1 00:00:00,285 --> 00:00:01,625 Previously on "Arrow"... 2 00:00:01,636 --> 00:00:03,221 H-How is this real? 3 00:00:03,271 --> 00:00:05,604 - OLIVER: This is Novu? - JOHN: How do we stop a god? 4 00:00:05,740 --> 00:00:06,716 I'm working on it. 5 00:00:06,758 --> 00:00:10,576 CURTIS: Hello, bunker! So why'd you call in the big guns? 6 00:00:10,711 --> 00:00:12,611 Earth-2 was destroyed by a wave of energy. 7 00:00:12,747 --> 00:00:15,581 So it's probably powerful enough to stop a god. 8 00:00:15,716 --> 00:00:17,394 - Yes, Curtis? - Whatever it is, it is... 9 00:00:17,395 --> 00:00:19,581 Possible to replicate, but there's a catch. 10 00:00:19,582 --> 00:00:22,295 It is super illegal because it requires plutonium. 11 00:00:22,296 --> 00:00:24,103 Luckily, there's a guy, a military General. 12 00:00:24,105 --> 00:00:25,391 - Ok. Where is he? - Russia. 13 00:00:25,655 --> 00:00:28,340 - You can bring back my Earth? - The recovery of your universe 14 00:00:28,341 --> 00:00:34,133 will require a single task: You must betray Oliver Queen. 15 00:00:36,404 --> 00:00:37,970 [ARROW REMOVED FROM QUIVER] 16 00:00:40,677 --> 00:00:42,844 MIA: So that's the secret. A tennis ball. 17 00:00:42,845 --> 00:00:46,178 You know how you use a honing steel to keep the edge on a chef's knife? 18 00:00:46,313 --> 00:00:47,446 I don't really cook. 19 00:00:47,581 --> 00:00:49,014 That makes sense. 20 00:00:49,150 --> 00:00:50,049 All right. Ahem. 21 00:00:50,184 --> 00:00:51,917 This keeps you sharp. 22 00:00:52,053 --> 00:00:56,388 Only a direct, precise hit will pin the ball. 23 00:00:56,524 --> 00:00:58,690 If you are off just a little bit... 24 00:01:02,997 --> 00:01:04,329 It deflects. 25 00:01:05,807 --> 00:01:08,233 - Ready? - Toss it. 26 00:01:14,684 --> 00:01:18,077 - Thought this was supposed to be hard. - This is the warm-up. 27 00:01:20,574 --> 00:01:21,450 Ready. 28 00:01:24,685 --> 00:01:28,548 So specialty arrows, and each one has a specific purpose. 29 00:01:28,549 --> 00:01:29,756 What does this one do? 30 00:01:29,758 --> 00:01:33,682 Explosive arrow, lighter payload, meant to divert and disable. 31 00:01:33,683 --> 00:01:35,828 [ARROW FLIES] 32 00:01:45,206 --> 00:01:49,708 OLIVER: Acidic arrow, meant to breach covertly or weaken structurally. 33 00:01:57,618 --> 00:02:00,791 Bolo arrow... To secure and subdue. 34 00:02:00,798 --> 00:02:02,254 These are just tools. 35 00:02:02,389 --> 00:02:05,791 If you rely on them too much, they become crutches. 36 00:02:05,926 --> 00:02:07,960 Then why have them? 37 00:02:08,095 --> 00:02:13,765 To get out of a fight or to end one before it begins. 38 00:02:19,556 --> 00:02:20,772 [CATAPULT ARM IS RELEASED] 39 00:02:29,650 --> 00:02:33,218 - Not bad. - So what's next? 40 00:02:33,931 --> 00:02:38,724 Synced & corrected by MaxPaynehttps://subscene.com ≡ 41 00:02:44,932 --> 00:02:46,131 Hyah! 42 00:02:46,267 --> 00:02:49,401 - Nyssa taught you well. - Mom made sure of it. 43 00:02:55,042 --> 00:02:57,509 - How did you do that? - Variable acceleration. 44 00:02:57,645 --> 00:02:59,511 All right? It's all about timing. 45 00:02:59,647 --> 00:03:03,029 You keep practicing, you keep flowing, it just becomes second nature. 46 00:03:03,083 --> 00:03:06,812 - All right. Again. - You don't want a break maybe? 47 00:03:06,815 --> 00:03:09,121 She's a machine, dad. They don't need breaks. 48 00:03:09,256 --> 00:03:11,290 And speaking of machines, I have something to show you guys. 49 00:03:11,425 --> 00:03:14,371 I created a facial recognition algorithm 50 00:03:14,372 --> 00:03:16,375 to find that General that Curtis told us about, 51 00:03:16,376 --> 00:03:20,132 which was a lot harder than it sounds, because no offense to Felicity, 52 00:03:20,267 --> 00:03:22,367 but these computers are, like, a million years old. 53 00:03:22,503 --> 00:03:23,969 And Russia is a very big country. 54 00:03:24,104 --> 00:03:25,571 - William. - Right. Sorry. 55 00:03:25,673 --> 00:03:29,608 His name is General Alexi Burov, and he's in Moscow. 56 00:03:29,743 --> 00:03:32,778 Curtis said that the energy wave that destroyed Earth-2 57 00:03:32,913 --> 00:03:35,113 can be replicated, which means we can weaponize it. 58 00:03:35,249 --> 00:03:36,782 And right before he went off the grid, 59 00:03:36,917 --> 00:03:39,051 Burov was working on plans for a weapon called 60 00:03:39,186 --> 00:03:41,353 the pulse wave generator. 61 00:03:41,488 --> 00:03:42,888 All right. We need those plans. 62 00:03:43,023 --> 00:03:44,623 And we also need plutonium. 63 00:03:44,758 --> 00:03:46,458 It's the only thing that can power Burov's machine. 64 00:03:46,594 --> 00:03:49,216 Wait. Plutonium as in a nuclear bomb? 65 00:03:49,217 --> 00:03:51,062 - Mm-hmm. - Where are we gonna get that? 66 00:03:51,063 --> 00:03:53,765 JOHN: Bialya. There's a facility near the border 67 00:03:53,901 --> 00:03:56,635 where all kinds of radioactive material is stored. 68 00:03:56,770 --> 00:03:59,137 I'm thinking a two-man fire team can get the job done. 69 00:03:59,273 --> 00:04:01,039 - Ok. Want to take Connor? - No, no. 70 00:04:01,175 --> 00:04:03,108 Actually, he wanted to check in on Sandra. 71 00:04:03,244 --> 00:04:04,610 And he promised to stay out of sight. 72 00:04:04,745 --> 00:04:05,944 I have someone else in mind to help. 73 00:04:06,080 --> 00:04:10,082 Ok. I'd like the two of you to accompany me and Laurel to Russia. 74 00:04:11,521 --> 00:04:13,518 - Ok? - Yeah. 75 00:04:13,654 --> 00:04:15,320 Ok. We'll wheels up at dawn. 76 00:04:15,456 --> 00:04:17,089 Well, better go buy a parka. 77 00:04:17,224 --> 00:04:19,524 Is it really that cold in Russia? 78 00:04:19,660 --> 00:04:22,828 Oh, oh! You are so not ready for this. 79 00:04:25,666 --> 00:04:27,666 Things seem to be going pretty well with the kids. 80 00:04:27,801 --> 00:04:30,902 Never thought I'd get to know them. I like this. 81 00:04:31,038 --> 00:04:32,337 Is that why you invited them to go with you? 82 00:04:32,338 --> 00:04:35,841 Well, I mean, I promised Mia that I would keep training her. 83 00:04:35,976 --> 00:04:38,944 And I think it's very valuable for them to keep seeing 84 00:04:39,079 --> 00:04:40,882 how we operate in the field. 85 00:04:40,907 --> 00:04:42,988 And you're sure Russia's a good place for a tutorial, Oliver? 86 00:04:42,989 --> 00:04:46,885 - That was a very dark time for you. - It was a long time ago, though. 87 00:04:47,021 --> 00:04:50,889 I'm a better man. I'm a different man. 88 00:04:51,025 --> 00:04:54,559 I think that I can teach them good without showing them the bad. 89 00:04:55,696 --> 00:04:57,629 [FOOTSTEPS RECEDE] 90 00:04:57,765 --> 00:04:59,765 Hope so. 91 00:05:08,442 --> 00:05:11,910 - What the hell are you doing here? - Our mutual friend sent me. 92 00:05:13,414 --> 00:05:16,733 You're working with The Monitor. Why? 93 00:05:16,817 --> 00:05:18,216 - It's complicated. - Really? 94 00:05:18,352 --> 00:05:21,950 Because he destroyed my entire Earth. That seems pretty straightforward to me. 95 00:05:21,951 --> 00:05:25,916 He didn't. Mar Novu is trying to save worlds, not destroy them. 96 00:05:26,680 --> 00:05:28,593 All that stuff about grief, 97 00:05:28,706 --> 00:05:31,752 you pretending like you were trying to help me. 98 00:05:31,778 --> 00:05:33,065 I should've known better. 99 00:05:33,200 --> 00:05:34,933 I wasn't pretending. 100 00:05:35,069 --> 00:05:38,185 It's a little hard to believe, Lyla, after all the lying. 101 00:05:38,205 --> 00:05:44,107 It doesn't matter what you believe. You're here just the same as I am. 102 00:05:44,178 --> 00:05:47,546 Now, do you want to get your Earth back or not? 103 00:05:48,681 --> 00:05:50,182 What does he want me to do? 104 00:05:50,317 --> 00:05:54,286 Oliver's going to Russia to retrieve plans to build a weapon. 105 00:05:54,421 --> 00:05:57,889 - You need to get them first. - I thought Oliver was your friend. 106 00:05:58,025 --> 00:06:01,626 He is, but this is bigger than him, bigger than any of us. 107 00:06:01,762 --> 00:06:04,763 Well, whatever The Monitor offered you must be 108 00:06:04,764 --> 00:06:06,498 really something for you to be able to betray 109 00:06:06,633 --> 00:06:08,285 everyone that you care about. 110 00:06:08,287 --> 00:06:11,870 I am doing this for them, to protect them. 111 00:06:13,607 --> 00:06:18,773 - Are you going to help me? - [SOFTLY] Yeah. I will. 112 00:06:19,179 --> 00:06:20,887 Contact me when it's done. 113 00:06:20,944 --> 00:06:24,350 And here I thought I was supposed to be the bad guy. 114 00:06:33,627 --> 00:06:36,428 - Can I help you? - Yeah. I was looking for Jason. 115 00:06:36,563 --> 00:06:39,698 Yo, Jason! You got a visitor. 116 00:06:42,102 --> 00:06:44,469 How you doing, Jason? 117 00:06:46,250 --> 00:06:47,305 ROY: How did you find me? 118 00:06:47,441 --> 00:06:50,575 Oliver's son... William. He found you. 119 00:06:50,711 --> 00:06:53,412 Oliver's son. Isn't he, like, 13? 120 00:06:53,547 --> 00:06:58,113 Heh! Yeah, well, it's a long story. 121 00:06:58,128 --> 00:07:00,112 I have a feeling you didn't come all this way 122 00:07:00,113 --> 00:07:01,453 just to catch me up to speed. 123 00:07:01,588 --> 00:07:04,381 I didn't. I need your help, Roy. 124 00:07:04,384 --> 00:07:07,025 Whatever you're about to ask me to do, I can't. I'm sorry. 125 00:07:07,161 --> 00:07:08,660 You haven't even heard what I have to say, man. 126 00:07:08,796 --> 00:07:11,830 'Cause I don't need to. You know what I did. 127 00:07:11,965 --> 00:07:17,035 I'm not a hero anymore, John, not with my condition. 128 00:07:17,171 --> 00:07:20,840 So you're just gonna walk out on me, same way you did Thea? 129 00:07:20,841 --> 00:07:21,740 No. 130 00:07:21,746 --> 00:07:24,505 Thea told Oliver that you left, man, without even saying good-bye. 131 00:07:24,506 --> 00:07:27,499 It was for the best for the both of us. 132 00:07:27,501 --> 00:07:30,816 I needed a fresh start, which is what I'm doing now. 133 00:07:30,951 --> 00:07:35,787 Ok, it was... It was good to see you, John. 134 00:07:35,923 --> 00:07:39,257 Roy... Look, man, 135 00:07:39,393 --> 00:07:41,293 I know earlier this year was a struggle for you, 136 00:07:41,428 --> 00:07:44,038 but this crisis is a threat that's bigger than 137 00:07:44,063 --> 00:07:45,750 anything we've ever faced. 138 00:07:46,900 --> 00:07:51,436 I wouldn't be here, man, if we did not need you. 139 00:07:53,006 --> 00:07:56,722 If I decide to help you, it'll be a one-time thing. 140 00:07:56,723 --> 00:07:57,791 That's all I'm asking. 141 00:08:00,147 --> 00:08:03,482 I hope you don't mind, but, uh... [UNZIPS BAG] 142 00:08:03,617 --> 00:08:06,117 I brought you a change of clothes. 143 00:08:08,856 --> 00:08:10,915 [BELL RINGING] 144 00:08:12,993 --> 00:08:15,427 So this is Russia. 145 00:08:15,562 --> 00:08:17,195 OLIVER: Not what you were expecting? 146 00:08:17,331 --> 00:08:20,065 WILLIAM: I just thought there'd be a lot less dirt. 147 00:08:20,200 --> 00:08:24,135 Is very rude to insult man's homeland. 148 00:08:24,271 --> 00:08:25,737 Hello, Anatoly. 149 00:08:29,610 --> 00:08:31,743 Oliver Queen... 150 00:08:33,280 --> 00:08:36,648 My brother. Oh, you think maybe I punch you again? 151 00:08:36,783 --> 00:08:38,149 It never even crossed my mind. 152 00:08:38,285 --> 00:08:43,154 Welcome to Russia, my favorite American. 153 00:08:46,860 --> 00:08:49,045 Now, I have seen some very crazy things in my life, 154 00:08:49,262 --> 00:08:52,874 but adult children of Oliver Queen sitting in my bar. 155 00:08:53,895 --> 00:08:55,745 I hope you do not think badly of me. 156 00:08:55,746 --> 00:08:57,813 Last time we met, you were little, 157 00:08:57,948 --> 00:09:01,016 and I was on wrong side of history. 158 00:09:01,151 --> 00:09:03,218 [SPEAKING RUSSIAN] 159 00:09:03,354 --> 00:09:04,620 I like this one already. 160 00:09:04,623 --> 00:09:06,500 I was surprised to learn that you were in Russia. 161 00:09:07,341 --> 00:09:08,811 I thought the Maldives would be permanent. 162 00:09:08,813 --> 00:09:11,381 Oh, with Diaz dead, so reason to stay away. 163 00:09:11,516 --> 00:09:12,615 You got bored. 164 00:09:12,751 --> 00:09:14,584 I miss Borscht. 165 00:09:14,719 --> 00:09:17,720 So I reinvent myself. Bar owner. Heh! 166 00:09:17,856 --> 00:09:21,394 But I got inspired, too. I got really good recipe for piña colada. 167 00:09:21,395 --> 00:09:22,525 You should try. It's delicious. 168 00:09:22,660 --> 00:09:24,227 Who wouldn't want to be reminded of the tropics 169 00:09:24,362 --> 00:09:26,429 in these cold Russian winters? 170 00:09:26,564 --> 00:09:28,164 Well, apparently, his customers. 171 00:09:28,299 --> 00:09:30,466 Nice to see this one's still charmer. 172 00:09:30,639 --> 00:09:33,423 OLIVER: How's the search going for General Burov? 173 00:09:33,425 --> 00:09:37,507 Well, it's not very easy. But I do have friends I can call. 174 00:09:37,642 --> 00:09:40,410 I know, but I... I don't want them involved in this. 175 00:09:40,545 --> 00:09:43,880 MIA: Why not? If he has friends that can help, it... 176 00:09:44,015 --> 00:09:49,085 Because, Mia, with due respect, the people that Anatoly is describing... 177 00:09:49,220 --> 00:09:53,056 Aren't really friends. Let's just keep this one in the family, ok? 178 00:09:53,191 --> 00:09:57,605 ANATOLY: All right. I work to find Burov hard way. 179 00:10:04,602 --> 00:10:07,837 You really think an energy weapon's gonna stop this monitor guy? 180 00:10:07,972 --> 00:10:10,173 Well, that's the hope. 181 00:10:10,308 --> 00:10:12,608 Why this place? 182 00:10:12,744 --> 00:10:15,845 The military stores all its excess plutonium here. 183 00:10:15,980 --> 00:10:19,048 The problem is it's impenetrable. 184 00:10:19,184 --> 00:10:22,351 Which is why you asked me to come. 185 00:10:22,487 --> 00:10:25,555 You need a B&E expert to get inside? 186 00:10:25,690 --> 00:10:28,891 Yeah. Well, actually, it's more of a smash and grab. 187 00:10:29,027 --> 00:10:31,727 There's a shipment coming in tonight. 188 00:10:31,863 --> 00:10:38,968 We are gonna steal the plutonium before it gets inside. Go. Go. Go. 189 00:10:40,371 --> 00:10:42,438 Why not bring Dinah or Rene? 190 00:10:42,574 --> 00:10:44,974 They have their hands full in Star City. 191 00:10:47,846 --> 00:10:49,612 Must be weird, right? 192 00:10:49,747 --> 00:10:51,781 Oliver meeting his future son. 193 00:10:51,916 --> 00:10:52,982 [CHUCKLES] 194 00:10:53,118 --> 00:10:55,751 Yeah. Well, he's not the only one. 195 00:10:55,887 --> 00:11:01,057 In the future, I adopt Ben Turner's son, Connor. 196 00:11:01,192 --> 00:11:05,161 He's an agent in Knightwatch, 197 00:11:05,296 --> 00:11:07,430 a future version of A.R.G.U.S. 198 00:11:07,565 --> 00:11:11,200 Well, it sounds like he would've been a great candidate for this mission. 199 00:11:11,336 --> 00:11:14,871 [SCOFFS] You didn't need me for this, John. 200 00:11:15,006 --> 00:11:17,340 So what are we really doing here? 201 00:11:25,416 --> 00:11:29,519 You said you wanted to atone. Well, you can't do that by fixing cars. 202 00:11:29,654 --> 00:11:31,821 You do that by rejoining the team. 203 00:11:31,990 --> 00:11:34,924 I know you think you can't control your bloodlust. 204 00:11:35,059 --> 00:11:37,302 That's only because you haven't figured out a way that works. 205 00:11:37,303 --> 00:11:39,395 Because there is no way. 206 00:11:39,531 --> 00:11:43,099 So whatever you're about to say, I don't want to hear it. 207 00:11:43,234 --> 00:11:46,335 Look, we're already here, so I'm gonna help you. 208 00:11:46,471 --> 00:11:50,373 But once we're done, I'm going to disappear 209 00:11:50,508 --> 00:11:54,443 to a place where even William can't find me. 210 00:11:58,816 --> 00:12:02,118 I have classic bad news/good news. 211 00:12:02,253 --> 00:12:04,287 I find General Burov. 212 00:12:04,422 --> 00:12:07,256 Is that the bad news? I'm confused about the order. 213 00:12:07,392 --> 00:12:09,458 The bad news is, is he is man who likes betting 214 00:12:09,594 --> 00:12:13,029 and blood, which means only place to find him, 215 00:12:13,164 --> 00:12:15,031 Krovavaya Banya. 216 00:12:15,166 --> 00:12:16,532 "The Bloodbath." 217 00:12:16,668 --> 00:12:18,601 LAUREL: Oh. Heh. Doesn't that sound lovely? 218 00:12:18,736 --> 00:12:21,170 It's not lovely. It's a fight club. 219 00:12:21,306 --> 00:12:25,041 WILLIAM: Oh. That sounds like where I met her. 220 00:12:25,143 --> 00:12:27,176 OLIVER: He met you where? 221 00:12:27,312 --> 00:12:30,279 Well, when I first left home, I had to find a way to make money. 222 00:12:30,415 --> 00:12:32,782 So I fought, and I won. 223 00:12:32,917 --> 00:12:36,886 Like father, like daughter, eh, tovarisch? 224 00:12:37,021 --> 00:12:42,124 You, me, and Laurel will go to the club to find Burov. 225 00:12:42,260 --> 00:12:44,093 You two are gonna stay here. 226 00:12:44,229 --> 00:12:47,823 MIA: Did you not hear what I just said? I grew up in fight clubs. 227 00:12:47,863 --> 00:12:50,527 You did not grow up in fight clubs that were run by the Bratva. 228 00:12:50,528 --> 00:12:52,001 Then why did you bring us on this mission 229 00:12:52,136 --> 00:12:53,256 if you're not gonna let us help? 230 00:12:53,257 --> 00:12:55,871 This is not a regular mission. This is the Bratva. 231 00:12:56,007 --> 00:12:59,141 They are terrible people, and you guys are my kids. 232 00:12:59,277 --> 00:13:03,279 - Yes, but we're not children. - Well, you are when I look at you. 233 00:13:07,118 --> 00:13:11,587 And I'm sorry, but this is how it's gonna be. 234 00:13:11,723 --> 00:13:13,422 Ok. 235 00:13:18,730 --> 00:13:20,896 [SPECTATORS SPEAKING EXCITEDLY] 236 00:13:24,669 --> 00:13:27,103 LAUREL: So this is what the Russians do for fun. 237 00:13:27,238 --> 00:13:29,238 I assume that we want to have our chat with the General 238 00:13:29,374 --> 00:13:31,140 without crossing the Bratva. 239 00:13:31,276 --> 00:13:33,843 OLIVER: We want to move quickly and keep our heads low. 240 00:13:33,978 --> 00:13:35,811 There is General. 241 00:13:43,454 --> 00:13:45,955 Damn it. So boring. 242 00:13:46,090 --> 00:13:47,356 General Burov... 243 00:13:47,492 --> 00:13:52,928 I am Anatoly Knyazev, Danik's friend. 244 00:13:53,064 --> 00:13:54,630 Danik has big mouth. 245 00:13:54,766 --> 00:13:56,032 What do you want? 246 00:13:56,134 --> 00:14:00,136 Your expertise with something sensitive. 247 00:14:02,040 --> 00:14:06,008 Lucky for you, this fight is boring. Let us go talk. 248 00:14:09,314 --> 00:14:12,281 [PUNCHES ARE THROWN] 249 00:14:15,086 --> 00:14:16,585 [KICKS LANDING] 250 00:14:16,721 --> 00:14:22,358 I abandoned this pulse wave generator project. 251 00:14:22,493 --> 00:14:25,261 Too unpredictable, bad business. 252 00:14:25,396 --> 00:14:31,567 So why should I give to you, Kapiushon? 253 00:14:31,703 --> 00:14:36,439 Maybe you should've kept your secret identity secret? 254 00:14:36,574 --> 00:14:41,677 LAUREL: So this means that you won't be giving us the plans willingly. 255 00:14:41,813 --> 00:14:45,014 No need for unpleasantness. I am willing to make deal. 256 00:14:45,149 --> 00:14:46,749 Good. What do you want? 257 00:14:46,884 --> 00:14:53,255 A fighter, someone to upset the favorite so I can not be bored. 258 00:14:53,391 --> 00:14:56,058 Should be easy for you, Kapiushon, no? 259 00:14:56,194 --> 00:14:58,627 So I win, and then you give us the plans. 260 00:15:00,187 --> 00:15:01,275 Done deal. 261 00:15:01,276 --> 00:15:05,801 BUROV: Excellent. I will go make it so. [CLAPS] 262 00:15:07,638 --> 00:15:11,407 You saw that Goliath, right? He is twice your size. 263 00:15:11,542 --> 00:15:13,476 So I give him half a chance. 264 00:15:24,422 --> 00:15:26,722 [SPECTATORS BOOING] 265 00:15:34,766 --> 00:15:37,566 [FIGHT ANNOUNCER SPEAKING RUSSIAN] 266 00:15:43,374 --> 00:15:47,042 - You got a problem? - Nyet. 267 00:15:47,178 --> 00:15:52,281 Oliver seems to think you are hero now. I'm not so sure. 268 00:15:52,417 --> 00:15:57,620 I think you may be like snow leopard who cannot change spots. 269 00:15:57,755 --> 00:15:59,789 You changed yours. 270 00:15:59,924 --> 00:16:03,359 Worry less about me and more about your friend over there. 271 00:16:03,494 --> 00:16:07,062 I'll sweep the perimeter. 272 00:16:10,935 --> 00:16:12,134 [RINGS] 273 00:16:42,433 --> 00:16:44,867 [SPECTATORS BOOING] 274 00:16:45,002 --> 00:16:49,472 Ha ha! 275 00:16:49,607 --> 00:16:52,007 [HEART BEATING] 276 00:16:53,511 --> 00:16:56,078 Wow. 277 00:16:56,214 --> 00:16:58,280 Impressive, no? 278 00:17:02,920 --> 00:17:05,688 LAUREL: Anatoly, let's get the car ready. 279 00:17:13,164 --> 00:17:17,066 [BOOING CONTINUES] 280 00:17:17,201 --> 00:17:18,801 [BUROV CHUCKLING] 281 00:17:18,936 --> 00:17:22,238 Very good! I don't think you have many friends here, though. 282 00:17:22,388 --> 00:17:27,992 - But I am man of my word. - MAN: Not so fast. 283 00:17:28,126 --> 00:17:32,730 This one needs to learn not to put nose in other people's business. 284 00:17:32,731 --> 00:17:36,226 - Oleg, wha... what a pleasure. - Did you really think 285 00:17:36,228 --> 00:17:39,221 you could conduct business on Bratva territory without me knowing? 286 00:17:39,357 --> 00:17:42,091 Of course not. This simply fighter collecting his winnings. 287 00:17:42,226 --> 00:17:45,027 He's no mere fighter, are you, Oliver Queen? 288 00:17:46,531 --> 00:17:48,197 How does he know who you are? 289 00:17:48,332 --> 00:17:50,566 OLEG: Everyone in Russia knows Kapiushon. 290 00:17:50,701 --> 00:17:52,968 OLIVER: We have no fight with you or the Bratva. 291 00:17:53,104 --> 00:17:54,737 That is what we came for. 292 00:17:54,872 --> 00:17:56,939 When we have it, we're gone. 293 00:17:57,074 --> 00:18:00,009 The General only operates here because we say he can. 294 00:18:00,144 --> 00:18:03,546 - And we did not say. - OLIVER: No! 295 00:18:03,648 --> 00:18:05,014 [GUNSHOT] 296 00:18:09,086 --> 00:18:11,320 Mia. 297 00:18:14,736 --> 00:18:16,203 [GROANING] 298 00:18:24,152 --> 00:18:25,552 You ok? 299 00:18:25,687 --> 00:18:27,787 Yeah, I'm fine. 300 00:18:27,923 --> 00:18:30,657 Where are we? 301 00:18:30,792 --> 00:18:35,628 Yeah, probably some Bratva hideout. 302 00:18:35,764 --> 00:18:38,999 I told you to stay put, Mia. What were you thinking? 303 00:18:39,134 --> 00:18:40,667 That we needed to finish the mission. 304 00:18:40,802 --> 00:18:42,402 You understand that I had it handled, correct? 305 00:18:42,537 --> 00:18:46,506 Uh, apparently not, considering we are tied up in a creepy basement. 306 00:18:50,212 --> 00:18:52,445 Why did he call you "Kapiushon"? 307 00:18:56,351 --> 00:19:00,186 Kapiushon is a nickname that the Bratva gave me. 308 00:19:00,322 --> 00:19:02,288 It means "Hood." 309 00:19:03,592 --> 00:19:05,725 You were a member of the Bratva. 310 00:19:08,497 --> 00:19:09,786 You should've told me. 311 00:19:09,838 --> 00:19:12,025 I didn't want you or William involved in this. 312 00:19:12,026 --> 00:19:14,634 - I can handle myself. - That is not what this is about. 313 00:19:14,770 --> 00:19:16,202 Then what is it about? 314 00:19:16,338 --> 00:19:18,004 Ugh. Damn it. 315 00:19:18,140 --> 00:19:21,174 - OLEG: We tied your thumbs. - [GROANS] 316 00:19:21,309 --> 00:19:24,044 You went to a lot of trouble to get this. 317 00:19:24,179 --> 00:19:28,148 Even we couldn't crack its security encryptions. 318 00:19:28,283 --> 00:19:30,450 It must be worth a great deal. 319 00:19:30,585 --> 00:19:33,887 - Tell me what it is. - No. 320 00:19:34,022 --> 00:19:37,457 I will only ask once more. 321 00:19:41,129 --> 00:19:44,686 You have 5 seconds. 5... 322 00:19:44,689 --> 00:19:46,099 Don't tell him anything. 323 00:19:46,234 --> 00:19:49,769 4... 3... 324 00:19:49,905 --> 00:19:51,472 2... 325 00:19:51,497 --> 00:19:54,570 - They're plans... - [MIA SIGHS] 326 00:19:54,677 --> 00:19:58,010 For a weapon that Burov's building. 327 00:19:59,004 --> 00:20:00,747 Was that so hard? 328 00:20:00,882 --> 00:20:03,917 Now we can move on to next phase. 329 00:20:13,295 --> 00:20:15,228 Ok, what are the chances that my father and sister 330 00:20:15,363 --> 00:20:18,364 are in the clutches of the Russian mob but aren't already dead? 331 00:20:18,500 --> 00:20:21,968 Slim and getting slimmer every second we do not find them. 332 00:20:22,104 --> 00:20:24,737 Ok, their phones aren't online. Why aren't their phones online? 333 00:20:24,840 --> 00:20:27,974 Will have been destroyed so as not to trace them. 334 00:20:28,110 --> 00:20:30,710 LAUREL: Aren't the people in your family 335 00:20:30,846 --> 00:20:34,380 constantly injecting each other with tracking devices? 336 00:20:34,516 --> 00:20:36,449 Normally, I would say, "god, I hope not," 337 00:20:36,585 --> 00:20:38,918 but now I guess I can see the advantages. 338 00:20:39,038 --> 00:20:41,624 - Have you ever hacked a CCTV camera? - No. 339 00:20:41,625 --> 00:20:44,190 Well, congratulations. You're about to learn the only upside 340 00:20:44,191 --> 00:20:46,537 - of a Russian surveillance state. - Ok. 341 00:20:50,765 --> 00:20:52,899 The shipment should be here soon. 342 00:20:54,870 --> 00:20:57,137 What made you wait till now to give me your big pitch? 343 00:20:57,272 --> 00:21:01,908 I'm guessing Connor told you something bad about me in the future. 344 00:21:02,043 --> 00:21:04,677 It's not just about you. 345 00:21:07,249 --> 00:21:08,882 Tell me. 346 00:21:12,220 --> 00:21:14,454 William finds you on Lian Yu 347 00:21:14,589 --> 00:21:18,091 after being there for years, apparently, in some self-imposed exile. 348 00:21:18,226 --> 00:21:20,527 I never get rid of my bloodlust? 349 00:21:20,662 --> 00:21:23,960 You knew all that, and you still thought you could come save me? 350 00:21:23,961 --> 00:21:25,798 Because there's more to your story. 351 00:21:25,934 --> 00:21:29,435 You may have started on Lian Yu, Roy, but that's not where you ended. 352 00:21:29,571 --> 00:21:34,340 Felicity sent William to that island to find you because she believed in you. 353 00:21:34,476 --> 00:21:36,643 You go back to Star City, man. You work with the kids. 354 00:21:36,778 --> 00:21:38,278 You help them save the city, Roy. 355 00:21:38,413 --> 00:21:39,614 How is that possible? 356 00:21:39,615 --> 00:21:42,949 Because you found the way to control your bloodlust. 357 00:21:44,486 --> 00:21:47,120 You found that it was by being part of a team. 358 00:21:47,255 --> 00:21:50,089 You kept your distance because you believed that you were a danger 359 00:21:50,225 --> 00:21:52,392 to everyone around you, but the real danger was 360 00:21:52,527 --> 00:21:56,596 believing that you can deal with your past alone. 361 00:22:00,592 --> 00:22:04,594 It's pretty ballsy thinking you can give me the answer 20 years earlier. 362 00:22:04,706 --> 00:22:07,707 Yeah, well, hopefully, this time, you don't have to wait that long. 363 00:22:16,892 --> 00:22:20,294 Don't touch her. I told you everything that I know! 364 00:22:20,295 --> 00:22:21,888 We will see. 365 00:22:24,459 --> 00:22:26,326 [GUN COCKS] 366 00:22:27,429 --> 00:22:29,429 On the line. 367 00:22:29,564 --> 00:22:31,998 No. 368 00:22:33,335 --> 00:22:37,770 Mia, no. 369 00:22:37,906 --> 00:22:41,107 Mi... mi... Mia! 370 00:22:49,084 --> 00:22:51,851 Ring the Bell. 371 00:22:53,021 --> 00:22:54,988 You have 60 seconds. 372 00:22:57,792 --> 00:22:59,759 Begin. 373 00:23:06,501 --> 00:23:08,468 [MIA GROANING] 374 00:23:12,040 --> 00:23:14,374 [MIA BREATHING HEAVILY] 375 00:23:23,418 --> 00:23:25,685 [ELECTRICITY CRACKLING, MAN GROANING] 376 00:23:29,391 --> 00:23:30,623 [THUD] 377 00:23:39,734 --> 00:23:41,064 [BUZZER SOUNDS] OLEG: Time is up. 378 00:23:51,446 --> 00:23:53,112 [EMPTY GUN CLICKS] 379 00:23:53,248 --> 00:23:55,882 [EXHALES AND INHALES DEEPLY] 380 00:23:58,920 --> 00:24:04,724 I needed to make sure you weren't lying about the drive. 381 00:24:08,930 --> 00:24:12,031 Got it. CCTV footage of Mia and dad being taken 382 00:24:12,167 --> 00:24:14,067 into a warehouse on the east side of town. 383 00:24:14,202 --> 00:24:16,803 Thank you, illegal Russian satellites. 384 00:24:16,938 --> 00:24:19,372 Great. Well, let's go save day. 385 00:24:22,777 --> 00:24:25,878 - Are you ok? - I should've been able to do it. 386 00:24:25,980 --> 00:24:31,584 - Oh, I should have enough slack now. - To do what? 387 00:24:31,720 --> 00:24:34,020 - [CRACK] Aah! Uh! - What the hell? 388 00:24:34,155 --> 00:24:36,122 I can dislocate my thumbs. 389 00:24:36,257 --> 00:24:39,772 It's a useful technique if getting tied to a chair 390 00:24:39,773 --> 00:24:40,830 is gonna become a habit. 391 00:24:40,831 --> 00:24:43,529 You have got to teach me how to do that. 392 00:24:45,467 --> 00:24:47,633 [CANARY CRY] 393 00:24:58,197 --> 00:24:59,630 So you not ring Bell. 394 00:24:59,766 --> 00:25:04,402 Still, very impressive to, uh, not die. 395 00:25:04,537 --> 00:25:07,538 You shouldn't have told them what was on the drive. 396 00:25:07,673 --> 00:25:09,640 They would've killed you if I didn't. 397 00:25:09,776 --> 00:25:12,486 Or we would've been able to escape without you 398 00:25:12,511 --> 00:25:14,102 - giving up the information. - Mia. 399 00:25:14,213 --> 00:25:16,917 LAUREL: Ok, can we please just save the family squabbling 400 00:25:16,918 --> 00:25:18,349 till after we have the plans? 401 00:25:18,484 --> 00:25:20,351 Oleg's bound to figure out how much they're worth. 402 00:25:20,486 --> 00:25:21,819 Well, he's smart businessman. 403 00:25:21,954 --> 00:25:23,997 He will figure out way to sell it. 404 00:25:23,999 --> 00:25:26,023 OLIVER: We need to figure out when and where the sale is happening, 405 00:25:26,159 --> 00:25:29,026 - and then we go recover the drive. - Let me guess. 406 00:25:29,162 --> 00:25:31,829 Me and William get to stay at the bar, right? 407 00:25:31,964 --> 00:25:35,766 You're going home, both of you. 408 00:25:35,902 --> 00:25:37,101 No. 409 00:25:37,252 --> 00:25:39,319 I have a feeling there's less drama out here. 410 00:25:39,439 --> 00:25:41,672 Yeah. 411 00:25:46,579 --> 00:25:47,945 What do you mean, "no"? 412 00:25:48,080 --> 00:25:49,980 I'm sorry, dad, but we just saved you 413 00:25:50,116 --> 00:25:51,916 from being murdered by a bunch of gangsters. 414 00:25:52,051 --> 00:25:53,150 I'm on team Mia here. 415 00:25:53,151 --> 00:25:55,953 Yeah, but Mia just got kidnapped by the Bratva. 416 00:25:56,088 --> 00:25:59,018 - So did you. - I'm your father, all right? 417 00:25:59,020 --> 00:26:04,012 It is my primary job in the world to protect you. 418 00:26:04,013 --> 00:26:08,061 We don't need that. In the future, we're the ones that are saving the city. 419 00:26:08,062 --> 00:26:10,034 Well, this isn't the future! 420 00:26:10,169 --> 00:26:15,673 This is months after I was heartbroken right before I left... 421 00:26:15,808 --> 00:26:19,695 That I couldn't get you on the phone at your grandparents'. 422 00:26:19,720 --> 00:26:23,582 So I walked into your room to look at you one last time, 423 00:26:23,583 --> 00:26:26,217 and you looked back at me from your crib. 424 00:26:26,352 --> 00:26:28,419 And because you made the choice to protect us, 425 00:26:28,521 --> 00:26:30,221 I had to spend my whole life alone. 426 00:26:30,356 --> 00:26:32,656 I didn't have a chance to get to know my brother, 427 00:26:32,657 --> 00:26:35,793 - to get to know you. - I'm sorry that it worked out that way. 428 00:26:35,928 --> 00:26:40,865 And both of you can decide on your own how much... 429 00:26:41,015 --> 00:26:44,339 How much you want to hate me and how much blame you want to assign. 430 00:26:44,340 --> 00:26:48,114 But I made a promise to your mother to keep you safe. 431 00:26:48,115 --> 00:26:51,942 And there... there is no world, there is no universe, there's no past, 432 00:26:52,078 --> 00:26:55,246 present, or future where I break it. 433 00:26:55,381 --> 00:26:57,982 Fine. 434 00:27:11,964 --> 00:27:13,397 You ready? 435 00:27:13,533 --> 00:27:15,332 As I'll ever be. 436 00:27:19,438 --> 00:27:21,205 Let's go! 437 00:27:25,111 --> 00:27:26,243 [ALARM] 438 00:27:26,379 --> 00:27:27,845 Must be some kind of tamper alarm. 439 00:27:27,980 --> 00:27:30,481 - I'll get the payload. - I'll keep watch. 440 00:27:43,729 --> 00:27:45,729 Hey, hey! Hey. 441 00:27:45,865 --> 00:27:48,399 Hey, Roy. Roy, look at me, man. 442 00:27:48,534 --> 00:27:49,833 Look at me! 443 00:27:49,969 --> 00:27:53,504 Roy, you're all right. 444 00:27:53,639 --> 00:27:57,441 - Y... you got it? - Look. It's right here. 445 00:27:57,577 --> 00:27:59,743 Let's get the hell out of here. 446 00:28:03,482 --> 00:28:06,183 - Any word from your contact? - Nyet. 447 00:28:06,319 --> 00:28:08,052 Oh, these things take time. 448 00:28:08,187 --> 00:28:12,523 I don't know about you, but I could handle drink without umbrella. 449 00:28:12,658 --> 00:28:14,725 I'm good, thank you. 450 00:28:14,860 --> 00:28:18,429 If by good, you mean... How you say... moody, 451 00:28:18,564 --> 00:28:20,364 yes, you are. 452 00:28:20,499 --> 00:28:23,167 Is this because you ruin family vacation? 453 00:28:23,302 --> 00:28:25,369 I have to send them home for their protection. 454 00:28:25,504 --> 00:28:28,038 Do you not think they can handle it? 455 00:28:28,174 --> 00:28:31,008 They can handle it. I just... 456 00:28:31,143 --> 00:28:33,777 I want to keep them away from the Bratva. 457 00:28:33,913 --> 00:28:36,780 You mean keep them away from your Bratva past. 458 00:28:36,916 --> 00:28:38,616 Dark time for me. 459 00:28:38,751 --> 00:28:41,452 That is understandable. 460 00:28:41,587 --> 00:28:43,654 You are ashamed. 461 00:28:43,789 --> 00:28:46,624 You have truly done some terrible things. 462 00:28:46,759 --> 00:28:48,626 Thank you for the reminder. 463 00:28:48,761 --> 00:28:51,729 But you also have done some good things. 464 00:28:51,831 --> 00:28:53,897 It's important that the kids see both. 465 00:28:54,033 --> 00:28:55,458 Right, but why would I want to share 466 00:28:55,460 --> 00:29:00,004 some of the worst mistakes of my entire life with my children? 467 00:29:00,139 --> 00:29:03,007 That is the thing about teaching. 468 00:29:03,142 --> 00:29:09,546 It's not about what you want to say. It's about what they need to hear. 469 00:29:09,682 --> 00:29:12,016 Remember first thing I taught you? 470 00:29:12,151 --> 00:29:13,917 Living is not for the weak. 471 00:29:14,053 --> 00:29:19,490 Your children are not weak, Oliver. They're also not children. 472 00:29:19,625 --> 00:29:21,825 Whatever it is you have to say, 473 00:29:21,961 --> 00:29:24,595 they can handle it. 474 00:29:24,730 --> 00:29:28,999 If you do not, they will never learn to be heroes. 475 00:29:44,283 --> 00:29:47,384 Oof. It would suck to be that door. 476 00:29:47,520 --> 00:29:52,333 [SCOFFS] If you're here to give me a pep talk or whatever, just don't. 477 00:29:52,334 --> 00:29:53,558 Don't flatter yourself. 478 00:29:53,593 --> 00:29:56,827 I just couldn't stand the smell of that stale bar anymore. 479 00:29:56,962 --> 00:29:59,863 It smells like cabbage. 480 00:29:59,999 --> 00:30:02,599 That's one more thing I won't miss about this place. 481 00:30:02,735 --> 00:30:04,435 So you're actually going home. 482 00:30:04,570 --> 00:30:07,771 Why wouldn't I? Dad doesn't want me here. 483 00:30:07,907 --> 00:30:10,307 Oh, god. I can't stand pity parties. 484 00:30:10,443 --> 00:30:14,745 - Easy for you to say. - And why is that? 485 00:30:14,880 --> 00:30:17,848 You're the Black Canary. 486 00:30:17,983 --> 00:30:21,351 All I've ever heard are stories about how great you are. 487 00:30:21,487 --> 00:30:25,856 In the future, you even save me once like it was nothing. 488 00:30:25,991 --> 00:30:28,425 Are you sure that's actually me you're talking about? 489 00:30:28,527 --> 00:30:31,195 Ok, you can cut the false modesty. 490 00:30:31,330 --> 00:30:34,164 Some people are cut out to be heroes, 491 00:30:34,300 --> 00:30:36,934 others not so much. 492 00:30:37,069 --> 00:30:40,637 Is this really all because you didn't ring some stupid Bell? 493 00:30:40,773 --> 00:30:43,073 Well, I couldn't save Zoe either. 494 00:30:47,713 --> 00:30:52,750 Every time I try and live up to my dad 495 00:30:52,885 --> 00:30:56,687 or to prove that I can do what it is you all do, 496 00:30:56,822 --> 00:30:59,356 I... I fail. 497 00:30:59,492 --> 00:31:04,094 Do you think your father is any better? 498 00:31:05,431 --> 00:31:09,967 If you're trying to live up to us, don't. 499 00:31:10,102 --> 00:31:15,506 We are just as flawed as anyone, especially me. 500 00:31:17,042 --> 00:31:20,144 All you can do is live up to yourself. 501 00:31:20,279 --> 00:31:21,945 What does that even mean? 502 00:31:22,081 --> 00:31:25,015 Are you really the type of person that just gives up? 503 00:31:29,555 --> 00:31:33,423 Oh, good. Do we have time for one more fight before we leave? 504 00:31:33,559 --> 00:31:35,025 I'm not looking for a fight. 505 00:31:35,161 --> 00:31:36,426 Then stop trying to send us home. 506 00:31:36,562 --> 00:31:37,628 We're not leaving. 507 00:31:37,763 --> 00:31:41,131 Good because I need your help. 508 00:31:42,368 --> 00:31:45,969 Oleg is selling drive during bloodbath tonight. 509 00:31:46,105 --> 00:31:47,704 And how are we supposed to get in? 510 00:31:47,840 --> 00:31:51,608 - They know our faces. - Right. We use that to our advantage. 511 00:31:54,079 --> 00:31:58,015 You and I are going in the ring together as a team. 512 00:31:58,150 --> 00:32:00,150 You would be helping us get in. 513 00:32:00,286 --> 00:32:02,953 ANATOLY: Sorry. I did not have time to get it dry cleaned. 514 00:32:03,088 --> 00:32:05,856 I'm really more of a behind the screen kind of guy, 515 00:32:05,991 --> 00:32:08,258 but wow. That is a nice suit. Huh. 516 00:32:08,394 --> 00:32:10,919 LAUREL: What exactly will Anatoly and I be doing 517 00:32:10,920 --> 00:32:14,164 while you two are playing father/daughter fight club moment? 518 00:32:14,300 --> 00:32:17,334 When Oleg realizes that it's the two of us in the ring, 519 00:32:17,469 --> 00:32:18,735 that'll cause a distraction. 520 00:32:18,871 --> 00:32:21,738 You guys go and steal the drive. 521 00:32:21,881 --> 00:32:23,347 What do you say? 522 00:32:23,402 --> 00:32:27,444 Well, I'm in. Fancy rich guy is the role I was born to play. 523 00:32:27,580 --> 00:32:32,683 - You? - Why the hell not? 524 00:32:34,920 --> 00:32:36,587 Suit up. 525 00:32:43,146 --> 00:32:45,513 [FIGHT ANNOUNCER SPEAKING RUSSIAN] 526 00:32:53,357 --> 00:32:55,324 Now I see why they call it the bloodbath. 527 00:32:55,459 --> 00:32:56,120 You sure about this? 528 00:32:56,121 --> 00:32:59,222 Just get us in, please. 529 00:32:59,357 --> 00:33:01,491 [CONVERSATION IN RUSSIAN] 530 00:33:05,430 --> 00:33:07,831 Not from you, American. 531 00:33:07,966 --> 00:33:13,937 Well, if it's not about money, then how about stakes? 532 00:33:14,072 --> 00:33:18,107 - Has anyone survived 6 men before? - Nyet. 533 00:33:18,243 --> 00:33:20,043 My guys will fight 6. 534 00:33:22,547 --> 00:33:24,347 You fight next. 535 00:33:25,483 --> 00:33:28,717 Do we really need to be setting records tonight? 536 00:33:28,718 --> 00:33:32,222 You like a challenge, right? Just please don't die. 537 00:33:34,359 --> 00:33:39,462 - Anatoly, you guys set? - Da. But no sign of high rollers. 538 00:33:39,598 --> 00:33:43,703 - Now is good time to strike. - How much time do we have? 539 00:33:43,704 --> 00:33:46,402 Five minutes give or take. 540 00:33:47,575 --> 00:33:49,273 Well, this is gonna be fun. 541 00:33:49,274 --> 00:33:55,244 I've seen what you can do in there, so just trust your instincts, ok? I do. 542 00:34:02,887 --> 00:34:05,755 [FIGHT ANNOUNCER SPEAKING RUSSIAN] 543 00:34:17,402 --> 00:34:19,435 [SPEAKING RUSSIAN] 544 00:34:29,414 --> 00:34:33,015 [CHEERING] 545 00:34:33,151 --> 00:34:35,117 [RINGS] 546 00:34:42,823 --> 00:34:45,123 Nyet... 547 00:34:58,272 --> 00:34:59,704 That's our cue. 548 00:34:59,839 --> 00:35:01,880 Pakhan will still be protected. 549 00:35:01,971 --> 00:35:04,409 LAUREL: I'll deal with the muscle. 550 00:35:04,545 --> 00:35:06,545 You just watch my back. 551 00:35:35,409 --> 00:35:36,508 [KNIFE SLICES] 552 00:35:36,643 --> 00:35:40,545 [PUNCHES ARE THROWN] 553 00:35:52,526 --> 00:35:55,160 Tick-tock. You guys have the plans yet? 554 00:35:58,732 --> 00:35:59,831 [PISTOL COCKS] 555 00:35:59,967 --> 00:36:03,035 Don't move or I'll shoot. 556 00:36:04,171 --> 00:36:05,770 [GUNSHOT] 557 00:36:08,508 --> 00:36:11,576 You said watch back. 558 00:36:16,016 --> 00:36:19,351 I got it. Let's move. 559 00:36:25,726 --> 00:36:28,126 [MOUTHS "WRAP IT UP."] 560 00:36:28,262 --> 00:36:29,527 [BOOING] 561 00:36:45,779 --> 00:36:48,213 I could actually get used to this. 562 00:36:56,924 --> 00:36:59,698 Congratulations. Now you my favorite American. 563 00:36:59,724 --> 00:37:03,195 OLIVER: Hey, don't get too excited. He has a lot of favorite Americans. 564 00:37:03,251 --> 00:37:04,115 LAUREL: Did you talk to John? 565 00:37:04,117 --> 00:37:08,005 I did. He got the plutonium with an assist from Roy. 566 00:37:08,006 --> 00:37:09,840 WILLIAM: All we have to do is whip up an energy wave 567 00:37:09,841 --> 00:37:12,575 to destroy an all-knowing space being. Easy. 568 00:37:12,711 --> 00:37:17,413 Before that, I would like to propose a toast to Mia and William. 569 00:37:17,549 --> 00:37:19,682 Couldn't have done this without you. 570 00:37:19,818 --> 00:37:21,651 Vashe Zdorovie. 571 00:37:21,786 --> 00:37:23,820 Actually, here we say "Prochnost." 572 00:37:23,955 --> 00:37:28,391 - Prochnost? - Prochnost. It means strength. 573 00:37:28,527 --> 00:37:31,327 It means a lot more than that. 574 00:37:31,463 --> 00:37:35,544 Um, would you mind giving me a minute with these two, please? 575 00:37:35,545 --> 00:37:36,315 - ANATOLY: Yes. - LAUREL: Sure. 576 00:37:36,316 --> 00:37:38,279 Ah. Leave the bottle. 577 00:37:41,893 --> 00:37:45,165 I know that I haven't really spoken to the two of you 578 00:37:45,167 --> 00:37:47,834 about my time in Russia. 579 00:37:47,970 --> 00:37:52,039 And that is because there were some things that I did here 580 00:37:52,174 --> 00:37:53,941 that I'm not very proud of. 581 00:37:54,076 --> 00:37:58,946 As I'm coming to grips with the fact that the two of you are grown up, 582 00:37:59,081 --> 00:38:00,380 I'm realizing that 583 00:38:00,516 --> 00:38:03,584 shielding you from the bad 584 00:38:03,719 --> 00:38:08,655 isn't going to do our relationships any good. 585 00:38:08,791 --> 00:38:12,025 From this point forward, whatever you want to know, 586 00:38:12,161 --> 00:38:16,730 whatever you might want to ask me is fair game, ok? 587 00:38:17,948 --> 00:38:20,258 WILLIAM: Like dislocating your thumbs? 'Cause I can't believe I missed that. 588 00:38:20,259 --> 00:38:22,159 Maybe something a little less painful. 589 00:38:22,294 --> 00:38:26,029 What about that island you were on? 590 00:38:26,165 --> 00:38:32,302 It's Lian Yu. It's mandarin for "Purgatory." 591 00:38:33,672 --> 00:38:38,341 - ROY: You think that'll be enough? - Yeah, well, this should do the trick. 592 00:38:40,946 --> 00:38:42,412 Roy, thanks for your help, man. 593 00:38:42,548 --> 00:38:46,183 It was good having you back, even if it was just for one last mission. 594 00:38:46,318 --> 00:38:49,319 I think I'm gonna stick around for a while. 595 00:38:49,455 --> 00:38:51,555 If you're gonna be taking on a space god, 596 00:38:51,690 --> 00:38:53,723 I figure you might need all the help you can get. 597 00:38:53,859 --> 00:38:55,425 I'm glad you changed your mind. 598 00:38:55,561 --> 00:38:57,994 You know, when I first met Oliver, 599 00:38:58,130 --> 00:39:00,931 he gave me a purpose, 600 00:39:01,066 --> 00:39:03,567 but he also gave me all of you. 601 00:39:03,702 --> 00:39:07,804 It makes sense that having a team is what helps me in the future, so why wait? 602 00:39:07,940 --> 00:39:12,943 Besides, you know, I kind of miss this place. 603 00:39:15,247 --> 00:39:19,549 - Welcome back, Roy. - [CHUCKLES SOFTLY] 604 00:39:21,186 --> 00:39:24,754 Don't forget to send me that picture of my dad with that haircut. 605 00:39:24,890 --> 00:39:26,957 Don't forget to ask about Bratva tattoo. 606 00:39:27,092 --> 00:39:28,458 We have matching. 607 00:39:28,594 --> 00:39:30,126 OLIVER: Used to. Used to, actually. 608 00:39:30,295 --> 00:39:33,563 Oh, ho. I'm gonna need to hear that story immediately. 609 00:39:35,634 --> 00:39:38,668 Thank you. I always seem to end up in your debt. 610 00:39:38,804 --> 00:39:43,240 We are beyond keeping score. We have been friends, we have been enemies. 611 00:39:43,375 --> 00:39:47,077 - From now on, let us just be brothers. - Not the Bratva kind. 612 00:39:47,212 --> 00:39:51,515 No! Real family, like the one you have now. 613 00:39:51,650 --> 00:39:54,484 I can be the fun uncle. 614 00:39:55,821 --> 00:39:58,688 Being father really suits you. 615 00:39:58,824 --> 00:40:02,092 Good-bye, brother. 616 00:40:02,227 --> 00:40:04,361 Thank you. Good-bye, Oliver. 617 00:40:04,496 --> 00:40:06,329 All right. Let's go. 618 00:40:08,467 --> 00:40:12,202 Oh, Laurel, uh... There's something I want to say. 619 00:40:12,337 --> 00:40:16,172 What? One last hilarious Russian joke for the road? 620 00:40:16,308 --> 00:40:21,278 Sorry to doubt you. I guess leopards really can change spots. 621 00:40:21,413 --> 00:40:24,414 Or in your case, bird, feather. 622 00:40:24,550 --> 00:40:27,617 I thought you said you weren't sentimental. 623 00:40:27,753 --> 00:40:30,854 Maybe I change, too, like you. 624 00:40:41,099 --> 00:40:45,936 - Did you bring the plans? - About that. 625 00:40:46,071 --> 00:40:50,415 I have decided not to join you and your cosmic fashion tragedy 626 00:40:50,440 --> 00:40:53,459 - that you're in cahoots with. - Then you won't get your Earth back. 627 00:40:53,460 --> 00:40:56,103 If saving it means going back to the person that I used to be, 628 00:40:56,104 --> 00:40:58,848 then what the hell is the point? 629 00:40:58,984 --> 00:41:01,084 You really have changed. 630 00:41:01,219 --> 00:41:05,121 Look, I'm new to this whole doing the right thing game, 631 00:41:05,257 --> 00:41:08,391 but you should really tell your family the truth. 632 00:41:08,493 --> 00:41:10,026 Not yet. 633 00:41:10,162 --> 00:41:13,263 Then this is gonna be a little awkward. 634 00:41:20,205 --> 00:41:21,972 I didn't want to believe it. 635 00:41:22,107 --> 00:41:23,740 I'm sorry. 636 00:41:23,875 --> 00:41:25,475 [DART GUN FIRES] 637 00:41:30,349 --> 00:41:32,682 Lyla, what... What have you done? 638 00:41:37,948 --> 00:41:42,120 Synced & corrected by MaxPaynehttps://subscene.com