I don't know. 236 00:14:28,404 --> 00:14:29,804 What do you think? 237 00:14:29,805 --> 00:14:33,608 I think it's unfair to Teddy to keep treading water like this. 238 00:14:33,609 --> 00:14:36,180 It's been his choice, too, Tawney. 239 00:14:37,781 --> 00:14:38,747 Okay. 240 00:14:38,748 --> 00:14:42,943 What I really think... is it's... 241 00:14:44,153 --> 00:14:50,093 it's very, very sad and scary. 242 00:14:50,094 --> 00:14:52,796 And I'm... I'm not sure I can... 243 00:14:52,797 --> 00:14:54,329 Can what? 244 00:14:54,330 --> 00:14:56,697 I mean, Teddy's been my... my family... 245 00:14:57,802 --> 00:14:59,492 my only family, really. 246 00:15:00,638 --> 00:15:03,640 For better or worse, he's been there. 247 00:15:04,707 --> 00:15:07,011 Mm. It would... 248 00:15:09,647 --> 00:15:13,750 It would feel like a... like a death, in a way. 249 00:15:13,751 --> 00:15:16,253 It might feel like that, 250 00:15:16,254 --> 00:15:18,664 but it wouldn't be, Tawney. 251 00:15:19,723 --> 00:15:22,327 You would still exist. 252 00:15:23,061 --> 00:15:24,489 I promise. 253 00:15:35,487 --> 00:15:37,558 This is quite the surprise. 254 00:15:38,801 --> 00:15:40,347 Of course we would. When? 255 00:15:41,430 --> 00:15:42,571 This Wednesday? 256 00:15:42,572 --> 00:15:44,206 That sounds fine, Bob. 257 00:15:44,207 --> 00:15:45,875 1:00 p.m. works. 258 00:15:45,876 --> 00:15:48,281 See you then. 259 00:15:49,651 --> 00:15:51,385 He wants to buy the store. 260 00:15:51,386 --> 00:15:52,586 Huh. 261 00:15:53,669 --> 00:15:55,522 It's like what you said... how many things could it be? 262 00:15:55,523 --> 00:15:56,958 And that's what it was. 263 00:15:56,959 --> 00:15:59,160 Did he say how much or why? 264 00:15:59,161 --> 00:16:02,195 He actually said he was representing someone 265 00:16:02,196 --> 00:16:04,932 and he wanted to come down and make a formal offer 266 00:16:04,933 --> 00:16:06,633 for the property on their behalf. 267 00:16:06,634 --> 00:16:08,936 So, it's not a definite offer? 268 00:16:08,937 --> 00:16:10,448 He implied it would be. 269 00:16:11,507 --> 00:16:13,542 Did he say the store or the property? 270 00:16:14,240 --> 00:16:17,468 I think he said the property, but the store is on the property. 271 00:16:17,469 --> 00:16:18,714 What difference does it make? 272 00:16:18,715 --> 00:16:21,149 It could be somebody who just wants the property. 273 00:16:21,150 --> 00:16:23,152 And do what? Tear down the building? 274 00:16:23,153 --> 00:16:24,421 I don't know. 275 00:16:28,044 --> 00:16:30,360 He didn't sound regional. 276 00:16:32,062 --> 00:16:33,696 Probably you should let Teddy know. 277 00:16:33,697 --> 00:16:35,731 I'm sure he's on pins and needles. 278 00:16:35,732 --> 00:16:38,969 Teddy should be there at the meeting, don't you think? 279 00:16:38,970 --> 00:16:41,270 Couldn't hurt to have another set of ears. 280 00:16:41,271 --> 00:16:44,240 Maybe all the kids should be there. 281 00:16:44,241 --> 00:16:45,542 I don't know. 282 00:16:45,543 --> 00:16:48,546 We don't even have an offer yet. 283 00:16:50,246 --> 00:16:52,215 Might not be worth riling everybody up. 284 00:16:52,216 --> 00:16:53,615 Y-You know what? 285 00:16:53,616 --> 00:16:55,553 I-I need time to think about this. 286 00:16:55,554 --> 00:16:57,054 Don't tell Teddy yet. 287 00:16:57,055 --> 00:16:59,089 Don't tell him that you talked to the guy? 288 00:16:59,090 --> 00:17:00,390 You can tell him that. 289 00:17:00,391 --> 00:17:02,993 I mean, just not about the specific details 290 00:17:02,994 --> 00:17:04,328 of the what and why. 291 00:17:05,229 --> 00:17:06,396 Okay. 292 00:17:06,397 --> 00:17:09,232 I'm not saying I don't want Teddy there. 293 00:17:09,233 --> 00:17:10,158 I just... 294 00:17:11,036 --> 00:17:13,404 This is just so out of the blue, Ted. 295 00:17:13,405 --> 00:17:17,675 - I need time to process. - Sure, Janet. 296 00:17:18,409 --> 00:17:20,111 And I don't want you to worry. 297 00:17:20,112 --> 00:17:22,246 I'm not gonna sell the store 298 00:17:22,247 --> 00:17:24,867 unless everybody agrees that's the thing to do. 299 00:17:25,451 --> 00:17:27,085 I'm not worried. 300 00:17:27,086 --> 00:17:30,054 I just think you should hear the offer, 301 00:17:30,055 --> 00:17:33,417 if there is an offer, and we'll go from there. 302 00:17:35,287 --> 00:17:36,839 Sounds like a plan. 303 00:17:40,734 --> 00:17:45,271 Well, I-I go there sometimes a-after work 304 00:17:45,272 --> 00:17:47,439 a-and just hang out. 305 00:17:47,440 --> 00:17:52,078 But tonight, they're... they're having a special event, 306 00:17:52,079 --> 00:17:53,713 so I-I-I'm gonna go. 307 00:17:53,714 --> 00:17:55,380 Go. 308 00:17:55,381 --> 00:17:57,449 You made you any art yet, Dan? 309 00:17:57,450 --> 00:18:00,286 I don't know if I'll actually make anything. 310 00:18:00,287 --> 00:18:03,357 I just like to watch, like Chauncey the gardener. 311 00:18:05,092 --> 00:18:07,061 Sounds like it's good for you, this co-op art place. 312 00:18:07,062 --> 00:18:10,664 Never could quite see you hanging out with the racecar crowd. 313 00:18:12,408 --> 00:18:14,621 Looks like you found some people that you can get down with. 314 00:18:16,257 --> 00:18:19,193 - I-I hope so. - "Being There." 315 00:18:19,194 --> 00:18:21,964 The, um, "Pink Panther" dude. 316 00:18:21,965 --> 00:18:24,532 Yeah. "Being There." 317 00:18:26,335 --> 00:18:29,405 What? 318 00:18:29,406 --> 00:18:32,877 Are there gonna be any girls at this arty-farty thing? 319 00:18:34,748 --> 00:18:37,378 They're generally part of the equation. 320 00:18:41,162 --> 00:18:44,321 Maybe old Manny should tag along, you know? 321 00:18:44,322 --> 00:18:47,058 Moral support. 322 00:18:48,124 --> 00:18:51,160 Uh, I-I don't know, Manny. 323 00:18:51,707 --> 00:18:54,563 Probably ought to let Dan have this one for himself. 324 00:18:54,564 --> 00:18:56,366 What are you, his daddy now? 325 00:18:57,338 --> 00:18:58,435 What? 326 00:18:58,436 --> 00:19:01,305 Whoa, whoa. What's going on here, Manny? 327 00:19:02,646 --> 00:19:04,041 Nothing, boss man. 328 00:19:04,042 --> 00:19:07,011 Now, first, I ain't your boss man, 329 00:19:07,012 --> 00:19:09,714 and second... what's going on? 330 00:19:11,345 --> 00:19:12,081 You know. 331 00:19:13,483 --> 00:19:15,085 Did over a nickel in prison, 332 00:19:15,086 --> 00:19:17,120 so want to have a little fun every once in a while. 333 00:19:17,121 --> 00:19:18,011 That's all. 334 00:19:18,012 --> 00:19:20,992 When was the last time you had fun that didn't equal trouble? 335 00:19:20,993 --> 00:19:23,695 - On the outside? - Ain't been on the outside. 336 00:19:23,696 --> 00:19:26,398 You ain't been out two good weeks yet, Manny. You think it's good judgment 337 00:19:26,399 --> 00:19:29,393 to show up at somebody else's party uninvited? 338 00:19:31,170 --> 00:19:32,639 Didn't know it was invite-only. 339 00:19:34,073 --> 00:19:34,671 Mm. 340 00:19:34,672 --> 00:19:36,775 Two things, fellas... check your motives 341 00:19:36,776 --> 00:19:39,210 and please share any ideas or impulses 342 00:19:39,211 --> 00:19:41,345 with me or somebody else in the group. 343 00:19:41,958 --> 00:19:43,527 Don't keep your own counsel. 344 00:19:44,427 --> 00:19:46,119 And I don't need to tell you why. 345 00:20:07,374 --> 00:20:09,276 Hey, Dad. 346 00:20:09,277 --> 00:20:13,180 Well, she called the guy... Bob. 347 00:20:13,181 --> 00:20:15,582 He say what it was about? 348 00:20:15,583 --> 00:20:17,383 He didn't go into details, 349 00:20:17,384 --> 00:20:20,621 but, uh, it seems he wants to talk further about things. 350 00:20:20,622 --> 00:20:22,189 That's mysterious. 351 00:20:23,691 --> 00:20:26,259 Anyway, just wanted to let you know. 352 00:20:26,260 --> 00:20:28,496 Well, Kurry Morris and Associates 353 00:20:28,497 --> 00:20:31,165 is a firm that searches for properties 354 00:20:31,166 --> 00:20:33,746 for large retail corporations to purchase. 355 00:20:35,189 --> 00:20:36,503 Is that right? 356 00:20:36,504 --> 00:20:38,640 I mean, if old Bob's as vague as you say, 357 00:20:38,641 --> 00:20:40,721 this might be useful information for you and Janet. 358 00:20:42,707 --> 00:20:44,845 Well, he did mention perhaps they were interested 359 00:20:44,846 --> 00:20:46,647 in making an offer 360 00:20:46,648 --> 00:20:50,990 or at least were considering our property for, um, purchase. 361 00:20:50,991 --> 00:20:53,521 - Who's "they"? - I didn't talk to him, Teddy. 362 00:20:53,522 --> 00:20:55,423 - He just... - Just what? 363 00:20:56,827 --> 00:20:59,080 Well, I think he might want a meetin'. 364 00:21:01,448 --> 00:21:04,284 - Here? - Believe so. 365 00:21:04,908 --> 00:21:06,064 He say when? 366 00:21:06,065 --> 00:21:09,008 Uh... well, he was talking about Wednesday. 367 00:21:10,547 --> 00:21:12,448 W-Were y'all even gonna tell me about the meeting? 368 00:21:12,449 --> 00:21:13,750 Of course. 369 00:21:13,751 --> 00:21:15,486 Look, son, this has got Janet all twisted. 370 00:21:15,487 --> 00:21:19,523 She just wanted some time to... to figure on things 371 00:21:19,985 --> 00:21:22,024 without telling all the kids yet. 372 00:21:22,559 --> 00:21:23,895 "All the kids"? 373 00:21:24,962 --> 00:21:26,596 I know what this sounds like, 374 00:21:26,597 --> 00:21:28,564 but I'm in a tough position here, Teddy. 375 00:21:29,603 --> 00:21:31,707 It's... 376 00:21:31,708 --> 00:21:33,571 kind of your bed, ain't it, Dad? 377 00:21:33,572 --> 00:21:35,721 I got to go. Somebody's knocking. 378 00:21:43,848 --> 00:21:45,150 Hi. 379 00:21:45,151 --> 00:21:50,154 I'm, uh, Melvin, the apartment manager. 380 00:21:50,155 --> 00:21:52,992 Oh, right. Come on in, buddy. 381 00:22:05,177 --> 00:22:06,239 You got a visitor. 382 00:22:07,213 --> 00:22:09,762 Thank you, Peanut. 383 00:22:18,646 --> 00:22:19,983 Hey. 384 00:22:21,993 --> 00:22:24,100 Been meaning to come by here. 385 00:22:24,101 --> 00:22:25,130 Oh, yeah? 386 00:22:25,131 --> 00:22:27,699 Needed some paper products, too, so... 387 00:22:27,700 --> 00:22:31,137 Oh. Well, we have a wide assortment. 388 00:22:33,942 --> 00:22:35,905 That's not really true. We have a cheap assortment. 389 00:22:35,906 --> 00:22:37,571 You want to go get a beer sometime? 390 00:22:37,572 --> 00:22:38,778 A beer? 391 00:22:40,785 --> 00:22:42,448 - Well... - I didn't mean to put you on the spot. 392 00:22:42,449 --> 00:22:45,752 Just, after seeing you the other night, I thought... 393 00:22:46,637 --> 00:22:48,229 might be fun or something. 394 00:22:49,835 --> 00:22:52,225 - Where? - County Line? 395 00:22:52,226 --> 00:22:54,061 Country Club? 396 00:22:54,674 --> 00:22:55,986 My tailgate? 397 00:22:55,987 --> 00:22:58,659 - The usual suspects? - Same old Paulie. 398 00:23:02,248 --> 00:23:03,792 Well, uh, um... 399 00:23:04,619 --> 00:23:06,417 Probably a bad idea. 400 00:23:07,128 --> 00:23:09,245 I always try and keep a few of those handy. 401 00:23:11,349 --> 00:23:12,179 Why not? 402 00:23:13,535 --> 00:23:17,853 I could, uh, use a beer, frankly, before going back to Mother's. 403 00:23:17,854 --> 00:23:20,456 - Tonight? - Sure. 404 00:23:21,549 --> 00:23:23,502 Okay, sure. Why not? 405 00:23:24,661 --> 00:23:27,129 - Um... - Um... 406 00:23:27,786 --> 00:23:30,892 Well, we're getting ready to close up. 407 00:23:30,893 --> 00:23:33,632 - You mind hanging out for a few? - Be here hanging. 408 00:23:35,003 --> 00:23:36,003 Okay. 409 00:23:48,184 --> 00:23:50,519 At the tone, please record your message. 410 00:23:51,855 --> 00:23:55,019 Hey, Janet, uh, it's John Stern. 411 00:23:55,020 --> 00:23:58,295 Um... I'm... I just wanted you and the family to know 412 00:23:58,296 --> 00:23:59,864 that I'm back in town. 413 00:23:59,865 --> 00:24:01,531 Uh, nothing to worry about, really, 414 00:24:01,532 --> 00:24:05,368 just tying up a few loose ends. 415 00:24:05,369 --> 00:24:09,110 Um, anyway, um, I'll try and stop by the house... 416 00:24:10,021 --> 00:24:11,642 before I head back north. 417 00:24:12,969 --> 00:24:14,712 It would be lovely to see you all. 418 00:24:15,881 --> 00:24:18,214 Okay, then. Bye-bye. 419 00:24:24,327 --> 00:24:26,724 Okay, what else? 420 00:24:26,725 --> 00:24:28,160 Um... 421 00:24:29,989 --> 00:24:34,120 laundry-room key, uh, pool hours. 422 00:24:34,121 --> 00:24:37,568 That's about it, really, um... 423 00:24:37,569 --> 00:24:40,271 Oh, don't... don't grill after 10:00. 424 00:24:40,272 --> 00:24:41,742 Got it. 425 00:24:45,412 --> 00:24:48,281 Well... 426 00:24:50,140 --> 00:24:52,207 You wouldn't happen to have another beer? 427 00:24:53,115 --> 00:24:54,155 Sure. 428 00:24:55,388 --> 00:24:58,790 - I'm off hours. - Great. 429 00:25:04,232 --> 00:25:06,795 - How's he doing? - Who? 430 00:25:07,933 --> 00:25:09,235 Daniel. 431 00:25:09,585 --> 00:25:13,141 Oh, right, right. Uh, well... 432 00:25:14,442 --> 00:25:16,032 he's adjusting. 433 00:25:19,240 --> 00:25:21,612 And he's got a full-time job. 434 00:25:21,613 --> 00:25:23,244 Now, that's wonderful. 435 00:25:23,928 --> 00:25:26,221 Uh, doing what? 436 00:25:27,167 --> 00:25:28,534 Uh, well... 437 00:25:29,422 --> 00:25:32,226 Janet's been talkin' to him mostly, Melvin, so... 438 00:25:33,409 --> 00:25:35,562 I gave him his first job. 439 00:25:35,563 --> 00:25:36,835 Oh, really? 440 00:25:38,533 --> 00:25:41,930 Right after he got out of that... hellhole. 441 00:25:42,670 --> 00:25:44,372 Painting our pool. 442 00:25:45,574 --> 00:25:47,342 Well, good for you. 443 00:25:47,343 --> 00:25:49,457 It was good for me. 444 00:25:50,269 --> 00:25:52,636 He was good for me. 445 00:25:54,246 --> 00:25:55,516 I miss him. 446 00:25:58,799 --> 00:26:00,554 And now, with all this... 447 00:26:01,473 --> 00:26:03,280 shit that's come out... 448 00:26:03,748 --> 00:26:05,293 It's a lot. 449 00:26:05,893 --> 00:26:07,969 It just breaks your heart, doesn't it? 450 00:26:09,981 --> 00:26:11,834 I don't know why it's hitting me so hard tonight. 451 00:26:11,835 --> 00:26:15,371 I... I mean, it's nothing 452 00:26:15,372 --> 00:26:18,007 compared to what y'all must be going through. 453 00:26:18,008 --> 00:26:20,776 I don't... I don't mean to imply that, Ted. 454 00:26:21,728 --> 00:26:22,846 Oh, no. 455 00:26:27,035 --> 00:26:29,270 Everybody has their own experience, Melvin. 456 00:26:37,834 --> 00:26:40,369 - Cecilia Abbott. - Wait. 457 00:26:40,370 --> 00:26:43,540 Lives in Birmingham, five kids, 458 00:26:43,541 --> 00:26:45,407 sells... something. 459 00:26:45,409 --> 00:26:46,610 Close. 460 00:26:46,848 --> 00:26:49,021 Lives in Macon, has three kids, 461 00:26:49,023 --> 00:26:51,362 second husband, sells Mary Kay. 462 00:26:51,364 --> 00:26:52,137 Yes! 463 00:26:55,481 --> 00:26:58,830 - Who do you think is the richest? - In our class? 464 00:27:02,700 --> 00:27:04,535 - You miss curfew? - You're funny. 465 00:27:08,808 --> 00:27:12,143 You need to take that? I'll step outside. 466 00:27:12,144 --> 00:27:15,714 No. I don't need to take this. 467 00:27:15,715 --> 00:27:17,465 Where were we? 468 00:27:19,251 --> 00:27:22,198 - Dustin Hunt. - The richest? 469 00:27:22,689 --> 00:27:25,157 - Bullshit. - Got into finance after college. 470 00:27:25,955 --> 00:27:29,227 Well... good for old Dustin. 471 00:27:29,228 --> 00:27:31,498 Yep. Good for him. 472 00:27:34,768 --> 00:27:35,969 Is it like a lot, lot? 473 00:27:37,397 --> 00:27:40,368 Jenny Paar said he leases a jet. 474 00:27:40,859 --> 00:27:42,782 That's just wrong. 475 00:27:42,783 --> 00:27:44,779 Like a baby Lear or something. 476 00:27:46,199 --> 00:27:48,935 Jenny was my best friend in seventh grade. 477 00:27:49,597 --> 00:27:51,701 Yeah, I remember y'all were tight. 478 00:27:51,702 --> 00:27:54,721 She talk shit about me like we're talking shit about Dustin? 479 00:27:54,722 --> 00:27:56,526 Not that I know of. 480 00:27:57,634 --> 00:28:01,436 I won't say your name never comes up in conversation, 481 00:28:01,437 --> 00:28:03,817 but everybody's name comes up at some point or another. 482 00:28:03,818 --> 00:28:05,318 Like my brother's. 483 00:28:05,640 --> 00:28:07,180 Sometimes... 484 00:28:08,453 --> 00:28:09,903 especially lately. 485 00:28:11,414 --> 00:28:13,608 But I try and stay out of all that. 486 00:28:14,555 --> 00:28:16,111 Stay out of all that what? 487 00:28:16,666 --> 00:28:18,689 Speculation, I guess. 488 00:28:25,503 --> 00:28:27,955 You have another one of them cheap-ass beers? 489 00:28:27,956 --> 00:28:29,557 When you put it like that... 490 00:28:42,106 --> 00:28:45,174 Hi. This is Tawney. Please leave a message. 491 00:28:45,564 --> 00:28:47,165 Hey. 492 00:28:48,022 --> 00:28:49,323 I know you're working. 493 00:28:49,324 --> 00:28:50,335 You don't have to call me back. 494 00:28:50,336 --> 00:28:53,104 I'm about to turn in myself. 495 00:28:53,105 --> 00:28:54,343 Just, uh... 496 00:28:55,828 --> 00:28:57,746 had a really interesting day. 497 00:28:58,859 --> 00:29:00,468 And, uh... 498 00:29:02,350 --> 00:29:06,054 Well, I can tell you about it on, uh, on date night. 499 00:29:08,861 --> 00:29:11,594 Until then, old Teddy signing out. 500 00:29:12,559 --> 00:29:13,951 Uh, I love you. 501 00:29:16,365 --> 00:29:19,033 I'm just saying that so you know you're loved 502 00:29:19,034 --> 00:29:22,071 and, you know, in case you think you're not sometimes. 503 00:29:24,138 --> 00:29:25,991 I hope this didn't freak you out. 504 00:29:26,640 --> 00:29:28,109 Old Teddy. 505 00:29:43,993 --> 00:29:47,730 - You look uncomfortable. - Um, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to. 506 00:29:47,731 --> 00:29:50,665 No. That's a compliment. 507 00:29:51,549 --> 00:29:52,734 Oh. 508 00:29:52,735 --> 00:29:55,304 Nobody likes this, either team. 509 00:29:55,305 --> 00:29:57,374 It's just what our side has to do to keep the lights on. 510 00:30:08,118 --> 00:30:09,618 Sorry if my, uh... 511 00:30:09,619 --> 00:30:12,588 my cynicism is raining on your experience. 512 00:30:12,589 --> 00:30:16,026 Really. I think it's hormone-related. 513 00:30:22,134 --> 00:30:26,136 I'm not, uh, unfamiliar with the cynic stance. 514 00:30:26,137 --> 00:30:27,378 I bet. 515 00:30:32,243 --> 00:30:34,611 Anyway, I think cynicism gets a bad rap... 516 00:30:34,612 --> 00:30:37,515 from people who are afraid of it. 517 00:30:39,184 --> 00:30:40,718 Like optimists? 518 00:30:40,719 --> 00:30:42,820 Especially that tribe of un-heathens. 519 00:30:49,494 --> 00:30:54,667 So, what are you afraid of, Chloe, if not optimism? 520 00:30:55,991 --> 00:30:57,428 Boredom. 521 00:30:59,705 --> 00:31:01,706 Why do you think that is? 522 00:31:01,707 --> 00:31:04,543 Because it's a sign that I have to... 523 00:31:04,544 --> 00:31:08,513 do something or change something. 524 00:31:08,514 --> 00:31:10,150 What happens if you don't? 525 00:31:13,782 --> 00:31:17,223 I become mean until others change something... 526 00:31:17,224 --> 00:31:20,942 - usually their zip code. - Is that a warning? 527 00:31:23,230 --> 00:31:25,099 I don't know you well enough yet. 528 00:31:26,567 --> 00:31:31,437 I try to stay in a... constant state of boredom. 529 00:31:31,438 --> 00:31:33,275 Well, that can't be good. 530 00:31:34,109 --> 00:31:36,991 Probably not a long-term solution. 531 00:31:37,678 --> 00:31:41,550 But for now, it's a balm of a sort. 532 00:31:42,617 --> 00:31:45,352 You couldn't have been bored when you first got out. 533 00:31:45,353 --> 00:31:47,688 No. 534 00:31:48,483 --> 00:31:49,623 Not bored. 535 00:31:51,221 --> 00:31:53,325 Wasn't even sure I was alive. 536 00:31:55,612 --> 00:31:59,132 Well, I'm not certain we are now. 537 00:32:08,678 --> 00:32:10,471 I Googled you. 538 00:32:15,888 --> 00:32:17,820 It's just what people do now, 539 00:32:18,320 --> 00:32:21,904 especially when they meet somebody who's, you know... 540 00:32:22,258 --> 00:32:25,195 No, I-I-I don't know. Who's what? 541 00:32:26,652 --> 00:32:27,945 Google-able. 542 00:32:31,482 --> 00:32:33,024 And am I that? 543 00:32:33,738 --> 00:32:37,576 Yeah. You are that. 544 00:32:45,249 --> 00:32:47,366 So, what do you find when you... 545 00:32:47,885 --> 00:32:49,516 Google Daniel Holden? 546 00:32:50,588 --> 00:32:52,454 Anything you want to find. 547 00:32:54,492 --> 00:32:56,261 It's the Internet. 548 00:33:02,334 --> 00:33:04,290 Do you want to see my apartment? 549 00:33:04,769 --> 00:33:06,384 I have to get off my feet. 550 00:33:08,407 --> 00:33:10,858 - Or not. - Sure. 551 00:33:37,003 --> 00:33:38,937 I hope you weren't waiting up for me. 552 00:33:38,938 --> 00:33:43,544 Your father never really liked the tire business. 553 00:33:44,611 --> 00:33:46,346 Okay. 554 00:33:46,347 --> 00:33:49,549 I mean, it wasn't in his blood or anything like that. 555 00:33:49,550 --> 00:33:53,553 But why would anyone have tires in their blood... 556 00:33:53,554 --> 00:33:55,975 stinky tires, for God's sake? 557 00:33:56,957 --> 00:34:01,063 It was just a business he could support his family with. 558 00:34:01,898 --> 00:34:04,531 Your dad was in the family business. 559 00:34:05,118 --> 00:34:06,966 What brought all of this on? 560 00:34:06,967 --> 00:34:09,036 I didn't want you to come back here 561 00:34:09,037 --> 00:34:11,182 to be my de facto psychiatrist. 562 00:34:11,183 --> 00:34:13,067 I really didn't, Amantha. 563 00:34:13,068 --> 00:34:15,871 I don't want to do that to you, not anymore. 564 00:34:15,872 --> 00:34:19,018 I came here wide-eyed and of my own free will, Mother... 565 00:34:19,949 --> 00:34:21,448 mostly. 566 00:34:22,467 --> 00:34:24,321 How was your date with Billy? 567 00:34:27,724 --> 00:34:29,858 Showing up at my work is... 568 00:34:30,591 --> 00:34:32,994 hard to qualify as a date, 569 00:34:34,061 --> 00:34:37,065 but, uh, it was... nice. 570 00:34:37,066 --> 00:34:39,368 He still do yards? 571 00:34:39,369 --> 00:34:42,004 He's still in that line of work, Mother, 572 00:34:42,005 --> 00:34:45,574 but I believe he prefers the title of "landscaper." 573 00:34:45,575 --> 00:34:46,775 Mm. 574 00:34:47,720 --> 00:34:50,035 You think you'll see him again? 575 00:34:50,036 --> 00:34:53,883 Uh, yes, in fact, I do. 576 00:34:53,884 --> 00:34:55,584 We're going huntin' this weekend. 577 00:34:57,028 --> 00:35:01,074 - Hunting? Hunting what? - Foul. 578 00:35:03,089 --> 00:35:06,062 - Have you been drinking? - Not as much as you. 579 00:35:11,902 --> 00:35:14,574 Your friend Jon called. 580 00:35:15,811 --> 00:35:17,713 Yeah, he called me, too. 581 00:35:17,714 --> 00:35:20,849 But, uh, I haven't listened to the message yet. 582 00:35:26,771 --> 00:35:29,952 What does my friend have on his mind? 583 00:35:31,450 --> 00:35:32,857 He's in town. 584 00:35:32,858 --> 00:35:35,092 - What? - Poking around. 585 00:35:35,093 --> 00:35:36,494 Why? 586 00:35:36,495 --> 00:35:37,863 Guilt, probably. 587 00:35:37,864 --> 00:35:39,731 Well, if that's the reason, then he should see 588 00:35:39,732 --> 00:35:40,999 the psychiatrist that you're not seeing. 589 00:35:41,000 --> 00:35:44,802 - I'm going to bed. - Somebody wants to buy the store. 590 00:35:46,634 --> 00:35:49,141 - What? - Isn't that just strange? 591 00:35:50,055 --> 00:35:52,077 What are you talking about? 592 00:35:53,680 --> 00:35:55,478 I'm not supposed to tell you yet. 593 00:35:56,482 --> 00:35:57,850 Why not? 594 00:35:57,851 --> 00:36:01,039 Because I asked Ted not to tell Teddy yet. 595 00:36:02,184 --> 00:36:03,622 And why not? 596 00:36:04,591 --> 00:36:08,060 So that I could sit here and sip my wine 597 00:36:08,061 --> 00:36:10,570 and ruminate on the tire business 598 00:36:10,571 --> 00:36:11,724 and all the business 599 00:36:11,725 --> 00:36:15,242 that goes with the business of the tire business. 600 00:36:16,687 --> 00:36:20,039 Okay, well, I won't say anything 601 00:36:20,040 --> 00:36:22,941 until whoever knows or needs to know knows. 602 00:36:29,523 --> 00:36:32,175 It was never really fair to Ted. 603 00:36:33,217 --> 00:36:34,658 What wasn't? 604 00:36:35,887 --> 00:36:39,059 All of this, all this shit... 605 00:36:40,990 --> 00:36:43,463 all this shit he just walked into. 606 00:36:45,768 --> 00:36:49,617 I grabbed him like he was a life preserver, you know? 607 00:36:50,969 --> 00:36:53,279 Think I might have pulled him under. 608 00:37:03,519 --> 00:37:07,241 - Do you have any more wine? - Yes, please. 609 00:37:18,226 --> 00:37:21,156 - Did you paint this? - I wish. 610 00:37:22,364 --> 00:37:24,379 I make trinkets. 611 00:37:24,810 --> 00:37:28,652 - But I do think that I have an eye. - An eye for what? 612 00:37:29,845 --> 00:37:31,634 That which is provocative. 613 00:37:42,826 --> 00:37:44,830 What's your deal? 614 00:37:46,297 --> 00:37:49,647 - What do you mean? - Regarding me. 615 00:37:50,067 --> 00:37:52,065 I didn't know that I had to have a deal. 616 00:37:53,170 --> 00:37:57,307 - Do you have a deal regarding me? - Probably. 617 00:37:58,977 --> 00:38:03,292 I don't collect wounded animals, if that's what you mean. 618 00:38:06,619 --> 00:38:10,254 - You like being around danger? - Are you dangerous? 619 00:38:11,119 --> 00:38:12,733 Sometimes. 620 00:38:12,734 --> 00:38:16,723 Mostly to myself, rarely others. 621 00:38:17,362 --> 00:38:19,631 That's useful information. 622 00:38:22,967 --> 00:38:26,304 Look, I don't have myself completely figured out yet, 623 00:38:26,305 --> 00:38:29,407 so I... I can't ascribe a clear motive 624 00:38:29,408 --> 00:38:31,777 to my every action and desire. 625 00:38:31,778 --> 00:38:35,414 But I can say that I'm not looking for a longtime companion... 626 00:38:36,083 --> 00:38:38,378 or a sex partner, for that matter. 627 00:38:39,135 --> 00:38:45,206 - So, you're looking for a platonic fling. - With a straight man, preferably. 628 00:38:50,130 --> 00:38:52,341 That's an odd proposition. 629 00:38:53,867 --> 00:38:56,070 Okay, I do kind of have a deal. 630 00:38:57,137 --> 00:38:59,173 And what's that? 631 00:39:00,241 --> 00:39:01,585 I'm pregnant. 632 00:39:05,491 --> 00:39:08,782 Don't worry. You're not the father. 633 00:39:12,615 --> 00:39:14,618 Do you know who is? 634 00:39:16,410 --> 00:39:17,644 Rude. 635 00:39:18,193 --> 00:39:20,326 Of course I know who the father is. 636 00:39:20,327 --> 00:39:23,573 - And where might he be? - I ran him off. 637 00:39:27,035 --> 00:39:29,425 Trust me. He was not up for the task. 638 00:39:32,107 --> 00:39:37,745 - So, this is like a... job interview. - Don't flatter yourself. 639 00:39:37,746 --> 00:39:41,794 I already told you... I'm not looking for no man. 640 00:39:42,477 --> 00:39:45,165 If I decide to have this thing, 641 00:39:45,166 --> 00:39:48,847 I'm gonna go to my sister's, birth it with her. 642 00:39:51,698 --> 00:39:53,296 And what then? 643 00:39:54,363 --> 00:39:58,865 I will raise it like my own or give it away, 644 00:39:59,279 --> 00:40:01,095 sell it on the black market. 645 00:40:01,955 --> 00:40:06,244 I thought you hadn't decided whether you were gonna have it or not. 646 00:40:07,311 --> 00:40:09,196 I can't not have it. 647 00:40:11,315 --> 00:40:13,101 Why not? 648 00:40:15,680 --> 00:40:18,521 You know what? You should run away, too. 649 00:40:18,522 --> 00:40:21,258 You can come back to the co-op anytime you want, 650 00:40:21,259 --> 00:40:23,327 and I will not glom on to you again. 651 00:40:23,328 --> 00:40:24,409 Prometto. 652 00:40:30,899 --> 00:40:36,091 Is that what you're doing... glomming? 653 00:40:37,748 --> 00:40:39,799 I have no idea what I'm doing. 654 00:40:40,425 --> 00:40:44,698 I gave up pot and I gave up booze and I gave up dairy. 655 00:40:45,299 --> 00:40:48,819 I've given up pretty much everything except for hormones, 656 00:40:48,820 --> 00:40:53,213 so I have no idea at this time as to what it is that I am doing. 657 00:40:57,314 --> 00:40:58,859 Hey. 658 00:41:00,153 --> 00:41:02,356 We could start a club. 659 00:41:06,011 --> 00:41:08,189 I think mine's temporary. 660 00:41:08,678 --> 00:41:09,959 Is yours? 661 00:41:10,918 --> 00:41:12,235 I doubt it. 662 00:41:18,970 --> 00:41:21,222 Are you really pregnant? 663 00:41:23,617 --> 00:41:25,410 Geez Louise. 664 00:41:29,130 --> 00:41:31,292 Okay, this is gonna be a little fresh, 665 00:41:32,432 --> 00:41:35,936 but I think it's gonna help you in the big picture. 666 00:41:35,937 --> 00:41:37,486 Come here. 667 00:41:43,246 --> 00:41:45,230 Closer, danger man. 668 00:41:51,153 --> 00:41:54,962 Just remember that we're all professionals here. 669 00:42:27,124 --> 00:42:28,755 You feel that? 670 00:42:32,595 --> 00:42:34,297 Yes. 671 00:42:37,229 --> 00:42:39,229 That's my little baby. 672 00:42:46,043 --> 00:42:47,813 You still bored? 673 00:42:51,349 --> 00:42:52,708 No. 674 00:42:54,485 --> 00:42:56,072 That's so nice... 675 00:42:57,840 --> 00:42:59,105 calming. 676 00:43:01,807 --> 00:43:03,074 Thank you.